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Julius Caesar (1919) Yale/Appendix D

From Wikisource


Suggestions for Collateral Reading

Thomas Rymer: A Short View of Tragedy . . . with some Reflections on Shakespear. London, 16923. (Chapter viii begins with some twelve pages devoted to crude ridicule of Julius Cæsar.)

John Dennis: On the Genius and Writings of Shakespeare. London, 1711, (Reprinted in D. Nichol Smith's Eighteenth Century Essays on Shakespeare. Glasgow, 1903. Early appreciation of the Roman plays, disgruntled by pseudo-classical bias.)

William Hazlitt: Characters of Shakespear' s Plays. London, 1817. (Reprinted in 'Everyman's Library.' Standard criticism.)

Samuel Taylor Coleridge: Lectures and Notes on Shakespeare and Other English Poets. London, v. d. (Reprinted in 'Everyman's Library,' and in Bohn's Libraries. A landmark in modern literary criticism of Shakespeare.)

Henry Norman Hudson: Lectures on Shakespeare. New York, 1848. (Very full and sympathetic interpretations of character and action.)

George L. Craik: The English of Shakespeare; illustrated in A Philological Commentary on his Julius Cæsar. Revised ed. by W. J. Rolfe. Boston, 1867. (The most detailed commentary on the text of the play.)

Richard G. Moulton: Shakespeare as a Dramatic Artist. Oxford, 1885. (Contains some interesting theories of dramatic construction, with two chapters analyzing Julius Cæsar.)

Frederick S. Boas: Shakspere and his Predecessors. New York, 1896. (A useful general history, with a noticeably good treatment of Julius Cæsar among the discussions of the separate plays.)

Thomas R. Lounsbury: Shakespeare and Voltaire. New York, 1902. (A rather prolix study of pseudo-classicism's opposition to Shakespeare, with a searching discussion of Voltaire's revamping of Julius Cæsar.)

C. F. Tucker Brooke: Shakespeare's Plutarch. Vol. I: containing The Main Sources of Julius Cæsar. London, 1909. (A very convenient and thorough edition of North for the student's purposes.)

M. W. MacCallum: Shakespeare's Roman Plays and their Background. London, 1910. (An elaborate and comprehensive work.)

W. F. P. Stockley: Reading Julius Cæsar. Dublin, n. d. (By no means first-class in quality, but offering many helpful suggestions to the elementary-school teacher.)

A. DeV. Tassin: Julius Cæsar, in Shaksperian Studies by Members of the Department of English . . . in Columbia University. New York, 1916. (A fine piece of appreciative criticism, though one may fail to concur in all its views.)

H. H. Furness, Jr.: A New Variorum Edition of Shakespeare. Vol. XVII: Julius Cæsar. Philadelphia, 1913. (For the faults of this volume, see the present writer's article in Journal of English and Germanic Philology, 1919.)