Category:Works of uncertain date
Pages in category "Works of uncertain date"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 950 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- A'body's like to be married but me
- Abba, Father, Hear Thy Child
- About Safety
- An account of the bravery and happy death of James Covey
- Account of the imprisonment and execution of Poor Dennis
- Account of the particular soliloquies and covenant engagements, of Mrs. Janet Hamilton
- Adam Bell, Clym of the Clough, and William of Cloudeslie
- Adventure (magazine)
- Adventures of John o' Badenyon, in pursuit of happiness
- Advertising Record
- An affecting history of an inn-keeper in Normandy
- Affectionate address to children
- Afternoon in February
- Against Heresies
- Against Love (Philips)
- The Age of Reason
- Aida
- Ali Baba, or, The forty thieves, destroyed by Morgiana, a female slave.
- All About Liberty Bonds
- All-Story Weekly
- The American Flag (Riley)
- Amyntas
- The Anacreontic Song
- Andrew Lammie, or, Mill of Tiftie's Annie (1820-1830)
- Anecdotes of Singular and Remarkable Conversions
- Anelida and Arcite
- Angel of Peace
- Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
- Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (B)
- The Annals of Wales A
- Translation:The Annals of Wales B
- Anne Vavasour's Echo
- Answer to Andrew Moffat's small poem, on singing church-music
- Answer to the blue bonnet, &c
- Anti-Dühring
- Antidote to superstition (NLS104184264)
- Apocalypse of Paul
- Apocalypse of Peter
- Apology (Jowett)
- Apology (Plato)
- Apology of Aristides
- Arch of Claudius
- The Argosy (1888-1920)
- Around the World in Eighty Days
- Arrian's Voyage Round the Euxine Sea
- Art of swimming rendered easy
- Translation:Artis Veterinariae
- Asanaginica
- Astonishing and delightful history of Jack and the giants
- Translation:At Fifteen I Joined the Army on Expedition
- Aucassin and Nicolette (Bourdillon)
- Avon Fantasy Reader
- The Babes in the Wood (c. 1890)
- Baby Charley
- Baby's Ring
- Translation:Babylonian Talmud (Sanhedrin 3b–4b)
- The Badminton Library of Sports and Pastimes
- Translation:Balade to Rosemounde
- Translation:Ballad of Mulan
- Banks of Sweet Primroses (Jackson and Son)
- The Banks of Sweet Primroses (Such)
- Bart'lemy fair
- Batrachomyomachia
- Battle of Philiphaugh
- Battle of the Boyn, or, King William crossing the Boyn Water (1)
- The Battle of the Boyn, or, King William crossing the Boyn Water
- Battle of Waterloo (diary accounts)
- Battle of Waterloo, The Bonnet so Blue, and Love has Eyes
- Bearskin
- Beatrice Daily Sun
- Beauties of Glasgow
- Beautiful and interesting account of the shepherd of Salisbury Plain
- Beautiful old ballad, of the babes in the wood
- Beauty and the Beast (Lumsden and Son)
- The Beggar's Petition
- Translation:Bella ciao
- Bellfast mountains (Peterhead)
- Bellum Catilinae
- Bellum Jugurthinum
- Berkshire Lady's garland (2)
- Bewick and Graham (1840s)
- Bible (Douay-Rheims Original)
- Bible (Early Wycliffe)
- Bible (Wycliffe)
- The Birth of Esperanto
- The Black Cat (Poe)
- The Black-Bird Songster
- Blackamoor in the wood (2)
- Blackamoor in the wood, or, A lamentable ballad on the tragical end of a gallant lord and virtuous lady
- Blackamoor of the wood (3)
- Blaeberry courtship (1)
- Blazing in Gold and quenching in Purple
- Blow the Man Down
- The Blue Book Magazine
- Blue e'ed Mary
- Blythsome bridal
- Bohemians in Central Kansas
- Bold mariners
- Bold Robin Hood
- Bonaparte's farewell
- Bones Wanted
- Bonnie baby Livingstone
- Bonny Barbara Allan (1815-1825)
- The Bony lad
- Book of Jasher
- Book of knowledge (1)
- The Book of Nonsense
- The Book of the Duchess
- Born of the Spirit (Proctor)
- The Bowbells Tribune
- A Boy's Song
- Bride's burial
- A Brother's Farewell and No, Master, Never
- The Buchanshire tragedy, or, Sir James the Ross (1800)
- The Buchanshire tragedy, or, Sir James the Ross (est. 1810s)
- Buy Defence Bonds
- Buy National Savings Certificates
- Caladonia
- The calm dewy morning
- Camp Song of the Maryland Line
- Can I Do Without It
- The Canterbury Tales (unsourced)
- The Canterbury Tales
- Canzoniere
- Captain Wedderburn's courtship
- Carle now the King's come
- Catharine Ogie (1815-1825)
- Causes and Danger of Slighting Christ and His Gospel
- The Cavalier (1908-1915)
- Centennial Hymn
- The chapter of kings, a new royal song
- Charter of the Seattle Branch of the Marine Transport Workers Industrial Union 510 of the Industrial Workers of the World, duplicate
- Chepman and Myllar Prints
- Child and Mother
- Child's picture book
- Choice drop of honey from the rock Christ, or, A short word of advice to saints and sinners
- The Chronicle of the Saxons
- Chu Ci
- Civil and Religious Liberty
- The Classic of Filial Piety (Legge)
- Claudius Bombarnac
- Cleansing Wave
- Clouds (film)
- Coalman's courtship to the creel-wife's daughter (1840-1850)
- Cogitations upon death, or, The mirror of man's misery (1)
- Colegio de la Preciosa Sangre de Pichilemu Hymn
- Collection of popular songs (1)
- Translation:Colloquy of the Queen of Sheba
- Columbus (Miller)
- The comical stories of Thrummy Cap and the Ghaist
- The comical stories of Thrummy Cap and the Ghaist (NLS104185773)
- Commentary and critical notes on the Bible
- Conditor alme siderum
- The Confederate Flag, Red, White, & Blue
- The Confederate Flag
- The Confederate Soldier's wife
- Confessio Amantis
- Constant lovers, or, Jemmy and Nancy of Yarmouth (1)
- Copy of a letter, written by the Rev. Mr. William Barlas
- Corn laws, a new song
- Corporal R. Derby Holmes lecture poster
- The Cougar Hunt
- Counsels to young men
- A Country Doctor
- Country, Home and Liberty
- The Courtship, Marriage, and Pic Nic Dinner of Cock Robin and Jenny Wren
- Crafty squire's garland
- Crito (Jowett)
- The Cuckoo (broadside)
- Culloden (anonymous)
- Curfew
- Curious Myths of the Middle Ages
- Cyrus cylinder
- Czechoslovaks! Join Our Free Colors
- Cædmon's Hymn
- Cædmon's Hymn (Moore Bede)
- Cædmon's Hymn (Saint Petersburg Bede)
- Cædmon's Hymn (Tanner 10)
- Translation:Dagome Iudex
- Daniel O'Rourke's wonderful voyage to the moon
- Daniel O'Rourke's wonderful voyage to the moon (1)
- Daniel O'Rourke's wonderful voyage to the moon (2)
- De contemptu mundi
- De Materia Medica
- Dear is my little native vale
- Dear Liberty
- The Death of Cock Robin
- Declaration of Henry Every to English ship commanders
- Demon ship, or, The pirate of the Mediterranean
- The Devil's Walk
- Translation:Dictionary of French Architecture from the 11th to 16th Century
- Diddle, Diddle
- The Dioceses of England
- Doctor Hackensaw's Secrets
- Don Juan (Byron)
- Don't be a Scab
- Dont be sorrowful Darling
- Down With the Anarchists!
- Dr. Oats Last Farewell to England