Such a one, O pilgrim, is called the "Finisher" because he has finished and made an end of all suffering.
Such a one, O pilgrim, is called the "Obliterator" because he has obliterated the delusion of "I" and "Mine."
Such a one, O pilgrim, is called the "Weeder" because he has weeded out the plant of life by the roots so that no life can ever germinate again.
Such a one, so long as he is in the body, is seen of gods and men; but when his body is dissolved in death, he is no longer seen of gods and men. Nor does Nature—the All-seeing—see him any longer; he has blinded the eye of Nature, escaped from the Evil One. Crossing the stream of being, he has reached the island, the only one, that lies beyond age and death—Nirvana.