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In Other Words/Some Speeches

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Some Speeches

Now glory to our holy cause, from whence all glories spring,And glory to our candidate, who stands for everything.So, gentlemen, I nominate that leader of the cause,That noble man, that swerveless head, Wisconsin’s [Great applause].
From where the pine-clad hills of Maine in fronded beauty stand,To where the jagged Rockies reach across this lovely land,Is heard the name that echoes over valley and through chasm,The name of—need I mention it—of [Great enthusiasm].
Ah, gentlemen assembled in this gre-eat convention hall,This land of ours is fairest on the whole terrestrial ball;And who so fit, from Boston to where rolls the Oregon,To steer the Ship of State as [Cries of “Louder!” and ‘‘Go on!’’]
That brave, intrepid, fearless, dauntless, wise, courageous one,That plain and honest Democrat, Rhode Island’s favorite son,Who loathes the predatory rich, the wicked trust and grafter,That sterling statesman, need I say [Continued cheers and laughter].
Ohio offers up a name requiring no laudationTo gain for him the honor of this glorious nomination;The choice of all this big broad land is he, to all appearingI bring the name of William Howard [Loud and mighty cheering].
But who has put the nation where it proudly stands to-day?What is the greatest, biggest name in all these U. S. A.?The name of Theo [Reader, this applause you’ll have to guess,For truly, there be limits to the power of the press].