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Heliogabulus's magic tablets

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Heliogabulus's magic tablets (c. 1840–1850)
3201912Heliogabulus's magic tabletsc. 1840-1850















The person whose fortune is to be told, is to place his or her little finger on any letter in the first Tablet they may choose, but it must be done by chance (it is better to do it with the eyes shut)—then refer to the second tablet, to the letter, under which is a particular magical figure, and has reference to the oracle in the following pages, and which will determine the fortune of the inquirer.





























1.—If this number is fixed upon by a man, it assures him, if single, a homely wife, but rich; if married, an access of riches, numerous children, and an old age. To a lady, the faithfulness of her lover, and a speedy marriage.

3.—Very good fortune, sudden prosperity, great respect from high personages, and a letter bringing important news.

7.—This number, to a woman, is wonderful in showing, if single, a handsome, rich, and constant husband; and if married, a faithful partner, and who must be of good family, as she must know she has married above her condition; to a man the same.

8.—This is a general good sign, and your present expectations will be fulfilled, and you have some on the anvil.

9.—If a married man or woman draws this, if under fifty, let them not despair of a young family; to the single very sudden marriage.

16.—A friend has crossed the sea and will bring home some riches, by which the parties will be much benefited.

12.—An uncommon number belonging to scriptural signs, and shows the party will have success in all their undertakings.

15.—No doubt but the chooser is very poor, and thought insignificant, but let friends assist him or her, as they are much favoured.

16.—A very sudden journey, with a pleasant fellow-traveller, and the result of the journey will be generally beneficial to your family.

18.—A sudden acquaintance with the opposite sex, but which will be opposed; notwithstanding the party should persevere, it will be to his or her advantage.

21.—A letter of importance will arrive, announcing the death of a relation for whom you have no very great respect, but who has left you a legacy.

22.—Be very prudent in your conduct, as this number is very precarious, and much depends upon yourself; it is generally good.

23.—A very accomplished young woman will be the wife of the man who chooses this figure.

24.—Let the chooser of this number persevere ; all his or her schemes are good, and must succeed.


2.—Shows the loss of a friend, bad success at law, loss of money, unfaithfulness of lovers, and a bad partner.

4.—A letter announcing the loss of money.

5.—The man who draws this number, let him examine his moles, and he will find, I know, more about him than he imagines.

6.—Very bad success; you may expect, generally, not to succeed in any of your undertakings.

10.—If a married man or woman choose this number, it foretells to either party, the sudden death of their partner: to the unmarried, the death of their lover.

11.—I should rather suspect the fidelity of your husband or wife, if married; if single, you are shockingly deceived.

13.—You want to borrow money, and you hope you shall have it, but you will de deceived.

14.—The old man you have depended upon is going to be married, and will have a child.

17.—You have mixed with this company, and pretend to despise our tablets, but rely much upon them, and you may depend on it you will be brought to disgrace.

19.—Look well to those who owe you money, if ever so little; a letter of abuse may be expected.

20.—A drunken partner, bad success in trade, but the party will never be very poor, though always unhappy.

25.—The man or woman who chooses this unlucky number, let them look well to their conduct; justice, though slow, is sure to overtake the wicked.



How to Converse and Discourse with any Person, without speaking a word.

This art is performed by the twenty-four letters of the alphabet on your hands and fingers, which you must learn, and then spell the words you intend your lover or friend shall know. The letters are very easily learned, and easy to remember. You must understand that most of the letters are upon the left, made with the finger of the right and left hand; with the fore-finger of the right hand you point to every letter, but sometimes that and the two next fingers make several letters, as you will hereafter find. The vowels are very easy to remember, they being the tops or ends of your five fingers on the left hand, and the Y is formed in the palm of the hand, as follows, viz.—

  1. The end of the thumb is
  2. The end of the fore-finger
  3. The end of the middle finger
  4. The end of the ring-finger
  5. The end of the little finger
  6. The table, or palm of the hand
  7. One finger upon the thumb
  8. Two fingers upon the left thumb
  9. Three fingers upon the left thumb
  10. Your two fingers laid together
  11. Thumb your fists together
  12. Stroke the palm of both your hands together
  13. Your fore-finger upon the left wrist
  14. One finger upon the back of the left hand
  15. Three fingers laid upon the same
  16. Two fingers laid open the same
  17. Clinch your left hand or fist
  18. Clinch your right hand
  19. Link the little fingers together
  20. The back of your hands together
  21. The end of the fore-finger to the middle joint of the other fore-finger
  22. Two fingers on the little finger of the left hand
  23. Two fingers across
  24. Give two snaps with your fingers

Practice this lesson but a few times over, and you will soon be perfect

Several motions represent the likeness of the letter, as one finger on the back of the hand is L, two fingers are like N, three fingers are like M, the fore-finger to the middle joint of the other fore-finger is like T, two fingers across are like X; likewise B, C, D, are very easily remembered, as one finger upon the left thumb is B, two are C, three D, but you must always remember to give a snap with the fingers between every word, so that your friend may distinguish one word from another. Suppose you are in company, and have reason to think there are some others that understand you, contrary to your wishes and desires: it will then be necessary to change the vowels to some other place in the hand, and then none but the friend that knows it, can understand you. Now, for example’s sake, suppose a person wishes to address the lady he loves, being in a large company, by saying, “Madam I am your humble servant,” it is done thus—
  1. Lay three fingers on the back of the hand
  2. Put your finger to the end of the left thumb
  3. Three fingers upon the left thumb
  4. Your fingers again to the thumb
  5. Three fingers again to the back of the hand
  6. And then give a snap with your fingers to show that the word is spelt.
  7. Then point to the end of the middle finger
  8. Then snap your fingers
  9. Then point to the end of your thumb
  10. Three fingers on the back of the hand
  11. Then snap your fingers
  12. Then point to the palm of the left hand
  13. Then point to the end of the ring finger
  14. Then point to the end of your little finger
  15. Then link the little fingers together
  16. Then snap your fingers
  17. Then stroke the palms of the hands
  18. together
  19. Then point to the end of the little finger
  20. Then three fingers on the back of the hand
  21. Then one finger upon the thumb
  22. Then one finger on the back of the hand
  23. Then point to the end of the fore-finger
  24. Then snap your fingers
  25. Then put the back of the hands together
  26. Then point to the end of the fore-finger
  27. Then link the little fingers
  28. Then point to the end of the little finger
  29. Then to the end of the thumb
  30. Then two fingers on the back of the hand
  31. Then point the fore finger to the middle joint of the other forefinger
  32. Then snap your fingers

And thus you may discourse on any subject whatsoever; if you practice it often, you will soon learn to do it very quick, even faster than you can write.

How to know what o'Clock it is by the Hands and Fingers.

Take a small stick the length of the second finger: then hold this said stick very tight between the thumb and the right fore-finger; then stretch forth the hand, turn your back and the palm of your hand towards the sun, so that the shadow of the muscle, which is under the thumb, touch the line of life, which is the middle of the other two great lines which are seen in the palm of the hand; this done, the end of the shadow will show you what o’clock it is; for at the end of the middle finger it is seven in the morning, or five in the evening; at the end of the ring-finger it is eight in the morning, or four in the afternoon: the end of the little finger or first joint, it is nine in the morning, or three in the afternoon; ten and two at the second joint: eleven and one at the joint; and midday in the line following, which comes from the end of the index.

Notwithstanding my limits now grow short, I must treat you with two other valuable secrets belonging to this most excellent science.



Which is very easy to understand; for example, suppose I wish to write the following words—Fear God—it is done thus,—13,219—14,4,21—making a dash thus—between every word, in order to distinguish one word from another with morn ease.

The other present I am about to give you, is called


This is putting one letter in the place of another, and thus, by changing your letters, it will look like another different kind of language. See the following table—


Now suppose, by way of example, I wish to write the following words—Honour the King. Here I must change the Letters in manner following, viz.

yfmfgp kyc tdmu;

and thus you may write on any subject either to your friend or lover, and the same may always remain a secret unto every unlearned person without any danger of being exposed at any time whatsoever.


To see a future Husband.

On Midsummer eve, just after sun-set, three, five, or seven young women are to go into a garden, in which there is no other person and each to gather a sprig of red sage, and then, going into a room by themselves, set a stool in the middle of the room, and on it a clean bason full of rose-water, in which the sprigs of sage are to be put, and tying a line across the room, on one side of the stool, each woman is to hang on it a clean shift, turned the wrong side outwards; then all are to sit down in a row, on the opposite side of the stool, as far distant as the room will admit, not speaking a single word the whole time, whatever they see, and in a few minutes after twelve, each one’s future husband will take her sprig out of the rose-water, and sprinkle her shift with it.

On St. Agnes’ night, the 21st January, take a row of pins, and pull out every one, one after another, saying a pater-noster on sticking a pin in your sleeve, and you will dream of him you will marry.

A slice of the bride cake thrice drawn through the wedding-ring, and laid under the head of an unmarried woman, will make her dream of her future husband. The same is practised in the north with a piece of the groaning cheese.

Another way to see a future spouse in a dream; the party inquiring must lie in a different county from that to which she commonly resides, and on going to bed, must knit the left garter about the right-legged stocking, letting the other garter and stocking alone; and as you rehearse the following verse, at every comma knit a knot:-

This knot I knit, to know the thing I know not yet,
That I may see the man that shall my husband be,
How he does, and what he wears,
And what he does all days and years.

Accordingly, in a dream he will appear, with the insignia of his trade or profession.

Another performed by charming the moon, thus:—at the first sppearance of the new moon immediately after the new year’s day, go out in the evening, and stand over the spears of the gate or stile, and, looking on the moon, repeat the following lines:—

All hail to thee moon ! all hail to thee !
I pr'ythee, good moon, reveal to me,
This night, who my husband must be !

The party will then dream of her future husband.

To know what Fortune your future Husband will have.

Take a walnut, a hazel-nut, and nutmeg ; grate them together, and mix them with butter and sugar, and make them up into small pills, of which exactly nine must he taken on going to bed; and according to her dreams, so will be the state of the person she will marry. If a gentleman, of riches; if a clergyman, of white linen; if a lawyer, of darkness; if a tradesman, of odd noises and tnmults; if a soilder or sailor, of thunder and lightning; if a servant, of rain.

To find out the two first letters of a future Wifes or Husband's Name.

Take a small bible and the key of your front street-door, and having opened to Solomon’s Songs, chap. viii. ver. 6 and 7, place the wards of the key on those two verses, and let the bow of the key be about an inch out of the top of the bible; then shut the book, and tie it round with your garter, so as the key will not move, and the person who wishes to know his or her future husband or wife’s signature, must suspend the bible, by putting the middle finger of the right hand under the bow of the key, and the other person in like manner on the other side of the bow of the key, who must repeat the following verses, after the other person’s saying the aphabet, one letter to each time repeating them. It must be observed, that you mention to the person who repeats the verses, before you begin, which you intend to try first, whether surname or Christian name; and take care to hold the bible steady, and when you arrive at the appointed letter, the book will turn round under your finger and that you will find to be the first letter of your intended’s name.

Solomon’s Songs, chap. VIII. ver. 6 and 7.

“Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death, jealousy is cruel as the grave, the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame.

“Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it ; if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would be utterly contemned.”

To know how soon a Person will be married.

Get a green pea cod, in which are exactly nine peas; hang it over the door, and then take notice of the first person who comes in, who is not of the family, and if it proves a bachelor, you will certainly be married within that year.

On any Friday throughout the year—Take rosemary flowers, bay leaves, thyme, and sweet marjoram, of each a handful, dry these, and make them into a fine powder; then take a teaspoonful of each sort, mix the powders together; then take twice the quantity of barley flower, and make the whole into a cake with the milk of a red cow. This cake is not to be baked but wrapped in clean writing paper and laid under your head any Friday night. If the person dreams of music, she will wed those she desires, and that shortly; if of fire, she will be crossed in love; if of a church, she will die single. If anything is written, or the least spot of ink on the paper it will not do.

To know if any one shall enjoy thier love or not.

Take the number of the First letter of your name, the number of the planet, and the day of the week; put all these together, and divide them by thirty; if it be above it will come to your mind, and if below, to the contrary; and mind that number which exceds not thirty.

To know if a Child new-born shall live or not.

Write the proper names of the father and the mother, and of the day the child was born, and put to each letter its number, as you did before, and unto the total sum, being collected together, put twenty-five, and then divide the whole by seven ; and then if it be even the child shall die; but if uneven the child shall live.

To know if a Woman with Child shall have a Boy or Girl.

Write the proper names of the father and the mother, and of the month she conceived with child, and likewise adding all the numbers of those letters together, divide them by seven; and then, if the remainder be even, it will be a girl, if uneven it will be a boy.

The nine Keys.

Get nine small keys, they must all be your own by begging or buying (borrowing will not do, nor must you tell what you want them for); plait a three plaited band of your own hair, and tie them together, fastening the ends with nine knots; fasten them with one of your garters to your left wrist on going to bed, and bind the other garter round your head; then say—

St. Peter take it not amiss,
To try your favour I’ve done this;
You are the ruler of the keys,
Favour me then, if you please;
Let me then your influence prove,
And see my dear and wedded love.

This must be done on the eve of St. Peter’s and is an old charm used by the maidens of Rome in ancient times, who put great faith in it.

The mysterious Watch.

Request any person to lend you his watch, and ask him if it will go when laid on the table. He will, no doubt, answer in the affirmative; in which case, place it over the end of the concealed magnet, and it will presently stop. Then mark the precise spot where you placed the watch, and moving the point of the magnet, give the watch to another person and desire him to make the experiment; in which he not succeeding, give it to a third (at the same time replacing the magnet), and he will immediately perform it to the great ehagrin of the seeond party.

This experiment cannot be effeeted, unless you take the preeaution to use a very strongly impregnated magnetie bar, and that the balance wheel of the wateh be of steel, which may be ascertained by previously opening it, and looking at the works.

The witches’ chain.

Let three young women join in making a long ehain, about a yard will do, of Christmas juniper, and misletoe berries, and at the end of every link put an oak aeorn. Exaetly before midnight let them assemble in a room by themselves, where no one can disturb them; leave a window open, and take the key out of the keyhole and hang it over the ehimney-pieee; have a good fire, and plaee in the midst of it a long thinnish log of wood, well sprinkled with oil, salt, and fresh mould, then wrap the ehain round it, eaeh maiden having an equal share in the business; then sit down, and on your left knee let eaeh fair one have a prayer-book opened at the matrimonial service. just as the last aeorn is burnt, the future husband will cross the room; eaeh one will see her own proper spouse, but he will be invisible to the rest of the wakeful virgins. Those that are not to wed will see a coffin, or some misshapen form, eross the room; go to bed instantly, and you will all have remarkable dreams. This must be done either on a Wednesday or Friday night, but no other.


On reeeiving a love-letter that has any particular declaration in it, lay it wide open; then fold it in nine folds, pin it next to your heart, and thus wear it till bed-time; then place it in your left hand glove, and lay it under your head. If you dream of gold, diamonds, or any other costly gem, your lover is true, and means what he says; if of white linen, you will lose him by death; and if of flowers, he will prove false. If you dream of his saluting you, he is at present false, and means not what he professes, but only to draw you into a snare.


This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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