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Life and Journals of Kah-ke-wa-quo-nā-by/Chapter V

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AT 8 o'clock, a. m., our love feast began; it was an overwhelming time; the brethren spoke with great power and energy. From the testimonies borne in this meeting we select, — Yellowhead — (head chief of Lake Simcoe.) "Brothers and sisters, I am glad to see you again. I came here to get more strength, and my soul blest. I feel happy in my heart. The Great Spirit has done a deal for us; he has opened our eyes to see our wretchedness, and he has showed us that way that leads to heaven. I will always pray to the Great Spirit as long as I live; this is all I have to say." An Indian from Lake Simcoe: "Brothers and sisters, I am glad to see this place, where my brothers and sisters worship the Great Spirit. I heard what the Great Spirit had done for you, and I thought, now I will go and see my brothers and sisters at the Credit, and see how they are doing. Now my hard heart feels glad to feast with you. I long wandered in darkness, not knowing where to find the Great Spirit, and what to do to be good and wise. Day before yesterday I was blind and could not see, but yesterday I began to see daylight coming, and now to-day I think the sun has come up, and shines in my heart. I am glad to see. I will always try to worship the Great Spirit as long as I breathe. This is all I have to say." Before administering the sacrament, the Elder baptized seven natives from Lake Simcoe, five of whom were adults; 117 natives partook of the Lord's Supper, and 24 whites; it was a solemn and impressive time. Blessed be God for the ordinances of his house, and for the bread that cometh down from heaven, which maketh glad the city of our God. After an intermission of about 20 minutes, Elder Case preached to a large congregation in a pine grove; his text was from Rev. ii. 10, which I interpreted to my native brethren. Brother Thomas Magee also exhorted the Indians, and Brother Richardson the whites. There was great seriousness during the whole services. In the afternoon there was another service conducted by Brother Case. — Sunday, June 1st.

Monday 2nd. — Took a survey of the several plantations round the village, and found under cultivation thirty or forty acres of potatoes and Indian corn, besides the gardens in the village. In the afternoon commenced, by request of Elder Case, to form a spelling book in the Chippeway language. Nothing of the kind has been attempted before, as I am aware of. Towards night we held the Quarterly Conference.

Friday 6th. — Employed in writing the Indian spelling book; find it a tedious task.

Sunday 8th. — Prayer meeting in the morning — Sunday school at nine; about 60 attended. Public worship about noon, when I attempted to give them something of the history of the world before the flood, and of the confusion of tongues. Brother W. Herkimer exhorted. The subjects of our discourses appeared very much to interest the Indians. At 5 o'clock, I preached again on the parable of the sower. Brothers George Henry and Thomas Magee exhorted. It was a precious time to our souls. I urged on the parents the importance of sending their children regularly to school. My soul blest God for the encouragement I received this day.

Monday 9th. — This morning Elder Case arrived for the purpose of fitting out some Indian Missionaries to go to the west and north, to preach to their perishing brethren the unsearchable riches of Christ. In the afternoon we started to attend a Camp meeting up Yonge street. On my way visited Mr. J. Clench at York, Clerk of the Indian Department. We talked about the improvements of the native tribes; he expressed himself warmly in favour of our operations. Slept at Dr. Morrison's.

Tuesday 10th. — About noon started for the Camp ground. When we arrived we found between two and three hundred Indians collected from Lake Simcoe and Schoogog Lake. Most of those from Lake Simcoe have just come in from the back lakes to join with their converted brethren in the service of Almighty God. They came in company with Brother Law, and all seemed very glad to see us, giving us a hearty shake of the hand. The Camp ground enclosed about two acres, which was surrounded with board tents, having one large gate for teams to go in and out, and three smaller ones. The Indians occupied one large tent, which was 240 feet long and 15 feet broad. It was covered over head with boards, and the sides were made tight with bushes, to make it secure from any encroachments. It had four doors fronting the Camp ground. In this long house, the Indians arranged themselves in families, as is their custom in their wigwams. Divine service commenced towards evening. Elder Case first giving directions as to the order to be observed on the Camp ground during the meetings. Brother James Richardson then preached from Acts ii. 21.; after which I gave the substance in Indian, when the brethren appeared much affected and interested. Prayer meeting in the evening. The watch kept the place illuminated during the night.

Wednesday 11th, — The Rev. D. McMullen commenced the services of the day, by preaching from Acts viii. 35. I gave the Indians an outline. Elder Case then spoke a few words through Peter Jacobs. The Rev. E. Ryerson next preached from John iii. 3, and Elder Case exhorted, Peter Jacobs spoke a few words to the white people. In the afternoon the Rev. W. Ryerson preached from Prov. ix. 12, a powerful discourse. In the evening Mr. Vaux. Mr. W. Patrick, and Mr. John Carroll, gave exhortations. Prayer meetings this evening in the tents. A blessed time to my soul.

Thursday 12th. — After breakfast, the Rev. William Ryerson preached to the white people, and at the same time I preached to the Indians in their tents, on the parable of the Prodigal Son. In the afternoon the Rev. J. Richardson preached from Heb. vii. 12. and the Rev. E. Ryerson at considerable length. Prayer meetings in the evening, the Indians holding their's in their tent; it was a powerful time both amongst whites and Indians. Sinners were crying for mercy. Professors were rejoicing, being quickened in spirit. I bless the Lord for what my eyes see, and for what my ears hear of the wonderful works of God among the children of men — even among the sons of the wilderness.

Friday 13th. — After breakfast, Elder Case spoke to the congregation, and gave liberty for any to tell their christian experience. A number of whites and Indians spoke with warm hearts. At the conclusion of this love feast, the Elder desired all who had experienced a change of heart to rise up; about thirty white people and as many Indians rose up. Most of the Indians belonged to John Asance's tribe, or the Matchedash Indians from Penetanguishene. Elder Case and Rev. W. Ryerson gave the closing addresses. After this the Elder administered the Holy Communion to twelve Preachers, three hundred and fourteen whites, and ninety-seven Indians; it was a very solemn time. There were a few adult whites baptized, after which the meeting broke up. I informed the Indians from Rice Lake, that Elder Case and I would accompany them to the Landing, to tell them more about the christian religion; they were highly pleased to hear this. During this meeting, I was greatly encouraged and delighted to witness the fervent devotion that prevailed, and especially the Missionary zeal displayed by the white people, particularly the young. One lad came to me with a shilling in coppers, and said: "Hero, take this and buy some books for the Indian children," adding, "Don't you recollect last Camp meeting at the close of it, a boy coming to you. and requesting you to pray for him that he might be converted? I am the boy," said he, "and have found peace to my soul since that time." We left the Camp ground about 2 o'clock for Lake Simcoe. I stopped for the night at Mr. Purdy's.

Saturday 14th. — Rode part of the way in company with brother Jas. Wilson; proceeded to Brother Johnson's at the Landing, where the Indians are encamped, and where sister Phoebe Edmonds, a pious girl, is keeping school: she has been very useful, in many respects, to the converted natives. This school was commenced on the 12th of February, 1828, and has averaged about twenty scholars, some of whom can now spell in two or three syllables. Towards evening we held a prayer meeting, when Thomas Magee and I spoke.

Sunday 15th. — Elder Case arrived about 9, and at 10, a. m., we assembled under the shade of some trees for Divine worship. After singing and prayer, Thomas Shilling, one of the class leaders, repeated the Ten Commandments in Indian, and the whole congregation after him. I then explained to them the meaning of these Commandments, and how God gave them to the children of men. After a short exhortation by Thomas Magee, Elder Case addressed them through me on the morality of the law. This was a very interesting meeting. About 300 natives were present. About 4 o'clock we held another meeting, after which we commenced giving, and taking down the names of those who wished to be baptized. In doing this we were careful to examine each person as to their christian experience and faith in Christ their Saviour, and on their determination to renounce the world, the flesh, and the devil. This part of our duty was very tedious, as we had to give each person an English Christian name, retaining their Indian names for surnames. Prayer meeting in the evening.

Monday 16th. — Resumed this morning the task of taking down the names for baptism, anticipating some difficulty from those Indians who had two or three wives. The first we went to, was Kenewahsenoo, a brother of Chief Yellowhead. He had two wives. When I enquired about them, he appeared rather surly, and would not give a direct answer to my question; but after telling him plainly that he could not be enrolled with the Christian Indians unless he parted with the last one he took, he said that she might do as she thought best; so I went to her, and after showing her the impropriety of these things, I asked her if she was willing to leave the man she had been living with? She answered in the affirmative, and said, that she thought more about serving the Great Spirit than any thing else, and was willing to do any thing that was right in the sight of God. So this was all settled. We then called forward the next person from whom we apprehended the most difficulty — the Chief from Matchedash, called John Asance. He had three wives, whom he called in broken English, "all dree brothers." I asked him if he was resolved to become a Christian, and give up all his bad ways? He replied, that he was willing to become a Christian, and do all that the ministers would tell him. I then asked, him what he would do with his wives, as it was contrary to the christian religion for any man to have more than one wife? He made the following reply: "I have now embraced Christianity, and am willing to do anything you tell me. I took these women when I was blind, and did not know that it was wrong; for we have been taught that a man might have as many wives as he could support, and I thought I could support three very well; but now my eyes are open to see that it is not right to have more than one wife, so I will part with two, and keep only the eldest and first one I married, with this request, that I may have the privilege of supporting the children by the other women, that they may not want." We told him that we were quite willing he should provide for his children, and that it was his duly so to do. He appeared highly pleased with what we told him. I then asked the two women if they were willing to leave their husband, they answered, "Yes, because they loved Jesus, and would not break his laws any more." They spoke with tears in their eyes, which caused pity in my heart on their behalf. The noble Chief then went to them, and said that "he took them when he did not know any better, but that now he must try and do what was right."[1] About noon we got through taking down the names of persons we considered proper subjects for baptism, being 132. About noon Elder Case started with Wm. Snake, and others, to see an Island called Snake Island, in Lake Simcoe, for the purpose of ascertaining whether it would make a suitable settlement for the Indians, In the afternoon I instructed the Indians in the nature of Christian Baptism. The brethren from the Credit, viz: Thos. Magee, John Thomas, and Young Smith, exhorted; great attention was paid.

Tuesday 17th. — In the morning I explained to them the meaning of the apostles' creed, as containing the whole sum of the Christian belief. My comrades from the Credit assisted in this exercise. About noon Elder Case returned from the Island highly pleased with its situation. At 2 o'clock the baptismal service commenced. We first arranged them in family groups, as their names had previously been taken down. The Elder then addressed them on the subject of their conversion from paganism to Christianity, which I interpreted. After singing and prayer he again exhorted them to give their whole hearts to God by repenting of their sins and believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. He then put the usual questions for such as have arrived at mature years. At the close of each sentence they responded by saying aahe, (i.e., I will, or yes.) The questions ended, they all knelt down on the ground, and were solemnly baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. The presence of the Lord was in our midst, and his power rested on the people. May the Lord bless and preserve these new lambs now gathered into his fold from the howling wilderness, and may they be the means of spreading the knowledge of a Saviour's name far to the west, that those who are now sitting in darkness may have their eyes opened to see this great light! Before dismissing the meeting I endeavoured to exhort them to be faithful to their professions, and never break the solemn covenant they had just made before God and this congregation, but by watchfulness and prayer endeavour to keep all the commands of the Great Spirit. After singing and prayer we separated for a time. In the evening we arranged them in classes, and appointed fourteen leaders. After this a novel scene took place; one of Brother Law's scholars applied to us for permission to marry a certain young woman — we told him we had no objections to his marrying, but that as they now had become christians it would be necessary for them in future to go through the marriage ceremony in the public congregation; and as the laws of the land prohibited Methodist Ministers from performing the service, it was decided that the chiefs had the power to solemnize the marriages of their own people in such a form as they thought proper. I spoke to Chief Yellowhead on the subject, which, meeting with his approbation, he requested me to assist in the ceremony. When we were ready and in full expectation of seeing an Indian wedding, up stepped John Asance, the Matchedash Chief, and said that he had long ago spoken for that young woman for his son, and he considered his son had the first right to the admired female. We then asked the young woman about it, when she replied that neither of the young men, nor any one else, had ever said anything to her about having either of them; and, as she wished to go to school and learn to read, she did not wish to marry either of them. Thus were our expectations of seeing an Indian wedding blighted.

Wednesday 18th. — Chiefs Yellowhead and Asance, with their people, prepared to go to Yellowhead's Island, near the Narrows of Lake Simcoe. They were accompanied by Brother Wm. Law, an Englishman, Thomas Magee, and John Thomas, from the Credit: these go as missionaries and teachers. Brother Law is well calculated for a school teacher amongst Indians, and they are much indebted to him for his indefatigable labours on Yellowhead's Island. Chief Wm. Snake's party remained at the Landing to attend Sister Edmond's school. About noon we started for York. In the afternoon Brother Case preached at Brother Hartman's from 2 Cor. v. 1. It was a refreshing time to our souls.

Thursday 19th. — Arrived at York in the afternoon, and commenced getting a small Indian spelling book, which I had written, printed at Mr. McKenzie's office.

Friday 20th. — Was employed most of the day in correcting the proof sheets of the spelling book. Paid a visit to Colonel Clench.

Saturday 21st. — Employed as yesterday in the printing office. In the afternoon rode to the Credit. During my absence one of the sisters died, viz: M. Finger, wife of George Finger. I was informed she departed this life quite resigned to the will of God on the 13th instant.

Sunday 22nd. — At 11 o'clock, I endeavoured to preach to my native brethren on the parable of the Ten Virgins. Peter Jacobs and others exhorted. In the afternoon, the Rev. Mr. Magrath, the Church Clergyman, came to marry a couple, Moses Pahdequong and Susan Camp. Towards evening I rode to York, on my way to Belleville. Slept at Dr. Morrison's.

Wednesday 25th. — Overtook Elder Case and Brother Chamberlain in Haldimand. Went in company with the Elder to Brother Gilberts, near where a Camp meeting is to commence to-morrow.

Thursday 26th. — We repaired to the Camp ground this morning, and found a number of the Rice Lake Indians assembled, who came hoping to derive benefit from the meeting. About noon the brethren from Grape Island came. My heart rejoiced to see them once more, and they appeared very glad to see us. The Indians from Kingston and Gananoque accompanied the friends from Grape Island; most of them intend residing there; they have become sober, and most of them profess to enjoy the blessings of religion; the rest are seeking. In the afternoon the people began to flock in, and pitch their tents. At 4, p. m., Elder Case opened the meeting by singing and prayer; he then preached from Matt. vi. 10, the substance of which I gave to the Indians. In the evening Brother Davidson preached from 2 Peter iv. 1.

Friday 27th. — At 8 o'clock this morning Brother Phelps preached from 1 Cor. xvi. 55, 56. John Sunday spoke a few words in English, and exhorted his brethren in Indian. Bro. Biggar also exhorted. At 11 o'clock Brother John Reynolds preached on Rom. xii. 12. At 3, p. m., Bro. W. Smith, from Acts xiii. 31. At 9 in the evening several addresses were given by Brothers J. Benham, W. Beaver, J. Sunday, and myself; a prayer meeting closed the services.

Saturday 28th, — At 8 a. m., Brother Davidson preached on Job xxi. 15. At 11 Brother Egerton Ryerson, from Isaiah liii. 3. In the evening, Brother W. Smith; a great crowd of people had assembled this evening.

Sunday 29th. — At 8, a. m., preaching by Elder Case, from Psalm xxiii. 1. At 11 Brother E. Ryerson, from John vii. 37. At 4, p. m., there was an exhibition of the improvement of the Indian children from Grape Island in reading and spelling; they also repeated part of the Ten Commandments; they then sang: they have made great improvement. The congregation appeared greatly interested, and it must have been a great satisfaction to those who contributed to aid this good cause. May the Lord increase the zeal of all his people, and make them instant in season and out of season! At the close of this exhibition, Miss Barnes gave a discourse on the incarnation, sufferings, death, resurrection, and ascension of our Saviour; she spoke fluently, with a strong voice, and very figuratively. We had a very powerful prayer meeting in the evening, sinners crying for mercy, and professing christians seeking for sanctification.

Monday 30th. — At 7 o'clock this morning I endeavoured to preach to the white people from Acts xiii. 41. Brother Allen Crow and W. Beaver exhorted the Indians. After a short address from Elder Case, he proceeded to administer the Holy Sacrament, This was a precious time to my soul. The meeting closed with singing and prayer. There was good order preserved throughout the meeting. After taking leave of my brethren I started for the Credit, by way of Rice Lake, accompanied by Brother H. Biggar. Slept at the Carrying Place. Miss Barnes and others also stayed there. Tuesday, July 1st. — Proceeded to Cobourg, and slept at Mr. Spencer's.

Wednesday 2nd. — In the afternoon I rode out to the Rice Lake; found but few Indians at home. Sang and prayed with those there. Slept at Mr. Elsworth's.

Thursday 3rd. — This morning I visited several camps on the Island; most of the men were gone hunting. Their corn and potatoe fields promise a good harvest. After singing and praying with them I returned to Mr. Elsworth's. In the afternoon Brother Biggar, Miss Barnes, and Miss Ash, arrived. Bro. B. teaches the boys, and Miss A. the girls. Sister Barnes intends to teach the females to braid in straw, which I hope will be of great benefit to them. Miss Barnes and Miss Ash intend living together in one of the bark schoolhouses.

Friday 4th. — Brother B. and I crossed the lake to inspect the land on which these Indians intend to settle; we called on Captain Anderson, who accompanied us. We were very much delighted with the situation, and thought it a very suitable one for an Indian settlement. Returned in the afternoon to the Mission school. When the Indians collected I addressed them from Matt. vi. 16.

Saturday 5th — In the forenoon Brother Biggar and myself were employed in building a clay oven for our devoted sisters. At 4 o'clock I gave an exhortation to our Indian brethren, and then bade them farewell, departing for Cobourg. There appears to be some opposition from Mr. E., the Inn-keeper, against the female boarders going into the school-house and boarding themselves. It is a strange thing indeed if the Mission family cannot do as they please about providing for themselves the necessary comforts of life. Must we be led by the blind? Must we be governed by the wicked? Must we gratify the avaricious worldling? No! but, in the strength and name of our God, we will come out from among them, and strive to live with an eye single to the glory of God, who alone is able to do us good.

Sunday 6th. — At 11 o'clock I endeavoured to preach in the Hamilton Chapel from Luke xix. 10. The congregation was but small. In the afternoon I preached in Cobourg Chapel from Matt, v. 33. The congregation was very attentive.

Monday 7th. — At 1 o'clock I preached a funeral sermon over a child five or six years old, from 1 Peter i. 24, 25. Rode to Mr. Farley's for the night.

Sunday 13th. — In the morning, at prayer meeting; at 9, Sunday school; at noon I preached from 2 Cor. v. 17; gave the substance in English to the whites present. Brother Jos. Sawyer exhorted; at 5, p. m., I preached from Psalm xxiii.; a middling good time. Visited sister M. Crawford, who is very sick. She is quite happy in the Lord, and resigned to His will.

Thursday 17th. — Took a census of the number of Indians belonging to this village, which I found to be 223 souls; the increase since last year is eight. A precious time at the prayer meeting in the evening. Blessed be God for all His mercies towards me!

Sunday 20th. — Prayer meeting at the chapel in the morning. At 7. a. m., we went to a field meeting about 3 miles off. The Rev. T. Madden presided. There was a large congregation assembled. Mr. Madden opened the meeting by a short address; we then sang and prayed, after which he called on me to exhort first the whites, then the Indians. Brother Shoot then gave a short address. The Rev. E. Adams preached from John xiv. 3, and afterwards Elder Madden from Rev. xxii. 17. After this I endeavoured to preach from Acts xiii. 41. We then sang, and the Elder closed the exercises by prayer. The congregation was very serious and attentive, and I hope our labour was not in vain. Thursday 24th. — Employed this day in taking down words for my vocabulary. Towards night we had prayer meeting; a tolerably good time. Just at the close of the meeting. Thos. Magee and J. Thomas arrived from Lake Simcoe with fourteen Christian Indians from that place, among whom was John Asance, the Matchedash Chief. Our Indians flocked round to give them the right hand of fellowship. We divided them two and two to different families.

Sunday 27th. — In the morning we had prayer meeting; at 9, Sunday school, and at noon I endeavoured to preach to my Indian brethren from Acts viii. 35. The people were very attentive. Brother George Henry exhorted in a feeling manner. Before dismissing the meeting. I gave the substance of my discourse to the white people present. About 6, p. m., we assembled again for Divine worship. After singing and prayer, Brothers J. Sawyer, Thomas Smith, and T. Magee, exhorted; after whom I spoke and invited mourners to come forward to the altar to be prayed for; about twenty approached with the Lake Simcoe Indians. The spirit of the Lord was manifestly present; in a short time a number of the mourners were enabled to rejoice in a sin pardoning God.

Monday 28th. — Went with the Rev. J. Richardson to see brother Peter Conover, a few miles from the village, who is very sick and not expected to recover. He made a will of his farm, consisting of ninety-five acres, together with all the buildings and improvements on the same, worth ten or twelve hundred dollars, one half to his wife, and the other half to be put into the hands of the Revs. Elder Case, Thomas Madden, and J. Ryerson, as trustees, for the purpose of carrying on the Indian Missions in this country; the property to be sold a year and a day after the death of the testator, and the money to be divided according to the will. Thus is the Lord opening the hearts of his people to furnish the necessary means for carrying on his work among the natives of the forest. May God reward Brother P. C. with a crown of glory for his charity towards the poor sons of the forest!

Thursday 29th. — In the afternoon Col. Givins, the Indian Agent, arrived with the payments and presents from the Government to this people. The Commissary commenced the distribution immediately, but did not finish tiil dark. The amount of payments we receive annually for lands surrendered to the Crown, is little over £470, and the King's presents are worth perhaps nearly as much more.

Wednesday 30th. — Divided the ammunition this day. In the afternoon employed in writing down Indian words for my vocabulary. Evening, at class meeting.

Friday, August 1st. — Rode in the afternoon to York, calling on Col. Givins. In the evening, paid a visit to Mr. Clench, who informed me of the state of the Indian Reserves on the twelve and sixteen mile creeks, and the river Credit. Slept at Dr. Morrison's.

Sunday 3rd. — Brother Richardson was called upon this day to attend the funeral of Peter Conover, who departed this life on Friday last, in the full triumphs of faith in the merits of Christ, and no doubt has gone to receive a crown of glory at the right hand of God; for he has been a faithful follower of Christ for thirty years. In the morning we had a prayer meeting, and Sunday school at the usual time. At 11 o'clock, I endeavoured to preach from Num. x. 29. We had a tolerably good time to our souls. Peter Jacobs exhorted. In the afternoon we again assembled for Divine worship, when I spoke to my brethren of the descent of the Holy Ghost on the day of Pentecost. Brother T. Magee exhorted. We then had a short prayer meeting. Brother R. arrived just before the close of the meeting, spoke a few words, and then baptized my brother John's child by the name of Augusta. Thursday 7th. — Prepared for a tour to Lake Simcoe. Towards noon the Revs. Scott and Stewart (Baptist ministers.) came to the village and requested to have a meeting with us. We called the people together, when Mr. Stewart preached from John iv. 9. After which I gave the substance in Indian. Mr. Scott also spoke a few words to us. Towards evening we had a prayer meeting a good time to our souls.

Friday 8th. — Started for Lake Simcoe; called on Col. Givins, who informed me that he would give the payments and presents to the Lake Simcoe Indians on Wednesday, the 13th inst. Stopped for the night at Brother J. Cumers, Yonge Street, where I met with Brother J. Beatty, who was much engaged in behalf of the Indians, by forming Missionary Societies.

Saturday 9th. — Arrived at the Landing about 8 o'clock, p. m., where the Indians had all collected to receive their presents. Mr. Wm. Law, the school master, was well, but Miss P. Edwards, the female teacher, was sick with fever. I was informed that the Indian brethren had been very faithful in the worship of God, and that a goodly number of the wild Indians had joined the meetings and become sober and serious. The schools have been prospering well. During this day some of the Christian Indians came to inform me that a certain pagan powwow had intimated his intention of consulting his munedoos or spirits that evening, in order to ascertain from them whether it was right for the Indians to forsake the religion of their fathers to take hold of the white man's.

Sunday 10th. — In the morning we had a prayer meeting, when a number prayed. At 11 o'clock we assembled for Divine worship, when I preached on the parable of the Prodigal Son. Benjamin Crane exhorted. There were three hundred present; the conjurer was amongst them — all paid good attention. In the afternoon we held another meeting, when I spoke on the necessity of keeping the commandments of God. After which, James York made many feeling and good remarks. We stopped for the night at Mr. Tyson's, — a very friendly family.

Monday 11th. — Had a meeting with the Indians. Mr. Gruet numbered the Indians, was as follows: — Christians, 390; Pagans, 65; connected with the French people, about 60; total, 515

Tuesday 12th. — In the forenoon I collected the scholars together to hear them repeat their lessons; sixty-six. were present — eight in two syllables, twenty-two in monosyllables, nineteen in two letters, and seventeen in the alphabet. All the scholars from both schools were not present, or they would have been more than 100. It appears that the schools have been doing very well, considering the number there are to attend to. In the afternoon we assembled the people, and gave them a short history of the antediluvians: Brother George (a class leader.) exhorted. After concluding our religious exercises, Chief Asance gave the Indians some advice relative to their conduct at the approaching issue of presents. This Chief appears a man of considerable thought and understanding. At 5 o'clock I held a meeting with the Class Leaders, enquiring the state of their several classes, and of their own minds, and their accounts in general were very good. I then proceeded to give them some instructions on the leading doctrines of religion: this Was a refreshing season to our souls. Stopped at Mr. Tyson's for the night, where I met with the most welcome reception. The Indian presents and payments arrived this evening.

Wednesday 13th. — Mr. Law and I went to the Lower Landing to see the distribution of the presents, Col. Givins had already arrived, and appeared quite friendly, until a drunken Frenchman made a complaint to him about the Methodist preachers, stating that one of the Indians had told him that he heard a class leader say to the Indians that they should not care any thing about Col. Givins, for that he was no more than any other man, and was last winter put into gaol. The Frenchman pointed out the man who told him. I immediately went to him and made every enquiry, but he said he knew nothing about it, neither had he ever said any such thing. I then requested the Frenchman to take the Indian before the Colonel, and inform him that there was no truth in the report; they went together and explained the whole matter, and the Col. appeared perfectly satisfied. I have no doubt but the traders and their hirelings would rejoice to get any hold whereby they could prejudice the minds of the officers of Government against the Methodist teachers now amongst the Indians. But the Lord will carry on his work in spite of their opposition. In the Lord do we put our trust and confidence. It took the Commissary all day to divide the goods, which consist of blankets, cloths, calicoes, shirting, hats, guns, rifles, powder, shot, balls, tin and brass kettles, pots, axes, silk handkerchiefs, ribbons, thread, brooches, &c. The amount of their payments is £1,200 currency per annum, besides the King's presents, which perhaps are nearly as much more; these, with frugality and economy, might be enough to clothe them all the year. In the evening I assembled the Indians and discoursed to them on the depravity of our nature, and the atonement made by Jesus Christ. They were very attentive.

Thursday 14th. — Colonel Givins commenced giving out the goods this morning. The mode of distribution was as follows: The men were seated in rows on the ground by themselves, the women and children in the same order — the Commissary then commenced giving one sort of goods to each individual until the whole of the various articles were disposed of. During this day John Asance, the Chief, brought a message to me from the head man of the Pagan Indians, accompanied with a string of wampum, stating that the reason he did not accept of the Christian religion, was, in consequence of a number of his people not being present at that place he could not consult with them and give a decided answer, but that next spring he would be able to let us know what he would do, and thought that he should meet our wishes and become a christian. John Asance then delivered the same message to Colonel Givins, who requested me to go with him to the man who sent it. The Colonel told him that he was glad to hear that he began to think, about mending his ways, and hoped that he would not trifle with Christianity, but that he would consider it as the will of the Great Spirit to man. He said he had no orders from the King to advise any of the Indians to become christians, but knowing that it would be better for them to become sober and civilized, he would, as an individual, advise them to join with their christian brethren in the service of God and civilization. He further told him that in a few years the hunting would be destroyed by the white settlers who were constantly extending back into the country, and consequently it would be better for him and his children to be preparing beforehand for the cultivation of the earth, &c. The aged Sachem assented to all the Colonel said. This Indian and his people reside on the North shore of Lake Huron, called, by the Indians. Metahbik. The whole number does not perhaps exceed one hundred. In all probability this will be the next body of Indians who will embrace Christianity, and from thence it will no doubt spread to Drummond's Island, &c. I see only one difficulty in the way of the Gospel taking the wings of the morning and flying to the Western or Pacific Ocean, and making the wilderness vocal with the high praises of God, and that is the opposition it will meet with from the Roman Catholics, who have already. I am informed, commenced an establishment at Drummond's Island, and got a number of the Indians to join with them. It is well known that the first step the priests take is to prejudice their minds against all other denominations, while they neglect to teach them the depravity of the human heart, and the necessity of coming to Christ alone for pardon and mercy: in this way they make the Indians ten times more the children of the devil than they were before. The Lord have mercy upon them, and dispose their hearts to receive the truth, that they may know nothing but the truth as it is in Christ Jesus our Lord. They finished dividing the presents about 5 o'clock. The Chiefs then expressed their thanks to their great father, the King, for his bounty to them, by presenting a string of wampum. For the last two days I have not seen a drunken Indian on the ground, which is perhaps the first time they ever collected together at the delivery of presents and payments in a sober, decent manner. Two years ago I was present at the issue at this place when I beheld with grief old men and women, young men and young women, intoxicated, and selling the articles they got from Government for the firewaters. They then looked wretched beyond description, but now, what a change, — how wonderful the effects of the Gospel, which has proved to be the life and power of God to the salvation of this people — we see them now decently clothed and "in their right mind!" Stopped at Mr. Johnson's this night.

Friday 15th. — Mr. Law accompanied me this morning to the Lower Landing, in order to hold a meeting with the Indian brethren, and bid them farewell, intending to start for York to-day. At the sound of the horn, they assembled together, when I gave them some religious advice, and closed by exhorting them to persevere in the good way. Benjamin Crane then exhorted, after which we commended each other to the protection of Almighty God, and bade each other adieu. Yellowhead's and John Asance's tribes intend returning to the Island, and remaining there until after the Quarterly Meeting, which is to he held at Snake Island on the 6th of September. At the request of John Asanee, I met with him and others at Newmarket, to appear before W. Robinson, one of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace. Their object was to enter a complaint against a Frenchman who had most unmercifully abused one of the Indians by beating him. The magistrate refused giving a warrant, because the Indian could not give the day of the month on which the affair happened, but said that he would write a letter to the man to let him know that if he ever abused any of the Indians again, he would proceed against him according to law. The Indians reluctantly consented to this proposal, but not without a severe rebuke from the Chief, who told the magistrate that when the Chiefs of the white people first settled in this country, their great father took them by the hand and told them that he would look upon them as his children and protect them from the abuses of the white people; but, said the Chief, "I have been abused again and again by your people, and no notice has been taken of them for their bad conduct, and I thought that the reason you did not take notice of us was, because we were so wretched, ignorant, and drunken, and consequently not worthy of regard; but now our eyes are opened to see our miserable condition, and in seeing, we have endeavoured to forsake our former evil ways. I cannot suffer any more from the abuses of your young men without having justice done to the offenders. Consider what I say; this is all" Heard a great deal about a division amongst the Quakers in the vicinity of Newmarket. It appears that one Elias Hicks, in the United States, propagated very pernicious doctrines amongst the Friends there, and by his artifice has succeeded in getting a majority on his side, who have, I am informed, taken possession of most of the meeting houses. I understand that they deny there is any heaven, hell, judgment, or mediator; that all the heaven, hell, or judgment men will have, will be in this world; and that men require no mediator. Such blasphemous doctrines ought not to be suffered to exist in a Christian land; nor even in a heathen land. I had rather remain a Pagan than imbibe such principles of error and blasphemy. Were these the doctrines of the great and good William Penn, who was so remarkable for his uprightness and honesty as to gain the confidence of all the Indians that had any knowledge of him? No, I cannot believe that he held such notions of God and eternity, but that he believed in the recompense of rewards; in the atonement made by Jesus Christ our Lord, for our present and eternal salvation. Slept at Mr. E. Smith's.

Saturday 16th, — Rode from Mr. Smith's to York; arrived there about 5 o'clock, just as the meeting commenced in the Methodist Chapel. Brother James Wilson was preaching on the influence of the Holy Spirit upon the hearts of the children of men. Mr. McMullen exhorted, and closed the meeting. Elder Case arrived just at the close of the service from below, to hold his Quarterly Meetings in this part of the country. Prayer meeting in the evening.

Sunday 17th, — Love feast at 9 o'clock; rather a dull time, the members being very backward in taking up the cross. Preaching at noon by Elder Case, his text. 2 Cor. viii. 9, after which he called on me to address the people. The Elder then proceeded to administer the Lord's Supper. This was a blessed season to our souls. In the evening Brother Wm. Ryerson preached from Ps. xvi. 11. The house was crowded on both occasions, and the congregations very attentive.

Monday 18th. — About noon I started for the Credit and arrived before sunset; found some sick in the village. John Chief, whom I mentioned before as being very ill, is now recovering. Wednesday 20th. — Visited sister Mary Jacobs, wife of Peter Jacobs, who is very sick of fever. Elder Case arrived from York. In the afternoon the Rev. W. Ryerson preached, and Elder Case exhorted; we had a profitable time. After meeting I called the men together to lay before them the proposition of Dr. Joseph Adamson respecting his attendance on the sick at this place. His offer is to attend them one year if every man will engage to give him two days' work during the year. After explaining this to them they unanimously agreed to accept the Doctor's offer. In the evening we had a prayer meeting, and Elder Case requested them to pray for Peter Jacob's wife, who is now dangerously ill.

Thursday 21st. — About 3 o'clock this morning, Brother Peter Jacobs came and awoke me, requesting me to go and see his wife, as he said he did not think she could live half an hour longer. I accordingly went with him, and, to my astonishment, found her just breathing her last: we knelt down and commended her to the mercy of Almighty God through Jesus Christ, who is the author of eternal life to them that believe. At about a quarter after 3 o'clock the spirit departed from the body to join the blood-washed throng in glory. Sister Jacobs embraced Christianity about four years ago, and was one of the first converts; from which time she was much devoted to the service of God, although she had many trials and difficulties to struggle with. She was married about two years ago, and has left an infant child to mourn the loss of a mother's care. This sudden visitation seemed to make a deep impression on all her relations and friends, who felt that they had lost a sister in the Lord, but rejoiced in hope that their loss was her eternal gain. Sister Jacobs' remains were committed to the grave about 4 o'clock, p. m., and a discourse delivered on the occasion by Elder Case, who planted a young pine tree at the head of her grave. Our love feast commenced about 9 o'clock. The brethren spoke with great liberty, and it was a time of solemn rejoicing. Preaching about noon by Elder Case, on the 1st Psalm; when he got through, I gave the heads of the discourse; after which Thomas Magee exhorted with all his might. The Holy Sacrament was administered at the close of the love feast: 100 Indians and 13 whites communed. This was a profitable time to our souls.

Friday 22nd. — The Quarterly Conference for this place was held this morning. The class leaders gave good accounts of their class members in general. Two received license to exhort — Brother J. Sawyer and my brother, John Jones: these are the first, excepting myself, who have received license to exhort amongst our people. Their characters and talents were duly examined before the Conference, and they were deemed persons fit for the office.

Sunday 24th. — In the morning attended the prayer meeting; and at 9 o'clock, Sunday school; a goodly number attended. My brother John and myself went to hear Mr. Magrath at his church in Springfield. We were conducted to a pew near the altar, The Rev. gentleman soon commenced the Church service, which lasted an hour, after which he delivered a short discourse from John xvii. 24. The subject matter of his sermon was the duty of prayer. The congregation paid good attention.

Monday 25th. — Writing and visiting the sick. Elder Case arrived in the forenoon, and in the afternoon visited the school and instructed them in singing a few new tunes. In the evening we held a meeting, when the Elder proceeded to state the necessity of the Indians walking in the straight path of duty, by serving the Great Spirit with all their hearts, and by being active and industrious in their agricultural pursuits.

Tuesday 26th. — Met my honoured father in town and lodged with him for the night. He informed me that all our family were in good health when he left home. We had sweet counsel together on heavenly things. He exhorted me to be faithful in trying to do good to my poor Indian brethren. My heart was made glad to find my beloved father so much engaged in the service of the Lord. May the Great Spirit keep and preserve him in his old age, that he may come down to the grave in peace, and enter into the joy of his Lord!

Thursday 28th. — Employed in writing and visiting the sick. About noon one of our Indian sisters from Lake Simcoe died. She embraced Christianity last spring, and has since led a praying life, and there is no doubt she has gone to enjoy that rest which remaineth for the people of God.

Friday 29th. — Buried the sister who died yesterday. I gave a short discourse on the occasion. Started for Camp meeting, to be held in East Flamboro', which is to commence to-day. On my way I called on a Mr. Stanton, a willow basket maker, and at the request of Elder Case, engaged him to come and teach our Credit Indian women his trade, which he agreed to do for the sum of 7s. 6d., cy., per day. Arrived at the Camp ground about sun set. Many were already assembled on the spot from different quarters. A few of the Mohawk and a number of the Credit brethren were present. In the evening Brother John Carroll preached from Heb. vi. 18, 20. Elder Ryerson exhorted, after which he gave notice of the order and rules of the meeting. I held a prayer meeting amongst the Indian brethren, and we had a precious season.

Sunday 31st. — At 5 o'clock this morning, I was called upon to preach without fifteen minutes notice. I endeavoured to speak from Hebs. ii. 3. Had little or no liberty in speaking. Felt deeply humbled before God. that I might be more instant in season and out of season! At 9, the Rev. J. Richardson preached from Matt, xxiii. 38. At 11, Rev. William Ryerson preached from 2 Peter iii. 8. At 2. the Rev. A. Prindle preached from Isa. xli. 14. In the evening Rev. Wm. Ryerson preached from Luke xviii. 13, 14. Prayer meetings were held in the intervals of preaching. The power of the Lord was manifest amongst the people, and many began to cry for mercy, and lukewarm professors were quickened in spirit.

Monday, September 1st. — At 8, a. m., mourners were invited to come forward to the altar to be prayed for. Many came and with tears and groans sought the mercy of God, and several professed to find peace to their souls, and five or six joined the Society. We had a most refreshing season at the table of the Lord.

Wednesday 3rd. — My brother John, Peter Jacobs, and about thirty of our people started for the Indian Camp meeting, to be held on Lake Simcoe. Friday next.

Thursday 4th. — Rode from York to the Landing, where we stopped for the night. Elder Case had left this in the morning for Snake Island, where the meeting is to be held.

Friday 5th. — Engaged Mr. P. Squires to take our party to the Island in his sloop. Sailed about 11: owing to contrary winds, we were a long time getting out of the river. Got to the lake about 3 p. m., and when within five miles of the Island, a squall of rain and wind struck us, which split the foot of our main mast, and we were then obliged to haul in the main sail and to run to the land with the jib sail, to prevent further damage. After landing, we pursued our journey on foot and arrived opposite the Island by sun set. We then crossed over to the Island in bark canoes, and found Brother Case and the Indian brethren busily employed in preparing the Camp ground. Brothers John Beatty and E. Smith were also on the Island. Most of the Indians from the Narrows, and elsewhere, had arrived to the number of about three hundred. In the evening we had a general prayer meeting; afterwards we retired to our tents, where prayer, praise, and singing, were continued. Whilst listening to them, my soul was filled with joy and gratitude to God for what he has done for this people, who not long since were chanting their war songs, and offering up their petitions to Muhjemunedoo and to dumb idols, and were wallowing in all manner of iniquity. But now mark the change! They now know the true God and Jesus Christ whom he has sent; they are clothed and in their right mind; they pray; they sing his praises; they shout and give glory to God! To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, be ascribed everlasting praises, world without end. Amen.

Saturday 6th. — In the morning, prayer meetings were held in all the tents. Some of our young men went out hunting deer this morning, and by breakfast time brought in a fat buck, which made a fine feast for us. At 11 a. m., we assembled for worship. Explained the rules of the meeting, after which all the Indians repeated the Ten Commandments standing. We then sang and prayed, and Brother J. Sawyer gave a word of exhortation on the goodness of God in saving poor Indians, and on the necessity of being faithful in the service of God. Brother John Sunday then addressed the meeting, and said "he was happy to meet his Indian brothers and sisters in this wilderness, to worship the Great Spirit of all the earth, He then compared the work of God amongst the Indians to a grain of wheat sown on good ground, which brought forth much. He delivered the salutations of his brethren at Grape Island, and said that they all prayed for them in their hearts. He stated that previous to his leaving Grape Inland, his brethren spent one day in praying for a blessing to rest on his labours amongst the Indians whom he was about to visit. Thus you see my brethren at Grape Island made up my pack and sent me off in the name of the Lord to this place." He concluded by relating the exercises of his mind on the way, and thanked God for bringing him here in safety. My brother John gave a short exhortation on the sufferings of Christ for us, and his willingness to save all who call upon his name. He concluded the meeting by singing and prayer. At 2 o'clock, p. m., I preached from Luke xviii. 13, 14. I felt much of the presence of the Good Spirit whilst speaking. Elder Case made a few remarks through Peter Jacobs, after which Peter gave a word of exhortation and closed the present exercise. We then proceeded to hold a Quarterly Conference with the class leaders, who gave in general a good report of their classes. They informed us that two had turned again to drunkenness since the work of God began amongst the Matchedash Indians, who had been drawn into it by the intrigues of some Roman Catholic French, and Indians from the Lake of Two Mountains, who told the Indians that whisky was good to preserve health, and that there was no harm in drinking it, and as a proof, they said their ministers drank it. With these arguments they persuaded the poor Indian to take the cup of intoxication. "Woe to him that putteth the cup to his neighbour's mouth." The leaders informed us that seven of the Lake Simcoe Indians have died lately; four adults who died happy in the Lord, and three children. In the evening several exhortations were delivered — among them was one from John Sunday, who related his conversion to God, his former wretched state whilst in his blindness, and thanked God for what he had done for him; and exhorted his brethren to be faithful all the days of their life; not to be christians only for a day but always. He said that christians ought to be as wise as a red squirrel, who looks ahead and thinks of the approaching winter, and provides food for his winter's use. So ought a christian to prepare to meet his God; that now is the time to lay up the good words of the Great Spirit, and thus imitate the red squirrel. Where will he go who refuses to be as wise as a red squirrel? Eternal misery will be the portion of all who neglect to seek and pray to God. Thomas Biggs, (a lad about 14 years old) said, "Brothers and sisters pray for me, for I do not know how to speak, seeing I am but a child, and feel as if I had just this day noon found the Lord. Formerly about this time of the year, our fathers used to meet for the purpose of drinking the fire-water, and we were in danger of being plunged into hell-fire; but now Jesus has had mercy upon us, and snatched us from that awful place. The love of God will now carry us safely to heaven, where we will be happy forever and ever, and feast with the good people in our Father's house. Brothers and sisters have you this hope in your hearts? I will always trust in Jesus Christ as long as I live. This is all I have to say."[2]

Sunday 7th. — Prayer meetings early in the morning. At 9 o'clock addresses were delivered, first by Chief Sawyer; second by John Sunday, who said, "My brothers and sisters, I have been one of the most miserable creatures on earth. I lived and wandered amongst the white people on the Bay of Quinte, and contracted all their vices, and soon became very wicked. At one time I had a beloved child who was very ill. I tried to save the child from dying, but could not, as the child died in defiance of all that I could do for him. I was then more fully convinced that there must be some Being greater than man, and that the Great Being does all things according to his own will. When I heard the missionaries preach Jesus Christ, and what we ought to do to be saved, I believed their word, and I began at once to do as they advised, and soon found peace to my soul. Brothers and sisters, I will tell you what the good missionaries are like: they are like sun glasses which scatter light and heat wherever they are held; so do the ministers of Christ spread the light of truth amongst the people, which warms their hearts and makes them very happy." At 10, a. m., I preached from 2 Cor. v. 17. The Spirit of the Lord rested upon us, and at noon Elder Case preached from 2 Cor. iv. last verse. Brother E. Smith exhorted the white people who came from the settlements. At 2, p. m., Rev. John Beatty preached from Acts xv. 29, 31. Towards the close of the sermon a heavy rain storm commenced, which continued till dark.

Monday 8th. — In the morning we proceeded to examine the candidates for baptism, in regard to their faith, experience, and determination. At 8 o'clock, 39 Indians were dedicated to God in Baptism. At noon the Lord's Supper was administered to a deeply affected people. We all felt it was good to surround the table of the Lord. At 3, p. m., we bade our Indian brethren farewell, who followed us to the water, and seemed reluctant to let us go. We all knelt down by the shore of the lake, and again commended each other to the protection of Almighty God in prayer, and then set sail for the Holland Landing. We left our Indian friends bathed in tears. We landed at Holland Landing after dark.

Tuesday 9th. — Bode in company with Brothers Case and Beatty as far as to Richmond Hill, where I parted from them and wended my course towards Rice Lake Mission, and found the Mission family, consisting of Brother H. Biggar, Sisters Barnes and Ash, in good health; but many of our Indian brethren sick with fevers. Since I last visited this Mission the family have moved their establishment from the main land to an island called Spooke Island, where I found them living in bark wigwams, like their Indian brethren, happy and contented. Why not? They are engaged in a glorious work, and the blessing of God rests upon these devoted missionaries. The school was also kept in a bark building, where the children are taught to read the Word of God.

Wednesday 17th. — Went with a party of the Indians to Belleville, in order to receive their goods. On landing at Belleville. Mr. Clench and the officers met us and we all shook hands with them. When the Indians had received their goods in bulk, Mr. Clench, the Indian Agent, delivered a good speech to the Indians, which I interpreted; the substance of which was, that he thanked the Great Spirit for permitting him to meet his red children once more, and to take them by the hand in the name of their very great father, the King over the great waters. In token of his love to his red children he had this day delivered to them the King's presents. That he rejoiced to see the improvement they were making in christianity and civilization, and hoped they would still persevere in this laudable undertaking. That as they now had become Christians it would be unnecessary for him to recommend them to take good care of their presents, as their own good sense had convinced them of doing so. He trusted that their attachment to the King and his Government would continue firm and strong, and assured his red children that their great father would never forsake them. Took leave of my Grape Island brethren and rode up to the Trent, where the Rice Lake Indians were waiting for their presents. Mr. Clench made the same speech to them. The British officers present were very friendly, and expressed high gratification in witnessing the happy change which had taken place amongst these Indians. I hired teams to take the goods to Rice Lake.

Saturday 20th. — Began early this morning to distribute the goods sent by the Government amongst the Indians, and finished before night, to the entire satisfaction of all parties. Each man received two blankets, cloth for one coat, and one pair of trousers, two shirts, several small articles, and also several guns, ammunition, kettles, &c. Brother John Sunday arrived here this evening from Lake Simcoe, where he has been labouring for some time.

Sunday 21st. — About noon the Indians assembled on the green grass near Captain Anderson's house. I preached to them from 2 Cor. v. 1. Brothers J. Sunday and Chief Pahdosh exhorted, and concluded the meeting. Peter James, a class leader belonging to the Mud Lake Indians, died this day from fever; he was converted about two years ago, and has been the principal leader in the devotions of his brethren.

Tuesday 23rd. — This morning I received the mournful news of the death of our brother, Peter Rice Lake, who died about midnight. At 3, p. m., we met at the house of deceased, and I gave them a short discourse from Rev. xiv. 13, and then buried our departed brother near Captain Anderson's. I mourned and wept before God in seeing so many of these people taken away by death. It was indeed a sickly time amongst them.

Thursday, 25th. — Started for Grape Island this day. Lodged at Brother Meriman's, in Cramahe, for the night.

Friday, 26th. — Pursued my journey by the way of the Carrying Place. Fell in company with Brothers John Black and G. Sovereign, who were on their way to the Conference, to be held at Earnestown. Received much profit from the christian conversation of these brethren.

Sunday 28th. — Early in the morning attended prayer meeting. At 9 o'clock attended the Sunday school. At 11 I preached to the Indians from Matt. vii. 21. Brothers W. Beaver and J. Sunday exhorted, and Joseph Skunk closed by prayer. I felt very weak in body, but the Lord was present to bless our souls. At 3, p. m., I endeavoured to explain to them the leading doctrines of the christian religion. Towards the close of my discourse the power of the Lord descended upon us, and there was a great shout in the congregation. Brother John Simpson exhorted, after which we had a fellowship meeting. It was a happy time. In the evening Sister Hubbard exercised the children in singing, which they did melodiously. I then gave them a short address, to which they paid great attention, and many of them wept aloud, whilst others praised God for what he had done for them, through their benefactors. We then turned our meeting into a prayer meeting.

Tuesday 30th. — Started this morning for the Mohawk Woods to see Wm. Hess and Wm. Doxtader, two of our Mohawk brethren from the Grand River, who are now labouring amongst their brethren. In the afternoon I arrived at their lodgings, at Mr. Mills, and was glad to meet Brother Hess; his companion was out visiting the Indians. Hess informed me that they had held several meetings amongst the Indians, and that some appeared very anxious and regular in attending their meetings.

  1. It is painful to relate, that after adorning the christian profession a number of years, one of these women became a snare to him, and after failing into sin, he forsook the Methodists, and became a Roman Catholic, and then took to the firewater, and was eventually drowned near Penetangueshine, in the summer of 1847. Being in a state of intoxication, he fell from his canoe, and was found in about three feet of water.
  2. This promising young Indian died soon after in the full triumphs of faith. I never saw so much natural talent and eloquence as I did in this lad, and I felt truly sorry when I heard of his death.