Mabel A. Cain (1875-1955) letter of May 27, 1943

The Compton-Castner Burying Ground
Copy of a Letter
Adamsville Road
Somerville, N.J.
May 27, 1943
Dear Charlie,
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I do not know of any record of the burials in the Compton-Castner burying ground in either the Van Nostrand or Remer families.
I do not know when or where George Remer died or if he is buried beside his wife Rachel, but I presume he was.
I saw Gus Campbell and asked him if he could locate the graves of his parents, sister and brothers. He said he could.
Bryan Remer's wife, Eliza Cain, was a sister to my grandfather, Joseph Cain.
Joseph Cain, Jr., a brother to my father, is not buried there. He is buried with his family at Newark, New Jersey. My great-grandmother, Sarah Oldrin Kershaw (born August 15, 1815; married Abram Kershaw February 11, 1836; died November 22, 1894), lies in an unmarked grave, I think, just north of the Remer graves. She was the mother of Mary E. Kershaw, who was the wife of George W. Remer.
My great-grandfather, Abram Kershaw (born October 23, 1813; died October 9, 1854) is not buried beside his wife. He, with his nephew William Duryea (the Glen Cove, Long Island, Starch Co. family), left New York during the gold rush to seek their fortunes in California. Great-grandfather died on the ship just as it reached San Francisco. I have several letters he wrote to my great-grandmother while on the voyage around the Horn, also the letter written by William Duryea telling of his sudden death.
I do not know where Rachel Hodge Cain is buried.
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Sincerely, Mabel Van Nostrand.