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Mediaeval Hymns and Sequences/Veni, veni, Emmanuel

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For other English-language translations of this work, see Veni, Veni, Emmanuel.
For other versions of this translation, see Draw nigh, draw nigh Emmanuel.
Mediæval Hymns and Sequences (1867)
edited by John Mason Neale
Veni, veni, Emmanuel
by Anonymous, translated by John Mason Neale
AnonymousJohn Mason Neale3025552Mediæval Hymns and Sequences — Veni, veni, Emmanuel1867John Mason Neale

Veni, veni, Emmanuel.

This Advent Hymn is little more than a versification of some of the Christmas antiphons commonly called the O's.

Draw nigh, draw nigh, Emmanuel
And ransom captive Israel,
That mourns in lonely exile here,
Until the Son of God appear;
Rejoice! rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall he born for thee, O Israel!

Draw nigh, O Jesse's Rod, draw nigh,
To free us from the enemy;
From Hell's infernal pit to save,
And give us victory o'er the grave.
Rejoice! rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall be born for thee, O Israel!

Draw nigh, Thou Orient, Who shalt cheer
And comfort by Thine Advent here,
And banish far the brooding gloom
Of sinful night and endless doom.
Rejoice! rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall be born for thee, O Israel!

Draw nigh, draw nigh, O David's Key,
The Heavenly Gate will ope to Thee;
Make safe the way that leads on high,
And close the path to misery.
Rejoice! rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall be born for thee, O Israel!

Draw nigh, draw nigh, O Lord of Might,
Who to Thy tribes from Sina's height
In ancient time didst give the Law,
In cloud and majesty and awe.
Rejoice! rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall be born for thee, O Israel!

[Corrected from the first Edition for the Hymnal Noted; and thence copied, with alterations, in the Hymns Ancient and Modern, and elsewhere.]