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Life and Journals of Kah-ke-wa-quo-nā-by/Chapter VI

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SPENT part of the day in writing. In the evening went to our appointment. Owing to the heavy rain only a few were present. I preached to them from Luke xviii. 13, 14. Brother D. interpreted. At the conclusion, we gave them a short account of the origin of Methodism, which appeared to be quite satisfactory to the Indians. We gave them a few of the Mohawk Hymn Books, which were thankfully received. W. D. then showed me a list of the names of those who wish to unite with the Methodists to the number of fourteen. There were others who were serious, and enquiring the way to heaven. — Wednesday, October 1st.

Thursday 2nd. — My two Mohawk brothers and myself rode to Earnestown, where our Conference commences its session this day, Bishop Hedding presiding. We were permitted to be present during the session. About forty preachers were present. Lodged at Brother Shorey's, a good Dutch local preacher, where the Mission teachers from Grape Island, with a number of the Indian children, also lodged.

Friday 3rd. — In the morning we all went up to the Conference, in order to be nearer the church. Our Indian brethren pitched their tents near the chapel. Brother H. Biggar and myself lodged with Mr. E. Switzer — a very friendly family. In the evening the Rev. G. Farr preached from these words: "He that sinneth against me, wrongeth his own soul." I exhorted after him, both in English and Indian.

Saturday 4th. — At 2, p. m., the anniversary of the Methodist Missionary Society was held; the Bishop in the chair, who opened the services by singing and prayer. The Treasurer read the Report, in which he stated the amount collected and expended on the work. The Rev. Mr. Paddock, from the States, then addressed the meeting, as also did the Revs. Wm. and Geo. Ryerson. The Indian scholars from Grape Island and Rice Lake then proceeded to exhibit their improvement in reading, spelling, catechisms, singing, needle work, &c. The congregation appeared highly delighted with what they saw and heard. Wm. Doxstader read a portion from St. Luke's Gospel in Mohawk, so we had several languages employed in setting forth the praises of God in this meeting. The report stated that there were ten Indian stations in this province; 12 schools; about 300 scholars, and 800 members in society. During the five years past about 1,200 have been baptized.

Saturday 5th. — At 8 in the morning the Indian brethren met at the chapel for worship. Many of our white friends were also present, who rejoiced to see the grace of God amongst their Indian brethren. Some of the Indian brothers and sisters spoke and related their conversion to God. At 11 o'clock the Bishop preached an excellent sermon from John iv. 35, 36; at the conclusion the ordination of Deacons took place. About 1 o'clock the Rev. Mr. Paddock preached a fine discourse from 2 Cor. v. 20, and then the Elders were ordained. The Indian children sang a few hymns, and a word of exhortation was given by some Indian speakers. In the evening the Indian brethren held a meeting in the chapel. Brother Messmore exhorted, and I gave a short account of the work of God amongst the Mohawks, and the Indians shouted for joy.

Tuesday, 7th. — Went and heard the discussions in the Conference. In the evening Brother R. Heyland preached; at the conclusion of which mourners were invited forward to the altar. Two professed to have found peace to their souls. Wednesday, 8th. — The Conference closed its session this afternoon, and the preachers started for their allotted spheres of labour. Very important decisions were made at this Conference, viz: an amicable separation of the Canadian Confer- ence from the United States, and the formation of a new revised constitution for our Church, suited to our people, as British subjects. The form of Church government was after that of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States. The Rev. Wm. Case was chosen General Superintendent for the time being, until a Bishop was obtained. He was also appointed Superintendent of Missions. The following were the Missionaries appointed :—

Grand River — Rev. Jos. Messmore.
River Credit — Geo. Ryerson.
Lake Simcoe — John Beatty.
Rice Lake — H. Biggar.
Grape Island — Wm. Smith.
Travelling Missionary — Peter Jones.

Friday, 10th. — Went over to Grape Island, and found the Indian brethren pretty well.

Saturday, 11th. — Assisted brother Case in setting the Indian brothers to work — some in digging potatoes and others at ploughing, and the whole island assumed the appearance of a hive of bees busy at work. What a change! A few months ago these very people were a poor drunken lazy people. The Gospel indeed performs wonders.

Sunday 12th. — At 11 I preached to our Indian brethren from 2 Cor. v. 14, 15. Brother Waldron gave a word of exhortation to the whites present, many of whom were melted into tears, and were desirous to know what they must do to be saved. I was greatly delighted in seeing the power of Divine truth upon one of the Sunday school girls by the name of Mary Beaver. As a class of girls were reading the xiv. chap, of John. and when Mary's turn came to road, she read these words, "And I will pray the father, and he shall give you another comforter, that he may abide with you for ever." She suddenly burst into tears, and putting her hands to her breast, she said, "Yes; for I now feel him in my heart."

Wednesday 15th. — Assisted the Indian brethren in dividing the potatoes they had raised in common stock. They had about 300 bushels. In the evening I held a meeting with them and gave them some advice on several subjects, and, as I intended to start for home on the following morning, we commended each other to God in solemn prayer. Many tears were shed, and we had a solemn season to our souls. Brother John Sunday rose up and said, "Brother, we thank you for your visit to us, and for the instructions you have given us for our good. Now Brother, depart in peace, and our prayers shall go with you. We shake hands with our brothers and sisters at the River Credit. We see them marching on their way to heaven a head of us. Tell them that they must remember us, and now and then call upon us to come on after them, and we will try to follow the path they have made on their journey. Brother, tell them that when we kneel down before the Great Spirit, we think of them, and pray for their ministers, class teachers, school teachers, and their children. O that we may all meet in our Father's house above! This is all I have to say."

Thursday 16th. — Left the Island this morning in company with the mission family and school children for Belleville, in order to attend the Missionary meeting, to be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock. We landed there about noon. At the hour appointed, Brother Case preached to a crowded house, from Matt, xviii. 19. At the conclusion of the sermon, I gave a short address to the Indian children, sang and prayed with them. Sister Hubbard, the teacher, then proceeded to exhibit their improvements, in reading, spelling, and singing. They indeed sang melodiously. After this, three of the boys said their pieces as follow: By John Hager, aged about 10 years.

My name is John, I have no house,
I have no father, I have no friend,
My mother is dead. I get very cold,
One day in Kingston, My blanket torn,
I get very hungry, I get into a box,
I have no bread, And stay there all night.

Then Mr. Armstrong find and take me out of the box, and sent me by steamboat to York, to the Credit school. There I learn to read in the New Testament. I sometimes rather wild boy, but I love my book and christian friends who sent me to school. Thanks to a kind Providence that prepared a box for a poor Indian boy, and from the box sent me to school.

By Allan Salt. — "My name is Allan Salt. I am 8 years old. I was born in the wigwam, and lived in the woods till two years ago, when my father and mother began to pray. My mother is dead. She prayed when she was dying. My father lives and sends me to school at Grape Island, where 60 children are learning to read the Good Book. My christian friends, in the wigwam I was cold and hungry. Now we have plenty to eat, and live in good houses like our white friends. The good people in Belleville they help to build them. We thank them very much for all they do for poor Indians, and we pray Kezhamunedoo to reward them an hundred fold in this life, and in the world to come — life everlasting.

By Benjamin Mitchel. — My christian friends, I am a poor Indian boy. I go to school at Grape Island. Six moons there I read in the Testament. I love my books. I love my school teachers. I love the good men — Makakdawekoonayaigs, (ministers.) They tell poor Indians the way to heaven, and now many Indians sing and pray. My christian friends, one thing make my hearts very sorry, many of our Indian fathers died before they heard of Jesus Christ.

O had our Indian fathers known,
  What Prophets told of Christ and heaven!
For them we drop a tear and mourn,
  But weep for joy our sins forgiven.

Now one thing makes my heart very glad — many children are now learning to read, sing, and pray. Ministers are going farther back in the woods to tell more Indians about Jesus Christ. Thanks to Kezhamunedoo for what he has done for poor Indians. Thanks to our benefactors to, and O may Jesus bless them all"

The Indian girls exhibited specimens of their sewing and knitting. Wm. Doxstader spoke a few words in Mohawk. After this I gave a short address to the whites, and concluded the meeting. The congregation was highly pleased with the meeting.

Tuesday 21st. — Arrived at home this afternoon, and found the brethren pretty well, and what is best of all, still pursuing their onward course towards heaven. I was rejoiced to hear of the triumphant death of our late Brother and Chief, John Cameron, who is now shouting the praises of God in glory. The following is a brief history of his life and conversion to God :— In his youthful days he wandered about with his tribe from place to place, until he connected himself with an eccentric white man by the name of Ramsay, who used to trade with the Indians. I have been informed by some of the Indians, that on one occasion Ramsay was with a small party of Indians on the shore of Lake Erie. Ramsay had some rum which the Indians demanded; on being denied, they took and tied him hand and foot, and then took his fire-water, and having freely drank, all became perfectly helpless. Ramsay then got an Indian hoy to untie him, after which he took a hatchet and killed all the adult Indians on the spot. He afterwards surrendred himself to the authorities, such as there were in those days, and was allowed, according to Indian custom, to make an atonement for his crime, by paying the relatives of those he killed a certain amount in goods and rum. John Cameron, whose Indian name was Wageezhegome, (Possessor of Day), was taken by Ramsay, who, wicked as he was, taught him to read a little in English, and to a certain extent trained him to habits of civilized life. After the death of Ramsay, J. C. again took to Indian habits, but did not altogether lose his relish for comforts, as he alone amongst the Credit tribe, built himself a comfortable log house on the flats of the Credit, and raised some Indian corn and potatoes. He used to relate his attempt on one occasion to enlighten the Rice Lake Indians by telling them that this world on which we lived was round, and that it went round and round once every day. One of his hearers, with the utmost contempt at such doctrine, said, "So do the trousers you have on go round and round. You think you know a great deal because you wear trousers like a white man" Some years before his conversion, Mrs. Small of York, gave him a Bible, which he kept for her sake without attempting to read it, but immediately on his conversion, he applied himself diligently to relearn the art of reading, which he soon accomplished, and it was delightful to see him perusing the word of God, and communicating his ideas to his Indian brethren. He was converted to God at the Grand River, in the year 1824, and has since maintained a consistent christian walk. Soon after this he visited his brethren at the Credit, and endeavoured to persuade them to embrace christianity and to go up to the Grand River, where God was carrying on a great conversion amongst the Indians. He succeeded in inducing many of them to go to the Grand River and hear for themselves, where they were soon converted. In 1826, he was appointed assistant leader in Joseph Sawyer's class. Brother Cameron was not a fluent speaker; but his meekness and fervent desire to advance the glory of God and the salvation of his people were apparent to all who knew him. During his illness, he ceased not to express his thanks to God for what he had done for him and his tribe, and exhorted all who visited him, to be faithful in the service of the Great Spirit, and at one time he said, "I thank the Lord that I have lived to see all my people serve the Great Spirit. For many years past I have again and again wished that the good white christians might come and plant the christian religion amongst us, and teach us the right way we should go; but no one cared for our souls, until the Lord himself raised up one of our own people to tell us what we must do to be saved, and now I can depart in peace and go to our Great Father in heaven." He fell asleep in Jesus on the 30th September, 1828

Sunday 2nd. — In the morning at prayer meeting. Brother G. Ryerson exhorted. At 9, a. m., Sunday school; at 11 Brother R. expounded the 2nd chapter of Titus, which I interpreted. At 4 Brother R. again gave a discourse from Eph. ii. 1. I gave a word of exhortation, and concluded by a short prayer meeting. Brother R. then met the leaders, and enquired into their state, &c.

Saturday 8th. — Commenced the work of translating some of the Wesleyan Hymns into the Ojebway language. I found it a difficult work, on account of the Indian words being generally much longer than the English: hence the impossibility of conveying the whole meaning of one English verse into the same measure in Indian. I called upon the Lord to help me, that I might produce such a work as would be beneficial amongst my Indian brethren, and I made to rejoice in spirit whilst engaged in this work.

Sunday 9th. — At sunrise we had a prayer meeting. Sunday school at 9; thirty-six scholars present, most of whom repeated portions of Scripture and catechism. It was truly gratifying to witness the progress these Indian children were making in the knowledge of the Word of God, and in other useful knowledge. At 11 Brother G. Ryerson preached from these words, "Watch and pray; lest ye enter into temptation." When he got through I gave the substance of the discourse to my Indian brethren, and we all felt it was good for us to be there. In the afternoon brother R. gave a lecture from Psalm cxxv. Peter Jacobs interpreted.

Monday 10th. — Brother R. and myself rode down to York on business. In the evening we attended a Committee Meeting of the York Bible Society in connection with the British and Foreign Bible Society in England. I was glad to see the efforts made by this noble Society in circulating the Holy Scriptures in every part of the world. The Hon. John H. Dunn is the President of the York Branch, and the Revs. Harris and Stuart are the Secretaries. This Committee earnestly requested me to turn my attention to the translating of one or more of the Gospels, to which I consented.

Tuesday 11th. — After making a few purchases, we left town for home. Stopped at Mr. Watson's, where we had left an appointment. Brother B. gave a short discourse, and I gave a word of exhortation. The few present, mostly women, paid good attention. After service we rode to our village.

Wednesday 12th. — In the forenoon kept school. In the afternoon engaged at writing.

Thursday, 13th. — Employed in translating the hymns. In the evening at prayer meeting. It was a time of rejoicing amongst our Indian brethren.

Friday, 14th. — Set a part this day to fasting and prayer, for the purpose of imploring the blessing and assistance of Almighty God to rest on my Translations, especially on those of the Holy Scriptures, which I am about to commence. I felt my insufficiency for this important work, and the language of my heart was, "O Lord help me by thy Holy Spirit to understand thy Word, that I may give the true meaning in my native tongue, so that my Indian brethren may be rooted, grounded, and settled upon the true doctrines of our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom, with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit be ascribed everlasting praises. Amen.

Sunday, 16th. — Early at prayer meeting. Sunday School at 9, a. m. At 11 Brother Ryerson preached from Matt. i. 21. J. Sawyer exhorted. I went and preached at Cook's Tavern. The congregation was very attentive. After meeting rode home to the village. In the evening Mr. R. preached from Lev. xxiv. 2. I give the substance of the discourse to the Indians in our tongue.

Wednesday, 19th. — My brother John and myself started for York. On our way down we called on Col. Givins, our Indian Agent, who informed us that he had been ordered to take a census of the Credit people, and desired us to assist him. He showed me what he called a curious letter from a Mohawk Chief called Abraham Hill, residing at the Bay of Quinte. The purport of it was, that the Mohawk nation had been called Christians for 120 years, but that they were still very wicked. That in his own case he possessed from his infancy an evil heart. That he had recently resolved to break off from all his wicked ways and give his heart to the Great Spirit. That his attachment to the King of England had increased, for whom he fought during the last war. That since he became religious many of his nation were much offended with him because he had joined the Methodists, and that they had used threatening words to him, saying that the King did not like the Methodists, and would drive them all away from their lands; and that he now applied to the Colonel to know from him whether it was so or not. The Colonel showed me his letter to this effect, that he was glad to hear of the good change in his heart and life. That he hoped he would continue faithful, and not mind what the wicked Indians said to him, as the King loved all good christians and good subjects. That he must not be angry with his brethren, but pity and pray for them. And that he shook hands with him as a brother, and hoped to meet him in heaven.

Saturday, 22nd. — Took the census of our people, and the following was the result: Men, 64; women, 74; children, 88; total, 226 souls. Heads of families, 47; houses, 30; land under cultivation, 61 acres: wheat, 65 bushels; oats, 22 bushels; Indian corn, 1,045 bushels; onions, 9 bushels; beets and carrots, 16 bushels; heads of cabbage, 670; cart loads of pumpkins, 30; cows, 27; oxen, 18; horses, 11; hogs, 122; waggon, 1; ploughs, 4; harrows, 1. Births during the past year, 17; marriages, 2; deaths, 19; baptisms, 40; number in Church communion, 132. Considering the very short time since these people possessed scarcely anything beyond a few dirty bankets, a few guns and traps, and all their domestic animals consisted in half-starved dogs, I felt truly thankful to Almighty God for the happy change amongst my poor people. To God be all the glory! At 3, p. m., Mr. G. Ryerson preached on the preparation of the heart for the Lord's Supper, which is to be administered to-morrow by the Rev. T. Osgood. I interpreted the discourse. W. Herkimer exhorted.

Sunday, 23rd. — Early at prayer meeting. At 9, a. m., Mr. Osgood arrived. Love feast commenced immediately. Many of the Indian brethren spoke, and declared what great things God had done for them. About noon Mr. O. preached from Matt. v. 8. I interpreted. After this the Lord's Supper was administered to the joy of many souls. In the afternoon Mr. O. preached to the young people from Rev. xxii. 14. I again interpreted for him.

Saturday, 29th. — Engaged during the past week in translating hymns and portions of the Holy Scriptures.

Sunday, 30th. — Assisted at morning prayer meeting and Sunday School. At 11, Mr. Ryerson preached from Rev. xx. 12-15. Peter Jacobs interpreted. In the afternoon I rode to Gardner's school house, and preached to an attentive congregation from Acts xvi. 29-31. Lodged at Bro. Gardner's, and was very kindly entertained by the family. May the Lord bless my good white friends!

Thursday, 11th. — Father and I rode to the Mohawk village, and called on the Rev. Mr. Lugger, the Church of England Missionary, who received us courteously. He made several enquiries after our Missions amongst the Ojebways, and seemed pleased to hear of the progress of the work. He complained bitterly of his own people, and said he was almost discouraged in doing any good amongst the old people — his only hope was with the young. Called on Mrs. Brant and family, the widow of the celebrated Capt. Joseph Brant. She gave us an excellent cup of tea. She made enquiries after the Credit Indians, many of whom she formerly knew, and expressed much pleasure in hearing of the reformation amongst them, and desired me to convey her good wishes to them, and hoped they would continue faithful in the service of the Lord. We also called on Oneida Joseph, the famous Oneida Chief, a particular friend of my father. I engaged the Chief to make me a suit of an Indian costume. His wife is a member of our Church.

Saturday, 13th. Visited the Mission School at Upper Mohawk, kept by Mr. S. Crawford. There were only nine scholars present. I was glad to hear that the congregation at this place was increasing. Met Brother J. Messmore, the Missionary for the Upper and Lower Mohawk Mission. He accompanied me to my father's for the night.

Sabbath, 14th. — Went to the Mission and preached at 11, a. m., from Matt. v. 8. Brother Messmore exhorted. Brother Henry, or as he is now commonly called, Happy Henry McKay, and myself met the Indian brethren in class.

Tuesday, 16th. — At noon our Indian brethren assembled for worship, and I endeavoured to preach to them from 2 Cor. v. 17. W. Doxstader exhorted, after which we held a fellowship meeting. The converts rose one after another, and declared what great things Jesus had done for them: with tears and strong emotions of body, many fell to the floor, and rose up shouting the praises of God. The work of conversion amongst this people appears to be progressing. I was informed that a dozen had joined the Society since Conference.

Friday, 19th. — Rode to Stoney Creek, and stopped at Mr. James Gage's for the night. Met on the road a young man from the United States, by the name of John Marsh, a Methodist exhorter. He informed me that he had heard of the work of God amongst the Grand River Indians, and was on his way to visit them, that he might see for himself what God had done for the poor Indians, and to share in their joy at a throne of grace.

Thursday, 25th. — This is Christmas day. Glory to God in the highest that I am spared to hail this auspicious day, which brought the Great Saviour into our world, and all the blessings of the glorious Gospel. May I gladly join the angelic host in singing, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." Early in the morning we had a prayer meeting. It was a gracious season to our poor souls. At 11 we met for worship. After singing and prayer, I read the first chapter of St. Matthew in the Ojebway tongue; being the first chapter our Indians ever heard read in their own language, and from which I gave a talk, dwelling more particularly on the nativity of our blessed Lord, Jesus Christ. Brother Thomas Magee exhorted, as also did father Clyne, a Dutchman almost 70 years old, and for many years a pillar in the Church of God. His deep piety, and strong simple faith, produced a hallowed influence in the congregation, and we had a shout in the camp. Brother Ryerson preached in the evening.

Friday, 26th. — Engaged at translating. Wednesday, 31st. — Held a watch night. Brother Ryerson preached from Rev. x. 6, after which we had a short prayer meeting. At 11. p. m., I gave a short discourse on the parable of the barren figtree, Luke xiii. 6, 10. A few minutes before midnight we knelt down in silent prayer, and commended ourselves to the mercy and care of God, that his blessings might rest upon us during the year we were now entering upon. We thanked God for past blessings, and trusted in him for the time to come. My mind was greatly exercised during this meeting; yet I felt thankful to God for all the mercies he had vouchsafed unto me during the past year.

Thursday, January 1st. — The language of my heart was, "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits." Thou, Lord, hast brought me to the beginning of another year, and spared my life as a monument of thy amazing love and mercy. O Lord, when I look back upon my past life, and behold my unprofitableness, I am astonished at thy long suffering and love in not cutting down the barren fig tree. It is because Jesus, my Redeemer, still pleads for me in heaven. O thou most merciful eternal God, I humbly beseech thee to pardon all my past short comings and wanderings from thee, for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ. O heavenly Father, may it please thee to prepare me for more extensive usefulness in thy church, and to bring forth the fruits of righteousness, to thy name's glory, and honour. Amen. In the evening we held a Council, and appointed our road masters, constables, chapel keeper, and collectors for the year. Chief Ajetans then nominated me for the office of a Chief in the tribe, in the place of our departed Brother, Chief Captain John Cameron. The nomination was unanimously approved by the council. I stated to the council that I should require a little time to consider on the matter, and when I had made up my mind I would let them know whether I would accept of the office or not. Sunday 4th. — Before the dawn of day we had our prayer meeting in our chapel. It was a good time to our souls. Attended Sunday School. At 11 Brother G. Ryerson preached from Genesis xxix. last verse. P. Jacobs Interpreted. At 3, p. m., we had Sunday School for the adult Indians. Our object was to teach them the alphabet, and then to read our Indian hymns and Scripture translations. Old men and old women, young men and women flocked in, even old Tunswah of 60 or 70 years was seen seated amongst the scholars. Each one had a scrap of the a, b, c, and abs, busily engaged with all anxiety to learn to read. In the evening I preached from Deut. xxix. 29.

Saturday 10th. — At 2, p. m., our Quarterly Meeting was commenced by Elder W. Ryerson, who preached from John xv. 12. During his discourse I took down the heads of it, from which I rehearsed the subject to my Indian brethren. In the evening we had a prayer meeting.

Sunday 11th. — Love feast at 9, a. m. The Indian brethren were all alive in religion, and spoke with great earnestness of the great things God had done for their souls. Two of our Mohawk brethren were present from the Bay of Quinte. One of them spoke with many tears, and declared what God had done for him and his nation — that twenty-seven of the Mohawks of Bay Quinte had been converted, and joined the Methodists. At the table of the Lord we had a melting time, and many shouted the praises of the Lord our God. In the evening we had a fellowship meeting.

Monday 12th. — According to appointment we assembled in Council, the object of which was to take into consideration the erection of a saw mill for our people, the building of a workshop, and an hospital. It was agreed that the steps be forthwith taken for the erection of the said buildings. The subject of my nomination to the office of a Chief was also taken into consideration. I informed the council that I had taken advice on the subject: that I was now prepared to give them an answer to their proposal; that in view of the following considerations I had made up my mind to accept of the office tendered to me. 1st. The unanimous wish of the Tribe. This I considered absolutely necessary. 2nd. That my acceptance of the office should not interfere in any way with my Missionary labour. 3rd. That my friends thought I might be more useful amongst our unconverted brethren in persuading them to embrace Christianity. I concurred in this opinion. 4th. That, acting as a Chief. I might have more influence with the Indian Department, and thereby be able to do more for our people in arranging their affairs to their satisfaction. That in view of these considerations I was willing to accept of the office. Several of the Indian brethren delivered speeches, in which they expressed their entire confidence in my ability to serve them. The motion was then put and carried unanimously. I felt my insufficiency, for I am but a child in knowledge and wisdom. O Lord, teach me and guide by thy unerring wisdom, that my usefulness may, by this step, be greatly increased. I felt thankful to my brethren for their good will, and confidence in my humble efforts to promote their welfare and happiness. May God bless them!

Friday 16th. — Arrived at Mr. Kurd's, near Schoogog, in the afternoon. Found a number of Indians encamped near by. I was informed that there had been a great deal of sickness amongst them during the past summer, but that now they were in pretty good health. I was also glad to learn that most of them had been very faithful in the service of the Lord.

Saturday 17th. — In the forenoon I visited the Indian school taught by Brother Aaron Kurd, a promising youth. There were 39 children present. I gave them an address on the importance of gaining knowledge by persevering in their studies; and also on the necessity of remembering their Creator in the days of their youth. They listened attentively, and many of them were much affected, tears rolling down their cheeks, whilst I told them of the love of Jesus for little children. At 2, p. m., we again met for worship. I read in Indian, and expounded the first chapter of Matthew. The Indian brethren were all attentive, and I trust some good was done. In the evening we had another meeting. I gave them a short talk on the nature and duty of prayer, and what we may pray for. We then had a prayer meeting. It was a lively time. In visiting the Camps this day I called at a little wigwam where two aged widows lived, one of whom was almost blind. On entering the door way, I said, "Is it here, where my grandmothers reside?" One replied, "Yes, my grandson, come in; our grand-children here are very good to us; they bring us plenty of meat to eat' and fetch us what firewood we need." The elder of the two lost her aged husband by death a few weeks since. He was the oldest man in this tribe. He and his wife were baptized last summer by the names of Adam and Eve. Adam made his peace with his God at the eleventh hour, and has entered into rest. O the great goodness of God to save poor Indians!

Sunday 18th. — Very early I preached to the Indians. At 11, a. m., to the white people. In the afternoon, at 3, p. m., the Indian brethren again assembled for worship, and I addressed them on the necessity of growing in grace, and seeking for a clean heart. After this we held a class meeting. They rose one after another, and declared what God done for their souls.

Monday 19th. — In the morning I went to see the new school house now in course of erection, principally by the Indians. It is built of logs, 22 feet square, hewed in the inside. The floor is laid with split basswood plank, and the roof is covered with basswood troughs. About noon I held a meeting with the leaders and principal men, in order to enquire into the state of their classes. In the afternoon I spoke to the Indians from these words, "Neither be partaker of other men's sins: keep thyself pure," 1 Tim. v. 22. They were very attentive; tears and sighs bespoke the deep feelings of their hearts. Oh how powerful is the force of Divine truth! We again met for worship in the evening. I addressed them from Isaiah xii. 1. Towards the close of my talk, the power of the Holy Ghost seemed to fall upon the Indians, and with one accord they shouted aloud the praises of God. Before we concluded the meeting, I gave them my parting address, as I intended to start for the Credit on the morrow. We then shook hands. Jacob Crane, Chief, rose up, and addressing me. said, "Brother, we are glad in our hearts for this visit. We thank you for having fed us with the words of the Great Spirit. Brother, we will pray for you, and ask the Great Spirit to give you many days, and strength to enable you to speak the words of God to all the poor Indians. Brother, we shake hands with our brothers and sisters and their children, at the River Credit. Tell them that every day we raise our eyes towards heaven, upon our knees, and pray for them. Tell them that our hearts shall be as their hearts. The Great Spirit whom they serve, shall be our God, so long as we shall live in this world. Brother, we desire an interest in your prayers, as well as the prayers of your people at the Credit, and we hope we shall one day all meet in ishpeming. This is the desire of our hearts." Truly the Lord is amongst this people, watching over them with a shepherd's care and feeding then with the bread of eternal life. My soul was exceedingly happy during the exercises of this evening. Blessed be the name of the Lord, for what mine eyes have seen and my ears have heard, of the goodness and power of God to save these, my Indian brethren! O my soul praise the Lord, and all that is within me bless his holy name! The number of Indians here, old and young, is 150. They occupy nine bark wigwams. The fire is made in the centre, and the families sit or lie around it. Each person occupies his or her place in the wigwam without the intrusion of other members of the lodge. In these miserable smoky wigwams, they appear perfectly happy and contented, as kings upon their thrones. They have never enjoyed the blessings of civilized life, and therefore do not know its happiness; but now the love of God being shed abroad in their hearts, their smoky bark wigwams become palaces to them because Jesus dwells with them there.

Wednesday 21st. — Arrived at York in the afternoon; heard of the death of the Rev. Wm. Slater on the Ancaster Circuit. He was a pious, useful brother in the Lord.

Saturday 24th. — Our Indian Agent, Col. Givins, paid a visit to our school by order of General Darling. The Rev. Mr. Magrath accompanied the Colonel, and both were highly pleased with the improvements made by the children. The Colonel addressed them and said, "My children, hear me, hear me. I am glad to see how much you have learned. I hope you will continue to advance in your studies. I will speak all the truth, and tell our Great Father, Gen. Darling, at Quebec, what I have seen this day. This is the end of my talk." Received a letter from Brother Case, desiring me to come to York, as a number of the Rice Lake Indians were there on busiuess. Rode down to York and met Elder Case.

Sunday, January 25th. — This being a Quarterly Meeting day in York, I went to the love feast at 9 a. m. The brethren were blest in their souls, and many declared what great things Jesus had done for them. A soldier, lately converted, rose up and said, "that the Lord had been very merciful and good to him. That whatever his situation in life might be, whether a soldier or no soldier, he was determined to he a soldier of Jesus Christ."

Saturday 31st. — Wrote a Petition to the Governor and the two Houses of Parliament, on the subject of our Credit Fishery, praying that the same may be secured to our Indians. In the evening the Chief and principal men met in council and signed the Petition by marking their totems, such as an Eagle, Otter, Buffalo, Reindeer, Pike, Bear, Crane, wild Goose, Beaver, Birchbark, Catfish, &c.

Sunday, February 1st. — Early at prayer meeting; Sabbath school at the usual hour. At 11, a. m., Miss Barnes, the female preacher, arrived in our village from the Rice Lake, and according to a previous announcement, she addressed the congregation with great energy and pathos, so that many wept during her discourse. Peter Jacobs interpreted. This lady is from the New England States, and has been labouring for several months amongst the Rice Lake Indians with success. At the conclusion of her talk, I gave a word of exhortation both in Indian and English.

Thursday 5th. — Rode to York. I was informed by some of the members of the House of Assembly, that our Petition had been laid before them for consideration, and would, no doubt, be granted.

Saturday 7th. — Bode to the Holland Landing where the Indians were encamped. At noon they assembled in a school house near Mr. Johnson's. I gave them a short account of the progress of the work of God at the different Missions, and concluded by the usual salutations. Thomas Magee and John Thomas also spoke to them. These brethren are from the Credit, and have been sent here by Elder Case to hold meetings amongst these people, and also to visit the Lake Huron Indians with the words of the Great Spirit. All the Indians from the Narrows and Matchjedash, are here on purpose to receive religious instruction. In the afternoon the Indians again met for worship, when Miss Barnes addressed them with her usual eloquence. When she got through, I gave the Indians the substance of her talk; and concluded by giving them a word of instruction on the love of God to man. The Indians appeared to swallow down every word they heard, and we had a blessed season. In the evening held a prayer meeting amongst our white friends. Miss B. exhorted.

Tuesday 10th. — In the morning Brother Case was busily engaged in making arrangements for the establishment of a mission on Snake Island, in Lake Simcoe. A Mr. Draper, a foreigner, was engaged to go with the Indians to the Island and commence clearing the land, that they may be ready to plant in the spring. The poor Indians appeared highly pleased at the thought of becoming good farmers.

Thursday 12th. — By request of His Excellency. Sir John Colborne, Mr. George Ryerson and my brother John introduced their Indian pupils, who said their lessens before the Governor and His Excellency's family to their great satisfaction.

Saturday 14th. — Brother Case proceeded to Cobourg, whilst I went on to Rice Lake, where I arrived in the afternoon, and found the Mission family and the Indians in good health. Held a meeting with them in the evening, and we had a gracious season. The family consists of Brother James Evans and wife, Miss Barnes, and two workmen.

Sunday 15th. — Early in the morning we had a prayer meeting. At 9 a. m., Miss Barnes held her Sunday school. There were fifty-two children present; eleven boys and six girls were able to read in the New Testament. About a dozen were learning to write. The rest were in their letters and abs. The children were well dressed, clean and orderly. At noon I preached from John xv. 12. At 3 o'clock, I held a meeting with the leaders' and enquired into the state of their classes. The leaders made a good report of the steadfastness of the converts in this new way. In the evening I gave the Indians a preaching talk from these words, "Grow in grace."

Monday 16th. — Made arrangements about building a church for this Mission, under the sanction of Brother Case. The size of the church is to be 40 x 30 feet. Brother Case engaged two carpenters to go on with the work, and the Indians are to assist in getting out the timber, &c. Brother J. Evans and myself went to Captain Anderson to see the place of the proposed Indian village at this Mission. In the evening we held a meeting. I spoke from Isaiah xii. 1. Brother Case exhorted, and we had a blessed season to our souls.

Wednesday 18th. — Being now prepared for our journey to Grape Island, thence to the States, we assembled for worship. Miss Barnes gave a short address to the Indian brethren; we then knelt down and commended each other to God by prayer. After this we all shook hands. Many of the Indians wept much, thus manifesting their sincere attachment to their teachers.

Sunday 22nd. — Early at prayer meeting; at 9, a. m., love feast began. A number of our Mohawk brethren were present. The Indian brethren spoke with power, and the Lord poured out his Holy Spirit upon us. At the close of the love feast we had an intermission of half an hour, when we again met in public worship. The Indians filled our chapel, so that the whites were addressed by Miss Barnes in the Mission house. Elder Case requested me to preach to the Indians. I spoke to them from Matt. xxvi. 26, 28. When I got through, some of our exhorters spoke both in the Ojebway and Mohawk, and the Lord poured out his Holy Spirit upon us. Brother Case then administered the Lord's Supper; 91 Ojebways and 16 Mohawks communed. Brother Case baptized four Mohawks and five Ojebway children. Monday 23rd. — Engaged in making preparations for our intended tour to the United States for a few months, for the purpose of raising funds for our Missionary operations, and to get my Translation of Hymns and Scriptures printed.

Tuesday 24th. — Made preparations for starting. At 1 o'clock, p. m., we assembled in the chapel in order to hold a parting meeting. Brother Case gave them a talk on the subject of loving each other, and serving the Lord faithfully.

Thursday 26th. — Crossed the St. Lawrence River and breakfasted at Cape Vincent, in the U. S. From thence we went on to Watertown, where we lodged for the night. In the evening we met in the Methodist church. Brother Case gave an account of the work of God amongst our Canadian Indians. The children then sang and went through some of their lessons, I gave an account of my conversion to Christianity, &c. A collection was then taken up, There were here Methodist, Presbyterian, Universalist, and Baptist churches.

Sunday, March 1st. — In the morning we visited the 1st Presbyterian Sunday School in Utica. Brother Case addressed the children, and told them what God was doing for Indian children in Canada. Our young Indians then sang a hymn in Indian and English. Rev. J. Mitchell spoke a few words in Indian to the children, which I interpreted. At half past 10, Brother Case preached in the Methodist Church. At 2, p. m., I endeavoured to preach to the white people from Luke xix. 10. The congregation was large and attentive. Visited the Methodist Sunday School, and another Presbyterian Sunday School, at both of which we spoke, and sang for them to their great delight. In the evening we went a few miles and held a meeting at New York Mills, and addressed a crowded house. The people were much affected, and some shouted aloud and thanked God for having granted repentance and salvation to the poor Indian. Collections were made for our work. Tuesday 3rd. — Spent the forenoon in Utica. In the afternoon we rode out into the country nine miles to a place called Paris, where we had an appointment for this evening. At half-past 6 in the evening we assembled in the Methodist Church, which was crowded.

Wednesday 4th. — At 3, p. m., we took stage for Schenectady. Rode all night. We had an inquisitive Yankee passenger with us who wanted to know who we were, where we came from, what our business was, &c. I told him we were Indians from Upper Canada. He then said that the Mohawk Dutch in this country would not like to see us amongst them, on account of the Indians having killed thousands of them during the Revolutionary War. I replied, “Do you not know that thousands of the poor Indians have been slain by the sword of the white man, and tens of thousands by the white man's firewater?”

Thursday 5th. — Arrived at Schenectady at 7, a. m., and were kindly received at the house of Mr. Campbell, (a brother-in-law of Elder Case.) This town is principally inhabited by low Dutch, and was the first town formed in this State. The houses are built in the old Dutch style, and the streets are very narrow. Not far from this town the Mohawk nation, now residing on the Grand River, Upper Canada, formerly lived, previous to the Revolutionary War, which territory they lost on account of their allegiance to Great Britain, The Mohawk River passes alongside of this old town. In the evening we held a meeting in the Methodist Church, and we severally addressed the Indians. A collection was taken up for our Mission amounting to $7 50. I suppose this might be called a large collection from the Dutch. I hope they will have their reward.

Friday 6th. — In the evening visited the Union College, beautifully situated on a hill, which commands a fine prospect of the town and the valley of the Mohawk River. One of the College students, a Mr. Vince Smith, made me a present of a neatly bound New Testament. From Schenectady we rode on to the City of Troy, on the Hudson river. Troy is a fine flourishing city; the houses are mostly brick, and very elegant. In the evening we had a meeting in the Methodist Church, which was well filled.

Saturday 7th. — At 9 o'clock, a. m., we met the Sunday School children in the Methodist church. About a 1000 were present. Our Indian children exhibited their attainments in spelling, reading, singing, and speaking, to the great satisfaction of this vast assemblage of little ones; their eyes sparkled with joy and wonder, whilst they beheld and heard the red children of the forest sing the praises of the Lord and read his Holy Word. Arrived at Chatham in the evening, and put up at Mr. Hoag's, a kind family. Chatham is a country village, or rather populous township. This is the birth-place of our esteemed father in the Gospel, the Rev. William Case, and on his account, the place was interesting to us.

Sunday 8th. — At 10, a. m., Mr. Case delivered an address to the people on the subject of our Indian work in Canada. Our Indian children then went through their exercises, to the high gratification of the thronged assembly. At 1, p. m., I endeavoured to preach from Eph. ii. 11, 13. In this talk I tried to show the former wretched state of our Indian tribes, and what the Gospel had done for a portion of them. The people were very attentive whilst I spoke. After meeting, a Mr. Peter Finch came to me and said that he was an own cousin to my father. He kindly invited me to visit them, which I was not able to do for want of time, and the great distance of his residence. We again met in the church in the evening; the Rev. Mr. Amey opened the meeting by singing and prayer, after which our children sang a hymn, and Allan Salt prayed in the Indian, which I interpreted into the English.

Wednesday 11th. — Early this morning Miss Barnes and Miss Hubbard, with four of the Indian children, started for the Eastern States on a visit to their friends. They intend to meet us at New York about the 1st of May next. Joseph Hess, two boys, and myself, accompany Brother Case to New New York, &c. We started soon after our friends left us. On our way we called for a few minutes at a calico printing factory, a few miles from the town of Hudson. This is the first time I have seen such establishment, and I was struck with the ingenious and rapid manner they printed with various colours the beautiful prints. How great is the art of man!

Sunday 15th. — At 10½ Brother Case preached at Poughkeepsie to an attentive audience. In the afternoon he again addressed the people on the subject of the work of God amongst our Indians in Canada. In the evening I preached in the same church from Mark xv. 15, 16. The people were all attention, and many shed tears during the meeting. We were informed that a good work of religion was in progress in the Methodist Church here, and, as it is always the case, that where the holy fire of the Lord is prevailing, there the Missionary flame is alive, so we found our friends here full of the Missionary zeal; and, as illustrative of this feeling, I will here state that a beautiful girl of about 18 years said to me, "Indeed I should like to go with you to your people. I could teach them to sew, knit, and read, for I was taught to knit and sew when I was eight years old. I would love you as well as anybody; indeed I would." I thanked her for her good intentions, but told her the distance was great, and we had no means of conveying her to the Missions.

Monday 16th. — About 10, a. m., went on board the steamer Matilda for New York. The boat had great difficulty to get through the ice in the river. We arrived at the great City of New York about 10 in the evening, and were kindly received at the house of Mr. Francis Hall.

Tuesday 17th. — Received letters from Canada; one from my brother John, one from Captain John Brant, and one from Mr. J. B. Clench. The purport of these letters was to inform me that His Excellency Sir John Colborne had been appointed by the British Government to be the head of the Indian department in Upper Canada, and that he wished me to return to Canada with my Translations, and that he would have them printed at his own expense in the town of York. In the evening we attended the Anniversary of the Female Missionary Society in Allen Street Church, which was crowded. Dr. Bangs opened the meeting by singing and prayer. The report was then read, after which Brother Case delivered his speech on our Indian Missions. Our Indian boys then sung a hymn, and read in the New Testament. After this I gave my talk. Then the Rev. Mr. Maffit delivered a most eloquent and moving speech. Whilst the hearts of the people were warm, the collection was taken up; over $200 were received for the Society. We were invited to take our quarters at the house of Mr. Samuel Martin, No. 182 Allen Street, where we (Indians) were kindly entertained.

Thursday 19th. — Worked at our Translations. In the evening I endeavoured to preach in the Forsyth Street Church from these words, “For the Son of man is come to seek and save that which was lost.” The church was crammed to overflowing. An Indian preacher is a new thing in this city, and therefore hundreds came to see and hear. John Simpson, one of ur Indian converts, arrived from Grape Island Mission, having been requested by Brother Case to come and help us.

Sabbath 22nd. — At 10½, a. m., I preached in Duane Street Church, from Number xxiii. 23. Dr. Bangs assisted me. The people listened to me with attention. At 1, p. m., we visited the African Sunday School. This was an interesting sight to me, to see the little black children read the word of God. At 3, p. m., I preached in Allen Street Church from Acts xiii. 41. In the evening heard Brother Case preach in John Street Church, and I gave a word of exhortation. It was a good time to our souls.

Monday 23rd. — At the Translations.

Tuesday 24th. — Employed in the forenoon in preparing my Indian Translations of the Hymns into the Ojebway for the press. In the afternoon I met Brother Martin's class. The members of this class are mostly aged women. In the evening Henry Snake and myself went over to Brooklyn on Long Island, and preached in the M. Church from Eph. ii. 12, 13. The Rev. Samuel Luckey opened the meeting by singing and prayer. The people listened with deep attention. Lodged with Brother Luckey for the night.

Wednesday 25th. — After breakfast we returned to our quarters. At 3, p. m., we attended a Sunday School Anniversary. There were about 2,000 children present. Brother Case addressed them, and told them some interesting anecdotes. Our Indian boys also said their lessons. I then gave them a short talk. It was truly an interesting sight to see so many children worship the Great Spirit and sing his praises.

Friday 27th. — At translating. In the afternoon Brother Case left us for Newark and Morristown, and took with him John Simpson, Henry Snake, and the two boys. Brother Hess and myself tarry in this city to attend to our Translations. At sunset a special messenger came for me from Brother Case, requesting me to attend his meeting at Newark this evening. I started at once with the messenger; arrived at Newark at 8 o'clock, having rode ten miles since dark. The meeting had already commenced; which was held in a Presbyterian Church. The house was greatly crowded, and I had great difficulty in getting to the altar. After resting about five minutes, I was called upon to address the meeting. I was much embarrassed.

Saturday 28th. — At 11, a. m., Brother Case left for Morristown, leaving me here to hold meetings on to-morrow. Employed at the Translations. During the day a friend showed me the power of the microscope, which magnified a flea as large as a coon, and a spider as large as a bear. Newark is a nice flourishing village in the State of New Jersey.

Sunday 29th. — In the morning heard the Rev. Mr. Kennedy preach from 1 John iii. 1. At 2, p. m., I endeavoured to preach to a large congregation in the open air, near the Methodist church. The people were very attentive and orderly. I hope some good was done. After meeting, Mr. Cross drove me to New York, and I preached in the evening at Willet Street Church. The people appeared all alive in religion.