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Latter-Day Psalms/Christ

From Wikisource
4480037Latter-Day Psalms — ChristWilliam Olaf Stapledon


Thou lovest all things. Thou sharest all hope and fear.Thou bearest the pain of the whole world, and its joy also.Thou respectest the life of a gnat. Thou treadest not upon the dwelling of the ants.Thou knowest well the strength of desire. Thou hast entered into the sins of all men.Thou sayest to him who hates himself “Friend”; and to him who has lost heart thou imputest courage.Thou trustest him who will not trust himself. Thou hast taken him to be thy minister.Thou respectest the bitterness of him whose work is lost, and thou sheddest sweetness over him.If any victor be puffed up, thou understandest and smilest at him. Thou openest his heart, and his pride blows away.If any two contend, each calling his cause holy, thou exultest with both; but into the heart of each thou whisperest understanding of the other. Thou holdest out thy hand to the outcast; and thou drawest all the peoples together.Thou losest thyself in every man and woman. Thou hast forgotten thyself for ever in love.Thou hast reached beyond man’s wisdom, and thou hast come again into the faith of a child.Thou understandest the wisdom of the Almighty, and thou art gladly at one with him.Oh thou pattern unto all men, who dwellest in the heart of every man! Oh thou God in Man, who knowest thyself God in Heaven!