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In Other Words/The Lost Wheeze

From Wikisource

The Lost Wheeze
Seated last night at my tableI was laboring for a laughTo work into this here colyum,In the form of a paragraph.
I know not what I was thinking,Or what was within my brain,But I struck one chord of humorThat was better than all Mark Twain.
It flooded my littered tableAnd my chair of mission oak,And I said, in my modest manner,To myself “That is sure some joke!”
It quieted pain and sorrowLike love overcoming strife,It made me forget the premiumDue on my well-known life.
It would have made me famousAll over the East and West,All people would have pointedTo the Author of that Great Jest.
I have sought, but I seek it vainly,That one Lost Wheeze divineThat one last word in humor,That was-to-be-deathless line!
It may be that Death’s bright AngelWill slip me that joke, I guess,But that does me no good this morningWhen the page is going to press.