Ivan the Terrible/Bibliography
Afanassiev (V.): The Campaign of Kazan (K 350 liétiou pokorénia Kazani …). Moscow, 1902 (pamphlet).
Akssakov (C.): Works. Moscow, 1889, vol. i., second edition.
Akty arkeogr. Ekspedytsyi. See Documents.
Albertrandi: The Reigns of Henry of Valois and Batory (Panowania Henryke Walezyuska i …). Warsaw, 1823. 1 vol.
Alexandrovskaia Liétopis. See Chronicles.
Amman (Jost): Gyneceum seu Theatrum mulierum, Frankfort, 1586. 1 vol.
Ancient Russian Library (Drevnaïa Rousskaïa Vivliofika, 1787–1791). Second edition, vols. xii.–xx, and new edition, 1891. 5 vols.
Annerstadt (C.): Die Begründung der Schwedischen Herrschaft in Livland. Stockholm, 1868. 1 vol.
Archiv Nachrichten von Unterhandlungen zwischen Riss. und Dän. Höfe. (Busching's Magazin, vii.).
Archives of the Sapieha Family. Lemberg, 1892, vol. i.
Archives of the Radziwill Family. Cracow, 1885. 1 vol.
Artsybachev: Study of Russian History. Messager de l'Europe (Viéstnik Evropy), 1821.
Bagaliéï (D.): Essays on the History of the Colonization of the Steppes (Otcherki iz istorii kolonizatsii … Okrainy). Moscow, 1887. 1 vol.
Bantych-Kamienski: Diplomatic Correspondence between Russia and Poland (Piériépiska miédjou Rossiéï Polcheï …). Readings of the Antiquarian and Historical Society (Tchténia), 1860.
View of the External Relations of Russia (Obzor Vniéchnykh Snochenii …). Moscow, 1894, vol. i.
Barrow: A Chronological History of Voyages. London, 1818. 1 vol.
Barssov (N.): On the Author of the Epistle to the Tsar Ivan Vassiliévitch (K voprossou ob avtorié poslania k tsariou I. V.). Collections of the Archeological Institute (Sbornik arkheolog. Inst.), Book IV.
Two Epistles by Pope Sylvester. Christian Readings (Christianskiié Tchténia), 1871.
Bartoszewicz: Anne Jagellon (Anna Jagiellonka). Cracow, 1882. 1 vol.
Bauer: The Relations of Russia with Germany. Review of the Ministry of Public Instruction (Journal Ministerstva narodnavo prosviéchtchénia), 1870.
Beiträge zur Kenntniss Russlands und seiner Geschichte. Evers and Engelhardt. Derpt, 1816. 10 vols.
Beiträge zur Kunde Ehst. Liv. und Kurlands. Pabst., Revel., 1868–1887. 4 vols.
Bestoujev-Rioumine (C.): History of Russia, Istoria Rossii, 1885 vol. ii.
Diverse Tendencies of the Study of the Popular Element.in Russia. Annals of the Fatherland (Otiétchestviénnyié Zapiski), 1860.
The Slavophil Teachings (same collection), 1862.
Study of the Character of Ivan. Dawn (Zaria), 1871.
The Diplomatic Relations between Russia and England (Pamiatniki diplomatitcheskikh snochenyii). Collection of the Imp. Historical Society of Russia (Sbornik … Istoritcheskavo Obchchestva), xxxviii.
Bibliotheca Livoniæ Historica. See Winkelmann.
Library of Foreign Writers on Russia. St. Petersburg, 1847, vol. i.
Biélaiév (A. M.): The Protective Service on the Polish Frontier (O storojévoi … sloujbié na polskoï okraïnié). Moscow, 1848. 1 vol.
Biélaiév (J. D.): Lessons on the History of Russian Law (Lektsyi po istorii rousskavo zakonodatiélstva). Moscow, 1888. 1 vol.
Peasants in Russia (Khréstianié na Roussi). Moscow, 1891. 1 vol.
Biélokourov: Library of the Muscovite Sovereigns (O Bibliotékié moskovskikh gossoudareï). Moscow, 1898. 1 vol.
Biélov (E. A.): On the Historical Importance of the Boïar Class (Ob istoritcheskom znatchenii rousskavo boïarstva). Review of the Ministry of Public Instruction, 1886.
History of Russia down to the Reform of Peter the Great (Rousskaïa istoria do reformy Piétra Viélikavo). St. Petersburg, 1895. 1 vol.
Introductory Notes to the History of Ivan the Terrible (Predvaritiélnyïa zamiétchania k istorii Ivana … groznavo). Review of the Ministry of Public Instruction, 1887.
Biélski (M).: Polish Chronicle (Kronika Polska). Collection of Polish Writers, xvii.
Bienemann (Fr.): Aus Baltischer Vorzeit. Leipzig, 1870. 1 vol.
Briefe und Urkunden zur Geschichte Livlands in den J. 1558–1562. Riga, 1865–1879. 6 vols.
Riga's Stellung bet der Auflosung der liviandischen Ordenstaates. Russische Revue, 1877.
Biéssiéda Viaamskikh Tsoudotvortsev. See Conversation.
Blumenfeld: On the Forms of Landed Property in Ancient Russia (O formakh ziémliévladiénia v drevniéï Rossii), Odessa, 1885. 1 vol.
Boch or Bochius: Psalmorum Davidis parodia heroica, Antwerp, 1608. 1 vol.
Boratynski (Louis): Stephen Batory and his Plans for a League against Turkey (Stefan Batory i jego plan ligi przeciw Turkom). Reports of the Academy of Sciences at Cracow, 1902.
Bouslaiév (F. I.): General Ideas on Russian Iconography. Collections of the Society of Ancient Art, 1866.
Sketches of Literature and Art (Istoritcheskiié otcherki rousskoï narodnoï sloviésnosti i iskoustava). St. Petersburg, 1861, vol. ii.
A Study of Russian Art. Critical Review (Krititcheskoié Obozriénié). Moscow, 1879.
Bovutovski (V. de): History of Russian Decoration from the Eleventh to the Sixteenth Century. Paris, 1872. 1 vol.
Bredenbach (Tielemann): Belli livonici Historia. Startchevski, vol. i.
Broel-Plater (Vladimir): Collection of Memoirs for the History of Poland (Zbiòr Pamiétnikòw …). Warsaw, 1858, vol. iii.
Brutto (J. M.): De rebus gestis Stephani I. narratio. Rome, 1852. 1 vol.
Buchau (Daniel Printz von): Moscoviæ artes et progressus. Scriptores rerum livonicarum, ii. See that title.
Bunge (F.G.). See Archiv für die Geschichte Liv. Ehst, und Kurland. Der Orden der Schwertbruder. Riga, 1875. 1 vol.
Busching’s Magazin. Hamburg, 1767–1793, vol. vii.
Busse (K. H. V.): Herzog Magnus, König von Livland. Leipzig, 1871.
Zur Geschichte Liviand's in den Jahren, 1581–1582, Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der Geschichte Liv. Ehst. und Kurland's. See this title (Journal of the Abbé Piotrowski. See that name).
Buttner: Die Vereinigung d. Liv. Schwertbruder Orden mit d. deutschen Orden. Leipzig, 1865. 1 vol.
Cahun (L.): Introduction to the History of Asia, 1896. 1 vol.
Caligari. See Kallenbach.
Campani. See Pierling.
Cawston and Keane: The Early Chartered Companies. London, 1806.
Celsius (O. v.): History of Eric XIV., a French translation by Genest. Paris, 1777. 2 vols.
Chancellor: Travels. Hakluyt, i.
Chaudoir (Baron V. de), Aperçu sur les monnaies Russes. St. Petersburg, 1836. 1 vol.
Chevirev: Journey to the Monastery of St. Cyril (Poiézdka v. Kirillo-Biéloziérski monastyr). Moscow, 1850, vol. ii.
Chijakov (N. V.): Ermak in 1581. St. Petersburg, 1901 (pamphlet).
Chmourlo (E.): The East and the West in Russian History (Vostok i Zapad v rousskoï istorii). Derpt, 1895. 1 vol.
Essay on the Life and Labours of C. I, Bestoujev-Rioumine (Otcherk jizni …. K. I. B. R.). Derpt, 1899. 1 vol.
Chnourlo (E.): The Russian Narratives of Giovanni Tetaldi (Izviéstia G. T. o Rossii). St. Petersburg, 1891 (pamphlet).
Choisnin (J.): Memoirs. Michaud and Poujoulat Collection, xi.
Christiani: Die Gegenreformation in Lifland. Baltische Monatsschrift, 1889.
Chronicle of the Reign of Ivan IV. (Tsarstviénnaïa Kniga ou Liétopissiéts Tsartsvovania Tsaria I. V.). St. Petersburg, 1769. 1 vol.
The Russian Chronicle of Lvov (Lvovskaïa Liétopis). St. Petersburg, 1792. 1 vol.
The Russian Chronicle of Niconius (Nikonovskaïa Liétopis). Complete Collection of the Russian Chronicles, ix. and c. See this title.
The Siberian Chronicle of Essipov (Essipovskaïa Liétopis), Spaski's edition. St. Petersburg, 1823. 1 vol.
The Siberian Chronicle of Stroganov (Stroganovskaïa Liétopis), Spaski. St. Petersburg, 1821. 1 vol.
The Siberian Chronicle, Remezov (Remezovskaïa or Koungourskaïa Liétopis). St. Petersburg, 1880, published by the Archæographical Commission. 1 vol.
Chronicle, Alexander Nevski's (Alexandrovskaïa Liétopis). Bibliog, Hist. of Russia, iii., 1876.
Chronicles, Novgorod (Novgorodskiié Liétopisy). Complete Collection of the Russian Chronicles, iii. and iv.
Chronicles, Pskov (Pskovskiié Liétopisy). Complete Collection of the Russian Chronicles, vols iv. and v.
Chronicle, Moscow (Moskovskaïa Liétopis), Lébédiev, Readings of the Moscow Society, Historical and Antiquarian (Tchténia), 1895.
Chronicle, Normantski (Normantskaïa Liétopis). Annals of the Imperial Society, Historical and Antiquarian (Vrémiennik Imperatorskavo Obch. 1st i Drev), 1850.
Chronicle, Tver (Tverskaïa Liétopis). Complete Collection of Russian Chronicles, xv.
Chronographers, Russian. See Popov.
Chtcherbatov (M. M.): History of Russia (Istoria Rossii). St. Petersburg, 1777, vol. v.
Chytræus (D.): Chronico Saxoniæ. Leipzig, 1593. 1 vol.
Ciampi: Bibliographia Critica. Florence, 1838–1842. 3 vols.
Code of Ivan IV. (Soudiebnik), with the Commentaries of Tatichtchev. Moscow, 1786. 1 vol. Text of the Code, and additional laws. Historical Documents, vol. i., 1841.
Collection of Polish Historians (Zbiór dziejopisów polskich). Warsaw, 1766, vol. ii.
Collection of the Russian Imperial Historical Society (Sbornik 1st Obchtestva), vols. xxxviii., liii., lix., lxxi., cxvi.
Collection of State Papers and Treaties (Sbranié goussoudarstviénnykh gramot i dogovorov. Roumiantsov, St. Petersburg, 1819, vol. i.
Collection of Travels in the North. Amsterdam, 1727, vol. viii.
Complete Collection of Russian Chronicles (Poinoié Sobranié Rouskikh Liétopissov). Moscow, 1846 (in course of publication).
Contarini: Diplomatic Reports, Library of Foreign Historians of Russia.
Conversation of the Wonder-workers of Valaam (Biéssiéda Valaam. Tsoud.). V. G. Droujinine and M. A. Diakonov. St. Petersburg, 1890 (pamphlet)
Custine (M. de): La Russie. Paris, 1855. 1 vol.
Czermak (V.): Lithuanian Parliamentartanism previous to the Union of Lublin (Parlamentaryzm litewski …). Lemberg, 1891. 1 vol.
CzuczynskI, editor of Piotrowski. See that name.
Darlmann (A.): Dissertatio de Occasione Fœderum Regis Erici XIV. cum Russiâ. Upsala, 1783. 1 vol.
Darcel: L’Art Russe. Gazette des Beaux Arts, 1878.
Debolski (N. N.): Judicial Capacities in Russian Law up to the End of the Eighteenth Century (Grajdanskaïa diéiésposobnost po rousskomou pravou). St. Petersburg, 1903. 1 vol.
An Examination into the Literature of History affecting the Question of Serfdom. Review of the Ministry of Public Instruction, 1895.
Delmar-Morgan: Early Voyages … to Russia. London, 1886. 1 vol.
De rebus gestis Stephani I. … contra Magnum Moschorum Ducem. Rome, 1852. Pamphlet (Manifesto of Stephen Batory to his army in 1579).
Diakonov (M. A.): Enquiries into the History of the Serfdom of the Russian Peasantry (Razzyskania po istorii prikriépliénia vladiéltcheskikh Krestiane v Moskovskom gossoudarstvié). St. Petersburg, 1901. 1 vol.
General View of the History of the Rural Population in Russia (Otcherki istorii ssiélskavo nassiéliénia Moskovskavo gossoudarstva. St. Petersburg, 1898.
The Power of the Muscovite Sovereigns (Vlast Moskovskikh Gossoudareï). St. Petersburg, 1889. 1 vol.
Documents connected with the History of the Qualified Population (Akty otnossiachtchyiésia k istorii tiaglavo nassiéliénia v Moskovskom gossoudarstvié). Derpt, 1895–1897. 2 vols.
Ditiatine (J.): Organization and Administration of the Russian Towns (Oustroistvo i Oupravliénié gorodov v Rossii). St. Petersburg, 1875, vol i.
Dmitriév (F. M.): Works. Moscow, 1899, vol. i.
Dniévnik posliédnavo pokhoda Stefana Batoria (Journal of Batory’s last campaign), Kojalowicz’s edition. See that name.
Documents, Diplomatic. See Papers.
Documents of the Archæographical Society (Akty Arkhéogr. Ekspedytsyï). St. Petersburg, 1836, vols. i. and ii.
Dogiel: Codex Diplomaticus Regni Poloniæ et Magni Ducatus Lithuania. Vilna, 1758, vol. v.
Domostroï, The, Golokhvastov's editions. Readings of the Historical and Antiquarian pin of Moscow, 1849. Iakovlev’s edition, St. Petersburg, 1867; and Zabiéline’s edition, Moscow, 1882, etc.
Drevnaïa Rousskaïa Vivliofika. See Ancient Library.
Essipovskaïa Liétopis. See Siberian Chronicle.
Evers. See Beiträge.
Evfimenko (Mme. A. I.): Studies of the National Life (Izsliédovania narodnoï jizni). Moscow, 1884. 1 vol.
Peasant Property in Land in the Far North (Khréstianskiié ziémliévladiénié …). Russian Thought, 1882–1883.
Fahne (A.): Livland, ein Beitrag zur Kirchen und Sittensgeschichte. Dusseldorf, 1875. 1 vol.
Fechner (A. G.): Chronik der Evangelischen Gemeinden in Moskau. Moscow, 1876. 1 vol.
Fiedler: Ein Versuch der Vereinigung der russischen mit der römisschen Kirche (Sitzungsberichte der K.K. Akademie der Wissenschaften). Vienna, 1862, vol. xl.
Fischer (I. E.): History of Siberia (Sibirskaïa Istoria). St. Petersburg, 1774. 1 vol.
Fletcher (G.): The Treatise of the Russian Commonwealth, published by the Hakluyt Society in 'Russia at the close of the sixteenth century.' Bond, London, 1856. 1 vol. Translated into French by Du Bouzet, 'La Russie au Seizième Siècle.' Leipzig and Paris, 1864. 1 vol.
Forsten (G. V.): The Struggle for the Empire of the Baltic (Borba iz za Gospodstva Balitiiskavo moria). St. Petersburg, 1884. 1 vol.
The Baltic Question (Baltiiskii vopros), vol. i. The Struggle for Livonia (Borba iz za Livonii). St. Petersburg, 1893. 1 vol.
Documents connected with the History of the Baltic Question (Akty i pisma k istorii b. v.). St. Petersburg, 1889–1893. 2 vols.
Forster: Geschichte der Entdeckungen im Norden. Frankfort, 1784.
Foscarini: Narratio Historica de Moscovitico Imperio (Historica Russiæ Monumenta). See that title.
Golokhvastov (D. P.), continued by Monsignor Leonidas: Silvester and his Writings (Blagoviéchtchenskii iereï Silvester i ievo pisania). Readings of the Historical and Antiquarian Society, 1874.
Goloubinski (E.): History of the Canonization of the Saints of the Russian Church (Istoria kanonizatskii sviatykh v rousskoi tserkvi). Sergiévskii Posad, 1894. 1 vol.
Gorski (C.): Life … of Prince Kourbski (Jizn i istoritcheskoié znatchénié Kniazia A. M. Kourbskavo). Kazan, 1858. 1 vol.
History of the Polish Infantry (Historya piechoty polskiej). Cracow, 1893. 1 vol.
Gorskï (C.): History of the Polish Cavalry (Historya jazdy polskiej). Cracow, 1894. 1 vol.
History of the Polish Artillery (Historya artyleryi polskiej). Warsaw, 1902. 1 vol.
The Wars of the Polish Republic with Moscow under Batory (Wojny Rzeczypospolitej z Wielkiem Ksiestwem Moskiewskiem za Batorego). Warsaw Library (Bibljoteka Warszawska), 1892.
Goumilevski (Monsignor Ph.): History of the Russian Church (Istoria Rousskoï Tserkvi). Moscow, 1888, Part III.
Gradovsk! (A. D.): History of Local Administration (Istoria miéstnavo oupravliénia). St. Petersburg, 1868, vol. 1.
Principles of the Common Law in Russia (Natchala rousskavo gossoud, prava). St. Petersburg, 1883, vol. iii.
Study of the Peasantry. Review of the Ministry of Public Instruction, 1868.
Grefenthal: Livonian Chronicle (Monumenta Livoniæ, vol. v.). See that title.
Guagnino (A.): Omnium Regionum Moscoviæ descriptio (Startchevski, i.). See that title.
Guépin (Dom): Vie de St. Josaphat. Paris, 1874, vol. i.
Gyulay: Commentarium rerum a Stephano R. P. … gestarum, anno 1580. Claudiopolio, 1581. 1 vol. (No author given.)
Hakluyt (R.): Collection of Early Voyages. London, 1599, vol. i.
Hamel (J.): Tradescant der ælter, 1618, in Russland. St. Petersburg, 1847. 1 vol. English translation by J. S. Leigh, ‘England and Russia.’ London, 1854. 1 vol.
Hansen (H. I.): Geschichte der Stadt Narva. Derpt, 1858. 1 vol.
Hausmann (R.): Studien zur Geschichte des Koenig’s Stephan von Polen (Verhandlungen der gelehrten etnischen Gesellschaft in Dorpat, 1880).
Heidenstein (R.): De bello Moscovitico … commentariorum, libri vi. Bale, 1588, and Startchevski, vol. ii.
Rerum Polonicarum, libri xii. Frankfort, 1672. 1 vol.
Henning (Salomon): Liflendische und Churlendische Chronica (Scriptores rerum Livonicarum), vol. ii.
Herberstein (S.): Rerum Moscoviticarum commentarii. Bâle, 1571, and Startchevski, i.
Hewins: English Trade and Finance. London, 1892. 1 vol.
Hiaern (Th.): Ehst. Lyf. und Lettlaendische Geschichte (Monumenta Livoniæ Antiquæ, i.). See that title.
Historical Papers (Akty Istoritcheskiié). Published by the Archæographical Commission. St. Petersburg, 1841, vol. i., and Supplement, 1845, vol. i.
Historical Documents connected with the History of Western Russia (Akty otnosiachtchyiésia k Istorii zapadnoi Rossii). St. Petersburg, 1846–1853, vols. i., ii., and iv.
Historical Documents connected with the History of South-western Russia (Akty otnosiachtchyiésia k Istorii iougo-zapadnoi Rossii). St. Petersburg, 1862–1869. 6 vols.
Historical Documents connected with the Reign of Stephen Batory (Akty historyczne do panowania S. Batorego), Ianicki. Warsaw, 1881. 1 vol.
Historical Documents (Akty historyczne). Published by the Academy of Sciences at Cracow, 1887, vol. xi.
Historia rerum a Poloniæ rege in Moscovia … gestarum. Place of publication not mentioned (ascribed to Heidenstein).
Historiæ Ruthenicæ Scriptores Exteri. See Startchevski.
Historicæ Russiæ Monumenta. Published by A. I. Tourguéniév. St. Petersburg, 1841, 1 vol., and Supplement, 1 vol. (The Russian sub-title, Akty Istoritcheskiié, has led to some confusion.)
Horsey (J. J.): Travels. Published by the Hakluyt Society ('Russia at the Close of the Sixteenth Century'), 1856. 1 vol. Extracts in the Purchas Collection.
Hüpel (A. W.): Nordische Miscellaneen and Neue Nordischen Miscellaneen. Riga, 1781–1798. 5 vols.
Hüppe (S.): De Poloniæ post Henricum Interregno. Breslau, 1866. 1 vol.
Ianicki. See Historical Documents.
Iannau (H. von): Geschichte von Lief und Ehstland (Hüpel's Neue Nordische Miscellaneen, iii.). See that title.
Iaroch (C.): Psychological Parallel between Ivan the Terrible and Peter the Great (Psikhologitcheskaïa parallel). Kharkov, 1898 (pamphlet).
Iasinski (A. N.): Works of Prince Kourbski (Sotchiniénia Kniazia Kourbskavo). St. Petersburg, 1889. 1 vol.
Ikonnikov (V.): Essay on the Byzantine Influence on the History of Russia (Izliédovania o glavnykh napravleniakh v naoukié rousskoï istorii, Vlianié Vizantiïskoi i joujno-rousskoï obrazovannosti). Kiev, 1869. 1 vol.
Biography of the Metropolitan Macarius (Review of the Ministry of Public Instruction, 1881).
Ilinski (A. K.): The Town Population of the Province of Novgorod in the Sixteenth Century (Gorodskoïé nassiéliénié Novgorodskoï oblasti v XVI. viékié). Same collection, 1876.
Ilovaïski (D.): History of Russia. Moscow, 1890, vol. iii.
Critical Notes on Ivan the Terrible. Russian Archives (Rousskii Arkhiv), 1889.
Ivan IV.: Two Epistles addressed to the Monastery of Souzdal, Russian Archives, 1888.
Ivanichev (N. D.): The Life of Prince Kourbski in Lithuania (Jizn Kn. A. M. Kourbskavo v Litvié). Kiév, 1849. 2 vols.
Jdanov: Materials for a History of the Conciliable of 1551 (Materialy dla istorii Stoglavnavo Sobora), Review of the Ministry of Public Instruction, 1876.
Jenkinson (A.): Voyages to Russia and Persia. Hakluyt, i.
Jewlaszewski (Th.): Memoirs, edited by Prince Lubomirski. Warsaw, 1860, 1 vol.
Jmarine (V.): The Mental Struggle in Russia during the First Half the Sixteenth Century (Borba idéi v Rossii v piérvoi polovinié XVI. viéka). Review of the Ministry of Public Instruction, 1882.
A Document dealing with the History of the Anti-Catholic Controversy in Russia in the Sixteenth Century (Pamiatnik rousskoï protivkatolitcheskoï polémiki). Same Review, 1880.
Journals of the Polish Embassies. See State Papers.
Jove (Paul): De Legatione Basilit magni Princitpis Moscoviæ ad Clementem VII. pontificem maximum (Rerum Moscovitarum auctores varii). :
Juusten (Paul): Narratives concerning Muscovy (Beiträge zur Kentniss Russlands, iii.).
Kallenbach: Extracts from the Reports of Caligari, Papal Nuncio in Poland, as to Stephen Batory. Weekly Illustrated Review (Tygodnik illustrowany). Warsaw, 1887, No. 206.
Kapterev (E.): Nature of the Relations between Russia and the Orthodox East in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (Kharakter otno chenii Rossii k pravoslavnomou Vostokou …). Moscow, 1885. I vol.
Karamzine: History of Russia. St. Petersburg, 1818–1829 (French translation by St. Thomas and Jauffret, Paris, 1820), vols. viii. and ix
Kharpov (G. F.): Diplomatic Relations between the Empire of Moscow and the Polish-Lithuanian State, 1487–1571 (Pamiatniki diplomatitcheskikh snochenii …). Collection of the Imperial Russian Historical Society (Sbornik), vols. xxxv., lxi., and lxxi.
Karwowski: De Livonia Imperio Sigismondi Augusti regis Poloniæ subjecta. Halle, 1870. 1 vol.
Katyrev-Rostovski (Prince I. M.): Chrestomathy (Izbornik). Also ascribed to Koubassov, A. N. Popov, Moscow, 1869. 1 vol. see Popov.
Kaveline (C. D.): Works. Moscow, 1859, vols. i. and ii.
Notes on the History of Russia. Messager de l'Europe, 1866.
Kelch (Ch.): Lieflaendische Historia. Revel, 1695. 1 vol.
Khliébnikov (N.): On the Influence of Society on the Organization of the State during the Tsarian Period of Russian History (O vlianii obchtchestva na organizasion Gossoudarstva v tsarskii périod rousskoï istorii). St. Petersburg, 1869. 1 vol.
Khomiakov (A. S.): Thirteen Years of the Reign of Ivan Vassiliévitch (Trinadtsat liét tsarstvoviania Ivana Vassiliévitcha). Educational Library (Bibliotéka dla vospitania). Valouiév, 1845.
Khrouchtchov: Book of Degrees, or Genealogy (Stiépiénnaïa Kniga). MS. the property of A. F. Khrouchtchov, drawn up about 1690 by S. S. Koltovski (see Platonov's Notes on Russian History, 1903), and now in the Archives of the Moscow Foreign Office.
Kiprianoff (V.): Picturesque History of Russian Architecture. St. Petersburg, 1864. 1 vol.
Kiriérévski (P. V.): Collection of Songs (Piésni sobrannyia). Moscow, 1860–1862. 1 vol.
Kisewetter (A. A.): Ivan the Terrible and his Foes (Ivan Groznyï iévo oponenty). Moscow, 1898 (pamphlet).
Klioutchevski (V.): Course of Russian History (lithographed).
The Council of the Boïars in Ancient Russia (Boïarskaia douma drevneï Rossii). Moscow, 1883. 1 vol., second edition.
Internal Economy of the Monastery of Solovki on the Shores of the White Sea (Khoziaïastviénnaïa diéiatiélnost Soloviétskavo monastyra v Biélomorskom kraié). Annals of the University of Moscow, 1867.
Summary of Russian History (Kratkoié posobié po rousskoï istorii). Moscow, 1883. 1 vol. Second edition.
The Russian Rouble in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (Rousskii Roubl xvi i xvii v). Moscow, 1884. 1 vol.
The Origin of Serfdom in Russia (Proïskhojdiénié Kriepostnavo prava v Rossii). Russian Thought (Rousskaïa Mysl). 1885.
The Composition of Representative Assemblies in Ancient Russia (Sostav predstavitiélstva na Ziémskikh sobovakh drevnei Roussi). Same publication, 1890.
Klossius (Fr.): The Library of the Grand Duke Vassili Ivanovitch and of the Tsar Ivan Vassiliévitch. In Russian, Review of the Ministry of Public Instruction, 1834, and in German in the Dorpater Jahrbücher für Literatur und Kunst, same year.
Kniga Possolskaía metryki. See State Papers.
Koïalovitch (M. O.): Journal of the last Campaign of Stephen Batory against Russia, and Diplomatic Correspondence of that Time (Dniévnik posliédniavo pokhoda Stefana Batoria i diplomatitcheska piériépiska tavo vremieni). St. Petersburg, 1867. 1 vol. (from a manuscript in the Imperial Library at St. Petersburg). The original, utilized by Polkovski (see that name), is in the Library at Dzików (Grand Duchy of Posen). The journal is composed of the Abbé Piotrowski’s letters (see that name).
Kordt: Documents bearing on the Commercial Relations between Russia and Foreign Countries. Collection of the Imperial Society of Russian History, cxvi.
Korkounov: Map of the War Operations between the Russians and the Poles. In Russian, St. Petersburg, 1837, and in Polish, Breslau, 1840.
Korzon (T.): Criticism of C. Gorski’s Work on the Wars of Batory. Quarterly Historical Review (Kwartalnik Historyczny) of Lemberg, x.
Kostomarov (N. I.): Sketch of the History of the Commerce of the Russian Empire during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. (Otcherki Torgovli moskovskavo gossoudarstva …). St. Petersburg, 1889. 1 vol.
Monographies and Enquiries. St. Petersburg, 1868, vols. vii., viii., xiii., xix., and xx.
The History of Russia in Biographies (Rousskaïa istoria v jizniéopisaniakh iéia glavniéichykh diéiatiéleï). St. Petersburg, 1896, fourth edition, vol. i.
Study of the External Policy of Ivan IV. Messager de l'Europe (Viéstnik Evropy), 1871.
Study of the Origin of Serfdom. Collection of Historical and Practical Science (Arkiv istoritcheskikh i praktitcheskikh sviédiénii), 1859.
Study of the Assemblies of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (Novoié Vrémia), 1880. No. 1485.
Koubassov. See Katyrev.
Koulich: History of the Reunification of Russia (Istoria vozsoiéjdiniénia Roussi). St. Petersburg, 1874. 2 vols.
Kourbski (Prince A. M.): Narratives (Skazania), Oustrialov. St. Petersburg, 1868. 1 vol.
Kouzniétsov: Information … as to the Construction of the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin at Moscow (Novyïa liétopisnyïa dannyïa …). Readings (Tchténia), 1896.
Kovalevski (M.): Modern Customs and Ancient Laws of Russia. London, 1891. 1 vol.
Kovalevski (P. I.): Attempts at the Psychiatry of some Historical Personages (Psikiatritcheskiié otcherki …). St. Petersburg, 1893, vol. iii.
Kraushaar (A.): Magic at the Court of Batory (Czary na dworze Batorego). Cracow, 1888. 1 vol.
The True History of the Unhappy Fate of John, Duke of Finland, and of Catherine, Princess Royal (Historya prawdziwa …). Cracow, 1892 (pamphlet).
Kroutchtchov (I.): Enquiry into the Works of Joseph Sanine (Izliédovania o sotchiniéniakh I. S.), St. Petersburg, 1868. 1 vol.
Kruse (Elert): Wahrhaftige Gegenbericht auf die anno 1578, eingegangene lieflendische Chronica B. Russow’s. Riga, 1861 (pamphlet).
Lamprecht (K.): Deutsche Geschichte. Berlin, 1891–1895, vols. iii. and iv.
Languet (Hubert): Arcana Sæculi decimi sexti. Halle, 1699. 1 vol.
Lappo (I. I.): The Grand Duchy of Lithuania in 1569–1581 (Viélikoié Kniajestvo eae e v. 1569–1581 godakh). St. Petersburg, 1901. 1 vol.
Lappo-Danilevski (A. S.): Narrative of the History of Peasant Serfdom in the Muscovite Empire in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (Razskazania po istorii prikriépliénia vladiéltcheskikh krestiane). St. Petersburg, 1901. 1 vol.
Lasicius (John-Lasiçki): De Russorum, Moscovitarum et Tartarorum religione. Spire,1582. 1 vol.
Latkine (V.): Lessons on the External History of Russian Law (Lektsii po vniéchniéi istorii rousskavo prava). St. Petersburg, 1890. 1 vol.
The Assemblies of Ancient Russia (Ziémskiié sobory drevneï Roussi). St. Petersburg, 1855. 1 vol.
Laureo (Vincenzo). See Wierzbowski.
Lébédiev (N.): The Conciliable of 1551 (Stoglavnyï Sobor). Moscow, 1882. 1 vol.
The Metropolitan Macarius (Makarii, métropolit vssiérossiiskii). Moscow, 1881. 1 vol.
Léger: Russes et Slaves. Paris, 1890. 1 vol.
Leonidas. See Golokhvastov.
Leonidas (Mons.): Biography of St. Philip. Moscow, 1861.
Léontovitch (F. I.): Study of the Work of Sainokvassov. Collections of Political Science, ii., 1875.
Lerpigny (M.): Un Arbitrage Pontifical au Seizième Siècle. Brussels (undated). 1 vol.
Levenclavius (J): De Moscovitarum bellis adversus finitiones gestis. Startchevski, i.
Likhatchev (N. P.): The Origin of Alexis Adachev (Istoritcheskii Viéstnik), 1890.
The Library and Archives of the Moscow Sovereigns in the Sixteenth Century (Bibliotéka i Arkhiv Moskovskikh gossoudareï), St. Petersburg, 1894. 1 vol.
Liliéiév (N. V.): Simeon Bekboulatovitch, Tsar of Kassimov. Tver, 1891. 1 vol.
Lippomano: Narrative (Hist. Russiæ Monumenta, i.)
Lisch (G.): Study of the Livonian War (Jahrbücher für Mecklem. Geschichte), 1857.
Book of Degrees (Stiépiennaïa Kniga). Moscow, 1775. 1 vol.
Lossius. See Urkunden.
Lvovskaïa Liétopis. See Russian Chronicle.
Macarius (Mons.): History of the Russian Church (Istoria Rousskoï Tserkvi). St. Petersburg, 1877, vol. viii.
Maciejowski (W. A.): History of Slav Legislation (Historya prawodawstw slawianskich). Warsaw, 1856–1858. 6 vols.
Maïkov (L.): Chronological Notes on the Union of Siberia with Russia (Kronologitcheskiié spravki …). Review of the Ministry of Public Instruction, 1881.
Malinovski: Historical Proof of the Ancient Desire of the Polish Nation for Union with Russia. Readings (Tchténia), vi.
Margeret (Jacques): État présent de l'Empire de Russie. Paris, 1669. New edition, Paris, 1854. 1 vol.
Markiévitch (A. I.): History of the Miéstnitchestvo (Istoria Miéstnitchestva). Odessa, 1888. 1 vol.
Martens: Collection of Treaties and Conventions between Russia and Foreign Powers. St. Petersburg, 1874–1892. 9 vols.
Martynov (A.): Ancient Monuments in the Neighbourhood of Moscow. St. Petersburg, 1889. 1 vol.
Martynov (Father): Russian Art, Arras, 1878 (pamphlet).
Maskiewicz (S.): Memoirs. Vilna, 1838. 1 vol.
Massa (Isaac): Chronicon Moscoviticum (Rerum Rossicarum scriptores exteri, ii.).
Relatio de Siberica. Collection of Northern Travels. Amsterdam, 1727, vol. viii.
Mayerberg: Travels in Muscovy. Russian and Polish Library, vols. i. and ii.
Memorabilis et perinde stupenda de crudeli Moscovitarum expeditione narvatio, ex germanico in latinum conversa. Douai,1563. Facsimile published at Paris, 1858. 1 vol.[1]
Michalon (The Lithuanian): De Moribus Tartarorum Lithunaorum et Moschorum, Bâle, 1615. 1 vol.
Miechowski (Matthew, also called Mathias a Michovia): De Moscovia. Startchevski, i.
Mikhaïlov (A.): Study of the 'Domostroï.' Review of the the Ministry of Public Instruction, 1889.
Mikhaïlovski (N. K.): Critical Studies (Krititcheskiié opyty). St. Petersburg, 1895.
Miklachevski (I. N.): Contribution to the Economic History of the Russian Empire (K Istorii Khoziaïstviénnavo byta roussskavo gossoudarstva). Moscow, 1894. 1 vol.
Milioukov (P.): Essays on the History of Russian Culture (Otcherki po istorii rousskoï Koultoury). St. Petersburg, 1896–1901. 3 vols.
Disputed Historical Problems (Spornyié Voprossy). St. Petersburg, 1902. 1 vol.
Miller (G. Fr.): Description of Siberia (Opissanié rousskavo tsarstva) St. Petersburg, 1750. 1 vol.
Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der Geschichte Liv. Ehst. und Kurlands. Riga, 1847–1858. 8 vols.
Moskovskaïa Liétopis: See Moscow Chronicle.
Moukhanov: Collection (Sbornik). Moscow, 1836. 1 vol.
Müller (Laurenz): Polnische Lifl. Mosc. und andere Historien. Leipzig, 1585, and various other editions and translations.
Münster (Seb.): Cosmographei. Bâle, 1550. 1 vol. (French translation by François de Belle-Forest, Paris, 1575. 1 vol.).
Napiersky (K. E.): Russisch-livlandische Urkunden. St. Petersburg, 1868. 1 vol.
Narrative of the Siege at Pskov by Batory (Poviést o prikhojdenii Litovskavo Korola Stepana na … Pskov). Readings of the Moscow Historical and Antiquarian Society, 1847, and separately under another title (Poviést preslavna …). Pskov, 1878. 1 vol.
Narratives of the Apostolic Nuncios and other Persons with regard to Poland (Relacye Nuncyuszów), Ryaczewski. Berlin, 1864. 2 vols.
Nehring: The Polish Historians of the Sixteenth Century (O Historykach Polskich, XVI. w.). Posen, 1862. 1 vol.
Nekrassov (N.)}: ‘Attempt at an Enquiry, Historical and Literary, into the Origin of the 'Domostroï') Opyt … izsliédovania o proïskhojdienii … Domostroïa). Moscow, 1872. 1 vol.
Niébolsine: The Conquest of Siberia (Pokorénié Sibiri). St. Petersburg, 1849. 1 vol.
Niemcewicz (I. U.): Collection of Memoirs (Zbiór Pamietników). Warsaw, 1822, vol. ii.
Niévoline (K. A.): Complete Works. St. Petersburg, 1857. 3 vols.
Nikitski (A.): Sketch of the Internal History of Pskov (Otcherki vnoutrennoi istorii Psokva). St. Petersburg, 1873. 1 vol.
Origin of the Name of Ermak. Review of the Ministry of Public Instruction, 1882.
Nikolaiévski (P.): Russian Sermons in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries. Same Review, 1868.
Nikonovskaïa Liétopis. See Chronicle of Niconius.
Noailles (Marquis de): Henri de Valois et la Pologne en 1572. Paris, 1867. 3 vols.
Normaniskaïa Liétopis. See Chronicle of Normantski.
Novgorodskiié Liétopisy. See Chronicles of Novgorod.
Nyenstaedt (F.): Chronicle (Monumenta Livoniæ Antiquæ, ii.).
Oderborn (P.): Joannis Basilidis vita. Vitebsk, 1585, and Startchevski, ii.
Oksenov: Ermak in Historical Poetry. Siberian Collection (Sibirskii Sbornik), 1886.
The Relations between Novgorod and the Iougra. Literary Collections, 1885.
Olmen (P.): Chronicle. Startchevski, i.
Opokov: Prince Kourbski (Kniaz A. M. Kourbskii). Kiév, 1872. 1 vol.
Origny (d'): The Life of Father A. Possevino. Paris, 1712. 1 vol.
Oumaniéts (F. M.): The Russo-Lithuanian Party in Poland (Rousskolitevskaïa partia v Polché). Review of the Ministry of Public Instruction, 1875.
Degenerate Poland (Vyrojdiénié Polchi). St. Petersburg, 1872. 1 vol.
Study of St. Philip (New and Old Russia, 1877).
Ouspiénski (F.): The Relations between Rome and Moscow. Review of the Ministry of Public Instruction, 1884, 1885.
Negotiations for Peace between Muscovy and Poland (Peregovory o mirié). Odessa, 1887. 1 vol.
Origin of the Eastern Question (Kak voznik … Vostotchnyi vopros). St. Petersburg, 1887 (pamphlet).
Ouspiénski (Brothers) : Menology of the Emperor Basil (Litsevoï Miéssiatsoslov … Imperatora Vassilia). St. Petersburg, 1902. 1 vol.
Oustrialov (N. G.): The Stroganov Family (Imiénityié lioudi Stroganovy). St. Petersburg, 1842. 1 vol.
P … ski: Prince Kourbski (Kniaz A. M. Kourbskii). Kazan, 1873. 1 vol.
Pabst (E.): Die Anfange der Deutschen Herrschaft in Livland (Archiv zur Geschichte Liv. Ehst. und Kurlands), vols. iii. and iv.
Pamiainiki Diplomatitcheskikh Snochenii. See Papers.
Pamiatniki drevneÏ pismiennosti i isskoustva. See Papers.
Pavlinov (A. M.): History of Russian Architecture (Istoria rousskoï arkhitektoury). Moscow, 1894. 1 vol.
Paviov (A. S.): History of the Secularization of the Ecclesiastical Properties in Russia (Istoritcheskii otcherk sekouliaryzatsii tserkovnykh ziémiél). Odessa, 1871. 1 vol.
Of Certain Assemblies. … Annals of the Fatherland. 1859.
Pavlov-Silvanski (N.): The Men who Serve (Gossoudarevy sloujilyié lioudi). St. Petersburg, 1898. 1 vol.
Pawinski (A.): State Papers. See that title.
The Early Years of the Reign of Stephen Batory (Poczatki panowania …). Historical Authorities, iv. See that title.
Pawinski (A.): The Financial History of the Reign of Batory (Skarbowose i jej dzieje …). Historical Authorities, vii.
Treasury Accounts during the Reign of Batory (Ksiegi Podskarbinskie …). Historical Authorities, ix
Peresviétov (Ivan): Narratives (Skazania). Reports of the University of Kazan, 1865.
Epistle and other Writings, published by the Imperial Historical Society. Moscow, 1902 (pamphlet).
Petreus (P.), or Peer Persson: Narrative concerning Russia (Rerum Rossicarum scriptores exteri, i.).
Petrov (I. N.): Influence of the Literature of Western Europe on the Literature of Ancient Russia (O vlianii zapadno-evropeïskoï litiératoury …). Published by the Ecclesiastical Academy at Kiév, 1872.
Philip (St.): Sketch of a Biography (Natchertanié Jitia …). Moscow, 1860. 1 vol.
Contemporary Biography, annexed to the preceding work.
Philippson (M.): Westeuropa im Zeitalter von Philipp II. Berlin, 1882. 1 vol.
Pierling (Father): La Russie et le Saint-Siége. Paris, 1901, vol. ii.
Bathory et Possevino, documents inédits. Paris, 1887. 1 vol.
Pilinsxki (T.): Das Polnische Interregnum, 1572–1573. Heidelberg, 1861. 1 vol.
Piotrowski (Abbé John): Journal of Batory’s Pskov Campaign (Dziennik wyprawy …), Czuczynski. Cracow, 1894.
Pissemski (F.): Extracts from his Diplomatic Correspondence. Siéviérnyï Arkhiv, 1822.
Plater. See Broël.
Platonov (J. F.): Lessons on Russian History (Lektsii po rousskoï istorii). St. Petersburg, 1901. 1 vol.
Historical Studies (Stati po rousskoï istorii). St. Petersburg, 1903. 1 vol.
Sketch of the History of the Disturbances in the Muscovite Empire during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (Otcherki pi istorii smouty …). St. Petersburg, 1899. 1 vol.
Pogodine (M.): Fragmentary Studies, Historical and Critical (Istorico-crititcheskiié otryyki). Moscow, 1846. 1 vol.
Study of the Origin of Serfdom in Russia. Russian Conversations (Rousskaïa Biéssiéda), 1859.
The Tsar Ivan Vassiliévitch. Archives of Historical and Practical Science (Arkhiv istor, i prakt, sviédiénii), 1859.
Polevoï (N.): History of the Russian People (Istoria rousskavo naroda). Moscow, 1833, vol. vi.
Polkovski (Abbé): Documents Bearing on the Wars of Batory (Historical Documents published by the Academy of Cracow, xi.). See that title.
Polnoié sobranté rousskikh Liétopissov. See Complete Collection.
Popov (A. N.): Sketch of Russian Chronographers (Obzor khronografov). Moscow, 1866. 1 vol.
Collection of Russian and Slav Writings inserted in the Russian Chronographers (Isbornik). Moscow, 1869. 1 vol.
Possevino (A.): Moscovia et alia opera. Vilna, 1587. New edition, edited by Father Pierling. Paris, 1882.
Poviest o prikhojdenii Litovckavo Korola Stepana (Story of the Siege of Pskov by Batory). See that title.
Pskovskaïa Liétopis. See Chronicle of Pskov.
Prijov (I.): History of Russian Taverns (Istoria kabakov). St. Petersburg, 1868. 1 vol.
Prijov (I.): Reports of the Assembly of 1551 (Stoglav), Khojantchikov. St. Petersburg, 1868. 1 vol.
Przezdziecki (A.): The Polish Princesses of the House of Jagellon (Iagiellonki polskie). Cracow, 1868–1878, vols. iii., iv., and v.
Purchas (Samuel): The Pilgrims. London, 1625–1626. 4 vols.
Pypine (A. N.): History of Russian Literature (Istoria rousskoï litiératoury). St. Petersburg, 1898, vols. i. and ii.
Raczynski (Count E.): Memoirs connected with the Reign of Stephen Batory (Pamietniki do historyi Stefana króla). Warsaw, 1830. 1 vol., 8vo.
Rambaud (A.): La Russie Epique. Paris, 1876. 1 vol.
Regel: Analecta Byzantino-Rossica. St. Petersburg, 1891. 1 vol.
Reimann: Das Verhalten des Reiches gegen Livland in den Jahren, 1559–1561. Historische Zeitschrift, 1870.
Die Polnische Konigswahl von 1573. Same publication, 1864.
Reimchronik (Die). Scriptores Rerum Livonicarum, i.
Relations des Nonces Apostoliques et d'autres personnes sur la Pologne (Relacye Nuncyuszów), Rykaczewski. Berlin, 1864. 2 vols.
Remïzovskaea Liétopis. See Siberian Chronicle.
Renner (J.): Liviandische Historien. Gottingen, 1876. 1 vol.
Rerum Moscovitarum auctores varii. Frankfort, 1600. 1 vol.
Rerum Rossicarum scriptores exteri. St. Petersburg, 1851. 2 vols.
Richter (A. v.): Geschichte der Ostsee Provinzen. Riga, 1857–1858. 3 vols.
Ridolfini (Dominic): Correspondence. Scientific and Literary Collection (Przewodnik Naukowy). Lemberg, 1878, vol. ii.
Rojkov (N.): Agriculture in Muscovite Russia (Ssiélskoïé Khaziaïstvo v Mosskovskoï Roussii). Moscow, 1899. 1 vol.
Rostovski (St.): Lithuanicarum Societatis Jesu Historiarum lbrii decem. P. Martynov, Paris, 1877. 1 vol.
Rovinski (D.): History of the Russian Schools of Iconography (Istoria rousskikh chkol ikonopissania). Memoranda of the Archæological Society, vol. viii., and separately. St. Petersburg, 1856. 1 vol.
Russia at the Close of the Sixteenth Century. London, 1856. 1 vol. See Fletcher and Horsey.
Russow (B.): Chronicle. Script. rerum livon, ii.
Rutenberg (O.): Geschichte der Ostsee Provinzen. Leipzig, 1859. 2 vols.
Rydberg (O. S.): Swedish Treaties. Stockholm, 1877, and following years.
Rytchkov: Attempt at a History of Kazan (Otcherk istorii …). St. Petersburg, 1867. 1 vol.
Samarine (G.): Works. Moscow, 1880, vol. v.
Under the pseudonym of M. Z. K., Study of Ivan the Terrible in the 'Muscovite' (Moskvitanine), 1847. (Reply to Kaveline.)
Schiemann (Ch.): Russland, Polen, und Liviland, bis ins XVII. Jahrhundert. Berlin, 1887, vol. ii.
Schiemann (Th.): Characterköpfe und Sittenbilder aus der Balticher Geschichte der XVI. Jahrb. Mittau, 1877. 1 vol.
Schirren: Quellen zur Geschichte des Untergangs der Livländischer Selbstandigheit. Revel, 1880–1881. 8 vols. And Neue Quellen, etc. Revel, 1883–1885. 3 vols. Archiv für die Geschichte Liv. Ehst. und Kurland. See that title.
Schlichting (A.): Nova ex Moscovia … de principis Ioanni vita et tyrannide … narratio (Scriptores rerum polonicarum, i.). See that title.
Schwartz (P.): Chronologic der Ordenmeister ueber Liviand. Riga, 1879. 1 vol. (From the papers of Baron von Toll.)
Scriptores rerum Livonicarum. Riga and Leipzig, 1853–1854. 2 vols.
Scriptores rerum Polonicarum. Cracow, 1872, vols. i. and vii.
Senigov (J.): The Work of Ivan the Great as Judged by Popular Opinion (Narodnoié vozzrenié na diéiatiélnost Ioanna Groznavo). St. Petersburg, 1902 (pamphlet).
Serguiéiévitch (V.): Judicial Antiquities (Drevnosti rousskavo prava). St. Petersburg, 1890–1903. 3 vols.
Lessons on the History of Russian Law (Letksii po istorii rousskavo prava). St. Petersburg, 1883.
The Assemblies under the Muscovite Empire (Ziémskiié ssobory v moskovskom gossoudarstviénnykh znanii). V. P. Bezobrazov, vol. ii.
Landed Property in Ancient Russia. Review of the Ministry of Public Instruction, 1901.
Historical Study, in the Observer (Nablioudatiél), 1881.
Sibirskaïa Liétopis. See Siberian Chronicle.
Epistles. Barssov, Christian Readings (Khristianskiié Ichténia), 1871.
Simbirskii Sbornik (Simbirsk Collection), Published by Iazykov, Khomiakov, and Valiouév). Moscow, 1845, vol. i.
Sokolov (M. I.): Summary of Ten Years of Labour by the Archæological Commission (Otcherk diéssiatiliétnieï naoutchnoï diéiatielnosti …). Moscow, 1902.
Sokolovski (G. P.): The Economic Existence of the Agricultural Population in Russia (Ekonomitcheskii byt ziémliédiétiéltcheskavo nassiélenia v Rossii). Historical Library (Ist. Bibi.), 1878.
Sketch of the History of the Rural Commune in the North of Russia (Otcherk istorii ssiélskoï obchtchiny na siéviérié Rossii), St. Petersburg, 1877. 1 vol., 8vo.
Soloviov (S.): History of Russia, numerous editions, vols. vi. and vii.
Study of the Assemblies of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries, Messager Russe (Viéstnik Evropy), 1857.
History of the Relations between the Russian Princes of the House of Rurik (Istoria otnochenii miédjou rousskimii Kniaziami …). Moscow, 1847. 1 vol.
Soudiébnik gossoudaria Tsaria Ivana. See Code.
Sprawy wojenne Króla S. Batorego. See Wars.
Startchevski (A. von): Historiæ Ruthenicæ scriptores extert seculi XVI. Berlin and St. Petersburg, 1841. 2 vols.
State Papers of the Polish Kingdom relating to the Reign of Batory (Akta Metryki Korronej …), Pawinski. Warsaw, 1884. 1 vol.
State Papers of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania dealing with the Diplomatic Relations of that Country during the Reign of Batory (Kniga possolskaïa Metryki viélikavo Kniajestva Litovskavo). Pogodine and Doubiénski, Moscow, 1843. 1 vol. .
Stein (Fr.): Geschichte des Russischen Heeres. Leipzig, 1895. 1 vol.
Stépiénnaïa Kniga. See Book.
Stoglav. See Report.
Stroganovskaïa liétopis. See Siberian Chronicle.
Stryjkowski: Chronicle. (Collection of Polish Historians.) See that title.
Sulicovius (I. D. Solikowski): Commentarius brevis rerum polonicarum. Dantzig, 1647. 1 vol.
Sylvester: Epistles. Barssov, Christian Readings (Khristianskiié Tchténia), 1871.
Szadeczky (Lajos): Bathory Istvan. Budapest, 1887. 1 vol.
Szlachtowski: Ten Years of the Reign of Stephen Batory (Dziesiec lat panowania S. B.). Cracow, 1850, unfinished
Szujski (J.): Works, second series. Cracow, 1894, vol. ii.
Tatichtchev. See Code of Ivan IV.
Taube (J.) and Kruse (E).: Zar Ivan der Grausame, Sendschreiben an Gotthard Kettler (1579), (Beiträge zur Kenntniss Russlands.) See that title.
Tchetchouline (N. D.): The Towns of the Empire of Moscow in the Sixteenth Century (Goroda moskovskavo gossoudarstvo). St. Petersburg, 1889. 1 vol.
Tchitcherine (B. N.): Essays on the History of Russian Law (Opyty po istorii rousskavo prava). Moscow, 1858. 1 vol.
Popular Representation (O narodnom predstavitiélstvié). Moscow, 1866. 1 vol.
Theiner: Annales ecclesiastici. Rome, 1856. 3 vols.
Tiépolo: Narratio Historica de Moscovitico Imperio, 1559. Hist. Russie Monumenta, i.
Tolstoï (G.): Relations between Russia and England from 1553–1593 (Piérvyi ssorok liét snochenii miédjou R.i A.). St. Petersburg, 1875. 1 vol.
Tolstoï (I.) and Kondakov (N.): Monuments of Ancient Art in Russia (Rousskaïa drevnosti v pamiatnikakh isskoustva). St. Petersburg, 1897–1899, vols. iv., v., and vi.
Tratchevski: The Interregnum in Poland after the Extinction of the Jagellon Dynasty (Polskoié bezkorolévié po prekrachtchenii dinastii Iagiéllonov). Moscow, 1869. 1 vol.
Tsarstviennaïa Kniga. See Chronicle of the Reign of Ivan.
Tsviétaiev (D.): Protestantism and Protestants in Moscow (Protestanstvo i Protestanty v Rossii). Moscow, 1890. 1 vol.
Tverskaïa Liétopis. See Chronicle of Tver.
Tyjnov: View of the Information collected by Foreigners as to Siberia. Siberian Collection (Sibirskii Sbornik), 1887.
Ulefeld (J.): Legatio Moscovitica sive Hodœporicon Ruthenicum. Startchevski, i.
Urkunden der Grafen de la Gardie. J. Lossius, Derpt, 1882. 1 vol.
Valiouév (D. A.): Study of St. Philip. Educational Library (Biblioteka dla Vospitania), 1845.
Vasiliévski: The German and Polish Press on the War between Batory and Ivan IV. Review of the Ministry of Public Instruction, 1889.
Véliaminov-Ziérnov (V. N.): Study of the Tsars of Kassimov (Izsliédovania o Kassimovskikh tsariakh). St. Petersburg, 1870. 1 vol.
Vigenère (Blaise de): Poloigne. Paris, 1573. 1 vol.
Viollet-le-Duc (E.): L’Art Russe. Paris, 1877. 1 vol.
Vladimirski-Boudanov (F.): Chrestomathy of Russian Law (Kristomatia istorii r.p.). Moscow, 1887. 1 vol.
Sketch of the History of Russian Law (Obzor istorii rousskavo prava). Moscow, 1890. 1 vol.
Warszewicki: Vita … Stephani, regis Poloniæ. Bâle, 1612. 1 vol.
Wielewicki (Abbé John): Journal, 1579–1599. Scriptores rerum polonicarum, vii.
Wierzbowski (F.): Vincenzo Laureo, Bishop of Mondovi, Nuncio … in Poland, 1574–1578. Warsaw, 1888. 1 vol.
Wierzbowski (F.): Two Candidatures for the Throne of Poland, 1574–1575 (Dvié Kandidatoury na polskoii prestol). Warsaw, 1889. 1 vol.
Winkelmann (E.): Bibliotheca Livonie Historica. Berlin, 1878. 1 vol.
Wittsen: North-Western Tartary. Collection of Northern Travels, viii.
Zabiéline (I.): Private Life of the Tsars, and Private Life of the Tsarinas of Russia (Domachnii byt tsarov and Domachnii byt tsarits). Moscow, 1872 and 1895, third edition. 2 vols.
History of Moscow (Istoria Moskvy). Moscow, 1902. 1 vol.
Characteristics of the Knowledge of Ancient Russia. Annals of the Fatherland, 1856.
Original Features of Ancient Architecture. Archives of Russian Art, 1894.
View of the History of the Development of the Muscovite Autocracy. Historical Messenger (Istoritcheskii Viéstnik), 1881.
Zagoskine (G.): History of Political Law in the Muscovite Empire (Istoria prava Moskovskavo gossoudarstva). Kazan, 1877. 1 vol.
Zakrzewski (V.): After the Flight of Henri de Valois (Dzieje Bezkrólewia … 1574–1575). Cracow, 1878. 1 vol.
Relations between the Holy See and Ivan the Terrible (Stosunki miedzy Stolica Apostolska a Iwanem Grozny). Cracow, 1874. 1 vol.
Zaleski (Abbé): The Jesuits in Poland (Jezuici w Polcse). Lemberg, 1900, vol. i.
Zamyslovski (E.): Herberstein's Data, Historical and Geographical. Review of the Ministry of Public Instruction, 1882.
The Conquest of Siberia. Same publication, 1882.
Study of Sylvester. Political Science Collection (Sbornik Gossoudarstviénnykh Znanii). St. Petersburg, 1875, vol. ii.
Zaoustinski (C.): The Metropolitan Macarius. Review of the Ministry of Public Instruction, 1881.
Zarinksi (Father P.): Sketch of the Ancient History of Kazan (Otcherk drevnieï Kazani). Kazan, 1877. 1 vol.
- ↑ One of the best-known pamphlets of the period, and quoted for that reason.