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Men of 1914/D

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Men of 1914, Chicago: American Publishers' Association, 1915, OCLC:49777827all editions

The phrase "Men of 1914" appears frequently in the English literature of the 20th century as a metonym for the generation that faced World War I.

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195283Men of 1914 — D

Dahlman, James C., mayor of Omaha, Neb., was born Dec. 15, 1856, in Texas. He has been mayor of Chadron, Neb.; and for three terms was sheriff of Dawes County, Neb. In 1896-1900 he was chairman of the democratic state committee; and in 1892 and in 1896 he was a delegate to the democratic national conventions. And since 1900 he has been a member of the national democratic committee; and is now serving his third term of 1908-12. In 1910 he was nominated for governor of Nebraska on the democratic ticket at the state primaries, but was defeated for election. He is connected with the live stock commission business at Omaha, Neb.; and is now serving his second term as mayor of that city.

Dale, Harry Howard, United States congressman from the fourth district of New York, was born Dec. 3, 1868, in New York City. He is a lawyer; and has been a member of the state legislature. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Brooklyn, N.Y.

Dallinger, Frederick William, lawyer, born at Combridge, Mass., Oct. 2, 1871; son of William W. and Elizabeth F. Dal-linger. He was graduated from Harvard University as A.B., 1893, and A.M., 1894, then took up the study of law, was graduated from the Harvard Law School in 1897, and passed his bar examinations the same year. He had already become prominent in public life, having been for two terms a member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives in 1894 and 1895. In 1896 he was elected to the Massachusetts Senate, in which he served, by successive reelections until 1900. He is also well known for his political writings, notably a volume on Nominations for Elective Office in the United States. Residence: 4 Hancock Park, Cambridge, Mass. Office: 89 State St., Boston, Mass.

Daly, John W., passenger traffic manager New York Central Lines west of Buffalo. Office : Chicago, Ill. Born June 2, 1868, at Canton, Ill. Entered railway service 1882, since which he has been consecutively telegraph operator Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Ry.; operator Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Rd., at Horton, Kan., and ticket agent same road at Burlingame and Augusta, Kan., and Springer, N.M.; chief clerk local office and chief yard clerk Wisconsin Central Rd. at Chicago until 1889; 1889 to May 16, 1894, chief clerk general passenger office Jacksonville Southeastern Line; May 16, 1894, to March, 1901, general passenger and ticket agent Jacksonville, Louisville & St. Louis Ry., now the Jacksonville & St. Louis Ry.; April 15, 1901, to March 1, 1902, southern passenger agent Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Ry. at Cincinnati, O., March 1, 1902, to April 1, 1905, general eastern passenger agent same road at Buffalo, N.Y.; April 1, 1905, to 1906, chief assistant general agent same road and Michigan Central Rd. at Buffalo, N.Y.; 1906 to 1910, general passenger agent Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Ry. at Cleveland, 0.; 1910, to June 1, 1911, assistant passenger traffic manager New York Central Lines west of Buffalo at Chicago; June 1, 1911, to date, passenger traffic manager same lines at Chicago.

Damon, Alonzo Willard, fire and marine insurance president, born Norwell, Mass., Feb. 1847; son of Davis and Lucy (Damon) Damon; educated in public schools of Boston, Mass. Began business life as clerk in office of Washington Fire and Marine Insurance Co., of Boston, 1862; became secretary of company, 1880-1887; special agent for Franklin Insurance Co., of Philadelphia, 1888-1889; became special agent Springfield Fire and Marine Insurance, 1890; was assistant secretary 1891-1895; and in 1895 became president, which position he has held ever since. Elected president National Board of Fire Underwriters in May, 1910. Is director Third National Bank of Springfield, Mass., Springfield Street Railway Co., Holyoke Water Power Co., Cheney-Bigelow Wire Works; trustee Springfield Institution for Savings, New England Investment and Security Co.; commissioner of Sinking Fund, City of Springfield, Mass. Republican. Unitarian. Recreation: Golf. Clubs: Nayasset, Country (Springfield).

Dana, John Cotton, librarian; born in Woodstock County, Vermont, Aug. 19, 1856; son of Charles and Charity (Loomis) Dana. He was graduated from Dartmouth College, A.B., 1878 then studied law, and was admitted to the New York bar in 1882. He entered upon his library career in 1889 as librarian of the Denver Public Library, in which position he continued until 1897, when he became city librarian of Springfield, Mass., remaining there until 1902, when he became librarian of the Free Public Library of Newark, N.J., in which position he continues. Mr. Dana has taken a prominent part in the plans and deliberations of the American Library Association of which he was president in 1896, and is still a member. Address : Free Public Library, N.J.

Dana, William Henry, musician, author and lecturer; born in Warren, Ohio, June 10, 1846; son of Junius and Martha (Potter) Dana. After completing the course in the high school of his native city and attending Williston Seminary at Easthampton, Mass., served in the Union Army in the Civil War, then took musical courses in Kullak's Conservatory of Music in Berlin and the Royal Academy of Music, London. He has since been actively engaged in musical work as teacher and writer of musical text-books the excellence of which procured him the medal and diploma of the Exposition at Bologna, Italy. He is now president of Dana's Musical Institute at Warren, Ohio, is a lecturer on social, political and travel topics in lyceum courses, and at Chautauqua assemblies. His musical text-books, which have attained wide adoption and circulation, include : Dana's Practical Thorough Bass; Dana's Practical Harmony; Dana's Practical Counter-point; Guide in Orchestration; Guide in Military Band Arranging; The National School for Cornet. Mr. Dana is an extensive traveler having made tours in Europe and especially in Scandinavia, Russia and the Arctic regions. lie is a fellow of the American College of Musicians of the University of New York, a member of the Royal Academy of Music of London, England, member of the Authors' Club, London, England, member of the Luther Burbank Society, Cal., member of the International Society of Literature and Art; the National Geographic Society, Washington, D.C.; life member of the Music Teachers' National Assn. and the Indiana Assn. ; and various political clubs both local and national. He married in Oleon, N.Y., in 1870, Emma Jane Tuttle. Address: Warren, Ohio.

Daney, Eugene, lawyer, born Bordeaux, France, Oct. 11, 1862; son of Michel and Marguerite (Dutruch) Daney. Educated in public schools, San Francisco; LL.B., Hastings College of Law; 1885 University of California. Moved to California, 1865. Asst. diet. atty., San Diego County, three years, 1888-1891; police commissioner San Diego, 1896-1900. Dir. and atty. First Natl. Bank of San Diego; trustee San Diego Co. Law Library. Member Am. Bar Assn., Cal. State Bar Assn., San Diego Co. Bar Assn. (four terms pres.). Clubs: Cuyamaca, University (San Diego). Past master Silver Gate Lodge No. 296, F. & A.M.; past noble grand, Sunset Lodge No. 328, I.O.O.F. ; past exalted ruler, San Diego Lodge, B.P.O.E. Republican. Residence : 2131 Albatross St. Office : First Natl. Bank Bldg., San Diego, Cal.

Danforth, Henry Gold, congressman, was born June 14, 1854, in Monroe County, N.Y. He was elected to the sixty-second and sixty-third congresses.

Danforth, Loomis L., physician, surgeon; born at Monticello, Otsego County, N.Y.; son of Hiram D. and Mary Jane (Tanner) Danforth. He was educated in an academy at Utica, N.Y., and was graduated from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University as M.D. in 1874. He has been engaged in practice as a homoeopathic physician and surgeon since 1874. He is professor of obstetrics in the New York Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital and is now senior professor and, also head of the Maternity Department of Flower Hospital. Dr. Danforth is a member, and was president in 1902, of the Homoeopathic Medical Society of the County of New York. He is a member of the Union League Club. Dr. Danforth married at Willimantic, Conn., in 1874, Emma Augusta Hamlin. Address : 49 West 52d St., New York City

Danziger, Ernst, physician of 63 W. 90th St., New York City, was born Berlin, Germany, April 18, 1871; son Julius and Seraphine (Maisel) Danziger; grad. Kolnisches Gymnasium, Berlin; studied medicine for a year in Royal Univ., Berlin, and Univ. of the City of N.Y. (Med. Dep't), M.D., 1894; married, N.Y. City, June 2, 1903, Martha Bachmann ; one daughter, Juliet, born 1906; one son, Frederick, born April, 1911. Attending ear, nose and throat surgeon in German Dispensary, N.Y. City, attending laryngologist to City and Country Sanitarium of the M Montefiore Home ; attending laryngologist to the Har Moriah Hospital; mem. Harlem Med. Ass'n, Germany Med. Soc., Am. Med. Ass'n, N.Y. Acad. Medicine.

Danzinger, Jake Morris, lawyer and oil operator, born New York City, May 7, 1882; son of Morris and Lena (Mendelson) Danziger. Educated in public schools, Los Angeles; Polytechnic High School, Los Angeles; Univ. Sou. Cal. Married Daisy C. Canfield, July 25, 1900, at Salt Lake City. Counsel for oil and petroleum men, 1905; oil dept. Santa Fe R.R., 1906-09; mgr. and dir. land dept. Am. Oilfields Co.; dir. Huasteca Petroleum Co.; pres. Ruby and Opal Oil Cos.; treas. Jade Oil Co.; dir. Mexican Natl. Gas Co.; treas. Sapphire Oil Co. Clubs : Los Angeles Athletic, Sierra Madre Country. Member: Elks No. 99, Shriners, Scottish Rite Masons. Republican. Residence: 828 Lake. Office : Security Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Director and vice-pres. Mexican Petroleum Co. of Cal. ; Mexican Pet. Co., Ltd., of Delaware. Pres. and dir. of Petroleum Transport Co., Southern Oilfields Co. Director Sacramento Valley Sugar Co., Rodes Land and Water Co., California Petroleum Corporation, American Petroleum Co., Mexican Asphalt Paving and Const. Co.

Davant, Thomas S., vice-president in charge of traffic, Norfolk & Western Ry. Office : Roanoke, Virginia Born at Gillisonville, S.C. Entered railway service 1865, since which he has been consecutively to Jan. 1, 1869, station agent Charlotte & South Carolina Rd. at Ft. Mills, S.C.; Jan. 1 to June 15, 1869, agent Columbia & Augusta Rd. at Columbia, S.C.; June 15, 1869, to 1871, chief clerk consolidated agency Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta Rd. at Columbia ; 1871 to July, 1874, chief clerk general freight and passenger agent's office same road; July, 1874, to July, 1877, general freight and passenger agent Pt. Royal Rd.; July, 1877, to Feb. 28, 1886, assistant general freight and passenger agent Memphis & Charleston Rd. at Memphis, Tenn.; Feb., 1886, to May 1, 1892, general freight agent East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Ry.; May 1, 1892, to July 15, 1903, general freight agent Norfolk & Western Rd.-and its successor, the Norfolk & Western Ry.; July 15, 1903, to July 1, 1907, freight traffic manager Norfolk & Western Ry. July 1; 1907, to Dec. 1, 1912, third vice-president and traffic manager same road; Dec. 1, 1912, to date, vice-president in charge of traffic, same road.

Davenport, James Sanford, congressman, was born Sept. 21, 1864, near Gaylesville, Ala. Since 1893 he has practiced law in Vinita, Okla. Has been twice mayor of that city; and has served two terms in the Cherokee legislature. He was elected to the sixtieth and sixty-second congresses as a democrat and was re-elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Vinita; Okla.

Davidson, James Wheeler, former-consul-general and war correspondent; born in Austin, Minn., June 14, 1872. He was graduated from the Northwestern Military Academy of Highland Park, Ill., in 1891, and was a member of the Peary Arctic Exedition in 1894. This adventurous opening of his career was followed by service as a war correspondent with the Chinese Army, during the war between Japan and China in 1894; and with the Japanese Army in 1895 and 1896. He was American Consular Agent and Consul at Formosa, from 1897 to 1903 during which time he wrote several valuable monographs on Formosan affairs as well as a large volume entitled "Formosa, Past and Present," which is considered as the standard book of reference on this subject. In 1904 he was American consul at Dalny, Manchurls, and, when refused recognition on account of the closing of that port, was made special agent of the Department of State. He was acting Consul General of the United States at Shanghai in 1905, and is at present the president of Crown Lumber Co. Ltd., a lumber corporation with its head office at Calgary, Canada. Mr. Davidson is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society of London, the Royal Asiatic Society and the Arctic Club and has received the order of the Rising Sun from the Emperor of Japan given for services rendered the Japanese Army during the war with Japan and China. Mr. Davidson married at San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 9, 1906, Mabel Lillian Dow. Residence: Royal Ave. Office: Care of Crown Lumber Co., Ltd., Calgary, Canada.

Davis, Asa Barnes, physician of 42 East Thirty-fifth St., New York City, was born Sept. 28, 1861, in Norwich, Conn. He has been a member of the Vermont Society in New York; and a member of the Alumni Association of Vermont Academy in New York. He has been a fellow of Medical Association of the Greater City of New York, New York Obstetrical Society, American Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists; and is a trustee of the Vermont Academy. He is a fellow of the College of Surgeons of America.

Davis, Bergen, Columbia University, New York, N.Y., was born, White House, N.J., March 31, 1869. B.S., Rutgers, 1896; fellow, Columbia, 1899-1900, A.M., 1900, Ph.D., 1901, John Tyndall fellow, 1901-03 (Gottingen, 1901-02; Cambridge, 1902-03), Ernest Kempton Adams research fellow, 1907-09. Teacher, N.Y. City, 1896-99; asst. physics, Columbia, 1900-1901, tutor, 1903-07, instr., 1907-09, adj. prof., 1909-13, associate prof., 1913-, F.A.A.; Physical Soc. Sound waves; motion of ions in varying magnetic field; electrical phenomena of various gases in the electrodeless discharge; relation between electrical and gravitational forces; etc.—Constants of the ether considered as an elastic solid.

Davis, Cameron J., clergyman of Buffalo, N.Y., was born Watkins, N.Y., Dec. 13, 1873; son Frederick and Frances (Hewette) Davis; grad. Trinity Coll. (Hartford, Conn.), B.A., 1894 (M.A., 1897) ; Gen. Theol. Sem. (N.Y.), B.D., 1897; married, Brookline, Mass., Aug. 8, 1900, Elizabeth M. Sacker; children: Elizabeth Sacker, born 1901; Frances Hewette, born 1905. Curate, Trinity Ch., Buffalo, 1897-1899; in charge, 1899-1901, rector since 1901. Member, standing committee of the diocese, Cathedral Chapter, Diocesan Committee on Missions. Charity Org'n Soc. (council), Delta Kappa Epsilon. Clubs: Thursday, Saturn, Buffalo Country. Address : Trinity Church, Buffalo, N. Y.

Davis, Champion McDowell, General Freight Agent Atlantic Coast Line Rd. Office Savannah, Ga. Born July 1, 1879, near Hickory, N.C. Educated in the public schools. Entered railway service March 1, 1893, as messenger in local freight office Wilmington & Weldon Rd., now the Atlantic Coast Line Rd., at Wilmington, N.C., since which he has been consecutively to July 1902, in various clerical positions in local freight office, clerk in freight claim department, stenographer in freight traffic department, rate clerk and chief rate clerk; July, 1902, to Jan. 1, 1906, chief clerk in traffic department; Jan. 1, 1906, to Nov. 21, 1911, assistant general freight agent in, charge of traffic bureau ; Nov. 21, 1911, to date, general freight agent same road.

Davis, Charles Russell, United States congressman from the third district of Minnesota, was born Sept. 17, 1849, in Pittsfield, Ill. He was elected to the house of representatives of the state legislature in 1888 and to the senate in 1890. He was captain of Company I, Second Regiment, Minnesota National Guard, for four years. He was a member of the fifty-eighth, fifty-ninth, sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second congresses from Minnesota as a republican. He was re-elected to the sixty-third congress from the third district of Minnesota for the term of 1913-15; and resides in St. Paul, Minn.

Davis, Edward Parker, physician, obstetrician and author, of Philadelphia, Pa., was born Sept. 16, 1856, near Syracuse, N.Y. Graduate of Princeton University, and M.A. of Princeton; graduate of medicine, Rush Medical College, Chicago, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia; also studied in Europe. Superintendent of Presbyterian Hospital, Chicago, professor of obstetrics in Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia; editor of the American Journal of Medical Sciences, 1890-98; author of "Treatise on Obstetrics," "Operative Obstetrics," "Obstetric Gynecologic Nursing," "Mother and Child," "Monographs and Papers." Ex-president and member American Gynecological Society, International Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, American Medical Association, College of Physicians of Philadelphia; ex-president Philadelphia Obstetrical Society; honorary member Academy of Surgery of Bucharest, Ophthalmological Society of Egypt, Gynecological Society of Chicago, Medical Society State of Virginia. Obstetrician to the Jefferson Hospital, obstetrician and gynecologist to the Philadelphia Hospital, consultant to the Preston Retreat.

Davis, Francis William, physician, born Champion, Jefferson County, N.Y., Sept. 17, 1862; son of Richard and Elizabeth (Richards) Davis; educated in public schools in Jefferson County, N.Y.; N.Y. Univ. Med. Coll., M.D., 1893; State Normal Coll., Albany, N.Y.; diploma Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle, 1892; received diploma from State Med. Board of N.J., 1905; married, N.Y. City, 1895, Emma Schultze. Public school teacher in Jefferson County, N.Y., 1881-89. Engaged in practice of medicine in N.Y. City from graduation, 1893; physician to N.Y. Hosp., out-patient dept. Captain Nat. Vol. Emergency Service. Republican. Member M.E. Church, Am. Med. Assn. of Greater N.Y., N.Y. State Med. Soc., Alumni Assn. N.Y. Univ., East Side Med. Soc., Jefferson County Soc., F. & A. M., mem. of Half-Past Nine Club, of Chas. Dickens' Sons of St. George. Physician for the Albion Mutual Benefit Soc., N.Y. City; also physician for Burdett Coutts Lodge No. 41, Daughters of St. George, Metamora Tribe, Improved Order Red Men. Mem. Sons of St. George, Re-publican Club of 25th Assembly Dist. Address : 142 W. 12th St., N.Y. City. Member of The National Geographic Society; physician for Mohawk Tribe No. 1, Improved Order Red Men; also member of The Masonic Veterans' Association; member Men's Parish Club; Church St. John's Evangelist; also member Indian Mountain Club, Adirondack mountains.

Davis, James W., physician; born Wartburg, Tenn., April 12, 1868; English descent; son of David W. and Mary (Pitts) Davis; father, physician; educated in Tenn., and graduated from Columbia University, M.D., 1891; in early life a farmer; married Delilah Peterman, Feb. 23, 1902; Republican; member of Methodist Church; engaged in the practice of medicine at Windle, Tenn.

Davis, Jeffrey, cotton manufacturer, was born Centreville, R.I., Sept. 2, 1850; son of William D. and Mary Eleanor (Congdoh) Davis; grad. Brown Univ., B.P., class 1870; married, Providence, R.I., 1888, Abby P. C. Cunliffe. In manufacturing business since 1870. Pres. Quidnick Windham Mfg. Co., dir. Am. Enamel Co., Mercantile Mutual Fire Ins. Co., Providence Mutual Fire Ins. Co. Republican ; Episcopalian. Mem. Theta Delta Chi fraternity, R.I. Sch. of Design. Treas. and dir. R.I. Humane Ed'n. Soc. Recreations: Golf, motoring, fishing. Clubs : Hope, Agawam, Squantum, Point Judith Country, Narragansett Pier Reading Room, Brown Univ. (N.Y.), Brown Univ. (Providence, R.I.). Residence: Kingston, R.I., and Narragansett Pier, R.I. Address : 19 Westminster St., Providence, R.I.

Davis, John F., lawyer; born, Angel Island, Marin Co., Cal., June 5, 1859. Educated, public schools, San Francisco ; A.B., Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass., 1881; grad. Hastings College of Law, Univ. of Cal., 1884; two years post-graduate work in Germany and France. Married Lillian Parks, of Jackson, Amador Co., Cal., Oct. 26, 1897. Children : Mary, Ruth, John. App. Judge of Superior Court of Amador Co., by Gov. Markham in 1892; served a term in the legislature of 1899 and 1901 as State Senator, representing the 14th senatorial district, then composed of Amador, Calaveras, Alpine and Mono counties. Code Commissioner for State of Cal. (app. by Gov. Pardee), 1902 to Oct., 1907. Clubs : Harvard, Bohemian, Commonwealth. Member: Beta Theta Pi, Native Sons of the Golden West. Residence : 1430 Masonic Ave., San Francisco Cal. Office : 1404 Humboldt Say. Bank Bldg.: San Francisco, Cal.

Davis, John Marcus, general superintendent Southern Pacific Co. Office San Francisco, Cal. Born at Palestine, Texas, Nov. 5, 1871. Entered railway service 1888 as freight brakeman, San Antonio & Arkansas Pass Ry., since which he has been consecutively, Sept., 1891, to Oct., 1894, stenographer to superintendent Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Ry., at Temple, Texas; Oct., 1894, to Oct., 1895, chief clerk to superintendent Mexican Central Ry., at Tampico, Mexico; Oct., 1895, to March, 1896, clerk general manager's office Great Northern Ry., at Duluth, Minn. ; March, 1896, to Oct., 1897, chief clerk in office of marine superintendent Northern Steamship Co., At Buffalo, N.Y.; Oct., 1897, to March, 1898, chief clerk to assistant general superintendent Great Northern Ry., at St. Paul, Minn. ; March to July, 1898, assistant superintendent St. Cloud and Fergus Falls divisions at Melrose, Minn.; July, 1908, to Jan., 1900, superintendent Breckenridge and Montant divisions same road; Jan. 1, 1900, to March, 1902, superintendent Erie Rd., at Scranton, Pa.; March to Aug. 1, 1902, superintendent Union Steamboat Line Erie Rd. at Buffalo, N.Y.; Aug. 1, 1902, to May, 1903, superintendent Allegheny division same road; May 1, 1903, to Nov, 25, 1904, superintendent Eastern and Superior divisions Great Northern Ry., at Superior, Wis.; Nov. 25, 1904, to April 30, 1905, superintendent Dakota division same road; May 1 to July 1, 1905, superintendent Minot division; July 1, 1905, to Dec. 15, 1906, assistant general superintendent central district same road, at Minot, N.D.; Dec. 30, 1906, to Nov., 1907, assistant general superintendent Oregon Short Line, Union Pacific and Southern Pacific lines at Salt Lake City, Utah; Nov., 1907, to June, 1908, acting general superintendent; June, 1908, to June, 1910, general superintendent Oregon Short Line and Southern Pacific Company line in Nevada; June 1, 1910, to date, general superintendent Southern Pacific Company, Central district, at San Francisco, Cal.

Davis, John William, congressman, of Clarksburg, W.Virginia, where he was born on April 13, 1873, where he now resides. He was elected to the House of Delegates of West Virginia, session 1899, and made chairman of the judiciary committee of that body; was candidate on the Democratic ticket for elector at large in 1900, and a delegate to the Democratic national convention at St. Louis in 1904; was president of the West Virginia Bar Association in 1906, and appointed in 1909.a member of the West Virginia Commission on Uniform State Laws; was elected to the sixty-second and sixty-third congresses.

Davis, Lucas E., farmer and banker; born, Henry Co., Tenn., Jan. 10, 1850; Irish descent; son of Josiah and Melinda (Sexton) Davis; father's occupation, cabinetmaker; received common school education; worked on the farm until the age of 17, and on the railroad for about three years; moved from Henry Co. to Benton Co. in 1872; worked on a farm and taught school for the support of a widowed mother and sisters; in the fall of 1884 moved near Camden, Tenn., and entered the mercantile business and purchased a farm; sold out business, but again entered retail business in 1903, and again sold out about a year later; was three times elected Justice of Peace for Benton Co., serving sixteen years in all; is a Master Mason and a Royal Arch Mason, also member of the Woodmen of the World; was elected president of the Farmers' and Merchants' Bank, which position he held till the First National Bank, Camden, was organized, and he was elected president of the latter, which position he now holds ; married twice, to Kizzie Farmer, Feb. 5, 1885; Dora Parker, May 12, 1889. Independent Democrat; member of Methodist church, South; elected County Judge of Benton Co. for full term, then elected by the county court to fill out an unexpired term; then re-elected by the people for a full term in August, 1910.

Davis, Robert William, banker; born, Weatherford, Texas, Oct. 4, 1872; son of William W.. and Aurelia (Carlow) Davis; graduated from Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn., B.A., 1892; married, Memphis, Tenn., July, 10, 1902, Grace Flippin; one son. Cashier and director of the First National Bank of Weatherford Texas, since 1903. Democrat. Member Kappa Alpha fraternity. Residence: 305 W. Oak St. Office: First National Bank, Weatherford, Texas.

Davis, Walter Gee, banker; born, Cambridge, Mass., March 21, 1870; son of Thomas Mason and Esther Maria (Gee) Davis; attended Cambridge public schools, and Harvard College ; married, Cambridge, Mass., Jan. 27, 1892, Elizabeth Gertrude Cheney. Editorial and special writer on financial publications; assistant cashier Cambridgeport National Bank; organized in 1904, and secretary, treasurer and director of Central Trust Co. of Cam-bridge; clerk and director in Potter Confectionery Co. of Cam-bridge. Republican; Methodist; president Cambridge Board of Trade. Mason, Odd Fellow, Elk. Clubs: Colonial, Economy, Harvard Union; Harvard Club of Boston. Residence : 160 Up-land Road. Office : 599 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, Mass.

Davis, Walter Wesley, lawyer and mine operator; born, Decatur, Ill., Feb. 10, 1863; son, John and Martha Ann (Powell) D. Attended Scientific Dept., Univ. of Kansas, 1886-89; followed field engrg. during vacations with U.S. Geological Survey; asst. astronomer, U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, in Alaska, 1889-91. Studied and practiced law several years, obtaining both Bachelor's and Master's degrees from Columbia Univ., Washington, D.C. Married, Harriet Kelley, May 8, 1902, at Oakland, Cal. Practiced law in Kansas City, Mo., in partnership with L. A. Laughlin under firm name of Laughlin & Davis, 1894-97. In 1897, went to Leadville, Colo., has since practiced law and operated mines. Vice-pres. and gent, mgr., Yak Mining, Milling & Tunnel Co., since 1899; active mgr., in charge of operations of several mining companies, in Leadville; during one year, Oct., 1911, to Oct., 1912, was gen, mgr. Smuggler Leasing Co., at Aspen, Colo. Under his administration the mine was made one of the most profitable in Colo. Member Colorado Scientific Soc., Am. Inst. of Mining Engrs., Am. Bar Assn., K. of P., B.P.O. Elks. Clubs: Denver, Denver Country, University (Kansas City, Mo.), Railroad (N.Y.), Great Neck Hills Country (N.Y.), Phi Kappa Psi (college fraternity). Res.: Great Neck Station, Long Island, N.Y. Office: Leadville, Colo., and 1328 Broadway (Marbridge Bldg.), New York.

Davis, William I., lawyer; born, Riley Co., Kan., Dec. 8, 1871; son of Jasper and Melvina (Hodges) Davis; father's occupation, farming; paternal grandparents Andy and Lucy (Mayes) Davis. Educated at Tazewell (Tenn.) College; began career as a railroader, working on grades and trestles; married Julia C. Essary, May 26, 1895; member I. O. 0. F. and K. of P.; Chancellor Commander of latter; Republican; Chairman Republican State Convention, 1908; former Superintendent of Public Instruction, and Circuit Court Clerk of Claiborne Co., Tenn., and senator from Third Senatorial District, 1905-06; at present he is assistant U.S. Attorney for Eastern district of Tenn. ; vice-president Claiborne National Bank, Tazewell, Tenn.

Davison, Charles Stewart, lawyer, of 60 Wall St., New York City, was born, N.Y. City, April 14, 1855; second son of Edward Francis and Charlotte Sewall ( White) Davison; educated, private schools and abroad with tutor; Harvard Univ., class of 1875; Columbia Coll. Law Sell., L.L.B.., 1877; Univ. of Cambridge, Eng., M.A.; Inner Temple, London; unmarried. Chm'n cony. of Good Gov't clubs; chm 'n Parker Independent clubs. Mem. N.Y. Zool. Soc., Am. Museum of Natural History, Ass'n Bar City of N.Y. (Exec. Com.), Am. Bison Soc. Am. Breeders Ass'n, Mar: Ass'n of U.S., N.Y. Law Inst., Civil Service Reform Ass'n. Clubs: Knickerbocker, University, Century, Harvard, Boone & Crockett, Down Town, Pitt (Eng.), "A. D. C." (Eng.), Royal I. of P. Y. C. (Eng.).

Dawes, Charles Oates, banker, born at Marietta, Ohio, Aug. 27, 1865; son of General Rufus R. Dawes and Mary Beman (Gates) Dawes. He was prepared in the public schools of Marietta and then entered Marietta College, from which he was graduated as A. B. in 1884, afterward entering the Cincinnati Law School, graduating in 1886 as LL.B. During his summer vacations from college and law school he served with civil engineering parties, and after graduation became chief engineer of a railroad which is now a part of the Toledo and Ohio Central Railroad until 1887, when he went to Lincoln, Neb., and engaged in the practice of law there until 1894. Since then he has been interested in the gas business. Mr. Dawes has always been a Republican, and he became particularly active in the movement to secure the nomination of Governor William McKinley of Ohio for president of the United States. He was given executive charge of the movement in Illinois, which was so successful that the State Republican Convention held at Springfield, Illinois, in 1896, instructed the delegates chosen to the National Convention to cast their votes for the nomination of Mr. McKinley. Mr. Dawes was selected a member of the Executive Committee of the 'Republican National Committee in the campaign of 1896, and in 1897 he was appointed by President McKinley comptroller of the currency of the United States. He served in that capacity until 1901, when he resigned. In 1902 he established the Central Trust Company of Illinois, of which he has ever since been president, and he is also a director of other banks of Chicago. Mr. Dawes is author of a volume on The Banking System of the United States. Mr. Dawes is a member of the Union League, Chicago, Hamilton, Evanston, Evanston Country, Glen View and Evans-ton Golf Clubs. Mr. Dawes married at Cincinnati, Ohio, June 24, 1889, Cora D. Blymyer, and of that union there are two children : Rufus Fearing Dawes (now deceased), and Carolyn Dawes. Res.: Evanston, Ill. Office address: Central Trust Company, Chicago, Ill.

Dawson, George Walter, professor of drawing, of Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa., was born March 16, 1870, in Andover, Mass. He has been a pupil of Massachusetts Normal Art School in Boston, and president of Philadelphia Water Color Club. He is a member of Chicago Water Color Club and professor of drawing at the University of Pennsylvania.

Day, Horace Lincoln, merchant, importer, of 4 White St., New York City, was born, St. John, New Brunswick, Canada, 1867, son of George Edwin and Albina S. (Hoben) Day; educated, Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, and Brown Univ., B.A., 1889; married, 1892, Alma Von Buhl, of Pittsburgh, Pa.; children: Kennard Phillips, born 1895; Constance S., born 1897. Pres. and gen. mgr. Horace L. Day Co., importers chocolates and cocoas (Messrs. Suchard, S. A. Neuchatel, Switzerland); Allen-Day Co., importers and factors of teas (Mazawattee Tea Co., London); A. Egger Sohn, Vienna, Austria; H. N. Fish Co., Boston, Mass.; Victor-Schmidt & Son, Vienna. Republican; Baptist. Mem. 7th Regt. N.G. N.Y., R.I. Chapter Phi Delta Theta. Trustee 1st Baptist Ch. of N.Y.

Day, William Rufus, associate justice United States Supreme Court, was born April 17, 1849, in Ravenna, Ohio, being a son of Judge Luther Day of the Supreme Court of Ohio. In 1866 he entered the academy department of the University of Michigan, where he graduated in 1870; he also spent one year in the law department of that institution. In 1872 he was admitted to the Ohio bar and began the practice of law in Canton, Stark County, Ohio, where he was elected judge of the Court of Common Pleas in 1886. In 1889 he was appointed United States district judge for the northern district of Ohio by President Harrison, which position he declined. In April, 1897, he was appointed assistant secretary of state by President McKinley, and in April, 1898, was made secretary of state, which position he resigned to accept the chairmanship of the commission which negotiated the treaty of peace with Spain at the close of the Spanish-American War. In February, 1899, he was appointed United States circuit judge for the sixth judicial circuit by President McKinley. In February, 1903, he was made justice of the United States Supreme Court.

Deam, Charles Clemon, druggist, of Bluffton, Ind., was born Aug. 30, 1865, in Bluffton. He has been a fellow in the Indiana Academy of Science. Since 1909 he has been state forester of Indiana.

Dean, Dr. Arthur Lyman, president University of Hawaii , Honolulu, H.I., was born, Southwick, Mass., Oct. 1, 1878. A.B., Harvard, '00; Ph.D., Yale, '02. Asst. plant physiol., Sheffield Sci. Sch., Yale, 1902-03; instr., 1903-07; Carnegie research asst., 1904-05; chief, sect. wood chem., U.S. Forest Service, 1905-07; in charge, lab. of A. D. Little, Boston, Mass., 1907-08; instr. indust. chem., Sheffield Sci. Sch., Yale, 1908-09 ; asst. prof., 1909-. F.A.A.; Chem. Soc.; Leather Chem. Assn. The chemistry of inulin ; the enzyme inulase ; the proteolytic enzymes in plants ; estimation of cellulose in wood; analysis and grading of creosotes.

Dean, Richmond, general manager the Pullman Company. Office, Chicago, Ill. Born Nov. 2, 1862, at St. Louis, Mo. Educated in the public schools. Entered service with the Boatmen's Bank at St. Louis 1875, and was subsequently until 1882 with the Missouri Pacific Ry.; 1882 to 1888, with The Pullman Company at St. Louis, Mo.; I888 to 1894, with the same company at Chicago; 1894 to 1899, assistant to vice-president Missouri, Kansas & Texas Ry. ; 1899 to 1905, assistant to vice-president The Pullman Company ; 1905 to date, general manager The Pullman Company; also president Pullman Rd.

Deavitt, Edward Harrington, lawyer, state treasurer; born Moretown, Vt., Dec. 1, 1871; son of Thomas J. and Carrie E. (Harrington) Deavitt; graduated from University of Vermont, Ph.B., 1893, from Harvard, LL.B., 1896; married, Montpelier, Vt., Dec. 25, 1901, Mary Tromblee. Treasurer of the State of Vermont; director Fire National Bank of Montpelier; treasurer and director Wetmore & Morse Granite Co.; director Capital City Gas Co., Colton Manufacturing Co. Address: Montpelier.

Debevoise, Thomas McElrath, lawyer of 62 Cedar St., New York City, was born in New York City. He is a member of the law firm of Rounds, Hatch, Dillingham and Debevoise.

De Boer, Joseph Arend, life insurance president; born Warffum, Holland, June 17, 1861; son of John Arend and Anje Peiter (Kuiper) De Boer; graduated from Dartmouth, A.B., 1884; A.M., 1887, Sc. D., 1909 ; married, Albany, N.Y., Dec. 22, 1885, Augusta Charles Featherly; children: Ethel Arend, Minnie Arend, Bertha Arend, Paul Kuiper, Elizabeth Arend. Accepted appointment as actuary in National Life Insurance Co., 1889; secretary and director 1896; second vice-president 1900; vice-president 1901, president since 1902. Is a writer and speaker on subjects relating to-actuarial, historical and practical subjects of life insurance. Served as senator from Washington County, Vt., 1900; represented Montpelier, Vt., in Legislature of 1908. Republican; Episcopalian. President Phi Beta Kappa Society, 1909-1910; trustee St. Johnsbury Academy, Rock Point Institute, Montpelier Seminary; Washington County Grammar School and Wood Art Gallery ; 32° Mason. Clubs : Apollo, Country. Address : Montpelier.

Decamp, James M., general agent of the Central Department, Cincinnati, O., Liverpool and London and Globe Ins. Co., of Liverpool, Eng.; born in Cincinnati, O., Dec. 25, 1845; was graduated at the Ohio Wesleyan University in 1867. He was first connected with the Aetna Fire Ins. Co., being employed in the Cincinnati branch office, 1867-1869, after which he was special agent in Iowa and Nebraska for three years; 1872-1877 he was special agent for New York and New England for the Amazon Ins. Co., of Cincinnati, and since 1877 has been in the service of the Liverpool and London and Globe, having been special agent for New England, 1877-1879, and general agent for the Central Department since 1879. He was president of the Fire Underwriters' Assn. of the Northwest in 1883, and president of the Western Union, 1900-1902. Address : Cincinnati, O.

DeCelles, Alfred Duclos, lawyer, editor, author, librarian; b. at St. Laurent, near Montreal; s. of A. D. DeCelles, N.P., and Sarah A. (Holmes) DeCelles, who was converted to the Church by her brother, the Rev. John Holmes; m. Eugenie Dorion; ed. at Quebec Seminary; Laval University (Litt.D. in 1890); received the honorable distinction of Officier de l'Institut Publique from the French Government; named Chevalier de la Legion d'honneur by the French Government in 1904, and C.M.G. by King Edward VII in 1907; lawyer ; editor of the Journal de Quebec until 1872, then became editor of La Minerve, the leading French Canadian Conservative organ in Montreal; assistant librarian of Parliament, February, 1880; librarian since 1885. Author of Persecutions et reparations (1881), Une paroisse Canadienne au xviie siecle (1882), Oscar Dunn (1886), Notre Avenir (1887), La Crise du regime parlementaire (1888), A la conquete de la liberte en France et au Canada (1890), L'Hon. Juge Routhier (1890), Sir Alexandre Lacoste (1891), L'Hon. John Molson (1891), Histoire des Etats-Unis (1896) (awarded highest prize, 500 francs), by the French Academy of Political and Moral Sciences, (1897), Les Etats-Unis: origines, institutions, developpements (awarded prize of the same Academy) ; also wrote Papineau (1900), and La Fontaine and Cartier (1907), which were edited in English and in French. The Habitant—His Origin—history. Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. Address : 71 Russell Ave., Ottawa. Les Goemons, Pointe-au-Pic, P.Q.

Decker, Perl D., United States congressman from the fifteenth district of Missouri, was born in 1875 in Athens County, Ohio. He is a lawyer. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Joplin, Mo.

Deiser, George F., lawyer and librarian of 206 Drexel Building, Philadelphia, Pa., was born May 16, 1877, in Philadelphia, Pa. In 1909-11 he was a Fellow of the University of Pennsylvania law school; in 1910-13 he was lecturer of the University of Pennsylvania law school. He is joint author with F. W: Johnson, Claims, and of magazine articles. He is librarian of the Hirst Free Law Library.

Deitrick, Frederick Simpson, United States congressman from the eighth district of Massachusetts, was born April 9, 1875, in New Brighton, Pa. He is a lawyer, and has served three terms in the State Legislature. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Cambridge, Mass.

Delafield, Lewis L., lawyer, born in New York City, Jan. 30, 1863; son of Lewis L. Delafield and Emily (Prime) Delafield. He was educated at St. Paul's School at Concord, New Hampshire, at Harvard and the Columbia Law School, graduating from there in 1884 with the degree of LL.B. He has been for many years in the active practice of his profession, and is a member of the law firm of Hawkins, Delafield & Longfellow. He is a member of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, and has been chairman of its executive committee; he has also served for several terms as chairman of the executive committee of the New York State Bar Association, and has been vice-president of that association ; he was a member of the executive committee of the Committee of Seventy in 1894, and secretary of the Rapid Transit Board of New York City from 1895 to 1899. He was nominated in 1906 by the lawyers of the City of New York for Justice of the Supreme Court. Mr. Delafield is a member of the Episcopal Church and or the Union and Century Clubs of New York City. He married, April 25, 1885, Charlotte Hoffman Wyeth. Their children are; Lewis L., Jr., and Charlotte, and Emily Delafield. Address: 20 Exchange Place, New York City.

Del Drago, Josephine-Schmid, business woman, of 2 W. 55th St., New York City, was born, Covington, Ky.; grad. convent at Montreal, at 18 years of age; married, first, August Schmid (mem. firm Bernheimer & Schmid, owners of Lion Brewery in N.Y. City); second, (Giovanni Del Drago, son Prince Del Drago, of Rome, Italy, now an Am. citizen. Upon death of Mr. Schmid, being familiar with business, took his place in brewery firm. In July, 1903, bought out partner of concern and turned it into corp'n (called Lion Brewery of N.Y. City), owning all stock; reorganized entire working force. Owns much property on lower Broadway, Cortlandt and Warren streets, and Eighth and Columbus avenues. She built a fine residence at 62d St. and 5th Ave. (designed for her by Richard H. Hunt), which she filled with works of art gathered while traveling in various countries, and a beautiful villa at Tarrytown, N.Y., by the same architect.

De Lima, Elias S. A., merchant, banker; born on Island of Curacao, Dutch West Indies; son of S. A. de Lima, merchant, and Sylvia Senior A. de Lima; family of Dutch extraction; attended a Dutch school on the Island of Curacao until age of fourteen, then went to Germany and completed education at the Gymnasium Andreanum in Hildesheim; married, N.Y. City, Feb. 14, 1901, Lucie Robinson Spanneut. Came to the United States, 1880, and entered the house of D. A. de Lima & Co., a leading firm in the trade with Latin America; became partner, 1883; senior member from death of D. A. de Lima, 1891, until end of 1910; also president, 1907-1910, of De Lima, Cortissoz & Co., who are likewise engaged in trade with Latin America and the West Indies. President Hungarian-American Bank of New York, 1908-1910; since then managing director Banco Mexican& de Comercio e Industria, in the City of Mexico, with which prominent Mexican interests, the Deutsche Bank of Berlin, the inter-national banking house of Speyer & Co., and some other leading American financial men are identified. Republican. Director N.Y. Board of Trade and Transportation, and chairman of its committee which arranged for the National Convention held in Washington to discuss plans for reforming the U.S. Consular Service, of which the outcome was the passage of the Lodge bill, which effected most salutary changes in that service ; also conceived and brought about the National Commercial Convention of February, 1907, which effected marked improvement in the foreign trade of the United States; did effective work in securing ultimate ratification of the Santo Domingo treaty. Elected by unanimous vote trustee of village of Larchmont, 1903; re-elected in 1906, and elected president of the village in 1908. Member Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York, Japan Society of New York. Clubs : City, N.Y. Athletic. Address : Banco Mexicano de Comercio Industria, Mexico City, Mexico.

Dellinger, Oris Polk, Pittsburg, Kansas. Histology, physiology. Born in Bicknell, Ind., Aug. 14, 1877. Educated, Chicago, 1900-01; A.B., Indiana, 1905; Fellow, Clark, 1905-07, Ph.D., 1907. Asst. physiol., Clark, 1904-07, instr. biol., 1907-08; prof., Winona Nor. Coll., 1908-09; State Manual Training Nor. Sch., Pittsburg, Kas., 1909. Instr. nature study, biol. sta., Indiana, summers, 1906-07. M.A.A.; Physiol. Soc.; Nat. Educ. Assn. ; Nature Study Soc. Locomotion of the Amoeba and allied forms; the cilium as a key to the structure ; contractile protoplasm—Structure and function in the Amoeba Proteus; fibrillar structure of Flagella; biology of the Amoeba Proteus. Fellow A.A. for Adv. of Science.

Delmas, Delphin Michael, lawyer, born France, April 14, 1844; son of Antoine and Coralie Delmas. Educated, A.B., Santa Clara College, 1862; A.M., 1863;. Ph.D., 1901. LL.B., Law Dept., Yale College, 1865. Married, Pauline Hoge, of San Francisco, April 7, 1869. Elected dist. atty. of Santa Clara Co., 1867. Regent of Univ. of Cal., 1884-92. Del.-at-large to Democratic Natl. Conv., St. Louis, 1904. Clubs: Lawyers, Yale (N.Y.). Author "Speeches and Addresses," 1901. Democrat. Res., Los Angeles, Cal. Offices, Bank of Commerce Bldg., Nassau and Cedar Sts., New York City, and 1919 Hollingsworth Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Senior member of the firm of Delmas, Imel & Banks.

DeLong, Ira Mitchell, of 1341 Broadway, Boulder, Colo, was born, Monroe, Ia., Jan. 7, 1855. A.B., Simpson '78, A.M. '81. Prof: math., Central (Ia.), '78-'86; Latin, Ia. Wesleyan, '86-'88; math., Colorado, '88—. Ed. problem dept., "School Sci. and Math." F.A.A.A.S.; Am. Math. Soc.; Colo. Math. Soc.

De Meritte, Edwin, educator, of 815 Boylston St., Boston, Mass., was born, Durham, N.H., March 3, 1846; son of Stephen and Nancy Perkins (Chesley) De Meritte; educated, Phillips Exeter Acad.; grad. Dartmouth Coll., A.B., class 1869; married, Boston, Dec. 18, 1868, Frances Alexine Norton; children: Florence, George E., Mabel P. Principal Hampton (N.H.) Acad., 1870-1872; instr. classics, Chauncey Hall Sch., Boston, Mass., 1872-1879 ; head of Classical Dept., 1879-1884; principal Berkeley Sch.; Boston, 1884-1896; principal Chauncey Hall Sch., Boston, 1896-1900; principal De Meritte Sch., Boston, 1900 to date. Episcopalian. Clubs: University, Boston (Mass.), Sch. Masters, Dartmouth, Rotary.

Denegre, Walter Denis, lawyer and statesman of New Orleans, La., where he was born June 17, 1858. He was educated at the Jesuits' College of New Orleans, La.; studied two years at St. John's College of Fordham, N.Y.; in 1879 graduated from Harvard; and in 1881 graduated from the law department of Tulane University. He began the practice of law in 1881. In 1881 he was special counsel for the United States before the French and American Claims Commission. In 1889 he helped suppress the Mafia in New Orleans. He was a leader of the Independent Democracy in Louisiana ; in 1896 was a candidate for United States senator; and it was claimed he was elected. He was a conspicuous leader in the campaign of 1899, which brought about the drainage and sewerage of New Orleans, and which gave that city a pure and clear water plant. He served as a member of the board of administrators of the Tulane University Educational Fund; is a member of the Boston Club of New Orleans University, the Brook, Harvard and of other clubs of New York and Washington. His home is in New Orleans, and he resides in summer at Manchester, Mass.

Denman, William, lawyer, born San Francisco, 1872; son of James and Helen V. (Jordan) Denman. Educated, Clement grammar school, 1881 85; Old Lincoln grammar school, 1885-86; grad. Lowell high school, 1889; Univ. of Cal., 1894; Hastings College of Law ; L.L.B , Harvard Law School, 1897. Married, Leslie Van Ness, April 4, 1905. Asst. prof. of law and lecturer, Hastings College of Law, and Univ. of Cal., 1902-06. Retained by attorney general of U.S. to take charge of litigation arising out of withdrawal by President Taft of fuel oil lands in California and Wyoming; general practice 1913; also maritime litigation, such as sinking of "Rio de Janeiro," explosion of "Progreso," and similar cases. In 1908 organized campaign for non-partisan election of judges in California; law enacted 1911. In 1909 chairman of committee to report on causes of municipal corruption in San Francisco and drafted report. In 1910 drafted charter amendment for non-partisan majority election in San Francisco, and organized campaign for its passage. Law partner, Denman & Arnold. Clubs : University, Pacific Union, Unitarian, Common-wealth, Sierra. Member Bar Assn., Phi Beta Kappa Soc. Res.: 3399 Pacific Ave. Office : Merchant's Exchange Bldg., San Francisco.

Dennis, Harry R., banker; born Tama, Iowa, Jan. 31, 1869; son of J. B. and Alice (Reynolds) Dennis; educated in common schools; married, Toledo, Iowa, Sept. 16, 1891, Regina Giger; eight children. President of Sioux Falls Savings Bank; vice-president of Manchaster Biscuit Co., Sioux Falls, S. DAk., treasurer Manchester Biscuit Co. of North Dakota, Fargo, N. DAk. Republican. Residence : 319 North Duluth Av. Office : 100 North Phillips Av., Sioux Falls.

Dennis, Leonidas, lawyer; born Johnsonburgh, N.J., Dec. 30, 1860; son Lewis and Amanda (Davis) Dennis; educated Blair Hall, N.J., Princeton Univ., Columbia Univ. Law School, A.M., LL.B.; married, Kingston, N.Y., April 16, 1890, Mary Shafer. Vice-president Lawyers' Surety Co., counsel U.S. Fidelity and Guaranty Co. Republican ; Presbyterian. Address : 160 Broad-way, N.Y. City.

Dent, Stanley Hubert, congressman, was born Aug. 16, 1869, in Eufaula, Ala. He was appointed prosecuting attorney for Montgomery County, and went into office Dec. 1, 1902; in 1904 was reelected for a term of six years ; was nominated by the Democrats in a congressional primary Sept. 12, 1908, and was elected to the sixty-first and sixty-second congresses as a Democrat; and was reelected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Montgomery, Ala.

DeRousse, Oswald J., general assistant to president Pennsylvania Rd. Office Philadelphia, Pa. Born Feb. 18, 1867. Entered railway service July 18, 1884, as telegraph operator Pennsylvania Rd. at Philadelphia, Pa., since which he has been consecutively June 28, 1885, to March, 1897, in office of the president New York, Philadelphia & Norfolk Rd.; March, 1897, to June 9, 1899, secretary; June 9, 1899, to Jan. 1, 1913, chief clerk to president ; Jan. 1, 1913, to date, general assistant to president same road.

Dershem, Frank L., United States congressman from the seventeenth district of Pennsylvania, was born March 5, 1865, in Union County, Pa. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Lewisburg, Pa.

Des Jardins, Benjamin M., inventor of Hartford, Conn., was born Oct. 16, 1858, in Tyre, Mich. In 1882 he constructed the first type-setting machine, and made the first computing instrument to justify the lines. He was for two years employed on the Chicago Inter-Ocean. In 1899 he invented the typewriter adding machine. He is now president of the Des Jardins Computing Register Company; and a director in various corporations.

Deussen, Alexander, University Station, Austin Tex., was born, San Antonio, Tex., Jan. 19, '82. B.S., Texas, '03, fellow, '03-'04, M.S., '04. Student asst. zool., Texas, '02-'03, tutor geol., '04-'05, instr., '05-. Assistant geologist, U.S. Geol. Surv., '07-. Fel. Tex. Acad. Stratigraphy and economic geology of the Texas coastal plain.

Devoto, James Augustus, lawyer; born, San Francisco, July 29, 1869. Edu. ! Wash. grammar school; Boys' High School; Hastings' College of Law: Married, Elizabeth Castagnetto, 1901. Senior member law firm, Devoto, Richardson & Devoto. Member : Masons, Native Sons of the Golden West, Druids. Democrat. Res.: 1704 Union St.; Office : Foxcroft bldg., San Francisco, Cal.

Dewey, Frederic Perkins, 1801 Summit Plain, N.W., Washington, D.C., was born, Hartford, Conn., Oct. 4, '55. Ph.B., Yale, '76. Instr. chem., Lafayette, '76-'77; chemist building stones, tenth census, '81; mineralogist, U.S. Geol. Surv., 82 ; curator econ. geol., and metal, U.S. Nat. Museum, '82-'89; expert in chem. and metal patents, '89-'03; assayer, bur. of the mint, U.S. Treas. Dept., '03- and acting director, '13. Chem. Soc.; Min. Eng. ; Soc. Chem. Indust.; Electrochem: Soc.; Wash. Chem. Soc. (pres. 93, treas., '01-). Wash. Acad. Sci. Met. Inst. Social Sci. Analytical chemistry and its application to metallurgy.

Dewey, Melvil, educator, librarian, was born, Adams Center, N.Y., Dec. 10, 1851; grad. Amherst Coll., 1874; acting librarian .Amherst, 1873-1876; 1876 moved to Boston, establishing Am. Library Ass'n, Library Journal, Metric Bureau, Spelling Reform Ass'n; also Library Bureau to secure better library methods, appliances and supplies ; managed these till May, 1883, when appt'd chief librarian of Columbia Coll.; prof. library economy, 1884; 1887, director Columbia Coll. Sch. of library economy, whose establishment he had urged; sec., treas. and exec. officer Univ. of State of N.Y., 1889-1899; dir. N.Y. State Library & Library Sch., 1889-1905; Chautauqua Library Sch., 1906 to date; N.Y. State dir. of libraries, 1889-1906; sec. Am. Library Ass'n,1870-1890; 1897-1898, treas., 1879-1881, pres. 1891, 1893; edited Library Journal, 1876-1881, Library Notes, Metric Bulletin, Metric Advocate, Spelling Reform Bulletin. Dir. N.Y. State ed'n exhibit, Columbian Exp'n, 1893. The value of his peculiar work has been recognized by universal exp'ns in Paris, 1878, 1889; Chicago, 1893, and Paris, 1900, where of nine grand prizes awarded to U.S., one was for an exhibit of methods of ed'n by means of reading and traveling libraries, another' for gen. library exhibit (both prepared by N.Y. State Library) and a third to him in honor of his distinguished services not only as a librarian, but as an educator whose administration during period of reorg 'n of Univ. of State of N.Y. (1889-1900), produced marked advances in both secondary and higher ed'n; a similar award of a gold medal was made by La. Purchase Exp'n, 1904. Author : Library School Rules; Simplified Library School Rules; Decimal Classification and Relativ. Index. Address : Lake Placid Club, Essex Co., N.Y.

DeWitt, Alexander, banker ; born Pepperell, Mass., March 7, 1854; son of Horace Smith and Sarah Jane (Phelps) DeWitt; descendant of John Witt, who came from Holland to Lynn, Mass., about 1630 (the prefix "de" added by later generations, belonging properly to the original name) ; educated in schools of Sutton, Oxford and Leicester, Mass. ; married, Sept. 21, 1880, Caroline Murdock. Began as clerk in hardware store of Kinnicutt & Co., Worcester, Mass., 1871-1881; with J. & J. Murdock of Leicester, Mass., 1881-1883; in partnership with Lincoln N. Kinnicutt in banking business, 1884-1906; director Worcester Trust Co.; trustee Peoples Savings Bank; trustee and treas. Memorial Hospital. Address : Worcester.

DeWolf, Silas Wright, general superintendent Texas Mexican Ry. Office: Laredo, Tex. Born Feb. 17, 1859, at Columbus, Ga. Educated at University of Georgia. Entered railway service Sept., 1886, in engineering department Central Ry. of Georgia, since which he has been consecutively March, 1889, to July 1, 1889, levelman on surveys Savannah Americus & Montgomery Ry. in Georgia ; July 4, 1889, to Sept. 1, 1901, roadmaster Mexican National Rd.; Sept. 1, 1901, to May 1, 1902, roadmaster Mexican Southern Rd.; May 1, 1902, to May 1, 1903, superintendent Ixtlahuaca Ry. in Mexico ; May 1, 1903, to May 1, 1904, resident engineer Mexican National Rd.; May 1, 1904, to April 1, 1905, superintendent Interoceanic Ry. in Mexico; April 1, 1905, to Oct. 1, 1906, resident engineer Mexican National Rys.; Oct. 1, 1906, to Aug. 1, 1908, agent for Texas state lands; Aug. 1, 1908, to Sept. 1, 1909, general superintendent Texas Mexican Ry.; Sept. 1, 1909, to July 1, 1912, engaged in other business; July 1, 1912, to date, general superintendent Texas Mexican Ry. at Laredo, Tex.

Dexter, Gordon, capitalist ; graduated from Harvard University, A.B., 1887. Director American Trust Co., Hunt-Spiller Manufacturing Corporation, Security Safe Deposit Co. Address: 50 Congress St., Boston.

Dexter, Stanley Walker, lawyer; born London, Eng., Oct. 3, 1857; son of Henry Stanley and Annie Breese (Walker) Dexter; graduated from Yale University, A.B., 1878; married, Benicia, Calif., Sept. 10, 1884, Gabriella M. McAllister; children: Gabriella M. (who married Thomas W. Peirce), Julian Stanley, and Sidney Breese. Senior member of the firm of Dexter Osborn & Fleming; referee in bankruptcy since 1898; director of Mutual Trust Co. of Westchester County; Episcopalian. Member New York City Bar Association, New York State Bar Association, St. Nicholas Society, Sons of Revolution, Phi Beta Kappa Society, Scroll and Key Society, Past Master of Holland Lodge of Masons. Clubs: University, Union, Yale, Down Town, Church. Residence: Oyster Bay, Long Island, and 48 West 55th St. Office: 71 Broadway, N.Y. City.

Dice, Agnew Thomson, vice-president and general manager Philadelphia & Reading Ry. Office Philadelphia, Pa. Born Nov. 2, 1862, at Scotland, Pa. Entered railway service 1881, since which he has been consecutively to 1882, flagman with engineering corps Pennsylvania Rd.; 1882 to 1887, rodman and assistant engineer same road; 1887 to 1888, engaged on special work on signals at Altoona, Pa.; 1888 to 1890, assistant supervisor, and 1890 to Jan. 1, 1892, supervisor same road ; Jan. 1, 1892, to Jan. 1, 1893, superintendent of signals New York Central & Hudson River Rd.; Jan. 1, 1893, to April 1, 1894, assistant superintendent of Hudson division same road; April 1, 1894, to Jan. 1, 1897, superintendent Atlantic City Rd.; Jan. 1 to Feb. 1, 1897, assistant superintendent Reading division Philadelphia & Reading Ry. in charge freight terminals at Philadelphia, Pa.; Feb. 1, 1897, to May 1, 1903, superintendent Shamokin division same road; May 1, 1903, to Jan. 1, 1910, general superintendent same road; Jan. 1, 1910, to date, general manager same road; Jan. 1, 1913, to date, also vice-president same road.

Dickerman, Albert, lawyer; born, Masonville, N.Y., Mar. 26, 1840; son, Nathaniel and Mary Ann (Ferry) D. Edu.: Norwich and Oxford Academies, N.Y.; Geauga Seminary and Oberlin College, in Ohio; Union Law College, Cleveland, 0. Probate Judge Hillsdale County, Michigan, 1872-1876; State Senate, Michigan, 1881-1882; Circuit Judge, 14th Dist. of Mich., 1888-94. Republican. Address: Watsonville, Cal.

Dickinson, Clement Cabell, senator, born Dec. 6, 1849, in Prince Edward County, Virginia, was elected to the Missouri House of Representatives in 1900, and served one term of two years; was elected to the State Senate of Missouri in 1902, and served one term of four years. In 1907 was appointed a member of the Board of Regents of the State Normal School at Warrensburg, Mo., for a term of six years; was elected to Congress to fill the unexpired term of David A. De Armond, deceased, and took his seat Feb. 7, 1910. Reelected to the sixty-second and sixty-third congresses.

Dickson, John B., superintendent New York Division Erie Rd. Office: Jersey City, N.J. Born at Steubenville, O. Educated at Wellsville high school. Entered railway service 1881, since which he has been consecutively to April, 1887, in maintenance of way department of Cleveland & Pittsburgh division Pennsylvania Lines West of Pittsburgh; April, 1887, to Feb.,,1893, supervisor same division; Feb., 1893, to Jan. 1, 1902, roadmaster Galena division Chicago & North Western Ry.; Jan. 1, 1902, to Jan. 1, 1903, assistant engineer maintenance of way Baltimore & Ohio Rd.; Jan. 1, 190:1, to June 1, 1905, engineer maintenance of way, same road; June 1, 1905, to Sept. 1, 1907, chief engineer maintenance of way same road; Sept. 1, 1907, to July 1, 1909, superintendent Erie ltd. at Rochester, N.Y.; July 1, 1909, to Jan., 1913, general agent same road at Chicago; Jan., 1913, to Jan. 1, 1914, superintendent New York division same road; Jan. 1, 1914, to date, assistant general manager, Erie Railroad, Cleveland.

Didier, Paul, principal assistant engineer Baltimore & Ohio Rd. Office: Pittsburgh, Pa. Born June 12, 1850, at Sept-Fontaines, France. Graduated from the Ecole Industrielle, Athenee and Polytechnblue, receiving degree of B.S. Aug., 1869, and C.E. Aug., 1872. Entered railway service Sept., 1872, since which he has been consecutively to March, 1874, engineer in projecting department, Northeast Rd. at Lille, France; March, 1874, to Jan., 1881, constructing engineer on surveys, locations, plans of bridges and buildings, etc., of the lines from Hennin-Lietard to Don and from Tubize to Braine I'Alleud; March, 1881, to March, 1884, chief of field party on location of various cross lines Baltimore & Ohio Rd. in western Pennsylvania and West Virginia; March, 1884, to Aug., 1886, in charge of office of engineer maintenance of way Pittsburgh division same road; Aug., 1886, to June, 1903, chief engineer Pittsburgh & Western Rd.; June, 1903, when the Pittsburgh & Western Rd. came under the control of the Baltimore & Ohio Rd., to date, successively district engineer latter road on Pittsburgh & Western System and principal assist-ant engineer in charge of construction central district, same road. Has been a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers since March 6, 1889, and was a delegate to the International Rail-way Congress at Paris, France, in 1900. Charter member of the American Railway Engineering & Maintenance of Way Association. Member of the Franklin Institute. Member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Diehl, Charles Edward, minister of the gospel; born, Charles Town, W.Virginia, May 18, 1875; German descent; son of Albert and Christiana A. (Nolte) Diehl; father's occupation, marble and granite dealer; graduated Johns Hopkins University, 1896; Princeton Theological Seminary and Princeton University, 1900; degrees received, B.A., Johns Hopkins, 1896; M.A., Princeton, 1900; Doctor of Divinity, Southwestern Presbyterian University, 1910; married Katherine Bailey Ireys March 24, 1909 ; one child, Charles Ireys Diehl, born Oct. 21, 1910. Member of Presbyterian Church, South; ordained by Presbytery of Ebenezer (U.S.) at Covington, Ky., Oct. 29, 1900; pastor at Crescent Springs, Ky., and Independence, Ky., Presbyterian churches, 1900-1905; pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Greenville, Miss., 1905-1907; called to First Presbyterian Church, Clarksville, Tenn., 1907, which pulpit he now fills.

Diers, T. C., banker and state representative of Sheridan, Wyo., was born Dec. 4, 1880, in Seward, Neb. He is vice-president and cashier of the Citizens' State Bank of Sheridan; president of the Clearmont State Bank; treasurer of the Sheridan Building and Loan Association; vice-president of the Sheridan Ice Company, and secretary of the Enterprise Publishing Company. He served as a representative in the twelfth Wyoming State Legislature, and is a prominent member of several fraternal orders.

Dies, Martin, congressman, was born in Jackson Parish, La., March 13, 1870; moved to Texas with his parents in 1876; received the rudiments of an English education in the public schools of Texas; was married in 1892; elected county judge of Tyler County in 1894; elected district attorney of the First Judicial District of Texas in 1898; was elected to the sixty-first, sixty-second and sixty-third congresses as a Democrat, and resides in Beaumont, Texas.

Difenderfer, Robert E., congressman, was born at Lewisburg, Union County, Pa., June 7, 1849. He built and operated the first woolen mill in the Chinese Empire at Tientsin; passed through the Chinese Boxer insurrection in 1900, and returned to the United States in August of the same year, since which time he has followed the wholesale lumber business and contracting, his present occupation; is married and has two sons; was elected to the sixty-second and sixty-third congresses.

Dilkes, George Russell, president of the Southern Steamship Co., Philadelphia, Pa.; was born in that city in 1860; son of an orthodox Quaker, who afterwards became a convert to Catholicity; educated in Quaker and Episcopal academies, later attending business colleges; married Dolores Merino, of Spanish descent. Organized the Southern Steamship Co., and operates lines from Philadelphia and Baltimore to the South. Received into the Church in 1877. Clubs: Art (Philadelphia), National Arts (New York City), Pennsylvania Society. Address: 2211 Locust St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Dillard, Frank Clifford, vice-president and general counsel Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. Office: Chicago, Ill. Born at Auburn, Ala. Educated at Alabama Polytechnic Institute. In 1887 became district attorney in Texas for St. Louis Southwestern Ry.; to July 1, 1907, practiced law at Sherman, Tex., and served as attorney for Missouri, Kansas & Texas, St. Louis Southwestern Ry., Houston & Texas Central Rd., Texas & Pacific Ry., St. Louis & San Francisco Rd., and other corporations. July 1, 1907, to April, 1912, interstate commerce attorney Harriman Lines at Chicago; April, 1912, to date, vice-president and general counsel Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry.

Diller, Joseph Silas, educator, geologist and author, of Washington, D.C., was born Aug. 27, 1850, in Plainfield, Pa. In 1879 he duly graduated from the Lawrence Scientific School of Harvard University, and spent four years in postgraduate studies in the universities of Harvard and Heidelberg. In 1873-77 he taught in the State Normal School at Westfield, Mass. Then in 1881-83 he was geologist in the Assos expedition to Asia Minor, and he since 1883 has been geologist in the United States Geological Survey at Washington, D.C. He is an associate editor of the American Journal of Science. He is the author of Notes on the Geology of The Troad, the Genesis of the Diamond, The Geological History of Crater Lake, and over a hundred other mono-graphs and geological articles, mainly concerning California and Oregon, that are listed in the bibliographic bulletins of the United States Geological Survey.

Dillingham, Walter Francis, financier; born, Honolulu, Apr. 5, 1875; son, Benjamin Franklin and Emma Louise (Smith) D. Edu.: Newton High School, Mass. ; Harvard Univ., 1902. Married, Louise Olga Gaylord, May 2, 1910, at Florence, Italy. Connected with the development of the Hawaii an Islands through building of railroads; at the head of the cos. which have the U.S. Govt. contracts for opening of Pearl Harbor, and the building of the 1,000-foot dry dock; connected with the sugar industry. Treas., Oahu Ry. and Land Co., Treas., Hilo Railroad Co.; Treas. and Mgr., B. F. Dillingham Co., Ltd. ; Treas. and Mgr., Hawaii an Dredging Co., Ltd. ; Mgr. for Hawaii an Islands-San Francisco Bridge Co.; Vice-pres., Olaa Sugar Co.; Vice-pres., Cal. Feed Co.; Dir., Oahu Sugar Co.; Dir., Guardian Trust Co.; Dir., Kauai Fruit & Plant Co.; Vice-pres., Kauai Railroad Co.; Trustee, Oahu College; Vice-pres., Palama Settlement Assn. Member: Chamber of Commerce (Honolulu). Clubs: Pacific, University (ex-pres.); Oahu Country (ex-pres.); Hawaii an Polo; Pacific Tennis (ex-pres.) ; Oahu Polo (ex-pres.) ; Social Science (Honolulu) ; Bohemian (S.F.) ; San Mateo Polo (Cal.). Chmn. of Mosquito Campaign in war of extermination of yellow fever mosquito. Recreation : Polo. Address : Beretania St., Honolulu, T.H.

Dillingham, William Paul, United States senator from Vermont, was born Dec. 12, 1843, in Waterbury, Vt. In 1876 and 1884 he was a member of the Vermont Legislature ; state senator in 1878-80, and commissioner of state taxes in 1882-88. In 1888-90 he was governor of Vermont. In 1903 he was elected to the United States Senate for the term ending in 1915, and resides in Waterbury, Vt.

Dillon, Charles Hall, United States congressman from the first district of South Dakota, was born near Jasper, Ind. He is a lawyer, and has been a member of the State Senate. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15, and resides in Yankton, S.D.

Dippel, Andreas, opera manager of New York City and Chicago, was born Nov. 30, 1866, in Cassel, Germany. He sang at the Metropolitan Opera House of New York City in 1890-91, and later made a concert tour of the United States. He has been administrative manager of the Metropolitan Opera Company of New York City ; and since 1910 has been general manager of Chicago Grand Opera Company; and is also general manager of the Auditorium Theater of Chicago, Ill. He has appeared in all the leading cities of Europe, and his repertoire comprises nearly one hundred and fifty parts and over sixty oratorios.

Ditmars, James G., physician and. surgeon, of 510 Ninth St., Brooklyn, N.Y., was born, Washington, Iowa, Nov. 10, 1857; son of Isaac Styker and Catharine (Wood) Ditmars; educated in high school Washington, Iowa, and Denison Univ., Granville, Ohio, B.A., 1882. Principal public schools, Hanover, Ohio, 1882-1883, M.A., 1888, Rochester Theological Seminary, 1883-1887; pastor Baptist Church, Shelton, Conn., 1887-90; pastor Emanuel Baptist Church, Bridgeford, Conn., 1890; pastor Hope Baptist Church, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1890-03 ; Long Island Coll. Hosp., Brooklyn, M.D., 1898; married, Granville, Ohio, Sept. 21, 1881, Eva Jane Blue; children: Lester Loomis, born 1888; Edwin C. J., born 1891; Violette Hope, born 1896; Eva Marguerite, born 1898. Engaged in practice as physician and surgeon in Brooklyn from 1898. Republican. Mem. Kings Co. Med. Soc.

Dixon, Lincoln, congressman, was born Feb. 9, 1860, in Vernon, Ind. In 1880 he graduated from the Indiana State University. In 1884-92 he was prosecuting attorney, and for many years was a member of the Democratic State Committee. He was elected to the fifty-ninth, sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second congresses. He was re-elected to the sixty-third congress from the fourth district of Indiana for the term of 1913-15, and resides in North Vernon, Ind.

Doan, Fletcher Morris, associate justice Supreme Court of Arizona, was born July 21, 1846, in Circleville, Ohio. In 1867 he graduated from the Ohio Wesleyan University, which institution subsequently conferred upon him the degree of A.M. In 1868 he graduated from the Albany Law School; was admitted to the bar by the New York Supreme Court; in 1869 by the Missouri Supreme Court, and in 1895 by the Supreme Court of Arizona. Since 1894-96, he was district attorney for Pinal County, Arizona. Since 1897 he has been associate justice of the Supreme Court and judge of the Second Judicial District of Arizona; and resides in Tombstone, Ariz.

Dobyns, John Robert, educator and superintendent of Jackson, Miss., was born March 31, 1850, Columbus, Johnson county, Mo. He graduated from the Westminster College of Missouri with the degrees of A.M. and LL.D. He has been a teacher in the Missouri school for the deaf and since 1881 superintendent of the Mississippi state school for the deaf. He is also acting vice-president and chairman of the program committee of the convention of American instructors of the deaf.

Dockendorff, John E., banker, of 20 Broad St., New York City, was born March 20, 1866; son of John and Caroline (Fanning) Dockendorff; graduated, Brooklyn Poly. Inst., 1885; Yale Univ., Ph.B., 1888; married, Macon, Ga., Florence Cornell; children: John E., Jr., born April 3, 1905; N. Cornell, born Oct. 15, 1906. Head of firm of J. E. Dockendorff & Co.; dir. N. Y. Knife Co.; treas. Wykagyl Reservation, Inc. Republican; Presbyterian. Mem. Berzelius Soc. (Yale Univ.). Clubs: Yale, Railroad, Larchmont Yacht, Megantic.

Dodd, John M., physician and surgeon of Ashland, Wis., was born Oct. 5, 1866, in Waynesburg, Pa. He is chief surgeon to St. Joseph's Hospital of Ashland, a member of the Wisconsin Board of Medical Examiners, examiner for various insurance companies, and a member of several technical and educational societies. In 1908 he was president of the Ashland Advancement Association, in 1911 was president of the Wisconsin State Medical Society, and in 1911-13 was mayor of his city.

Dodge, Grace Headley, Pres. Nat. Board Young Women's Christian Assn. of U.S., was born, N.Y. City; daughter William Earl and Sarah (Headley) Dodge. Has been engaged for past thirty years in charitable and educational work; appointed member Board of School Commissioners of N.Y., 1886. Former pres. Working Girls' Soc.; treas. Teachers' Coll.; has been officer of various organizations. Address: 262 Madison Ave., N.Y. City.

Dodge, James Mapes, mechanical engineer; born at Waverly, N.J., June 30, 1852; son of William and Mary (Mapes) Dodge. He was educated in the Academy at Newark, N.J., and in Cornell University, to junior year, and at Rutgers College. After leaving college he served an apprenticeship with John Roach, and since then has practiced mechanical engineering, directing special attention to the improvement of conveying machinery and devices in the manufacture of which he extensively engaged, and he is now chairman of the board of the Link-Belt Co., of Philadelphia. He is a member and was president in 1903 of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, is a member and vice-president of the Franklin Institute of Philadelphia, honorary member of the Engineers' Society of Western Pennsylvania; member of the Union League, Germantown Cricket, Country, Corinthian Yacht, American Institute of Mining Engineers, and Engineers' Clubs of Philadelphia and New York. Mr. Dodge married, at Chicago, Sept. 10, 1879, Josephine Kern. Residence : McKean Ave., Germantown. Office: Nicetown, Philadelphia.

Doheny, Edward Lawrence, oil operator; born, Fond du Lac, Wis., 1856. Educated, public and high schools, Fond du Lac, 1872. Married. Surveyor of govt. lands for U.S. Govt., Kas., 1872; N. M., 1873; assisted in subdividing Kiowa and Comanche Indian Reservations, 1873-74. Gold and silver prospecting in Ariz. and N. M., fourteen years ; two years in Cal. Admitted to bar and practiced law about one year. Drilled first oil well in Los Angeles, 1892; drilled 69 in four years; discovered and opened Fullerton District oil fields, Orange Co., 1897; organized Petroleum Dev. Co. and discovered Bakersfield oil district, Cal., 1899; organized Mexican Petroleum Co. of Cal., in the year 1902; organized Huasteca Petroleum Co. and Mexican Petroleum Co., Ltd., in the year 1907; organized American Petroleum Co. in the year 1908; organized American Oilfields Co. in the year 1910; organized Mexican National Gas Co. in the year 1909 ; organized Mexican Asphalt, Paving & Construction Co. in the year 1902; organized The North American Refining Co. in the year 1914. Res.: Los Angeles, Cal.

Doheny Surname in our Surname Queries Registry. Be sure to add your surnames!

Dole, Richard Bryant, U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, D.C., was born, Portland, Me., May 8, 1880. A.B., Bowdoin, '02; Mass. Inst. Tech., '03. Eng. aid, U.S. Geol. Surv., '03-'04, asst. engineer, '04-'06, asst. hydrographer, '06-'08, asst chemist, '08-'10, chemist, '10—. Chem. Soc. ; Pub. Health Assn. ; Wash. Eng. Soc. The quality of water in the United States for municipal and manufacturing purposes.—The quality of water in the United States.

Dolley, Dr. David Hough, Columbia, Mo. Pathology. Lexington, Virginia, July 18, 1878. A.B., Randolph-Macon, 1897, A.M., 1898; M.D., Hopkins, 1902. Res. pathologist, Charity Hosp., Cleveland, 0., 1902-03; Lakeside Hosp. and asst. demonstrator path., Western Reserve, 1903-04, research 1904-06; prof. path., North Carolina, 1906-10; Missouri, 1910. Asst. path. and bact., Am. Assn. Adv. Sci., Sigma Xi. Demonstration of tetanus bacilli in blank cartridge ; hemorrhage ; resuscitation ; neurocytological studies in shock, anemia and muscular exertion. Neurocytology of normal and abnormal conditions.

Donaldson, Morley, vice-president and general manager Grand Trunk Pacific Ry. Office: Winnipeg, Man, 1912. Born May 1, 1851, near Edinburgh, Scotland. Educated in the private schools of Ottawa, Ont. Entered railway service 1881 as chief draftsman Canada Atlantic Ry., since which he has been consecutively superintendent traffic, superintendent mechanical departments, superintendent, and April 11, 1898, to Oct. 1, 1905, general superintendent; all on the Canada Atlantic Ry.; Oct. 1, 1905, to date, superintendent Ottawa division Grand Trunk Ry., which absorbed the Canada Atlantic Ry. Is a member of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers.

Donohoe, Michael, congressman, was born in Killeshandra, Ireland, Feb. 22, 1864. He is a member of the Philadelphia chamber of commerce; was elected to the sixty-second and sixty-third congresses.

Donovan, Jeremiah, United States congressman from the fourth district of Connecticut, was born in 1854 in Ridgefield, Conn. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in South Norwalk, Conn.

Donovan, John Joseph, civil engineer and banker of Larson, Wash.; born in Rumney, N.H., Sept. 8, 1858; son of Patrick and Julia Donovan; educated in common schools of New Hampshire; graduated from the New Hampshire State Normal School, 1877; Worcester Polytechnic Institute, B.S., civil engineering, 1882; married Clara I. Nichols, 1888; children: Helen E., born 1889, John N., born 1891, Philip, born 1893. Taught school in New Hampshire and Massachusetts three years prior to 1880; civil engineer in construction of Northern Pacific Railway in Montana and Washington, 1882-88; had charge of west half of Cascade division and Montana branch lines; 1888-91, chief engineer Fair-haven & Southern Railroad and allied companies; 1891-1902, chief engineer and manager Blue Canyon Coal Mining Co., and Bellingham Bay & Eastern Railroad Co., 1898-1906; chief engineer and manager of Bellingham Bay & British Columbia Rail-road, and allied companies, 1906-10. President and manager Lake Whatcom Logging Co.; vice-president First National Bank, Blue Canyon Coal Mining Co., and Larson Lumber Co. Member First and Second Council, Fairhaven, Wash..; member charter commission and executive committee State Conservation Association. Republican; Roman Catholic. Member American Society of Civil Engineers, Montana Society of Engineers, American-Irish Historical Society, National Geographic Society; trustee Belling-ham State Normal School; member State Board of Charities and Correction; adviser of M. Joseph's Hospital ; member National Municipal League, National Child Labor Committee, Knights of Columbus; past president Bellingham Chamber of Commerce; vice-president Washington Good Roads Association; president Twentieth Century and New England Clubs.

Donworth, George, lawyer; born Machias, Me., Nov. 26, 1861; son of Patrick Enright and Mary Eliza (Baker) Donworth. A.B., Georgetown Univ., 1881. Married Emma L. Tenney, Aug. 22, 1889, at Houlton, Me. Member law firm Donworth & Todd. Elected member of charter commission to frame city charter of Seattle, 1890. Corporation counsel of Seattle, 1892-94. Member Seattle school board, 1907-09; pres. Washington State Bar Assn., 1889; U.S. dist. judge for western dist. of Washington, appointed 1909; resigned, 1912. Clubs : Rainer, College, Seattle Golf and Country. Residence : 1220 7th Ave. West. Office : Hoge Bldg., Seattle, Wash.

Dooley, Matthew Joseph, superintendent Minnesota Transfer Ry. Office St. Paul, Minn. Born Aug. 21, 1864, at Portland, Me. Educated in the public schools at Portland. Entered railway service 1883 as clerk local freight office St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Ry., now the Great Northern Ry., at Minneapolis, Minn., since which he has been consecutively 1885 to 1898, various clerkships local freight office Minnesota Transfer Ry. ; Nov., 1898, to June, 1902, agent Hamline Transfer, Great Northern Ry.; June, 1902, to date, superintendent Minnesota Transfer Ry.

Dooling, Peter J., United States congressman from the sixteenth district of New York, was born in 1857 in New York City. He has been a member of the state senate. He was elected to the sixty third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in New York Cit.

Doolittle, Dudley, United States congressman from the fourth district of Kansas, was born June 21, 1881, in Cottonwood Falls, Kans. Hs has been mayor of his city. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Strong City, Kans.

Doolittle, Herbert Elliott, lawyer; born, Painesville, 0., June 26, 1864; son, George and Emma Ballard (Elliott) D. Edu.: public schools, Ill.; Monmouth College, 4 years; B.S., Denison Univ., Granville, 0., 1886. Married, Mary Susan Gay, Oct. 10, 1893, at Plaquemine, La. Moved to Cal., 1888, and was admitted to Cal. bar, 1890; U.S. Supreme Court, 1899. City Atty., San Diego, 1895-1905. Pres., San Diego Bar Assn., and a member of Cal. State Bar Assn. and the American Bar Assn. Republican. Member : Masons, Elks. Clubs : University, Cuyamaca, Country. Res: 3290 Park Ave., Office : 5 to 10 Lawyers Blk., San Diego, Cal.

Doremus, Frank E., congressman; was born in Venango County, Pa., Aug. 31, 1865; a lawyer by profession; served in the legislature of Michigan 1891-02; has been assistant corporation counsel and controller of the City of Detroit; was elected to the sixty-second and sixty-third congresses.

Dorley, Anthony Francis, engineer water service, Missouri Pacific Ry. Office St. Louis, Mo. Born April 8, 1875, at Lancaster, Pa. Graduated from Mt. St. Mary's College, Emmitsburg, Md., with degree of A.B., and from Notre Dame University, South Bend, Ind., 1900, with degree of C.E. Entered railway service June 20, 1900, since which he has been consecutively to Jan., 1901, rodman Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern Ry.; Jan., 1901, to June, - 1902, assistant engineer Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Ry. ; June, 1902, to April, 1903, assistant engineer Baltimore & Southwestern Ry.; April, 1903, to April, 1906, assistant division engineer same road at Washington, Ind.; April 1 to Aug. 15, 1906, assistant engineer Missouri Pacific Ry. at St. Louis, Mo.; Aug. 15, to Oct., 1906, division engineer at Kansas City, Mo.; Oct., 1906, to July, 1907, division engineer at Omaha, Neb.; July, 1907, to July, 1908, division engineer at Osawatomie, Kan. ; March, 1908, to Dec. 23, 1910, division engineer at Kansas City; Dec. 23, 1910, to April 1, 1914, engineer water service at St. Louis; April 1, 1914, to date, principal assistant engineer; all with the Missouri Pacific Ry.

Dorsey, Stephen W., soldier, railroad president and United Senator of Los Angeles, Cal., was born Feb. 28, 1842, in Benson, Vt. In 1861-65 he served as lieutenant, captain, major and colonel in. the Civil War. He was elected president of the Arkansas Central Railway Company; and, removing to Arkansas, was chosen chairman of the Republican County and State Committees. In 1873-79 he was United States senator from Arkansas; vice-chairman Republican National Committee, 1876-1880.

Dougherty, Curtis, chief engineer Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific Ry. Office Cincinnati, 0. Born July 30, 1863,. at Otterville, Ill. Graduated from Washington University at St. Louis, Mo., 1885, with degree of C.E. Entered railway service 1887. in chief engineer's office Wisconsin Central Ry., since which he has been consecutively, March 1, 1888, to March 1, 1892, engineer Chicago & Western Indiana Rd.; March 1, 1892, to June 1, 1893, assistant engineer Illinois Central Rd.; June 1, 1893, to June 1, 1902, roadmaster Chicago division; June 1, 1902, to 'Jan. 15, 1907, superintendent Springfield division same road; Jan. 15, 1907, to Nov. 1, 1910, assistant chief engineer Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific Ry. and Alabama Great Southern Rd.; Nov. 1, 1910, to date, chief engineer same roads.

Dougherty, Hugh, vice president Fletcher Savings Trust Co., of Indianapolis, Ind., was born July 28, 1844, in Darke County, Ohio. He served as a Union soldier during the Civil War, enlisting as a member of Company F, Ninety-fourth Regiment. of Ohio Volunteer Infantry. He was made prisoner of war, and sent to Camp Chase, Ohio, until his exchange. After his military career he entered business pursuits; became assistant cashier in the First National Bank of Bluffton, of which his uncle, John Studebaker, was president, The title of this bank subsequently changed to the Studabaker Bank, of which institution Mr. Dougherty has been president since I895, until July 1, 1904, when he became president. Marion Trust Co. of Indianapolis. He was largely instrumental in the building of several railroads, and has been active and liberal in the promotion of all material interests in his city and county, and has been equally conspicuous in advancing the cause of education and morality. In 1870 he was elected to the Indiana State Senate, and served with distinction in that body. In 1878, he was a candidate for Congress, and was a delegate to the Democratic National Convention in 1884 and again in 1892, and resides in Indianapolis, Ind. Has been a member of the Board of Trustees of De Pauw University since 1895; president of the board since 1904.

Doughton, Robert L., congressman, was born at Laurel Springs, N.C., Nov. 7, 1863; was educated in the public schools and at Laurel Springs High School; is a farmer, stock raiser, and banker; is president of the Deposit & Savings Bank, of North Wilkesboro, N.C.; was elected to the State Senate; was elected to the sixty-second and sixty-third congresses.

Douglas, James, Spuyten Duyvil, New York, N.Y. Mining, Metallurgy. Quebec, Can., Nov. 4, 1837. Edinburgh; A.B., Queen's (Can.), 1858; LL.D., McGill, 1899. Prof. chem., Morrin Col., Que., 1870-74; supt. Chem. Copper Co., Phoenixville, Pa., 1874-80; pres. Copper Queen Consolidated Mining Co. and other mining and railroad companies; pres. Phelps, Dodge Co., F.A.A.; Min. Eng. (pres., 1899-1909) ; Am. Geog. Soc.; Philos. Soc.; British Iron and Steel Inst. ; British Inst. Min. and Metal.; London Soc. Arts. Author of Wet Methods of Metallurgy of Copper and Silver; New France in the New World; Untechnical Lectures on Technical Subjects; New England and New France.

Douglas, Lee, attorney at law; born Nashville, Tenn., May 23, 1885; Scotch-English descent; son of Byrd and Adelaide W. (Gaines) Douglas; father, grain and commission merchant; paternal grandparents, Byrd and Martha (Bright) Douglas; maternal grandparents, Francis A. and Adelaide (Wharton) Gaines; educated Nashville Grammar and High School, Wallace University School, Princeton, Vanderbilt University and University of Chicago ; graduated Princeton University, A.B., 1906; Vanderbilt University, LL.B., 1908; member Phoenix Lodge No. 131, F.&A.M.; Trinity Consistory, A.A.S.R. (Thirty-second degree) ; officer of First Presbyterian Church, Nashville; Secretary Woodrow Wilson Club of Tennessee; Secretary of the Watauga (Hermitage) Club, 1909-1910; since May 28, 1914, United States Attorney for the Middle District of Tennessee; member of Phi Delta Theta College Fraternity and Phi Delta Phi Legal Fraternity; president Coffee House Club, Nashville.

Douglas, Orlando B., physician and surgeon, of Concord, N.H., was born Sept. 12, 1836, in Cornwall, Vt. He served in the Eighteenth Missouri volunteers during the civil war. He received his medical degree from the University Medical College of New York City, and in 1877-1901 practiced medicine in that city. Since 1901 he has practiced his profession in New Hampshire; was the first president of the New Hampshire Society for the Prevention of Consumption, and president of the New Hampshire orphans' home. He is the author of "Modern Methods of Treating Nasal Catarrh" and other medical works.

Douglas, Theodore, consulting engineer and inventor, of 80 Maiden Lane, New York City, was born, Washington, D.C., March 2, 1869; son of James and Theodora (Carroll) Douglas; Yale Univ., class 1894; married, Greenwich, Conn., Oct. 7, 1908, Mrs. Eugene H. Lewis (née Amy Busby) ; children : Amy Lewis, born 1902; Rosamond Lewis, born 1904; Eugenia Lewis, born 1906; Theodora, born 1909; Ruth, born 1913. Spent three years in Italy in archaeol. and sanitary research work; metallurgist and engineer for numerous metallurgical and mining companies, and in professional work traveled all over U.S. and Central American countries. Has been responsible for a great many inventions in gas engine and railway engineering. Some of his inventions have become international. Duplex Engine-Governor Co., Inc., and Hudson Equipment Corp. Republican; mem. Church Disciples of Christ. Mem. Institute Mining Engineers, S.A.E., A.A.A.S. Recreations: Golf, tennis, trap shooting. Clubs: Engineers', Sleepy Hollow Country.

Dover, Elmer, manager of public utility properties; born, McConnelsville, Ohio, April 14, 1873; son, John Wesley and Frances (Winn) Dover. Educated, public schools of McConnelsville, Ohio. Married, Martha S. Peebles, Jan. 25, 1898, at Ports mouth, Ohio. Newspaper reporter and editor at McConnellsville, Ohio, and Akron, Ohio, and Portsmouth, Ohio. Private secretary to Senator Marcus A. Hanna, from 1899 to 1904. Secretary Re-publican National Committee, 1904 to 1909. Pacific Coast manager, H. M. Byllesby & Co. President Tacoma Gas Co., Olympia Gas Co., Oregon Power Co.; vice-president, Northern Idaho & Montana Power Co., Western States Gas & Electric Co., and others. Member : Am. Inst. Elec. Engrs., Natl. Electric Light Assn., Am. Gas Inst. Clubs: Republican, Railway, Lawyers (New York), National Press (Washington, D.C.), Arlington (Portland), Union, Country (Tacoma). Residence: 621 N. D. St. Office: Tacoma Gas Co., Tacoma, Wash.

Downer, James R., banker, ice dealer and freighter, Castleton. Born in Castleton, Feb. 1, 1839. Educated at Fort Edward Seminary. (Married.) Member of the firms of Gardenur & Downer, and Witbeck & Downer. Cashier and director National Bank of Castleton.

Downes, Frederick Anson, president, treasurer, and director, Keystone Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Manton Mutual Fire Insurance Company, National Mutual Assurance Company, Atlantic Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Philadelphia, and Southern States Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Philadelphia, Pa. Born at Waterville, Conn., October 9, 1863. Educated in the public schools and at Mason's Military Academy, Yonkers, N.Y. He commenced his business career as an engineer and draughtsman, entering the manufacturing business three years thereafter. He began insurance work in 1884 as a clerk in the office of the Keystone Mutual Fire Insurance Company, of which his father was secretary, and succeeded his father as secretary three years later. He organised the Standard Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Philadelphia in 1892, becoming secretary, and retired from the company in 1804 to organize the Manton Mutual Fire Insurance Company, becoming its secretary and being elected president, treasurer, and director in 1903. In 1901 he founded a third company, the National Mutual Assurance Company, of which he is president, treasurer, and director, and was elected president of the Keystone Mutual Fire Insurance Company on June 10, 1903. He also transacts a large insurance brokerage business under the firm name of F. A. Downes & Company. In 1904 he consolidated a large number of cotton seed oil manufacturers into an insurance organization and in 1905 founded the Cotton Seed Crushers' Mutual Assurance Company of Philadelphia for the insuring of protected cotton seed oil mills and fertilizer properties. The control of this company was later secured by the fertilizer manufacturers and the name changed to the Atlantic Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Philadelphia, of which he still occupies the office of president, treasurer and director. He organized the Southern States Mutual Fire Insurance Company in 1907 under the direction of a large aggregation of the largest fertilizer manufacturers in the United States, and for a time acted as general manager of the company, later being elected president, treasurer, and director. This company specializes in the insuring of fertilizer hazards. For several years he was prominently identified with important electric light and power interests which were afterwards consolidated with the Public Service Corporation of New Jersey. He is a director of the American Ice Securities Company, Atlantic Radiator Company, and several other equally important manufacturing corporations. He is a member of the Union League, Art Club, and Pen and Pencil Club, of Philadelphia, as well as a number of financial and scientific organizations. Address: 921-923-925 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Downey, David George, clergyman; born in Ireland, Sept. 21, 1858; son of Archibald and Mary Anne (Hawksley) Downey. He was graduated from Wesleyan University, A.B., 1884, and attended Drew Theological Seminary, and he received the degree of A.M., 1887, and D.D., 1899. He entered the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1884, and has ever since been a member of the New York East Conference, in which he filled several pastorates. He was chaplain of the Connecticut House of Representatives, 1886, and of the Connecticut Senate, 1887. Dr. Downey was a member of the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1904, 1908 and 1912, and was appointed by the General Conference, in 1908, corresponding secretary of the Board of Education and Sunday Schools of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In 1912 he was made Book Editor in which position he is responsible for the literary, ethical and doctrinal teachings of all the books issued by his church. He is a trustee and secretary of the Board of Trustees of Wesleyan University, and member of the Board of Managers of the Methodist Episcopal Missionary Society. Dr. Downey is author of Modern Poets and Christian Teaching. He is a member of the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity. Address: 150 5th Ave., New York.

Downing, Augustus S., first ass't comm'r of education, Albany, N. Y., was born Baltimore, Md., Oct. 18, 1856; son George F. and Margaret (Walter) Downing; grad. Pa. Coll., Gettysburg, Pa., A.B., 1874, A.M., 1877 (honorary LL.D., Syracuse Univ., 1906, Ph.D., State Normal Coll., Albany, 1906; L.H.D., Pa. Coll., 1912; LL.D., Muhlenberg Coll., 1913; Phi Beta Kappa, Syracuse Univ., 1907) ; married Palmyra, N.Y., July 17, 1889, Louise J. Brown; children: George S., born 1890; Margaret W., born 1892. After graduation taught for one year at Wagner Coll., Newark, N.Y., and later in dist. sch. for 3 years; ass't principal Palmyra Classical and Union Sch., 1877-1882; principal Fairport Union Sch., 1882; principal of sch. at Palmyra, 1885-1889; head dep 't mathematics, high sch. at Newark, N.J., 1889-1890; State Inst. conductor, 1890-1895; State supervisor of teachers' institutes and training classes, 1895-1898; organized, and was principal, 1898-1904, of N.Y. Training Sch. for Teachers, N.Y. City; from 1904-1908, third ass't comm'r of ed'n in charge of the elementary schs. of State and of the training of teachers for such schs.; since Oct. 1, 1908, first ass't comm'r of education in charge of higher ed'n, including matters relating to univs. and coils., professional and technical schs., and to the execution of edn'l laws concerning the professions. Democrat; Lutheran. Mem. Nat. Ed'n Ass'n, Nat. Council of Ed'n. Mason, Palmyra Lodge 248, Eagle Chapter 79, Zenobia Commandery, University Club, Albany; N.Y., City Club, N.Y. City. Recreations : Hunting, fishing. Clubs : Harlem, City (N.Y. City), University (Albany, N.Y.).

Downing, William C., General Superintendent Central System of Pennsylvania Lines west of Pittsburgh; office Toledo, O. Born Aug. 21, 1865, at Richmond, Ind. Entered railway service 1885, since which he has been consecutively to 1886, rodman in engineer corps Eastern division Chicago, St. Louis & Pittsburgh Rd., 1886 to 1887, acting assistant engineer same division ; 1887 to 1888, inspector masonry same division ; 1888 to May 1, 1891, assistant engineer Eastern division, after consolidation lines in Southwest System, known as Indianapolis division; May 1, 1891, to Jan., 1895, engineer maintenance of way Richmond division; all with the Chicago, St. Louis & Pittsburgh Rd., now the Pitts-burgh, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Ry.; Jan., 1895, to June 10, 1901, engineer maintenance of way Vandalia Line at St. Louis, Mo., and Terre Haute, Ind. ; June 10, 1901, to April 5, 1902, superintendent Peoria division same road ; April 5, 1902, to Nov. 1, 1912, superintendent main line, now St. Louis division, Vandalia Rd. at Terre Haute; Nov. 1, 1912, to Feb. 1, 1914, superintendent Pittsburgh division, Pennsylvania Lines West, at Pittsburgh, Pa. Feb. 1, 1914, to date General Superintendent Central System of Pennsylvania Lines west of Pittsburgh, at Toledo, O.

Dox, Arthur Wayland, Iowa Agricultural Experimental Station, Ames, Ia. Chemistry. Corning, N.Y., Sept. 19, 1882; B.S., Pennsylvania, 1904; A.M., Columbia, 1905; Ph.D., Yale, 1909. Chemist, dairy div. U.S. Dept. Agr., 1905-10; Iowa Agr. Exp. Sta., 1910. Chem. Soc.; Ass. Agr. Chem.; American Society of Biological Chemists; Enzymes of Fungi.—Enzymes of Fungi; cheese ripening. Chemical Composition of Lower Fungi. Silage Fermentation.

Draper, George Otis, manufacturer and author of New York City, was born July 14, 1867, in Hopedale, Mass. He was one of the largest manufacturers of cotton machinery in this country. He has made over one hundred patents ; the more important of which apply to the perfection of the Northrop Loom, which is the greatest labor saving machine used in the textile industry. He has been vice-president of the. National Association of Cotton Manufacturers and has been officially connected with over fifty manufacturing concerns. He is the author of "Searching for Truth and More." Address : New York City, 1 Madison Ave.

Draper, W. Levell, physician, surgeon, of 33 Laurel St., Buffalo, N.Y., was born Carthage, N.Y., Feb. 24, 1865; son Philorus and Emeline (Cowan) Draper; educated Ives Sem., Antwerp, N.Y.; Hahnemann Med. Coll., of Chicago, M.D., 1890 ; Med. Dep't Univ. of Buffalo, 1899; married Wilson, N.Y., 1896, Anna Schoelles. Has practiced profession at Wilson, N.Y., since 1890. Elected mem. of Assembly from 2d Dist. of Niagara Co., in 1905; reelected 1906, 1907, 1908; serving in sessions of 1906-1909. Re-publican. Mem. B'd Ed'n, Wilson, N.Y., since 1899; has been pres. Wilson Village 4 times. Mason, Ontario Lodge 376, Genessee Commandery 10, Ames Chapter 88, Ismalia Temple (Shrine), Odd Fellows and several insurance orders. Office address: 429 Brisbane Bld'g, Buffalo, N.Y.

Drew, Frank C., lawyer; born, San Jose, Cal., May 31, 1861; son, John R. and Mary Frances (Dowling) D. Grad., Lincoln primary and grammar school; Boys' High School. Married, Helen P. White, April 7, 1900. Member law firm, Metson, Drew & Mackenzie. Member: Am. Geographical Soc., Am. Esperanto Assn., French Phonetic Assn., Cal. Historical Soc., Red Men, Eagles, N.S.G.W., exempt member of San Francisco Typographical Union 21. Clubs: Press, Bohemian, Family, Dolphin Swimming, Boating (S.F.) ; Touring (France). Democrat. Res.: Pal-ace Hotel, San Francisco, Cal. Office : 523 Balboa Bldg.', San Francisco, Cal.

Drew, Irving Webster, lawyer and banker of Lancaster, N.H.; born Colebrook, N.H., Jan. 8, 1845; son of Amos W. and Julia Esther (Lovering) Drew; graduated from Kimball Union Academy, 1866, and from Dartmouth College, 1870; married, Cole-brook, Nov. 4, 1869, Caroline Hatch Merrill. Admitted to bar, 1871, and since that time in practice at Lancaster, N.H.; now member of the law firm of Drew, Shurtleff & Morris. President Siwooganock Guaranty Savings Bank of Lancaster; director Lancaster National Bank; president Upper Coos Railroad Co.; trustee Lancaster Public Library. Member New Hampshire senate, 1883-85; delegate to democratic national conventions, Cincinnati, 1880, Chicago, 1892-96. Member state constitutional convention 1902 and 1912.

Drew, Prentiss W., superintendent telegraph Chicago Division Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Ry. Office: Chicago, Ill. Born July 8, 1843, at Burlington, Vt. Educated at Quincy College. Entered railway service 1862 as agent and operator Quincy & Palmyra Rd. at West Quincy, Mo., since which he has been consecutively, 1866 to 1869, chief operator Hannibal & St. Joseph Rd.; 1869 to 1873, superintendent telegraph, and 1873 to 1878, division superintendent same road; 1878 to 1883, superintendent transportation and telegraph Chicago & Eastern Illinois Rd. at Chicago; 1883 to 1890, assistant superintendent same road; 1890 to 1892, out of service; 1892 to 1893, chief operator Northern Pacific Rd. at Chicago ; 1893 to 1894, chief operator Wisconsin Central Lines; 1894 to 1908, superintendent telegraph, and 1903 to 1907, also car service agent same road; 1908 to date, superintendent telegraph Chicago division Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Ry., the Wisconsin Central Ry. having been absorbed by that road; 1883 to date, also secretary and treasurer Association of Railway Telegraph Superintendents.

Driggs, Laurence La Tourette, lawyer, of New York City; born in Saginaw, Mich., Dec. 1, 1876; son of Leroy Charming and Mary (La Tourette) Driggs; educated at Portland (Ore.) High School, University of Michigan, N.Y. Law School; married; Yonkers-on-Hudson, June 29, 1904, Mary Ogden; children: Ogden, born 1905; Laurence L., Jr., born 1906. After admission to bar became trial attorney for Brooklyn Heights R.R. Co., and special counsel for other corporations and individuals. Actively interested in politics. Member Republican County Commission of N.Y. County, and member District Commission 25th A.D. Nominated for Congress by Republicans of 11th Congressional District in 1908. Has traveled extensively throughout America and Europe. Member Squadron C., N.Y.N.G., 1902-05. Trustee Northern Dispensary since 1904. Republican; Episcopalian. Member Sons of Revolution, N.Y. Historical Association, Delta Upsilon fraternity. Recreations: Various outdoor exercises. Clubs: Republican, City: Appointed 1912 to City's Market Commission by Mayor Gaynor. Member Society Colonial Wars, St. Nicholas Society, Society of War of 1812.

Driscoll, Daniel A., congressman; was born in the city of Buffalo, N.Y., March 6, 1875; received his early education at the public schools, and upon leaving the Central High School engaged in the undertaking business of his father, Timothy Driscoll; is also engaged in other business enterprises. Never held public office prior to his election to Congress; was elected to the Sixty-first, Sixty-second and Sixty-third Congresses as a Democrat; and resides in Buffalo, N.Y.

Drum, Rev. Walter, S.J., educator; born on Sept. 21, 1870, at Louisville, Ky.; son of Captain John Drum, killed before Santiago July 1, 1898; educated at the parish school, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., 1879-84; Jesuit. Colleges: Las Vegas, N.M.; Boston, Mass. (A.13., 1890) ; Marquette, Milwaukee; Canisius, Buffalo. Entered the Society of Jesus, 1890; was ordained priest, 1904; special studies in Semitic languages, Jesuit University in Beirut, Syria, and Innsbruck, Austria, also Universities of Vienna and Munich, 1906-08; professor of Scripture, Woodstock College, Maryland, since 1908; librarian since 1909. Associate editor American Ecclesiastical Review since 1912. Biblical editor of The Pilgrim since 1913. Journeyed in Egypt; Palestine and Syria, especially the land of the Philistines and Phenicia; ancient Seleucia as far as Antioch and Haleb (Alep) ; the land of the Hittites, and Tudmor (Palmyra) ; Asia Minor, Greece. Author of Pioneer Forecasters of Hurricanes, 1905; Pastoral Medicine, Sanford-Drum (Wagner, New York, 1905). Has contributed articles on Sacred Scripture to the Catholic Encyclopedia ; has written for the Messenger; Messenger of the Sacred Heart; American Ecclesiastical Review; American Catholic Quarterly Review; America; Catholic World. Address: Woodstock College, Woodstock, Md.

Drummond, Everett Richard, lawyer and banker of Waterville, Me., born Winslow, Me., Sept. 14, 1834; son of Clark and Cynthia (Blackwell) Drummond; of Revolutionary ancestry; educated in common schools and academy; married at Winslow, Me., Dec. 26, 1859, Aubigne M. Bean (died May 16, 1909). Read law; since admission to Kennebec bar in 1858 has engaged in practice in Waterville. Formed partnership in 1858 with brother Josiah H., under name of Drummond & Drummond; dissolved partnership in 1860; in same year formed partnership with Hon. E. F. Webb, under the name of Drummond & Webb; this partner-ship continued until 1863; now practicing alone. Admitted to practice in United States Circuit Court of Maine in 1867. Secretary Waterville Mutual Fire Insurance Co. until 1874; treasurer Waterville Savings Bank from June, 1874, to June, 1912. Served as town clerk eleven years; member of Common Council, 1890; member Board of Aldermen, 1892-96. Republican; Methodist. Steward, trustee, treasurer and class leader of Methodist Episcopal Church of Waterville, Me.; also superintendent of Sunday school for fifteen years. Member Civic League of Maine. Trustee Maine Wesleyan Seminary and Women's College since 1874, and treasurer of it from 1898 to 1910. Was secretary of Waterville Lodge F. & M. for several years.

Drummond, James Herbert, dealer in lumber lands, banker; born Winslow, Me., Nov. 23, 1865; son of George L. and Mary P. (Murphy) Drummond; educated in common school, Winslow, Me., and Oak Grove Seminary, Vassalboro, Me.; married, St. Andrews, Fla., Oct. 1, 1902, Grace E. Day; two sons: James Herbert and Charles Day. Learned to estimate timber, and during the same time read law 1888-92, while living in Iron River, Wis., and afterwards bought, sold and estimated timber; became interested with Michigan and Wisconsin lumbermen in purchase of large tracts of timber land in Florida and British Columbia, Canada; president Bank of St. Andrews, St. Andrews Ice & Power Co.; treasurer Wis. Corporation Cascade Timber Co.; partner in The Ware Mercantile Co. Mayor of St. Andrew, Fla., first four years since town was incorporated; enlisted in Fourth Wis. Volunteer Infantry, serving as sergeant in Spanish-American War, and has been very active in working to secure appropriation from the Government to improve St. Andrew's Bay and to construct a canal to connect the Apalachicola River with St. Andrew's Bay, which has been provided for by Congress; and in advocating the improvement of our waterways generally through-out the country. Member Knights of Pythias. Address: St. Andrews, Fla.

DuBois, Henry Pastor, engineer of 43 Exchange Pl., New York City, was born Dec. 26, 1884, in Leipzig, Germany. In 1906 he graduated from Cornell University with the degree of M.E. He studied law at the George Washington University and was also a newspaper correspondent. He has been assistant to the vice-president of the General Cotton Securities Company and secretary to Congressman C. C. Pratt of Pennsylvania in 1909-10. He is a member of the Cornell University Club of New York and various other clubs. He is assistant to the president of the J. C. White & Company, secretary and treasurer of Gardenas American Sugar Company, secretary of the Engineering Securities Corporation and secretary of the Investors' Securities Corporation.

Dudley, John Leonard, Jr., insurance of New York City, where he was born, Oct. 22, 1881; son of John Leonard and Fanny E. (Carpenter) Dudley; graduated Stevens' Institute of Technology, Hoboken, N.J., 1904; married Jan. 5, 1910, Maria Josephine Frances Garcia. Is in Europe part of every year. Director, president and gen. manager The John L. Dudley, Jr., Co., of N.Y. and London ; president and director of the Eagle Fire Insurance Company of N.Y. Republican; Episcopalian. Member Chamber of Commerce ; Citizens Com., Hudson-Fulton Celebration, New England Society, Beta Theta Phi. Clubs : Union League, Automobile, Players.

Dudley, William Henry, physician, born, Madison, Conn., Jan. 1, 1855. Educated College of Phys. and Surg., N.Y.; M.D., Univ. City of N.Y., 1882; M.D., College of Med., Univ. Sou. Cal., 1906. Married, Lillian Tracy Fillmore, Dec. 25, 1886. Res. Asst. Surg., N.Y., Ophthalmic and Aural Inst., 1893. Moved to Cal., 1905. Member, L. A. Co. Med. Assn., chairman of the eye and ear section; Am. Laryngological, Rhinological and Otological Assn., Am. Acad. Ophthalmology and Oto-laryngology, Pacific Coast otoophthalmological Soc., Northampton Co. (Pa.) Med. Soc., (ex-pres.); Easton (Pa.) Microscope Club, attending clinical ophthalmologist to Med. Dept., Univ. Cal., Los Angeles Dept. Res., 1447 Malvern Ave. Office, Exchange Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal.

Duel, Arthur B., physician and surgeon, of 27 E. 57th St., New York City, graduated from Harvard, M.D. (Alumnus Boston City Hosp.), 1894. Makes specialty of diseases of the ear, nose and throat; prof. otology, Polyclinic Med. Sch. and Hosp., since 1908; aural surgeon, Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hosp.; consulting aural surgeon, N.Y. Health Board Hospitals; otologist to Babies' Hosp. Consulting aural 'surgeon N.Y. Skin and Cancer Hosp. Mem, N.Y. Co, Med. Soc,, N.Y. Acad. Medicine, Harvard Med. Soc ., Med. Assn, N.Y., N.Y. Otol. Soc., Am. Otol. Soc., Am. Laryngol., Rhinol, and Otol. Soc. Clubs: Calumet, Racquet. and Tennis, Harvard, Riding, Sleepy Hollow Country.

Duell, Charles Holland, associate-justice Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, was born April 13, 1850, in Cortland, N.Y. In 1873 80 he practiced law in New York City; and in 1878-82 was a representative in the New York State Legislature. In l898 1901 he was United States commissioner of patents. In 1901 he was appointed associate-justice of the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, but resigned in September, 1906, to resume the practice of patent law in New York City. In 1908 he was at the head of the Republican Electoral Ticket of New York State. In 1911 he was one of the delegates to represent the United States in the convention (held at Washington) for the protection of Industrial property.

Duell, Holland S., lawyer of New York City; born Syracuse, N.Y., Jan. 29, 1881; son of Charles H. and Harriet (Sackett) Duell; graduated Yale, B.A., 1902; N.Y. Law School, LL.B., 1904; married N.Y., Sept. 29, 1904, Mabel Halliwell; children: Charles Halliwell, born 1905 ; Helen, born 1906 ; Holland Sackett, Jr., born 1908; Harriet Anne, born 1910; Halliwell Ledyard, born 1912. .Admitted to bar, 1904; engaged in practice, with specialty in patent law, as member law firm of Duell, Warfield & Duell. Member Assembly, 1907 and 1909 from 2d Dist., Westchester County. Director of the McClure publications, Inc., N.Y., of the Noise-less Typewriter Co., Middletown, Conn.; Wm. A. Rogers, Lt'd, Toronto, Can. ; Yonkers National Bank of Yonkers, N.Y.; The Klauder-Weldon Dyeing Machine Co., Amsterdam, N.Y. Progressive Republican. Clubs : Union League, Yale, St. Nicholas, Lawyers, New York Yacht, American Yacht, Saegkyl. Member Westchester Bar Association, Washington Patent Bar Association.

Duffield, Pitts, publisher, born at Detroit, Mich., Jan. 22, 1869; son of Henry M. and Frances (Pitts) Duffield. He was graduated from Harvard, A.B., 1892. He was formerly secretary of Fox, Duffield & Co., publishers; and is now president, treasurer and director of Duffield & Co., publishers (incorporated). He is a member of the American Publishers' Assn., the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity (Harvard), the University, Players' and Harvard Clubs of New York and the Hasty Pudding Club of Harvard. Mr. Duffield married at Washington, D.C., Jan. 6, 1904, Isabel, daughter of Justice McKenna, of the United States Supreme Court, and they have a daughter, Carolyn Pitts Duffield, born Dec. 9, 1904. Residence, Setauket, L.I. Address, 36-38 West 37th St., New York City.

Duffy, James Buckley, born Jan. 3, 1875, in Chicago, Ill.; received his preliminary education in the Christian Brothers' schools, later attending Sacred Heart College, San Francisco, Cal. Is general agent, the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway, San Francisco, Cal. Married Mabelle Florence Witts. Address, 673 Market St., San Francisco, Cal.

Dugro, Philip Henry, jurist ; born in New York City, October 3, 1855; son of Anthony Dugro. Was graduated from Columbia College, as A.B. in 1876; A.M. in 1876; and from Columbia Law School as LL.B. in 1878. He was elected a member of the Assembly of the State of New York in 1878, and a member of Congress, in 1880. He was nominated for comptroller of City of New York, by the Democratic Party, in 1884, but owing to his father's death immediately after nomination, he declined it. In 1886, he was nominated by the governor of New York as emigration commissioner of the State, but while the nomination was pending in the State Senate, he was elected judge of the Superior Court of the City of New York. In 1896, by constitutional amendment, he was made justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, and in 1900, was elected to the same position for a term expiring in 1914. Judge Dugro has always been a Democrat in politics. He built the Hotel Savoy and the Hotel Seville. Has two children: Charles H. Dugro (born in 1878) and Antonia, now Mrs. William H. Young, born in 1887. Address, Hotel Savoy, New York City.

Dumbeck, Frederick C., assistant general freight agent St. Louis & San Francisco Rd. Office, St. Louis, Mo. Born Oct. 19, 1860, at Stuttgart, Germany. Educated in a private school at Rock Island, Ill. Entered railway service 1875, as messenger local office Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Ry. at Peoria, Ill., since which he has been consecutively March 1, 1880, to September, 1882, chief clerk local office Peoria, Decatur & Evansville Rd. at Peoria, Ill. ; Sept. 1, 1882, to Oct. 2, 1884, agent same road at Evansville, Ind. ; Oct. 1, 1884, to Sept.. 15, 1885, chief clerk traffic department same road at Peoria; Sept. 15, 1885, to Sept. 15, 1887, chief clerk traffic department Cairo, Vincennes & Chicago Rd. at Cairo, Ill. ; Sept. 15, 1887, to 1890, chief clerk traffic department St. Louis, Arkansas & Texas Ry., "Cotton Belt" of Texas; March 1, 1890, to February, 1892, chief clerk traffic department same road, now St. Louis, Southwestern Ry. at St. Louis, Mo.; March 1, 1892, to Nov. 22, 1893, assistant general freight agent Newport News & Mississippi Valley Co. and Ohio Valley Ry. at Memphis, Tenn.; Nov. 22, 1893, to Jan. 1, 1894, acting general freight agent same roads ; Jan.' 1, 1894, to Sept. 1, 1896, general freight agent Chesapeake, Ohio & Southwestern Rd.; Sept. 1, 1896, to Oct. 1, 1901, assistant general freight agent Kansas City, Ft. Scott & Memphis Yd.; Oct. 1, 1901, to May 16, 1912, assistant general freight agent St. Louis & San Francisco Rd. at Kansas City; May 16, 1912, to date, assistant general freight agent same road at St. Louis, Mo.

Dumont, Charles W., law publisher, born in Juneau, Wis., 1860; son of Dr. John E. and Julia Warford Dumont. Was educated at the University of Wisconsin. Was principal and superintendent of various public high schools in Wisconsin for six years; was formerly treasurer of the Edward Thompson Co., Northport, L.I., N.Y., law publishers; is now president and manager of the American Law Book Company. Was the designer and founder of the Cyclopedia of Law and Procedure (CYC) a forty-volume compilation of American and English law. This is the largest and most universally used compilation of American and English law extant. Has visited most of the European countries; Republican in politics. Member of the Lotos Club, New York Athletic Club and member of the Empire State Society "Sons of the American Revolution." Married at Juneau, Wisconsin, 1879, Jennie Hargraves. Has three children : George W. Dumont, born in 1880; Dorothea Dumont, born 1885; Chas. W. Dumont, Jr., born 1898. Residence, Glendale, Northport, L.I., NY. Address, 27 Cedar St., New York City.

Duncan, Louis, electrical engineer of New York City; born at Washington, D.C., March 25, 1862; son of Thomas and Maria (Morris) Duncan; graduated U. S. Naval Academy, 1880; studied physics and mathematics at Johns Hopkins University, Ph.D., 1885; married, Philadelphia, 1887, Edith McKee ; children : Mc-Kee, born 1889; Dorothy, born 1892; Harriet, born 1894; Edith, born 1899. Served in U. S. Navy until 1887; resigned; professor applied electricity, Johns Hopkins University, 1887-98; head Department Electrical Engineering, Mass. Institute Technology, 1902-04. Wrote article on Electric Traction in Encyclopedia Britannica; also many articles on engineering subjects in technical journals. Served as major 1st Volunteer Engineers in Spanish-American War. Member American Institute Electrical Engineers (twice president) ; honorary member Franklin Institute; fellow American Philosophical Society; member Mathematical Society of France and Physical Society of France. Clubs: University, Engineers (N.Y. City), Maryland (Baltimore), Army and Navy (Washington & N.Y. City).

Dunham, Charles A., signal engineer Great Northern Ry. Office, St. Paul, Minn., born Oct. 20, 1866, at Hamilton, Ont. Educated in the public schools of Ontario, at night schools at Chicago, and took a correspondence course with the International Correspondence Schools of Scranton, Pa. Entered railway service 1884, since which he has been consecutively to April, 1886, helper in mechanical department Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Rd. at Chicago ; April, 1886 to 1887, in bridge department New York, Chicago & St. Louis Rd.; in 1887 was for three months with the U. S. Rolling Stock Co. at Hegewich, Ill.; August, 1887, went to California and from September, 1887, to January, 1890, was in the service of Grant Bros., railroad contractors; January, 1890 to September, 1892, locomotive fireman and brakeman Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Rd.; September, 1892 to March, 1896, with the Union Switch & Signal Co. and the National Switch & Signal Co.; March, 1896 to March, 1901, inspector of signals Illinois Central Rd.; March, 1901 to June, 1905, signal engineer same road; June, 1905 to November, 1912, signal engineer Great Northern Ry.; November, 1912 to February 1, 1913, signal engineer Grank Trunk Ry.; Feb. 1, 1913 to date, signal engineer Great Northern Ry.

Dunham, Walter Edward, supervisor Motive Power & Machinery, Chicago & North Western Ry. Office, Winona, Minn., born Sept. 9, 1873, at Newark, N.J. Educated at Sibley College of Cornell University, 1891-95. Entered railway service, 1896, as helper in machine shop Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. since which he has been consecutively draftsman same road; master mechanic same road; chief draftsman Chicago & North Western Ry., mechanical engineer same road, master mechanic same road, and is now supervisor motive power and machinery same road at Winona, Minn.

Dunham, William Peyton, mine owner; born Van Buren Co., Ia., Nov. 8, 1862; son of William Pugh and Catherine Elizabeth (Murphy) Dunham. Educated public and high schools, Leavenworth, Kan.; married Susan Vermillion Whiteford, Dec. 24, 1887, in Chicago. Pres. and principal owner, Arizona Hercules Copper Co., Ray, Ariz.; pres. and principal stockholder, Ray Development Co., now building a large hotel in Ray, Ariz., which will be one of the finest buildings in that state; pres. and largest stock-holder Cuyutlan Gold Mines Co., Tepic, Mexico; Jara Goldes ., Mexico; Los Indies Gold Mines Co., Mexico ; Glorieta Gold Mines Co., Mexico ; Belmont Silver-Lead Mines Co., Mexico ; Consuelo Mining, Milling & Power Co.; Chihuahua Experanza Gold Mining Co.; Medallion Oil Co., and vice-president Pines Altos Mines Co. Clubs: California and Sierra Madre (Los Angeles, Cal.) ; Alts (Salt Lake City, Utah) ; El Paso (Colorado Springs, Colo.) ; Rocky Mountain (New York City) ; Arizona (Phoenix, Ariz.) ; Foreign (Chihuahua, Mexico). Residence, 680 Berendo St., Los Angeles, Cal. Offices, No. 5 London Walls Bldg., London, Eng.; 111 Broadway, New York, N.Y.; 700-1-2-3 Union Oil Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal.

Dunn, Alpin I., oil producer, of 148 Front St., New York City, was born, San Antonio, Tex., Feb. 25, 1883; son of Charles W. and Alice Ida (Baker) Dunn; received public school education; unmarried. Vice-president, treas. and dir. N..B. Cook Oil Co., of New York, and director Monmouth Oil & Guano Co., of. Port Monmouth, N.J., and Great South Beach Improvement Co., of Fire Island, New York. Independent Republican.

Dunn Harris Ashton, banker, of 60 Broadway, New York City, was born, N.Y. City, Feb. 28, 1878; son of Gano and Amelia (Sillick) Dunn; graduated Coll. City of N.Y., B.S., 1897; married, Nov. 29, 1905, Ella Smythe Turner; one son, Harris Ashton, Jr., born Dec. 4, 1906. Treas. Columbia Trust Co., Tanana Valley R.R. Co.; dir. Merchants' Safe Deposit Co. Republican; mem. M. E. Ch. Mem. Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity, Sons of Revolution.

Dunn, Henry E., president of The Bradstreet Co. of New York City; born Brooklyn, N.Y., Dec. 9, 1868; received public school education; married, Rochester, N.Y., June 24, 1896, Elizabeth Wadsworth Ives; three children. President and director The Bradstreet Co. Member Chamber of Commerce, Metropolitan Museum of Art. Club, Merchants.

Dunn, Thomas B., United States congressman from the thirty-eighth district of New York, was born March 16, 1853, in Providence, R.I. He has been president of the Chamber of Commerce; and a member of the Stale Senate. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Rochester, N.Y.

Dunne E. F., governor of the State of Illinois, was born Oct. 12, 1853, in Waterville, Conn. In 1905-07 he was mayor of Chicago, III., and since has been in the practice of law. He is governor of Illinois for the term of 1913-17; and resides in Springfield, Ill.

Dunning, David M, banker, Auburn; residence 4 Grover St., born in Auburn, 1844. Educated in Auburn and at Union College. (Married.) Has served as city surveyor of Auburn and as inspector of rifle practice N. G., N.Y. Now president and trustee of Auburn Savings Bank. President of Auburn City Hospital. Trustee of Cayuga County Historical Society. Member of Owasco Country Club, Auburn City Club, and Psi Upsilon fraternity.

Dunshee, Bertram Harvey, mining engineer; born, Bristol, Vt., April 18, 1857; son of John and Rosina L. (Parmalee) Dunshee ; Ph.B., Univ. of Cal., College of Mines, 1879. Married Fannie Bowie, April 15, 1903, at Philipsburg, Mont. Supt. quartz mill Head Center Mining Co., Tombstone, Ariz.; supt. quartz mill Bi-Metallic Mining Co.; mgr. Black Pine Mining Co.; supt. of mines Boston & Montana Gold & Silver Mining Co.; asst. general supt. of mines Amalgamated Copper Co., Butte, Mont. Member Am. Inst. Mining Engrs., Montana Soc. of Engrs., Am. Mining Congress. Club : Silver Bow (Butte, Mont.). Residence: 1034 Caledonia St. Address : Box 278, Butte, Mont.

Dunsmoor, John M., physician, born Minneapolis, Minn., Mar. 12, 1855. Educated at Los Angeles High School; Lawler Academy; M.D., College of Med., Univ. Sou. Cal., 1900; interne, Cal. Hosp., Los Angeles. Married Nannie C. Straus, Sept. 20, 1879. Taught public schools, 1874-86; dep. county clerk Bd. of Super-visors, Clerk of Superior Court, 1886-96; secy. Masonic Bd. of Relief; asst. supt. Los Angeles Co. Hosp., 1907-08-09. Member Los Angeles Co. Med. Assn., Sou. Cal. Med. Soc., Med. Soc. State of Cal., Am. Med. Assn. ; Nu Sigma Nu fraternity. Residence : 233½ N. Grand Ave. Office : 256 S. Spring St., Los Angeles, Cal. Med. dir. Western Masons Mutual Life Assn. ; attending physician to Masonic Orphans' Home.

Dunwody, William Elliott, manufacturer, born, Savannah, Ga., Dec. 17, 1870; son of William Elliott and Aimee (LaRoche) Dunwody; received first honor, Boys' High School, Macon, Ga.; educated Mercer Univ., Macon, Ga,; married, Macon, Ga., Oct. 10, 1892, Bessie Webster; two children: William Elliott, Jr., Kenneth W. Was cashier Macon Hardware Co., 1890-93; cashier Union Savings Bank & Trust Co., Macon, Ga., 1894-1900; vice-president Cherokee Brick Co., Macon, Ga., since 1900; president Standard Brick Co., Macon, Ga., since 1906; president Georgia State Fair Assn..; vice-president Macon Chamber of Commerce ; director Citizens National Bank, and Midland City Hotel Co., Macon, Ga., Macon & Brunswick Navigation Co. Director Building Brick Association of America, N.Y. City. Democrat ; Presbyterian (elder First Presbyterian Church and music director) ; director Young Men's Christian Assn. Member Southern Commercial Congress, Washington, D. C. Mason, Elk, Knight of Pythias. Clubs : Cherokee, Log Cabin, Outing. Residence : 321 Orange St. Office : 416 Cherry St., Macon.

Du Pont, Alfred Camille, physician, educator of 310 W. 23d St., New York City, was born in N.Y. City, Nov. 28, 1867, of French ancestry; educated in France and America, grad. N.Y. Univ., 1895, B.A., M.D.; married. Examiner in lunacy for state of New York; fellow Med. Soc. Greater N.Y.; life mem. Soc. Science, Letters and Art, of London, England. Mem. Alumni N.Y. Univ.; mem. Alumni French Hosp.; colonel Nat. Volunteer Emergency Service. Mem. Masonic Order, Chapter, Commandery and Mystic Shrine, active mem. and grand sec. gen. of Sovereign Grand Consistory and Supreme Council A.A.R.S. for the U.S., its Territories and Dependencies, and is a 33d degree ad vitem. Mem. B.P.O. Elks. Devotee of music and art. Director of Grand Conservatory of Music. One of the organizers of Pleiades Club.

Du Pont, Henry Algernon, United States senator, was born July 30, 1838, in Wilmington, Del. He served through the Civil War; and received the rank of lieutenant-colonel. In 1879 he became president of the Wilmington and Northern Railroad Co. In 1905 he became a member of the United States Senate.

Dupre, Henry Garland, congressman. He was elected to the House of Representatives of the state of Louisiana from the fourteenth ward of the parish of Orleans in 1900; was re-elected in 1904 and in 1908; was elected speaker of the House of Representatives of the state of Louisiana for the session of 1908, and served in that capacity through the regular and extra sessions of 1910; was elected to the Sixty-first Congress. At the same election he was elected to the Sixty-second and Sixty-third congresses.

Durand, William Cecil, banker, born Milford, Conn., June 15, 1851; son of Calvin and Sarah Cecil (Hunter) Durand; graduated from Sheffield Scientific School, Yale, 1871; married, first in Milford, Jan. 15, 1885, Elizabeth C. Ford (died Aug. 18, 1888) ; second, Milford, June 17, 1890, Clara Baldwin Clark (died March 9, 1904) ; third, Bridgeport, Aug. 1, 1908, Anna M. Keefe. Was in mercantile business with father, 1871-78; secretary and treasurer Milford Savings Bank since 1891. Member Connecticut House of Representatives, 1883, 1884, 1889; one of state auditors, 1889-91. Cleveland Democrat; Episcopalian. Clubs: Milford, Milford Yacht. Address: Milford Savings Bank, Milford.

Duren, Charles McKeen, banker, born in Sangerville, Me., Nov. 26, 1842; son of Charles and Serena (McKeen) Duren; attended common schools in Vermont; married, Dubuque, Ia., June 1, 1868, Gertrude Eliza Whiting ; five children. Clerk in country store, Sheldon, Vt., 1858; druggist in St. Albans, Vt., 1864; traveled for New York paper house, 1866; bookkeeper in Dubuque, Ia., 1867; cashier Hardin County Bank, Eldora, Ia,, 1869, president, 1893. Now president Hardin County National Bank, Hardin County Savings Bank, Providence State Bank. Republican; Congregationalist. Trustee Iowa College, Grinnell. Recreation: Horseback riding. Address: Eldora.

Durfee, Frank D., banker, born Elsie, Mich., June 17, 1858; son of Aaron B. and Sarah A. (Cole) Durfee; educated in schools of Fenton, Mich.; married, Lansing, Mich., Sept. 10, 1896, Jennie M. Van Auken; one daughter, Anna Allene. Served as clerk of County Court, 1884-88, in Michigan. Organized the Old Perrinton Bank at Perrinton, Mich., in 1889, and is still its president. Went to North Carolina in 1904, and organized in 1908, the Citizens' Bank of Hendersonville, North Carolina, of which is president ; also director and trustee in several business enterprises. his served as chairman Board of Supervisors, and several times has been president of the town in which he was at that time living. Democrat; Methodist (has been Sunday School superintendent many years). Mason, Knight Templar, Modern Woodman. Address: Hendersonville.

Durgin, Walter Clements, banker, born, Cleveland, 0., 1857; son of L. W. and Helen (McAlpine) Durgin. Educated in common schools. Vice-president California Savings Bank, 4th and Spring St., Los Angeles. Member Masons. Club : California. Residence : 1537 West 8th St. Office : Los Angeles, Cal.

Durrett, James Leonard, assistant general freight agent Illinois Central and Yazoo & Mississippi Valley Rds. Office: Louisville, Ky. Born, March 12, 1862, at Flemingsburg, Ky. Educated in country school, Franklin County, Ky., 3 months. Entered railway service October, 1889, since which he has been consecutively to March 1, 1896, clerk in general freight office Chesapeake, Ohio & Southwestern and Newport News & Mississippi Valley Rds. March 1, 1896, to March, 1897, rate clerk general freight office Louisville & Nashville Rd. at Louisville, Ky.; March, 1897, to June, 1898, claim clerk general freight office Illinois Central Rd., same place; June, 1898, to May, 1902, rate clerk, tariff clerk, chief rate clerk, same office; May, 1902, to Dec. 1, 1905, traveling freight agent same road; Dec. 1, 1905, to July 1, 1909, commercial agent same road at Nashville, Tenn.; July 1, 1909, to Jan. 1, 1910, commercial agent same road at Jacksonville, Fla. ; Jan. 1, 1910, to June 30, 1913, assistant general freight agent same road at Memphis, Tenn. ; July 1, 1913, to date, assistant general freight agent Illinois Central Rd., at Louisville, Ky.

Durstine, Lee B., investment banker of 55 Liberty St., New York City, was born Wooster, Wayne Co., Ohio, Sept. 7, 1857; son Jacob and Mary A. (Hartman) Durstine; grad. Univ. of Wooster (Ohio), A.B., 1878, A.M., 1881; married Boscobel, Wis., Dee. 25,•1878, Katharine M. Sarles; children : Florence S., born 1883; Roy S., born 1886. Sup't school Conneaut, O., 1878-1882; wholesale and retail lumber dealer in Wis. and N. Dakota, 1882-1889; mg'r and insp. of agencies N.Y. Life Ins. Co., 1883-1907; pres. and dir. N. Am. Life Ins. Co., of Newark, N.J., 1907-1911; investment banker, 1911-1913; v.-p. and dir. The White Investing Co.; dir., Standard Slate Corp'n ; trustee Alumni Ass'n of Wooster Univ. Republican; Presby'n. Mem. Sigma Chi fraternity. Mason, Knight Templar and, Shriner. Clubs: Graduates (mem. B'd Gov.), Lawyers.

Dutton, Charles Everett, mining engineer; born Mascoutah, St. Clair County, Ill., April 11, 1875; son of Charles and Anna E. (Wuetcher) Dutton; his grandfather (maternal), Michael Wuetcher, was born in Berlin, Germany, and came to America at the age of 10 (about 1834); crossed America by schooner to California, during 1847 and 1848; later located a homestead in Jasper County, Ind., where he died in 1904; his father, Charles Dutton, was from Pennsylvania and disappeared or died in 1882. Educated: was self-made, home study; left school while in third grade, has never been in one since; started in life as newsboy selling Henry Watterson's Louisville Courier Journal; between ages of 12 and 18 traveled considerably, and worked at many different occupations. Served three years (between ages of 18 and 21) in Troop I, 3d Regular U.S. Cav., as private and non-commissioned officer. Practical experience in mining has been from mucker up to supt., with which has been combined the technical study of mining in all its branches. Has also studied commercial and mining law and economics. Grad., E.N., I.C.S., Scranton, Pa., 1913. Left California in April, 1906, since which time has been operating in southern Nevada. Supt. Leviathan Mining Co., Goldfield, Nev. ; supt. Senator Jones Mining Co., Gold Mountain, Esmeralda County, Nev. ; supt. Harrison Mining Co., Inyo County, Cal. Life member Am. Inst. Mining Engrs; life member National Geographic Society; member B.P.O. Elks. Address : Box 104, Goldfield, Nev.

DuVal, Edward William, district superintendent Canadian Pacific Ry. Office: Souris, Man. Born June 5, 1885, at Toledo, O. Educated at Collegiate Institute, Winnipeg, Man. Entered rail-way service June 5, 1902, since which he has been, consecutively to April 8, 1903, junior clerk in superintendent's office Canadian Northern Ry. at Winnipeg, Man.; April 8, 1903, to Dec. 1, 1904, stenographer; Dec. 1, 1904, to June 3, 1905, secretary to superintendent same road at Port Arthur, Ont.; June 3, 1905, to April 16, 1906, secretary to general superintendent Canadian Pacific Ry. at Winnipeg, Man.; April 16 to Sept. 10, 1906, chief clerk superintendent's office ; Sept. 10, 1906, to March 1, 1907, assistant chief clerk in general superintendent's office ; March 1 to June 5, 1907, chief clerk in general superintendent's office at Calgary, Alta. ; June 5, 1907, to May 9, 1910, chief clerk in general manager's office at Winnipeg, Man.; May 9, 1910, to Jan. 2, 1911. trainmaster in operating department at Calgary, Alta.; 2, 1911, to April 5, 1912, superintendent District No. 1, Sask. Div., at Moose Jaw, Sask.; April 5, 1912, to April 30, 1913, superintendent District No. 4, Manitoba Div., same road at Souris, Man.; May 1, 1913, to date, superintendent District No. 3, Saskatchewan Division, at Saskatoon, Sask.

Dwyer, Jeremiah, manufacturer, founder, was born Aug. 22, 1838, in Brooklyn, N.Y. He was educated in the common schools of Detroit, Mich, Then he learned the foundry trade; and worked in several shops with his brother. In 1861 he organized the firm of J. Dwyer and son, which became the Detroit stove works. In 1869 he sold his interests; and in 1871 established the Michigan stove works, of which he is still president. He is a director of the Buck stove and range company; a director of the Ideal manufacturing company; and a director of the People's savings bunk of Detroit, Mich.

Dwyer, John, educator; born at Liberty, N.Y., educated at Liberty Academy Albany Normal College; Fordham University (A M.) ; New York University (Pd.M. and Pd.D.). Principal of Academy 1880.82; teacher, 1884-96, and principal, 1896-1902, in Now York public, school; district supt. of schools in New York City since 1902. Has contributed to several school magazines; traveled in nearly every country in Europe, Mexico and the Pacific Coast. Member of Catholic Historical Society and National Teachers' Assn. Club : School Master. Address : 456 W. 153d St., New York City.

Dyer, John La Fayette, lawyer; born, Waco, Texas, April 17, 1873; son, John La Fayette (formerly one of the leading lawyers of Tex.) and Roberta (Herring) D. Educated: Public schools at Waco; Baylor Univ. at Waco; Hampden-Sidney College, Hampden-Sidney, Virginia; only completed sophomore years; attended no law school ; was bookkeeper for Ed. Strauss, wholesale hardware, Waco, from 18 to 24, read law at night, and admitted to bar at Waco, in Jan:, 1897; remained there until Dec., 1899, removing to El Paso, Tex. Married, Annie L. Green, Oct. 14, 1897, at Nashville, Tenn. Asst. District Atty., during 1900; elected City Atty. of El Paso, in April, 1901, holding office two years. Atty, for Am. Natl. Bank and Union Bank & Trust Co., both of El Paso. Secy. of Grand View Realty Co., and Morning Side Heights Realty Co., both of El Paso. Member : Texas State Bar Assn. (director 1907-8-9-10) ; elected vice-president Texas Bar Assn. July, 1914; Am. Bar Assn. Clubs: Toltec, (dir.) ; El Paso Social, also local Democratic clubs. Res.: 1305 Arizona St. Office : Suite 505, First National Bank bldg., El Paso, Tex.

Dyer, Leonidas Carstarphen, senator, was born in Warren County, Mo., June 11, 1871; was educated in the common schools; Central Wesleyan College, at Warrenton, Mo., and the law department of the Washington University; is a lawyer and served as assistant circuit attorney of the city of St. Louis; was elected to the Sixty-second and Sixty-third Congresses.