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Julius Caesar (1919) Yale/Index

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(Figures in full-faced type refer to page-numbers)

abide: 47 (III. i. 94)

accoutred: 8 (I. ii. 105)

action, nor utterance: 62 (III. ii. 226)

address'd: 44 (III. i. 29)

affections: 23 (II. i. 20)

after their fashion: 17 (I. iii. 34)

aim: 10 (I. ii. 162)

alchemy: 22 (I. iii. 159)

alive: 78 (IV. iii. 195)

all over: 27 (II. i. 112)

along: 47 (III. i. 115)

an: 13 (I. ii. 268)

and no: 26 (II. i. 90)

angel: 61 (III. ii. 186)

annoy: 28 (II. i. 160)

answer . . . made: 20 (I. iii. 114)

answer on their charge: 84 (V. i. 24)

answer'd (atoned for): 57 (III. ii. 86)

answered (faced): 68 (IV. i. 47)

answered (fulfilled): 83 (V. i. 1)

apace: 92 (V. iii. 87)

apparent: 30 (II. i. 198)

appoint: 67 (IV. i. 30)

apprehensive: 45 (III. i. 67)

apt (impressionable): 91 (V. iii. 68)

apt (ready): 49 (III. i. 160)

are to: 36 (II. ii. 29)

art (theory): 78 (IV. iii. 193)

arts (works of art): 67 (IV. i. 37)

as (as if): 87 (V. i. 87)

as (expletive): 86 (V. i. 72)

as (such as): 10 (I. ii. 173)

as (where): 26 (II. i. 106)

as his kind: 23 (II. i. 33)

at once: 96 (V. v. 39)

at the stake: 68 (IV. i. 48)

Ate: 53 (III. i. 271)

barren-spirited: 67 (IV. i. 36)

battles: 83 (V. i. 4)

bay (bark at): 71 (IV. iii. 27)

bay'd (brought to bay): 50 (III. i. 204)

be not deceiv'd: 6 (I. ii. 37)

be out: 2 (I. i. 18)

be patient till the last: 55 (III. ii. 12)

bear . . . a hand: 5 (I. ii. 35)

bear his comment: 71 (IV. iii. 8)

bear me a bang: 65 (III. iii. 20)

bear me hard: 15 (I. ii. 318)

begin his fashion: 67 (IV. i. 39)

beholding: 57 (III. ii. 71)

bend: 8 (I. ii. 123)

bending . . . expedition: 77 (IV. iii. 169)

bestow thy time with: 97 (V. v. 61)

betimes: 27 (II. i. 116)

bills: 88 (V. ii. 1)

bird of night: 17 (I. iii. 26)

blood ill-temper'd: 75 (IV. iii. 114)

bloody sign of battle: 84 (V. i. 14)

bold: 26 (II. i. 86)

bootless: 46 (III. i. 75)

bosoms: 83 (V. i. 7)

bound in: 79 (IV. iii. 220)

brav'd: 74 (IV. iii. 95)

break with: 28 (II. i. 150)

brook'd: 10 (I. ii. 158)

brought: 16 (I. iii. 1)

Brutus (Lucius Junius): 10 (I. ii. 158)

Brutus' . . . history: 96 (V. v. 39, 40)

budge: 72 (IV. iii. 44)

but I will do so: 84 (V. i. 20)

by Cæsar: 49 (III. i. 162)

by him: 30 (II. i. 218)

by this: 20 (I. iii. 125)

by . . . whereof: 6 (I. ii. 49)

by your leave, gods: 92 (V. iii. 89)

by your pardon: 52 (III. i. 235)

Cæsar doth not wrong: 45 (III. i. 47)

calculate: 18 (I. iii. 65)

call in question: 77 (IV. iii. 164)

Capitol: 43 (III. i. S. d.)

carrion men (rotting corpses): 53 (III. i. 275)

carrions (wretches): 27 (II. i. 130)

cast . . . in: 18 (I. iii. 60)

Cato: 33 (II. i. 295); 87 (V. i. 102)

cautelous: 27 (II. i. 129)

ceremonies: 3 (I. i. 69)

change: 91 (V. iii. 51)

charactery: 34 (II. i. 308)

charm: 32 (II. i. 271)

check'd: 74 (IV. iii. 96)

chew: 10 (I. ii. 170)

chopped: 13 (I. ii. 245)

clean from the purpose: 17 (I. iii. 35)

climate: 17 (I. iii. 32)

close: 50 (III. i. 202)

closet: 23 (II. i. 35)

cobbler: 1 (I. i. 11)

cognizance: 38 (II. ii. 89)

cold demeanour: 88 (V. ii. 4)

Colossus: 9 (I. ii. 135)

colour: 23 (II. i. 29)

combin'd: 67 (IV. i. 43)

common pulpits: 46 (III. i. 80)

commons (plebeians): 59 (III. ii. 136)

commons (pasture): 67 (IV, i. 27)

companion: 76 (IV. iii. 137)

complexion . . . element: 20 (I. iii. 128)

conceited: 22 (I. iii. 162)

condemn'd to have: 71 (IV. iii. 10)

conference: 11 (I. ii. 187)

confidence: 37 (II. ii. 49)

confines: 53 (III. i. 272)

consorted: 87 (V. i. 83)

constant: 44 (III. i. 22)

construe (explain): 34 (II. i. 307)

construe (read meaning into): 6 (I. ii. 45)

coronets: 12 (I. ii. 238)

corse: 50 (III. i. 199)

couchings: 44 (III. i. 36)

countenance: 22 (I. iii. 159)

courtesies: 44 (III. 1. 36)

covert: 68 (IV. i. 46)

coward: 89 (V. iii. 4)

coward lips . . . colour: 8 (I. ii. 122)

crown him that: 2 (II. i. 15)

cull out: 3 (I. i. 53)

curtsies: 45 (III. i. 43)

custom of fell deeds: 53 (III. i. 269)

cut . . . charge: 66 (IV. i. 9)

cynic: 75 (IV. iii. 132)

dearer: 74 (IV. iii. 101)

degrees: 23 (II. i. 26)

dint: 61 (III. 11. 199)

directly: 1 (I. i. 12)

disclos'd: 68 (IV. i. 46)

discomfort: 93 (V. iii. 106)

dishonour . . . humour: 74 (IV. iii. 108)

disposing . . . dignities: 50 (III. i. 178)

do observe: 5 (I. ii. 32)

dogs of war: 53 (III. i. 273)

doublet: 13 (I. ii. 267)

drachmas: 63 (III. ii. 247)

drawing days out: 47 (III. i. 100)

drawn upon a heap: 16 (I. iii. 22, 23)

elements: 98 (V. v. 73)

empty: 67 (IV. i. 26)

emulation: 40 (II. iii. 14)

end: 36 (II. ii. 27)

enforced: 56 (III. ii. 43)

engagements: 34 (II. i. 307)

enlarge: 70 (IV. ii. 46)

enrolled: 55 (III. ii. 41)

entertain: 97 (V. v. 60)

envv: 28 (II. i. 164)

Erebus: 25 (II. i. 84)

eruptions: 19 (I. iii. 78)

even (equally divided): 84 (V. i. 17)

even (just): 27 (II. i. 133)

even with (quick as): 89 (V. iii. 19)

exhalations: 24 (II. i. 44)

exigent: 84 (V. i. 19)

exorcist: 34 (II. i. 323)

extenuated: 56 (III. ii. 42)

face: 84 (V. i. 10)

face of men: 27 (II. i. 114)

faction: 25 (II. i. 77)

factious: 20 (I. iii. 118)

fall: 69 (IV. ii. 26)

falling-sickness: 13 (I. ii 255)

fam'd with: 9 (I. ii. 152)

familiar instances: 69 (IV. ii. 16)

fashion (mould): 30 (II. i. 220)

fashion (phrase): 23 (II. 1. 30)

fatal: 87 (V. i. 88)

favour: 7 (I. ii. 91)

fear: 29 (II. i. 190)

fearful: 19 (I. iii. 78)

fearful bravery: 84 (V. i. 10)

fell distract: 76 (IV. iii. 154)

fellow: 93 (V. iii. 101)

ferret: 11 (I. ii. 185)

field: 98 (V. v. 80)

figures: 31 (II. i. 231)

flatterers: 85 (V. i. 44)

fleering: 20 (I. iii. 117)

flourish: 7 (I. ii. 78, S. d.)

fond: 44 (III. i. 39)

for (now for): 65 (III. iii. 26)

forc'd affection: 79 (IV. iii. 204)

force: 78 (IV. iii. 202)

formal constancy: 31 (II. i. 227)

former ensign: 87 (V. i. 80)

forms: 63 (III. ii. 264)

fourteen: 24 (II. i. 59)

freedom of repeal: 45 (III. i. 54)

freeman: 90 (V. iii. 41)

fret: 26 (II. i. 104)

from . . . kind: 18 (I. iii. 64)

from the main: 30 (II. i. 196)

full of . . . honour: 68 (IV. ii. 12)

gamesome: 5 (I. ii. 28)

general: 22 (II. i. 12)

general coffers: 57 (III. ii. 95)

genius: 24 (II. i. 66)

gentle: 98 (V. v. 73)

gently: 69 (IV. ii. 31)

get the start of: 9 (I. ii. 130)

give . . . accidental: 76 (IV. iii. 145)

give the word: 68 (IV. ii. 2)

glasses: 30 (II. i. 205)

go to: 71 (IV. iii. 32)

good cheer: 46 (III. i. 89)

good regard: 51 (III. i. 224)

great flood: 9 (I. ii. 151)

grief: 76 (IV. iii. 152)

griefs (grievances): 20 (I. iii. 118)

growing on: 26 (II. i. 107)

guilty . . . bastardy: 27 (II. i. 138)

had his eyes: 6 (I. ii. 62)

hart: 50 (III. i. 204)

have . . . health: 72 (IV. iii. 36)

havoc: 53 (III. i. 273)

he hears no music: 11 (I. ii. 203)

he should not humour me: 15 (I. ii. 320)

hearts of controversy: 8 (I. ii. 109)

held Epicurus strong: 86 (V. i. 77)

her: 3 (I. i. 49)

hie: 21 (I. iii. 150)

high-sighted: 27 (II. i. 118)

hinds: 20 (I. iii. 106)

his: 8 (I. ii. 124)

hold, my hand: 20 (I. iii. 117)

hold thee (wait): 92 (V. iii. 85)

holds on: 46 (III. i. 69)

holes: 30 (II. i. 205)

hollow: 69 (IV. ii. 23)

honours this corruption: 71 (IV. iii. 15)

hot at hand: 69 (IV. ii. 23)

how ill . . . burns: 82 (IV. iii. 274)

however: 15 (I. ii. 304)

humour (disposition): 30 (II. i. 210)

humour (whim): 37 (II. ii. 56)

hurtled: 36 (II. ii. 22)

Hybla: 85 (V. i. 34)

ides of March: 5 (I. ii. 18)

imitations: 67 (IV. i. 37)

impatient of: 76 (IV. iii. 151)

improve: 28 (II. i. 159)

in a general honest thought, etc.: 97 (V. v. 71, 72)

in his own change: 68 (IV. ii. 7)

in . . . limitation: 33 (II. i. 283)

in our black . . . proscription: 66 (IV. i. 17)

in respect of: 1 (I. i. 10)

in . . . speed: 4 (I. ii. 6)

in your bad strokes: 84 (V. i. 30)

incorporate: 21 (I. iii. 135)

indifferently: 7 (I. ii. 87)

indirection: 73 (IV. iii. 75)

ingrafted: 29 (II. i. 184)

insuppressive: 27 (II. i. 134)

is run his compass: 90 (V. iii. 25)

is to: 29 (II. i. 187)

issue: 54 (III. i. 294)

it shall have scope: 74 (IV. iii. 107)

jades: 69 (IV. ii. 26)

jealous (doubtful): 10 (I. ii. 161)

jealous on (suspicious of): 7 (I. ii. 71)

jigging: 76 (IV. iii. 136)

just: 6 (I. ii. 54)

kerchief: 34 (II. i. 315)

knave: 80 (IV. ii. 240)

knot: 47 (III. i. 117)

know his humour: 76 (IV. iii. 135)

labour'd . . . hour: 96 (V. v. 42)

law of children: 44 (III. i. 39)

leaden: 81 (IV. iii. 267)

learn'd . . . rote: 74 (IV. iii. 97)

let blood: 49 (III. i. 152)

let slip: 53 (III. i. 273)

lethe: 51 (III. i. 206)

liable: 39 (II. ii. 104)

light: 90 (V. iii. 31)

like (likely): 13 (I. ii. 255)

'like' is not 'the same': 40 (II. ii. 128)

listen: 67 (IV. i. 41)

live (if I live): 49 (III. i. 159)

lodge to-night: 76 (IV. iii. 139)

lost . . . bloods: 9 (I. ii. 150)

lottery: 27 (II. i. 119)

lover: 40 (II. iii. 9)

low-crooked: 45 (III. i. 43)

Lupercal: 3 (I. i. 71)

mace: 81 (IV. iii. 267)

made: 67 (IV. i. 44)

make conditions: 71 (IV. iii. 32)

make forth: 84 (V. i. 25)

make head: 67 (IV. i. 42)

malice: 49 (III. i. 174)

mark of favour: 25 (II. i. 76)

marry: 12 (I. ii. 228)

mart: 71 (IV. iii. 11)

Marullus: 1 (I. i. S. d.)

me (expletive): 13 (I. ii. 267)

mean: 49 (III. i. 161)

mechanical: 1 (I. i. 3)

meet: 10 (I. ii. 169)

melancholy's child: 91 (V. iii. 67)

merely: 6 (I. ii. 39)

mine own: 89 (V. iii. 2)

mistrust . . . success: 91 (V. iii. 65)

mock: 38 (II. ii. 96)

modesty: 51 (III. i. 213)

moe: 25 (II. i. 72)

monstrous state: 18 (I. iii. 71)

more (else): 16 (I. iii. 14)

mortal instruments: 24 (II. i. 66)

mortified: 34 (II. i. 324)

most like: 98 (V. v. 79)

motion: 24 (II. i. 64)

mov'd: 10 (I. ii. 166)

much: 81 (IV. iii. 254)

murderous: 81 (IV. iii. 266)

my name: 11 (I. ii. 198)

napkins: 59 (III. ii. 139)

native: 25 (II. i. 83)

naughty: 1 (I. i. 16)

neat's leather: 2 (I. i. 28)

new-added: 79 (IV. iii. 208)

nice: 71 (IV. iii. 8)

niggard . . . rest: 79 (IV. iii. 227)

night-gown: 35 (II. ii. S. d.)

noble vessel: 95 (V. v. 13)

none so poor: 59 (III. ii. 126)

noted: 70 (IV. iii. 8)

nothing (not at all): 10 (I. ii. 161)

nothing, Messala: 78 (IV. iii. 183)

objects: 67 (IV. i. 37)

observe: 72 (IV. iii. 45)

occupation: 14 (I. ii. 369)

o'er-watch'd: 80 (IV. iii. 240)

of (in): 28 (II. i. 157)

of . . . difference: 6 (I. ii. 40)

old Cassius still: 86 (V. i. 63)

omitted: 79 (IV. iii. 219)

on (being on): 25 (II. i. 83)

on the Lupercal: 58 (III. ii. 101)

once: 78 (IV. iii. 190)

only (alone): 97 (V. v. 56)

only I yield to die: 94 (V. iv. 12)

ope: 13 (I. ii. 267)

or . . . or: 27 (II. i. 135)

orchard: 22 (II. i. S. d.)

order: 51 (III. i. 230)

order of the course: 5 (I. ii. 25)

order'd: 98 (V. v. 79)

ordinance: 18 (I. iii. 66)

ordinary: 7 (I. ii. 73)

our deeds are done: 91 (V. iii. 64)

out (of temper): 2 (I. i. 17)

out of the teeth: 40 (II. iii. 14)

painted: 45 (III. i. 63)

palter: 27 (II. i. 126)

parley: 84 (V. i. 21)

part: 98 (V. v. 81)

part the numbers: 54 (III. ii. 4)

Parthia: 90 (V. iii. 37)

passion: 53 (III. i. 283)

path: 25 (II. i. 83)

peevish: 86 (V. i. 61)

phantasma: 24 (II. i. 65)

physical: 32 (II. i. 261)

pit: 96 (V. v. 23)

pitch: 4 (I. i. 77)

pleasures: 63 (III. ii. 255)

Pluto's: 74 (IV. iii. 101)

point upon: 17 (I. iii. 32)

Pompey's basis: 47 (III. i. 115)

Pompey's blood: 3 (I. i. 55)

Pompey's porch: 20 (I. iii. 126)

poor remains of: 95 (V. v. 1)

posture: 85 (V. i. 33)

powers: 67 (IV. i. 42)

practice: 71 (IV. iii. 31)

prætor's chair: 21 (I. iii. 143)

pray to move: 45 (III. 1. 59)

praying on his side: 70 (IV. iii. 4)

prefer (offer): 44 (III. i. 28)

prefer (recommend): 97 (V. v. 62)

pre-ordinance: 44 (III. i. 38)

present: 35 (II. ii. 5)

press: 38 (II. ii. 88)

prevent: 23 (II. i. 28)

prevention: 25 (II. i. 85)

prick'd in number: 51 (III. i. 216)

proceeding: 39 (II. ii. 103)

produce: 51 (III. i. 228)

profess myself: 7 (I. ii. 77)

promised forth: 14 (I. ii. 294)

proof: 23 (II. i. 21)

proper (belonging): 6 (I. ii. 41)

proper (individual): 93 (V. iii. 96)

proper (worthy): 2 (I. i. 27)

property: 67 (IV. i. 40)

protest: 52 (III. i. 238)

protester: 7 (I. ii. 74)

put on: 18 (I. iii. 60)

put to silence: 14 (I. ii. 291)

quarrel: 23 (II. i. 28)

quarter'd: 53 (III. i. 268)

question of: 55 (III. ii. 41)

quick: 5 (I. ii. 29)

quick mettle: 15 (I. ii. 301)

raise: 81 (IV. iii. 246)

rank (over-ripe): 49 (III. i. 152)

rank (position): 46 (III. i. 69)

rascal counters: 73 (IV. iii. 80)

rated: 30 (II. i. 216)

reason with: 87 (V. i. 97)

rebel: 45 (III. i. 40)

relics: 38 (II. ii. 89)

remorse: 23 (II. i. 19)

repealing: 45 (III. i. 51)

replication: 3 (I. i. 50)

resolved: 48 (III. i. 131)

respect (heed): 73 (IV. iii. 69)

respect (worth): 6 (I. ii. 59)

resting: 45 (III. i. 61)

rheumy: 32 (II. i. 266)

right form: 36 (II. ii. 20)

right on: 62 (III. ii. 227)

riv'd: 73 (IV. iii. 84)

robbers: 71 (IV. iii. 23)

Rome: 10 (I. ii. 155)

rude: 55 (III. ii. 33)

ruffle: 62 (III. ii. 232)

sad: 12 (I. ii. 216)

saving of: 90 (V. iii. 38)

scandal: 7 (I. ii. 76)

schedule: 43 (III. i. 3)

search: 90 (V. iii. 42)

security gives way: 40 (II. iii. 8)

sennet: 5 (I. ii. 24, S. d.)

sensible of: 16 (I. iii. 18)

serv'd: 43 (III. i. 8)

set on: 4 (I. ii. 11)

several hands: 15 (I. ii. 321)

shape . . . condition: 32 (II. i. 253, 254)

show'd . . . apes: 85 (V. i. 41)

shrewd contriver: 28 (II. i. 158)

sick offence: 32 (II. i. 268)

sickly prey: 87 (V. i. 87)

side: 88 (V. ii. 2)

sign . . . profession: 1 (I. i. 4, 5)

sign'd . . . spoil: 51 (III. i. 206)

sink in the trial: 69 (IV. ii. 27)

sky: 17 (I. iii. 39)

sleek-headed: 11 (I. ii. 192)

slighted off: 70 (IV. iii. 5)

smatch: 96 (V. v. 46)

so (if): 10 (I. ii. 165)

so please him: 48 (III. i. 140)

sober form: 70 (IV. ii. 40)

soft: 13 (I. ii. 252)

softly: 70 (IV. ii. 42)

soil: 6 (I. ii. 42)

sooth: 41 (II. iv. 20)

space . . . honours . . . trash: 71 (IV. iii. 25, 26)

spaniel: 45 (III. i. 43)

speed: 7 (I. ii. 88)

spurn at: 22 (II. i. 11)

stains: 38 (II. ii. 89)

stal'd: 67 (IV. i. 38)

stale: 7 (I. ii. 73)

stand (halt): 68 (IV. ii. 1)

stand close: 20 (I. iii. 131)

stand upon: 47 (III. i. 100)

stare: 82 (IV. iii. 279)

state: 10 (I. ii. 159)

Statilius . . . torch-light: 95 (V. v. 2)

stay (await): 88 (V. i. 107)

stays (keeps): 38 (II. ii. 75)

sterile curse: 4 (I. ii. 9)

still: 13 (I. ii. 244)

still . . . to the purpose: 48 (III. i. 145, 146)

stomachs: 86 (V. i. 66)

stood on ceremonies: 35 (II. ii. 13)

strain (of music): 81 (IV. iii. 256)

strain (race): 86 (V. i. 59)

strange-disposed: 17 (I. iii. 33)

stretch'd out: 67 (IV. i. 44)

success: 35 (II. ii. 6)

such honour: 86 (V. i. 61)

sufferance (distress): 27 (II. i. 115)

suffering (patient): 27 (II. i. 130)

sway: 16 (I. iii. 3)

swore thee: 90 (V. iii. 38)

swounded: 13 (I. ii. 249)

tag-rag: 13 (I. ii. 259)

take note of: 91 (V. iii. 50)

take thought: 29 (II. i. 187)

tardy form: 15 (I. ii. 304)

taste: 67 (IV. i. 34)

temper: 9 (I. ii. 129)

than secret: 27 (II. i. 125)

Thasos: 93 (V. iii. 104)

that (as): 20 (I. iii. 117)

that (so that): 53 (III. i. 274)

that (the same): 5 (I. ii. 33)

that (to which): 15 (I. ii. 315)

that day: 60 (III. ii. 178)

that were much he should: 29 (II. i. 188)

the cause: 85 (V. i. 48)

the gods: 87 (V. i. 94)

the horse in general: 69 (IV. ii. 29)

the time's abuse: 27 (II. i. 115)

the which: 54 (III. i. 295)

the world: 15 (I. ii. 312)

there is so much: 94 (V. iv. 13)

these and these: 23 (II. i. 31)

thick: 90 (V. iii. 21)

this side Tiber: 63 (III. ii. 254)

thorough: 48 (III. i. 136)

three-and-thirty: 85 (V. i. 53)

three-fold world divided: 66 (IV. i. 14)

three o'clock . . . second fight: 93 (V. iii. 109, 110)

thunder-stone: 18 (I. iii. 49)

thy full petition: 24 (II. i. 58)

tide of times: 52 (III. i. 257)

tinctures: 38 (II. ii. 89)

to whom: 34 (II. i. 331)

toils: 30 (II. i. 206)

touch thy instrument: 81 (IV. iii. 256)

trees: 30 (II. i. 204)

tried the utmost: 79 (IV. iii. 213)

triumph: 2 (I. i. 35)

true: 13 (I. ii. 262)

unbraced: 18 (I. iii. 48)

undergo: 20 (I. iii. 123)

unluckily . . . fantasy: 64 (III. iii. 2)

unmeritable: 66 (IV. i. 12)

unpurged: 32 (II. i. 266)

untrod: 48 (III. i. 136)

upon (of): 76 (IV. iii. 151)

upon (towards): 82 (IV. iii 277)

upon a wish: 64 (III. ii. 271)

use (n.): 36 (II. ii. 25)

use (vb.): 98 (V. v. 76)

uttermost: 30 (II. i. 213)

ventures: 79 (IV. iii. 223)

void: 42 (II. iv. 37)

vouchsafe: 34 (II. i. 313)

walk (vb.): 1 (I. i. 3)

walks (n.): 10 (I. ii. 154)

warn: 83 (V. i. 5)

watch: 81 (IV. iii. 248)

weighing: 26 (II. i. 108)

well given: 11 (I. ii. 196)

well to friend: 48 (III. i. 143)

what (why): 27 (II. i. 123)

what bastard doth not: 93 (V. iv. 2)

what night: 17 (I. iii. 42)

what villain . . . justice: 71 (IV. iii. 20, 21)

when: 22 (II. i. 5)

whiles: 11 (I. ii. 208)

who's: 34 (II. i. 309)

why: 18 (I. iii. 63)

wind: 67 (IV. i. 32)

with (against): 8 (I. ii. 101)

with (by): 45 (III. i. 42)

with a spot I damn him: 66 (IV. i. 6)

with awl: 2 (I. i. 25)

with your will: 79 (IV. iii. 223)

withal: 33 (II. i. 292)

within the tent of Brutus: 70 (IV. iii. S. d.)

wives: 47 (III. i. 97)

woe the while: 19 (I. iii. 82)

word . . . world: 59 (III. ii. 124, 125)

work: 10 (I. ii. 162)

worse days endure: 15 (I. ii. 327)

yearns: 40 (II. ii. 129)

yoke and sufferance: 19 (I. iii. 84)

you were best: 64 (III. iii. 13)

your brother Cassius: 25 (II. i. 70)