Lundy's Lane Battle
Lundy's Lane Battle
A Rare Document which Confirms the Victory of July 25, 1814.
The Society is enabled to publish the following very valuable official statements relating to the Battle of Lundy's Lane and its results. The dispatch from General Drummond was written on the day after the battle and forwarded to the Commander of the Forces at Montreal, who immediately on the 4th Aug., 1814, issued the
district general order,
The Lundy's Lane Historical Society is indebted to J. H. Lane, Esq., of the Probate office, Pictou, Nova Scotia, for the rare document which he has presented to the Society, with the following kind letter:
Pictou, Nova Scotia, 4th Dec, 1891.
Rev. Canon Bull:
Dear Sir, —
Reading the other day in the Canadian Illustrated paper an account of the reinterment of the soldiers' bodies found near Lundy's Lane, and having in my possession a paper, which I enclose, thinking it might be acceptable to the society of which you are the president as a curiosity, and probably the only one extant.
My father was an officer in the 98th regiment, and was at Sackett's Harbor and the taking of Cartine, and after his death, now nearly forty years ago, I found the General Order, which I forward you, among his papers.
The "J. Harvey," Deputy Adjutant General, was, I think, afterwards, Sir John Harvey, and was Lieut.-Governor of P. E. Island, New Brunswick, and lastly Nova Scotia, where he died.
- I remain yours very truly,
Adjutant General's Office,
Head Quarters Montreal, 4th August, 1814
The Commander of the Forces has the highest satisfaction in
promulgating to the Troops, the
issued by Lieutenant General Drummond, after the action which took place on the 25th of last month, near the Falls of Niagara. His Excellency is desirous of adding to the meed of Praise so deservedly bestowed by the Lieut-General on the troops, regulars and militia, who had the good fortune to share in this brilliant achievement, the deep sense he entertains of their services, and of the distinguished skill, and energetic exertions of Lieutenant General Drummond in the measures which have terminated in repelling the Invaders from His Majesty's territories.
The Commander of the Forces unites with Lieut. General Drummond, in sincerely lamenting the great loss which the service has sustained by the severe wound received by Major General Riall, and his subsequent untoward cai)ture. It will be a most pleasing part of the duty of the Commander of the Forces to bring the meritorious services of the Right Division of the army of the Canadas before the gracious considcration of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent.
Adjutant General, N. A.
Head-Quarters, Falls 0/ Niagara,
26th July, 18 14. J
Lieutenant-General Dummond offers his sincerest and warmest thanks to the Troops and Militia engaged yesterday, for the exemplary steadiness, gallantry and discipline in repulsing all the efforts of a numerous and determined Enemy to carry the position of Lundy's Lane, near the Falls of Niagara ; their exertions have been crowned with complete success, by the defeat of the Enemy and his retreat to the position of Chippawa, with the loss of two of his guns and an immense number of Killed and Wounded, and several hundred Prisoners. When all have behaved nobly, it is unnecessary to hold up particular instances of merit in Corps or Individuals. The Lieut, General cannot however refrain from expressing in the strongest manner his admiration of the gallantry and steadiness of the 89th Regiment, under Lieut. Colonel Morrison, and Major Clifford, who ably and gallantly supplied the Lieut. Colonel's place after he was wounded; 41st Light Company under Captain Glew, and detachment of the 8th, or King's Regiment, under Captain Campbell; and Royals acting with them, also a party of Incorporated Militia, by whom the brunt of the Action was for a considerable time sustained, and whose loss has been severe. To the advance under Lieutenant Colonel Pearson, consisting of the Glengary Light Infantry, under Lieut. Colonel Battersby; a small party of the 104th under Lieut. Colonel Drummond; the Incorporated Militia under Lieut. Colonel Robinson, and detachments from the ist, 2d, 4th and 5th, Lincoln Militia, and 2d, York, under Lieut. Colonel Pary, 103d ; the Lieut. General offers his warmest thanks. They are also due to the Troops which arrived under
Colonel Scott during the action, viz., the ist or Royal Scots, under
Lieut. Colonel Gordon, 8th or Kings, under Major Evans; 103d regiment under Colonel Scott, flank compauy 104th, with the Norfolk, Oxford, Kent, and Essex Rangers, and Middlesex, under Lieut. Colonel Hamilton.
The admirable steadiness and good conduct of the 19th Light Dragoons under Major Lisle, and of the detachment of Royal Artillery under Captain Maclachlan, are entitled to particular praise ; the latter officer having been badly wounded, the command of the Artillery devolved to Captain Mackonochie, with whose gallantry and exertions Lieut General Drummond was highly pleased. Sergeant Austin who directed the firing of the Congreve Rockets, deserves very great credit. To the Officers of the general and of his personal Staff, to Captain Holland Aid-de-Camp to Major-General R{{small-caps|iall}, Lieutenant-General Drummond feels himself greatly indebted for the assistance they afforded him.
He has to lament being deprived (by a wound early in the action) of the services of Major General Riall, who was most unfortunately made Prisoner, whilst returning from the Field, by a party of the enemy's Cavalry, who had a momentary possession of the Road. —
Lieut. General Drummond has also to regret the wounds which have deprived the corps of the services of Lieut. Colonel Morrison 89th Regiment, and Lieut. Colonel Robertson of the incorporated Militia. In the fall of Lieut. Moorsom of the 104th Regiment, serving as Deputy Asst. Adjutant General, the service has lost a gallant, intelligent, and meritorious young officer.
The Lieut. General and President has great pleasure in dismissing to their homes the whole of the Sedentary Militia who have so handsomely come forward on the occasion, confident that on any future emergency, their Loyalty will be again equally conspicuous — He will perform a grateful duty in representing to His Majesty's Government, the zeal, bravery, and alacrity with which the Militia have co-operated with His Majesty's Troops.
General Staff — Lieut. Moorsom, 104th regt., Dep. Assist. Adjt. General.
1st, or Royal Scots - Lieut. Hemphill.
89th Regt., 2d batt. - Capt. Spunner and Lieut. Latham.
Incorporated Militia - Ensign Campbell.
General Staff — Lieut. Gen. Drummund, severely, not dangerously; Major Gen. Riall, do. and prisoner; Lieut. Col. Pearson, slightly; Lieut. LeBreton severely.
Royal Artillery — Capt. McLachlan, dangerously.
1st, or Royal Scots - Capt. Brereton, slightly; Lieut. Haswell, severely, not dangerously; Lieut. D. Fraser, do. do. missing.
1st Batt 8th, or King's - Lieut. Noel & Ensign Swayne, slightly; Ensign McDonald, severely.
89th Regt - Lieut. Colonel Morrison, Lieutenants Sanderson, Steell, Pierce, Taylor, Lloyd, and Miles, severely, not dangerously; Lieut. Redmand and Adjutant Hopper, slightly; Lieut. Grey & Ensign Sanders, dangerously.
103rd Regt. — Lieut. Langhorne, slightly.
Glengary Lt Infan. — Lieut. R. Kerr, do.
Incorporated Militia. — Lieut. Col. Robinson, dangerously; Captain Fraser, severely; Captain Washburn, slightly; Captain McDonald, severely, left arm amputated; Lieut. MacDougall, mortally; Lieut. Ratan & Ensign McDonald, severely; Lieut. Hamilton, slightly.
2nd Lincoln Militia — Adjutant Thompson, slightly.
4th do do — Captain H. Nellis & Ensign Kennedy, slightly.
5th do do — Major Hatt, severely.
2nd York Militia — Major Simons, severely; Capt McKay, slightly; Capt. Rockman, Lieuts. Orrfield and Smith, severely.
Royal Engineers - Lieut. Yule.
1st, or Royal Scots - Lieuts. Clyne, and Lamont, supposed to be prisoners.
8th, or King's Regt. - Quarter Master Kirnan.
4th Lincoln Militia — Capt. H. Nellis and Quarter Master Bell.
General Staff - Captain Loring, Aid de Camp to Lieut. Gen. Drummond.
89th Regt. — Captain Gore.
103rd Regt. — Captain Brown; Lieut. Montgomery, and wounded; Ensign Lynai.
Glengary Light Infantry — Ensign Robin.
Incorporated Militia — Captain McLean; Ensign Wharf, and Quarter Master Thompson.
Provincial Light Dragoons — Capt. Merritt.
TOTAL including Officers
Killed 84
Wounded 559
Missing 193
Prisoners 42
General Total. .... ..878
In consequence of the great use made by the enemy of Buck Shot, many of the wounds have proved slight.
Adjutant General.
This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.
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