Latter-Day Psalms/Brahma
Thou everlasting, thou all-pervading, in whom all things have their being!As we feel our bodies, so feelest thou earth and heaven. Even as our bodies are filled each with a life, so heaven is alive with thee.Thou feelest the drifting of a mote in the air, and of light in the ether.Thou feelest the passion of two lovers, and the dying of a star.As our spirits excel over our bodies, so over the heaven transcendest thou.The flesh is but a dream of the spirit, and creation is one of thy thoughts.Thou art the only fact. The rest is thine imagining.Thou dwellest in thyself for ever. Thou knowest thy whole self through and through.The blossoming of this universe passeth not away. For thee all time is now.Time is, because there is blossoming; wherein thou hast made beauty to be. The soul of a man extendeth beyond the heavens; for thou art his soul.The soul of a man containeth the whole past and the whole future; for thou art his soul.The soul of a man containeth all souls; for thou art his soul.Thou hast confined thyself in each of us, that thou mayest put on infinite diversity.Behold, we bring thee each the diversity that thou hast willed. We long to enter into thee.