Men of 1914/B
Babb, George W., fire insurance mg'r, of 55 John St., New York. city, was born, Boston, Mass., Oct. 17, 1847; ed. in Boston Publc and private schs.; m. Nova Scotia, 1886, Janet C. Messinger. Employed in a Boston dry goods jobbing house, 1865-1870: mn'g clerk in a Boston fire insurance agency, 1870-1875, and local fire insurance ag't in Boston, 1876-1880; appt'd gen. ag't Commerce Insurance Co. of Albany, N. Y., and removed to Albany, 1880; appt'd sp'l ag't of Northern Assurance Co. of London, 1882; in 1885 appt'd mg'r of New England Dep't of the Northern and removed to Boston; in 1889 appt'd mg'r of N. Y. Dep't of the Northern, comprising the Middle and Southern States, and also gen. att'y and financial ag't for that company, and removed to New York. In 1896 again became mg'r of the New England Dep't of the Northern on its consolidation with N. Y. Dep't them. of original Corn. of Four which prepared the Universal Mercantile Schedule. Pres. N. Y. Bd of Fire Underwriters, May, 1907-May, 1909, and Pres. Nat. Bd of Fire Underwriters, May, 1911-May, 1913. Independent. Mem. Chamber of Commerce, Merchants' Ass'n, New England Soc. of Brooklyn. Club: Down Town Assn.
Babb, Washington Irving, lawyer, manufacturer, jurist and statesman of Aurora, Ill., was born Oct. 2, 1844, in Des Moines county, Iowa. In 1884-1885 he was a member of the Iowa state legislature; in 1890-1895 was judge of the second judicial district of Iowa; and in 1897-1906 was regent of the state university of Iowa. He is president of the Western Wheeled Scraper company of Aurora, president of the Inland Fuel company and president of the Western Iowa Development company. He is also vice-president of the Old Second National bank of Aurora and other corporations.
Babst, Earl D., lawyer, a member of a well known Ohio family of bankers and lawyers, was born at Crestline, Ohio, July 6, 1870, the son of Jacob and Mathilda (Stoll) Babst. Mr. Babst completed the work of the Crestline Public Schools and spent two years in Babst Banking House before finishing his college preparatory work at Kenyon Military Academy, Gambier, Ohio, in 1889. He was a student at Kenyon College, 1889-1891, when he entered the University of Michigan, receiving the degrees of Ph.B. in 1893 and of LL.B. in 1894. Mr. Babst was in practice in Detroit from 1894 until 1902, in association with Hon. Otto Kirchner, gaining a prominent place at the Detroit Bar, taking an active part in public and political matters, especially in the Sound Money Campaign of 1896. He was one of the founders of the Detroit University School and of the University Club of Detroit, and director of the Citizens' Savings Bank and other corporations. In 1902 Mr. Babst became a member of the law firm of Green, Peters & Babst, of Chicago, General Counsel to the National Biscuit Company, American Radiator Company and other large corporations. In 1906 he removed to New York, succeeding his firm as General Counsel to the National Biscuit Company, of which his associate, A. W. Green (q.v.) was president. Mr. Babst has taken an active part both on the legal and business sides in furthering the well known success of that company. Mr. Babst was president of the University of Michigan Club of New York in 1912-1913, and is a member of the Executive Committee of the Alumni Advisory Council of his University, of the Executive Council of the Psi Upsilon Fraternity, of Phi Beta Kappa, of American Bar Association, of the University (and Union League) Club of Chicago, of the Association of the Bar, University, Ardsley, and other clubs of New York. In 1911 the University of Michigan conferred upon him its honorary degree of Master of Arts. Mr. Babst was married in 1903 to Alice Edwina Uhl of Grand Rapids, Michigan, daughter of late Edwin F. Uhl (q.v.) Ambassador to Germany, and has two children, Katherine de Garmo and Alice Edwina.
Baca, Eleuterio, born, Feb. 20, 1853, at Las Vegas, N. Mex., parents Juan Maria Baca, and Dolores Sandoval de Baca; ed. St. Michael's College, Santa Fe, N. Mex., and St. Louis University, St. Louis, Mo. (A.B., June 27, 1872). Bookkeeper for five years; teacher twenty-eight years; contributed several articles in defense of the church to a Las Vegas newspaper in 1873; has been at divers times associate editor of La Voz del Pueblo, at Las Vegas; is the author of several minor poems in English and in Spanish ; and translated into English the "Historia. Illustrada de Nuevo Mejico" by Benjamin M. Read, of Santa Fe; resides actually at Las Vegas, pursuing his favorite profession—teaching.
Back, Ernest Adna, entomologist and scientist of Honolulu, Hawaii , was born Oct. 7, 1880, in Northampton, Mass. He received the degrees of B.S. and Ph.D. from the Massachusetts College; and in 1904-1906 was instructor in entomology and in 1906-1907 of botany in that institution. In 1907-1909 he was field agent in the Bureau of Entomology in the United States Department of Agriculture; in 1909-1910 in field charge of white-fly investigation; and in 1910-1912 entomologist of Virginia crops and pest commissioner. Since 1912 he has been expert in field charge and special dispersing agent, fruit-fly investigations and control work, Hawaii an Islands, in the Bureau of Entomology of the United States Department of Agriculture.
Bacon, Alexander Samuel, lawyer; born in Jackson, Mich., Nov. 20, 1853 ; son of John A. and Harriet (Smith) Bacon. He was graduated (in the "Stars") in 1876 from the United States Military Academy, in which he was the first captain in the corps of cadets, and served as lieutenant in the 1st United States Artillery, from which he resigned. He was admitted to the bar in 1879, and he has a wide practice, extending to many countries; is a director and vice-president of the Webster Piano Company. He served in the New York Legislature as assemblyman, 1887, and in the National Guard of the State of New York, as captain, major and lieutenant-colonel of the Twenty-third Regiment, and as colonel of the Second Provisional Regiment. Colonel Bacon is a member of the Quill and Winter's Night Clubs of Brooklyn. He married in Denver, Colo., Sept, 1, 1886, Harriet Whetelsey Schroter, and they have two children. Residence : 101 Rugby Road, Brooklyn. Office: 46 Cedar St., New York City. He is the author of various books and widely known as a lawyer, lecturer and writer.
Bacon, Augustus Octavius, United States senator from Georgia, was born October 20. 1839, in Bryan County, Ga.. In 1871 he was elected to the Georgia house of representatives, on which body he has served as a member for fourteen years, and during eight years was speaker. He was several times a candidate for the democratic nomination for governor of Georgia; and was elected to the United States Senate as a democrat in 1894. Since 1895 serving the term ending in 1919; and resides in Macon, Ga.
Bacon, John Lord, construction engineer; born, Chicago, Ill., Nov. 3, 1878; son, Nathaniel and Mary (Landon) B.; great nephew of John Lord, author of "Beacon Lights of History." Married, Leola Shields at Chicago. Has been consulting engr. with Chicago Reduction Co.; instructor in Engrg. dept., Lewis Inst., Chicago; inspector, concrete masonry, Ill. Central R. R. In charge of Bureau of Building & Inspection, City of San Diego. Member: Am. Soc. of Mech. Engrs. Episcopal church. Club: San Diego Rowing. Author: "Forge Practice," published by Wiley & Sons, N. Y.; author of several parts of text books for Am. School of Correspondence. Res.; 4015 E St. Office: Room 5, City Hall, San Diego, Cal.
Bacon, Louis, banker; born Boston, 1872; son of Francis E., and Louisa (Crowningshield) Bacon; attended St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., and graduated from Harvard College, A.B. Member firm Edgerly & Crocker since 1900; also of Central Aguirre Sugar Co. Republican. Trustee Sailor's Snug Harbor, Quincy and Marine Museum of Boston. Recreations: Yachting, motoring. Clubs: Tennis and Racquet, Eastern Yacht (Boston); Harvard (New York). Residence: Mattapoisett, Mass. Office: 1.11 Devonshire St., Boston.
Badgley, Sidney Rose, architect and banker of Cleveland, Ohio, was born in Ontario, Canada, May 28, 1850; son of William E. and Nancy (Rose) Badgley. He was educated in Grantham Academy, St. Catherines, Ont. ; studied architecture at Toronto, Ont. Married in St. Catherines, Ont., Sept. 21, 1876, Charlotte J. Gilleland. Vice-president The Equity Savings and Loan Company, Cleveland, Ohio. Methodist. Independent in politics. Fellow of The Royal Society of Arts, London, England. Member Cleveland Chamber of Commerce and Cleveland Chapter American Institute of Architects. Forester, United Workman. Residence: Springbark Farm, Wickliffe, Ohio. Office: 6408 Euclid Av., Cleveland.
Baer, Eugene W., silk manufacturer: born Paterson, N. J., Sept. 9, 1867 ; son of J. F. and Louise (Blather) Baer; educated in Paterson, N. J.; married, Paterson, N. J., 1889, Corra B. Tice; six children. President and manager The Baer Co.; vice-president Helvetia Silk Mills. Republican; Presbyterian. Address: 261 South 3rd St., Lehighton.
Bagley, William Chandler, Urbana, Ill. Teacher and writer, was born Detroit, Mich, March 15, '74. B.S., Mich. Agr. Col., '95; M.S., Wisconsin, '98; Ph.D., Cornell, '00. Teacher, pub. schools, Mich., '95-'97; asst. psychol., Cornell, '00-'01; principal pub. schools, St. Louis, '01-'02; v. pres. and director of training, Mont. State Nor. Col., '02-'06; supt., training dept., State Nor. Sch., Oswego, N. Y., '06-'08; prof. educ., Illinois, '08-, director, sch. of ed., '09— Lecturer, summer session, Columbia, '08. Author, "The Educative Process" (1905), "Classroom Management" (1907), "Craftsmanship in Teaching" (1911), etc. Editor, "Schools and home Education"; joint-editor "Journal of Educational Psychology." Fellow Am. Association Adv. of Science; member, Natl. Acad. of Social Sciences.
Bailey, Everett H., banker; born Jamestown, N. J.; son of Francis P. and Caroline (Pier) Bailey; attended Erie (Pa.) Academy, Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio, 1867-1870. Clerk in office of Clark & Goodwin, Erie, Pa., 1870-1871; clerk in First National Bank of St. Paul, Minn., afterward assisting in organization of Second National Bank of Winona, of which he became cashier until April, 1873, when he returned to First National Bank of St. Paul as receiving teller, later becoming paying teller; promoted to cashier, 1880, vice-president, 1897; and since 1907 has been its president. On organization of Northwestern Trust Co., 1903, became its president, in which office still continues. Member Minnesota Historical Society, Society of Colonial Wars. Clubs : Minnesota, Commercial. Residence: 459 Holly St. Office: 4th and Minnesota Sts., St. Paul.
Bailey, John Tyley, banker; born in England, Dec. 20, 1868; son of Ben Tyley and Mary (Bird) Bailey; graduated from University of Iowa, B.A., 1890; married, Chicago, Ill., Oct. 20, 1897, Estella S. Miller; one son, John Miller, born 1902. Engaged in practice of law, Chicago, Ill., 1892-1903; Charles City, Iowa, 1903-1904; city attorney Charles City, Iowa, 1903-1904; organized Bank of Talihina, Talihina, Okla., Jan., 1905; First National Bank of Talihina, June, 1905; Bank of Albion, Albion, Okla., May, 1907; First State Bank, Talihina, Okla., April, 1909, and organized and is president First State Bank, Albion, Okla., since Jan., 1910. Republican ; Congregationalist. Member National Geographic Society, American Forestry Ass'n; president Albion Park and Improvement Ass'n. Mason, Elk, member Phi Beta Kappa. Recreations: Lawn tennis, shooting. Clubs: Albion Taft Republican (president), Albion Commercial (president). Address: Albion.
Bailey, Liberty Hyde, educator, lecturer and author of Ithaca, N. Y., was born March 15, 1858, in South Haven, Mich. For four years he was professor of horticulture and landscape gardening in the Michigan Agriculture College; in 1889-1903 was professor of horticulture in Cornell University of Ithaca, N. Y.; and is now director of the New York State College of Agriculture at Cornell University. He was appointed by President Roosevelt as chairman of the Commission on Country Life. He is the author of Annals of Horticulture; the Farm and Garden Rule-Book; the Nursery Book; Plant Breeding; The Pruning Book; Manual of Gardening; Principles of Fruit Growing; Principles of Vegetable Gardening; Principles of Agriculture; Evolution of Native Fruits; Survival of the Unlike; Lessons with Plants: Cyclopedia of American Horticulture, in four volumes; The Rural Outlook set, Comprising Outlook to Nature; State and Farmer; Nature Study Idea. Country Life Movement; Poems; and other works. Editor
of Rural Science Series, and Rural Text Book Series.
Bailey, Warren Warren, United States congressman from the nineteenth district of Pennsylvania, was born Jan. 8, 1855, in Hendricks County, Ind. He is a successful journalist; and is now editor and publisher of the Daily Democrat. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Johnstown, Pa.
Baillie, Frank Seymour, mine manager; born, Flint, Mich., Aug. 11, 1869; son, William P. and Emily Seymour (Pier) B.B.S. (C.E.) Univ. of Mich., 1890. Married, Jessie Allen Perkins, Nov. 25, 1905, at Coffeyville, Kan.; vice-pres., and gen. mgr., Columbia Gold Mining Co. Address: Sumpter, Ore.
Bainbridge, Oliver, lecturer, author and explorer. Mr. Bainbridge is British-born, but aptly designated a "citizen of the world whose heart is no island cut off from other lands but a continent that joins them." He has traveled 200,000 miles and penetrated the unfamiliar regions of the earth, mingled with every color, sort and condition of mankind. He enjoys the personal acquaintance of nearly every ruler in the world, has received many honors from various countries and fellowships from geographical, literary and scientific societies for his notable contributions to the world of science. He discovered the Black Jews in the Gulf of Papua. Mr. Bainbridge was the first scientist to visit the Chinese Jews in Kaifengfu---the ancient capital of China, where he discovered a sepher, sepher Torah and an old, long, narrow stone in the side of an empty mud hut which bore traces of an inscription, dealing with these strange people. He is author of "India Today," "Peace," "Hidden Jewish Tribes," "Rambles in Thoughtland," "The Heart of China," "Every Day with Another Mind," The Devil's Note Book," "The Balkan Tangle," The Lesson of the Anglo-American Peace Centenary," etc., and is an occasional contributor to leading magazines and journals on travel and education. Mr. Bainbridge is a member of the National Peace Council of England and says with much truth that the heroes of peace are greater because more glorious in their usefulness than demigods of war. He who builds is better than he who destroys, that one who binds up a wound is nobler than he who strikes down. When he was received at the White House by President Wilson he thanked the President for the great lesson in humanity which he taught the world by the patience he showed with Mexico and the able and just manner in which he dealt with the difficult Panama tolls question. Julius Otto, in speaking of Mr. Bainbridge's lectures, says they are masterpieces of wit and eloquence. They possess a grandeur, a depth, a power of arresting and thrilling the heart, and that he does not wonder that his opinion is endorsed by the press and public from all parts of the world who have felt the charm of Mr. Bainbridge's words and paid tribute to his eloquence in laughter and tears. Mr. Bainbridge owns the largest collection of autographed photographs and letters from dignitaries and celebrities in the world.
Bainbridge, William Seaman, physician and surgeon; born in Providence, R.I., Feb. 17, 1870; son of William Folwell and Lucy Elizabeth (Seaman) Bainbridge. He was educated at the Mohegan Lake School at Peekskill, N. Y., and he received the degree of A.M. from Shurtleff College, and M.S. from Washington and Jefferson; was graduated from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of New York (Medical Department of Columbia University) with the degree of M.D. in 1896. In June, 1907, the Western University of Pennsylvania conferred upon him the degree of Sc.D. He was for over two years on the house staff of the Presbyterian Hospital of New York City, and later was physician of the Sloane Maternity Hospital. He was a graduate student of Columbia University, for one winter, in bacteriology, and has been abroad seven times, several times professionally, and twice to study. In all he has spent about four years abroad, part of the time in China, Japan and India. He was quiz-master at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1894-1896, and he volunteered as surgeon in the Spanish-American War, but did not see any active service. He was formerly for years adjunct professor of gynecology at the New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital; and is now surgeon and gynecologist to the New York Skin and Cancer Hospital; attending surgeon to the New York City Children's Hospitals and Schools; is clinical professor of surgery, New York Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital; consulting gynecologist to St. Andrew's Convalescent Hospital and St. Mary's Hospital, Jamaica, Long Island, and consulting surgeon to the Manhattan State Hospital, Ward's Island, and to the New York Home for Dependent Crippled Children; associate surgeon Woman's Hospital. Dr. Bainbridge, when a student, was graduated as senior captain from the Mohegan Lake School served one year in Cadet Company of the Thirteenth Regiment, National Guard of the State of New York, years ago; and was for a time surgeon-general, with the rank of brigadier-general, of the Boys' Brigade of America. He is now Assistant Surgeon, U.S. Navy Reserve Corps. He was given the first New York State appointment as Assistant Surgeon in the newly created Medical Reserve Corps for the United States Navy, with the rank of Junior-Lieutenant. He is a member of the Delta Epsilon fraternity, of the American Medical Association, of the New York Academy of Medicine, New York State Medical Society, Greater New York Medical Association. Alumni Societies of the Presbyterian Hospital and Sloane Maternity Hospital, etc., and was honorary president of the Heidelberg Congress on Cancer, held in September, 1907. He has been an extensive contributor to medical and scientific literature, and is author of: Life's Day; Guide Posts and Danger Signals in Health ; Our Unseen Foes, a work on bacteriology, and The Growing Years (both based on lectures delivered at Chautauqua, and populo-scientific in character); also of a Compend of Operative Gynecology, published by the Grafton Press, New York City, and many scientific papers. Dr. Bainbridge is a bachelor, and member of the Quill and Students' Club. Address: (summer) Hotel Athemaeum, Chautauqua, N.Y.; (winter) 34 Gramercy Place, New York City.
Baird, William James, physician; born, Coalfire, Alabama, June 21, 1861 ; son, Duke Orleans and Eliza (Robertson) B.; according to family tradition, he is descended from Bairds of Auchmedden, Scotland, financiers, statesmen, philanthropists. Edu.: private schools; Univ. of Alabama; M.D., Univ. of Maryland, 1881; Univ. of Colorado, 1893-4; Fellow in Physiology, Univ. of Chicago, 1894-5; Instr., Experimental Physiology and Pathology, Univ. of Colorado, 1895-97; Student of Johns Hopkins Univ., summer 1896 and 1897; Imperial Univ. of Vienna, Austria, 1899-1901. Married, Maud Elden, Aug. 31, 1907, at Jefferson, Iowa. Editor, Foreign Literature Dept., Denver Medical Times," 1903-7; Collaborator (Foreign Literature Internal Medicine), Colorado Medicine, 1907-10. Active in City Planning and Social Service. Gave beautiful Gregory Canyon (160 acres) to the City of Boulder to be used as a public park. Founder and Secy., Boulder City Improvement Assn., 1903 to date; Scout Master and Scout Commissioner, Boy Scouts of America; President, Boulder Young Men's Christian Association; Member: Boulder County Med. Soc., Colorado State Med. Assn., Am. Med. Assn. Res.: 402 Pine St. Office: Physicians Bldg., Boulder, Colo.
Baker, Alfred L., banker and broker; born in Boston, Massachusetts, April 30, 1859; son of Addison Baker and Maria (Mudge) Baker. He was educated at the Lynn High School, Lynn,, Massachusetts, and was admitted to the bar of Essex County, Massachusetts, at Lynn, in 1881; removed to Chicago in 1886, and practiced law under the firm name of Baker & Greeley until he went into stocks and bonds in 1896; and he purchased in October, 1896, a membership in the New York Stock Exchange, of which he is still a member. He is a director of the Chicago & Calumet Canal & Dock Co. Mr. Baker was president of the Chicago Stock Exchange for three years, from 1898 to 1900. He is vice-president of the National City Bank. Mr. Baker married at Chicago, Illinois, June 6, 1894, Mary Corwith, and they have two children, Isabelle, born in 1897, and Mary Landon, born in 1901. Residence: Lake Forest, Illinois. Office address: 141 South La Salle Street, Chicago, Illinois.
Baker, Hugh Potter, dean the N. Y. State College of Forestry, Syracuse Univ.; was born St. Croix Falls, Wis., Jan. 20, 1878; son Maj. J. Stannard and Alice (Potter) Baker; attended Macalester College, St. Paul, 1894-1895; grad. Mich. Agr'l College, B.S., 1901; Yale, M.F., 1904; Univ. of Munich (D. of Economics), 1910; married Dec. 27, 1904, Fleta Paddock, of Three Oaks, Mich.; children: Carolyn, born 1906; Stephen Paddock, born 1908; Clarence Potter, born 1910. For ten years forest ass't U. S. Forest Service, examining public lands and making forest studies in Nebraska, Wyoming, Central Ida., Washington, Oregon, New Mexico, Iowa. Professor of Forestry, Iowa State College, 1904-1907; Pa. State College, 1907-1912; dean and professor silviculture N. Y. State College of Forestry, Syracuse Univ., since 1912. Traveled and studied in France, Germany and Austria, 1909-1910. Member State B'd of Geographic Names of N. Y. State since 1913. Presbyterian. Fellow A.A.A.S., Royal Geog. Soc.; member Am. Geog. Soc., Geog. Soc. of Philadelphia, Soc. Am. Foresters, Am. Forestry Ass'n, Am. Genetic Ass'n, Am. Civic Ass'n, Deutschen Dendrologischen Gesellschaft, Deutschen Forstverein, Geo grapbischen Gesellschaft in Munchen, Soc. of Colonial Wars, S.A.R., Phi Delta Theta and Sigma Xi fraternities. Masonic Lodge.
Baker, J. Thompson, United States congressman from the second district of New Jersey, was born in Union County, Pa. He is president of the Wildwood Title and Trust Company; and with his brothers founded the city of Wildwood. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-1915; and resides in Wildwood, N. J.
Baker, Jesse D., banker; born Canal Dover, Ohio, Oct. 10, 1850; son of Philip and Harriet (Elliott) Baker, mother being a niece of Commodore Jesse D. Elliott, U. S. N.; educated in public schools and Oberlin College and was graduated in bookkeeping and banking courses; married, New Philadelphia, Ohio, Nov., 1883, Sadie A. Fox; two children: Donald C., Jeanette. Since organization, 1867, has been connected and is cashier and director Exchange Bank and Exchange National Bank; treasurer and director Dover Building and Loan Co., Dover Land and Improvement Co. Republican; Lutheran. Elk. Recreations: Boating, driving. Clubs: Dover Boating, Dover Driving. Residence: 331 Third Street. Office: 54 Third Street, Canal Dover.
Baker, John Daniel, wholesale grocer, bank director; born Red Banks, N. C., Oct. 31, 1864; son of Angus G. and Harriet (McEachern) Baker; educated in Davidson College, Davidson, N.C.; married, Monticello, Fla., Jan. 27, 1898, Julia C. Simkins; six children. Began business, 1889, in wholesale grain and building material; in 1895 incorporated the Baker & Holmes Co., and has since been vice-president. Director Atlantic National Bank, The Covington Co., St. Johns Terminal Railway Co., President of Associated Charities, director Board of Trade and Seminole Club. Democrat; Presbyterian. Director Grain Dealers' National Association. Clubs: Florida Country, Seminole, Rotary. Address: Jacksonville.
Baker, Samuel Henry, lawyer of 306 Cooper Building, Denver, Col., was born Sept. 26, 1856, in Camillus, N. Y. He received the degrees of A.B., A.M. He has been principal of the Minnesota Academy, Owatonna, Minn., 1877-1881; public school, Canon City, Col., 1881-1884; admitted to bar in Denver, 1883; he is mine examiner and oil expert for the Rangely Oil district.
Baker, Thomas O., educator of 437 Hancock St., Brooklyn, N. Y., was born in New Paris, Ohio, Dec. 31, 1859, son of Thomas and Margaret Baker; grad. Lebanon Univ., Ohio, A.B., 1886 (Ph.D., 1896) ; Ph.D., N. Y. Univ., 1896; married Knoxville, Tenn., 1887, Carlotta Washburn. Sup't of schools, Durango, Col., 1888-1894; prin. Yonkers High School, 1895-1901; prin. Public School No. 128, Brooklyn, N. Y., from 1901; now prin. Public School No. 44, Brooklyn. Ex-pres. Westchester County Teachers' Ass'n Society Doctors of Pedagogy, N. Y. Edn'l Council; pres. Brooklyn Teachers' Ass'n, 1908; pres. N. Y. Schoolmasters Club, 1912-1913. Royal Arch Mason, past comd'r nights Templar, Shriner, member Ohio Soc. of N. Y. Recreations: Rowing, bowling. Clubs: University (Brooklyn), Schoolmasters (pres.) asso. mem. G.A.R.
Baker, Wendell, broker of 111 Broadway, New York City, was born in N. Y. City, Oct. 19, 1862; prep. ed'n at St. Mark's School, Southboro, Mass.; grad, Harvard, 1886; was interested in athletics at Harvard, making many college and world records in running, some of which he still holds. Member Delta Kappa Epsilon, Hasty Pudding and A. D. clubs of Harvard Univ.; married Jan. 1, 1900, Jeanne J. Held, of N. Y. City. Member of the firm of Bond and Goodwin, bankers and brokers.
Baker, William Ray, banker; born Hastings, Minn., Aug. 20, 1876; son of Charles A. and Helen S. (Rogers) Baker; educated in Hastings and St. Paul, Minn., schools and high schools; married Coupeville, Wash., Sept. 10, 1902, Seina L. Cranney; three sons. Engaged in general mercantile business at Colville, 1897-1909; cashier Bank of Colville, Wash., since March 1, 1909; secretary and treasurer American Investment Co., Colville, Wash. Served as postmaster at Colville, 1900-1909. Republican; Congregationalist. Trustee Congregational Church, Knight Templar, thirty-second degree Mason (Grand Master Grand Lodge, 1909-1910). Recreations: Automobiling, tennis. Address: Colville.
Balbach, Edward, metallurgist and inventor of Newark, N. J., was born July 4, 1839, in Germany. In 1864 he obtained letters patent for a new desilverizing process for argentiferous lead, which was afterward known as the Balbach process. He invented the water jacket used for smelting and refining furnaces.
Balcom, R. Wilfred, U. S. Food and Drug Inspection Laboratory, Nashville, Tenn. Chemistry. Morden, King's Co., N. S., Nov. 18, 1877. S.B. Mass. Inst. Tech., 1900; Austin Fellow, 1902-1904; Ph.D. Heidelberg, 1905; asst. and chem. Mass. Inst. Tech., 1900-1902; instr. gar. and physical chem., Michigan, 1905-1906, and chem., 1906-1907 ; asst. chemist, bur. chem., U. S. Dept. Agr., 1907-1911; chief, U. S. Food and Drug inspection Laboratory, Nashville, Tenn., 1911. F.A.A. ; Chem. Soc. (chairman Nash. Sect., 1912-1914) ; N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc.; Nat. Geog. Soc.; Sigma Xi. Methods of analysis and other investigations connected with the enforcement of the Food and Drugs Act, June 30, 1906.
Baldwin, Hadley, superintendent St. Louis Division Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Ry. Office, Mattoon, Ill. Born Feb. 24, 1867, at Marshallton, Pa. Graduated from the University of Michigan, 1893, with degree of B.S. Entered railway service Sept., 1893, since which he has been consecutively to Feb., 1896, masonry inspector and assistant engineer Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Ry; February to July, 1896, supervisor of track; July 1896 to Jan. 1897, resident engineer at East St. Louis, Ill.; Jan., 1897, to May, 1898, supervisor of track; May, 1898, to June, 1902, engineer maintenance of way at Indianapolis, Ind.; June to Nov., 1902, engineer of construction at Cincinnati, Ohio; Nov., 1902 to date, superintendent St. Louis division at Mattoon, Ill.; entire service on the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Ry.
Baldwin, Simeon Eben, governor of the state of Connecticut, was born Feb. 5, 1840, in New Haven, Conn. He graduated from Yale University with the degrees of A.B. and A.M.; studied law at Yale and Harvard law schools; and received the degree of LL.D. from Harvard University. In 1872 he became professor of constitutional law in Yale University. In 1893 he became associate judge of the supreme court of errors of Connecticut. In 1872-87 he was a member of various state commissions for the revision of laws on education, pleading, taxation and general statutes. In 1890 he was president of the American Bar Association; was president of the American Social Science Association in 1897; in 1884-1896 was president of the New Haven Colony Historical Society; and in 1899 was president of the International Law Association. He is the author of Modern Political Institutions. He is governor of the State of Connecticut for the second term of 1913-1915.
Ball, James Moores, physician; born at West Union, Iowa, September 4, 1862; son of Dr. James Moores, Sr., and Martha (Glover) Ball. He studied medicine at the Iowa State University, Iowa City, Iowa, graduating with the degree of M.D. in 1884 and taking further work in New York City and abroad. Dr. Ball has made a specialty of diseases of the eye, to which he now gives his entire time. Professor of ophthalmology in the St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons from 1894 to 1910. Since 1910, dean of the American Medical College and professor of ophthalmology in the same institution. Member of numerous medical and scientific societies. Formerly editor of the Annals of Ophthalmology. Author: I. Ball's Modern Ophthalmology (first edition, 1904; second edition, 1908; third edition, 1913); II. Andreas Vesalius, the Reformer of Anatomy (1910). Residence: 4374 Washington Blvd. Address: 4500 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo.
Ballard, William M., secretary of the United States Branch, Commercial Union Assn. Co., Ltd., Palatine Ins. Co., of London; Union Assn. of London and asst. secy. of the Commercial Union Fire Ins. Co. of N. Y.; born at Iowa City, Iowa. In 1884 he became secretary to the manager and special agent of the United Fire Re-insurance Co., of Manchester, England, and was appointed branch secretary at the New York office of the Palatine Ins. Co., of Manchester, when it reinsured the business of the United Fire in 1892, becoming assistant manager in 1898. He has held his present position since the absorption of the Palatine by the Commercial Union Assn. Co., and the formation of the Palatine of London in 1900. Address: 55 John St., New York.
Balliet, Herbert S., Engineer Maintenance of Way, Grand Central Terminal and Signal Engineer New York Central & Hudson River Rd. Office, New York. Born Feb. 26, 1868, at Neffsville, Lehigh county, Pa. Educated in the common schools. Entered railway service April, 1883, as telegraph operator Berkes and Lehigh (now part of the Philadelphia and Reading Ry.), since which he has been consecutively to 1885, station agent and dispatcher same road; 1885 to 1888, manager Western Union Telegraph Co., at various local offices, New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania; 1888 to 1893, engaged in special work district messenger and time service same company; part of 1893, agent United States and Adams Express companies, also with United Press Association; Dec., 1893, to March, 1894, extra telegraph operator and special inspector of telegraph service Lehigh Valley Rd. at South Bethlehem, Pa.; March, 1894, to March 31, 1905, batteryman, maintainer, general foreman, supervisor automobile signals and assistant signal engineer same road; March 31, 1905, to date, engineer maintenance of way, Grand Central Terminal at New York; Dec. 5, 1905, to May 1, 1907, engineer maintenance of way, Grand Central Terminal and Electric division New York Central & Hudson River Rd.; May 1, 1907 to Feb. 1, 1913, engineer maintenance of way, Grand Central terminal and signal engineer N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R.; Feb. 1, 1913, to date, assistant terminal manager Grand Central Terminal, N. Y. City and Signal Engineer N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R.
Baltz, William N., United States Congressman from the twenty-second district of Illinois, was born Feb. 5, 1860, in Millstadt, Ill. He has been president of the board of education of his city. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-1915; and resides in Millstadt, Ill.
Bandy, Andrew J., General Freight and Passenger Agent Quincy, Omaha & Kansas City Rd. Office, Kansas City, Mo. Born Nov. 22, 1863. Graduated from the Valparaiso, Ind., University, 1882. Entered railway service 1883 as clerk, Cairo & Vincennes Rd. at Robinson, 111.; was subsequently to March, 1884, revising clerk in freight office Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Ry., at Danville, Ill., since which he has been consecutively March to Aug., 1884, traveling auditor Indiana, Bloomington & Western Rd.; Aug. 1884, to Feb. 1, 1885, chief clerk to general freight and passenger agent Ohio River Rd.; Feb. 1, 1885, to Feb. 1, 1891, assistant general freight and passenger agent same road; Feb. 1, 1891, to Oct. 1, 1897, successively sales agent Monongah Coal & Coke Co., and chief clerk to division freight agent Norfolk & Western Rd., at Columbus, O.; Oct. 1, 1897, to June, 1898, in minor positions on Ohio lines; June, 1898 to Oct., 1899, assistant general passenger agent, Omaha, Kansas City & Eastern, Omaha & St. Louis and Kansas City & Northern Connection Rds.; Oct., 1899 to date, general passenger agent same roads and their successor, the Quincy, Omaha & Kansas City Rd.; Jan. 20, 1908, to date, also general freight agent, same road.
Bankhead, John Hollis, United States senator from Alabama, was born Sept. 13, 1812, in Moscow, Ala. He served four years in the Confederate army; and was wounded three times. In 1865-1867 he represented Marion County in the General Assembly: and in 1876-1877 was a member of the State Senate. In 1880-1881 he was a member of the House of Representatives; and in 1881-1885 was warden of the Alabama. penitentiary. In 1887-1907 lie was a representative from Alabama to the fiftieth, fifty-first, fifty-second, fifty-third, fifty-fourth, fifty-fifth, fifty-sixth, fifty-seventh, fifty-eighth and fifty-ninth congresses as a democrat. He is now a member of the United States Senate for second term ending in 1920; and resides in Payette, Ala.
Banks, Alexander French, railway president, bank director; born Crawford County, Ind., Jan. 31, 1861; son of Henry Bartlett and Julia C. (French) Banks; attended public schools of Rockport, Ind.; married, Evansville, hid., Nov. 13, 1883, Blanche Nichelson; children: Duke N., Blanche, Charles Ackert. Entered railway service with St. Louis & South Eastern Railway, 1877; agent, traveling, and general agent of Continental Fast Freight Line, 1879-1888; general agent, general freight agent, traffic manager of Iowa Central Railway, 1888-1893; traffic manager Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Railway, 1893-1901 ; president since 1901, also director. Director Continental & Commercial National Bank, South Chicago Savings Bank. Presbyterian. Clubs: Chicago Union League, Midday. Residence: Evanston. Office: Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Railway, Chicago.
Bannerman, William Clayton, banker; born Carleton, Ont., June 6, 1880; son, Robert and Sarah (Doherty) B.; related to Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, late premier of England. Edu., high school and business college. Married, Ethel Agnes Irving, Oct. 21, 1902, at Webbwood, Ontario. Cash., Eltopia State Bank; Secy. and Treas., The Eltopia Land Co., Inc.; Secy., Eltopia Commercial Club since 1907. Address: Eltopia, Wash.
Banning, Kendall, editor; born, N. Y. City, Sept. 20, 1879; son William C. and Helen Josephine (Mellen) Banning; educated in private schools of N. Y. City, public schools of Bellows Falls, Vt., and Dartmouth Coll., A.B., 1902 (editor Dartmouth Magazine and class poet) ; married N. Y. City, May 19, 1906, Hedwig, daughter Arthur v. Briesen (died July 7, 1912) ; one daughter, Barbara, born March 8, 1908. Managing editor and associate editor System, Chicago, since 1903. Author "Songs of the Love Unending," 1912; "The Squire's Recipes," 1912; "Flotsam," 1903; "Bookplates," 1906; "The Sun Dial" (song cycle), 1912, and miscellaneous songs. Editor: "Songs of the Hill Winds," 1900; "Songs for a Wedding Day," 1907, and miscellaneous collections. Author "Copy," a newspaper play (produced with Edmund Breese, 1911-12). Enlisted in 12th Regt. Inf., N. Y. N. G., 1902, and has served as officer in 3d Inf., Ohio, 1903; staff duty, Ill., 1904; 14th Inf., N. Y., 1907; 9th Coast Artillery, N. Y., 1908-09; Veteran Corps of Artillery, 1912. Independent. Member, Soc. Colonial Wars, S. A. R,; Soc. Mayflower Descendants, General Soc. War of 1812; Order of Founders and Patriots; Soc. American Wars, Phi Delta Theta Fraternity. Clubs: Players, New York; Cliff Dwellers, Chicago; Dutch Treat, N. Y.; Aero Club of America. Address: 44 E. 23d St., N. Y. City.
Bapst, Robert T., educator; born Jan. 2, 1881; educated elementary schools of Buffalo, N.Y., Canisius High School, Canisius College, St. Louis University. Received degree of A.B. from Canisius College in 1900; degree of A.M. in 1901; received degree of Doctor of Philosophy from the St. Louis University in 1908. Instructor in English and mathematics Canisius College, 1901; principal grammar school, 1908; principal South Park High School, 1914. Address: 388 Franklin St., Buffalo, New York.
Barbey, John, banker, maltster, brewer; born in Philadelphia, Oct., 1850; son of Peter and Rosa Barbey; educated in Reading public schools; married, Reading, Pa., Mary E. Garst. President Keystone National Bank; vice-president Farmers National Bank; director Colonial Trust Co. Lutheran. Mason, 32°, Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: Wyomissing, Berkshire Country. Residence: 725 Centre Av. Office: 430 Court St., Reading.
Barbour, George Harrison, manufacturer and banker; born Collinsville, Conn., June 26, 1846; son of Samuel T. and Phoebe Barbour; educated in Collinsville; married, Collinsville, Conn., June 26, 1870, Kate L. Hawley; four children (one deceased). President The Michigan Copper and Brass Co., The Ireland & Mathews Co.; 1st vice-president and general manager of The Michigan Stove Co.; also vice-president of The Dime Savings Bank; director The People's State Bank, Michigan Fire and Marine Insurance Co. Has been alderman, president City Council, 1887; refused nomination for mayor. Member Sons of Revolution, Society Colonial Wars; vice-president Board of Trustees Art Museum. Mason. Clubs: Detroit Athletic Club (ex-president), Fellow Craft (life member), Country. Residence : Grasse Pointe Farms. Office: Jefferson Avenue, care Michigan Stove Co., Detroit.
Barbour, Thomas, Museum of Comparative; Zoology, Cambridge, Mass., was born, Martha's Vineyard, Mass., Aug. 19, 1884. A.B., Harvard, 1906, A.M., 1908, Ph.D., 1910. Curator Oceanica, Harvard Library, 1908, Associate Curator, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, 1910-; member Faculty Peabody Museum, Harvard University, 1911-; Gold medal, Harvard Travellers Club, 1907. Delegate, Pan-Am. Scientific Cong., Santiago, Chile, 1908-09. Delegate Founding National University of Mexico, 1910. F.A.A.; assoc. mem. Ornith. Union; fel. N. Y. Zoo). Soc.; Phila. Acad.; Boston Soc. Nat. list.; Wash. Biol. Soc.; Nuttall Ornith. Club; fel. Royal Geog. Soc. Herpetology; geographical distribution; fishes and reptiles.
Barchfeld, Andrew Jackson, congressman, was born May 18, 1863, in Pittsburgh, Pa. He has been a life-long republican; in 1884 was elected a school director; and in 1886-87 was a member of the common council of Pittsburgh, Pa. He was a delegate to the republican state conventions of 1886, 1894 and 1901; and for many years was a member of the Pennsylvania Republican State Committee. In 1902 he was nominee of his party for congress; and in 1904 was elected to the fifty-ninth and sixty-second congresses. He is prominent in the medical profession; is a member of the leading medical societies and president of the board of directors of the South Side Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pa. He was re-elected to the sixty-third congress from the thirty-second district of Pennsylvania for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Pittsburgh, Pa.
Bardwell, Darwin L., district superintendent of high schools, N.Y. City; born, Shelburne, Mass., March 30, 1860; son of Zenas D. and Melissa J. (Long) Bardwell; graduated Amherst Coll., A.B., 1883; A.M., 1888 (Phi Beta Kappa, 1882) ; married, Champaign, III., Dec. 28, 1885, Alice Margaret Babb; children: Harold Edmond, born Dec. 12, 1886; Darwin Eugene, born June 8, 1896. Taught in district school, Champaign Co., Ill., 1883-84; classical teacher, Greenwich (Conn.) Acad., 1884-85; principal Union and High School, Greenport, N.Y., 1885-90; head science dept., State Normal School, Cortland, N.Y., 1890-98; lecturer, Summer Inst., Thousand Island Park, N.Y., 1896-1902; appointed high school inspector under Univ. State of N.Y., Feb., 1898; conductor teachers' institutes and member State Board of Examiners for Teachers' Licenses, 1898-99; superintendent schools, Binghamton, N.Y., 1899-1902; district superintendent of schools, N.Y. City, assigned to Richmond Borough, 1902-09; assigned to high schools, N.Y. City, since 1909. Pres. N.Y. State Teachers' Assn., 1908; member School Masters' Club (N.Y. City), Nat. Geog. Soc. (Washington, D.C.); Phi Beta Kappa Soc., Mason, Blue Lodge chapter, Knight Templar, 32d degree, and Shriner. Recreation : fishing and photography. Club: Staten Island. Address : 131 St. Mark's Pl., New Brighton, N.Y.
Barkley, Alben William, United States congressman from the first district of Kentucky, was born Nov. 24, 1877, in Graves County, Ky. He has been judge of his county. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Paducah, Ky.
Barnes, Albert Asro, manufacturer and banker; born Stockbridge, Vt., Feb. 14, 1839; son of Joseph and Eliza (Simpson) Barnes; educated common schools; married, Rockford, Ill., April 2, 1861, Abby Clayton; two daughters (now deceased). Occupied various positions before the age of 20, when engaged in photography business; 1869, commission business; 1881, bought out Udell Works, of which he is now president; chairman building committee of the first Young Men's Christian Ass'n, 1886; rebuilt the Udell Works, 1893; was on committee for the building of Clayport Hotel, 1891; established 1901, and now vice-president Columbia National Bank; built Ben Hur Railroad to Crawfordsville, Ind.; director Union Trust Co. Republican; Baptist. Trustee Franklin College (college and library were rebuilt in 1903); trustee Baptist Church, Young Men's Christian Ass'n, and Young Women's Christian Ass'n, Crawford Baptist Orphan Home, Benevolent Society, Crown Hill Cemetery. Clubs: Columbia, Commercial. Residence: 1740 North Meridan St. Office: 286 Barnes Av., Indianapolis.
Barnes, Albert Mallard, president and general manager; born Lancaster, Mass., 1848; son of John W. and Adaline (Mallard) Barnes; attended Lancaster Academy, and Harvard College, A. B., 1871; married, Cambridge, Mass., 1874, Emily L. Carter; children: Allan F., Karl S., Donald C. Engaged in importing business 1871-96; with Cambridge Gas Light Co., since 1897, as treasurer, and since January, 1913, as president and general manager; also director Harvard Trust Co. Member Cambridge School Committee nine years; trustee Cambridge Public Library twenty years. Independent; Unitarian. Trustee Cambridge Hospital. Recreations: Music, golf. Club: Oakley Country; Harvard of Boston, Engineers. Residence: 17 South Lancaster St. Office: 719 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge.
Barnes, Harry Lee, physician and surgeon of Wallum Lake, R. I., was born Aug. 10, 1877, in Adams, Mass. He was assistant physician of the Danvers Insane Hospital in 1899-1902; and in 1904 became medical superintendent of the Stony Wold Sanatorium. In 1910-12, he was president of the Burrillville Anti-Tuberculosis Association. Since 1905, he has been resident physician and superintendent of the Rhode Island State Sanatorium; and since 1910 has also been secretary and treasurer of the American Sanatorium Association.
Barnes, Jonathan L., General Agent Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. Office, Chanute, Kan. Born June 12, 1835, in Dutchess County, N. Y. Entered railway service 1857 as conductor of George M. Pullman's first car on Chicago & Alton Rd., since which he has been consecutively brakeman, train baggage master and passenger conductor on same road; Dec., 1868, to May 30, 1882, passenger conductor, trainmaster and assistant superintendent Kansas City, Fort Scott & Gulf Rd.; May 30, 1882, to June 17, 1888, superintendent Southern Kansas Rd.; June 17, 1888, to Nov., 1910, superintendent Southern Kansas division Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Rd., now the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry.; Nov., 1910, to date, general agent same road at Chanute.
Barnes, William, chairman of the Republican State Committee of New York, was born Nov. 17, 1866, in Albany, N. Y.; and is the youngest son of William Barnes, the celebrated lawyer of Albany, N. Y. He is the editor of the Albany Evening Journal; and contributed extensively to current literature. The Evening Journal is published every evening except Sunday; and also issues a semi-weekly edition. It is one of the foremost journals in the state of New York; and always advocates the principles of the republican party. It is published by the Journal Publishing Company, of which he is one of the largest individual stockholders. He has been chairman of the executive committee of the republican state convention of New York. Since 1899 he has been surveyor of customs for the port of Albany, N. Y.
Barnhart, Henry A., congressman, was born near Twelve Mile, Ind. He has been president and manager of the Rochester Telephone Company, and president of the National Telephone Association, holding that position for two years; was a director of the Northern Prison at Michigan City for three years; a trustee of the hospital for the insane at Longcliff for seven years, and looks after the interests of a farm in Fulton County. He is married and has two sons and a foster daughter. He was elected to fill a vacancy in the sixtieth congress, was re-elected to the sixty-first and sixty-second congresses as a democrat and' sixty-third and resides in Rochester, Ind.
Barr, William John, lawyer, hanker; born Philadelphia, Oct. 5, 1850; son of John and Jane (McClelland) Barr; educated Central High School of Philadelphia; graduated Univ. of Pennsylvania, LL.B.; married, Philadelphia, June 9, 1880, Sallie Wiley; children: Emma (now Mrs. G. Ayres Swayze), Mary McClelland, Grace Lake (now Mrs. Edward A. Muschamp), Florence King. President and director Southwestern National Bank, Philadelphia. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Alumni Society of Central High School and Univ. of Pennsylvania. Mason. Clubs : Penn, Athletic Association of the University of Pennsylvania. Residence : 1433 S. Broad St. Office: 601 S. Broad St., Philadelphia.
Barrett, Charles Simon, president Farmers' Union, Union City, Ga., was born Jan. 28, 1866, in Pike County, Ga. For many years he was engaged in general farming and teaching; became president of the Georgia Farmers' Union; and since 1906 has been national president of the Farmers' Union, having received the unanimous election seven times. He is a member of the Country Life Commission; and is the author of Mission, History and Times of the Farmers' Union.
Barrett, Edward Kirk, Supervisor of Bridges and Buildings Florida East Coast Ry. Office St. Augustine, Fla. Born Sept. 6, 1869, at Orange, N. J. Graduated from Duval high school 1885. Entered railway service 1885, since which he has been consecutively rodman one month, transitman and levelman eleven months Jacksonville & Atlantic; 1886 and part of 1887, surveyor, 1888 to 1894, with Geo. S. Morison of Chicago as bridge inspector and engineer; 1895 to 1896, resident engineer Florida East Coast Ry. at Palatka and Palm Beach; 1896 and part of 1897, superintendent of construction and inspector Commercial, Cable and Queen buildings at New York; 1897 to 1902, shop inspector Union Bridge Co., Athens, Pa., and Pencoyd Bridge Works; 1902 to 1906, general foreman and inspector Florida East Coast Ry.; 1906 to date, supervisor of bridges and buildings, same road. July, 1914, title changed to supr. of B. and B. and Water Supply.
Barrett, Richard Fay, insurance president, banker; born Concord, Mass., Aug. 4, 1848; son of Richard and Lois Jane (Wheeler) Barrett; educated in Concord public schools; married at Concord, Dec. 26, 1872, Cora Belle Rice. President and treasurer Middlesex Mutual Fire Insurance Co.; vice-president Concord National Bank. Chairman board of directors Concord Municipal Light Board; member Massachusetts House of Representatives, 1891-1892. Served from private to captain, Fifth Regiment Massachusetts Militia ; colonel on staff Gov. Ames, 1887-1889; inspector on staff Gov. Brackett. Republican; Unitarian. Trustee Public Library. Clubs: Algonquin, Country, Middlesex. Address: Concord.
Barrett, Robert S., journalist and publisher of Alexandria, Virginia, was born March 30, 1877, in Richmond, Virginia He is the editor of the Alexandria Gazette, the oldest daily newspaper in America. This paper was established in 1784. He is also editor and publisher of the "Mexico City Daily Record" 1904-1907, and District Deputy; Grand Exalted Ruler of Elks for West Virginia.
Barry, James Victor, insurance commissioner of Michigan; b. in Monroe, Mich., Sept. 21, 1861; attended the public schools, and then became a newspaper correspondent. He was commissioner of insurance of Michigan from 1901 to 1911, when he became Asst. Secy. of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. Address: No. 1 Madison Ave., New York City.
Bartch, George Washington, lawyer and jurist of Salt Lake City, Utah, was born March 15, 1849, at Dushore, Pa. He graduated from Bloomsburg State Normal and received academic degree of master of science. For several terms he was superintendent of public schools of Shenandoah, Pa.; in 1884-86 he practiced law in Pennsylvania; in 1886-88 in Colorado; and in 1888-89 practiced law in Salt Lake City. In 1889-93 he was a probate judge of Salt Lake County by appointment of President Harrison; in 1893-96 was associate justice of the supreme bench until he resigned. In 1896-1906 he was a member of the State Supreme Court of. Utah; and in 1899-1900 and 1905-06 was chief justice.
Bartholdt, Richard, congressman, was born Nov. 2, 1855, in Germany. He came to this country when a boy; received a classical education; learned the printing trade; and has remained a newspaper man ever since. e was connected with several eastern papers as reporter, legislative correspondent, and editor of the St. Louis Tribune. e was elected to the board of public school of St. Louis, and in 1891 was chosen its president. He is regarded as the leader of the peace movement in the United States; was president of the Interparliamentary Union; and is now president of the arbitration group in congress. He was a member of the fifty-third, fifty-fourth, fifty-fifth, fifty-sixth, fifty-seventh, fifty-eighth, fifty-ninth, sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second congresses as a republican. He was re-elected to the sixty-third congress from the tenth district of Missouri for the term of 1913-15; and resides in St. Louis, Mo.
Bartholomew, Pliny Webster, lawyer and jurist of Indianapolis, Ind., was born Aug. 4, 1840, in Cabotville, Mass. He graduated in 1864 from the Union College of Schenectady, N. Y. He is an able lawyer of Indianapolis, Ind. He has been commissioner for New York and Connecticut, in Indiana; and trustee of the American College of Indianapolis. He was judge of the Superior Court in 1892-96; and is now serving his second term of 1908-14.
Bartlett, Charles Lafayette, lawyer, jurist, congressman, was born Jan. 31, 1853, in Monticello, Ga.. He was prosecuting attorney for the Macon judicial court in 1877-81. He was a member of the house of representatives of Georgia in 1882-83 and in 1884-85 and was a member of the state senate in 1889. He was elected judge of the Superior Court of the Macon Circuit in 1893. In 1895-1915, he was a representative from Georgia to the fifty-fourth, fifty-fifth, fifty-sixth, fifty-seventh, fifty-eighth, fifty-ninth, sixtieth, sixty-first, sixty-second and sixty-third congresses.
Bartlett, Frank L., banker of Olean, N. Y., was born in December, 1858, in Belfast, N. Y. Since 1879 he has been engaged in the banking business; and since 1895 has been president of the Exchange National bank of Olean.
Bartlett, H. A., banker, Newburgh; residence 325 Grand St. Born in Newburgh, June 17, 1865. Educated in Newburgh. (Married.) Was treasurer Columbus Trust Co. of Newburgh. Now president, Highland National Bank. Member various clubs in Newburgh and New York City.
Bartlett, Robert Henry, public official; born Cedar Hill, Tenn., Aug. 1, 1857; English descent; son of Robert and Jane (Gunn) Bartlett; paternal grandparents Thomas and Patsy (Mastin) Bartlett, maternal grandparents Alexander and Nancy (Yancy) Gunn ; received common school education; entered farming industry in early life and has been so engaged since; married Ida Farmer Nov. 18, 1886; member F. and A. M. Lodge No. 302, and Cumberland Chapter No. 1, R. A. M., Nashville Council No. 1, R. and S. M., Trinity Consistory No. 2, A. A. S. R., Al Chymia Temple A. A. O. N. M. S., Nashville, Tenn.; Democrat; twice elected to State Senate Tenn., 189-1-1896; former Asst. Adjt.-Gen. State of Tenn., 1899-1903; former Journal Clerk House of Representatives (Tenn.) 1907; was Asst. Adjt.-Gen. with rank of Colonel under Gov. McMillan 1899-1903; present chief clerk Mining Department State of Tenn; at one time in life was engaged in brick making and land trading and merchandising; member of Methodist church, South. Since April, 1911, night clerk in House of Representatives Post Office, Washington, D. C.
Barton, James Levi, D.D., LL.D., foreign secretary of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions; born in Chittenden County, Vt., Sept. 23, 1855. He was educated at Middlebury College and at Hartford Theological Seminary. In 1885 he was sent to Turkey as a missionary of the American Board for Foreign Missions, and in 1888 became a professor in the Theological Seminary at Harpoot. In 1893 he became president of Euphrates College at Harpoot, and in 1894 he was appointed foreign secretary for the American Board, which office he now holds. He has traveled extensively in connection with the work of the American Board of Missions, having been chairman of the respective deputations to Japan, Ceylon and India, and secretary of the deputation to China. He is author of: The Missionary and His Critics; The Unfinished Task; Daybreak in Turkey; Educational Missions, etc. He married in 'West Winfield, N. Y., Flora E. Holmes. Residence: Newton Centre, Mass. Office: 14 Beacon St., Boston.
Barton, Robert T., lawyer and banker of Winchester, Virginia, was born Nov. 24, 1842, in Winchester, Virginia He served as a confederate soldier, became a successful lawyer; and was president of the Virginia State Bar Association. He has been mayor of his city; and a member of the Virginia State Legislature. He edited the Virginia Colonial Decisions; and is the author of Barton's Law Practice and of Barton's Chancery Practice. He is also president of the Farmers and Merchants National Bank of Winchester, Virginia
Barton, Silas Reynolds, United States congressman from the fifth district of Nebraska, was born Nay 21, 1872, in New London, Iowa. He has been auditor and insurance commissioner of his state. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Grand Island, Neb.
Barwell, John W., banker and author of 326 Julian St., Waukegan, Ill., was born Nov. 2, 1854, in Leicester, England. He is president of the Civil Service Commission; president of the Waukegan National Bank. He is also director of the Young Men's Christian Association ; and president of Lake County Tuberculosis Institute. Author of pamphlet "Revelation and science." Member of American Association for the Advancement of Science. Recreations: Farming, walking and natural history
Basinger, William S., general passenger agent Union Pacific Rd. Office Omaha, Neb. Born Aug. 28, 1872, at Savannah, Ga. Graduated from University of Georgia 1890. Entered railway service 1891, since which he has been consecutively to 1897, clerk auditor's office Kansas City Ft. Scott & Memphis Ry. at Kansas City, Mo., and clerk freight department Union Pacific Rd.; 1897 to 1905, general freight and passenger agent Leavenworth Kansas & Western Ry. at Leavenworth, Kan.; 1903 to 1905, also superintendent. same road and also superintendent, secretary and treasurer Leavenworth Depot & Ry. Co.; 1905 to 1907, trainmaster Union Pacific Rd. at Kansas City; 1907 to 1910, assistant general passenger agent same road at Omaha, Neb. 1910 to 1911, in office of director of traffic Union Pacific-Southern Pacific systems at Chicago; 1911 to January, 1912, assistant to director of traffic same systems at Chicago; January, 1912, to Feb. 1, 1913, assistant to director of traffic same systems at New York; Feb. 1, 1913, to March 1, 1913, same position Southern Pacific Co.; March 1, 1913, to date, general passenger agent Union Pacific Rd.
Bassett, George Barclay, civil and hydraulic eng'r of 691 W. Ferry St., Buffalo, N. Y., was born, Ballston, N. Y., June 17, 1861; s. Charles Ralph and Elvira (Rogers) Bassett; ed. public schs. of Brooklyn and Watertown, N. Y.; Sheffield Scientific Sch. (Yale); m. Palmyra, N. Y., Jan. 8, 1890, Anna Kingman; children: Charles Kingman, b. 1891; Robert Sturtevant, b. 1894. Ass't city eng'rs office, Watertown, N. Y.; ass't eng'r in design and construction of water works at Canandaigua, Cortland, and Fulton, N. Y.; Cornwall and Bellville, Out., and elsewhere; chief eng'r in design and construction of water works at Albion, Bath, Brockport, Holley, Palmyra and Clyde, N. Y., and elsewhere; since 1892 engaged in manufacture of water meters, Buffalo, N. Y., as pres. and gen. mg'r, Buffalo Meter Co. Republican; Presby'n. Mem. Am. Soc. of C. E., Am. Water Works Ass'n, N. E. Water Works Ass'n. Club: Ellicott.
Bastin, Wyatt H., farmer; born in Hickman Co., Tenn., Sept. 15, 1841; son of Thomas and Nancy (Johnson) Bastin; received common school-education in Hickman Co., Tenn.; married Mary D. Deprieste Aug. 12, 1866; Republican; Justice of the Peace of Lewis Co., Tenn. ; served in the Confederate army during civil war with rank of 2nd Sergeant Co. D, 9th Bat. Cavalry; in early life engaged in farming and stock raising, now engaged in farming at Hohenwald, Tenn.
Batchelder, Edgar Willis, assistant general manager Erie Rd. Office Cleveland, O. Born Aug. 31, 1852, at Pembroke, N. Y. Educated in the common schools. Entered railway service 1870 as telegraph operator Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. since which he has been consecutively 1873 to 1879, chief dispatcher Chicago division same road at Milwaukee; 1879 to 1880, train dispatcher Wabash Rd. at Springfield, Ill.; 1880 to 1888, chief dispatcher and assistant superintendent River division Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry.; 1889 to 1895, chief clerk to general superintendent Great Northern Ry. at St. Paul, assistant superintendent Fergus Falls division at St. Cloud, Minn., and superintendent Montana division at Havre, Mont.; 1895 to 1901, in private business; 1901 to 1902, purchasing agent Denver Gas & Electric Co., Denver; 1902 to 1903, general manager Southern Light & Traction Co., at San Antonio, Tex.; 1903 to Oct., 1912, superintendent, Meadville division Erie Rd.; Oct., 1912, to Jan., 1913, assistant general superintendent same road. Jan., 1913, to date, assistant general manager same road.
Bates, Arthur Laban, lawyer, congressman; born Meadville, Pa., June 6, 1859; son of Samuel P. (LL.D.) and S. Josephine Rates; graduated from Allegheny College, A.B., 1880 (highest honor) A.M., 1883 (Phi Betta Kappa). Was admitted to the bar in 1882, and thereafter practiced law continuously. Served four terms as city solicitor of Meadville, 1889 to 1906, and was elected in Nov., .1900, to the 57th Congress as a Republican and re-elected in 1902, 1904, 1.906, 1908 and 1910 from the 25th Pennsylvania District. Vice president First National Bank, Conneaut Lake, Pa.; director Pennsylvania College of Music, Meadville City Hospital, University Club, Sons of American Revolution, Meadville Literary Union, Iroquois Boating and Fishing Club, Meadville Chamber of Commerce, Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity; vice president Country Club; president trustees First Baptist Church. Address: Meadville.
Bates, Charles Austin, Born in Indianapolis, Ind., 1866. Educated in Indianapolis. (Married.) President Fidelity Bond & Mortgage Co. of N. Y.; chairman of Board of Colorado Yule Marble Company, 334 Fifth Ave., N. Y. Residence: 107 Riverside Drive, N. Y. Member : Columbia Yacht, N. Y. Athletic Clubs.
Bates, George W., banker; born, Lee County, Iowa, Nov. 21, 1851; son, Nicholas and Matilda Bates. Edu.; common schools. Married L. M. Mengus, Aug., 1882, at Portland, Ore. Pres., Geo. W. Bates & Co., Bankers; Dir., Oregon Life Assn. Member: Commercial Club. Res.: 795 Flanders St.
Bathrick, Ellsworth R., congressman, was born on a farm in Oakland County, Mich., January 6, 1863; attended county schools in White Lake and Bloomfield Townships and the high school at Pontiac Mich.; was elected to the sixty-second congress and was re-elected to the sixty-third for the term of 1913-15.
Batten, George, advertising manager; born in Gloucester Co., N. J., June 19, 1854; son Thomas Gaskill and Emeline (Zane) Batten; educated The Misses Butlers' Private School, Swedesboro, N. J.; married, 1st, Camden, N. J., Dec. 17, 1879, Carrie H. Morgan (died Dec. 31, 1884); two sons, Rollin M., Joseph; married 2d, Haddonfield, N. J., Jan. 27, 1887, Lillie I. Shivers, daughter Dr. B. H. Shivers; children: Isabella, Emeline, George, Jr. President George Batten Co.; member Co. C, 1st Reg 't, N. G., Pa., enlisted 1877, discharged 1880; served in Pittsburgh riots. Episcopalian; trustee Trinity Episcopal Church, Mt. Pocono, Pa. Recreation: Hunting. Clubs: National Arts, Sphinx, Montclair, Montclair Athletic, New Jersey Audubon Society (Pres.), Sons of The American Revolution, Colonial Society of Pennsylvania. Contb'r to sportmen's journals. Residence : Montclair, N. J. Address: 381 Fourth Av., N. Y. City.
Batterson, James Goodwin, capitalist; born Hartford, Conn., Aug. 30, 1838; son of James G. and Eunice (Goodwin) Batterson; educated in Cheshire Military Academy, and Williams College. President and director Hartford Investment Corporation, New England Granite Works, Iron Tire Pneumatic Wheel Co., Rutherford Wheel Co.; resident director in New York of Travelers Insurance Co.; general manager of Travelers' Indemnity Co. of Hartford; director Batterson & Eisele Corporation, American Combustion Co. Trustee Cheshire Military Academy; member Merchants' Association; New York Zoological Society. Clubs: Larchmont Yacht, St. Anthony, New York Athletic, Fox Hills Golf, New Haven Country, Elwanok Country, Atlantic City Country, New York Yacht Club, Travelers' Club, Paris, France. Address: 76 William St., N. Y. City.
Battle, George Gordon, lawyer; born in N. C., Oct. 26, 1868. Educated at Hanover Academy, University of North Carolina and University of Virginia, A.M. Married April 12, 1898, Martha, daughter of George W. and Lucy Parke Bagby. Asst. Dist. Atty. of New York County, 1892-1897. Member of successive firms of Weeks, Battle & Marshall; Battle & Marshall ; O'Gorman, Battle & Marshall; and present firm of O'Gorman, Battle & Vandiver. Member 7th Reg't, N. G. N. Y., 1891-1896. Democratic candidate for Dist. Atty. N. Y. Co., 1910. Episcopalian. Member of Assn. of Bar of New York City, Southern Soc., North Carolina Soc., and The Virginians.. Clubs: Metropolitan, Calumet, Manhattan, St. Nicholas. Residence: 152 East 35th St., Manhattan. Address: 37 Wall St., Manhattan.
Baugh, Daniel, manufacturer; born in Chester County, Pa., Oct. 22, 1836. He was educated at private seminaries. His family, for several generations, had been engaged in the tanning business or connected with the leather industry, but in 1853 his father decided to turn his attention to the manufacture of artificial fertilizers by chemical and other means, converting the power and machinery of the old works to use in the new. In 1855 he associated with him his sons, Daniel and Edwin, under the firm title of Baugh & Sons, and the manufacture of superphosphate was begun and diligently developed. In 1860 the plant was removed to Philadelphia, and the Delaware River Chemical Works established, new lines of manufacturing being added till the business became one of great importance. In 1862, during the Civil War, Mr. Baugh, being a private in the ranks of the Gray Reserves, went with his regiment to the defense of the State when it was menaced by General Lee's Army, the regiment crossing into Maryland about the time of the battle of South Mountain, but not coming into action. In 1888, his father and brother having died, Mr. Baugh became president of the Baugh & Sons Company, incorporated the year before, and he is still at its head. He was for ten years president of the Art Club of Philadelphia and of the Sanitarium Association, and is now president of the Pennsylvania School of Design for Women, a director of the Girard National Bank and of a number of other financial, educational and charitable organizations in Philadelphia. Address : 1601 Locust St., Philadelphia.
Baumann, Gustav, hotel proprietor ; born at St. Gall, Switzerland, 1853; son of J. G. and A. B. Baumann; St. Gall until 1871 and Neuchatel, 1871-75; London, 1875-81; came to U. S., 1881; married Emily G. Kinsley; children : Frida F., Clifton K. Became connected with Kinsley's, then the leading restaurant at Chicago, in which was partner and manager until removed to N.Y. City, where he was of H. M. Kinsley & Baumann, prop'rs Holland House. Now president of the Bean-Silo Co., operating the new Biltmore Hotel. Presbyterian. Clubs: Lotos, Swiss. Address: The Biltmore, 42d and Madison Ave., N. Y. City.
Bausch, Edward, care Bausch and Lomb Optical Co., Rochester, N. Y. Was born at Rochester, Sept. 26, 1854. Cornell, 1875. Vice-president, Bausch and Lomb Optical Co. F.A.A.; Micros. Soc. Optics: manipulation of the microscope.
Baxter, Robert W., vice-president. Alaska Steamship Co. and Copper River & North Western Ry. Office : Seattle, Wash. Born in Scotland. Entered railway service as messenger boy with Union Pacific Ry., since which he has been consecutively 1878 to 1890, telegraph operator, train dispatcher, chief train dispatcher, trainmaster, assistant superintendent and superintendent various divisions same road: April to September, 1891. superintendent Ohio and Midland divisions Baltimore & Ohio Rd. at Newark, O.: September, 1891, to June. 1892. superintendent. Oregon and Washington divisions Union Pacific Ry. at Portland, Ore.; June, 1892. to July, 1894, general superintendent rail and water lines Pacific division same road; July. 1894, to July, 1898, general agent for receivers same road at. Portland, Ore.; July. 1898, to October, 1903, superintendent Nebraska division same road at Omaha, Neb.; July, 1901. to January, 1910, successively superintendent Pennsylvania division Lehigh Valley Rd. at Sayre, Pa., superintendent Wyoming division at Wilkes-Barre, Pa., superintendent Buffalo division rail and water lines at Buffalo, N. Y., and superintendent transportation at. South Bethlehem, Pa.; July, 1910, to May, 1912, general superintendent Illinois Central Pd.; May, 1912. to date, vice-president Alaska Steamship Co. and Copper River & North Western Ry.
Beach, Charles A., superintendent New York Division Philadelphia & Reading Ry Office, Philadelphia Pa. Born 1859. Educated at the Troy (N.Y.) high school and Troy Academy. Entered railway service 1865 as water boy on gravel train Troy & Boston Rd., since which he has been consecutively brakeman same road, conductor Delaware & Hudson Rd., conductor New York Central & Hudson Rd., conductor New York Central & Hudson River Rd., trainmaster same road at Utica and Syracuse, N. Y., assistant superintendent same road at Syracuse; to Feb. 29, 1896, superintendent Buffalo division Lehigh Valley Rd. at Buffalo, N. Y.; April 16, 1896, to April, 1897, general superintendent South Jersey Rd.; April, 1897 to 1898, general manager same road; December, 1898, to August, 1900, superintendent terminals Central Rd. of New Jersey at Jersey City, N. J.; August to October, 1900, superintendent Atlantic City Rd. (Philadelphia & Reading Ry.) at Camden, N. J.; October, 1900, to March, 1902, superintendent Philadelphia division Philadelphia & Reading Ry. at Philadelphia; March, 1902, to date, superintendent New York division same road at Philadelphia.
Beadle, Chauncey Delos, Biltmore, N. C., was born at St. Catharines, Ont., Aug. 5, 1866. Ont. Agr. Col., 1884; Cornell, 1889. Director, Biltmore Herbarium, 1890. Botany of the southern states. Crataegus; Philadelphus; Rudbeckia; Marshallia.
Beakes, Samuel Willard, United States congressman from the second district of Michigan, was born Jan. 11, 1861, in Burlingham, N. Y. For twenty years he has been editor and publisher of the Ann Arbor Argus; and has been postmaster and mayor of his city. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Ann Arbor, Mich.
Beal, Fay Charles, manager; born at Topeka, Kan., May 7, 1882; son of Carroll N. and Cordelia C. (Huggins) B. Educated, Hearst & Crocker Grammar Schools, Lowell High School, Stanford Univ. Married, Grace Alyce Coyne, Jan. 24, 1906, at Sausalito, Cal. Started first taxi company on the Pacific Coast; assistant to president, Taxicab Co. of California; Taxicab Co. of California and Pacific Taximeter Cab Co., consolidated, now largest company west of Chicago. Clubs: The Family, Olympic, Corinthian Yacht, San Francisco Automobile Rotary. Residence, 2425 Vallejo St.; office, Bush & Larker Sts., San Francisco, Cal.
Beal, Thomas Prince, banker; born Charlestown, Mass., Sept. 27, 1849; son of James H. and Judith D. (Beal); graduated from Harvard Univ., A.B., 1869, A.M., 1872; married, Baltimore, Md. Oct. 27, 1881, Ida, daughter of William Young and Eliza Ann (Baker) DeFord of Baltimore. Traveled in Europe, 1860-70; engaged in business in Boston since 1871 in the Second National Bank, becoming a director, 1873, vice-president, 1878, president, 1888, in which position he continues; also trustee Suffolk Savings Bank for Seamen and Others; director, Bigelow Carpet Co., Hamilton Woolen Co., Clinton Wire Cloth Co. Member, Common Council of Boston, 1885. Residence: 36 Gloucester St. Office: Second National Bank, Sears Bldg., Boston.
Beall, Jack, congressman, was born Oct. 25, 1866, in Ellis Co., Texas. In 1884-85 he taught school; and since 1890 has been engaged in the practice of law. For three years he was a representative in the Texas State Legislature; and for four years was a member of the Texas State Senate. He was a member of the fifty-eighth, fifty-ninth, sixtieth, sixty-first congresses from Texas as a democrat. He was re-elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Waxahachie, Texas.
Beall, Joseph H., lawyer, 233 Broadway, New York City; residence, Bronxville. Born in Charlestown, W. Virginia Married. City judge, city of Yonkers, New York, re-elected three successive terms. Member, Democratic, Southern and West Virginia Societies.
Beals, John D., lawyer. of 1 Madison Ave., New York City, was born in Herkimer Co., N. Y., Dec. 8, 1868; son of Oliver B. and Emma (Champion) Beals; graduate University City of N. Y., LL.B., 1889; married April 11, 1893, Mary H. Nicholson; children: John D., Jr., Donald Marcy, Helen. Practicing law in N. Y. City since 1889; senior member, firm of Beals & Nicholson. President, Washington Heights Taxpayers' Assn., one of the oldest associations in city of N. Y.; vice-president, Bank of Washington Heights; officer and director of numerous other corporations. Member Dutch Reformed Church. Clubs: Riding, Greenwich Country.
Bean, Charles D., lawyer; born, Marion, Wayne Co., N. Y., April 21, 1863; son of Charles and Chloa Maria (Danford) Bean; most of early life spent in N. Y. City; removed with parents to Geneva, 1874; graduate, B.S., Hobart Coll.; Ph.B., Syracuse Univ.; A.M., Alleghany Coll.; LL.D., Southern Normal Univ. Coll. of Law; unmarried. After graduating from college enjoyed pleasure tour in Europe; since then practicing law in Geneva, N. Y.; elected judge (two terms) of the Ontario County Court of Sessions. Democrat. Episcopalian. Elected master of Ark Lodge, 33, F. and A. M., two terms. Member, Phi Kappa Psi Coll. Fraternity; Geneva Commandery, K.T.; Elks. Member, Y.M.C.A., N. Y. State Hist. Assn., and member, American Hist. Assn., N. Y. State Bar Assn., N.Y. State Geographic Society, mem A. A. A. S.; and Empire State Society, Sons of the Amer. Rev. Non-resident professor of law at Keuka Coll. Member, Geneva Chamber of Commerce, Geneva Bar Assn.; Monarch, Umarkan Grotto, M.O.V. P.E.R. President, Board of Trustees, Endymion Prep. School. Contributor to various journals on legal topics and author of a history of Geneva and papers on college fraternity matters. Clubs: University, Political Equality. Office address: 9 Masonic Temple, Geneva, N. Y.
Bean, Stephen Liford, mechanical superintendent Coast Lines Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. Office: Los Angeles, Cal.; born March 26, 1851, in Franklin County, N. Y. Educated in the public schools at Manchester, N. H. From May, 1871, to Jan. 1, 1874, was machinist apprentice in Manchester Locomotive Works, Manchester, N. H. Entered railway service Feb. 15, 1874, since which he has been consecutively to March 15, 1879, machinist Wisconsin Central Rd. at Stevens Point, Wis.; April 1, 1879, to Jan. 1, 1881, machinist and foreman Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Ry. at North Hudson, Wis.; Jan. 1, to Feb. 15, 1881, machinist St. Paul & Duluth Rd. at St. Paul, Minn.; Feb. 15, 1881, appointed machinist Northern Pacific Ry., and a few days later was made foreman same road in charge of locomotives and equipment engaged in construction work in western North Dakota, which position he held until March 1, 1882; March 1, 1882, to June 15, 1887, master mechanic Yellowstone division same road at Glendive, Mont., June 15, 1887, to Sept. 1, 1893, master mechanic Dakota division and branches same road at Fargo, N. D.; Sept. 1, 1893, to Nov. 1, 1902, master mechanic Minnesota. Lake Superior and Manitoba divisions at Brainerd, Minn.; Nov. 1, 1902, to June 10, 1903, shop superintendent same road at Brainerd; June 10, 1903, to April 20, 1904, master mechanic Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. at Albuquerque, N.M.; April 20, 1904, to date, mechanical superintendent Coast Lines same system.
Beard, Daniel Carter, illustrator, journalist and author of 87 Browne Ave., Flushing, Long Island, N. Y., was born June 21, 1850, in Cincinnati, O. He began his professional career in Earshaw's and B. C. Phillips' offices. He is founder and national scout commissioner of Boy Scouts of America. Chief scout and founder of the first Boy Scout Society, the Boy Pioneers and Sons of Daniel Boone. He is vice-president of the Mark Twain Library, and president of the Camp Fire Club of America. He received the gold medal for eminent service in recognition of his life work for the Boys of America. He is a member of the Aldine, the Camp Fire, Canadian Camp, Pipe and Pewter, Forest Lake and Single Tax Clubs.
Beard, John S., state senator of Pensacola, Fla., was born June 14, 1859, in Tallahassee, Fla. He was educated in the public schools of Florida; and at the University of the South. He has attained success at the bar of Florida ; and is a prominent member of the Democratic party. In 1900 he was a presidential elector for the state at large; and in 1904 was a delegate from the state at large to the national democratic convention held in St. Louis, Mo. He has been a speaker in many states; and took a conspicuous part in the campaigns of 1900 and 1904 under the auspices of the National Democratic Committee. He is a member of the Florida State Senate.
Beasor, Guy M., general freight and passenger agent, auditor and superintendent New York & Pennsylvania Ry. Office, Canisteo, N. Y., born Sept. 8, 1868, at Buffalo, N. Y. Educated in the grammar and high schools of Buffalo, N. Y. Entered railway service in 1885 as clerk Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Ry., since which he has been consecutively clerk in various departments same road ; clerk Railway Car Association of Buffalo, N. Y.; clerk Union Steamboat Co. of Buffalo; clerk and commissary agent Wagner Palace Car Co., and is now auditor, general freight and passenger agent and superintendent New York & Pennsylvania Ry.
Beck, James M., lawyer of 55 Wall St., New York City, was born at Philadelphia, July 9, 1861; educated in Philadelphia schools, Moravian Coll., Bethlehem, Pa., A.B., 1880; LL.D., 1894 (LL.D., Muhlenberg Co., 1892, Univ. of Pa., 1910) ; married, 1890 Lilla, daughter, James Mitchell of Philadelphia. Admitted to bar at Philadelphia, 1884; partner, William F. Harrity, 1885-98 ; assistant U. S. attorney, Eastern Dist. of Pa., 1888-1902 and 1896-1900; assistant attorney-general, U. S., 1900-03. Prosecutor many important criminal cases, convicting Cuban filibusters, the Lancaster counterfeiters, and derelict officials of Chestnut St. Bank; argued before U. S. Supreme Court, Neely case, lottery cases, paper trust, federal press censorship, consolidated gas, Danbury hatters and many other important cases, and argued the Northern securities case circuit judges; as master, appointed by U. S. Court, sold, in April, 1902, Philadelphia Record for $3,000,000, highest price ever obtained for an American newspaper at public sale; in 1903 entered law firm of Sherman & Stirling of N. Y. City, removing there. Delivered Fourth of July oration in Independence Sq., 1892; oration on Pennsylvania Day at World's Columbian Exposition, orations at unveiling of statues of Stephen Girard and Benjamin Franklin in Philadelphia, and spoke in response to toast : The American Bar, at dinner given in London by Bench and Bar of England to American Bar. Ex-president N. E. Soc. of Pa., and Pa. Soc. of N. Y.; general counsel American Sugar Refining Co., trustee Moravian Coll., Bethlehem, and of Mutual Life Ins. Co. of N. Y. Clubs: Art, Franklin Inn (Philadelphia), Metropolitan, Lotos (N. Y. City).
Beckwith, John P., vice-president Florida East Coast Ry. Office: St. Augustine, Fla. Previous to 1891 was general agent Western & Atlantic and Central of Georgia Rds. at Jacksonville, Fla.; May, 1891, to April, 1893, general freight agent Jacksonville, Tampa & Key West Ry.: June to August, 1893, general agent Central of Georgia Rd. at Philadelphia, Pa.; August, 1893, to March, 1895, general agent same road at Jacksonville, Fla.; March, 1895, to September, 1896, general freight and passenger agent Ocean Steamship Co. of Savannah and New England & Savannah Steamship Co. at New York; September, 1896, to date, successively traffic manager and vice-president Florida East Coast Ry.
Behrens, Ludwig Philip, banker, born, Shasta County, Cal., Aug. 24, 1860; son of Ludwig P. and Louise Behrens; educated in public and high schools of Shasta County, Cal.; married, Spokane, Wash., Nov. 1, 1891, Eva E. Greenwood; children: Luella and Louis. Organized, 1891, and is now cashier First National Bank of San Mateo County, Redwood City, Cal.; organized, 1906, and now president San Mateo County Savings Bank, Redwood City, Cal.; director West Coast Life Insurance Co., Redwood City Realty Co., Redwood City Water Co.; president California Bankers' Assn. Served as treasurer of Redwood City, Cal., ten years. Republican; Congregationalist. Chairman Board of Trustees, Sequoia Union High School. Knight Templar, Odd Fellow (treasurer of both sixteen years) ; member Eastern Star. Residence: 406 Jefferson St. Office: 2 Broadway, Redwood City.
Behring, Fred H., assistant general freight agent Southern Ry. Office, St. Louis, Mo. Born Jan. 23, 1867, at St. Louis, Mo. Educated in St. Louis public schools and graduated from night Polytechnic School 1887. Entered railway service Feb. 22, 1880, with the Virginia & Tennessee Air Line, since which he has been consecutively to Jan., 1884, messenger boy St. Louis & Southeastern Rd. (now a part of Louisville & Nashville Rd.); Jan. to April, 1884, bill of lading clerk and stenographer Louisville & Nashville Rd. ; April to Sept., 1884, secretary to general freight agent same road at. Evansville, Ind. ; Sept., 1884, to Feb., 1885, chief clerk division freight office Gould lines at Texarkana, Ark.; Feb., 1885, to 1888, stenographer and rate clerk general freight office same lines at St. Louis, Mo.; 1888 to July, 1891, chief tariff clerk St. Louis Southwestern Ry.; July, 1891, to Sept., 1892, chief clerk South Eastern Mississippi Valley Association at Memphis, Tenn., and its successor, the Southern Ry. and Steamship Association; Sept., 1892, to Jan., 1895, chief rate clerk East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Ry. (now Southern Ry.) ; Feb. 1, 1895, to July, 1897, rate clerk Southern Ry. and Steamship Association; July, 1897, to Aug., 1899, commodity rate clerk Missouri Pacific Ry.; Aug., 1899, to June, 1906, successively chief rate clerk and chief clerk assistant freight traffic manager's office Southern Ry., at Louisville, Ky.; June, 1906, to June 15, 1912, assistant general freight agent same road, same place; June 15, 1912, to date, assistant general freight agent same road at St. Louis, Mo.
Behrman, Martin, mayor of New Orleans, La., was born Oct. 14, 1864, in New York City. He has been president of the Louisiana state board of assessors; in 1898 was a member of the Louisiana state constitutional convention; and in 1904-05 was state auditor. Since 1906 he has been mayor of New Orleans, is now serving his third term ending in 1915; and is known as the "School Mayor."
Behymer, L. E., musical and theatrical manager of 705 Auditorium Theatre, Los Angeles, Cal., was born Nov. 5, 1862, near Cincinnati, Ohio. He was educated at the Northwest Normal School of Stanberry, Mo. In 1884-86 he was territorial commissioner of Hyde county, Dakota; and since 1886 has lived in Los Angeles, Cal. He is manager of the Auditorium Theatre, the L. A. Symphony orchestra and the Woman's Symphony orchestra. In 1908 he was elected an officer of the French Academy; and six months later received the decoration of The Palms.
Belcher, Charles Edwin, insurance publisher, Boston, Mass.; born at Chelsea, Mass., July 15, 1871; educated in the public schools of Chelsea, and also studied for a time at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; worked for a short time as a mechanical draughtsman, but has been connected with the Standard of Boston in different capacities since 1892. He was local reporter from 1892 to 1894, and traveling agent from 1894 to 1898, since when he has been business manager. He has been president and active manager of the Standard Publishing Co., since September, 1911. He is a 32° Mason, also a member of the Sons of the Revolution, Boston City Club, Old Beacon Club, Boston Life Underwriters' Assn., Insurance Library Assn., Technology Assn. and of the Mass. Lawyers' Club of New York. Address: 141 Milk St., Boston, Mass.
Belcourt, Hon. Napoleon Antoine, K.C., LL.M., LL.D., P.C.; born in Toronto, Ont., Sept. 15, 1860. Eldest son of Ferdinand Napoleon Belcourt and Marie Anne Clair, both French-Canadians, descended from early French settlers at Three Rivers, P. Q.; educated at St. Joseph Seminary, Three Rivers, in Arts, and Laval University in Law. Graduated at Laval in Law, taking special degree of Master of Laws, cum summa dignitate, 1882. Admitted to Quebec bar, July, 1882; Ontario bar, September, 1884. Member of Law Faculty, Ottawa University since 1891. An LL.D. of Ottawa University since 1895 and of Laval University. Crown attorney for Carleton County, June, 1894, to May, 1896. Resigned to become candidate for House of Commons. K.C., in Ontario and Quebec provinces. Founder and first president of the Club National d'Ottawa, retaining that office for ten years consecutively. Vice-president of Ontario Liberal Association. First elected to House of Commons at general election, 1896; re-elected, general election, 1900, and general election, 1904, his majority being nearly 2,000. Elected Speaker of the House of Commons, March 12, 1901, and sworn as Privy Councilor, January 11, 1905. Chairman of Committee on Public Accounts of the House of Commons and president Ottawa Hunt Club ; member Rideau Club, Country Club, Connaugh Park Jockey Club, Montreal Reform Club. Married (first), Jan. 29, 1889, to Hectorine, eldest daughter of Hon. Jos. Shehyn (deceased); (second), Jan. 19, 1903, to Mary Margaret Haycock, of Ottawa. Address: Ottawa, Ont., Canada. Summer home, Blue Sea Lake, P. Q.
Belding, Alvah N., silk manufacturer, was born at Ashfield, Mass., March 27, 1838; son of Hiram and Mary (Wilson) Belding; and he was educated in the public schools of Massachusetts. Mr. Belding was one of the founders of the firm of Belding Bros., and is now secretary and manager of the manufacturing part of the business of Belding Bros. & Co. He is also president of the Belding Land & Improvement Co.; vice-president of the Belding Savings Bank, and director of the Spencer Electric Light & Power Co., and the Belding Gas Co., all of Belding, Mich.; director of the James J. Regan Co. of Rockville, American Mills Co., the Rockville National Bank, and People's Savings Bank, all of Rockville, Conn.; member of and director of the Belding, Paul Co., Limited, Montreal, Can., and sold out to new stock company called Belding, Paul, Corticello Co., and director of the Carison-Currier Co., San Francisco, Cal. Mr. Belding is a member of the New York Club of New York. He married at Shelburne Falls, Mass., Jan. 6, 1870, Lizzie S. Merrick, by whom he has a daughter, Florence M., and a son, Fred N. Belding.
Belknap, Waldron Phoenix, director Albert B. Ashforth, Inc.; 10 E. 33d St., New York City, was born, N. Y. City, Feb. 8, 1873; son of Robert Lenox and Mary Phoenix (Remsen) Belknap; educated in Lawrenceville School and Cornell Univ.; married, Galveston, Tex., April 21, 1898, Ray Sealy Hutchings; one son, Waldron P., Jr. Dir. Advertising Corporation of America; pres. and dir. Richmond Co. Country Club Real Estate Co. Served in Squadron A., N.G.N.Y., 1895-1900. Presby'n; trustee and treas. B'd Presby'n Ch. on University Pl.; on B'd of Mg'rs of Am. Bible Soc. Mem. Psi Upsilon fraternity, Soc. of the Cincinnati, Soc. Colonial Wars, Sons of Revolution; pres. Alumni Assn. of Lawrenceville Sch. Clubs: Richmond Co. Country, Down Town Assn., Cornell Univ.
Bell, Charles Webster, United States congressman from the ninth district of California, was born June 11, 1857, in Albany, N. Y. He has been a member of the California State Senate. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Pasadena, Cal.
Bell, Fred C., banker; born in Massachusetts, Oct. 25, 1862; son of Joseph S. and Sarah (Packer) Bell; married, Alton, Ill., June 15, 1892, Clara Leyhe. Republican; Presbyterian. Woodlawn Improvement Association, United Charities of Chicago, Woodlawn Park Masonic Lodge, Royal Arch Mason, Shriner. Club: South Shore Country. Residence: 6330 Woodlawn Ave. Office: 1206 E. 63d st., Chicago.
Bell, George Huston, born Mount Sidney, Virginia, Aug. 10, 1866; parents William and Lavinia Huston; educated Augusta Military Institute ; graduated Univ. Virginia, 1897; lie. New York and Virginia; deg. M.D., Univ. of Virginia, 1897, interne N. Y. Eye and Ear Infirmary, 1898-1899; senior asst. surgeon N. Y. Eye and Ear Infirmary; mem. Co. Society American Medical, Fellow N. Y. Academy of Medicine; American Ophthalmological Society; New York Ophthal. Society; Society Med. Juris.; Southern Society; Alumni Society, N. Y. Eye and Ear Infirmary; Alumni Society of Phi Kappa Psi and Nu Sigma Phi Fraternities; City Club and Ardsley Country Club. Office, 40 E. 41st St., N. Y. City. Hours, 9-1, 4:30-6 p. m. Tel. Bryant 1221. Married on Sept. 27 to Miss Florence Winifred Collings.
Bell, John C., ex-congressman, of Montrose, Colo.; born Grundy Co., Tenn., Dec. 11, 1851; son of Harrison and Rachel (Laxson) Bell; educated in private schools; entered practice of law in early life, county attorney Saguache, Colo., 1874-76, Lake City, Colo., 1876-85, Montrose, Colo.; since 1885 Judge of 7th Judicial District 1888-1892; member 53d to 57th Congresses; associate judge of Colorado Court of Appeals since Feb., 1913; married Susie Abernathy of Alto, Tenn., August, 1881; Democrat; member of U.S. Industrial Commission.
Bell, James Stroud, flour miller, was born in Philadelphia, Pa., June 30, 1847; son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Faust) Bell; educated in public school and Central High School, Philadelphia; married at Philadelphia, Jan. 8, 1873, to Sallie Montgomery Ford. Began business life as clerk with father in firm of W. and S. Bell, Philadelphia, 1864; admitted to firm of Samuel Bell and Son in 1868; withdrew from firm in 1888 and removed to Minneapolis; partner in firm of Washburn, Martin & Co., 1888-89; president since 1889 of Washburn-Crosby Co., manufacturing flour at Minneapolis; Buffalo, N. Y.; Louisville, Ky.; Great Falls, Mont.; and Kalispell, Mont.; largest milling concern in United States, and larger flour output than any other company in the world. Also vice-president St. Anthony and Dakota Elevator Co.. Barnum Grain Co.; president Royal Milling Co.; director for many years of Northwestern National Bank, Minneapolis. Republican (stalwart). Presbyterian. Clubs: Minneapolis, Minikanda, Lafayette, Chicago Club, Union League (Philadelphia). Director Chicago, Great Western Railway Co.
Bell, Thomas Montgomery, congressman, was born in 1861 in Georgia. He is prominently identified with the business and public affairs of Gainesville, Ga.; and was elected a member of the fifty-ninth, sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second congresses. He was re-elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Gainesville, Ga.
Belmont, Oliver Hazard Perry, legislator, financier; born in New York City, Nov. 12, 1858; son of the late August Belmont. He was graduated from the United States Naval Academy, Sept. 30, 1876, subsequently serving in the navy and resigning in 1876. He was formerly a member of the August Belmont & Co., bankers, and is now a director of the Night and Day Bank. He was a member of the National Democratic Convention of 1901, and served in Congress from 1901 to 1903, from the Thirteenth New York District. He is a member of the Brook, Racquet and Tennis, New York Athletic, Union, Knickerbocker, Manhattan, Metropolitan, Lawyers', Meadow Brook, Lambs', New York Yacht, Turf and Field, University and New York Clubs of New York, and the Metropolitan Club of Washington. He married in New York City, in 1896, Mrs. Alva (Smith) Vanderbilt. Residence: 677 Fifth Ave. Address: 1 Madison Ave., New York City.
Beman, Samuel A., jurist, of Malone, N. Y., was born at Chateaugay, N. Y., Aug. 21, 1843; Capt. 27th Separate Co., N.G. N. Y.; mem. B'd Ed'n; mem. Assembly; county judge and surrogate, Franklin Co., N. Y.
Benedict, A. L., physician, born in Buffalo, N. Y., 1865; son of Nathan Gregory Benedict, Jr., and Gracia Skinner (Smith) Benedict. He was graduated from the University of Michigan, A.B., from the University of Buffalo M.D., from the University of Pennsylvania, M.D. and the Ohio Wesleyan University conferred upon him the degree of A.M. He was appointed to the United States Marine Hospital Service in 1890, but did not serve; he held various teaching positions in professional schools, including professorship in physiology in the Dental Department, University of Buffalo, from 1896 to 1901 ; superintendent of ethnology at the Pan-American Exposition, 1900-01; associate editor Medical and Surgical Reporter, and editor of the American Therapist of New York. Dr. Benedict has been a vice-president of the Medical Academy of Medicine, councilor of the American Gastroenterologic Association; is a member of the American Medical Association (gold medal in medicine), Medical Society of the State of New York (twice prize essayist; member of the Historical Society, Society of Natural Sciences, Buffalo, Delta Upsilon fraternity (president of Michigan Chapter and Western New York Alumni Association), Buffalo Medical Journal. His favorite recreation is American archeology. He is a member of the University Club, the Buffalo Historical Society and the Sons of the Revolution. Residence: 228 Summer St., Buffalo, N. Y.
Benedict, Charles M., 106 West 37th St., New York City; residence, 204 West 119th St., born in Dundee, N.Y., Nov. 9, 1858. Educated at Oakside Seminary, Unionville, N.Y. Member Republican and New York Athletic Clubs, and 7th Regiment Veterans Association, Society of Exempt Members of the Second Co., 7th Regiment, N.G., N.Y., and trustee Washington Continental Guard: assistant treasurer and credit manager Boynton Furnace Co., New York City.
Benjamin, Walter Romeyn, publisher and dealer in historical documents, 225 Fifth Ave., New York City, was born at Guilford, Conn., Sept. 24, 1854; son of Park and Mary Brower (Western) Benjamin; graduate Union Coll., A.B., 1874; AM., 1877; married at New York City, Nov. 1, 1899, Rachele Maria Carolina Toussaint de Saint Seigne, Baroness de Saint Seigne ; children: Park, born 1900; Ottavia, Clelia, Maria Victoria Yolanda. Journalist in Schenectady and Saratoga; 11 years on N. Y. Sun, publisher and editor of The Collector; collector of historical documents since 1887. Republican; formerly mem. Rep. Co. Com. N. Y. City. Catholic. Formerly historian S.A.E.; mem. National Union.
Bennett, Darwin Herman, merchant, banker and public official of Bridport, Vt., was born May 18, 1853, in Bridport, Vt. He received the rudiments of his education in the Bridport common schools; and attended private schools in Vermont and Massachusetts. Since 1875 he has been a dealer in general merchandise at Bridport, Vt. ; and most of the time since 1875 has been postmaster; and for the past twenty-five years treasurer of the town. Since 1895 he has been a director of the National Bank of Middlebury, Vt., and its vice-president.
Bennett, Harry Wiggin, banker, born at Alton Bay, N. H., Feb. 6, 1866; son of S. C. and Mary Belle (Wiggin) Bennett; attended common schools; married, Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 23, 1891, Agnes P. Smith ; children: Thomas Wiggin, Dick Woolson, Harry Wiggin, Jr. Began business life in mercantile lines and became manager of Woolson Spice Co. at Kansas City, Mo. Later was for six years in the republic of Mexico; since 1902 in N. Y. City, engaged in banking and investment business; now head of firm of 11. NV. Bennett & Co. President F. H. Bennett Biscuit Co., Crimora Manganese Mines Corporation. Republican. Club: Lawyers. Residence: 301 W. 106 Ave. Office 15 Broad St., N. Y. City.
Bennett, James Albert, corporation official, of 4 Irving Pl., New York City, was born, Sterling, N. Y., about 1843; son of James and Emily Andrus (Douglass) Bennett; educated in common schools, Virginia, 1863; Eastman's Business Coll., Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; N. Y. Homoe. Med. Coll., M.D., 1871; married, N. Y. City, 1876, Matilda Booraem Wilmurt; children: James Albert, Jr. (deceased); Emily B. (Mrs. Robert M. Rogers); Matilda (Mrs. Leo C. Stern); Wilmurt A., Stanley R. Moved to N Y. City, 1864, and entered employ Manhattan Gas Light Co. Later Ass't chief clerk, then chief clerk; on consolidation of Gas Companies in 1884, appt'd asst supt., later supt. of Branch 2, Consolidated Gas Co. of N. Y. ; promoted ass't sec., 1901; treas., 1903, which office still holds. Also treas. Astoria Light, Heat & Power Co. ; v.-p. and dir. Andrew .1. Robinson Co., bld'rs ; mg'r Am. Tract Soc.; trustee Harlem Savings Bank; dir. U. S. Fire Ins. Co., and Ball Electric Illuminating Co. Independent Republican ; Baptist. Mem. N. Y. County Homoe,. Med. Soc., Cayuga Co., N. Y. Soc., Rapt. Social Union, Nat. Geog. Soc.; senior mem. Am. Inst. of Homoeopathy ; life mem. Masons, and N. E. Soc. Dir. Y.M.C.A., N. Y. City, Jennie Clarkson Home for Children, Valhalla, N. Y.; dir and treas. N. Y. City Baptist Mission Soc.; pres. B'd Trustees Southern N. Y. Baptist Ass'n.
Benoliel, Sol. D., electro-chemical engineer, born in New York City, June 1, 1874; son of David J. and Pauline (Wassermann) Benoliel. He was graduated from College of the City of New York, as B.S. in 1893, Columbia University School of Mines as E.E. in 1896, and from the Columbia School of Pure Science, with the degree of A.M. in 1896. 1897-1901, instructor electricity, physics and chemistry, Adelphi College, Brooklyn, N. Y. In 1901 and 1906, as general manager and electro-chemist of Roberts Chemical Company, Niagara Falls, N. Y., he perfected a new process for the production of caustic potash and chemically pure muriatic acid by means of the electric current; rebuilt company's entire plant after their fire on Sept. 14, 1905. He resigned from Roberts Chemical Company, Oct. 1896, to become general manager of the International Chemical Company of Camden, N. J. In 1899-1901, lecturer Brooklyn Institute, Arts and Sciences and Board of Education, New York City and Brooklyn. He is a member of the Treasurer Home and School League, city of Philadelphia, the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, National Geographic Society, and American Electro-Chemical Society. Mr. Benoliel married in New York City, June 1, 1897, Therese L. Lindeman, and they have three children. Address: 4508 Locust St., Philadelphia.
Bensley, Benjamin Arthur, University of Toronto, Toronto, Can., was born at Hamilton Can., Nov. 5, 1875. A.B., Toronto, 1896; Senff fellow, Columbia, 1899-1900, Ph.D., 02. F.R.S.C. Lecturer zool., Toronto, 1902-06, assoc. prof., 1906 ; prof., 1914; M.A.A.; Soc. Vert. Paleont.; Asst. Anat. General mammalian and marsupial evolution. Director of Royal Ontario Museum of Zoology.
Bentley, Gordon Mansir, educator and entomologist of Knoxville, Tenn., was born Sept. 23, 1876, in Great Barrington, Mass. received the degrees of B.S.A. and A.M. from Cornell College. Since 1908 he has been assistant professor of entomology in the University of Tennessee. Since 1909 he has been state entomologist of Tennessee.
Bentz, Charles A., of 84 Orange St., Buffalo, N. Y., was born, Buffalo, Feb. 20, 1879. M.D., Buffalo, 1902. Lecturer histol. and bacter., Buffalo, 1902-04, bacter., 1904-07, embroyol., 1910. Clin. pathologist, Erie Co. Hosp.; Sisters of Charity Hosp. Ass. Path. and Bact.; Buffalo Acad. Med. Trichinosis; rinophyma; tetanus; arthritis deformans, Avian tuberculosis.
Benzinger, Frederic, journalist, of New York City, was born Susquehanna, Pa., April 10, 1858; educated in public schools. Began in printing office, 1873; established Hornellsville (N. Y.) Daily News at 19; subsequently prop'r of newspapers at Cedar Rapids and Des Moines, Ia., and Omaha and Lincoln, Neb.; since 1892 on staff of Omaha Bee, Chicago Inter Ocean, and Chicago Record Herald; transferred from financial editorship latter paper to Washington at outbreak of Spanish-Am. War; correspondent at Paris, 1899-1900; N. Y. correspondent since 1902. Address: Times Annex, N. Y. City.
Bergen, Tunis G., lawyer of 160 Broadway, New York City, born Brooklyn, N. Y., May, 1848; son of Garret G. and Mary (Hubbard) Bergen; educated in Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, Rutgers College, A.B., 1867, University of Heidelberg, Doctor of Public Law, 1871, also University of Paris, 1872; married, Brooklyn, N. Y., January, 1881, Caroline McPhail. Engaged in practice of law in State and Federal courts and counsel for corporations and estates. President and director The Bogota City Railway Co. of South America, The Chapinero Co.: president and treasurer College Heights Land Co. of Niagara Falls; director National American Biography, and has been director of many banks and trust companies. President Board of Education of Brooklyn, 1886-91, State Commission of Charities, 1895-1900. Republican; member Reformed Dutch Church. President Board of Trustees, Brooklyn Heights Seminary: trustee Rutgers College; ex-president Holland Society of New York, St. Nicholas Society, member American Bar Association. Recreations: Forestry, axework. Clubs : Hamilton, Brooklyn Crescent Athletic, Lawyers, Delta Phi, Onteora, Lakewood Country.
Bergey, Henry Wilson, publisher of Lansdale, Pa., was born Jan. 18, 1875. He served six years in the National Guard of Pa.: stove maker for ten years; stove salesman for ten years and editor and publisher for three years. He is editor of News-Republican at Lansdale; president of Musicians Union, Quakertown, Pa.: manager of Lansdale Military Band, Lansdale.
Bergman, John Williams, banker ; born, Astoria, Ore.. Jan. 8, 1884; son, John and Lena (Moy) B. M.A., Albany College, Albany, Ore.. 1903. Married. Isabella F. Kyle, Sept. 6, 1911, at Florence. Ore. Dir., First National Bank, North Bend, Ore.; cashier and Dir., Lane County State and Savings Bank, Florence, Ore.; treasurer. town of Florence. Address: Florence, Ore.
Berlin, Frederick Augustus, lawyer; born, Beverly, Randolph Co., W. Virginia, Aug. 1, 1848; son, George W. and Susan Miranda (Holt) B. Edu.: Shemariah Academy, Augusta Co., Virginia; one year, Roanoke College, Salem, Virginia; two years, Washington and Lee Univ., Lexington, Virginia; three years, Univ. of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, LL.B., 1871. Married, Priscilla Smoot, May 28, 1890, at San Francisco, Cal. Admitted to practice law in the State of Virginia in August, 1871; practiced in partnership with his father G W. Berlin, for three years at Harrisonburg, Virginia In November, 1874, went to Savannah, Ga., and was there admitted to practice in State and Federal Court ; remained there three months and went to California, Feb. 19, 1875 ; admitted to practice in all courts of California. Had office in San Francisco until Apr. 18, 1906, when office was burned in the great conflagration; three years thereafter office was in Alameda. Since Nov. 1, 1909, has had office in Oakland. Pres. Interlocking Stone Co., and dir. in a number of large corporations. As atty. has incorporated and advised some of the largest water companies, banks, commercial and mining corporations in California and Nevada. Has been atty. for many large estates and has been atty. in much important litigation in California during last 37 years. Has always practiced law individually in California; practice has been general. Life member San Francisco Law Library; active member of the Natl. Union, a fraternal ins. organization. One of the oldest members of the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity, which now has a membership of over 8,000. Member and elder Presbyterian Church. Democrat. Residence 1525 Chestnut St., Alameda, Cal. Office: 410 Central Bank Bldg., Oakland, Cal.
Berry, Charles Roser, assistant to vice-president Chicago Great Western Rd. Office, St. Joseph, Mo. Born, Feb. 27, 1864, in Collins County, Tex. Educated in the public schools. Entered railway service, 1879, as night telegraph operator, roundhouse of Kansas City, St. Joseph & Council Bluffs Rd. at St. Joseph, Mo., since which he has been consecutively January, 1883, to January, 1885, with the St. Joseph & Des Moines Ry. operator and bill clerk Narrow Gauge Ry., also general work in operating department; January, 1885, to September, 1888, cashier in local freight office Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. at St. Joseph; September, 1888, to April 8, 1889, local freight agent Chicago, St. Paul & Kansas City Ry. at St. Joseph; April 8, 1889, to May 19, 1890, general southwestern agent same road in connection with other duties at that point with jurisdiction over territory south of Blocton, In.; May 19, 1890, to April 1, 1904, assistant general freight agent in charge of southwestern freight business of the Chicago, St. Paul & Kansas City Ry., now the Chicago Great Western Rd.; April 1, to Nov. 1, 1904, assistant general freight agent Pere Marquette Rd. at Chicago, Ill.; Dec. 1, 1904, to June 1, 1910, assistant general freight agent Chicago Great to Western Ry. at St. Joseph, Mo.; June 1, 1910, to date, assistant to vice-president same road, same place.
Berryman, Jerome Woods, president Kansas Bankers' Association was born March 12, 1870, in Arcadia, Mo. He was educated at the Bellevue Collegiate Institute of Caledonia, Mo. the is president of the Stockgrowers' National Bank of Ashland, Kan.; and is prominently identified with the business and public affairs of his community. He has been councilman and mayor of his city; served two terms as a representative in the Kansas state legislature; and resides in Ashland, Kan.
Berwind, Edward Julius, financier, born, Philadelphia, June 17, 1848; graduated from U. S. Naval Academy, 1869, appointed ensign 1870, master, 1872, retired 1875; title changed to lieutenant (junior grade), 1883; married Herminie Torrey. President Berwind-White Coal Mining Co., International Coal Co., Havana Coal Co., Ocean Coal Co., Wilmore Coal Co., member Board of Managers of Girard Trust Co. of Philadelphia; trustee Fifth Avenue Trust Co.; vice-president and director New York & Porto Rico Steamship Co. ; director Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co., Cuba Co., International Mercantile Marine Co., Interborough-Metropolitan Co., Guaranty Trust Co., National Bank of Commerce, Newport Trust Co., New River & Pocahontas Consolidated Coal Co.. Republic Iron and Steel Co., Santa Fe, Prescott & Phoenix Railway, Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Co., Tintic Co., Virginia & Southwestern Railway Co., Virgin Iron. Coal and Coke Co., Windber National Bank. Member U. S. Naval Academy Alumni Association, Metropolitan Museum of Art, American Geographical Society, American Museum of Natural History. Clubs: University, Union, Metropolitan, Riding, Racquet and Tennis, New York Yacht, Turf and Field, Army and Navy (N. Y. City); Philadelphia, Metropolitan (Washington); Union (Boston), and a member of a score of other corporations and societies. Residence: 2 East 64th St. Office: 1 Broadway. N. Y. City.
Beyer, Charles William Henry, banker; born in Greifswald, Prussia, Dec. 17, 1843; son of Christian Friedrich and Marie (Hertel) Beyer; educated in public schools of Greifswald, and district country school; married, Evanston, Ill., Jan. 27, 1869, Emma S. Angle; children: Harold L. and Edith M. Clerk in country store four years in Champaign, Ill.; bank clerk in D. Gardner & Co.'s Bank four years, and Preston, Kean & Co.'s Bank in Chicago eleven years. Went to Grinnell, Ia., 1877, and started a mortgage loan business, which still conducts: started banking business, 1905. Member C. W. H. Beyer & Co., bankers; treasurer Interior Telephone Co. Republican; Congregationalist. Member American Bankers' Assn, Iowa State Bankers' Assn. 32° Mason. Clubs: Fortnightly, Illinois Athletic (Chicago), Des Moines (Des Moines, Ia.). Residence: 809 High St. Office: 821 Fourth Ave., Grinnell.
Beyer, Harold Le Grand, lawyer, banker; born in Chicago, Ill., Oct. 24, 1876; son of C. W. H. and S. Emma (Angle) Beyer; graduated from Grinnell College, 1898, and from Harvard Law School, 1902; married in Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1908, Florence E. Johnson. President of Interior Telephone Co. of Grinnell, Ia., and of Iowa Independent Telephone Assn.; director Independent Telephone Association of America. Admitted to the bar in Illinois,, 1902, and in Iowa, 1905. Member of firm of C. W. H. Beyer & Co.. bankers, of Grinnell. Ia. City solicitor of Grinnell, Ia. Republican; Congregationalist. Member Harvard Law School Assn. Member Phi Beta Kappa, Beta Chapter of Iowa, Malone Society Club: Des Great Britain; Club, Mason. Des Moines Ia.; Grinnell Baseball. Country Club. Residence: 1414 Broad St. Office: 817 Fourth Ave., Grinnell.
Bianchi, Eugenia, Jr., who traces his ancestry back to the noble family of the Conti (Counts) di Campagna, lawyer, born, San Francisco, March 23, 1865; son of Eugenio and Giovanna de Campagna-Bianchi. Educated, private tutors. attended common, granular and high schools, California ; Law Dept., Univ. of California : Hastings College of Law, 1885-86: LL.B;., Univ. of Padua, Italy. Married, Signorina Carmelina Gandolfo (Countess Gandolfo), 1895. Linguist. Took course in med. juris. Member, N.S.G.W., L.O.O.M., Fraternal Order of Eagles. Republican. Residence: Redwood City, San Mateo County, Cal. Office : 57 Post St., San Francisco, Cal.
Bibbins, Arthur Barneveld, The Somerset, 2600 Maryland Ave., Baltimore, Md., was born in Hanover, Mich., Aug. 6, 1860. Ph.B., Albion, 1887; Hopkins, 1887-89. Curator. Goucher, 1892. Commissioner of Baltimore Public Schools, 1913; chairman Nat. Star Spangled Banner Centennial Commission; secretary Congressional Key Monument Commission, 1914. Men. Md. Geol. Surv.; U. S. Geol. Surv. F.A.A.; Geol. Soc.; Nat. Geog. Soc.; Wash. Geol. Soc. The Potomac group.
Bickmore, Albert H., investment banker, born, Martinsville, Me., 1869 ; son, William II. and Margaret A. (Martin) Bickmore; grad. Colby Univ., A.B., 1893; married, Camden, Me., Oct. 2, 1901, Myrtle L. French. Senior mem. firm of A. H. Bickmore & Co., bankers. Director Nat. Light, Heat & Power Co., Union Securities Co. (pres.), Taylorville Gas & Electric Co., Pana Gas & Electric Co., Marshall Gas and Electric Co., Lexington Gas & Electric Co., City Gas & Electric Co. of Paris, Jerseyville Illuminating Co., Charleston Illuminating Co., Hoosick Falls Illuminating Co., Bennington Electric Co., Springfield Coal Mining Co. Republican. Mem. Delta Upsilon fraternity, Phi Beta Kappa. Recreation: Yachting. Clubs : Union League, St. Nicholas, Graduates, Lawyers, Atlantic Yacht. Residence: 300 71st St. Address: 111 Broadway, N. Y. City.
Bielman, Charles Frederick, transportation officer; born, Detroit, Mich., April 20, 1859 ; son of Frederick and Ellen (Dailey) Bielman; educated in public schools of Casco, Mich., until age of 12 ; married, Detroit, Mich., Jan. 22, 1890, Kate Barium; two children. Was clerk in general store and post office at Marine City, Mich., 1873-80; purser on one of Detroit & Cleveland steamers, between Detroit and Mackinac, 1880-86; secretary and traffic manager for White Star Line steamers, and predecessors since 1886; secretary and treasurer Stewart Transportation Co. since 1892; director of Marine Savings Bank of Detroit four years until bank was sold to Dime Savings Bank. Held the contract with the U. S. for delivering mail to passing boats at Detroit, ever since service was established fifteen years ago. One of charter members of Detroit Board of Commerce, and president, 1905-06. Republican; Catholic. Member American Association, General Passenger and Ticket Agents, and Central Passenger Association. Clubs: Athletic, Detroit, Harmonie Society, Detroit Whist, Detroit Transportation. Residence: 285 Hancock Ave., West. Office: Foot of Griswold St., Detroit.
Bieser, Charles W., banker, born, Cincinnati, 0., 1867; son of Charles and Louise (Fuhrman) Bieser; educated in common schools and Commercial College; married, Columbus, O., June 10, 1896, Flora S. Gruen; four sons. Vice-president First Savings & Banking Co.; treasurer Dayton Iron Store Co.; secretary Dakota Land Co.; proprietor Everybody's Book Shop; also connected with several other corporations. Served as chief clerk of Probate Court; clerk of Court of Common Pleas and Circuit Court; postmaster of Dayton, O.; chairman Republican city, county and district committees. Republican; Lutheran. Mason, Elk, member Eastern Star. Residence: 48 Cambridge Ave. Office: 21-23 W. Fifth St., Dayton.
Bigelow, Willard Dell, chemist; born at Gardner, Kan., May 31, 1866; son of William I. and Jennie (Lytle) Bigelow. He was graduated from Amherst College in 1889, and went to Oregon, where he was professor of chemistry in the Oregon State College for a year, then instructor in chemistry in the high schools of Washington, D.C., for a year; and in July 1, 1891, he became chemist in the U.S. Department of Agriculture; was chief of the Division of Foods from 1901 to 1913, assistant chief of the Bureau of Chemistry from 1903 to 1913, a member of the Board of Food and Drug Inspection from January to June, 1913. Since June 1, 1913, chief chemist, National Canners' Association, Washington, D.C. He was professor of chemistry in the National University at Washington from 1893 to 1898. Professor Bigelow married at College Park, Md., April 9, 1896, Nancy M. Nesbit. Address: National Canners' Association, Washington, D.C.
Biles, George P., freight traffic manager Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific Ry. Office: Cincinnati, O. Born, July 18, 1857, in Dorset County, England. Entered railway service, 1872, in England as ticket clerk, London Brighton & South Coast Ry. at London Bridge Station, London; came to the United States in the latter part of 1883, since which he has been consecutively to Jan. 1, 1884, rate clerk in general freight department Alabama Great Southern Ry. at Chattanooga, Tenn.; Jan. 1, 1884, to 1886, rate clerk general freight department Queen & Crescent System at Cincinnati, O.; 1886 to 1888, chief rate clerk same department; 1888 to Oct. 15, 1895, assistant general freight agent same system at Cincinnati; Oct. 15, 1895, to Jan. 1, 1907, general freight agent Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific Ry., and in 1907-09 was freight traffic manager same road and of the Alabama Great Southern Ry. at Cincinnati. Since 1909 he has been freight traffic manager of the Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific Ry. at Cincinnati.
Bill, Edward Lyman, editor, publisher, author. Eighth generation in America. Descended from William Bill, who was the first Dean of Westminster, and who held the position of Master of Trinity and Provost of Eton, and who lies buried in the Dean's Chapel Westminster Abbey. On the maternal side from Elder William Brewster, who wrote, in the cabin of the Mayflower, the first American Constitution. Was born at Lyme, Conn., June 5, 1862; son of John W. and Prudence (Gallup) Bill; attended Wesleyan Univ. and Conn. Normal Sch.; married, Lyme, Conn., Feb. 12, 1889, Caroline Lee Raymond; children: Hester R., J. Raymond, Edward Lyman, Jr. Editor and publisher The Music Trade Review, The Talking Machine World, El Mundo. Author: The Last of the Danvers; The Sword of the Pyramids; Hitting the Thought Trail. Officer in Dakota Territorial Militia; treas. N. Y. Comm'n to La. Purchase Exp'n, 1903-04; mem. B'd Ed'n, New Rochelle. Mem. Nat. Geog. Soc., Shriner; mem. Sons of Revolution, Mayflower Soc. Clubs: N. Y. Press, Republican, Masonic, Wykagyl Country. Residence: Rochelle Park, New Rochelle, N. Y. Address: 373 Fourth Ave., N. Y. City.
Billingsley, Nathan B., president Pittsburgh, Lisbon & Western Railroad. Office : Lisbon, O. Born, October 9, 1850, in Columbiana County, O. Educated at Mount Union College. Admitted to the bar of the state of Ohio in 1873. Soon thereafter became local counsel for two railroad companies in Ohio, and became general counsel for the predecessor of the Pittsburgh, Lisbon & Western in 1882. Became president of The Pittsburgh, Marion & Chicago Railway Company in 1888, which office he resigned in 1893. In that year he was appointed a judge of the Court of Common Pleas, which office he resigned in 1895, and again became general counsel for The Pittsburgh, Marion & Chicago Railway Company, and general counsel of The Pittsburgh, Lisbon & Western Railroad Company on the organization of that company as the successor of the Pittsburgh, Marion & Chicago in 1896. In 1902 was elected president of The Pittsburgh, Lisbon & Western, which office he has ever since held. Is general counsel of The East Liverpool Traction & Light Company and allied railroads; also engaged in the general practice of law as a member of the firm of Billingsley, Moore & Van Fossan, Lisbon, O.
Bingham, Robert Worth, lawyer and jurist of Louisville, Ky., was born Nov. 8, 1871, in Orange County, N. C. He has been county attorney, mayor of his city and chancellor of the Jefferson Circuit Court. He is president of the Kentucky Children's Home Society; and president of the Board of Children's Guardians. He is vice-president of the Danville Water Company; and vice-president of the Louisville Carriage Company.
Bird, Claire B., lawyer of Wausau, Wis., was born Oct. 27, 1868, in Jefferson, Wis. He received a common school and academic education; and has attained success in the practice of law. In 1896 he was elected city attorney; and is now president of the Wisconsin State Bar Association.
Bird, George E., associate justice state Supreme Court of Maine, was born Sept. 1, 1847, in Portland, Maine. He was educated in the public schools of his native city; in 1869 received the degree of A.B. from Harvard; and subsequently received the degree of LL.D. from Bowdoin. In 1895 he was United States attorney for the Maine district; in 1893-95 was a representative in the Maine state legislature; and since 1907 he has been president of trustees of the North Yarmouth Academy. Since 1908 he has been associate justice of the state Supreme Court of Maine for term ending in 1915; and resides in Portland, Me.
Bird, Robert Montgomery, of University, Virginia Chemistry. Was born Petersburg, Virginia, June 13, '67. A.B., B.S., Hampden-Sidney, '97; Ph.D., Hopkins, '01. Prof. science and math., Frederick Col., Md., '98-'99 ; acting prof. chem., Miss. Agr. and Mech. Col., '01-'02; acting prof. agr. chem. and chemist, Agr. Exp. Sta., Missouri, '02-'03, instr. agr. chem., '03-'05, asst. prof., '05-'06, acting prof., '06-'07; prof. chem., Virginia, '07-. F.A.A.; Chem. Soc. Certain reactions of orthosulphobenzoic acid; methods of analysis; the association of vanadium and petroleum; positive ions from non-metallic elements, etc.; editor of Modern Sc. Readers; author Typical Reactions of General Chem. (1912); A Text-book of General Chemistry (1914).
Bishop, Clayton Henry, banker; born Mt. Liberty, Ohio, June 11, 1860; son of Allen S. and Ann Jeanett (Wayland) Bishop; educated Mt. Liberty high School; married Mt. Vernon, Ohio, Jan. 14, 1881, Elizabeth Bennington; children: Ray B., Guy C. President The Centerburg Savings Bank Company; Farmers' Fertilizer Company; secretary and manager the Centerburg Building and Loan Company; director The Cleveland Natl. Fire Ins. Co., The Capital Limestone Co., The Pataskala & Hebron Telephone Co., The Johnstown & Croton Telephone Co., The Central Ohio Telephone Co.; senior member Bishop, Bishop & Darling, insurance and real estate. Republican; Methodist, Mason, Knight of Pythias. Address: Centerburg.
Bishop, Henry Alfred, director of corporations; born Bridgeport, Conn., Dec. 4, 1860; son of William B. and Julia Ann (Tomlinson) Bishop; educated in Yale College with class of 1884, did not graduate; married, Bridgeport, Conn., Feb. 6, 1883, Jessie Alvord Trubee. Engaged as general ticket agent 1881-1883; purchasing agent 1883-1885; assistant superintendent 1885-1886, Naugatuck Railroad; served as superintendent of Housatonic Railroad and later general superintendent of same and its branches; purchasing agent New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad, 1887-1902; acting vice-president and vice-president West Virginia Central and Pittsburgh and Western Maryland Railroads, 1902-1903, when resigned; now vice-president Pacific Iron Works, Herrick Complete Combination Co., Keystone Brake Shoe Co., Clapp Fire Resisting Paint Co.; director Read Carpet Co., Western Union Telegraph Co., American District Telegraph Co. of New Jersey, American Gramophone Co. of New Jersey, Connecticut Metal Co., Connecticut National Bank. Democratic candidate for secretary of state of Connecticut, 1888, and for lieutenant governor, 1904; member Connecticut House of Representatives, 1886; president Board of Police Commissioners of Bridgeport, Conn., 1888-1890. Episcopalian. Trustee Bridgeport Orphan Asylum; director Bridgeport Hospital, St. Vincent's Hospital, Connecticut Humane Society; president Bridgeport Public Library and Bridgeport Boys' Club; member Sons of American Revolution, Society of Colonial Wars, Bridgeport Scientific and Historical Society, Mason (32°), Knight Templar. Clubs: Algonquin, Seaside, Brooklawn, Country, University, Bridgeport Yacht, Governor's Staff Association, Metabetchouan Fishing and Game, Union, New York Yacht, Yale, Strollers', Manhasset Bay Yacht, Oldguard, New York Railroad, Bridgeport Democratic Ass'n, Transportation (New York) ; New England Railroad, Lincoln Farm Association (Maryland). Address: Bridgeport.
Bishopp, Fred Corry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Entomology. Virginia Dale, Colo., Jan. 14, 1884. B.S., Colo. Agr. Coll., 1902; fellow, 1902-03. Asst. prof. entom. and zool., Md. Coll. and asst. state entomologist, 1904; special field agent, bur. entom., U. S. Dept. Agr., 1904-08; agent and expert, 1908. F.A.A.; Ass. Econ. Entom.; Entom. Soc. of America; Washington Entom. Soc.; Tex. Acad. Cotton insect pests. Life histories and economic features of the ticks of North America, Medical and Veterinary Entomology.
Bispham, David Scull, musician and opera singer; born in Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 5, 1857; son of William D. and Jane (Scull) Bispham. He was educated at Haverford (Pennsylvania) College, in the class of 1876. He began his musical career as an amateur; studied for the operatic stage and made his first appearance as a professional as the "Due de Longueville" in The Basoche, by Messager, at the Royal English Opera in London, in November, 1891. Since then he has been singing the principal baritone roles in German, French and Italian with the Royal Opera Company, Covent Garden, London, and the Metropolitan Opera Company in New York City. He entered into theatrical management in London, in November, 1906, producing and singing the title role in the romantic opera, "The Vicar of Wakefield," the music by Liza Lehmann. Mr. Bispham's recitals of classical songs are famous throughout the musical world. Address: Hotel Royalton of 44 West 44th St., New York City.
Bissell, Herbert Porter, jurist, Supreme Court Chambers, Buffalo, N. Y., was born, New London, Oneida Co., N. Y., Aug. 30, 1856; son, Amos Alanson and Susan Amelia (Willse) Bissell; prepared at DeVeaux Coll., Suspension Bridge, N. Y.; and at Gymnasium Catharinarium, Braunschweig, Germany; grad. Harvard Coll., A.B., 1880; married, 1883, Lucy Agnes Coffey; children : Mary R., Harriott A., Lucy A. Admitted to bar, 1883; mem. firm Bissell, Sicard, Bissell & Carey until 1896; afterwards of Bissell & Riley. Appt'd judge Supreme Court, 8th judicial dist. Nov. 9th, 1912, and elected to a full term of 14 years Nov. 4th, 1913. Democrat. Candidate for mayor of Buffalo, 1901; formerly pres. B'd of Ed'n, East Aurora, N. Y. Trustee DeVeaux Coll., 1887-1899 ; major and judge advocate N. G. N. Y., 1885-1893; on 8th Brigade staff. V.-p. The Niagara Gorge R. R. Co. Vestryman Episcopal Ch. Mem. N. Y. State Bar Ass'n, Lawyers Club of Buffalo, Sons Am. Revolution. Clubs: Ellicott (pres.), Buffalo, Harvard (Buffalo), Transportation, University (N. Y. City).
Bjornson, Gunna B., (republican), was born in Iceland, August 17, 1872, and came to America when four years of age. He has lived in Lyon County, Minnesota, for thirty-six years. He is in the newspaper business and has been editor and publisher of the Minnesota Mascot, published at Minneota, Minnesota, since April 15, 1900. He is married and lives in the village of Minneota, Lyon County.
Black, Ebenezer Charlton, educator and author, of 50 Kirtland St., Cambridge, Mass., was born June 18, 1861, in Liddesdale, Scotland. In 1875-82 he attended the Edinburgh university, and in 1902 received the degree of LL.D. from Glasgow university. In 1893-1907 he was director of the language and literature department of the New England conservatory of music; and since 1900 has been professor of English literature in the Boston university. He is the author of Early Songs and Lyrics; a Shakespeare Handbook; and other works.
Black, Ralph Peters, engineer maintenance of way, Kanawha & Michigan Ry. Office Charleston, W. Virginia Born Feb. 22, 1881, at Sylvania, Ga. Graduated from University of South at Sewanee, Tenn., 1901, with degree of A.B.; 1901 to 1902, post graduate course Columbia University, New York. Entered railway service June, 1902, since which lie has been consecutively to Sept., 1905, assistant on engineering corps Pittsburgh division Pennsylvania lines west of Pittsburgh; Sept., 1905, to Sept., 1907, assistant on engineering corps Indianapolis division same lines acting as resident engineer in charge of second track construction; Sept. 19, 1907, to Feb. 19, 1908, division engineer eastern division Toledo & Ohio Central Ry.; Feb., 1908, to July, 1910, division engineer Kanawha & Michigan Ry.; July, 1910, to date, engineer maintenance of way same road. Is member American Society of Civil Engineers and a member of the American Railway Engineering Association.
Blackman, Frederick Leonard, congressman, was born Sept. 15, 1873, in Polk County, Ga. For four years he was city attorney of Anniston, Ala.; and in 1900-10 was a member of the Alabama State Senate. He was elected a member of the sixty-second congress and re-elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15 ; and resides in Anniston, Ala.
Blackstone, Harriet, portrait painter of Glencoe, Ill., was born in New Hartford, N.Y. She was a pupil of Julian Academy in Paris. Member Chicago Society of Arts; American Women's Art Association, Paris; Society International of Arts and Letters, Paris.
Blackwell, Francis Ogden, consulting engineer; born in New York City, June 23, 1867 ; son of James and Augusta (Mills) Blackwell. He was graduated. from Princeton University with the degree of C.E. in 1887, and immediately thereafter began practice as an engineer, and he is now a member of the firm of Viele, Blackwell & Buck, consulting engineers. He has been identified as electric and hydraulic engineer in the construction and equipment of many large power plants. Mr. Blackwell is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, British Institution of Civil Engineers, American Institute of Electrical Engineers, American Institute of Mining Engineers, and the University, Princeton and Engineers Clubs. He married Anita Searles of New York City. Residence: Englewood, N. J. Office: 49 Wall St., New York City.
Blaine, George W., banker and grape grower; born North East, Pa., March 6, 18849; son of A. W. and Sarah (Platt) Blaine; educated in North East High School; married, North East, Pa., Sept. 25, 1872, Annie M. Hampson; one daughter, Ruth H., born 1877 (died 1879). President First National Bank of North East, Pa., Blaine-Mackay-Lee Company, Merchant Mills and Coal Company, North East Cider Works Company, American Beauty Stove Company, Erie, Pa.; owner of the Blaine Grape Juice Company, North East, Pa. Republican; Presbyterian. President North East Cemetery Association; president Erie County Horticultural Society. Club: North East (president). Address: North East.
Blair, Francis G., state superintendent of public instruction of Springfield, Ill., was born in October., 1864, in Nashville, Ill. He graduated from the Illinois State Normal University, received the degree of B.S. from Swarthmore College, and the degree of LL.B. from Colgate's University. He has been a teacher, principal and superintendent of schools in Illinois and Buffalo, N. Y.; and supervisor of the training department in the Eastern Illinois Normal School. Since 1906 he has been superintendent of public instruction for the State of Illinois.
Blair, Robert W., lawyer, of Topeka, Kan., was born March 17, 1865, in Doylestown, Pa. He is engaged in the general practice of law; is general attorney for the Union Pacific Railway Company: and has filled various positions of trust and honor.
Blair, Watson Franklin, financier and capitalist of 720 Rush St., Chicago, Ill., was born Jan. 29, 1854, in Michigan City, Ind. He is a director of the Chicago Corn Exchange National Bank. He is first vice-president of the Field museum of natural history.
Blake, Clarence John, physician; born in Boston, Massachusetts, Feb. 23, 1843 ; son of John H. and Sarah Anna (Howe) Blake. He studied medicine at Harvard University graduating from the medical school in 1865 with the degree of M. D., and from the medical department of the University of Vienna, Austria, in 1867. After some years in graduate study abroad at Vienna, Austria, and Munich, Bavaria, Dr. Blake returned to the United States, and, settling in his home city, began to practice his profession. He has specialized in diseases of the ear and particularly in practical research work, including telephony. In 1871 he was connected with the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary as aural surgeon and in the same year was appointed instructor in otology at the medical school of Harvard University, becoming professor in 1890. From 1879 to 1882 he was editor of the American Journal of Otology. He is a member (and former president) of the American Otological Society, and of various medical and scientific societies. He is author, in collaboration with Dr. Henry Bridge Reik, of: Operative Otology, published in 1906, and of numerous papers on acoustics and otology. Address: 226 Marlborough Street, Boston, Mass. Member Royal Medical Society, Budapest; president Ninth Otological International Congress; fellow American College of Surgeons; emeritus professor of otology Harvard University, 1913.
Blakeslee, Francis Durbin, clergyman and educator of 612 Y.M.C.A. Building, Binghamton, N. Y., was born in Vestal, N. Y. He received the degrees of A.B., A.M., D.D., Litt.D. He was clerk of quartermaster fiftieth N. Y. engineers at Rappahannock Sta., Virginia, December, 1863, to February, 1864; clerk of quartermaster general's office, Washington, D. C., February, 1864, to July, 1865; pastor Methodist Episcopal Church, Canisteo, N. Y., 1868; principal East Greenwich (R. I.) Academy, 1873-84; pastor Thames St. Methodist Episcopal Church, Newport, R. I., 1886-87; president Iowa Wesleyan University, 1899-1900; president Cazenovia (N. Y.) Seminary, 1900-08; superintendent Binghamton District Anti-Saloon League from 1908, lecturer and platform speaker. Member Phi Beta Kappa Society, Delta Kappa Epsilon.
Blanchard, George A., commissioner of Moultonboro, Carroll County, N. H., was born Oct. 16, 1863, in Sandwich, N. H. He was educated at the Beeder Academy. He is proprietor of The Homestead of Moultonboro, N. H.; and for six terms has been chairman of the board of selectmen, his present term ending in 1913. He is also commissioner of Carroll County for the term of 1910-1913. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias; has been a member of the board of education and filled various other positions of trust and honor.
Blanchard, James Armstrong, judge Supreme Court of New York, was born Aug. 16, 1845, in Henderson, N. Y. At the age of nine years he was taken by his parents to Fond du Lac, Wis., and while preparing for college he enlisted in the second Wisconsin volunteer cavalry; and was mustered out in 1865. In 1871 he graduated from Ripon College; and in the meantime taught school to pay his expenses. In 1873 he graduated from the law school of Columbia College of New York City; and soon attained prominence at the bar. In 1901 he was elected justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York for the term ending in 1915; and resides in New York City.
Blankemeier, Louis Frederic Carl, editor, b. June 8, 1854, at Schmalkalden, Thuringia; s. of a Hessian Secretary of Police; ed. in the Gymnasium at Marburg, and at St. Louis University; received the degrees of Bachelor of Philosophy; m. Laura Roebber, d. of the first German teacher of Kansas City, Mo.; has served as Manager and Managing Editor of the Catholic German paper, Herold des Glaubens, for the past 38 years; author of an Almanac, issued annually, called "Familienfreund"; is Secretary of the Catholic Knights of America. Address: Temple Bldg., St. Louis, Mo.
Blatch, Harriot Stanton, writer, lecturer, of 25 W. 45th St., New York City, was born at Seneca Falls, N. Y., Jan. 20, 1856, d. Henry B. and Elizabeth (Cady) Stanton; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B., 1878; A.M., 1893 (Phi Beta Kappa); m. London England, 1882, W. H. Blatch; one daughter, Nora Stanton, b. Basingstoke, Eng., 1883; grad. as civil eng'r, Cornell, 1905; mem. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng'rs. While living in Eng., 1882-1902, mem. of Evening Schs. Com., on the Exec. Com. of Fabian Soc., Women's Industrial Union, Local Government Soc., Women's Suffrage Soc., Franchise League. Made study of village conditions in Eng. under Charles Booth, the statistician. On exec. B'd Women's Trade Union League of N. Y.; mem. Corn. of Fifty to abolish tracks on 11th av.; v.p. and dir. Equal Franchise Soc.; pres. Women's Polit. Union, which numbers 17,000 members in Greater N. Y. Club: Women's University.
Bleakley, Cara Rogers, Pres. Gen. Daughters of Revolution, 536 N. Broadway, Yonkers, N. Y., was born, Norristown, Pa.; d. George W. and Cara (Bean) Rogers; grad. Elmira Coll., A.M.. 1879; m. 1894, Clarence L. Bleakley; children: G. Rogers, b. 1896; Paul L., b. 1899; Clarence H., b. 1902. Traveled extensively all over the world. Presby'n. Pres. Gen. Nat. Soc., Daughters of the Revolution. Clubs: Elmira Coll. (pres.). Conversational. (Norristown, Pa.), Travelers (Peekskill, N. Y.).
Blease, Coleman Livingston, governor of the state of South Carolina, was born in October, 1856, in Newberry County, S. C. He received his collegiate education at Newberry College; and graduated from the Georgetown Law School at Washington, D. C. In 1894-1900 he served three terms as a representative in the South Carolina State Legislature; and was twice elected speaker pro tem. He has been county chairman; a member of nearly all the state conventions; and for the past ten years has been a member of the State Democratic Executive Committee. He has also served three terms as city attorney of Newberry; and is a prominent member of the Improved Order of Red Men; Independent Order of Odd Fellows; Knights of Pythias; and Woodmen of the World. In 1905-09 he was member of the South Carolina State Senate; and was the president pro tem of that body. He was elected governor of South Carolina for the second term of 1913-15; and resides in Columbia, S. C.
Blehl, Ernest Mar, (M.A., E.E., A.I.A., F.A.S.), actuary, Philadelphia Life Ins. Co., Philadelphia, Pa.; b. at Philadelphia March 22, 1872; educated in the public schools; had degree of Master of Arts conferred on him by the Philadelphia High School, and of Electrical Engineer by Lehigh University in 1895; was made an Associate of Institute of Actuaries of Great Britain in 1906 and a Fellow of the Actuarial Society of America in 1912. He was appointed assistant in the actuarial department of the Penn Mutual Life Ins. Co. in 1900; actuary of the Security Trust and Life Ins. Co. in 1903, and actuary of the Philadelphia Life Ins. Co. in 1906. Address: North American Building, Philadelphia, Pa.
Bliss, Robert Woods, diplomat, was born St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 5, 1875; son William Henry and Annie Louise (Woods) Bliss: graduated Harvard Univ., A.B. 1900. Appt'd clerk in office of sec. of Porto Rico, Oct., 1900; private sec. to Gov. of Porto Rico, Sept., 1901 ; U.S. Consul at Venice, Italy, June, 1903; 2d sec. of embassy at St. Petersburg, Russia, Oct., 1904; sec. of legation at Brussels, Belgium, Jan., 1907; delegate to Internat. Conference to consider revision of the arms and ammunition regulations of the Gen. Act of Brussels of July 2, 1890, April, 1908; sec. of legation, Buenos Ayres, Argentine Republic, Aug., 1909; sec. of embassy, Paris, France, since Feb., 1912; attended Internat. Conference for the consideration of the question of the relief to aliens, held at Paris, Nov., 1912. Republican. Clubs: University, Harvard (N.Y. City), Metropolitan (Washington), Travellers, Cercle de l'Union (Paris). Residence: 6 E. 65th St., N.Y. City. Address: American Embassy, Paris, France.
Bloch, Lester W., lawyer, of 57 State St., Albany, N. Y., was born, Albany, N. Y., June 19, 1880; s. Emanuel and Helen (Wolfsheimer) Bloch; grad. Grammar Sch. No. 14, 1894; Albany High Sch., 1898; Union Coll.; Ph.B., 1902; Albany Law Sch., LL.B. 1904. In active practice since graduation, specialty being Federal and corp'n law; mem. bar of Commonwealth of Mass., U. S. Comm'r for Northern Dist. of N. Y., 1905-1913. Republican; Jewish religion. Mem. Albany County Bar Ass'n, Albany Law Sch. Alumni Assn, Washington Lodge 85, F. and A. M. (past master), Loyal Order of Moose (Dictator of Albany Lodge 909 and supreme trustee of the Order), Beta Theta Pi Fraternity, Nat. Legal Fraternity of Gamma Beta Gamma, Modern Woodmen of America, Eastern N. Y. Beta Theta Pi Alumni Ass 'n, Albany High School Alumni Ass'n. Clubs: City, Adelphi, Capital City, Unconditional Republican, Young Men's Republican.
Bloch, Louis James, educator, author, poet, was born in 1851, in Austria. Since 1895 he has been principal of the John Marshall high school of Chicago, Ill. He is the author of Dramatic Sketches and Poems; The New World and Other Verse; Capriccios; Many Moods and Many Minds, and The World's Triumph. Clubs : Cliff Dwellers, Chicago Literary, City Club, Twentieth Century. Address: 200 Maple Av., Oak Park, Ill.
Blodgett, Wells H., general counsel for Receivers, Wabash Rd. Office: St. Louis, Mo. Born 1839 at Downers Grove, Ill. Educated at the Illinois Institute at Wheaton, Ill. Entered railway service 1873 as assistant attorney St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern Rd., since which he has been consecutively, 1874 to 1879. general attorney same road; 1879 to 1884, general solicitor Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Ry.; 1884 to 1889, general counsel for receivers Wabash Lines; 1889, upon reorganization of the Wabash Co., to Aug. 8, 1901, general solicitor Wabash Rd.; Aug. 8, 1901, to Dec. 18, 1911, vice-president and general counsel same road; Dec. 18, 1911, to date, general counsel for receivers same road. Served through the war in the volunteer service ; received a "Congressional Medal of Honor" for distinguished gallantry and was mustered out in July 1865, as colonel of the Forty-eighth Regiment, Missouri Volunteers.
Blome, R. H. H., educator of Flagstaff, Ariz., was born Nov. 3, 1854, in Germany. He received the degree of Ph.D., at Jena, Germany, in 1900. He was teacher of physchology and pedagogy, Tempe Normal School of Ariz., nine years; teacher of psychology and pedagogy, principal of the Northern Arizona Normal School five years.
Blomeyer, Edward Franklin, Vice-President and General Manager Tennessee, Alabama & Georgia Rd. Office Chattanooga. Tenn. Born Feb. 20, 1863, at Farmington, St. Francois County, Mo. Educated in the common schools. Entered railway service 1881 as station agent St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Ry., since which he has been consecutively 1887 to 1889, master transportation Cape Girardeau Southwestern Ry.; 1889 to 1890, assistant superintendent same road; Feb., 1890 to Jan., 1893, superintendent St. Louis, Cape Girardeau & Fort Smith Hy.; Jan., 1893 to May, 1899, general freight and passenger agent, and Jan. 1, 1894, to May, 1899, also auditor same road; May, 1899, to Sept., 1900, auditor and general freight and passenger agent, and Jan. 1, 1894, to May, 1899, also auditor same road; May, 1899, to Sept., 1900, auditor and general freight and passenger agent Southern Missouri & Arkansas Rd. (successor to the St. Louis, Cape Girardeau & Fort Smith Ry.); Sept., 1900 to 1902, second vice-president and traffic manager same road; Nov., 1902, to Sept., 1903, general freight and passenger agent, St. Louis, Memphis & Southeastern Rd. ; Feb.. to Sept., 1903, also general freight and passenger agent St. Louis & Gulf Rd.; May, 1904, to Oct., 1905, president and general manager Manistique, Marquette & Northern Rd., at Milwaukee, Wis.: Oct., 1903, to March, 1906, also president and general manager Pere Marquette Steamship Co.; March, 1906, to Oct., 1910, assistant general freight agent Pere Marquette Rd.; Oct., 1910, to date, vice-president and general manager Tennessee, Alabama & Georgia Rd. at Chattanooga, Tenn.
Blossom, George W., assistant western general agent at Chicago National Fire Ins. Co., of Hartford, Conn.; b. in Dubuque, Ia., Oct. 1, 1854. He has been connected with fire insurance all his life. After some time spent in a local agency at Dubuque, He was employed for ten years in the western office of the German-American Ins. Co., and for three years in the Western office of the Connecticut Fire Ins. Co., since when he has held his present position. He is also a member of the Chicago local agency of Fred S. James & Co. Address: Insurance Exchange, Chicago, Ill.
Blue, Victor, Rear Admiral, U. S. Navy, born in Richmond County, N. C., Dec. 6, 1865; son of John G. and Annie M. (Evans) Blue. Was appointed to the Naval Academy from S. C., in 1883. Graduated in 1887. Commissioned Ass't Engineer, July 1, 1889; Ensign, Dec. 12, 1892; Lieut. (J. G.) Dec. 5, 1897 ; Lieut., March 3, 1899; Lieutenant Comdr., June 27, 1905; Commander, July 1, 1909 ; Captain, March 10, 1914. Served at sea in various parts of the world on the Quinnebung, Pensacola, Charleston, Thetis, Alliance, Bennington, Suwanee, Alvarado, Massachusetts, Oregon, Newark, Kentucky, North Carolina, Hist, and Yorktown. Commanded the Alvarado, Hist, and Yorktown. Was executive officer of the Suwanee, and commanded the Alvarado (captured from the Spaniards) during the Spanish-American War. Was flag lieutenant with Rear Admiral Kempff in the Philippines during the insurrection, and in North China during the Boxer uprising. Was flag lieutenant with Rear Admiral P. H. Cooper on the Asiatic Station in 1903-1904. Was Chief of Staff of the Pacific fleet in 1910-1911. Served on shore at the Union Iron Works, San Francisco, Cal., the Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md., Cramps Shipyard, Phila., Naval War College, Newport, R. I., Inspector of Ordnance at the Newport News shipyard, Virginia, with the General Board, Washington, D. C., and became Chief of Bureau of Navigation in the Navy Department with rank of rear admiral under Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels, March 26, 1913.
Blum, Edward Charles, merchant, of 422 Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. Y., was born, N. Y. City; s. Adolph and Ida Blum; ed. colleges in Germany and France; m. Florence Abraham; children: Alice I., b. 1895; Robert Edward, b. 1899. Mem. firm of Abraham & Straus, Brooklyn, N. Y. V.-p. Abrast Realty Co. treas. Flatbush Av. Realty Co.; trustee Kings County Trust Co., Security Safe Deposit Co., Brooklyn Inst. of Arts and Sciences. Republican. Pres. Jewish Hosp. of Brooklyn ; dir. Juvenile Probation Ass'n, Brooklyn Federation of Jewish Charities, Brooklyn League. Mem. N. Y. State Probation Comm'n, Fire Island State Park Comm'n, N. Y. Chamber of Commerce. Clubs: Brooklyn (dir), Montauk (dir), Islip Polo (dir), Riding and Driving (Brooklyn), South Side Yacht, South Shore Field, and City Club of N. Y.
Blumenfeld, Ralph David, journalist and author of London, England, was born April 7, 1864, in Watertown, Wis. In 1884 he was reporter on the Chicago Record-Herald; became correspondent of the United Press; and subsequently editor of the New York Evening Telegram. Since 1904 he has been editor-in-chief of the London Daily Express.
Boarman, Aleck, judge United States District Court of Louisiana, was born Dec. 10, 1839, in Yazoo City, Miss. He was educated in the Kentucky Military College. He served throughout the war as an officer in the Confederate army from Manassas to Appomatox. He began to practice law in 1866 at Shreveport. La. He was a representative from Louisiana to the forty-second congress; and was judge of the State District Court for one term. Since 1881 he has been judge of the United States District Court for the Western District of Louisiana for life term; and resides in Shreveport, La.
Boardman, Horace Prentiss, civil engineer of University of Nevada, Reno, Nev., was born Jan. 21, 1869, in Menasha, Wis. He had one year's work in civil engineering before entering University of Wisconsin in 1889, took the civil engineering course and graduated in 1894, having been absent for a year—from June, 1891, to Sept., 1892, when he was engaged in engineering work in Chicago and Memphis. He belonged to the University of Wisconsin, Association of Engineers, and to the Delta Upsilon Fraternity, and in 1904 was a member of the senior crew. Since 1897 he has been assistant engineer for the Chicago and Alton Railway Company; since Dec., 1894, he has been a member of the of Western Society of Engineers of Chicago; since Aug., 1901, he has been assistant engineer C. M. & S. P. Railway, bridge and building department; superintendent and has been professor of civil engineering at University of Nevada, Reno.
Boettcher, Claude Kedzie, banker; born Colorado, June 10, 1875; son of Charles and Fannie A. (Cowan) Boettcher: graduated from Harvard Univ., as an electrical engineer; married Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 29, 1890, De Allen McMurtrie; one son: Charles 2d. Vice.-president and general manager Imperial Electric Light, Heat & Power Co., St. Louis; Leadville Gas & Electric Light, Heat & Power Co., St. Louis; Leadville Gas and Electric Co., Western Packing Co., of Denver; National Fuse & Powder Co.; vice-president and director Denver Stock Yards Bank; secretary and treasurer Fourth Av. Realty Co. director Colorado Portland Cement Co., Western Packing Co.; partner in firm of Boettcher, Porter & Co., Bond investment securities. Republican; Episcopalian. Trustee Agnes Memorial Sanitarium. Clubs: Denver, Denver Country, Rocky Mountain, Harvard, Mile High, Overland Park. Residence: 701 Emerson St. Office: 436 Gas and Electric Building, Denver.
Boit, Robert Apthorp, business president and capitalist of 40 Kilby St., Boston, Mass., was born April 29, 1846, in Boston, Mass. He has been president of the Boston board of fire underwriters, president of the Boston associated board of trade, president of the Boston metropolitan improvement league and president of the Boston dispensary. He is a director of the Old Boston National bank, the Chicopee Manufacturing company, the New England Casualty company and various other corporations.
Bok, Edward William, editor of The Ladies' Home Journal: born in Helder, Netherlands, Oct. 9, 1863. He came to the United States at the age of six, became self-supporting during his boyhood, was a stenographer with the Western Union. Telegraph Company, and while yet a lad organized a literary syndicate, which, among other notable undertakings, handled the writings of Rev. Henry Ward Beecher. In 1884 he became connected with the publishing house of Henry Molt & Company, was subsequently with Scribner's, and in 1889 was selected to be editor of The Lades' Home Journal. Prior to his connection with the latter publication he was nationally known for his newspaper contributions on writers and their works. He is author of: The Young Man in Business; Successward; and also of a large number of incidental articles and contributions. He received in 1907, from Villa Nova College, the honorary degree of LL.D. He married Oct. 22 1896 Mary Louise Curtis. Residence: Swastika, Merion, Pa. Address: The Ladies' Home Journal, Philadelphia, Pa.
Bolduan, Charles Frederick, physician, bacteriologist, of 251 W. 93rd St. New York City, was born, Bielefeld, Germany, May 7, 1873; s. William and Juliane (Dreibholz) Bolduan; grad. Coll. Pharmacy, N. Y. City, Ph.G., 1893; Coll. Phys. and Surg. (Columbia Univ.), M.D., 1901,; special studies, Univ. of Berlin, 1903; m. N.Y. City, Sept. 15 1906, Adele Jonsson; one son, Nils W. Specialist in public health; formerly prof. bacteriology and hygiene, Fordham Univ. Ass't gen. med. officer Dep't of Health, N. Y. City, since 1904. Author: Immune Sera (3d edit.), 1908; Applied Bacteriology for Nurses; and numerous scientific articles on public health. Ass't editor N. Y. Med. Journal. Translator from German of: Serum Diagnosis; Collected Studies on Immunity; Suppression of Tuberculosis. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Ass'n, N. Y. Pathol. Soc., Am. Pub. Health Ass'n, Alumni Soc. St. Vincent's Hosp. Republican. Club: N. Y. BacteriologiCal.
Bollen, F. L., lawyer of Crofton, Neb., was born Jan. 18, 1875, in Wells, Minn, He is a member of the Nebraska State Legislature, 1913-15; chairman Committee on Judiciary and speaker pro tem of the House. He has never held a public office until 1913.
Bolles, Charles E., banker, merchant, farmer; born Vermont, Oct. 14, 1844; son of Lemuel and Mary Ann (Weaver) Bolles; educated Fulton Military School, Fulton, Ill., and Wheaton (Ill.) College; married, Du Page County, Ill., Sept. 19, 1867, Mattie Butterfield; one daughter, Maud Bolles Gale. First wife died April 14, 1910. May 15, 1912, married Jennie Brice of West Chicago, Du Page Co., Ill. Senior member Bolles & Rogers, dealers in hides, wool and fur, 1880-1908. President Avenue State Bank, Oak Park, Ill., 1900-1913, West Chicago State Bank, West Chicago, Ill., Minneapolis Wool Co., Minneapolis. Minn.; director Harlem State Bank, Forest Park, Ill.; 1913 resigned as president of Ave. State Bank, remains on board of director and loan and discount committee; 13th Illinois Infantry during Civil. War. Republican. Member Grand Army of Republic: Mason. Clubs: Union League (Chicago), Oak Park (Oak Park). Residence: 358 Lake St., Oak Park. Office: 127 W. Kinzie St., Chicago.
Bollinger, A. C., lawyer, jurist and statesman of Waterloo, Ill., was born Nov. 22, 1870, in Steeleville, Ill. He has been a member of the Illinois state senate; has been a presidential elector; and served as county judge. He is now a master in chancery; and president of the First National bank of Waterloo.
Bond, Henry, retired business man of Brattleboro, Vt., was born July 9, 1856, in Ware, Mass. In 1881-91 he was purchasing agent for the American Waltham Watch Company. In 1891-1900 he was assistant manager of the American Radiator Company, Buffalo, N. Y.; and in 1901-05 was chairman of the operating board of that concern at Chicago, Ill. He was president of the Chicago Baptist Social Union, president of the Massachusetts Baptist Missionary Society; also president of the Northern Baptist Convention, president of Vermont Baptist State Convention, and a member of the Legislature in Massachusetts.
Bookman, Samuel, of 9 E. 62d St., New York, N. Y., was born, New York, Dec. 11, '69. Columbia, '86-'91; Ph.D., Berlin, '95. Chemist, N. J. Zinc and Iron Co., '95-96: assoc. physiol. chem., path. inst., N. Y. State Hospitals, '96-'02; physiol. chemist, Mt. Sinai Hosp., '04-. F.A.A.; Chem. Soc.; Soc. Chem. Indust.; Chem. Gesell. Physiological chemistry.—Acid intoxications and metabolism ; pathological chemical investigations.
Booraem, John Van Vorst, engineer; residence 204 Lincoln place, Brooklyn. Born in Jersey City, N. J., Oct. 30, 1838. Educated at Mount Pleasant Academy, in Sing Sing, and polytechnic Institute of Karlsruhe Baden, Germany. (Married.) Director American Enameled Brick and Tile Co. For many years was consulting engineer to American Sugar Refining Co., resigned June 1898. Member Hamilton Club, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and American Chemical and Holland Societies.
Booraem, J. Francis, manager, 1 Madison avenue, New York City; residence 204 Lincoln place, Brooklyn. Born July 27, 1869. Educated at Sibley College, Cornell University ('91.) (Married.) President and treasurer of, Cinch Expansion Bolt and Engineering Co. of New York State, Booraem and Rohmer Patent Co. of New York State; secretary, treasurer and director American Enameled Brick and Tile Co. Member Psi Upsilon and Building Trades Clubs, American Society of Mechanical Engineers and veteran of Squadron "A," N. G. N. Y., college president of 816 Belmont St., Caldwell, Idaho, was born Nov. 5, 1860, in Canonsburg, Pa. He has been president of the College of Idaho, for twenty-three years. He is the author of History of Idaho, and Spring Blossoms.
Boos, Albert S., banker; born Somonauk, Ill., Nov. 14, 1866; son of Theodore and Minnie (Thomas) Boos; educated in public schools; married, Chicago, 111., Nov. 11, 1890, Ruth A. Barker (died May 31, 1906); one child: Harold V. Entered banking business in Chicago, 1887, with Park National Bank; afterwards (1888-1902) with Merchants' Loan and Trust Co., Chicago; assistant cashier of Colonial Trust & Savings Bank, 1902, and in 1907 organized Central State Bank at Jackson, Mich., 1909, cashier of North West State Bank, Chicago, and is director, secretary and treasurer North West State Safety Deposit Vault Co. Republican. Recreations: Amateur photography, fishing. Clubs: Chicago Bankers, Cook County Bankers. Residence: 2133 Alice Place. Office: 1608 Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago.
Booth, Ballington, pres. Volunteers of America, 34 W. 28th St., New York City, was born, Brighouse, Yorkshire, Eng.; s. Rev. William and Catherine (Mumford) Booth; ed. Bristol Prep. Sch. Taunton Collegiate Coll., and Nottingham Senn, England; m. London, England. Sept. 16, 1887, Maud Charlesworth; children: Charles, b. 1889; Theodora, b. 1893. Com'd Salvation Army in Australia, 1885-1887; in U. S., 1887-1896; founded, 1896, The Volunteers of America, Inc., a religious philanthropic org'n, of which has since been pres. Has traveled extensively almost around the world, holding various commands in connection with religious org'ns, and has covered over 250,000 miles in connection with evangelistic work. Writer and speaker.
Booth, Clarence M., general freight agent, Pere Marquette Rd. Office Detroit, Mich. Born Dec. 14, 1876, at Marietta, O. Graduated from high school, Toledo, O., 1894. Entered railway service 1894 as clerk Flint & Pere Marquette Rd., now the Pere Marquette Rd., since which he has been consecutively, May 1, 1896, to June 1, 1899, traveling freight agent same road at Toledo, O.; June 1, 1899, to Jan. 1, 1903, commercial agent same place; Jan, 1, 1903, to April 1, 1906, general eastern freight agent same road and Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton Ry. at New York; April 1, 1906, to Nov. 15, 1909, assistant general freight agent Pere Marquette Rd. at Chicago; Nov. 15, 1909, to date, general freight agent same road at Detroit, Mich.
Booth, Hiram Evans, lawyer; born near Postville, Ia., Oct. 25, 1860; son of Joseph and Caroline (Bishop) B.; descendant of ancient Booth family of Lancashire and Yorkshire, Eng. Educated public schools of Iowa, and private tutors; read law with Frank Shinn of Carson, Iowa. Married, Carrie M. Robinson (deceased) Aug. 26, 1886; second, Lillian B. Redhead, May 29, 1889, at Postville, Ia. Editor, manager and half owner Carson Critic, 1885-87; member law firm of Booth, Lee, Badger, Rich & Parke. Member Upper House of last Territorial Legislature of Utah, 1894; state senator, 1896; member Executive Committee Republican party, 1901; United States attorney for Utah since 1906. Judge advocate general since 1909; colonel on governor's staff, reappointed June, 1913. President Herald Republican Publishing Co., publishers of Salt Lake Herald. Republican. Club: Commercial (Salt Lake City). Member Wasatch Lodge, A. F. & A. M. Address : Salt Lake City, Utah.
Booth, Mary Ann, microscopist of 60 Darthmouth St., Springfield, Mass., was born Sept. 8, 1843, in Longmeadow, Mass. She was educated in the public schools of Longmeadow, at Wilbraham, Mass., academy, and elsewhere. Her scientific proclivities were inherited in part from her father, and during years of chronic invalidism she devoted much time to scientific research with the microscope, the study of the seaweeds having first attracted her attention to the study of biology, and acknowledgment is made in many scientific text books of her assistance in their preparation. She received first honor at the New Orleans Exposition in 1885, and a medal at the St. Louis Exposition in 1904, for her work in this department; was editor of Practical Microscopy. She is preparing photomicrographs of the specimens for the National Museum at Washington. Member American Microscopical Society, the New York Microscopical Society and the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, and various others.
Borah, William Edgar, United States senator from Idaho, was born June 29, 1865, in Wayne County, Ill.; was educated in the common schools of Wayne County, at the Southern Illinois Academy, Enfield, Ill., and at the Kansas State University, Lawrence; was admitted to practice law September, 1890, at Lyons, Kans., and devoted his entire time since exclusively to practice of law until elected to the United States Senate Jan. 15, 1907. His term of service will expire March 3, 1919. He is a resident of Boise, Idaho.
Borchers, Charles Martin, United States congressman from the Nineteenth District of Illinois, was born Nov. 18, 1869, in Lockville, Ohio. He is a lawyer and has been mayor of his city. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Decatur, Ill.
Borland, William Patterson, congressman, was born in Leavenworth, Kans., Oct. 14, 1867. He published in 1907 a text-book on The Law of Wills and Administrations; served on the municipal lobby of Kansas City at the Legislature of 1907, and drafted several laws relating to city government ; was elected April, 1908, member of the board of thirteen freeholders to draft new charter for Kansas City; charter as drafted was adopted by popular vote Aug. 4, 1908. He was elected to tie sixty-first, sixty-second and sixty-third congresses; and resides in Kansas City, Mo.
Borst, Henry V., resides in Amsterdam; was born at Cobleskill, N. Y., July 6, 1853; was educated at Brockport Normal School and Cornell University; taught school and studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1877; married Mattie Earner of Mineral Springs, N. Y., in June, 1878, and Alida Yerdon of Fort Plains, N. Y., in May, 1882; practiced law at Fort Plain, 1878-87; was district attorney of Montgomery county, 1884-86, and county judge, 1888-89; has practiced law at Amsterdam since 1888. Appointed Supreme Court Justice, February, 1913; elected for full term, November, 1914.
Borusky, Fred, educator, agriculturist and statesman of Wales, N. D., was born at Collins Centre, Erie County, N. Y in 1862. Received his education in the Chamberlain Institute, Gowanda Academy, Oberlin and Hillsdale Colleges. Came to North Dakota in 1886 and engaged in the occupation of teaching and is at present engaged in farming. Has held various minor school and township offices. He is married and has four children. He was elected representative as a Democrat. Representative North Dakota Legislature; Justice of the Peace. Strong advocate of equal suffrage, farm social life, cooperation. Fights gang rule, etc.
Bostwick, Frederick, librarian and genealogist of 144 Grove St., New Haven Conn., was born Sept. 15, 1852, in New Haven, Conn. For thirty-six years he was connected with the Yale college and Harvard college printing offices; and has been president of the Christian Endeavor union and the Chautauqua union of New Haven. He is librarian of the New Haven colony historical society; and registrar of the Connecticut society sons of the American revolution. He assisted in the preparation of the Loomis, Whitman, Dickerman, Winchester and other genealogies.
Boswell, Foster Partridge, educator and psychologist of Geneva, N.Y., was born Feb. 14, 1879, in Rochester, N.Y. He received the degrees of A.B., A.M., and Ph.D. from Hobart and Harvard. He has taught psychology in the University of Wisconsin and in the University of Missouri. Since 1908 be has been assistant professor of psychology and since 1911 professor of psychology and education at Hobart College.
Bourscheidt, Peter Joseph, president of the Widows and Orphans Fund of Springfield, Ill. B. February 27, 1855, Cologne, Rhineland, Germany; twice married; first, to Emma Schaefer, who died in 1894, and then to his present wife, Katie (Lammers); ed. primary and high schools of Cologne; studied pharmacy and passed the Illinois examination in July, 1884; in retail drug business from 1881 to 1908; was secretary D. R. K. Central Verein, a National German Catholic Association, which he helped to reorganize, from 1899 to 1907, and which more than doubled its membership during his term of office; President of "Marquette Life Ins. Co.," which he organized, and which is so far, the only legal Reserve Life Insurance Co., capitalized and controlled by Catholics only; contributes articles to Catholic German papers and periodicals; spent three years from 1878 to 1881, in Paris, France. Address: Peoria, Ill.
Bovard, Freeman Daily, Editor; Minister; born, Alpha, Ind., Jan. 9, 1851; son, James and Sarah (Young) B. Edu.: public schools; Hanover College; A.B., De Pauw Univ., 1875; A.M., 1878; D.D., 1889; Ph.D., Ill. Wesleyan, 1890. Married, Sallie M. North, June 28, 1875, at Jeffersonville, Ind. Entered the Methodist Episcopal Ministry, 1874; Pastor, Riverside, Cal., 1875; Pastor, Orange, 1876-79; Pastor, Santa Barbara, 1879-80; Vice-pres., and Prof. of Mathematics, Univ. of Sou. Cal., 1880-85; Pastor of Bush St., San Francisco, 1885-87; Supt., of San Francisco District, 1887-93; Pastor, Alameda First Church, 1893-98; Executive Secy. for Relief of the Churches in Cal. from Taxation, 1899; Editor, "Cal. Christian Advocate," since 1900, and member of the General Conferences, 1900, 1904, 1908, 1912. Member of the Ecumenical Conference, 1911, at Toronto. Office: 1913 Corresponding Secretary of the Board of Home Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Residence: 1026 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Bowdle, Stanley E., United States congressman from the first district of Ohio, was born Sept. 4, 1868. He is a lawyer; and has lectured extensively. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Bowen, Alfred Thomas, lawyer; born Hancock Co., Tenn., March 12, 1866; son of Jason Y. and Ruth A. (Lea) Bowen; paternal grandfather Jesse Bowen; maternal grandmother Sallie (Durham) Bowen; maternal grandfather, Archer Lea; maternal grandmother Lucinda (Hendrix) Lee; English descent; father's occupation farmer; educated Sneedville, McKinney High School; married Amanda J. Baker, June 6, 1884; member of I. O. O. F., K. of H., A. U. O. W., W. O. W., Consul M. W. A., and Rep. to State Camp in 1908; early business teaching and merchandising; served as J. P. years 1890-2; Alderman and City Attorney, Rogersville four years. Resides at Knoxville. Member firm of Bowen & Anderson, prominent attorneys; member of firm of Bowen & Thompson, at Rogersville; former special Circuit Judge and special Chancellor; candidate for circuit judge, Republican 1910, but finally declined nomination on account of split in party, but was elected chairman of executive committee; Special judge Court of Civil Appeals, 1912; Secretary and Treasurer Rogersville Electric Co.; Secretary and General Counsel of Rogersville Ice Co.; Rogersville Telephone and Telegraph Co.; Attorney for Hawkins Co., Bank; Attorney for International Printing Pressmen and Assistants Union of North America which is now expending $100,000.00 in improving Hale Springs, a famous summer resort in Hawkins Co.; member Missionary Baptist church, (Deacon).
Bower, George Rosengarten, manufacturing chemist; born in Germantown, Philadelphia, Aug. .1, 1866; son of Henry and Lucretia K. (Elliott) Bower. He was graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, A.B., 1885, after which he became connected with various chemical concerns. In 1885 he became clerk of Henry Bower & Son, and after two years became secretary and treasurer of the Ammonia Company of Philadelphia. In 1896 be was elected to similar offices in the Kalion Chemical Company, and in 1902 president of the Baltimore Chrome Works Company. In 1906, the last named three companies were consolidated into the Henry Bower Chemical Manufacturing Company, of which he has since been president. In politics he is a member of the Republican party, and in religion is affiliated with the Protestant Episcopal church. He is a vestryman of All Saints' Church, Lower Dublin, at Torresdale. Mr. Bower is a member of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, the American Academy of Political and Social Science, and of the Alumni of the University of Pennsylvania, the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity, and the Athletic Association of the University of Pennsylvania. He spends his vacations in hunting and boating, and is a member of the Philadelphia Gun, Markham, Philadelphia and Union League of Philadelphia ; Racquet ; and the Down Town Association of New York. Mr. Bower married at Philadelphia, Jan. 10, 1893, Agnes Lee Fuller, and they have two sons. Residence: Torresdale, Philadelphia. Address: Gray's Ferry Road and 29th Street, Philadelphia.
Bowker, William Henry, manufacturer, financier; born Natick, Mass., July, 1850; son of Horace and Anna M. (Smith) Bowker; graduated from Massachusetts Agricultural College, Amherst, Mass., B. S., 1871; married, Barre, Mass., Sept., 1875, Charlotte J. Ryder; two children. After graduation engaged in journalism, taught school and sold goods on the road until 1873 when engaged in the fertilizer business in Boston, founding the Bowker Fertilizer Co., on $500, borrowed capital, and in 1895 the company had a cash capital of $1,000,000, all paid in, and was doing the fourth largest fertilizer business in the country; in 1902 the company was merged with the American Agricultural Chemical Co. of which he is now a director; also director Putnam (Conn.) Water Works Co., Ashland (Wis.) Water Co., and Knoxville (Tenn.) Water Co. Independent Republican. Member American Association for the Advancement of Science ; trustee Massachusetts Agricultural College, and Massachusetts Horticultural Society. Recreations: Farming, gardening. Clubs: St.. Botolph, Brookline Country, Exchange, Commercial, Rural. Residence: Concord, Mass. Office: 43 Chatham St.., Boston.
Bowlby, Henry L., civil engineer of Salem, Ore., was born Dec 31 1879, in Crete, Neb. he was educated at Doane College, the University of Nebraska and the United States Military Academy, and has received the degrees of All. and C.E. He was a teacher in the University of Washington. In 1909-11 he was state highway commissioner of Washington; and is now state highway engineer of Oregon. He is an executive officer in the Pacific Highway Association of North America.
Boyce, William D., journalist, publisher, founder, was born June 16, 1858, in Allegheny County, Pa. He established a newspaper ready print business in Chicago, Ill., 1886, and subsequently established the Saturday Blade. He bought the Chicago Ledger; and later established Boyce's Monthly, now the Woman's World. Author of Books of Travel in South America, Africa and Colonies of United States. He is president of the Marseilles (Ill.) Land and Water Power Company; and is the owner of the Boyce office building in Chicago, Ill. Clubs: Union League, Chicago Athletic, South Shore, Midlothian Country Club, St. Louis Club, Royal Automobile Club of London, Eng.
Boyd, James N., banker; born Richmond, Virginia, May 12, 1850; son of John W. and Virginia (Nalle) Boyd; educated at Roger Martin School, Richmond, Virginia; married, Halifax County, Virginia, Jan. 12, 1877, ; Mildred C. Edmunds; seven children. President Planters' National Bank, Richmond, Virginia, James N. Boyd & Co., Inc., Richmond, Virginia; vice-president Virginia Trust Co. of Richmond; director Virginia-Carolina, Chemical Co., Richmond, Southern Cotton Oil Co. of New York, and Southern Biscuit Works of Richmond. Served as second sergeant Company F, First Virginia Volunteer Regiment. Democrat; Episcopalian. Director Police Benevolent Association, Richmond, Virginia Clubs: Westmoreland, Commonwealth, Country Club of Virginia (Richmond). Residence: 117 W. Grace St. Office: Planters' National Bank, Richmond.
Boyd, Samuel B., chief of Knoxville Fire Department; born Washington Co., Virginia, March 20, 1865; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Samuel B. and Isabella (Reed) Boyd; father's occupation, merchant; educated University of Tenn., member of class of 1886; in early life he was engaged in furniture business; married Julia Jackson Harrison April 28, 1904; entered public life as Alderman when he was 22 years old which office he held from July, 1888-90; Feb. 23, 1900, was elected Chief of Knoxville (Tenn.) Fire Dept., when it was very small (29 men) ; he urged and secured passage of appropriation measures before Board of Aldermen, which resulted in increase of Fire Dept. to 72 men; member of Elks, Royal Arcanum; Kappa Sigma Fraternity; former Chairman of Water Committee, Gas & Public Lights, Fire & Police, Vice Chairman Finance Com.; member of International Assn. of Fire Engineers; member Presbyterian Church, South.
Boyer, Gustave, Mayor. B. November 29, 1871, at St. Laurent, Jacques Cartier County, near Montreal; s. of Benjamin and Angelique (Latour) Bayer; in. Pamaela Rheaume of Montreal, April 10, 1907. Ed. at St. Laurent College. A public lecturer on Agriculture for the Quebec Government; elected to House of Commons at General Assembly, 1904, 1908-1911; elected Mayor of Rigaud January, 1907-13-14. Has been connected with La Patric as agricultural correspondent, and with La Canada as agricultural editor; founded the Echo de Vaudreuil, local journal for the counties of Vaudreuil and Soulanges, January, 1907. Had organized the "B" Sq. 17th Reg. Duke )f York and later the 33d Hussars Reg. of Cavalry. Chairman of the Dairymen's Association of P. of Quebec, 191243-14. Address: Rigaud, Quebec.
Bradbury, Harry B., lawyer; born Athens, Pa., April 10, 1863; son Daniel and Polly (Phelps) Bradbury; descendants of the Bradbury family of Maine, of which late Senator James W. Bradbury and Win. B. Bradbury, Composer, were members; ancestors, both paternal and maternal arrived in America about 1636; several of them later soldiers in the Revolutionary, Indian and Civil wars; educated common and high schools, Penn Yan and Elmira, N. Y.; married N. Y. City, Sept. 18, 1888, Mary V. Massey; children: Mary I., born 1890; Henry M., born 1891; Adele, born 1895. In early life machinist, telegraph operator and newspaper man. Lawyer since 1893; author of a number of law books, all published by the Banks Law Publishing Co., N. Y. City. Republican; member 10th Assembly District Republican Club and Brooklyn Young Republican Club (Brooklyn). Clubs: Lawyers' (New York), Wawonaissa (Adirondack Mountains). Member American and New York State Bar Association and New York County Lawyers' Association; Academy of Political Science, Civil Service Reform Association. Residence: Brooklyn. Address: 141 Broadway, N. Y. City.
Bradford, Edward G., United States judge; born at Wilmington, Del., March 12, 1848; son of Hon. Edward G. and Mary Alicia (Heyward) Bradford. He received his preparatory education at the Delaware Military Academy, and then entered Yale, from which he was graduated with the degree of B.A. in 1868. He studied law and was admitted to the bar, May 9, 1870, practising at Wilmington, Del., until appointed May 11, 1897, as United States district judge for the District of Delaware. Judge Bradford married at Wilmington, Del., Sept. 18, 1872, Eleuthera P. du Pont. Address: Wilmington, Del.
Bradley, Charles Whiting, superintendent telegraph Chesapeake & Ohio Ry. Co. of Indiana. Office: Richmond, Virginia Born Sept. 13, 1836, at Newtown, Conn. Entered railway service Nov., 1852, as telegraph operator Erie Ry., since which he has been consecutively to 1862, agent, storekeeper. brakeman, conductor, etc., same road; 1862 to 1868, general superintendent's clerk, superintendent telegraph, train dispatcher, and division superintendent Atlantic & Great Western Rd.; 1868 to 1870, superintendent Cincinnati, Chicago & Louisville Rd.; 1870 to 1872, superintendent Niles & New Lisbon Rd.; 1872 to 1873, division superintendent Atlantic & Great Western Rd.; 1873 to 1878, division superintendent Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Ry.; 1878 to 1880, general western traffic manager same road; 1880 to 1881, division superintendent Denver & Rio Grande Rd.; 1881 to 1882, superintendent Cincinnati & Northern Rd.; 1882 to 1883, assistant superintendent of construction New York West Shore Buffalo Ry.; 1883 to 1885, division superintendent same road; 1885 to June 1, 1898, general superintendent West Shore, New Jersey Junction and Wallkill Valley Rds.; June, 1899, to Dec. 31, 1910, manager Western New York Car Service Association at Buffalo, N. Y.; Jan. to Feb., 1911, inspector of transportation Chesapeake & Ohio Ry.; Feb. to Aug., 1911, acting superintendent of telegraph same road; Aug., 1911, to date, superintendent telegraph Chesapeake & Ohio Ry. and Chesapeake & Ohio Ry. of Indiana.
Bradley, George Beckwith, lawyer, banker, jurist and statesman of Corning, N. Y., was born Feb. 5, 1825, in Greene, N. Y. In 1872-73 he was a member of the New York state constitutional commission; and in 1874-77 was a member of the New York state senate. In 1884-97 he was justice of the supreme court of New York. During that time he was judge of the court of appeals for about four years. He is now president of the First National bank of his city.
Bradley, Harold Cornelius, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Physiological chemistry. Was born, Oakland, Cal., Nov. 25, 1878. A.B., California, 1900; Ph.D., Yale, 1905. Asst. physiol. chem., Yale, 1904-05, instr., med. sch., 1905-06; asst. prof., Wisconsin, 1906-; M.A.A.; Chem. Soc.; Soc. Biol. Chem. Physiological chemistry of Mollusca; the presence of copper and zinc in a marine mollusc; the presence of manganese in fresh-water mussels; human pancreatic juice—Lipase; the manganese of the tissues of Unio and Anadonta. Relation of enzymes to tissue synthesis. Isogenous anaphylaxis. Specificity of haemoglobins. Autolysis.
Bradley, William H., mechanical engineer, 130 E. 15th St., New York City; residence 23 West 68th St. Born in New Haven, Conn., Aug. 25, 1838. (Married.) Chief engineer Consolidated Gas Co. Member Engineers' and Lotos Clubs, Sons of the Revolution, American Museum of Natural History, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, American Gas Light Association, Society of Gas Lighting, and New England Gas Engineers' Association.
Bradley, William O'Connell, United States senator from Kentucky, was born March 18, 1847, near Lancaster, Ky. In 1865 he began the practice of law; and in 1872 was presidential elector. He was a delegate at large to the Republican national conventions of 1880, 1884, 1888, 1892, 1900 and 1904. In 1889 he was appointed minister to Korea, but declined. In 1895 he was governor of Kentucky. He is now United States senator for the term ending 1919; and resides in Beechmont, Ky.
Bradshaw, William Leonard, banker, farmer; born Morgan County, Mo., 1858; son of James Owen and Matilda (Baker) Bradshaw; educated district schools (Mo.); married, Morgan County, Mo., April 16, 1890, Hannah Daniels; eight children. Taught school in country districts ten years. Collected and clerked for fifty-one public sales, as many as three at one place. President and director Bank of Barnett, Barnett Mercantile Co. Road commissioner one year; Central committeeman, secretary four years (of committee). Public administrator Morgan Co., Mo., four years. Clerk of East Prairie District School for twenty-five years. Democrat; Baptist. Director Barnett Academy; clerk East Prairie District School twenty-one years. Member Modern Woodmen of America. Residence: Marvin, Mo. Office: Barnett.
Bradstreet, George Flint, capitalist; born Bradford, Mass., April 3, 1854; son of Justin Edward and Almira (Ellis) Bradstreet; educated in the common and high schools and took one year course in evening business school; married, Bradford, Mass., Dec. 23, 1874, Julia Gertrude Kimball. Began business life at the age of 14 in packing house with father; went to New York, 1885, as manager of branch houses of G. H. Hammond & Co.; organized the Wheeler-Bradstreet Co.; removed to Boston, 1895, and became general eastern superintendent Armour & Co.; on account of ill-health was obliged to resign, 1898; organized the George F. Bradstreet Co., stocks and bonds, 1899, of which he is now president; also president, general manager and director New Era Machinery Co. ; treasurer, secretary and director New England Gold and Copper Mining Co.; director in several other companies. Republican; Congregationalist. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner; Supreme Governor United Order of Pilgrim Fathers; Grand Patron Order of the Eastern Star of Massachusetts. Clubs: Congregational, Metaphysical, Art Collectors. Residence: Fellsway, East Malden, Mass. Office: Equitable Building, 67 Milk St., Boston.
Brady, James H., senator, ex-governor, State of Idaho. Born in Indiana County, Pennsylvania; son of John and Catherine (Lee) Brady. Graduated from Olathe (Kansas), high school; studied at the. State Normal School, Leavenworth, Kan. Moved to Idaho in 1895. President Western Development Association, Idaho Children's Home Finding and Aid Society, James H. Brady Investment Company, and Trans-Mississippi Commercial Congress. Honorary vice-president Panama-Pacific Exposition. Chairman Advisory Board National Council Woman Voters. Honorary member Grand Army Republic, Department of Idaho. Honorary member Kansas Historical Society. Chairman Republican State Central Committee, 1904 to 1908. Governor of Idaho, 1909 to 1911. Senator, to fill the unexpired term of late Senator Heyburn, 1913 to 1915. Republican; Congregationalist. Clubs: Pocatello Commercial, Boise Commercial, Salt Lake City (Utah); Commercial and Rocky Mountain Club of New York. Organized Governor's Special of North and Northwestern States. Residence: Pocatello. Office: Pocatello, and Washington, D. C., Senate Office Building.
Brainard, John Morgan, lawyer; born Auburn, N.Y., Dec. 21, 1863; son John and Mary A. (Judson) Brainard; attended Auburn High Sch., Trinity Coll., Hartford, Comm., A.B., 1884; A.M., 1886; married, Auburn, N.Y., June 25, 1890, Jennie L. Barrett. Admitted to bar, Oct., 1886; served as referee in bankruptcy to May, 1910; pres. Auburn Trust Co., 1906-1913. Mem. firm Brainard, Taber & Noble, lawyers; dir. Ohio Tool Co. Republican; Episcopalian. Mem. Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity, Phi Leta Kappa Soc., Am. Bar Ass'n, Cayuga Co. Bar Ass'n, N.Y. State Bar Ass'n, Am. Soc Internat. Law, Nat. Geog. Soc., Am. Economic Ass'n. Mem. Seymour Library Ass'n, Auburn, N.Y. Recreations: Tennis, boating, fishing, travel. Clubs: City (Auburn), Alpha Delta Phi (N.Y. City), University (Hartford, Conn.). Residence: 144 South St. Address: 122 Genesee St., Auburn, New York.
Branch, James Ransom, coal operator, capitalist; born Petersburg, Virginia, Dec. 14, 1863; son of Col. James R. and Martha Louise (Patterson) Branch; educated in schools of Gen. Robert Ransom, Col. Gordon McCabe, and Richmond College; married, Richmond, Virginia, 1885, Mary Lilian Hubball; children: James R., Jr., Mary Cooke. President Branchland Coal Co., Guyandotte Coal Co. Guyan River Coal Co., also a director. National bank examiner under Cleveland; major in 7th Immunes, Spanish-American War; lieutenant-colonel, 1st Virginia Volunteers, now on retired list. Served on City Council, Richmond Virginia, and exposed the defalcations of city officers which had existed for many years. Secretary Currency Commission, and for thirteen years secretary American Bankers' Association; secretary Trust Company section eight years. Democrat; Episcopalian. Elk, Redman Odd Fellow; member Sigma Chi fraternity, Southern Society in New York, Virginians. Recreations: Athletics. Clubs: New York Athletic, Commonwealth (Richmond, Virginia), Army and Navy, Wash., D. C., Guyandotte Club, Huntington, W. Va; Residence: N. Y. Athletic Club, N. Y.
Brand, Robert A., fourth vice-president Atlantic Coast Line. Office Wilmington, N. C. Born Dec. 12, 1858, in Clarendon County, S. C. Entered railway service as clerk Atlantic Coast Line at Sumter, S. C., since which he has been consecutively telegraph operator, agent at Marion and Sumter, S. C., soliciting agent and general agent at Augusta; Ga., and July 1, 1902, to Jan. 1, 1906, general freight agent same road at Wilmington, N. C.; Jan. 1, 1906, to Dec., 1911, freight traffic manager; Dec., 1911, to date, fourth vice-president same road.
Brandegee, Frank Bosworth, United States senator from Connecticut, was born July 8, 1864, in New London, Conn. In 1885 he graduated from Yale University. Since 1888 he has practiced law in New London, Conn. In 1888 he was a representative in the Connecticut State Legislature; and in 1889-1902 was corporation counsel for New London. In 1904 he was president of the Republican state convention. He was a. member of the fifty-seventh and fifty-eighth congresses; was re-elected to the fifty-ninth congress from the Third District of Connecticut for the term of 1905-07, but resigned to enter the United States Senate. Since 1905 he has been a member of the United States Senate; and is now serving the term ending in 1915; and resides in New London, Conn.
Brandt, Carl A. W., ast. master mechanic, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Ry. Office Beech Grove, Ind. Born Jan. 28, 1881, at Stockholm, Sweden. Educated in Technical College at Stockholm. Entered railway service Nov. 19, 1894, as office boy mechanical department Government Ry. of Sweden; worked during summer vacations 1894 to 1899 as office boy and apprentice Government Ry. of Sweden; April 1, 1899, to May 21, 1902, draftsman and assistant engineer same road; May 23, 1902, to Sept. 29, 1902, machinist Atlas Locomotive Works, Stockholm; Nov. 1, 1902, to July 1, 1903, machinist Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Ry. at Elkhart, Ind.; July 1, 1903, to Jan. 1, 1909, mechanical draftsman same road at Cleveland, O.; Jan. 1, 1909, to Sept. 1, 1910, assistant engineer mechanical construction same road; Sept. 1, 1910, to March 1, 1914, mechanical engineer Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Ry. at Beech Grove, Ind.; March 1, 1914, to date, assistant master mechanic C. C. C. & St. L. Ry., Indianapolis, Ind.
Branner, John Casper, Stanford University, Cal. Geology. New Market, Tenn., July 4, 1850. B.S., Cornell, 1882; Ph.D., Indiana, 1885; LL.D., Arkansas, 1897; Maryville, 1909. Geologist, Imperial Geol. Surv., Brazil, 1875-77; topographer, Pa. Geol. Surv., 1883-85; prof. geol., Indiana, 1885-91 Stanford, 1891, vice-pres., 1899-1913; pres., 1913. State geologist, Ark., 1887-93; geologist, U. S. Geol. Surv.; assoc. ed., Jour. of Geol. Nat. Acad.; F.A.A. (sec'y, E., 1888-89, vice-pros. 1890); Soc. Nat.; Geol. Soc. (pres., 1904); Min. Eng.; Philos. Soc.; Franklin Inst.; Wash. Acad.; London Geol. Soc.; Edinburgh Geol. Soc.; cor. mem. Royal Scottish Geog. Soc.; Soc. Geol. de France; Soc. Beige de Geol.; inst. Geog. e Hist. da Bahia; hon. mem. Inst. Geog. Pernambucano; Inst. Inst. de S. Paulo; Inst. Historico de Brazil; mem. Brazilian Academy Physical geology and geography—Geology of the coast ranges of California; geology of Brazil; geology of Arkansas.
Branson, Henry James, banker; born Coatesville, Pa., Oct. 13, 1855; son of John M. and Ann (Morgan) Branson; educated in public and subscription schools; married, Coatesville, Pa., Jan. 1, 1884, Mary Frances Parke; five daughters and one son. Entered National Bank of Chester Valley, Coatesville, Pa., as clerk May 1, 1874, and has been bookkeeper, receiving teller, cashier and is now president. President Coatesville Opera House Co., Coatesville Building and Loan Assn, and Fairview Cemetery. Director in Coatesville Land & Improvement Co., also Lincoln Highway Inn (no bar). Borough councilman ten years, president four years. Republican; Presbyterian. Treasurer and trustee Coatesville Presbyterian Church. Recreation: Tennis. Club: Tennis. Address Coatesville.
Breed, Charles Blaney, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston Mass., was born, Lynn, Mass., Nov. 28, '75. B.S. (C.E.), Mass. Inst. Tech., '97. Asst. civil eng., Mass. Inst. Tech., '99-'01, instr., '01-'08, asst. prof., '08-'10, assoc. prof., '10-'14, prof., 1914; asst. engineer, Boston and Albany R. R., '96-'97, '98; Chicago and West. Ind. R. R., '04; consulting engineer. M. Am. Soc. C. E.; Ry. Eng.; Eng. Educ. ; New Eng. R. R. Club ; Boston Soc. C. E. Surveying—Geodesy; astronomy; railroad engineering; earthwork. Assoc. editor Am. C. E. Pocket Bk.
Breed, William Constable, lawyer; born Malone, N. Y., June 24, 1871; son Charles Webster and Eweretta (McVickar) Breed; graduated Amherst College (Phi Beta Kappa), 1893; University State of N. Y., LL.B., 1895. Admitted to bar of N. Y. State, 1895; member firm Breed, Abbott & Morgan. Director Irving National Exchange Bank. Member Association Bar of City of N. Y.; member American Bar Association, Psi Upsilon Fraternity. Clubs: Union League, the Merchants' Association of N. Y., Sleepy Hollow Country Club. Republican, Down Town, Church, Knollwood Country. Address: Mutual Life Bldg., N. Y. City.
Bremer, Samuel Parker, merchant, manufacturer, capitalist; born Brooklyn, N.Y., Nov. 14, 1872; son of John L. and Mary R. (Farnsworth) Bremer; educated in private schools; married, Boston, Nov. 4, 1896, Mabel R. Burrage of Jamaica Plains. Member of firm Parker, Wilder & Co. (dry goods); president and director Belvidere Woolen Co., Cocheco Woolen Manufacturing Co.; treasurer and director Union Manufacturing Co., Phoenix Factory; director Sterling Mills, New England Trust Co., Naumkeag Steam Cotton Co. Clubs: Commercial, Exchange, Boston Art, Manchester Yacht. Residence: Manchester, Mass. Office: 4 Winthrop Square, Boston.
Bremner, William Hepburn, general solicitor Minneapolis & St. Louis Bd. Office: Minneapolis, Minn. Born Oct. 24, 1869, at Marshalltown, Ia. Graduated from the University of Iowa, 1891, with degree of C.E., and 1895 with degree of LL.B. Entered railway service July 1, 1909, with the Minneapolis & St. Louis Rd., of which road he is at present general solicitor.
Breuchaud, Jules, contractor and civil eng'r of 290 Broadway, New York City, was born, N. Y. City, April 5, 1857; s. Jules and Elise (Maurer) Breuchaud; ed. N. Y. public schs., Cooper Inst.; m. Medford, Mass., Jan. 11, 1882, Irene Gibbs; children: Jules Rowley, b. 1883; Sunset, b. 1886; Elise Feeley, b. 1893. Was civil eng'r on Boston Water Works, also on Northern Pacific R. R. in Mont., prior to 1881; since then as contractor did railroad work on Northern Pacific R. R.; built foundations for several tall office buildings in N. Y. City; also section 8 of New Croton Aqueduct; bridge over Harlem Ship Canal, N. Y. City, and as mem. of firm of Coleman, Breuchaud & Coleman, built New Croton Dam for water supply of N. Y. City (largest masonry dam in world); now building headworks of Catskill Aqueduct for B'd of Water Supply of N. Y. City. Pres. The Underpinning & Foundation Co. Mem. Am. Soc. Civil Eng'rs. Clubs: Engineers', Hardware (N. Y. City).
Brewer, Earl, governor of the State of Mississippi for the term ending in 1916; and resides in Jackson, Miss.
Brewer, Luther Albertus, publisher of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. was born Dec. 17, 1858, in Welsh Run, Pa. He has been state oil inspector of Iowa, 1893-97, and delegate at large to the Republican national convention of Chicago in 1912. He is also a director in numerous institutions.
Bridge, Norman, physician; born Windsor, Vt., Dec. 30, 1844; son of James Madison and Nancy Ann (Bagley) B.; descended from Deacon John Bridge, who came from England and settled in Cambridge, Mass., in 1632. His great-grandfather, Ebenezer, was a colonel in Revolutionary war. There is a bronze statue of Deacon John B., erected in 1882, on Cambridge Common at Harvard. Educated country district school and high school, Malta, DeKalb and Sycamore, Ill.; taught country school winter 1862-63; never attended academic department of univ. or coll.; fire ins. agent, 1864-65 ; attended Univ. of Mich. Med. Dept., 1866-67 ; M.D., Northwestern Univ., 1868; Rush Med. Coll., 1878; hon. A.M., Lake Forest Univ., 1889. Married Mae Manford, Chicago, daughter of Rev. Erasmus and Hannah (Bryant) M., May 21, 1874. Prof. clinical medicine, 1887-98; prof. medicine, 1898-1901; emeritus prof. since 1901, Rush Med. Coll. (Univ. of Chicago). Member Chicago Ed. of Education, 1881-84 (pres. 1882-83); Republican election commr., 1886-90. Moved to Los Angeles 1891; helped frame new charter for Pasadena, 1900; trustee Troop College of Technology, Pasadena, 18 years. Member Assn. Am. Physicians, Chicago Acad. Sciences; corr. mem. Acad. Sciences, Arts and Letters of Wis., Am. Climatological Assn. (pres. one year); Los Angeles Acad. of Sciences, County, State and Natl. Med. Assns. Dir. Mexican Petroleum Co., Ltd., Huasteca Petroleum Co., Am. Petroleum Co., Am. Oilfields Co., Mexican National Gas Co. (Mex.). Has written many articles for med. journals and lay press. Author The Penalties of Taste, 1898; The Rewards of Taste, 1902; Lectures on Tuberculosis, 1903; House Health, 1907. Clubs: Union League, Hamilton, University of Chicago; California, University, Sierra Madre, Sunset and Athletic of Los Angeles. Res.: Chester Place; office: Auditorium Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal.
Briggs, Charles, merchant and capitalist of Calumet, Mich., was born in 1837 in Cincinnatus, N. Y. For twenty-four years he was engaged in the mercantile business in Calumet, retiring in 1908. He has been a member of the Michigan state legislature; and president of the board of education. He is president of the Superior and Pittsburgh Mining company; president of the Merchants and Miner's bank; president of the Calumet Gas company and other corporations.
Brill, Abraham Ardens, born Austria, 1874; parents Philip and Esther Teitelbach; married K. Rose Owen, May, 1908 ; child, May Gioia; educated N. Y. pub. schools, City Coll.., and N. Y. Univ.; grad. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. City, 1903; lic. N. Y. State; deg. Ph.B. and M.D.; N. Y. State Hosp. special courses under Dr. Adolf Meyer, Pierre Marie Picetre, Paris, Bleuler and Jung Psychiatrische Klinic, Zurich, Prof. Sigmund Freud of Vienna; asst. Phys. Central Islip State Hosp.; assistenarzt in Psychiatrische Klinik, Zurich; asst. mental diseases Bell Hosp.; vis. neurologist Bronx Hosp., and Disp. and chief of clinic of psychiatry, Col. Univ., N. Y. City; mem. A. M. A., Amer. Psychopathological, Amer. Psychoanalytic, Amer. Medico-Psychological, N. Y. State Soc. and N. Y. Psych., Eastern Med. Soc., Int. Verein Mediz. Psych. and Psychoth.; author many papers on psychiatry, neurology, normal and abnormal psych.; translator of Prof. Freud's works, and in conjunction with Dr. Frederick Peterson translator of Jung's The Psychology of Dementia Praecox; regular, specialty, nervous and mental diseases. Residence and office, 55 Central Park West, N. Y. Hours: By appt. Tel. Col. 6815.
Brinkerhoff, John Jones, actuary of the Association of Life Insurance Presidents, was born in Adams county, near Gettysburg, Pa., September 20, 1848. He was educated in Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, from which he graduated in 1869. Soon after graduating he entered the office of the state auditor of Illinois as clerk, where he remained several years, and devoting his spare time to the study of law. He later entered the law school of Union University, from which he graduated in 1874. After being admitted to the bar in New York state and Illinois he again entered the insurance department of the state auditor's office. He continued with the department until 1908, holding the position of actuary, of the department from 1885 until 1908. He was secretary of the National Convention of Insurance Commissioners from 1892 to 1894 and again from 1899 to 1908, when he resigned this office and that of actuary of the Insurance Department of the state of Illinois and accepted the position of Actuary of the Association of Life Insurance Presidents, which position he now holds. He is a fellow of the Actuarial Society of America.
Brister, Charles James, General Freight Agent Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Ry. Office Cincinnati, O. Born June 22, 1875, at Dayton, O. Educated in the public schools at Dayton. Entered railway service 1889, since which he has been consecutively to Feb., 1891, stenographer Dayton, Ft. Wayne & Chicago Ry. at Dayton, 0.; Feb., 1891, to Jan., 1892, stenographer joint office Union Pacific and Chicago & North Western Rys. at Cincinnati, O.; Jan., 1892, to date, with the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Ry., successively as rate clerk, chief clerk, assistant general freight agent, general freight agent, and traffic manager.
Bristow, Joseph Little, United States senator from Kansas, was born July 22, 1861, in Wolfe County, Ky. In 1886 he was graduated from Baker University at Baldwin, Kan. In 1886-90 he was clerk of the District Court for Douglass County, Kan. In 1890-95 he owned and edited the Daily Republican of Salina, Kan.; and in 1895 bought the Ottawa Herald of Kansas. In 1895 he was private secretary to the governor of Kansas. In 1897-1905 he was fourth assistant postmaster-general; and he had charge of the reorganization of the Cuban Postal Service. In 1905 he was appointed special Panama Railroad Commissioner. In 1903 he again purchased the Salina Daily Republican-Journal. In 1909 he became United States senator from Kansas for the term ending in 1919; and resides in Salina, Kan.
Britten, Fred A., United States congressman from the ninth district of Illinois, was born Nov. 18, 1871, in Chicago, Ill. He is a building contractor; and has been alderman of his city. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Chicago, Ill.
Brockson, Franklin, United States congressman at large from Delaware, was born Aug. 6, 1865, near Clayton, Del. He is a successful lawyer; and has been a representative in the State Assembly. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Clayton, Del.
Brodbeck, Andrew R., United States congressman from the twentieth district of Pennsylvania, was born April 11, 1860, in Jefferson, Pa. He has been sheriff of his county. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Hanover, Pa.
Brodeur, Hon. Louis Philippe, Judge of the Supreme Court of Canada; b. 1862, in the Province of Quebec; s. of Toussaint Brodeur, patriot of 1837, and of Justine Lambert; ed. at the College of St. Hyacinthe and Laval University (LL.D.); called to Quebec Bar, 1884; K.C., 1899; sat for Rouville in Federal Parliament from 1891 to 1911; editor Le Soir, 1896; Deputy Speaker House of Commons, 1896; Speaker, 1900; entered Cabinet, 1904, as Minister of Inland Revenue. His administration of that Department was most successful, and the legislation he introduced against the Tobacco Trust met with approval in both Canada and America. Was minister of Marine Fisheries from 1906 to 1911; a representative of Canada to the Imperial Conferences of 1907, 1909 and 1911; negotiated in that year the Franco-Canadian Treaty, the first Treaty to be negotiated exclusively by Canadians; Canadian delegate to the subsidiary Conference of 1909 to discuss the establishment of a Canadian Navy. He has successfully carried out the widening and dredging of the whole channel of the St. Lawrence, the compilation of international Fishery regulations between Canada and American territories, and the splendid outfitting of the Harbor of Montreal; has placed in England a contract for the largest ice-breaking steamer yet made, in order to maintain constant winter communication between Prince Edward Island and the mainland. M. Emma, daughter of J. R. Brillon, a Notary of Beloeil. Address: Ottawa, Ont., Canada.
Brodnax, Samuel Houston, farmer, banker; born Newton County, Ga., Nov. 27, 1844; son Samuel and Margaret (Aycock) Brodnax; was student of Emory Coll., Oxford, Ga., 1861, when Civil war broke out, so never graduated; married Walton County, Ga., Dec. 6, 1871, Edda Selman of Monroe, Ga., children: Joel C., Samuel E., and George H. Engaged in mercantile business, 1866-1877. President Brodnax Banking Co., and director Bank of Monroe, Ga. Served as private in Civil War, Co. D., Second Regiment Georgia Cavalry, under Gen. Joe Wheeler; represented Walton Count; in Georgia Legislature, 1890, 1891. Democrat; Christian. Mason. Address: Walnutgrove, Ga.
Bronson, Samuel L., jurist; born in Waterbury, Connecticut, in 1834; son of Dr. Henry B. Bronson. He received his preparatory education in the schools of Waterbury and New Haven, Conn. and then entered Yale College, from which he was graduated with the degree of B.A. in 1855. He was admitted to the bar of Connecticut in 1857, practiced at Seymour, Conn.. until 1860, then removed to New Haven. He was a member of the Connecticut Legislature from Seymour in 1859, recorder of the City of New Haven from 1866 to 1869, member of the Connecticut Legislature from New Haven in 1869, 1876 and 1877; was the first judge of the New Haven County Court of Common Pleas for a year and declined reelection because of ill health. Later he resumed practice, was corporation counsel of New Haven from 1873 to 1878, and then retired from practice in order to manage the family estates to the ownership of which he succeeded on the death of his father, Dr. Bronson, in 1893. He is a Democrat in politics and was the nominee of his party for governor of Connecticut in 1900. Address: 58 Dwight St., New Haven, Conn.
Brooke, John Rutter, Major-general U. S. Army, retired; born in Philadelphia, Montgomery County, July 21, 1838. In April, 1861, he was captain in the Fourth Pennsylvania Infantry, and was promoted until he became brigadier-general of volunteers, May 12, 1864. On Aug. 1, 1864, he was made brevet major-general, and was commissioned lieutenant-colonel of the Thirty-seventh U. S. Infantry July 28, 1866. He was transferred to the Third Infantry, March 15, 1869, and March 20, 1870-1879, was made colonel of the Thirteenth Infantry; was, again transferred to the Third Infantry, June 14, 1879, and was commissioned brigadier-general April 6, 1888. He commanded the Departments of the Platte, Dakota and the Missouri, and on May 22, 1897, was made major-general. In April, 1898, he was sent to command troops at Chickamauga Park, and in July, 1898, was ordered to Porto Rico, as head of the Military Commission, becoming governor-general of Porto Rico. In December, 1898, he was appointed governor-general of Cuba. and commanded the Division of Cuba; and May, 1900, he was placed in command of the Department of the East. He was retired July 21, 1902. Major-General Brooke is a companion of the Pennsylvania Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion. Address: Rosemont, Pa.
Brooke-Rawle, William, soldier, lawyer, author, of 211 South Sixth St., Philadelphia, Pa., was born Aug. 29, 1843, in Philadelphia, Pa. During the civil war he served as lieutenant and captain in the third Pennsylvania cavalry; and was brevetted major and lieutenant-colonel. He has been agent of the Penn estates in Pennsylvania; has been treasurer of the Philadelphia Law Association; and vice-president of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. He is the author of The Right Flank at Gettysburg; With Gregg in the Gettysburg Campaign; and Gregg's Cavalry Fight at Gettysburg.
Brookmire, James Hamill, broker; born in St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 3, 1869; son of James H. and Anna (Forbes) Brookmire; educated in Smith Academy and Manual Training School; married, in St. Louis, Nov. 23, 1898, Annie M. Kennard; one son: Samuel Kennard. Entered business with father in 1887 in James H. Brookmire wholesale grocery house; went with Curtis & Co. manufacturers, as vice-president and general manager, 1893, remaining until January, 1904; entered brokerage business in same year in firm of Simon, Brookmire & Clifford, October, 1906, being still connected with that firm. Publisher the Brookmire Economic Service, which is the result of his study of financial and business conditions as influenced by fundamental conditions. Republican; Methodist. Clubs: St. Louis, Racquet, St. Louis Country, Noonday, Cuivre. Residence, 4970 Berlin Ave. Office, 315 N. 4th St., St. Louis.
Bross, Ernest, editor and author of Indianapolis, Ind., was born Sept. 1, 1860, in Newaygo, Mich. In 1897-1904 he was managing editor of the Portland Oregonian; and since 1904 has been editor-in-chief of the Indianapolis Star. He is the author of various stories and poems.
Broussard, Robert F., congressman, was born Aug. 17, 1864, in Iberia, La. He became the nominee of the anti-lottery wing of the Democratic party for the district attorneyship of the Nineteenth Judicial District of Louisiana, to which position he was elected at the state election of 1892, he being the only one of that wing of the Democratic party elected in the district at that election. In 1894 he was unanimously renominated to the same position by the Democratic party and re-elected at the election of that year. He was a member of the fifty-fifth, fifty-sixth, fifty-seventh, fifty-eighth, fifty-ninth, sixtieth, sixty-first congresses as a Democrat. He was re-elected to the sixty-third congresses from the Third District of Louisiana for the term of 1913-15; and resides in New Iberia, La.
Brown, Albert R., merchant, banker, manufacturer, born at Knox County, Tenn., July 7, 1863; son of William L. and Nancy C. Brown; educated in city schools of Knoxville; married, Plumtree, N. C., July 19, 1903, Tuppy L. Burleson; three children. Began work in drug store at Knoxville, at the age of thirteen, later worked in tobacco factory; with W. W. Woodruff & Co., wholesale hardware, 1878-93, last seven years being traveling salesman; engaged in mercantile business since 1903 at Erwin, Tenn. Erwin Manufacturing Co., Erwin Water Co.; vice-president Unicoi Telephone Co., and proprietor A. R. Brown, merchant. Served two terms as alderman, one term as mayor of Erwin. Prohibition Republican; Baptist. President Board of Trustees Unaka Academy; trustee Carson &. Newman College, Jefferson City; Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Address, Erwin.
Brown, Amos Peaslee, 20 E. Penn St., Germantown, Pa. Geology, mineralogy. Germantown, Dec. 3, 1864. B.S., Pennsylvania, 1886, E.M., 1887, Ph.D., 1893. Asst. Pa. Geol. Surv., 1887-89; instr. mining and metal, Pennsylvania, 1889-93, prof. geol. and miner. med. dept., 1892-98, asst. prof., 1895-1903, prof., 1903. F.A.A.; Geol. Soc.; Min. Eng.; Philos. Soc. (secy. 1910) ; Franklin Inst.; Phila. Acad. Larval baculites; mineralogy; crystallography; crystallography of hemoglobin. Palaeontology. Structure of crystals; petrography.
Brown, Curtis, journalist and publisher of 6 Henrietta St., London, England, was born in 1866 in Lisle, N. Y. He is proprietor of the International Publishing bureau, of London and New York.
Brown, Edward Everts, United States congressman from the eighth district of Wisconsin, was born Feb. 16, 1868, in Waupaca, Wis. He has been prosecuting attorney of his county; and served two terms as a member of the state senate. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Waupaca, Wis.
Brown, Edward W., merchant, 29 Broadway, New York City; residence, Dougan Hills, N. Y. Born in Boston, Mass., Aug. 30, 1862. Educated at St. John's School. Sing Sing, and School of Mines, Columbia College; vice-president Sterling Salt Co.; treasurer Halite-Northern R. R. Co.; married Leonora C. Lathrop in 1895. Member Union League. Riding. Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht, Down Town Assn., Automobile of America, and Richmond County Country Clubs, and Society of Mayflower Descendants.
Brown, Garrison Lee, physician of Euclid, N. Y., was born, Cicero, N. Y., June 30, 1854; son of Palmer and Miriam M. (Palmer) Brown; educated at Cazenovia Sena and Syracuse Univ., M.D., 1878; married, Cicero, N. Y., Feb. 16, 1882, Alice M. Whiting; children: Ethel E. (Ph.B.), born, 1884; Gladys M., born, 1890; Donald W., born, 1893. Med. practitioner since 1878 at Baldwinsville, and Euclid, N. Y.; health officer since 1880. Republican; mem. M. E. Ch. Mem. Onondaga Med. Soc., N. Y. State Med. Soc., Mason, and mem. Knights of Maccabees.
Brown, George McLaren, European manager, Canadian Pacific Railway Company, was born, Hamilton, Ont., Jan. 29, 1866; son of Adam Brown and Mary Kough; married 1890, Eleanor Graham, daughter of John Crerar, K. C., of Hamilton. Education, private school at Shrewsbury, England, Hamilton grammar school, Upper Canada College. Became clerk in freight department of Northern and Northwestern Railway in Hamilton; employed in G. T. R. system at Hamilton, 1883-87; became agent of the C. P. R. at Vancouver, 1887; assistant general passenger agent of C. P. R. for western division, 1892-97; appointed executive agent of western lines, 1897; transferred to Montreal, 1902, as superintendent of dining and sleeping car services; appointed general passenger agent of Atlantic Steamship services, 1905; general traffic agent (European business) 1908; European manager, 1910. Address, 62-65 Charing Cross, London, S. W., England.
Brown, H. Martin, merchant, manufacturer, banker and statesman of Providence, R. I., was born April 28, 1850, in Bolton, Conn. In 1899, 1901 and 1902 he was a member of the Rhode Island general assembly. In 1899 he was elected treasurer and general manager of the U. S. Bobbin and Shuttle Co. He was a delegate at large to the National Republican Convention in 1904 and represented Rhode Island in the national bodies elected by that convention to notify Theodore Roosevelt of his nomination for president of the United States. He was also a presidential elector in 1908. In 1912 he was elected president of the Industrial Trust Co., the largest bank in Rhode Island.
Brown, J. F., state senator of Casa Grande, Ariz., was born June 8, 1875, in Hartland, N. Y. He is state senator; United States commissioner; president of the Casa Grande Valley Water Users' Assn.; secretary of the Casa Grande Commercial Club.
Brown, J. Woods, general agent for the Middle Department, Fire Assn. of Philadelphia; born at Milton, Pa., June 25, 1864; educated at Princeton, where he was graduated in 1885. He has been connected with insurance since 1888, when he opened a local fire insurance agency at Milton. 1891-95 he was deputy insurance commissioner of Pennsylvania, resigning to become special agent for Pennsylvania for the Merchants' Ins. Co., of Newark ; was appointed special agent for the Fire Assn. of Philadelphia in February, 1901, and general agent in March, 1906. Address, 401 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Brown, Lathrop, United States congressman from the first district of New York, was born Feb. 26, 1883, in New York City. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15, and resides in Long Island, N. Y.
Brown, Lawrason, physician of Saranac Lake, N. Y., was born, Baltimore, Md., Sept. 29, 1871; son of William Judson and Mary Louise (Lawrason) Brown; grad. Johns Hopkins Univ., A.B., 1895; M.D., 1900; unmarried. Asst. resident physician, Adirondack Cottage Sanitarium, 1900-01; resident physician, 1901-12; visiting physician to Adirondack Cottage Sanitarium and Reception Hosp. Mem, Assn. Am. Physicians, Am. Climatol, Assn. Nat. Assn, for Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis, Am. Med. Assn., Am. Sanatorium Assn., Bibliophile Soc., Boston ; Phi Kappa Psi and Phi Beta Kappa Socs. Pres. Good Roads Assn. Club: Grolier (N. Y.).
Brown, Rome G., lawyer, born June 15, 1862, at Montpelier, Vt. A.B., Harvard, 1884. Since 1887 engaged in general practice in Minnesota, law of corporations, insurance, casualty, etc., and with special attention to the law of water rights. Lecturer on law of water rights in the law schools of University of Minnesota and University of North Dakota. Author of "Limitations of Federal Control of Water Powers," "Conservation of Water Powers," also several arguments against the judicial recall. Formerly president Minnesota State Bar Assn., and member executive committee American Bar Assn. Now chairman Minnesota State Board Commissioners Uniform Laws and vice-president National Conference Commissioners Uniform Laws. Also chairman American Bar Assn. Committee to Oppose the Judicial Recall. Address, 1006 Met. Life Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn.
Brown, Walston Hill, banker, financier; born in Cincinnati, Ohio, June 6, 1842; son of Augustus J. and Sarah M. (Hill) Brown; graduated from Columbia College, class of 1861, LL.B., Columbia College, A.B., A.M.; married, New York, 1888, Eva R. Ingersoll, daughter of Col. Robert G. Ingersoll; children : Eva Ingersoll, Robert Ingersoll. Was member of firm of Merriam & Brown; firm built Sioux City & St. Paul Railroad, and the St. Paul, Stillwater & Taylor's Falls Railroad, Afterwards was associated with H, M. Porter and David Dows in the reorganization and extension of the present Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railroad; was member of firm of Brown, Howard & Co., which built the Lake Erie & Western Railroad, the Toledo & Ohio Central Railroad. the Peoria, Decatur & Evansville Railroad, the Cincinnati, Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic Railroad, Jackson & Mackinaw Railroad, Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Railroad, New York, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad (Nickel Plate), and one-half of the New York City Aqueduct, from Dobb's Ferry to Croton Lake. Member of New York Stock Exchange since 1878. Member of Walston II. Brown & Brothers and president of Walston H. Brown Construction Co. Republican. Liberal Unitarian. Fellow New York Academy of Design. Clubs: Union League; Ardsley, Sleepy Hollow, both in Westchester county, N. Y.; Down Town Association. Residence: Dobb's Ferry, N. Y., and 117 East 21st St., N. Y. City. Office: 45 Wall St., N. Y. City.
Brown, William G., congressman, was born April 7, 1856, in Kingwood, Virginia He is a successful lawyer and banker; and is also extensive land owner. He was elected to the sixty-second and sixty-third congresses as a democrat; and resides in Kingwood, West Virginia.
Browne, Daniel G., banker; born in Ireland, Jan. 6, 1859; son of Thomas and Agnes (Gibson) Browne; educated in public schools of Ireland; married, Fort Benton, Mont., April 8, 1883, Emma Wright; two sons. Has been engaged in government contracting and stock growing business; president Stockmen's National Bank. Democrat. Episcopalian. Mason, Odd Fellow, Knight Templar. Club: Montana (Helena, Mont.). Address: Fort Benton.
Browning, William J., congressman, was born April 11, 1850, in Camden, N. J. In 1889-94 he was postmaster of Camden, N. J.; and in 1895-1911 was chief clerk in the United States house of representatives. He was elected to the sixty-second congress as a republican to fill a vacancy, was re-elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Camden, N. J.
Bruce, Matthew Linn, jurist of 68 William St., New York City, was born Mercersburg, Pa., Oct. 1, 1860; son James (D.D.) and Mary (Linn) Bruce; educated Andes (N. Y.) Acad. and Rutgers Coll., A. B. (valedictorian), 1884; married 1894, Mrs. Lillian (Ballantine) Knapp; daughter late Duncan Ballantine, of Andes, N. Y.; four children. Instr. Seymour Inst., Pine Plains, N. Y., 1884-1887, and Albany Boys' Acad., 1887-1888; studied law in office of Cassius M. Shaw, Andes, N. Y.; admitted to bar, Sept., 1889; removed to N. Y. City, 1890; mn'g clerk in office of Hector M. Hitchings, 1890-1892; practiced law until appt'd, Dec., 1906, justice Supreme Court, 1st Dist., N. V.; resumed practice in 1908; reappt'd justice Supreme Court in 1908 by Gov. Hughes. Counsel to Legislative Corn., 1910. Campaign speaker in every Nat. and State campaign since 1888; pres. Republican Co. Conn of N. Y., 1903, and conducted campaign of Mayor Low for re-election; elected lieut.-gov. of N. Y., 1904, and renominated 1906, but failed of re-election. Presby'n; comm'r to Gem Assembly Presby'n Ch., Buffalo, 1904. Mem. Ass'n Bar City of N. Y., N. Y. County Lawyers' Ass'n, St. Andrew's Soc. Club: Republican (v.-p.) .
Bruce, William George, publisher and author of Milwaukee, Wis., where he was born March 17, 1856. He received a thorough education in the public and private schools of Milwaukee, Wis. He is the publisher of the American School Board Journal and the Industrial Arts Magazine, member of the Milwaukee school board. In 1903-06 he was a tax commissioner for the city of Milwaukee, Wis. In 1897 he managed the National Educational Association convention. In 1893 he was manager of the Milwaukee exhibits at the Columbian Exposition. In 1910 he was elected president of the Auditorium Board and in 1912 president of the Harbor Commission, and president of Central Association of Commercial Executives in 1913. He is the author of Bruce's School Architecture, and Bruce's Manual on School Administration, and a series of pamphlets on Taxation, Industrial Education and Industrial Insurance, Efficiency and Business Promotion.
Bruckner, Henry, United States congressman from the twenty-second district of New York, was born June 17, 1871, in New York City. He is president of Bruckner Brothers, manufacturers; and has been commissioner of public works. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in New York City.
Brumback, Arthur Marion, Granville, O., was born Boise, Idaho, Dec. 7, 1869. A.B., Denison, 1892; A.M., California, 1893. Principal, Grace Sem., Centralia, Wash., 1894-96; prof. chem. and physics, McMinnville, 1896-1903; pres., 1903-05; prof. chem., Denison, 1905, F.A.A.; Chem. Soc. Babbit metals and other alloys; reduction of tin; heats of solution of certain salts.—Ore analysis.
Brumbaugh, Clement, United Slates congressman for the twelfth district of Ohio, was born Feb. 28, 1863, near Greenville, Ohio. He is a lawyer. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1918-15; and resides in Columbus, Ohio.
Brush, Charles Francis, electrical engineer, inventor and scientist, of Cleveland, Ohio, was born March 17, 1649, in Euclid, Ohio. In 1869 he graduated with the degree of M. E. from the University of Michigan; and subsequently he received the degrees of M.S. and Sc.S. from that institution of learning. He has also received the degrees of Ph.D. and LL.D. from the Western Reserve University ; and the degree of LL.D. from Kenyon College. He was the inventor of commercial electric-arc-lighting. For this he was awarded the great Rumford Medal by the Academy of Arts and Science; and decorated by the French government. He is the founder of the Brush Electric Company; is president and director of many large corporations; and is past president of the Euclid Avenue National Bank of Cleveland, Ohio, and of the Chamber of Commerce. He is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science; a life member of the British association; and a member of many engineering and scientific societies.
Brush, Edward C., manager of the New England department, Pennsylvania Fire Ins. Co., of Philadelphia, Pa.; began insurance work in the home office of the Girard Fire and Marine Ins. Co. of Philadelphia, and was afterward connected with the Commercial Union of London, first as special agent for the Southern States, and afterward as special agent for New England. When the Boston Ins. Co., which had previously transacted only a marine business, opened its fire branch, he became manager of the new department, but resigned the appointment in 1902 to take his present position. Address: 137 Milk St., Boston, Mass.
Brush, Jacob Henry, banker; born in North Salem, N. Y., July 9, 1833; son of Albert and Julia (Birehard) Brush; educated in North Salem (N. Y.) Academy, Amenia (N. Y.) Conference Seminary, and Charlottesville (N. Y.) Conference Seminary; married Osage, Iowa, May 4, 1862, Julia Augusta Buckmaster; children: Francis Albert, Irving Henry, Anna, and Mamie. Worked on his father's farm, Ridgbury, Conn., North Salem, and Brewster, N. Y., until 1852; clerk in father's hotel and store until 1854 at Brewster; began banking as president of Brush and Meeker Bank, Decorah, Iowa, 1855; moved to Osage, Iowa, 1856, president of the Bank of J. H. Brush & Co., until 1865, when it reorganized as the Osage National Bank, and was its president until 1885. Member of Brush Brothers, real estate agents; builder and owner of the Osage Grist and Saw Mills and Grain Elevator; took stock in the Santa Rosa National Bank, Santa Rosa, Calif., which was organized in 1885; moved to Santa Rosa, 1888; built the Ukiah Water Works, 1892; bought the Santa Rosa street railroads, and operated them a few years, selling them to the Petaluma & Santa Rosa Railway Co.; was president and manager of the Merchants' Lighting Co., sold to the Pacific Gas and Electric Co., built the Green Valley Cannery. Now president and director Santa Rosa National Bank, Ukiah Water Co., treasurer and director Green Valley Canning Co., director Union Trust: Savings Bank, Osage National Bank. Republican; Methodist Episcopalian; President Board of Trustees University of the Pacific, San Jose, Calif., and of the California Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Address : Santa Rosa.
Bruton, Clarence F., secretary of Commercial Club of Sikeston, Mo., was born in Centralia, Mo., June 5, 1870. He was educated in the public schools of Centralia, received a certificate to teach school but did not do so. Lived in St. Louis for eight years, then was in business with his brother at Sturgeon, Mo., then engaged in business for himself, afterwards moving to Oklahoma. He took the first census of Perry, Okla., that was ever taken of that place when it was nothing but tents and dug-outs. He returned to his native county after this and married in Sturgeon. Afterwards going again to Oklahoma and lived in El Reno and Geary for some five years, thence moving to Sikeston, Mo., where he now lives. While in Oklahoma the last time he sold dry goods in El Reno and Geary and also edited a newspaper at the latter place, but owing to the country being too transient and not of a permanent character he moved back to Missouri, where he sold goods for awhile and then embarked in the real estate business which he has conducted with signal success, being president of the C. F. Bruton Real Estate and Investment Co., of Sikeston, farms to some extent, and has varied interests. He is secretary of the Sikeston Commercial Club, vice-president of the Sikeston Building and Loan Association, deacon in the Christian Church, also a member of its official board and one of the trustees. Has been a member of the Scott County Democratic Committee twice, secretary of the committee once, president of the Democratic Club three times; was Mayor of Sturgeon one term and has been offered the nomination for Representative several times, but as he has no "political bee" he has never run for office but once. He belongs to the I. O. O. F. Lodge. Mr. Bruton has the reputation of being the greatest booster and advertiser in Missouri, as he lives in the alluvial land which has been drained and reclaimed from the "swamps" he has a right to be proud of his country. He always boosts, and his home paper said of him once, 'If he lived at the North Pole he would boost that his ice bill was nil." He is married and has a happy home and three large, healthy and happy boys.
Bryan, Albert Hugh, supervising chemist, Arbuckle Bros., New York City, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C., was born in Indianapolis, Ind., July 27, 1874. B.S., Purdue, 1898; A.C., 1899; M.S., 1900. Asst. chemist, Ind. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1898-1900; chemist, Am. Beet Sugar Co., 1900-07; asst. chemist, bur. chem., U. S. Dept. Agr., 1907-09, chief, sugar lab., 1909-13. Chem. Soc.; Nat. Geog. Soc.; Ind. Acad.; Zucker Chem. Gesell. Washington Academy of Sciences; asst. editor Chemical Abstracts; member International Commission of Uniform Methods of Sugar Analysis; Polarization of sugars; maple sugar analysis; methods of determining sugars.—Sugar analysis; maple products, author of many papers on Sugar Topics.
Bryan, Nathan Philemon, United States senator from Florida, was born in Orange (now Lake) County, Fla., April 23, 1872; was graduated at Emory College, Oxford, Ga., in 1893; studied law at Washington and Lee University, graduating in 1895, and has since practiced law at Jacksonville; was chairman of the Board of Control of the Florida State Institutions of Higher Education 1905-1909; was nominated for United States senator in the democratic primary election of January 31, 1911, and elected by the legislature. His term of service will expire March 3, 1917.
Bryan, William Jennings, Secretary of State for the United States, was born March 19, 1860, in Salem City, Ill. His boyhood was passed on a farm near that place, and he attended the public schools for five years; he then took a course at Whipple Academy; and he completed his education by a four years' course at Illinois College. As a student in the law office of Lyman Trumbull of Chicago, he attended the Union College of Law in Chicago till 1883, when he removed to Jacksonville, Ill., and practiced law there for four years. In 1887 located in Lincoln, Neb., and opened a law office. In 1891-95 he was a representative to the fifty-second and fifty-third congresses and his first speech gave him a national reputation; his speech on the repeal of the Sherman Act is considered a masterpiece of bimetallism. He was placed in nomination in 1896 for the presidency by the democratic, free silver and populistic parties, and led a brilliant campaign; and in 1900 and 1908 he was again defeated. He is proprietor and editor of the Commoner. He is the author of The First Battle, A Story of Campaign of 1896; Old World and Its Ways; and other works.
Bryant, Charles Page, physician and surgeon; born, Allegheny, Pa.; son, Milton Charles and Katherine (Page) B.; descendant of Major Street, William C. Bryant, James Livingston. M.D., Jefferson Med. College, Philadelphia ; post grad., Rush Med. College, Chicago. Married, Elizabeth Sibbett, April 16, 1906, at Philadelphia. Sec. and treas., King County Homeopathic Med. Soc. Pres. Wash. State Homeopathic Med. Soc., 1913-14. Res. 3820 E. Olive St.; office, 904 Cobb Bldg., Seattle, Wash.
Bryant, Edward Francis, banker; born Dedham, Mass., April 30, 1861; son of Oliver F. and Minerva (Richardson) Bryant.; educated in Chauncy Hall School, Boston, Mass.; married, Nashua, N. H., July 18, 1888, Florence Runnells; children: Donald R., Dorothy F., Marion. Assistant cashier First National Bank, Woburn, Mass., 1880-1886; cashier and president Pullman Trust and Savings Bank since 1886. Republican; Congregationalist. Mason. Recreation: Golf. Clubs: Chicago, Boston Art Club, Chicago Athletic Association (Boston), and sundry golf and country clubs. Residence.: 1442 E. 51st St. Office: Pullman Trust and Savings Bank, Chicago.
Bryant, Waldo Calvin, manufacturer, financier, was born in Winchendon, Mass., Dec. 17, 1863; son of Calvin T. and Almeda (Dexter) Bryant; educated in Worcester Polytechnic Institute and graduated in 1884 with degree of B.A.; married, Waterbury, Conn., April 5, 1887, Ida Gerald; two children, son, Waldo Gerald, daughter, Doris. Started in business manufacturing electric lighting devices in 1888; incorporated The Bryant Electric Company in 1889. President, treasurer and general manager of The Bryant Electric Company, The Perkins Electric Switch Manufacturing Company; vice-president and director The Siemon Hard Rubber Corporation; director Bridgeport Brass Company, Bridgewater Hydraulic Company, First, Bridgeport National Bank, Bridgeport Trust Company; trustee People's Savings Bank. Republican ; Congregationalist. Member of American Institute of Electrical Engineers; director Bridgeport Hospital, Bridgeport Boys' Club. Mason (thirty-second degree). Clubs: Union League, Lawyers', Engineers', Railroad Club, City Lunch Club, New England Society in the City of New York (New York City); Brooklyn Country Club, Bridgeport Yacht Club, University, Algonquin, Contemporary (Bridgeport); Metabetchouan Fishing and Game Club (Canada); Accomack Club (Virginia).
Buchanan, Frank, congressman, was born June 14, 1862, in Jefferson County, Ind. He has been international president of the Bridge and Structural Iron Workers' Union. He was elected to the sixty-second and sixty-third congresses; and resides in Chicago, Ill.
Buchanan, J. P., state representative and congressman of Brenham, Tex., was born Aug. 30, 1867, in Midway, S. C. He was educated in the law department of the University of Texas. He is a successful lawyer of Texas; for two years was justice of the peace; for seven years was county attorney for Washington County ; and for seven years was district attorney for the twenty-first judicial district of Texas. He is identified with the Democratic party; and was a state representative in the Texas Legislature in 1908-10. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15.
Buchanan, J. W., merchant, born in Obion County, Tenn., son of J. A. and Nannie Buchanan ; moved to Obion, Tenn., December, 1899; made general manager of Obion and Glass Hdw. Co. in May 14, 1901, and sold his interest in business, Jan. 1, 1909; resigned as manager and began business in the firm name of J. W. Buchanan & Co., and Jan. 1, 1914, bought out his partners and dropped the company from the firm name. Was elected on the board of mayor and aldermen, as alderman in April, 1904, and served continuously until April, 1913, when he resigned; was elected a member of the county court in August, 1913, which place he now holds.
Buck, Harold Winthrop, consulting engineer of 49 Wall St., New York City, was born, N. Y. City, May 7, 1873; son of Albert H. and Laura. (Abbott) Buck; graduate. Yale Coll., Ph.B., Columbia Univ., E.E.; married, 1902, Charlotte R. Porter; children: Winthrop Porter, Gurdon, Charlotte Abbott. Elect. engr. of Niagara Falls Power Co., 1900-07 and allied companies. Since 1907 consulting engr. and vice-pres. of eng'ring corp. of Viele, Blackwell & Buck. General Utilities Corp. Mem. Am. Inst. Elect. Engrs., Am. Electro Chemical Soc., Nat. Electric Light Assn., Franklin Inst., Pa. Clubs, University, Engineers, Rockaway Hunting.
Buehler, Lytton Briggs, artist of 11 Main St., Gettysburg, Pa., was born Aug. 6, 1888, in Gettysburg, Pa. He is of old American family, on both sides. He was educated in public and private schools. Entered the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in 1906, where he studied for four years, winning a traveling scholarship to Europe in 1908. Exhibited at the Paris Salon. Since then represented in the annual exhibitions throughout the country. Has painted many notable portraits and landscapes. Member of the Fellowship of the Academy of Fine Arts and Fellowship Pafa.
Bulkeley, Morgan Gardner, U. S. senator, banker, born, E. Haddam, Conn., Dec. 26, 1837; son of Eliphalet Adams (first president Aetna Life insurance Co.) and Lydia S. (Morgan) Bulkeley; family removed to Hartford, Conn., 1846; educated in high school of Hartford; honorary degree, Yale College, A.M., 1890; married, San Francisco, Calif., Feb. 11, 1885, Fannie B. Houghton. Engaged as merchant in Brooklyn; after Civil War returned to Hartford and organized in 1872 and was first president (1872-79) United States Bank of Hartford, Conn.; now president since 1879 Aetna Life Insurance Co. Served in 13th New York Regiment during Civil War; was councilman 1875, alderman 1876, mayor 1880-88 of Hartford, Conn.; elected governor of Connecticut for term of 1889-91, and as no candidate for election in 1890 received a constitutional majority of the votes east, he retained the office of governor for term 1891-93; candidate for U. S. senator 1893; elected U. S. senator 1905 for term 1905-11. Delegate Republican National Conventions, 1884-96. Republican. Address, 650 Main St. Hartford.
Bulkley, Robert Johns, congressman, was born in Cleveland, Oct. 8, 1880; from Harvard College with the degree of A.B. in 1902; studied law at Harvard Law School and in Cleveland; received the degree of A.M. from Harvard University in 1906; married Miss Katherine Pope at Helena, Mont., Feb. 17, 1909; engaged in practice of law; never was a candidate for public office prior to 1910; was elected to the sixty-second and sixty-third congresses.
Bull, Frank Kellogg, manufacturer and capitalist of Racine, Wis., was born in Spring Prairie, Walworth County, Wis., May 7, 1857; son of Stephen and Ellen (Kellogg) Bull; graduated from Racine College, 1878; married, 1880, Belle Jones. Began in employ of J. I. Case & Co., as apprentice in repair department; appointed secretary, 1881, treasurer, 1896, president, 1897 of J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co., which is now the largest manufacturer of threshing machinery in the world. President Belle City Manufacturing Co., farm implement manufacturers. Clubs, Union League (New York), Milwaukee (Milwaukee), Chicago Club, Chicago Athletic (Chicago), Racine (Racine, Wis.).
Bullitt, William Marshall, lawyer, banker; born, Louisville, Ky., March 4, 1873 ; son of Thomas Walker and Annie P. (Logan) Bullitt; graduated from Princeton College, B.S., 1894, LL.B., from University of Louisville, 1895. Married, May 31, 1913, Nora Iasigi at Stockbridge, Mass. Has been engaged in practice of law at Louisville since 1895 ; solicitor general of the United States, 1912-13; Republican nominee for the United States Senate, 1914; member of law firm of Bullitt & Bullitt. Director in and counsel for First National Bank, Union National Bank, Kentucky, Title Savings Bank and Trust Co., and Kentucky Title Co.; director and member executive committee Fidelity & Columbia Trust Co. of Louisville and Louisville, Henderson & St. Louis Railway Co. Delegate-at-large Republican National Convention, Chicago, 1908 (member of Committee on Resolutions). Chairman Board of Public Safety of Louisville, 1907-09. Clubs: Metropolitan, City Midday, Princeton (New York), Metropolitan, Chevy Chase (Washington), Pendennis, Country Golf, Arden (Louisville). Editor: "Bullitt's Civil and Criminal Codes of Kentucky, 1899, 1902." Residences (summer), "Oxmoor," St. Matthews, Jefferson County, Ky.; (winter), 1019 S. 4th Ave., Louisville. Office, 1200-1214 Lincoln Bank Bldg., Louisville.
Bunting, Charles Henry, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis., was born, La Crosse, Wis., May 22, 1875. B.S., Wisconsin. 1896; fellow, 1896-97 ; M.D., Hopkins, 1901. Asst. demonstrator path., Pennsylvania, 1902-03; asst. Hopkins, 1903-04, instr. 1904-05. assoc. 1905-06; prof. Virginia, 1906-08; Wisconsin, 1908, A.A.; Assn. Path. and Bach; Assn. Anat.; Am. Physicians; Soc. Exp. Biol.; Am. Med. Assn.; Wis. Med. Soc.: Chicago Path. Soc. Hematology.
Buongiorno, Donatus, artist of 106 East Twenty-third St., New York City, was born Nov. 11, 1865, in Solofra, Italy. He is a pupil of the Institution of Fine Art, Naples. Some of his paintings are Glory of St. Clara, Saint Clara's Church in New York; St. Charles Borromeo, Sacred Heart Church, Boston, Mass.; and the Fall of the Angels, Brattleboro, Vt.
Burbank, Luther, naturalist and new plant originator, born, Lancaster, Worcester Co., Mass., March 7, 1849; son of Samuel Walton and Oliver (Ross) B. Educated at district school and Lancaster Academy; D.S., Tufts College, 1905. Unmarried. Special lecturer, Stanford Univ. Originator of the Burbank Potato, of the Santa Rosa, Formosa, American, Climax, Wickson, Apple, Gold, Plums, and numerous other standard plums, also the Sugar and Standard Prunes; also an entirely distinct new species of fruit,—the plumcot; originator of the Burbank and Abundance Cherry, Santa Rosa, Peachblow, Burbank and other roses; the Shasta Daisies; numerous giant and dwarf callas; also numerous new flowers, vegetables, grasses, grains, trees, nuts and fruits, but above all and of greatest importance, perhaps, originator of a series of Spineless Cactus, of great value for forage and fruit. Almost 3,000 distinct experiments are now under way, with 6,000 distinct botanical species of plants, many of them new, which have been introduced through his collectors in foreign lands. Fellow, Am. Assn. Advan. of Science. Member, Am. Pomological Soc., Am. Breeders' Assn. (hon. member); Pacific Coast Nurserymen's Assn. (hon. member); Cal. Academy of Sciences (hon. member); State Floral Soc. (hon. member); State Board of Trade (hon. member); and hon. member of many other clubs, socs., etc. Address, Santa Rosa, Sonoma Co., Cal.
Burchard, John Ely, lawyer and statesman of St. Paul, Minn., was born in 1865 in Clinton, N. Y. After leaving college he was admitted to the bar; became owner and editor of the Soo-Democrat; and was collector of customs during Cleveland's second term. For three years he was city attorney and for three terms was mayor of Marshall, Minn.; and since 1900 has practiced law in St. Paul, Minn. He is president of the John E. Burchard Co., the Burchard-Hulburt Investment Co., the Southwest Land and Orchard Co., the St. Paul Machinery Manufacturing Co.; and is vice-president and director in several other companies and banks. He is a thirty-second degree Mason; and in 1907 was appointed on the governor's staff, with the rank of colonel.
Burdett, Cyril Herbert, lawyer, of 135 Broadway, New York City, was born, Boston, Mass., Oct. 3, 1865; son of Michael B. and Albina (Long) Burdett; grad. Quincy Acad., 1884; Harvard Univ., 1888; married, Boston, Feb. 21, 1890, Winella White Stratton. Practiced law in Boston for two years; became mem. N. Y. bar and for ten years was associated with Title Guarantee and Trust Co., N. Y. City; in 1902, upon the organization of the Title Ins. Co. of N. Y., was elected sec. of that company, as well as of N. Y. Mortgage and Security Co., two allied corps; now vice-president and general manager. Elected president Chelsea Realty Co., sec. and treas. the Lawyers' Eng'ring and Surveying Co., treas. Hudson Mortgage Co., and pres. Montrose Realty Co., all of which positions retains. Independent politically; Unitarian. Vice-pres. Nat. League of Unitarian Laymen; treas. of Unitarian Conf. of Middle States and Canada ; mem. B'd of Trustees and sec. L. I. Hist. Soc. Clubs, Lawyers, Unitarian of N. Y. (pres.), Hamilton (Brooklyn).
Burdick, Francis Marion, law professor, Columbia University, New York City. Residence, West 115th St. and Riverside Drive. Born in De Ruyter, N. Y., Aug. 1, 1845. Educated at Hamilton College and Hamilton College Law School. (Married.) Dwight Professor of law in Columbia University School of Law. Member Barnard and Patria (president) clubs, Century Association, Phi Beta Kappa Society, and Association of the Bar of the City of New York.
Bureau, Hon. Jacques, LL.B., advocate; son of J. Napoleon Bureau, and Sophie Gingras, his wife, both French-Canadians; born at Three Rivers, .Que., June 9, 1860; educated at Nicolet College and Laval University, LL.B. Married, July 15, 1884, Ida Beliveau. First elected to House of Commons at general election, 1900; re-elected at general election, 1904; sworn as solicitor-general of Canada, Feb. 14, 1907; re-elected by acclamation, Feb. 28, 1907; re-elected 1908 and 1911. Address, Three Rivers, P. Q., Canada.
Burgess, George Farmer, congressman, was born Sept. 21, 1861, in Wharton, Texas. He is a successful lawyer of Gonzales, Texas. He was a member of the fifty seventh, fifty-eighth, fifty-ninth, sixtieth, sixty-first congresses from Texas as a Democrat. He was re-elected to the sixty-third congress from the ninth district of Texas for the term of 1911-13; and resides in Gonzales, Texas.
Burke, Charles H., congressman, was born on a farm in Genesee County, N. Y., April 1, 1861. He was elected to the Legislature in 1894 and re-elected in 1896; was elected to the fifty-sixth, fifty-seventh, fifty-eighth and fifty-ninth congresses; was defeated in the convention in 1906, but was again nominated in June, 1908, in a state-wide primary, and elected to the sixty-first and sixty-second and sixty-third congresses as a Republican; and resides in Pierre, S. D.
Burke, Very Rev. Alfred, D.D., LL.D., author, born September 8, 1862, in Georgetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada; descendant of the Burkes of Tipperary, Ireland; educated in public schools, Georgetown; St. Dunstan's College, and Laval University, LL.D. Received all the degrees from B.A. to D.D. After ordination by Cardinal Tasehereau in 1885, was secretary to the Bishop of Charlottetown; pastor of Alberton, P. E. I., 1888; First President of the Catholic Church Extension Society of Canada, 1908. Has taken an active part in church work and in every movement for the social and moral uplift of Canada; headed delegations from his Province on numerous occasions; elected to highest positions in social work by Catholics and non-Catholics alike. Contributor to all the Canadian publications; author of numerous monographs; editor of the Catholic Register and Canadian Extension. Went to Northwestern States and the Pacific Coast, in 1902 to study colonization schemes for the government of Canada. Member of the Canadian Forestry Society, the Dominion Alliance, and trustee of the Catholic Mutual Benefit Association. Address, 119 Wellington St., Toronto, Canada.
Burke, Edmund, agricultural experiment station, Bozeman, Mont., was born, Niles, Mich., April 26, 1865. B.S., Mont. Col., 1907. Instr. chem., Mont. Col., 1901-06, asst. prof., 1906-07; asst. chemist, Mont. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1900-08, chemist, 1908, meteorologist, 1906. Lecturer, farmers' institutes. Chem. Soc.; West Assn. Tech. Chem. and Metal. Occurrance of salicylic acid in fruits; effect of alkali on Portland cement. The effect of alkali salts on cements; artificial incubation of eggs. The formation of vitriols in soils. A study of Gumbo soils.
Burke, James Francis, congressman, was born Oct. 21, 1867, at Petroleum Center, Pa. He founded the American Republican College League, and became its first president, establishing a branch organization in every leading university of the United States. He began the practice of law in Pittsburgh in 1893. He was elected to the fifty-ninth, sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second congresses. He was re-elected to the sixty-third congress from the thirty-first district of Pennsylvania for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Pittsburgh, Pa.
Burke, John H., lawyer, Ballston Spa, born in Mechanicsville, N. Y., Aug. 21, 1856. Educated at Mechanicsville Academy, Fort Edward Institute and Williams College. (Married.) Director Ballston Spa National Bank. Was member of Assembly from Saratoga County, 1887.
Burke, John James, born Jan. 4, 1857, Avon, Ill.; educated public schools, and later at Notre Dame University, Ind., receiving the degree of A.B. in 1883, and that of A.M. in 1885; author of "Reasonableness of Catholic Ceremonies and Practices (Benziger Bros., 1892); "Characteristics of the Early Church" (Murphy, 1899 ; Christian Press, 1909); has visited Rome and the Holy Land, and has traveled over Continental Europe and in Ireland. Father Burke was mainly instrumental in bringing the late Mrs. Julia Palmer Stevens into the church. Member of the Father Mathew League; K. C. Address, St. Mark's Church, Peoria, Ill.
Burke, Michael E., congressman, was born Oct. 15, 1863, in Beaver Dam, Wis. Since 1888 he has practiced law in his native city; served four years in the state assembly; and four years in the state senate. He served fifteen consecutive terms as city attorney of Beaver Dam; and has served two terms as mayor of that city. He was elected to the sixty-second and sixty-third congresses as a Democrat.
Burleigh, Edwin Chick, ex-governor of Maine, congressman and United States senator; born at Linneus, Aroostook County, Maine, Nov. 27, 1843. He was educated in the common schools and the Houlton Academy. He taught school and was land surveyor and served in the office of the state adjutant-general. He is now publisher of the Kennebec Journal, daily and weekly. From 1876 to 1878 he was state land agent, was state treasurer from 1885 to 1888, and governor from 1889 to 1892, inclusive. He was elected in 1897 from the third Maine district to the fifty-fifth congress in place of Seth L. Milliken, deceased, re-elected in 1908 and was biennially re-elected and served until March 4, 1911. In 1913 he was elected United States senator. His term of service will expire March 3, 1919. Address, Augusta, Maine.
Burleigh, George William, lawyer, born, Somersworth, N. H., April 18, 1870; son of Hon. George William and Louise H. (Bryant) Burleigh; educated, St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., Princeton University, A.B., 1892, A.M., 1895; N. Y. Law School; married, Trenton, N. J., Nov. 21, 1894, Isis Yturbide Potter Stockton, (laughter of Gen. Robert F. Stockton, of Trenton. Admitted to bar of N. Y., 1894. Director, secretary and treasurer Lackawanna Iron & Coal Co.; director Princeton Publishing Co., Princeton University Press. Republican; Episcopalian. Life member, N. Y. Zoo]. Soc., mem., Met. Mils. of Art., Am. Museum of Natural History, Am. Bison Soc., Am. Geog. Soc., Am. Soc. of Intl. Law. Clubs, Down Town Assn., University, New York; University, Washington, Princeton of N. Y., Camp Fire of America (N. Y. City); Nassau, University Cottage (Princeton). Residence, 42 W. 9th St., Address, 52 Wall St., N. Y. City.
Burley, David E., general passenger and ticket agent Oregon Short Line Rd. Office, Salt Lake City, Utah. Born March 8, 1849, at Amanda, O. Educated in the public schools and at Asbury University, now Depauw University, at Greencastle, Ind. Entered railway service 1879, since which he has been consecutively to July 1, 1889, traveling passenger agent Union Pacific Ry. at Baltimore, Md.; July 1, 1889, to July 1, 1891, traveling passenger agent same road at Philadelphia, Pa.; July 1, 1891, to March 17, 1897, general agent passenger department same road at Salt Lake City, Utah; March 17, 1897, to date, general passenger and ticket agent Oregon Short Line Rd.
Burnett, Edgar Albert, 3256 Holdrege St., Lincoln, Neb., was born, Oakland Co., Mich., Oct. 17, 1865. B.S., Mich. Agr. Col., 1887. Instr. agr., Mich. Agr. Col., 1889-91, asst. prof., 1891-93; prof. S. DAk. State Col., 1896-99; animal husbandry, Nebraska, 1899-1909, assoc. dean, indust. col., 1901-09, director, Agr. Exp. Sta., 1901-, dean, col. agr., 1909-; supt. farmers' institutes, Neb., 1899-1909. Soc. Prom. Agr. Sci., Am. Soc. Animal Nutrition, Am. Genetic Assn., Nat.. Geog. Soc., Assn. Am. Agr. Cols. and Exp. Stas.
Burnett, John Lawson Brandon, congressman, was born Jan. 20, 1854, in Cedar Bluff, Ala. He was elected to the Alabama Legislature in 1884; and to the State Senate in 1886. He was elected to the fifty-sixth, fifty-seventh, fifty-eighth, fifty-ninth, sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second congresses from Alabama as a Democrat. He was re-elected to the sixty-third congress from the Seventh District of Alabama for term of 1913-15; and resides in Gadsden, Ala.
Burnett, Samuel Howard, New York State Veterinary Coll., Ithaca, N. Y was born at Webster, N. Y., Nov. 18, 1869. A. B., Cornell, 1892, M.S. 1896, D.V.M., 1902. Instr. biol., Fairmount, 1896-98; asst. comp. path. and bacter., Cornell, 1899-1901, instr., 1901-08, asst. prof., 1908-13, prof., 1913-. Assn. Path. and Bact. Clinical hematology of domesticated animals; comparative morphology of the blood; comparative pathology.
Burns, William John, business president of New York City, was born Oct. 19, 1861, in Baltimore, Md. He has been connected with the United States secret service in the treasury department, has been special agent in the interior department and made graft investigation in San Francisco. Since 1909 he has been president of the international detective agency, and among their clients are the American bankers' association and other important institutions.
Burr, Nelson B., 165 Broadway, New York City; residence, 1 East 51st St., N. Y. City; born in Auburn, N. Y., Feb. 3, 1871. Educated at Phillips Andover Academy, Yale University and Harvard Law School. Lieut.-Col. 12th Rgt. Inf. N.Y.N.G.; vice-pres. St. Louis & So. Western Rwy. Co.; director Am. Writing Paper Co., etc. Married 1904 to Helen Van Cortlandt Morris, of New York City. Member Union, University, Lawyers', St. Anthony, Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht, Yale, Racquet and Tennis, Foreign Wars and Spanish Am. War Vets.
Burras, Howard Kissam, bond and stock broker; born New York, Feb. 28, 1851; son of Thomas H. and Mary E. (Hawkins) Burras; educated in Ward School 35, and Columbia College; married, Savannah, Ga., 1890, Kate Wheaton. Member New York Stock Exchange since 1876, and member firm H. K. Burras & Co. Republican; member Christian Church. Member Georgia Society. Clubs: Lotos, New York Athletic, Automobile Club of America, Metropolitan Club of N.Y. Address: 66 Broadway, N.Y. City.
Burroughs, Samuel Raymond, physician, surgeon and banker, of Buffalo, Tex., was born in Tuskaloosa County, Alabama, Oct. 3, 1842; son of Benjamin F. and Louisa Fair (Burton) Burroughs; educated at Palestine High School and Mound Prairie Institute, Anderson County, Tex., and was graduated from Galveston Medical College, at which he later held the chair of chemistry, toxicology and medical jurisprudence for four years; married, in Leon County, Texas, May 9, 1867, Rebecca Antoinette Henry; children, Elie May, Robert Edgar. Core Lee and Mary Louella. Engaged in the practice of medicine in Houston, Texas, two years; health failed and removed to Leon County, where recovered health, first living at Raymond, then at Buffalo, Tex., where he has been residing since 1896. Practiced medicine and was engaged in the mercantile and ginning business at Raymond, Tex., before residing at Buffalo, Tex.; now engaged in the practice of medicine and banking business. President and stockholder Buffalo State Bank ; director and stockholder in Amicable Life insurance Company; stockholder Texas Loan and Surety Company, First State Bank of Oakwood, Tex., Western Casualty and Guarantee Company (Dallas), Texas Loan and Guarantee Company, Houston Continental Trust Company, Houston. Served as member Company G, 1st Texas Regiment, Hood's Brigade, C.S.A., in Army of Northern Virginia. Has served as chairman of the Democratic representative district; chairman Democratic senatorial district; member State Democratic Executive Committee; president Texas State Board of Medical Examiners. Ex-president Texas State Medical Association ; member of county, state and national medical associations. Missionary Baptist; Democrat; Royal Arch Mason; Elk.
Burrows, Joseph H., fanner, clergyman, congressman, was born May 15, 1840, in Manchester, England. He was educated in the high schools of Keokuk, Iowa; and he studied two years in Quincy, Ill. He was engaged in mercantile pursuits in Keokuk and Centerville, Iowa. In 1867 he was ordained to the Baptist ministry; and for over thirty years has been pastor in Cainsville, Mo. In 1883 he was one of the organizers of Cainsville Bank, of which he was vice-president. He has attained note as a public speaker and temperance lecturer. In 1870-74 and in 1878-80 he was a representative to the Missouri State Legislature. In 1881-83 he was a representative from Missouri to the forty-seventh congress. He preached more than 46 years, clerk of the West Fork Baptist Association 25 years, and moderator of same 12 years. President of the Cainsville Bank. As M.C. he introduced the first bill in the forty-seventh congress for the reduction of letter postage from 3 to 2 cents; this is the congress that gave the reduction.
Burtis, D. J., president Empire City Fire Ins. Co., New York; born in New York, July 21, 1853. He began work in insurance in 1870 as a clerk with the Firemen's Trust Ins. Co. of New York; was connected with the Mercantile Ins. Co. from 1871 to 1873, and with the Howard Ins. Co. in 1873-4. After being for a time an insurance broker, he entered the service of the Empire City in 1875, and has remained with the company ever since, becoming secretary in 1885. and president in 1906. The Empire City was merged with The Williamsburgh Fire Ins. Co., Dec. 31, 1912, and he was elected vice-president and secretary. Address: 95 William St., New York.
Burt, Wellington, manufacturer of Saginaw, Mich., was born 1831 in New York State. He is a manufacturer of the Portland Cement Company. He has been state senator; and was a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1907.
Burton, Henry Fairfield, university professor of Rochester, N. Y , was born, Elyria, 0., July 17, 1851; son Nathan Smith (D.D.), and Sarah John (Fairfield) Burton; grad. Univ. of Mich., A.B.. 1872, A.M., 1875; Univ. of Leipzig (student of philology), 1875-1877; Univ. of Berlin (student of philology), 1891-1892; hon. LL.D., Denison Univ., 1909; married, Rochester, N. Y., June 14, 1898, Marian Williams Perrin; children: Andrew Perrin, born 1899; Sarah Fairfield, born 1900; Henry Fairfield, born 1901. Instr. Latin and Greek, Denison Univ., 1872-1874; instr. Latin, Univ. of Mich., 1874-1875; ass't prof. Latin, Univ. of Rochester, 1877-1883; prof. Latin, Univ. of Rochester. since 1883; acting pres., 1898-1900, and 1908-1909. Democrat. Baptist. Member Phi Beta Kappa Soc., Amer. Philol. Ass'n, Archaeol. Inst. of America. Clubs : Genesee Valley, Fortnightly, Alpha Chi.
Burton, Theodore E., United States senator from Ohio, was born Dec. 20, 1851, in Jefferson, Ohio. He began the practice of law at Cleveland in 1875. He is the author of Financial Crisis and Depressions; and Life of John Sherman. He was a member of the fifty-first congress, but was defeated for reelection in 1890; and was a member of the fifty-fourth, fifty-fifth, fifty-seventh, fifty-eighth, fifty-ninth and sixtieth congresses as a Republican. He is now a member of the United States Senate for the term of 1909-15; and resides in Cleveland, Ohio.
Burwell, Benjamin Franklin, lawyer and jurist of Oklahoma City, Okla., was born April 15, 1866, in Armstrong County, Pa. He was educated in the public and private schools, and at the State Normal School at Glenville, W. Virginia He studied law in West Virginia and Kansas, and practiced in Kansas at Gypsum City, where he was city clerk. In 1891 he located in Oklahoma City; and in 1898-1907 was an associate justice of the Supreme Court for the Territory of Oklahoma. He is now actively engaged in the practice of law in Oklahoma City, Okla.
Bush, Irving T., business man; born Ridgeway, Mich., July 12, 1869; son Rufus T. and Sarah M. (Hall) Bush; educated in The Hill School, Pottstown, Pa.; married, first, Ridgeway, Mich., Feb. 2, 1891, Belle Barlow; married, second, Lakewood, N.J., April 20, 1907, Maud Howard Beard (widow of Francis D. Beard); has traveled around the world in his father's yacht "Coronet," 1888 and 1889, and has been many times abroad. At age of nineteen, entered the Bush & Denslow Mfg. Co., of which his father was president, and a year later became secretary of the company. He early became impressed with the urgency of the problem of congestion of business and traffic in New York, and applied himself to its solution; established a few warehouses in 1895 under the style of The Bush Company, Limited; in 1901. founded the Bush Terminal Company, and has created the Bush Terminal, whose 123 warehouses, seven piers, ten Model Loft or Industrial Buildings, and remarkably complete facilities for receiving, shipping, storing, selling and manufacturing goods, covering about thirty city blocks (200 acres), in South Brooklyn, New York, have attracted there about 200 manufacturers and wholesalers. President, Bush Terminal Co., Bush Terminal Buildings Co., Bush Terminal R.R. Co.; Director of The Merchants Assn. of N.Y.; Congregationalist; Member : American Economic Assn., Holland Society, Pan-American Society of U.S., Chamber of Commerce of State of N.Y.; Clubs: Press, Union League, N.Y. Yacht, Hamilton, Down Town Assn., Economic of N.Y., Automobile Club of Am., American Yacht, Sleepy Hollow Country, Knollwood Country, National Arts, Country Club of Lakewood, N.J., Traffic of N.Y. Residence: Irvington-on-the-Hudson, N.Y. Office: 100 Broad St., N.Y. City.
Bushnell, John Ludlow, banker; born Springfield, Ohio, Feb. 15, 1872; son of Asa S. and Ellen L. (Ludlow) Bushnell; graduated from Princeton University, 1894; married, Springfield, Ohio, Oct. 14, 1896, Jessie M. Harwood; children: Asa, Edward, Suzanne. President Home Telephone Co., Springfield, Troy & Piqua Railway Co., and is now president First National Bank, Springfield, Ohio. Republican ; Episcopalian. Club : Commercial. Residence: 1203 East High St. Office: 411 Bushnell Building, Springfield.
Busses, Thomas H., State senator, manufacturer, of Perry, N. Y., was born Troy, N. Y., Feb. 25, 1857; son Esek Bussey, stove manufacturer of Troy and Chicago, descendant George Bussey, who settled in Calvert Co., Md., from England, 1636, and Capt. Bennett Bussey, who organized the Silver Grays, Berkshire Co. militia, during Revolution; educated Mt. Anthony Sem., Bennington, Vt.; Troy Acad., Rensselaer Poly. Inst.; married Shelbyville, Ky., 1900, Bertha M. De Epping-Housen; children: Beatrice Della-Porta. Engaged in mf'g business, after period of travel ; now engaged in mf'g. Pres. village of Perry during installation of water works and adoption of sewer system; represented town on County Board of Supervisors, four years, and chairman 1910; elected to State Senate, 1910; re-elected, 1912. Appt'd comm'r of Panama Exp'n 1915, for State of N. Y.; mem. Judiciary Conn and Coin. on Miscellaneous Corp'ns. Shriner, Elks, Moose, 1. O. O. F. Address: Perry, N. Y.
Butler, Nicholas Murray, publicist and university president, was born. April 2, 1862, in Elizabeth, N. J. He has been president of the Barnard College, Teachers' College, and the College of Pharmacy. Since 1902 he has been president of Columbia University. He is the author of The Meaning of Education and other works. He is now president of the Paterson (New Jersey) Board of Education.
Butler, Thomas S., congressman, was born Nov. 4, 1855, in Pennsylvania. He is a member of the Chester County bar. He was a member of the fifty-fifth, fifty-sixth, fifty-seventh, fifty-eighth, fifty-ninth, sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second congresses as a Republican. He was reelected to the sixty-third congress from the Seventh District of Pennsylvania for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Winchester, Pa.
Butler, Willard Parker, lawyer; born in New York City, March 28, 1857; son of Benjamin F. and Ellen G. (Parker) Butler, his father being the second son of the late Benjamin F. Butler, Attorney-General in the Cabinet of Jackson and Van Buren, and one of the Revisors of the Statutes of the State of New York, and his mother being the eldest daughter of Dr. Willard Parker, the distinguished surgeon. Mr. Butler was graduated from Columbia University in 1878 (School of Mines) with the degree of E.M., afterward studied in the University of Berlin, and then attended the Columbia Law School, from which he was graduated LL.B., 1883. He was admitted to the Bar of the State of New York, May 19, 1883, and has since practiced law continuously in New York City, now being a member of the law firm of Whitridge, Butler and Rice. He is a member of the Alumni Association of the School of Mines of Columbia 'University, of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, was a member of the Psi Upsilon fraternity, Lambda Chapter, when at Columbia, and is a member of the Century, University and Down Town Clubs of New York. He is unmarried. Residence: .143 East 36th St., New York City, and Morristown, N. J. Office: 59 Wall St., New York City.
Buttenwieser, Joseph L., real estate operator of New York City, born, Philadelphia, Pa., April 3, 1865; son of Laemmlein and Leah (Heller) Buttenwieser; graduated College City of N. Y., 1883; took third honorary oration and all medals and' prizes in Latin and Greek during the entire course, having stood No. 1 during the entire five years of the course; won the prize debate, in which late Carl Sehurz was judge of debate; graduated University Law School, N. Y. City, LL.B. (valedictorian), 1887; married N. Y. City, June 7, 1892, Lena Weil; children: Clara, Florence, Clarence Benjamin and Gertrude: After graduation from City College, taught public school, two and a half years; after graduation in law, went into real estate, both as operator and as builder, and has built over 300 houses, and bought and sold on own account over 1,100 houses in Manhattan. Took active part in agitation which resulted in repeal of the Annual Mortgage Tax Law 'and its substitution by the Mortgage Recording Tax Law; his speech on subject before joint Senate and Assembly Committees on Taxation and Retrenchment was printed at request and expense of the Allied Real Estate Interests, and by them distributed throughout state. Director Allied Real Estate Interests. Democrat; Jewish religion. Member Phi Beta Kappa Soc., member and vice-president College City of N. Y. Alumni Association, N. Y. University Law School. President Hebrew Technical Institute ; trustee of Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society.
Buttles, Marvin Dugro, insurance broker, of 767 Fifth Ave., New York City, was born, N. Y. City, Sept. 12, 1870; son of Marvin Stephen and Dorothea Wilhelmina (Dugro) Buttles; educated, public schools, Columbia Grammar School, Columbia College, A.B., 1890. Entered insurance business, 1894; was asst. sec. Manhattan Fire Ins. Co.; dir and pres. Hamilton Fire Ins. Co. of N. Y., and U. S. mgr. for several European companies; now dir. Bretagne Co., owners of Hotel Savoy. Mem. Delta Kappa Epsilon.
Butts, Samuel J., banker, land owner, born at Elkhardt, Ind., Nov. 22, 1844; educated common schools; married, Mulvane, Kan., Feb. 11, 1885, to Emma L. Parker; five children. President Protection State Bank, Protection, Kan.; director Black Bear Mining Co., of Sacramento, Calif. Civil War Veteran. Republican. Address, Mulvane.
Bryan, James Wesley, United States congressman at large from Washington, was born March 11, 1874, in Lake Charles, La. He has been city attorney; and a member of the state senate. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Seattle, Wash.
Byrne, F. M., governor of the state of Smith Dakota. He is governor of South Dakota for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Pierre. S. D.
Byrnes, James Francis, congressman, was born in Charleston, S. C., May 2, 1879 ; received only a common school education. In 1900 was appointed official court reporter of the Second Circuit of South Carolina. For several years edited a newspaper. In 1903 was admitted to the bar, and in 1908 was elected solicitor of the Second Circuit of South Carolina; was married in 1906. In 1910, receiving the Democratic nomination over two opponents, was elected to the sixty-second and sixty-third congresses without opposition.
Byrns, Joseph W., congressman, was born July 20, 1869, near Cedar Hill Tenn. e was educated in the public schools of his native county; and he graduated from the law department of the Vanderbilt University at Nashville, Tenn. He at once attained prominence as a noted lawyer of Nashville, Tenn. In 1895-97 and 1899 he was a member of the Tennessee House of Representatives and in 1899 was a speaker of the House. In 1901 he was a member of the Tennessee State Senate; and in 1904- was a Democratic elector. In 1909-11 he was a representative from Tennessee to the sixty-first and sixty-second congresses as a Democrat; and was re-elected to the sixty-third congress for term of 1913-15; and resides in Nashville, Tenn.