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Index:Karl Gjellerup - The Pilgrim Kamanita - 1911.djvu

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Title The Pilgrim Kamanita
Author Karl Gjellerup
Translator John E. Logie
Year 1911
Publisher William Heinemann
Location London
Source djvu
Progress Proofread—All pages of the work proper are proofread, but not all are validated
Transclusion Fully transcluded
I. The Lord Buddha Revisits the City of the Five Hills 1
II. The Meeting 7
III. To the Banks of the Gunga 11
IV. The Maiden Ball-Player 17
V. The Magic Portrait 23
VI. On the Terrace of the Sorrowless 29
VII. In the Ravine 40
VIII. The Paradise Bud 45
IX. Under the Constellation of the Robbers 51
X. Esoteric Doctrine 60
XI. The Elephant's Trunk 66
XII. At the Grave of the Holy Vajaçravas 73
XIII. The Boon Companion 81
XIV. The Husband 91
XV. The Bald-Pated Monk 98
XVI. Ready for Action 104
XVII. To Homelessness 113
XVIII. In the Hall of the Potter 121
XIX. The Master 127
XX. The Unreasonable Child 131
XXI. In Mid Career 141
XXII. In the Paradise of the West 150
XXIII. The Roundelay of the Blest 154
XXIV. The Coral Tree 158
XXV. The Bud of the Lotus Opens 162
XXVI. The Chain With the Tiger-Eye 167
XXVII. The Rite of Truth (Saccakiriya) 173
XXVIII. On the Shores of the Heavenly Gunga 178
XXIX. Amid the Sweets of the Coral Blossoms 183
XXX. "To Be Born Is to Die" 189
XXXI. The Apparition on the Terrace 193
XXXII. Satagira 202
XXXIII. Angulimala 209
XXXIV. The Well of Spears 214
XXXV. A Pure Offering 224
XXXVI. Buddha and Krishna 233
XXXVII. The Blossoms of Paradise Wither 244
XXXVIII. In the Kingdom of the Hundred-Thousandfold Brahma 248
XXXIX. The Dusk of the Worlds 252
XL. In the Grove of Krishna 257
XLI. The Simple Motto 265
XLII. The Sick Nun 272
XLIII. The Passing of the Perfect One 279
XLIV. Vasitthi's Bequest 292
XLV. Night and Morning in the Spheres 299
Note 305