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Index of Spanish Folktales

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Index of Spanish Folktales (1930)
by Ralph Steele Boggs
1313358Index of Spanish Folktales1930Ralph Steele Boggs









Definition of material.

Spanish folktale material is much more abundant than has commonly been supposed. It was believed by some that such material did not exist until the publications of the earlier collectors began to appear. Among these was an Englishman, V. J. Thoms, who says in the introduction to his Lays and legends of Spain, 1834, "... one part of the task which we have proposed to ourselves ... is to gather together such legendary tales of Spanish origin as now lie scattered and far apart ... The popular tales in Spain have never yet been collected ... Our ignorance of the existence of legendary tales in Spain must not be considered a proof of their non-existence". More recently the existence of an abundance of folktales in Spain has been generally conceded; but the misconception that, aside from one or two collections, almost none of this material has been published is still current. As early as 1887 Hernández de Moreno[1] defended Spain against this misbelief. It is true that only a small proportion of the great stock of Spanish folktales has been published, and that many of these are not easily accessible, being hidden away in scattered journals, footnotes, etc. The purpose of this index is to render this material accessible and perhaps stimulate further interest in this fertile field.

On scanning the bibliography, one discerns three outstanding periods in the publication of Spanish folktales: about the middle of the nineteenth century, in the eighties, and during the past few years, in which time more folktales have been published than in both the preceding periods. Fernan Caballero was the chief figure in the first period; the second was a period of organization of folklore societies and journal publication. At present important works are constantly appearing by such eminent contemporary folklorists as Cabal, Espinosa, Llano Roza de Ampudia, etc. Furthermore, one notices many translations of Spanish folktales into English, German and French.

I found no definition of a folktale which served as a practical rule by which material could readily be accepted or rejected. The rule finally adopted was to accept all texts that manifest the existence in Spanish oral tradition of material like or bearing close analogy to the body of material included in Aarne's index. To reproduce a tale exactly as told by the folk would mean to reproduce every detail of syntax, form and vocabulary in a text written in phonetic symbols, and with all the vicissitudes of colloquial peasant speech in matters of repetition, omission, illogical and contradictory statements. Such a text would be of interest to the anthropologist, the psychologist, the linguist and the literary historian. Unfortunately, however, I have never seen such a text in print. I assume that such a text is what is referred to as a text "of scientific value". Being unable to find such texts, I was forced to lower my requirements. Even though a tale be written in literary Spanish, English, German or French, if its motives are preserved essentially as they are known to exist in oral tradition, I accept it. If, on the other hand, literary tradition and logic seem to have modified not only the language but also the motives themselves, I reject the tale. Or if the source of the tale is not indicated, and it seems to derive from literary or foreign tradition, I reject it. By saturating myfself in Aarne's index and the standard, wellknown Spanish collections, I was able to build up by experience a critical judgment which was very helpful in determining the value of doubtful works.

A few illustrations are perhaps to the point. Choosing a work with a promising title L. Dominguez, Los cuentos de Andalucia. Cuentos populares ... one finds that it contains jokes and anecdotes, scenes from contemporary daily life, but nothing that would fit into the body of material found in Aarne's index. Similarly, Baselga y Ramirez, Cuentos de la era, proves to be literary sketches. In Fernández de los Rios, Tesoro de cuentos, one finds traces that look suspiciously German, but since the author does not state that he has utilized German sources, and since the work does contain real folktale material, it seems best not to reject it. The words leyenda and tradicion are often employed in their proper meaning by Spanish folklorists. The following works, for example, really contain what their titles promise: A. Alcalde y Valladares, Tradiciones españolas; M. Cano y Cueto, Leyendas y tradiciones de Sevilla, 1875; L. Garcia del Real, Tradiciones y leyendas españolas, 1898—1899; S. G. C. Middlemore, Spanish legendary tales, 1885; G. M. Vergara y Martín, Tradiciones segovianas [1910]. However, these terms are sometimes applied to folktales. For example, the following works contain folktale material: Biblioteca de tradiciones populares españoles, 1884—6; R. H. Busk, Patrañas, or Spanish stories, legendary and traditional, 1870; C. Cabal, Los cuentos tradicionales asturianos [1924]; H. A. Reed, Spanish legends and traditions, 1914. The enchanted Moorish girl guarding a treasure in a cave, LRAF[2] p. 90, LRAL p. 184, MPP p. 345, and hidden treasures in general form a favorite theme in Spain. These stories belong to the field of legend and tradition. I have thought it wise to include the Don Juan legend, since its theme fits in very well with religious tales. In mythology some of the Nuberu stories given by Llano Roza de Ampudia include a rewarded hospitality theme which belongs typically to the folktale. It is sometimes rather difficult to distinguish between the riddle and the folktale. Usually whenever a story, a line of action or motivation occurs in a riddle, this story is a folktale. Louseskin (Mt 621) represents the typical riddle tale. This fusion with other types of the folktale, itself a type not well defined, illustrates, with the vague distinction between "literary" texts and texts of "scientific" value, the extreme difficulty of defining folktale material.

A definition of "Spanish" is necessary. The science of folklore is not yet far enough advanced to define what is folkloristically Spanish. Obviously, political boundaries are very little related to folkloristic boundaries. But a science which has fairly definite limits established and which is closely related to folklore is linguistics. This science has divided the Spanish peninsula into four generally accepted language groups: Portuguese-Galician, Spanish, Bask and Catalan-Valencian. I shall adopt the linguistic definition of Spanish. Hence Spanish folktales, in this index, are tales from the Spanish linguistic area, that is, from the regions of Andalusia, Aragon, Asturias, Extremadura, Leon, Mursia, New Castile and Old Castile.

Since this is the first attempt, to my knowledge, ever made to organize Spanish folktale material, errors and omissions will probably abound. In view of this fact I have sought to make the scope of the subject small enough that I might hope fairly well to cover the ground. In my search for Spanish folktales I encountered incidentally many works which may prove of value in the study of Galician, Bask and Catalan tales, and these are included in the bibliography. The Index includes all Spanish references given in BP, even the literary references; and to these I have added a few literary references. Folktale themes abound in Spanish literature and offer a great and fruitful field of study; and may, together with Spanish American tales, throw considerable light on the history and development of the Spanish folktale. A thesis[3] has been placed at my disposal which cites published texts of tales from Guatemala, Mexico, New Mexico and Porto Rico of fifty types. I include these references under type headings without checking or analyzing them. I wish to express my thanks to Miss Dean for permission to use this material. To these I add a few Spanish American references given by Thompson under Mt 2031 and Gillet[4] pertaining to Mt 1535. These are but a few scattered references from the Spanish American field which, in itself, offers abundant material for further study.

I am aware of no great manuscript collections of folktales in Spain. I am informed that there is none at the Centro de estudios historicos. Menéndez Pidal[5] refers to manuscript material on folklore at the Ateneo in Madrid; but in a letter dated October 25, 1927, Luis de Hoyos Sáinz informs me that this collection contains no folktales.

In a classification of exempla Miss Carter[6] worked out a more complete classification for animal stories than that given by Aarne. I have incorporated Miss Carter's new headings. In other parts of the Index I have added new headings.

The new sectional headings which I have introduced into the Index are inclosed in [ ], for example "[1585—1594 Legal decision]". Such insertions necessitated the reduction of scope of numbers under old sections; these changes of limiting numbers are inclosed in [], for example "1725—[1845] Parson". All newly inserted types and subtypes bear an *, as "*898" and "760 *C". All new additions to the detailed analyses of types bear an *, as "Mt 332 *V" or "Mt 425 I *f". New minor variations, which I do not consider important enough to insert with an *, follow their corresponding numbers in (), as "Mt 303 III d (Falls through trap door)."

The first item listed under a type number is any element marked with an *. Second follow other types to be compared for analogies, as "Cf Mt 313"; unless these comparisons apply only to specific references, then they are listed after such references, as "an 2. LRAC no 13. Cf Mt 348". Third come literary references. BP literary references are reproduced as follows: "Conquista de Ultramar 2 ch. 43 (ed. Gayangos 1858); see BP II 285". The great field of Spanish literature, alledged to be rich in popular elements, is yet to be explored for evidences of folktales. Fourth come the Spanish American references, which are grouped alphabetically by countries. A list of abbreviations used for regions follows.

an Andalusia
ar Aragon
as Asturias
ex Extremadura
le Leon
mu Mursia
nc New Castile
oc Old Castile
x Region not indicated
[] Region implied from secondary evidence in the text.

Every reference in every region under a type is arbitrarily assigned a number. The numbers begin anew for every region, so that additional variants of the type from any region may be added and numbered.

A: after a reference signifies that an analysis of the text cited follows, as "Mt 425 C as 1. CTA p. 66: I d II d (By declaring her love for him)"; or under Mt *860 one finds "as 2. LRAC no 48: Mt *860 + Mt 921 b", signifying that these two tales occur in combination in this sequence in the text of LRAC no 48.

The abbreviation used for "folktale type" is "Mt", which is based on the German "Märchentypus".

The letter and number in brackets following a new motive is the number that motive will bear in Stith Thompson's classification of motives, which has not yet been published.

I am greatly indebted to Stith Thompson for many valuable suggestions and for inserting in my manuscript the numbers pertaining to his forthcoming classification of motives. Above all, I wish to express my deep debt of gratitude to Archer Taylor, at whose suggestion this index of Spanish folktales was begun and with whose constant guidance and untiring help it has been carried to completion.

R. S. B.


ABC — Abbreviations precede all cited texts.
† — Works not containing Spanish folktales but whose titles might be so construed.
* — Works with promising titles I have not seen.
)( — Titles encountered incidental to the search for Spanish folktales which may pertain to the study of Bask, Catalan, Galician or Spanish-American folktales.
Bibliographic works.
BP — J. Bolte and G. Polívka, Anmerkungen zu den Kinder- und Hausmärchen der Brüder Grimm, Leipzig, Dieterich 1913—18, 3 vols. There is a bibliography at the end of volume III, but many more titles are cited within the work. I have included all the BP Spanish references.
Catalogus van Folklore in de koninklijke Bibliotheek, The Hague, Humanitas 1919—20, 2 vols. Spain, Portugal and Azores in I 477—85 and Supplement I 605—6 and 626.
A. Guichot y Sierra, Noticia histórica del folklore. Origenes en todos los paises hasta 1890. Desarrollo en España hasta 1921, Sevilla, Alvarez 1922. Reviewed by F. Krüger in Revista de filología española 1922 IX 338. The most extensive folklore bibliography I have seen in Spanish, although poorly arranged.
)( — A. Lesser, "Bibliography of American folklore 1915—28" in JAF 1928 XLI. Section on Spanish America pp. 37—45. I shall not list here any titles cited by Lesser, but only a few that he does not include.
Hernández de Moreno, "Pel folklore spagnuolo" in Archivio per lo studio delle tradizioni popolari 1887 VI 575—6. Bibliographic note on Spanish folklore, citing especially periodicals.
Revista de filología española 1914—00. See section on folklore in the bibliography.
)( — M. Aguiló, Cuentos 1860—62. Catalan.
)( — P. de Alcántara Penya, Rondayes mallorquines, Palma de Mallorca 1884.
)( — PAM Alcover, Rondayes mallorquines, Palma de Mallorca 1896, 1898, 1904, 1909, 1913, 1916, 7 vols.
)( — PAM Alcover, Cuentos maravillosos, recogidos en Mallorca, adaptados al castellano por T. Llorente Falcó, Valencia, Domenech 191 4.
* — C. Alvarez de Machado, Cuentos extremeños, 1885. In a letter from Seville, dated March 7, 1927, Alejandro Guichot y Sierra informs me of this work, "... no se han publicado: originales perdidos".
)( — F. Arocena Arregui, Narraciones folklóricas, San Sebastián 1923. Bask.
ASEB — Th. Alaux and L. Sagardoÿ, L'espagnol au brevet supérieur, Paris, Didier 1907. On pp 145—61 is found Spanish text of one tale from CPA p 86.
)( — Fr. Badenes Dalmau, Cuentos populars, Barcelona 1900. Catalan.
)( — T. Baró, Cuentos del Ampurdán, 1896. Catalan.
)( — P. Bertrán y Bros, Cuentos populars catalans, 1886, 3 vols.
P. Betrán y Bros, El mitx pollet, Barcelona 1886. Catalan.
P. Bertrán y Bros, El rondallaire catalan, Barcelona 1909, 2 vols.
)( — P. Bertrán y Bros, Rondallistica, 1888. Catalan.
)( — Biblioteca popular de la asociación de excursiones catalans, 1884—8, 5 vols.
† — F. Biedenfeld, Sagen, Märchen, Kriegszenen, Novellen, Abenteuer, Reisen und Bilder aus Spanien, Weimar, Voigt 1836. Describes Spanish customs but apparently contains no folktales.
BLC — R. Boira, El libro de las cuentos, colección completa de anécdotas, cuentos, gracias, chistes, chascarrillos, dichos agudos, réplicas ingeniosas ... Recapitulación de todas las florestas, de todos los libros de cuentos españoles, y de una gran parte de los estranjeros, Madrid, Arcas y Sanchez ² 1862, 3 vols. The full title does not promise exclusively Spanish material, nor does it designate which part of the material is Spanish. However, several of its selections fit in quite closely with the current Spanish material, so I have included BLC references but grouped them with the literary references.
* — Boletin de folklore andaluz, published by A. Guichot y Sierra in the Sevilian daily, El porvenir, on the following days: October 31, 1883; December 15, 1883; January 11, 1884; February 15, 1884; April 15, 1884; April 29, 1884; June 10, 1884.
† — Boletín folklórico español. Organo de las sociedades que constituyen El Folklore Nacional. Revista quincenal. Director: A. Guichot y Sierra. Sevilla. I saw vol I no 1, January 15, 1885 to no 8, April 30, 1885, with continuous pagination 1—64. They contain no texts of folktales, but chiefly articles on folklore method and science, some scattered materials and current bibliography. The Union List of Serials in Libraries in the United States and Canada, New York 1927, lists nos 1—9 in the Cornell library. The librarian at Cornell, however, informs me that the Cornell library has only nos 1—8.
* — Boletín folklórico gaditano, monthly. Was published in five numbers from July to November 1885.
BPS — R. H. Busk, Patrañas, or Spanish stories, legendary and traditional, London, Griffith and Farran 1870.
)( — P. Briz, Cuentos populars catalans.
BTPE — Biblioteca de las tradiciones populares españolas. Director: A. Machado y Alvarez. Sevilla, Guichot y Sierra 1884—6, 11 vols. Folktales in vols I, II, (IV Galician pp. 51, 55, 139) V, VIII, X. Extensive review by G. Pitré in Archivio per lo studio delle tradizioni popolari, 1883 II 456—8; 1884 III 462—6; 1885 IV 147—9 and 604—6; 1886 V 599—602. Some of these tales are translated into English in RSLT.
M. A. Buchanan, "Short stories and anecdotes in Spanish plays" in Modern Language Review 1908—9 IV 178—84; 1910 V 78—89. May yield an occasional parallel.
E. Bustillo and E. de Lustonó, Galas del ingenio, Madrid, 2 vols. Like Buchanan, may yield an occasional parallel from the Spanish drama.
)( — F. Camps y Mercadal, "Folklore menorqui de la Pagesia" in Revista de Menorca, Mahón 1914 IX, XVIII, XIX, X, 1915 XI.
* — F. Castro y Fernández and A. Machado y Alvarez, Cuentos, leyendas y costumbres populares, Sevilla, Gaditana 1872.
CBT — F. Caballero, The bird of truth, and other fairy tales, transl. by J. H. Ingram, London, Swan Sonnenschein [1882]. The text and pagination of this book are identical with those of CST. Citations are made only to CST, which is more accessible.
CC — F. Caballero, Clemencia, Leipzig, Brockhaus 1883 I 275, Cf. R. Kohler, Aufsätze, 1894 p. 63; see BP II 181.
CCA — [J. Valera], Cuentos y chascarrillos andaluces tomados de la boca del vulgo, coleccionados y precedidos de una introducción erudita a algo filosófica por Fulano, Zutano, Mengano y Perengano, Madrid, Fé ² 1898.
CCC — F. Caballero, Cosa cumplida, sólo en la otra vida. Diálogos entre la juventud y la edad madura, Madrid, Guijarro 1902. Tale on p. 47, transl. into German in WBVC p. 197.
CCPA — F. Caballero, Cuadros de costumbres populares andaluces, Leipzig, Brockhaus 1882. Tale on p. 281; also on p. 127; see BP I 38 and III 320.
CDI — C. Pitollet, "Les premiers essais de Fernán Caballero. Documents inedits" in Bulletin Hispanique 1907 IX 67—86; 286—302; 1908 X 286—306, 378—96. Text in German of one tale 1908 X 392.
CE — F. Caballero, Elia, la España treinta años ha, Leipzig, Brockhaus 1881. Two tales pp. 60—1.
)( — Cerquand, Légendes et récits populaires du pays basque, Pau 1875—82. Four pamphlets reprinted from Bulletin des sciences de Pau, series 2, vols IV, V, VII, XI.
CFAC — C. Cabal, Del folklore de Asturias. Cuentos, leyendas y tradiciones, Madrid, Voluntad [1923].
CG — F. Caballero, La Gaviota, Leipzig, Brockhaus 1881. One tale on p. 66.
)( — L. Cid y Hermida, Leyendas, tradiciones y episodios históricos de Galicia, La Coruña 1891.
CL — F. Caballero, Lágrimas, Madrid, Mellado 1858. One tale on p. 41.
COAR — F. Caballero, Cuentos, oraciones, adivinas y refranes populares e infantiles, Leipzig, Brockhaus 1878. A study of COAR by A. Machado y Alvarez, "Estudios sobre literatura popular" in BTPE V 193—203. On p. 181 he retells COAR p. 68.
)( — E. Contamine de Latour and R. Foulché-Delbosc, Contes espagnols, trad, de ..., Paris, Société de publications internationales 1889. Bask and Catalan.
)( — A. Cotarelo Valledor, Lar. Contos de Nadal, La Coruña, Lar 1927. Galician.
)( — M. R. Cox, Cinderella. 345 variants of Cinderella, Catskin and Cap O'Rushes, abstracted and tabulated, with a discussion of medieval analogues, and notes, London 1893 (Pubs of the Folklore Society XXXI). Cites Bask references from Webster, and Catalan from Maspons and Milá.
CPA — F. Caballero, Cuentos y poesias populares andaluces, Leipzig, Brockhaus 1887.
CPE — B. Marwedel, Paginas escogidas de Fernán Caballero, mit Einleitung, Anmerkungen und Wörterbuch, hrsg v..., Berlin, Teubner 1924. Two tales repr. from CPA pp. 86 and 73.
CR — F. Caballero, Relaciones, Leipzig, Brockhaus 1876. One tale on p. 242, transl. into German in WBVC p. 196 no 2.
CST — F. Caballero, Spanish fairy tales, transl. by J. H. Ingram, New York, Burt [1920]. The text and pagination of this book are identical with those of CBT. Citations are made only to CST, which is more accessible. Contains 33 tales, two of which are from A. Trueba, the others from COAR and CPA.
CTA — C. Cabal, Los cuentos tradicionales asturianos, Madrid, Voluntad [1924].
DCPC — P. Diaz Cassou, La literatura panocha. Leyendas, cuentos, perolatas y soflamas de la huerta de Murcia, Madrid, Fortanet 1895.
DCPM — P. Diaz Cassou, Pasionaria murciana. La cuaresma y la semana santa en Murcia. Costumbres, romancero, procesiones, esculturas y escultores, cantos populares, folklore, Madrid, Fortanet 1897. One tale on p. 231.
DEA — Demófilo, Colección de enigmas y adivinanzas en forma de diccionario, Sevilla, Baldaraque 1880. Cited by BP.
C. M. Dean, A comparative study of certain Spanish-American folktales, M. A. Diss, Indiana University 1929 (Unpublished). Classifies according to Aarne some of the folktales published in JAF from Mexico, New Mexico, Guatemala and Porto Rico. I include these references under type headings without checking or analyzing them.
† — N. Diaz de Escovar, Cuentos malagüeños y chascarrillos de mi tierra, Madrid, Noticiero-Guia 1911.
† — N. Días de Escovar, Curiosidades historicas de Andalucia. Colccción de tradiciones, biografias, leyendas, narraciones ... Málaga, Zambrana 1900.
† — N. Díaz de Escovar, Curiosidades malagüeñas. Colección de tradiciones, biografias, leyendas, ... que compendiarán ... la historia de Málaga y su provincia, Málaga 1899.
† — D. Duque y Merino, Contando cuentos y asando castañas (Costumbres campurrianas de antaño), Madrid, Revista de navegación y comercio 1897. Cuadros de costumbres.
E — La enciclopedia, revista, Sevilla 1877—80. Sección de literatura popular, by A. Machado y Alvarez, 1879—80. Cited by BP. R. Köhler's review of E. Cosquin, "Contes populaires lorrains" in Zeitschrift fur romanische Philologie 1881 V 171 and footnote states that several folktales were published in La enciclopedia, but laments that they are not truly reproduced, but bearbeitet.
ECPE — A. M. Espinosa, Cuentos populares españoles, recogidos de la tradición oral de España y publicados con una introducción y notas comparativas, Stanford University, California 1923, 1924 and 1926, 3 vols. The fourth vol of "notas comparativas" has not yet appeared. Reviews by F. Krüger in Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 1926 L 267—8; and by F. O. in Archivos del folklore cubano, 1926 II 182—91 (a good, short survey with bibliography of Spanish American folklore).
ECRC — A. M. Espinosa, Cueutos, romances y cantares. A collection of Spanish popular tales, ballads and songs, New York, Allyn and Bacon [1925]. Repr. with minor changes 8 tales from ECPE.
† — A. M. Espinosa, "Los cuentos populares españoles" in Boletin de la biblioteca Menéndez y Pelayo, Santander 1923 V 39—61; also in JAF 1911 XXIV and 1914 XXVII. Repr. in large part the introd. to ECPE.
ETCP — A. M. Espinosa, "La trasmision de los cuentos populares" in Archivos del folklore cubano, 1929 IV 39—52 repr. ECPE nos 5 and 13.
ETE — E. S. Eells, Tales of enchantment from Spain, New York, Harcourt Brace [1920]. English adaptations from BTPE X.
FA — El folklore andaluz. órgano de la sociedad de este nombre, Sevilla, Alvarez 1882—3. Pagination 1—64; then 1—523.
† — J. Fastenrath, Das Buch meiner spanischen Freunde. Sonette, Romanzen und Märchen, Leipzig, Mayer 1870, 2 vols.
* — J. Fastenrath, Zaragozaner Dialekt-Schnurren, theilweise in kölnischer Mundart wiedergegeben, Köln 1901.
FBE — El folklore frexnense y bético-extremeño, organo temporal de las sociedades de este nombre, Fregenal, El Eco, 1883—4. 372 pp. ECPE I 14 note 24 says, "... algunas revistas folklóricas, como Folklore Bético-Extremeño, que no he visto ni sé qué folklorista las conozca, y que al parecer no publicaron nada de importancia". FBE contains a number of important texts.
† — M. F. Fernández y Núñez, Folklore bañezano, reprints from Rev. de Arch. Bib. y Museos 1914. Customs, festivals and folksongs.
)( — A. Ferrer Ginart, Rondaies de Menorca, Ciutadella, Fábregas 1914.
)( — Folklore catalá, Barcelona 1884—91, 1—6; new series 1895.
Folkore español. See BTPE.
FRT — A. Fernández de los Rios, Tesoro de cuentos Madrid, San Martin ² 1875. Of doubtful value.
† — G. García-Arista y Rivera, Fruta dc Aragón. Envio primero: Enverada. Envio segundo: Escoscada. Envio tercero: Abatollada. I have at hand Envio tercero: Abatollada. Cuentos, episodios, cuadros aragoneses, Madrid 1927, but I have found no folktales in it.
)( — W. Giese, "Sobre el origen de un cuento popular vasco" in Revisia internacioiial de estudios vascos, 1923 XIV 535—6 and 1924 XV 191—3.
L. Giner Arivau, Contribucion al folklore de Astitrias. Folklore de Proaza. See BTPE VIII 103—310.
† — W. Grimm, "Spanische Märchen" in Zeitschrift für deutsches Altertum, 1859 XI 210—15. Chiefly comments on Duran and Milá.
HCVK — F. Caballero, Spanische Volkslieder und Volksreime; spanische Volks- und Kindermärchen; einfache Blüthen religiöser Poesie, nach den von F. Caballero gesammelten Originalen in's Deutsche übertragen von Wilhelm Hosäus, Paderborn, Schöningh 1862.
HCWT — B. Henderson and C. Calvert, Wonder tales of ancient Spain, London, Allan 1924. The following letter from Mr Calvert, dated at London, November 28, [1928], explains very accurately the character of these tales. They fit in closely enough with the truly popular tales so that I believe it is wise to include them. "In answer to your enquiries, the Spanish Tales were based on memories of legends, heard in Spain during residence in that country. As this residence, unfortunately, dates back many years, the stories are not exact reproductions of legends, as told by the people themselves. We have, to the best of our ability, adhered to the general spirit of the originals, to the extent of our recollections, but we have deviated from these whenever we thought that, by so doing, we could enhance the value of the narrative. With this end in view, we have used some license as to the settings we assigned to the various tales, ascribing them, somewhat arbitrarily, to this or that locality, without strict regard to their actual place of origin. In fact, the stories, generally speaking, represent a fusion of traditions ... We believe they are characteristic of the general Spanish type of popular legend ..."
S. Hernández de Soto, Cucntos populares de Extremadura, vol I. See BTPE X.
S. Hernández de Soto, Cuentos de Extremadura, vol III. M. R. Cox, Cinderella, London 1893 p. 315 in a note gives a few sentences from the text of a tale and names variants to be published in the above volume. See also BP II 53.
HFB — D. Hergueta, "Folklore burgalés" in Revista castellana, 1919 V nos 28—33; 58—61; 79—85; 150-8; 177—81. I saw nos 28 and 29, for January and February 1919, which contain two tales; und no 32, for May 1919, which contains none. I have not seen the other nos.
M. Jiménez y Hurtado, Cuentos españoles contenidos en las producciónes dramáticas de Calderón de la Barca, Tirso de Molina, Alarcón y Moreto, Madrid, Suarez 1881. Like Buchanan, may yield an occasional parallel from the Spanish drama.
JAF — Journal of American folklore. Contain texts cited from Dean. See under Dean, Comparative study ...
KDCS — F. Krüger, El dialccto de San Ciprián de Sanabria, Madrid, Hernando 1923 (Revista de filologia esp. Anejo IV) pp. 111—117.
† — E. Containine de Latour and R. Foulché-Delbosc, Contes espagnols, trad. de ..., Paris, Société de publications internationales 1889. Includes several Bask and Catalan legends.
† — L. León Domínguez, Los cuentos de Andalucia. Cuentos populares y anecdóticos ..., Biblioteca ibérica de folklore, n. d.
LPEA — "Literatura popular erótica de Andalucia" in Kruptadia, Heilbronn 1884 II 223—51. One tale on p. 241.
LRAC — A. de Llano Roza de Ampudia, Cuentos asturianos, Madrid, Caro Raggio 1925. Reviewed by R. Riegler in Archivum romanicum 1926 X 298—300 and J. S. in Boletin del centro de estudios asturianos, Oviedo 1925 II 101—2.
LRAF — A. de Llano Roza de Ampudia, Del folklore asturiano. Mitos, supersticiones, costumbres, Madrid, Voluntad 1922. Reviewed by F. Krüger in Revista de filologia esp., 1924 XI 325—6; R. Riegler in Archivum romanicum, 1923 VII 236—7 and X in Archivos del folklore cubano, 1924 I 96.
LRAL — A. de Llano Roza de Ampudia y de Valle, El libro de Caravia, Oviedo, Gutenberg 1919. Reviewed by F. Krüger in Revista de filologia española, 1924 XI 325—6.
LTP — M. A. de Lamothe, Légendes de tous pays. See N. Quépat "Moitié-de-coq (Conte du pays Messin)" in Mélusine 1878 I 180—2; note on p. 182 says "M. A. de Lamothe a publiée dans ses Légendes de tous pays un conte espagnol (traduit de Caballero?) dans lequel il est question d'une moitié de poulet ..." A summary of the tale follows.
A. Machado y Alvarez, Cuentos populares españoles, anotados y comparados con los de otras colecciones de Portugal, Italia y Francia. See BTPE I 103—99.
† — A. Machado y Alvarez, "II folklore spagnuolo" in Archivio per lo studio delle tradizioni popolari, 1882 I 137—9.
* — J. Martinez Tornel, Cuentos y cantares populares murcianos, 1892.
)( — F. Martinez y Martinez, Folklore valenciano. Coses de la mena terra: La Marina, Valencia, first series 1912; second series 1920.
)( — F. Maspons y Labrós, Lo rondallayre. Quentos populars catalans, Barcelona, Verdaguer, first series 1871; second series 1872; third series 1875.
)( — F. Maspons y Labrós, Cuentos populars catalans, Barcelona 1885.
METS — J. Muñoz Escamez, Fairy tales from Spain, London, Dent; and New York, Dutton [1913]. One tale on p. 106, and two more that display analogy on pp. 42 and 55.
* — Micrófilo [JA Torre], Un capitulo de folklore guadalcanalense, Sevilla 1891.
)( — M. Milá y Fontanals, Observaciones sobre la poesia popular, con muestras de romances catalanes inéditos, Barcelona 1853. Catalan tales.
)( — M. Monteiro, Legends and popular tales of the Basque people, New York, Armstrong 1887.
)( — P. Morales Cabrera, I. Cuentos populares, Bayamón, Porto Rico, Progreso 1914. II. Cuentos criollos, San Juan, Porto Rico, Correspondencia 1925. Porto Rican.
MPEL — R. Menéndez Pidal, Estudios literarios, Madrid, Atenea 1920. Texts of inedited tales in articles on "El condenado por desconfiado" and "El convidado de piedra", pp. 93 ff.
MPP — J. Menéndez Pidal, Poesia popular, Madrid, Garcia 1885. Two tales in notes on pp. 341—2.
MSTF — T. Maza Solano, "Temas de folklore regional" in Boletin de la biblioteca Menéndez y Pelayo, Santander 1920 II 100—1. Two tales.
E. de Olavarria y Huarte, El folklore de Madrid. See BTPE II 7—100.
)( — E. Pardo Bazán, Folktale elements scattered through her works. She is, more or less, to Galicia what A. Trueba is to the Bask provinces and F. Caballero is to Andalusia.
PMC — M. Polo y Peyrolón, Manojico de cuentos, fabulas, apólogos, historietas, tradiciones y anécdotas, Valencia, Alufre 1895.
)( — R. Ramirez de Arellano, Folklore portorriqueño. Cuentos y adivinanzas, Madrid 1928.
RMCP — F. Rodríguez Marín, Cantos populares españoles, Sevilla, Alvarez, 1882—2, 5 vols. One tale in I 395 = E 1879 segunda época, nos 1 and 2.
RMQ — M. de Cervantes Saavedra, Don Ouijote, ed. F. Rodrígues Marín in Clásicos castellanos, Madrid 1911. Sketch of one tale in II 45 note to line 20 = ed. F. Rodríguez Marín, Rev. de arch., bib. y museos 1916 I 474 note to line 3.
† — F. Rodrígues Marín, Chilidrinas, cuentos, articulos y otras bagatelas, Sevilla, Progreso 1905.
† — F. Rodríguez Marín, Cinco cuentezuelos populares andaluces, Sevilla 1880.
† — F. Rodríguez Marín, Miscelánea dc Andalucia, Madrid 1927. Contains "Juan del pueblo" (repr. from Sevilla 1882) with popular songs.
RPZ — R. Riegler, "Die Prinzessin und die Zofe" in Neuere Sprachen 1927 XXXV 199. German transl. of LRAC no 37.
RSLT — H. A. Reed, Spanish legends and traditions, Boston, Badger 1914. English transl. from BTPE I and II.
)( — J. A. Saco y Arce, "Literatura popular de Galicia. Colección de coplas, villancicos, diálogos, romances, cuentos y refranes gallegos" in Boletín de la comisión provincial de monumentos de Orense, 1914 V nos 95, 96, 98; 1915 V no 101; 1920 VI 243—7.
)( — V. Said Armesto, La leyenda de Don Juan. Origenes poéticos de El burlador de Sevilla y El convidado de piedra, Madrid, Hernando 1908. Four tales from Orense in Galicia on pp. 45—53. See also for tales from Galicia ECPE no 10 and FA p. 105.
)( — V. A. Salaverri, Cuentos del Rio de la Plata, Hamburg, Bangert [1923].
)( — L. Salvator, Märchcn aus Mallorca, Würzburg & Leipzig, Woerl 1896.
† — J. R. Sánchez, Cuentos de mi patria, Madrid, Molina 1927.
† — D. San José, Mentidero de Madrid. Verdades y patrañas ..., Madrid, Hispano-Alemana 1914. See p. 195 "Why Love is blind".
SCE — P. Sébillot, Contes espagnols, Paris, Charavay Mantoux Martin [1900?] French transl. from BPS, BTPE, FA and Maspons y Labrós, Rondallayre, 1871—5 and Cuentos populars catalans, 1885.
SCL — M. Soupey, Contes et légendes d'Espagne, Paris, Nathan 1925 (new ed.) Compare the detailed analyses of Mt 311 [nc] 1, SCL p. 9 with Mt 311 nc 2, BTPE II 25; Mt 313 an 2, BTPE I 187 with Mt 313 an 3, SCL p. 93; Mt 563 an 1, CPA p. 45 with Mt 563 an 2, SCL p. 25; etc. If these are the sources of Soupey's Contes et légendes d'Espagne, it would have been better to acknowledge them in the work itself. These tales are of doubtful value.
† — G. Segovia, The Spanish fairy book, transl. by E. V. Quinn, New York, Stokes 1918. Evidently these are literary inventions for children.
SPE — Semanario pintoresco español, Madrid 1836—57, nos 1—22. Cited by BP.
ST — C. Sellers, tales from the lands of nuts and grapes (Spanish and Portuguese folklore), London, Field & Tuer 1888.
)( — H. Suchier, "La fille sans mains" in Romania 1901 XXX 519. Text of a Catalan version.
TCVM — A. de Trueba, Cuentos de vivos y muertos, 1879. Cited by BP.
)( — P. C. Timothée, Cuentos populares, San Juan, Porto Rico ² 1923. Porto Rican.
TLS — W. J. Thoms, Lays and legends of various nations: illustrative of their traditions, popular literature, manners, customs and superstitions. Lays and legends of Spain, London, Cowie 1834.
)( — A. de Trueba, Various works, as Cuentos populares de Vizcaya; Cuentos de madres e hijos; Cuentos del hogar; Cuentos de vivos y muertos; Cuentos campesinos; Cuentos de color de rosa; Cuentos popnlares; Nuevos cuentos populares; etc. Bask.
)( — M. Ventosa, Ulises y Polifemo en la cuentistica catalana, Barcelona 1910.
† — B. Vigón, "Contribución al folklore de Asturias. Folklore del mar" in Archivio per lo studio delle tradizioni popolari, 1889 VIII 41—8; 313—321; 553—63.
)( — J. Vinson, Le folklore du pays basque, Paris, Maisonneuve 1883.
)( — J. Vinson, Notice bibliographique sur le folklore basque, Paris, Maisonneuve and Leclerc 1884.
WBVC — F. J. Wolf, "Beiträge zur spanischen Volkspoesie aus den Werken Fernán Caballeros" in Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-historische Classe, Wien 1859 XXXI 133—218. "Märchen" pp. 189—218. German transl. from various works of F. Caballero.
WCPA — F. J. Wolf, "Anzeige" of CPA, in Jahrbuch für romanische und englische Literatur, 1861 III 209—37. German transl. of tales from CPA pp. 211, 214, 218 and 221.
)( — W. Webster, Bask Legends, London 1877.
† — M. Willkomm, Aus den Hochgebirgen von Granada. Naturschilderungen, Erlebnisse und Erinnerungen. Nebst granadinischen Volkssagen und Märchen, Wien 1882. Contains "Der Schatzberg. Märchen aus der Sierra Nevada"; but this is a Moorish legend; otherwise, no tales.
P. de Xérica, Colección de cuentos, fabulas, ... de comedias españolas, Burdeos 1831. Like Buchanan, may yield an occasional parallel from the Spanish drama.
)( — F. J. Wolf, "Proben portugiesischer und catalanischer Volksromanzen" in Sitzungsberichte der Wiener Akademie, 1856 XX 17—168. German transl. from Milá.

1—299 Animal tale.

1—99 Wild animal.

1—[65] Fox — clever.

1. an 1. ECPE no 203: Mt 1 (Puts fox in saddlebag; fox eats sardines) + Mt 2. le 1. ECPE no 202 (Pears. Wolf is skinned; pursues fox who leads him into brambles). 2. ECPE no 207: Mt 1 (Cheese) + Mt 34. 3. ECPE no 223: Mt 1 (Rolls) + Mt 2.
2. an 1. ECPE no 203: Mt 1 + Mt 2 (Fox ties basket to wolf's tail, throws stones into it and tells wolf it is filling with fish [K 1021.2]). [as] 1. CFAC p. 233 (Man ties basket to fox's tail, throws stones into it and tells fox it is filling with fish). le 1. ECPE 223: Mt 1 + Mt 2. oc 1. ECPE no 209 (Fox throws stones into basket on wolf's tail). 2. ECPE no 211: Mt 2 (Fox throws stones into basket on wolf's tail. Wolf is skinned) + Mt 50.
3. Cf Mt *64.
4. [as] 1. CFAC p. 233. Cf Mt *1424.
5. nc 1. ECPE no 267 (Shepherd catches fox's tail as she dives into thicket. She tells him he is holding a bush. He lets go and she escapes). Cf Mt 124 (ECPE no 257).
6. oc 1. ECPE no 259 (Bittern in fox's mouth flatters fox into singing). Cf Mt 57 *A.
9 B. Cf Mt 1030 (LRAC no 42) and Mt 1537 *A.
15. an 1. COAR p. 6 = CST p. 57 (Sweats honey. Smears it on paunch). as 1. CFAC p. 169 (Sprinkles water for sweat). 2. LRAC no 164 (Simply confesses theft). le 1. ECPE no 214 (Theft of lamb. Running nose as test).

30—35 Rescue from pit.

32. as 1. CFAC p. 181: Mt 34 + Mt 32 (Bear rescues fox). le 1. ECPE no 206: Mt 34 + Mt 32.
34. Cf Mt 222, Mt 1141* and Mt 1335.
as 1. CFAC p. 181: Mt 34 (Fox) + Mt 32. 2. LRAC no 165: Mt 34 (Wolf tries to drink well dry to get cheese) + Mt *64. le 1. ECPE no 206: Mt 34 + Mt 32. 2. ECPE no 207: Mt 1 + Mt 34. oc 1. ECPE no 201: Mt 34 (Wolf tries to drink well dry to get cheese [J 1792.1]) + Mt 122 A + Mt 100.
41. an 1. ECPE no 205 (Chickenyard).
47 *C. Fox ties one end of rope around wolf's neck and other end to horns of cow they intend to eat. Cow drags wolf to house where man skins it [K 1022.2]. ex 1. ECPE no 208 = ECRC no 2.
50. as 1. LRAC no 174 (Sick bear). Cf M. Menéndez y Pelayo, Origenes de la novela, Madrid 1915 IV 143. oc 1. ECPE no 211: Mt 2 + Mt 50. 2. ECPE no 210 (Fox leads ass to lion's den, but ass kicks fox who falls on lion's bed and is eaten by all the animals [K 1631]).
*52. Lion decides to abandon lioness because she has bad odor. Ass, hog and fox are called in to decide. Ass decides she has. Lioness slaps him down. Hog decides she has not. Lion slaps him down. Fox pleads a bad cold and hence he cannot smell [J 811.1]. as 1. LRAC no 163.

[56—62 Fox and bird].

57. B. de Torres Naharro, "Comedia Jacinta" in Propaladia, Madrid, Fé 1900, II 90.
57 *A. Fox threatens to destroy magpie's home unless given little ones. Bittern tells magpie to remind fox that scythe can cut but not fox's tail. Angry fox swallows bittern who has fox call to magpie. When fox opens mouth to call, bittern escapes [K 561]. le 1. ECPE no 258. Cf Mt 6.
60. Cf Mt 225 Introd.
ex 1. ECPE no 219: Mt 60 + Mt 225.
61 *A. Fox catches cock. Cock escapes. Fox tempts cock who remains safely in tree. [as] 1. CFAC p. 234.
62. an 1. ECPE no 225. as 1. LRAC no 184 (Hunters appear).
*64. Wolf drinks water to get cheese. Fox puts cork under wolf's tail to retain water, but pulls it out when they approach people. Water washes beans away and wolf is beaten. Fox pretends to have been beaten too and has wolf carry her (cf Mt 3). Cf Mt 72. as 1. LRAC no 165: Mt 34 + Mt *64.

[66—69 Fox not clever].

*66 A. Fox cannot reach grapes. Says they are green [J 870]. Cf Mt 275. le 1. ECPE no 226.
B. Fox falls into swollen river; sees there is no hope and consoles herself saying, "Anyway, I was going to Pravia. I have much to do there". She is carried off almost happy [J 863]. as 1. CFAC p. 176.
*69. Fox flees from forest fire. Hedgehog asks fox for farewell kiss, since it cannot run fast enough to escape. It seizes on fox's neck and forces fox to carry it to safety [K 566.1]. oc 1. ECPE no 265.

[70—74 Rabbit].

72. Cf Mt *64.
*A. Rabbit entertains wolf with antics until his wife changes to another hole. Wolf digs until he falls dead with fatigue [K 1061]. an 1. ECPE no 215.
*80. Animals dispute over beehive. Cf Mt 726 and Mt *1942.
an 1. ECPE no 270 (Badger says, "I was 100 years old when grama grass first grew". Crane says, "My daughter was 100 years old when grama grass first grew". Wolf says, "I am only 8 years old, but we shall see who gets the beehive" [J 1451]. as 1. ECPE no 269 (Wolf says, "I am 200 years old". Fox says, "I was 200 years old when oaktree was born". Wolf says, "I am 11 years old, but neither of you will get the beehive"). [Logically the last statement should have been made by the bear]. le 1. ECPE no 268 (Bear, wolf and fox. Bear takes it).

[85—90 Wild animal and object].

100—[139] Wild and domestic animals.

100. an 1. ECPE no 204: Mt 122 A C + Mt 100 (Wolf as goat's guest). oc 1. ECPE no 201: Mt 34 + Mt 122 A + Mt 100 (Wolf as goat's guest).
103 *A. Old ass turned out by master meets bear or lion. They have various contests. Ass frightens his opponent with dung called cannonballs, or by braying. This marvellous animal is described to fox or wolf. Cf Mt 1060 — Mt 1114.
an 1. ECPE no 250. oc 1. ECPE no 249.
105. Libro de los gatos 40 (Knust, Jb. f. rom. Lit. 6, 31); see BP II 119.
121. Cf Mt *1703. oc 1. ECPE no 255: Mt 130 + Mt 121 (Wolves climb on top of one another into tree. Lizard jumps to ground and threatens to enter wolf's intestines again. This wolf, at bottom, faints with fright and the others tumble down).
122. New Mexico: Espinosa JAF XXVII 137 no 17.[7] Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XL 380 no 78 and 381 no 79.
A. Cf Mt 156 for thorn or nail in foot.
Juan Manuel, Conde Lucanor no 12; see BP II 208. Enxemplos no 85 (Gayangos p. 467 b); see BP II 209. Cervantes, Don Quixote I ch 20 and Avellaneda's continuation ch 21; see BP II 209.
an 1. ECPE no 204: Mt 122 AC + Mt 100. as 1. LRAC no 159. 2. CFAC p. 172. 3. ECPE no 217 (Fox and cat). 4. LRAC no 162 (Fox and cat). 5. CFAC p. 183 (Fox and cat) [as] 6. CFAC p. 235 (Wolf and goats). le 1. ECPE no 199. oc 1. ECPE no 200. 2. ECPE no 201: Mt 34 + Mt 122 A + Mt 100. 3. ECPE no 221 (Fox and cat). 4. ECPE no 213 (Wolf and goats).
C. an 1. ECPE no 204: Mt 122 A C + Mt 100 (Goat persuades wolf to sing).
123. Cf Mt 333.
124. an 1. COAR p. 53 = CST p. 201 (Two sheep build house of branches and grass, youngest builds one of stone with iron prongs on door. Monster eats two elder, but throws self against iron prongs and dies). nc 1. ECPE no 257 (Two hogs build houses of straw, third of iron. Cf Mt 5). oc 1. ECPE no 212 (Wolf hurls self against hooks and dies).
*127 A. Wolf induces goat to come down from cliff and devours it [K 825].
[Coined word repetition]. as 1. LRAC no 197.
B. Goat refuses to come. as 1. LRAC no 167. le 1. ECPE no 216.
*128. Goat eats in garden; cannot escape; is caught and beaten. Fox from cave says, "If your sense were as long as your beard, you would look for exits as well as entrances" [J 2146]. as 1. LRAC no 166.
*129. Sheep licks her newlyborn. Wolf says, "Such is bad conduct; if I were to do that, they would say I was eating it" [J 1909.1]. as 1. LRAC no 169.
130. Cf Mt 155. Cf B. de Torres Naharro, "Comedia Trofea" in Propaladia, Madrid, Fé 1880, I 253—4. an 1. COAR p. 55 = CST p. 204. le 1. ECPE no 256. 2. ECPE no 266. oc 1. ECPE no 255: Mt 130 + Mt 121. x 1. FRT p. 136.
*135. Fox is chased from chickencoop by dogs.
A. Fleeing fox stumbles over violin or meets blind fiddler and says, "What a fine opportunity to dance if I had time!" [J 864]. as 1. LRAC no 168. le 1. ECPE no 224.
B. Fleeing fox loses an eye in briars. Next day he returns and eats it and says that it tastes like chicken [J 2182]. as 1. CFAC p. 175.
C. Fox flees to cave, but her son refuses to protect her. She thanks her paws but not her tail for aid in escaping [J 2761]. Cf Mt 154. as 1. CFAC p. 234.

[140—149 Wild animal and bird].
150—[175] Man and wild animal.

[150—153 Advice].

154. Oxen are cursed. Lamb is promised to fox as reward. Bear pretends to be tree trunk. Man cuts off bear's head; takes fox to pen to choose lamb, but turns dogs on her.
Disciplina clericalis no XXIV. Libro de los ejemplos no CCCVII. as 1. ECPE no 222. 2. CFAC p. 178 (Promises hen and chicks to fox. Fox disguises as horrible monster. Bear pretends to be charcoal; is killed with axe. Dogs in bag). 3. LRAC no 176 (Promises hen. Fox disguises in man's coat as hunter. Bear pretends to be wood. Fox converses with her members. Cf Mt *135 C). 4. CFAC p. 177 (Dog and two chicks in bag. Fox flees to fence, but is attacked by dogs and beaten to death by woman). Cf Mt 155 for dogs in bag.
155. Disciplina clericalis no VII. Libro de los ejemplos no II. Calila y Dimna ch. IV no 10.
Mexico: Radin-Espinosa JAF XXVII 392 no 2. New Mexico: Espinosa JAF XXVII 139 no 19. Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XL 345 no 32; 364 no 56. Cf Mt *290.
an 1. FA p. 319. Cf introd to Mt 130 + dog for fox's reward Mt 154. as 1. LRAC no 171. Cf introd to Mt 130 + dog for fox's reward Mt 154. le 1. ECPE no 264.
156. Cf Mt 122 A.
157. as 1. LRAC no 170 (Bear meets shoemaker, tailor and finally blacksmith who seizes bear's nose with hot tongs, hammers bear's head, and pulls off nose and tail). oc 1. ECPE no 261 (Meets shepherd, old man and finally man who shoots lion). 2. ECPE no 262 (Meets boy, old man and finaly hunter who shoots and stabs bear).

[160—164 Rescue].

*161. Farmer hides fox in basket from hunter; points at basket and says, "The fox just went over that hill" [K 2315]. as 1. LRAC no 161.
*165. Wolf steals sheep and is caught. Various hideous punishments are suggested; but it is decided that marriage is the greatest punishment [K 583].
Cf Mt *1410, Mt *1516 and Mt *1516 A.
as 1. LRAC no 192.
*166. Wolf kills goats and deceives old woman; disguises as a man; beats ass until it gives white urine and tells old woman it is goatmilk. She discovers goats are gone; ties wolf in sack, but wolf induces cat to release him and he puts dishes into bag. Neighbors beat bag.
Cf Mt 1477 and Mt 1539.
as 1. LRAC no 160: Mt *166 + Mt 1535 V a.
175. Cf Mt 650 and Mt 2017.
Guatemala: Recinos JAF XXXI 472 no 1; 473 (another version). Mexico: Mechling JAF XXV 199; 201 (another version); XXIX 547 no 2. New Mexico: Espinosa JAF XXIV 419 no y. Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XL 333 no 17; 332 no 15; 328 no 9; 336 no 21.

[176—199 Man and domestic animal].
200—219 Domestic animal.

*205. Why cocks crow. French invade Spain; plunder and kill and especially attack children and cocks. Since this time cocks sleep no longer than an hour at a time, and watch to warn their fellows [A 2421.6]. an 1. WBVC p. 196 no 2. Wolf cites this tale from Relaciones. Justa y. Rufina, p. 239—40.
*207. Cock tells ass to kick whenever a load is put upon him. Ass does so and ox is made to work in his stead. Ass tells ox of the trick. Ox tries it and ass is made to work. Ass tells ox latter is to be killed; so both go to work. Farmer asks them who was the originator of the mischief and they tell him it was cock. Farmer kills cock [K 1631].
Mexico: Boas-Arreola JAF XXXIII 13 no 3.
nc 1. ECPE no 260.
*208. Duck persuades cock to cut off his crest and spurs. Cat attacks cock and duck cries, "Peace, gentlemen, peace!" [K 1065].
an 1. COAR p. 61 = CST p. 172.

[220—223 Social organization of animal and bird].

222. Mexico: Radin-Espinosa JAF XXVIII 390 no 1.
an 1. ECPE no 248. as 1. CFAC p. 167 (Cat in beehive. Bee seeks help from dog, goat, sheep, ox, hen and ass, but all are afraid of cat except ant who crawls through cat's fur and blinds cat). oc 1. ECPE no 246. Cf Mt 34. 2. ECPE no 247.

[224—242 Bird].

225. an 1. ECPE no 220 (Jackdaw). Cf Mt 60. as 1. LRAC no 172 (Bittern). ex 1. ECPE no 219: Mt 60 + Mt 225. oc 1. ECPE no 218 = ECRC no 3.
*229. Wolf preys on sheep. Eagle warns shepherds. Crow rebukes eagle [J 715].
as 1. CFAC p. 236.
*243. Creation of the swallow. Child Jesus and other children make clay birds. Pharisee says this is sinful occupation on sabbath (Saturday). Jesus claps hands and birds fly away [A 1917, A 1722]. When He died these birds put on mourning and have never taken it off [A 2221.2.5, A 2311.2.4]. an 1. COAR p. 106. Cf Mt 750—Mt 849.
A. Animals and birds proclaim the Passion of Christ. mu 1. DCPM p. 231. See also DCPC p. 61 for speech of animals.
*244. Bird in borrowed feathers [J 265]. He has new clothes made; flies away in them without paying [K 233] and boasts before king. King eats him; he pecks in king's stomach; king vomits and bird escapes [F 915]. He begs one feather from every bird and has the feathers glued on and is prettier than before. an 1. COAR p. 48 = CCC p. 47 = CST p. 85.

250—274 Fish
[275—289 Reptile, batrachian and insect].

275. Race of fox and toad. Cf Mt 1074. as 1. LRAC no 175. nc 1. ECPE no 231. Cf Mt *66 A. oc 1. ECPE no 230.
*A. Race of fox, mouse or hare and toad or hedgehog. Toad stations one or more of its kind along the course. Cf Mt 1030 and Mt 1074. an 1. ECPE no 228: Mt *278 A + Mt 275 *A. 2. ECPE no 229: Mt *278 A + 275 *A. as 1. LRAC no 173. oc 1. ECPE no 227.
*B. Race of wolf and bee. Other bees sting wolf under tail. While he chases them away, the bee wins. Cf Mt 1074. oc 1. ECPE no 232.
*278. Division of crops. Cf Mt 1030.
A. Fox and toad. an 1. ECPE no 228: Mt *278 A + Mt 275 *A. 2. ECPE no 229: Mt *278 A + Mt 275 *A.
B. Fox and lark. Grayhound protects lark. an 1. COAR p. 59 = CST p. 124.
285. Libro de los enxemplos c. 2 (Gayangos, Escritores ant al s. XV p. 447); c. 134 (Gayangos p. 480); see BP II 461, 462.
*A. Farmer feeds serpent so that it will not eat cattle. Feeds it hot stone and it dies [K 951]. as 1. LRAF p. 49. 2. LRAF p. 49 (It throws self into sea and stone cools). 3. LRAF p. 49 (Friars feed serpent so it will not eat corpses. They feed it bread full of pins and it dies [K 951.1].
*B. Farmer sleeps under tree. Snake is about to crawl into his mouth. Nut drops from tree, wakens farmer who kills snake and eats nut [N 652]. as 1. CFAC p. 236. 2. LRAC no 137 = LRAL p. 191.
*287. Trade of toad's tail for mole's eyes. Since then both are so ugly that toad appears only at night and mole goes underground [A 2247.5, A 2378.1.4, A 2332.6.5, A 2378.2.7, A 2433.3.20, A 2433.3.21]. as 1. CFAC p. 169. oc 1. ECPE no 233: Mt *287 + Mt *288 A.
*288. Vain or hasty toad.
A. Toad violates frog. He tries to upset a cart but wheel mashes him. Frog cries, "What shall I do, neither married nor widow nor maiden and pregnant?" Toad in his last struggles cries, "But by a fine fellow!" [J 865]. en 1. ECPE no 234. oc 1. ECPE no 233: Mt *287 + Mt *288 A.
B. Like Mt *288 A except that toad tries to jump across stream and falls in. ar 1. ECPE no 239. oc 1. ECPE. no 235. 2. ECPE no 236.
C. Toad, blackbeetle or tortoise is three, seven or ten years ascending or descending steps or hill. On last step he falls and curses haste [X 938]. an 1. ECPE no 243. 2. ECPE no 244. le 1. ECPE no 245. oc 1. ECPE no 238. 2. ECPE no 240. 3. ECPE no 241. 4. ECPE no 242.

[290—299 Man and reptile, batrachian, insect].

[290—294 Ingratitude of serpent].

*290. Libro de los ejemplos, no CCXLVI.
Shepherd feeds snake and cares for it. He returns after absence and stoops to caress snake. It coils around his neck and chokes him. Cf Mt 155. as 1. LRAC no 50 = LRAL p. 190. According to Llano Roza de Ampudia, Breuil says he has collected variants of this tale in Almeria, Cáceres, Madrid and Segovia.

300—1199 [Magic and religious tale, novelle and stupid ogre tale].

300—749 Magic.
300—399 Supernatural adversary.
300—359 Ogre, giant, dragon, devil, kobold, etc. defeated.
300. I *h Dogs are given to him by old man [B 31 2.1].
IV *h Youth has princess hide behind mirror. Dragon sees apparent opponent in mirror; attacks and breaks mirror to pieces. Seeing reflections, thinks he is broken to pieces [K 1052]. Youth kills him.
V *c Hero pulls dragon into town tied to horse's tail.
VI *f King turns loose doves which must be brought back by impostor, who catches them by means of a whistle.
Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXXVIII 529 no 3; 600 no 10; XXXIX 231 no 15.
an 1. FA p. 357: I a b (mother) d e, II a b, III b, IV f, V a b, VI *f, VII a c, VI c d. 2. ECPE no 157: I c b d *h, II a b, III b, IV f, V a b, VII a b (Impostor's food) c e. 3. COAR p. 11 = HCVK p. 175 = SPE 1850 p. 242 = CST p. 29: Mt 303 I a (Also two to sow and two spears grow in garden) + Mt 300 IV *h, V *c + Mt 303 III d (Falls through trap door), I V b c, V a. ex 1. BTPE X 249: I c b d, II a b, III b, IV f, V a b, VI e, VII a b (Impostor's food) c, VI c d. 2. BTPE X 258 = ETE p. 117: I d e, II a b, III b, IV f, V a b, VII a b (All the food for the banquet) c d, VI c d. le 1. ECPE no 139: Mt 303 I a (Also two pieces in dungheap from which grow two swords) II *c + Mt 300 V a b, VI a, VII a c + Mt 303 III d (Becomes enchanted), IV a b c, V a b c (Witch revives him).
301. Cf Mt 550 and Mt 551.
IV *c Hero induces demon to restore princess to her kingdom by promising to return demon's ear.
V *f Hero escapes by means of magic horses [B 181.6]; or *g elf's ear.
VI *g Hero secures water to cure king's blindness, but turns it over to his two brothers for two golden pears. Cf Mt 513 III i; also Mt 590 V. *h Secures lion's milk for deafness, but turns it over to brothers for one ear from each. Cf Mt 513 III i; also Mt 590 II d. *i Conquers foe, but turns over banners to brothers for permission to brand them. Cf Mt 513 III j. *j Kills one about to marry princess and marries her himself. Has dwarf [F 495.3.1] bring him more riches and finer palace than king's. *k Princesses touch forbidden apple and are swallowed up by earth [C 621]. *l Marries princess but she is so mean he forces devil to take her back as ransom for ear [T 256].
A. Durán, Romancero general, in Bib. de aut. esp. XVI nos 1263 and 1264; see BP II 305.
A. x 1. BPS p. 24: III a (Three princesses placed by father in enchanted palace) b, IV a (Gets hairs from magic horses' tails) b, V a *f, VI a b f (Necklace) *g *h *i.
B. VI Cf Mt 750 A I a *c (LRAF pp. 19 and 21). an 1. CPA p. 51 = WBVC p. 209 = SPE 1852 p. 165 = CST p. 88: II a b f, IV a, V b, VI *l. nc 1. ECPE no 135: I a, II a b (Cave) f, IV a b, V a b, VI *j *k. oc 1. ECPE no 133: I a, II a c, IV a b, V a b, VI f (Golden ball) + Mt 326 *A. 2. ECPE no 134: I a, II a b (Elf gives him one ear) c, IV a (With club he rescues princess from giant) b, V a *g, VI d. x 1. BPS p. 148 = SCE p. 33: II a (Four companions) c, IV a (Defeats demon and cuts off one ear) *c, VI *l.
302. II *e Enchanted princess sleeps with youth. He strikes match to see her. Must seek her. Cf Mt 425 III c¹. an 1. ECPE no 142: II *e d, I a, III. as 1. LRAC no 14: Mt 303 I a (Caught siren. Plants two under orange tree which grow to be two spears) II a, (Spear), III ad (Is enchanted) + Mt 302 II d, III, + Mt 303 V a. 2. LRAC no 2: II *e b, I a. III. le 1. ECPE no 141: I a, II a b, III. 2. KDCS no I: II a (Father must bring giant first thing he encounters on arriving home), I a (Gives meat to animals dying of hunger), II b d, III.
*A. Eldest son prays for deceased father. Ceiling, floor and walls begin to knock against one another. He is frightened and quits. Same thing happens to second son. Youngest son prays until he has finished [H 1455]. Insect puts out his lantern. He searches for light and meets robbers. Shows his superior strength and becomes their captain. Frees muleteers captured by robbers. Cuts off robbers' heads one by one as they steal in palace. (Cf Mt 956). Takes ring and piece of dress from sleeping princess and wins her by presenting them [H 125.1]. Magician takes her. She tells husband secret of enchantment: black salt. He obtains cap which renders wearer invisible [D 1361.2] and speed slippers [D 1521]. Visits sun, moon, air [F 10]; carried by fish [B 551.2]. Slays sevenheaded serpent [B 15.1.6] and takes out its heart which he throws in magician's face [D 1402.2]. Wife applies black salt; and all are freed. an 1. ECPE no 156.
303. II *c Youth leaves water which will become blood or turbid if any ill befalls him.
Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXXVIII 600 no 10; XXXIX 227 no 15; 249 no 18.
an 1. COAR p. 11 = HCVK p. 175 = SPE 1850 p. 242 = CST p. 29: Mt 303 I a (Also two to sow and two spears grow in garden) + Mt 300 IV *h, V *c + Mt 303 III d (Falls through trap door), IV b c, V a. as 1. LRAC no 14: Mt 303 I a (Caught siren. Plants two under orange tree which grow to be two spears), II a (Spear), III a d (Is enchanted) + Mt 302 II d, III + Mt 303 V a. le 1. ECPE no 139: Mt 303 I a (Also two pieces in dungheap from which grow two swords) II *c + Mt 300 V a b, VI a, VII a c + Mt 303 III d (Is enchanted), IV a b c, V a b c (Revives him). oc 1. ECPE no 151: II *c, III d (Killed), V (Boy's lion kills witch).
306 *A. Girl elopes with wrong man. Each night someone must sleep with the princess and next morning is found dead. Girl volunteers. Dwarf comes and sticks pins behind princess' ear (Cf Mt 408 III a and Mt 425 V *d). He spares girl's life till dawn at request of princess. Girl follows dwarf and sees him throwing papers into pot. He goes to sleep and she pours pot's contents over him and burns him to death. Removes pins from princess and saves her. Girl's old sweetheart marries her. Cf Mt *435. as 1. LRAC no 18 (and variant on fol. p.).
311. I b*³ They are commanded to eat a black hand.
IV a Cf Mt 327 I f.
Rico Franco (Wolf & Hofman, Primavera, 2, 119); see BP I 410.
Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXXVII 321 no 30.
an 1. FA p. 309: I a b*³ II, III a b, VI (Youngest sticks pin in ogre's head and kills him). as 1. CTA p. 25: I a b c, II, VI (Youngest sends call for help by dove to her father who slays ogre). [nc] 1. SCL p. 9: I a b, II, I c (Stone becomes red), III a c (For love of youngest, ogre revives two elder sisters and restores all three to their father). 2. BTPE II 25 = RSLT p. 23: I a b c, II, III a c (For love of youngest, ogre revives sisters).
*A. Man accompanies stranger; sees candles and remarks that one is almost out. "You will be out sooner", candle replies [E 742]. Stranger has man kill horse, make sack of its skin and fill sack with gold. Man says he sees only bones. He descends through hole into palace and meets old lady who gives him keys, forbidding him only to look into one room. He does so and discovers enchanted prince and princess. Following their instructions, he offers to pick fleas from old lady's head, sticks pin in her head and kills her [K 871] (Cf Mt 408 III a and Mt 425 V *d). He frees prince and princess who take him to their palace to live. He kills stranger who misled him.
an 1. FA p. 401.
*B. Singing bag. Girl returns to well, river or fountain for necklace, earrings or ring she left there. Man seizes her, puts her into bag and makes her sing. He derives income from exhibiting the "singing bag". He comes to girl's home. Her mother or sisters recognize her voice and while man is asleep or drunk they take her out and put in a cat or dog. Man opens sack to punish girl for not singing and cat or dog jumps out into his face and bites and scratches him [K 526.1]. Cf Mt 1655 (LRAC no 47).
an 1. COAR p. 72 = CST p. 53. as 1. CTA p. 55. oc 1. ECPE no 41.
313. I a*¹ Prince promises to marry magicians's daughter and repay money borrowed from magician after one year. During the year prince is granted power to win [N 221]. a*² Receives winning cards under promise to return them in a year. *d Directed by letter. *e Taken by horseman. *f By eagle. *g Boy quarrels with sweetheart and goes to devil's castle.
II d Cf Mt 854. *e Devil attempts to kill boy by touch, wine, flowers, bear, "cross", or taming horse.
III c Cf Mt 314 IV and 327 III b. *e Devil stabs wineskins.
V b Cf Mt 425 IV f and 940. g Cf Mt 706 *B conclusion.
VI Cf Mt 425 V *b.
Mexico: Mason JAF XXVII 174 no 12. Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXXIX 350 no 38.
an 1. ECPE no 122: I a b, II b (Fruit, mill, ring) d, III a c, IV, V g (He hears her soliloquy and remembers). 2. BTPE I 187 = SCE p. 129: Mt 313 I a + Mt 506 I a b + Mt 313 I b, II b (Mountain, fruit, cover) c *e d, III a c, IV, V b. 3. (an or ex). SCL p. 93: Mt 313 I a + Mt 506 I a b + Mt 313 I b, II b (Mountain, fruit, ring) c *e d, III a c, IV, V g (Finds her feathers and remembers. Goes to gypsy and recognizes her). as 1. LRAC no 24: I a*² *f b, II b (Wheat, vines) c *e b (Ring) d, III e b, IV, V b. 2. LRAC no 24 (Version 2): I a*² *f b, II b (Wheat, vines) c *e b (Ring) d, III a *e b c, IV, VI. 3. LRAL p. 171 = LRAF p. 18: Mt 750 A I a *c + Mt 313 VI. ex 1. BTPE X 48 = ETE p. 159: I a*¹ *f, II (Mountain, wheat) *e b (Ring) c d, III a b c, IV, V g (Puppet show). 2. BTPE X 63: I a b, II b (Wheat, vines, ring) c, III a b c, IV, V e. 3. SCL p. 93: see Mt 313 an 3. 4. BTPE X 76: I a *f , II b (Ring, plowing, castle) c, III a b, IV, V g (She reminds him and touches him with wand). le 1. KDCS p. 112 no II: I a (Poor man sells his soul to Devil for money) b, II b (Vineyard and ring) c d (Missing finger), III *e c b, IV, V g (Dolls' conversation). 2. ECPE no 125: I a *f b, II *e b (Mountain, wheat, ring) c, III a c b, IV. nc 1. ECPE no 123: I *g, II b (Vineyard, wheat, tree, ring) c *e. III a *e c b, IV, V g (He is reminded by her deformed finger).
A. an 1. COAR p. 90 = CST p. 185: I *d, II *e. 2. FA p. 457: I *e, II b c *e. ex 1. BTPE X 90 = ETE p. 93: Mt 313 II b (Wheat, ring) c *e. III c + Mt 408, III a (But girl dodges and escapes, and witch becomes beautiful lady and gives her a rod of virtue) + Mt 313 IV, V b. oc 1. ECPE no 124: I *f b, II *e b (Wheat, vineyard, ring) c, III b c *e. x 1. HCWT p. 204: I *f c (Butterfly), II b (Mountain, taming horse, ring) c d, III a b c, IV, V g (Puppets).
314. Cf Mt 560* A.
IV Cf Mt 327 III b and Mt 313 III c.
316. IV *a With animal helpers [B 540] he rescues wife [R 128] from a mermaid [B 81].
an 1. BTPE I 183: I, II, III b, IV *a. x 1. HCWT p. 50: I, II, III b, IV *a.
325. II *b Near end of year boy becomes dove, flies home secretly and warns parents that magician will turn students into doves and throw them grain, but boy will not eat and will jump over others; thus parents will be able to recognize him. *c As parent goes to fetch son, he meets old woman who tells him that when he arrives black dogs will bark at him and one that comes nearest will be his son [H 161].
Cf Mt *746.
Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXXIX 325 no 47; 339 no 24; 333 no 19.
as 1. LRAC no 10: I a (Mother) b, II *b, III ab, IV a b c. 2. LRAC no 11: I a b, II *c, III a b, IV a b c.
*A. Marquis studies with devil [D 1711.1]. Every day devil lifts a plank and a text appears written on the Crimson Rock [F 807.1]. Marquis comes to know more than his master, who becomes jealous, and lets a plank fall on marquis in attempt to kill him [H 1542]. But marquis is suspecting and jumps aside so that the plank catches only his shadow [K 526.1]; and so he remains without a shadow [F 1038]. an 1. CPA; p. 45 = WCPA p. 211: Mt 325 *A + Mt 563, I a c (Purse) b (Tablecloth) d, II a *e.
326. II *j He eats and drinks from skulls [H 1434]. *k He spends the night in a church and beats or kills the priest or sacristan dressed like a ghost to frighten him [K 1682].
New Mexico: Espinosa JAF XXIV 428 no 10.
nc 1. ECPE no 137: I, II *j e, III. oc 1. ECPE no 136: I, II *k c e III. 2. ECPE no 138: I, II *k e a.
*A. Poor soldier spends night in haunted house to earn reward offered. He is not afraid of the dragging chains, falling members, etc. He releases soul in punishment by giving its illgotten gains to charity [E 413.1]. He may keep part of the revealed treasure for himself. an 1. CPA p. 73 (Cf Mt 760 *C): Mt 326 *A + Mt 330 B. as 1. CTA p. 89. 2. LRAC no 5: Mt 326 *A + Mt 566 I a b (Belt) *e c (Quilt), II *c, III (Pears and peaches), IV a b. 2. LRAC no 113. oc 1. ECPE no 133: Mt 301 B I a, II a c, IV a b, V a b, VI f (Golden ball) + Mt 326 *A.
*B. Boy dies of fear. [A fair opposite to "Juan sin miedo"]. [ar] 1. PMC p. 101.
327. I c*¹ Sister eats figs brother throws down. f Cf Mt 311 IV a.
III b Cf Mt 314 IV and Mt 313 III c.
*IV After ogre is burned, two hunting dogs appear. [B 421]. They save boy when hunters attempt to kill him [B 524].
Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXXVIII 594 no 10; XXXIX 324 no 14; 325 no 15; 330 no 18; 274 no 21; 346 no 31.
A. ex 1. BTPE X 271: I a b c*¹ d, II a b (Mouse's tail) d (Ogre), *IV.
B. Cf Mt 1120.
*D. Two brothers leave home. A bird carries off sister's necklace or ring [N 355], telling her she can find it at her brothers' house. After wandering she arrives, puts their house in order and hides [N 831]. On third day they discover her. She keeps house for them. One day her fire goes out and she goes to neighboring ogre or witch for fire. Witch kills her own daughter by mistake because girl sleeps on wrong side of bed; or she must let ogre suck her finger and she grows thin. Brothers catch ogre in a trap and bury him. A cabbage grows there. Brothers eat it and become oxen. Cf Mt *453. as 1. CTA p. 60: Mt 327 *D + Mt 408 III a b, IV *b. oc 1. ECPE no 114: Mt 327 *D + Mt 408 II *d, III a (Servant girl sticks pin in her head) b c, IV *b.
*E. Small boy strays to house of old woman who gives him bread and puts him to bed. He sees her preparing fire and men entering with jewels, money and papers [G 401]. He escapes through the window. He brings police who shove her into the oven and take the robbers to jail. as 1. CTA p. 191.
*F. Boy goes to twofaced man [F 530] and is trapped in his cage with other boys. Helpful squirrels make gap and boys escape [B 431.3, B 544]. Eagle carries man into sky and drops him, dashing him to pieces on rocks [Q 416]. x 1. METS p. 55.
328 *A. Brothers in bed with giant's daughters. Youngest has them change places or caps with the girls and the giant kills his own daughters. Jealous older brothers tell father youngest is very friendly with giant or has said he would bring giant's bird, horse or ass, and giant himself [H 912]. Youngest brings the things named [L 13]. Brothers' malice revealed [K 2211]. Father banishes them [Q 431]. as 1. BTPE VIII 182 = SCE p. 83. 2. LRAC no 43.
330. II *f Stairs to which Devil sticks [D 1144]. *g Gun which will always be loaded [D 1096.1]. *h Stick which will beat anyone he desires [D 1401.1]. *i Sack of gold retaining at will any hand thrust into it [D 1412.1]. *j Forge with all necessary implements. *k Gains livelihood by compelling food, etc. to enter sack [D 1661, D 1193].
IV *d St. Peter refuses him admission because he sold his soul to the Devil [M 211]. *e Gates of Hell are shut in his face by frightened Devil. *f Tosses his hat inside; goes in after it and stays. *g He is admitted in reward for his hospitality to Christ and Apostles. *h St. Peter leaves his chair to admit a soul. Soldier sits in it. On returning St. Peter tells him to enter [K 2374]. *i Christ tells St. Peter to put him behind the door; or he is simply admitted. *j He orders St. Peter into bag and enters.
Guatemala: Recinos JAF XXXI 478 Historia de Pedro de Ordimales. Mexico: Mason JAF XXVII 163 no 6. New Mexico: Espinosa JAF XXIV 430 no 11; XXVII 128 no 12; 128 no 13. Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXXIX 285 no 21; XXXV 55 Pedro se come las pajarillas del cabro: el muerto en el árbol; XXXIX 365 no 58; 369 no 63; 359 no 51.
an 1. F. Caballero, Clemencia (German) p. 362; cf F. Wolf, Sitzungsber. der Wiener Akad. 31, 184 (1859) Christ, St. Peter and the Player, and R. Köhler, Aufsätze 1894 p. 63; see BP II 181.
A. [ar] 1. PMC p. 153: I, II b c d, III a, IV a *d *g. as 1. CTA p. 101: I, II *g, III a, IV *d *e *f. 2. LRAC no 46: II b (Old lady) c, III a. 3. LRAC no 118: Mt 785 + Mt 330 A II b (Soldier) *g e *h, III b, IV *e *h. oc 1. ECPE no 168: Mt 785 + Mt 330 A II b (Soldier) d *i c *j, III a b, IV *e *i. 2. ECPE no 169: Mt 785 + Mt 330 A, II b (Soldier) *h d c, III a, IV a *i.
B. an 1. CPA p. 73 = SPE 1852 p. 53 = WBVC p. 202 = CPE p. 18: Mt 326 *A + Mt 330 B II e, III b, IV *e *j. 2. ECPE no 171: II e *k, III b (Returns).
331. Cf Mt *340.
332. I *c Poor man shows Death hospitality [Z 117]. *d He accepts Death's proposal to become a doctor [Z 118]. *e Devil promises to help boy as doctor to gain money to go to seminary. In return, boy must promise not to conjure Devil out of people after he becomes priest, and to warn Devil if his wife is looking for him [M 218].
III *c He causes Devil to flee by telling him that his wife is looking for him [T 251].
IV *c Death carries him off when his "house" (body) goes to pieces [Z 110].
*V Friends determine to play a joke on the "doctor". One feigns sickness. Doctor predicts death and he really does die [K 1819, M 346].
an 1. CPA p. 80 = SPE 1850 p. 357 = WBVC p. 198 = HCVK p. 147 = CST p. 162: I *c *d, II a, *V, IV *c. Cf x 1. BPS p. 123. as 1. LRAC no 20: I *d, II a, *V. 2. LRAC no 25: Mt 1180 + Mt *1195 + Mt 332 I *e, II a, III *c. x 1. BPS p. 123: I *c *d, II a, *V, IV *c. [Probably based on an 1. CPA p. 80].
333. I *c Three girls, grandmother, carter go to pantry or cave and are eaten by wolf or glutton.
II *d Wasp or ant stings or bites monster, forcing it to give up its victims, and chases it away.
Cf Mt 123.
an 1. COAR p. 50 = CCPA p. 281 = CST p. 198: I a c (They flee to garret), II *d. le 1. ECPE no 251: I *c, II *d. nc 1. ECPE no 252: I *c, II *d.
*340. Devil's motherinlaw. Exasperated mother wishes her lazy daughter may marry the Devil. A handsome stranger appears and marries her [C 12.4.1]. He is suspected of being the Devil. On bridal night mother has daughter close all openings to bridal chamber except keyhole, and has her sprinkle husband with holy water or beat him with blest olive branch, saying this will insure his fidelity [D 1355.8], or that wife will be boss [D 1359.1.1]. He is really the Devil and flees through keyhole but mother catches him in flask as he comes out. For years peace reigns on earth while Devil is prisoner in flask. Finally a soldier releases him. They agree Devil will enter princess and make her sick; soldier will pose as doctor, Devil will leave and king will reward soldier for the "cure" [K 1955]. Devil refuses to leave until soldier frightens him away by saying that his motherinlaw is coming. Or by cutting off a piece of Devil's tail and threatening to take it to motherinlaw is soldier able to induce him to pay reward. Cf Mt 331.
an 1. CPA p. 86 = ASEB p. 145 = CPE p. 12 = HCVK p. 158 = WCPA p. 221 = CST p. 107. [an] 2. SCL p. 57. as 1. CTA p. 108. x 1. HCWT p. 93.
*A. Girl wishes to marry a man whose teeth shine. Such a man appears and they marry. He takes her to his palace, and when he removes his hat she notices that he has two horns. She bars herself in room, sends one dog to mother for help and puts other dog on lookout. Devil finally battles his way into the room, but just then mother, neighbors and priests with cross come and Devil disappears. as 1. CTA p. 20.
*345. Christ and Apostles are shown hospitality by woodman. He is granted a wish [Q 451, Q 142], and asks that he may always win at cards [N 221]. He lives and dies peacefully. On way to Heaven he stops by house of wicked, dying notary and wins notary's soul from Devil in card game [E 756]. St. Peter does not wish to admit notary, but woodman recalls his hospitality and obtains notary's entrance. x 1. BPS p. 254.
361. Cf Mt *1516.
366. nc 1. ECPE no 160 (Wife digs up dead man and steals his entrails).

400—459 Supernatural or enchanted husband, wife, or other relative.

400—424 Wife.

Cf Mt *449.
400 *A. Concealed fisherman sees girl become swan and fly to a ship where she again becomes a girl [D 361.1]. He discovers he is dressed in fine clothes. His friends do not recognize him and he is unable to speak. He comes to a garden where he sees her. The same ship takes him to same beach where he first saw her. She tells him a stranger has entered garden and trodden on dove's wing and broken it. He should cut out girl's heart and throw her body into sea and steep bird in her blood [D 766.2]. He refuses, and returns to garden, taking bird with him. It disappears. Girl warns him she is in power of magician gardener. When gardener tells fisherman about seven birds, he should tell gardener of seven wives who are waiting outside. Gardner promises to release girl if fisherman will induce spirits of his seven wives to seek their graves again [E 440]. They marry. [as] 1. ST p. 133.
*B. Father advises three sons never to serve man with red beard. One meets man with red beard but refuses to serve him and tells reason [J 2355]. Man dyes beard black [K 1822]. He lets boy down into hole to get treasure, but pulls boy only part way up and lets him drop [K 1931.1]. Same happens to second. Third does not attempt to ascend on rope. He finds brothers' bones [L 13]. He serves a giant who forbids him to enter one room. He does and finds fountain. Three doves come to bathe. Giant promises not to punish him and he confesses that he entered the room. Giant tells him to return next day and pluck feather from one he likes best, but never afterwards to show her the feather. Boy marries her, and gives feather to his mother to keep. She shows it to girl who takes it, becomes dove and flies away. Boy swears never to take hair from his face nor shirt from his body until he finds her [M 125]. Three giants [N 883] each give him a nut [D 985]. He passes water, fire and nails. From first nut comes palace [D 461.1]. He gives it to witches as bribe to sleep with girl [T 451], but they give him drugs [K 675]. They forbid him to enter one room [C 611]. He enters and finds girl. She warns him not to take their drink. He refuses to take it. She has him break hall lamp into seven pieces with black stone, thus freeing her [D 789.2]. as 1. LRAC no 7.
402. Compare the Spanish proverb "Echar la pluma al aire y ver donde cae"; see BP II 38.
as 1. LRAC no 8.
403. V *c Girl saves self from drowning. She combs her hair and collects pearls that fall out [D 1454] until she has enough to buy palace opposite to king's, and more beautiful than his.
VI *b Lark informs girl her brother is buried. Servants tell prince of this scene and true bride is revealed. Cf Mt 707 IV b.
Cf Mt *445 B.
an 1. ECPE no 113: III b, IV b c d, (Half buried and chained), V *c, VI *b c.
405 *A. Rich man has daughter enchanted [S 11, D 5] because she loves poor boy [T 23]. She is guarded by serpent [B 491, B 576.1] in cave [R 45]. Boy gains honor at war and is ennobled. Shepherd [N 841] tells him to free girl he should come on St. John's Day, laden with relics and kill serpent with lanceblow in neck. He does so, they marry, and he rewards shepherd. as 1. LRAF p. 85. (Variant in note on p. 87).
408. I *b Prince sets out to seek a wife.
II *d He meets a girl and takes her to marry.
III a A kitchen maid sees the princess' reflection in a pond, and sticks a pin in her head. b Princess becomes a dove. Cf Mt 425 V *d, Mt 306 *A, and Mt 311 *A.
IV *b Heroine comes to the palace, pin is removed from her head, and she regains human form. Cf Mt 425 V *d.
Cf Mt 1141* (in Thompson's "Types not included"). S. de la Selva's article on Duran's recasting of the tale from the Pentamerone under the title: Leyenda de las tres toronjas del vergel de amor, Madrid 1858, 8; see WBVC p. 190—1.
Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXXVIII 540 no 4; XXXIX 246 no 18.
an 1. SCL p. 38: I *b, II a b c, III a b c, IV *b. as 1. LRAC no 3 (version 1): II a b c, III a b c, IV *b. 2. LRAC no 3 (version 2): II a (He is helped by a man) b c, III a b c, IV *b. 3. CTA p. 60: Mt 327 *D + Mt 408 III a b, IV *b. ex 1. BTPE X 25: II *d, III a b c, IV *b. 2. BTPE X 31: II *d, III a b c, IV *b. (Cf Mt 450 Introd). 3. BTPE X 39: I *b, II a b c, III a b c, IV *b. 4. BTPE X 90 = ETE p. 93: Mt 313 A II b (Wheat and ring) c *e, III c + Mt 408 a (But girl dodges and escapes; and witch becomes beautiful lady and gives her a rod of virtue.) + Mt 313 A IV, V b. nc 1. BTPE II 82 = SCE p. 27 = RSLT p. 13: II *d, III a b c, IV *b. 2. ECPE no 120: I *b, II b (He finds three oranges) c, III a b c, IV *b. 3. ECPE no 121: I *b, II b (He sees three oranges reflected in fountain) c (From first comes a comb; second, a mirror; third, a girl), III a b c, IV *b. oc 1. ECPE no 114: Mt 327 *D + Mt 408 II *d, III a b c, IV *b. x 1. HCWT p. 71: I *b, II a b c. 2. HCWT p. 141: II *d, III a b c, IV *b.
*A. Gambler agrees to perform one task yearly set by stranger who, in return, promises [M 221] to keep gambler supplied with money [N 6]. They visit a magic castle where gambler fills sacks with gold [D 1467]. Digging a hole in sand in search of water, he discovers enchanted palace with food and drink aplenty [D 1470.1]. Negro forbids him to enter one room. But he does. He throws down his hat to lions who fight over it; meanwhile he passes them [K 671]. He entangles his coat in hammers so they cannot move. He entangles his vest in millstone so it cannot turn. He throws his shoe at serpent who chokes trying to swallow it [K 672]. He wakens enchanted beauty with a kiss [D 565.5]. She becomes dove [D 154.1] and tells him to seek her at fountain of three oranges. Palace disappears. He comes to the fountain, but negro [K 2261] feeds him figs which cause him to sleep through time dove is there. A letter warns him against negro, but he accepts a cigar which causes him to sleep through last visit of dove [D 1364.4]. Another letter tells him to seek her at palace where eagle carries him [B 552]. He arrives just as she is being married, shows handkerchief she had given him, she recognizes it and will marry only him. ex 1. BTPE X 124 = ETE p. 57 (for first part) = ETE p. 135 (for second part).
410. Wolf and Hofmann, Primavera, 2, 75; see BP I 439.
*412. Doctor meets enchanted girl by chapel in woods. She mounts his horse and guides him to oaktree where she has him make sign of cross. Tree opens and gold appears [D 1465]. He repeats what she tells him and she becomes snake. He goes home but fly buzzes around his eyes and threatens to blind him [B 483, B 529.1] unless he frees enchanted girl. He returns to woods and snake directs him to strike her squarely in the face when she climbs up his body. He strikes her but not squarely so that her nose is twisted [D 712.3]; but since she has so much money he marries her anyway. as 1. LRAC no 13. Cf LRAF p. 98 no 12 and p. 99 no 13. For enchanted nymph with treasure in woods, cf LRAF p. 35 no 2; p. 40 no 8; p. 41 no 9; p. 41 no 10; p. 42 no 11; p. 44 no 12; p. 45 no 13; p. 93 no 6; p. 94 no 7; p. 94 no 8; p. 95 no 9; p. 96 no 10; p. 97 no 7; p. 100 no 14.

425—449 Husband.

425. I a Cf Mt 756 B (CTA no 38). d³ Cf Mt 706 *A.
*f Enchanted prince as negro [D 31] comes in cloud [D 2121. 7] or appears in forest and carries girl off [R 16].
*g Ass's head [D 1011.0.2] causes to appear [D 1471] a golden bridge, tree and two birds, in compliance with princess' wish. She marries him.
III c Cf Mt 302 II *e.
c*⁴ Sister discovers him, and while looking, spills candlewax on him. He disappears.
IV c*¹ Eagle takes her to castle. f Cf Mt 313 V b and Mt 940.
*g Disguised as man [K 1837], accused of illicit relations with queen [K 2113] and condemned to be burned [Q 402, Q 241]. *h Travels until two skeins of thread are unwound [H 1125.1]. *i Girl takes his clothes to place where he was first seen.
V *b Key lost. New one made. Old one found. Which should one keep? All agree on old one. So old mate is accepted and new one rejected. Cf Mt 506 IV c (BTPE VIII 194), and Mt 313 VI. *c Her sex is revealed. Prince rescues her. She has freed him by serving three months in the palace. *d When she looks at him, a drop of wax from candle becomes a pin, sticks in his head and transforms him into a dove. She frees him by removing the pin. Cf Mt 408 III a b, IV *b, Mt 306 *A and Mt 311 *A. *e She regains him by restoring his clothes.
New Mexico: Espinosa JAF XXIV 402 no 2. Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXXVIII 607 no 12; XXVII 179 no 15; XXXIX 291 no 21.
an 1. FBE p. 17—18, 89—96, 239—44, 244—68: I *f, III c¹, IV a e (Disguised as man serves as page to queen) c *g, V *c. as 1. LRAC no 1: I d (Promises to give lion first thing he meets on arrival home), III c³, IV a e (Disguised as man serves as soldier) b (Tests of sex), V *c. ex 1. BTPE X 217 = ETE p. 25: I *f, III c¹, IV *h, V *d. 2. BTPE X 139 = ETE p. 129: I d³, III c¹ (Sister), V *e (Restores clothes). 3. BTPE X 242: Sex reversal I d³, III c¹, IV a c, V *b. nc 1. ECPE no 127: I *g, III b, IV a, V a *b. 2. no 126: I d³ (Mother), III c¹, IV f, V (Enchanted prince appears to save her from angry suitors she has deceived. He marries her). oc 1. ECPE no 128: I d e, II b, III a, IV a b c, V a *b. x 1. HCWT p. 9: I d³ e, III c*⁴, IV *i, V (He appears and marries her).
A. nc 1. ECPE no 130: I a b, II b, III c, IV a b c*¹, V a *b.
B. Cf introd to Mt *959.
an 1. COAR p. 62 (Forced to marry one who solves the riddle. Acquires his hump. Finally rids herself of it and marries prince she loves) = CST p. 141.
C. "K. Grosse folgt in seinem 'spanischen Ammenmärchen' Prinzessin Juana Spanische Novellen 1794, I, 147, offenbar Gräfin Aulnoy"; see BP II 262.
as 1. CTA p. 66: I d d¹, II d (By declaring her love for him). ex 1. BTPE X 118 = ETE p. 109: I d d¹, II d (By restoring picked flower to its bush). oc 1. ECPE no 131: I d d¹, II d (By marrying him).
*D Farmer brings daughter three carnations. One by one she throws them into the fire and from each appears a youth [D 431.1.2]. She fails to speak [C 652], so they tell her that she must search for them at the Rocks of all the World [H 1385], and they disappear. She falls in love with third one and sets out. He directs her to his mother's house where she serves as maid [L 131]. Other servants are jealous of favor she enjoys [K 2250] and tell mistress she has boasted [H 911.1] that she alone can wash all the clothes in one day [H 1107]. Youth appears and has her call birds [B 571, B 450] who wash the clothes. He gives her a glass in which she collects bird's tears [B 763] to restore mother's sight [H 1321.1]. He instructs her to walk around stones with maidens, all holding lighted candles [D 759.6], in order to free him and his brothers. Third time around her candle goes out and an exclamation escapes her. The young men appear. She has freed them because she spoke [D 672]. Youngest marries her.
ex 1. BTPE X 159 = FBE p. 20 = ETE p. 15.
432. ex 1. BTPE X 201: I a b, II (Stepmother has her own daughter nail the window fast and break the windowpane), III a b c. 2. BTPE X 209: I a b, II, III a b c.
*435. Knight is called away and must leave wife home with maidservant and parrot. Man across street sees wife and falls in love with her. He seeks aid of old woman who invites wife to her granddaughter s wedding. Maid urges her to go. Just as they are leaving, the parrot, who has never talked, invites wife to listen to a story [K 1591], as follows: A girl's father buys her a "cuidao" and a "calderita" which, when put together on water will sing. Once she has them singing on pond and a bull steals the "cuidao". She sets out to find it. She volunteers to cure sick princess and spends the night with her. The light goes out, she sets out to find another, and comes to a negro [K 2261] stirring pot of boiling oil and saying: "The more you boil, the madder becomes the princess" [D 2091]. She passes behind him to get light and pushes him into oil [K 925]. Princess is cured. — Next day wife is again about to leave with maid and old woman when parrot calls her to continue the tale: Girl arrives at another kingdom where princess is dumb, spends the night with her and sees negro put sticks into princess' mouth. She describes him to king, he is made to remove them [D 765.1.2] and girl is rewarded. — For third time parrot calls wife back and concludes: Girl comes to kingdom where prince is dying. She spends night by his bed and puts her "calderita" in a pan of water. She hears it begin to sing and discovers "cuidao" hanging by bed. Prince was the enchanted bull. Now he is free and they marry. — Knight returns. Parrot tells him if it had not talked, he would have been dishonored, but that old woman is to blame. She is banished. Cf Mt 1352 for the frame. Cf Mt 306 *A. ex 1. BTPE I 156. 2. BTPE X 186.
*438. Princess sees rabbit herd which forms wheel. Rabbits disappear. Peasant woman and daughter come to comfort princess. On road they drop loaf of bread which rolls to cave [D 1031.1] where they see rabbits become men [D 323]. Princess goes there. Their castle disappears. She marries one of them. an 1. FA p. 355 = SCE p. 115.
440. III *f By being kicked.
le 1. ECPE no 132: I a b, II, III *f.
*445 A. Enchanted prince takes girl to his castle and promises to marry her when his enchantment is removed. He warns her not to sleep or lose sight of him on last day of his enchantment [D 762], but she slept [D 1971]. He leaves dagger and flowers around her. She changes clothes with a pilgrim and follows him [H 1385.5], but he does not recognize her. He marries a princess. After wedding feast he finds girl lying in garden with flowers around her and dagger in her breast. He kills himself [T 80]. New wife discovers them and stabs herself with same dagger. A white dove comes down and applies a liquid from a jar with a feather to prince's wounds and revives him [E 102]. Bird says it has orders to revive also one of the girls. Prince chooses his first love [J 414], and they marry. ex 1. BTPE X 281.
B. Shepherd tells princess of an enchanted king who awakes only on morning of St. John's Day. A girl must be sitting at the head of his bed when he awakes to break the enchantment. She wears out iron shoes; asks sun, stars and air for directions [H 1232]. Air's mother gives her mouthful of food air has been chewing to throw to lions who guard palace [B 325.1]. She gains entrance; waits for months; invisible hand feeds her [F 585]. She buys a slave girl [K 2250] for company. On eve of St. John's Day slave sends her to balcony to listen to music. Meanwhile slave sits by king's bed; he clasps her hand when he awakes and proclaims her his wife. Slave tells him princess is her servant [K 1911]. He buys wedding presents. Princess asks for hard stone and branch of bitternes. Druggist warns king that only those tired of life ask for these things ... Princess asks stone if it remembers details of her misfortune [H 13]. King overhears, marries her and kills slave. ex 1. BTPE X 106 = SCE p. 7 = ETE p. 79. Cf Mt 403.
*449. Princess enchanted in palace by mother jealous of iier beauty. A count's son is fated to be killed by lightning at the age of twentyfive [M 350]. He kills wolf, lion, serpent, giant and frees princess. He is enchanted by eating apple [D 551.1.1] given to him by witch. Years later princess' father forces her to marry. Count's son comes to the wedding but is invisible. He directs princess to remove thorn from his head and he becomes visible [D 765.1.2]. They marry. le 1. ECPE no 144. Cf Mt 400—Mt 424 and Mt 709.

450—459 Brother or sister.

450. as 1. LRAC no 30. Cf Mt 408 (BTPE X 31 Introd).
451. I *d Brothers swear not to come home if girl is born.
II *d Brothers are sold by Moors to negro magician as slaves. He turns them into lions by day to guard his palace [D 112.1, D 621.1].
III *c Angel gives her a bone to unlock door of her enchanted brothers' house. She loses bone, but cuts off her little finger and opens door with it.
IV b Cf Mt 712 I b.
*c She works on lace in secret and is charged with witchcraft.
V *b She frees them from enchantment by a kiss.
La gran comquista de ultramar, ed Gayandos, I, 1, cap 47—68; Romania 17, 522; see BP I 433.
Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXXVIII 567 no 7; XXXIX no 21.
ex 1. BTPE X 145 = ETE p. 69: I a (Two brothers) *d, III b, IV a b, (The babies are born dead), V a. oc 1. ECPE no 148: I a, II a, III *c, V *b. x 1. HCWT p. 113: I a c, II *d, III b (and make lace for altar cloth), IV a *c, V a.
*453. Stepmother [S 31] turns three brothers into crows. After seven years in woods they become men [D 791.1.1] and live by hunting. Stepmother dies and her own daughter goes to fountain to bathe; a crow takes her clothes to her stepbrothers' house. They recognize ring she leaves in glass of one of them [H 94.4]. She keeps house for them. They warn her always to give a sample of their food to dog before eating [C 685]. But once she eats a chestnut without first giving bite to dog; he wets fire and puts it out. She goes to witch for fire. Witch's daughter warns her of danger and changes beds with her. Witch puts her own daughter in pot of boiling water and girl escapes with her fire. Witch sells girl apples, but gets them mixed and leaves poisoned one at home. Sells her corset and laces it on so tightly girl faints [K 935]. Brothers carry her to grave, stumble, corsetlace breaks and girl revives [E 21]. Brothers eat cicuta sown by witch [D 551.2.2] and become oxen [D 133.3]. Girl cares for them. Cf Mt 327 *D and Mt 709. as 1. LRAC no 188.
*455. Queen jealous [K 2241] of kings' twelve nieces' beautiful eyes, so king has them blinded [S 165]. But people still talk about their beauty, so they are imprisoned. Their brother steals apples for them from queen's garden and is caught. Queen sends him for panther milk [H 1361] to cure her [H 1212]. He meets a little man who rings bells while he milks panther. They divide the milk. He is sent after and obtains lion milk in same way. Queen drinks it and dies. King repents and lives happily with his twelve nieces and nephew. Cf Mt 590. as 1. CTA p. 139.

460—499 Superhuman task.

460—462 Question.

461. A de Trueba, Cuentos de vivos y muertos, 1879 p. 123 "El yerno del rey"; see BP I 284.
as 1. LRAC no 15: I, III c a b, IV a d, V, VI a b (Chain).
470. Cf Mt 505—Mt 508.
I Cf Mt *835 I.
III as 1. LRAC no 129 (Shepherd strolls into Heaven and stays 300 years. He thinks he has been there only a short time).
471. Philippines: Gardner JAF XX 111.
*A. Poor boy meets man in road who gives him mule that supplies all necessities. Mule goes into river. Boy does not wish to pursue it, and returns to man who gives him a bar of gold with which he starts a business. Same happens to second brother. Youngest is likewise given mule. He asks only for the simplest necessities. He crosses river with mule without getting wet. He sees thin animals in a fine pasture. Birds carry flowers from the field. He encounters a river of blood and one of milk; two rocks combatting with great fury; a woman in a castle weeping; another castle where all are cursing, and in it are two beds. He comes to a narrow bridge; sees fat animals feeding on desert. He arrives at gate where he meets lady who asks him if he is thirsty. Finally he comes to man who had given him mule. Man explains. First river of tears separates this life from the next. Lean animals in rich pasture are misers. Birds are children who die innocent and take flowers to Virgin. River of blood is Christ. River of milk suckles babies. Combatting rocks are boy's brothers. First palace is Hell and two beds are for his brothers. Narrow bridge leads to Heaven. Those feeding on sand are workers who gain by exploitation. Lady at gate is Virgin. Man tells boy to return home. Boy finds he has been gone more than two hundred years. His father turned their house into a monastery and died long ago. Boy becomes a friar. as 1. CTA p. 148.
*B. Father meets man in woods who offers him much money for daughter [S 220]. Two elder daughters refuse to go, but youngest goes [L 50]. Father becomes arrogant with his wealth and his son leaves and goes to sister's cave. Her husband is God who is a shepherd. Boy sees hermit, a field of grain as high as two thin mules standing in it, barren field and fat mares standing in it, and flames. God explains hermit is God and his hermitage the Virgin, mules are the two sisters who refused to come, grain is their wealth, fat mares are youngest sister and brother, flame is father in Hell for not helping poor. le 1. ECPE no 87.

500—559 Supernatural helper.

500—501 Spinning woman.

500. Cf Mt 812.
Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXXIX 317 no 7; 341 no 25.
oc 1. ECPE no 117: I b, II a c e, III a b.
501. an 1. CPA p. 64 = CST p. 64 = WCPA p. 214: I a d, II a b.
x 1. EPS p. 181 = SCE p. 99: I a d, II a b.
*A. Man sees lazy girl weeping. Landlady tells him it is because her mother beats her for working so hard. He marries the girl ... He goes on a trip and leaves her flax to spin. But she does not know how to spin and sits all day and eats nuts, putting hulls in bag. Three fairies come and spin flax for her. When husband returns she says that even her bones are creaking but produces this noise by nutshells in bag under mattress. He insists that she never spin again.
ex 1. BTPE X 167 = ETE p. 37 = SCE p. 53.
503. x 1. TLS p. 83 = Quarterly Review No LXIII; see BP III 328: I b, II a, III a.

505—508 Grateful dead.

Cf Mt 470, Mt 551, Mt *835 and Mt *936.
505. A. Duran, Romancero general 2, 299 nos 1291 and 1292; see BP III 501. Cf Spanish translation of Olivier et Artus, Burgos 1499; Lope de Vega, Don Juan de Castro (Comedias, ed Hartzenbusch 4, 373; Schaeffer, Gesch. des span. Nationaldramas, 1, 141; Wurzbach, Lope de Vega, 1899 p. 206); and Belmont, Rojas and Calderón El mejor amigo el muerto (Calderón, Comedias ed Hartzenbusch 4, 471; R. Köhler 1, 29; Schaeffer 2, 283); see BP III 508. Libro de los ejemplos no CCXXVIII.
506. an 1. COAR p. 23 = CST p. 42: see Mt 531 an 1. 2. BTPE I 187 = SCE p. 129: see Mt 313 an 2. 3. SCL p. 93: see Mt 313 an 3. as 1. BTPE VIII 194: I a b, III, IV c (Old key comparison. Cf Mt 425 V *b), V.
508 *A. Knight chases Devil as rabbit to cave [N 773, N 881]. Devil agrees to help knight win tournament for princess' hand on condition that knight will make princess forget her faith in God [M 217]. With unpierceable cuirass [D 1101.2], dazzling shield [D 1101.1], sword whose touch produces death [D 1081], and Devil as his horse, knight overcomes all opponents. But archangel Michael comes as knight. Devil has knight pluck a hair from his mane to give him strength [D 991], but Michael overcomes them. With hair knight has power over Devil and torments him with sword and spurs until Devil promises [K 214] not to ask for knight's soul. x 1. METS p. 42. Cf Washington Irving, Works, XV, New York 1861 p. 202.
510. I c. Cf Mt 923.
II *g Cat obtains dresses for girl from Devil at mill. Cf Mt 613 and Mt 831 *A and *B. *h She obtains dresses with magic wand. *i Her father obtains her three dresses from Devil by promising his soul [M 211]. Cf Mt 1170—Mt 1199. *j Ungracious daughter tries same but receives evil things. IV *d Dog or cat [B 134, B 135] reveals wrong bride [K 1911] under veil. *e Stepmother and daughter remove girl's tongue and eyes [S 165, S 166], but she restores them with magic wand [D 1511.1] and reveals all to prince who punishes the evildoers.
Unprinted versions from Extremadura, 'La ternerita', 'Agata', 'El rapa', 'Periquillo' cited by M. R. Cox, Cinderella, London 1893 p. 315—16; see BP II 53.
Mexico: Mason JAF XXV 192 no 2. Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXXVIII 506 no 1; 572 no 8; 579 Cuero de burra; JAF XXXIX 267 no 21.
A. as 1. LRAC no 31: I a, II c *j, IV *d, V. 2. CTA p. 30: I a, II c *j, III a, IV a, V. 3. CTA p. 36: I a, II c *j, IV *d, V.
B. an 1. ECPE no 111: I a, II c *j *h, III a, IV a *e, V. as 1. LRAC no 32: I a, II c *g, III a, IV *d, V. Cf Mt 610 (LRAC no 57) and Mt 831 *C and *D. ex 1. ECPE no 110: I b, II *i, III a, IV b, V. le 1. ECPE no 109: I b, II *i, III a, IV b, V. nc 1. ECPE no 108: I c d, II *h, III a, IV b, V, VI. 2. ECPE no 112: I a, II c *j *h, III a, IV a, V.
511. le 1. ECPE no 134 = ECRC no 6 (King casts out pretty daughter. Virgin gives her three hazelnuts. She tends palace turkeys. Prince in hiding watches her open the nuts. From first come beautiful clothes, from second come jewels, from third comes letter saying prince loves her. Prince comes out of hiding and declares his love and marries her).
513. II Cf Mt 621.
III Cf Mt 621. i and j Cf Mt 560 *A and Mt 301 VI *g *h *i.
*k Bring water from a distant fountain more quickly than a witch [H 1109.1].
*l Separate roomful of good, bad and regular corn in one night [H 1091.1].
*m Bring princess' documents from Rome in one day [H 1107].
A. an 1. ECPE no 9: Mt 621 I a b*² c + Mt 513 A II a b d c e g (Beetle and mouse) + Mt 621 I d (With help of listener) + Mt 513 A III b *k *l f + Mt 621* III. as 1. LRAC no 134: Mt 621 I a b*² c + Mt 513 A II a c d b e + Mt 621 I d (With help of listener) + Mt 513 A III *m f j. 2. LRAC no 135: Mt 621 I a c (Who can guess from what animal skin is) + Mt 513 A II g (Ant, beetle and mouse) + Mt 621 I d (With ant's help), *III.
514. as 1. CTA p. 212. nc 1. ECPE no 155.
*515. Poor girl in men's clothing [K 1837] obtains work at palace, or, as doctor [K 1838], cures king and is made court physician. Queen falls in love with her, is rejected and falsely accuses her [K 2111]. St. Peter helps her perform tasks imposed upon her [H 984]. She blows whistle and fish [B 548.2.1] bring her ring king lost in sea. From isolated castle or robbers she brings mute girl who sighs or cries on the way. Three fanegas of wheat, barley and rye are separated. She asks mute why she sighed or cried. Mute reveals queen's guilt and heroine's sex [H 13]. King banishes queen or orders her killed and marries heroine. an 1. BTPE V 103. ex 1. ECPE no 146.

516—518 Prince on his wedding journey.

516. I a Cf Mt 531 I *d.
II *e From conversation of invisible beings they learn how to get the girl. *f They cross bridge, pass lions and steal her from giant.
III a*⁶ Magic horse carries off prince. b*⁴ Giant.
V *d Prince refuses to decapitate his children. They grow up and plan to assassinate their father, but are discovered and hanged. When blood drips from their heads on scaffold, stone servant revives.
ex 1. BTPE X 225 = ETE p. 143: I b a (Has picture painted of her according to description of her in dream), II *e *f, III a⁵ (Wolves) b*⁴, IV a b (Learns that wolves may be kept off by army and wife revived by application of child's blood), V a (Wife), c (Wife). x 1. FRT p. 140: I a, II a, IV a b, III a*⁶, a² (Burning clothing), IV c (Sucks blood from fainted

princess) d, V a *d. Cf Mt 889.

530—559 Animal as helper.

531. I *d He finds golden apple, horseshoe and picture of Beauty.
IV *d He bathes in horse's sweat and comes out of caldron handsomer [D 1865.4].
an 1. COAR p. 23 = CST p. 42: Mt 506 I a + Mt 531 I a, II b, III a + Mt 554 I b (Ant, eagle, fish), II b *h c + Mt 531 IV *d b. nc 1. ECPE no 140: Mt 531 I a *d (Cf Mt 516 I a) + Mt 554 I b (Ant, eagle, whale), II g + Mt 531 IV *d b. Cf Mt 550.
533. Couquista de Ultramar, 2, c. 43 (ed. Gayangos 1858); see BP II 285.
*535. Girl's parents say they should rather see her carried off into forest than marry poor lover. She disappears. Parents promise her to lover if he can find her [T 68]. In forest he meets hermit [N 835] who gives him a helpful lion [B 443]. Second hermit gives him tiger [B 444]; and third a bear [B 447]. The helpful animals overcome giant and witch [B 524.1.1]. While the animals fight with palace guards he reaches girl's side. As soon as he touches her, guards and palace disappear [D 782]. They return and marry. as 1. CTA p. 72.
545. Durán, Romancero general no 327 = Hofman & Wolf, Primavera no 135; see BP I 332.
*C. Father dies and leaves son only a peseta and a duro [L 115]. Cat [B 422] borrows peck measure from rich young widow next door, puts the duro in a crack in the measure and returns it, telling the widow cat's master used it to measure his money [K 1954, N 478]. Cat also praises master to the widow [B 582.1.1]. Cat borrows measure again and does same with the peseta. Boy goes personally to thank widow. She likes him and they marry. as 1. CTA p. 77.
550. Cf Mt 301 VI, Mt 531 and Mt 780.
I b, II, III, IV, V. Cf Mt 560 *A.
Mexico: Mason JAF XXV 194 no 3. Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXXVIII 551 no 5; XXXIX 248 no 18.
551. Eldest son sets out to find the three wonders of the world to cure his sick father, but is captured by robbers. Same happens to second brother. Third is directed by wind, sun, moon, king of birds and finally eagle carries him to palace of the three wonders. He gives an old woman money to pay for her husband's burial. A fox tells him to choose one of the things he sees, which are a bird, cage, lady, bed, horse in stable. Boy takes bird and starts to take cage but giant's soldiers seize him and put him in lions' den. Fox releases him. He takes lady and starts to take her dresses, but he is seized again. Again fox releases him and tells him to take only horse. He does and finds bird and lady already outside. His brothers take the three wonders away from him and accuse him of robbing and murdering. He is sentenced to hang, but fox comes in form of man and tells king truth and reveals himself as man for whose burial boy provided. King makes boy his heir. Cf Mt 301 VI, Mt 505—Mt 508 and Mt 750 B.
A. Durán, Romancero general, nos 1263 and 1264; see BP II 398. oc 1. ECPE no 143.
554. II *h Task: princess throws her handkerchief high into tree and asks hero to stop and get it [H 933]. an' 1. COAR p. 23: Mt 506 I a + Mt 531 I a, II b, III a + Mt 554 I b (Ant, eagle, fish), II b *h c + Mt 531 IV *d b. nc 1. ECPE no 140: Mt 531 I a *d + Mt 554 I b (Ant, eagle, whale), II g + Mt 531 IV *d b.
555. A. de Trueba, Cuentos de vivos y muertos, pp. 13 and 71; see BP I 145.
Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXXVIII 611 no 13.
*557. King offers throne to son who brings him finest towel [H 1306]. Youngest goes to monkey palace [B 221.1.1], and is given dirty kitchen rag [L 200], but when he unwraps it before king it is finest towel. Same happens with washbasin; he is given old pan used to give water to chickens. Likewise with bride, he brings ugly monkey in box; but on nearing palace, monkey becomes beautiful girl [D 399.1] and box becomes carriage [D 451.1]. He wins the crown. nc 1. ECPE no 145.
559. Cf Mt *572.

560—649 Magic object.

560—568 Magic object is stolen from hero but he forces its return.
560. Cf Mt 612 and Mt 650.
oc 1. ECPE no 147: Mt *1693 + Mt 560 I b, III (Hero is falsely accused of stealing princess' ring and is put in prison), IV a (After freeing hero, the cat and dog become angels).
*A. Youngest brother with rope and nails scales walls of castle where three princesses are held. He lets them out. His two older brothers pull out nails before he can descend. Youngest princess leaves a wishing ring with hero. He wishes for flying horse and escapes. In disguise he works as servant in palace. His brothers marry the two older princesses. Youngest recognizes hero as servant and tells king she will marry him. King becomes ill from the shock. Older brothers search for lion's milk to cure him. Hero obtains the milk with wishing ring and trades it to brothers for gold balls king gave them for wedding presents. Hero puts enemy to flight h the ring. He gives brothers conquered flags for permission to brand them. King consents to marriage of hero with the youngest princess. Finally the hero's brothers' deceits are revealed and balls and brand are shown as evidence. Brothers are turned out. as 1. CTA p. 142. Cf Mt 550 I b, II, III, IV, V. For magic remedy cf Mt 610—Mt 619. Cf Mt 513 III i j, and Mt 314.
563. II *e Cudgel protects man from his wife and children who abuse him, from king's soldiers who interfere, and from hangman. King gives him land in America to get rid of him.
Cf Mt 910 D. Cf Mt 755 for man without shadow.
La Enciclopedia, 1879, 252. 356 (Zs f rom Philol, 5, 171); see BP I 354. A. Trueba, Cuentos de vivos y muertos, "Los hijos de Mateo"; see BP I 354.
an 1. CPA p. 46 = WCPA p. 211 = CST p. 174: Mt 325 *A + Mt 563 I a c (Purse) b (Tablecloth) d, II a *e. 2. SCL p. 25: I a c (Purse) b (Tablecloth) d, II a d *e. x 1. BPS p. 370: I a b (Tablecloth) d, II a *e.
566. I *e A conquering sword. *f A protecting hat.
II *c King offers princess in return for magic objects, but after gaining possession of them he refuses to give princess; or he simply takes the magic objects.
as 1. LRAC no 5: Mt 326 *A + Mt 566 I a b (Belt) *e c (Quilt), II *c, III (Pears and peaches), IV a b. oc 1. ECPE no 149: I a b *f, II *c, III (Figs), IV a b.
567. as 1. LRAC no 21. ex 1. BTPE X 288 = SCE p. 65 = ETE p. 45. le 1. KDCS no V.
570. Cf Mt *572.
an 1. ECPE no 7: Mt 851 II, III *h + Mt 570 I, III c, IV a (Truths) b. as 1. LRAC no 4: I (Pears), II a, III c (Ass), IV a b (Gold). 2. LRAC no 132: Mt 851 I, II, III *i + Mt 570 I, II, III b, IV a (Truths) b. nc 1. ECPE no 6: Mt 851 II, III *g + Mt 570 I, II, III c (To buy rabbit princess must kiss mule under tail), IV a b. oc 1. ECPE no 12: Mt 851 *A + Mt 570 I, II, III b (To buy rabbit), IV a b.
571—574. Cf Mt 853 *A and Mt 851—Mt 854.
*572. King offers daughter in marriage to one who can make her laugh. Two elder brothers fail, but youngest causes her to laugh with crepitus ventris. King subjects him to tests. He must guard ratbits without losing any. He sells one to princess for permission to sleep with her, but calls rabbit back with whistle. He keeps princess' shirtwaist. He must bring sack of lies. He asks princess about buying rabbit. She says he is lying, but he produces shirtwaist and she confesses. He says her lies would fill sack. Princess sleeps between hero and another suitor; will marry one she is facing in the morning. Hero advises other suitor to eat his own natural filth, which causes suitor to vomit. To avoid bad odor princess turns toward hero. King marries her to hero. le 1. ECPE no 178. Cf Mt 559, Mt 570, Mt 621 and Mt 850.
590. Cf Mt *455.
II d. Cf Mt 301 VI *h.
V Cf Mt 301 VI *g.
592. A. Durán, Romancero general, no 1265; see BP II 497. Mateo Alemán, (Albertinus, Der Landstörzer Gusman von Alfarache, 1616 p. 482 and 501. Zs f Volksk. 12, 332); see BP II 502.
Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXXVII 323 no 34.
*A. Old woman gives shepherd magic flute to call lost sheep. Sheep come dancing. His stepmother wishes to kill him; or, priest's housekeeper discovers why sheep grow thin. Father hides in bushes; must dance and is torn by thorns when flute is played. Stepmother boils water in which to cook hero; or, housekeeper takes boiling water off fire. Hero plays flute; she dances and scalds herself. Father confesses to priest who calls hero who plays flute and priest must dance. Priest enters oven to see if he can stop dancing but only bumps his head.
as 1. LRAC no 34. le 1. KDCS p. 115 no IV.
*594. Cf Mt 850.
Old woman gives shepherd flageolet which makes sheep and goats dance [D 1415]. He makes his master dance with it and loses his job. Oldest son goes to town to sell apples. He meets old woman who asks him what he sells. "Rats", he replies. She turns his apples into rats. Likewise second son has his oranges turned into birds. Youngest brother tells her truthfully he has grapes and offers her some. The more grapes he sells, the more he finds in his basket [Q 2]. His money is packed in basket so tightly he cannot get it out, but plays flageolet and it comes dancing out. He sells eggs and the more he sells the more he finds in his basket. Older brothers steal flageolet but it loses its magic quality [D 1224.1]. Hero, however, is rich and does not need it.
oc 1. ECPE no 153.

610—619 Magic remedy.

Cf Mt 560 *A.
610. as 1. LRAC no 57: II a (Beggar), III b (Cures sick lady), IV (Friend fails to pray rosary and devils crack nuts on his rump). Cf Mt 510 B (LRAC no 32).
612. II *c Serpent appears; he cuts off its head and finds ring with instructions to place it on wife's lips. He does so and she revives.
III *b Husband disguised as mendicant seeks wife. She recognizes him and has servant conceal purse on him. He is hanged for theft.
[an] 1. TLS p. 29 no 4: I a (He promises to keep death watch for nine nights in tomb), II *c, III (She escapes with lover while husband is asleep) *b, IV a (Friend with ring) b. Cf Mt 560.
613. Libro de los gatos, no XXVIII. See Christiansen, The two travelers in FFC no 24 p. 18. See BP II 473.
Mexico: Mason JAF XXVII 189 no 19. Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXXVII 281 no 8; 181 no 19; XXXIX 295 no 21; 334 no 20; 354 no 45.
621. I b*² King has a tamborine made from louseskin.
*III Princess decides to marry prince although hero has performed all tasks with his helpers. On bridal night beetle crawls into prince's intestines and causes him to dirty bed. Next night prince inserts cork but mouse tickles his nose with its tail, prince sneezes and cork flies out. Princess renounces him and marries hero.
*IV Old man overhears king and wins princess. To rid herself of him she throws him into river, but in so doing he bites her in neck and she is deprived of speech. (Cont in 705 *A).
Cf Mt *959 (Introd); Mt 513 II, III and Mt *572.
Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXXV 19 no 63.
an 1. ECPE no 9: Mt 621 I a b*² c + Mt 513 A II a b d c e g (Beetle and mouse) + Mt 621 I d (With help of listener) + Mt 513 A III b *k *l f + Mt 621 *III. as 1. LRAC no 134: Mt 621 I a b*² c + Mt 513 A II a c d b e + Mt 621 I d (With help of listener) + Mt 513 A III *m f j. 2. LRAC no 135: Mt 621 I a c (Who can guess from what animal skin is) + Mt 513 A II g (Ant, beetle and mouse) + Mt 621 I d (With help of ant) *III. le 1. ECPE no 11: Mt 621 I a b*² c, *IV + Mt 705 *A.

650—699 Supernatural power or knowledge.

650. I *h A couple pray for son, great and strong like Samson. God answers their prayer [T 511].
II *f He receives wishing ring from lady he meets on road. *g He works as gardener but destroys with his huge hoe [F 612.4].
IV *d To win princess' hand he brings 200 birds from forest with help of ring.
V *d He is given a hot bath. *e King sends knights to kill him, but swinging horse by tail he kills them.
*VI He carries off the princess and marries her.
*VII A tarman is placed by seashore or near palace. He attacks it, sticks to it [K 741] and both are carried off by the waves, or he is killed. Cf Mt 175.
Cf Mt 560 (Wishing ring) and Mt 2017.
Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXXIV 164 no 22; XXXVII 252 no 1; XXXVIII 529 no 3.
as 1. LRAC no 189: II a *f, V b *d, IV *d, *VI, *VII. oc 1. ECPE no 35: I *h, II a *g, V *e, *VII.
653. I *c Three suitors ask king for princess' hand. He refers them to her. She wants all three. King offers her to one bringing the rarest object. *d First obtains a magic mirror or tube; the second, a carpet or chest; the third, an apple or balsam.
II *c They meet in a distant land. Mirror or tube reveals princess dying. Carpet or chest brings them quickly to her. Apple or balsam restores her to health.
III *e Princess says that this episode shows how she needs all three suitors. *f King decides in favor of one bringing tube; but princess chooses one bringing apple, and, since she has always preferred him, she marries him. *g King's counsellors decide in favor of the tinker and the others are made rich.
an 1. COAR p. 20 = CST p. 22: I *c *d, II *c, III a *e. 2. ECPE no 150: I *c *d, II *c, III a *f. as 1. LRAC no 12: I a b (Robber, marksman, seer, tinker), II a b (Tinker mends ship), III a *g.
655. Cf Mt *925.
671. Lope de Vega, Novelas 6, 264 "El pronóstico cumplido"; see BP I 323.
676. oc 1. ECPE no 175.

700—749 Other supernatural.

700. II e*³ He or she frightens away robbers by beating drum or calling out from tree, and takes their money to father; e*⁴ Robber asks for drink, recognizes gold jar from their spoils, comes down chimney but girl has recognized him and built fire; robbers flee. g*³ Wolf eats cow with boy inside; g*⁴ Shepherds kill wolf and make drum from its intestines; boy is still inside. *h Boy or girl eats many loaves of bread shortly after birth; *i frightens away robbers who attempt to steal ass or father's dinner; *j plows field with oxen; *k wishes to plow but ox soils her and father washes her in river.
Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXIX 252 no 19.
an 1. ECPE no 158: I (Size of needle), II *h a (Ass) *i *j f (Ox) g*³ g*⁴ e*³. [ar] 1. PMC p. 69: I (Size of garlic), II a (Ass) *i *k e*³ e*⁴. oc 1. ECPE no 159: I (Size of garlic), II a (Ass) *i e*³ e*⁴.

705—709 Banished wife or maiden.

705 *A. (Begins with Mt 621 *IV). Prince grows tired of wife because she cannot talk, and brings a new bride who insults wife. God gives her the power of speech to answer the insult. Prince rejects new bride and lives with his first wife. le 1. ECPE no 11: Mt 621 a b*² c, *IV + Mt 705 *A.
706. Libro de los ejemplos no CCCXXXV, in Bib de Aut Esp. LI.
Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXXVII 280 no 7; XXXIX 260 no 21.
as 1. LRAC no 16: I (Hands and eyes) c (To give alms), II (Student), III b, IV a b. le 1. ECPE no 99: I b, II, III e, IV a b. nc 1. ECPE no 101: I b, II, III e, IV a b. 2. ECPE no 102: I b, II, III e, IV a b. oc 1. ECPE no 100: I c (To give alms), II, III e, IV a b. 2. ECPE no 103: I b (Eyes), II, III e, IV a b.
*A. Man promises to bring daughter to dragon's cave after one year for stranger who saved him from storm in woods. Girl's ass kicks dragon and girl escapes to palace where she works as maid. Prince marries her and goes to war. She sends him message she has given birth to twins. Dragon intercepts message and changes it to insects. Prince answers to keep them, but dragon changes this to order to cast out both mother and babies. She comes to dragon's cave. It threatens to eat children, but her ass kills dragon with a kick. She kills ass and takes from its heart a rod of virtue with which she causes a palace to appear. Prince returns, discovers all and sets out to kill dragon. Comes to his wife's castle. The children talk about their father; identity revealed; happy reunion. an 1. ECPE no 129. Cf Mt 425 I d³ for introd.
*B. Devil disguised as teacher falls in love with girl. He leaves a sleeping ring which she finds and puts on. He puts her into glass urn which he throws into sea. Prince finds her and takes her to his room, and marries her after his sister discovers her. She gives birth to son while he is away. Devil appears and tells her to tell him what she saw or give him what she bore. She refuses to do either. He eats child and smears blood and flesh on her lips. Husband returns and forgives her. Same happens with second child. Husband threatens her with death unless she tells why she ate it, but she refuses to tell. He goes to fair, and asks wife what gift to bring her. She asks for stone of grief and knife of love. He buys them from Devil. Stone parts with grief when she recalls how Devil has persecuted her. She starts to stab herself with knife, but husband has been hiding under bed and heard all, and he stops her. le 1. ECPE no 104. Cf Mt 710 for Devil stealing children. Cf Mt 712 I b for smearing blood on mouth. Cf Mt 313 V g (an 1 ECPE no 122) for concl.
*C. Prince marries poor girl and hides her in his room. She is discovered by new bride chosen by prince's mother while prince is at war, and is sent to woods to be killed. But servants take pity and free her and bring back dog's eyes and tongue. She gives birth to boy and girl, and is sheltered by cowboy. Prince returns and on hunt meets the children and recognizes their story. He brings wife to dine and all is explained through toasts. ex 1. ECPE no 105.
707. III *e Virgin gives them bird or rod of virtue.
IV b Cf Mt 403 VI *b.
an 1. FA p. 305: I a (Eldest says she should like to marry a baker; second, a cook; third, the king) b, II b (Sultan) a (Dog, cat and cork) c, III bed, IV a b c. 2. SCL p. 115: I a (Marry cook, pastry cook, king) b, II b (Merchant) a (Sisters say children disappear) c, III b (Brother gets water and singing tree) c (Fails to get bird) d, IV a b c. 3. COAR p. 31 = CST p. 1: I b (King marries tailor's daughter), II a (Jealous courtier accuses wife of giving birth to cat and snake) b c, III b (Bird and water) c (Brother succeeds), IV b c. as 1. LRAC no 6: I a (Marry baker, butcher, king) b, II b (Gardener) a (Dog, cat and piece of meat) c, III b c d, IV a b c. 2. LRAC no 19: I a (Eldest says if he would marry her she should make a suit that could be put into a nutshell; second, a suit that could be put into a hazelnut; third, a boy with sun in his face and girl with moon in her face) b, II a (Motherinlaw writes) c b, III *e, IV b c. 3. MPP p. 342: I a (First would like to marry prince so she could have servants; second, coach and dresses; third, so she could have prince himself) b, II b (gardener) a (Dog, cat and santo de palo) c, III b c d, IV a b c. ex 1. BTPE X 175 = ETE p. 3: I b (Count marries poor girl) II a (Rejected mayordomo sends word to count that she has borne negro boy and girl by slave. Cf Mt 712 I a) b c, III be d, IV a (Count is among those turned to stone and freed by girl) b c. nc 1. ECPE no 119: I a (Eldest says if prince would marry her she should carpet entire palace with one yard of cloth; second says she should do same with a hand's breadth and have some left; third says she should bear him seven princes with star on forehead) b, II a (Motherinlaw has devil change letter to read seven dogs) c b, III *e, IV b (Children) c.
708 *A. King picks rose for queen. He is awakened in night by voice; opens box in which rose has been placed, and out steps a beautiful maiden [D 431.1.1]. She causes queen to be imprisoned, and becomes king's wife [K 1911], Prince finds his mother and takes food to her secretly. Rosegirl sends prince to bring her water from fountain. On way he meets old man who warns him not to look back or to be detained by girls at fountain. Rosegirl sends him back for three lemons; and for three oranges. He returns with all. She sends him away from the palace. Old man disguises him and takes him to palace of rosegirl's sisters. He blows out the lifecandles [E 742] of rosegirl and her sisters. Queen is restored. an 1. BTPE I 172 = RSLT p. 39. 2. SCL p. 72. Cf LRAF p. 40 no 7 for nymph's thread from fountain.
709. II *c Stepmother takes girl for a walk to a high cliff; opens diabolical book; trap opens in cliff and girl is buried.
III *d Magic ring. *e Bewitched shoes. *f Bewitched shirtwaist.
V * b Hunter's dogs discover the grave. Servant removes jewels and girl revives. Hunter offers to marry her but she will marry only the one who removed the jewels. *c Prince takes her to his room. His mother and servant discover her, and remove the shoes; or she is left in church to be buried and sacristan removes shirtwaist, she revives and prince marries her. *d Robbers give her much money and burn stepmother in boiling oil.
Cf Mt *449 and Mt *453.
Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXXVIII 517 no 2.
as 1. LRAC no 29: I b (Jealous of stepdaughter's beauty), II a (Servants bring dog's tongue) b (Girl strays into robbers' cave and they adopt her), III *d, IV b (Bury her), V *b *d. ex 1. ECPE no 116: I b (Muleteers and witch tell her that stepdaughter is more beautiful than she), II a (Servants bring dog's eyes) b (Girl strays into robbers' house and they adopt her), III *e, IV b, V *c. nc 1. ECPE no 115: I b, II *c b (Virgin releases her and she strays to robbers' house and they adopt her), III *f, IV b, V *c *d.
710. Cf Mt 706 *B.
ar 1. ECPE no 89.
711 *A. Sterile woman wishes to give birth, even though it be only to a snake [T 511]. She gives birth to a snake and a girl [T 555]. Parents want girl to marry man she does not love. Snake gives her orange branch and tells her not to marry as long as it stays green. But parents make her marry and snake goes to bottom of sea to live. Witch enchants girl, takes out her eyes and abandons her in woods. Shepherd befriends her. She has him lead her to seashore. Snakesister gives shepherd diamond leaves to sell witch for girl's eyes [E 781.2]. She restores girl's sight and makes her a palace across the street from her husband's house. He recognizes her. Witch is burned in oil. as 1. LRAC no 9.
712. I a Cf Mt 707 II a. b Cf Mt 451, IV b and Mt 706 *B.
715. an 1. CG p. 66 = WBVC p. 190. 2. ECPE no 254. as 1. LRAC no 183. nc 1. ECPE no 253. x 1. BP I 259 cites N. Quépat, "Moitie-de-coq" in Mélusine 1878 I 182, who states that M. A. Lamothe has published a Spanish version of this tale in his Légendes de tous pays and questions that it may be a translation from F. Caballero.
720 *A. Stepmother sends brother and sister on errands and promises sweet to one who returns first. Brother returns first; she cuts him to pieces and puts him in crock in cupboard. Sister finds him and buries one of his bones from which springs a white lily. Out of it steps brother much handsomer than before and says he will reward sister for burying and weeping over him. He tells her they will go by a bright way to Heaven and stepmother will go by a dark way to Hell. an 1. COAR p. 94.
726. Cf Mt *80.

[746—749 Witch].

*746. Cf Mt 325.
Girl will imitate witch and fly; but she misstates the formula and says "with God and Holy Mary" instead of "without ...", or "below rivers, mountains, with all the devils" instead of "above ..." — and she knocks against roof or through brambles [D 1761.3]. an 1. ECPE no 161. 2. ECPE no 162. 3. COAR p. 96 (Religious modification). as 1. LRAL p. 179 = LRAF p. 77.

750—849 Religious tale.

Cf Mt *243.

750—779 God repays and punishes.

750 A. I *c Man is magically transported [D 2120] home in time to prevent his wife's marriage with another man [K 1568].
Libro de los engaños, — Comparetti, Sindibad 1869 p. 48; see BP II 223. F. Wolf, Wiener SB 31, 185 "Jesus, der Arme und der Reiche" = Semanario pint. esp. 1850 p. 359; see BP II 228.
an 1. COAR p. 44 = CST p. 99: I b, II c. as 1. LRAF p. 19 no 3: I a *c. Cf Mt 301 B VI. 2. LRAF p. 21 no 4: I a *c. Cf Mt 301 B VI. 3. LRAF p. 18 no 2 = LRAL p. 171: Mt 750 A I a *c + Mt 313 VI.
B. Cf Mt 804.
Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXXVII 292 no 10.
an 1. COAR p. 85 (Rewarded with neverfailing supply of bread). as 1. LRAF p. 16 = LRAL p. 169 (Rich man's land is made sterile [D 2056] while poor, hospitable man's land is made fertile [D 2162] + Mt 750 A I *c). Cf Mt 551. 2. LRAF p. 23 no 5. nc 1. ECPE no 86 (Invited statue of Christ. Money falls out).
*C. Powerful, wicked knight has good wife who prays for him. She gives shelter to two monks in barn, but induces husband to let them come into house. He shows them hospitality, repents and confesses with one of the monks. Monk has vision of knight's soul before Eternal Justice. His one act of hospitality outweighs all his sins. Monk awakes and finds knight has suddenly died. [an] 1. CDI p. 392.
751. as 1. LRAC no 58 (She is granted cow, calf, house, dress and mayor for husband).
753. as 1. LRAC no 119.
754 *A. Rich neighbor gives poor shoemaker new house and money. But shoemaker and wife become very unhappy with worry and fear of robbery, so they return house and money to neighbor and return happily to poverty. an 1. ECPE no 90.
*B. King sends pie filled with coins to poor miller who desires wealth. Later king passes by his house, finds everything renovated but miller is dead and grasps a paper in his hand which no one can take out but king [D 1651.1.1]. Paper reads: I poor wanted it; you rich desire it; revive it if you can. an 1. COAR p. 75 = CST p. 159. Cf Mt 1720—Mt 1724.
*C. Poor hostler envies archbishop's mule its easy life and wishes he were the mule [J 2110]. It instructs him to take hold of its ears [D 132.1]. He becomes mule and mule becomes monk. Hostler is frightened and runs to his mother for aid, but she is only frightened at him and archbishop's servants beat him. He carries archbishop with much confusion, and finally runs back to his inn. The monk is there and says he has discovered his wife is still alive and he prefers being mule to living with his wife [T 251], so they change places again. [le] 1. ST p. 170. Cf Mt 1529 and Mt *1852. Cf Mt 1516—1520 for concl.
755. Cf Mt 563 for shadowless person.
756 A. as 1. CTA p. 98 (Till it sprout flowers). nc 1. ECPE no 81.
B. as 1. CTA p. 194 (Devil grants woman son and gives him an invulnerable horse and a magic bayonet. Son is very wicked but finally confesses. For penance he works for seven years in king's gardens, eats only the leavings of the dogs, guards silence and gives all his earnings to the poor [Q 535]. Enemy attacks king just as hero's seven years are finished. With his horse and bayonet hero overcomes enemy and marries the princess). Cf Mt 425 I a.
*D. Hermit or St. Peter asks Christ if anyone is more devout than he. He is directed to a widow who hides in her house and cares for the murderer of her only son, or to a butcher who shelters murderer of his father.
Libro de los ejemplos no CXLV.
ex 1. MPEL p. 98 II. oc 1. MPEL p. 93 I.
*E. One Christian shelters poor, another prays for souls, a third hears mass every day. They discuss which of them has most merit before God. They meet a man in road and ask him to be judge. He tells each to go into woods by different road, stop where night finds him, and return next day for answer. First spends night in cave where a hand provides food and bed; second, at foot of cliff surrounded by reptiles; third, in tree which becomes covered with sweet scented flowers, several of which he puts into his pocket. Stranger tells first that hand of Charity served him; second that reptiles were his sins, for he had misused money collected for souls; third that he should take the flowers from his pocket and on so doing he finds but one, which represents only mass he has heard with devotion. as 1. LRAC no 111.
*758. Eve's children are divided into different social classes by God [A 1650.1]. an 1. CCPA 1858 p. 127 = Ausgewählte Werke, transl. by L. G. Lemcke 14, 164. 1862; see BP III 320.
A. God took all the bad people to Heaven, tied them to a rope, hung them down and asked St. Peter to hold the rope while He went to say mass. St. Peter heard him say "Sursum corda" and thought he said "Suelta la cuerda", so he let go the rope and all the bad people fell down to earth and were crippled in one way or another. Thus all wicked people are afflicted with some physical defect [A 1338]. ex 1. FBE p. 57.
759. Libro de los ejemplos no CLXI.
an 1. COAR p. 102 (Lord shows St. Peter justice of His acts.) 2. FA p. 32 (Lord greets man cursing mules as "child of God" and woman praying rosary as "child of the Devil". He explains to St. Peter that man is working hard to support his family while woman is a hypocrite). 3. ECPE no 75 (St. Teresa). 4. ECPE no 83 (Boy fated to hang. Stealing a picture. His wife cuts rope which descends from Heaven and he is freed of his fate). as 1. CFAC p. 188 (Christ and St. Peter). 2. CFAC p. 194 (St. Peter complains that pumpkins should grow on stately trees and acorns on lowly vines. Christ changes them. A large acorn falls and hits St. Peter on the nose). 3. CFAC p. 196 (Christ and St. Peter meet two overturned carts. One driver kneels and prays to God for help; the other curses and tries to right his cart. God helps those who help themselves). 4. LRAC no 127 (Poor man gives shelter to Christ and St. Peter. St. Peter asks Christ to reward the poor man. Christ gives him riches. Man then turns dogs on paupers who come to his door). mu 1. DCPC p. 72 (Christ punishes hospitable silkworm grower and rewards mean one. He tells St. Peter first is usurer, while second needs help. Old man dies; a priest will care for his wife and child). 2. DCPC p. 77 (St. Peter thinks if small vines give large melons, large tree should give huge acorns. Acorn falls on St. Peter's nose). nc 1. BTPE II 95 (Christ tells St. Peter to pick up horseshoe. He refuses, saying it is valueless. Christ picks it up and later sells it to a smith and buys cherries with the money. As He eats them He drops one occasionally and St. Peter picks it up). oc 1. ECPE no 74 (Father pays for mass on St. Joseph's Day. Two of his sons die on St. Joseph's Day. Father quits paying for masses. St. Joseph appears to him and shows him how two sons that died would have dishonored father. Third son lives and becomes a saint).
760. an 1. FA p. 185 (Woman kills her children and disappears. Her body on fire and followed by children is seen at night. Her father's benediction causes the spectacle to disappear). as 1. BTPE VIII 125 (After masses are said corpse does not appear again). 2. LRAF p. 107 no 1 (Two brothers promise to make a pilgrimage. One dies. Other sees his brother's ghost which instructs him to fulfill their promise and ghost will accompany him). 3. LRAF p. 108 no 2 (Rich man steals neighbor's property by moving landmarks. He dies and his ghost appears and asks help to move boundarymarks back to their proper place). 4. LRAF p. 108 no 3 (Man appears to shepherd and asks him to tear man's garment with his staff. Garment becomes flame and man disappears).
*A. Youth attacks holy woman and then murders her. He flees and approaches a monastery. A pilgrim appears and tells him to enter the monastery, confess and he will be saved. He enters the monastery and leads an exemplary life but dies without confessing his sin. His corpse is found unburied. It instructs monks to remove holy wafer from its mouth and to bury it in unhallowed ground. x 1. TLS p. 75.
*B. Wicked rich man dies. Two men come and have priest hold chalice to corpse's mouth while they press on its neck and host falls out. Devils carry away corpse. as 1. LRAC no 27.
*C. Man or woman pays for mass for dead or assists phantom priest to say mass and thereby frees soul from Purgatory and is rewarded. an 1. ECPE no 73. Cf Mt 326 *A (CPA p. 73). as 1. CTA p. 79. 2. CTA p. 84. nc 1. ECPE no 71. 2. ECPE no 72. oc 1. ECPE no 70.
*762. Man rides horse or ass which is the Devil. As he rides it becomes larger and larger and finally throws him over its head. as 1. LRAF p. 64 no 6. 2. LRAL p. 167.
765. as 1. CTA p. 209.
*766. St. Lawrence is burned by heretics. When burned on one side he asks to be turned on the other side. King remarks at this arrogance of a Spaniard. God punishes king by causing him to fall into fire. He laments that he is condemned while St. Lawrence is saved. an 1. COAR p. 101.
*767. Boy offers bread to statue of Christ or Virgin. Statue answers, "I shall give you some of my bread". Boy dies.
Alfonso el Sabio, Cantigas 1889, 2, 491 no 353 'Como un menino'; 209 no 39; see BP III 476.
*769. Relations with saint.
A. Devoted carpenter builds altar for St. Joseph. At death he names St. Joseph as guardian of his daughter. Old man reminds rich merchant of vow he had made to marry poorest and most virtuous girl if God saved his ship from a storm, and brings him carpenter's daughter whom merchant marries. Old man reveals himself as St. Joseph. an 1. HCVK p. 192.
B. St. Teresa begs a whole chicken at an inn. A man envies her and she invites him to eat with her. But he throws out the first mouthful because of its very bad taste. She explains to him that since she goes about in God's service, she must nourish her body, but in order not to give it pleasure, she always puts something in her food to give it a bad flavor. an 1. ECPE no 77.
C. Two boys see bread lying at feet of saint's statue. They pick it up and lay down two cuartos. But their feet stick to the floor; they can move only toward the statue. They lay down two cuartos more but still they cannot move. Only when they lay down eight cuartos, which is the price of the bread, can they get away [C 51.2.4]. as 1. LRAC no 125.
*771. St. Anthony wishes to go to school and learn about God. But to get to school he must cross river; his father owns the ferryboat and forbids boatman to carry him across. St. Anthony spreads his cape on water and it carries him across [D 1520.4]. When his father sees this miracle, he permits the boatman to take him across. as 1. CTA p. 216.
*773 A. Man never gives alms. Beggar asks for a bushel of wheat, a sack, and a servant to carry wheat. Man gives him all. On road beggar tells servant his master has died. Just then they see grayhound chasing rabbit. Beggar explains grayhound is Devil and rabbit is master. Rabbit runs to beggar for protection. Beggar opens book and reads man's sins. For every grain of wheat he gave beggar he will be pardoned one sin. When account is made, three grains are left over. Man's soul is saved. as 1. LRAC no 128.
B. Beggar asks for bushel of wheat. Miser gives him ten under promise that he will keep watch over body for three days when miser dies. On third night beggar sees God and Devil dispute over miser's soul. God says Devil may have it if he will fill a cask with money. God knocks bottom out of cask and hangs it in tree over gorge. Devil is unable to fill cask and leaves soul to God. oc 1. ECPE no 88.

780—790 Truth comes to light.

780. Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXXVIII 550 no 5; 557 no 6.
an 1. CL p. 41 = (with slight variations) COAR p. 29 (Valencian version) = CST p. 77. 2. BTPE I 196 (Cf Mt 550). as 1. CTA p. 45. 2. CTA p. 49.
*A. Servant girl wishes to visit her parents but is afraid to travel alone with her earnings of many years. Innkeeper accompanies her. He cuts off her head and takes her money. He hears voice saying he will pay for his crime. Two men offer him money to accompany them on journey. They buy calf's head which he carries under his cape. Policeman stops them and makes him show head which proves to be head of murdered girl. He is hanged. oc 1. ECPE no 82.
*B. Stepmother buries girl alive. Her hair grows as wheat or bush and sings her misfortune [E 631]. Thus she is discovered and dug up, alive and happy. Stepmother is burned or buried in same hole. ar 1. ECPE no 152: Mt *806 + Mt 780 *B. as 1. CTA p. 41.
785. F. G. Robles, Leyendas moriscas Madrid 1885 I 173. La Enciclopedia 1880, 734; see BP II 155. Trueba, San Pedro me valga (La Academia 2 no 12. Madrid 1874); see BP II 160.
New Mexico: Espinosa JAF XXIV 430 no 11. Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXXV 55 no 86.
as 1. LRAC no 118: Mt 785 (Entrails) + Mt 330 A II b (Soldier) *g e *h, III b, IV *e *h. oc 1. ECPE no 168: Mt 785 (Entrails. Revive dead girl) + Mt 330 A II b (Soldier) d *i c *j, III a b, IV *e *i. 2. ECPE no 169: Mt 785 (Kidneys. Sick man is burned; his ashes are put together and he is restored to health) + Mt 330 A II b (Soldier) *h d c, III a, IV a *i. 3. ECPE no 170 (Milt. Revive dead girl).
791. an 1. FA p. 32 (Guest disturbed by Lord and St. Peter praying, strikes St. Peter. They continue to pray. Guest returns. This time Lord goes to the door but guest, believing him to be same one he struck before, passes by him and deals St. Peter more blows).
*792. Lord asks St. Peter what kind of fruit he likes best. St. Peter really prefers the grape and wine but as he is ashamed to admit it he says he likes figs best. Lord commands that figtrees bear twice a year. St. Peter pulls his ear in disgust and wishes he had said he liked grape best. — This is why figtrees bear twice a year and St. Peter has one ear lower than the other. an 1. FA p. 31.

800—809 Man in Heaven.

800. Cf Mt 1710—1719.
804. as 1. CFAC p. 191. 2. CFAC p. 192 (St. Peter complains because his mother is in Hell. Lord and St. Peter receive hospitality of mother and daughter who kill their only calf. As they eat they throw bones back into corral and every one becomes a cow. Lord gives the girl bones to eat when she is sick. She eats them. Lord says this is St. Peters' mother and she is cured and may enter Heaven). Cf Mt 750 B. ex 1. ECPE no 78 (St. Catalina's mother).
*805. Husband dies. Wife cutting grass cannot find hammer and anvil to sharpen scythe. She goes to a dying neighbor and says, "If you die, as you surely will, and go to Heaven, as you surely will not, ask my husband where he left the hammer and anvil." Dying man's wife says, "If you go to Heaven, as you surely will, if you die, as you surely will not, do not run around and get into trouble, but sit down by the Eternal Father and observe and keep still" [J 1481]. Cf BLC II 16.
as 1. LRAC no 117.
*806. Stepmother sends girls with father's lunch but warns them not to give any to Virgin. First two obey and are sent to Hell where they are slashed on bed of razors and thrown into boiling pots. But third gives food to Virgin willingly and is sent to Heaven. St. Peter gives her three golden balls to play with. One by one she drops them and they land in Hell, but St. Peter recovers them for her. One falls on a mirror and breaks it. After awhile she is sent back to earth. ar 1. ECPE no 152: Mt *806 + 780 *B.
*807. Three musicians who play at ecclesiastical ceremonies and are great gluttons die at the same time and go to Heaven's gate. St. Peter opens the gate wide for a missionary and the musicians slip in [K 2370]. Ihey are told St. James is going to deliver a sermon and are invited to attend. But they slip out, thinking to return when it is over. St. Peter shuts the gate after them. as 1. CFAC p. 184.
*808. Man dies and goes to Heaven but tells St. Peter he desires to return to earth. St. Peter shoves him inside. He appeals to Death and Eternal Father but cannot get permission to return. He appeals to an old friend. Finally God puts him back on earth before his own house one year after his death. His family does not recognize him. His mother is praying for him and he takes her back to Heaven with him. mu 1. DCPC p. 55.

810—814 Man promised to Devil.

812. II *e Devil agrees to release man if he can guess name of Devil's companion.
Cf Mt 500.
as 1. LRAC no 193: I a (Man signs contract giving his soul to Devil), II *e, III a.
*817. Wife answers knock at door late at night. A horseman asks to be shown the highway. She guides him to outskirts of village and bids him go with God. On hearing God's name he puts spurs to his horse. She thinks branches are falling from chestnut trees and gets husband to gather firewood, but they discover that none fell. as 1. LRAF p. 60 = LRAL p. 166.
*819. Poor discharged soldier asks alms of shoemaker who tells him he will give him a pair of shoes if soldier can beg something from lawyer. Soldier tells lawyer he has come from Hell which is full of lawyers and notaries up to the neck in fire. Lawyer is frightened and decides to help poor and gives soldier a suit [X 455]. Shoemaker gives him shoes. as 1. LRAC no 112.
821 *C. Girl rebukes her mother for saying, "Cursed be the Devil!" because, she says, he is already cursed enough; or man donates money for pedestal of new statue of St. Michael because priest tells him it signifies the Devil. Devil, to repay this kindness, carries girl's clothes to river as she goes to wash; or shows man a treasure, advises him how to mark the spot, and man wakes up in a mess. as 1. LRAC no 26. 2. LRAC no 59.
822. as 1. CFAC p. 189.(Christ explains to St. Peter why He grants bad woman a good husband and good woman a bad husband: in each case the good one will reform the bad one).
831 *A. Man wishes to have illicit intercourse with innocent girl but God protects her by causing crucified body to appear to the man on her door, or her body to appear as black goat to him; or girl, having yielded, repents and burns herself to death in oven and is saved. The man repents or dies of fright. an 1. ECPE no 85. as 1. BTPE VIII 117. 2. ECPE no 84.
*B. Woman finds goat, takes it in by fire and feeds it hot broth. It watches her undress, makes fun of her and goes out chimney. Or she promises one to St. Anthony if her goat gives birth to two, but she regrets this gift and finds a young goat which disappears when she says, "God keep you!" as 1. LRAF p. 64. 2. LRAL p. 168 *A and *B. Cf Mt 510 II *g.
*C. To avoid paying toll corn, woman comes to mill at night to grind her corn. A black dog tries to prevent her from taking the ground corn and follows her. Another dog protects her from the first and she keeps feeding it corn until her basket is empty. Dog laughs and tells her now she has paid the toll [Q 205]. as 1. LRAF p. 62. Cf Mt 510 B (LRAC no 32).
*D. Three girls grind corn at night. They sleep in mill. On waking they find a new baby. Each accuses the other of being its mother. One takes it home and leaves it by fire while she prepares milk. It perches over fire and mocks her. as 1. LRAF p. 62. Cf Mt 510 B (LRAC no 32).
*834. Old woman dies. Husband puts candles on her grave every night and prays. He finds hare scratching at cemetery gate. He opens gate and it escapes. Second night hare appears and tells him it commands in this cemetery and no one enters there without its permission. Third night hare tells him it is useless to pray and place candles on grave since his wife is condemned. nc 1. ECPE no 97.
*835. I. Skull or ghost is invited to dine; accepts the invitation and invites the host to dine with it the following night. Cf Mt 470 I.
II. a) He goes to dine with skull or ghost but is saved from perdition by carrying cross, relics, etc.; or b) by grateful dead. Cf Mt 505—Mt 508 for grateful dead.
an 1. ECPE no 80: I, II a. as 1. LRAC no 28: I, II a b. nc 1. ECPE no 79: I, II a. oc 1. MPEL p. 127 no III: I.
836. Pride, disrespect, avarice, bad temper, selfishness, curiosity, slander are punished.
*A. (Hungarian Mt 753 I:) Traveller is asked where he is going. He replies he is going home. He is turned into a frog until he is willing to say, "I am going home, if God so wills". an 1. COAR p. 88 = HCVK p. 190 = CST p. 181.
*B. Carnival revelers do not stop dancing or unmask when Church official passes by. When they finally wish to stop and unmask they cannot. Thus they continue dancing for several days and become negroes [Q 222]. as 1. BTPE VIII 128.
*C. Fine black hen comes and lays a large white egg every day. Finally she ceases to lay and woman will no longer feed her. Hen says she will not lay unless fed, and flies out the window. Woman concludes this was a lesson for her avarice [Q 272]. an 1. COAR p. 82 = CST p. 189. x 1. "Las wilis" in La cronica, Madrid 1845 no 37 p. 289.
*D. Mean and ugly cobbler has daughter in love with soldier. He is continually threatening to throw last at people. They call him Tio Hormazo and make fun of him [X 462]. an 1. CPA p. 94 = CST p. 127.
*E. Farmer sows wheat, barley and rye. When they are ripe he goes to cut them. Each tries to beg off, telling him why he should cut the others. God punishes them by having man cut, beat and grind them all. Man eats wheat and rye himself and gives barley to his mules. oc 1. ECPE no 98.
*F. Curious old woman sits at her window to see what happens in the street at night. Supernatural being passes by and gives her a torch or candle which becomes a leg or a dead man [Q 341]. She dies or is protected by relics. — Or St. Teresa wishes to become confessor. To test her God gives her a small box not to be opened for three days, but she opens it. Cf Mt 1416 and Mt *1550 C.
Mexico: Boas JAF XXV 226 no 7.
an 1. ECPE no 76. 2. ECPE no 95. as 1. BTPE VIII 119. nc 1. ECPE no 96. For other similar versions see LRAF p. 70 no 1; p. 70 no 2; p. 71 no 3; p. 71 no 4; p. 72 no 5; p. 73 no 6; p. 73 no 7; p. 74 no 9; also LRAL p. 174.
*G. Neighbor or rejected suitor slanders girl before her lover. He abandons her and she dies of grief. Slanderer confesses and does penance. Girl's ghost appears to slanderer, has him throw water on ground and then orders him to pick it up again. When he cannot she tells him it is just as impossible to restore lost honor. She jerks out his tongue or he dies [Q 417]. — Or man dies and his wife prays to God to bring him back. God consents to leave him in corner of room. Every night when she comes home he asks her where she has been. She says she has been working to support their children. She grows tired of this questioning and asks priest what to do to get rid of him. Priest has her answer him that she has been bearing false witness against maidens and married ladies. He replies that God pardons all but that; and he disappears. an 1. CTA p. 93. as 1. LRAC no 126. nc 1. ECPE no 94.
839. Libro de los cjemplos no LVI.
840 *A. Adam mourns death of Abel. Lord says, "Be consoled, for yours will be a numerous progeny. I shall give you a glimpse of the future". Adam sees the whole world populated with different races, but turns away disconsolate, for these were the sons of Cain, and they were at war with one another. an 1. COAR p. 109.
844. (Mt 949* in Rum.) Shirt of happiness. [ar] 1. PMC p. 121.
*846. Christ and St. Peter are invited to help themselves to figs by owner of fig tree. St. Peter advises he be rewarded, and Christ grants that the tree be fruitful and anyone who climbs into it to get figs may have a bad fall. This is why one has a bad fall when one falls out of a fig tree. St. Peter enters an inn for a drink of water; but he gets wine and Christ smells it on him. But he denies it and says they can burn all the vineyards and tear down all the inns so far as he is concerned. So Christ sends plagues on the vines and it is looked down upon to enter inns. mu 1. DCPC p. 69.
*847. Honesty and Fraud start a farm in partnership. Fraud cheats Honesty in ventures with fowls, corn and fish. They move into town and hire a housekeeper. Fraud is to have use of her right side, Honesty of her left. Left side alone is of little use. Fraud falls in love with housekeeper and wishes to marry her. But to induce Honesty to relinquish his right to her left side he must repay double the money Honesty has lost in their enterprises and must confess his frauds publicly [K 1635]. Mob surges upon Fraud and he flees. x 1. HCWT p. 189.
*848. Truth and Justice determine to distribute all money they gain. With their beauty they have only to show themselves and people give them money. Avarice joins them and becomes banker, and pushes Truth off bridge and drowns her, so the money will be divided between two instead of three. Since then there has been no truth in the world. Justice seeks to punish Avarice who takes refuge in a church and probably will remain there until the church falls. an 1. FA p. 124.
*849. A. Two girls are shut in room by stepmother. They adore a statue of Christ Child who comes down from pedestal and plays with them, but will never go with them to visit their sick father. Virgin asks Christ Child to go with her to visit a sick person. Girls remind Him that He would not visit their father. He tells them to ask His mother, for He delights in benefactions which pass through her hand. an 1. COAR p. 97.
B. Poor laybrother finds old mutilated statue of Virgin but has no money to have it restored. He solicits sewing from wealthy lady, takes it before the statue and prays for aid. The statue does the sewing for him and thus he earns money to have statue restored. Others see the miracle. an 1. COAR p. 99.

850—999 Novella.

850—869 Hand of princess is won.

850. Cf Mt *572; Mt *594; Mt 853 *A; and Mt 900 *A.
851—854. Cf 571—Mt 574.
851. Cf Mt 927 *B.
II Various, depending on riddle in III.
III *d I shot at what I saw; killed what I did not see; and ate that which was not born. My mother killed Panda; Panda killed three. *e Borona killed Paula; Paula killed two; two killed seven. I passed between the hard and soft, below was the dead, above were two singing. I ate unborn meat, cooked with the Holy Writ, and drank water which was neither in the sky nor on earth. *f Dead Paula killed seven; seven killed three. I shot at what I saw, killed what I did not see; and ate dead and unborn meat passed through the flames of the Church. I drank water neither in the sky nor on earth. Hard on soft and three birds on top singing. *g Drink this wine which a culiblanca was carrying to its nest. I come mounted on that which is not born and am dressed from its mother. *h Cuckoo on pine; fish on bridge; snake in hole; last in sack; and on entering the palace — chuchurrutaco. *i Cake killed Adela; Adela killed three. I ate unborn meat and drank water which was neither in the sky nor on earth. *j Cuckoo above cuckoo I see; serpent in hole; on entering the palace — chuculatrero. *k I took what I did not want. I threw the good out of the better. He spoke to me whom I had never seen.
IV Cf Mt 900 *A. *c He accepts money instead of princess. *d He explains his riddle and refuses the princess, insulting her and the king on account of their stupidity.
Demófilo, Enigmas y adivinanzas, Seville 1880 p. 310; see BP I 193.
Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXV 27 no 69.
an 1. RMCP I 395 = E 1879 segunda época, nos 1 and 2: I, II (Donkey eats his poisoned bread and dies; seven birds eat donkey flesh and die; three paupers eat birds and die. He throws stone at hare, misses it and kills another hare he had not seen and which was pregnant. He roasts dead hare over lamp in hermitage, eats it and drinks water under lamp. He sees his dead donkey floating in river and three birds on the carcass), III *f, IV a. 2. ECPE no 5 = ETCP p. 42: I, II (He shoots at one hare but kills another; eats it and its unborn young. His ass eats poisoned loaves and dies. Three jackdaws eat flesh of ass and die), III *d, IV (Cf Mt 900 *A) a. 3. ECPE no 7: II (He sees cuckoo in pinetree, fish on bridge, snake in hole and shoemaker with sackful of lasts. On entering palace he sees frying fish and says, "Chuchurrutaco"), III *h + Mt 570 I, III c, IV a (Truths) b. 4. ECPE no 8: II (He sees two cuckoos in tree, one higher than the other, serpent in hole. On entering palace he sees water being drawn from well and says, "Chuculatrero"), III *j, IV *d. 5. ECPE no 16: I, II (Going up palace steps he stubs his toe. They tell him to throw a bull out of a wheatfield. He finds a treasure whose location someone reveals to him in a dream). III *k, IV (Princess cannot guess, so she has to marry him). as 1. LRAC no 132: I, II (He feeds poisoned cake to dog which dies. Three crows eat dog's flesh and die. He finds hare almost frozen, kills it and eats its unborn young. He drinks water under lamp in chapel) III *i + Mt 570 I, II, III b, IV a (Truths) b. 2. LRAC no 133: I, II (He feeds poisoned bread to dog which dies. Two birds eat dog's flesh and die. Seven birds eat the two birds and die. He sees dead ass under bridge and two birds singing on rail. He finds a dying hare, takes out its unborn young and roasts them over fire made with leaves from old massbook. He drinks water under lamp in church), III *e, IV *c. nc 1. ECPE no 6: II (He kills mare, takes out its unborn colt alive and makes a cape from mare's skin. He rides colt to palace. On way he sees a culiblanca with bunch of grapes in its beak. He kills it, and puts juice from grapes in bottle), III *g + Mt 570 I, II, III c (Princess to buy rabbit must kiss mule under tail), IV a b.
*A. King offers princess to one who can guess where she sleeps. She would give suitors wine which put them to sleep. Hero does not drink wine and follows her over pine across ditch and as wind through keyhole. He takes three forks, heads of three partridges and a handkerchief as proof. oc 1. ECPE no 12: Mt 851 *A + Mt 570 I. II, III b (To buy rabbit), IV a b.
852 *A. Princess will marry only one who can lie more than she. Hero says he planted palmtree which grew so fast it carried him up with it and he arrived in Heaven just in time for marriage of the eleven thousand virgins [X 922], etc. etc. Princess admits he can lie more than she. She will not marry him but appoints him director of the Gazette [X 452] where he continues his lying. an 1. COAR p. 78 = CST p. 80. For descent on moonbeam see Libro de los ejemplos no VII.
853 *A. Princess is offered to one who can make her laugh. Hero plays guitar and is rewarded with magic napkin which provides food, glass which provides liquor and guitar which causes everyone to dance. He cannot make the princess laugh and is thrown into prison. He sells napkin to princess for permission to look at her toe; glass for permission to look at her knee; guitar to sleep with her (she must say no to everything he asks). They marry. Cf Mt 571—Mt 574 and Mt 850. an 1. ECPE no 177.
854. New Mexico: Espinosa JAF XXVII 135 no 16. Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXXVII 302 no 21; 312 no 22. (M. R. Cox, Cinderella London 1893, 'La candeliera').
an 1. BTPE I 178 = RSLT p. 44 (Golden parrot). Cf Mt 313 II d.
*857. Princess and king's barber fall in love. King forbids their marriage and princess runs away. King sends barber to seek her. In woods he bemoans fate that he has fallen in love with princess. She is hidden in tree trunk and bemoans fate that she has fallen in love with barber. He cannot discover from whence her voice proceeds and goes to sleep [T 47.1]. She takes his clothes, leaves her own and becomes barber to neighboring king [K 1837]. Barber in her clothes comes to same court and king falls in love with him in this disguise [K 1321]. King confides his love to his "barber". She steals back her own clothes and reveals all to the king. He arranges her marriage to the barber. [le] 1. ST p. 79.
*859. In bed servant says, "House of my father with one hundred and fifty lights and goatpen".. His master believes him to be of a wealthy family and marries his daughter to him. They go to visit his parents, arrive at a hut and he explains the lights are stars whose beams enter through cracks in the roof. One goat is tied to a tree [A pun]. The girl really loves him and rescues his family from poverty [K 1955]. as 1. LRAC no 39.
*860. King offers hand of princess to one who brings him glass of all waters [H 1377.1], bouquet of all flowers [H 1377.2] and hazelnuts of ay, ay, ay! [H 1377.3]. Hero sets out and meets a child [N 827] who gives him seawater, beehive and hazelnuts with thorns so that king cries, "Ay, ay, ay!" when he takes them. — Or man takes along shepherd to make princess talk [H 347]. Shepherd insults her and she bursts forth in indignation [H 347.1]. Shepherd has made her talk and claims her for his own wife. as 1. CTA p. 119: Mt *860 (Introd) + Mt 921 b *f d (Gather wool) + Mt *860 (Concl). 2. LRAC no 48: Mt *860 (Introd) + Mt 921 b + Mt *860 (Concl).
*865. Prince comes to marry princess, but on seeing how very ugly she is, he says he is dazzled by her beauty and will marry someone less beautiful. To spite him, she says she will marry the king's barber but he declines and king has him beheaded. Prince suggests a tournament for her hand, but no knight is unhorsed. King offers her to first to be wounded. All fight with fury and all are wounded. Finally a blind fiddler offers to marry her and is accepted [T 68, X 728]. Cf Panchatantra, transl. by J. Alemany Bolufer, Madrid, Perlado Paez, 1908 p. 384 (Book V, tale 13) Princess with three breasts marries blind man.
[ex] 1. ST p. 9.

870—879 Heroine marries prince.

870 *B. Pregnant princess wishes to marry man of better condition than one who seduced her. She murders latter and her baby and has maidservant who is virgin throw the one in a well and bury the other, and then take her place in bridal bed. She dismisses the servant without pay. Servant writes to princess complaining how poorly she has been rewarded for throwing a fish in water, planting a tree and lending a flower. Husband discovers the letter; the truth is revealed; he has wife thrown in well and marries servant girl.
as 1. LRAC no 37 = RPZ XXXV 199.
875. le 1. KDCS p. 114 no III: (King builds palace door low to force man to stoop — bow — when he enters. Man enters backwards. Eulenspiegel, see T. Murner, Die Gäuchmatt, ed W. Uhl, Leipzig, Teubner 1896 p. 268 ff) + (King orders man to bring swarm of flies within 24 hours. He attracts them with dead donkey) + Mt 875 II a + (Man obtains permission to choose tree on which he is to be hanged. He cannot find tree that pleases him and he is pardoned. Cf Solomon et Marcolfus, ed W. Benary, Heidelberg 1914, Sammlung mittellateinischer Texte 8).
*878. Marquis takes poor girl to palace as maid. When his mother finds out he is in love with girl, she dismisses her. He takes medicine to make him delirious and doctors say he will die if he cannot marry girl. Mother permits the marriage. as 1. LRAC no 36.

880—899 Fidelity and innocence.

882. as 1. LRAC no 114. 2. LRAC no 115.
883 A. nc 1. ECPE no 106.
887. Juan Manuel, Conde Lucanor, ed Knust & Birch-Hirschfeld, Leipzig 1900, Ejemplo XXVII (See R. F. Rockwood, "A Spanish 'patient persecuted wife' tale of 1329" in Romanic Review 1916 VII 235). as 1. LRAC no 35.
889. Cf Mt 516.
as 1. LRAC no 51 (Faithful servant gives heart of master's favorite bull to friend's or neighbor's daughter who promises to sleep with him). oc 1. ECPE no 48 (Same variation as in as 1).
*891. Seer tells man his wife has stolen his money and given it to her lover. Man threatens to kill his wife, but their child says pig ate the money. Man kills pig and finds money. He begs his wife's forgivness.
Libro de los ejemplos no CCXCIII.
as 1. LRAC no 122.
893. Cf Mt 1381 *A.
*895. Prince keeps peasant girl secretly as his mistress. His parents marry him to a princess. He stabs her to death on bridal night. Same happens to second princess, but third follows him on his nightly visit to peasant who begs prince not to kill princess. He goes to war. Princess places peasant in a convent where she desires to be, and pretends peasant's newborn child is her own. Prince returns, finds peasant in convent but she begs him to forget her and live with his wife and child. He does so. an 1. ECPE no 36.
*896. Count does not return from war. His wife sets out to find him. She arrives at fine palace, discovers it belongs to her husband who is about to marry [N 725.1]. Disguised as peasant [K 1835] she tells her story and reveals herself. He accepts her as his wife. x 1. BPS p. 20 = SCE p. 59.

900—904 Shreiwish wife is reformed.

900. II *c She refuses to marry her lover because he eats food he dropped.
III *d Disguised count induces her with magic gifts to marry him.
IV *g She must endure hardships of woods and finally faints from exhaustion. *h She drops an egg they have begged; it breaks, and she stoops to eat it.
V *b When she comes to, all is as it had been on wedding day when she scorned the count. She becomes a model wife. *c He reminds her of food he dropped and she recognizes him.
Duran, Romancero general, I, 163 no 308—16: see BP I 448.
Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXXIV 197 no 51; XXXIX 242 no 17.
as 1. LRAC no 38: II *c, III a, IV *h, V *c. le 1. ECPE no 179: II *c, III c, IV b, V (He reveals himself and they marry). x 1. BPS p. 303: II *c, III *d,

IV *g, V *b.

*A. Boy pretends madness when rejected by his lover. Disguised as peddler he sells her a bracelet for a look at her foot, ring for look at calf of leg and earrings to sleep with her [T 451] but she shuts herself in room and gives him shirtwaist instead. He exhibits the shirtwaist at her wedding with another suitor and wins the bride. oc 1. ECPE no 180. Cf Mt 850 I and Mt 851 IV.
901. Juan Manuel, Conde Lucanor, no XXXV.
as 1. LRAC no 123 (Lazy wife. He beats his bag for laziness). le 1. ECPE no 91 (He shoots his donkey). 2. ECPE no 92 (Lazy wife. He beats her and breaks her arm; pays the doctor double his fee in anticipation of second beating).

910—914 Good precepts.

910 A. New Mexico: Espinosa JAF XXIV 409 no 4; XXXVII 298 no 11.
le 1. ECPE no 68 (Do not hire a Galician servant; do not throw refuse in your woods; never trust a secret to your wife). nc 1. ECPE no 163 (Do not trust a slick stone, lapdog nor blond man): see Mt 1000 nc 1.
B. Cf Juan Manuel, Conde Lucanor no XXXVI (Son sleeps with mother). Libro de Patronio in Bib. de Aut. Esp. vol. LI p. 406.
an 1. COAR p. 104 = CST p. 183. as 1. LRAC no 52 (Never sleep at inn where old innkeeper has young wife. Master gives him bread containing money). 2. CTA p. 134 (Never stop where you find an old man and young wife and black cat sitting by fire. Master gives him pie containing money). nc 1. ECPE no 64 (Never ask about what does not concern you. Master gives him bread containing money). oc 1. ECPE no 63 (Mind your own business. Money in bread). 2. ECPE no 65 (Never ask about what does not concern you. Man follows this advice and is rewarded with a sack of money). 3. ECPE no 66 (Mind your own business and do not seek shelter where either husband or wife is old. Money in pie). 4. ECPE no 67 (Never dispute with anyone but do what you are told. Master gives him box to be opened at moment of greatest joy. It contains money).
D. Cf Mt 563.
x 1. BPS p. 131 (After squandering money discovered when he tried to hang himself, he digs a hole in which to stick his head and smother himself; but he discovers buried treasure, squanders part and the rest is stolen. Again he attempts suicide but gun refuses to discharge and noose breaks after he jumps off cliff with rope around his neck. He falls into sea and is rescued by his sweetheart. They wed, he goes to work and is happy).
915. as 1. LRAC no 33.

920—929 Clever youth.

921. a*³ Why are bells ringing? Because bishop is going to confirmation.
c*² Feather is unburying the dead and burying the living. He is in cemetery taking out dead trees and putting in live ones.
*f Sister is crying her laughter of last year. She is crying because she is pregnant.
Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXXVII 334 no 47.
as 1. CTA p. 119: Mt *860 + Mt 921 b *f d (Gathering wool). 2. LRAC no 48: Mt *860 + Mt 921 b. oc 1. ECPE no 15: a*³ c*² d *f.
922. I c*² King rewards both. *d Devil, posing as girl who wishes to become a nun, asks the questions of the bishop. *e St. Anthony, disguised as beggar, answers.
II *l What was God's first miracle? Man. *m Where is land higher than Heaven? The Celestial Throne. *n How far is it from Heaven to Hell? Only you, Satan, know. *o How far is it from earth to sun? 847,000 leagues, and if you do not believe me, have it measured.
Libro de los ejemplos no CCCXXXII and no CCCXCII. "Aus dem Eulenspiegel wiederum schöpfte der unbekannte Verfasser des 2. Teiles des spanischen Romans 'Lazarillo de Tormes' (1555 ch 18 = Aribau, Novelistas ant. a Cervantes 1846 p. 108) seine Schilderung des Examens Lazaros auf der Universität Salamanca. — Bei B. Fernández de Velasco, Deleyte de la discreción y fácil escucla de la agudeza 1743 p. 22 errat ein Pfarrer drei Gedanken Philipps II, der auf der Jagd bei ihm eingekehrt ist;" see BP III 215. Timoneda, Patrañuelo 1576 no 14 = BTPE III 154 (cf Menéndez y Pelayo, Origenes de la novela 2 LVI (1907); see BP III 224. Trueba, Cuentos populares 1875 p. 287 (cf Archiv f Litgesch 9, 423); see BP III 227. Torres Naharro, Propaladia (1517 ed Menéndez 1900 2, 378), see BP III 231.
an 1. COAR p. 92: I *d *e, II *l *m *n. 2. ECPE no 13 = ETCP p. 43: I a, II h e k. as 1. LRAC no 45: I a b (Servant), II h g k. 2. CTA p. 124: I a b c, II e h k. x 1. METS p. 106: I a b (Lay brother) c*², II *o h k.
923. Cf Mt 510 I c.
as 1. BTPE VIII 175 = SCE p. 47. 2. MPP p. 341. oc 1. ECPE no 107.
*925 A. King says that when his favorite horse dies he will kill him who brings the news of its death [P 12], or he simply leaves orders that he should be told of it indirectly. Servant tells king that flies enter the horse's mouth and come out under its tail [J 1675]. King exclaims that horse must have died. Servant reminds him that not he but the king has said that it died. as 1. LRAC no 56. 2. CTA p. 233 (Cf Mt 655).
B. Count leaves orders to be informed indirectlv about birth of child. Servant asks him if he is winning or losing at dice, for his wife wishes to know whether yes or no, meaning whether she should throw the child into river or not, because he had said if it were a girl, it should be thrown into river. He asks if it is he or she. Servant girl replies, "It is you", meaning it is a boy [J 2496]. Count then tells her to say no, meaning not to throw boy in river. as 1. LRAC no 136.
927 *A. Formerly I was daughter, now I am mother; I have a son who was the husband of my mother [H 807]. This was a girl who nursed her imprisoned father through a crack in the wall [R 81]. King agrees to free her father if she can bring a riddle he cannot solve. She brings the above riddle. Her father is freed [H 543]. an 1. ECPE no 17.
*B. Drink this wine which bird took to nest [H 806]; I come on an unborn horse and between my legs I bring its mother [H 792]. Stork took bunch of grapes to nest; boy took them and made wine. He took dead colt from horse he was riding and made his saddle from its skin. King agrees to free boy's father if he can bring a riddle king cannot solve. He brings the above riddle. His father is freed [R 156]. le 1. ECPE no 18. Cf Mt 851.

930—940 Fate.

930. I *b Rich merchant notes growing love between his daughter and poor neighbor's son, and determines they shall not marry.
II *d Merchant orders servant to throw boy into sea. *e Servant abandons boy on beach. *f Boy is rescued by the merchant's ship.
III *c Boy becomes the ship's captain, becomes wealthy and marries the merchant's daughter. *d Boy reveals his identity.
as 1. LRAC no 41: I a (Rich merchant), II *d *e *f, III *c *d. 2. CTA p. 129: I *b, II *d *f, III *c *d.
*A. Prince is fated to marry shepherd's daughter. He abandons her in woods, but his uncle finds her. Prince leaves rings in dirty water in washbowl and girl throws all into sea. He accuses her of stealing them. Uncle casts her out. Birds bring her rings. Prince resigns himself to his fate and marries her. as 1. LRAC no 17.
931 *A. Deer asks hunter, "Why do you pursue me, slayer of your parents?" Hunter is frightened and, leaving home, he marries in a distant town. His parents search for him and come to his house while he is on hunt. His wife lets them sleep in her bed. Early in the morning husband returns while wife is at mass, and, seeing two strangers in her bed, kills them. Wife returns and says his parents are in her bed. He falls dead. as 1. LRAC no 53.
*932. Gypsy says prince will marry girl called Maria del Rosario. He finds her but her stepmother tries to substitute her own daughter. He has intercourse with Maria, gives her a locket, tells her to follow him and flees. She is taken in at palace where she gives birth. Queen and prince are godparents. Prince recognizes his locket on the baby and marries its mother. le 1. ECPE no 118.
*936. Rich couple pray to St. Anthony for baby [T 542]. Boy is born but fated to hang when he is twenty years old [M 350]. Mother tells him those who take bigger part of what he offers them are selfish. He finds all are selfish until he meets a beggar who refuses larger share. They join company but beggar makes him pledge to share all they have when they part company. Boy works as clerk and marries master's daughter, but beggar makes him promise not to touch her until he is twenty. When he becomes twenty, two angels hang him but Virgin saves him. Beggar demands his wife be cut into two parts, according to their agreement. Boy asks that God's will be done. Beggar reveals himself as St. Anthony. Boy lives happily with wife. [an] 1. BTPE V 119 (Cf Mt 505—Mt 508).
940. Cf Mt 313 V b and Mt 425 IV f.
as 1. LRAC no 55 (They revenge themselves by baring her in moonlight and spanking her).
945 *A. Money and Fortune decide to test their power on poor man. Money gives him a dollar but he loses it on way to buy bread; a goldpiece, but merchant declares it is counterfeit; 2,000 reales, but robbers take it from him. Fortune comes to his aid and he finds dollar he had lost; merchant finds the goldpiece is not counterfeit and returns it together with cloth to make amends for having wrongly accused him; police capture robbers and his money is returned; he invests it in a mine and gold, lead and iron are found at a shallow depth. So Fortune is master and distributes her favors without rime or reason [N 183]. an 1. CPA p. 69 = WCPA p. 218 = HCVK p. 141 = CST p. 190.
947 *A. The more good man prays, the worse is his fortune. He loses wife, child and money [N 251.1]; but he maintains his devotion to God throughout his life. When he arrives at Heaven, the doors open wide. an 1. COAR p. 108.
*948. Man always has good fortune and becomes wealthy. He gives poor neighbor, who is always followed by bad fortune, 200 reales to go to Fortune's palace for him and tell her he has enough and is satisfied. Neighbor asks for 300 reales but finally must accept one. Fortune replies she will continue to favor man until he dies for that is her will. Neighbor's own Fortune is ugly old hag and he tells her he would send her to the Devil. She replies if he had not caught her asleep, he would never have gotten any money from the rich man [N 111]. an 1. CPA p. 57 = SPE p. 283 = WBVC p. 214 = CST p. 147.

950—974 Thief.

954 *A. Robbers disguised as merchants leave oil barrel in convent. Cook runs short of oil and taps barrel. Voice from within asks if it is time. She answers that it will be soon and goes for police who capture robber, blow his whistle and capture the rest as they come. as 1. CTA p. 203.
956. Cf Mt 302 *A.
B. nc 1. ECPE no 40 (Girl chops off thief's fingers. He marries her, and threatens to throw her into well, but she throws him in). oc 1. ECPE no 39 (Girl chops off thief's hand. He marries her, reveals himself and locks her in room. She escapes).
*959. King gives princess in marriage to man who guesses that skin displayed by king is that of a flea. Man takes princess to house in woods which she discovers is thieves' den. She sends little dog to warn king; shuts herself in room and sends second dog to tower as lookout. Finally king and soldiers come to her rescue and thief is put into boiling oil. as 1. CTA p. 15. Cf Mt 425 B and Mt 621.
960. Enxemplos, no 96 (Gayangos, Escritores ant al s. 15, p. 470). Knust, Mitteilungen aus dem Eskurial, 1879 p. 2. 679. Jahrbuch f. roman. Lit., 10, 318; see BP II 533.
as 1. LRAC no 116 (Man is murdered but before dying he points to thistleflower and says it will reveal murderer's guilt. It sticks to murderer's clothes. His wife notices it and asks why he is sad. He confesses murder to her. He frequently comes home drunk and beats wife who threatens to reveal crime. Finally she grows tired of beatings and reports crime. Man is hanged). 2. LRAC no 121 (Poor brother discovers gold in bottom of well. He tells rich brother about his find and they go together. Rich brother hoists up gold but leaves poor brother in well [K 978]. Poor brother requests that his next child be named Nothing-is-hidden-from-God [Z 511]. Missionaries notice this name and after questioning, rich brother confesses [N 271]. He is burned).
*970. Girls are left alone. They invade thieves' den but are caught. Under pretext of bathing they shut themselves in room and escape through window [K 563]. Or prince asks number of leaves on girl's plant. She asks number of stars in sky [H 571, H 702, H 705]. Thieves' captain or prince disguised as old woman or man [K 375] gains entrance to girls' house. He gives them sleeping figs [D 1364.3.2]; or trades orejones, skirts or lace for kisses. Clever girl does not eat her figs [J 585] and throws him out; or cuts cloth on which he is climbing up. She disguises as doctor and barber and tortures him. He marries her. She places doll in bed [K 525.1] and hides underneath. He stabs doll and honey runs out. He repents and she reveals herself.
Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXXVII 302 no 12.
an 1. BTPE I 149 = RSLT p. 17. 2. ECPE no 3. 3. ECPE no 37. nc 1. ECPE no 1. oc 1. ECPE no 2. 2. ECPE no 38. 3. ECPE no 4.
*973. Wife and child left alone by husband admit beggar woman. Child warns mother that beggar woman has pants on underneath dress. Mother goes to loft under pretext of hanging onions, but gets gun. Beggar pursues. She shoots and kills beggar. Child brings neighbors. They discover beggar is thief and has whistle. They blow it and capture his companions. Mother gets all their money. as 1. CTA p. 201.
*980 A. Children feign great devotion for their father and he divides his property among them before he dies. They abandon him. He guards a chest which they believe to be filled with gold, so they again treat him with the greatest affection. When he dies they open the chest, find it filled with rocks and on top a paper which reads: 'He who gives away his property before dying, deserves to be knocked in the head with a stone' [P 236].
Libro de los ejemplos no CCLXXII.
as 1. CTA p. 218.
B. Father and son quarrel. Son drags father down hill to edge of woods and father says, "Just to here, son, and no furher, for I dragged my father only to here" [P 233]. Or, before duel, father asks mother if son is really his; she answers in affirmative and son shoots into the air, saying he cannot kill his own father [P 233]. as 1. CFAC p. 199. 2. BTPE VIII 123.
C. Man returns to find son and his Jewish wife cooking grandmother because she was old and bothersome. Man is crossing narrow bridge with son on his back. Boy exclaims his father's neck is nice and fat for eating. Father throws son over bridge and curses day he married a Jewess. as 1. CTA p. 207.
*983. "I bring, Holy Father, three sins due to ignorance, for this woman is my wife, daughter and sister." Boy got into maidservant's bed, but did not know that his own mother took servant's place. Mother bears a daughter which son marries without knowing that she is his own sister [T 411, N 365]. When he finds out truth, he goes to Rome to seek Pope's pardon. as 1. ECPE no 19.

1000—1199 Stupid ogre.

New Mexico: Espinosa JAF XXVII nos 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXXV 44 no 78; 25 no 79.
1000. as 1. CTA p. 174: Mt 1000 + 1003 *A + 1004 a + 1007 + 1049 *A + 1115 + 1036 + *1075 a. 2. LRAC no 44: Mt 1000 + 1007 + 1137 + 1004 a. nc 1. ECPE no 163: Mt 910 A + 1000 + 1010 + *1019 + *1020 + 1004 *d + 1004 a + 1088 + 1062 + 1061 + 1137 + 1029. 2. ECPE no 167: Mt 1000 + *1019 + 1002 + 1011 + 1005 + 1007 + 1120 (Cf Mt 327 B). oc 1. ECFE no 165: Mt 1000 + 1002 + 1007 (Cf Mt 1011)+ 1011 + 1004 a + 1029. 2. ECPE no 166: Mt 1000 + *1020 + *1019 + 1007 + 1029.
1002. nc 1. ECPE no 167: see Mt 1000 nc 2. oc 1. ECPE no 165: see Mt 1000 oc 1.
1003 *A. He sells oxen and gives the money away. as 1. CTA p. 174: see Mt 1000 as 1.
1004. a) as 1. CTA p. 174: see Mt 1000 as 1. 2. LRAC no 44: see Mt 1000 as 2. nc 1. ECPE no 163: see Mt 1000 nc 1. oc 1. no 165: see Mt 1000 oc 1.
*d) Master sends him to fair to sell drove of mares. He sells all but white one and keeps bells from rest. He kills white mare; vultures come to feed on its carcass; he puts bells on them and tells master mares have all become vultures. nc 1. ECPE no 163: see Mt 1000 nc 1.
1005. nc 1. ECPE no 167: see Mt 1000 nc 2.
1007. Cf Mt 1011. BLC II 309.
as 1. CTA p. 174: see Mt 1000 as 1. 2. LRAC no 44: see Mt 1000 as 2. le 1. ECPE no 164: see Mt *1020 le 1. nc 1. ECPE no 167: see Mt 1000 nc 2. oc 1. ECPE no 165: see Mt 1000 oc 1. 2. ECPE no 166: see Mt 1000 oc 2.
1010. nc 1. ECPE no 163: see Mt 1000 nc 1.
1011. Cf Mt 1007 and Mt *1195.
nc 1. ECPE no 167: see Mt 1000 nc 2. oc 1. ECPE no 165: see Mt 1000 oc 1.
*1019. Boy goes to sleep on job, but master does not dare to punish him.
nc 1. ECPE no 163: see Mt 1000 nc 1. 2. ECPE no 167: see Mt 1000 nc 2. oc 1. ECPE no 166: see Mt 1000 oc 2.
*1020. Master does not feed boy who pretends to sleep and sees master's wife bring out food. He gets up and they have to feed him. He sleeps on foodchest and they must go to bed hungry.
Cf Mt 1560.
le 1. ECPE no 164: Mt *1020 + Mt 1007 + Mt 1535 V a. nc 1. ECPE no 163: see Mt 1000 nc 1. oc 1. ECPE no 166: see Mt 1000 oc 2.
1029. nc 1. ECPE no 163: see Mt 1000 nc 1. oc 1. ECPE no 165: see Mt 1000 oc 1. 2. ECPE no 166: see Mt 1000 oc 2.

1030—1059 Partnership of man and ogre.

1030. Cf Mt 275 *A, Mt *278 A and B, and Mt 1537 *A.
J. Manuel, Conde Lucanor, no 43 ed. Knust 1900 = Eichendorff, Werke 1864 6, 532 no 41; cf Chauvin 2, 159; see BP III 360.
as 1. LRAC no 42: Mt 1030 (Cf Mt 9 B) + Mt 1653 B + 1535 II, V a b.
1036. as 1. CTA p. 174: see Mt 1000 as 1.
1049 *A. as 1. CTA p. 174: see Mt 1000 as 1. le 1. ECPE no 195: Mt 1062 + Mt 1049 *A + Mt *1075 b.

1060—1114 Contest between man and ogre.

Cf Mt 103 *A.
1060. oc 1. ECPE no 194: Mt 1640 I, II: Mt 1062 + Mt 1060 + Mt 1088 + Mt *1075 b.
1061. nc 1. ECPE no 163: see Mt 1000 nc 1.
1062. le 1. ECPE no 195: Mt 1062 + Mt 1049 *A + Mt *1075 b. nc 1. ECPE no 163: see Mt 1000 nc 1. oc 1. ECPE no 194: Mt 1640 I, II: Mt 1062 + Mt 1060 + Mt 1088 + Mt *1075 b.
1074. Cf Mt 275, Mt 275 *A and *B.
*1075. Fleeing youth pretends to stab himself in order to run faster [J 2400]. a) Giant becomes afraid; or, b) stabs himself and dies.
as 1. CTA p. 174: see Mt 1000 as 1. Cf Mt 1088. le 1. ECPE no 195: Mt 1062 + Mt 1049 *A + Mt *1075 b. oc 1. ECPE no 194: Mt 1640 I, II: Mt 1062 + Mt 1060 + Mt 1088 + Mt *1075 b.
1088. Cf Mt *1075.
nc 1. ECPE no 163: see Mt 1000 nc 1. oc 1. ECPE no 194: Mt 1640 I, II: Mt 1062 + Mt 1060 + Mt 1088 + Mt *1075 b.
1091. as 1. CTA p. 114 (St. Crispin as peasant raises fine crop. Devil tills neighboring field. St. Crispin hops about in Devil's field covered with honey and feathers. Devil tells this strange beast to get out of his lentils. Thus St. Crispin learns the name).
1096. Cf Mt 1710—Mt 1719.

1115—1129 Attempt to murder hero.

1115. as 1. CTA p. 174: see Mt 1000 as 1.
1120. Cf Mt 327 B.
nc 1. ECPE no 167: see Mt 1000 nc 2 (Sleeping on river bank, boy changes places with master's wife. Master pushes her into river, thinking she is boy).
1130. Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXXVII 330 no 42; XXXIX 367 no 60.
1137. as 1. CTA p. 156. 2. LRAC no 44: see Mt 1000 as 2. nc 1. ECPE; no 163: see Mt 1000 nc 1.

1145—1154 Ogre frightened.

1149 *A. Devil goes on picnic and thinks up what mischief he may do there. Meets a boy who tells him there are many young children at picnic. Devil decides not to go to picnic, since there is nothing for him to do where there are young children. as 1. CFAC p. 202.

1170—1199 Man sells his soul to Devil.

Cf Mt 510 II *i.
1180. as 1. LRAC no 25: Mt 1180 + Mt *1195 (Cf Mt 1011) + Mt 332 I *e, II a, III *c.
*1195. as 1. LRAC no 25: Mt 1180 + Mt *1195 (Cf Mt 1011) + Mt 332 I *e, II a, III *c.

1200—1999 Joke and anecdote.

1200—1349 Numskull.

1210. oc 1. HFB V nos 28 and 29 p. 29 (Ass is hoisted up tower but is hanged in the process). 2. ECPE no 186: Mt *1703 + Mt 1210 (Ass hoisted up tower but hanged in process).
1240. BLC I 29.
1250. Cf Mt *1703.
1335. Cf Mt 34.

1350—1439 Married couple.

1350. BLC II 151.
as 1. CTA p. 205. oc 1. ECPE no 93.
1352. Cf Mt *435, the frame.
*1355. Husband and wife quarrel and place a plank between them in bed. During the night husband sneezes. "God help you", says wife. "Do you really mean that?" he asks. "Yes!" "Then away with the plank!" as 1. LRAC no 96.
*1358. Husband working away from home faithfully sends wife money. But she commits a grave fault while he is away. He returns and they carry on an indirect conversation over baptism of cats [K 1557], in which she confesses her sin and promises never to repeat it. He tells her he knew she did it, but he will keep silent about it; however he would never trust her again. as 1. LRAC no 95.
1360 B. Cf Mt 1535 III.
C. as 1. LRAC no 108 (Priest sends boy to call shoemaker's wife. But as boy sings his message, shoemaker overhears and sings threat). 2. LRAC no 109 (Husband jumps out of sack and gives priest beating). 3. LRAC no 110 (Husband beats lover and wife).
1363 *A. Two brothers go courting. Younger promises older to stop eating when he feels kick under table. Cat brushes against his leg and he stops eating soon after he has begun. It snows and brothers stay all night. Older slips into kitchen to bring porridge to younger. By mistake he returns to bed of girl's mother. He says not to blow porridge for it is already cold. But he hears puff of wind and in disgust he slaps porridge against opening from which puff came. Mother goes out to clean herself. Older brother goes to wash hands and gets hand stuck in bowl. He breaks bowl over mother's rump, taking it for a stone. as 1. LRAC no 63. Cf Mt 1775.
1364 *A. Lover confides his adventures to shoemaker and does not know it is shoemaker's wife he is courting. He hides in jar and chest but shoemaker does not find him. Third time wife has shoemaker kneel before saint's statue with her and she states that her husband is jealous and asks saint to punish guilty one. Lover behind statue hits shoemaker on head with mallet. as 1. LRAC no 103.
1365 A. BLC I 19.
B. S. de Covarrubias Orozco, Tesoro de la lengua castellana española, Madrid 1674—3; see under "Tigeretas".
C. as 1. LRAC no 94.
*D. Man and wife dispute over which of them shall eat three of their five eggs. Wife insists on having three, but husband refuses so she pretends to die or he has her buried. When he sees she goes even into grave, he grants her three. Or she cries, "I eat two!" and everyone flees except lame man who exclaims, "Poor me and the other one!" [T 255.4].
Cf M. Menéndez y Pelayo, Origenes de la novela, Madrid 1915 IV 1144. Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXXVII 339 no 53.
as 1. LRAC no 93. le 1. KDCS p. 117 no VII.
*E. Man finds hair in his soup and claims it is his wife's. She insists that it is his. He beats her. Neighbor tells his wife why she is being beaten. Neighbor's wife insists that it was man's hair and neighbor beats his wife. And so the quarrel spreads until every woman in town is beaten. le 1. KDCS p. 116 no VI.
1373. Cf Mt 1458.
*1374. Man's wife or priest's housekeeper pretends not to eat. He starts out but returns to house, hides and sees her eat a huge meal [K 1566]. It rains during the day. In evening he pretends to return home and compares rain, etc. to things she has eaten.
Cf Mt 1458.
Porto Rico: Mason-Boas JAF XXXVII 306 no 15.
an 1. ECPE no 44. as 1. LRAC no 40. oc 1. ECFE no 45.
A. Wife would eat game husband brought home, making him broth and telling him cat ate the meat. Witch tells him wife ate meat and gives him three beans which he places in various parts of the house [D 1613.1] and hides behind the door. Wife eats meat and nearest bean rebukes her for eating it all and threatens to tell husband. She moves to a different place, but second bean tells her the same; and so with third bean. She reforms. oc 1. ECPE no 46.
B. Girl cooks chicken for father but it tastes so good she eats it and cuts off a piece of her buttock [G 60] which she serves father for chicken [K 492]. Cock sings and reveals the fraud [B 131]; also father sees blood running from girl. She confesses truth. le 1. ECPE no 47.
*1375. Husband encourages lazy wife to spin. He hides behind saint's statue and tells her to spin or weed [K 1971]. She makes excuses. She dies and he wraps her body in rags or cornhusks for burial; or, he ridicules her publicly by showing how much more actively her stomach handles food than her fingers handle flax.
Cf Mt 1405.
as 1. LRAC no 98. 2. LRAC no 99. 3. CTA p. 200. 4. LRAC no 100. 5. LRAC no 101. 6. LRAC no 102.

1380—1404 Foolish wife and her husband.

1380. Mexico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXVII 184 no 17.
an 1. ECPE no 34 (Husband hides behind saint's statue and tells wife to feed him chicken and wine to make him blind. He gives priest and wife a beating). as 1. ECPE no 33 (Husband hides behind saint's statue and tells wife to feed him well. Priest furnishes the food. He throws both priest and wife into well).
1381. Cf Mt 1696 *A.
Libro de los ejemplos no CCCXXXVIII. BLC II 213.
*A. Man tests wife's power to keep a secret. He tells her he has just given birth to a crow; or that he has killed a man. She spreads the news and returns to ask him if it was two or three crows; or, only a dead dog is found on spot where murdered man is supposed to have been buried. Cf Mt 893. as 1. LRAC no 124. oc 1. ECPE no 69.
1382—3. Cf Mt *1683 A.
1386. Cf Mt * 1693.
*1389. Sleepy, foolish wife throws cornbread out window instead of putting it back into oven [W 218]. Reapers must go home hungry. as 1. CTA p. 164: Mt *1389 + Mt 1541.

1405—1429 Foolish man and his wife.

1405. Cf Mt *1375.
1406. Cf Mt 1620.
*1410. Dead friend returns to tell man that he was admitted to Heaven immediately upon stating that he was married, St. Peter saying that he had been purged enough. When man dies he comes to gate of Heaven and states that he has been married twice, thinking to gain quick admission. But St. Peter sends him away, saying Heaven was not made for fools [T 251].
Cf Mt *165, Mt *1516 and Mt *1516 A.
an 1. CE p. 60.
1415. x 1. FRT p. 62 (Man trades gold for horse, horse for cow, cow for pig, pig for duck, duck for partridge, partridge for scissorsgrinder's stone which falls into fountain).
*A. Man tells friend he must always beat his wife. Friend replies he does not find this necessary. Man tells friend to order wife to put horse into stable hind end first and see how she obevs. He does so and wife agrees that he is right, for she has put horse in head first enough times. as 1. LRAC no 120.
1416. Cf Mt 836 *F.
1419 C. Disc Cler, no XI. Libro de los ejemplos, no XCI.
as 1. LRAC no 106 (Pot over husband's head). 2. ECPE no 49 (Lover escapes behind sheet).
1423. as 1. ECPE no 198 (Figtree).
*1424. Wife has husband carry her on his back to lover where she makes fun of husband.
Cf Mt 4.
as 1. LRAC no 104.

1430—1439 Foolish couple.

1430. Cf Mt 1450.
Calila y Dymna c 8 (Gayangos, Escritores en prosa ant al s XV 1884 p. 57 a); See BP III 263. J. Manuel Conde Lucanor c 29 ed. Keller = c 7 ed. Knust & Birch-Hirschfeld 1900 p. 35. 316; German in Eichendorff, Werke 6, 496. Gil Vicente, Auto de Mofina Méndez (Obras 1, 115, Ersch-Gruber, Encycl 1, 67, 330. F. Wolf, Studien 1859 p. 93². Lope de Rueda, Las accitunas (Rapp, Spanisches Theater 1, 315, 1861. Puibusque, Histoire comparée des litt espagnole et française 1, 220—233). La enciclopedia March 5, 1879 p. 499. Samaniego, Fábulas 2, no 11 p. 362; see BP III 266.

1440—1524 Woman.

[1440—1449 Marriage theme].

1450—[1464] Looking for a wife.

1450. Cf Mt 1430.
*1454. Boy follows girl. She does not know anyone is near her and with every crepitus ventris she exclaims, "Chestnut!" When she discovers boy he says he has followed her since the first chestnut. an 1. CCA p. 78. as 1. LRAC no 77. Cf Mt 1453**** rejected.
1458. Cf Mt 1373—4.

1475—[1480] Old maid.

1476. See CCA p. 149.
*A. Acolyte hides behind statue of Virgin with Christ Child in arms. Old maid prays before statue for husband. Acolyte answers that she will remain an old maid. She thinks it was Christ speaking and retorts, "Shut up, boy, I am talking to your mother!" an 1. CCA p. 189.
*B. Old lady prays before saint's statue for a husband for her daughter. Sacristan hides behind the statue or the saint grows weary of her so often repeated request and tells her to marry her daughter to sacristan. She does so, but he treats the girl very badly. Old lady returns and rebukes saint. as 1. LRAC no 61. 2. CFAC p. 203.
1477. Cf Mt *166.
*1482. Stingy dead woman raises her head to correct laundress' account when latter tries to cheat dead woman's daughter. as 1. CFAC p. 204.
1515. Libro de los ejemplos no CCXXXIV.

[1516—1520 Marriage is a punishment].

Cf concl of Mt 754 *C.
*1516. Widow locks herself in with cobbler, then screams and asserts he has tried to detain her against her will [K 2111]. Poor cobbler is imprisoned. After one year widow has him pardoned under condition that he go on pilgrimage to Rome for her dead husband. He must not shave, nor cut hair nor nails, and eat only onions, garlic, bread and water while on the pilgrimage, and wear horsehair cloth next to skin [C 720]. Pope grants his request to restore widow's husband to her. On return he is met by the angry husband who would rather spend eternity in Purgatory than return to his wife [T 251].
Cf Mt *165, Mt 361 and Mt *1410.
[oc] 1. ST p. 85.
A. Preacher delivers sermon on Passion of Christ. After hearing about all Christ's torments, a listener inquires if Christ was married. When he receives negative answer he concludes Christ did not know anything about suffering [T 250].
Cf Mt *165 and Mt *1410.
an 1. CE p. 61.

1525—1874 Man.

1525—1639 Clever.

1525. New Mexico: Espinosa JAF XXIV 411 no 5; 423 no 8.
A. II *c While his brother pretends to be stabbed and attracts attention of people, boy steals judge's oxen [K 341].
III *b Boy bribes guards to start a fight. While judge goes to investigate, boy goes to bed with judge's wife [K 341].
IV Cf Mt 1535 V a.
Alemán, Guzmán de Alfarache, 1, c 58. 1599; see BP III 394.
an 1. ECPE no 196: I b (Judge) c, II *c, III *b.
F. Cf Mt 1535 V a.
*G. Thief pretends to be religious and warns peasant to hide his money. Peasant tells him where money is hidden. Further down the road thief's companions steal peasant's money [K 365]. as 1. CTA p. 231.
1529. Cf Mt 754 *C and Mt *1852.
*1532. Boys steal from man's fig tree. He spends the night in the tree to guard it. Boys come dressed in white and say they ate from the fig tree when they were alive; now that they are dead, they come for the man. He flees and they eat figs [K 335]. as 1. LRAC no 60.
1535. II Cf Mt 1539.
III Cf Mt 1360 B and Mt 1539.
IV *c Impatient host strikes dead stepmother of man, who exacts hush money. Enemy kills grandmother but risks hanging.
V a Cf Mt 1525 A IV and F, Mt 1542 VI a and Mt 1737.
La enciclopedia 1880 época II año IV p. 176 no 6; see BP II 12.
J. E. Gillet, in Revue Hispanique 1926 LXVIII 174. Guatemala: A. Recinos JAF XXXI 476. New Mexico: Espinosa JAF XXVII 133. Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXXIV 144; XXXV 1.
an 1. ECPE no 173: III (Rabbit as messenger), IV b, II (Golddropping ass. Cf Mt 1539). as 1. LRAC no 42: Mt 1030 + Mt 1653 B + Mt 1535 II, V a b. 2. LRAC 67: III a (Crow). 3. LRAC no 160: Mt *166 + Mt 1535 V a. le 1. ECPE no 164: Mt *1020 + Mt 1007 + Mt 1535 V a. oc 1. ECPE no 172: III (Rabbit as messenger), IV b, V a b (Cliff). 2. ECPE no 174: Mt *1716 + Mt 1535 III (Rabbit as messenger), IV b, V a b. 3. ECPE no 193: III a (Crow sold to innkeeper), IV a, I a, II, V a b. x 1. FRT p. 9: III a b c, IV a *c, V a b.
*A. Rich lady gives poor man land to till. He raises fine pears and peaches on the land and rich lady sends her husband to town to reclaim the land. On road to town poor man helps man with fallen ass but pulls out ass's tail and man goes along to put in complaint against him. Poor man finds purse and returns it to owner who complains some of the money is missing and goes to put in a complaint against him. Poor man is discouraged and jumps off bridge but falls on and kills old man sitting on bank underneath. Old man's grandson goes to put in complaint. Ferryman's wife asks poor man for cucumber but he refuses since ferryman would not take him across. She grows angry and has a miscarriage. Ferryman goes to put in complaint. Judge grants land to poor man; gives him ass to keep until it grows another tail; lets him keep purse for not having touched it; gives boy permission to jump off bridge while poor man sits beneath to see if he can kill him; orders poor man to remedy the miscarriage [J 1186].
BLC I 135.
ex 1. FBE p. 274.
1536. Mexico: Mason JAF XXVII 195 no 20. Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa XXXVII 332 no 44.
A. an 1. ECPE no 176 (Poor brother and children choke her to death with blood pudding she is eating in chest. Rich brother believes she died of gluttony and buries her. Poor brother digs up body and places it by rich brother's door. Everyone is afraid to bury it again. Poor brother buries it for much money and oxen. He repeats this process until he has all of rich brother's possessions).
B. as 1. CTA p. 187 (Girls' sweethearts kill soldiers who have come to call on them. They employ halfwit to carry bodies to lime pit. They reward him with a new cap). 2. ECPE no 32: Mt 1730 + Mt 1536 B (Husband kills monks who come to see his wife. Fool burns last body. Another monk comes and fool chases him with razor). nc 1. ECPE no 31: Mt 1730 + Mt 1536 B (Husband kills friars who come to see his wife. After drowning the bodies, fool meets priest on ass and, believing it is same one he drowned, chases him into river where he drowns).
1537. Guatemala: Recinos JAF XXXI 473 no 2. Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXXIV 181 no 4.
*A. Foolish brother chokes mother to death with cornmeal. He sets her at spinning wheel. Clever brother returns, embraces her, she falls on floor and strikes her head. He believes he has killed her and places her in priest's fig tree. Priest shoots her in rage; gives his farm to clever brother as hush money. Foolish brother demands his share. He gets the cornstalks while clever brother keeps the ears; gets leaves while clever brother keeps potatoes. He retires with his sheep to mountains.
Cf Mt 9 B and Mt 1030 for crop division.
as 1. CTA p. 169.
*B. Drunkard kills wife and places her in cabbage patch. Owner shoots her. He gives drunkard 8,000 reales hush money. By same process drunkard gets 1,000 reales from owner of cherry orchard. He places wife's body on priest's horse. Sacristan tells priest Devil is on his horse. Priest calls on people to conjure Devil. Horse starts after mare on which priest rides to church; mounts her and thus they ride into church. People run out, saying priest has entered church with Devil. oc 1. ECPE no 189.
1538. as 1. LRAC no 190 (Thieves steal boy's calf. Disguised as woman he becomes their cook, beats captain and escapes with their money. He does the same disguised as doctor; and as priest, this time setting fire to their house). oc 1. ECPE no 192 (While boy sleeps, friars steal his goats. Disguised as poor friar he beats one friar and collects money. Disguised as doctor he returns and does same. He gets a fast runner to impersonate him, and while friars are chasing runner, he enters, beats sick friar and collects more money).
1539. Cf Mt *166, Mt 1535 II and III and Mt *1846.
Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXXV 58 no 89; XXXVII 326; 327 no 40.
1540. Cf Mt 1846—Mt 1854.
1541. as 1. CTA p. 164: Mt *1389 + Mt 1541 (Foolish wife gives ham to beggar who claims to be "Long May").
1542. VI a Cf Mt 1535 V a.
1544. BLC III 68.
*1546. Ship's captain agrees to let Galician ride free if he can sing a song which pleases captain. He sings that he should pay captain. This pleases captain, hence Galician rides free. an 1. COAR p. 66.
*1550 A. Quack sells flea powder to women. He explains how to use it: Catch the flea, open its mouth and place the powder inside, thus it will die [K 1955].
BLC II 234.
as 1. CTA p. 232.
B. Thieves steal from the church. Fool claims to be fortune teller and promises to reveal who committed the theft if people will parade him through streets. They do and he says it was thieves who stole from the church [K 1956.2]. le 1. ECPE no 55.
C. Fool buys ass. As lie brings it home, everyone stops him to ask how much it cost. In village he has all the people assemble in the church and publicly announces just what he paid for the ass [J 1587].
Cf Mt 836 *F.
Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXXIV 164 no 20.
oc 1. ECPE no 54.
*1555. Shepherd gives ham to gentlemen. They eat while he stands and looks on. They ask how things are in his village. He answers that a cow with four teats bore five calves. They ask what fifth calf does while other four are nursing. "It looks on just as I am doing now" [J 1272.2]. as 1. LRAC no 156.
1560. Cf Mt *1020.
*1583. Dying man has notary stand on one side of his bed and mayor on the other. He says he dies like Christ — between two thieves [X 400].
BLC I 287.
an 1. CCA p. 98.

[1585—1594 Legal decision].

Cf Mt 1660 and Mt *1848.
1586. Cf Mt 1685.
le 1. ECPE no 185: Mt 1642 II a + Mt 1643 + Mt 1642 II *c + Mt 1586 (Fool complains to mayor that bees bought his honey but would not pay for it. He hits bee on mayor's head and kills mayor). oc 1. ECPE no 184: Mt 1586 (Fool complains to mayor that flies ate his honey. He hits fly on man's bald head and kills man. He hits fly on mirror and breaks mirror) + Mt *1690 + 1653 A.
*1587. Women busy talking pay no attention to warning cry of "One side, please" of driver and are knocked down by beasts of burden in street. They complain to mayor who has driver play deafmute [J 1175]. The women insist he can talk, for he shouted at them several times. Mayor reproaches them. an 1. FA p. 404.
*1593. Boys dispute as to which one cuckoo addressed itself to. They pay two reales each to lawyer who says cuckoo addressed itself to neither of them but to him, for he has the money. as 1. LRAC no 79.
1610. BLC I 296.
*1617. Piper buries money by fig tree, but neighbor sees him and steals it. Piper discovers loss and goes through town singing that he is going to bury more money with the first. Thief replaces money he stole, hoping to carry off more money later. But piper recovers first money and does not bury any more [K 1667].
BLC III 250. Libro de los ejemplos, no XCII.
as 1. CFAC p. 200.
1620. Cf Mt 1406.
x 1. FRT p. 92 (Visible only to those of ability and who do their duty well. A child cries out that the king has on no suit and then everyone admits it).
*1621. Royal barber has magic mirror in which blots appear to reflect blemishes of character of women who gaze into it. King will marry girl who has no blemishes. But no girl presents herself for trial. This makes all men suspicious and no one marries. Barber tells king only magic his mirror possesses is evil conscience of women. Finally a pure and simple shepherdess tries. No blemish appears. King marries her. [an] 1. ST p. 26.
1626. BLC II 158.
an 1. FA p. 133: Mt 1626 (Three brothers) + Mt *1942.

1640—1674 Lucky accident.

1640. Cf Mt 1710—Mt 1714.
oc 1. ECPE no 194: Mt 1640 I, II: Mt 1062 + Mt 1060 + Mt 1088 + Mt *1075 b.
1641. New Mexico: Espinosa JAF XXIY 415 no 6. Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXXVII 282 no 9; 21 no 65.
an 1. COAR p. 68 = CST p. 72: II, III.
1642. Cf Mt *1693.
II *c He sells honey to bees. They sting him when he comes to collect.
Juan Aragonés, Cuentos 1576 no 3; see BP I 62. Timoneda, Patrañuelo 1576 no 18; see BP I 65.
Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXXIV 152 no 4.
le 1. ECPE no 185: Mt 1642 II a + Mt 1643 + Mt 1642 II *c + Mt 1586. oc 1. ECPE no 197: Mt *1848 + Mt 1642 V (Student borrows innkeeper's cape).
1643. le 1. ECPE no 185: Mt 1642 II a + Mt 1643 (He sells goats to saints' statues and cloth to Virgin's statue. Saint's statue yields money but Virgin's statue yields nothing) + Mt 1642 II *c + Mt 1586.
1645. as 1. LRAC no 22.
1653. BLC II 313.
A. oc 1. ECPE no 184: Mt 1586 + Mt *1690 + Mt 1653 A (Son and mother on robbers' roof. Door falls and catches robber's tongue. Fool confesses to robbers that he and mother stole their money. Robbers recover their money).
B. as 1. LRAC no 42: Mt 1030 (Cf Mt 9 B) + Mt 1653 B (Fool, under pretext of shaving them, cuts out thieves' tongues as they return one by one) + Mt 1535 II, V a b.
*1654. Fool sees thieves stealing jewels from corpse in church. He frightens them away and takes jewels. He shows them to shepherds who steal them from him as soon as he goes to sleep. as 1. CTA p. 182: Mt *1684 + Mt *1654 (Cf Mt *1716) + Mt *1683 A (Cf Mt 1382—3).
1655. as 1. LRAC no 47: I a (Children eat sweets and man gets cow as damages), II a (Cow strays off with others and he gets daughter) b, III b (Cf Mt 311 *B).
1660. Cf Mt 1585—Mt 1594.

1675—[1709] Stupid.

*1683 A. Shepherds shave fool and cut his hair while he is asleep. He wakes up and does not recognize himself [J 2012]. He returns to his village and asks if he has arrived yet. He is told that he has not. He concludes that he is himself and goes to tend his sheep. as 1. CTA p. 182: Mt *1684 + Mt *1654 (Cf Mt *1716) + Mt *1683 A (Cf Mt 1382—3).
B. Old woman sends husband to market to buy pig. She sews yellow patch on his pants so that he will not get lost. He sees another man with patch exactly like his. He returns home immediately and tells wife he thought he was not himself but now that he is home he realizes that he is himself [J 2012]. as 1. LRAC no 85.
*1684. Fool goes to court but his brother is ashamed of him and locks him in a dark room. He is told it is night. After several days he gets out and flees since he does not like a place where the nights are so long [J 2332]. He sleeps in doorway of an inn for he fears if he goes inside the night will be as long as in the court. Innkeeper warns him against chanchánganas (cold) which come in the night. Innkeeper's mare and colt or asses come near and he kills them for chanchánganas [J 2335]. as 1. LRAC no 75. 2. CTA p. 182: Mt *1684 + Mt *1654 (Cf Mt *1716) + Mt *1683 A. Cf Mt 1382—3).
1685. oc 1. ECPE no 187 (Throws eyes. Flageolet and prayer. Knocks bucket to pieces. Hits louse on baby's head and kills baby. Cf Alt 1586. Brings needles in sack of straw. Cf Mt *1703).
1688 *A. Poor boy goes to court rich girl. He instructs his page to remove his slices when they arrive at girl's house; to remark that he has many capes, if spark should fly on his cape; to put boy's shoes on for him when they leave; and to remark that boy has as many sheep and goats as there are stars in the sky. But page tells boy to take off his own shoes; says his cape is borrowed; tells him to put on his own shoes; and says there are as many stars as boy has fleas and lice behind his ears. as 1. LRAC no 78.
1689 *A. King calls fool a patán and gives him job as administrador de la yesca (His name is Sebastián). He returns to his village and tells people of his good fortune. They laugh at him [J 2331]. an 1. CR p. 242.
*1690. Fool is sent to mass, wanders in butchershop and is put out. He joins in banquet at baptism. He starts to preach while preacher is delivering sermon and is beaten [J 2147]. oc 1. ECPE no 184: Mt 1586 + Mt *1690 + Mt 1653 A.
*1692. Foolish husband is set to guard chickens from fox. He ties their beaks and weights them down in river with stones. Wife tells him if fox smells him it will not come. He fears fox might eat him and locks himself in house while fox carries off chickens [J 2125]. Wife tells him to kill chickens. He throws them off balcony against stone. Kites carrr them off [J 2185]. as 1. CTA p. 167.
*1693. Mother leaves fool with brooding hen. He sits on the eggs himself and breaks them [J 1975]. Cf Mt 1696 le 1. She sends him to grind wheat. He feeds it to frogs [J 1857]. oc 1. ECPE no 147: Mt *1693 + Mt 560. Cf Mt 1386 and Mt 1642.
1695 *A. Cobbler remembers minstrel's songs and sings them to the people so that when minstrel returns they tell him they do not need him. At night he sews cobbler's leather in crazy shapes. Cobbler accuses him and he claims he has done no worse to cobbler's leather than cobbler has done to his songs. They both sing and people realize the contrast. Minstrel pays cobbler for leather but makes cobbler promise not to sing his songs [J 1585]. x 1. BPS p. 140.
1696. Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXXIV 188 no 49.
le 1. ECPE no 181 (Ties pot instead of pig to ass's tail. Carries pitch instead of pot on his head. Brings salt in wet bag; earthen pot in saddlebag. He kills turkey, sits on its eggs and breaks them. Cf Mt *1693. He is sent for firewood but sits on ass in stable all day. Guards tell him where to cut firewood; he does not obey and they kill him). oc 1. ECPE no 190 (Fool says, "May it all come out", when he sees oil leaking from can. He says, "May none come out", when he sees men in bathing. He says, "May the other one come out", to woodcutter who has lost one eye. He says, "Nothing", when asked who it is at mill. He empties out flour and tells it to go home. Wife kills him). 2. ECPE no 191 (He says, "Many and fat and 100 every year", to man killing lice. He says, "May one dry up and another not be born", to man sowing garlic. Mother beats him).
*A. Fool tending sheep finds purse. Donkey brays before candles. Fool's wife throws pancakes; he believes it is raining pancakes. He tells people who lost purse that he found it. Wife tries to prove he is crazy by referring to donkey saying mass and rain of pancakes [J 2351].
Cf Mt 1381.
le 1. ECPE no 183. oc 1. ECPE no 182.
1697. BLC II 290.
as 1. LRAC no 66. nc 1. ECPE no 52.
*A. New recruit learns answers in foreign language to three questions which commander always asks: How long have you been in the service? How old are you? Are you satisfied with rations and pay? But commander asks the questions in different order [N 342.1]. an 1. FA p. 132. Cf Mt 360.
1698 G. as 1. LRAC no 49 (Owner inquiring about sheep is misunderstood by shepherd).
J. an 1. FA p. 132.
*N. Members of family try to communicate news from one to another. All are deaf and everyone understands something different from what was told him; usually they understand something is to be done in their behalf. as 1. LRAC no 84. nc 1. ECPE no 50.
*1699. Blind man meets bull and asks if he is on right road. Bull butts him and knocks him down. He says that it was not necessary to knock him down simply to say yes or no [X 122]. an 1. FA p. 45.
*1703. Fool asks mother for bonbons to give his sweetheart and eats them himself [J 2771]. He spills wine and puts down cheeses to walk over spilt wine [J 1887]. He brings needles in sack of straw [J 1872.1]. Cf Mt 1685. Mother tells him to pay no more than 24 dollars for pig. He is offered one for 20 dollars but pays 24 dollars for it [J 2471]. He sends it home alone [J 1909.2]. He drags jar on string and breaks it [J 2478]. Men place hampers on top of one another to measure tower. They lack two. Fool has them take out two on bottom [J 2148.1]. Cf Mt 121 and Mt 1250. oc 1. ECPE no 186: Mt *1703 + Mt 1210.
*1705. Fool tells mother sheep died. She tells him to give it grass. Steer dies and he receives same answer. A contest is held in palace to see who can fit pine to hole without seeing hole first. Fool asks to see hole. He marries. Wife beats him. He flees under bed and asks God for patience. Wife tells him it is courage he needs [X 822]. oc 1. ECPE no 188.
*1707. Prince plans to go courting. Leaves orders to be wakened early. Overconscientious servant disturbs him several times during the night; but causes him to make his journey quickly by arousing his jealousy. [an] 1. ST p. 99.

[1710—1719 Tailor].

Cf Mt 800 and Mt 1096.
BLC II 18 and 196.

[1710—1714 Cowardice].

Cf Mt 1640.
*1710. a) Tailor boasts of his valor. He is pushed into millpond. His wife beats him and chases him under the bed [W 260].
b) Tailor returns from neighboring village at night and he is caught from behind by bramble or thistle. He believes it to be a highwayman and begs for mercy. When sun rises he discovers what is detaining him, cuts it off and becomes very boastful again.
c) Tailor meets a slug and puts on his thimble and makes thrusts with needle in great fear. He tells it to leave him and go after men [W 260].
d) Tailor is chosen because of his reputed valor to carry large quantity of money. His wife conceals it for him by sewing it in the lining of his vest. She disguises as highwayman [K 1837] and steals his vest with money. He tells how he was overcome by large band of thieves after a violent struggle but wife reveals the truth [K 1600].
BLC I 114.
[ar] 1. PMC p. 163: a b d. as 1. CTA p. 225: b. 2. CTA p. 228: c.
*1715. Tailor works for widow. She serves him one egg. He sings, "One egg, one egg". She decides one egg is not enough and next meal serves him two. He sings, "Two eggs are two eggs". Next meal she gives him two eggs and sausage. He sings, "With two eggs and sausage ya cose un sastre que no se divisa" [J 1431]. as 1. CTA p. 227.
*1716. Tailor or man deeply in debt pretends to die. All forgive him their debts except shoemaker or tailor to whom he owed one real and who follows the body to church and hides in confessional, hoping to reclaim his real. At night thieves come to church and divide their spoils. They set aside one extra share for one who will stab the corpse, who jumps up and calls on dead to help him. Concealed shoemaker or tailor replies that the dead are coming. Thieves flee in terror. One returns and hears shoemaker or tailor still crying for his real after division of spoils, and reports to companions that church is full of dead [K 335.4]. Cf Mt *1654; and in rejected types Mt 1653* and Mt 1654**. as 1. LRAC no 80. 2. CTA p. 161. oc 1. ECPE no 174: Mt *1716 + Mt 1535 III (Rabbit as messenger. Cf Mt 1539) IV b, V a b.
*1718. At tailor's banquet there is not enough sausage for all so master tailor leaves out apprentice. Apprentice tells tailor that master always laid aside for himself part of the cloth he cut. Master asks apprentice who told him that. Apprentice asks master who told him he did not like sausage [J 1272.1]. le 1. ECPE no 53.
*1719. Tailor sleeps in shepherd's cabin. He refuses skin for cover because it might have lice. But during night he grows cold and asks shepherd for skin. Shepherd plays deaf. Tailor promises God a big needle if He will make the dawn come quickly. as 1. LRAC no 191.

[1720—1724 Miller].

Cf Mt 754 *B and Mt *1800 B.
*1720. Sacks come back to owners fuller than they left, and yet miller prospers. He is called the Holy Miller. When he dies villagers cannot agree upon most honorable place to bury him, so they place coffin on mule and let it go where it will [B 151]. Mule finally stops by hollow tree trunk near mill. They decide to bury him here, but in digging they throw up pieces of grain sacks which they recognize as their own. Miller had clipped sacks. They bury his body on dung heap [Q 205, Q 488]. [ar] 1. PMC p. 83.

1725—[1845] Parson.

1725—[1799] Betrayed.

1725. as 1. LRAC no 107 (Wife's lover hides in wardrobe. Servant, knowing he is there, says master has ordered wardrobe sold, takes it to bridge and threatens to throw it into river if no one buys it. Wife buys it for high price. Likewise she buys chest. Servant covers master's horses with sheets. Wife believes them to be lover's white horses and takes lunch there. Master invites lover to eat with him. Servant tells lover master threatens to stone him. Master picks up coins servant has dropt. Lover thinks master has discovered truth and flees. Wife is good again and servant never tells).
1730. as 1. ECPE no 32: Mt 1730 (Wife invites three friars at different times; locks them up and husband kills them) + Mt 1536 B. nc 1. ECPE no 31: Mt 1730 (Wife invites three friars at different times and hides them in different places. Husband kills them) + Mt 1536 B.
1735. Libro de los ejemplos no LXVIII.
*A. Priest's cow wanders to poor man's door at night. Man kills it and feeds his family with the meat. Man's child sings the secret; priest hears and offers child new shoes if it will sing same in church on Sunday. But man teaches his child another verse about priest and man's wife which it sings in church. Priest discredits child's statement [K 1221]. as 1. LRAC no 69.
*B. Poor man steals priest's pig and kills it. He puts it in cradle and rocks it when police come in search of it. He says, "May I eat what I am rocking if it is in my house". Police go away satisfied and man eats pig [K 537]. as 1. LRAC no 70.
1737. Cf Mt 1535 V a.
1741. Timoneda, Alivio de caminantes 2 no 51 in BAE 3, 181. 1846; see BP II 130.
as 1. LRAC no 62 (Fisherman invites priest to dine. His wife eats all the fish).

(1775—[1799] Parson and sexton).

1775. Cf Mt 1363* A.
1785 C. Cf Mt *1787 A.
*1787 A. Sacristan breaks saint's statue while cleaning it on eve of saint's day. Sacristan offers his son to pose as saint but priest insists shoemaker's son more closely resembles saint. Boy dressed as saint winks and women believe it to be a miracle. Sacristan sets wasps on him and he runs out of church. People believe it to be a miracle. as 1. LRAC no 76. Cf Mt 1785 C.
B. Nuns break saint's statue while cleaning it. They send it to carpenter to be repaired. His wife's lover hides in box and is taken to convent in place of saint's statue [K 1971.3]. Nuns notice he has a moustache and start to take it off but he jumps up and flees. They beg him to return. ar 1. ECPE no 42.
C. Sacristan takes place of statue of Christ. Man of riotous living impressed by this lifelike statue is moved to repent and confesses his sins with sacristan's wife before statue. Sacristan pales and says, "If I were not playing this divine role, I should cut you up right here". an 1. CCA p. 126.
1791. as 1. LRAC no 54. 2. CTA p. 198 (Sacristan and his cousin go for their buried treasure).

[1800—1809 Confession].

*1800. BLC I 53.
A. Man confesses stealing, or promises in confession not to steal, more than a small amount. He steals a rope with a mare on the end of it [K 188].
as 1. LRAC no 72. 2. LRAC no 73.
B. Miller confesses he has oversized measure and is told to get a smaller one. He measures back the grain in the smaller one [K 478].
Cf Mt 1720—Mt 1724.
le 1. ECPE no 56.
C. Fool steals priest's hog. He confesses with visiting priest who has been warned of the crime. Fool confesses stealing hog and other things and asks priest if he too has stolen such things. He receives affirmative answer and cries out in church, "Do not confess with this priest. He steals everywhere".
as 1. LRAC no 71.
D. Man who stole sheep's stomach enters church just as priest is saying, "Cast off that filthiness, Miguel"; believes he is discovered and throws his loot among the people.
as 1. LRAC no 74.
*1803. Woman in confession tells priest she has two mouths; she eats soup with one and meat with the other. He tells her to reverse process for penance. She puts hot soup in meat mouth and crepitus ventris follows. She abandons penance.
an 1. LPEA II 241.
*1805 A. Shepherd goes to confess for first time. He hangs his sack on a sunbeam. When priest sees this he tells shepherd he does not need to confess. Later he returns; hangs sack on sunbeam but it falls. He confesses a shepherdess caused his guilt.
Libro de los ejemplos no VII. Calila y Dimna ed Bib. de Aut. Esp. LI p. 15.
as 1. LRAC no 130.
B. Shepherd sees old lady with rosary. He makes one out of wood. He comes to mass and hangs his sack on a sunbeam. Priest sends him back to mountains and tells him he is nearer God than priest. Shepherd returns and birds come out singing to meet him. as 1. LRAC no 131.
1825 *D. Boy who has been studying for priesthood sees various things (turnip, toad, goat, skull, etc.) on way home. He delivers a sermon telling of things he saw and Latinizing the words [K 1961]. as 1. LRAC no 153. nc 1. ECPE no 60.
*1829. Priest lives with his housekeeper. His three cocks sing, "What passes here — cannot be tolerated — the priest sleeps with his housekeeper." He kills one but the remaining two sing the same song. He kills another. The third cock decides it is wise to keep silent. oc 1. ECPE no 263.
1831. as 1. LRAC no 154. 2. CTA p. 247. (Goes to steal bacon).
*A. Priest tells cook to prepare porridge for visitors. He keeps flour locked up and he has the key. In mass he sings instructions to cook for finding the key [X 441.1]. Or, more visitors come unexpectedly and priest sings to cook to put their food in shallow dish [X 441.2]. as 1. LRAC no 155. 2. CTA p. 246.
*B. Priest during mass or wife while dancing sings instructions to cook or husband for preparing food. as 1. LRAC no 97. 2. CTA p. 221.
*C. Priest while singing mass warns thief to return his loot and pretends to know who thief is. Thief returns the stolen goods. Or, priest tells king indirectly while singing mass where thief is standing in church. He is caught. as 1. MSTF II 100 no 1. 2. MSTF II 100 no 2.
1833. Cf Mt *1842 A.
1834. oc 1. HFB V nos 28 and 29 p. 33 (Old lady tells priest that when he pounded on the pulpit he reminded her of her ass which had died).
*1836. Priest who delivers sermon on saint's day is informed that this sermon is paid for according to the number of times the saint's name is mentioned. Sacristan keeping count by notching reed comes out of his hiding place underneath pulpit to get a new reed [X 445.1]. an 1. ECPE no 43 = ECRC no 8.
1838. as 1. LRAC no 196.

[1840—1844 Inappropriate or stupid use of church ritual].

1840 *A. Novices or sacristan steal pears. Qui temperes rerum vicis is interpreted as quiten peras raras veces 'Do not take pears often'. Or, acolyte steals pears. Da nobis per huius aquae is interpreted as dame acá las peruyes 'Give me the pears'.
an 1. CCA p. 97. as 1. LRAC no 195. 2. LRAC no 151.
*B. Priest notices that when sacristan is gathering figs he eats more than he puts into basket. Priest tells him to sing while he gathers figs. Sacristan sings responses and becomes silent. Priest asks him why he is silent and he replies that he is praying.
as 1. LRAC no 150.
*1842 A. Priest tests shepherd on doctrine. Shepherd crosses himself and says, "In the name of the Father and the Holy Ghost. Amen." Priest asks him where he left the Son. Shepherd answers that he sent son to market. as 1. LRAC no 64. Cf Mt 1833.
B. Mules stray off. Muleteer says he would give one to St. Anthony and one to souls if he could find mules. His son sees wolf eating mule and asks father if St. Anthony is black. Father says he is and son says he is eating what was offered him. as 1. LRAC no 65.
C. Priest asks cowboy if he knows creed. Cowboy says he knows it all but about three words toward the Hell part and these he can supply from the Salve. as 1. LRAC no 91.
*1843. Baptism.
A. Cowboy takes baby to priest to be baptized. He cannot remember baby's name but knows that it was something to go on ass. Priest names different parts of harness and finally cincha which reminds cowboy name was Jacinta. as 1. LRAC no 92.
*1844. Priest is jealous of favor enjoyed by flageolet player, and during night pretends to have nightmare and deals him sound blows on lips so he cannot play. When people discover this, priest has fled. [ar] 1. PMC p. 13.

[1846—1854 Student].

Cf Mt 1540 and Mt 1940 *B and *C.
BLC I 44 and 52.
*1846. Rascally students sell cap to foolish one which they claim is magic and turning it around will cause all bills to be paid. He gives them all his money for it and must go to jail when it fails to pay for fine meal he has eaten. as 1. CTA p. 222. Cf Mt 1539.
*1848. Hungry, penniless students pledge parts of a meal. First takes two turkeys and tells dealer they are for bishop who will pay for them after mass. Second steals rolls, crackers and fritters from bakery. Third procures wine. They blindfold innkeeper's wife and agree that one she catches will pay bill. When she is blindfolded they flee. Innkeeper comes in and she catches him, saying he must pay. He says he knows that [K 455.4]. oc 1. ECPE no 197: Mt *1848 + Mt 1642 V. Cf Mt 1585—Mt 1594.
*1850. Student sends note to count by shoemaker. Note asks count to detain shoemaker a few days while student steals shoemaker's wife. Count does so, and when shoemaker returns his wife is gone [K 1388]. as 1. LRAC no 105.
*1852. Student takes place of ass which peasant is leading on rope while another student leads ass off and sells it. Student explains to peasant he was turned into an ass in punishment for his wicked student life but now God freed him through intercession of his father. He begs peasant to say nothing of the matter for the good of both, and departs. Peasant returns to fair and recognizes his ass. He whispers in its ear, "Let someone buy you who does not know you".
Cf Mt 754 *C and Mt 1529.
BLC I 259.
an 1. CCA p. 51.

[1855—1864 Criminal].

*1855. Criminal sentenced to hang refuses to confess. But finally priest induces him, reminding him he would dine with Christ that evening. Mule that carries him to scaffold goes very fast, and criminal says to priest, "At this rate I shall lunch with Christ" [J 1475]. as 1. CTA p. 224.

1875—1999 Lying.

1890—1909 Hunting.

BLC II 292.
1892. BLC II 170.
1930. J. Ruiz Arcipreste de Hita (copla 112 and 331. BAE 57. 225. 260). Lope de Rueda (Obras 1, 50. 1895). Two ballads (Durán no 1347. 1733. Depping, Romancero cast. 1844 2, 430. 477); see BP III 248. J. Ducamin, Romances choisis, Paris n d, no 68 = Durán II 393.
1940. Cf B. de Torres Naharro, "Comedia Tinellaria" in Propaladia, Madrid, Fé 1880, I 414.
*A. Poor man is given shelter or employed by man (priest). Employer, to make fun of poor man's ignorance, gives him extraordinary names for common objects, animals and people around the house. During night cat catches fire in tail, or poor man sets fire to it, and house catches fire. Poor man warns employer of the danger, using the extraordinary names, and makes off with food. Employer does not understand and house burns.
Zeitschrift des Vereins für Volkskunde 1916 XXVI 8, 370; 1917 XXVII 135; 1918 XXVIII 135.
an 1. FA p. 134. as 1. LRAC no 81. 2. LRAC no 152. 3. CTA p. 229. le 1. ECPE no 58. 2. ECPE no 59. oc 1. ECPE no 57.
*B. Student poses as fool or man disguises as woman and obtains employment in house of man with pretty daughter or in king's palace. He tells man his name is Shirttail; tells porter it is I Myself; daughter it is Cramps; maidservant it is Kitty. Maidservant puts daughter to bed and tells her Kitty is there. Daughter says to leave it to catch mice. He comes to bed and daughter cries to father that Cramps is killing her. He tells her to stretch out. But she screams; he pursues student and cries to servants to catch Shirttail. They catch man by shirttail. As student flees he breaks porter's head. When asked who did it, porter replies, "I Myself". Cf Mt 1846—Mt 1854.
as 1. LRAC no 68. 2. CTA p. 214.
*C. Student tells old woman he is her nephew. He steals her chicken. She asks him what towns he has passed through. He answers with extraordinary names which, together, state that he has stolen chicken. Her husband returns and recognizes the deceit. Cf Mt 1846—Mt 1854.
an 1. ECPE no 61 = ECRC no 5.
*D. Old woman has three dogs named Drinkwine, Eatbread and Eatcheese. She takes them to church with her every morning when she goes to pray, and first two disappear. Third eats the cheese. an 1. ECPE no 51 = ECRC no 4.
*E. Neighbors come to console woman whose husband has just died. Dog or cat named World takes advantage of opportunity to eat slices of bacon or sausages. The widow sees this and moans, "Oh World, how you are taking them from me one by one!" Neighbors believe she is mourning loss of husband. as 1. LRAC no 82. 2. CFAC p. 197.
*F. Man has three asses named Would to Heaven, God Give You Bad Fortune, and Happiness and Contentment. Man and first ass take sick at the same time. Wife says, "If you die, and Would to Heaven; we shall sell God Give You Bad Fortune to obtain money for your burial. And the children and I shall keep Happiness and Contentment. as 1. LRAC no 87.
*G. St. Peter hurries out of tavern without paying for cider. He tells Christ he has been teaching the Twelve Commandments to a woman in there. Just then the barmaid comes out and says to St. Peter, "And the cuarto, friend?" (Cuarto is the name of a coin and also means 'fourth'). He replies that the fourth one is: Honor thy father and thy mother. as 1. CFAC p. 186.
*H. Fine lady explains her ailment in complicated, poetic paraphrase. Doctor does not understand. Lady's servant explains briefly in vulgar language. Or, lady in long paraphrase asks if fish are from sea or river. Fishergirl does not understand and answers that they are trout.
BLC II 157; III 215.
as 1. CTA p. 231. 2. CTA p. 252.
*1942. Three brothers decide that one who can offer most appropriate saying is to have egg. First knocks egg against wall and says, "Casca cascorum"; second breaks shell a little more, sprinkles dirt over it and says, "Sar, sale, sapiensa"; third takes off shell, swallows egg at one gulp and says, "Consumatus es" [K 444.1]. Cf Mt *80.
an 1. FA p. 133: Mt 1626 + Mt *1942.
1950. Juan Ruiz, Arcipreste de Hita, copla 431 (BAE 57, 240. 1864); see BP III 211.
1960 D. Juan Aragonés, no 5 (BAE 3, 167); see BP III 190.

2000—2399 Formula tale.

2000—2199 Cumulative.

2012 *A. Widower tells of his courtship, marriage and death of his wife, all in a week. as 1. LRAC no 194.
*B. Life story in ten hours, "At one I was born; ... at ten my child's soul was crowned in heaven." as 1. LRAC no 198.
*C. Bird advises man to treat his lazy children as she does her young, "In March I make my nest; ... in August I have nothing more to do with my young." as 1. LRAC no 187.
2014. BLC I 85. BLC III 173. Cf Ten Spanish farces, ed. G. T. Northup, New York, Heath 1922, pp. 91—3.
2017. Cf Mt 175 and Mt 650.
2018 *A. — Where have you been, goose? — In the fields. What have you in your beak? — A knife. Etc., tile, water, ox, firewood, old woman, friars, mass, shirt. as 1. LRAC no 185. le 1. ECPE no 280.
*2020. Louse and flea wish to marry. Mosquito, toad, ant, etc. volunteer to supply the weddingfeast [Z 28.1]. as 1. LRAC no 182.
*2023. Little ant finds a penny, buys new clothes with it and sits in her doorway. Various animals pass by and propose marriage. She asks what they do at night. Every one replies with its characteristic sound; and none pleases her but the quiet little mouse, whom she marries. She leaves him to tend the stew, and he falls in and drowns. She weeps, and, on learning the reason, bird cuts off its beak, dove cuts off its tail [Z 34], etc. an 1. COAR p. 3 = SCL p. 86 = CST p. 137. as 1. LRAC no 181. 2. LRAC no 180 (Mouse has to get up during the night and cat eats him). oc 1. ECPE no 271. 2. ECPE no 272. 3. ECPE no 274. 4. ECPE no 273 (Mouse has to get up during the night and cat eats him).
*2026. "I killed my grandmother because she refused to cook a hare. I killed a priest because he said my crime was bad. A friar absolved me to avoid being killed" [Z 58]. oc 1. ECPE no 62.
2030 *A. Ant plants chickpeas; becomes impatient because they do not begin to sprout next day; and asks gardener to remove tree under which she planted them. He refuses. She makes vain appeals until finally butcher threatens to kill ox, ox to drink water, water to put out candle, candle to burn stick, stick to beat cat, cat to eat mouse, queen, king, justice, gardener's wife who persuades her husband to remove the tree. x 1. RMQ II 45—6 note to line 20 = ed. of Rev de Arch. Bib. y Museos 1916 I 474 note to line 3.
*B. Cock on way to wedding dirties beak by eating; asks mallow to clean beak; but mallow refuses. Cock asks sheep to eat mallow, etc. Finally God sends Death to take away smith. Smith now wants to break knife; knife to kill cow etc., and mallow cleans cock's beak. as 1. LRAC no 177 (Cock falls into ravine and gets dirty). oc 1. ECPE no 275 = ECRC no 9. 2. ECPE no 276.
*C. Mouse eats old couple's cheese. Cat kills mouse for eating cheese. Dog kills cat for eating mouse. Etc. as 1. ECPE no 277. 2. LRAC no 179.
*D. — My dog picked up a string, but did not wish to give it to me unless I gave her bread. Cupboard did not wish to give bread unless I gave it a key; smith, charcoal; charcoal burner, calf's legbone; butcher, milk; cow, grass; meadow, water; clouds, dove's feather. Dove gave me a feather which I gave to clouds, etc. oc 1. ECPE no 278. 2. no 279.
2031. Bird has leg broken by snow. Cold wind blows. Bird cries, "Winds, move the clouds that hide the sun; sun, melt the snow that breaks the leg of a poor little bird like me!" [I have emended the text slightly.]
California Span: Espinosa JAF XXVII 222. New Mexico: Espinosa JAF XXVII 138.
as 1. LRAC no 186.
2032 *A. Toad asks magpie in tree to throw down a chestnut. Magpie refuses, saying it might break its beak. Toad promises, if that happens, to get a horsehair to tie it up again. Magpie throws chestnut and breaks beak. Toad asks ass for hair, but ass first demands grass; mower first demands sheep; shepherd, pup; mother dog, bread; baker, stumps. Toad cut the stumps and finally got the hair. as 1. LRAC no 178.
2040. Libro de los ejemplos no CXXIV.
*2045. Devil threatened to carry off pauper if he could not say twelve words "retorneadas". St. Joseph answered for pauper, "One, sun and moon; two, Moses' tablets where Christ put his feet to go up into the holy house of Jerusalem; the three Maries; the four evangelists; the five wounds; the six candlesticks; the seven choruses; the eight pleasures; the nine months; the ten commandments; the eleven thousand virgins; the twelve apostles" [H 602]. nc 1. ECPE no 14.

[2225—2235 Repetition].

*2225. — Should you like to hear the tale of the Good Pipe? — Yes. — I did not say that you should say yes. I ask if you should like to hear the tale of the Good Pipe. — Tell it to me! — I do not say that you should tell me to tell it to you. I ask you if you should like to hear the tale of the Good Pipe. — Leave me in peace! — I do not say etc. as 1. LRAC no 200. ex 1. FBE p. 210. (Should you like to hear the tale of the Good Pipe that never ends and yet is now ended? Etc.)
*2226. — Once a goat had a kid with little eyes to see, etc. ex 1. FBE p. 210.
*2227. — There was a priest who had a carriage which was going day and night. ex 1. FBE p. 210.
*2228. Boy asks girl's father for her in marriage, and the colander, percolator, spotted cow and dog. Father does not wish to give the dog, but daughter persuades him. Mother cries at losing her best loved child. Neighbor asks what her dowery consists of. — The colander, percolator, spotted cow, dog and basket and eleven reales to trade with. as 1. LRAC no 83.

2400—2499 Unclassified tale.

*2415. About the end of February old lady sitting in kitchen and sunray strikes her on face. "February, I do not fear you any longer. My young goats have horns and my cheeses are ripe." February replies, "My brother March is coming. He will lend me a few snowy days and I shall eat up your property". as 1. LRAC no 199.


*1. Friar elf kneads bread at night for poor girls. They make him a new habit. Dressed in new clothes he will no longer knead bread. an 1. COAR p. 81 = CST p. 157.
*2. Idler makes no harvest. In winter has no leggings nor money and asks neighbor's advice. Is sent to Christ. Prays before statue which tells him that in summer he should prepare for winter. an 1. COAR p. 103.
*3. Giant pleases princess but she puts him off until he becomes enraged and aids neighboring king in making war on her father. He digs tunnel to her castle and kidnaps her. Charles the Great pursues them through tunnel, cuts off giant's head, and rescues the princess. x 1. BPS p. 6.



Abandoned children, 327; wife, *896.

Abandonment on island, 1118*.

Abbot and kaiser, 922.

Abduction of shoemaker's wife, *1850.

Accident, Lucky a, 1640—1674.

Accidental discharge of gun, 1890.

Account, Stingy woman revives from dead to correct a, *1482.

Acorn crop, 1185.

Acorns should grow on vines, 759.

Adam is shown future sons of Cain at war, 840 *A.

Adventure told as dream, 1364.

Adventures, Old thief tells a, 953.

Adversary, Supernatural a, 300—399.

Advice, 150—153, 910—914; Evil a of cock, *207; of father, 400 *B; of fox or bird, 150.

Advocate, Devil as a, 821.

Age, Great a of owl, 230; Strength takes precedence over a, *80.

Agreement, See contract.

Air castles, 1430; Visit to a, 302 *A, *445 B.

Aladdin, 561.

All depends on how you take it, 915.

Allegory, 470, 471, 756 *E.

All stick together, 571.

Alms given once save soul, *773.

Amazon bride, 519.

Anecdote, 1200—1999.

Angels as cat and dog helpers, 560.

Anger bargain, 650, 1000.

Animal, 1—299; bride, 402; bridegroom, 425 A, 430; brothersinlaw, 552 A; Domestic a, 200—219; Domestic a and man, 176—199; Social organization of a and bird, 220—223; sonsinlaw and magic food, 552 B; Transformation to a, 665; Unfamiliar a, 103; Unknown a, 1281; Wild a, 1—99; Wild a and bird, 140—149; Wild a and man, 150—175; Wild a and object, 85—90.

Animal, See helper, languages.

Animals and birds proclaim Passion of Christ, *243 A; build road, 55; eat one another, 20; Fat a on desert, 471 *A; Girls marry a, 552; Grateful a and ungrateful man, 160; in night quarters, 130, 210; Lazy a punished, 55; ransom themselves, 159; saved from pit, 160; Thin a in fine pasture, 471 *A; War between wild and domestic a, 104; Wild and domestic a, 100—139; Wild a on sleigh, 158.

Animals' fear of man, 157.

Answers in foreign language, 1697 *A; Riddle a of clever youth, 921.

Ant and lazy cricket, 249; and mouse marry (cumulative), *2023; as helper, 513 A, 554; blinds cat, 222; carries huge load, 280; forces monster to give up devoured victims, 333; plants chickpeas (cumulative), 2030 *A.

Anthony as beggar answers questions, 922; crosses river on cape, *771; eats mule, *1842 B.

Antlers, Stag proud of a, 77.

Apple, Ability to pluck a proves identity, 510; causes horns, 566; causes pregnancy, 303, 708; cures, 653; Enchanted by eating a, *449; Forbidden a, 301; Poisoned a, *453.

Application, Good and bad a of good precepts, 915.

Architect steals from treasury, 950.

Aristotle and Phyllis, 1501.

Armbands give strength, 590.

Army, Giant threatened with a, 328; keeps off wolves, 516.

Arrow hits bird that waits, 246.

Ashamed of legs, 77.

Ashes, All who poke a must say "Fiddevav", 593.

Ass as mayor, 1675; bullies bear or lion, 103 *A; Devil as a, *762; Golddropping a, 563, 1535; Helpful a, 706 *A; hoisted up tower, 1210; ill advised by cock, *207; kicks fox on to lion's bed, 50; Old lady reminded of her a by priest's gestures, 1843*; plays lyre, 430; says mass, 1696 *A; Sitting on a in stable, 1696; Student as transformed a, *1852; table and stick, 563, Vegetable transforms into a, 567.

Ass, See mule.

Asses loaded with salt and feathers, 211***; Thin a in fine grainfield, 471 *B; with extraordinary names, 1940 *F.

Ass's egg, 1319; Magic a head, 425; Rod of virtue from a heart, 706 *A.

Astronomer, Skilful a, 653.

Avarice punished, 836 *C; Truth and Justice, *848.

Axes thrown away, 1246.

Baby, Fool hits louse and kills b, 1685; Girls find b, 831 *D.

Babies, River of milk suckles b, 471 *A.

Back, Fox climbs from pit on wolf's b, 31.

Bad luck follows man, 947, 1535 *A; Punishment of b woman, 473; rearing, 838.

Badger disputes over beehive, *80.

Bag filled with gold (bones), 311 *A; for food, 1088; Peter in b, 330; Salt in wet b, 1696; Singing b, 311 *B; Wolf in b, *166; See sack.

Bakehouse, Fox caught in b, 66**.

Baker elf, Misc *1; Girl would marry a b, 707.

Ball, Girl in Heaven with b, *806; Magic b of thread, 728*; Recognition by ball, 301 B.

Balloon, Man falls from b, 1882.

Balls traded for lion's milk, 560 *A.

Balsam heals, 653.

Bands, Arm b give strength, 590.

Banished wife or maiden, 705—709.

Bank theft, 951 B.

Banners of enemy captured, 301, 560 *A.

Banquet of tailor, *1718.

Baptism of cats, *1358.

Barber and princess in love, *857; Skilful b, 654.

Barber's magic mirror, *1621.

Bargain, Good b, 1642; not to become angry, 1000; with Devil, 361.

Barn, Christ and Peter in b, 752 A.

Barrel, Thief in oil b, 954 *A.

Basket, Fox hides under b, *161; Fox steals b, 1*; Inexhaustible b, *594; on fisher wolf's or fox's tail, 2.

Bathing, Disenchanting by b, 433 B; grandmother, 1013; in horse's sweat beautifies, 531; pretext, *970.

Batrachian, 275—289; and man, 290—299.

Battle of serpents, 738*; See war.

Bayonet, Magic b, 756 B.

Beak, Cock dirties b (cumulative), 2030 *B.

Beam, Stretching the b, 1244.

Bean splits in two, 295.

Beans, Meal of b, 1478; Talking b, *1374 A.

Bear beheaded, 154; bullied by ass, 103 *A; by day man by night, 425; chases thieves, 957; deceived by fox, 1—65; disputes over beehive, *80; food, 154; Fox leads b to honey (wasps), 49; gelded, 153; husband, 425 C; loses tail in ice, 2; meets man brave enough to overcome him, 157; mistaken for parson, 116; pretends to be treetrunk, 154; rescues fox, 32; sick, 50; sinks claws into horse's flanks, 117*; skin, 361; taken for cat, 1161; taken for dog, 1312*; Titmouse tries to be as big as b, 228; two girls and dwarf, 426; Ungrateful b, 155; wishes to be painted, 8.

Beard, Gilding ogre's b, 1138; Hairs from Devil's b, 461; Never serve man with red b, 400 *B; Ogre's b caught, 1160.

Bears taught to play violin, 151.

Bear's son, 301; 650; wife, 425 C.

Beaten, Bear b by smith, 157; Devil b by smith, 330; Fox b to death, 154; Wolf b for washing beans away, *64.

Beating Peter at inn, 791; stick, 330.

Beautification by beheading or bathing in horse's sweat, 531.

Beautiful and ugly twin, 711; Persecution because of b wife, 465.

Beauty and the beast, 425; given by dwarfs, 403; Sleeping b, 410.

Bed, Brothers in b with giant's daughters, 328 *A; Buying place in lost husband's bed, 313, 425; Disenchanted by sleeping in girl's b, 440; Girl changes b with witch's daughter, *453; To whom princess turns in b, 571—574, 621, 850.

Bee helped by ant against cat, 222; helper, 554; hit by fool on mayor, 1586; Race of wolf and b, 275 *B.

Beehive, All flowers (b), *860; Cat in b, 222; Dispute over b, *80.

Beetle as helper, 513 A, 621.

Beggar, Anthony as b answers questions, 922; Thief as b woman, *973; trusts God not king, 841; turns unkind woman into cow, 473.

Beheading beautifies, 531; Disenchanting by b, 425, 440, 471, 545, 550, 708; giants one by one, 304; thief, 950; thieves one by one, 302 *A, 956 A.

Bell falls into sea, 1278; Mice buy b for cat, 110; on horse rung by fox, 40*.

Bells ring for bishop, 921.

Belly, Hiding in fish's b, 329; Needle in elk's b, 90; Rescued from monster's b, 333, 2028.

Beloved of women, 580.

Belt gives strength, 590; Inexhaustible money b, 566.

Bench, Sticking to b, 330.

Bending a tree, 1051.

Berries for mother stolen by fox, 39.

Betrayed parson, 1725—1799.

Bible protects from monster, 400.

Big animal or object, 1960; as bear, 228; ones eat little ones, 20 C; shoes in front of barn, 1151; wedding, 1961.

Bill, One caught must pay b, *1848; paying cap, *1846.

Bird, 224—242; advises man how to treat children, 2012 *C; and fox, 56—62; and wild animal, 140—149; council, 220; Disguised as strange b, 311, 1091; Election of b king, 221; Girl as b, 400 *A, 405; in borrowed feathers, *244; language, 517, 781; Magic b heart, 567; Man flies like b, 665; horse and princess, 550; mouse and sausage keep house 85; Prince as b, 432; reveals murder of child, 781; Social organization of animal and b, 220—223; Soul as b, 720; Talking b, 707; Tame b and wild b, 245; Visit to b king, 551; waits till hunter has shot, 246; with broken leg (cumulative), 2031.

Birds and animals proclaim Passion of Christ, *243 A; and animals war, 222; carry flowers to Virgin, 471 *A; assembled by ring, 650; exchange eggs, 240; Oranges become b, *594; wash girl's clothes, 425 *D.

Bird's tears restore sight, 425 *D; Whoever eats b heart will be king, 567; wine and unborn horse, 927 *B.

Birth, Giving b to snake, 711 *A; Woman who prevents b casts no shadow, 755.

Birthmarks of princess, 850.

Bishop questioned by Devil, 922.

Biting foot, 5; neck causes loss of speech, 621; stone, 1061.

Bittern advises magpie against fox, 57 *A; flatters fox to sing, 6; teaches fox to fly, 225.

Bitterness, Branch of b, *445 B.

Black and white bride, 403; Eating b hand, 311; goat, 831 *A; hen and greedy woman, 836 *C; stone breaks lamp, 400 *B.

Blackbeetle has extreme patience, *288 C.

Blind bride, 1456; Husband sys good food will make him b, 1380.

Blinded by jealous queen, *455.

Blinding the guard, 73; the ogre, 1135, 1137.

Blindman and bull, *1699; encountered by fleeing fox, *135 A.

Blindness, See sight restored.

Blindvvorm and nightingale each has one eye, 234.

Blood brothers, 303; brother's wife, 1364; of children revives servant, 516; River of b is Christ, 471 *A; Sham b and brains, 3; sucked to revive girl, 516; Water becomes b as danger sign, 303.

Bloodpudding chokes spy, 1536 A.

Blower, Extraordinary b, 513.

Blowing in the house, 124.

Blue Beard, 312; belt or bands give strength, 590; Spirit in b light, 562.

Boastful deerslayer, 830; servant, 2404; tailor, *1710.

Boasting of wife, 880.

Boat, Burning p, 1330; gets tired, 1277; Selfmoving b, 400; tarred, 1156.

Body, Buying looks at girl's b, 850, 900 *A; Helping devil demands part of body (nailparing), 1181.

Bone, Boy revives from planted b, 720 *A; in wolf's throat removed by crane, 76; Singing b 780.

Bones become cow, 804; (nutshells) creak, 501 *A; Horseskin bag filled with gold (b), 311 *A.

Booty, Animals enticed from b, 15*.

Born of fish, 705.

Both?, 1563.

Bottle, Spirit in b, 331, *340.

Bouquet of all waters, *860.

Bow, Hunter bends b, 246.

Bowing backwards, 875.

Box becomes carriage, *557; of money for following advice, 910 B; on ears, 1372; Teresa opens forbidden b, 836 *F.

Boy applies sermon, 1833; at witch's house, 327*; in cage of twoface man, 327 *F; in drum, 700; in thieves' den, 327 *E; Lazy b, 675; on wolf's tail, 1875; revives from planted bone, 720 *A; size of needle or garlic, 700; sold to Devil, 314; Stones about b, 1525—1874; who died of fear, 326 *B; who had never seen women, 1678; who knew no fear, 326; who learned many things, 517; with active imagination, 2411.

Boy's disasters, 1681.

Brains (buttermilk) of fox knocked out, 3.

Brambles, Forced dancer in b, 592; Skinned wolf in b, 1.

Branch, Not marry while b stays green, 711 *A; of bitterness, *445 B.

Branches twining 966**.

Brands brothers for banners, 301, 560 *A.

Bread, Inexhaustible b, 750 B; Money in b, 910 B; offered to statue, *767; poisoned, 837; Statue demands fair price for b, *769 C.

Breath, Catching b, 1176; in cold as tobacco smoke, 1320.

Breeches, Jumping into b, 1286.

Bremen musicians, 130, 210.

Bridal, Monster in b chamber, 507 B; Substitute on b night overcomes strong bride, 519; Wasps drive out other suitors on b night, 559.

Bride, Animal b, 402, *557; Blind b, 1456; Forgotten b, 313; Forsaken b, 884; Hardhearted b, 1455; Lark reveals true b, 403; Lazy b, 1453; Monster's b, 425, 507 A; Skull dressed as b, 311; Substitute b, 403, 450, 533, 870; won in tournament, 508.

Bridegroom, Animal b, 425 A; Corpseeating b, 363; Dead b, 365; Foolish b, 1685; permits visit to lover, 976; thief, 955.

Brides killed, *895.

Bride's, Pin into b head transforms her into dove, 408.

Bridge built, 1005; Crow sticks to tarred b, 2017; Jumping off b, 1535 *A; Lover in chest on b, 1725; to other world, 471.

Broken image, 1643.

Brother, Little b and sister, 450; Supernatural or enchanted b, 450—459.

Brothers become oxen, 327 *D; in bed with giant's daughters, 328 *A; Lucky b, 1650; Skilful b, 653; Three b, 654; Treacherous b, 550, 551; Wise b, 655.

Brother's Poor b treasure, 834*.

Brothers' guilt revealed by fox, 551.

Brothersinlaw, Animal b, 552 A.

Brunhild, 519.

Buckets, Descending into well in b, 32.

Building bridge or road for ogre, 1005.

Bull and blindman, *1699; Enchanted b steals magic objects, *435.

Bull's heart for pretty girl, 889.

Bullies, Ass b bear or lion, 103 *A.

Burial, Indecent b for lazy wife, *1375.

Buries, Stepmother b girl alive, 780 *B.

Burning, Attempt at b, 1116; boat, 1330; Disenchanting by b animal skin, 425; Healing by b, 785; of Lawrence, *766.

Burns, Fool b monks, 1536 B.

Burying living and unburying dead, 921.

Bush, Fox says his tail is b, 5.

Bushel level, 1182.

Butcher, Devout b protects murderer of his father, 756 *D; Girl would marry a b, 707.

Butter cask taken for dead man, 1314; stolen by playing godfather, 15.

Buttermilk, Fox pretends his brains are b, 3.

Buttock, Girl replaces meat with piece of her b, *1374 B.

Buying wood, 1048.

Cage, Boy in c of twoface man, 327 *F.

Cain's sons at war, 840 *A.

Cake magically grows larger, 751.

Calf and parson, 1739.

Call, Must not call for wife, 400.

Calling, Disenchanting monster by c him son, 708.

Calumniated girl, 451, 706, 707, 712, 883 A, *891, 892.

Candle becomes bone, 836 *F; Drying the c, 1270; held by cat, 217; of life, 311 *A, 708 *A; Spilt c wax causes lover to disappear, 425.

Candles on crayfish, 1740; on grave of condemned woman, *834; Walking in circle with c breaks enchantment, 425 *D.

Candy, Fool eats c, *1703.

Cannibal, 406*.

Cap renders wearer invisible, 302 *A; Traveling c, 566; pays bills, *1846.

Cap o' Rushes, 510 B.

Cape, Anthony crosses river on c, *771; of innkeeper borrowed by student, 1642.

Caps changed in bed, 327, 328 *A.

Captive escapes by deceiving captor, 122.

Captivity, Ungrateful serpent returned to c, 155.

Captured animals ransom themselves, 159; giant, 328.

Cardplaying parson, 1839.

Card winner, 313, *345.

Carnation sweetheart, 652.

Carnations, Boys appear from c, 425 *D.

Carnival revelers punished, 836 *B.

Carpenter's daughter married to rich merchant, *769 A.

Carpet, Traveling c, 653.

Carpeting palace with small amount of cloth, 707.

Carriage, Box becomes c, *557; Priest has c (Repetition), *2227; Wedding c magically stopped, 313.

Carrying Christ Child, 768; the horse, 1082; wife to lover, *1424; Wolf c fox, *64.

Cart, Toad tries to upset c, *288 A.

Cask filled with gold, *773 B.

Casks, Thieves hide in oil c, 954.

Casting eyes, 1006.

Castle, Ogre in haunted c, 1160.

Castrating bear, 153; ogre, 1133.

Cat, Angel as c helper, 560; attacks spurless cock, *208; Big c (bear), 1161; blamed with eating meat, *1374 A; bride, 402; Candle and c, 217; Castle of c, 545 A; eats mouse (Cumulative), *2023; frees wolf from bag, *166; helper, 545; in beehive, 222; loses dog's certificate, 200; Mice buy bell for c, 110; Mouse tells c a tale, 111; obtains dresses from Devil, 510; puts off wolf, 122 A; reveals wrong bride, 510; substituted for newborn child, 707; washes face and loses rat, 122 B; weighed, 1373; with equivocal name, 1940 *F.

Cats Thief's tale of ghostly c, 953.

Cat's only trick, 105.

Catalina's mother, 804.

Catch tales, 2200.

Catching a breath, 1176; water in sieve, 1180.

Cellar, Wolf overeats in c, 41.

Cemetery, See graveyard.

Certificate, Cat loses dog's c, 200.

Chain, Human c, 1250.

Chair, Sitting or Peter's c, 330.

Chamber, See forbidden room.

Chance wisdom, 655.

Chanchánganas, *1684.

Changing places or caps in bed, 328 *A, *453, 1120.

Charcoal, Bear pretends to be c, 154.

Charity, One act of c saves soul, *773.

Charles the Great rescues princess, Misc *3.

Chastity, Devil guards wife's c, 1352; indicated by stone, 870 A; kept by naked sword, 303; Parrot guards wife's c, *435; wager, 882.

Cheat in selling oxen, 1538.

Cheese, Cutting the c, 1452; drops from flattered bird's mouth, 57; Fox eats c, 1; Sent after another c, 1291; stolen by mouse (Cumulative), 2030 *C; Wolf drinks in well to get c, 34.

Chest filled with stones for gold, *980 A; Lover in c, 1725; Traveling c, 653; Woman in c, 1536 A.

Chestnut!, *1454; Toad asks magpie for c (Cumulative), 2032 *A.

Chick, Half c, 715.

Chicken eaten by Teresa, *769 B; stealing revealed through extraordinary names, 1940 *C.

Chicken thrown off balcony, *1692; weighted down in river, *1692.

Chickencoop, Dogs chase fox from c, *135.

Chickenyard, Wolf overeats in c, 41.

Chickpeas planted by ant (Cumulative), 2030 *A.

Child, Cleaning c, 1012; murdered by mother, 781; Newborn c replaced by animal or object, 707; offers bread to snake, 285; sings wrong song, 1735 *A.

Children and ogre, 327; Birds (c) carry flowers to Virgin, 471 *A; desire ogre's flesh, 1149; Each prefers his own c, 247; Eve's c classified by God, *758; exchanged, 975*; more mischievous than Devil, 1149 *A; Mother accused of eating or killing c, 451, 652, 706 *B, 712; of king, 892; Ogre kills his own c, 1119; play at hog killing, 2401; rescued from stream, 707.

Children's blood only can revive servant, 516.

Chimney, Fishing through c, 328.

Choosing tree on which to hang, 875.

Christ and Peter in barn, 752 A; and Peter in night lodgings, 791; and smith, 753; Child carried across stream, 768; delights in benefactions which pass through Virgin, *849 A; grants power to win at cards, *345; Like C between two thieves, *1583; Lunch with C, *1855; rebuked by old lady, 1476 *A, *B; River of blood is C, 471 *A; Sacristan as statue of C, *1787 C; unmarried knew no suffering, *1516 A.

Christ's Passion proclaimed by animals and birds, *243 A; statue tells idler to work, Misc *2.

Christening, Inviting troll to c, 1165.

Christopher carries Christ Child, 768.

Church in Hell, 804*; Inappropriate or stupid use of c ritual, 1840—1844; Moving c, 1326.

Cigar, Sleeping c, 408 *A.

Cinderella, 510.

Classes, Social c fixed by God, *758.

Claws caught in tree cleft, 38, 151.

Cleaning the child, 1012; horse, 1016.

Clearing out manure, 1035*.

Clever boy, 1542; Elsie, 1450; Fox c and not c, 1—65, 66—69; horse, 531; maiden kills thieves, 956 B; man, 1525—1639; peasant girl, 875; youth, 920—929, 935; wren becomes birdking, 221.

Cleverest person in world, 461.

Cleverness and gullibility, 1539.

Cliff breaker, 301.

Climax of horrors, 2040.

Climbing contest, 1073; from pit on other's back, 31; on one another to tree (wolves), 121.

Closing door tight, 1014.

Cloth sold to statue, 1643.

Clothes, Emperor's new c, 1620; from magic nut, 511; Lover regained by restoring his c, 425; of hanged man stolen, 366; reveal identity, 301, 302 *A.

Cobbler, See shoemaker.

Cock and others gain possession of house, 210; assured of peace, 62; at church, 1831; crows with closed eyes, 61; decides silence is best policy, *1829; dirties beak (Cumulative), 2030 *B; Half c, 715; Hen and c, 2021; killed for giving bad advice, *207; persuaded to cut off crest and spurs, *208; reveals buttock substituted for meat, *1374 B; rules many wives, 670; sheep and duck at sea, 204.

Cocks, Why c crow, *205.

Cock's escape from fox, 61 *A; Nut hits c head, 2033; whiskers, 2032.

Cockaygne, Land of C, 1930.

Coffin, Glass c, 709.

Coined word repetition, *127 A.

Coins for stones, 1725.

Cold, Extraordinary withstander of c, 513; Fox pleads bad c, *52.

Comb from orange, 408; Must neither wash nor c, 361, 475; Poisoned c, 709.

Combed, Pearls fall from c hair, 403.

Commandments, Twelve C, 1940 *G.

Companion, Name of Devil's c, 812.

Companions, Extraordinary c, 301, 513, 519, 571.

Comparison with things eaten, *1374.

Condemned, Candles on grave of c, *834.

Confession, 1800—1809.

Confessor, Teresa wishes to be c, 836 *F.

Conspiracy against king discovered by thieves, 951 B.

Consumatus est, *1942.

Contest between man and ogre, 1060—1114; in climbing the mast, 1611: eating, 1088; frost and hare, 71; laughing, 42*; 1080*; lying, 1920; mowing, 1090; rowing, 1087; scratching, 1095; sewing, 1096; shrieking, 1084; swimming, 1612; threshing, 1089*; words, 1093.

Contract, Labor c, 650, 1000; with Devil, 313, 756 B, 812.

Conversation of Devil and companion reveals riddle solution, 812; of invisible beings or birds reveals how to obtain girl, 516; of spirits reveals valuable secrets, 613; of witches or animals reveals how lover may be healed, 432; wakes husband from magic forgetfulness, 313; with dying husband, *805.

Cook, Girl would marry a c, 707; Priest sings instructions to c, 1831 *A, *B.

Cork substituted for newborn child, 707; under wolf's tail, *64.

Corn, Grading much c in one night, 513.

Cornbread, Sleepy wife throws c out window *1389.

Corpse dug up by poor brother, 1536 A; eating bridegroom, 363; eating serpent, 285 *A; killed 5 times, 1537; on horseback thought to be Devil, 1537 *B; Stealing jewels from c, *1654; struck by innkeeper, 1535; substitution, 953.

Correct, Stingy dead woman revives to correct account, *1482.

Corset tightly laced, *453.

Council of birds, 220.

Counsels, Servant's good c, 910 B; Fox's three c, 150.

Counting out pay, 1130.

Courtship, Rich man's c, 941**; Unlucky c, 1688.

Covering wagon with tar, 1017.

Covetous and envious, 1331.

Cow as damages, 1655; chewing cud and killed, 1211; grazes on roof; 1210; of priest stolen, 1735 *A; Unkind woman turned into c, 473; with 4 teats and 5 calves, *1555; Wolf tied to horns of c, 47 *C.

Cow's son, 301.

Cowardice, 1710—1714.

Cowardly, More c than hare, 70; duelers, 104.

Cowboy forgets name at baptism, *1843 *A; says creed, *1842 C.

Cradle at foot of bed, 1363; Stolen hog in c, 1735 *B.

Crane and fox invite each other, 60, disputes over beehive, *80; takes bone from wolf's throat, 76; teaches fox to fly, 225.

Crayfish, Race of c and fox, 275; to be drowned, 1310.

Creaking bones (nutshells), 510 *A.

Creation of swallow, *243.

Creed said by cowboy *1842 C.

Crepitus ventris, *572, *1454, *1803.

Crescentia, 712.

Cricket, Lazy c and ant, 249.

Criminal, 1855—1864.

Crippled, Wicked people are c, *758 A.

Crop division, 9 B, *278, 1030, 1537 *A; First (acorn) c, 1185; Name of Devil's c, 1091.

Crossbow always hits mark, 592.

Crosswise, Treetrunk laid c on sleigh, 1248.

Crow advises magpies, 56 A; entices frog from hole, 242; fortuneteller, 1535; Man says he has given birth to c, 1381 *A; marries, 243*; on tarred bridge, 2017; rebukes eagle for warning shepherds of wolf, *229.

Crows, Brothers enchanted as c, *453.

Crowing with closed eyes, 61.

Crown of serpent, 672.

Crucified body on door, 831 *A.

Cruel rich man as Devil's horse, 761.

Crying last year's laughter, 921.

Cuarto meaning 'coin' and 'fourth', 1940 G.

Cuckoo on tree a woman 1029; Whom did c address?, *1593.

Cuckoo's skin borrowed by jay, 235.

Cudgel, Magic c, 563.

Cuirass, Unpierceable c, 508 *A.

Cumulative 2000—2199.

Cupid and Psyche, 425 A.

Cure, See healing.

Curiosity of wife, 670; overcomes Teresa, 836 *F; punished, 836 *F.

Curly, Straightening c hair, 1175.

Cursed oxen, 154.

Cut, Nose c off, 1417.

Cutting, cheese as bride test, 1452; wood, 1001.

Damages, Cow or girl as d, 1655.

Dance, All must d to flageolet, *594, or fiddle or flute, 592, or guitar, 853 *A, or music, 1652.

Danced out shoes, 306.

Dancing wife sings cooking instructions to husband, 1831 *B.

Danger sign, 303.

Daughter nurses father, 927 *A; of Devil, 307, 313; Riddle of wife, d, and sister, *983; Witch kills own daughter by mistake, 327 *D.

Daughters, Brothers in bed with giant's d, 328 *A.

Days, See week.

Dead, Apparently d revives, 990; bridegroom, 365; Dog plays d, 56 B; Fox plays d, I, 33, 56 A; Man thinks he is d, 1313; Pretended dead and debtor share thieves' loot, *1716; Pretended d man sees unfaithfulness of his wife, 1350; Stingy d woman revives to correct account, *1482; Watcher or bridegroom found d each morning, 306 *A, 307, 507.

Dead, See grateful.

Deaf persons, 1698; Pretending d man gets fine lodgings, 1544.

Deafness cured by lion's milk, 301.

Death and doctor, 332; as godfather, 332; Fox shams d, 1, 33, 56; News of d exprest indirectly, 925 *A; of good and bad man, 808**.

Death's messenger, 335.

Decapitation, See beheading.

Deceased rich man and devils in church, 815.

Deception of ogre into carrying captives home, 311.

Decision, Legal d, 1585—1594.

Deer, Boastful d slayer, 830; calls hunter "Slayer of your parents", 931 *A; Princess transformed into d, 401.

Defeat of supernatural adversary, 300—359.

Defense, Trespasser's d, 1590.

Demi-coq, 715.

Demon, See devil.

Depositors, Joint d, 1591.

Descent in one bucket permits escape in other, 32; on moonbeam, 852 *A.

Devil, 300—359; afraid of his wife, 332, 400 *A, or his motherinlaw, *340; and doctor 332, *340; and gambler, 313, 408 *A; and his grandmother, 812; as advocate, 821; as girl questions bishop, 922; as grayhound, *773 A; as horse or ass, *762; as horseman, *817; as laborer, 820; as rabbit or horse, 508 *A; Boy who has never seen woman (D), 1678; buys baby, 314; carries off judge, 821, 1186; Cat obtains dresses from D, 510; catches man's shadow, 325 *A; chained in Hell, 803; Children more mischievous than D, 1149 *A; Corpse on horseback thought to be D, 1537 *B; eats children, 706 *B; guards woman's chastity, 1352; helps knight in tournament, 508 *A; in bottle, 331, *340, in Noah's ark, 825; intercepts letter 707; Iron man and D, 1162; loses soul in card game, *345; Man promised to D, 810—814; Man sells soul to D, See soul; nailed by shoemaker, 815; rewards his supporters, 821 *C; shears pig, 1037; Smith outwits D, 330; stabs wineskins, 313; substitutes at mowing, 820; threatens to take pauper if he cannot say the twelve words, *2045; Trade of three brothers with D, 330.

Devil, See ogre.

Devils fight over magic objects, 518.

Devil's contract, 756 B; daughter, 307, 313; ear, 301; Hairs from D beard, 461; kindness, 362*; motherinlaw, *340; Name of D companion, 812, or D crop, 1091; riddle, 812.

Devours, Wolf d goat, *127.

Devout, Who is more d than I?, 756 *D, *E.

Diamonds buy back eyes, 711 *A.

Direction of wind asked to deceive captor, 6.

Disappointed fisher, 832.

Disaster of boy, 1681.

Discovered treasure and talkative wife, 1381.

Disguise, Barber and girl disguise in each other's clothes, *857.

Disguised as nursemaid, 37; as strange bird, 311, 1091; as woman lover carries off princess, 516; boy avenges self of thieves, 1538; fox violates female bear, 36; Girl d as doctor, 434, *515; Girl d as doctor and barber tortures thief, *970; Girl d as man, 425, 883 A, 884; Girl d as soldier replaces her brother, 514; king and thief, 951 A; lover buys looks at parts of girl's body, 900 *A; lover marries girl, 885, 900; Thief d as old woman, *970, *973; wife becomes emperor, 881; Wife d as judge, 890; wife reveals self, 888, *896; wife saves boastful husband, 880.

Dishes replace wolf in bag, *166.

Dishonest priest, 831.

Disobedience, Stone becomes red as sign of d, 311.

Disrespect punished 836 *B.

Distance from Heaven to Hell, or earth to sun, 922.

Diver and princess, 434*.

Dividing wife with dead helper, 506, 507.

Diving for cheese, 34.

Division of crop, 9 B, *278, 1030; of presents and strokes, 1610.

Do as you are told, 910 B.

Doctor and Death (Devil), 332, *340; Girl disguised as d, 434, *515, *970; Knowall, 1641.

Doctor's substitute members, 660.

Dog, Angel as d helper, 560; as wolf's shoemaker, 102; Hero as d, 652; in sea, 540*, Lean dog prefers liberty to food and chain, 201; Old d restored to favor, 101; picks up string (Cumulative), 2030 *D; receives blows, 200*; reveals wrong bride, 510; samples food, *453; substituted for newborn child, 707; Wolf sings despite dog's objections, 100.

Dogs chase fox from chicken-coop, *135; Helpful d, 300, 327, *340 A; in bag, 154; punish woman for cheating at mill, 831 *C; with extraordinary names, 1940 *D, *E.

Dog's certificate, 200, death avenged by sparrow, 248.

Doll stabbed and honey runs out, *970.

Don Juan, *835.

Donkey, Flies attracted by dead d, 875.

Door closed tightly, 1014; falls on thieves, 1653; guarded, 1009.

Dove and magpie exchange eggs, 240; girl, 400 *B, 408 *A; Magician's pupil as d warns parents, 325; Pin in head transforms lover into d, 408, 425; revives lovers, *445 A; to fly into church, 1837.

Doves called with whistle, 300; sent with call for help, 311.

Dove's eggs, 240; keen sight, 238; small nest, 236.

Dowery, Suitor asks for girl and d (Repetition), *2228.

Dragon, See ogre.

Dragon, 300—359; persecutes innocent wife, 706 *A.

Dragon's heartblood as remedy, 305*.

Dream, 725; Adventure told as d, 1364; bread, 1626; of parsons in Hell, 1738; of treasure on bridge, 1645; Picture painted of d girl, 516; Strong John born of d, 650.

Dress of gold, silver, and stars, 510 B.

Drink, Must not d, 400.

Drinking from skull, 326; lake dry for reflection of girl, 1141*; pond dry, 327; well dry to get reflected moon, 34, *64.

Driver, Mute d and deaf women, *1587.

Dropped figs eaten by sister, 327; food and scorned lover, 900.

Drowning crayfish, 1310; fox, *66 B; sickle, 1202.

Drowns, Fool d corpses, 1536 B.

Drum, Boy in d, 700.

Drunkard kills wife, 1537 *B.

Drying the candle, 1270.

Duck and others gain possession of house, 210; bride, 403 A; helper, 554; persuades cock to cut off crest and spurs, *208; sheep and cock at sea, 204.

Duel with long poles, 1083.

Duelers, Cowardly d, 104.

Dungbeetle, 559.

Dungheap, Swords grow in d, 303.

Dwarfs, Gifts of d, 503, 611; Helpful d, 301, 403 B.

Dying, Conversation with d husband, *805.

Eagle as judge, 220; carries hero, 313, 408 *A, 425, 551; drops man, 327 *F; helper, 554; not invited to wedding, 224; warns shepherds of wolf, *229.

Ear, Brother gives e for lion's milk, 301; of Devil, 301; Pins stuck behind princess' e, 306 *A.

Earth, Distance from Heaven to Hell or earth to sun, 922; Man in Heaven who wishes to return to e, *808.

Eat, Must not e, 400; only onions, garlic, bread and water, *1516.

Eaten, Egg e off ground, 900; moon, 34, *64, 1335.

Eating, Animals e man in trap, 20 B; Animals e one another, 20; black hand, 311; contest, 203*, 1088; own entrails, 21; Stop e when kicked, 1363 *A.

Eating, See children.

Eats, Father e son whom stepmother secretly killed, 720; Fox as nursemaid e young, 37; Fox e fellow lodgers, 170; Fox e lost eye, *135 B; Monster e people and animals, 333; Pig e money, *891; Wife e guest's fish, 1741.

Egg becomes bloody as sign of guilt, 311; contest, *1942; eaten off ground, 900; Hiding in raven's e, 329; Ogre's heart in e, 302; Strong John born from e, 650.

Eggs, Birds exchange e, 240; Bird's e shot and sewed up, 653; Dispute over e, 1365 *D; Fool sits on e, *1693, 1696; Inexhaustible basket of e, 594; Lawsuit over accumulated e bill, 821 B; Tailor, e, and sausage, *1715.

Election of birdking, 221.

Elf in new habit, Misc *1.

Elf's ear, 301.

Elfking, 367*.

Elk's, Needle in e belly, 90.

Eloping with wrong man, 306 *A.

Elsie, Clever E, 1450.

Elves' gifts, 503.

Enchanted pear tree, 1423; relative, 400—459.

Enchantment broken by destroying external soul, 302, or by murder, 400 *A, or by prayer, 307.

Endless tales, 2300.

Enmity betveen cats and dogs, 200.

Enticing frog from hole, 242.

Entrails of corpse stolen, 366; Wolf eats his own e, 21.

Entry into princess' chamber inside ram, 854.

Equivocal names, 1940; oath, 1418.

Escape by asking respite for prayer, 227; by blinding guard, 73; by false plea, 122; by giving three counsels, 150; by sham death, 33; through help of ogre's daughter, 313; under ram's belly, 1137.

Eulenspiegel, 875.

Euphuisms, *925, 1940.

Eustacius, 938.

Everyone to his own duties, 85.

Eve's children classified by God, *758.

Evil, Snares of the E One, 810; woman in glass coffin, 1170; woman thrown into pit, 1164.

Exchange, Birds e eggs, 240; Profitable e, 1655.

Exchanged children, 920, 975*; duties bring misfortune, 85; nightcaps, 1119.

Experience, Wise through e, 910 A.

Extraordinary, See companions; See names.

Eye, Fox eats lost e, *135 B; May the other one come out!, 1696; Nightingale borrows blindwornis's e, 234; I eye, 2 eyes, 3 eyes, 511; remedy for ogre, 1135; Spitting in guard's e, 73.

Eyes bought back, 533, 711 *A; Casting e, 1006; Cock crows with closed e, 61; Toad trades mole tail for e, *287.

Facing, Marry suitor she is f in the morning, *572, 621, 850.

Fairies, Gifts of f, 410, 503; spin for lazy girl, 501 *A.

Faithful John, 516; wife, 888.

Faithful, See servant.

Faithless sister, 300, 315; wife, 1380.

Fall from Heaven, 804.

Falsehood and Truth, 613.

Farmer feeds serpent hot stone, 285 *A; hides fox from hunter, *161; wakened by falling nut kills snake, 285 *B.

Farseeing object, 653.

Fat cat, 2027; wolf cannot escape, 41.

Fate, 930—949.

Fated that parents shall humble themselves before son, 517; to become king's soninlaw, 461, 930; to be killed by lightning, *449; to hang, *936; to kill father and marry mother, 931.

Father and son quarrel, *980 B; divides property before he dies, *980 A; nursed by daughter, 927 *A; wishes to marry daughter, 510, 706.

Fear, Boy dies of f, 326 *B; of men learned, 157; of world coming to end, 20 C; Youth wishes to learn f, 326.

Fearless boy, 326*.

Feather reveals identity, 665.

Feathers, Bird in borrowed f, *244; House of f, 124; Raven in borrowed f, 244*; recall forgotten bride, 313.

February defied, *2415.

Felling trees, 1050.

Ferryman, King as f, 461.

Ferryman's wife has miscarriage, 1535 *A.

Fertility of land reward for hospitality, 750 B.

Fettered monster, 803.

Fiddevav, 593.

Fiddle, See violin.

Fidelity, 880—899; oft proved, 881.

Fight over magic objects, 518.

Figs dropped but eaten by sister, 327; eaten by pretending ghosts, *1532; eaten cause horns, 566; gathered by sacristan, 1840 *B; Peter says f are his favorite fruit, *792; Sleeping f, 408 *A, *970.

Figtree blest, *846.

Filling cask with gold, *773 B.

Finger as test of fatness, 327; caught in cleft, 1159; Cutting off dragon slayer's f, 300; Disenchantment by cutting off f, 403; Ogre sucks girl's f, 327 *D; Recognition by missing f, 313.

Fire, Hedgehog tricks fox into carrying him from forest f, *69; Warner uses extraordinary names, 1940 *A; wet by dog, *453.

Firesteel, 562.

Firewood cut in wrong place, 1696.

First crop, 1185; to say good morning, 1735; to see sunrise, 120.

Fish, 250—274; Born of a f, 705; caught in boots, 1895; fetches ring, *515; for guest eaten by wife, 1741; Grateful f, 531; helper, 302 *A, 554; Hero carried by f, 302 *A; in net, 253; Man swims like f, 665; net on heath, 1220; Pregnant from eating f, 303; race, 250, 252; Theft of 1.

Fish's, Hiding in f belly, 329.

Fisher and his wife, 555; disappointed, 832; rescues children, 707.

Fisher's wife eats guest's fish, 1741.

Fishergirl's blunt answer to elegant paraphrase, 1940 *H.

Fishing through chimney, 328; with tail, 2.

Fitting peg in hole, *1705.

Flageolet, All must dance to f, *594; Priest jealous of f player, *1844.

Flask, See bottle.

Flattered fox sings, 6.

Flattery of raven with cheese in mouth, 57.

Flax, Swimming in f field, 1290.

Flea, Marriage of louse and f (Cumulative), *2020; powder sold by quack, *1550 A.

Fleas, Fox rids self of f, 63*.

Fleaskin riddle, *959.

Flesh, A pound of f, 890.

Flies, Bring swarm of f, 875; on Christ's heart, 772*.

Flight, Magic f, 313, 314, 327; of husband from his own house, 1360 A; of ogre, 1132; of princess to escape marriage, 888*; of youth from giant's house, 314**; of woman and paramour, 1360 B.

Flood, 1361.

Flour sent home alone, 1696.

Flower from stone table, 755; Girl as f, 407.

Flowers, Birds (children) carry f to Virgin, 471 *A.

Flute makes all dance, 592 *A.

Flute, See whistle and flageolet.

Fly, Crane teaches fox to f, 225.

Fly, Man in court for killing f, 1586.

Food, Boy sleeps on foodchest, *1020; dropped and lover scorned, 900; Husband behind statue says good f will make him blind, 1380; in bag, 1088; sampled by dog, *453; Teaching horse to live without food, 1682.

Fool and long night, *1684; as fortuneteller, *1550 B; as murderer, 1600; buries corpses, 1536 B; buys billpaying cap, *1846; chokes mother to death with cornmeal, 1537 *A; eats candy, spills wine, brings needles in straw, sends pig home alone, drags jar, and measures tower, *1703; fails to recognize self after seeing another with patch like his, *1683 B; feeds wheat to frogs, *1693; finds purse, 1696 *A; gets into places where he does not belong, *1690; guards chickens, *1692; Hair of f is cut while asleep and fails to recognize self, *1683 A; He is a f who marries twice, *1410; misunderstands king, 1688 *A; publicly announces price of ass, *1550 C; sells honey to bees, 1586, 1642; sells oxen and gives money away, 1003 *A; sells to statue, 1643; sits on eggs, *1693; spoils shoemaker's work, 1695; steals hog, *1800 C; swats bee and kills mayor, 1586; swats fly and kills man, 1586; swats louse and kills baby, 1685.

Foolish and wise brother divide crops, 1537 *A; bridegroom, 1685; couple, 1430—1439; imitation, 1; man and his wife, 1405—1429; parson in trunk, 1725; wife and her husband, 1380—1404; wife gives ham to "Long May", 1541; wife throws cornbread out window, *1389; wife's pawn, 1385.

Foot, Fox calls his f a treeroot and bear lets loose, 5; Frostbitten f, 2031; Horse's f taken off to shoe it, 753.

Forbidden apple, 301; room, 311, 313, 314, 400 *B, 408 *A, 710, 900.

Forest, See wood.

Forge and smith's equipment, 330.

Forgetful man counts days, 2012.

Forgotten bride, 313; wind, 752 B.

Formula, 2000—2399; of witch misstated, *746.

Forsaken bride, 884.

Fortunatus, 566.

Fortune and Money test their powers, 945 *A; Journey to F, 460 B; Neighbors with good and bad F, *948; of rich and poor man, 735; telling crow, 1535; telling fool, *1550 B.

Forty thieves, 954.

Four skilful brothers, 653, 653*.

Fourth, Ride to f story, 530.

Fox and bird, 56—62; and crane invite each other, 60; assures cock of peace, 62; cannot reach grapes, *66 A; carried by crane and dropped, 225; carried by simpleton wolf, 4, *64: chased from chicken coop by dogs, *135; Clever f, 1—65; Cock escapes f, 61 *A; Crop division of f and toad, *278 A, or lark, *278 B; deceives bear or wolf, 1—65; disguises, 154; disputes over beehive, *80; divides booty for lion, 51; drowning consoles self, *66 B; eaten by all the animals, 50; eats fellow lodgers, 170; eats sardines, pears, cheese, rolls, 1; encounters violin or blindman, *135 A; fishes with basket on tail, 2; flattered to (Fox)sing, 6; Geese pray and escape fox, 227; Grateful dead as f, 551; helper, 554; hides under basket from hunter, *161; in saddlebag, 1; leads ass to lion's den, 50; leads bear to honey (wasp's nest), 49; loses eye in briars, *135 B; not clever, 66—69; paints wolf, 8; persuades cock to crow with closed eyes, 61; pleads bad cold, *52; pretends brains are knocked out, 3; promised reward but deceived, 154; Rabbit rides f acourting, 72; Race of f and toad, 275; rescued by bear, 32; says his tail is bush, 5; shams death, 1, 33, 56; shams sickness, 4; Suitors of female f, 65; sweats honey or water, 15; taught by goose to swim, 226; thanks her members for help in escaping *135 C, 154; ties basket to fisher wolf's tail, 2; ties wolf to cow's horns, 47 *C; tricked to carry hedgehog from forest fire, *69; tricked to open mouth and call, 57 *A; waits and loses prey, 122 A.

Fox's Widowed f suitors, 65.

Fraud and Honesty in partnership, *847.

Free ride of Galician for song, *1546.

Freedom, See liberty.

Friar elf in new habit, Misc *1.

Friars enticed by wife and killed by husband, 1730; feed serpent bread full of pins, 285 *A; Fool drowns f, 1536 B.

Friends in life and death, 470; unreliable, 893.

Fright of hawk at snipe's bill, 229*.

Frightened ogre, 1145—1154.

Frog announces birth of princess, 410; bride, 402; enticed from hole, 242; king; 440; Man turned into f, 836 *A.

Frog, See toad.

Frogs ask for king, 277*; Fool feeds wheat to f, *1693.

Frog's keen hearing, 238.

Frost and hare have contest, 71.

Frostbitten foot, 2031.

Fruit, Ability to pluck f given only to heroine, 511; Pregnancy from eating f, 301.

Fruits, Healing f, 610; Wonderful f, 566.

Future husband?, 737*.

Galician sings and rides free, *1546.

Gallows, Devil rescues three brothers from g, 360; Man from g, 366.

Gambler and Devil, 313, 408 *A.

Garden, Spears grow in g, 303.

Gardner magician and swanmaiden, 400 *A; rescues child, 707.

Garlic, Boy the size of g, 700; May one dry up and another not be born! (g), 1696.

Geese ask respite for prayer, 227, carry man, 1881; on line, 1876.

Gelding, See castrating.

George's dogs, 1150.

Ghost invited to dine, *835; Quieting g in torment, 760.

Ghosts, Pretending g are killed, 326, or cat figs, *1532.

Giant, 300—359; kidnaps girl, Misc *3, 327***.

Giant, See ogre.

Giantkiller and his dog, 312.

Giants beheaded one by one, 304; fight over magic objects, 518.

Giant's, Boy steals g treasure, 328; Brothers in bed with g daughters, 328 *A.

Gifts of dwarfs, 611; of little people, 503.

Gilding the beard, 1138.

Girl as damages, 1655; as flower, 407; Devil disguised as g, 922; disguised as doctor, *515, or as man, 425, *515, or as doctor and barber, *970; from orange, 408; Gluttonous g, *1374 B; in bag must sing, 311 *B; in form of wolf, 409; outwits thief, 956 B; Thrifty g, 1451; who ate so little, 1458; who could not keep silent, 886; with ugly name, 1461.

Girl, See maiden.

Girls and glutton, 333; in thieves' den, *970; who married animals, 552.

Glass, Climbing g mountain; 425, 451, 502, 530; coffin, 709; of all waters, *860, which provides liquor, 853 *A.

Glove, needle, and squirrel, 90.

Glutton, 333.

Gluttonous woman, *1374.

Gnats and horse, 281*.

Goat, Black g, 831 *A; caught in garden, *128; devoured by wolf, *127; had kid (Repetition), *2226; Lying g, 212; makes fun of woman, 831 *B; persuades wolf to sing, 122 C; who would not go home, 2015; Wolf sings despite objections of g, 100.

Goatmilk, White urine for g, *166.

Goats eaten by monster, 333; killed by wolf, *166; put off wolf, 122 A; sold to statue, 1643; Stubborn g, 202*.

God and emperor of Rome, 775*; as shepherd buys girl, 471 *B; fixes social classes, *758; Journey to G, 460 A; One beggar trusts G the other the king, 841; pardons all but slander, 836 *G; protects girl from rape, 831 *A; repays and punishes, 750—779.

Godfather Death, 332; Theft by playing g, 15.

God's justice vindicated, 759.

Gold, Bear goes to monkey for g chain, 48*; drops from girl's mouth, 403; Hair turns to g as sign of guilt, 314; Horseskin bag filled with g(bones), 311 *A.

Golddropping ass, 1535.

Golden ram, 854; sons, 707.

Good bargain, 1642; Death of g and bad man, 808**.

Goose cumulative tale, 2018 *A; Sticking to g, 571; teaches fox to swim, 226.

Goosebride, 403.

Goosegirl, 870 A.

Giace before meat, 1841.

Grain harvesting, 1202; punished, 836 *E; Separating g, 313, 513, *515.

Granary roof as threshing flail, 1031.

Grandmother, Bathing g, 1013; Cooking g, *980 C; Devil and his g, 812.

Grapes are Peter's favorite fruit, *792; Fox cannot reach g, *66 A; Inexhaustible basket of g, *792.

Grass house, 124.

Grateful animals and ungrateful man, 160; dead, 505—508, 513, 551, 665, *835; lion, 156; siren, 302.

Grateful animal, See helper.

Grave, Unquiet g, 760.

Graveyard, Hare in g, *834.

Grayhound, Devil as g, *773 A; protects lark, *278 B.

Grazing cow on roof, 1210.

Great animal or object, 1960.

Greedy fisher, 832; woman, 751, 836 *C; Green, Not marry while branch stays g, 711 *A; twigs, 756.

Gregory on the stone, 933.

Grief, Stone of g, *445 B, 706 *B.

Grindstone, Bringing the women's g, 1177*.

Griselda, 887.

Groom teaches horse to live without food, 1682.

Ground, Jumping into the g, 1086; measured by horse's skin, 2400.

Guard, Blindig the g, 73.

Guarding storeroom door, 1009.

Guitar makes all dance, 853 *A.

Gun always hits mark, 304; as tobacco pipe, 1157; loaded perpetually, 330; Ogre looks down g barrel, 1158.

Hair als ladder to tower, 310; gives knight power over Devil, 508 *A; grows from ground and sings crime, 780 *B; Hiding in princess' h, 329; in soup starts quarrel, 1365 *E; Must not cut h, *1516; of fool cut while asleep and he fails to recognize self, *1683 A; Straightening curly h, 1175; turns to gold as sign of guilt, 314.

Hairs from Devil's beard, 461; from magic horse's tail, 301 A.

Half chick, 715; friend, 893.

Ham, Foolish wife gives h to "Long May", 1541.

Hand, Eating black h, 311; Invisible h feeds girl, *445 B.

Handkerchief in tree, 554; reveals identity, 304.

Hands, Maiden without h, 706.

Hang, Choosing tree on which to h, *875; Fated to h, *936.

Hanging by teeth on horse's tail, 47 A; Treasure of h man, 910 D.

Hans my hedgehog, 441.

Haensel and Gretel, 327.

Happiness, Shirt of h, 844.

Happy friar, 754.

Hardhearted bride, 1455.

Hare, Contest of frost and h, 71; finds one more cowardly, 70; in graveyard, *834; Race of hedgehog and h, 275 *A.

Hares run into bag, 1893.

Hare's lip, 47 A, 70.

Harnessed wild animal, 1910.

Harp, Quest for living h, 465 B.

Harvesting grain, 1202.

Hat, horn, and knapsack, 569; of butter, 1880; Protecting h, 563, 566; Throwing h into Heaven, 330.

Hatchpenny, 745.

Hatchet, Attempted murder with h, 1115.

Haughtiness punished, 620, 757, 900, 940.

Hauling a tree, 1052.

Haunted castle, 1160.

Hawk frightened at snipe's bill, 229*.

Hazelnuts of ay, ay, ay! *860.

Head, Magic ass's h, 425; Pitch carried on h, 1696; stuck into hole of millstone, 1247.

Headless man in bear's den, 1225.

Heads of dragon return when cut off, 300; of unsuccessful suitors on stakes, 329, 507 A.

Healing by burning, 785; fruits, 610, 653; the ogre, 1134.

Hearer, Extraordinary h, 513.

Hearing, Keen h of frog, 238.

Heart of bull for pretty girl, 889; of hanged man stolen, 366; of ogre in egg, 302; of serpent overcomes magician, 302 *A; Rod of virtue in ass's heart, 706 *A; Whoever eats bird's h will be king, 567; With his whole heart, 1186.

Heater of Hell's kettle, 475.

Heath, Fishnet on h, 1220.

Heathcock and bird of passage, 232.

Heaven admits men married once but not twice, *141o; Distance from H to Hell, 922; Faultfinding shoemaker expelled from H, 801; Hospitality, admits to H, 330; Man in H, 800—809; Man in H wishes to return to earth, *808; Man thinks he has been in H, 1531; Musicians in H, *807; Peasant in H, 802; Peter's mother falls from H, 804; Tailor in H, 800.

Heavy axe, 1049.

Hedge, Prince breaks through h, 410.

Hedgehog, Hans my h, 441; in hole in roof, 80*; Race of h and hare, 275 *A; tricks to cany him from forest fire, *69.

Hell, Distance from Heaven to H, 922; Journey to H, 756 B.

Hell's kettle, 475.

Heller thrown into other's money 1615.

Help of weak, 75.

Helper, Animal h, 160, 300, 301, 302, 303, 313, 314, 316, 327, 329, 400, 408, 480, 510, 513 A, *515, 530—559. 560, 590, 665, 670, 675, 706 *A; Wife as h on quests, 465.

Helpers, Supernatural h, 550—559; Three old women h, 501.

Hen and others gain possession of house, 210; Black h and greedy woman, 836 *C; Death of little h, 2022; with chicks promised to fox, 154.

Hens thrown to fox (bear punished), 3 B*.

Hermit, Selfrighteous h, 756 A; Three sins of h, 839.

Heroine marries prince, 870-879.

Hiding from Devil or princess, 329.

Hildebrand, 1360 C.

Hog, Children play at killing h, 2401; Fool steals h, *1800 C; in church, 1838; Stolen h in cradle, 1735 *B; tires of his daily food, 211*.

Hog, See pig.

Hogs in mud, 1004; with curly tails, 1036.

Hog's house protects from monster, 124.

Holding, Disenchantment by h, 403; down hat, 1528; up rock, 1530.

Hole, Fitting peg in h, *1705; Frog enticed out of h, 242; Pushing h in tree, 1085; to lower world, 301.

Holy miller, *1720.

Home, Finding way h, 327; preferred to foreign lands, 232.

Homecoming husband, 974*, 1360 C, 1419.

Honesty and Fraud in partnership, *847.

Honey, Bear seeking h caught in wasp nest, 49; runs out of stabbed doll; sold by fool to bees, 1586, 1642; sweat by fox, 15.

Honor and sin, 755.

Hooks, Wolf hurls self against h, 124.

Horn of shepherd summons help, 958; provides soldiers, 566, 569.

Horns produced and removed by fruits, 566; Stag proud of h, 77; Wolf tied to cow's h, 47 *C.

Horse, Bird's wine and unborn h, 927 *B; Carrying h, 1082; Cleaning h, 1016; Clever h, 531; Cruel rich man as Devil's h, 761; Devil as h, 508 *A, *762; drawn across ice, 1212; eaten by wild animals on sleigh, 158; Flying h, 560 *A; Fox as rabbit's h, 72; frightens lion, 118; Helpful h, 532; Invulnerable h, 756 *B; kicks wolf, 47 B; King's favorite h dies, *925 A; Kissing h, 570; Magic h helps hero, 314, 516; Putting h in stable, 1415 *A; Speaking horsehead, 533; substituted for bride, 1440; Teaching h to live without food, 1682; Wearing horsehair next to skin, *1516.

Horseman, Devil as h, *817.

Horses called bearfood, 154; covered with sheets, 1725; Magic h, 301.

Horse's, Hairs from magic h tail, 301 A; Hanging by teeth to h tail, 47 A; sweat beautifies, 531.

Horseshoe scorned by Peter, 759.

Horseskin bag filled with gold (bones), 311 *A.

Hospitality rewarded, 330, *345, 750 B; to Death rewarded, 332.

Host, See innkeeper.

Hot porridge in ogre's throat, 1131; tin under ogre's horse 1142.

Hours of day used to tell life story, 2012 *B.

House, At thieves' h, 956 A; (body) goes to pieces, 332; in woods, 431; Monster dies on prongs of prey's house, 124; Mouse, bird, and sausage keep h, 85; of feathers and stone, 124; Repairing h, 1010; that Jack built, 2035.

Housekeeper and priest exposed by cock, *1829.

Houses of branches and grass, straw, stone and iron, 124; of wood and ice, 43.

Human chain, 1250.

Humiliated bride, 900.

Hunchbacks, Three h, 1536 B.

Hunchback's hump transferred to another, 425 B, 503.

Hungry parson, 1775.

Hunter bends bow, 246; called "slayer of parents", 931 *A; Fox disguises as h 154; kills bear, 157; Skilful h, 304.

Hunting lies, 1890—1909.

Husband behind statue says good food will make him blind, 1380; behind statue urges wife to work, *1375; carries wife to lover, *1424; Conversation with dying h, *805; Good h for bad wife and bad h for good wife, 822; Homecoming h, 974*, 1360 C, 1419; locked out, 1377; Lover unknowingly confides in h, 1364 *A; Plank between h and wife, *1355; Praying for a h, 1476; Search for lost h, 425; Supernatural or enchanted h, 425—449; Who will be her future h, 737*.

Husband's blind eye covered, 1419 C.

I do not know, 532, 1700*; got 2 you got 1, 361.

Ice, Houses of wood and i, 43; mill, 1097; Tail lost in i, 2.

Idler does not provide for winter, Misc *2.

If God so wills, 830, 836 *A.

Image broken, 1643.

Imagination, Boy with active i 2411.

Imitation, Foolish i, 1.

Imitator of witch, *746.

Immortals, Journey to land of i, 313*.

Inappropriate or stupid use of church ritual, 1840—1844.

Indirect expressions, 1940, of news of death, *925 A; f sex of newborn child, *925 B.

Industrious girl and lazy boy, 822.

Industry puts laziness to shame, 249.

Ingratitude of serpent, 290—294.

Innkeeper beheads girl for her savings, 780 *A; Never sleep at inn of old i and young wife, 910 B; steals from Devil's servant, 475; steals magic objects, 563; strikes corpse, 1535.

Innkeeper's cape borrowed by student, 1642; wife tricked by students, *1848.

Innocence, 880—899.

Innocent slandered maiden, 883 A.

Insect, 275—289; and man, 290—299.

Insects win battle with quadrupeds, 222.

Insults make princess talk, *860.

Intelligence and luck, 945.

Intestines, Lizard in wolf's i, 121.

Intruder steals man's clothes, 1360 A.

Invaders, Cocks crow to warn one another of i, *205.

Invisible beings' conversation reveals how to obtain girl, 516; Cap renders wearer i, 302 *A; suit of king, 1620.

Invitations to dine of fox and crane, 60.

Invited dead friend, 470; skull, 470, *835; statue of Christ, 750 B.

Invulnerable horse, 756 B.

Iron Henry, 440; house, 124; is more precious than gold, 677; man and ogre, 1162; Oath on i, 44; Strong John made of i, 650.

Iron, See shoes.

Island, Abandonment on i, 1118*.

Jack the giant killer, 328.

Jackdaw teaches fox to fly, 225.

Jar dragged, *1703.

Jay borrows cuckoo's skin, 235.

Jealous, Mother j of daughter's beauty, *449, 706; Priest j of flageolet player, *1844; Queen j of nieces' beauty, *455; Stepmother j of stepdaughter's beauty, 709.

Jesus creates swallow, *243.

Jesus, See Christ.

Jew among thorns, 592; Wandering J, 754***.

Jews drawn from Heaven, 2403.

Jeweler, Ungrateful j, 160.

Jewels drop from girl's mouth, 403; from magic nut, 511; removed and girl revives, 709; stolen from corpse, *1654.

Jewess, Man curses day he married J, *980 C.

Job, 947 *A.

John the Bear, 301; Strong J, 650.

Joke, 1200—1999.

Jorinde and Joringel, 405.

Joseph answers the twelve words to Devil for pauper, *2045; finds rich husband for devoted girl, *769 A; shows justice of his action, 759.

Journey to Fortune, 460 B; to God, 460 A; to Hell, 466**, to other world, 465 C, 470; Wedding j of prince, 516—518.

Jovinian, 757.

Juan, Don J, *835.

Judge carried off by Devil, 821, 1186; Outriddling j, 927; Outwitting j, 1525; protects poor man, 1535 *A; Wife as j frees husband, 890.

Judge's oxen stolen and wife seduced, 1525.

Jumping into breeches, 1286; into ground, 1086.

Juniper tree, 720.

Justice of God vindicated, 759; Truth and Avarice, *848.

Kaiser and abbot, 922.

Kaiser's new clothes, 1620.

Keen hearing of frog and sight of dove, 238.

Kettle, Hell's k, 475.

Key becomes bloody as sign of guilt, 311; Keep old k rather than new, 313, 425, 506.

Kicked, Stop eating when k, 1363 *A.

Kicking, Disenchantment by k, 440.

Kids eaten by wolf, 123.

Killed, Brides k, *895; Cock k for giving bad advice, *207; Lion or bear k by brave man, 157.

Killer forces friar to absolve him (Cumulative), *2026.

Kills, Fool swats fly and k man, 1586; Fool swats louse and k baby, 1685; Hero k thieves one by one, 956 B.

Kind and unkind, 403 A, 480.

Kindness, Devil's k, 362*; repaid, 431; rewarded, 473, 480.

King and abbot, 922; and peasant's son, 921; and soldier, 952; and thief, 951 A; as ferryman, 461; discovers his unknown son, 873; Girl would marry a k, 707; is betrayed, 505; Log, 277*; of fishes, 303; of frogs, 277*; Thrushbeard, 900.

King's children, 892; garden guarded by hero, 328*; haughtiness punished, 757; invisible suit, 1620; tasks, 577.

Kiss, Disenchantment by k, 408 *A, 410, 425, 433 A, 440, 451; Pretending k hedgehog seizes fox's neck and escapes forest fire, *69.

Kissing horse or mule under tail, 570.

Knapsack forces persons into it, 330; produces food, 569.

Knife handed to guilty man, 950; Life token: k becomes rusty, 303; Magic k, 576**; of love, 706 *B; or scissors, 1365 B; Whetting the k, 1015.

Knight helped in tournament by Devil, 508 *A.

Knight's repentance and hospitality bring him salvation, 750 *C.

Knots from breath, 1176; from drops of brandy, 1173.

Knowledge, Supernatural k, 650—699.

Kobold, 300—359.

Laborer, Devil as l, 820.

Lace, Poisoned l, 709.

Ladder, Hair as l to tower, 310.

Lady, See woman.

Lake, Pulling together the l, 1045.

Lamb promised as reward, 154; stolen, 15.

Lamb's, Who ate l heart?, 785.

Land and water ship, 513 B; higher than Heaven, 922; of Cockaygne, 1930.

Language of birds, 517, 781; Questions in foreign l, 1697* A.

Languages, Animal l, 670—673.

Large-headed and large-eyed bird reared, 230.

Large, See big.

Lark, Crop division of fox and lark, *278 B; protected by grayhound, *278 B; reveals true bride, 403.

Last leaf, 1184.

Latinized, Sermon in L words, 1825 *D.

Laugh, Making the princess l, 559, 571—574, 853 *A.

Laughing contest, 42*, 1080*.

Lawrence burned, *766.

Lawyer's alms to soldier, *819; dog steals meat, 1589; mad client, 1585.

Laziest, 1950.

Laziness put to shame by industry, 249.

Lazy animals punished, 55; boy, 675; boy and industrious girl, 822; boy eats all meals together, 1561; bride, 1453; girl must spin, 501 *A; spinning woman, 1405; Three l ones, 1950; weaving woman, 843*; wife, 901, 1370*; woman punished, 368*.

Leaf, Will pay Devil when last l falls from oak, 1184.

Learning to fear men, 157.

Leg, Bird with broken l (Cumulative), 2031.

Legs, Stag ashamed of l, 77.

Legal decision, 1585—1594.

Leonore, 365.

Let someone buy you who does not know you, 1170; *1852.

Letter intercepted, 706, 707, 930; Love l from magic nut, 511; to kill bearer, 428, 930.

Level bushel, 1182.

Liar, Best l, 852 *A.

Liberty, Lean dog prefers l to food and chain, 201.

(Lice) Many and fat and 100 every year, 1696.

Lies, Sack of l, 570, *572.

Life candle, 311 *A; 708 *A; light, 332; story in days of week, 2012 *A; story in ten hours, 2012 *B; story reveals identity, 304, 506; token, 303.

Light, Spirit in blue l, 562; Sun brings all to l, 960; to see sleeping mate, 302.

Lighting the road, 1008.

Lightning, Fated to be killed by l, *449.

Like wind in hot sun, 923 A.

Limb cut off by numskull sitting on it, 1240.

Lion and mouse, 75; bullied by ass, 103 *A; finally meets man brave enough to shoot him, 157; frightened by horse, 118; helper, *535; Helpful l kills witch, 303; sick, 50; slaps animals for unfavorable judgment, *52; will abandon wife, *52.

Lioness accused of having bad smell, *52.

Lion's faith, 74*; Fox kicked into l bed, 50; milk cures, 301, 560 *A, 590; milk kills, *455; share, 51; Splinter removed from l paw, 156.

Lip of hare, 47 A, 70.

Lisping maiden, 1457.

Listener as helper 513 A, 621.

Little brother and sister, 450; fish slips through net, 253; Gifts of l people, 503; goosegirl, 870 A.

Live, Killing live stock, 1007.

Liver of hanged man stolen, 366.

Lizard frightens wolves, 121.

Load carried by ant, 280.

Loading wood, 1242.

Locket, Prince recognizes lost bride by l, *932.

Long, For the l winter, 1541.

Look, Must not l at bedmate, 400, 425; Must not l back, 400.

Looking for a wife, 1450—1464.

Lord's Prayer, 1199.

Lost, Search for l husband, 425, or wife, 400.

Louse, Fool swats l and kills baby, 1685; Marriage of l and flea (Cumulative), *2020; Riddle of l skin, 425 B, 621.

Loused, Dragonslayer l by princess, 300.

Lousy, Husband insulted as l head, 1365 C.

Love, Knife of l, 706 *B; like salt, 923.

Lover behind statue punishes husband, 1364 *A; Husband carries wife to l, *1424; murdered, 1536 C; outwitted by servant, 1725; unknowingly confides in husband, 1364 *A.

Lovers as pursuer and fugitive, 1419 D.

Loving wife, 1350.

Luck and intelligence, 945; and wealth, 736; Man followed by bad l, 947; Shirt brings l, 844.

Luck, See fortune.

Lucky accident, 1640—1674; brothers, 1650; Hans, 1415.

Lunch with Christ, *1855.

Lying, 1875—1999; contest, 1920; goat, 212; to princess, 852.

Lyre, Prince as ass plays l, 430.

Magic bird heart, 567; flight, 313, 314; horse as helper, 314; horses, 301; knife, 576**; mill, 565; mirror, 653, *1621; objects, *435, 518, 551, 560—649, 653; purse, 564; remedy, 425 *D, 610—619; ring, 560; staff, 304*; tales, 300—749.

Magician and his pupil, 325.

Magician, See Devil.

Magpie advised by bittern, 57 *A; persuades dove to exchange eggs, 240; Toad asks m for chestnut (Cumulative), 2032 *A.

Magpies, Fox steals young m, 56.

Maid, Old m, 1475—1480; Old m prays for a husband, 1476 *A.

Maiden, Banished m, 705—709; Clever m kills thieves, 956 B; in tower, 310; Lisping m, 1457; Serpent m, 507 C; who seeks her brothers, 451; without hands, 706.

Maiden, See girl.

Maidens pulled up by companions, 301.

Maidservant unrewarded, 870 *B.

Make-believe eating, make-believe work, 1560.

Making ogre strong, 1133, 1134; princess laugh, 559.

Man, 1525—1874; and domestic animal, 176—199; and wife build air castles, 1430; and wild animal, 150—175; Animals fear m, 157; batrachian, insect, reptile, 290—299; boasts of his wife, 880; Clever m, 1525—1639; Contest between m and ogre, 1060—1114; does his wife's work, 1408; from the gallows, 366; Grateful animals and ungrateful m, 160; hidden in roof, 1360; in Heaven, 800—809; on quest for lost wife, 400; Partnership of m and ogre, 1030—1059; persecuted because of his beautiful wife, 465; promised to Devil, 810—814; seeks a midwife, 1680; sells soul to Devil, 1170—1199; sleeps whole winter in cave, 674*; Stupid m, 1675—1709; suffers sparrow's revenge, 248; thinks he has been in Heaven, 1531; thinks himself dead, 1313; who flew like a bird and swam like a fish, 665; Wild m, 502; Wolf disguises as m, *166.

Manikin, Sack with m that beats, 563, 564.

Manure, Clearing out m, 1035*.

Many and fat and 100 every year (lice), 1696.

Marble, Turned into m columns, 707.

March may be wintry, *2415.

Mare, Confessor steals rope with m on it, *1800 A.

Mares become vultures, 1004 *d; Fat m in barren field, 471 *B.

Marienkind, 710.

Marking guilty one who sleeps with princess, 950.

Marksman, Extraordinary m, 513, 653.

Marquis will marry poor girl, *878.

Marriage, 1440—1449; a punishment, 1516—1520; forbidden outside parish, 1475; is wolf's greatest punisiiment, *165; of ant and mouse (Cumulative), *2023; of Devil, *340; of louse and flea (Cumulative), *2020; of poor boy and merchant's daughter, 930; of prince and shepherdess, 930 *A; to animals, 552.

Married couple, 1350—1439; Heaven admits men m once but not twice, *1410; Joseph m devoted girl to rich man, *769 A.

Mass, Priest in m sings intructions to cook, 1831 *A, *B; Priest singing m reveals thief, 1831 *C; said by ass, 1696 *A; said frees soul, 760 *C.

Mast climbing contest, 1611; Riding up m, 530.

Master Pfriem, 801; thief, 1525.

Matron of Ephesus, 1510.

May, Foolish wife gives ham to "Long M", 1541; it all come out! (Oil), 1696; none come out; (Men in bathing), 1696; one dry up and another not be born! (Garlic), 1696; the other one come out! (Eye), 1696.

Mayor, Fool swats bee and kills m, 1586; Ox or ass as m, 1675.

Meal of beans, 1478.

Measure of miller, *1800 B.

Measuring money, 545 *C.

Meat as food for cabbage, 1386; mouth and soup mouth, *1803; shot out of giant's hand, 304; substituted for newborn child, 707.

Members, Doctor's substitute m, 660; Fox thanks her m for help in escaping, *135 C, 154.

(Men in bathing), May none come out!, 1696.

Merchant rescues children, 707.

Merchant's, Poor boy marries m daughter, 930.

Mermaid, Man rescues wife from m, 316.

Merry wives wager, 1406.

Messenger rabbit, 1535.

Messengers of death, 335.

Mice buy bell for cat, 110.

Michael as knight defeats Devil, 508 *A.

Middle, Each wants to sleep in the m, 1289.

Midwife sought by man, 1680.

Milk of lion cures, 301, 560 *A, 590; or kills, *455; of panther cures, *455; River of m suckles babies, 471 *A.

Mill, Dogs punish woman cheating at m, 831 *C; Girls find baby at m, 831 *D; Nix of m pond, 316 will not stop grinding, 565.

Miller, 1720—1724; Holy m *1720; rescues children 707; unhappy with money 754 *B.

Miller's measure, *1800 B; tale, 1361.

Millstone, Head stuck into hole of m, 1247.

Millstones, 1146.

Mind your own business, 910 B.

Minstrel's song sung by shoemaker, 1695 *A.

Miracle, God's first m, 922; of bones becoming cow, 804; of crossing river on cape, *771; of pretended saint's statue, *1787 B.

Mirror broken by ball falling from Heaven, *806; broken by bewildered dragon, 300; Farseeing m, 653; Fool swats fly and breaks m, 1586; from orange, 408; Magic m, *1621; stolen, 434.

Miscarriage of ferryman's wife, 1535 *A.

Miser, 1407.

Misers punished, 471 *A.

Mistake bear for dog, 1312*; breath in cold for tobacco smoke, 1320; buttercask for dead man, 1314; figtree for snake, 1315; of wolf for colt, 1311; pumpkin for ass's egg, 1319.

Mistress kept in secret, *895.

Mole trades toad eyes for tail, *287.

Money and Fortune test their powers, 945 *A; as reward for following advice, 910 B; eaten by pig, *891; falls from invited statue, 750 B; Fool sells oxen and gives money away, 1003 *A; found by fool, 1696 *A; makes man unhappy, 754; measured, 545 *C; Piper regains lost m, *1617.

Monkey bride, *557; Grateful m, 160.

Monks burned by fool, 1536 B.

Monster born to princess, 708; dies on prongs of prey's house, 124; eats people and animals, 333; fettered, 803; Fox disguises as m, 154; in bridal chamber, 507 B.

Monster's bride; 425, 507 A.

Months of year used to advise treatment of children, 2012 *C.

Moon reflection eaten by cow, 1335, or taken for cheese, 34, *64; Visit to m, 302 *A, 400, 451, 551.

Moonbeam, Descent on m, 852 *A.

Moonlight, Spanking in m, 940.

More cowardly than hare, 70.

Mother of Catalina or Peter, 804; slew me and father ate me, 720; Treacherous m, 590; wants to kill her children, 765.

Mother-in-law intercepts letter, 707; of Devil, *340.

Mound, Princess confined in m, 870.

Mountain, See glass.

Mourning of swallow for Jesus, *243.

Mouse and ant marry (Cumulative), *2023; (cat) as bride, 402; as helper, 513 A, 621; bird, and sausage keep house, 85; Country m and city m, 112; falls into stew or is eaten by cat, *2023; helps lion, 75; in silver jug, 1416; Race of toad and m, 275 *A; steals cheese (Cumulative), 2030 *C; tells cat a tale, 111.

Moustache of pretended saint's statue, *1787 B.

Mouths, Woman's 2 m, *1803.

Moving church, 1326.

Mowing contest, 1090; Devil as substitute at m, 820.

Mule, Hostler envies m, 754 *C; Kissing m under tail, 570; Anthony eats m, *1842 B.

Mule, See ass.

Muenchausen, 1889.

Murder, Attempt to m hero, 1115—1129; causes soul's torment, 760; of child by princess, 781; to break enchantment, 400 *A.

Murderer, Husband tells wife he is a m, 1381 *A; protected by devout father or son of murdered man, 756 *D; revealed as murdered man wishes, 960.

Murdered lover, 1536 C.

Murderous mother, 765.

Musicians of Bremen, 130, 210; in Heaven, *807.

Mute reveals disguised girl's sex, *515.

Nail paring as helping devil's reward, 1181.

Nails, Must not cut finger n, *1516; pulled out so hero cannot escape, 560 *A; Thieves climb with n, 951 B.

Name of Devil's companion, 812; of Devil's crop, 1091; of helper, 500; of wife, 400.

Names, Extraordinary n, 1940.

Naming trees, 7.

Napkin provides food, 853 *A.

Navel, Reed grows from girl's n, 403 C.

Necklace, Recognition by n, 301 A; 870.

Needle and others gain possession of house, 210; as protection in storm, 1279; Boy the size of a n, 700; glove, and squirrel, 90; in elk's belly, 90; transforms room, 585.

Needles, Bringing n in sack of straw, 1685, *1703.

Negress, See witch.

Negro magician causes hero to sleep, 408 *A; magician pushed into boiling oil, *435; Queen accused of bearing n children, 707.

Negroes, Carnival revelers turned into n, 836 *B.

Neighbors carry on quarrel, 1365 *E; with good and bad Fortune, *948.

Nest, Small n of dove, 236.

Net, Fish in n, 253.

New Eve, 1416.

News from home, 1931.

Night caps exchanged, 1119; Fool flees from long night, *1684; lodgings of Christ and Peter, 791; lodgings gotten by man, 1544; quarters of animals, 130, 210.

Nightingale and blindworm each has one eye, 234.

Nix of mill pond, 316.

No to all questions, 853.

Noah's Devil in N ark, 825.

Noblest act?, 976.

Nose cut off, 1417; Running n test, 15.

Nothing-is-hidden-from-God, Name N reveals murderer, 960.

Novella, 850—999.

Novices steal pears, 1840 *A.

Number of leaves and stars, *970.

Numskull, 1200—1349; cuts off limb he sits on, 1240.

Numskulls cannot count themselves, 1287; cannot find own legs, 1288.

Nun sees the world, 770.

Nuns break saint's statue, *1787 B.

Nursing her father, 927 *A.

Nursemaid, Fox as n eats young, 37.

Nut wakens farmer who kills snake, 285 *B.

Nuts, Three magic n, 400 *B, 511.

Nutshells, Bones(n) creak, 501 *A.

Oak, Last o leaves, 1184.

Oath, Equivocal o, 141 8; on iron, 44.

Obeys, Wife always o, 1415 *A.

Object and wild animal, 85—90; Magic o, 560—649.

Objects, Three magic o, 566.

Obstacle flight, 313, 314.

Obstinate wife, 1365.

Odysseus, 953.

Oedipus, 931.

Offering bread to statue, *767.

Oft-proved fidelity, 881.

Ogre, 300—359; afraid of noises, 1145; and children, 327; and tailor at sewing, 1096; blinded, 1135, 1137; breaks mirror and is bewildered, 300; carries shamdead man, 1139; castrated, 1133; Contest between man and o, 1060—1114; frightened, 1145—1154; in haunted castle, 1160; kills own children, 1119; looks down gun barrel, 1158; on ship, 1179; Partnership between man and o, 1030—1059; Stupid o, 1000—1199; tars hero's boat, 1156; tries to drink pond dry, 327.

Ogre, See Devil.

Ogre's beard gilded, 1138; daughter helps hero escape, 313; finger caught, 1159; flight, 1132; heart in egg, 302; Hot porridge in o throat, 1131; oven in which ogre is burned, 1121; wife thrown into water, 1120.

(Oil) May it all come out!, 1696; Thief in o barrel, 954 *A.

Old beggar and thieves, 1526; dog restored to favor, 101; Hildebrand, 1360 C; maid, See maid; man in wood, 442; thief relates three adventures, 953; woman and her pig, 2030; women helpers, 501.

Oldest on farm, 726.

One-eye, two-eyes, three-eyes, 511.

Open Sesame, 676; Sleeping with open eyes, 1140*.

Orange, Not marry while o branch stays green, 711 *A.

Oranges, Three o, 408; turned into birds, *594.

Orchard, Tearing up o, 1011.

Organization, Social o of animal and bird, 220—223.

Ornaments, Recognition by o, 870 A.

Our Lady's Child, 710.

Out boy, out of the sack, 564.

Outriddling judge, 927, or princess, 851.

Outwits, Girl o thief, 956 B; Smith o Devil, 330.

Oven, Witch shoved into o, 327.

Over the edge, 10***.

Overboard, Hero thrown o saved by dead man, 506.

Overeating, Wolf's fatal o in kitchen or chickenyard, 41.

Overseer, Fox as o punishes lazy animals, 55.

Owl, Great age of o, 230.

Ox as mayor, 1675; breaks loose at grave, 1840; hide as measure, 2400; ill advised by cock, *207; Slaughter of o, 1261.

Oxen, Brothers become o, 327 *D, *453; cursed, 154; Fool sells o and gives money away, 1003 *A; of judge stolen, 1525.

Page and poor suitor, 1688 *A.

Painting bear (burning), 8, 152*; dream girl, 516.

Palace from nut, 400 *B.

Pan, Chicken's p becomes fine washbasin, *557.

Pancake, 2025.

Pancakes, Raining p, 1696 *A.

Panther's milk cures, *455.

Papers, Bring p from Rome in a day, 513.

Paradise, Student from P, 1540.

Paraphrase, Lady expresses her ailment in p, 1940 *H.

Pardoner's tale, 763.

Parents slain by son, 931 *A.

Parish, Marriage forbidden outside p, 1475.

Parrot preserves wife's chastity, *435.

Parson, 1725—1845; and calf, 1739; and others visit beautiful woman, 1730; and sexton at mass, 1831; and sexton steal cow, 1790; Bear mistaken for p, 116; betrayed, 1725—1799; Card-playing p, 1839; Fox mistaken for p, 36; has no need to preach, 1826; Hungry p, 1775; in church on ox, 1786; in sack to Heaven, 1737; promises satisfactory weather, 1830; put to flight during sermon, 1785; Stingy p, 1736; takes drink during sermon, 1827; with fine voice, 1834.

Parson' stupid wife, 1750.

Partner, Unjust p, 9.

Partnership of Honesty and Fraud, *847; of man and ogre, 1030—1059.

Passion of Christ is nothing compared to marriage, *1516 A; of Christ is proclaimed by animals and birds, *243 A.

Patch, Fool fails to recognize self after seeing another with p like his, *1683 B.

Paternoster, 1199.

Patience rewarded, 947 *A; Toad, blackbeetle, or tortoise has extreme p, *288 C.

Patient Griselda, 887.

Paw, Splinter in p, 156.

Pawn of foolish wife, 1385.

Pays, Cap p bills, *1846.

Peace among animals, 62.

Peaches, Eating p removes horns, 566.

Peacock, Wedding of turkey and p, 224.

Pear, Enchanted p tree, 1423.

Pears, Eating p removes horns, 566; Fox eats p, 1; Golden p, 301; stolen by novices or sacristan, 1840 *A.

Pearls fall from combed hair, 403.

Peasant as parson, 1825; Clever p girl, 875; in Heaven, 802; woman at market, 1382, or greedy, 751.

Peasant, See farmer.

Peasant's, King and p son, 921.

Peck of grain for each sheaf, 1155.

Peddler, Lover disguised as p, 900 *A.

Peg, Fitting p in hole, *1705.

Penance, Hard p and green twigs, 756.

Penny always returns, 745.

Perch, Race of salmon and p, 250.

Persecution because of beautiful wife, 465.

Peter admits men married once but not twice, *1410; as helper, *515; drinks, *846; in bag, 330; makes pun on cuarto, 1940 *G; scorns horseshoe, 759; struck for praying, 791.

Peter, See Christ.

Peter's favorite fruit, *792; mother falls from Heaven, 804; Sitting in P chair, 330.

Picture is painted of dream girl, 516; of Beauty, 531; reveals identity, 506, 881.

Pie, Money in p, 754 *B, 910 B.

Pif Paf Poltrie, 2019.

Pig eaten by monster, 333; eats money, *891; sent home alone, *1703; Stingy parson's p, 1792.

Pig, See hog.

Pigs eaten by monster, 333.

Pigsty, Lovers live in p, 314.

Pike and snake race to land, 252.

Pilgrim, Wife as p rescues husband, 888.

Pilgrimage to Rome, *1516.

Pin and others gain possession of house, 210; into lover's head transforms him or her into dove, 408, 425; into ogre's head kills him, 311; into old lady's head kills her, 311 *A.

Pins, Bread full of p fed to serpent, 285 *A; stuck behind princess' ear 306 *A.

Pipe and dancing hogs, 850; calls rabbits together, 570; Gun as p, 1157; Tale of the Good P(Repetition), *2225.

Pipe, See whistle.

Piper regains stolen money, *1617.

Pit, Capture in p, 20; Evil woman in p, 1164; Fox climbs from p on wolf's back, 31; Rescue from p, 30—35, 160; Riding over p, 530.

Pitch carried on head, 1696.

Pitfall, Ogre's p, 1117.

Placating storm, 973*.

Places, Changing p in bed, 328 *A, *453, 1120.

Placidas, 938.

Plank between husband and wife, *1355; catches man's, shadow for Devil, 325 *A.

Playing cards as prayerbook, 1613.

Plowing for ogre, 1003; of numskulls, 1201.

Poisoned apple, *453, 709; bread, 837; clothing, 516; comb, 709; food, 516; lace, 709.

Poker, Sticking to p, 593.

Poles, Duel with long p, 1083.

Polyphemus, 953, 1137.

Poor boy betrothed, 885; boy marries merchant's daughter, 930; boy taken for rich, *859; brother digs up corpse, 1536 A; brother's treasure, 834*; girl marries marquis, *878; lover, *535; man in court, 1535 *A, 1660; suitor and page, 1688 *A.

Pope revives dead husband, *1516.

Porridge brought to bed in night, 1363 *A; eaten in different rooms, 1263; in ice hole, 1260; Light and black p, 9 C; producing pot cannot be stopt, 565.

Pot, Earthen p in saddlebag, 1696; producing porridge cannot be stopt, 565; Thieving p, 591; tied to ass's tail, 1696.

Poverty, Happiness with p rather than wealth, 754.

Power of having his desires obeyed, 592; Supernatural p, 650—699; to make wishes come true, 652, 675.

Prayer breaks enchantment, 307; Death tricks man into finishing p, 332; for a husband, 1476; revives dead wife, 612; Wait till Lord's Prayer is said, 1199.

Praying geese escape fox, 227; Peter struck for p, 791.

Precepts, Good p, 910—914.

Pregnancy from eating fish, 303, 705, or snow, 1362; from objects, 301, 303, 708; from wish, 675.

Pretended murder or fight to decoy judge, 1525.

Pretending ghosts eat figs, *1532; not to eat, *1374; to hold up roof, 9 A; to sleep till food is brought out, *1020; to stab self in order to run faster, *1075; Wife p to die, 1365 *D.

Price of ass publicly announced, *1550 C.

Pride punished, 836.

Priest and housekeeper exposed by cock, *1829; and shoemaker's wife, 1360 C; as ghost is killed, 326; Dishonest p, 831; had a carriage (Repetition), *2227; in mass sings instructions to cook, 1831 *A and *B; jealous of flageolet player, *1844; Man becomes p and escapes Devil, 811*; Pure shepherd nearer God than p, *1805 B; shoots corpse, 1537 *A.

Priest's cow stolen, 1735 A*; gestures remind old lady of her ass, 1834; guest and eaten chicken, 1741; hog stolen, 1735 *B, 1800 C; words applied by thief to himself, *1800 D.

Prince and armbands, 590; and storm, 932*; as bird, 432; as serpent, 433; Heroine marries p, 870—879; marries shepherdess, 930 *A; on wedding journey, 516—518; recognizes lost bride by locket, *932; whose wishes came true, 652.

Prince's wings, 575.

Princess, Birthmarks of p, 850; cannot solve riddle, 851; caught with her own words, 853; confined in mound, 870; flees to wood to escape marriage, 888*; Hiding from p, 329; in shroud, 307; loves barber, *857; must say "No", 853, or "That is a lie", 852; must talk, *860; on glass mountain, 530; rescued, 300, 303, 506, *959; transformed into deer, 401; Ugly p, *865; Ungrateful p, 870 *B; who murdered her child, 781.

Princess' hand is won, 850—869.

Princesses stolen, 301.

Prodigal's return, 935.

Profitable exchange, 1655.

Promise of boy to Devil, 313, 314; of princess to sea giant, 313**; of youth to ogre, 313***; to water nix, 316.

Property, Dissapation of ogre's p, 1002; Father divides p before he dies, *980 A.

Prophecy, See fated.

Protected by needle, 1279.

Proud of horns, 77.

Pound of flesh, 890.

Pulling lake together, 1045; on shirt, 1285.

Pulpit sawed, 1825 C.

Pumping out whole sea, 1179.

Pumpkin sold for ass's egg, 1319.

Pumpkins should grow on trees, 759.

Punished pride, 836; seducer, 883 B.

Punishes, God p, 750—779.

Punishment, Marriage a p, 1516—1520; of bad women, 473; of grain, 836 *E; of wicked lord, 837; Wolf's greatest p is marriage, *165.

Punishments of men, 840.

Pupil of magician, 325.

Puppet show recalls forgotten bride, 313.

Purse, Inexhaustible p, 564, 566, 580*, 853; Lost p returned, 1535 *A.

Pushing hole in tree, 1085.

Puss in boots, 545 B.

Quack sells fleapowder, *1550 A.

Quarrel of father and son, *980 B.

Queen falsely accuses girl disguised as man, *515.

Quenching burning boat, 1330.

Quest for bird, 550; for fear, 326; for living harp, 465 B; for lost wife, 400; for remedy, 551; for strong companion, 650 B*; for the unknown, 465 A; to the other world, 465 C.

Question, 460—462; asked to deceive captor, 6.

Questions answered by riddles, 921; asked by Devil of bishop, 922; in foreign language, 1697 *A.

Quilt, Traveling q, 566.

Rabbit, 70—74; and tarbaby, 175; Buying r, 570, *572; catch, 1226, 1891; Devil as r, 508 *A; Devil must catch r, 1171; herd, *438, 570; Messenger r, 1535; Soul as r, *773 A.

Rabbits become men, *438.

Race of fox, wolf, mouse, or hare and toad, crayfish, hedgehog, or bee, 275; of pike and snake, 252; trick, 30; with substitutes in line, 275 *A, 1072, 1074; won by hanging on tail, 250, 275; won by stinging opponent, 275 *B.

Rag becomes fine towel, *557.

Raining pancakes, 1696 *A.

Ram, Golden r, 854.

Ramrod full of ducks, 1894.

Rampsinitus, 950.

Rams, 123*.

Ram's, Escape under r belly, 1137.

Ransom for princess in slavery, 506; given by captured animals, 159.

Rape causes soul's torment, 760 *A; God protects girl from r, 831 *A.

Rat persuades cat to wash her face, 122 B.

Rats, Apples turned into r, *594.

Raven, Contest of r and ant, 280; helper, 553, 554; in borrowed feathers, 244*; with cheese in mouth, 57.

Ravens, Brothers as r, 451.

Raven's, Hiding in r egg, 329.

Rearing, Bad r, 838.

Recognition by missing finger, 313; by tokens, 300, 301, 302 *A, 304, 306, 400.

Recognize, Fool fails to r self after seeing another man with patch like his, *1683 B; Fool fails to recognize self with hair cut, *1683 A.

Recruits' answers in foreign language, 1697 *A.

Red, Never serve man with r beard, 400 *B; Riding Hood, 333; Stone becomes r as sign of disobedience, 311.

Reed grows from girl's navel, 403 C; Sermon and notched r, *1836.

Reeve's tale, 1363.

Reflection, Bride discovered by r, 408; Diving or drinking for r of cheese, 34, *64; Ogre sees r of girl and attempts to drink lake dry, 1141*.

Rejuvenation by burning, 753.

Relative, Supernatural or enchanted r, 400—459.

Release from captor by asking question, 6.

Religion, 750—849.

Religious thief, 1525 *G.

Remedy, Magic r, 331, 513, 550, 551, 610—619.

Remembering forgotten bride, 313.

Repairing the house, 1010.

Repentance gains salvation, 750 *C.

Repetition, 2225—2235.

Replaces, Slave girl r bride, 408, *445 B; Virgin servant r pregnant princess in bridal bed, 870 *B.

Reptile, 275—289; and man, 290—299.

Rescue, 160—164; by younger brother, 303; by wife from water nix, 316; from dragon, 300; from pit, 30—35, 160; of princess from sea monster, 502; of sisters from ogre, 311, 312; of swallowed persons by cutting open swallower, 123, 333.

Rescued princess, 506.

Resuscitate, See revive.

Return of prodigal, 935.

Revenge of sparrow on man, 248.

Revival by dog helpers, 300; by dove, *445 A; by prayer, 612; by rejoining members, 311; by ring, 612; by roots received from animals, 303; by shedding children's blood, 516; by snakeleaves, 612; of dead by Pope, *1516.

Reward, Journey to God to receive r, 460 A; Lamb promised as r, 154; of Devil's supporter, 821 *C; of patience, 947 *A.

Rewarded tales, 953.

Rewards, God r, 750—779.

Rhampsinitus, 950.

Rich and poor peasant, 1535; man and devils in church, 815; man and his son-in-law, 461, 930; man as Devil's horse, 761; man rarely goes to Heaven, 802; man's and poor man's Fortune, 735; man's courtship, 941*.

Riddle answers of clever youth, 921; Devil's r, 812; not solved by princess, 851; of bird's wine and unborn horse, 927 *B; of father a fish, mother a man, 705; of fleaskin, 959; of girl who nursed her father, 927 *A; of louseskin, 425 B, 621; of wife, daughter, and sister, *983.

Riddles, Boy must solve r, 725; solved by clever girl, 875.

Ridicule, Public r of lazy wife, *1375.

Riding fox acourting, 72; Unheard of r horse, 1091; over obstacle, 530.

Ring brought by fish, *515; Magic r, 442, 560, 709; reveals identity, 300, 301, 302 *A, 304, 400, 506, 510; revives dead, 612; Sleeping r, 706 *B; stuck in throat of seemingly dead woman, 990; Wishing r, 400, 560 *A, 650.

Ritual, Inappropriate or stupid use of church r, 1840—1844.

River, Anthony crosses r on cape, *771; Crossing r between worlds without getting wet, 471 *A; of blood is Christ, 471 *A; of milk suckles babies, 471 *A; Sleeping on r bank, 1120.

Road built by animals, 55.

Roasting meat, 1262.

Robber, See thief.

Robbery of bank, 951 B.

Rock, See stone.

Rod of virtue from ass's heart, 706 *A, or given by Virgin, 707.

Roe, Brother as r, 450.

Rolls, Fox eats r, 1.

Rome, Brig papers from R in a day, 513; Pilgrimage to R, *1516.

Roof, Man hidden in r, 1360.

Room, See forbidden.

Root, Fox calls foot a tree r and bear lets loose, 5.

Roots, Revival of dead by r, 303.

Rope, Confessor steals r with mare on end of it, *1800 A; Descending on r for treasure, 400 *B; from sand, 1174.

Rose queen, 708 *A.

Rowing contest, 1087; without going forward, 1276.

Rump taken for stone, 1363 *A.

Runner decoys thieving friars, 1538; Extraordinary r, 513.

Sack of lies or truths, 570, *572; of money for following advice, 910 B; Parson in s to Heaven, 1737; Shepherd hangs s on sunbeam, *1805; which provides food, 563; which retains hand thrust into it, 330; with beating manikin, 563, 564.

Sack, See bag.

Sacks, Children carried home by ogre in s, 311, 327.

Sacristan as ghost is killed, 326; as statue of Christ, *1787 C; breaks saint's statue, *1787 A; gathers figs, 1840 *B; sets wasps under pretended statue, *1787 A; steals pears, 1840 *A.

Sacristan's buried treasure, 1791.

Saddlebag Earthen pot in s, 1696; Fox in s, 1.

Saint rebuked by old lady, 1476 *A and *B.

Saint, See the name of the saint.

Saint's sermon paid according to number of times saint is mentioned, *1836.

Saliva, Talking s, 313.

Salmon grants power to make wishes come true, 675; Race of s and perch, 250.

Salt, Black s enchantment, 302 *A; Girl loves father like s, 510, 923; in wet bag, 1696; sowing, 1200; Too much s in giant's food, 328; Why sea is s, 565.

Salve, Magic healing s, 611.

Samson, 650.

Sand, Ogre teaches smith to use s in forging, 1163.

Santo de palo substituted for newborn child, 707.

Sardines, Fox eats s, 1.

Satan, See Devil.

Sausage, mouse, and bird keep house, 85.

Saviour, See Christ.

Sawed pulpit, 1825 C.

Scalding the ogre, 1134.

Schlaraffenland, 1930.

Scorned lover, 900.

Scratching contest, 1095.

Scythe cuts off man's bead, others imitate, 1203.

Sea, All waters(s), "860; Dog in s, 540*.

Seamstress Virgin, *849 B.

Search for brothers, 451; for husband, 425; for sister, 471.

Sebastian, 1689 *A.

Second threshing of straw, 206.

Secret, Girl could not keep s, 886; Never trust a s to your wife, 910 A, 1381; Prince keeps mistress in s, *895; Teresa could not keep a s, 836 *F.

Seducer punished, 883 B.

Seduction by disguise, 36; of judge's wife, 1525; with extraordinary names, 1940 *B.

Seemingly dead revives, 990.

Seer falsely advises man about wife, *891.

Selfrighteous hermit, 756 A.

Selfishness punished, 835 *E.

Selling magician's pupil in animal forms, 325; soul to Devil, See soul.

Sells, Fool s honey to bees, 1586, 1642; Fool s oxen and gives money away, 1003 *A; Fool s to statue, 1643.

Separating grain, 513, *515.

Sermon about rich man, 1832; and notched reed, *1836; in Latinized words, 1825 *D.

Serpent fed hot stone or bread full of pins, 285 *A; maiden, 507 C; Prince as s, 433; slain, 405 *A; Ungrateful s, 155.

Serpent, See snake.

Serpents, Battle of s, 738*.

Serpent's crown, 672; ingratitude, 290—294; White s flesh, 673.

Servant, Faithful s, 440, 612, 889; girl beheaded for her savings, 780 *A; outwits lover, 1725; Suitor and solicitous s, *1707.

Servant's good counsels, 910 B.

Sesame, Open S, 676.

Seven sleepers, 763*.

Sewing contest, 1096.

Sex of newborn child exprest indirectly, *925 B; Shift of sex, 514.

Sex, See tests.

Sexton, 1775—1799; carries parson, 1791; falls into brewing vat, 1776.

Shadow, Devil catches man's shadow, 325 *A; Woman who prevents birth casts no s, 755.

Sham blood and brains, 3; Ogre carries s dead man, 1139.

Sharpshooter, 513.

Shave, Must not s, *1516.

Sheep and horse have eating contest, 203*; chases wolf, 126*; duck, and cock in peril at sea, 204; frighten wolf with wolfhead, 125; licks her newlyborn, *129; persuades wolf to sing, 122 C.

Sheep's house protects from monster, 124; stomach stolen, *1800 D.

Sheets over horses, 1725.

Shepherd believes fox's tail is bush, 5; boy, 515*; forgets the Son, *1842 A; Fox as s, 37*; kills lion, 157; looks on as guests eat, *1555; loses purity through woman, *1805 A; misunderstands questions, 1698 G; Pure s, *1805 B; saved by horn, 958; substituting for priest, 922; Ungrateful snake and s, *290; youth in thief's power, 958.

Shepherdess marries prince, 930 *A. Shield, Dazzling s, 508 *A.

Shift of sex, 514.

Ship, Land and water s, 513, 571, 610; Ogre pumps out s, 1179.

Shirt of happiness, 844; pulling, 1285; stays white as long as wife is true, 888.

Shirtwaist bewitched, 709; used as evidence, *572, 900 *A.

Shoemaker, Dog as wolf's s, 102; falsely accused by widow, *1516; finds fault in Heaven, 801; Mean s, 836 *D; nails Devil and takes money, 815; sings minstrel's songs, 1695 *A; unhappy with money, 754 *A.

Shoemaker's alms to soldier, *819; son poses as saint's statue, *1787 A; Student abducts s wife, *1850; wife and her lover, 1360 C, 1364 *A.

Shoes bewitched, 709; danced out, 306; Wearing out iron s, 400, 425, *445 B.

Shooting by looking down gun barrel, 1228; corpse, 1537 *A and *B; wild boars, 1053.

Shrew reformed, 900—904.

Shrieking contest, 1084.

Shroud, Princess in s, 307.

Shuttle makes magic road, 585.

Sick lion advised to skin wolf, 50.

Sickness shammed, 4.

Sieve, Water in s, 1180.

Sight, Keen sight of dove, 238; restored by tears, 310, 425 *D, or water, 301, 590.

Sign of guilt, 311, 314, 888.

Sign, See recognition by token.

Silence breaks enchantment, 400, 451; Cock concludes s is best, *1829.

Silent, Girl could not keep s, 886.

Silent, See speechless.

Sin and honor, 755.

Sing, Wolf persuaded to s, 122 C.

Singing bag, 311 *B; bone, 780; Cheese drops from s bird's mouth, 57; fox loses bittern, 6; hair, 780 *B; Priest s mass reveals thief, 1831 *C; tree, 707.

Sings, Boy s lover's message and husband s threat, 1360 C; Child s wrong song in church, 1735 *A; Galician s and rides free, *1546; Priest in mass s instructions to cook, 1831 *A and *B; Wife s cooking instructions to husband, 1831 *B; Wolf s despite host's objections, 100.

Sinner, Greatest s, 756 C.

Sins of hermit, 839; Wolf confesses s, 77*.

Siren, Grateful s, 302.

Sister Beatrice, 770; driven from home, 512*; Faithless s, 300, 315; Riddle of wife, daughter, and s, *983; Search for s, 471; Supernatural or enchanted s, 450—459.

Sitting in Peter's chair, 330; on ass in stable, 1696.

Six brothers seek seven sisters, 303*; go through the whole world, 513 A; little goats, 333.

Skilful brothers, 653; hunter, 304.

Skin, Disenchanting by burning animal s, 425, 440, 441; Fox advises sick lion to s wolf, 50; Horseskin bag filled with gold (bones), 311 *A; of cuckoo borrowed by jay, 235; Riddle of s, 513 A.

Skinned wolf in brambles, 1; wolf tied to cow's horns, 47 *C.

Skull dressed as bride to deceive ogre, 311; Drinking from s, 326; invited to dine, 470, *835.

Slander punished, 836 *G.

Slandered, See calumniated.

Slaughter of ox, 1261.

Slave girl replaces bride, *445 B.

Slavery, Ransom for princess in s, 506.

Slayer of serpent, 405 *A; of your parents, 931 *A.

Sledges turned around at night, 1275.

Sleep, Must not s, 400.

Sleepers, Seven s, 763*.

Sleeping Beauty, 410; cigar, 408 *A; drugs, 400 *B; figs, 408 *A, *970; on river bank, 1120; pin, 400; Reclining by s princess, 304; ring, 706 *B; whole winter in cave, 674*; with brother's wife, 303; with open eyes, 1140*.

Sleeps, Boy s on foodchest, *1020; Boy s on job, *1019; Bride s and loses her lover, *445 A; Who can guess where princess s, 851 *A.

Sleepy wife throws cornbread out window, *1389.

Sleigh, Wild animals on s, 158.

Slipper reveals identity, 510.

Slippers, Speed s, 302 *A.

Smell, Fox says he cannot s because of cold, *52; Lioness accused of having bad s, *52.

Smith and Christ, 753; beats bear, 157; outwits Devil, 330; Skilful s, 654.

Smokehouse, Wolf overeats in s, 41.

Snake drinks childs's milk, 285; Farmer wakened by nut falling kills s, 285 *B; girl, *412; Giving birth to s, 711 *A; grants power of understanding animal languages, 670, 672, 673; Grateful s, 160; Queen accused of bearing s, 707; Ungrateful s, *290.

Snake, See serpent.

Snake-girdle, 403.2*.

Snake-leaves, 612.

Snakes, Greedy woman must mother s, 751 B.

Snares of the Evil One, 810.

Snipe thinks its own children are prettiest, 247.

Snipe's bill frightens hawk, 229*.

Snow child, 1362; Hare lies on s and feigns warmth, 71; White, 709.

Soldier, Girl disguised as soldier, 514; King and s, 952; receives alms from lawyer, *819.

Soldiers buried by fool, 1536 B.

Soliloquy recalls forgotten bride, 313.

Solomon chains Devil in Hell, 803.

Son begins to eat father, *980 C; Father and s quarrel, *980 B; King's s and smith's s exchanged, 920; Where did you leave the S?, *1842 A.

Son-in-law, Fated to be king's s, 461, 930.

Sons-in-law, Animal s, 552 B.

Songs of minstrel sung by shoemaker, 1695 *A.

Soot, Fox covers himself with s, 36.

Soul as bird, 720; as rabbit, *773 *A; External s destroyed, 302, 311 *A, 332, 708 *A; Man sells s to Devil, 313, 330, 360, 508 *A, 510, 812, 1170—1199; Quieting s in torment, 760; won at cards, *345.

Soup mouth and meat mouth, *1803; stone, 1548.

Sowing salt, 1200.

Spanking in moonlight, 940.

Sparrow avenges dog's death, 248.

Speaking, Disenchantment by not s, 451; horse, 531; horsehead, 533.

Speaking, See talking.

Spears grow in garden, 302, 303.

Speech, Neck bite causes loss of s, 621; of birds, 517, 670, 671.

Speechless princess, 451, 705, 710, 945.

Speed slippers, 302 *A.

Spider, Man saved by s web, 967*.

Spin, Lazy girl must s, 501 *A.

Spindle brings lover, 585.

Spinning women, 500—501; by spring, 480.

Spirit in blue light, 562; in bottle, 331.

Spitting in guard's eye, 73.

Splinter in lion's paw, 516.

Split, Claw in s tree, 38, 151; She bear caught in s tree, 36.

Squeezing stone, 1060.

Squirrel, Helpful s, 327 *F; needle, and glove, 90.

Stab, Pretending to s self to run faster, *1075.

Stable, Putting horse into s, 1415 *A; Sitting on ass in s, 1696; Wolves in s dance, 1652.

Stag admires antlers in spring, 77; discovered by master, 162**.

Stairs to which Devil sticks, 330.

Stakes, Head of unsuccessful suitors on s, 329, 507 A.

Stars, Visit to s, 425, *445 B, 451.

Statue demands fair price for bread, *769 C; Husband behind s says good food will make him blind, 1380; Husband behind s urges wife to work, *1375; Invited s of Christ, 750 B; Lover behind s punishes husband, 1364 *A; Moustache of pretended saint's s, *1787 B; offered bread, *767; Sacristan as s of Christ, *1787 C; Wasps under pretended saint's s, *1787 A; yields money for goats sold to it, 1643.

Steal, Novises or sacristan s pears, 1840 *A.

Stealing corpse's entrails, 366; giant's treasure, 328; jewels from corpse, *1654; judge's oxen, 1525.

Steals, Confessor s rope with mare on it, *1800 A; Mouse s cheese (Cumulative), 2030 *C.

Stepmother buries girl alive, 780 *B; causes birth of monster child, 708; jealous of stepdaughter's beauty, 709; murders boy, 720; throws girl and her child into water, 403; turns boy into roe, 450; wounds bird lover, 432.

Stepmother's corpse, 1535; dream, 4031 *.

Stew, Mouse falls into s (Cumulative), *2023.

Stick from body, 1181, that beats, 330, 563.

Sticking to goose, 571; to poker, 593; to tree or bench, 330.

Sticks in princess' mouth, *435.

Stinging, Race won by s opponents, 275 *B.

Stingy dead woman revives to correct account, *1482; parson and slaughtered pig, 1792.

Stolen mirror, 434.

Stomach of hanged man stolen, 366; of sheep stolen, *1800 D.

Stomach, See belly.

Stone becomes red as sign of disobedience, 311; Biting s, 1061; Black s breaks enchantment, 400 *B; count revived, 707; Farmer feeds serpent hot s, 285 *A; Flower from s table, 755; house, 124; indicates chastity, 870 A; Magic s in fire, 593; of grief, *445 B, 706 *B; Rump taken for s, 1363 *A; servant revived, 516; Squeezing s, 1060; Throwing s, 1062.

Stones, Coins for s, 1725; combat, 471 *A; for gold in chest, *980 A; in basket on fisher wolf's tail, 2.

Stooping backward to enter, 875.

Storm, Man thrown overboard to placate s, 973*.

Straightening curly hair, 1175.

Straw house, 124; threshed a second time, 206.

Strawberries in winter, 403 B.

Stream, Toad tries to jump across s, *288 B.

Strength, Mother discovers secret of hero's s, 590; takes precedence over age, *80.

Stretching the beam, 1244.

String picked up by dog (Cumulative), 2030 *D.

Strokes shared, 1610.

Strong John, 650; woman as bride, 519.

Strongest person in world, 461.

Stubborn goats, 202*.

Stubborn, See obstinate.

Stubborness punished, 836 *A.

Student, 1846—1854; as healer, 1845; as transformed ass, *1852; borrows cape, 1642; from Paradise, 1540; Shoemaker's wife abducted by s, *1850.

Students trick innkeeper's wife, *1848.

Stupid, Inappropriate or s use of church ritual, 1840—1844; man, 1675—1709; ogre, 1000—1199.

Substitute, Suitor tests by s, 519.

Substitute, See bride.

Substitutes, Race with s in line, 275 *A, 1074.

Substitution of animal or object for newborn child, 707; of corpse, 953.

Succession of old men, 726.

Such a one, 1138.

Sucks blood to revive girl, 516; Ogre s girl's finger, 327 *D.

Suicide of elder sisters, 361; of separated lovers, *445 A; Unsuccessful attempts at s, 910 D.

Suit, King's invisibles, 1620; that might be put into a nutshell, 707.

Suitor and solicitous servant, *1707; asks for girl and dowry (Repetition), *2228; Poor s and page, 1688 *A.

Suitors deceived, 425, 890, 1730; of widowed fox, 65; placed in embarrassing positions, 313; Princess will marry all three s, 653.

Suitors' revenge, 940.

Sultan rescues children, 707.

Sun brings all to light, 960; Distance from earth to s, 922; thaw frost, 2031; Visit to s, 302 *A, 400, *445 B; 451; 551.

Sunbeam, Shepherd hangs sack on s, *1805.

Sunlight carried into windowless house, 1245.

Sunrise, First to see s, 120.

Superhuman task, 460—499.

Supernatural adversary, 300—399; helpers, 500—559, power or knowledge, 650—699; relative, 400—459.

Supporter of Devil rewarded, 821 *C.

Swallow created, *243.

Swan maiden, 313, 400, 465 A.

Swats, Fool s fly or bee and kills man, 1586; Fool s louse and kills baby, 1685.

Sweat, Bathing in horse's s beautifies, 531.

Swim, Goose teaches fox to s, 226.

Swimming in flax field, 1290; match and carrying food, 1612; match of fish, 250, 252.

Sword between couple in bed, 303; Conquering s, 566, 611; whose touch produces death, 508 *A.

Swords grow in dungheap, 303.

Swordsman, Skilful s, 654.

Table provides food, 511, 563.

Tablecloth provides food, 563, 853.

Tail, Cat raises t in war, 104; Cork under wolf's t, *64; Dragon hauled in on horse's t, 300; fisher, 2; Fox raises t in war, 222; Hanging by teeth on horse's t, 47 A; Kissing under t, 570; of ass pulled out, 1535 *A; of fox cannot cut, 57 *A; of fox taken for bush, 5; Pot tied to ass's t, 1696; Toad trades mole t for eyes, *287.

Tails, Hairs from magic horse's t, 301 A; in mud, 1004.

Tailor, 1710—1719; and ogre at sewing, 1096; boasts of valor, *1710; Brave t, 1640; eggs and sausage, *1715; in Heaven, 800; pretends to die, *1716; Skilful t, 653; sleeps in shepherd's cabin, *1719.

Tailors' banquet, *1718.

Talk, Making princess t, *860, 945.

Talkative wife, 1381.

Talking beans, *1374 A; objects, 313.

Talking, See speaking.

Tales rewarded, 953.

Tamborine of louseskin, 621.

Tame bird and wild bird, 245.

Taming of the shrew, 901.

Tar, Covering wagon with t, 1017.

Tarbaby and rabbit, 175; and strong man, 650.

Tarred, Crow sticks to t bridge, 2017.

Task, Superhuman t, 460—499.

Tasks, Impossible t, 313; King's t, 577.

Tax exempter, 1605*; Triple t, 1661.

Teaching animals to fly, 225, or swim, 226; horse to live without food, 1682.

Tear falls on dragonslayer, 300.

Tears, Disenchantment by t, 425; of birds restore sight, 425 *D; of wife restore sight, 310; River of t, 471 *A.

Tearing up orchard, 1011.

Teeth, Hanging by t to horse's tail, 47 A; Horse kicks wolf's t, 47 B.

Temper punished, 836 *D.

Teresa eats chicken, *769 B.

Tests of sex, 884.

Thank God they were not peaches, 1689.

Theft by playing godfather, 15; causes soul's torment, 760; Fox's t of his mother's berries, 39; of lamb, 15; of young, 56; through substitution of ass, *1852, or horse, 1529.

Thief, 950—974; applies priest's words to himself, *1800 D; bridegroom, 955; descends on moonbeam, 852 *A; Girl outwits t, 700, 956 B; in oil barrel, 954 *A; King and t, 951 A; Master t, 1525; Princess rescued from t husband, *959; relates 3 adventures, 953; Religious t, 1525 *G; revealed by priest singing mass, 1831 *C; Skilful t, 653.

Thieves adopt girl, 709; Bear chases t, 957; Clever maiden kills t, 956 B; Disguised boy avenges self of t, 1538; Forty t, 954; frightened leave loot, 700; Killing t one by one, 956 B; Shepherd escapes from t, 958; under tree, 1653.

Thieves', Boy in t den, 327 *E; Cutting off t heads one by one, 302 *A, 956 A; Girls in t den, *970; house, 956 A; loot shared by pretended dead and creditor, *1716.

Thieving pot, 591.

Think carefully before you begin a task, 910 C; thrice before you speak, 1562.

Thistleflower reveals murderer, 960.

Thorn in head, *449; Rose, 410.

Thorns in hazelnuts, *860; Jew in t, 592.

Thread, Travel till t is unwound, 425.

Threat to haul away warehouse, 1046.

Three brothers, 654; brothers bargain with Devil, 360; brothers doctors, 660; brothers, golden sons, 707; counsels of fox, 150; green twigs, 756; hunchbacks, 1536 B; joint depositors, 1591; languages, 671; lost children taken by giant, 327**; lucky brothers, 1650; magic objects and wonderful fruit, 566; old women helpers, 501; oranges, 408; persons as stupid as wife, 1384; sins of hermit, 839; snake leaves, 612; wishes, 750 A.

Thresh, Christ and Peter must t for lodgings, 752 A.

Threshing contest, 1089*; Granary roof as t flail, 1031; Second t of straw, 206.

Thrifty girl, 1451.

Throwing golden club, 1063; stone, 1062.

Thrush teaches dove nest building, 236.

Thrushbeard, King T, 900.

Thumbling, 700.

Thunder, Ogre afraid of t, 1148; rolling brother's wagon, 1147.

Tied, Wolf tied to cow's horns, 47 *C.

Tiger, Grateful t, 160; helper, *535.

Time, Rapid passage of t in other world, 470, 471 *A.

Titeliture, 500.

Titmouse tries to be as big as bear, 228.

Toad asks magpie for chestnut (Cumulative), 2032 *A; Crop division of fox and t, *278 A; has extreme patience, *288 C; Race of fox or mouse and t, 275; trades mole tail for eyes, *287; tries to jump across stream, *288 B; tries to upset cart, *288 A; violates frog, *288 A.

Toad, See frog.

Toads drop from girl's mouth, 403.

Toasts reveal identity, 706 *C.

Tobacco, Spitting t juice into guard's eye, 73.

Toilet neglected, 361, *1516.

Tokens, See recognition, and sign.

Tom Thumb, 700.

Tom Tit Tot, 500.

Tongue and eyes removed by stepmother, 510; of thief caught by falling door, 1653 A; of thief cut off by barber, 1653 B.

Tongues of dragon as proof, 300.

Torment, Soul in t is quieted, 760.

Tortoise has extreme patience, *288 C.

Touch of wand recalls forgotten bride, 313.

Tournament, Bride won in t, 508; won with magic horse's help, 314.

Towel, Rag becomes fine t, *557.

Tower, Ass hoisted up t, 1210; Maiden in t, 310, 575; measured, *1703; Riding up t, 530.

Track, Life token: t fills with blood, 303.

Trade of three brothers with Devil, 360.

Trading for things of less value, 1415.

Trained horse rolls in field, 1892.

Transformation flight, 313, 327.

Trap, Animals eat man in t, 20 B; Birds discuss t, 245*; Falling through t door, 303, 709; Fox jeers at t, 68*; Oath on iron (t), 44.

Travel till iron shoes wear out, 400, 425, *445 B; till thread is unwound, 425.

Travelers, Two t, 613.

Traveling animals, 130, 210; carpet or chest, 653; quilt, 566.

Treacherous brothers, 550, 551; companions, 301; mother, 590.

Treasure and talkative wife, 1381; at home, 1645; Descending on rope for t, 400 *B; finders murder one another, 763; of giant stolen, 328; of hanging man, 910 D; of poor brother, 834*; Sacristan's buried t, 1791.

Treatment of young during months of year, 2012 *C.

Tree bending, 1051; Choosing t on which to hang, 875; felled to give it water to drink, 1241; felling, 1050; hauling, 1052; Man comes out of t stump, 1900; Prince as t, 442; Singing t, 707; Sticking to t, 330; taken for snake, 1315; twister, 301, 513, 650.

Treetrunk, Bear pretends to be t, 154.

Trees, Naming t, 7.

Trespasser's defense, 1590.

Trick, Cat's only t, 105; exchange of magic objects, 518; race, 30.

Triple tax, 1661.

Troll and christening, 1165.

Troublemaker, Old woman as t, 1353.

Truth and Falsehood, 613; Bird of t 707; comes to light, 780—789; Justice, and Avarice, *848.

Truths, Sack of t, 570.

Tube, Farseeing t, 653.

Turbid, Water becomes t as danger sign, 303.

Turkey tender, 511; Wedding of t and peacock, 224.

Turns, Marry suitor to whom she t, *572; 621, 850.

Twelve brothers turned into ravens, 451; The t words, *2045.

Twigs, Three green t, 756.

Twin, Beautiful and ugly t, 711.

Twining branches, 966**.

Two faced man, 327 *F; girls, bear, and dwarf, 426; travellers, 613.

Unclassified tales, 2400—2499.

Ugly, Girl made u, 403; princess, *865.

Unborn horse and bird's wine, 927 *B.

Unequal crop division, 9 B, 1030.

Unfaithful wife, 612, 870 *B, *1358, 1360, 1364, 1380, *1424, 1725, *1850.

Unfamiliar, Wild animals hide from u animal, 103.

Ungrateful princess, 870 *B; serpent, 155, *290.

Unhappy with wealth, 754.

Unheard-of bird, 1092; riding horse, 1091.

Unjust partner, 9.

Unknown animal, 1281; King discovers his u son, 873; Quest for the u, 465 A.

Unlucky courtship, 1688.

Unquiet grave, 760.

Unreliable friends, 893.

Upstream, Man searches u for obstinate wife, 1365 A.

Urinates, Cat u in safety, 122 A.

Urine, Substitution of parson's u, 1739; White u for goatsmilk, *166.

Vampire, 307, 363.

Vegetable transforms its cater into ass, 567.

Vengeance of magpie on fox, 56.

Vice, One v carries others with it, 839.

Vindication of God's justice, 759.

Vineyard, Tearing up v, 1011.

Vineyards cursed, *846.

Violin, Bears taught to play v, 151; encountered by fleeing fox, *135 A; makes everyone dance, 592, 853.

Virgin, Birds (children) carry flowers to V, 471 *A; Christ delights in benefactions which pass through V, *849 A; gives girl bird or rod of virtue, 707, or magic nuts, 511; releases girl, 709; replaces nun who sees world, 770; rewards charitable girl, *806; Seamstress V, *849 B.

Voice, Parson with fine v, 1834.

Vultures, Mares become v, 1004 *d.

Wager of merry wives, 1406; on first to see sunrise, 120; on wife's chastity, 882; which can name 3 trees first, 7; who will speak first, 1351.

Wages as much as he can carry, 1153.

Waiting for horse's lips (scrotum) to fall, 115.

Waits, Cat, fox, wolf w and loses prey, 122.

Wand obtains dresses, 510; recalls forgotten bride, 313; restores tongue and eyes, 510.

Wandering Jew, 754***.

War among sons of Cain, 840 *A; between domestic and wild animals, 104; of animals and quadrupeds, 222.

Wardrobe, Lover in w, 1725.

Warehouse, Threat to haul away w, 1046; Where is w?, 2018.

Warned, Farmer w by nut, 285 *B; Shepherd w by eagle, *229.

Wash, Must not w not comb, 361, 475.

Washbasin, Chickenpan becomes fine w, *557.

Washing all the clothes in a day, 425 *D.

Wasp, Bear in nest of w, 49; forces monster to give up devoured victims, 333.

Wasps set under pretended saint's statue, *1787 A.

Watcher found dead each morning, 306 *A; 307.

Water becomes blood or turbid as danger sign, 303; Bringing w from well, 1250; Bringing w more quickly than witch, 513; causes pregnancy, 303; for blindness, 301, 590; Healing w, 708, *A; in sieve, 1180; of life, 707; of youth, 550, 551; Rescue by wife from v nix, 316; restores feet, 519; sweat by fox, 15; Wolf's w washes away beans, *64.

Waters, Glass of all w, *860.

We three, -for gold, -that was right, 360; three, -for money, 1697.

Weak, Help of w, 75.

Wealth causes soul's torment, 760 *B; makes man unhappy, 754.

Wearing out iron shoes, *445 B.

Weather controlled, 752 B.

Wedding, Big w, 1961; interrupted, 300, 301; journey of prince, 516—518; of turkey and peacock, 224; presents reveal true bride, *445 B.

Wee Wee woman, 2016.

Week, Days of w added to underworld people's song, 503, or counted by man, 2012, or used to tell life story, 2012 *A.

Weeping bitch, 1515.

Weighed cat, 1373.

Well, Moon's reflection in w, 34; Trick escape from w, 32.

Wet, Salt in w bag, 1696.

Whale helper, 554.

What says David?, 1833 A; should I have said?, 1696.

Wheat, Fool feeds w to frogs, *1693.

Wheel formed by rabbit herd, *438.

Where did you leave the Son?, *1842 A.

Whetting knife, 1015.

Whiskers, Cock's w, 2032.

Whistle calls doves, 300, or fish, *515, or rabbits, *572; furnishes soldiers, 566.

Whistle, See pipe, and flute.

Whistling contest, 1084.

White serpent's flesh, 673.

Whitlington's cat, 1651.

Who ate lamb's heart?, 785; is more devout than I?, 756 *D and *E; will speak first?, 1351.

Wicked knight repents, 750 *C; lord is punished, 837; The crippled are the w, *758 A.

Widow, Devout w shelters murderer of her son, 756 *D; falsely accuses cobbler, *1516; mourns in equivocal terms, 1940 *E.

Widowed fox's suitors, 65.

Widower tells life story in days of week, 2012 *A.

Wife abandoned, *896; and husband quarrel over hair in soup, 1365 *E; banished, 705—709; calumniated, 706, *891; carried by husband to lover, *1424; converses with dying husband in equivocal terms, 1940 *F; curious, 670; dancing sings cooking instructions to husband, 1831 *B; Devil afraid of his w, 332, 400 *A; faithhil, 888; faithless, 612, 870 *B; *1358, 1360, 1364, *1424, 1725, *1850; gluttonous, *1374; Good w for bad husband and bad w for good husband, 822; lazy, 901, 1370*, *1375; Looking for a w, 1450—1464; Loving w, 1350; Never sleeps at inn of old man with young w, 910 B; obstinate, 1365; of judge seduced, 1525; Plank between husband and w, *1355; pretends not to eat, *1374; pretends to die, 1365 *D; pushed into water instead of boy, 1120; Quest for lost w, 400; rescued from mermaid, 316; Riddle of w, daughter, and sister, *983; Shrewish w reformed, 900—904; Sleepy w throws cornbread out window, *1389; Speechless w, 705 *A; Supernatural or enchanted w, 400—424; Talkative w, 1381; who always obeys, 1415 *A.

Wild and tame birds, 245; man, 502; Shooting w boars, 1053.

Wind forgotten, 752 B; Inquiring direction of w, 6; Pregnant by w, 301, Visit to w, 400, 425, 551; Wife loves husband like w in hot sun, 923 A.

Window, Breaking magic w, 329; Wound on w ledge, 432.

Wine, Bird's w and unborn horse, 927 *B; Fool spills w, *1703.

Wineskins, Devil stabs w, 313.

Wing of dove broken, 400 *A.

Wings of prince, 575.

Winner at cards, 313, *345.

Winning princess' hand, 850—869.

Wise brothers, 655; through experience, 910 A.

Wishes granted, 403 A; granted to fisher's wife, 555; of one must be double those of other, 1331; Power to make w come true, 652, 675; Three w, 330, 592, 750 A.

Wishing contests, 1925.

Wishing, See ring.

Wit contest of princess and hero, 853.

Witch, 746—749; Bringing water more quickly than w, 513; killed by helpful lion, 303; kills own daughter, 327 *D; replaces bride, 408; turns blood-brother into stone, 303.

With whole heart, 1186.

Wolf beaten for washing away beans, *64; Carries derisive fox, *64, or shamsick fox, 4; cut open and kids rescued, 123; deceives old woman, *166; devours goat, *127; dies on prongs of prey's house, 124; disguises as man, *166; disputes over beehive, *80; drinks in well for cheese, 34, *64; eats girls, 333; eats kids, 123; Enchanted w as helper, 428; fishes with basket on tail, 2; flees from wolfhead, 125; Girl as w, 409; harnessed, 1910; laments his bad reputation, *129; loses breakfast; 122; persuaded to sing, 122 C; Prince as w, 428; Race of w and bee, 275 *B; revealed by eagle, *229; runs away from his skin, 1896; sings despite host's objection, 100; skinned, 1, 2, 47 *C; steals old maid, 1477; taken for colt, 1311; tricked by rabbit's antics, 72 *A; tricked into chimney and burned, 124; waits and loses prey, 122 A.

Wolf's, Boy on w tail, 1875; Crane removes bone from w throat, 76; Dog as w shoemaker, 102; greatest punishment is marriage, *165; tail lost in ice, 2.

Wolves in stable, 1652; kept off by army, 516; on top of one another frightened by lizard, 121.

Woman, 1440—1524; causes pure shepherd's downfall, *1805 A; Disguised as w lover carries off princess, 516; has two mouths, *1803; in chest, 1536 A; Old w deceived by wolf, *166; Spinning w, 500—501; too evil for anyone, 1164, 1170; Unkind w turned into cow, 473.

Women after squirrel and pot, 1227; Beloved of w, 580; Mute driver and deaf w, *1587.

Wonder child, 708.

Wood and ice houses, 43; Bear pretends to be w, 154; carried down hill, 1243; cutting, 1001; House in w, 431; loaded, 1242; Old man in w, 442; Pregnant from burning piece [of ?w, 301; spirit's forster son 667*.

Woodpecker, Greedy woman turned into w, 751 A.

Words, The twelve w, *2045.

World, Fear of w coming to end, 20 C; Journey to other w, 465 C, 466**, 470, 471.

Wounded bird, 400 *A.

Wren, Clever w becomes irdking, 221.

Wrestling contest, 1070, 1071.

Young, Fox as nursemaid eats y, 37; Treatment of y during months of year, 2012 *C.

Youth and pretty shoes, 1731; Clever y, 920—929; Water of y, 550.

Youths appear from carnations, 425 *D.

  1. "Pel folklore spagnuolo" in Archivio per lo studio delle tradizione popolari, 1887 VI 575—6.
  2. See bibliography for these abbreviations
  3. C. M. Dean, A comparative study of certain Spanish American folktales, M. A. Diss. Indiana University 1929 (Unpublished).
  4. In Revue Hispanique 1926 LXVIII 174.
  5. In his prologue to Llano Roza de Ampudia, Del folklore asturiano. Mitos, supersticiones, costumbres, p. XI.
  6. M. L. Carter, Studies in the 'Scala celi' of Johannes Gobii Junior, Ph. D. Diss. University of Chicago 1927 (Unpublished).
  7. C. M. Dean, A comparative study of certain Spanish-American folktales, M. A. Diss, Indiana University 1929 (unpublished) cites texts published in JAF from Guatemala, Mexico, New Mexico and Porto Rico of fifty types. I include these references under type headings without checking or attempting to analyze them.

This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was legally published within the United States (or the United Nations Headquarters in New York subject to Section 7 of the United States Headquarters Agreement) between 1930 and 1977 (inclusive) without a copyright notice.

The longest-living author of this work died in 1994, so this work is in the public domain in countries and areas where the copyright term is the author's life plus 30 years or less. This work may be in the public domain in countries and areas with longer native copyright terms that apply the rule of the shorter term to foreign works.

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