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Life Movements in Plants Vol 1/Chapter 8

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Sir J. C. Bose,

Assisted by

Guruprasanna Das, L.M.S.

The leaf of Mimosa pudica undergoes an almost instantaneous fall when the stimulus is applied directly on the pulvinus which is the responding organ. The latent period, i.e., the interval between the application of stimulus and the resulting response is about 0.1 second. Indirect stimulus, i.e., application of stimulus at a distance from the pulvinus, also causes a fall of the leaf; but a longer interval will elapse between the incidence of stimulus and the response; for it will take a definite time for the excitation to be conducted through the intervening tissue. I have already shown that this conduction of excitation in plant is analogous to the transmission of nervous impulse in animal.

The power of conduction varies widely in different plants. In the petiole of Mimosa pudica the velocity may be as high as 30 mm. per second. In the stem the velocity is considerably less, i.e., about 6 mm. per second in the longitudinal direction; but conduction across the stem is a very much slower process. In the petiole of Averrhoa the longitudinal velocity is of the order of 1 mm. per second.


The record of the transmitted effect of stimulus is found to exhibit a remarkable preliminary variation. This was detected by my delicate recorders, which gave magnifications from fifty to hundred times. I shall give a detailed account of a typical experiment carried out with Averrhoa carambola, which will bring out clearly the characteristic effects of Indirect Stimulus.

Experiment 47.—Stimulus of electric shock applied at a point on the long petiole of Averrhoa causes successive fall of pairs of leaflets. In the experiment to be described one

Fig. 52.—Effect of indirect Stimulus on leaflet of Averrhoa carambola. Stimulus was applied at the short vertical line. Successive dots at intervals of one second. Note the positive response preceding the negative.

of the leaflets of the plant was attached to the recorder. Stimulus was applied at a distance of 50 mm. The successive dots in the record are at intervals of a second. It will be noticed that two distinct impulses—a positive and a negative—were generated by the action of Indirect Stimulus. The positive impulse reached the responding organ after 1.5 second and caused an erectile movement. The velocity of the positive impulse in the present case is 33 mm. per second. The normal excitatory negative impulse reached the motile organ 44 seconds after the application of stimulus, and caused a very rapid fall of the leaflet, the fall being far more pronounced than the positive movement of erection (Fig. 52). In this and in all subsequent records, the positive and negative responses offer a great contrast. The movement in response to positive reaction is slow, whereas that due to negative reaction is very abrupt, almost 'explosive,' the successive dots being now very wide apart. As regards the velocity of impulse the relation is reversed, the positive being the quicker of the two. In the present case, the velocity of the excitatory negative impulse is 1.1 mm. per second, as against 33 mm. of the positive impulse.

The negative impulse is due to the comparatively slow propagation of the excitatory protoplasmic change, which brings about a diminution of turgor in the pulvinus and fall of the responding leaflet. The erectile movement of the leaflet by the positive impulse must be due to an increase of turgor, brought on evidently, by the forcing in of water. This presupposes a forcing out of water somewhere else, probably at the point of application of stimulus. It may be supposed that an active contraction occurred in plant cells under direct stimulus, in consequence of which water was forced out giving rise to a hydraulic wave. On this supposition the positive impulse is to be regarded as hydro-mechanical. I have, however, not yet been able to devise a direct experimental test to settle the question.


In the last experiment the stimulus was applied at the moderate distance of 50 mm. Let us now consider the respective effects, first, of an increase, and second, of a decrease of the intervening distance. In a tissue whose conducting power is not great, the excitatory impulse is weakened, even to extinction in transmission through a long distance. Thus the negative impulse may fail to reach the responding organ, when the stimulus is feeble or the intervening distance long or semi-conducing. Hence, under the above conditions, stimulus applied at a distance will give rise only to a positive response.

A reduction of the intervening distance will give rise to a different result. As the negative response is the more intense of the two, the feeble positive will be masked by the superposed negative. The separate exhibition of the two responses is only possible by a sufficient lag of the negative impulse behind the positive. This lag increases with increase of length of transmission and decreases with the diminution of the length. Hence the application of stimulus near the responding organ will give rise only to a negative response, in spite of the presence of the positive, which becomes masked by the predominant negative.[1]

These inferences have been fully borne out by results of experiments carried out with various specimens of plants under the action of diverse forms of stimuli. In all cases, application of stimulus at a distance causes a pure positive response; moderate reduction of the distance induces a diphasic response—a positive followed by a negative; further diminution of distance gives rise to a resultant negative response, the positive being masked by the predominant negative.

From what has been said it will be understood that the exhibition of positive response is favoured by the conditions, that the transmitting tissue should be semi-conducting, and the stimulus feeble. It is thus easier to exhibit the positive effect with the feebly conducting petiole of Averrhoa than with the better conducting petiole of Mimosa. It is, however, possible to obtain positive response in the Mimosa by application of indirect stimulus to the stem in which conduction is less rapid than in the petioles.


No. Specimen. Distance in mm. Stimulus. Transmission period for positive impulse. Transmission period for negative impulse.
1 Averrhoa 70 Thermal 22.522 secs. 22.565 secs.
2 Averrhoa 130 Thermal 22.540 secs. 22.595 secs.
3 Averrhoa 10 Induction-shock 22.5  6 secs. 22.520 secs.
4 Averrhoa 20 Induction-shock 22.514 secs. 22.548 secs.
5 Averrhoa 35 Chemical 22.521 secs. 22.550 secs.
6 AverrhoaMimosa 5 Induction-shock 22.50.5 secs. 22.512 secs.
7 Averrhoa 10 Induction-shock 22.50.6 secs. 22.59.4 secs.
8 Averrhoa 20 Induction-shock 22.51.1 secs. 22.510 secs.
9 Averrhoa 60 Induction-shock 22.52 secs. 22.529 secs.
10 Averrhoa 35 Chemical 22.55 secs. 22.517 secs.


From the results given in course of the Paper we are able to formulate the following laws about the effects of Direct and Indirect Stimulus on pulvinated organs:—

  1. Effect of all forms of Direct stimulus is a diminution of turgor, a contraction and a negative mechanical response.
  2. Effect of Indirect stimulus is an increase of turgor, an expansion and a positive mechanical response.
  1. Prolonged application of indirect stimulus of moderate intensity gives rise to a diphasic, positive mechanical response followed by the negative.
  2. If the intervening tissue be highly conducting, the transmitted positive effect becomes masked by the predominant negative.

The laws of Effects of Direct and Indirect stimulus hold good not merely in the case of sensitive plants, but universally for all plants. This aspect of the subject will be treated in fuller detail in later Papers of this series.

  1. Cf. Bose—"Plant Response," p. 535; "Comparative Electro-Physiology," p. 64; "Irritability of Plants," p. 196.