History of Journalism in the United States/Bibliography
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The Life and Writings of James Gordon Bennett. New York, 1844.
William Bradford, His Connection with Early Printing. New York, 1893.
The Freedom of Speech and Writing. London, 1776.
Reminiscences of the "Evening Post." New York, 1851.
Chicago's First Half Century, Inter-Ocean Publishing Company, 1883.
Notable Men of Chicago and Their City, Daily Journal, Chicago, 1910.
Early Chicago—Reception to the Settlers by the Calumet Club, Chicago, 1879.
Fifth Annual Review of the Commerce of Chicago.
Public Papers of George Clinton, First Governor of the State of New York, 9 vol. Third Annual Report of State Historian, N. Y. and Albany, 1899—1911.
Adams, Brooks: The Emancipation of Massachusetts. Cambridge, 1887.
Adams, Charles Francis (Editor): The Works of John Adams, vols. i to x. Little, Brown & Co., Boston, 1850—56.
Adams, Charles Francis: An Undeveloped Function. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1902.
Adams, Charles Francis: Massachusetts—Its Historians and Its History. Boston, 1898.
Adams, Charles Francis: Three Episodes of Massachusetts History, 2 vols. Houghton Mifflin & Co., Boston, 1892.
Adams, Henry: History of the United States of America, 1801—1817, 9 vols. New York, 1889.
Adams, John: Familiar Letters of Adams and His Wife, Abigail Adams, New York, 1876.
Adams, John: Letters of John Adams addressed to his wife, vols, i and ii. Little, Brown & Co., Boston, 1841.
Adams, John Quincy: Memoirs, 12 vols. Philadelphia, 1874–77.
Alden, H. M.: "Why the Ancients had no Printing Press," in Harper's Monthly, vol. xxxvii, p. 394.
Alexander, DeAlva Stanwood: A Political History of the State of New York, 3 vols. New York, 1906.
Allen, William B.: A History of Kentucky. Louisville, 1872.
Allibone, Samuel Austin: A Critical Dictionary of English Literature, 3 vols. Philadelphia, 1863–71.
American Antiquarian Society: Proceedings, N. S. 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, years 1913–1914–1915–1916–1917. Bibliography of American Newspapers, 1690–1820, by Clarence S. Brigham.
American Archives: Fifth Series, vol. i. Washington, 1848.
American Historical Record: vol. i. Phila., 1872.
Andreas, A. T.: History of Chicago from the earliest period to the present time, 3 vols. Chicago, 1884–86.
Andrews, Alexander: The History of British Journalism, 2 vols. London, 1859.
Armstrong, Edward: Address before the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Nov. 8, 1851.
Armstrong, F. Leroy: The Daily papers of Chicago. Chautauquan, 1898, vol. xxvii, pp. 538–545.
Arnold, Isaac Newton: William B. Ogden; and early days in Chicago.
Arnold, Samuel Green: History of the State of Rhode Island, 2 vols. New York, 1859.
Arthur, T. S., and Carpenter, W. H.: The History of Georgia. Philadelphia, 1852.
Austin, Geo. Lowell: The History of Massachusetts. Boston, 1876.
Ayer, Mary Farwell: Boston Common in Colonial and Provincial Days. Boston, 1903.
Bache, Benjamin Franklin: Truth Will Out! Philadelphia, 1798.
Ball, Timothy Horton: Northwestern Indiana from 1800 to 1900. Chicago, 1900.
Bancroft, George: History of the United States of America, 6 vols. New York, 1882.
Banks, Elizabeth L.: "American Yellow Journalism," Nineteenth Century, vol. xliv, p. 328. London, 1898.
Barber, John Warner: Historical Collections, Connecticut. New Haven, 1849.
Barber, John Warner: Historical Collections, Massachusetts. Worcester, 1839.
Barber, John Warner and Howe, Henry: Historical Collections of the State of New York. New York, 1841.
Barry, John Stetson: History of Massachusetts, vol. i (1st) Colonial Period, vol. ii (2nd) Provincial Period, vol. iii (3rd) Commonwealth Period. Boston, 1855-57.
Barstow, George: History of New Hampshire. Boston, 1853.
Bassett, John Spencer: The Federalist System, forming The American Nation: a History, vol. xi of. Harper, New York, 1906.
Belknap, Jeremy: The History of New Hampshire, 2 vols. Dover, N. H., 1812.
Benton, Josiah Henry: The Story of the Old Boston Town House. Boston, 1908.
Bernard, Sir Francis: The Barrington–Bernard Correspondence and Illustrative Matter. Cambridge, 1912.
Bigelow, John: William Cullen Bryant. Houghton Mifflin & Co., Boston, 1897.
Bigelow, John: The Complete Works of Benjamin Franklin, 9 vols. New York, 1887.
BINNEY, HORACE: "Leaders of the Old Bar of Philadelphia," in Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, vol. xiv. No. I, p. I. 1890.
BIRNEY, WILLIAM: James G. Birney and His Times. Appleton, New York, 1890.
BIRRELL, AUGUSTINE: Thomas Paine, in his In the Name of the Bodleian, pp. 195-206. New York, 1905.
BISHOP, CORTLANDT F.: History of Elections in the American Colonies. New York, 1893.
BLAINE, JAMES GILLESPIE: Twenty Years of Congress, 2 vols. Norwich, Conn., 1884-86.
BLANCHARD, RUFUS: The Discovery and Conquests of the Northwest, 2 vols. Chicago, 1880.
BLANCHARD, RUFUS: The Rise and Fall of Political Parties in the United States. Chicago, 1884.
BOBIN, ISAAC: Letters of Isaac Bobin, New York Colonial Tracts. No. iv. Albany, 1872.
BOLTON, NATHANIEL: Lecture delivered before the Indiana Historical Society. Indianapolis, 1853.
BOOTH, MARY L.: History of the City of New York. New York, 1867.
BORGEAUD, CHARLES: The Rise of Modern Democracy in Old and New England. London, 1894.
BOURNE, H. R. FOX: English Newspapers, vol. i. London, 1887.
BOURNE, R. R. FOX: The Life of John Locke, 2 vols. New York, 1876.
BOYNTON, HENRY WALCOTT: Journalism and Literature. Houghton Mifflin & Co., Boston, 1904.
BRADFORD, ALDEN: History of Massachusetts, 1620 to 1820. Boston, 1835.
BRADFORD, ALDEN: Memoir of the Life and Writings of Rev. Jonathan Mayhew, D.D. Boston, 1838.
BRIGHAM, CLARENCE SAUNDERSs: Burke, Major, fourth paper presented by, with other papers edited and published by Roger Williams, in London, 1652. Providence, R. I., 1903. Brooks, Noah : Henry Knox, a Soldier of the Revolution (American Men of Energy). New York, 1900.
Bross, William : History of Chicago. Chicago, 1876.
Brown, George Washington: The Truth at Last. Reminiscences of Old John Brown. Rockford, Illinois, 1880.
Brown, Henry: The Present and Future Prospects of Chicago. Chicago, 1876.
Brown, John Mason: The Political Beginnings of Ken- tucky. Louisville, 1889.
Browne, William Hand: Maryland. Boston, 1904.
Bryan, Wilhelmus Bogart: History of the National Capital. 2 vols. Macmillan, New York, 1914.
Bryce, James: Studies in Contemporary Biography. Macmillan, New York, 1903.
Buckingham, Joseph T. : Personal Memoirs, 2 vols. Boston, 1852.
Buckingham, Joseph T. : Specimens of Newspaper Literature, 2 vols. Boston, 1850.
Buecher, Carl: Industrial Evolution. H. Holt & Co., New York, 1912.
Burnet, Gilbert (Bishop) : Bishop Burnet's History of His Own Time, etc., 2 vols. Oxford, 1823.
Butler, Mann : A History of the Commonwealth of Ken- tucky. Louisville, 1834.
Campbell, Douglas: The Puritan in Holland, England and America, 2 vols. New York, 1892.
Capen, Nahum : The History of Democracy. Hartford, 1874.
Carlile, Mary Anne: Suppressed Defence. London, 1821.
Carlyle, Edward Irving: William Cobbett. London, 1904.
Carpenter, Francis Bicknell: Anecdotes and Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln. New York, 1865; Six Months at the White House imth Abraham Lincoln.
Houghton MifHin & Co., New York, 1866.
Carpenter, Stephen Cullen : Memoirs of Thomas Jef- ferson, 2 vols. New York, 1809.
Carpenter, William H. : History of Massachusetts. Philadelphia, 1853.
Carpenter, William H. : The History of Ohio. Phila- delphia, 1884.
Cary, Edward: George William Curtis. Houghton Mif- flin & Co., Boston, 1895.
Chalmers, George : An Introduction to the History of the Revolt of the American Colonies, 2 vols. Boston, 1845.
Chalmers, George : Life of Thomas Ruddiman. London, 1794.
Chamberlain, Rev. N. H. : Samuel Sewall and the World He Lived in. Boston, 1897.
Channing, Edward, and Hart, A. B. : Guide to the Study of American History. .Ginn and Co., Boston, 1896.
Chauncey, Charles: A Discourse Occasioned by the Death of the Rev. Jonathan Mayhem, D.D. Boston, 1766.
Cheetham, James: The Life of Thomas Paine. New York, 1809. Letters of James Cheetham, Massachu- setts Historical Society Proceedings, vol. i, p. 41, 1908.
Cheves, Langdon : Letter to the Editors of the Charleston Mercury. Charleston, S. C, 1844.
Childs, George William : Recollections. Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1890.
Claflin, Alta Blanche : Political Parties in the United States. New York, 191 5.
Clark, Gilbert John : Memoir, autobiography and corre- spondence of Jeremiah Mason. 1917.
Cleaver, Charles : Early Chicago Reminiscences. Chi- cago, 1882.
Clews, Henry : Twenty-eight Years in Wall Street. New York, 1888; Fifty Years in Wall Street. New York, 1908.
Clinton-, George : Public Papers of George Clinton, First
Governor of the State of New York, 9 vols. Appendix
N to third annual report of State Historian. N. Y. and
Albany, 1899-1911.
Cobb, Sanfor d H. : The Story of the Palatines. New York, 1897.
CoBBETT, William: The Life of W. Cobbett. Philadel- phia, 1835.
Cobbett, William : The Life of Thomas Paine. London, 1796.
Cobbett, William, Editor: Parliamentary History of England, 24 vols. London, 1803.
Coleman, William: An Appeal to the People. New York, 1810.
Collet, C. D. : History of the Taxes on Knowledge, 2 vols. London, 1896.
Collins, Lewis : Historical Sketches of Kentucky. Mays- ville, 1850. •
Colton, Rev. Walter : Three Years in California. A. S. Barnes and Co., New York, 1850.
Coman, Katharine: Economic Beginnings of the Far West, 2 vols. New York, 1912.
CoNANT, Charles Arthur : Alexander Hamilton. Hough- ton Mifflin & Co., Boston, 1901.
CoNARD, Howard Louis: Encyclopedia of the History of Missouri, 6 vols. St. Louis, 1901.
CoNGDON, Charles Tabor: Reminiscences of a Journal- ist, Boston, 1880.
CoNNELLEY, WiLLiAM Elsey : An Appeal to the Record. Topeka, 1903.
Conrad, Henry Clay : History of the State of Delaware, 3 vols. Wilmington, 1908.
Conway, Moncure Daniel: The Life of Thomas Paine, 2 vols. Putnam, New York, 1892; Omitted Chapters of History disclosed in the life and papers of Edmund Randolph. Putnam, New York, 1889.
Conway, Moncure Daniel (Ed.) : The Writings of Paine, 4 vols. Putnam, New York, 1894-1896.
Cook, Elizabeth Christine: Literary Influences in Colo- nial Newspapers. Columbia University Press, New York, 1912.
Cooke, George Wingrove : The History of Party, 3 vols. London, 1840.
Cooper, Thos. Valentine, and Fenton, Hector Tyn- dale: American Politics from the Beginning to Date (1884). Chicago, 1884.
CoxE, Daniel: A Description of the English Province of Carolana, by the Spaniards called Florida and by the French, La Louisiane. Philadelphia, 1850.
Craig, Neville Burgoyne: The History of Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh, 19 17.
Crawford, Mary Caroline : Old Boston in Colonial Days. Boston, 1908.
Currey, Josiah Seymour: Chicago; Its History and Its Builders, 3 vols. Chicago, 1912.
Dana, Charles Anderson: Lincoln and His Cabinet.
Marion Press, New York, 1899. Danvers, John Thierry: A Picture of a Republican
Magistrate of the New School. New York, 1808. Darling, Charles W. : New Amsterdam, New Orange,
New Y,ork, with chronological data. Utica, N. Y.,
1889. Davenant, Charles : Political and Commercial Works, 5
vols. London, 1771. Davis, A. : History of New Amsterdam, New York, 1854. Dawson, Henry Barton : Introduction to the Federali^.
New York, 1864. Dawson, Henry Barton : The Fcederalist, a Collection of
Essays, 2 vols. Scribner, New York, 1863. Dean, John W. : Sketch of the Life of William B. Towne. De Tocqueville, Alexis : Democracy in America, 2 vols.
Cambridge, 1862.
De Witt, Cornelius : Jefferson and thie American Democ-
racy, trans, by R. S. H. Church. London, 1862.
Dillon, John Brown : History of Indiana. Indianapolis,
1859- . Disraeli, Rt. Hon. Benj.: The Literary Character. 1881. Disraeli, Isaac: Amenities of Literature. New York,
1881. Disraeli, Isaac: Calamities and Quarrels of Authors.
London and New York, 1881. Disraeli, Isaac: Curiosities of Literature, 4 vols. New
York, 1881. Disraeli, Isaac: Literary Character of Men of Genius.
New York, 1881. Dix, Morgan : Memoirs of John Adams Dix, 2 vols. Har- per, New York, 1883. Doyle, John Andrew: The English in America, 5 vols.
London, 1882. Drake, Samuel G. : The History and Antiquities of the
City of Boston. Boston, 1854. Drake, Samuel G. : News from New England. Albany>
1865. Duane, William: Politics for American Farmers.
Washington, 1807. Duane, William : Reports of a debate in the Senate of
the United States. Philadelphia, 1804. Duane, William (supposed author): Sampson against
the Philistines. Philadelphia, 1805. Du BosE, John Witherspoon : The Life and Times of
William Lowndes Yancey. Birmingham, 1892. DuNiwAY, Clyde Augustus: The Development of
Freedom of the Press in Massachusetts. New York,
1906. Dunning, Wm. Archibald: Reconstruction, political and
economic, vol. xxii. The American Nation: a History.
Harper, New York, 1907. DuNTON, John : Letters written from New England, a. d.
1686. Boston, 1867.
DuNTON, JbHN: Life and Errors of . . . D., Citisen of London. London, 1818.
Edinburgh Review: English edition, vol. xxxvi. October, 1821.
Edinburgh Review: January, 1878, to April, 1878, vol. cxlvii. Edinburgh, 1878.
Edwards, George William : New York as an Eighteenth- Century Municipality. Longmans, Green and Co., New York, 1917.
Eggleston, George Gary : Recollections of a Varied Life. Holt, New York, 1910.
Paris, John T. : The Romance of Old Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1918.
Felt, Joseph B. : Annals of Salem, 2 vols. Salem, 1845.
Penton, Hector Tyndale: (See Cooper, Thomas V.)
Pess, Simeon D. : History of Political Theory and Party Organisation in the United States. Ginn and Co., Boston, 1910.
Fisher, E. T. (trans.) : Report of a French Protestant Refugee in Boston, 1687. Brooklyn, 1868.
Fisher, George Park -.The Colonial Era. New York, 1892.
Fiske, John: American Political Ideas. Houghton Mif- flin & Co., Boston, 1911.
Fiske, John : The American Revolution, 2 vols. Hough- ton Mifflin & Co., 1891, 1892; The Critical Period of American History, 1783-1789. Houghton Mifflin & Co., Boston, 1916; The Dutch and Quaker Colonies in America. Boston, 1899.
Foote, William Henry: Sketches of Virginia, 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1855.
Force, Peter: Tracts and other Papers relating princi- pally to the origin, settlement and progress of the Colo- nies of North America, vol. iv. Washington, 1846.
Ford, Emily E. F. : Notes on the Life of Noah Webster. New York, 19 12.
Ford, Henry Jones : The Rise and Growth of American
Politics. Macmillan Co., New York, 1898.
Ford, Paul Leicester : Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. Knick- erbocker Press, New York, i886.
Ford, Paul Leicester, and Bourne, Edward Gaylord: The Authorship of the " Federalist." New York, 1897.
Ford, Paul Leicester : A list of editions of the " Federal- ist." Brooklyn, 1886; Franklin Bibliography. Brook- lyn, 1889; The Mq^y-Sided Franklin. New York, 1899; The Journals of Hugh Gaine, printer, 2 vols. Dodd, Mead and Co.. New York, 1902 ; The New Eng- land Primer. New York, 1896; John Tucker and His Writings. Chicago, 1894.
Ford, Worthington C. : Massachusetts Hist. Society Pro- ceedings, Series 2, vol. xx, pp. 257-394. Boston, 1907.
Forman, Samuel E. : The Political Activities of Philip Freneau (included in Johns Hopkins University Histor- ical and Political Studies, vol. xx, 1902). Baltimore, 1902.
Foster, William Eaton : Stephen Hopkins, a Rhode Is- land Statesman, 2 vols. S. S. Rider, Providence, 1884.
Fowle, Daniel: A Total Eclipse of Liberty. Boston,
1755- Fox, Charles James : A History of the Early Part of the
Reign of James II. London, 1856. Franklin, Benjamin: {See Sparks, Jared) ; Collected
Works, edited by John Bigelow (10 vols.). Freneau, Philip: The Miscellaneous Works of Philip
Freneau. Philadelphia, 1788. Frothingham, Richard: The Rise of the Republic of the
United States. Boston, 1905.
Gale, Edwin O. : Reminiscences of Early Chicago and
Vicinity. Revell, Chicago, 1902. Genet, George Clinton: Washington, Jefferson and
" Citizen " Genet, //pj. New York, 1899.
GiBBS, George. Memoirs of the Administrations of Wash' ington and John Adams, 2 vols. New York, 1846.
GiHON, John H. : Geary and Kansas. Philadelphia, 1857.
GoDDARD, Delano A. : The Mathers weighed in the balance and found not wanting. Boston, 1870.
GoDKiN, Edwin Lawrence: Life and Letters, 2 vols. Macmillan, New York, 1907 ; Reflections and Comments. Scribner, New York, 1907.
GoDKiN, Edwin Lawrence: Unforeseen Tendencies of Democracy.
Godwin, Parke : A Biography of William Cullen Bryant, 2 vols. Appleton, New York, 1883.
Gordon, Eleanor Lytle K. : John Kinzie, the "Father of Chicago." Savannah, 1910.
Gordon, William : The History of the Independence of the United States of America. New York, 1801.
Gordy, John Pancoast: A History of Political Parties in the United States, 4 vols. Holt, New York, 1900.
Graybill, James Edward: Alexander Hamilton, Nevis- Weehawken. New York, 1898.
Greeley, Horace : The Autobiography of Horace Greeley. New York, 1872.
Greeley, Horace: The American Conflict, 2 vols. Hart- ford, 1864-6.
Green, John Richard : Short History of the English Peo- ple. New York, 1884.
Green, Samuel: Diary by Increase Mather, March, 1675, to December, 1676. Cambridge, 1900.
Greene, George Washington : A Short History of Rhode Island. Providence, 1877.
Griffin, Appleton P. C. : List of works relating to Poli- tical parties in the United States. Washington, 1907.
Griffin, Joseph (Editor) : History of the Press of Maine — Brunswick. 1872.
GuROWSKi, Adam : Diary. 2 vols. Boston, 1862 ; New York, 1864.
GuYER, L D. : History of Chicago. Ch icago. 1862.
Halstead, Murat: Caucuses of i860 — A History of the
National Political Conventions. Columbus, i860.
Hambleton, James Pinckney : A Biographical Sketch of Henry A. Wise. Richmond, 1856.
Hamilton, Alexander : See H. C. Lodge.
Hamilton, Allan McLane : The Intimate Life of Alex- ander Hamilton. Scribners, New York, 1910.
Hamilton, J. C. : The Life of Alexander Hamilton. New York, 1834.
Hamilton, John Church: History of the Republic of the United States, as traced, etc., 7 vols. Philadelphia, 1864.
Hammond, Jabez D. : The History of Political Patties in the State of New York, 3 vols., Cooperstown, New York, 1844.
Harleian Miscellany: Collection of pamphlets and tracts from the Earl of Oxford's library in 12 volumes. London, 1808.
Harrison, C. C. : {See under Lamb, Martha J.)
Hart, Albert Bushnell: Handbook of the History, Di- plomacy and Government of the United States. Cam- bridge, 1903.
Hart, A. B.: (See Channing, Edward.)
Hatch, Louis Clinton: The Administration of the American Revolutionary Army, Harvard Histor- ical Studies, vol. x. Longmans, Green & Co., New York, 1904.
Hawkins, Rush C. : Some late statements about early printing — Bibliographer, vol. i. New York, 1902.
Hay, John : . See Nicolay, J. G.
Hayne, I. W. : The Mercury's Course. Charleston, 1857.
Hazen, Rev. Henry A. : New Hampshire and Vermont. Concord, N. H., 1894.
Helper, Hinton Rowan : Compendium of the Impending Crisis of the South. A. B. Burdick, New York, i860;
Helper, Hinton Rowan : The Impending Crisis of the South. New York, i860.
Henry, J.: Notes concerning William Winston Seaton,
Smithsonian Institutes, vol. xviii, 1880. Henry, William Elmer: Some Elements of Indiana's
Population. Indianapolis, 1908. Herndon, William Henry, and Weik, Jesse W. : Ahror-
ham Lincoln, 2 vols. Appleton, New York, 1909. Hildeburn, Charles R. : A Century of Printing — The
Issues of the Press in Pennsylvania, 1685-1784, 2 vols.
Philadelphia, 1885. HiLDRETH, Richard: The History of the United States of
America, 6 vols. Harper, New York, 1880. Hillard, George Stillman : Memoir and Correspondence
of Jeremiah Mason. Cambridge, 1873. Historical Magazine: Of notes and queries concerning the
Antiquities, History and Biography of America. New
York, 1867. Hittell, Theodore H. : History of California, 4 vols.
San Francisco, 1897. Hoar, George Frisbie : Autobiography of Seventy Years,
2 vols. Scribners, New York, 1903. HocKETT, Homer C. : " The Influence of the West on the
Rise and Fall of Political Parties," Mississippi Valley
Historical Review, vol. iv, p. 459. Cedar Rapids, 1918. Holley, O. L. : Life of Benjamin Franklin. Boston, 1856. Hollister, Gideon Hiram: History of Connecticut,
2 vols. Hartford, 1857. Hollister, Ovando J.: The Life of Schuyler Colfax.
Funk and Wagnalls, New York, 1886. Hone, Philip: The Diary of Philip Hone, 18 28-18 51, 2
vols. Dodd, Mead and Co., New York, 1889. HosMER, James Kendall: Samtiel Adams. Houghton
Mifflin & Co., Boston, 1885. Houghton, Henry Oscar : Address on Early Printing in
America. Montpelier, 1894. Houghton, Walter Raleigh : Conspectus of the History
of Political Parties and the Federal Government. In- dianapolis', 1880.
Howe, Henry : Historical Collections of Ohio. 1891 ; Historical Collections of Virginia. 1856.
Howe, Henry, and Barber, John W. : (See under Bar- ber, John W.)
Howell, T. B. : A complete collection of State Trials, vol. vii. London, 1816.
Howells, W. C. : Recollections of Life in Ohio from 1813-1840. R. Clark Co., Cincinnati, 1895.
Hudson, Frederic : Journalism in the United States. New York, 1873.
Huidekoper, Frederic Louis : The Military Unprepared- ness of the United States. Macmillan, New York, 1915.
Hunt, F. Knight: The Fourth Estate, 2 vols. London, 1850.
Hunt, Gaillard (Editor) : The Writings of James Madi- son, 8 vols. Putnam, New York, 1902.
Ireland, Alleyne : Joseph Pulitzer. New York, 1914.
Jefferson, Thomas (Edited by Andrew A. Lipscomb) : Writings, Monticello Edition, 20 vols. Washington, 1904.
Jones, Horatio Gates : Andrew Bradford, Founder of the Newspaper Press in the Middle States of America. Phila., 1869 ; Reports of the Committee of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania of their visit to New York, May 30th, 1863, at the celebration of the two hundredth birthday of William Bradford, who introduced the art of printing into the middle Colonies of British America. Phila., 1863; Selections from Duane Papers, His- torical Magazine, Second series, vol. iv. Morrisania, 1868.
Jones, Thomas : History of New York during the Revolu- tionary War, 2 vols. New York, 1879.
ICendall, Amos: Autobiography. Boston, 1872; Seces- sion Letters. Washington, 1861.
Kentucky State Historical Society: Register, January, 1918, vol, xvi, No. 46. Frankfort, 1918.
KiLLiKELLY, Sarah H. : The History of Pittsburgh.
Pittsburgh, 1906. King, Charles R. : The Life and Correspondence of
Rufus King, 6 vols. Putnam, New York, 1894. King, John: Animadversions on a Pamphlet entitled
" Letter of Advice by a Divine of the Church of Eng- land." London, 1701. King, William L. : The Newspaper Press of Charleston,
S. C. Charleston, 1882. KiNKEAD, Elizabeth Shelby: A History of Kentucky.
New York, 1896. Kitchin, George: Sir Roger L'Estrange. London, 1913. Knox, Thomas Wallace : The Republican Party and Its
Leaders. P. F. Collier, New York, 1892.
Lamb, Martha J. R., and Harrison, C. C. : History of the City of New York. A. S^ Barnes Co., New York, 1877-96.
Leake, Isaac Q. : Memoir of the Life and Times of Gen- eral John Lamb. Albany, 1850.
Lecky, W. E. H. : Democracy and Liberty. New York, 1899.
Lecky, W. E. H. : The American Revolution, 1^63-1^83. Appleton, New York, 1898.
Lecky, W. E. H. : A History of England in the i8th Cen- tury, 8 vols. New York, 1882-90.
Lee, James Melvin:, History of American 'Journalism. Boston, 1917.
Lewis, William Draper: Great American Lawyers, 8 vols. Philadelphia, 1907.
Lilly, Lambert: The History of the Middle 'States. Boston, 1846.
Linn, William : The Life of Thomas Jefferson. Ithaca, 1834.
Lipscomb, Andrew A. (Editor) : (See under Thomas
Jefferson.) Lodge, Henry Cabot: Boston. New York, 1891; Alexander Hamilton. Boston, 1882; Studies in History. Boston and New York, 1884.
Lodge, Henry Cabot (Editor): The Works of Alexander Hamilton, 9 vols. Putnam, New York, 1885.
Lossing, Benson J. (Editor): The American Historical Record. Phila., 1872; History of New York City. New York, 1884; The Pictorial Field Book of the Revolution, 2 vols. Harpers, New York.
Lowell, Mass.: Old Residents' Historical Association, vol. i, August, 1875. Lowell, 1875.
Lundy, Benjamin: Life, Travels and Opinions of Benjamin Lundy. Philadelphia, 1847.
Luttrell, Narcissus: A Brief Historical Relation of State Affairs from September, 1678, to April, 1714, vols. i, ii, iii, v, vi. Oxford, 1857.
Lyman, T. P. H.: The Life of Thomas Jefferson. Philadelphia, 1826.
McCall, Capt. Hugh: History of Georgia. Atlanta, 1909.
McClintock, John N.: History of New Hampshire. Boston, 1889.
McClure, Alexander Kelly: Abraham Lincoln and Men of War Times. Philadelphia, 1892.
McKinley, Albert Edward: The Suffrage Franchise in the Thirteen Colonies in America. No. 2, publications of the University of Pennsylvania.
McMaster, John Bach: Benjamin Franklin as a Man of Letters. Houghton Mifflin Co., 1900; A History of the People of the United States, vols, i, ii, iii. Macmillan. New York, 1900.
Magazine of American History: Nos. for January, February and August, 1887. New York, 1887.
Marshall, Humphrey: History of Kentucky. Frankfort, 1824.
Martin, Charlotte M., and Martin, Benjamin Ellis: The New York Press and Its Makers in the 18th Century, in Historic New York, vol. ii. New York, 1899.
Maryland Historical Magazine: Vols. i to viii.
Mason, Edward Gay: Early Chicago and Illinois. Chicago, 1890.
Mason, Jeremiah: Memoir, Autobiography and Correspondence of Jeremiah Mason. Kansas City, Mo., 1917.
Massachusetts Colonial Society Publications, vol. ix. Boston, 1907.
Massachusetts Historical Society: Commemoration of Tercentenary, John Milton. Cambridge, 1909.
Massachusetts Historical Society: Collections, 1st Series, vols, iv, v, vi. Boston, 1806-09.
Massachusetts Historical Society: Collections, 5th Series, vols, i, v, vi, vii, ix, x. Boston, 1878.
Massachusetts Historical Society: Proceedings, Second Series, 20 vols.
Mather, Rev. Cotton: History of King Philip's War.
Mather, Increase: Early History of New England. Boston, 1864; Remarkable Providences. London, 1856.
Mather, Richard: Journal of Richard Mather, 1635—His Life and Death, 1670. Boston, 1850.
Maverick, Augustus: Henry J. Raymond and the New York press. Hartford, 1870.
May, Sir Thomas Erskine: The Constitutional History of England, 2 vols. New York, 1882; Democracy in Europe, vols, i and ii. London, 1877.
Mead, Edwin D.: The Old Home Week in New Hampshire. Reprinted from the New England Magazine, May, 1899.
Meloney, William Brown: "Joseph Pulitzer, the Blind Editor of the World," American Magazine, November, 1909.
Merriam, George Spring: The Life and Times of Samuel Bowles, vols, i, ii. New York, 1885.
Minot, George Richards: History of Massachusetts, 2 vols. Boston, 1798.
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1 For the preparation and supervision of the Bibliography the author is indebted to Mr. James William