Landon in The Literary Gazette 1833/Song 1
Literary Gazette, 5th January, 1833, Page 12
These exquisite Lyrics were written for Heath's Book of Beauty, to illustrate a portrait; but, being excluded in the arrangement of that charming volume for publication, they have been kindly given to the Literary Gazette. Our readers must, under the circumstances, fancy a likeness to which to apply them.—Ed. L.G.
When do I think of thee?—
When think I not?
Thou art, whate'er may be,
Still unforgot.
Does the sweet morning rise,
Bride-like, from sleep,
When their first revelries
Bird and bee keep,
Singing out joyously
In the green tree?
Then, when my hopes are high,
Think I of thee.
When, in the languid noon,
Lip and eye close—
When, like a fairy boon,
Sweets leave the rose—
Then life's enchanted stream,
Lovely and lone,
Mirrors a name and dream—
Both are thine own.
When the chill midnight bids
Dark shadows lour—
Tears in the fragrant lids
Of each pale flower—
Then, O how mournfully!
Think I of thee—
So darkly our destiny
Closes round me!
Fate has one hope for me,
Life but one lot:
When do I think of thee?—
When think I not? L. E. L.