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Life Movements in Plants Vol 1/Chapter 7

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Sir J. C. Bose.

I have in my previous works[1] described investigations on the conduction of excitation in Mimosa pudica. It was there shown that the various characteristics of the propagation of excitation in the conducting tissue of the plant are in every way similar to those in the animal nerve. Hence it appeared probable that any newly found phenomenon in the one case was likely to lead to discovery of a similar phenomenon in the other.

As the transmission of excitation is a phenomenon of propagation of molecular disturbance in the conducting vehicle, it appeared that the excitatory impulse could be controlled by inducing in the conducting tissue two opposite 'molecular dispositions', using that term in the widest sense. The possibility of accomplishing this by the directive action of an electric current had attracted my attention for many years.


I have previously carried out an electric method of investigation, dealing with the influence of electric current on conductivity. The method of Conductivity Balance which I devised for this purpose[2] was found very suitable. Isolated conducting tissues of certain plants were found to exhibit transmitted effect of excitatory electric change of galvanometric negativity, which at the favourable season of the year was of sufficient intensity to be recorded by a sensitive galvanometer. A long strand of the conducting tissue was taken and two electric connections were made with a galvanometer, a few centimetres from the free ends. Thermal stimulus was applied at the middle, when two excitatory waves with their concomitant electric changes were transmitted outwards. By suitably moving the point of application of stimulus nearer or further away from one of the two electric contacts, an exact balance was obtained. This was the case when the resultant galvanometer deflection was reduced to zero. If now an electrical current be sent along the length of the conducting tissue, the two excitatory waves sent outwards from the central stimulated point will encounter the electric current in different ways; one of the excitatory waves will travel with, and the other against the direction of the current. If the power of transmitting excitation is modified by the direction of an electric current then the magnitudes of transmitted excitations will be different in the two cases, with the result of the upsetting of the Conductivity Balance. From the results of experiments carried out by this method on the effect of feeble current on conductivity, the conclusion was arrived at that excitation is better conducted against the direction of the current than with it. In other words, the influence of an electric current is to confer a preferential or selective direction of conductivity for excitation, the tissue becoming a better conductor in an electric up-hill direction compared with a down-hill.

The results were so unexpected that I have for long been desirous of testing the validity of this conclusion by independent method of inquiry. I shall presently give full account of the perfected method, and the various difficulties which had to be overcome to render it practical. Before doing his I shall describe a simple method which I have devised for demonstrating the principal results.


The petiole of Averrhoa bilimbi has a large number of paired leaflets, which, on excitation, undergo downward closure. Feeble stimulus is applied at a point in the petiole, and the transmission of excitation is visibly manifested by the serial fall of the leaflets. The distance to which the excitation reaches is a measure of normal power of conduction. Any variation of conductivity, by the passage of an electric current in one direction or the other is detected by the enhancement or diminution of the distance through which excitation is transmitted. I shall describe the special precautions to be taken in carrying out this investigation.

Electric stimulus of induction shock of definite intensity and duration is supplied at the middle of the petiole at EE′ (Fig. 44). The leaflets to the left of E, are not necessary

Fig. 44.—Diagram of experimental arrangement for control of transmitted excitation in Averrhoa bilimbi. For explanation see text.

for the purpose of this experiment and therefore removed. The intensity of the induction shock may be varied in the usual manner by removing the secondary coil nearer or farther from the primary. The duration of the shock is always maintained constant. On application of electric stimulus excitation is transmitted along the petiole, the distance of transmission depending on the intensity of stimulus. With feeble stimulus two pairs of leaflets may undergo an excitatory fall; with stronger stimulus the transmission is extended to the end of the petiole, and all the leaflets exhibit movements of closure. We shall now study the modifying influence of a constant current on conduction of excitation. C is an electric cell, R the reversing key by which the electric current could be sent from right to left or in the opposite direction. When the current is sent from right to the left, the excitatory impulse initiated at EE′ travels against the direction of the current in an 'up-hill' direction. When the current is reversed it flows in the petiole from left to right and the transmitted impulse travels with the current or in a 'down-hill' direction.

Two complications are introduced on the completion of the electric circuit of the constant current: the first, is the distributing effect of leakage of the induction current used for excitation, and second, the polar variation of excitation induced by the constant current.

Leakage of induction current.—Before completing the constant current circuit, the alternating induction current goes only through the path EE′. On completion of the constant current circuit, the alternating induction current not only passes through the shorter path EE′ but also by the circuitous path of the constant current circuit. The escaping induction current would thus excite all the leaflets directly and not by its transmitted action. This difficulty is fully overcome by the interposition of a choking coil which will be described below. A simpler, though less perfect, device may be employed to reduce and practically eliminate the leakage. This consists of a loop, L, of silver wire placed outside EE′. The leakage of induction current is thus diverted along this path of negligible resistance in preference to the longer circuit through the entire petiole, which has a resistance of several million ohms.

Polar action of current on excitability.—It is well known that an electric current induces a local depression of excitability at the point of entrance to the tissue, or at the anode, and an enhancement of excitability at the point of exit, or at the cathode. But the excitability is unaffected at a point equally distant from anode and cathode. This is known as the indifferent point. The exciting electrodes EE′ are placed at the indifferent point. But when the current enters on the right side, the terminal leaflets to the right have their excitability depressed by the proximity of anode, but the leaflets near the electrodes EE′, being at a distance from the anode are not affected by it. Moreover it will be shown that the enhanced conductivity conferred by the directive action of the current overpowers any depression of excitability in the terminal leaflets due to the proximity of the anode. I shall, for convenience, designate the transmission as 'up-hill', when excitation is propagated against the direction of the constant electric current, and 'down-hill' when transmitted with the direction of the current.

Transmission of excitation 'Up-hill': Experiment 38.—I shall give here an account of an experiment which may be taken as typical. I took a vigorous specimen of Averrhoa bilimbi, and applied a stimulus whose intensity was so adjusted that the propagated impulse brought about a fall of only two pairs of leaflets. This gave a measure of normal conduction without the passage of the current. The constant electric current was now sent from right to left. A necessary precaution is to increase the current gradually by means of a suitable potentiometer slide, to its full value. The reason for this will be given later. The intensity of the constant current employed was 1.4 micro-amperes. Now on exciting the petiole by the previous stimulus, the conducting power was found to be greatly enhanced. The excitatory impulse now reached the end of the petiole, and caused six pairs of leaflets to fall.

Transmission of excitation 'Down-hill': Experiment 39.—In continuation of the previous experiment, the constant electric current was reversed, its directions being now from left to right. Transmission of excitation was now in a down-hill direction. On applying the induction shock stimulus of the same intensity as before, the conducting power of the petiole was found to be abolished, none of the leaflets exhibiting any sign of excitation. This modification of the conducting power persists during the passage of the constant current. On cessation of the current the original conducting power is found to be restored. It will thus be seen that the power of conduction is capable of modification, and that the passage of an electric current of moderate intensity induces enhanced power of conduction in an 'up-hill' and diminished conductivity in a 'down-hill' direction.


In my 'Researches on Irritability of Plants' I have shown how intimately connected are the various physiological reactions in the plant and in the animal, and I ventured to predict that the recognition of this unity of response in plant and animal will lead to further discoveries in physiology in general. This surmise has been fully justified, as will be seen in the following experiments carried out on the nerve-and-muscle preparation of a frog. It is best to carry out the experiments with vigorous specimens; this ensures success, even in long continued experiments, which can then he repeated with unfailing certainty for hours. It is also an advantage to use a large frog for its relatively great length of the nerve.

Directive action of current on conduction of excitation in a nerve-and-muscle preparation: Experiment 40.—A preparation was made with a length of the spine and two nerves leading to the muscles. The specimen is supported in a suitable manner, and electric connections made with the toes, one for the entrance and the other for exit of the constant current. The current thus entered, say, by the left toe ascended the muscle and went up the nerve on the left side, and descended through the other nerve on the right side along the muscle and thence to the right toe. Before the passage of the constant electric current the spinal nerve was stimulated by an induction shock of definite intensity. The nervous impulse was conducted by the two nerves, one to the left and the other to the right, and caused a feeble twitch of the respective muscles. A feeble current of 1.5 micro-ampere was sent along the nerve-and-muscle circuit, ascending by the left and descending by the right side. It will be seen that excitation initiated at the spine is propagated 'against' the electric current on the left side, and 'with' the current on the right side. On repetition of previous electric stimulus the effect of directive action of current was at once manifested by the left limb being thrown into a state of strong tetanic contraction, whereas the right limb remained quiescent. By changing the direction of the constant current the induced enhancement of conductivity of the nerve was quickly transferred from the left to the right side, the depression or arrest of conduction being simultaneously transferred to the left side. Turning the reversing key one way or the other brought about supra or non-conducting state of the nerve, and this condition was maintained throughout the duration of the current.

I shall next describe a more perfect method for obtaining quantitative results both with plant and animal. In order to demonstrate the universality of the phenomenon, I next used Mimosa pudica instead of Averrhoa, for experiments on plants.

For determination of normal velocity of transmission of excitation and the induced variation of that velocity, I employed the automatic method of recording the velocity of transmission of excitation in Mimosa, where the excitatory fall of the motile leaf gave a signal for the arrival of the excitation initiated at a distant point. In this method the responding leaf is attached to a light lever, the writer being placed at right angles to it. The record is taken on a smoked glass plate, which during its descent makes an instantaneous electric contact, in consequence of which a stimulating shock is applied at a given point of the petiole. A mark in the recording plate indicates the moment of application of stimulus. After a definite interval the excitation is conducted to the responding pulvinus, when the excitatory fall of the leaf pulls the writer suddenly to the left. From the curve traced in this manner the time-interval between the application of stimulus and the initiation of response can be found, and the normal rate of transmission of excitation through a given length of the conducting tissue deduced. The experiment is then repeated with an electric current flowing along the petiole with or against the direction of transmission of excitation. The records thus obtained enable us to determine the influence of the direction of the current on the rate of transmission. I shall presently describe the various difficulties which have to be overcome before the method just indicated can be rendered practical.

The scope of investigation will be best described according to the following plan[3]:—


General method of experiment.
Effect of feeble currant on velocity of transmission of excitation 'up-hill' or 'down-hill.'
Determination of variation of conductivity by the method of minimal stimulus and response.
The after-effect of current.


The method of experiment.
Variation of velocity of transmission under the action of current.
Variation in the intensity of transmitted excitation.



I may here say a few words of the manner in which the period of transmission can be found from the record given by my Resonant Recorder, fully described in my previous paper. The writer attached to the recording lever of this instrument is maintained by electromagnetic means in a state of to-and-fro vibration. The record thus consists of a series of dots made by the tapping writer, which is tuned to vibrate at a definite rate, say, 10 times per second. In a particular case whose record is given in Curve 1 (Fig. 46), indirect stimulus of electric stock was applied at a distance of 15 mm. from the responding pulvinus. There are 15 intervening dots between the moment of application of stimulus and the beginning of response; the time-interval is therefore 1.5 seconds. The latent period of the motile pulvinus is obtained from a record of direct stimulation; the average value of this in summer is 0.1 second. Hence the true period of transmission is 1.4 seconds for a distance of 15 mm. The velocity determined in this particular case is therefore 10.7 mm. per second.

Precaution has to be taken against another source of disturbance, namely, the excitation caused by the sudden commencement or the cessation of the constant current. I have shown elsewhere[4] that the sudden initiation or cessation of the current induces an excitatory reaction in the plant-tissue similar to that in the animal tissue. This difficulty is removed by the introduction of a sliding potentiometer, which allows the applied electromotive force to be gradually increased from zero to the maximum or decreased from the maximum to zero.

The experimental arrangement is diagrammatically shown in Fig. 45. After attaching the petiole to the recording lever, indirect stimulus is applied, generally speaking, at a distance of 15 mm. from the responding pulvinus. Stimulus of electric shock is applied in the usual manner, by means of a sliding induction coil. The intensity of the induction shock is adjusted by gradually changing the distance between the secondary and the primary, till a minimally effective stimulus is found. In the study of the effect of direction of constant current on conductivity, non-polarisable electrodes make suitable electric connections, one with the stem and the other with the tip of a sub-petiole, at a distance from each other of about 95 mm. The point of stimulation and the responding pulvinus are thus situated at a considerable distance from the anode or the cathode, in the indifferent region in which there is no polar variation of excitability. By means of a Pohl's commutator or reverser, the constant current can be maintained either "with" or "against" the direction of transmission of excitation. The transmission in the former case is

Fig. 45.—Complete apparatus for investigation of the variation of conducting power in Mimosa. A, storage cell; S, potentiometer slide, which, by alternate movement to right or left, continuously increases or decreases the applied E. M. F.; K, switch key for putting current "on" and "off" without variation of resistance; E, E′, electrodes of induction coil for stimulation; C, choking coil; G, micro-ammeter.

"down-hill," and in the latter case "up-hill." Electrical connections are so arranged that when the commutator is tilted to the right, the transmission is down-hill, when tilted to the left, up-hill.

The electrical resistance offered by the 95mm. length of stem and petiole will be from two to three million ohms. The intensity of the constant current flowing through the plant can be read by unplugging the key which short-circuits the micro-ammeter G. The choking coil C prevents the alternating induction current from flowing into the polarising circuit and causing direct stimulation of the pulvinus.

Before describing the experimental results, it is as well to enter briefly into the question of the external indication by which the conducting power may be gauged. Change of conductivity may be expected to give rise to a variation in the rate of propagation or to a variation in the magnitude of the excitatory impulse that is transmitted. Thus we have several methods at our disposal for determining the induced variation of conductivity. In the first place the variation of conductivity may be measured by the induced change in the velocity of transmission of excitation. In the second place, the transmitted effect of a sub-maximal stimulus will give rise to enhanced or diminished amplitude of mechanical response, depending on the increase or decrease of conductivity brought about by the directive action of the current. And, finally, the enhancement or depression of conductivity may be demonstrated by the ineffectively transmitted stimulus becoming effective, or the effectively transmitted stimulus becoming ineffective.

Exclusion of the factor of Excitability.—The object of the enquiry being the pure effect of variation of conductivity, we have to assure ourselves that under the particular conditions of the experiment the complicating factor of polar variation of excitability is eliminated. It is to be remembered that excitatory transmission in Mimosa takes place by means of a certain conducting strand of tissue which runs through the stem and the petiole. In the experiment to be described, the constant current enters by the tip of the petiole and leaves by the stem, or vice versâ, the length of the intrapolar region being 95 mm. The point of application of stimulus on the petiole is 40 mm. from the electrode at the tip of the leaf. The responding pulvinus is also at the same distance from the electrode on the stem. The point of stimulation and region of response are thus at the relatively great distance of 40 mm. from either the anode or the cathode, and may therefore be regarded as situated in the indifferent region. This is found to be verified in actual experiments.


A very convincing method of demonstrating the influence of electric current on conductivity consists in the determination of changes induced in the velocity of transmission by the directive action of the current. For this purpose we have to find out the true time required by the excitation to travel through a given length of the conducting tissue (1) in the absence of the current, (2) 'against', and (3) 'with' the direction of the current. The true time is obtained by substracting the latent period of the pulvinus from the observed interval between the stimulus and response. Now the latent period may not remain constant, but undergo change under the action of the polarising current. It has been shown that the excitability of the pulvinus does not undergo any change when it is situated in the middle or indifferent region. The following results show that under parallel conditions the latent period also remains unaffected:—


Specimens…………………… I. II.
sec. sec.
Latent period under normal condition………………………… 0.10 0.09
Latent period under current from right to left………………… 0.11 0.10
Latent period under current from left to right………………… 0.09 0.09

The results of experiments with two different specimens given above show that a current applied under the given conditions has practically no effect on the latent period, the slight variation being of the order of one-hundredth part of a second. This is quite negligible when the total period observed for transmission is, as in the following cases, equal to nearly 2 seconds.

Induced changes in the Velocity of Transmission.—Having found that the average value of the latent period in summer is 0.1 second, we next proceed to determine the influence of the direction of current on velocity.

Experiment 41.—As a rule, stimulus of induction shock was applied in this and in the following experiments on the petiole at a distance of 15 mm. from the responding pulvinus. The recording writer was tuned to 10 vibrations per second; the space between two succeeding dots, therefore, represents a time-interval of 0.1 second. The middle record, N in Fig. 46, is the normal. There are 17 spaces between the application of stimulus and the beginning of response. The total time is therefore 1.7 seconds, and by subtracting from it the latent period of 0.1 second we obtain the true time, 1.6 seconds. The normal velocity is found by dividing the distance 15 mm. by the true interval 1.6 seconds. Thus V = 15/1.6 = 9.4 mm. per second. We shall next consider the effect of current in modifying the normal velocity. The uppermost record (1) in Fig. 46 was taken under the action of an

Fig. 46.—Record showing enhancement of velocity of transmission "up-hill" or against the current (uppermost curve) and retardation of velocity "down-hill" or with the current (lowest curve). N, normal record in the absence of current. ← indicates "up-hill" and → "down-hill" transmission.

'up-hill,' or 'against' current of the intensity of 1.4 micro-ampères. It will be seen that the time interval is reduced from 1.7 seconds to 1.4 seconds; making allowance for the latent period, the velocity of transmission under 'up-hill' current V1 = 15/1.3 = 11.5 mm. per second. In the lowest record (3) we note the effect of 'down-hill' current, the time-interval between stimulus and response being prolonged to 1.95 seconds and the velocity reduced to 8.1 mm. per second. The conclusion arrived at from this mechanical mode of investigation is thus identical with that derived from the electric method of conductivity balance referred to previously.

That is to say, the passage of a feeble current modifies conductivity for excitation in a selective manner. Conductivity is enhanced against, and diminished with, the direction of the current.

The minimum current which induces a perceptible change of conductivity varies somewhat in different specimens. The average value of this minimal current in autumn is 1.4 microampères. The effect of even a feebler current may be detected by employing a test stimulus which is barely effective.


Number. Intensity of current in microampères. Period for up-hill transmission. Period for down-hill transmission.
1 1.4 14 tenths of a second 16 tenths of a second
2 1.4 13 tenths of a second 15 tenths of a second
3 1.6 19 tenths of a second Arrest.
4 1.7 12 tenths of a second 14 tenths of a second.

Having demonstrated the effect of direction of current on the velocity of transmission, I shall next describe other methods by which induced variations of conductivity may be exhibited.


In this method we employ a minimal stimulus, the transmitted effect of which under normal conditions gives rise to a feeble response. If the passage of a current in a given direction enhances conductivity, then the intensity of transmitted excitation will also be enhanced; the minimal response will tend to become maximal. Or excitation which had hitherto been ineffectively transmitted will now become effectively transmitted. Conversely, depression of conductivity will result in a diminution or abolition of response. We may use a single break-shock of sufficient intensity as the test stimulus. It is, however, better to employ the additive effect of a definite number of feeble make-and-break shocks.

We may again employ additive effect of a definite number of induction shocks, the alternating elements of which are exactly equal and opposite. This is secured by causing rapid reversals of the primary current by means of a rotating commutator. The successive induction shocks of the secondary coil can thus be rendered exactly equal and opposite.

Experiment 42.—Working in this way, it is found that the transmitted excitation against the direction of current becomes effective or enhanced under 'up-hill' current. A current, flowing with the direction of transmission, on the other hand, diminishes the intensity of transmitted excitation or blocks it altogether.

Henceforth it would be convenient to distinguish currents in the two directions; the current in the direction of transmission will be distinguished as Homodromous, and against the direction of transmission as Heterodromous.


The passage of a current through a conducting tissue in a given direction causes, as we have seen, an enhanced conductivity in an opposite direction. We may suppose this to be brought about by a particular molecular arrangement induced by the current, which assisted the propagation of the excitatory disturbance in a selected direction. On the cessation of this inducing force, there may be a rebound and a temporary reversal of previous molecular arrangement, with concomitant reversal of the conductivity variation. The immediate after-effect of a current flowing in a particular direction on conductivity is likely to be a transient change, the sign of which would be opposite to that of the direct effect. The after-effect of a heterodromous current may thus be a temporary depression, that of a homodromous current, a temporary enhancement of conductivity.

Fig. 47.—Direct and after-effect of heterodromous and homodromous currents. First two records, N, N, normal. ↓, enhanced transmission under heterodromous current; ⇣ arrest of conduction as an after-effect of heterodromous current. Next record ↑ shows arrest under homodromous current. Last record ⇡ shows enhancement of conduction greater than normal, as an after-effect of homodromous current. (Dotted arrow indicates the after-effect on cessation of a given current. ↑ homodromous and ↓ heterodromous current).

Experiment 43.—This inference will be found fully justified in the following experiment:— The first two responses are normal, after which the heterodromous current gave rise to an enhanced response. The depressing after-effect of a heterodromous current rendered the next response ineffective. The following record taken during the passage of the homodromous current exhibited an abolition of response due to induced depression of conductivity. Finally, the after-effect of the homodromous current is seen to be a response larger than the normal (Fig. 47). These experiments show that the after-effect of cessation of a current in a given direction is a transient conductivity variation, of which the sign is opposite to that induced by the continuation of the current.


I shall now take up the question whether an electric current induced any selective variation of conductivity in the animal nerve, similar to that induced in the conducting tissue of the plant.


In the experiments which I am about to describe, arrangements were specially made so that (1) the excitation had not to traverse the polar region, and (2) the point of stimulation was at a relatively great distance from either pole. The fulfilment of the latter condition ensured the point of stimulation being placed at the neutral region.

In the choice of experimental specimens I was fortunate enough to secure frogs of unusually large size, locally known as "golden frogs" (Rana tigrina). A preparation was made of the spine, the attached nerve, the muscle and the tendon. The electrodes for constant current were applied at the extreme ends, on the spine and on the tendon (Fig. 48). The following are the measurements, in a typical case, of the different parts of the preparation.

Fig. 48.—Experimental arrangement for study of variation of conductivity of nerve by the directive action of an electric current. n n′, nerve; S, point of application of stimulus in the middle or indifferent region.

Length of spine between the electrode and the nerve = 40 mm.; length of nerve = 90 mm.; length of muscle = 50 mm.; length of tendon = 30 mm. Stimulus is applied in all cases on the nerve, midway between the two electrodes this point being at a minimum distance of 100 mm. from either electrode. The point of stimulation is, therefore, situated at an indifferent region.

Great precautions have to be taken to guard against the leakage of current. The general arrangement for the experiment on animal nerve is similar to that employed for the corresponding investigations on the plant. The choking coil is used to prevent the stimulating induction current from getting round the circuit of constant current. The specimen is held on an ebonite support, and every part of the apparatus insulated with the utmost care.


In the case of the conducting tissue of the plant a very striking proof of the influence of the direction of current on conductivity was afforded by the induced variation of velocity of transmission. Equally striking is the result which I have obtained with the nerve of the frog.

Experiment 44.—The experiments described below were carried out during the cold weather. The following records (Fig. 49), obtained by means of the pendulum myograph, exhibit the effect of the direction of current on

Fig. 49.—Effect of heterodromous and homodromous current in inducing variation in velocity of transmission through nerve. N, normal record; upper record shows enhancement, and lower record retardation of velocity of transmission under heterodromous and homodromous currents, respectively.

the period of transmission through a given length of nerve. The latent period of muscle being constant, the variations in the records exhibit changed rates of conduction. The middle record is the normal, in the absence of any current. The upper record, denoted by the left-hand arrow, shows the action of a heterodromous current in shortening the period of transmission and thus enhancing the velocity above the normal rate. The lower record, denoted by the right-hand arrow, exhibits the effect of a homodromous current in retarding the velocity below the normal rate. I find that a very feeble heterodromous current is enough to induce a considerable increase of velocity, which soon reaches a limit. For inducing retardation of velocity, a relatively strong homodromous current is necessary. I give below a table showing the results of several experiments.


Specimen. Intensity of heterodromous current. Acceleration above normal Intensity of homodromous current. Retardation below normal.
microampère per cent microampères. per cent.
1 0.35 16 1.51 20
2 0.350.7 13 1.5 19
3 0.350.8 18 2.0 14
4 0.350.8 11 2.0 13
5 0.351.0 18 2.5 12
6 0.351.5 15 3.0 40


In the next method of investigation, the induced variation of intensity of transmitted excitation is inferred from the varying amplitude of response of the terminal muscle. Testing stimulus of sub-maximal intensity is applied at the middle of the nerve, where the constant current induces no variation of excitability. Stimulation is effected either by single break-shock or by the summated effects of a definite number of equi-alternating shocks, or by chemical stimulation.

Experiment 45.—Under the action of feeble heterodromous current the transmitted excitation was always enhanced, whatever be the form of stimulation. This is seen illustrated in Fig. 50. Homodromous current on the other hand inhibited or blocked excitation (Fig. 51).

Fig. 50.—Ineffectively transmitted salt-tetanus becoming effective under heterodromous current, denoted by down-pointing arrow.

Complication due to variation of Excitabilitty of Muscle.—In experiments with the plant, there was the unusual advantage in having both the point of stimulation and the responding motile organ in the middle or indifferent region. Unfortunately this ideally perfect condition cannot be secured in experiments with the nerve-and-muscle preparation of the frog. It is true that the point of stimulation in this case is chosen to lie on the nerve at the middle or indifferent region. But the responding muscle is at one end, not very distant from the electrode applied on the tendon. It is, therefore, necessary to find out by separate experiments any variation of excitability that might be induced in the muscle by the proximity of either the anode or the cathode, and make allowance for such variation in interpreting the results obtained from investigations on variation of conductivity.

In the experimental arrangement employed, the hetrodromous current is obtained by making the electrode on the spine cathode and that on the tendon anode. The depressing influence of the anode in this case may be expected to lower, to a certain extent, the normal excitability of the responding muscle. Conversely, with homodromous current, the tendon is made the cathode and under its influence the muscle might have its excitability raised above the normal. These anticipations are fully supported by results of experiments. Sub-maximal stimulus of equi-alternating induction shock was directly applied to the muscle and records taken of (1) response under normal condition without any current, (2) response under heterodromous current, the tendon being the anode, and (3) response under homodromous current, the tendon being now made the cathode. It was thus found that under heterodromous current the excitability of the muscle was depressed, and under homodromous current the excitability was enhanced.

The effect of current on response to direct stimulation is thus opposite to that on response to transmitted excitation, as will be seen in the following Table.


Direction of current. Transmitted excitation. Direct stimulation.
Heterodromous current Enhanced response Depressed response
Homodromous current Depressed response Enhanced response.

The passage of a current, therefore, induces opposing effects on the conductivity of the nerve and the excitability of the muscle, the resulting response being due to their differential actions. Under heterodromous current a more intense excitation is transmitted along the nerve, on account of induced enhancement of conductivity. But this intense excitation finds the responding muscle in a state of depressed excitability. In spite of this the resulting response is enhanced (Fig. 50). The enhancement of conduction under heterodromous current is, in reality, much greater than is indicated in the record. Similarly, under homodromous current the depression of conduction in the nerve may be so great as to cause even an abolition of response, in spite of the enhanced excitability of the muscle (Fig. 51). The actual effects of current on conductivity are, thus, far in excess of what are indicated in the records.


On the cessation of a current there is induced in the plant-tissue a transient conductivity change of opposite sign to that induced by the direct current (cf. Expt. 43). The same I find lo be the case as regards the after-effect of current on conductivity change in animal nerve. Of this I only give a typical experiment of the direct and after-effect of homodromous current on salt-tetanus.

Experiment 46.—In this experiment sufficient length of time was allowed to elapse after the application of the salt

Fig. 51.—Direct and after-etfect of homodromous current. Transmitted excitation (salt-tetanus T,) arrested under homodromous current denoted by up-pointing arrow; on cessation of current represented by dotted line there is a transient enhancement above the normal.

on the nerve, so that the muscle, in response to the transmitted excitation, exhibited an incomplete tetanus T. The homodromous current was next applied, with the result of inducing a complete block of conduction, with the concomitant disappearance of tetanus. The homodromous current was gradually reduced to zero by the appropriate movement of the potentiometer slide. The after-effect of homodromous current is now seen in the transient enhancement of transmitted excitation, which lasted for nearly 40 seconds. After this the normal conductivity was restored. Repetition of the experiment gave similar results (Fig. 51).

The results that have been given are only typical of a very large number, which invariably supported the characteristic phenomena that have been described.

It will thus be seen that with feeble or moderate current, conductivity is enhanced against the direction of the current and depressed or blocked with the direction of the current. Under strong current the normal effect is liable to undergo a reversal.

It has thus been shown that a perfect parallelism exists in the conductivity variation induced in the plant and in the animal by the directive action of the current. No explanation could be regarded as satisfactory which is not applicable to both cases. Now with the plant we are able to arrange the experimental condition in such a way that the factor of variation of excitability is completely eliminated. The various effects described about the plant-tissue are, therefore, due entirely to variation of conductivity. The parallel phenomena observed in the case of transmission of excitation in the animal nerve must, therefore, be due to the induced change of conductivity.

The action of an electrical current in inducing variation of conductivity may be enunciated under the following laws, which are equally applicable to the conducting issue of the plant and the nerve of the animal:—


  1. The passage of a current induces a variation of conductivity, the effect depending on the direction and intensity of current.
  2. Under feeble intensity, heterodromous current enhances, and homodromous current depresses, the conduction of excitation.
  3. The after-effect of a feeble current is a transient conductivity variation, the sign of which is opposite that induced during the continuation of current.


The variation of conductivity induced by the directive action of current has been investigated by two different methods:—

(1) The method in which the normal speed and its induced variation are automatically recorded;
(2) That in which the variation in the intensity of transmitted excitations is gauged by the varying amplitudes of resulting responses.

The great difficulty arising from leakage of the exciting induction current into the polarising circuit was successfully overcome by the interposition of a choking coil.

The following summarises the effects of direction and intensity of an electric current, on transmission of excitation through the conducting tissue of the plant.

The velocity of transmission is enhanced against the direction of a feeble current, and retarded in the direction of the current.

Feeble heterodromous current enhances conductivity, homodromous current, on the other hand, depresses it.

Ineffectively transmitted excitation becomes effectively transmitted under heterodromous current. Effectively transmitted excitation, on the other hand, becomes ineffectively transmitted under the action of homodromous current.

The after-effect of a current is a transient conductivity change, the sign of which is opposite to that induced during the passage of current. The after-effect of a heterodromous current is, thus, a transient depression, that of homodromous current, a transient enhancement of conductivity.

The characteristic variations of conductivity induced in animal nerve by the direction and intensity of current are in every way similar to those induced in the conducting tissue of the plant.

These various effects are demonstrated by the employment of not one, but various kinds of testing stimulus, such as the excitation caused (1) by a single break-induction shock or (2) by a series of equi-alternating tetanising shocks or (3) by chemical stimulation.

  1. Bose—"Comparative Electro-Physiology" (1907). Longmans, Green and Co.
  2. Ibid, p. 478.
  3. For fuller account see Bose—'The influence of Homodromous and Heterodromous Electric Current on Transmission of Excitation in Plant and Animal.' Proc. R. S. B., Vol. 88, 1915.
  4. Bose—'Plant Response' (1906); 'Irritability of Plants' (1913).