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Latin for beginners (1911)/English-Latin vocabulary

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1203436Latin for beginners (1911) — English-Latin vocabularyBenjamin Leonard D'Ooge
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This vocabulary contains only the words used in the English-Latin exercises. For details not given here, reference may be made to the Latin-English vocabulary. The figures 1, 2, 3, 4, after verbs indicate the conjugation.


a, an, commonly not translated
able (be), possum, posse, potuī, —— (§495)
abode, domicilium, domici’lī, n.
about (adv.), circiter
about (prep.), dē, with abl.
about to, expressed by fut. act. part.
abundance, cōpia, -ae, f.
across, trāns, with acc.
active, ācer, ācris, ācre
advance, progredior, 3
advantage, ūsus, -ūs, m.
advise, moneō, 2
after (conj.), postquam; often expressed by the perf. part.
after (prep.), post, with acc.
against, in, contrā, with acc.
aid, auxilium, auxi’lī, n.
all, omnis, -e; tōtus, -a, -um (§108)
allow, patior, 3
ally, socius, sod, m.
almost, paene; ferē
alone, ūnus, -a, -um; sōlus, -a, -um (§108)
already, iam
also, quoque
always, semper
ambassador, lēgātus, -ī, m.
among, apud, with acc.
ancient, antīquus, -a, -um
and, et; atque (ac); -que
and so, itaque
Andromeda, Andromeda, -ae, f.
angry, īrātus, -a, -um
animal, animal, -ālis, n.
announce, nūntiō, 1
annoying, molestus, -a, -um
another, alius, -a, -ud (§109)
any, ūllus, -a, -um (§108)
any one, anything, quisquam, quicquam or quidquam {§486)
appearance, fōrma, -ae, f.
appoint, creō, 1
approach, adpropinquō, 1, with dat.
are, used as auxiliary, not translated; as a copula, sum (§494)
arise, orior, 4
arm, bracchium, bracchī, n.
armed, armātus, -a, -um
arms, arma, -ōrum, n. plur.
army', exercitus, -ūs, m.
around, circum, with acc.
arrival, adventus, -ūs, m.
arrow, sagitta, -ae, f.
art of war, rēs mīlitāris
as possible, expressed by quam and superl.
ask, petō, 3; quaerō, 3; rogō, 1
assail, oppugnō, 1
at, in, with acc. or abl.; with names of towns, locative case or abl. without a preposition (§268); time when, abl.

at once, statim
at the beginning of summer, initā aestāte
Athens, Athēnae, -ārum, f.
attack, impetus, -ūs, m.
attempt, cōnor, 1; temptō, 1
away from, ā or ab, with abl.


bad, malus, -a, -urn
baggage, impedimenta, -ōrum, n.plur.
bank, ripa, -ae, f.
barbarians, barbarī, -ōrum, m. plur.
battle, proelium, proelī, n.; pugna, -ae, f.
be, sum (§494)
be absent, be far, absum (§494)
be afraid, timeō, 2; vereor, 2
be away, absum (§494)
be in command of, praesum, with dat. (§§494.426)
be informed, certior fīō
be off, be distant, absum (§494)
be without, egeō, with abl. (§ 180)
beast (wild), fera, -ae, f.
beautiful, pulcher, -chra, -chrum
because, quia; quod
because of, propter, with acc; or abl. of cause
before, heretofore (adv.), antreā
before (prep.), ante, with acc.; prō, with abl.
begin, incipiō, 3
believe, crēdō, 3, with dat. (§153)
belong to, predicate genitive (§409)
best, optimus, superl.of bonus
betray, tradō, 3
better, melior, comp. of bonus
between, inter, with acc.
billow, fluctus, -ūs, m.
bird, avis, -is, f (§243.1)
blood, sanguis, inis, m.
boat, nāvigium, nāvi’gī, n.
body, corpus, -oris, n.
bold, audāx, -ācis; fortis, -e
boldly, audācter; fortiter
boldness, audācia, -ae, f.
booty, praeda, -ae, f.
both, each (of two), utrumque, uterque, utraque,
both ... and, et ... et
boy, puer, -erī, m.
brave, fortis, -e
bravely, fortiter
bridge, pōns, pontis, m.
bright, clārus, -a, -um
bring back, reportō, 1
bring upon, īnferō, -ferrc, -tulī, -lātus, with acc. and dat. (§426)
brother, frāter, -tris, m.
building, aedificium, aedifi’cī, n.
burn, cremō, 1; incendō, 3
business, negōtium, negō’tī, n.
but, however, autem, sed
by, ā, ab, with abl.; denoting means, abl. alone: sometimes implied in a participle
by night, noctū


Cæsar, Caesar, -aris, m.
calamity, calamitās. -ātis, f
call, vocō, 1; appellō, 1; nōminō, 1
call together, convocō, 1
camp, castra, -ōrum, n. plur.
can, could, possum, posse, potuī, —— (§495)
capture, capiō, 3; occupō, 1
care, cūrā, -ae, f.
care for, cūrō, 1
careful, attentus, -a, -um
carefulness, dīligentia, -ae, f.
carry, ferō, ferre, tulī, lātus (§498); portō, 1
carry on, gerō, 3
cart, carrus, -ī, m.
cause, causa, -ae, f.
cavalry, equitātus, -ūs, m.
cease, cessō, 1
Cepheus, Cēpheus, -ī, m.
certain (a), quīdam, quaedam, quoddam (quiddam) (§485)
chicken, gallīna, -ae, f.
chief, prīnceps, -cipis, m.
children, līberī, -ōrum, m. plur.
choose, dēligō, 3
choose, elect, creō, 1
citizen, cīvis, -is, m. and f. (§243.1)
city, urbs, urbis, f.
clear, clārus, -a, -um
cohort, cohors, -rtis, f.
come, veniō, 4
command, imperō, 1, with dat. {§45); iubeō, 2; praesum, with dat. {§426)
commit, committō, 3
commonwealth, rēs pūblica, reī pūblicae
concerning, dē, with abl.
conquer, superō, 1; vincō, 3
construct (a ditch), perdūcō, 3
consul, cōnsul, -ulis, m.
contrary to, contrā, with acc.
Corinth, Corinthus, -ī, f.
Cornelia, Cornelia, -ae, f.
Cornelius, Cornēlius, Cornē’lī, m.
corselet, lōrīca, -ae, f.
cottage, casa, -ae, f.
country, as distinguished from the city, rūs, rūris, n. as territory, fīnēs, -ium, m., plur. of fīnis
courage, virtūs, -ūtis, f.
crime, scelus, -eris, n.
cross, trānseō, 4 (§499)
crown, corōna, -ae, f.


daily, cotīdiē
danger, perīculum, -ī, n.
daughter, fīlia, -ae, f. (§67)
day, diēs, -ēī, m.
daybreak, prima lūx
dear, cārus, -a, -um
death, mors, mortis, f.
deed, rēs, reī, f.
deep, altus, -a, -um
defeat, calamitās, -ātis, f.
defend, dēfendō, 3
delay (noun), mora, -ae, f.
delay (verb), moror, 1
demand, postulō, 1
dense, dēnsus, -a, -um
depart, discēdo, 3; exeō, 4; proficīscor, 3
dependent, cliēns, -entis, m.
design, cōnsilium, consi’lī, n.
desire, cupiō, 3
destroy, dēleō, 2
Diana, Diāna, -ae, f.
differ, differō, differre, distulī, dīlātus (§498)
different, dissimilis, -e
difficult, difficilis, -e
difficulty, difficultās; ātis, f.
diligence, dīligentia, -ae, f.
dinner, cēna, -ae, f
disaster, calamitās, -ātis, f.
distant (be), absum, -esse, āfuī, āfutūrus (§494)
ditch, fossa, -ae, f.
do, agō, 3; faciō, 3; when used as auxiliary, not translated
down from, dē, with abl.
drag, trahō, 3
drive, agō, 3
dwell, habitō, 1; incolō, 3; vīvō, 3
dwelling, aedificium, aedifi’cī, n.


each, quisque, quaeque, quidque (quodque) (§484)
each of two, uterque, utraque, utrumque
each other, inter with acc. of a reflexive
eager, āccr, ācris, ācre; alacer, alacris, alacre
eager (be), studeō, 2
eagerness, studium, studī, n.
eagle, aquila, -ae, f.
easily, facile
easy, facilis, -e
either ... or, aut ... aut
empire, imperium, impe’rī, n.
employ, negōtium dō
encourage, hortor, ī
enemy, hostis, -is, m. and f.; inimīcus. -ī. m.
enough, satis
entire, tōtus, -a, -um (§108)
expectation, opīniō, -ōnis f.
eye, oculus, -ī, m.


faithless, perfidus, -a, um
famous, clārus, -a, -um
far, longē
farmer, agricola, -ae, m.
farther, ulterior, -ius
father, pater, patris, m.
fatherland, patria, -ae, f.
favor, faveō, 2
'favorable, idōneus, -a, -um secundus, -a, -um
fear, metus, -ūs, m, timer, -ōris, m.
fear, be afraid, timeō, 2
few, paucī, -ae, -a
field, ager, agrī, m.
fifteen, quīndecim
fight, contendō, 3; pugnō, 1
find, reperiō, 4
finish, cōnficiō, 3
fire, ignis, -is, m. (§243.1)
firmness, cōnstantia, -ae, f.
first, prīmus, -a, -um
flee, fugiō, 3
flight, fuga, -ae, f.
fly, volō, 1
foe, see enemy
follow close after, subsequor, 3
food, cibus, -ī, m.
foot, pēs, pedis, m.
foot-soldier, pedes, -itis, m.
for (conj.), enim, nam
for (prep.), sign of dat.; dē, prō, with abl.; to express purpose, ad, with gerundive; implied in acc. of time and of extent of space
for a long time, diū
forbid, vetō, 1
forces, cōpiae, -ārum, f., plur. of cōpia
forest, silva, -ae, f,
fort, castellum, -ī, n.; castrum, -ī, n.
fortification, mūnītiō, -ōnis, f.
fortify, mūniō, 4
fortune, fortūna, -ae, f.
fourth, quārtus, -a, -um
free, līber, -era, -erum
free, liberate, liberō, 1
frequent, crēber, -bra, -brum
friend, amīcus, -ī, m.
friendly (adj.), amīcus, -a, -um
friendly (adv.), amīcē
friendship, amīcitia, -ae, f.
frighten, pertcrreō, 2
from, ā or ab, dē, ē, ex, with abl. Often expressed by the separative ablative without a prep.
from each other, inter, with acc. of a reflexive pron.
full, plēnus, -a, -um


Galba, Galba, -ae, m.
garland, corōna, -ae, f.
garrison, praesidium, praesi’dī, n.
gate, porta, -ae, f.
Gaul, Gallia, -ae, f
Gaul (a), Gallus, -ī, m.
general, imperātor, -ōris, m.
Geneva, Genāva, -slq., f.
gentle, lēnis, -e
German, Germānus, -a, -um
Germans (the), Germānī, -ōrum, m. plur.
Germany, Germānia, -ae, f
get (dinner), parō, 1
girl, puella, -ae, f
give, dō, dare, dedī, datus
give over, surrender, dēdō, 3; trādō, 3
give up, omittō, 3
go, eō, 4 (§499)
go forth, prōgredior, 3
god, deus, -ī, m. (§468)
goddess, dea, -ae, f (§67)
gold, aurum, -ī, n.
good, bonus, -a, -um
grain, frūmentum, -ī, n.
grain supply, rēs frūmentāria
great, ingēns, -entis; magnus, -a, -um
greatest, maximus, -a, -um; summus, -a, -um
guard, praesidium, praesi’dī, n.


hand, manus, -ūs, f
happy, laetus, -a, -um
harbor, portus, -ūs, m.
hasten, contendō, 3; mātūrō, 1; properō, 1
hateful, invīsus, -a, -um
haughty, superbus, -a, -um
have, habeō, 2
have no power, nihil possum
he, is; hic; iste; ille; or not expressed
head, caput, -itis, n.
hear, audiō, 4
heart, animus, -ī, m.
heavy, gravis, -e
Helvetii (the), Helvētiī, -ōrum, m. plur.
hem in, contineō, 2
hen, gallīna, -ae, f
her, eius; huius; istīus; illius: reflexive, suus, -a, -um (§116)
hide, abdō, 3
high, altus, -a, -um
highest, summus, -a, -um
hill, collis, -is, m.
himself, suī. See self
hindrance, impedīmentum, -ī, n.
his, eius; huius; istīus; illīus; reflexive, suus, -a, -um (§116)
hither, citerior, -ius (§315)
hold, teneō, 2
home, domus, -ūs, f (§468). at home, domī (§267)
hope (noun), spēs, speī, f
hope (verb), spērō, 1
horse, equus, -ī, m.
horseman, eques, -itis, m.
hostage, obses, -idis, m. and f.
hostile, inimīcus, -a, -um
hour, hōra, -ae, f.
house', domicilium, domici’lī, n.; domus, -ūs, f. (§468)
hurl, iaciō, 3


I, ego (§ 280); or not expressed
if, sī. if not, nisi
ill, aeger, -gra, -grum
immediately, statim
in (of place), in, with abl.; (of time or of specification) abl. without prep.
in order that, ut, with subjv.; in order that not, lest, nē, with subjv.
in vain, frūstrā
industry, dīligentia, -ac, f.
inflict injuries upon, iniūriās īnferō with dat. (§426)
inflict punishment on, supplicium sūmō de
inform some one, aliquem certiōrem faciō
injure, noceō, 2, with dat. (§153)
injury, iniūria, -ae, f.
into, in, with acc.
intrust, committō, 3; mandō, 1
invite, vocō, 1
is, used as auxiliaryy not translated; as a copula, sum (§494)
island, īnsula, -ae, f.
it, is; hic; iste; ille; or not expressed
Italy, Italia, -ae, f.
its, eius; huius; istīus; illlus; reflexive, suus, -a, -um (§116)
itself, suī. See self


join battle, proelium committō
journey, iter, itineris, n. (§468)
judge (noun), iūdex, -icis, m.
judge (verb), iūdicō, 1
Julia, Iūlia, -ae, f
just now, nūper


keep, contineō, 2; prohibeo, 2; teneō, 2
keep on doing something, expressed by the impf, indic.
kill, interficiō, 3; necō, 1; occīdō, 3
king, rēx, rēgis, m.
kingdom, rēgnum, -ī, n.
know, cognōscō, 3, in perf.; sciō, 4


labor (noun), labor, -ōris, m.
labor (verb), labōrō, 1
lack (noun), inopia, -ae, f.
lack (verb), egeō, 2, with abl. (§180)
lady, domina, -ae, f.
lake, lacus, -ūs, m. (§ 260. 2)
land, terra, -ae, f.
language, lingua, -ae, f.
large, ingēns, -entis; magnus, -a, -um
larger, maior, maius
lately, nūper
Latona, Lātōna, -ae, f.
law, lēx, lēgis, f.
lay waste, vāstō, 1
lead, dūcō, 3
leader, dux, ducis, m. and f.
learn, know, cognōscō, 3
leave, depart from, discēdō, 3
leave behind, abandon, relinquō, 3
left, sinister, -tra, -trum
legion, legiō, -ōnis, f.
legionaries, legiōnāriī, -ōrum, m. plur.
length, longitūdō, -inis, f.
lest, nē, with subjv.
letter (of the alphabet), littera, -ae, f; (an epistle) litterae, -ārum, f. plur.
lieutenant, lēgātus, -ī, m.
light, lūx, lūcis, f.
like (adj.), similis, -ē
like, love, amō, 1
line of battle, aciēs, aciēī, f:
little, parvus, -a, -um
live, habitō, 1; incolō, 3; vīvō, 3
long, longus, -a, -um
long, for a long time, diū
long for, dēsīdcrō, 1
look after, cūrō, 1
love, amō, 1


maid, maid servant, ancilla, -ae, f.
make, faciō, 3
make war upon, bellum īnferō with dat. (§426)
man, homō, -inis, m. and f.; vir, virī, m.
man-of-war, nāvis longa
many, multī, -ae, -a, plur. of multus
march, iter, itineris, n. (§468)
Mark, Mārcus, -ī, m.
marriage; mātrimōnium, mātrimō’nī, n.
master, dominus, -ī, m.; magister, -trī, m.
matter, negōtium, negō’tī, n.; rēs, reī, f.
means, by means of, the abl.
messenger, nūntius, nūntī, m.
midnight, media nox
mile, mīlle passuum (§331.b)
miles, mīlia passuum
mind, animus, -ī, m. mēns, mentis, f.
mine, meus, -a, -um
mistress, domina, -ae, f.
money, pecūnia, -ae, f.
monster, mōnstrum, -ī, n.
month, mēnsis, -is, m.
moon, luna, -ae, f.
more (adj.), plūs, plūris (§313); or a comparative. Adverb, magis
most (adj.), plūrimus, -a, -um; superl. degree. Adverb, maximē; plūrimum
mother, māter, mātris, f.
mountain, mōns, montis, m.
move, moveō, 2
moved, commōtus, -a, -um
much (by), multō
multitude, multitūdō, -inis, f.
my, meus, -a, -um
myself, mē, reflexive. See self


name, nōmen, -inis, n.
nation, gēns, gentis, f.
near, propinquus, -a, -um
nearest, proximus, -a, -um
nearly, ferē
neighbor, finitimus, -ī, m.
neighboring, finitimus, -a, -um
neither, neque or nec; neither ... not, neque (nec) ... neque (nec)
never, numquam
nevertheless, tamen
new, novus, -a, -um
next day, postrīdiē eius diēī
next to, proximus, -a, -um
night, nox, noctis, f.
nine, novem
no, minimē; or repeat verb with a negative (§210)
no, none, nūllus, -a, -um (§109)
no one, nēmō, nūllīus
nor, neque or nec
not, nōn
not even, nē ... quidem
not only ... but also, nōn sōlum ... sed etiam
nothing, nihil or nihilum, -ī, n.
now, nunc
number, numerus, -ī, m.


obey, pāreō, 2, with dat. (§153)
of, sign of gen.; dē, with abl.; out of, ē or ex, with abl.
often, saepe
on (of place), in, with abl.; (of time) abl. without prep.
on account of, propter, with acc.; of abl. of cause
on all sides, undique
once (upon a time), ōlim
one, ūnus, -a, -um (§108)
one ... another, alius ... alius (§110)
only (adv.), sōlum; tantum
opportune, opportūnus, -a, -um
opposite, adversus, -a, um
oracle, ōrāculum, -ī, n.
orator, ōrātor, -ōris, m.
order, imperō, 1; iubeō, 2
ornament, ōrnāmentum, -ī, n.
other, alius, -a, -ud (§109)
others (the), reliquī, -ōrum, m. plur.
ought, dēbeō, 2
our, noster, -tra, -trum
ourselves, nōs, as reflexive object. See self
overcome, superō, 1; vincō, 3
own (his, her, its, their), suus -a -um


part, pars, partis, f.
peace, pāx, pācis, f.
people, populus, -ī, m.
Perseus, Perseus, -ī, m.
persuade, persuādeō. 2 with dat (§153)
pitch camp, castra pōnō
place (noun), locus, -ī, m.
place, arrange, conlocō, 1
place, put, pōnō, 3
place in command, praeficiō, 3, with acc. and dat. (§426)
plan (a), cōnsilium, cōnsi’lī, n.
please, placeō, 2, with dat. (§154)
pleasing, grātus, -a, -um
plow, arō, 1
Pompeii, Pompēiī, -drum, m. plur.
possible (as), expressed by quam and superl.
powerful (be), valcō, 2
praise, laudō, 1
prefer, mālō, mālle, māluī, (§ 497)
prepare for, parō, 1, with acc.
press hard, premō, 3
protection, fidēs, fidcī, f.
province, prōvincia, -ae, f.
public, pūblicus, -a, -um
Publius, Pūblius, Pūblī, m.
punishment, poena, -ae, f.; supplicium, suppli’cī, n.
purpose, for the purpose of, ut, quī, or quō, with subjv.; ad, with gerund or gerundive; causā, following the genitive of a gerund or gerundive
pursue, īnsequor, 3


queen, rēgīna, -ae, f.
quickly, celeriter
quite, expressed by the comp. degree


rampart, vālium, -ī, n.
rear, novissimum agmen
reason, causa, -ae, f.
receive, accipiō, 3; excipiō, 3
recent, recēns, -entis
recently, nūper
redoubt, castellum, -ī, n.
refuse, recūsō, 1
remain, maneō, 2
remaining, reliquus, -a, -um
reply, respondeō, 2
report (noun) fāma -ae. f; rūmor, -ōris, m.
report (verb), adferō; dēferō; referō (§498)
republic, rēs pūblica
require, postulō, 1
resist, resistō, 3, with dat. (§154)
rest (the), reliquī, -ōrum, m. plur.
restrain, contineō, 2
retainer, cliēns, -entis, m.
retreat, pedem referō; terga vertō
return, redeō, 4; reverter, 3
revolution, rēs novae
Rhine, Rhēnus, -ī, m.
right, dexter, -tra, -trum
river, flūmen, inis, n.; fluvius, fluvī, m.
road, via, -ae, f.
Roman, Rōmānus, -a, -um
Rome, Rōma, -ae, f.
row, ōrdō, -inis, m.
rule, regō, 3
rumor, fāma, -ae, f.; rūmor, -ōris, m.
run, currō, 3


sacrifice, sacrum, -ī, n.
safety, salūs, -ūtis, f.
sail, nāvigō, 1
sailor, nauta, -ae, m.
sake, for the sake of, causā, following a gen.
same, īdem, eadem, idem {§287)
savages, barbarī, -ōrum, m. plur.
save, servō, 1
say, dīcō, 3
school, lūdus, -ī, m.; schola, -ae, f.
scout, explōrātor, -ōris, m.
sea, mare, -is, n.
second, secundus, -a, -um
see, videō, 2
seek, petō, 3
seem, videor, 2, passive of videō
seize, occupō, 1; rapiō, 3
self, ipse, -a, -um (§286); suī (§281)
send, mittō, 3
set fire to, incendō, 3
set out, proficīscor, 3
seven, septem
Sextus, Sextus, -ī, m.
she, ea; haec; ista; ilia (§115); or not expressed
ship, nāvis, -is, f. (§ 243.1); nāvigium, nāvi’gī, n.
short, brevis, -e
shout, clāmor, -ōris, m.
show, dōmōnstrō, 1
Sicily, Sicilia, -ae, f.
sick, aeger, -gra, -grum
side, latus, -eris, n.
siege, obsidiō, -ōnis, f.
since, cum, with subjv. (§396); the abl. abs. (§381)
sing, canō, 3; cantō, 1
sister, soror, -ōris, f.
sit, sedeō, 2
size, magnitūdō, -inis, f.
skillful, perītus, -a, -um
slave, servus, -ī, m.
slavery, servitūs, -ūtis, f.
slow, tardus, -a, -um
small, parvus, -a, -um
snatch, rapiō, 3
so, ita; sīc; tam
so great, tantus, -a, -um
so that, ut; so that not, ut nōn
soldier, mīles, -itis, m.
some, often not expressed; quis (quī), qua (quae), quid (quod); aliquī, aliqua, aliquod
some one, quis; aliquis (§487)
some ... others, aliī ... aliī (§110)
something, quid; aliquid (§487)
son, fīlius, fīlī, m.
soon, mox
space, spatium, spatī, n.
spear, pīlum, -ī, n.
spirited, ācer, ācris, ācre; alacer, alacris, alacre
spring, fōns, fontis, m.
spur, calcar, -āris, n.
stand, stō, 1
state, cīvitās, -ātis. f.
station, conlocō, 1
steadiness, cōnstaniia, -ae, f.
stone, lapis, -idis, m.
storm, oppugnō, 1
story, fābula, -ae, f.
street, via, -ae, f.
strength, vīs, (vīs), f,
strong, fortis, -e; validus, -a, -um
sturdy, validus, -a, -um
such, tālis, -e
suddenly, subitō
suffer punishment, supplicium dō
sufficiently, satis
suitable, idōneus, -a, -um
summer, aestās, -ātis, f.
sun, sōl, sōlis, m.
supplies, commeātus, -ūs, m.
surrender, trādō, 3
suspect, suspicor, 1
swift, celer, -eris, -ere; vēlōx, -ōcis
sword, gladius, gladī, m.


take, capture, capiō, 3
take part in, intersum, -esse -fuī. -futūrus, with dat. (§426)
take possession of, occupō, 1
tall, altus, -a, -um
task, opus, operis, n.
teach, doceō, 2
teacher, magister, -trī, m.
tear (noun), lacrima, -ae, f.
tell, dīcō, 3; nārrō, 1
ten, decem
terrified, perterritus, -a, -um
terrify, perterreō, 2
than, quam
that (conj. after verbs of saying and the like), not expressed
that (pron), is; iste; ille
that, in order that, in purpose clauses, ut; after verbs of fearing, nē (§§349, 366, 372)
that not, lest, in purpose clauses, nē; after verbs of fearing, ut (§§349, 366, 372)
the, not expressed
their, gen. plur. of is; reflexive, suus, -a, -um (§116)
their own, suus, -a, -um (§116)
then, at that time, tum
then, in the next place, deinde, tum
there, as expletive, not expressed
there, in that place, ibi
therefore, itaque
they, iī; hī; istī ; illi; or not expressed
think, arbitror, 1; exīstimō, 1; putō, 1
third, tertius, -a, -um
this, hic, haec, hoc; is, ea, id
though, cum, with subjv. (§396)
thousand, mīlle (§479)
three, trēs, tria (§479)
through, per, with acc.
thy, tuus, -a, -um
time, tempus. -oris, n:
to, sign of dat.: ad, in. with acc.; expressing purpose, ut, quī, with subjv.; ad, with gerund or gerundive
to each other, inter with acc. of a reflexive pron.
to-day, hodiē
toilsome, dūrus, -a, -um
tooth, dēns, dentis, m.
top of, summus, -a, -um
tower, turris, -is, f. (§243.2)
town, oppidum, -ī, n.
townsman, oppidānus, -ī, m.
trace, vestīgium, vestī’gī, n.
trader, mercātor, -ōris, m.
train, excrceō, 2
tree, arbor, -oris, f.
tribe, gēns, gentis, f.
troops, cōpiae, -ārum, f. plur.
true, vērus, -a, -um
trumpet, tuba, -ae, f.
try, cōnor, 1; temptō, 1
twelve, duodecim
two, duo, duae, duo (§479)


under, sub, with acc. or abl.
undertake, suscipiō, 3
unharmed, incolumis, -e
unless, nisi
unlike, dissimilis, -e
unwilling (be), nōlō, nōlle, nōluī, —— (§497)
up to, sub, with acc.
us, nōs, acc. plur. of ego


very, superl. degree; maximē; ipse, -a, -um (§285)
victor, victor, -ōris, m.
victory, victōria, -ae, f.
village, vīcus, -ī, m.
violence, vīs, (vīs), f.
violently, vehementer
voice, vōx, vōcis, f.


wage, gerō, 3
wagon, carrus, -ī, m.
wall, mūrus, -ī, m.
want, inopia, -ae, f.
war, bellum, -ī, n.
watch, vigilia, -ae, f.
water, aqua, -ae, f.
wave, fluctus, -ūs, m.
way, iter, itineris, n. (§468); via, -ae, f.
way, manner, modus, -ī, m.
we, nōs, plur. of ego; or not expressed
weak, īnfīrmus, -a, -um
weapons, arma, -ōrum, n.plur.; tēla, -ōrum, n. plur.
wear, gerō, 3
weary, dēfessus, -a, -um
what, quis (quī), quae, quid (quod) (§483)
when,ubi; cum (§396); often expressed by a participle
where, ubi
which, quī, quae, quod (§482); which of two, uter, utra, utrum (§108)
while, expressed by a participle
whither, quō
who {rel.), quī, quae (§482); (interrog.) quis (§483)
whole, tōtus, -a, -um (§108)
whose, cuius; quōrum, quārum, quōrum, gen. of quī, quae, quod, rel.; or of quis, quid, interrog.
why, cūr
wicked, malus, -a, -um
wide, lātus, -a, -um
width, lātitūdō, -inis, f.
wild beast, fera, -ae, f.
willing (be), volō, velle, voluī, —— (§497)
win (a victory), reportō, 1
wind, ventus, -ī, m.
wine, vīnum, -ī, n.
wing, cornū, -ūs, n.
winter, hiems, -emis, f.
wisdom, cōnsilium, consi’lī, n.
wish, cupiō, 3; volō, velle, voluī, —— (§497); wish not, nōlō, nōlle, nōluī, —— (§497)
with, cum, with abl.; sometimes abl. alone
withdraw, sē recipere
without, sine, with abl.
woman, fēmina, -ae, f; mulier, -eris, f.
wonderful, mīnus, -a, -um
word, verbum, -ī, n.
work, labor, -ōris, m.; opus, -eris, n.
worse, peior, peius, comp. of malus
worst, pessimus, -a, -um, superl. of malus
wound (noun), vulnus, -eris, n.
wound (verb), vulnerō, 1
wreath, corōna, -ae, f.
wretched, miser, -era, -erum
wrong, iniūria, -ac, f.


year, annus, -ī, m.
yes, certē; ita; vērō; or, more usually, repeat the verb (§210)
yonder (that), ille, -a, -ud
you, sing. tū; plur. vōs (§480); or not expressed
your, sing, tuus, -a, -um; plur. vester, -tra, -trum (§98.b)


zeal, studium, studī, n.