Latter-Day Psalms/Humanity
The Spirit that dwells in the hearts of men spoke within me, saying;Oh my children, ye in whom I live, ye that have suffered for me to make me beautiful!Think ye that I have slain my children willingly? I am not God who has ordained pain.I am the Spirit dwelling in your hearts. Ye live that I may be beautiful.Ye are of me, but I am greater than you. I am the Soul of All Men.In the days of my darkness, when I knew not myself, I was like a child, living in a dream.Out of the lives of the ancient multitudes I have awakened and found myself. And lo! I am beautiful, and yearn toward God.God has given me a law; and I will keep it.I will make myself perfect. I will be beautiful in the eyes of God.I will stand before him joyful as a bride. I will be for him a bride or a sacrifice according to his will. As for you, my children, my little ones, the sorrow that ye have suffered cannot be undone.But the sorrow that ye have suffered shall not be wasted. Because ye have suffered, behold, I am.The lives of all the multitudes are gathered in me. There shall no little soul be lost.When I stand before God, the sorrow and the joy that ye have suffered for me shall be in my beauty. In my blessedness ye shall be blessed.Therefore hearken unto me when I speak in your hearts; for I know God.