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Killers from Space

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Killers from Space (1954)
by William Lee Wilder
A 1954 independently made American black-and-white science fiction film, produced and directed by W. Lee Wilder (brother of Billy Wilder), starring Peter Graves.
Key (info)
In scene
Cast and Crew
Peter Graves
John Frederick
Production companyRKO Pictures
DistributorRKO Pictures, Netflix
DirectorW. Lee Wilder (d. 1982)
ProducerW. Lee Wilder
CinematographerWilliam H. Clothier (d. 1996)
Based on available information, the latest crew member that is relevant to international copyright laws died in 1996, meaning that this film may be in the public domain in countries and jurisdictions with 28 years p.m.a. or less, as well as in the United States.
The following is a transcription of a film. The contents below represent text or spoken dialogue that are transcribed directly from the video of the film provided above. On certain screen sizes, each line is represented by a timestamp next to it which shows when the text appears on the video. For more information, see Help:Film.
3748157Killers from Space1954William Lee Wilder

Soledad Flats, Nevada. The time, 06:15 AM.

Climax of arduous planning. Operation A-Bomb test, under way.

"Detonation, minus 2 minutes."

Military personnel from buck private to top-ranking brass, men from Research and News Services move into position.

The bomb-carrying plane makes its initial run.

Radar with eyes that never sleep; special equipment go into operation. All orders are carried out with spot second precision.

Warning is given to all commercial aircraft to stay out of the test area.

"Detonation, minus 70 seconds."

Plane takes to the air, carrying sensitive instruments of nuclear scientists, ready to record the radioactivity from the closest possible vantage point.

"Detonation, minus 40 seconds."

The bomb-carrying plane nears the target. Tension mounts, so all the members of the plane crew anticipate the task to pinpoint the bomb on a tiny circle of earth below.

Now the plane wings that way toward Ground Zero. Warning signal are sounded. All observers prepare for the blinding flash of the bomb.

"Detonation, minus 20 seconds."

Command of the plane is given to the Bombardier. Ground zero dead ahead. The key man now goes into action. Bomb-bay doors open.

"Detonation, minus 10 seconds. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. 0."

And this, is the beginning!


"You can make the position report now. Everything is running."

"Control, from 'Tar Baby 2'. Over."

"Go ahead, 'Tar Baby 2'."

"We're circling Ground Zero at radius of 7.5 miles. Altitude, 1–5–0–0–0 feet. Air speed 4–5–0. Standby."

"Roger and over."

"She is in reach."

"This is Dr. Martin. Here are the readings. 1–3–7–8 negative. Second indicator, 1.0-8 negative. Radiation, .4. Over."

"Roger. Proceed according to plan."

"We'll go enough."

"Take her in closer."

"OK, Dr. Martin."

"I'd have to keep at least in 2 miles from the center of the column. Radiation was too strong."

"What's that thing shining below?"

"Looks like a fireball."

"Better check."

"Dr. Martin!?"

"Dr. Martin we're in trouble!"

"Bail out! Bail out!"

"I can't!"

"The controls are frozen!"

"'Tar Baby 2' from Base… Come in 'Tar Baby 2'."

"Come in 'Tar Baby 2'!"

"We've lost contact, Sir. Baker 2, Sir. Yes."

"All patrol craft in test area this is a mayday. Repeat, this is a mayday."


"Proceed to segment Baker 1–7. Search for 'Tar Baby 2'."

"Control, from 'Tar Baby 7'. Wreckage site at southwest corner Soledad Flats. Ship appears completely demolished. No sign of survivors. Over."

"Roger, 'Tar Baby 7'. Circle wreckage at 1–0–0–0 feet until arrival of helicopter rescue unit."

"Dr. Kruger. Col. Banks speaking. Will you mind coming into my office right away, please. Thank you."

"As I was saying, our search planes found the wreckage of your husband's plane, Mrs. Martin. A rescue crew has been sent up but—"

"But they must have reached the wreckage hours ago. Why can't they find him?"

"I honestly don't know, Mrs. Martin. Yes, come in!"



"Col. Banks—isn't there any hope?"

"I'm afraid not, Mrs. Martin. They found the pilot dead in the wreckage, and according to all reports no one could have bailed out. I'm terribly sorry, Mrs. Martin."


"Dr. Martin! Dr. Martin are you all right?"

"I am… I am right."

"It's Dr. Martin! Call the Base Hospital! Come on Doctor, come on."

"I look up to your right. Now I look over to your left. All right, get up now."

"Well everything seems all right. Except—can't you recall anything that happened from the time your plane crash until—"

"I remember the controls frozen; the next thing I saw was the main gate of the Base."

"The plane was completely demolished the pilot burnt to death and you show up the picture of how are you sure you weren't driven here?"


"You don't remember the way you got this?"


"You know your medical chart shows no indication of any scars on your body."

"I must got it in crash."

"That was surgery—very skillful incision."

"I've never had an operation."

"And that's what I don't understand."

"Mr. Briggs."

"Col. Banks."

"How are you Mr. Briggs?"

"Fine. How are you?"

"Fine. I see the F.B.I. doesn't waste much time."

"Well, uh, not if we can help at term."

"Oh, you know our base Surgeon, Major Clift?"

"Sure! How d'you do Major?"

"How d'you do?"

"Well, I guess you gentlemen have business to discuss—"

"Oh, no, no! It will take a minute. Sit down."

"Sit down, please, Gentlemen."


"Oh, thank you!"

"I understand you've already talked with Dr. Martin."

"I just left him."

"You know—uh Colonel—according to my files Dr. Martin is just about the key man on this nuclear project."

"Yes, along with Dr. Kruger he is."

"And I know they're both good friends, and uh, both them have knowledge and access to top secret information."

"That's really true but there's no reason to suspect that they—"

"We can—we can suspect anything Colonel, until Dr. Martin accounts for every minute from the time of the crash."

"The shock must have cause the mental block. His mind doesn't want to remember the details of the origin of the scar on his chest; how it got back to the base under his own power."

"Did you ever start to think that perhaps this Dr. Martin isn't really the Dr. Martin?"

"What are you getting at?"

"Oh, I mean is, this man could be an imposter."

"Briggs speaking.——Oh! Oh they did come through.——They do check? What I've been waiting for thanks."

"Get me Col. Banks at the Base, please.——No, no, I'll wait."

"Oh yes Mr. Briggs. Any news on the line you are getting on Dr. Martin?"

"Just heard from Washington. And I was wrong, this is our man—all right—his prints and description check right down the line. Now, here's what I suggest you do—"

"But you see him in excellent physical condition and you keep him in the base hospital, why?"

"Mrs. Martin, you must realize that your husband is engaged in a highly secret work; if this experience has, well, affected his mind—"

"Are you trying to tell me that Doug is—"

"No, nothing serious, Mrs. Martin. His reflexes are excellent. Except for that one lapse of memory his mind is perfectly clear."

"Is that not natural under the circumstances?"

"Yes—except for the question of this scar on his chest!"

"I know I didn't have before the crash."

"Oh, sure he didn't Mrs. Martin. But you see it would be impossible for a wound of this size to appear so quickly and without medical attention."

"You can't keep him here indefinitely?"

"We don't intend to. We asked you to come down here because we decided to let you take it home, provided you can keep him quiet and he takes enough rest."

"I understand. Now it is time to take that vacation he's been wanting for so long."

"Vacation—to watch him you think you never heard of one."

"Yes he must have asked me a hundred times when the next test was scheduled. He's anxious to take is own readings again."

"Well he did have a key part in the planning of this project."

"But is there anything we should or shouldn't be allowed to do?"

"No. Except—he does need diversion. Anything that won't upset or excite him."

"I see—movies—bridge—drives—things like that."

"Uh! You're the doctor now! Do see that he gets plenty of rest."

"Thank you. Goodbye, Colonel."

"Goodbye. See you later, Major."


"Doug! What's the matter?"

"I can't sleep."

"What time is it?"

"After 3. I'll get myself a glass, now."

"Give me the squadron operation. Dougey desk, please?"

"Ellen, what did you get up for."

"This is Dr. Martin calling. Who is this speaking?"

"Sergeant Bandera. Anything I can do for you, Doctor?"

"I wondered if there were any last minute orders on another atomic test."

"What do you mean you can't tell me?"

"Sorry, Sir. Regulation—I can't give out information to anyone. No, Sir, it won't do you any good to come down."

"I will see about that!"

"I'm going to get out the base right away. Ellen don't you agree with me? I have spent months preparing for the series of tests and no Sergeant is going to push me around now!"

"And aren't you going to say anything?"


"Look, I know they're ready for another test and I should be there!"

"Can't you understand they don't want you around for your own good?"

"And I need their sympathy—there's nothing wrong with me?"

"Then why you're acting this way? you're all on edge. If you don't slow down, I don't know what's going to happen."

"You really believe that, don't you?"

"Oh, Doug! If you won't take easy for your own sake, please, do it for mine."


"Hey! Time to get up!"

"Go away!"

"All right! stand there all day—it's almost eleven o'clock!"

"What d'you say?"

"That it was almost eleven o'clock."

"It is?"

"Uh uh!"

"You go put the coffee on while I get dressed."

The Daily Courier


6 a. m. Blast Visible
for 300 Miles

"I don't care what you say, you had no right to go ahead without me! And you Curt, you didn't tell me! Why?"

"Orders, Doug!"

"Orders—nonsense! At least it could have been without to let me know! I'm fine, I could have done my work!"

"I hate to say this Dr. Martin but in your present state you're not considered a very good security risk."

"Me, security risk? My present state? What's the matter with me? How long am I to be considered?"

"Only temporarily. Results of the test will be available to your study when when you return to work."

"I am ready, Colonel."

"To us you're still a very sick man. My advice to you is to go home and relax as you're ordered."

"Relax! relax! And if I don't?"

"Then you'll be confined to the base hospital if you change your mind, and that's what's gonna be!"

"Well, Doctor?"

"Oh! Dr. Martin! I didn't expect you back so soon!"

"Haven't you heard? I'm a mental case—can't even be trusted with my own work! Aah! I'm going over circuit any minute. Col. Banks will fill in on the details. Ah, don't—don't tell me—let me see—you're—I know—I know—your are Miss Vincent the secretary I share with umh—"

"Doctor, you can't be serious! There is no one in your office so I thought you wouldn't mind—"

"Oh that's all right—all right! As far as I'm concerned you can take the rest of the day off."

"Are are sure?"

"Ummh! You know I don't really belong here. I just—came in to pick up a few personal things from my desk."




"Main gate—main gate, please!"

"Just a minute, Doctor."

"Main gate, Sgt. Powers.——Dr. Kruger? Dr. Kruger—Dr. Kruger—no, he checked out.——Yeah, about twenty minutes ago. OK. Sorry, give me your name badge."

"It's all right."

"OK, Doctor. Can you sign up, please?"

"We'll post a couple of men outside of Dr. Kruger's office. Give me Col. Banks at the Officers' Club."

"Thank you, doctor. Goodbye."

"Good evening Dr. Kruger."


"My name is Briggs, I'm from the F.B.I."

"Briggs—Briggs—of course, I've heard of you."

"I wonder if you'd mind returning to your office with me?"

"What seems to be the trouble?"

"Oh, just a few things we'd like to straighten out."

"Concerns me?"

"Well, I'm afraid so, Doc! And take your own car if you like, I'll meet you there."

"All right I will."

"The papers seem to be intact."

"Is this all classified information Doctor?"

"Of course."

"You know according to security regulations that vault should be locked before you left."

"But I'm certain I did locked!"

"All right and tell me then—who besides yourself has access to the combination?"

"Well—Colonel here and Dr. Martin."

"Dr. Martin… oh… He was in the building this afternoon?"

"That's right, we saw him in my office, he left around—four o'clock, on orders."

"He dismissed his secretary a few minutes later, by—he didn't sign out of here until 20 minutes after you left."

"After I did? But there must be some mistake, I personally checked his office just as I was leaving and he wasn't there!"

"You always do that, Doctor?"

"No, but Doc. Martin has been acting—well—quite strange of late."

"Yes he certainly has!"

"Wife telephone to say that he hadn't come home as usual, I was very much concerned about it."

"So am my… He still hasn't shown up yet."

"What kind of pipe tobacco do you use, Dr. Kruger?"

"Me? Why I don't smoke at all!"

"And you Colonel?"

"Cigarettes. What are you driving at?"

"That's funny…"

"How long has Dr. Martin been using this brand of tobacco?"

"But I really don't know, why?"

"And Mrs Martin you say you have no idea where he could be at this hour?"

"My, no, he've never this so late before without telephoning!"

"Oh I hate to ask you. But have you ever had—any suspicion that there might be—another woman?"

"Certainly not!"

"I'm satisfied, Mrs Martin."

"Just why are you asking me these questions?"

"Well, let's put it this way. Have you made any new friends lately? You know—people not of the usual group."

"You know the only people we've seen in months of being connected with the Institute."

"Excuse me. Yeah hello?——Yes, just a moment. It's for you, Mr. Briggs."

"Oh, thank you."

"All units in sector 7, code 4. Repeating, code 4. Be on to look out for two-tone coupé."

"License number, 1W67713."

"Repeating. All units, code 4. Missing, Dr. Douglas P. as in Paul Martin. Male Caucasian. 32 years of age. Height, 6 foot 3. Weight, 195 pounds. Color of hair, blond. Color of eyes, blue. Last see driving coupé, license number 1W67713."

"Dr. Martin! What are you doing with this? Any special reason for placing it under this rock?"

"Please, 10 gallons."


"Where is your phone?"

"Over there behind the pump."

"Operator, give me Crest View 95395."

"All units sector 7, code 4. Repeating, code 4. Be on to look out for two-tone coupé, license number, 1W67713."



"Operator, are you sure you're dialing the right number? Well try it again, will you? I's my home, there ought to be someone there, now."

"At junction of Highway 66 and Beach, ambulance is brought. Code 17 […]"

"All units. Dr. Douglas P. as in Paul Martin. Male Caucasian. 32 years of age. Height, 6 foot 3. Weight, 195 pounds. Color of hair, blond. Color of eyes, blue. Missing. Dr. Douglas P. as in Paul Martin. Male Caucasian. Repeating. Call to all units—"

"Hey! Mister!"

"Op'ra'r, give me the Police! Quick!"

"Calling car 6. Calling car 6. Code 11. Come in, Briggs. Calling car 6. Calling car 6. Code 11. Code 11. Central calling, come in, Briggs!"

"Hello Central! Hello Central! This is Briggs! It's Briggs, come in!"

"Subject, Dr. Douglas Martin last seen on road 61, heading toward North Junction. Stopped at gas station corner of Ridgewood and Mills Road. Acknowledge."

"Roger! Briggs out."


"Here they're gonna—here—they're here—they're here—they're—going to destroy us!"

"He's coming out of it."

"It's all right, Dr. Martin we are friends; you'll be all right"

"Now let let me go! Let me go!"

"Set it up! Set it up!"

"They'll kill everyone we've got to stop them!"

"Easy, Doug! easy!"

"What did you give him?"

"Sodium amytal."

"Truth serum."

"It deprives his mind of any imagination."

"I guess he'll make sense now. I'll get the recorder ready."

"Can you hear me, Dr. Martin?"


"Now listen to me. I want you to count backwards from 100 you understand? Backwards from 100."

"100. 99. 98. 97. 96. 95. 94—"

"You can ask him questions now."

"Dr. Martin, what were you doing with the information you took from Dr. Kruger's vault?"

"I was delivering it."

"Delivering it—but, where? To the rocks in Soledad Flats?"

"Yes—Soledad Flats—where we crashed. I was delivering it, just as I was ordered."

"Who ordered you to do this, Dr. Martin?"

"I'll tell you the whole story. I remember we were circling the atomic cloud. There was an object, blowing, beneath us at Soledad Flats. We were going down to investigate. Controls jammed, couldn't pull out."

"When I regained consciousness, I was on a table. Next thing I knew, he was coming at me. Strange people. Their eyes… those horrible eyes…"

"He didn't speak?"

"I could see something—strange and eerie—pulsating in front of me. Then one of them lowered toward my chest—with my own heart."

"What happened? What is this place? Who are you? What are you doing of me? Can't you speak? Who are you?"

"Step forward."

"Dr. Martin, I see you are quite well. You have recovered from your unfortunate accident."

"Who are you?"

"A scientist, like yourself."

"Where do you come from?"

"From a planet yet unknown to you."

"You know my name—you speak English!"

"We speak every language."

"You can't expect me to believe that! I'm getting out of here!"

"Stay where you are."

"Who are you?"

"I have already told you that."

"How did you get here?"

"Here! In our machines magnetically propelled across the electron bridge we have created."

"Electron bridge?"

"I mean you come and go, just like that? Not anyone ever seen you?"

"Out ships have been sighted on numerous occasions by your people."

"Then why haven't we been able to track one down?"

"We have a warning system similar to your primitive radar. Our machines are said to change course at the mere approach of a pursuing object."

"Let's say I do live it. Where are we right now?"

"In a cavern, within the upper crust of the Earth."

"How long have you been here?"

"Since the beginning of your experiments in nuclear fission."

"What have you got to do with that?"

"We are accumulating the energy released with each of your atomic explosions."

"One moment."

[Extraterrestrial language——Not understandable]

"What was that?"

"A report from the monitor we sent to the surface to obtain results of your last nuclear test."

"Results? Well—it takes days to analyze and compute…"

"I think you will find the figures are correct."



"I can't believe it!"

"Where is that man?"

"You don't recognize the area?"


"It is in the vicinity where you crashed."

"That rock was glowing!"

"A normal reaction in view of the amount of radiation absorbed. You have a remarkable memory Doctor, considering the fact that you did not survive the crash."

"What do you mean?"

"The mechanism of your heart had ceased to function. It was necessary for us to revive it. You were dead!"

"I was dead!"

"So that's what they were doing. You didn't even try to help the pilot—why do you just saved me?"

"Because we had an important need of your services."

"Such as?"

"Look this way, Doctor—you will understand."

"Get up. You are the first of your world to be looking at our Solar System, the Astron. This is our planet Astron Delta."

"It occupies the fourth position in relation to this, our Sun."

"Next, go on."

"During the 23rd time rotation our Sun began to die. So during the succeeding generations, as our planet began to cool, vegetation began to disappear. Our eyes developed to this state to combat the ever-growing darkness. We were forced to migrate."

"You've left your planet? Where?"

"We invaded the neighboring planets. They were nearer to our Sun."

"This is a planet took over? How many has been?"

"All of us—well over one billion. There were feeble attempts to stop us, but we were prepared for such contingencies. Now that our Sun is about to completely expire, we must move again in order to survive. Yours is the only planet in the Solar System capable of supporting our civilization."

"This is fantastic! Over a billion of you trying to come here to Earth!"

"There's no alternative. We have been putting out plan to work for some time. At the proper moment invasion will be launched from our platforms which are being readied in space."

"Nothing can stop us!"

"But it is insane! It's just ridiculous!"

"You cannot find your way in or out of this cavern! Do not try to leave!"

"Ah!—ah!—ah!—ah!—ah! Ah!—ah!—ah!—ah!—ah! So! You have discovered our menagerie! Don't you think you will be more at ease on this side of the cage?"

"It's horrible! What are you doing here?"

"We are breeding our—shall I say—armies?"

"Those carnivorous insects and animals? Look at them!"

"Their growth is due to a change in their genes. Your next nuclear test, these animals will multiply at a rate beyond imagination. Time comes we will unleash them. They will spread to every continents, and devour every living thing on the surface of the Earth!"

"What good will that do you? How did you expect to survive better that we?"

"We have provided for that."

"No Doctor—look over there."

"We will use their bodies to fertilize the soil. Vegetation will rise up in abundance. A new era of civilization will begin."

"Gamma rays?"

"You see Doctor, we have arranged for everything."

"Wait a minute—all this equipment—"

"Our nuclear storage units. To date, we have accumulated several billion electronvolts as a result of your atomic explosions."

"Several billion?! I have—a chain reaction at this point could release enough unstable isotopes to—to create a new and powerful element! Might be impossible to control!"

"True! An element that will never be known by your scientists. I can assure you the strength of this new element—"

"This is a powder cake—could go up in any minute!"

"I assure you, Doctor, we have everything in our complete control."

"What force could possibly be strong enough to harness this?——You control your whole operation by electricity! Of course—no generators—no generators! That means you're getting your power from somewhere on the surface, it must be passing through here!"

"You have heard enough Dr. Martin! Step inside."

"'lright. What do you want from me?"

"You will have access to advanced information relative to the time and strength of the forthcoming atomic test."

"What about?"

"You will provide us with that information as soon as it is available."

"I see…"

"You're afraid of an overload! You can't tap enough electricity where ever you get it from the control——Strong enough charge…"

"You are a clever man, Doctor, perhaps too clever."

"What makes you think I'll give you any information?"

"It is the only way you can save your own life when the time comes. You will be transported to one of our platforms in space and resettled here when our operation is completed."

"You're asking me the sabotage of the entire world! Three billion people!"

"They are doomed in any case."

"Yeah… Because there's no alternative—I have to do as you say."

"You are lying Doctor! Your only wish is to betray us!"


"I know!——Your thoughts have been recorded."

"Lie detector?"

"Call it what you like. You force me to resort to other methods. I will contact our space station.

You are an unwilling subject, Dr. Martin."

"What? Who are you?"

"I am the Tala. You will listen and obey."

"No, I—"

"You will listen to my orders and obey. You will listen and obey. Listen—"

"—and obey."

"You will remember nothing you have seen over here. Nothing but my orders which you will obey."


"You will obtain the data, and bring it to the stone in the place where your plane was wrecked."

"To the stone—"

"What have you seen or heard here?"———"What have you seen or heard here?"


"Repeat my orders."

"I will obtain the data, and bring it to the stone."

"Now that's what I did. I took the information to where they told me. I didn't realize I was being mesmerized."

"Why doesn't somebody say something? Don't you believe me? Couldn't you understand? This giant animals breeding by the billion they'll devour everything unless we stop them!"

"Of course, Doug, we will!"

"Colonel… You've got to arrange to set off another bomb tonight, the strongest truck we have to! They're beneath the ground with all their equipment—we can bomb the beasts—"

"Doug, wait a minute—"

"—a strong charge will overload their units!"

"You don't believe me, Colonel?——Major?——Curt?"

"Of course we do—easy, Doug, easy!"

"You think I'm crazy all of you? But I'm not, you understand? Everything I said is true! I saw with my own eyes! Now let me go! Let me go!"

"Steady! steady! take it easy! take it easy! We'll talk this whole thing over."

"What are you doing, now?"

"You just rest quietly—that's it."

"Mrs Martin should be along any minute now, she went for the car. What do I tell her?"

"Only that he is a state of shock. Tell her he's resting quietly."

"Excuse me, I think I'd better wait for at the information desk."

"Now Dr. Martin seems to be indestructible, except for those hallucinations."

"Those were not hallucinations, Colonel. Under the influence of sodium amytal a patient loses all control of his imagination."

"Well, then he shouldn't be able to fabricate these stories!"

"That's right."

"Major, you're not trying to tell us that everything he said was true?"

"Look, gentleman—I can only give you the medical facts. As for the rest you will have to decide for yourself. Excuse me please."

"Good evening Dr. Kruger. Surely here, isn't it?"

"Oh! Mr Briggs you startled me—I—didn't expect to see anyone here."

"Well, nether did I Doctor!"

"Well, I suppose you want me to explain why I'm here?"


"I want to believe Doug! We worked together a long time. Anyway, I just had to come out here and check for myself."

"Check what, Doctor?"

"For an entrance or an exit to the caverns he described."

"I'm afraid you're wasting your time. A cigarette Doctor?"

"No thank you."

"We've already covered the entire area. We couldn't find anything."

"Then—what about that scar?"

"I'd like to see you disprove that!"

"Oh, Mrs Martin!"

"Oh! How is he, Doctor?"

"Now he is resting fine, I think he'll be all right. How's the car?"

"There's nothing to worry about him—"

"Keep away from me! Keep away I said!"


"Let me go! they're after me! Nobody touch me—"

"Keep quiet Dr. Martin!"

"Keep away!"

"Doug we're trying to help you!"

"I don't need any help!"

"I—I wanna see Kurt—right away."

"Now you control yourself! I'll call him as soon as you get back to your room!"

"Now you get back into bed, now, I call Dr. Kruger."

"Uh, I've got to figure something out before he gets here. I need a—pencil, some paper and—slide rule."

"I'll see that you get it. Oh, can I have Dr. Kruger please?"

"Dr. Kruger speaking——Oh yes, Major how is he?——All right I'll be over in few minutes."





"Ellen! I got here as soon as I could! Is there anything wrong?"

"He's much better. And now he's even started working; he asked for paper and a slide rule…"

"That's interesting! Wonder what he's up to?"

"Formulas—equations—anyway—whatever he says pretend to agree with him. Major Clift orders."

"Of course!"

"Doug! There's Curt here."

"Hello, Doug."

"Just a second, I've almost finished."

"I take your hat."

"Thank you."

"Curt, let's face. I know that you all think there's something wrong with me?"

"No! Of course not."

"Now I—I wouldn't blame you after the story I told last night."

"Doug, frankly you did have us a little worried asking the bomb be dropped because of what you said."

"You don't believe me either? Curt, I tell you I've been there. I've seen what they're doing, bringing animals in a kind of earth monsters—but, I don't need a bomb to stop them. I've figured it out all here. Now look. Here's our nuclear strength of our last test. And this is the amount of electricity needed to control it."

"Let me see that."

"I had to estimate the conversion rate of their transformers."

"These figures are correct, such transformers must operate on a constant supply of electricity. Where could they get so much electric power?"

"Only one way, they must tap it from the main lines of the Power House. Could do it by a parallel induction, nobody's ever know the difference! All we have to do is to cut it off!"

"Cut off the power! We can't do that, it would cause untold damage for miles around! Such a power stoppage but be planned in advance!"

"8 or 10 seconds that's all I need! That gap in supply will short out their resistors and the whole thing will go up! But you don't want go along with that. No no no—"

"Doug, get back in bed!"

"Now look, you're carrying—"

"Out of our way!"


"Please call the main gate and try to stop Dr. Martin!"

"Doug took the car! Hurry!"

"Dr. Martin! Stop! Stop!"

"He did what?——How long ago?——Right! We leave immediately."

"What's wrong, Colonel?"

"Dr. Martin—he's on the way to the Power House wants to cut off the power supply!"

"Let's go!"

"I couldn't stop him, Doctor, he went that way!"


"Hey! No parking!"

"OK! You run up the stairs, I look here!"

"There his car! Come on! Hurry!"

"He isn't back there!"

"Let's go!"

"Where's the driver of this car?"

"He went in the building!"


"This way!"


"We got to take the stairs!"



"What d'you want?"

"Where are the main switches?"

"What's the matter with you? You sleep walking or something, Mister?"

"Where are the switches that control of power of that platform?—I said where are—"

"That way!"


"Control-room?——Yeah, ah! ah!——Uh uh?"

"Don't want t'show me the switch? Come on!"

"All right!"

"Cut that power!"

"Now look Mister, be reasonable!"

"I said, cut it!"

"Now the next one."

"Next. Go on!"

"That will turn the power off for a 100 miles!"

"Do as I say!"

"Here it is!"

"Stay where you are!"

"Put down that gun, Dr. Martin!"

"I'm warning you, Colonel! Come any closer and I'll kill him! Now the next one!"

"What's this one?"

"The master switch."

"Cut it!"

"Doug, please! Don't!"

"I said, cut it!"

"Back or I'll kill him! Go on, get back! Go on, get back!"

"Do as he says!"

"Give me 10 seconds after I cut the power. If I'm insane nothing will happened and you can do what you want with me. If I'm right…"

"Now! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8—"

"Over here!"

"Soledad Flats right in the bottom!"

"Just as he said!"

"You blew them to pieces!"

Produced and Directed
W. Lee Wilder

Screenplay by

From a Story by

Music Composed and
Conducted by

Supervised by
Alec Compinsky


Doug Martin
Colonel Banks
Dr. Kruger
Ellen Martin
Major Clift
Power House Guard
Station Attendant


Production Supervision

Director of Photography
Film Editor
Sound Recorder
Make Up

Optical Effects

The characters and events depicted in this photoplay are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons and firms living or dead is purely coincidental.


Passed by The National Board Of Review

Western Electric


This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was legally published within the United States (or the United Nations Headquarters in New York subject to Section 7 of the United States Headquarters Agreement) before 1964, and copyright was not renewed.

Works published in 1954 could have had their copyright renewed in 1981 or 1982, i.e. between January 1st of the 27th year after publication or registration and December 31st of the 28th year. As this work's copyright was not renewed, it entered the public domain on January 1st, 1983.

The longest-living author of this work died in 1982, so this work is in the public domain in countries and areas where the copyright term is the author's life plus 42 years or less. This work may be in the public domain in countries and areas with longer native copyright terms that apply the rule of the shorter term to foreign works.

It is imperative that contributors ascertain that there is no evidence of a copyright renewal before using this license. Failure to do so will result in the deletion of the work as a copyright violation.

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