How to Use Your Mind/Index
- Acquisition, vs. "construction," 135, 144, 159
- Activity, mental, 23
- Association, laws of, 83; in memory, 104, 107; in reasoning, 147, 128, 199, 203; in examination, 220
- Attention, 177ff; fluctuation of, 121; resistance of distractions, 122ff; lapses of, 127ff
- Bibliographies, 37f
- Bodily activities, in recognition, 114; distractions in attention, 122, 124, 224
- Brain, description of, 43; elementary cells, 44; tissue, properties of, 47ff, 58; tracts, 50ff; areas 51
- Charlemagne, 127
- Clarification of ideas, through definition and classification, 148; through expression, 167
- Classification of ideas, 150
- Class room, 18, 159
- College, difficulties, 17ff; demands of, 20
- Constructive study, 135, 144
- Cramming, 214ff
- Day dreaming, 166, 221, 222
- Decision, in reasoning, 143, 150ff
- Definition, 149
- Distractions, in attention, 121ff, 132; in sleep, 239ff
- Dreams, 241
- Drinking, 233
- Ennui, 203
- Ethical, consequences, of habit, 72; of expression, 157
- Examinations, importance, 212; purposes of, 212, 213 preparation for, 219ff
- Exercise, 242
- Expression, 154; neural basis, 155
- Fasting, 235
- Fatigue, 124f, 200, 208, 226
- Feelings, pleasurable, 171; unpleasant, 202, 232
- Fletcher, Horace, 225
- Food, 224ff
- Geometry, 137ff
- Golf, 178
- Graphic methods, 160; in measuring learning, 184
- Habit, defined, 57; maxims for forming, 64ff, 127; advantages of, 70ff; disadvantages of, 69; in reasoning, 151; of resisting fatigue 210f
- Ideas, in reasoning, 146ff; how to clarify, 149; in fatigue, 203; stimulus of, 209
- Idea-motor action, law of, 156
- Image, defined, 76; kinds of, 77
- Imagination, 76; made of images, 77; works of, 78f; sources, 78f; how to develop, 79ff; visual, auditory, etc., 90
- Impression, guard avenues of, 61ff; clearness essential, 86; through various senses, 87; vs. expression, 154, 163
- Indenture, 175ff
- Intention, in memorizing, 108
- Insomnia, see Sleeplessness
- Inspiration, 78, 222
- Interest, defined, 170; sources, 171f; development of, 173ff; laws of, 173ff, 208
- Judgment, 142
- Kinæsthetic impressions, 87, 162f
- Lecture, method, 18; notes, 27ff
- Logical associations, in memorizing, 104, 107, 128; in reasoning, 147
- Mediæval history, 170, 177, 179
- Memory, importance instudy, 85; stages of, 85; "unconscious," 97f, 220; "whole" vs. "part," 103; works according to law, 115; "rote" vs. "logical," 105; intention, 108
- Mental second wind, see second wind
- Nervous, current, 46, 58f; energy, 164; system in expression, 161
- Neurone, 205
- Note-taking, lecture, 27; laboratory, 38; reading, 33; full vs. scanty, 27ff; form of notebook, 39ff; a habit, 42
- Obscurity, in meaning, 128
- Outlines, 30f
- Overlearning, 92
- Parker, Francis W., 177
- Philology, 174ff
- Plateau, 183, 187; remedies for, 192
- Pleasure, in interest, 171
- Practice, of recall, 112; curve of, 184
- Problem solving, 139, 143
- Psalm of life, 105
- Public speaking, 112; overcoming embarrassment, 165ff
- Rathausmarkt, 108
- Read, how to, 33ff
- Reason, contrasted with rote learning, 134ff; as problem solving, 139; stages, 139ff; purposive thinking, 139ff; requirements for, 145ff; and habit, 151
- Recall, 111f
- Recognition, 113ff
- Repetition, 91; distribution of, 93ff, 101
- Retention, 110
- Review, from notes, 31ff, 114, 194, 223
- Romeo and Juliet, 78
- Schedule, daily, 21, 24
- Second wind, physical, 195; mental, 196; sources of, 197ff, 206
- Sensation, as impression, 86ff; bodily, 121; external, 122; in fatigue, 202
- Sleep, 227, 236ff
- Sleeplessness, 238
- Stream of thought, 120, 130
- Suggestion, 222
- Synapse, 46
- Theme writing, 99f, 109, 166, 179
- "Unconscious" learning, see memory
- Will, 209
- Writing, a form of expression, 160