Landon in The Literary Gazette 1833/Song 2
For works with similar titles, see Song (Letitia Elizabeth Landon).
Literary Gazette, 5th January, 1833, Page 12
These are the words, the burning words,
I used to breathe long, long ago;
My lute has lost its early tone,
My lip forgot its early glow.
I sing no more as I have sung;
My lute and love are separate now—
'Tis taken from its red-rose tree,
And hung upon a darker bough.
But do not think that I can bid
My first and dearest dream depart:
Oh! love has only left my lip,
To sink the deeper in my heart.
I cannot bear to sing of love:
It seems like sacrilege to me,
To let a cold and careless world
Hear words which only are for thee.
L. E. L.