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In Other Words/Inept Quotation's Artificial Aid

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Inept Quotation’s Artificial Aid

It was a friar of orders gray,And he stoppeth one of three:I chanced to see at break of dayThat not impossible She.
“I was with Grant—” the stranger said—By the nine gods he swore—For here, forlorn and lost I treadBeside a human door.
Stay, lady, stay for mercy’s sake!How glazed each weary eye!And could I ever keep awakeTill a’ the seas gang dry?
Love still hath something of the sea,In the first sweet sleep of night;Whate’er the years may bring to me,Fond mem’ry brings the light.
I hear a voice you cannot hear,Beside the Springs of Dove;And she is grown so dear, so dear,She never told her love.
In Xanadu did Kubla KhanLook backward with a smile.The apparel oft proclaims the man,And only man is vile.
I have set my life upon a cast—To die were far more sweet—As through on Alpine village passedThe print of Lucy’s feet.
Drink to me only with thine eyesTo drive dull care away.In Venice on the Bridge on Sighs,Upon a truss of hay.
I never saw a purple cowOr nursed a dear gazelle;When pain and anguish wring the browI only feel Farewell!
She left us in the bloom of May,When night and morning meet,Yet some maintain that to this dayHer voice is low and sweet.
If this fair rose offend thy sightIn faëry lands forlorn,She was a Phantom of DelightBreast high amid the corn.
For what avail the plough or sail?Men were deceivers ever.Turn, gentle hermit of the dale,And let who will be clever.
I prithee send me back my heart,Half hidden from the eye;’Tis of man’s life a thing apart—Good-bye, my lover, good-bye!