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Men of 1914/A

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Men of 1914, Chicago: American Publishers' Association, 1915, OCLC:49777827all editions

The phrase "Men of 1914" appears frequently in the English literature of the 20th century as a metonym for the generation that faced World War I.

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195287Men of 1914 — A

Abbott, Grafton St. Loe, lawyer, trustee, capitalist; born Lowell, Mass., Nov. 14, ; son of Josiah Gardner and Caroline (Livermore) Abbott; received preparatory education at Noble's Private School, Boston; graduated from Harvard College, A.B., ; studied law; married, Quincy, Mass., Sept. 29, , Mary Adams. Admitted to the bar, , and has since engaged in practice of law in Boston; director Lewiston-Clarkston Co.; vice-president and director Fidelity Trading and Commercial Co., Hill Manufacturing Co. ; treasurer and director Lewiston-Concord Bridge Co.; director River Bank Improvement Co.; chairman of directors Guaretarrio & Western R. R. Co.; Democrat. Residence: Concord, Mass. Office : 84 State St., Boston.

Abbott, Maude Elizabeth Seymour, of Durocher St., Montreal, Can. Pathological, St. Andrews East, Que., March 18, . A.B., McGill, ; honorary M.D., C.M., ; M.D., C.M., Bishop's College, ; L.R.C.P. and S., Edinburgh, . Assistant curator, medical museum, McGill, -; curator, -, Governor's fellow, path., -10. Ass. Path. and Bact.; Montreal Medico-Chirurg. Soc.; Int. Ass. Med. Mus. (sec'y-treas.); British Med. Ass. Clinical Medicine; congenital cardiac disease; organization of the medical museum and museum teaching.

Abbott, William Martin, lawyer; born San Francisco, March, 17, ; son of William and Annabel (Casselman) Abbott. Educated in public schools, San Francisco; Hayes Valley Grammar School, ; Boys' High, ; BL.., Hastings College of Law, . Married, Anna Josephine MaeVean, Aug. 3, . In National Guard, Cal., three years; -, deputy attorney-general of State of California; general attorney, United Railroads of San Francisco. Member: Am. Acad. of Political and Social Science; Acad. of Pac. Coast History; Cal. Lodge No. 1, F. & A. M.; Cal. Chapter No. 5, R. A. M.; Cal. Commandery, No. 1, K. T.; Islam Temple, Mystic Shrine; S. F. Lodge No. 3, B. P. O. Elks; Stanford Parlor No. 79, N. S. G. W. Republican. Clubs: Bohemian, Elks, Transportation, Union League. Residence : 2735 Vallejo St. Office : 58 Sutter St., San Francisco, Cal.

Abercrombie, John W., United States Congressman-at-Large from Alabama, was born in , in St. Clair county, Ala. In -11 he was president of the University of Alabama. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of -15, and resides in Tuscaloosa, Ala.

Adair, John A. M., banker and statesman of Portland, Ind., was born Dec. 22, , in Portland, Ind. He is a successful banker; president of the First National Bank of Portland, Ind.; and prominently identified with the business and public affairs of this city, county and state. He was elected to the sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second congresses from the eighth district of Indiana, and was re-elected to the sixty-third congress for term ending -15.

Adams, Charles Siedler, bank officer, of 358 Fifth Ave., New York City, was born in Brooklyn, N.Y., Oct. 13, ; son of William Menzies and Ellen Hathaway (Franklin) Adams; grad. Adelphi Acad., Brooklyn; Columbia Univ., A.B., ; married, April 12, , Emma Lily Arabella Parsons, daughter of Hosmer Buckingham Parsons. Children: Franklin Parsons, born June 6, ; Clelia Emma, born April 13, . See. and treas. Knicker-bocker Safe Deposit Co. Member Sons of Revolution, Pilgrim Society, Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity. Recreations: Golf and music. Clubs: Dyker Meadow Golf, Harriman Country Club, University, Delta Kappa Epsilon. Club: Young Men's Republican.

Adams, Elmer Ellsworth, editor, capitalist; born Waterbury, Vt., ; educated in Morrisville (Vt.) Academy, Univ. of In., A.B., ; married at Rochester, Minn., , Fannie C. Cowles. Editor of the Fergus Falls Journal since ; president of the Fergus Printing Co. President Fergus Land Co., Otter Tail Building and Loan Association, Northwestern Building Association, Fergus Falls Building Association; vice-president Wright Investment Co. ; secretary Red River Milling Co., Ceres Elevator Co.; president First National Bank of Fergus Falls. Regent of University of Minnesota, eight years; member Minnesota Legislature, -09. Republican; chairman Republican congressional committee, eight years. Address: Fergus Falls.

Adams, Francis Joseph, physician; born Dec. 16, , Fort Crook, Cal.; son of General John Adams, U.S.A.; educated at Georgetown University (M.D. ) ; married Alice Conrad, Appointed assistant surgeon LS. army -87. Surgeon general of the Spanish War Veterans. At present member of state board and examiner for Montana of the First Montana infantry. Member: Sons of American Revolution, Aztec Club (), and the Spanish War Veterans. Address: Great Falls, Mont.

Adams, George Everett, lawyer; born Keene, N.H., June 18, ; son of Benjamin Franklin and Louise Ruth (Redington) Adams; attended school at Keene, N.H., ; family removed to Chicago; prepared for college at Phillips Exeter Academy ; graduated frorn Harvard College, ; Dane Law School of Harvard, LL.B., ; married, Chicago, Ill., , Adele Foster; children: Isabel F., Margaret. Admitted to bar in ; engaged in practice of law in Chicago, ; member of Illinois senate, -83; member of congress., -91. Served for a time as member Battery A, Illinois artillery, during Civil war. Republican. Ex-member board of overseers of Harvard College; trustee Newberry Library, Field Columbian Museum; former member Chicago Board of Education ; was president Chicago Orchestral Association six years. Clubs: University, Onwentsia, Saddle and Cycle, Union League, Chicago, Marquette, Coleman Lake, Swan Lake. Residence: 350 Belden Ave. Office: The Temple, Chicago.

Adams, John Quincy, clergyman, of Auburn, N.Y.; born Ogden, N.Y., Aug. 8,  ; son Caleb Kimball and Laura (Keeler) Adams; graduate Rochester University (A.B., ) ; Auburn Theol. Sem., ; married, Rochester, N.Y., June 7, , Cara Southgate. Pastor Walnut St. Presbyterian Church, Evansville, Ind., -81; First Presbyterian Church, Boulder, Colo., -84; Westminster Presbyterian Church, San Francisco, -95; chaplain Clifton Springs Sanitarium, -98: pastor First Presbyterian Church, Canandaigua, N.Y, -; First Presbyterian Church, Waterloo, N.Y., -07; assistant professor and librarian, Auburn Theol. Sem. since . Founder, The Boys' Brigade in U.S.A., (president its national organization, -94). Member of A.D.O. and O.B.K. fraternities. D.D. from Rochester University and Huron College.

Adams, Marion A., accountant, educator and college president, was born Feb. 18, , in Dalzell, O. He was educated at the Ohio Northern University; attended Zanerian College, and graduated from the Marietta Commercial College, Marietta, O. He is an expert penman. For a number of years he was engaged as a stenographer and bookkeeper, and is now president of the Marietta Commercial College of Ohio.

Adams, W. I. Lincoln, president business corporations, of 135 W. 14th St., New York City, was born in New York City, Feb. 22, ; son of Washington Irving and Marion L. (Briggs) Adams; educated Montclair public schools; graduate high school, ; married, , Grace Wilson; children: Wilson Irving, Marion Elizabeth, Briggs Kilburn, Carolyn Styles, W. I. Lincoln, Jr. President Styles & Cash, stationers and printers; the Sackett & Wilhelms Co., lithographers and printers; director Dexter Folder Co.; treasurer Montclair Holding Co. Life member Am. Inst. ; member LaFayette Lodge, No. 64, F. & A. M.; ex-governor N.J. Society of Founders and Patriots of America; member Sons American Revolution, Society Colonial Wars, Huguenot Society, Society War of . Trustee, First Congregational Society, Montclair, N.J.; vice-president Montclair Civic Association. Author: The Amateur Photographer, Sunlight and Shadow, In Nature's Image, Woodland and Meadow, Photographing in Old England. Clubs: Union League (N.Y. City).

Adamson, William Charles, congressman, was born Aug. 13, , in Bowdon, Ga. He was judge of the city court of Carrollton from to , and was attorney for the city of Carrollton for a number of years; and was presidential elector in . He was a member of the fifty-fifth, fifty-sixth, fifty-seventh, fifty-eighth, fifty-ninth, sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second congresses as a democrat. He was re-elected to the sixty-third congress from the fourth district of Georgia for the term of -15; and resides in Carrollton, Ga.

Affeld, Charles E., joint general agent at Chicago of the Hamburg-Bremen Ins. Co., born at Stettin, Germany, March 10, ; educated in the public schools of Chicago, to which place his parents had moved in , and at a commercial college. He served through the Civil War in Co. B, First Reg.. Ill. Artillery, and took up insurance work in as a broker. From to he was surveyor for the New York Underwriters' Agency, and since has been a member of the firm of Witkowsky & Affeld, and now Afield, Tonk & Co., the Chicago Board of Trade, Union League and other clubs. Address, Chicago, Ill.

Agassiz, Rodolphe Louis, capitalist of 12 Ashburton Pl., Boston, Mass., was born Sept. 3, , in Cambridge, Mass. He is vice-president of the Calumet and Hecla Mining Company; president of the Ahmeek Alining Company and president of the Isle Royale Copper Company and other corporations. He is also director of the American Trust Company, the Union Stock Yards of Chicago, the Walter Baker Company and other corporations.

Aiken, Wyatt, congressman, was born Dec. 14, . In -97 he was official court stenographer; and is now a successful farmer. He served in the Spanish-American War in the Aberville volunteers. In -13 he was a democratic representative from South Carolina to the fifty-eighth, fifty-ninth, sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second congresses. He was re-elected to the sixty-third congress from the third district of South Carolina for the term of -15; and resides in Abbeville, S.C.

Ainey, William D. B., congressman, was born April 18, , in New Milford, Pa. He was elected to the sixty-second congress as a republican to fill a vacancy, and was re-elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of -15; and resides in Montrose, Pa.

Akers, James Byrnside, engineer maintenance of way Southern Railway; office, Knoxville, Tenn. Born March 16, , at Danville, Virginia Graduated from Washington and Lee University, , with degree of B.S., and in with degree of C. E. Entered railway service, Sept. 1, , as assistant supervisor Asheville division, Southern Railway, since which he has been consecutively Sept. 1, , to April 1, , levelman and transitman on location and surveys, South & Western Railway (now the Carolina, Clinchfield & Ohio Railway) ; April 1, , to Aug. 20, , successively transitman, Asheville division Southern Railway; transitman, Middle district and assistant engineer same district; Aug. 20, , to April 1, , acting engineer, maintenance of way, same road; April 1, , to date, engineer maintenance of way, same road.

Alden, Cynthia Westover, editor and publisher of 96 5th Ave., New York City; was born at Afton, Ia., May 31, ; d. Oliver S. and Lucinda (Lewis) Westover; graduate State University of Colorado, A.B. ; M. Litt., Alfred (N.Y.) University, ; m. New York City, , John Alden. Taught in public schools at Boulder, Colo.; later private secretary of street cleaning commissioner, New York City; was editor Woman's Page, New York Recorder; Woman's Page, New York Tribune; member of the editorial staff of the Ladies' Dome Journal for ten years. Founder and president-general, International Sunshine Society (Inc.), largest philanthropic newspaper society in the United States; membership over 300,000; founder of the Sunshine Blind Babies' Homes, nurseries, hospitals and kindergartens combined (only place in Empire State for blind babies). Author: Bushy (tale of child-life in Far West) ; Manhattan, Historic and Artistic; Women's Ways of Earning Money.

Alden, George Ira, 48 Queen St., Worcester, Mass. Manufacturing, Templeton, Mass., April 22, ; B.S., Harvard, ; M.M.E., Cornell, ; head department mechanical engineering, Worcester, to ; president Norton Company, president and general manager Norton Grinding Company, Worcester Mass. ; trustee Worcester Polytechnic Institute; trustee Worcester Grade Schools, ; member Worcester School Committee, (chairman two years); S.M.E. (vice-president, -93); president Worcester Public Education Association, -10.

Alden, John, of Pacific Mills, Lawrence, Mass.; was born at Randolph, Mass., May 9, . B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology,  ; assistant Massachusetts institute of Technology, -78; chemist Pacific Mills, ; F.A.A.; Chemical Society; Society of Chemical Industry; Electrochemical Society; British Society Dyers and Colorists; Chemistry of Printing and Dyeing.

Alderman, L. R., educator and school superintendent of Portland, Ore., was born Oct. 29, , in Dayton, Ore. He has been superintendent of schools in Eugene, Ore., and state superintendent of public instruction at Salem. He is now city superintendent of schools for Portland, Ore.

Alderson, William Atkinson, lawyer; born at St. Charles, Mo., Oct. 1, ; son of Benjamin Amos and Mary L. (Baker) A. Educated at public and private schools, St.. Charles, Mo.; West Nottingham Academy, Maryland; graduate of Lafayette College, Easton, Pa., ; studied law in office of T. F. McDearmon, St. Charles. Married Maude V. Webster, Jan. 1, . Moved to California in . Member, Masons, K. of P., Loyal Order of Moose. Residence, 1227 Leighton Ave.; office, 207 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal.

Alerding, Rt. Rev. Herman Joseph, bishop of Fort Wayne; born April 13, , at Westphalia; educated in parish schools of Corpus Christi Church, Newport, Ky. ; diocesan College at Vincennes Ind.; St. Thomas Preparatory Seminary, Bardstown, Ky.; St. Meinrad's Seminary, Spencer County, Ind.; ordained priest, September 22, , assistant priest at St. Joseph's Church, Terre Haute, Ind., for three years; pastor of Cambridge City, Ind., and its missions, three years; organizer of St. Joseph's Church at Indianapolis, Ind., and its pastor twenty-six years; consecrated bishop of Fort Wayne. Ind., Nov. 30, ; author of "The Diocese of Vincennes," (Carlon & Hollenbeck, Indianapolis) ; "The Diocese of Fort Wayne," (The Archer Printing Co., Fort Wayne) ; and some pamphlets: "Plymouth Rock and Maryland," etc. Address, 1140 Clinton St., Fort Wayne, Ind.

Aleshire, James Buchanan, quartermaster general, U.S. Army; born in Gallipolis, Ohio, Oct. 31, ; son of Reuben and Margaret (Shepard) Aleshire. He was graduated from the U.S. Military Academy, in , and was assigned to duty with the Cavalry arm. Inc he was transferred to the quartermaster's department, and in the Spanish-American War was chief quartermaster of volunteers as major and lieutenant-colonel. He was discharged from the volunteer service May 1, , and reached his majority in the quartermaster department of the regular service Feb. 2, . In , upon the retirement of Quartermaster-General Humphrey he was appointed quartermaster-general of the army with the rank of brigadier-general, and in was promoted to the rank of major-general. General Aleshire has had a brilliant career in active service, having served against the Apache Indians, -; in the Crow or "Swordbearer" Campaign, ; in the operations in Cuba and on the China Relief Expedition. He also served two years and six months in the Philippines. He married in Dubuque, Iowa, Nov. 3, , Harriet A. Dana. Residence: 2313 S St., N.W., Washington, D.C.

Alexander, Charles Beatty, lawyer and capitalist of 165 Broadway, New York City, was born Dee. 6, in New York City. He received the degrees of A.B., LL.B., A.M., LLD., and Litt.D. He was admitted to bar, New York City, on June 17, , and since admission has been continuously in practice; was a member of firm of Alexander & Green until end of . He has been concerned in many of the largest litigations during the past forty years; eminent as adviser of corporations and estate. He is a director and member of the executive committee Equitable Life Assurance Society of United States, trustee Equitable Trust Company; director of the Mt. Morris Bank and several other corporations. Clubs: Union, University, Riding, Tuxedo, Metropolitan, Army and Navy, N.Y., Yacht and others.

Alexander, Joshua W., congressman of Gallatin, Mo.; was born in Cincinnati, 0., Jan. 22, . In he was elected representative to the general assembly of Missouri from Daviess County, and re-elected in and . He was elected to the sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second congresses; was re-elected to the sixty-third congress for the term ending -15.

Allee, William S., physician, banker; born in Missouri, Jan. 20, : son of James V. and Sabra (Bowlin) Allee; educated in public schools, Missouri State University Medical School; Rush Medical College, Chicago and Missouri Medical College, St. Louis, M.D., ; married at St. Louis, April 29, , to Laura C. Huston; four sons. Engaged in retail drug business since ; president of Miller County Exchange Bank since ; vice-president of Lee Jordan Lumber Company, Jefferson City, Mo. Member Missouri State Senate, -. Democrat. Member of American Medical Association, Missouri State Medical Association (ex-president), Miller County Medical Society, Missouri Society for Prevention of Tuberculosis. Mason, Odd Fellow, Maccabee, and Modern Woodman. President of Olean Commercial Club. Address, Olean.

Allen, Andrew Aniel, railroad president of St. Louis, Mo.; was born March 19, , near Monmouth, Ill. Since he has been in railroad service. He has been general superintendent of the Wisconsin Central Railroad ; and general manager of the Chicago and Northern Pacific Railroad. Since he has been assistant general manager, and since has been president, vice-president and general manager of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railroad Company. He was one of the directors of the Louisiana, Purchase Exposition Company.

Allen, Alfred G., congressman, was born July 23, , near Wilmington, Ohio. Since he has practiced law in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was elected to the sixty-second and sixty-third congresses as a democrat.

Allen, Benjamin Franklin, educator and college president of Jefferson City, Mo., was born Sept. 8, , in Savannah, Ga. He has been principal of the grammar and high schools in the South; professor of the Georgia State Industrial College and teacher in the Atlanta University of Georgia. He is now president of the State College for Negroes of Missouri.

Allen, Edward P., clergyman and bishop of Mobile, Ala., was born in Lowell, Mass. He entered Mount St. Mary's College, and received the degree of A.B. in , and A.M. in . He was later chosen president of Mount St. Mary's College. In January, , the Holy Father Leo XIII, appointed Dr. Allen, bishop of Mobile, in succession to the late Bishop O'Sullivan of happy memory. He was later consecrated in the Cathedral at Baltimore, on May 16, , and was installed in his Cathedral Church at Mobile, May 30, .

Allen, Eugene Thomas, of 1348 Euclid St., N.W., Washington, D. C., was born at Athol, Mass., April 2, . A.B., Amherst, ; Ph.D., Hopkins, ; Harvard, -95. Associate professor of chemistry, Woman's College of. Baltimore, -91 ; acting professor, Colorado, -93; professor in Mo. School of Mines, -; chemistry geologist, United States Geological Survey, -06; research chemist, geophysical laboratory, Carnegie Institution, ; instructor in summer school, Harvard, -95. Chemistry Society; Washington Chemistry Society (president, ). Inorganic and mineralogical chemistry.

Allen, Frederick Hobbes, lawyer, of 63 Wall St., New York City; was born in Honolulu, Hawaii an Islands; son of Hon. Elisha Hunt Allen, M.C. (also chief justice Hawaii an Islands and minister plenipotentiary to U.S.), and Mary Harrod (Hobbes) Allen; graduate A.B., (A.M.), LL.B., , Harvard University; married, New York City, , Adele Livingston Stevens; children: Frederic Stevens, Mary Dorothy Adele, Barbara Frances Gallatin, Joan Livingston, Julian Broome Livingston, Priscilla Alden Sampson. Studied law in office of Holmes & Adams; admitted to bar, ; became managing clerk Miller, Peckham & Dixon; later practiced alone ; in formed firm of Adams & Allen, and on death of senior partner, , formed firm of Allen & Cammann. Secretary Hawaii an legation, , charge d'affaires; resigned ; has been corporation counsel, also president Village of Pelham Manor. Chairman Democratic county committee, Westchester county, N.Y.; has been delegate at various state conventions; delegate to Democratic national convention at Denver, ; twice member executive committee of Democratic state committee of N.Y. (in last campaign member general finance committee of Democratic national committee). Member permanent American commission that went abroad to study agricultural finance, production, distribution and rural life. Member Sons of Revolution, Society Colonial Wars. Recreations: Hunting, polo. Clubs: Knickerbocker, Union, Manhattan, City.

Allen, George Gardner, general storekeeper Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. Office: Milwaukee, Wis. Born, Dec. 15, , at Austin, Minn. Educated in the public schools at Austin, Minn. Entered railway service May 1, , as brakeman Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, since which he has been consecutively, Nov., , to Nov., , clerk in store department at Minneapolis; Nov., , to Nov. , storekeeper at Green Bay, Wis.; Nov., , to April, , chief clerk general store department same road at Milwaukee; April, , to Oct., , assistant general storekeeper Chicago Great Western Rd., at Oelwein, Ia.; Oct., , to date, general storekeeper Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. at Milwaukee.

Allen, John Robbins, 837 E. University Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. Mechanical engineer, Milwaukee, Wis., July 23,  ; B.S., Mich., ; M.E., . Secretary L. K. Comstock Construction Co., -95. Instructor mechanical engineering, -99; assistant professor, -02; junior professor, -05; professor, to date. Past president American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers; past president Michigan Engineering Society; member A.S.M.E., American Society for Promotion of Engineering Education; honorary member M.A.S.E., Detroit Engineering Society. Dean of engineering department, Robert College, Constantinople, Turkey, -12. Specialties, heating and ventilating and production of power.

Alling, Newton Duelle, banker, of 233 Broadway, New York City, was born, Town of Stanford, Dutchess county, N.Y., March 31, ; son of J. Sackett and Ann Eliza (Bertine) Ailing; educated in private schools of Dutchess county and preparatory Chappaqua Mt. Institute, Friends Academy, Chappaqua, and Eastman Business College; married, Brooklyn, N, Y., April, , Edyth Spencer; one daughter, Kathryn Spencer. Entered employ of Nassau Bank, N.Y., Dec., ; promoted to assistant cashier, ; vice-president National Nassau Bank since Jan., . Through consolidation of Nassau with Irving National Bank, became assistant cashier of latter institution May 6, . President N.Y. Chapter American Institute of Banking, -06, having been interested in this institution since ; elected president of whole organization, at Seattle convention, . Was largely instrumental in , as member board of trustees. In bringing about reorganization of institute. Democrat (candidate for assembly in Brooklyn, ); Presbyterian. Member Dutchess County Society. Has written considerably on banking and allied subjects, including: Negotiable Instruments, Collection of Country Cheeks, Bank Reserves, Substitute for a Central Bank, Treasury Issue vs. Bank Issue. Recreations: Golf, farming, fishing, outdoor sports.

Allis, Charles, manufacturer, of Milwaukee, Wis., where he was born May 4, . Son of Edward P. and Margaret M. (Watson) Allis; educated in public schools and Markham Academy of Milwaukee, Wis., and Little Blue Academy, Farmington, Me. Married at Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 19, , Sarah Esther Ball. Secretary and treasurer The Edward P. Allis Co.; president for first four years of the Allis-Chalmers Co.; now a director; president Chicago Belting Co.; vice-president and director First Savings and Trust Co.; director First National Bank; director and member finance committee of the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. Republican. Presbyterian. President Milwaukee Art Society. Clubs: Union League, Lawyers' (New York City), Chicago Athletic Association (Chicago), Milwaukee, Athletic, Town and Country (Milwaukee).

Allison, James William, window glass manufacturer; president, treasurer and owner of the Reliance Window Glass Manufacturing Co.; factory, Du Bois, Pa.; general office, 411 Olive St., suite 211 and 212. Born in Boone county, Oct. 11, , son of Dr. Nathaniel Allison and Martha Frances (Sullinger) Allison; began business career as apprentice in 1 858 in retail drug business. Afterwards as clerk for several years, when he entered the drug business on his own account. Later was in the jobbing drug business until , when he engaged in the manufacture of window glass and bottles. Educated in the private schools of Mexico. Entered McGee College, Macon county, Mo., and St. Charles College, St. Charles, Mo. Was appointed by Governor Folk president board of election commissioners, . Is member of University Club, Noonday Club and Society of Sons of Revolution. Thirty-second degree Scottish Rite Mason.

Alwood, William Bradford, Stonehenge Laboratories, Rio Road, Charlottesville, Virginia Born, Delta, O., Aug. 11,. Ohio State, -84; George Washington -88; teacher, public schools, -81; superintendent, Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station, -86, assistant entomologist, U.S. Department of Agriculture, -88; vice-director, entomologist and botanist, Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station, -91, horticulturist, entomologist dud mycologist, -01; professor horticulture, entomology and mycology, Virginia Polytechnic, -04; special agent in charge investigations in oenological technic, bur. chemistry, U.S. Department of Agriculture, -07, oenological chemist, --. Special agent to study oenology in Europe, division of chemistry, U.S. Department of Agriculture, -. Cross, Officier du Meite Agricole; silver medal and diploma, Soc. Nat. d'Agr. de France. F.A.A. ; Washington Biological Society; fellow Royal Horticultural Society. horticulture; alcoholic ferments and malfermentations. Biology of alcoholic ferments, wine, cider and vinegar; economic disposal of unmerchantable fruits.

Amberg, Emil, physician and surgeon, of 270 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. He received a thorough education, graduated with the degree of M.D., and has attained success in the practice of medicine. He is a member of several medical associations and societies; and has filled various positions of trust and honor.

Ames, Edwin G., lumberman; born, East Machias, Me., July 2, ; son of John K. and Sarah A. (Sanborn) Ames. Education, public schools of Machias, Me., and high school, Providence, R.I., . Married, Maud Walker, Oct.. 17, , at Port Gamble, Wash. Went to Washington, . Business manager, Puget Mill Co., Seattle, and its associated companies; vice-president, Seattle National Bank; director, Metropolitan Bank, Seattle; trustee, Washington Saving & Loan Assn., Seattle; trustee, Washington Forest Fire Assn.; trustee, West Coast Lumber Manufacturers' Assn.; president, Pacific Lumber Inspection Bureau. Republican. Clubs: Golf, Rainier, Metropolitan, Commercial, Arctic, Athletic, Automobile (Seattle) ; Union (Tacoma) ; Hoo-Hoos, Knights Templar, Scottish Rite, Thirty-second degree, Shriner. Residence: 808 Thirty-sixth Ave., N. Office : Walker Bldg., Seattle, Wash.

Amidon, Charles Fremont, lawyer and jurist of Fargo, N.D., was born Aug. 7, , in Clymer, N.Y. In he was a member of the commission to revise the codes and statutes of North Dakota. Since he has been United States judge for the district of North Dakota.

Ammons, E. M., governor of the state of Colorado. He is governor of Colorado for the term of -15, and resides in Denver, Colo.

Anders, Dr. Howard S., 1700 Walnut. St., Philadelphia, Pa. Medicine. Born at Norritonville, Pa., Nov. 12, . A.B., Central High School, Philadelphia, , A.M., .; M.D., Pennsylvania, . Interne, Presbyterian Hospital, Philadelphia, -91 ; instructor of clinical medicine, Medico-Chirurg, College, Philadelphia, -9G; lecturer, 1597-99./ professor of physical diagnosis, . Physician to Samaritan and Philadelphia General Hospitals. American Medical Association; Climatic Association; Public Health Association; Pennsylvania Society for Prevention of Tuberculosis (past president); Pennsylvania Medical Society; Philadelphia County Medical Society. Street-width and pulmonary tuberculosis: the weather and epidemic influenza; the dust menace and municipal diseases; pioneer in recommending adoption of individual communion cups, and individual cups in public places generally. "Diet in Tuberculosis," text-book on Physical Diagnosis (Appleton), etc.

Anderson, Albert, journalist and publisher of Clearbrook, Minn., was born Dec. 23, , in Red Wing, Minn. He was one of the organizers of Clearwater county, Minn. In he became postmaster of Olberg; and is editor and publisher of the Olberg Journal, now changed to the Clearbrook Journal. In the Olberg postoffice was moved to the new railway site and its name changed to Clearbrook, of which he is still postmaster. He was one of the organizers of the Clearbrook Lumber Company, of which he is a director.

Anderson, Charles Lee, banker; born at Corinth, Miss., April 25, : son of John F. and Mary McKinney (Dishoghn) Anderson; educated in public schools in different districts; married at Independence, Texas, March 24, , to Nettle Houston Williams; three sons. Worked as a farmer until 19 years of age, then worked as messenger boy for Western Union Telegraph Company for a while, later employed as local ticket agent for the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railroad, during which time acted as express agent for the Pacific Express Company. Organized the First National Bank of Ardmore, Okla., in , and has been its cashier continuously since . Vice-president of Ardmore Loan & Trust Company. Republican; Episcopalian. Address, Ardmore.

Anderson, Galosh, clergyman, educator, college president and author of Boston, Mass., was born March 7, , in North Bergen, N.Y. For eight years he was president of the University of Chicago: and for three years was president of Denison University of Ohio. For seven years he filled the chair of sacred rhetoric, church polity and pastoral duties the Newton Theological Institution of Massachusetts. For fourteen years he filled the chair of practical theology at Morgan Park, Ill.; and in the divinity school of the University of Chicago. He was in St. Louis during the Civil War; preached the first loyal sermon in that city in ; and was one of a hand of loyal men who succeeded in keeping Missouri in the Union. He is the author of The Story of a Border City During the Civil War."

Anderson, George Bradley, merchant, founder, was born April 18, , in Canandaigua, N.Y. In -66 he was buyer and assistant manager for G. H. Seelye. In -71 he was partner in Squiers, Anderson & Co., dry goods merchants; and since has been in business for himself as sole proprietor. For forty-seven consecutive years he has been conducting a dry goods and carpet business in Canandaigua, N.Y.; and in built his present store. He is prominently identified with the business and public affairs of his community ; and has held numerous positions of trust and honor.

Anderson, George Gray, consulting civil engineer, born at Aberdeen, Scotland, April 20, ; son of James and Sarah (Gray) Anderson. Education, Robert Gordon's Hospital, Aberdeen (Silver Medallist ; University of Aberdeen (mathematics and physics only). Married Sarah Ellen Beck, Oct. 31, , at Denver, Colo. Apprenticed with Messrs. Walker and Beattie, engineers and surveyors, Aberdeen, Scotland, -79; with London and Northwestern Ry., London, Eng., -80; assistant engineer, Northern Colorado Irrigation Co., Denver, Colo., -83; chief engineer, Northern Colorado Irrigation Co., Larimer & Weld Irrigation Co., Loveland & Greeley Irrigation Co., and Platte Valley Irrigation Co., -90; member firm Campbell & Anderson, consulting engineers, constructed lliff and Platte Valley Canal and Loveland Reservoir, 96; consulting engineer, Travelers' Insurance Co., in Colorado, built Rio Grande dam at Del Norte, Colo., -97 ; consulting engineer, Alberta Ry. and Irri. Co., Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, -; constructed Greeley Water Works, Colorado, -7; constructed Clear Creek reservoir, Granite, Colo., for Otero Irri. Dist., -09; constructed Schaefer Dam for Beaver Land and Irri. Co., Fremont County, Colo., -10; re-constructed Otero Canal for Otero Irri. Dist., ; consulting and supervising engineer, Costilla Estates Development Co., Colorado, constructed Sanchez Dam, -11. As consulting engineer, engaged in numerous appraisals, and in water supplies, in litigations, for Denver Union Water Co., and others. Since , consulting engineer, Great Northern Irri. & Power Co., butt Co., Colorado. Member, Am. Soc. Civil Engrs., Institution Civil Engrs., Canadian Soc. Civil Engrs., Soc. for Promotion of Engrg. Edn., Am. Assn. for Advan. of Science, Colorado Scientific Soc., Natl. Geographic Soc., Colorado Assn. of Members of the Am. Soc. C. E. (past president) honorary member, Tau Beta Pi, Colorado Chapter Beta, Denver Chamber of Commerce. Clubs: Denver, Denver Athletic, Mile High. Contributor of following papers to engrg. journals: "Irrigation," "The Effect of Alkali on Concrete," "Irrigation in Colorado," "Some Aspects of Irrigation Development in Colorado." Residence, 1432 Grant St.; office, 624-5-6 First Natl. Bank Bldg., Denver, Colo.

Anderson, J. Crampton, oil operator, born at Mason, Tex., Oct. 26, ; son of Ethridge T. and Sarah J. Anderson. Married Daysie M. Betzold, June 17, , at Los Angeles. One of the organizers, Am. Petroleum Co., (now vice-president and general manager). Organized Am. Oilfields Co., ; President Midland Oil Co.; general manager Niles Lease Oil Co., in Salt Lake Dist. Residence Rampart Apts., Los Angeles, Cal.

Anderson, Rasmus Bjorn, journalist, educator, diplomat and author, of Madison, Wis., was born Jan. 12, , in Albion, Wis. In he became professor of Greek and modern languages in Albion Academy, near his home. In he became instructor in languages in the University of Wisconsin, and in -83 filled the chair of Scandinavian languages and literature in that institution, where he also founded a Scandinavian library; and has contributed to Johnson's Universal Cyclopedia; McClintock and Strong's Cyclopedia; the American supplement of the Encyclopedia Britannica; and to the last edition of Chambers' Encyclopedia. He has lectured extensively on the subject of Norse literature and mythology. In -89 he was United States minister to Denmark; and since has been editor and publisher of Amerika, a weekly Norwegian paper. In -7 he edited the Norrona Library, in sixteen volumes. As an author of books he has won an enviable reputation, his principal works being Norse Mythology; America Not Discovered by Columbus; Echoes from Mist-Land ; History of the Literature of the Scandinavian North; Viking Tales of the North: The Younger Edda; The Elder Edda; and several works in Norwegian.

Anderson, Sydney, congressman, was born Sept. 17, , in Goodhue County, Minn. He served as a private in Company D, Fourteenth Regiment Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, during the Spanish-American War; is married and has two children; was elected to the sixty-second congress; and re-elected to the sixty third congress for the term of -15.

Anderton, Stephen Philbin, lawyer, of 52 William St., New York City, was born at Greenwich, Conn., Aug. 4, ; son of Ralph Leigh, Jr., and Susie (Philbin) Anderton; educated in St. Louis Coll., Coll. City of N.Y., N.Y. Univ. Law School, LL.B., ; married May 14, , to Louise Marie Durrie, daughter of the late George Boice Durrie, M.D. Member firm Beekman, Menken & Griscom. Member Assn. Bar City of N.Y., N.Y. Co. Lawyers' Assn., N.Y. State Bar Assn., Am. Bar Assn. Clubs: Theta Delta Chi, Economic.

Andrews, Alexander Boyd, railway official, capitalist; born Franklin county, N.C., July 23, , son of William J. and Virginia (Hawkins) Andrew's; educated in private schools near Henderson, N.C.; married, Charlotte, N.C., Sept. 1, , Julia M. Johnston; children: William J., John H., Graham H., Alexander Boyd, Jr., Mrs. Jane A. Marks. Began railway career with Blue Ridge Ry., . ' After close of Civil war leased, equipped and operated a railway ferry at Gaston, N.C., until July, , when became superintendent Raleigh & Gaston and Raleigh & Augusta railroads, which position he held until November, ; superintendent North Carolina division of the Richmond & Danville R.R. until ; elected president Western North Carolina R.R., which he completed ; superintendent Atlantic & North Carolina R.R. -80; assistant to president Richmond & Danville R.R., -86, third vice-president -89, second vice-president -94, and general agent of receivers, July, , to July, ; became second vice-president June 30, , and first vice-president Oct. 1, , Southern Railway Co., which position he still holds, and also that of director. Also president of various subsidiary corporations connected with the Southern Railway Co.; president Danville & Western Railway Co., Augusta Southern Railroad Co., Blue Ridge Railway Co., Tallulah Falls Railway Co., Hartwell Railway Co.; first vice-president and director Alabama Great Southern R.R. and Northern Alabama Railway Co.; first vice-president Mobile & Ohio Railroad Co., Knoxville & Bristol Ry., Knoxville & Augusta Railway Co., and vice-president Virginia & Southwestern Railway Co.; vice-president and director Citizens National Bank, Raleigh, N.C. Director Sloss-Sheffield Steel and Iron Co., Neuse Manufacturing Co., and North Carolina Home Insurance Co. Was one of the vice-presidents of the World's Fair at Chicago, . Entered Confederate States army April, , and was made second lieutenant, Company E., First North Carolina cavalry, June, ; wounded at Jack's Shop, Virginia, Sept., ; served throughout the war, being promoted to the rank of captain. In member staff of Gov. Zeb. B. Vance, with rank of colonel; continued in this position by Governor Jarvis. Democrat. Episcopalian. Member Chamber of Commerce, Raleigh, N.C. Organized and is president and member board of directors and executive committee of North Carolina Soldiers' Home; member board of trustees and executive committee and finance committee of the University of North Carolina.; Mason and Shriner. Clubs: Capitol and Raleigh Country Club, North Carolina State, Wake County. Residence: 407 North Blount St. Office: Citizens National Bank Bldg., Raleigh, N.C.

Andrews, Barrett, publisher, of 443 Fourth Ave., was born, Morrison, Hl., Dee. 27, ; son of James DeWitt and Minnie (Barrett) Andrews; educated at University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.; married, Oak Park, Ill., June 18, , Hannah Dunlop. Vice-president and advertising manager Vogue Publishing Co., Vanity Fair Publishing Co. Inc.; president Eastchester Mortgage & Realty Co.; director the Gramatan National Bank; formerly connected with Review of Reviews and Butterick Publishing Co. Clubs: University (Chicago), Alpha Delta Phi (member executive council), Sphinx, Scarsdale Golf and Country, Sleepy Hollow Country. Republican (New York City).

Andrews, Henry Murray, general land and tax agent, Erie R.R. Office: New York City. Born Feb. 28, , at South Rutland, N.Y. Educated at Potsdam Normal School -95; Hamilton College, -99, and New York Law School, -04. Entered railway service Jan. 25, , since which he has been consecutively to April 17, , attorney Erie R.R.; April 17, , to Feb. 1, , assistant to general solicitor same road; Feb. 1, , to May .1, , assistant general solicitor same road; May 1, 191:3. to date, general land and tax agent same road.

Andrews, Roy Chapman, educator and naturalist of the American Museum of Natural History, New York City, was born Jan. 26, , in Beloit, Wis. He received the degree of A.B. from Beloit College, and the degree of A. M. from Columbia University. In he was naturalist on the Barden Alaska Expedition. Since he has been connected with the American Museum of Natural History of New York City, and is now assistant curator of mammalogy in that institution.

Andrus, John Emory, manufacturer and statesman; born Pleasantville, Westchester county, N.Y., Feb. 16, ; son of Rev. Loyal B. and Ann (Palmer) Andrus; education, Charlottesville (N.Y.) Sem; Wesleyan Univ. (Conn.), A.B., ; LL.D., ; married, Yonkers, N.Y., June 23, , Julia M. Dyekman. Taught school in N.J. four years ; engaged as manufacturer medicinal preparations; president Palisade Mfg. Co.; treas. Arlington Chem. Co.; pres. N.Y. Pharmacal Assn.; treasurer New York Conference; vice-president and treasurer Ocean Grove Assn.; trustee N.Y. Life Insurance Co., ; elected mayor of Yonkers, , and to congress from nineteenth N.Y. district in , , and . Republican. Methodist. Trustee Wesleyan Univ. Address : Yonkers, N.Y.

Ansberry, Timothy Thomas, congressman, was born Dec. 24, , in Defiance, O. In -9 he was prosecuting attorney for Defiance county. He was elected from Ohio to the sixtieth, sixty-first, sixty-second and sixty-third congresses as a Democrat, and resides in Defiance.

Anthony, Daniel Read, congressman, was born Aug. 22, , in Leavenworth, Kan. He succeeded to the management of the Leavenworth Daily Times upon the death in of his father, Col. Daniel R. Anthony. In -5 he was mayor of Leavenworth, Kan. In -11 he was a representative from Kansas to the sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second congresses, and was reelected to the sixty-third congress for the term of -15 as a Republican, and resides in Leavenworth, Kan.

Antisdale, Louis Marlin, journalist and publisher of Rochester, N.Y., was born Oct. 27, , in Marion, N.Y. He graduated with the degree of A.B. from the University of Rochester. He has been deputy collector of internal revenue. He has been reporter and business manager of the Rochester Herald; and since has been editor-in-chief and part owner of that publication.

Appel, Horace Hilary, lawyer; born, Tucson, Ariz., Nov. 3, ; son of Nathan B. and Victoria (Torey) Appel. Educated in public schools Tucson, Ariz., until ; graduate St. Mary's Coll. San Francisco, . Married, Alba St. Cyr Bennet, April 2, . Moved to Cal., . Since , associated in many cases with Chas. Silent, Alex Campbell, S. O. Houghton, Stephen M. White and Ex-Gov. Henry T. Gage. Member: Southwest Soc. of Archaeological Inst. of Am., Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, Ariz. Pioneers. Republican. Club : Gamut. Residence: 1132 West 28th St. Office : 421-423 Bullard Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal.

Apple, Henry Harbaugh, college president of Lancaster, Pa., was born Nov. 8, , in Mercersburg Pa. He has filled pastorates in the Reformed church at Philadelphia and York, Pa., and since has been president of the Franklin and Marshall Coll. He has received the honorary degrees of A.M., from Franklin and Marshall Coll. in ; D.D., from Lafayette Coll. in , and from Univ. of Pa. in .

Applegate, John Stilwell, lawyer, of Red Bank, N.J., was born Aug. 6, , in Middletown, N.J. In -67 he was superintendent of public schools of Shrewsbury Twp., N.J. In -86 he was president of the Second National Bank of Red Bank, N.J.; in -85 was a member of the New Jersey state senate, and in was a member of the New Jersey State Republican Executive Committee. In he became president of Monmouth Bar Association, and in became president of Monmouth County Historical Assn. He is the author of "Early Courts and Lawyers of Monmouth County, N.J."

Apps, J. O., general baggage agent Canadian Pacific Ry. Office: Montreal, Que. Born Nov. 9, , at Tara, Ont. Entered railway service Nov., , with the Canadian Pacific Ry., of which he is at present general baggage agent. He is also in charge of mail traffic.

Apsley, Lewis Dewart, manufacturer and statesman, of Hudson, Mass., was born Sept. 29, , in Northumberland, Pa. In -97 he was a member of congress. He is president and treasurer of the Apsley Rubber Co.

Archambault, Adelard, attorney-at-law, born in , at St. Paul l'Hermite, Province of Quebec, Canada; descendant of Jacques Archambault, who came from France in 1642 with de Maisonneuve, the founder of Montreal, and settled at LaLongue Pointe. near Montreal; received his preliminary education in the parochial schools of his native town; took a classical course at the College of L'Assumption, P.Q., and was graduated from Laval Univ., Quebec (A.B., ) ; in was admitted to the bar at Hampden Co., Mass., and to the bar of the state of Rhode Island in ; elected a member of the General Assembly of the state of Rhode Island for the city of Woonsocket (-02), and served as such for two years in the House of Representatives; in was elected lieutenant-governor of Rhode Island, and served one term; was elected mayor of the city of Woonsocket in -06, and filled that office for two successive terms. Member of the Cercle National Dramatique and L'Union St. Jean Baptiste d'Amerique. Mr. Archambault is at present legal advisor of L'Union St. Jean Baptiste de'Amerique. Address: 10 Longley Bldg., Woonsocket, R. I.

Archbald, Robert Woodrow, United States Circuit Judge, was born Sept. 10, , in Carbondale, Pa. He graduated from Yale Coll. in . In he was elected additional law judge of the Forty-fifth judicial district of Pennsylvania; in became presiding judge of the said district, and was re-elected in for another ten years. In he was appointed judge of the United States District Court for the middle district of Pennsylvania, being the first incumbent of the office; and on Feb. 1, , he became one of the judges of the newly created United States Commerce Court. He resides in Scranton, Pa.

Ardrey, James Howard, banker, born at Dallas, Tex., Sept. 14, ; son of A. C. and Susan (Downs) Ardrey; educated in public schools of Dallas, and in Texas State Univ., Austin, Tex. married, Dallas, Oct. 28, , Mamie Guion Hayden: four children: James Howard, Jr., Alexander II., Rushton L., and one deceased. Engaged as merchant and private banker at Godley, Tex., -; in real estate business in Dallas, -05; in banking at Dallas, since , now being cashier and director of the City Natl. Bank of Dallas. Served as councilman, -05; as city treasurer -14; president, Chamber of Commerce, . Democrat. Baptist. Recreation, golf. Club, Dallas. Residence, 4507 Gaston Ave. Office, corner Main and Murphy Sts., Dallas.

Arend, Francis J., manufacturer, born at Trenton, N.J., Dec. 18, ; son of Frank E. and Mary F. (Whitley) Arend. Engaged in centrifugal separator business from beginning business life; later in development of the steam turbine in America, real estate, mining, etc. Treasurer and general manager, The De Laval Separator Co.; and president, De Laval Mfg. Co.; secretary and treasurer, De Laval Steam Turbine Co.; president, Jersey Shore Realty Co.; director, Coal & Iron Natl. Bank; member, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Am. Museum of Natural History, Am. Geog. Soc., and numerous trade and civic associations. Clubs, City, Automobile of Am., N.Y. Athletic, Railroad, Sleepy Hollow, Country, etc. Residence, 32 W. 73d St., N.Y. City, and Deal Beach, N.J. Address, 165 Broadway, N.Y. City.

Arkell, Thomas Reginald, of New Hampshire College, Durham, N. H., was born at Arkell, Ont., March 30, . B.S.A., Toronto, . Prof. animal husbandry, N.H. Coll., and animal husbandman, N.H., Agr. Exp. Sta.. -, M.A.A.; Breeders' Assn.; Am. Soc. Animal Nutrition. Nutrition in sheep; Mendelian inheritance in sheep.

Armour, M. Cochrane, merchant and manufacturer, born in Auburn, N. Y., Jan. 11, ; son of John and Lillias (Cochrane) Armour. He was educated in the public schools and then became a clerk at Marshall, Mich., in the grain and milling business, and afterward, at the same place, was associated with his father in the grain and grocery business under the name of J. and M. C. Armour. He removed in to Chicago where he was for some years a department manager for the Adams & Westlake Co., and from there went. to Cincinnati, where he was vice president and general manager of the Radford Pipe & Foundry Co., and became also a partner in the firm of Rogers, Brown & Co., leading pig iron merchants. Since he has again lived in Chicago, as resident partner of that firm in that important market. He is also director of the Chicago Short Line Ry.; president and director of the Iroquois Iron Co.; vice president and director of the Rogers Iron Mining Co., and a. director of the Rogers-Brown Ore Co. He is a member of the Union League Club of Chicago, the Country Club of Evanston, 111., and the Glen View Golf Club. He married at Hyde Park, Chicago, in June, , Minnie T. Huggins, and they have four children. Residence, 1608 Ridge Ave., Evanston, Ill. Office, Corn Exchange Bank Bldg., Chicago.

Armstrong, Edwin N., president Toledo, Peoria & Western Ry. Office: Peoria, Ill. Born, Sept. 19, , at Nashua, N.H. Entered railway service April 1, , as warehouseman Illinois Central Rd., since which he has been consecutively to , telegraph operator at Kinmundy, Ill., and night operator and dispatcher at Champaign, Ill. ; to , train dispatcher, superintendent telegraph and agent Indianapolis, Bloomington & Western Rd.; to , train dispatcher Toledo, Peoria & Warsaw Rd. at Peoria, Ill.; to , superintendent Iowa division Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Ry.; Dec., , to July, , superintendent Chicago division; July 1, , to May 26, , superintendent Northern division ; May 26, , to June 11, , superintendent Middle division same road; June 11, , to Oct., , general superintendent Toledo, Peoria & Western Ry.; Oct., , to date, president same road.

Armstrong, James Douglas, counsel Great Northern Iron Ore Properties. Office: St. Paul, Minn. Born, April 8, , at St. Paul, Minn. Educated at the University of Minnesota, -86, and University of Michigan, -89. Entered railway service June, , as rodman Duluth & Manitoba Ry., since which he has been, to , assistant general solicitor St. Paul & Duluth Rd.; to , member of law firm of Hadley & Armstrong, general solicitors, St. Paul & Duluth Rd.; to , engaged in general practice: June 1, , to April 14, , assistant general solicitor Great Northern Ry.; April 14, , to Nov. 25, . general attorney same road: Nov. 25, , to date, counsel Great Northern Iron Ore Properties.

Armstrong, Willis R., banker, born at Orient, Ia., Dec. 11, ; son, William F. and H. H. Thacher. Married Dell Heizer Armstrong. May 29, , at Colorado Springs Colo. Cashier, Colorado Springs Natl. Bank; trustee, Colorado Coll. Club: Colorado Springs Golf. Address, Colorado Springs, Colo.

Arnell, Charles Jonathan, Am. Consul of Tokyo, Japan, was born at sea of American parents, July 1, ; high school graduate; took a partial college course; also courses in commercial and normal training; clerk in law office, ; Spanish translator, Philippine Civil Service, -4; with Opium Investigating committee, -05; librarian in Philippine Civil Service, ; private secretary to the Ambassador to Japan, ; appointed, after examination (September 12, ), student interpreter and Vice-Consul-General at Mukden, Sept. 14, ; retired as student interpreter and appointed interpreter, March 20, ; vice and deputy Consul-General, Sept. 19, ; assistant Japanese secretary to the embassy to Japan, June 25, ; Japanese secretary and interpreter with rank of first secretary to the embassy to Japan, Sept. 7, .

Arnold, Benjamin Walworth, general investments, Albany, born in Albany, . Educated at Hamilton College. Member of the firms of Arnold & Co. of Albany, Folsom & Arnold of Bay City, Mich., and Millen, Arnold Co. of Duluth, Minn., Alger, Smith & Co. of Duluth Minn. Trustee, Albany Savings Bank; director, Mechanics' & Farmers' Bank and is president of the Spanish River Lumber Co. of Spanish River, Ontario; also trustee, Hamilton Coll.; governor, Union Univ. Member, University Club of New York City, N.Y. Yacht Club, etc.

Arnold, William Hendrick, lawyer, banker, was born at Lisbon, Ark., Feb. 15, . Son of David S. and Temple L. Arnold. He was educated in public schools and academies in Arkansas. Married, first, Texarkana, Ark., Oct. 13, , Jessie Cook; second, Texarkana, Ark., March 17, , Kate Lewis; children: William H., Jr., Jodie, Luc , David, Ruth, Richard. Engaged in practice of law, Texarkana, Ark., since , and formerly in Prescott, Ark., one year (business confined mostly to court work in civil general practice) ; has had several cases in U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and U.S. Supreme Court. Vice-president, director and counsel State Savings & Trust Co., and State Natl. Bank; counsel Texarkana Gas & Elec. Co. Mayor Texarkana one term, . Democrat, Methodist. President, Arkansas State Bar Assn., -09 (formerly vice-president two years). President School Board of Texarkana, Ark., ten years; school director sixteen years. Mason, Shriner.

Ashbrook, Joseph, life insurance officer; born at Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 4, ; son of James and Eliza (Garwood) Ashbrook; educated in public schools of Philadelphia; married, Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 29, , Catherine S. Sinclair; children: William S. and Donald S. Vice-president and director, Provident Life & Trust Co. of Philadelphia, until his resignation on account of ill health. Widely known as a writer and speaker on subjects relating to life insurance. Served as captain 118th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers; was badly wounded soon after entering army ; brevetted major United States Volunteers for "gallant and distinguished services." Republican; Methodist. Member, American Historical Assn., Military Order of the Loyal Legion and Grand Army of Republic. Club, Union League of Philadelphia; Residence, 3614 Baring St. Office, 401-409 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.

Ashbrook, William A., congressman, was born July 1, , near Johnstown, Ohio. Since he has published the Independent of Johnstown, Ohio. For three years he was secretary of the National Editorial Assn. of the United States; and was elected a representative to the Ohio State Legislature. He was elected from Ohio to the sixtieth, sixty-first, sixty-second and sixty-third congresses as a Democrat; and resides in Johnstown, Ohio.

Ashby, Edward Bird, chief engineer, Lehigh Valley Rd. Office, New York City, N.Y. Born May 23, , at Buffalo, N.Y. Graduated from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute at Troy, N.Y., . Entered railway service, , in office of engineer maintenance of way, Philadelphia & Erie Rd. (Pennsylvania Rd.) at Williamsport, Pa., since which he has been consecutively to , supervisor and engineer same road; to , principal assistant engineer, maintenance of way, Baltimore & Ohio Rd.; to , assistant engineer, maintenance of way, Lehigh Valley Rd.; to , engineer, maintenance of way, same road; to date, chief engineer, same road.

Ashhurst, Henry Fountain, United States Senator from Arizona, was born Sept. 13, , in Winnemucca, Nev. He has been a member of the Arizona State Legislature. He was elected United States Senator for term ending , and resides in Prescott, Ariz.

Ashley, Charles Sumner, merchant and public official of New Bedford, Mass., was born Sept. 5, , in New Bedford, Mass. He is a successful merchant of New Bedford, Mass. He was mayor of that city in , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , and now in , and its postmaster in -96.

Ashley, Frank M., mechanical and electrical engineer and patent attorney, of 154 Nassau St., New York City, was born in Catskill, N.Y., June 10, ; son of John J. (M.D.) and Susie A. (Merwin) Ashley; educated in Brooklyn public schools and Cooper Inst.; married, Brooklyn, , Jennie Bell Wood; children: Frank S., born ; Jessie, born ; Merwin Franklin, horn ; Grace Ashley, born . Inventor of many improvements in engineering machinery and steam and electrical specialties; first in the art to generate and store ozone gas under pressure on a commercial scale (process and apparatus patented); inventor of new method of constructing violins. President Ashley Valve Co. Republican. Baptist. Member Am. Inst. Elect. Engrs., Am. Soc. Mech. Engrs., Nat. Assn. Stationary Engrs., Franklin Inst. of Pa., Patent Law Assn. of Washington, Inventors' League of the U.S., Soc. of Automobile Engrs. Recreations: Music and travel.

Aspinwall, J. Lawrence, architect; born in New York City, June 3, ; son of James Scott and Margaret (Maxwell) Aspinwall, his mother being a native of Dumfries, Scotland. He was educated at Dwight's Day School, and afterward at the Lyons School, and at the school of Prof. Collain, in New York City. Mr. Aspinwall entered the office of James Renwick, architect, in , and in became a member of the firm of Renwick, Aspinwall & Russell, which later changed to its present style of Renwick, Aspinwall & Tucker. He was architect of the second Stock Exchange, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, and that of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals; a large number of hospitals (Scarlet Fever and Department hospitals, New York City, Stony Wold Sanitarium, Adirondack Cottage Sanitarium, New York Infirmary for Women and Children), office buildings, apartment houses, etc. He was also associated with James Renwick in working out much of the detail of St. Patrick's Cathedral and the stone spire of Grace Church, at Broadway and 10th St. He was one of the original members of Troop A, now Squadron A, of the N.Y. State Guard. Mr. Aspinwall is treasurer of the St. Luke's Assn. of Grace Church, New York City; a member of the General Soc. and New York Chapter of the American Inst. of Architects, the Architectural League of New York City, and one of the board of managers of the New York Inst. for the Education of the Blind. He is also a member of the Union, Engineers' and Atlantic Yacht clubs of New York. Mr. Aspinwall married, in , May Morris Carnochan, of New York City, who died April 22, . Address: 320 Fifth Ave., New York City.

Aswell, James Benjamin, U.S. congressman from the eighth district of La., was born Dec. 23, , in Jackson Parish, La. He has been president of the La. Industrial Inst., and served two terms as state superintendent of public instruction. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of -15, and resides in Natchitoches, La.

Atherton, Thomas Henry, lawyer, banker; born Wyoming, Pa., July 14, ; son of William and Sarah P. (Atherton) Henry: surname changed, for family reasons from Henry to Atherton, by Act of Legislature; graduated from Princeton University, A.B. , A.M., ; married, Pittston, Pa., Oct. 7, , Melanie Parke ; children : Louise, Henry Melanie, Sarah, Elizabeth, and Eleanor. Studied law with lion. C. E. Rice, and admitted to bar, Sept. 16, ; later admitted to the State Supreme and Federal Courts. Director and counsel Vulcan Iron Works, Peoples Bank of Wilkes-Barre, director, vice-president and counsel Second National Bank; president and counsel of the Sheldon Axle Co. Has been identified with numerous civic movements. Republican; Presbyterian. Member Law Association, Pennsylvania Bar Association, Pennsylvania Society of Sons of Revolution, Pennsylvania Historical Society, Wyoming Historical Society, Princeton Alumni Association ; vice-president United Charities, Humane Society. and trustee of several educational institutions. Address: 36 W. River St., Wilkes-Barre.

Atkinson, Alfred, Experiment Station, Bozeman, Mont., born, Seaforth, Ont., Oct. 6, '79. Ont. Agr. Col., '99-'02; B.S.A., Iowa State, 04; M.S., Cornell University, ; Asst. agron, Ia. Agr. Exp. Sta., 02-04; prof., Mont. Col. and Exp. Sta., 04. Breeders' Ass.; Soc. Agron; Dry Farming Cong. (Chairman exec. committee, 5th Congress) ; Plains Coop. Exp. Ass. (v. pres.). Dry farming investigations in Montana.—Soil moisture control and nitrate formation in irrigated and non-irrigated soils of western states. Bulletins on Spring Wheat, Oats, Barley and Winter Wheat in Montana, and Dry Farming Investigations in Montana.

Atkinson, George Wesley, lawyer, jurist, governor, author and poet of Washington, D. C., was born June 29, , in Virginia, now West Virginia. In he graduated from the Ohio Wesleyan university; took a. post-graduate course at Mount Union College; studied law two years; took the law course at Columbia university; he graduated from the law department of Howard University; and was admitted to the bar in . He has been eminently successful as a lawyer; was four years United States marshal for West Virginia. In -91 he was a representative from West Virginia to the fifty-first congress. In - he was governor of West Virginia ; and for four years was United State district attorney for West Virginia. Since April 15, , he has been associate justice of the United States court of claims at Washington, D. C. He is the author of seven different books, all of which have been popular and had a large sale. He has recently published a. volume of original poems entitled Chips and Whitstones. Being a classically educated man, all of his public addresses are of a high order. He has received the degrees of B.A., A.M., Ph.D., LL.B., LL.D. and D.C.L. The latter degree was conferred upon him by the university of West Virginia, and is the only degree of its grade ever conferred. It will be observed that. all of the degrees, which have been conferred on him by colleges and universities, were for work actually done, except two : LL.D. and D.C.L. He is regarded by the people of West Virginia as one of the state's ablest men.

Atwell, William Hawley, attorney-general of Texas, was born June 9, , in La Crosse, Wis. He attended the Dallas public schools, Texas; the Southwestern University, and the State University. In he was assistant attorney of Dallas County; in was nominee for attorney-general of Texas. He has been secretary of the State Republican League ; of the National Committeeman League in ; and is a prominent member in various societies. He is one of the finest speakers in the south, his oratory being strong, sparkling and convincing. Since he has been United States district attorney; and resides in Dallas, Tex. He is the author of Atwell's Federal Criminal Law.

Atwood, John A., Chief Engineer Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Rd. Office Pittsburgh, Pa. Born Feb. 8, , at Chatham, Mass. Graduated from New York University, . Entered railway service since which he has been consecutively to March, , transitman New York Elevated Rd; March, , to , rodman and leveler Elizabeth City & Norfolk Rd; to , draftsman New York West Shore & Buffalo Rd; to , assistant to chief engineer Tenth Avenue Cable Ry. in New York City; to, resident engineer Chautauqua Lake Rd.; to , assistant engineer Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Ry.; to , engineer of construction Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Rd.; to date chief engineer same road.

Auchincloss, William Stuart, civil engineer of Atlantic Highlands, N. J., was born March 19, , in New York. He has been instructor in the construction department of the A. and G. W. Ry. He is the author of the Line and Valve Motions, Chronology of the Holy Bible, and other works.

Augustin, George, author, journalist, poet; son of the late judge James Augustin by his wife Micaela Fortier, born February 22, ; educated in private schools and colleges; was a pupil of Mrs. Virginia Dimitry Ruth (deceased), daughter of the late Professor Alexander Dimitry, who was a distinguished author and linguist. Mr. Augustin is assistant secretary and librarian of the Orleans Parish Medical Society; assistant secretary Louisiana State Medical Society and of the Charity Hospital Alumni Association of Louisiana; official stenographer of United States Board of Pensions Examiners No. 2, New Orleans; manager of Augustin Medical Book Agency. Author of several novels; has written many short stories and sketches for the local press, and has edited two literary publications. Novels: Romances of New Orleans (L. Graham & Son, ); The Haunted Bridal Chamber (Searcy & Pfaff, ) ; The History of Yellow Fever (Searcy & Pfaff, ) : the Vigil of a Soul, poem (E. P. Brandao, ). Married, in , Emma Chapotin. Office, 141 Elks Place. Residence, 1032 Jena St., New Orleans, La.

Austin, Richard Loper, banker; born March 28, ; son of John Brander and Sarah (Bell) Austin; educated at Central High School of Philadelphia; married , Miss Fleming. Formerly president of Independence National Bank; now president and director Girard National Bank; director Insurance Co., state of Pennsylvania ; treasurer Chamber of Commerce of Philadelphia. Residence, Rex St., corner Seminole Ave., Chestnut Hill. Office, 116 S. Third St., Philadelphia.

Austin, Richard W., congressman, was born Aug. 26, , in Decatur, Ala. For eight years he was United States marshal for the eastern district of Tennessee; and in - was American consul to Glasgow, Scotland. In - he was a representative from Tennessee to the sixty-first and sixty-second congresses; and re-elected to the sixty-third congress for term of -; and resides in Knoxville, Tenn.

Avey, Oliver H., physician and surgeon; born, Logan, Ohio, Dec. 31, ; son, George L. and Mary (Fox) A.A.B., Penn. College, Oskaloosa, Iowa,  ; M. D., Rush Med. College, . Married, Lorie Pomeroy, July 6, , at Oskaloosa, Iowa. Pres., Payette Natl. Bank; Pres., Payette Valley Land and Orchard Co.; Pres., Board of Education at Payette, since . Clubs: Payette Commercial, Payette Rod and Gun. Res.; 105 9th St., N. Office : 13, 8th St., Payette, Ida.

Avis, Samuel Breshear, United States congressman from the Third district of West Virginia, was born Feb. 19, , in Harrisonburg, Virginia He served in the Spanish-American War, and has been prosecuting attorney of his county. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of -15; and resides in Charleston, W. Virginia

Ayer, Frederick Fanning, lawyer; born Lowell, Mass., son James Cook and Josephine Mellen (Southwick) Ayer; grandfather, Royal Southwick, Lowell, Mass.; grandmother, sister of late II. B. Clafiin; grad. Harvard Coll., A.B., ; studied at Harvard Law School; unmarried. Admitted to Mass. Bar, ; since father's death, , has managed the great properties of the Ayer estate; presented Ayer Memorial Library, costing $40,000, to town of Ayer, Mass.; director Lowell & Andover R. R., J. C. Ayer Co ; large stockholder in the N. Y. Tribune Assn., the Tremont and Suffolk Mills, etc. Clubs: Union League, University, Metropolitan, Riding, Down Town. Residence: 5 W. 57th St. Address: Mills Bldg., N. Y. City. Author of "Bell and Wing" (1260 pages of verse).

Ayer, George E., Division Superintendent Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. Office Chillicothe, Ill. Born Dec. 30, , at De Ruyter, N. Y. Educated at Franklin Institute, St. Paul, Minn. Entered railway service May 19, , with the Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe, since which he has been consecutively Dec., , to Dec. 1, , rodman; Dec. 1, , to Nov. 1, , assistant division engineer same road; Nov. 1, , to May 1, 1.884, assistant chief engineer New Mexico & Arizona Ry.; May 1 to June 1, , assistant resident engineer Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. at Las Vegas, N. M.; June 1, , to Jan. 1, , manager El Paso Coal & Lime Co.; Jan. 1 to May 1.0, , clerk Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe Ry.; May 10, , to July 1, , assistant resident engineer New Mexico division; July 1, , to March 1, , in charge .of water service improvements; March 1, , to March 1, , roadmaster; March 1, , to Jan. 1, , trainmaster; Jan. 1, , to Oct. 8, , assistant superintendent; Oct. 8, , to date, successively superintendent Pan Handle, Western, Middle and Illinois divisions same road.

Ayres, Brown, president of the University of Tennessee, was born May 25, , in Memphis, Tenn. In -80 he was a fellow in Johns Hopkins University, and in - was professor of Physics in Tulane University of Louisiana. Since he has been president of the University of Tennessee. He was a member of the electric jury of the World's Columbian Exposition in ; of the Atlantic Exposition in ; and of the Nashville Exposition in .