Lyra Davidica/The best Choice
The best Choice.
![<< \new Staff \relative d'' { \time 2/2 \key g \major \autoBeamOff \override = #'classical \partial 4
d | d g, c a | g2. fis4 | a d, g e | d2.
d'4 | d d e e | d d c b | a4. g8 g2( | \override Stem.neutral-direction = #up
g2) r4 fis | g a b fis | e2. fis4 | a d, g e | d2.
d'8 d | d4 d e e | d d c b | a4. g8 g2 | g2. r4 \bar "|." }
\addlyrics { Je -- sus my lov -- ing Spouse E -- ter -- nal Ve -- ri -- tie Per -- fect Guide of my Youth Way to E -- ter -- ni -- tie Strength -- en me by thy Grace From thee I'll ne -- ver flee Let the World Say \markup{\concat{w\super{t}}} they will Je -- sus I'll come _ to thee.}
\new Staff \relative d, { \clef bass \key g \major \autoBeamOff \omit Staff.TimeSignature \override = #'classical
g | b e c d | g,2. d'4 | fis,4 b g a | d2.
b'8 [a] | b4 g c c | b b a g | d d, g2( |
g2.) d'8 [c] | b4 a g8 [a] b4 | e2. d4 | fis, b g a | d2.
b'4 | a g c8.[ d16 c8. d16] | b8.[ c16 b8. c16] a4 g | d d, g2( | g2.) r4 } >>](
Transcribed lyrics (not listed in original)
Jesus my loving Spouse
Eternal Veritie
Perfect Guide of my Youth
Way to Eternitie
Strengthen me by thy Grace
From thee I'll never flee
Let the World Say wt they will
Jesus I'll come to thee.
POor Men seek after Wealth,
Bondmen seek Liberty.
The Sick cry out for Health,
All seek Prosperity.
Nothing seek I but Christ;
He alone pleaseth me.
Let the World say what they will
Jesus my Choice shall be.
Fond Lovers long full sore
Their Mistress Eyes to see.
Discarded Courtiers crave
In Princes Grace to be.
No want, no woe feel I
If I Enjoy but thee.
Thou only art, and shalt
My only Comfort be.
Some weary out themselves
In ways of Vanity.
Some follow painted Flies
Thro' Fields of Misery
Some in the Mouths of Men
Place their Felicity.
Such trifles I contemn
Jesus for Love of thee.
Some sail thro' surging Seas
In daily Jeopardy;
Hazarding Life and Limbs
To be Enrich'd thereby.
Some toil at home therefore.
I by possessing thee
Have all they have and more,
Come Jesus then to me.
All that Heart can conceive,
Ear can hear, Eye can see,
All and more I possess,
Sweet Jesus Christ, by thee.
Heav'n Earth, and all therein,
Life, Limbs thou gavest me.
Have I not cause to sing
Jesus I thine will be?
Tho' the World tempt me fore,
And the Flesh trouble me;
The Devil would me devour,
My Refuge is to thee.
Tho Heav'n and Earth should fail,
And all perplexed be;
Thou art, and ever shalt
My Joy and Comfort be.
What can this wretched World
Replete with misery,
Yield to delight my Soul,
Made for Eternity.
All is vain, all is frail,
Compared unto thee.
All Earthly Pleasures fail:
Thou liv'st Eternally.
Thou art, my Saviour sweet,
Life and Food unto me.
A Medecin most meet,
For each Infirmity.
To my taste Honey sweet;
To my Ear melody;
Perfect Guide to my Feet;
To my Heart Jubile.
Not my Will, Saviour sweet,
But thine performed be.
All things I count as Dung
Compared unto thee.
Pomps, Pleasures, and Delights,
(That I may worthy be,)
I do abandon quite,
Sweet Christ for Love of thee
For thee my Soul was made,
Nought else contenteth me.
All Earthly Pleasures fade;
Thou liv'st Eternally.
Strengthen me by thy Grace
That I may worthy be
In Heav'n to see thy Face,
And burn in Love with thee