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Latter-Day Psalms/Who art Thou?

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4480018Latter-Day Psalms — Who art Thou?William Olaf Stapledon


Who art thou that dwellest in the hearts of men; and speakest in my heart daily, so that I call thee God?I feel thee excellent within me. I bow down to thee in the secret place within me.Thou hast made me a law, and I will keep it.I go amongst men, thinking of thee, saying, "I will be like to thee; they that are like to thee are men."Thou art beautiful, and abhorrest that which is vile. Who art thou that hast made thyself beautiful out of the sorrow of men?Thou didst make the nations to toil, that they might bring thee out of darkness into light. Art thou God for whom the peoples suffer?Thou art more beautiful from generation to generation. Shall the peoples suffer for thee daily more and more? I rose up and cried against thee blasphemously in the world, saying, "I scorn thee, thou cruel God."But thou speakest within me: I am bowed down before thee.