Latin for beginners (1911)/English-Latin vocabulary
This vocabulary contains only the words used in the English-Latin exercises. For details not given here, reference may be made to the Latin-English vocabulary. The figures 1, 2, 3, 4, after verbs indicate the conjugation.
[edit]- a, an, commonly not translated
- able (be), possum, posse, potuī, —— (§495)
- abode, domicilium, domici’lī, n.
- about (adv.), circiter
- about (prep.), dē, with abl.
- about to, expressed by fut. act. part.
- abundance, cōpia, -ae, f.
- across, trāns, with acc.
- active, ācer, ācris, ācre
- advance, progredior, 3
- advantage, ūsus, -ūs, m.
- advise, moneō, 2
- after (conj.), postquam; often expressed by the perf. part.
- after (prep.), post, with acc.
- against, in, contrā, with acc.
- aid, auxilium, auxi’lī, n.
- all, omnis, -e; tōtus, -a, -um (§108)
- allow, patior, 3
- ally, socius, sod, m.
- almost, paene; ferē
- alone, ūnus, -a, -um; sōlus, -a, -um (§108)
- already, iam
- also, quoque
- always, semper
- ambassador, lēgātus, -ī, m.
- among, apud, with acc.
- ancient, antīquus, -a, -um
- and, et; atque (ac); -que
- and so, itaque
- Andromeda, Andromeda, -ae, f.
- angry, īrātus, -a, -um
- animal, animal, -ālis, n.
- announce, nūntiō, 1
- annoying, molestus, -a, -um
- another, alius, -a, -ud (§109)
- any, ūllus, -a, -um (§108)
- any one, anything, quisquam, quicquam or quidquam {§486)
- appearance, fōrma, -ae, f.
- appoint, creō, 1
- approach, adpropinquō, 1, with dat.
- are, used as auxiliary, not translated; as a copula, sum (§494)
- arise, orior, 4
- arm, bracchium, bracchī, n.
- armed, armātus, -a, -um
- arms, arma, -ōrum, n. plur.
- army', exercitus, -ūs, m.
- around, circum, with acc.
- arrival, adventus, -ūs, m.
- arrow, sagitta, -ae, f.
- art of war, rēs mīlitāris
- as possible, expressed by quam and superl.
- ask, petō, 3; quaerō, 3; rogō, 1
- assail, oppugnō, 1
- at, in, with acc. or abl.; with names of towns, locative case or abl. without a preposition (§268); time when, abl.
- at once, statim
- at the beginning of summer, initā aestāte
- Athens, Athēnae, -ārum, f.
- attack, impetus, -ūs, m.
- attempt, cōnor, 1; temptō, 1
- away from, ā or ab, with abl.
[edit]- bad, malus, -a, -urn
- baggage, impedimenta, -ōrum, n.plur.
- bank, ripa, -ae, f.
- barbarians, barbarī, -ōrum, m. plur.
- battle, proelium, proelī, n.; pugna, -ae, f.
- be, sum (§494)
- be absent, be far, absum (§494)
- be afraid, timeō, 2; vereor, 2
- be away, absum (§494)
- be in command of, praesum, with dat. (§§494.426)
- be informed, certior fīō
- be off, be distant, absum (§494)
- be without, egeō, with abl. (§ 180)
- beast (wild), fera, -ae, f.
- beautiful, pulcher, -chra, -chrum
- because, quia; quod
- because of, propter, with acc; or abl. of cause
- before, heretofore (adv.), antreā
- before (prep.), ante, with acc.; prō, with abl.
- begin, incipiō, 3
- believe, crēdō, 3, with dat. (§153)
- belong to, predicate genitive (§409)
- best, optimus, superl.of bonus
- betray, tradō, 3
- better, melior, comp. of bonus
- between, inter, with acc.
- billow, fluctus, -ūs, m.
- bird, avis, -is, f (§243.1)
- blood, sanguis, inis, m.
- boat, nāvigium, nāvi’gī, n.
- body, corpus, -oris, n.
- bold, audāx, -ācis; fortis, -e
- boldly, audācter; fortiter
- boldness, audācia, -ae, f.
- booty, praeda, -ae, f.
- both, each (of two), utrumque, uterque, utraque,
- both ... and, et ... et
- boy, puer, -erī, m.
- brave, fortis, -e
- bravely, fortiter
- bridge, pōns, pontis, m.
- bright, clārus, -a, -um
- bring back, reportō, 1
- bring upon, īnferō, -ferrc, -tulī, -lātus, with acc. and dat. (§426)
- brother, frāter, -tris, m.
- building, aedificium, aedifi’cī, n.
- burn, cremō, 1; incendō, 3
- business, negōtium, negō’tī, n.
- but, however, autem, sed
- by, ā, ab, with abl.; denoting means, abl. alone: sometimes implied in a participle
- by night, noctū
[edit]- Cæsar, Caesar, -aris, m.
- calamity, calamitās. -ātis, f
- call, vocō, 1; appellō, 1; nōminō, 1
- call together, convocō, 1
- camp, castra, -ōrum, n. plur.
- can, could, possum, posse, potuī, —— (§495)
- capture, capiō, 3; occupō, 1
- care, cūrā, -ae, f.
- care for, cūrō, 1
- careful, attentus, -a, -um
- carefulness, dīligentia, -ae, f.
- carry, ferō, ferre, tulī, lātus (§498); portō, 1
- carry on, gerō, 3
- cart, carrus, -ī, m.
- cause, causa, -ae, f.
- cavalry, equitātus, -ūs, m.
- cease, cessō, 1
- Cepheus, Cēpheus, -ī, m.
- certain (a), quīdam, quaedam, quoddam (quiddam) (§485)
- chicken, gallīna, -ae, f.
- chief, prīnceps, -cipis, m.
- children, līberī, -ōrum, m. plur.
- choose, dēligō, 3
- choose, elect, creō, 1
- citizen, cīvis, -is, m. and f. (§243.1)
- city, urbs, urbis, f.
- clear, clārus, -a, -um
- cohort, cohors, -rtis, f.
- come, veniō, 4
- command, imperō, 1, with dat. {§45); iubeō, 2; praesum, with dat. {§426)
- commit, committō, 3
- commonwealth, rēs pūblica, reī pūblicae
- concerning, dē, with abl.
- conquer, superō, 1; vincō, 3
- construct (a ditch), perdūcō, 3
- consul, cōnsul, -ulis, m.
- contrary to, contrā, with acc.
- Corinth, Corinthus, -ī, f.
- Cornelia, Cornelia, -ae, f.
- Cornelius, Cornēlius, Cornē’lī, m.
- corselet, lōrīca, -ae, f.
- cottage, casa, -ae, f.
- country, as distinguished from the city, rūs, rūris, n. as territory, fīnēs, -ium, m., plur. of fīnis
- courage, virtūs, -ūtis, f.
- crime, scelus, -eris, n.
- cross, trānseō, 4 (§499)
- crown, corōna, -ae, f.
[edit]- daily, cotīdiē
- danger, perīculum, -ī, n.
- daughter, fīlia, -ae, f. (§67)
- day, diēs, -ēī, m.
- daybreak, prima lūx
- dear, cārus, -a, -um
- death, mors, mortis, f.
- deed, rēs, reī, f.
- deep, altus, -a, -um
- defeat, calamitās, -ātis, f.
- defend, dēfendō, 3
- delay (noun), mora, -ae, f.
- delay (verb), moror, 1
- demand, postulō, 1
- dense, dēnsus, -a, -um
- depart, discēdo, 3; exeō, 4; proficīscor, 3
- dependent, cliēns, -entis, m.
- design, cōnsilium, consi’lī, n.
- desire, cupiō, 3
- destroy, dēleō, 2
- Diana, Diāna, -ae, f.
- differ, differō, differre, distulī, dīlātus (§498)
- different, dissimilis, -e
- difficult, difficilis, -e
- difficulty, difficultās; ātis, f.
- diligence, dīligentia, -ae, f.
- dinner, cēna, -ae, f
- disaster, calamitās, -ātis, f.
- distant (be), absum, -esse, āfuī, āfutūrus (§494)
- ditch, fossa, -ae, f.
- do, agō, 3; faciō, 3; when used as auxiliary, not translated
- down from, dē, with abl.
- drag, trahō, 3
- drive, agō, 3
- dwell, habitō, 1; incolō, 3; vīvō, 3
- dwelling, aedificium, aedifi’cī, n.
[edit]- each, quisque, quaeque, quidque (quodque) (§484)
- each of two, uterque, utraque, utrumque
- each other, inter with acc. of a reflexive
- eager, āccr, ācris, ācre; alacer, alacris, alacre
- eager (be), studeō, 2
- eagerness, studium, studī, n.
- eagle, aquila, -ae, f.
- easily, facile
- easy, facilis, -e
- either ... or, aut ... aut
- empire, imperium, impe’rī, n.
- employ, negōtium dō
- encourage, hortor, ī
- enemy, hostis, -is, m. and f.; inimīcus. -ī. m.
- enough, satis
- entire, tōtus, -a, -um (§108)
- expectation, opīniō, -ōnis f.
- eye, oculus, -ī, m.
[edit]- faithless, perfidus, -a, um
- famous, clārus, -a, -um
- far, longē
- farmer, agricola, -ae, m.
- farther, ulterior, -ius
- father, pater, patris, m.
- fatherland, patria, -ae, f.
- favor, faveō, 2
- 'favorable, idōneus, -a, -um secundus, -a, -um
- fear, metus, -ūs, m, timer, -ōris, m.
- fear, be afraid, timeō, 2
- few, paucī, -ae, -a
- field, ager, agrī, m.
- fifteen, quīndecim
- fight, contendō, 3; pugnō, 1
- find, reperiō, 4
- finish, cōnficiō, 3
- fire, ignis, -is, m. (§243.1)
- firmness, cōnstantia, -ae, f.
- first, prīmus, -a, -um
- flee, fugiō, 3
- flight, fuga, -ae, f.
- fly, volō, 1
- foe, see enemy
- follow close after, subsequor, 3
- food, cibus, -ī, m.
- foot, pēs, pedis, m.
- foot-soldier, pedes, -itis, m.
- for (conj.), enim, nam
- for (prep.), sign of dat.; dē, prō, with abl.; to express purpose, ad, with gerundive; implied in acc. of time and of extent of space
- for a long time, diū
- forbid, vetō, 1
- forces, cōpiae, -ārum, f., plur. of cōpia
- forest, silva, -ae, f,
- fort, castellum, -ī, n.; castrum, -ī, n.
- fortification, mūnītiō, -ōnis, f.
- fortify, mūniō, 4
- fortune, fortūna, -ae, f.
- fourth, quārtus, -a, -um
- free, līber, -era, -erum
- free, liberate, liberō, 1
- frequent, crēber, -bra, -brum
- friend, amīcus, -ī, m.
- friendly (adj.), amīcus, -a, -um
- friendly (adv.), amīcē
- friendship, amīcitia, -ae, f.
- frighten, pertcrreō, 2
- from, ā or ab, dē, ē, ex, with abl. Often expressed by the separative ablative without a prep.
- from each other, inter, with acc. of a reflexive pron.
- full, plēnus, -a, -um
[edit]- Galba, Galba, -ae, m.
- garland, corōna, -ae, f.
- garrison, praesidium, praesi’dī, n.
- gate, porta, -ae, f.
- Gaul, Gallia, -ae, f
- Gaul (a), Gallus, -ī, m.
- general, imperātor, -ōris, m.
- Geneva, Genāva, -slq., f.
- gentle, lēnis, -e
- German, Germānus, -a, -um
- Germans (the), Germānī, -ōrum, m. plur.
- Germany, Germānia, -ae, f
- get (dinner), parō, 1
- girl, puella, -ae, f
- give, dō, dare, dedī, datus
- give over, surrender, dēdō, 3; trādō, 3
- give up, omittō, 3
- go, eō, 4 (§499)
- go forth, prōgredior, 3
- god, deus, -ī, m. (§468)
- goddess, dea, -ae, f (§67)
- gold, aurum, -ī, n.
- good, bonus, -a, -um
- grain, frūmentum, -ī, n.
- grain supply, rēs frūmentāria
- great, ingēns, -entis; magnus, -a, -um
- greatest, maximus, -a, -um; summus, -a, -um
- guard, praesidium, praesi’dī, n.
[edit]- hand, manus, -ūs, f
- happy, laetus, -a, -um
- harbor, portus, -ūs, m.
- hasten, contendō, 3; mātūrō, 1; properō, 1
- hateful, invīsus, -a, -um
- haughty, superbus, -a, -um
- have, habeō, 2
- have no power, nihil possum
- he, is; hic; iste; ille; or not expressed
- head, caput, -itis, n.
- hear, audiō, 4
- heart, animus, -ī, m.
- heavy, gravis, -e
- Helvetii (the), Helvētiī, -ōrum, m. plur.
- hem in, contineō, 2
- hen, gallīna, -ae, f
- her, eius; huius; istīus; illius: reflexive, suus, -a, -um (§116)
- hide, abdō, 3
- high, altus, -a, -um
- highest, summus, -a, -um
- hill, collis, -is, m.
- himself, suī. See self
- hindrance, impedīmentum, -ī, n.
- his, eius; huius; istīus; illīus; reflexive, suus, -a, -um (§116)
- hither, citerior, -ius (§315)
- hold, teneō, 2
- home, domus, -ūs, f (§468). at home, domī (§267)
- hope (noun), spēs, speī, f
- hope (verb), spērō, 1
- horse, equus, -ī, m.
- horseman, eques, -itis, m.
- hostage, obses, -idis, m. and f.
- hostile, inimīcus, -a, -um
- hour, hōra, -ae, f.
- house', domicilium, domici’lī, n.; domus, -ūs, f. (§468)
- hurl, iaciō, 3
[edit]- I, ego (§ 280); or not expressed
- if, sī. if not, nisi
- ill, aeger, -gra, -grum
- immediately, statim
- in (of place), in, with abl.; (of time or of specification) abl. without prep.
- in order that, ut, with subjv.; in order that not, lest, nē, with subjv.
- in vain, frūstrā
- industry, dīligentia, -ac, f.
- inflict injuries upon, iniūriās īnferō with dat. (§426)
- inflict punishment on, supplicium sūmō de
- inform some one, aliquem certiōrem faciō
- injure, noceō, 2, with dat. (§153)
- injury, iniūria, -ae, f.
- into, in, with acc.
- intrust, committō, 3; mandō, 1
- invite, vocō, 1
- is, used as auxiliaryy not translated; as a copula, sum (§494)
- island, īnsula, -ae, f.
- it, is; hic; iste; ille; or not expressed
- Italy, Italia, -ae, f.
- its, eius; huius; istīus; illlus; reflexive, suus, -a, -um (§116)
- itself, suī. See self
[edit]- join battle, proelium committō
- journey, iter, itineris, n. (§468)
- judge (noun), iūdex, -icis, m.
- judge (verb), iūdicō, 1
- Julia, Iūlia, -ae, f
- just now, nūper
[edit]- keep, contineō, 2; prohibeo, 2; teneō, 2
- keep on doing something, expressed by the impf, indic.
- kill, interficiō, 3; necō, 1; occīdō, 3
- king, rēx, rēgis, m.
- kingdom, rēgnum, -ī, n.
- know, cognōscō, 3, in perf.; sciō, 4
[edit]- labor (noun), labor, -ōris, m.
- labor (verb), labōrō, 1
- lack (noun), inopia, -ae, f.
- lack (verb), egeō, 2, with abl. (§180)
- lady, domina, -ae, f.
- lake, lacus, -ūs, m. (§ 260. 2)
- land, terra, -ae, f.
- language, lingua, -ae, f.
- large, ingēns, -entis; magnus, -a, -um
- larger, maior, maius
- lately, nūper
- Latona, Lātōna, -ae, f.
- law, lēx, lēgis, f.
- lay waste, vāstō, 1
- lead, dūcō, 3
- leader, dux, ducis, m. and f.
- learn, know, cognōscō, 3
- leave, depart from, discēdō, 3
- leave behind, abandon, relinquō, 3
- left, sinister, -tra, -trum
- legion, legiō, -ōnis, f.
- legionaries, legiōnāriī, -ōrum, m. plur.
- length, longitūdō, -inis, f.
- lest, nē, with subjv.
- letter (of the alphabet), littera, -ae, f; (an epistle) litterae, -ārum, f. plur.
- lieutenant, lēgātus, -ī, m.
- light, lūx, lūcis, f.
- like (adj.), similis, -ē
- like, love, amō, 1
- line of battle, aciēs, aciēī, f:
- little, parvus, -a, -um
- live, habitō, 1; incolō, 3; vīvō, 3
- long, longus, -a, -um
- long, for a long time, diū
- long for, dēsīdcrō, 1
- look after, cūrō, 1
- love, amō, 1
[edit]- maid, maid servant, ancilla, -ae, f.
- make, faciō, 3
- make war upon, bellum īnferō with dat. (§426)
- man, homō, -inis, m. and f.; vir, virī, m.
- man-of-war, nāvis longa
- many, multī, -ae, -a, plur. of multus
- march, iter, itineris, n. (§468)
- Mark, Mārcus, -ī, m.
- marriage; mātrimōnium, mātrimō’nī, n.
- master, dominus, -ī, m.; magister, -trī, m.
- matter, negōtium, negō’tī, n.; rēs, reī, f.
- means, by means of, the abl.
- messenger, nūntius, nūntī, m.
- midnight, media nox
- mile, mīlle passuum (§331.b)
- miles, mīlia passuum
- mind, animus, -ī, m. mēns, mentis, f.
- mine, meus, -a, -um
- mistress, domina, -ae, f.
- money, pecūnia, -ae, f.
- monster, mōnstrum, -ī, n.
- month, mēnsis, -is, m.
- moon, luna, -ae, f.
- more (adj.), plūs, plūris (§313); or a comparative. Adverb, magis
- most (adj.), plūrimus, -a, -um; superl. degree. Adverb, maximē; plūrimum
- mother, māter, mātris, f.
- mountain, mōns, montis, m.
- move, moveō, 2
- moved, commōtus, -a, -um
- much (by), multō
- multitude, multitūdō, -inis, f.
- my, meus, -a, -um
- myself, mē, reflexive. See self
[edit]- name, nōmen, -inis, n.
- nation, gēns, gentis, f.
- near, propinquus, -a, -um
- nearest, proximus, -a, -um
- nearly, ferē
- neighbor, finitimus, -ī, m.
- neighboring, finitimus, -a, -um
- neither, neque or nec; neither ... not, neque (nec) ... neque (nec)
- never, numquam
- nevertheless, tamen
- new, novus, -a, -um
- next day, postrīdiē eius diēī
- next to, proximus, -a, -um
- night, nox, noctis, f.
- nine, novem
- no, minimē; or repeat verb with a negative (§210)
- no, none, nūllus, -a, -um (§109)
- no one, nēmō, nūllīus
- nor, neque or nec
- not, nōn
- not even, nē ... quidem
- not only ... but also, nōn sōlum ... sed etiam
- nothing, nihil or nihilum, -ī, n.
- now, nunc
- number, numerus, -ī, m.
[edit]- obey, pāreō, 2, with dat. (§153)
- of, sign of gen.; dē, with abl.; out of, ē or ex, with abl.
- often, saepe
- on (of place), in, with abl.; (of time) abl. without prep.
- on account of, propter, with acc.; of abl. of cause
- on all sides, undique
- once (upon a time), ōlim
- one, ūnus, -a, -um (§108)
- one ... another, alius ... alius (§110)
- only (adv.), sōlum; tantum
- opportune, opportūnus, -a, -um
- opposite, adversus, -a, um
- oracle, ōrāculum, -ī, n.
- orator, ōrātor, -ōris, m.
- order, imperō, 1; iubeō, 2
- ornament, ōrnāmentum, -ī, n.
- other, alius, -a, -ud (§109)
- others (the), reliquī, -ōrum, m. plur.
- ought, dēbeō, 2
- our, noster, -tra, -trum
- ourselves, nōs, as reflexive object. See self
- overcome, superō, 1; vincō, 3
- own (his, her, its, their), suus -a -um
[edit]- part, pars, partis, f.
- peace, pāx, pācis, f.
- people, populus, -ī, m.
- Perseus, Perseus, -ī, m.
- persuade, persuādeō. 2 with dat (§153)
- pitch camp, castra pōnō
- place (noun), locus, -ī, m.
- place, arrange, conlocō, 1
- place, put, pōnō, 3
- place in command, praeficiō, 3, with acc. and dat. (§426)
- plan (a), cōnsilium, cōnsi’lī, n.
- please, placeō, 2, with dat. (§154)
- pleasing, grātus, -a, -um
- plow, arō, 1
- Pompeii, Pompēiī, -drum, m. plur.
- possible (as), expressed by quam and superl.
- powerful (be), valcō, 2
- praise, laudō, 1
- prefer, mālō, mālle, māluī, (§ 497)
- prepare for, parō, 1, with acc.
- press hard, premō, 3
- protection, fidēs, fidcī, f.
- province, prōvincia, -ae, f.
- public, pūblicus, -a, -um
- Publius, Pūblius, Pūblī, m.
- punishment, poena, -ae, f.; supplicium, suppli’cī, n.
- purpose, for the purpose of, ut, quī, or quō, with subjv.; ad, with gerund or gerundive; causā, following the genitive of a gerund or gerundive
- pursue, īnsequor, 3
[edit]- queen, rēgīna, -ae, f.
- quickly, celeriter
- quite, expressed by the comp. degree
[edit]- rampart, vālium, -ī, n.
- rear, novissimum agmen
- reason, causa, -ae, f.
- receive, accipiō, 3; excipiō, 3
- recent, recēns, -entis
- recently, nūper
- redoubt, castellum, -ī, n.
- refuse, recūsō, 1
- remain, maneō, 2
- remaining, reliquus, -a, -um
- reply, respondeō, 2
- report (noun) fāma -ae. f; rūmor, -ōris, m.
- report (verb), adferō; dēferō; referō (§498)
- republic, rēs pūblica
- require, postulō, 1
- resist, resistō, 3, with dat. (§154)
- rest (the), reliquī, -ōrum, m. plur.
- restrain, contineō, 2
- retainer, cliēns, -entis, m.
- retreat, pedem referō; terga vertō
- return, redeō, 4; reverter, 3
- revolution, rēs novae
- Rhine, Rhēnus, -ī, m.
- right, dexter, -tra, -trum
- river, flūmen, inis, n.; fluvius, fluvī, m.
- road, via, -ae, f.
- Roman, Rōmānus, -a, -um
- Rome, Rōma, -ae, f.
- row, ōrdō, -inis, m.
- rule, regō, 3
- rumor, fāma, -ae, f.; rūmor, -ōris, m.
- run, currō, 3
[edit]- sacrifice, sacrum, -ī, n.
- safety, salūs, -ūtis, f.
- sail, nāvigō, 1
- sailor, nauta, -ae, m.
- sake, for the sake of, causā, following a gen.
- same, īdem, eadem, idem {§287)
- savages, barbarī, -ōrum, m. plur.
- save, servō, 1
- say, dīcō, 3
- school, lūdus, -ī, m.; schola, -ae, f.
- scout, explōrātor, -ōris, m.
- sea, mare, -is, n.
- second, secundus, -a, -um
- see, videō, 2
- seek, petō, 3
- seem, videor, 2, passive of videō
- seize, occupō, 1; rapiō, 3
- self, ipse, -a, -um (§286); suī (§281)
- send, mittō, 3
- set fire to, incendō, 3
- set out, proficīscor, 3
- seven, septem
- Sextus, Sextus, -ī, m.
- she, ea; haec; ista; ilia (§115); or not expressed
- ship, nāvis, -is, f. (§ 243.1); nāvigium, nāvi’gī, n.
- short, brevis, -e
- shout, clāmor, -ōris, m.
- show, dōmōnstrō, 1
- Sicily, Sicilia, -ae, f.
- sick, aeger, -gra, -grum
- side, latus, -eris, n.
- siege, obsidiō, -ōnis, f.
- since, cum, with subjv. (§396); the abl. abs. (§381)
- sing, canō, 3; cantō, 1
- sister, soror, -ōris, f.
- sit, sedeō, 2
- size, magnitūdō, -inis, f.
- skillful, perītus, -a, -um
- slave, servus, -ī, m.
- slavery, servitūs, -ūtis, f.
- slow, tardus, -a, -um
- small, parvus, -a, -um
- snatch, rapiō, 3
- so, ita; sīc; tam
- so great, tantus, -a, -um
- so that, ut; so that not, ut nōn
- soldier, mīles, -itis, m.
- some, often not expressed; quis (quī), qua (quae), quid (quod); aliquī, aliqua, aliquod
- some one, quis; aliquis (§487)
- some ... others, aliī ... aliī (§110)
- something, quid; aliquid (§487)
- son, fīlius, fīlī, m.
- soon, mox
- space, spatium, spatī, n.
- spear, pīlum, -ī, n.
- spirited, ācer, ācris, ācre; alacer, alacris, alacre
- spring, fōns, fontis, m.
- spur, calcar, -āris, n.
- stand, stō, 1
- state, cīvitās, -ātis. f.
- station, conlocō, 1
- steadiness, cōnstaniia, -ae, f.
- stone, lapis, -idis, m.
- storm, oppugnō, 1
- story, fābula, -ae, f.
- street, via, -ae, f.
- strength, vīs, (vīs), f,
- strong, fortis, -e; validus, -a, -um
- sturdy, validus, -a, -um
- such, tālis, -e
- suddenly, subitō
- suffer punishment, supplicium dō
- sufficiently, satis
- suitable, idōneus, -a, -um
- summer, aestās, -ātis, f.
- sun, sōl, sōlis, m.
- supplies, commeātus, -ūs, m.
- surrender, trādō, 3
- suspect, suspicor, 1
- swift, celer, -eris, -ere; vēlōx, -ōcis
- sword, gladius, gladī, m.
[edit]- take, capture, capiō, 3
- take part in, intersum, -esse -fuī. -futūrus, with dat. (§426)
- take possession of, occupō, 1
- tall, altus, -a, -um
- task, opus, operis, n.
- teach, doceō, 2
- teacher, magister, -trī, m.
- tear (noun), lacrima, -ae, f.
- tell, dīcō, 3; nārrō, 1
- ten, decem
- terrified, perterritus, -a, -um
- terrify, perterreō, 2
- than, quam
- that (conj. after verbs of saying and the like), not expressed
- that (pron), is; iste; ille
- that, in order that, in purpose clauses, ut; after verbs of fearing, nē (§§349, 366, 372)
- that not, lest, in purpose clauses, nē; after verbs of fearing, ut (§§349, 366, 372)
- the, not expressed
- their, gen. plur. of is; reflexive, suus, -a, -um (§116)
- their own, suus, -a, -um (§116)
- then, at that time, tum
- then, in the next place, deinde, tum
- there, as expletive, not expressed
- there, in that place, ibi
- therefore, itaque
- they, iī; hī; istī ; illi; or not expressed
- think, arbitror, 1; exīstimō, 1; putō, 1
- third, tertius, -a, -um
- this, hic, haec, hoc; is, ea, id
- though, cum, with subjv. (§396)
- thousand, mīlle (§479)
- three, trēs, tria (§479)
- through, per, with acc.
- thy, tuus, -a, -um
- time, tempus. -oris, n:
- to, sign of dat.: ad, in. with acc.; expressing purpose, ut, quī, with subjv.; ad, with gerund or gerundive
- to each other, inter with acc. of a reflexive pron.
- to-day, hodiē
- toilsome, dūrus, -a, -um
- tooth, dēns, dentis, m.
- top of, summus, -a, -um
- tower, turris, -is, f. (§243.2)
- town, oppidum, -ī, n.
- townsman, oppidānus, -ī, m.
- trace, vestīgium, vestī’gī, n.
- trader, mercātor, -ōris, m.
- train, excrceō, 2
- tree, arbor, -oris, f.
- tribe, gēns, gentis, f.
- troops, cōpiae, -ārum, f. plur.
- true, vērus, -a, -um
- trumpet, tuba, -ae, f.
- try, cōnor, 1; temptō, 1
- twelve, duodecim
- two, duo, duae, duo (§479)
[edit]- under, sub, with acc. or abl.
- undertake, suscipiō, 3
- unharmed, incolumis, -e
- unless, nisi
- unlike, dissimilis, -e
- unwilling (be), nōlō, nōlle, nōluī, —— (§497)
- up to, sub, with acc.
- us, nōs, acc. plur. of ego
[edit]- very, superl. degree; maximē; ipse, -a, -um (§285)
- victor, victor, -ōris, m.
- victory, victōria, -ae, f.
- village, vīcus, -ī, m.
- violence, vīs, (vīs), f.
- violently, vehementer
- voice, vōx, vōcis, f.
[edit]- wage, gerō, 3
- wagon, carrus, -ī, m.
- wall, mūrus, -ī, m.
- want, inopia, -ae, f.
- war, bellum, -ī, n.
- watch, vigilia, -ae, f.
- water, aqua, -ae, f.
- wave, fluctus, -ūs, m.
- way, iter, itineris, n. (§468); via, -ae, f.
- way, manner, modus, -ī, m.
- we, nōs, plur. of ego; or not expressed
- weak, īnfīrmus, -a, -um
- weapons, arma, -ōrum, n.plur.; tēla, -ōrum, n. plur.
- wear, gerō, 3
- weary, dēfessus, -a, -um
- what, quis (quī), quae, quid (quod) (§483)
- when,ubi; cum (§396); often expressed by a participle
- where, ubi
- which, quī, quae, quod (§482); which of two, uter, utra, utrum (§108)
- while, expressed by a participle
- whither, quō
- who {rel.), quī, quae (§482); (interrog.) quis (§483)
- whole, tōtus, -a, -um (§108)
- whose, cuius; quōrum, quārum, quōrum, gen. of quī, quae, quod, rel.; or of quis, quid, interrog.
- why, cūr
- wicked, malus, -a, -um
- wide, lātus, -a, -um
- width, lātitūdō, -inis, f.
- wild beast, fera, -ae, f.
- willing (be), volō, velle, voluī, —— (§497)
- win (a victory), reportō, 1
- wind, ventus, -ī, m.
- wine, vīnum, -ī, n.
- wing, cornū, -ūs, n.
- winter, hiems, -emis, f.
- wisdom, cōnsilium, consi’lī, n.
- wish, cupiō, 3; volō, velle, voluī, —— (§497); wish not, nōlō, nōlle, nōluī, —— (§497)
- with, cum, with abl.; sometimes abl. alone
- withdraw, sē recipere
- without, sine, with abl.
- woman, fēmina, -ae, f; mulier, -eris, f.
- wonderful, mīnus, -a, -um
- word, verbum, -ī, n.
- work, labor, -ōris, m.; opus, -eris, n.
- worse, peior, peius, comp. of malus
- worst, pessimus, -a, -um, superl. of malus
- wound (noun), vulnus, -eris, n.
- wound (verb), vulnerō, 1
- wreath, corōna, -ae, f.
- wretched, miser, -era, -erum
- wrong, iniūria, -ac, f.
[edit]- year, annus, -ī, m.
- yes, certē; ita; vērō; or, more usually, repeat the verb (§210)
- yonder (that), ille, -a, -ud
- you, sing. tū; plur. vōs (§480); or not expressed
- your, sing, tuus, -a, -um; plur. vester, -tra, -trum (§98.b)
[edit]- zeal, studium, studī, n.