Lyra Davidica/A breathing after the Sabbath of Rest
A breathing after the Sabbath of Rest.
![<< \new Staff \relative d' { \time 2/2 \key g \major \autoBeamOff \override = #'classical \override Stem.neutral-direction = #up \partial 4
d | g b d4. g,8 | fis ([g]) a ([g]) g4. fis8 |
e4 fis8 ([g]) a ([b]) a ([g]) | fis4 d (d) fis | g8 ([a]) b4 e,4. g8 |
fis8 ([a]) b ([a]) d4 \stemDown b | e4. d8 cis ([d cis]) b \stemNeutral | a4 e r4 e' |
e4. fis8 g4 d | d8. [e16 d8.] c16 b4 e | a a8 ([g]) fis ([g fis]) e |
d4 a r4 r8 fis'8 | g4. fis8 e4. d8 | d [e d8.] c16 b4. c8 |
d ([e]) \stemDown d([ \stemUp g,]) \stemNeutral b4. c8 | a4 g g2~( | g2 g4) r4 \bar "|." }
\addlyrics { In this World's Inn Who lodge there -- in can find no rest nor chear -- ing; Man's Glo -- ries fall his Act -- ings all will soon be dis -- ap -- pear -- ing. But he that will in qui -- et still in God's pure Love So -- lace him shall sure -- ly find him al -- ways kind and e -- ver -- more em -- brace him.}
\new Staff \relative d { \clef bass \key g \major \autoBeamOff \omit Staff.TimeSignature \override = #'classical
r4 | r d g b | d c b b, |
c b cis a | \stemUp d8 \stemNeutral a d4 d d' | b g c a |
d4. c8 b4. g8 | e4 gis a e | a4. (b8) a4 e8 [d] |
c4 c' b8 [a] b [c] | b8. [c16 b8.] a16 g4 g | fis a d, a |
d4. (e8) d4 a | b g c e | fis d g8 [e d c] |
b4 fis \stemUp g8[ \stemDown d'] \stemNeutral e [c] | d4 g-2 b8. [c16 b8. a16] | g4 g, g r } >>](
Transcribed lyrics (not listed in original)
In this World's Inn Who lodge therein
can find no rest nor chearing;
Man's Glories fall his Actings all
will soon be disappearing.
But he that will in quiet still
in God's pure Love Solace him
shall surely find him always kind
and evermore embrace him.
EAch Day on Wings Vexation brings,
And certain Cares abounding;
Yet shall not this disturb our Bliss,
With restless Thoughts confounding.
God's Promise true is ever new
To Hearts in him Confiding;
His Heav'nly Grace, in ev'ry Case,
Advice and Aid providing.
Contentedness with Godliness
Is Gain that best may please Us,
The rest shall be all added free,
If we Possess but Jesus.
Then rich we are; like Angels fair;=
And tho' we here are Dying,
Yet God in all, and after shall
With Comforts be supplying
Ah! God let me burn ardently
In thy sweet Love for ever.
And Succour send when th' Evil Fiend
Me from my Rest would sever.
I'd own thy Truth with Heart and Mouth,
Before thy Scepter falling:
Thy Spirit in me, of Liberty,
Thee Abba Father calling.
O fix thou me from self set free,
In thee my Habitation.
With Christ thy Son my Head made one,
In blest Incorporation.
VVhen shall I Rest from Acts unblest,
And only work thy Pleasure;
VVhere all is done by thee alone
In Number, VVeight and Measure?
VVe wait the dear Sabbatick Year
Of Grace and Judgment Greeting:
All Enemies made now thy Prize,
And at thy Feet submitting.
VVhen ev'ry King shall Tribute bring,
Their Rights to Thee Revolving;
And ev'ry Crown be Molten down,
In thy pure Love dissolving.
O Sions Rock, save thy poor Flock;
Thy faithful Word remember,
Confirm the Hands, and break the Bands
Of each distressed Member.
Thy Will be known, thy Horn be blown
For Joy and Jubilating:
All Nations round in Peace be found,
Thy Sabbath Celebrating.