Jesuit Education/Index
Academies, in Jesuit colleges, 518 sqq.
Accessories, in Jesuit curriculum, 118, 125, 192.
Acosta, Jesuit writer, 159.
Adaptability, of Jesuit system, 197, sqq., 280—296.
Agricola, humanist, 33, 60, 67.
Albertus Magnus, 39, 99.
Alcala, university, 4243, 79.
d'Alembert, 149, 174, 176.
Algué, Jesuit scientist, 230—231.
Aloysius, St., feast of students, 557; devotion to, 559—560.
Alvarez, 121 sqq., grammar, 286.
Ancient authors, see "Classical Studies.'*
Antiquities, as taught in schools, 199, 284, 382, 451 454; method of teaching, 486 sqq., 519520; Jesuit writers on, 157—158, 233.
Appointment, of teachers according to ability, 439—442.
Aquaviva, General of the Society of Jesus, 103, 109 sqq., 113.
Aquinas, St. Thomas, 39, 99; in Jesuit system, 132, 136, 193194.
Archaeology, see "Antiquities".
Arnold, Matthew, on translating, 354.
Arnold, Thomas, son of former, 163 note 2.
Astronomers, Jesuits, 179-180, 226—229, 232.
Astronomy, in Jesuit curriculum, 131, 194.
Athletics, in college, 569 sqq.
Auger, Jesuit writer, 593.
Austen, T., 321—322.
Authority of teacher, 610—614.
Avignon, Jesuit College, 127 128.
Azarias, Brother, 11 note.
Bacon, Roger, 39—40, 46. Bacon, Francis, 39—40; on Jesuit schools, 145.
Balde, Jesuit writer, 130, 161—162.
Ballestrem, Count, on Jesuit teachers, 535.
Bancroft, G., on Jesuit colleges, 145; Catholics in Maryland, 203.
Barbier, Jesuit educator, 623—624.
Barnard, Henry, on Jesuit schools, 650 sgq.
Barnes, Dr., 323—824.
Barth, Professor, 566.
Bartoli, Jesuit writer, 137.
Bayer, Jesuit educator, 121 note 4.
Beaumont (England), Jesuit College, 257.
Beissel, Jesuit writer, 236.
Benedict, St., 86, 633.
Benedict XIV., Pope, Jesuit pupil, 172; on the Sodalities, 561.
Beschi, Jesuit linguist, 152.
Beirut, Jesuit University 206.
Biblical World, on religious instruction, 577—578, 585, 603.
Bidermann, Jesuit writer, 130.
Bishops of France, on Jesuits, 273 sqq.
Boarding schools, of Jesuits, 250; dangers of boarding schools, 537 sqq., 552, and note.
Boccaccio, humanist, 50.
Bohemia Manor, Maryland, Jesuit school, 204.
Bollandists, Jesuit historians, 161, 234—235.
Bolsius, Jesuit scientist, 233.
Bombay, St. Francis Xavier, Jesuit College, 206, 216.
Bonaveuture, St., 39, 99.
Bonifacio, Jesuit educator, 163, 453, 645.
Bonvalot, Jesuit educator, 127.
Boscovich, Jesuit scientist, 179.
Boston College and President Eliot, 224 sqq.
Branch teacher, 442 sqq.
Braun, Jesuit scientist, 232.
Braunsberger, Jesuit historian, 236.
Brethren of the Common Life, 31—33, 138; see correction 653.
Briggs, Dean of Harvard College, 320, 406, 538—639.
Bristol, Professor in Cornell University, 397 note 1, 398, 401 note 1, 505.
Broderick, G. C., 409-410, 415.
Browning, O., on Jesuit education, 16, 186, 244-245, 263.
Brownson, O., 331, 529.
Brunetière, F., 550, 658.
Brunswick, laws against Jesuit schools, 240—241.
Bryce, James, 305—306, 338.
Buckle, H. T., 263.
Buffier, Jesuit geographer, 128, 448 note.
Bunyan, 265.
Busaeus, Jesuit, 44, 138.
Caesar, 381—382.
Cajori, Professor, 155-156, 157.
Calcutta, Jesuit College, 216.
Calmette, Jesuit Sanskrit scholar, 151—152.
Cambridge, 69—70.
Campbell, Thomas, writer, 577 note.
Canfield. President, 313—315, 572 note.
Carroll, Charles of Carrollton, 204, 260, 340.
Carroll, John, Jesuit and first Archbishop of Baltimore, 204—205, 260; founder of Georgetown College, 205.
Castelein, Jesuit writer, 235.
Catechisms written by Jesuits, 592 sqq.
Catharine II., of Russia, and the Jesuits, 177—178, 189, 258.
Catholics, and the Bible, 587 sgq.; and sectarian schools, 579 sqq.
Cathrein, Jesuit writer, 235 note 2, 237.
Changes of teachers, 91—97, 444—445.
Character training, 317 sqq., 522 sqg.
Charlemagne, 23, 26.
Chateaubriand, 184—185.
Chevalier, Jesuit scientist, 231.
China, cartographic works of Jesuits, 129, 158; philological works, 153—154, 158, 232, 656; Jesuit mathematicians, 156, 158; Jesuit schools, 206—208.
Chossat, Jesuit writer, 128, and passim.
Christian Brothers, 88, 98.
Chrysostom, St., 85.
Church and education, "Catholic Church."
Cicero, 88, 189, 376, 377 sqq., 395—396, 468—471, 500.
Clarke, Jesuit writer and educator 212, 235, 423—424, 551—555.
Classes in Jesuit schools, 118 sqq., 370, 372 sqq.
Class teachers, 442 sqq.
Clavius (Klau), Jesuit, mathematician, 133—134, 155, 438.
Clement XIV., Pope, 175.
Clerc, A., Jesuit teacher, 645.
Clergymen as educators, 100, 408, 601—602.
Clerics, Regular, 80 note 3.
Coe, Professor in Northwestern University, 579.
Coeurdoux, Jesuit Sanskrit scholar, 151.
Colet, Dean, 30.
Comenius, 292.
Communion, educational influence, 557—558.
Comparative philology, contributions by Jesuits, 149—151.
Competition, see "Emulation."
Composition, see 'Written exercises."
Compulsory education, 23, 29, 66
Confession, educational influence of, 550—557.
Constitutions of the Society, 74—75, 101 sqq.
Contests, exercises in Jesuit schools, 511 sqq.
Conway, James, Jesuit writer, 577 note.
Copernicus, 33, 42.
Cortie, Jesuit astronomer, 229.
Coster, Jesuit educator, 44, 138.
Cramming in modern systems, 299 sqq.
Cubberley, Professor, 649, 650.
Cusanus, Cardinal, 33.
Dahlmann, Jesuit scholar, 233, 236.
Dalberg, Bishop, patron of learning, 34.
Dana, C., 3438.
Daniel, Jesuit writer, 128, 366.
Dante, 48—49, 387, 391.
Darjeeling, Jesuit College, 216.
Dark Ages, 21 sqq.
Davidson, Thomas, on Jesuit system, 13—14, 76 note.
Decline of teaching, 404—407.
Decurions, 139, 286.
Deharbe, J., Jesuit, 599.
Delaney, W., Jesuit, 606. Demosthenes, 398.
Denis, Jesuit writer, 131, 162, 181.
Denominational schools, 580 sqq.;
Dewey, Admiral, on Jesuit Observatory at Manila, 230.
Dierckx, Jesuit scientist, 233.
Discipline, in school, 537 sqq., 608—635.
Disraeli, 583, 589—590.
Döllinger, 58, 61; on the Jesuits, 103, 189, 277.
Dominicans, 39, 56, 86—87, 99.
Dowling, M. P., Jesuit, 298.
Draper, President, 293, 301 note, 327.
Dressel, Jesuit scientist, 236—237.
Dreves, Jesuit writer, 236.
Dufrène, Jesuit educator, 121, 126
Du Halde, Jesuit geographer, 159.
Duhr, Jesuit historian, 12, 112, and passim.
Du Pous, Jesuit linguist, 151.
Duruy, A., on Jesuit schools, 218, 260, 535 note 2.
Edward VI, 29, 30, 652.
Ehrle, Jesuit historian, 234, 236, 238.
Einstein, L., 28, 31, 37.
Elective system, 5—6, 9—10, 310—329.
Electrical World, 293—294, 311, 339 note.
Elsperger, Professor, 196—197.
Emery, Abbé, 184.
Emulation, as a factor in education, 511—518.
England, Bishop, 330 note, 340.
English, teaching of, "Mother-tongue."
Eobanus Hessus, 55, 61.
Epping, Jesuit scientist, 236.
Ethics, 131, 284.
Euclid, 153; non-Euclidean geometry, 156—157, cf. "Saccheri."
Example of teacher, 419, 531 sqq, 627, 630.
Explanation, of authors, see "Prelection."
Expulsion of the Jesuits from various countries, 200, 225.
Expurgated editions of the classics, 363 sqq., 562 sqq.
Eyre, Jesuit educator, 111.
Fear, element of authority, 614.
Febres, Jesuit linguist, 155.
Feldkirch, Austria, Jesuit College, 411, 573.
Feltre, see "Vittorino."
Ferry, French Premier, 222, 260.
Fisher, John, Bishop, 30, 53.
Fischer, Joseph, Jesuit writer, 237.
Fox, Jesuit philologist, 236.
Francis Xavier, St., 43, 78, 79: Jesuit College in: Bombay, 206, 216; Calcutta, 216; New York, 202.
Franciscans, 39, 56 note 2, 99.
Freiburg, Jesuit College, 163 note 2, 332 note 2, 573.
Friars, 39 sqq., 80 note 3.
Frisbee, S. H., Jesuit, 479 sqq.
Gambetta, 220.
Gates, Professor, 577.
Gaubil, Jesuit sinologist, 153.
Gaume, Abbé, 366 sqq.
Geiler, of Kaisersberg, 34—35.
Genelli, Jesuit writer, 15, 73, 280.
General of the Society of Jesus, 101—102.
General Congregations, 101—102.
Genung, Professor, 383.
Georgetown, Jesuit College, 205, 227, 261, 411.
Gerard, J., Jesuit writer, 298, 337.
Gibbon, 450, 514.
Gietmann, Jesuit writer, 236.
Gnauck-Kühne, Mrs., 96 sqq.
Goodwin, Professor, 544. Grammar, study of, 370 sqq.; Greek, 392 sqq.
Gratuitousness of instruction, 246, 249—250.
Greek, study of, 339 sqq., 392 sqq.
Gretser, Jesuit writer, 121 note 3.
Grimaldi, Jesuit scientist, 157.
Grisar, Jesuit historian, 46, 234.
Groot, Gerard, 31.
Guggenberger, Jesuit historian, 54 sqq.
Guizot, 425.
Günther, Professor, 180—181.
Hadley, President of Yale University, 2 note 1, 339 note 1.
Hadley, Professor, 479 sqq.
Hagen, Jesuit mathematician, 227, 237, 655.
Hallam, 67—69, 71, 951.
Hanus, Professor, 310—311.
Hanxleden, Jesuit scholar, 151.
Hardouin, Jesuit historian, 160.
Harris, W. T., Commissioner of Education, 330 note.
Hartmann, Edward von, 52—53.
Harvard University, 1, 203, 223, 315, 326, 327.
Health, of pupils cared for, 124, 572 sqq.
Hegius, humanist, 33—34, 53, 60.
Hell, Jesuit astronomer, 179.
Helmholtz, Professor, 333, 356.
Herodotus, 395.
Hervas, Jesuit linguist, 149—151, 181.
Henry VIII, 29—380, 69, 70, 652.
Herder, 161.
Hildebrand, 337, 349.
Hillig, F., Jesuit, 232.
Historians, among Jesuits, 160—161, 233—234, 235.
Hohenlohe, Prince, 173.
Holguin, Jesuit scholar, 154,
Holzmüller, Director, 333.
Home tasks, 475 sqq.
Homer, 354, 399—401, 480 sqq.
Horace, 391.
Howorth, Sir Henry, on the Jesuits, 175, 256 note, 532 note 2.
Huber, Professor, 77—78, 103, 104, 148, 252, 258.
Hughes, se Jesuit writer, 200 and passim.
Humanities, class in Jesuit system, 119, 370.
Humphrey, W., Jesuit writer, 81 note.
Hutten, humanist, 55, 59, 60.
Impartiality of teacher, 612, 619—622.
India (East), Jesuit writers, 151—182; colleges, 206, 216.
Intellectual scope of education, 297 sqq., 316, 322 sqq.;
liberty, 136 note 2, 251—253, 270—271, 489.
Interpretation, see "Prelection."
Italy, education, see "Humanism."?
Jäger, Dr., 351, 371.
Jansenists, 164, 174.
Janssen, 23 sqq., and passim.
Jogues, Jesuit in New York, 201—202.
Jones, President of Hobart College, 307, 321, 339, 541 note.
Jourdain, 182—184, 270—271.
Jullien, Jesuit scientist, 232.
Juniorate, 422, 431 sqq.
Kant, 824, 513, 643.
Kemp, E. L., 10 note, 513, 652—653.
Kempis, Thomas a, 31, 382, 322, 527, 610.
Kepler, astronomer, on Jesuit writers, 657.
Kern, Professor, 531.
Ketteler, Bishop, 241, 534.
Kino (Ktihn), Jesuit missionary and geographer, 129.
Knecht, Bishop, 592—593.
Kohlmann, Jesuit in New York, 202.
König, Jesuit writer, 127.
Körner, 585—536.
Kreiten, Jesuit writer, 236.
Kübler, Dr., 290, 510.
Kugler, Jesuit scholar. 236.
Labbe, Jesuit historian, 128, 160, 448 note.
La Cerda, Jesuit philologist, 162, 163.
Ladevèze, M. de, on Jesuits, 267, 609.
La Flèche, Jesuit College, 168, 484.
Lainez, General of the Society, 79, 101.
Lalande, 179, 180, 186.
Lang, Andrew, 265.
Lang, Jesuit writer, 165.
La Rue (Ruaeus), Jesuit philologist, 163-164. Leach, A. F., 30, 430, 652—653.
Ledesma, Jesuit educator, 108, 138, 403—404, 445,
Lehmkuhl, Jesuit writer, 237.
Leibnitz, 52, 156, 161.
Lemaître, J., 368 sqq.
Leon, Jesuit, founder of Sodalities, 560.
Leopold I., King of Belgium, on Jesuit schools, 259.
Liberal education, 301, 305, 307, 341.
Liège, school, 33, 107, 139, 140—141, 240.
Limerick, P., 276.
Lines, as punishment, 497, 619.
Littledale, Canon, 73, 103, 264.
Livy, 382.
Longhaye, Jesuit writer, 234.
Louis-le-Grand, Jesuit College, 144.
Louvain, school, 33, 138.
Lowell, 323, 357.
Loyola, see Ignatius.
Lucas, Herbert, Jesuit writer, 532.
Lugo, Jesuit theologian, 109, 427.
Mabillon, Benedictine historian, 87.
Macaulay, 73.
Madagascar, Jesuits in, 231.
Maher, M., Jesuit writer, 235.
Mallinckrodt, von, 534.
Maunare, Oliver, Jesuit, 444.
Manila, Jesuit College and Observatory, 229 sqq.
Manning, Professor, 157 note.
Marquette, Jesuit, 128—129.
Martin, Luiz, General of the Society, 286—287, 297, 509.
Martineau, 320 sqq.
Martini, Jesuit geographer, 129, 159.
Maryland, Jesuits in, 202—204.
Masen, Jesuit writer, 164.
Matches, class matches, 515 sqq.
Mathematician' Jesuits, 155—158, 182, 227—228, 232.
Matthias, Dr., of Berlin, 4 note, 290, 510.
Memory lessons, 493—499.
Messina Jesuit College, 108, 137.
Messmer, Bishop of Green Bay, 592, 593 note 2.
Metereology, cultivated by Jesuits, 227, 229—232.
Method of teaching in practice, 456 "sqq."
Meyer, Theodore, Jesuit writer on ethics, 237.
Modern languages, 332; modern high school, 26.
Modesty, to be inculcated in pupils, 626 sqq.
Mommsen, Theodore, 378, 380, 381.
Monasticism, 80—84.
Monita Secreta, 102—108.
Monks, Protestant view of, 80 note 3; as educators, 84—87.
Monroe, Jesuit educator, 645 note.
Morality in Jesuit schools, 251 sqq., 531—536.
Moral training, 317 sgq., 522—573.
More, Thomas, 53.
Munich, splendor of Jesuit drama, 168—170.
Nägelsbach, Professor, 385, 387, 389—390, 398, 473.
Natalis, see "Nadal."
National questions, attitude of the Jesuits, 262—263.
Natural sciences, see "Sciences."
Neander, on monks as educators, 85—86.
Nepos, 384.
Nightingale, Professor, 307 note, 357.
Nobili, Robert, Jesuit, first European Sanskrit scholar, 151.
Notes taken in class, 463—465.
Non-sectarian school, 580 sqq.
Noviciate, in the Society, 418—422.
Obedience, of teacher, 609—610, 650; of pupil, 650.
Oberammergau, Passion play, and Jesuit drama, 169.
Observatories, of Jesuits, 180, 227, 229—232.
Odenbach, F. L., Jesuit meteorologist, 227.
Officials, in Jesuit colleges, 115—118.
Oliphant, L., 208.
Oratorians, 127, 448 note.
Ovid, 44, 385, 386, 565.
Oxford, 69—71, 212, 411.
Pantel, Jesuit scientist, 233.
Papenbroeck Jesuit historian, 161.
Patience, of teacher, 420, 630, 631—632, 646.
Patriotism, and Jesuit schools, 255—263.
Peck, Professor in Columbia, 223 note 2, 224, 327.
Permanent teachers, 435 sqq.
Perpinian, Jesuit writer, 162.
Perry, Jesuit astronomer, 228.
Pesch Henry, Jesuit writer, 237.
Petavius, Jesuit scholar, 160, 427, 448 note.
Petrarch, 49—50.
Phaedrus, 385, 472—473.
Physics, in Jesuit curriculum, 131, 134, 194.
Pitt, on classics, 358.
Plans of studies, previous to the Ratio Studiorum, 108—409. Plato, 396—398, 451.
Plautus, 165—166, 391, 565.
Polanco, Jesuit, 137.
Poland, W., Jesuit writer, 11 note, 577 note.
Politeness, of pupils, 626 sgq.
Politics, attitude of Jesuits, 262—263.
Pombal, 174.
Pompadour, 174.
Pontanus, Jesuit philologian, 110, 121 note 2, 162.
Poor pupils, care of, in Jesuit schools, 247—250.
Porée, Jesuit educator, 181.
Porter, Noah, of Yale, on Jesuit schools, 245, 246, 269.
Port Royal, 127, 164.
Portugal, suppression of Society, 174.
Postgate, Professor, 498 note.
Poulton, Jesuit, founder of school in Maryland, 203.
Prayer, educational help, 632 "sqq."
Prefect of Discipline, 117.
Prefect of Studies, 117, 609.
Prémare, Jesuit sinologist, 153.
Prescribed courses, 310—329.
Primary education, see "Elementary."
Prince Henry, and the Jesuits in China, 207—208.
Private talks with pupils, 548 "sqq."
Prizes, 514; see "Emulation".
Pronunciation, correct, 459—461; Roman, of Latin, 460 note.
Provincial, 101.
Prussia, Jesuit colleges after suppression, 176.
Psychology, in Jesuit course, 131, 194.
Punishments, 614—619; corporal, 616.
Quigley, Archbishop of Chicago, 302.
Quintilian, 419, 564, 614.
Ranke, 18, 89, 145, 246, 322, 595, 628.
Rashdall, H., 21 sqq., 29—80, 39—40, 41, 430.
Rector, President in Jesuit colleges, 115—116.
Reform-Gymnasium, 291—292, 336.
Relations, of Jesuits, 128.
Renaissance, see "Humanism."
Repetition, in Jesuit system, 466—467, 474.
Resistance, value of, in education, 319—322.
Rethwisch, C., 7 sqq.
Revival of Learning, see "Humanism."
Revision of the Ratio Studiorum, 191 sqq.
Rhetoric, class in Jesuit system 120, 370; meaning of, 432.
Ribadeneira, Peter, Jesuit writer, 102, 138, 511.
Ribot, M., on secondary schools in France, 218—219.
Ricci, Jesuit scholar, 153, 156.
Richelieu, Cardinal, Jesuit pupil, 172; on Jesuit colleges, 271.
Rivals, see "Class matches."
Rogers, Thorold, 30.
Roman College, 108, 110, 144, 227.
Roman history, 448—451.
Rousseau, 175, 643.
Rowland, Professor in Johns Hopkins University, 413.
Ruaeus (La Rue), Jesuit scholar, 163—164.
Ruhkopf, on morality in Jesuit schools, 537.
Ruiz, Jesuit linguist, 155.
Russia, Society preserved in, 177, 189. Sabatier, P., 209.
Saccheri, Jesuit mathematician, 156—157, 654—655.
Sadler, Mr., 659.
Saintsbury, on Southwell, 162.
Saint-Vincent, Gregory, 156.
Salamanca University, 41, 43, 79.
Salisbury, Lord, on undenominational religion, 583.
Sallust, 382—383.
Sallwürk, Dr. von, 485, 448 note.
Sanskrit, Jesuit scholars, 151—152.
Sanson, geographer, 448 note.
Sarbiewski, Jesuit poet, 161.
Savonarola, 51, 60.
Scaliger, 160, 657.
Schall, Jesuit mathematician, 156.
Scheiner, Jesuit scientist, 157.
Schiller, Director, 478, 566 note, 588—589, 601—602.
Scholars, Jesuits, see "Writers."
School drama, 164 sqq.
School management, 608—635.
Schopenhauer, 325.
Scoraille, Jesuit writer, 515—516.
Scotland, education before Reformation, 28—29.
Scotus, 39, 193, 425.
Secchi, Angelo, Jesuit astronomer, 226—227.
Sectarian schools, 580 sqq.
Seeley, Levi, 10 note, 37, 246—247, 511, 649.
Selfishness, alleged of Jesuits, 251, 254—255.
Seminary of teachers in Society, 433—434, 453.
Seneca, 384—385.
Seyffert, M., 309, 379, 507.
Shea, Gilmary, 536—537.
Shoup, W. J., 652.
Sirmond, Jesuit historian, 448 note.
Sixtus V., and the Ratio Studiorum, 112—113.
Sloane, Rev. M., on Jesuits, 243.
Smith, Clement L., 304—305.
Smith, Sydney, Jesuit writer, 173 note 1.
Snyder, Carl, 413.
Socrates, 253, 397.
Sodalities, 560—-562.
Sommervogel, Jesuit writer, 148.
Sources, of Ratio Studiorum, 136—143.
Southwell, Robert, Jesuit poet, 162.
Spahn, Deputy, on Jesuit scholars, 235—237.
Spain, schools, 40—44; suppression of Society, 174.
Spanish Inquisition, seized Ratio Studiorum, 112 sqq. Spe, Frederick, Jesuit writer, 130 and note 4.
Speaking Latin, 506 sqq.
Spencer, 525, 643.
Sport, see "Athletics."
St. Boniface, Jesuit College, 216.
Stephens, Jesuit linguist, 152.
Stiglmayr, Jesuit scholar, 237, 397.
Strassmaier, Jesuit assyriologist, 233, 236.
Stryker, President of Hamilton College, on liberal education, 341.
Studio, inferiora, 118 sqq.
Suarez, Jesuit theologian, 81 note, 88, 109, 426, 427.
Success, of Jesuit colleges, see "Efficiency."
Successive teaching, preferred to simultaneous, 118, 132.
Sunday schools, and religious training, 578.
Supervision in college, 537 sqq., 541 sqq., 546—547.
Syria, Jesuit schools, 106, 206—207, 209.
Tacitus, 383—384.
Taunton, E., 427—428.
Taylor, H. O., 45, 49, 82—83.
Teaching, in relation to scholarship, see "Scholarship."
Terence, 165166, 391, 565.
Tetlow, Principal, 327—328.
Text-books, of Jesuits, 163—164 393.
Theiner, 173, 178, 185.
Thomas, see "Aquinas" and "Kempis."
Thornton, A., 578—579.
Thring, E., 337, 616.
Thucydides, 395. Tiraboschi, Jesuit writer, 181.
Times, London, 222, 256—257.
Tolerance, religious and the Jesuits, 252—254, 595—596.
Tom Brown's School Days, 537, 572.
Tragedies, 401.
Training of teachers, see "Teachers."
Trendelenburg, Professor, 193.
Trent, Council of, and reform of education, 71.
Trichinopoli, Jesuit College, 206
Trivium and Quadrivium, 27, 44
Trotzendorf, 530.
Truth, on "Jesuit and Gaol-Bird System," 546—547.
Truthfulness, 628 sqq.
Tursellini, Jesuit writer, 126 note 2, 164.
Undenominational school, 579 sqq.
Valla, humanist, 51.
Vasquez, Jesuit theologian, 109, 426, 427.
Vatican library, 28.
Viger, Jesuit philologist, 164.
Virchow, Professor, 290, 334.
Virgil, 44, 49, 387—391, 471.
Visconti, General of the Society, 4831—482, 434, 442.
Vitelleschi, General of the Society, 549.
Vittorino da Feltre, 26—-28, 60, 563 note.
Vives, Luiz, humanist, 141—142.
Vogt, Professor, 336.
Wagner, Jesuit writer, 126.
Waldeck-Rousseau, and Jesuit schools, 186, 219.
Wasmann, Jesuit entomologist, 282—233, 236, 238.
Weissenfels, Professor, 306 note 3, 317.
Werenfels, Reformed theologian, 587.
West, Professor in Princeton, 344
Whitton, Professor, 251, 406.
Wiese, Dr., 309, 356.
Wilamowitz, von, (University of Berlin), 369, 378, 505.
Willmann, Professor, 4 note, 468 sqq., 473, 485.
Wimpheling, humanist, 35—36, 54, 60.
Windle, Dr., 581.
Winsor, Justin, on Jesuit writers, 154—155, 159.
Witchcraft, charges against Jesuit teachers, 148.
Women, education of in Middle Ages, 41, and note 2.
Xavier, see "Francis."
Xenophon, 394-395.
Ximenez, Cardinal, 42.
Yenni, Jesuit educator, 438.
Zaliorowski, 103.
Zallinger, three Jesuit scientists, 180-181.
Ziegler, Professor, 82 note, 140, 255, 270, 433, 582.
Zi-ka-wei, Jesuit College and observatory, 207-208, 232.
Zottoli, Jesuit sinologist, 656.