Jesuit Education/Appendix 2
Appendix II.
I. Primary Sources.
The Constitutions of the Society of Jesus. Numerous editions in Latin. The English translation, published by a Protestant in 1838 (London, Rivington, etc.), is very unscholarly and unreliable. – The fourth part of the Constitutions, which treats of the studies, is given in Latin and German in the work of Father Pachtler quoted further on (vol. I, pp. 9-69).
Decreta Congregationum Generalium. (Decrees of the General Congregations of the Society.) The General Congregation is the legislative assembly of the Order; the decrees of different Congregations relating to studies are contained in Father Pachtler's work, vol. I, pp. 70-125.
Ratio atque Institutio Studiorum Societatis Jesu, usually quoted as Ratio Studiorum. Latin text and German translation in Pachtler's vol. II, and German translation in Father Duhr's Studienordnung.
Pachtler, G. M., S. J. Ratio Studiorum et Institutiones Scholasticae Societatis Jesu per Germaniam olim vigentes. Berlin, Hofmann, 1887-1894. Volumes II, V, IX, and XVI of the great collection
Monumenta Historica Societatis Jesu, Madrid, 1894 foll.
Monumenta Paedagogica, Madrid, 1901-1902.
The following works are important commentaries on the Ratio Studiorum:
Sacchini, F., S. J., Paraenesis ad Magistros Scholarum Inferiorum Societatis Jesu, and Protrepticon ad Magistros Scholarum Inferiorum Societatis Jesu (1625). – German translation by J. Stier, S. J., in Herder's Bibliothek der katholischen Pädagogik, 1898, vol. X, pp. 1-185.
Jouvancy, J., S. J., Ratio Discendi et Docendi (1703). Of this important educational work (see above pp. 434-435) there exist eighteen editions in the original Latin, a French translation by J. Lefortier, Paris 1803, and a recent German translation: Lern-und Lehrmethode, by R. Schwickerath, S. J., in Herder's Bibliothek, etc., 1898, vol. X, pp. 207 322.
Kropf, F. X., S. J., Ratio et Via Recte atque Ordine Procedendi in Literis Humanioribus Aetati Tenerae Tradendis (1736). German translation: Gymnasial-Pädagogik, by F. Zorell, S. J., in Herder's Bibliothek, vol. X, pp. 323 466. (We quote Kropf, Ratio et Via.)
2. Works Treating Exclusively of Jesuit Education.
Hughes, T., S. J., Loyola and the Educational System of the Jesuits. New York, Scribners, 1892. — Belongs to the Great Educators Series, edited by Nicholas Murray Butler.
Duhr, B., S. J., Die Studienordnung der Gesellschaft Jesu. Freiburg (Germany) and St. Louis, Mo., 1896. —
Maynard, Abbé, The Studies and Teaching of the Society of Jesus at the Time of its Suppression. Translated from the French. Baltimore, John Murphy, 1855.
De Rochemonteix, C., S. J., Un Collège de Jesuites aux XVII. et XVIII. sitcles. Le College Henri IV. de la Flèche. 4 volumes. Le Mans, Leguicheux, 1889. —
Chossat, M., S. J., Les Jésuites et leurs oeuvres à Avignon,1553 1768. Avignon, Seguin, 1896.
De Badts de Cugnac, A., "Les Jesuites et V Education." Lille, Desclée, 1879.
3. Works Having Particular Reference to Jesuit Education.
Paulsen, F., Geschichte des gelehrten Unterrichts auf den deutscken Schulen und Universitäten vom Ausgang des Mittelalters bis zur Gegenwart. Leipsic, Veit and Co., 1885; second edition in two volumes, 1896 1897.
Schmid, K. A., Geschichte der Erziehung vom Anfang bis auf unsere Zeit. 5 volumes in 10 parts, by a number of scholars and educators. Stuttgart, Cotta, 1884 —1901 (Part 3 of volume V, which will complete this great history of education, is not yet out).
Ziegler, T., Geschichte der Pädagogik. Munich, Beck, 1895. Is Part i, of vol. I of the Handbuch der Erziehungs-und Unterrichtslehre für höhere Schulen, edited by Dr. A. Baumeister.
Willmann, O., Didaktik als Bildungslehre. 2 volumes, Braunschweig, Vieweg, second edition, 1894.
Quick, H., His educational reformers. London, Longmans, Green and Co., 1868. The revised edition forms part of the International Education Series, New York, Appleton, 1890.
Jourdain, C., Histoire de l' Université de Paris aux 17e et 18e siècles. 2 volumes. Paris, Didot, 1888.
Duhr, B., S. J., Jesuitenfabeln (Jesuit myths). Freiburg and St. Louis, Herder, 3. edition, 1899.
Du Lac, S. J., Jésuites. Paris, Librairie Plon, 1901.
Huber, J., Der Jesuiten-Orden. Berlin, Habel, 1873.
Janssen, J., Geschichte des deutschen Volkes seit dem Ausgang des Mittelalters. 8 volumes. Herder, Freiburg and St. Louis. The edition used is the 18th of the first three volumes (1897 — 1899); 16th of vols. IV and VI; 14th of vol. V; 12th of vols. VII and VIII. The first three volumes have been translated into English:
History of the German People at the Close of the Middle Ages, by M. A. Mitchell and A. M. Christie. 6 volumes. London, Kegan Paul, 1896, 1900, 1903, and St. Louis, Mo., Herder.
4. Miscellaneous Works.
Butler, N. M., Education in the United States. A Series of Monograms prepared for the United States Exhibit at the Paris Exposition, 1900. Edited by Nicholas Murray Butler. Albany, J. B. Lyon Company, 1900.
Newman, Cardinal, Idea of a University, and Historical Sketches. London and New York, Longmans.
Russell, J. E., German Higher Schools. New York, Longmans, 1899.
The Life of James McCosh. A Record Chiefly Autobiographical. Edited by W. M. Sloane. New York, Scribners, 1897.
Fitch, Sir Joshua, Thomas and Matthew Arnold and their Influence on English Education. New York, Scribners, 1897. (Great Educators Series.)
Alzog, J., Manual of Universal Church History. Translated from the German by Dr. Pabisch and Professor Byrne. 3 volumes. Cincinnati, Clarke, 1878.
Pastor, L., The History of the Popes from the Close of the Middle Ages.Edited by F. I. Antrobus. 6 volumes. London, John Hodges and Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co., 1891 foll., and Herder, St. Louis, Mo. The original German edition in 3 volumes, Herder, Freiburg and St. Louis, Mo.
Guggenberger, A., S. J., A General History of the Christian Era. 3 volumes. St. Louis, Herder, 1900 — 1901.
Rashdall, H., Universities of Europe in the Middle Ages. 2 volumes in 3 parts. Oxford, 1895.
Drane, A. T., Christian Schools and Scholars, or Sketches of Education from the Christian Era to the Council of Trent. 2 volumes. London, Longmans, 1867.
Taylor, H. O., The Classical Heritage of the Middle Ages. New York, Columbia University Press (Macmillan), 1900.
Einstein, L., The Italian Renaissance in England. New York, Columbia University Press, 1902.
Woodward, W. H., Vittorino da Feltre and other Humanist Educators. Cambridge, University Press, 1897.
Gasquet, F. A., O. S. B., The Eve of the Reformation. London and New York, 1900.
Baumgartner, A., S. J., Geschichte der Weltliteratur. Herder, 1897 1900.
Nägelsbach, C. F., Gymnasial - Pädagogik. Third edition, Erlangen, 1879.
Dettweiler, P., Didaktik und Methodikdes Lateinischen. Munich, Beck, 1895.
Didaktik und Methodik des Griechischen. Munich, Beck, 1898.
Schiller, H., Handbuch der praktischen Pädagogik für höhere Lehranstalten. Leipsic, Reisland, 1894, 3d edition.
Lehrpläne und Lehraufgaben für die höheren Schulen in Preussen, 1901 (The Prussian School Order). Official edition. Halle, Waisenhaus, 1901.
Verhandlungen über die Fragen des höheren Unterrichts. Berlin, 6. bis 8. Juni 1900. Halle, Waisenhaus, 1902.
Report of the Commissioner of Education. Washington, Government Printing Office.
5. Periodicals Quoted Frequently.
American: Educational Review, Atlantic Monthly, North American Review, Forum, American Catholic Quarterly, American Ecclesiastical Review, Messenger, The Review, Woodstock Letters (published at Woodstock College, for private circulation).
English: Month, Tablet, Dublin Review, Fortnightly Review, Nineteenth Century, Contemporary Review.
German: Neue Jahrbücher für das klassische Altertum, Geschichte und deutsche Literatur und für Pädagogik (Leipsic, Teubner), Monatschrift für höhere Schulen (Berlin, Weidmann), Stimmen aus Maria-Laach (Freiburg, Herder).
French: Études (Paris, Victor Retaux).