Men of 1914/C
Cabot, Philip, manufacturer, capitalist and banker; born Aug. 11, 1872; son of James Elliot and Elizabeth (Dwight) Cabot; graduated from Harvard University, A.B., 1894. Partner White, Weld & Co. President and director Turners Falls Co., Amherst Power Co., Amherst Gas Co., Easthampton Gas Co., Agawam Electric Co., A. H. Hews & Co., vice-president and director Greenfield Electric Light & Power Co., Fall River Electric Light Co. Trustee Provident Institution for Savings, Boston and Washington Water Power Co., Spokane. Director Hood Rubber Co. of Boston, Mutual National Bank of Boston, Rivett, Lathe & Grinder Co. of Boston. Residence, 3 Marlboro St., Boston. Office, 111 Devonshire St., Boston.
Cadman, Samuel Parkes, clergyman of 2 Spencer Pl., Brooklyn, N. Y., born Shropshire, England, Dec. 18, 1864; son of Samuel and Betsy (Parkes) Cadman; educated Richmond College of London University, London (D.D., Wesleyan and Syracuse Universities), S.T.D., Columbia University, 1913; D.H.L., University of Vermont, 1913; married Esther Lillian Wooding; children: Frederick Leslie, Marie Isabel, Lillian Esther. Pastor Met. Temple, Manhattan, 1895-1901; pastor Central Cong'l Church, Brooklyn, since 1901; chaplain 23d Reg't, N. Y. N. G.; pres. Missionary Training Inst., Brooklyn; trustee Brooklyn Inst., Hartford Theol. Sem; acting pres. Adelphi College, Brooklyn; director Am. Board of Comm'rs for Foreign Missions and Cong'l Home Missionary Soc., Brooklyn Clerical Union.
Cadwalader, John, lawyer and capitalist of 1519 Locust St., Philadelphia, Pa., was born June 27, 1843, in Philadelphia, Pa. He is president of the New York and Baltimore transportation line and other corporations.
Caine, Augustus, physician, of 753 Madison Ave., New York City, was born Madison, Ind., 1854, of exiled Huguenot descent, grad. N.Y. Coll. of Pharmacy, 1873; Univ. of Wurzburg, Germany, M.D., 1877; Coll. of Phys. and Surg. (Columbia, N.Y.), M.D., 1881; since which time has been in active practice in N. Y. City; has been delegate to Internat. Med. Congress and published numerous library and professional articles and pamphlets and large work on Differential Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseases. Fellow of N. Y. Acad. of Medicine; visiting physician to N. Y. Post-Grad. and German Hosps.; consulting physician to Isabella Home and Hosp.; prof. children's diseases, N. Y. Post-Grad. Med. Sch., and ex-pres. Am. Pediatric Soc., and appt'd mem. Med. Reserve Corps, U. S. A., by Pres. Roosevelt, 1908.
Calder, William M., congressman, was born March 3, 1869, in Brooklyn, N. Y. He received his education in the public schools of Brooklyn, N. Y.; and at the Cooper Institute of N. Y. City. He is a builder, having erected nearly one thousand houses in the borough of Brooklyn. He was building commissioner of the borough of Brooklyn in 1902-03. He was elected to the fifty-ninth, sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second congresses. He was re-elected to the sixty-third congress from the Sixtieth District of N. Y. for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Brooklyn, N. Y.
Caldwell, Alexander, soldier, banker and United States senator, of Leavenworth, Kans., was born March 1, 1830, in Huntington County, Pa. He enlisted in 1847 as a soldier in the Mexican War, entering his father's company, who was killed at one of the gates of the City of Mexico. He went in 1861 to Kansas, where he engaged in the transportation of military supplies to the various posts on the plains, and was afterward largely interested in the building of railroads and bridges. In 1871-75 he was United States senator. He was president of Kansas Manufacturing Co. in 1877-97, and since then president of the First National Bank of Leavenworth, Kans.
Calkins, Franklin Welles, author, born in Iowa Co., Wis., 1857; son of J. F. and A. L. Calkins. He received private and academic education. With his parents, in 1865, moved, by emigrant ox-team to Northwest Iowa on Dakota frontier; lived for some years on cattle ranch and, with half a dozen homesteaders, when nearest marketing point was eighty miles distant. He visited the Black Hills, seven months after Custer's exploring expedition, and continued exploration personally to many sections of this gold-bearing region. Was captured as (unwilling) trespasser on Indian lands, by expedition led by Chief Spotted Tail of Sioux and Captain Benteen of U. S. Army; prisoner for three weeks in Indian country. In this experience and in subsequent travels and sojourns he gained that interest in American frontier life and experience which, with some years of western work as railway contractor, has furnished the setting for his stories. His studies of bird and animal life have given him place as a naturalist. Since the age of 22 has been one of the leading contributors to the Youth's Companion. His activities have not been confined to the writing of stories. He was educated for the law, had some practice as counselor, and his occupations have included ranching, real estate brokerage, and railway building. Among his juvenile books are: Frontier Sketches, Indian Tales, Hunting Stories. My Host the Enemy and the Cougar Tamer are books of short stories for readers of all ages. Two Wilderness Voyages is a tale, founded on actual experience of two small Sioux, who escaped from captivity and traveled 1,000 miles across a hostile wilderness. The Wooing of Takala is a novel dealing solely with Indian characters, and from the inside, the author having intimate knowledge of Dakota wild life and of the Sioux tongue. Address, Lake Minnisacha, Dent, Minnesota.
Call, William Timothy, publisher of 114 Liberty St., New York City; born Bangor, Me., July 8, 1856; son of Timothy and Louisa Green (Short) Call; educated Bowdoin Coll., class of 1880; did not grad., but left after two years; married June 29, 1892, Eleanor Margaret McCartie; children: Richard William, born April 26, 1893 (died July 23, 1907); Charles Robert, born June 7, 1896 (died Nov. 26, 1897). Sec. and treas. The Gage Publishing Co. Author: Two Little Palmers; Remarkable Autographs; Josh Hayseed's Trip to New York; Ritter's Book of Mock Trials; Poker Points; Ellsworth's Checker Book; R. D. Yates' Checker Player; The Common Checker Player; The Safe Checker Player,; Literature of Checkers; Vocabulary of Checkers; Scientific Solitaire; The Little Grammar. Club, N. Y. Press. Address, 114 Liberty St., New York City.
Callan, Peter A., physician, New York City, degree from N. Y. Univ., 1867. House surgeon Charity Hosp., 1867-68; asst. surgeon U. S. Navy, 1868-72; attending ophthalmic surgeon, Central Dispensary, 1874; Dermitt Dispensary, 1877; consulting surgeon, N. Y. Eye and Ear Infirmary; ophthalmic surgeon, St. Vincent's and Columbus Hosps. Mem. County Med. Soc., State Med. Soc., Am. Ophthal. Soc., Acad. of Medicine, Mutual Aid and Am. Med. Assns. Address, 452 Fifth Ave., N. Y. City.
Callaway, Oscar, congressman, was born Oct. 2, 1872, at Harmony Hill, Tex. He was elected to that office in November of that year; was nominated over Congressman O. W. Gillespie and Senator D. M. Alexander in the July primaries, 1910, and was elected to the sixty-second congress. He was re-elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15.
Calnan, J. W., Berthold, of the Second Legislative District, was born at Manawa, Wis., May 23, 1876. Received his education in the common schools of his state and at the Oshkosh State Normal School. Came to North Dakota as a homesteader in 1905, and engaged in the occupation of farming. Is at present engaged in the hardware and furniture business. Has held many local offices, such as member of the Board of Education, city council, etc. He has one daughter, Genevieve. He was elected representative as a Republican; state representative, Second District, North Dakota. Has taken a prominent part in political and business affairs of N. W. North Dakota for the past eight years.
Camac, Charles Nicoll Bancker, physician of 128 E. 60th St., New York City, was born, Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 6, 1868; son of William and Ellen (McIlvaine) Camac; grad. Univ. of Pa., A.B., 1892, M.D., 1895; post-grad. work Johns Hopkins Hosp. and foreign studies, Guy Hospital Med. Sch., and Oxford, Eng., 1895-99; married, Cold Spring-on-Hudson, Nov. 17, 1897, Julia Augusta Metcalfe; children: Harriet Julia, born November, 1901; Eva, born October, 1903. Engaged in practice of medicine, N. Y. City, since 1897; held educational positions Univ. of Pa., Johns Hopkins and Cornell Univs., in medical branches; formerly prof. of clinical medicine, Cornell Univ. Med. Coll., N. Y. City; now asst. prof. clinical medicine Columbia Univ., Coll. of Phys. and Surg., N. Y. City; also physician to City Hosp., N. Y. City. Contributor to various medical journals. "Cord Lesions in Pernicious Anaemia," "Human Trypauosomiasis," "Diseases of the Head and Blood Vessels," "Epoch-making Contributions to Medicine and Surgery," 8vo, Saunders & Co., Philadelphia and London; "Counsels and Ideals," Oxford Press, London; Houghton Mifflin, Boston. Mem. Am. Med. Assn., State and Co. Med. Assns., Acad. of Medicine, Assn. Am. Physicians, Interurban Clinical Soc., Phila. Acad. Nat. Sciences, Delta Psi fraternity. Club, University (N. Y. City).
Cameron, Frederick W., lawyer, born, Albany, N. Y., June 1, 1859; son of Truman D. and Elizabeth (Flagler) Cameron; educated Albany Academy, Union College, Albany Law School, A.B., A.M., LL.B.; married, Newark, N. J., April 2, 1891, Jennie Armsby Dean; children: Jean Elizabeth, born 1893; Josephine Dean, born 1895; Fredericka, born 1898. Having made a specialty of patent law, has been engaged in many important litigations in various parts of this country and Canada. In 1902 had a case before Privy Council of Great Britain, which was an appeal from the highest Canadian court; although largely engaged in patent cases, has had general practice in both State and Federal Courts. Lecturer on Patent Law Trade Marks and Copyright in Albany Law School. Director Albany Exchange Savings Bank; trustee Chamber of Commerce, Albany. Democrat; Presbyterian; trustee Homeopathic Hospital, Fairview Home for Friendless Children. Member Albany County Bar Association, State Bar Association, American Bar Association, Patent Bar Association of Washington, D. C., member of the Municipal Civil Service Commission, Albany. Recreation: Horseback riding. Clubs: Fort Orange, University, Country, Burns (Albany), and University (N. Y. City).
Camp, George Van Santvoord, bank cashier of Watertown, N. Y., was born Dec. 9, 1860, in Watertown, N. Y. In 1882 he was clerk of the Jefferson County National Bank, and later became its cashier. He is the Glee Club leader.
Campbell, Benjamin H., teacher, headmaster of Columbia Grammar School, of 9 W. 93d St., New York City; residence, Elizabeth, N. J. (Married.) Member University Club, Columbia University Alumni Association, Society of Colonial Wars, and Sons of the Revolution.
Campbell, George, lawyer, jurist and author of Coffeyville, Kans., was born April 29, 1848, in Yates County, N. Y. He was educated in the Yates County public schools, in Ionia, Mich., and in the High School and in Starkey Seminary of Eddytown, N. Y. He is in the practice of law at Coffeyville, Kan.; and has been judge of the County Court and state senator. He is an author of The Life and the Death of Worlds; America, Past, Present and Future; and Island Home; A Revolution in the Science of Cosmology; The Greater United States of America, and author of Progressive Government reduced to questions and answers. He is the author of several pamphlets bearing on economic question; Government issue and control of the currency and transportation; and is the author of the work—"The Evolution of Civil Government" and the prevention of war by an international court.
Campbell, James Alfred Garsed, banker; born Chester, Pa., Feb. 19, 1858; son of James and Angelina (Garsed) Campbell; educated in Chester public schools; married Chester, Pa., Nov. 26, 1889, Elizabeth Hubley Mowry; three children: Margaret Mowry, James A. G., Jr., (one deceased). Engaged in business as a clerk and bookkeeper, March 2, 1874; engaged in banking since 1879; elected secretary Delaware County Trust Co., Chester, Pa., 1885; president of that company since 1899; organized Chester Clearing House Association and elected manager 1883. Mustered into the 2d Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry on April 29, 1898, as 2d lieutenant and battalion adjutant; honorably discharged at the close of the war, Oct. 25, 1898; enlisted as a private in Company B, 6th Infantry, National Guard of Pennsylvania, Oct. 30, 1881, and was sergeant, first lieutenant, captain, major and retired in 1899 as division inspector with the rank of lieutenant-colonel. Republican; Episcopalian; vestryman Saint Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church; director Chester Free Library; manager Chester Hospital. Recreations: Golf, walking. Clubs: Penn. (Chester. Pa.); Ridley Golf, (Ridley Park, Pa.). Residence: 423 E. Broad St. Office: 3d & Market Sts., Chester.
Campbell, James W., banker of Huron, S.D., was born in 1851 in Springfield, Ill. He is president of the First National Bank of Huron.
Campbell, Philip Pitt, congressman, was born in Nova Scotia. When four years old he removed with his parents to Kansas; and has resided there ever since. He graduated A.B. from Baker University. He was a member of the fifty-eighth, fifty-ninth, sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second congresses from Kansas as a Republican. He was reelected to the sixty-third congress from the Third District of Kansas for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Pittsburg, Kan.
Campbell, Thomas H., editor Plain Talk; born Newport, Tenn., Oct. 25, 1880; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Stephen J. and Alice (Free) Campbell; father carpenter; educated in public schools: began his career as a printer. Democrat. Address: Newport, Tenn.
Campbell, William Francis, born Nov. 7, 1865, Brooklyn, N. Y.; parents, Alexander and Catharine Amelia (Bennett) Campbell; educated public school No. 4, Brooklyn, N. Y.; N. Y. University, 1887; graduated L.I. Coll. Hosp., 1892; lie. New York, 1892; deg. A.B., N. Y. University, 1887, and M.D., L.I.C.H., 1892; interne Methodist Epis. Hosp., 1892-94; pres. Med. Soc. State of N. Y.; ex-pres. Kings Co. Med. Soc.; surg. 2nd Brig. N. G. N. Y., rank of major; prof. of anatomy, L. I. Coll. Hosp.; surg.-in-chief Trinity Hosp.; att. surg. Meth. Epis. Hosp.; eons. surg. Jamaica Hosp., Swedish Hosp., Coney Island Hosp.; mem. A.M.A., Amer. Assoc. of Anatomists, Amer. Acad. of Med., Med. Soc. State of N. Y., Kings Co. Med. Soc., Assoc. Physicians of Long Island, Brooklyn Surg. Soc., Brooklyn Med. Soc., Brooklyn Pathol. Soc., L. I. Med. Soc., Williamsburg Med. Soc., Brooklyn Soc. of Clinical Surgery, N. Y. Acad. of Med., Med. Soc. Greater N. Y., University Club, Hamilton Club, Crescent Club, Union League Club, Riding and Driving Club, Montauk Lodge No. 286, F. & A. M.; Kismet Shrine, Clinton Commandery; author: Surgical Anatomy, Surgery of Childhood; Regular; Surgery. Office: 394 Clinton Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Hours: 3—5 Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Tel. Prospect 4200.
Candler, Ezekiel Samuel, congressman, was born Jan. 18, 1862, in Bellville, Fla. He was a member of the fifty-seventh, fifty-eighth, fifty-ninth, sixtieth, sixty-first, sixty-second congresses from Mississippi as a Democrat. He was reelected to the sixty-third congress from the First District of Mississippi for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Corinth, Miss.
Candler, John Slaughter, lawyer and jurist of Atlanta, Ga., was born. Oct. 22, 1861, in Villa Rica, Ga. In 1882 he began the practice of law in Georgia; and in 1887-96 was solicitor-general of that state. In 1896-1902 he was judge of the Superior Courts of the Stone Mountain Circuit; and since 1902 has been judge of the Supreme Court of Georgia. In 1898-99 he was a colonel in the Spanish-American War.
Canfield, Palmer A., banker, merchant; born Rondout, N. Y., June 10, 1856; son of Palmer A. and Mary B. (Von Beck) Canfield; educated in Ulster Academy, Rondout, N. Y., Commercial College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; married, North Chatham, N. Y., Feb. 20, 1884, S. E. Harder; one daughter. Started business as clerk in stove store, 1875, became owner 1889; organized and president of Canfield Supply Co., since 1895, president. and organizer Kingston Hardware & Plumbing Co., since 1904; organizer, treasurer and manager Canfield Stove Co., since 1892; president since 1902, director since 1894 The Rondout National Bank; director Home Seekers' Cooperative Savings and Loan Association. Republican; Presbyterian. Member Young Men's Christian Association, Board of Trade; president and trustee The Rondout Presbyterian Church; contributing member Kingston City Hospital, Kingston City Library, Royal Arch Mason (District Deputy Grand Master State of New York, 1898-1899), Master Rondout Masonic Lodge 1894-1897; Knight Templar, member Eastern Star. Clubs: Rondout, Rondout Yacht, Twaalfskill Golf, Ulster County Republican. Residence: 72 McEntee St. Office: 22 East Strand St., Kingston.
Cannon, Edward J., lawyer; born, Warnerville, Wis.; son, James and Eliza (Noonan) C. Educated: Cedar Valley Seminary, Osage, Iowa. Married, Helen L. Appleton, Oct 9, 1890, at St. Paul, Minn. Counsel, N. P. Ry., Spokane, Portland & Seattle Ry., Canadian Pacific By., Dean Law Dept. Gonzaga University, Dir., Natl. Bank of Commerce. Member law firm, Cannon & Ferris. Member: Elks, Knights of Columbus. Clubs: Spokane, Spokane Country, Spokane Amateur Athletic. Res., 416 Rockwood Blvd.; Office : 705-712 Old Natl. Bank bldg., Spokane, Wash.
Cantrill, James Campbell, congressman, was born at Georgetown, Scott County, Ky., July 9, 1870. January, 1908, he was elected president of the American Society of Equity for Kentucky, an organization for the cooperation of farmers in securing more profitable prices for their product, was elected to the sixty-first and sixty-second congresses as a Democrat, and sixty-third; and resides in Georgetown, Ky.
Capper, Arthur, publisher, bank director; born Garnett, Kan., July 14, 1865; son of Herbert and Isabella (McGrew) Capper; educated in common schools of Kansas; married, Topeka, Kan., Dec. 1, 1892, Florence Crawford. Publisher Topeka Daily Capital, Missouri Valley Farmer, Mail and Breeze, household Magazine, Poultry Culture, Nebraska Farm Journal; director Prudential State Bank, Prudential Trust Co., Kansas Mutual Life Insurance Co. President Board of Regents of Kansas Agricultural College; chairman Congressional Committee of First Congressional District. Republican. President Kansas State Editorial Association. Director Kansas State Historical Society, and State Committee of Young Men's Christian Association. Elk, Modern Woodman, United Workman. Club: Topeka Country. Address: Topeka.
Caraway, Thaddeus H., United States congressman from the first district of Arkansas, was born Oct. 17, 1871, in Stoddard County, Mo. He has been prosecuting attorney. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Jonesboro, Ark.
Card, Harry B., wool grower, banker; born in Ohio, Feb. 16, 1861; son of Thomas and Harrietta E. (Burr) Card; educated in public schools of Toledo, Ohio; married in Wyoming, April 25, 1888, Edith May McLaughlin; four children. Has been engaged as a cowboy, ranchman and sheepman, conducted general store, and now engaged as a banker. President and director Bank of Manville, Wyo.; vice-president and director Manville Supply Co. Republican; Methodist. Woodman of the World, Woodman of America, 32 degree Mason, Wyoming Consistory No. 1. Address: Manville.
Carew, John F., United States Congressman from the seventeenth district of New York, was born April 16, 1876, in Brooklyn, N. Y. He is a lawyer. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in New York City.
Carey, Joseph Maull, governor of the State of Wyoming, was born July 19, 1845, in Milton, Del. He attended Union College of Schenectady, N. Y.; and in 1867 he graduated from the law department of the University of Pennsylvania. In 1869 he was appointed as United States district attorney for the Territory of Wyoming; and in 1872-76 was an associate justice of the Supreme Court of Wyoming. In 1885 he was a representative from Wyoming to the forty-ninth, fiftieth and fifty-first congresses. In 1876 he was appointed member of the United States Centennial Commission. He was among the first to become interested in the great industry of cattle raising on the plains; and for many years was president of the Wyoming Stock Growers' Association. He was mayor of Cheyenne in 1880-82; and was instrumental in having Wyoming admitted to the union as a state. In 1889-95 he was United States senator. e is governor of the State of Wyoming for the term of 1911-15; and resides in Cheyenne, Wyo.
Carithers, James Y., capitalist; born Walton County, Ga., April 13, 1854; son of Hugh A. and Mary Ann (Griffith) Carithers; educated common schools, Walton and Oconee Counties, Martin Institute, Jefferson, Jackson County, Ga.; married first, May 18, 1885; Ida Carter of Walton County, Georgia (she died Feb., 1897); married, second, Athens, Ga., Nov. 18, 1902, Eula Wise Witcher. Worked on a farm; has been interested in several mercantile enterprises and cotton commission warehouses. President and director Columbia Fire Insurance Co.; president and director Athens Railway and Electric Co.; director Southern Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Southern Manufacturing Co., Hartwell Railway Co. Has served on Council of City of Athens; represented 27th Senatorial district in State Senate. Democrat; Missionary Baptist. Mason, Odd Fellow, Knight of Pythias, Elk. Clubs: Golf (Athens); Capital City (Atlanta). Address: Athens.
Carleton, Murray, merchant, banker; born Cumberland, Md., Sept. 1, 1852; son of Henry D. and Mary Ellen (Boogher) Carleton; high school education; married, St. Louis, June 26, 1884, Annie Laurie Hays; eight children. Entered mercantile life in 1873 in St. Louis with Henry Bell & Son, wholesale dry goods; subsequently with its successors, J. H. Wear, Boogher & Co.; the Carleton Dry Goods Co.; now chairman of the Board of Carleton-Ferguson Dry Goods Co.; vice-president Boatmen's Bank; director Title Guarantee Trust Co., American Trust. Co., Mississippi Valley Trust. Co., and various business corporations. Address: Carleton-Ferguson Dry Goods Co., Washington Ave. and Twelfth St., St. Louis.
Carlin, Charles Creighton, congressman, was born April 8, 1866, in Alexandria, Virginia He graduated from the National Law University; and was postmaster of Alexandria for four years. In 1904 he was a presidential elector. In 1907-09 he was a representative from Virginia to the sixtieth congress to fill a vacancy; and was reelected to the sixty-first, sixty-second and sixty-third congresses; and resides in Alexandria, Virginia
Carlisle, John Nelson, lawyer; born Preble, Cortland county, N. Y., Aug. 24, 1866; son of William S. and Catharine R. (Burdick) Carlisle; educated public schools; graduated Watertown High School, 1884; married Pulaski, Jan. 17, 1894, Carrie C. Brow; one daughter, Catharine C., born 1896. Admitted to N. Y. bar Feb. 15. 1889, U. S. Court, June 19, 1902; member law firm Carlisle and Carlisle. City attorney City of Watertown, 1891-92; secretary and member Democratic State Committee, 1896-1906; chairman Democratic State Executive Committee, 1903; member Board of Education, City of Watertown, 1901-04; captain Company C, 1st Infantry, N. G. N. Y.; Democrat. Trustee Cornell University, appointed by Governor Hughes, June 9, 1909; appointed public service commissioner, 2nd District, N. Y. State, July 1, 1910; appointed state commissioner of highways State of N. Y., May 1, 1913. Member National Civic Federation, American Bar Association. Recreation: Farming. Club: Fort Orange, Black Association, N. Y. State Bar Association, Jefferson County Bar, River Valley.
Carlson, Anton Julius, University of Chicago, Chicago, Ills., was born Svarteborg, Sweden, Jan. 29, 1875. B.S., Augustana, 1898; A.M., 1899; Ph.D., Stanford, 1902. Asst. physiol, Stanford, 1901-02; research asst., Carnegie Institution, 1903-04; assoc. physiol, Chicago, 1904-05, asst. prof., 1905-09, assoc. prof., 1909-. Instr. gen. and comp. physiol, Woods Hole, 1905-. Int. Zool. Cong., Graz, 1910; Int. Cong. Physiol, Vienna, 1910, Physiol. Soc. (Sec'y, 1910), F. A. A.; Soc. Nat.; Soc. Exp. Biol.; Chicago Path. Soc. Groenirigen, 1913. A. M. A. Rate of conduction of the impulse in nerves; the nature of the heart-beat; lymph formation and salivary secretion; parathyroid tetany.—Physiology of lymph and of salivary secretion; comparative physiology of the circulation; comparative physiology of the thyroid and parathyroid.
Carman, Albro R., physician, 27 West 127th St., New York City. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., April 25, 1846. Educated at the University of the City of New York. (Married.) Member Harlem Club, Harlem Medical and New York County Medical Societies, and Academy of Medicine.
Carpenter, Rolla Clinton, eng'r, prdof. eng'ring Cornell University. Ithaca, N. Y.; born Orion, Mich., June 26, 1852; son Charles K. and Jeanette (Coryell) Carpenter; graduated Mich. Agr'l Coll., B.S., 1873, M.S., 1876 (LL.D., 1907); Univ. of Mich., C. E., 1875; Cornell Univ., M.M.E., 1888; married, Greenville, Mich., 1876, Marion Dewey; children: George Dewey, born 1882; Naomi Jeanette, born 1879; Charles K., born 1884. Prof. in Mich. Agr'l Coll., 1878-90; since 1890 prof. experimental eng'ring, Cornell Univ. Consulting eng'r, Helderburg Cement Co., Cayuga Lake Cement Co., Belleville Cement Co.. Kosmos Cement Co., Quaker Cement Co., California Portland Cement Co.. and other cement cos.; Ontario Power Co., Niagara Falls, Ont.; Apple River Power Co., St. Paul, Minn.; Utica Street R. R., Cortland Street R. R., etc. Has contributed various papers to proceedings of eng'ring socs. Author: Experimental Eng'ring; Heating and Ventilating (John Wiley & Sons); Internal Combustion Engines (D. Van Nostrand Co.). Director Mississippi Valley Portland Cement Co. (Louisiana, Mo.). Republican; Episcopalian. Mem. and vice-pres. Am. Soc. Mech. Eng'rs, Am. Soc. Mining Eng'rs, Am. Soc. Heating and Ventilating Eng'rs (director and past pres.), Am. Soc. Automobile Eng'rs (director and vice-pres.), Am. Soc. Refrigerating Eng'rs, Soc. of Sigma Xi. Mein. Delta Tau Delta, Fraternity. Recreations: Motor boat, motor car. Clubs: Engineers (N. Y. City); Town and Gown, Cosmopolitan, Delta Tau Delta (N. Y.); Motor (pres.), Craftsmen (Ithaca). Address: 125 Eddy St. St., Ithaca, N. Y.
Carr, Julian Shakespeare, banker and planter, was born at Chapel Hill, N. C., Oct. 12, 1845, and was educated at the University of North Carolina. He entered the Confederate Army at the breaking of the Civil War, soon after the close of which he began business as a tobacconist, in a small way first, but owing to the assiduity and "push" of his management, the enterprise has since attained great proportions. He is president of the Blackwell Durham Tobacco Company; of the Durham and Roxboro Railroad; of the First National Bank of Durham; of the Durham Electric Light Company; the Commonwealth cotton factory, and many other organizations. Mr. Carr is a Methodist, devoted to his church and liberal to its institutions and enterprises, at the same time that he extends his benefactions to all Christian charities irrespective of creeds. He was delegate to the Robert Raiks Sunday school convention in London, England, in 1878; to the ecumenical conference of the Methodists of the world in the same city in 1881; to the Methodist centennial in Baltimore, Md., in 1887; and from the state at large to the Democratic conventions in Chicago in 1884; and at St. Louis in 1888. Trinity College in North Carolina, the Greensboro (North Carolina) female college, and the University of North Carolina, Wake Forest College (Baptist), Davidson (Presbyterian), Eton (Christian), have all shared his benefactions. One of the handsomest buildings at the university is the "Carr Building," donated by General Carr. He served in the Army of Northern Virginia until the surrender of Lee at Appomattox; is now major general, commanding North Carolina Confederate Veterans.
Carr, Lewis E., lawyer of 923 Madison Ave., Albany, N. Y., was born March 10, 1842, in Salisbury, N. Y. He was educated at the Fairfield seminary of New York. In 1864 he was admitted to the bar at Albany, N. Y., and has since engaged in the practice of law. In 1871-74 he was district attorney for Orange county and has been resident counsel of the Delaware and Hudson company at Albany. He is a member of the New York state bar association and of the Aurania club.
Carr, Reid L., lawyer of 60 Wall St., New York City, was born Cornwall, Vt.; grad. Middlebury Coll., A.B. (valedictorian), N. Y. Law School, LL.B. (1st prize and fellowship). Mem. firm Morgan & Seabury, 2 years; instr. in Law of Contracts, N. Y. Law School. Now dir. L. Martin & Co., Magnetic Pigment Co., Acme Carbon Co., John Neilson Co., Columbian Carbon Co., J. R. Shanley Estate Co., and mem. firm Morgan, Morgan & Carr. Mem. Ass'n Bar City of N. Y., Phi Beta Kappa Soc., Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity. Clubs: Republican, Metropolitan.
Carr, William Clifton, banker; born Toledo, Ohio, Aug. 18, 1873; son of Spencer D. and Martha Louise (Richards) Carr; educated in Toledo High School and Manual Training School; married, Bowling Green, Ohio, July 18, 1898, Cora Elizabeth Crim; three sons, three daughters. Entered Second National Bank, Oct. 11, 1892, as messenger and held successive positions; now 1st vice-pres.; now also a director. Vice-president and director People's Savings Assn; treasurer Toledo Bread Co.; treasurer Columbus Bread Co. Republican. Presbyterian. Master Mason. Recreation : Golf. Clubs : Toledo, Toledo Yacht; also Country Club and Inverness Club; Commerce (first president). Residence: 2105 Putnam St. Office : Second National Bank, Toledo.
Carr, Wooda Nicholas, United States congressman from the twenty-third district of Pennsylvania, was born Feb. 6, 1871, in Pittsburgh, Pa. He is editor of the Uniontown Democrat; and practices law. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Uniontown, Pa.
Carroll, Edward R., clerk, Criminal Court Bldg., New York City; residence, 333 East 51st St. Born in New York City, 1867. Educated in public schools. Clerk (by appointment) Court of General Sessions. Member Manhattan, Catholic and Arkwright Clubs.
Carroll, Howard, journalist, author; born in Albany, N. Y., in 1854. He was educated in the public schools of New York City, Hanover, Germany, and Geneva, Switzerland. He was connected with the New York Times for many years as reporter, editor and Washington correspondent; then went into business, and is now president of the Sicilian Asphalt Co., the Asphalt Co. of Conde, and the Boston Asphalt Co. He served as chief of artillery of the State of New York from 1895-99, and inspector-general of New York troops in the Spanish-American War. He is a Republican in politics and was a candidate for Congress from the State at large; and he has been a delegate three times to National Republican Conventions. Gen. Carroll is author of: A Mississippi Incident; Twelve Americans, Their Lives and Times; The American Countess (play), etc. For interest in German affairs the German Emperor decorated Gen. Carroll with the order of the Red Eagle.
Carroll, John Haydock, lawyer, born, Erie County, N. Y., June 27, 1857; son of Michael and Margaret Carroll; admitted to the Ohio bar in December, 1880, and with Missouri bar at Unionville, Mo., in 1881; was prosecuting attorney of Putnam County, Mo., 1883 to 1889, when he came to St. Louis, Mo., where he has since been located; general attorney for C., B. & Q. R. R. and Northern Pacific Railway Co., also president of Vinsonhaler Shoe Co.
Carroll, Lauren, lawyer, of 2 Wall St,, New York City, was born, N. Y., July 16, 1886; son of Howard and Caroline (Starin) Carroll; grad. Harvard Coll., A.B., 1906, A.M., 1907; Harvard Law School, LL.B., 1909. Admitted to N. Y. Bar, March, 1909. Mem. firm Gould & Wilkie, lawyers; mem. Board of Aldermen, city of N. Y., 1914; mem. N. Y. County Com. Republican. Mem. Assn. Bar City of N. Y. Clubs: Union League, City, Republican, Harvard.
Carse, David Bradley, consulting engineer, born at Jeffersonville, Ind., Dec. 1, 1862; son of Thomas and Matilda (Bradley) Carse. He was educated in the Chicago public schools; and the University of Illinois. He was resident engineer on the construction of the Sixty-eighth Street Water Supply Tunnel of Chicago in 1883; resident engineer of Construction Works of the United States Rolling Stock Co., Hegewisch, Ill., 1884-85; president of the Black Diamond Coal Mining Co., of Denver, Colo., 1886, of the Racine Cement and Pipe Co. of Racine, Wis., 1888-94, of the Carse Bros. Co., Chicago, from 1897-1903, and member of the Advisory Committee of the United States Steel Corp., 1902-07. He is president and director of Carse Bros. Co., and of David B. Carse & Co., of New York; president Syracuse Gardens Co., vice-president Western N. Y. Farms Co.; president American Reduction Co. Mr. Carse is a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, American Electro-Chemical Society, and the Presbyterian Union, also of the New York Yacht Club and the Railroad Club of New York. He married at Cleveland, Oct. 4, 1899, Marguerite Switzer, and they have six children. Residence, Riverdale, New York City. Address, 165 Broadway, New York City.
Carstens, J. Henry., abdominal surgeon, was born in Kiel, Germany, June 9, 1848; son of John H. and Marie (Mordhorst) Carstens; came to the United States with parents early in life; educated in public school of Detroit, and at German-American Academy, Detroit Medical College, degree of M. D., 1870; married at Detroit, Oct. 18, 1870, Hattie Rohnert. Began practice in Detroit, 1870; ex-chief of staff Harper hospital; professor of abdominal and pelvic surgery Detroit College of Medicine; consulting obstetrician at Woman's hospital and House of Providence, etc. Member Wayne County Medical Society (ex-president), ex-president of American Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Mississippi Valley Medical Society (ex-president), American Medical Association, ex-chairman Section of Obstetrics and Gynecologists, Michigan State Medical Association, ex-president. Independent Republican. Lutheran. Clubs: Detroit, Detroit Athletic Club, Harmonie. Recreations: Bowling, billiards and sports requiring physical exercise.
Carter, Charles D., congressman, born August 16, 1868, Boggy Depot Choctaw Nation, Indian Territory. Worked on ranch and farm, clerked in store until 1902. Afterwards served as auditor of public accounts of Chickasaw Nation, superintendent Indian schools, member of Chickasaw Council and mining trustee. In 1906 he was secretary and vice-chairman of first Democratic committee in State of Oklahoma, elected representative from Oklahoma in sixtieth, sixty-first, sixty-second, and sixty-third congresses as Democrat. Resides in Ardmore, Oklahoma.
Carter, Frank H., son of the late Thomas B. Carter, who came to Chicago in 1838; treasurer, 52 Wall St., New York City; residence, 80 Washington Sq. E., New York City. Born in Chicago, Ill. Educated at Chicago high school. (Widower.) Connected with the St. Jo., South Bend and Southern R. R. Co., New York City. Member Manuscript Club and Salmagundi Club.
Carter, Seth May, lawyer, capitalist; born, Winthrop, Maine, July 25, 1854; son of A. Warren and Ada (May) Carter; graduated from Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine, A.B., 1875, A.M., 1878; married, Greene, Maine, Dec. 25, 1878, Mary A. Crosby. Admitted to bar 1877 and since then engaged in practice of law at Lewiston, Maine; member of firm of White & Carter since 1899; also trustee Androscoggin County Savings Bank; general counsel Maine Central Railroad Co. Served as city solicitor of Auburn, Maine; member of Executive Council of State of Maine, 1887-88; chairman Republican State Committee, 1905-07. Congregationalist. Member Androscoggin County Bar Association Maine State Bar Association and American Bar Association. Residence, Auburn, Maine. Office, Lewiston.
Cary, C. P., state superintendent, was born in southern Ohio, January 28, 1856. His mother was of German descent and his father was of English descent. From the time he arrived at school age till he was seventeen he worked on his father's farm in summer and attended the district school in winter. At the age of seventeen he began to teach district school in winter and continued working on the farm in summer. In 1877 he entered the Ohio Central Normal School and was graduated in 1879. After this he taught for seven years as principal of graded schools in Ohio and Kansas, and served during most of this period as county examiner of teachers and instructor in teacher's institutes. In 1886 he was elected county superintendent of schools in Brown County, Kansas, but declined renomination for a second term, and accepted the position of superintendent and high school principal at Fairbury, Nebraska. This position he resigned in the summer of 1893 to accept the position of instructor in pedagogy and principal of the training department of the Milwaukee State Normal School. This position he resigned in the summer of 1901 to accept the position of superintendent of the Wisconsin School for the Deaf at Delavan, Wis. This position he resigned in the fall of 1902 to accept the nomination for the office of state superintendent of public instruction. He holds a life certificate to teach in the schools of Nebraska, also in Wisconsin, and is a graduate of the University of Chicago, class of '98. He is an active member of the National Educational Association, and a member of the National Society for the Scientific Study of Education, and member of the National Council of Education, and has devoted his life to the study of all the sciences and arts that bear upon the problems of education; was elected superintendent of public instruction of Wisconsin, in 1902, 1905, 1909, and reelected in 1913, receiving 136,056 votes against 100,130 for Wm. Kittle.
Cary, George Foster, banker, born, E. Machias, Me., March 16, 1867; son of Charles and Mary E. Cary; attended Washington Academy, Bowdoin College, 1888 (Phi Beta Kappa); married, Hartford, May 18, 1889, Charlotte Coleman; one son. President Machias Banking Co., 1901-12; cashier Machias Bank, 1889-1901; treasurer Machias Savings Bank, 1897-1912. Republican in politics; Congregationalist. Member Board of Overseers of Bowdoin College. Treasurer Union Safe Deposit & Trust Co., Portland, Maine.
Cary, William Joseph, congressman, was born in Milwaukee, March 22, 1865; received a primary education in the public schools, and was elected alderman in 1900 and re-elected in 1902; elected sheriff of Milwaukee County in 1904 with a plurality of 11,000, leading his ticket by 3,000; was nominated for congress over Hon. Theabold Otjen, at the first trial of the Wisconsin primary election law, and elected to the sixtieth, sixty-first, sixty-second congresses, and was re-elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15, as a Republican; and resides in Milwaukee, Wis.
Case, Carl Delos, clergyman, born, Plainview, Minn., 1868; son of Douglas R. and Mary Adelaide (Owen) Case; grad. Colgate Univ., A.B., 1891; afterward at Univ. of Chicago, as fellow in theology, and grad. there as D.D., 1898, Ph.D., 1899; Colgate Univ., D.D., 1911; married Glen Ellyn, Ill., April 9, 1896, Ellen Mae Jenkins; children : Dorothy, born 1898; Katharine, born 1902. Pastor First Baptist Church, South Bend, Ind., 1896-1900; First Baptist Church, Terre Haute, Ind., 1900-02; Montclair, N. J., 1902-04; Hanson Place Baptist Church, Brooklyn, 1904-08; Delaware Ave. Baptist Church, Buffalo, 1908. Member Ex. Board Baptist Convention of N. Y., chairman Young People's Commission for Northern Baptists; member Society Mayflower Descendants, S. A. R., Masonic Order, Delta Upsilon fraternity. Address, Delaware Avenue Baptist Church, Buffalo, N. Y.
Case, Ermine Cowles, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich., was born, Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 11, 1871. A.B., A.M., Kansas, 1893; M.S., Cornell, 1895; Ph.D., Chicago, 1896. Asst. chem., Kansas, 1893-95; instr. vert. paleont., Chicago, 1896; prof. geol. and physical geog., State Nor. Sch., Milwaukee, 1897-07; junior prof. hist. geol. and paleont., Michigan,1908-13; prof. hist. geol., and paleont., Michigan, 1912. F.A.A.; Geol. Soc.; Soc. Vert. Paleont. Paleont. Gesellsch. Geology and morphology of extinct reptiles.—Morphology of Permian vertebrates of America.
Case, Ward Roland, lawyer; born Brown Co., O., April 6, 1876; English-Dutch and Scotch-German descent; son of D. R. and Frances (McBeth) Case; father's occupation, teacher; paternal grandparents, Henry Butler and Mary (Lake) Case; maternal grandparents, Jas. P. and Elizabeth (Spires) McBeth; educated in the local schools of Brown and Warren Cos., O., and Morgan Co., Tenn.; taught one term of school 1895; studied shorthand at home and law in law offices while working as a stenographer of O. C. Conatser, 1896-8, and Ingersoll & Peyton, 1898-9, Knoxville, Tenn.; admitted to bar Aug., 1897, and formed partnership with O. C. Conatser, under the name of Conatser & Case in 1899, which has continued to date; married Mollie Albertson, Dec. .10, 1899; member Trinity Consistory No. 2, Nashville, 32d degree, Jamestown Lodge No. 281, F. & A. M., Jamestown Lodge No. 83, I. O. O. F., at present S.D. of Jamestown Lodge No. 281, F. & A. M., and has served as S. W. and W. M. of same; Republican; chairman of the Co. Board of Education, 1907-1910; present Co. Judge of Fentress Co.
Casey, John J., United States congressman from the eleventh district of Pennsylvania, was born May 26, 1875, in Wilkesbarre, Pa. He has been a. member of the State Legislature. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Wilkesbarre, Pa.
Casgrain, Major Philippe H. Duperron, Royal Engineers; b. at Quebec, Canada, 1864, and ed. at Kingston Military College; served through Riel's Rebellion in the Northwest Territory as an Adjutant of Militia, 1885; N. W. Medal; commissioned in the Royal Engineers, 1886, and took part in the Manipur Expedition of 1891 and received the Indiana frontier War Medal; qualified as interpreter in Russian two years later; employed in the South African War, 1900-02, and mentioned in despatches (London Gazette) received King and Queen's medals for the war. Retired from the army in 1907 with the rank of major. Studied for the priesthood in Rome and ordained priest by Bishop Brindle, at Nottingham, England, in 1911. Returned to Canada and is now director of the Catholic Immigration Association. Address: Archbishop's Palace, Quebec.
Cass, Louis Stephen, railroad president of Waterloo, Iowa, was born May 6, 1865, in Vernon county, Wis. Since 1905 he has been president of the Waterloo, Cedar Falls and Northern railroad.
Cassel, Hartwig, journalist, P. O. Box 1207, New York City; residence 1236 Madison Ave. Born in Konitz, Germany, Nov. 2, 1850. Educated at Landsberg-on-the-Warthe, and Berlin, Prussia. (Married.) Connected with the "New Yorker Staats-Zeitung," New York "Tribune," "Sun," "The Times," "The World," Associated Press, and the " American Chess Magazine." From 1882 to 1889 Chess Editor of the Bradford Observer Budget, Bradford, Yorkshire, Eng. During his stay in England as well as in this country he was known as a gerat organizer of clubs, tournaments and matches and during his stay in this country he was instrumental in arranging cable matches with England and Germany, arranged and managed the international tourney at Cambridge Springs in 1904, two national masters' tourneys in New York, also the New York international tourney last year as well as the Havana international tourney, having managed all these contests. It will be just twenty-five years ago on January 1, when he wrote his first stories for New York papers at Havana on the international match between M. Tschigorin of St. Petersburg and I. Gunsberg of London. Member German Press Club.
Casselberry, William Evans, physician and scientist of Chicago, Ill., was born Sept. 6, 1858, in Philadelphia, Pa. Since 1883 he has been engaged in the practice of his profession in Chicago, Ill. Since 1894 he has been professor of laryngology in the Northwestern University Medical School. He has been president of the American Laryngological Association; president of the Chicago Laryngological Association; and is a member of the National Tuberculosis Association.
Casselman, William S., lawyer, banker; born Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 5, 1854; son of Andrew and Susannah (Shenk) Casselman; educated in Camden public schools; married, Camden, N. J., May 19, 1883, Annie C. Wood; children: William S., Jr., Mark F., Arthur J., Paul C. Admitted to bar of New Jersey, 1879, as attorney, and in 1883 as counselor; helped organize the West Jersey Title and Guaranty Co., 1888; secretary and manager since its organization; helped organize West Jersey Trust Co., 1906, and vice-president ever since. Director West Jersey Mortgage Co. and Atlantic Title Co. Republican; Presbyterian. Member Camden County Bar Association, New Jersey State Bar Association, Franklin Institute of Philadelphia. Residence: 801 Washington St., Cape May, N. J. Office: Southeast corner Third and Market streets, Camden. Winter temp. res., 317 Penn St., Camden, N. J. Club : Corinthian Y. C. of Cape May.
Castrillo, Salvador, lawyer and diplomat of Washington, D. C., was born Feb. 18, 1873, in Rivas, Nicaragua. He has filled the office of judge or magistrate; has been consul-general; and served as attorney-general of Nicaragua. He is the author of several works in French. Since 1910 he has been envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of Nicaragua to the United States in Washington, D. C.
Catlin, Thomas Dean, banker; born Clinton, N. Y., March 12, 1838; son of Marcus and Philena Hunt (Dean) Catlin; educated Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y., class of 1857; married, Utica, N. Y., Oct. 10, 1866, Helen Plant; one son: James Plant. Was agent for Chicago & Rock Island Railroad, five years; secretary Ill. & Miss. Telegraph Co., appointed 1863, now president and treasurer, lines of company were leased to Western Union Telegraph Co., 1867; connected with Company Manufacturing Window Glass, Ottawa, Ill., 1867-1897, and president of a glass company operating factories in 19 different places, 1889-1897. President National City Bank of Ottawa, Ill., The State Bank, Seneca, Ill., and First National Bank, Grand Ridge, Ill. Republican; Congregationalist. President and trustee The Ryburn Memorial Hospital, Ottawa, Ill.; trustee Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y. Member Sigma Phi fraternity. Clubs: Union League, Hamilton, Bankers' (Chicago); Ottawa Boat (Ottawa); Deer Park Country (La Salle, Ill.). Address: Ottawa.
Catron, Thomas B., United States senator from New Mexico, was born in LaFayette County, Mo. Since 1867 he has practiced law in New Mexico; was attorney-general of New Mexico; and was a delegate from New Mexico to the fifty-fourth congress. He was elected a member of the United States Senate for the short term of 1913-17; and resides in Santa Fe, N. M.
Chace, Jonathan, manufacturer and statesman of 190 Hope St., Providence, R.I., was born Sept. 22, 1829, in Fall River, Mass. He was a member of the state senate of Rhode Island in 1876-77; and in 1881-85 he was a representative from Rhode Island to the forty-seventh and forty-eighth congresses. In 1885-89 he was United States senator.
Chadbourn, Erlon R., newspaper correspondent of Melrose, Mass., was born March 25, 1855, in Auburn, Maine. For several years he was engaged in the printing business. Since 1873 he has prepared papers for the young people's departments in the Portland Argus, the Hartford Times, the New York Christian Advocate, Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean, and numerous other leading American publications, and since 1879 a weekly letter, Scientific Miscellany, to publications in America, Canada and Europe.
Chafin, Eugene W., lawyer, author, was born November 1, 1852, in East Troy, Wis. He attended the common schools of his native county; and in 1875 graduated from the Wisconsin State University. He has attained prominence as an able lawyer of Waukesha, Wis.; and has taken an active part in the public affairs of his county and state. He is the author of a work entitled "Lives of the Presidents," the subject-matter of which, by his permission, has been incorporated into the pages of this work. For many years he was grand chief templar of the Wisconsin independent order of good templars; and is a prominent member of various other fraternal orders.
Chalmers, Thomas, minister of 590 Beech St., Manchester, N. H., was born Jan. 8, 1869, in Algoma, Mich. He studied at Harvard, with the degree of A.R., 1891., Dartmouth, D.D., 1908. He also studied in Marburg, Germany, and Saint Andrews, Scotland. He has been pastor of the First Congregational Church, Port Huron, Mich., from 1894-1900; pastor of the First Congregational Church, Manchester, N. H., and is president of the Pembroke Sanatorium. Member of the New Hampshire Senate.
Chamberlain, George Earle, United States senator from Oregon, was born on a plantation near Natchez, Miss., Jan. 1, 1854. His early education was obtained in private and later in the public schools of Natchez, which he attended until 1870. In the latter year he began work as clerk in a. general merchandise store. Thereafter he was nominated as district attorney for the fourth judicial district, embracing Multnomah County, and was elected for a term of four years; in 1902 was nominated as a candidate for governor; was elected for four years, and reelected to the same position in 1906. He was elected United States senator on the Democratic ticket. His term of service will expire March 3, 1915; and resides in Portland, Ore.
Chamberlin, Chester Harvey, chief engineer Texas & Pacific Ry. Office, Dallas, Tex.; born Sept. 14, 1859, at Natchez, Mass. Graduated from Stewart College, Clarksville, Tenn., class of 1879. Entered railway service July, 1881, with the American Railway Improvement Co. (Texas & Pacific Ry.), since which he has been consecutively to Nov., 1881, rodman on construction of Texas & Pacific Ry. in Louisiana; Nov., 1881, to Sept., 1882, levelman and transitman on preliminary surveys in Louisiana and Texas, same road; 1883 to 1885, transitman on surveys and resident engineer on construction Yazoo & Mississippi Valley in Louisiana and Mississippi; 1885 to 1886, locating engineer Ferrocarril del Norte in Gautemala; 1886 to 1889, engineer land surveys United States government; 1889 to 1891, assistant engineer Nicaragua canal surveys, locating engineer and engineer of construction Nicaragua Canal Ry.; 1891 to date, with Texas & Pacific Ry. as assistant engineer on maintenance, locating and constructing engineer of branches, division engineer Louisiana division, assistant chief engineer and chief engineer. Is a charter member Louisiana Engineering Society and a member American Society of Civil Engineers.
Chamberlin, Thomas Chrowder, geologist and author of Chicago, Ill., was born Sept. 21, 1843, near Mattoon, Ill. In 1876 he was chief geologist of Wisconsin; was president University of Wisconsin in 1887-92; and since 1896 has been president of the Chicago Academy of Sciences. Since 1896 has been president of the Chicago Academy of Sciences. Since 1892 he has been professor and head of the department of geology in the University of Chicago. He is the author of Outline of a Course of Oral Instruction; and Geology of Wisconsin.
Chambers, Charles E., Superintendent Motive Power Central Rd. of New Jersey. Office, Jersey City, N. J. Born Oct. 18, 1865, at Augusta, Ill. Educated in the public schools. Entered railway service July 5, 1885, since which he has been consecutively to June, 1901, in bridge and building department, fireman and locomotive engineer Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Rd.; 1901 to 1902, road foreman of engines Philadelphia & Reading Ry.; June, 1902, to date, general road foreman of engines, master mechanic, general master mechanic, and superintendent motive power Central Rd. of New Jersey.
Chambers, Edward, railway official of Chicago, Ill., was born Feb. 16, 1859, in Waukegan, Ill. In 1878 he entered railway service with the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad at Pueblo, Colo. He has since been clerk, cashier and agent; and is now vice-president of that road, with headquarters in Chicago, Ill.
Chandler, Francis Ward, soldier, architect and author of 195 Marlborough St., Boston, Mass., was born Sept. 30, 1844, in Boston, Mass. He has been advisory architect to the city of Boston, and a member of its art commission. He is an honorary member of the American institute of architects; and professor emeritus at the Massachusetts institute of technology.
Chandler, Walter Clift, attorney at law; born Jackson, Madison County, Tenn., Oct. 5, 1887: son of William Henry and Mary Knoxie (Clift) Chandler; English-Scotch descent; attended public schools Memphis; graduate of University of Tennessee, LL.B. degree in 1909; admitted to practice in all State and Federal Courts same year; reporter on Knoxville Sentinel in 1908-09; teacher night school Knoxville 1908-09: partner of C. L. Marsilliot, lawyer, Exchange Building, Memphis, since 1912; literary work with essays on Tennessee and Mississippi State History; member Sigma Alpha Epsilon College Fraternity; member Phi Kappa Phi Honorary College Fraternity; member DeSoto Lodge 299 (Masonic), Memphis Chapter 95, Memphis Commandery No. 5; president Insurance Club of Memphis; member Executive Committee Insurance Institute of America; admitted to practice U.S. Supreme Court 1914; Episcopalian.
Chandler, Walter M., United States congressman for the nineteenth district of New York, was born in Mississippi. He is a lawyer and the author of The Trial of Jesus from a Lawyer's Standpoint in two volumes. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in New York City.
Chandler, William Eaton, president Spanish treaty claims commission, was born Dec. 28, 1835, in Concord, N. H. During 1862-64 he was a member of the New Hampshire house of representatives, and served as its speaker during the last two years. In 1865 he became solicitor and judge advocate general of the navy department; and was subsequently appointed first assistant secretary of the treasury. In 1881 he was again a member of the state legislature; and in 1882-85 was secretary of the navy. In 1887 he was elected to the United States senate to fill a vacancy, and was re-elected; to the same office until 1901. His portrait hangs in the library building of the state capitol. He is president of the Spanish treaty claims commission; and resides in Concord, N.H.
Chapman, J. Wilbur, clergyman and author of Jamaica, N. Y., was born June 17, 1859, in Richmond, Ind. He was educated at Oberlin college of Ohio, and in 1879 graduated from Lake Forest University of Illinois. He was theologically educated at the Lane Seminary of Cincinnati, Ohio; and the degree of D.D. was conferred upon him by the University of Wooster. He has filled pastorates in Indiana, Ohio and New York, and in the cities of Albany, Philadelphia and New York City. Much of his ministry has been along evangelistic lines; and he was an intimate associate of D. L. Moody, the noted evangelist. He is corresponding secretary of the general assembly's committee on evangelistic work; is one of the directors of the Winona assembly and summer school; and director of the International bible conference. e is the author of And Peter; also Kadesha-Barnea; The Lost Crown; The Secret of a Happy Day; Present Day Parables; and Fishing for Men.
Chapman, Norman Hyde, Physician; born Rockville, Conn., Oct. 9, 1854; son Denison and Maryetta (Hyde) C. B. S., Knox College, Galesburg, Ill., 1876. M. D., Jefferson Med. College, Phila., Pa., 1879; Colo. State Board of Pharmacy Ctf. No. 184. Married, Julia Shreve of El Paso, Ill., Oct. 28, 1895, at Wamego, Kas. Local Surg., D. & R. G. Ry. Owner, Weiss-Chapman Drug Co., Monte Vista and Creede, Colo. Mgr., Monte Vista Electric Gas Light Co.; Pres., Highland Town & Land Co.; Treas. Wood-man Bldg. Assn. Member: San Luis Valley Med. Assn., Colo. State Med. Soc., Am. Academy of Medicine. Res.: 304 Washington St.; Office: 907 First Ave., Monte Vista, Colo.
Chappell, William Campbell, Electrical Engineer; born, London, Eng., Nov. 11, 1884; son, E. and A. (Richardson) C. Edit.: Crediton Grammar School, Eng., also in South Africa, Victoria; Grad. Zurich Polytechnikum, Zurich, Switzerland, 1902; grad. Northampton Polytechnic Inst., London, Eng., 1907; Asst. Elect. Engr., Stubal Valley Railway, Innsbruck, Austria; Elect. Engr., Siemens Bros. Dynamo Wks., London, Eng.; Elect. Engr., B. C. Elec. R. R. Co.; Industrial Elect. Engr., Western Canada Power Co., Vancouver, B. C., Construction Engineer, General Electric Co., Philadelphia, Pa.; Designing Engineer to C. M. Gay & Son, Refrigerating Engineers. Member: Institute of Elect. Engrs. (Eng.); Am. Inst. Elect. Engrs., Canadian Mining Inst., Am. Electro-Chemical Soc. Res.: Trinity Auditorium. Office C. M. Gay & Son, 335 Town Avenue, Los Angeles, Cal.
Chapple, Joseph Mitchell, editor, publisher, author, was born July 18, 1867, in La Porte City, Iowa. He was educated at Cornell College of Iowa, from which institution he received the honorary degree of A. M. in 1904. At the age of sixteen he edited a paper in Grand Rapids, N. D.; and later became editor and proprietor of the Ashland Daily Press, which he still owns. He then engaged in newspaper work in Chicago until 1897, when he took charge of the Bostonian, changing its name to the National Magazine, of which he has since been editor and publisher. He is the author of the Minor Chord; Boss Bart, Politician; Mark Hanna; Heart Throbs; The Panama Canal; The Happy Habit; Heart Songs; and other works.
Chase, John, adjutant-general of Colorado, was born Dec. 10, 1856, in Ann Arbor, Mich. He is a successful physician; and a member of the county, state and national medical societies. e has been professor of ophthalmology in the state university; and state president of the Sons of the American Revolution. Since 1909 he has been adjutant-general of Colorado. Clubs: University (Denver); Army & Navy (New York); Democratic (Denver); 32 degree Mason and Knights Templar. Contributor to medical and military magazines.
Chase, William Martin, jurist; born at Canaan, N. H., Dec. 28, 1837; son of Horace and Abigail (Martin) Chase. He was graduated from Dartmouth College, with the degree of B.S. in 1858, and that college conferred upon him the degrees of A.M., 1879 and LL.D., 1898; and he was elected an honorary member of the Phi Beta Kappa Society, connected with Dartmouth College, in 1883. After teaching for a time in Henniker Academy in New Hampshire, he took up the study of law, and in August, 1862, was admitted to the bar of the highest court of New Hampshire, practising law at Concord, until appointed, April 1, 1891, judge of the Supreme Court of New Hampshire, in which office he continued until reaching the constitutional limit of age, Dec. 28, 1907. Judge Chase is a Democrat. He was clerk of the New Hampshire Senate in 1871; and was a member of the New Hampshire Senate in 1909. He was chairman of the commission appointed to revise and codify the laws of the State of New Hampshire, upon the report of which commission the Public Statutes of New Hampshire were enacted into law at the January session of the New Hampshire Legislature in 1891. Judge Chase is a trustee of Dartmouth College. He married at Concord, N. H, March 18, 1863, Ellen Abbott, and they have a son, Arthur H. Chase, State Librarian of New Hampshire. Address: Concord, N. H.
Chatard, Joseph Albert, physician; b. Baltimore, Md., December 10, 1879; ed. Loyola College (degree of .A.B., 1898); and at Johns Hopkins University (degree of M.D., 1903); Instructor in Medicine, Johns Hopkins University; Visiting Physician, St. Agnes Hospital; contributor to medical journals. Address: 40 W. Biddle St., Baltimore, Md.
Chatburn, George Richard, educator and civil engineer of the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb., was born Dec. 24, 1863, near Magnolia, Iowa. He was educated in the common and high schools of Iowa. He graduated from the Iowa State College in 1884 and received the degree of B.C.E.; from the Nebraska University with the degree of A.M. Mr. Chatburn was principal of the high school at Plattsmouth, from 1885-1889; superintendent of schools of Humboldt from 1889-1891; and of Wymore from 1891 to 1894. He has been an instructor and assistant professor of the University of Nebraska, and later became head professor of that university. He is a member of Nebraska Society of Engineers, Nebraska Academy of Sciences, the Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa Phi and several other societies.
Chatfield-Taylor, Hobart Chatfield, author; born in Chicago, March 24, 1865; son of Henry Hobart Taylor and Adelaide (Chatfield) Taylor. His early and preparatory education was received at Trinity School, Tivoli, New York, and in European schools, he then entered Cornell University, from which he was graduated with the degree of B.S., in 1886; D. Lake Forest College, 1912. In 1888, in Chicago, he established "America," a weekly political review, which he conducted until 1890, then went abroad, and was special correspondent of the Chicago Daily News. He was consul of Spain at Chicago during the period of the World's Columbian Exposition, and a member of the Spanish Commission to that World's Fair. Mr. Chatfield-Taylor has contributed to all the principal magazines, and is author of "With Edged Tools"; "An American Peeress"; "Two Women and a Fool"; "The Land of the Castanet"; "The Vice of Fools"; "The Idle Born"; "The Crimson Wing"; "Goldrui: a Biography," just published (1913), etc. Besides contributing articles upon the French classic drama, to the magazines, he has lectured upon Moliere and the French drama of the Seventeenth Century at the University of Chicago, Cornell, Bryn Mawr and other colleges. Member National Institute Arts and Letters. A fellow of the Royal Geographical Society (England) he has for his services to literature, received the following decorations: Chevalier of the Legion d'Honneur, and Officer de l'Instruction Publique (France), Chevalier of the Order of St. James, for Literary, Scientific and Artistic merit (Portugal), and Officer of the Order of the Bust of the Liberator (Venezuela), while for his services to Spain, during the Columbian Exposition, he was made a Chevalier of the Royal Order of Isabella the Catholic. He is a member of the New Hampshire Society of the Cincinnati through his descent from Lieutenant John Eames of the Fifth Regiment of Continental Foot, and of the Illinois Society of Colonial Wars. He is a member of the Chicago, University and Onwentsia Clubs of Chicago, and has been president of the latter, and he is also a member of the Union Club of New York City, and the Metropolitan Club of Washington, D. C. Mr. Chatfield-Taylor married at Chicago, June 19, 1890, Rose, daughter of the late Charles B. Farwell, United States senator from Illinois, and they have three children : Adelaide, Wayne and Otis. Residence: Lake Forest, Illinois. Address: 100 Washington street, Chicago, Ill.
Cheney, Charles Edward, Reformed Episcopal bishop; born in Canandaigua, N. Y., Feb. 12, 1836; son of Dr. E. Warren and Altie Wheeler (Chipman) Cheney. He was graduated from Hobart College, A.B., 1857, following which he took the course at the Protestant Episcopal Theologian Seminary at Alexandria, Virginia, and he received the degree of D.D. from Iowa College in 1871. He was ordained in the ministry of the Protestant Episcopal Church, Nov. 21, 1858, and after two brief pastorates in New York State became rector of Christ Church, Chicago, in which relation he has continued ever since. During the years from 1869 to 1873 he became involved in ecclesiastical difficulties growing out of doctrinal views concerning baptism, and on Dec. 2, 1873, he joined Bishop George David Cummins, D. D., in the organization of the Reformed Episcopal Church, and Dec. 14, 1873, was consecrated bishop of the Reformed Episcopal Church, with jurisdiction over the churches of the Northwest, subsequently becoming bishop of the Synod of Chicago, in which position he continues, retaining also the rectorate of Christ Church. June, 1908, he received the degree of S.T.D. from his Alma Mater, Hobart College. He is a member of the American Historical Association, American Geographical Society, Chicago University Club, Chicago Historical Society, Chicago Literary Club, the Illinois Society of the Sons of the Revolution, and the Illinois Society of Mayflower Descendants. Bishop Cheney, besides a volume of Sermons, published 1880, is author of: What Do Re-formed Episcopalians Believe? 1888: The Enlistment of the Christian Soldier, 1892; A King of France Unnamed in History, 1902; The Second Norman Conquest of England, 1907; A Belated Plantagenet, 1914. He married in Chicago, April 25, 1860, Clara Emma Griswold. Address: 2409 Michigan Avenue, Chicago.
Cheney, Orion Howard, lawyer and banker; son Lewis Howard and Mary Elizabeth (West) Cheney. He was educated at Drake University, University of Michigan, New York University, LL.B., 1897; married, 1909. For ten years in banking business in New York City before beginning practice of law. Appointed superintendent of banks, state of New York, November, 1909, by Governor Hughes; term expired May, 1911. Now president of Pacific Bank of New York. Clubs: Union League, Manhattan, Graduates, Fort Orange, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Delta Phi, University of Michigan, Economic.
Cheney, William Dewitt, lawyer, of Syracuse, N. Y., was born, Antwerp, N. Y., Mar. 29, 1876; s. Charles William and Ada Adelle (Swem) Cheney; ed. Preparatory Sch., Ives. Seim, Aanwerp, N.Y., Coll., Syracuse Univ., LL.B.; in. Syracuse, N.Y., Jan. 28, 1909, Florence Olive Greeley. Pres. Members Security, Inc.; mem. firm of Hudson & Cheney, att'ys. Republican; Episcopalian (vestry-man Grace Episcopal Ch., Syracuse, N. Y.). Men. Onondaga County Bar Ass'n. Mason; mem. Improved Order of Red Men; and present Great Sachem of State of N. Y.; past dictator Syracuse Lodge, Loyal Order of Moose, and mem. of Corn. on Rules and Order of Business at last Supreme Lodge Conv. held at Cincinnati, O. Clubs: Citizens, Masonic, Syracuse Moose, Inc. (Syracuse, N. Y.). Address: S. A. & K. Bld'g., Syracuse. N. Y.
Cherry, Henry Hardin, educator of the Western Kentucky State Normal School, Bowling Green. Ky., was born Nov. 16, 1864. He is the president of the Western Kentucky State Normal School.
Cheshire, Joseph Blount, Bishop of North Carolina: born at Tarboro, N. C., March 27, 1850; son of Joseph Blount and Elizabeth Toole (Parker) Cheshire. He studied at Trinity College, Hartford, Conn., being graduated as B.A. in 1869, and M.A. in 1872. He received the degree of D.D. from the University of North Carolina in 1890, and from the University of the South in 1894. He practised law from 1872 until 1878, in which latter year he was ordained deacon of the Episcopal Church by Bishop Atkinson, and two years later was ordained priest by Bishop Lyman. He became rector of the Chapel of the Cross, at Chapel Hill, N. C., soon after being ordained deacon, and held this office until he was called to the rectorate of St. Peter's Church, Charlotte, N. C., in 1881, where he remained for twelve years. In 1893 he became bishop-coadjutor of North Carolina, and a short time later bishop of the same diocese. He was consecrated bishop by Bishops Lyman, Watson and Capers. Bishop Cheshire is one of the Chaplains General of "Society of the Cincinnati." He is author of: Early Conventions of the Church in North Carolina, 1882; Fragments of North Carolina Church History, 1886; The Church in the Province of North Carolina; Decay and Revival; Parson Miller and Whitehaven Church, 1890. The Church in the Confederate States, 1912. He has also published numerous addresses and sermons. Address: Raleigh, N.C.
Chew, Ng Poon, editor, lecturer and diplomat of 809 Sacramento St., San Francisco, Cal., was born March 14, 1866, in Canton Province, China. He founded a Chinese Daily in San Francisco. He is vice-consul of China at San Francisco; and editor of the Cluing Yat Po, Chinese Daily Paper.
Childs, John Leon, superior judge; born West Renton, Eng., May 27, 1863; son of Richard and Sarah (Adair) Childs. Graduated Starkey Seminary, Yates County, N.Y., 1885. Married Edna P. Filkins, May 4, 1891, at Crescent City, Calif. County clerk, Del Norte County, 1893-97; district attorney, 1898-1903;superior judge, Del Norte County, since 1903. Delegate from first congressional district of California to the Republican national convention at Philadelphia, 1900. Club, Press (S.F.). Address, Crescent City, Calif.
Chilton, William Edwin, United States senator from West Virginia, was born in Kanawha, March 17, 1858. He was elected to the United States senate February 1, 1911, to succeed Senator Nathan Bay Scott, for a term of six years, beginning March 4, 1911. His term of service will expire March 3, 1917.
Chipman, Norton Parker, lawyer; born Milford Center, Union Co., 0., March 7, 1835; son of Norman and Sarah Wilson (Parker) Chipman. Educated public and high schools, Iowa; Washington College, Washington, la.; graduated Cincinnati, O., Law School, 1859. Married Mary Isabel Holmes, Jan. 30, 1865. Enlisted in Co. H. 2d Iowa Infantry, April, 1861; served as 2d lieutenant and major; promoted to colonel and adjutant A. D. C. on staff of Major-General Halleck, and assigned to duty as chief of staff to Major-General Samuel B. Curtis, and later transferred to duty at Washington City. Appointed secretary of District of Columbia by President Grant. Elected delegate to congress from that district, 1871, served 2 terms. Appointed commissioner of Supreme court, April, 1907, and served until District Court of Appeals was organized; appointed presiding justice by Gov. Pardee of third district; elected and drew 12-year term. Director Calif. Dev. Bd. Clubs, Union League (S. F.), Sutter (Sacramento). Member Grand Army of the Republic and Loyal Legion. Republican. Residence, 1431 I St. Office, Capitol Bldg., Sacramento, Calif.
Chirhart, Oliver, bank cashier; born Brockway, Minn., Aug. 16, 1875; son of Isador and Mary E. (Thiers) Chirhart; educated in common schools of Stearns County, Minn.; married, Opole, Minn., Sept. 19. 1899, Mary Lahr; four children: Emma, Theresia, Ambrose and Leonard. Taught school seven years in Stearns County; in general merchandise business six years; banking seven years, cashier of Rice State Bank seven years, cashier of Benton County State Bank since May, 1914. Has held various town and municipal offices. Democrat; Catholic. Member Fraternal Order of Eagles. Recreations: Automobiling, fishing. Address Sank Rapids, Minn.
Chisholm, Archibald M., banker, mine operator; born Alexandria, Ont., 1864; son of Donald Andrew and Catherine Chisholm; removed to St. Paul, Minn., in boyhood and was educated in common schools and business college. Married 1891, Eulalie Cummings. Began business career as clerk in employ of the Weyerhaeuser lumber interests, and this employment brought him into the acquaintance of representatives of mining interests on the Gogebic Range; employed on the Vermilion Range with Captain Joseph Sellwood in 1888: removed to Hibbing, Minn., with Frank Hibbing; located the Susquehanna Mine, 1896, and later the Elizabeth, Philbin and Chisholm Mines, in association with John R. Mitchell of St. Paul, and the present town of Chisholm was built in 1902, when the Chisholm Mine was found. One of the organizers, secretary and treasurer of Shattuck, Arizona Copper Co. and one of the organizers and a director of the Denn-Arizona Copper Co.; a director of the City National Bank, Duluth, Minn. Formerly president First National Bank, Chisholm, Minn., and vice-president Merchants & Miners State Bank, Hibbing, Minn. Postmaster Hibbing, Minn., 1896-1901. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Duluth Commercial, Duluth, and Chevy Chase, Washington. Residence 1832 East 2nd St. Office 603-4, Sellwood Building, Duluth.
Christian, Jones Wesley, farmer; born Lawrence Co., Tenn., Feb. 19, 1838; Swedish and German descent; son of Thomas T. and Maria W. (Biffle) Christian; father's occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents Nathaniel and Margaret (Payton) Christian, maternal grandparents Valentine and Susanna (Lacey) Biffle; received common school education; married F. Robenia Napier, Sept. 14, 1857; served in the Confederate army from 1861 to 1865 as 1st Lieut. in Co. C., 48th Tenn. Regiment, C. S. A.; member Lower House General Assembly of Tenn., one term; Democrat; engaged in farming at Hohenwald, Tenn.; member Cumberland Presbyterian church.
Christy, Lloyd Bennett, banker; born, Osceola, Iowa, Mar. 10, 1868; son, William and Carrie (Bennett) C. B.S., Univ. of Sou. Cal. Married, Mary Emma Culver, Dec. 23, 1897, at Phoenix, Ariz. Cashier, Valley Bank of Phoenix; Treas., Ariz. Fire Ins. Co. Member: Masons, Knights Templar, Shriners, Sigma Chi, Loyal Legion, Sons of Am. Rev., Y. M. C. A. Address: Phoenix, Ariz.
Christy, Will, banker; born Akron, Ohio, Dec. 7, 1859; son of James and Jeannette Christy; educated in Akron High Schools; married, Akron, Ohio, Oct., 1890, Rose Day. President and di-rector Central Savings and Trust Co., Barberton Savings Bank, Akron People's Telephone Co., Hamilton Building Co.; vice-president and director The Northern Ohio Traction & Light Co., The Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. Republican; Congregationalist. Member Akron Chamber of Commerce and Young Men's Christian Ass'n. Recreation: Golf. Clubs: Portage Country (Akron), Country (Cleveland). Residence: 160 Fir St. Office : 236 Hamilton Building, Akron.
Church, Benjamin Franklin, physician; born Texas, 1858; son Benj. Franklin and Mary E. (Sweatman) C. Education common schools; M.D., College of Physician and Surgeons, Baltimore, Md., 1888; resident physician at the Maryland Maternity Hosp.; first assistant physician at the North Texas Hospital for the insane at Terrell, Texas, from 1890 to 1895. Married, Mabel Stuart, 1895, at Lynchburg, Virginia Came to Los Angeles in 1898; practiced profession until fall of 1909, thence to Redlands; practice confined to the eye and ear. Ex-president, Austin and Terrell Md. Socs. and the Academy of Medicine of Los Angeles. Former dean and professor of ophthalmology and otology, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Los Angeles. Member: County, State and American Medical Assns., Pacific Coast Ophthalmological and Otological Socs. Honorary member of the Eye and Ear Section of the Los Angeles County Md. Soc., Scottish Rite Mason, 32d degree. Author of several papers on medical subjects delivered before medical societies. Residence: Fern and Cajon streets; office : 118 Cajon street, Redlands, Cal.
Church, Denver S., United States congressman from the seventh district of California, was born Dec. 11, 1866, in Folsom, Cal. He has been district attorney of Fresno County. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Fresno, Cal.
Church, Herbert M., district engineer maintenance of way, Baltimore & Ohio Rd. Office Wheeling, W. Virginia Born Nov. 6, 1881, at Indianapolis, Ind. Graduated from Ohio Northern University, 1901. Entered railway service May 25, 1901, since which he has been consecutively, March 1 to July 1, 1902, assistant in engineering corps Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern Ry. at Chillicothe, O.; July l, 1902, to Feb. 1, 1901, assistant on engineer corps at Washington, Ind.; Feb. l, 1901, to Sept. 1, 1907, assistant division engineer at Cincinnati, O.; Sept. 1, 1907, to Jan. 1, 1908, assistant engineer maintenance of way; Jan. 1, 1908, to March 1, 1911, division engineer; March 1 to Nov. 10, 1911, assistant engineer operating department at Baltimore, Md.; Nov. 10, 1911, to date, district engineer maintenance of way at Wheeling, W. Virginia; entire service with the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern Ry. and Baltimore & Ohio Rd.
Churchill, George A. Heyl, broker, of 15 Broad St., New York City, was born, N.Y. City, Oct. 17, 1869; son John A. and Harriet S. (Heyl) Churchill; educated Charlier Inst.; married, N.Y. City, Nov. 21, 1904, Mary Franklin King; children: George King, Harold Baring. Vice-pres. and sec. Gloucester Mf'g Co., Gloucester, N.J., 1897-1902; mem. brokerage firm C. I. Hudson & Co., 1905-1909; mem. Carpenter & Co., Jan., 1910, to June 30, 1913; meal. N.Y. Stock Exchange, since 1903. Pres. Board of Health of Rumson, N.J. Republican; Episcopalian. Clubs: Seabright Beach, Rumson Country. Residence: Rumson, N.J.
Cilley, John K., banker, retired, residence 1 East 39th St., New York City. Born in Nottingham, N.H., April 13, 1840. Educated in public schools and at Phillips Exeter Academy. (Widower.) Member Union League Club, Loyal Legion, George Washington Post, G. A. R., New England Society.
Claiborne, William Stirling, clergyman and author of Sewanee, Tenn., was born Dec. 11, 1871, in Amherst County, Virginia He is a pastor of the Protestant Episcopal Church; and rector of Sewanee since 1900. He is the founder of St. Andrew's Indus-trial School for Mountain Boys; and founder of St. Mary's on the Mountain Industrial School for Girls. He is the author of "Missionary and His People Among the Mountaineers of the South." Superintendent, Emerald Hodgson Hospital; president Law and Order League. Trustee of the University of the South. Member of the P. K. A. Fraternity.
Clancy, John Richard, United States congressman from the thirty-fifth district of New York, was born March 8, 1859, in Syracuse, N.Y. He is vice-president of the Chamber of Commerce. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Syracuse, N.Y.
Clapp, Cornelia Maria, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass., was born, Montague, Mass., March 17, 1849. Ph.B., Syracuse, 1888; Ph.D., Chicago, 1896. Prof. zool., Mt. Holyoke, 1873-. On staff, Woods Hole, 1896-00, trustee, 1897-01. F.A.A.; Soc. Zoo]; Asst. Anat. Lateral line system of Batrachus (Opsanus) tau; embryology of Batrachus tau; relation of the axis of the embryo to the first cleavage plane.
Clapp, Frederick Gardner, of 331 Fourth Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa., was born, Boston, .Mass., July 20, '79. B.S., Mass. Inst. Tech., '01. Instr. geol., Mass Inst. Tech., '01-'02; asst. geologist, IT. S. Geol. Surv., '02-'08; consulting geol, engineer, 08-. F.A.A.; Geol. Soc.; Min. Eng.; Nat. Geog. Soc.; W. Pa. Eng. Soc.; Wash. Geol. Soc. Stratigraphic, areal, glacial and economic geology; physiography; geography; geo-hydrology; water supplies; petroleum; natural gas; coal; clays.—Underground waters; water supply; oil, gas and coal.
Clapp, Moses Edwin, United States senator from Minnesota, was born May 21, 1851, in Delphi, Ind. He was reared and educated in Wisconsin; and removed to Minnesota in 1881. In 1886-92 he was attorney-general for the state of Minnesota. In 1901-03 he was a member of the United States Senate: and is now serving the term ending in 1917; and resides in St. Paul, Minn.
Clark, Arthur Henry, publisher of Caxton Building, Cleveland, Ohio, was born Dec. 20, 1868, in London, England. Is a graduate of the University of Oxford, England. He is president of the Arthur H. Clark Company; director of The American Commercial Company, the Cleveland Laboratory and trustee of Knollwood Cemetery. Member of the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, Cleveland Athletic Club, American Historical Association and the American Library Association. Publisher of some of the most extensive historical works issued in this country.
Clark, Bertha M., William Penn High School, Philadelphia, Pa., was born, Baltimore, Md., May 3, '77. A.B., Goucher, '00, Alumnae Ass. fellow. '03-'04. Southern Women Ass. fellow, '04-'05; fellow, Pennsylvania, '05-'07, Ph.D., '07. lnstr. physics, Goucher, '01-'03; director science, high sch., Phila., '07- M.A.A.; assoc. Physical Soc. Physics; physical chemistry.
Clark, Champ, congressman, was born March 7, 1850, near Lawrenceburg, Ky. He became president of the Marshall College of Huntington, W.Virginia He has been city attorney for Louisiana and Bowling Green, Mo.; prosecuting attorney of Pike County, Mo.; and he has served as special judge of the Louisiana (Mo.) Court of Common Pleas. He was a member of the fifty-third, fifty-fifth, fifty-sixth, fifty-seventh, fifty-eighth, fifty-ninth, sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second congresses. He was re-elected to the sixty-third congress from the ninth district of Missouri for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Bowling Green, Mo.
Clark, Clarence Don, United States senator from Wyoming, was born April 16, 1851, in Sandy Creek, N.Y. He was prosecuting attorney for Uinta county four years, and was appointed associate justice of the territory of Wyoming in 1890, but declined the office. Upon the admission of Wyoming as a state he was elected to the fifty-second congress. Since 1895 he has been a member of the United States Senate, and is now serving the term of 1911-17; and resides in Evanston, Wyo.
Clark, E. M., minority leader in the last four sessions of the house of Representatives of the Legislature of Oklahoma, was born in 1856 in Huntsburg, Ohio. He received the rudiments of his education in the public schools; attended Farmington academy of Ohio; and the Wesleyan College of Bloomington, Ill. He is a successful lawyer of Pawnee, Okla.; and is prominently mentioned at this time for state senator from his district. He styles himself a progressive republican, but not an insurgent.
Clark, Edward B., banker, farmer; born Golconda, Aug. 4, 1866; son of Thomas H. and Anna (Jameson) Clark; educated in Lake Forest Univ.; married, Golconda, 1890, Mary Young; two children. Started in banking business as a janitor, 1882, president of bank since 1906. Lives on 610-acre farm, and is engaged in raising pure bred Hereford cattle, and mules. President and director Pope County State Bank, also various small corporations and enterprises. Republican: Presbyterian. Knights of Pythias, Modern Woodman. Recreations: Farming, stock raising. Address: Golconda.
Clark, Eli P., Capitalist; born near Iowa City, Ia., Nov. 25, 1847; son, Timothy B. and Elvira E. (Calkins) C. Edu.: public schools, Grinnell, la.; Iowa College, Grinnell. Married, Lucy H. Sherman (sister of M. H. Sherman), Apr. 8, 1880, at Prescott, Ariz. Taught school at 18 years of age. Postmaster at Prescott, 1 year. Territorial Auditor for Ariz., 1877-87; helped to secure passage of bill by Legis. granting subsidy of $4,000 per mile for railroad from Prescott to connect with A. & P. Ry. at Seligman, 1885; assisted in organizing and was elected Secy. and Treas., Ariz. Central R.R. (now S. F. P. & P. Ry.). Moved to Los Angeles, 1891. Vice-pres. and Mgr., L. A. Consolidated Elec. Ry. (now L. A. Ry.); constructed Pasadena & L. A. Elec. Interurban Ry., 1894 (the beginning of the Pac. Elec.). Rebuilt line between Santa Monica and Los Angeles, 1896; pros. and mgr. of Los Angeles Pacific Railway until 1909. Pres., Mt. Hood Ry. & Power Co., Clark & Sherman Land Co.; Vice-pres., Main St. Co. Clubs: California, University, L. A. Country. Pres. Bd. of Trustees, 1st Congregational Church; Pres., Congregational Union. Member: Board, Y. M. C. A., Board of Trustees, Pomona College. Res.: 9 St. James Park; Office: Consolidated Realty bldg., Los Angeles.
Clark, Frank, congressman, was born March 28, 1860, in Eufaula, Ala. He was assistant United States attorney for the southern district of Florida. and was chairman of the democratic committee. He was elected to the fifty-ninth, sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second congresses. He was re-elected to the sixty-third congress from the second district of Florida for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Gainesville, Fla.
Clark, George A., railroad president of Nashville, Tenn., was born June 29, 1869, in Austin, Minn. Since 1912 he has been president of the Tennessee, Kentucky and Northern Railroad company. Since 1880 he has been engaged in railway service; and has filled positions of clerk, agent, telegraph operator, train dispatcher, chief dispatcher, train master, general manager, vice-president and president with various railroads.
Clark, Harry G., assistant to second vice-president Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. Office, Chicago, Ill. Born July 8, 1875, at Leavenworth, Kan. Graduated as civil engineer from University of Kansas, 1898. Entered railway service Sept. 15, 1898, as chainman on Kansas lines Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry., since which he has been consecutively to Oct., 1900, with Chicago, Burlington & Quincy as rodman on construction and transitman on location in Iowa during doubletracking in that state; Oct., 1900, to Sept., 1905, successively resident engineer and division engineer Western Division of Choctaw, Oklahoma & Gulf Rd. (now a part of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry.) and division engineer Pan Handle and Arkansas divisions Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry.; Sept., 1905, to Oct., 1909, district engineer Choctaw district same road; Oct., 1909, to June, 1912, trainmaster Arkansas and Oklahoma divisions same road; June, 1912, to date, assistant to second vice-president same road.
Clark, James Francis A., banker; born Boston, Mass., 1867; son of James P. and Mary (Burke) Clark; attended schools of Cambridge, Mass. Senior partner in banking house of Clark & Childs. Clubs: Metropolitan, New York Yacht, Riding, Country (Westchester), Country (Boston). Residence: 1014 Fifth Avenue. Office: 111 Broadway, N.Y. City.
Clark, Joseph Nelson, physician, druggist, banker; born near Harrisburg, Pa., Nov. 12, 1839; son of James and Margaret (Nelson) Clark; attended normal school in Newville, Pa., and Medical Department of University of Georgetown, D.C.; married, Mechanicsburg, Pa., Feb. 28, 1871, Kate E. Gorgas; children: William G., Mary E., Joseph N., Raymond P., Edgar G. Served in 7th Regiment, Pennsylvania Reserves, as sergeant-major, 1861-1865; prisoner at Andersonville, Ga., in summer of 1864; in War Department, Adjutant-General's office, 1865, 1868. Was president of Cottage Hill College, York, Pa.; has practiced medicine in Harrisburg, since 1873; also wholesale and retail drug-gist, since 1889; owner of a drug store in Scranton since 1896; owner of McNeil Medicine Co. (incorporated, 1884). President People's Savings Bank of Harrisburg, school director of City of Harrisburg; director Young Men's Christian Association of Harrisburg. Republican: Presbyterian (elder in Westminster Church, Harrisburg). Member of State Medical Society, Dauphin County Pharmaceutical Association; director Children's Industrial Home, Harrisburg. Residence: Mechanicsburg, Pa. Office : 306-305 Broad St., Harrisburg.
Clark, Lucius Fullerton, banker; born in Vermont, May 13, 1864; son of Walter J. and Jennie C. (Rice) Clark; educated Leland & Gary Seminary, Townshend, Vt.; married, Minneapolis, Minn., Feb. 6, 1900, Lois Ada Read; children: Zenas, born 1901; Eleanor Jane, born 1902. Employed in the Citizens' Bank, Montevideo, Minn., 1883-1887, being assistant cashier the latter part of time; cashier Lac Qui Parle County Bank, Madison, Minn., 1887-1896; president Bellingham State Bank since 1894; president Bellingham Telephone Co. since 1904; president Bellingham Electric Light Company; president Minnesota Independent Telephone Association five years. Republican (insurgent); Congregationalist. Odd Fellow, Woodman of America, United Workman. Recreation: Traveling. Address: Bellingham.
Clark, Samuel Adams, architect, of 441 Park Ave., New York City, was born, Somerville, N.J.; April 9, 1875; son Col. J. S. Henry and Mary E. (Davenport) Clark; educated Westminster School, Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.; prepared for Yale Coll., class of 1898, but took up business instead of entering univ.; married Nov. 9, 1899, Gertrude Jerome Alexandre. Mem. firm of Warren & Clark, architects. Episcopalian. Member Soc. Colonial Wars. Clubs: Union, Brook, Racquet and Tennis, Metropolitan of Washington, D.C.
Clark, Walter Eli, president and principal owner of The Charleston Mail, Charleston, W.Virginia, born in Ashford, Conn., January 7, 1869; graduated from Wesleyan University, 1895; newspaper correspondent, Washington, D.C., 1895-1909; appointed Governor of Alaska, 1909, and served until May, 1913; resides in Charleston, W. Virginia
Clark, Walter Gordon, electrical engineer; born in Salt Lake City, Oct. 23, 1876; son of Thomas Allen and Eunice Madeline (Wright) Clark. He was educated in public schools, Salt Lake Academy, California Technical Schools and by private instruction. He engaged in hydraulic, steam and electrical engineering, 1893-1903, in California, Washington, Oregon, Hawaii an Islands and Japan. He organized the Kilbourne & Clark Company, and was engaged in electrical engineering, contracting and jobbing of electrical equipment 1899-1903; became manager of the electrical branch of the Ansonia Brass and Copper Company, New York City, 1903; president of the Parker-Clark Electric Company, New York City, 1905. He carried on research work at Columbia University, 1903-1906, and in conjunction with Professor Herschel C. Parker of Columbia University, invented a new electric lamp (Helion), the Helion Resistance Unit, and Helion Air Burning Filament. He conducted research work on electrical conductors and insulators for high potential power transmission and has patented inventions in these lines. He is president of the Clark Electric and Manufacturing Company and director of the Texas Traction Company, Dallas, Texas, and the Kilbourne and Clark Company, Seattle, Wash.; Consulting Engineer for Victoria Falls and Transvaal Power Co., London, England, Granville Power Company, London, England, Texas Traction Company and Southern Traction Company, of Dallas, Texas. Mr. Clark has made explorations in Mexico, the Sierra Nevada Mountains, Rocky Mountains, the Olympia Mountains of Washington, and made the first ascent of Mount Olympus, Wash., 1906. He is a member of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, American Electro-Chemical Society, Pacific Northwest Society of Engineers and the Pacific Transmission Association, the Union League, Railway, and Engineers' Clubs of New York, the Faculty Club of Columbia University, Ranier Club of Seattle, Wash., and the Greenwich Country Club, Greenwich, Conn., Royal Automobile Club, London, England, and a member of Masonic and Elks lodges in Seattle. Residence: Engineers' Club, 32 West 49th Street; Office: 149 Broadway, New York City.
Clark, William Andrews, banker, mine owner, ex-U. S. Senator, of 20 Exchange Pl., New York City, was born near Connellsville, Pa., Jan. 8, 1839; ed. Laurel Hill and other academies; studied law Mt. Pleasant (la.) Univ.; m. 1st, 1869, Kate L. Stauffer (died, 1892); 2d, May 25, 1901, Anna E. La Chappelle. In Missouri and Colo., 1859-1863, Mont. since 1863; extensive interests in mines and railways; pres. United Verde Copper Co., Arizona. Served in Nez Perce Indian campaigns, 1878, as major, Butte (Mont.) battalion; comm'r from Mont. to New Orleans Exp'n, 1884; nominated by Democrats for U. S. senator, 1890, and claimed election. but ,was denied seat; candidate for U. S. senator, 1898, and elected; contest ensued at Washington, but before investigation concluded. resigned; elected by legislature for term 1901-1907, U. S. senator, which he served. Mem. Am. Inst. Mining Eng'rs, Chamber of Commerce, N.Y. Kist. Soc., N.Y. Zool. Soc., N.Y. Botanical Gardens. Clubs: Manhattan, N.Y. Yacht, Down Town, City, National Arts (N.Y. City); Silver Bow (Butte), Montana (Helena).
Clarke, Audley, merchant, office, 527 Smith St., yard, 9th St. and Gowanus Canal, Brooklyn; residence, 1 Montgomery Pl. Born on Staten Island, Sept. 5, 1862. Educated at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. (Married.) President of Audley Clarke Co. Clubs: Crescent Athletic, Brooklyn, Montauk City, Riding and Driving, Huntington Country, Citizens Union and director Home Trust Co., Cosmopolitan Laud Co., vice-pres. Shinnecock Hills & Pelonie Bay Realty Co.
Clarke, Edmund Arthur Stanley, capitalist; b. at Ottawa, Can., Jan. 21, 1862; s. Thomas Curtis and Susan Harriet (Smith) C.; A.B., Harvard, 1884; m. Louisa Hall Ward of New York, Feb. 10, 1890. Pres. and dir. Lackawanna Steel Co., Brotherton Iron Mining Co., Buffington Water Co., Corsica Iron Co.. East Wheatfield Water Co., Ellsworth Collieries Co., Ellsworth Coal Co., Franklin Iron Company, Hobart Iron Co., Lackawanna Coal & Coke Co., Lackawanna Iron & Steele Co., Scranton Mining Co., South Buffalo Railway Co., Sunday Lake Iron Co., Tilly Foster Iron Alines, Lackawanna Steel Co. (of N.J.), National Bank of Ellsworth, Bonzano Rail-Joint Co.; Vice-Pres. and dir., Corn-wall R. R. Co., Odanah Iron Co., Ont. Mining Co.. Witherbee, Sherman & Co., Verona Mining Co.; director, Lake Erie Co., Negaunee Mine, Seneca Mining Co., Fidelity Bank of New York, Canada Joint Co.; Member, New York Acad. Polit. Science, Am. Acad. Polit. and Social Science, Am. Inst. Mining Engrs., Economic Club, New York, Assn. Harvard Engineers, Harvard Engring. Soc. New York, Nat. Geog. Soc., Am. Iron and Steel Inst., American Assn. for Testing Materials, International Assn. for Testing Materials, National Conservation Assn., Lincoln Memorial Road Assn., Monmouth County Historical Assn.; Clubs: Metropolitan, Century, Harvard, Riding, Railroad (New York), Rumson Country, Nat. Gold Links of America, Seabright Lawn Tennis and Cricket; also Chicago (Chicago) Harvard Club of Buffalo, A.D. Club, Cambridge, Harvard Union, Harvard Varsity Club, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Zeta Psi, Seabright Beach Club. Home. Seabright, N.J.; Office, 2 Rector Street, New York.
Clarke, G. W., Governor of the State of Iowa. He is governor of Iowa for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Des Moines, Iowa.
Clarke, James P., United States senator from Arkansas, was born Aug. 18, 1854, in Yazoo City, Miss. In 1886-87 he was a member of the Arkansas legislature and in 1888-92 was a member of the state senate. In 1893-94 he was attorney-general of Arkansas, and in 1895-97 was governor of Arkansas. Since 1903 he has been a member of the United States Senate and is now serving the term of 1913-20; and resides in Little Rock, Ark.
Clarke, Lewis Latham, banker, born, N.Y. City, Feb. 21, 1871 son of Dumont and Cornelia P. (Ellery) Clarke; educated, private school, Englewood, N.J.; public school, Dumont, NJ.; Berkeley School, New York; Packard's Business College, N.Y. Married Florence Marguerite Kenzel on June 12, 1901, at "The Chestnuts," Dumont, N.J.; two daughters: Florence Marguerite and Lois Quantain. Entered employ of American Exchange National Bank, N.Y., March 17, 1889, appointed assistant cashier in 1901, vice-president in 1908, president in 1910. The is a director of the American Exchange National Bank of New York City and a score of other corporations. Clubs: Automobile of America, Deal Golf and Country, Englewood Country, India House. Lotos, Metropolitan, New York Athletic, Railroad, Recess, Rumson Country, St. Andrews Golf, The Sleepy Hollow Country, Touring Club of America, Union League. Ile is a member of the American Academy of Political and Social Science of Philadelphia, Chamber of Commerce of New York State. France-America Committee, Japan Society, Junior Order of United American Mechanics, Navy League of the United States, National Horse Show Association of America, Ltd., New England Society in New York City, New York State Forestry Association, North Western Dispensary, Board of Managers, Society for Protection of New Hampshire Forests, the Academy of Political Science in New York City, the Seventh Regiment Veterans' Association. He served in Company F, Seventh Regiment, N.G.N.Y. ten years; regimental adjutant, Seventy-first Regiment; later captain Company E, Seventy-first Regiment. Residence : 32 East 64th St., New York City. Office: 128 Broadway, New York City.
Clarke, Louis Bertrand, banker; born Chicago, 1869; son of John V. and Elizabeth (Bertrand) Clarke; educated in Fessenden's private school, Chicago: married, Chicago, 1899, Pamilla Allerton Sheldon; three children: Pamilla Agnes, Elizabeth Bertrand, John Vaughan Clarke. Began as messenger of Hibernian Banking Association, and went through all departments of the bank, until became vice-president, which office now holds. Democrat; Catholic. Recreations: Shooting, golf. Clubs: Bankers, Chicago Athletic, Mid-Day, Saddle and Cycle, Beebe Lake. Residence: 1317 Ritchie Place. Office : Hibernian Banking Ass'n, Chicago.
Clarke, Richard Henry, lawyer of 51 Chambers St., New York City, was born Morristown, N.J., Oct. 18, 1873; s. of Richard Henry and Ada (Semmes) Clarke; grad. Coll. of St. Francis Xavier, A.B., 1894; Univ. City of N.Y., LL.B., 1895; m. Nov. 11, 1911, Frances Chew. Admitted to bar, 1896; engaged in practice in City of N.Y.,; former ass't corp. counsel Law Dep't, City of N.Y.; surviving mem. law firm Clarke & Clarke. Democrat. Catholic. Mem. Soc. Ark and Dove, Sons of Revolution. Clubs: Catholic, Baltusrol Golf, Phi Delta Phi.
Clarke, Thomas Benedict, art collector and connoisseur; born at New York City, December 11, 1848; son of George W. and Mary J. Clarke. He was educated at the Mount Washington Collegiate Institute, New York City. Mr. Clarke has devoted a lifetime to the collection of works of art, and in 1899 sold a collection of works of American artists for $235,000. He is a member of the National Academy of Design, and founded and endowed the Clarke Composition prize at that institution. He is also a member of the American Fine Arts Society, the American Museum of Natural History, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the Chamber of Commerce of New York; the Metropolitan, the Brook, Manhattan, Union League, Lambs', New York Yacht, and New York Athletic Clubs. Mr. Clarke married at New York City, Fanny E. Morris, and by that union there are two children: Thomas Benedict, Jr., and Mrs. Richard Newton, Jr. Residence: 22 East Thirty-fifth street. Address: 12 East Forty-first street, New York City.
Clarke, Thomas E., assistant to president Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Rd. Office Scranton, Pa. May, 1869, to Feb., 1873, chief train dispatcher and superintendent telegraph St. Paul & Sioux City Rd.; Feb. to Dee., 1873, train dispatcher Mobile & Ohio and Chesapeake & Ohio Eds.; Dec., 1873, to Aug., 1881, master transportation Cairo & Vincennes Rd.; Aug., 1881, to June, 1883, assistant superintendent Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Ry.; June, 1883, to Jan. 1, 1900, successively assistant superintendent, superintendent and general superintendent Minneapolis & St. Louis Rd.: Jan. 1, to Aug. 1, 1900, general manager Iowa Central Ry.; Aug. 15 to Sept. 1, 1900, division superintendent Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Rd.; Sept. 1, 1900. to Jan. 1, 1912, general superintendent same road; Jan. 1, 1912, to date, assistant to president same road.
Clarke, Walter Luther, city treasurer: born Hope, R. I., 1856; son of Horace and E. Jane Clarke; removed to Providence, R.I., with his parents, 1864; educated in public schools and Mowry and Goff's Academy, Providence. Began business life as a clerk under James M. Cross, then city auditor, in 1873, and has been inthe employ of the city ever since; transferred to the Treasury Department, 1881, and became deputy city treasurer in 1888, serving in the capacity until he was elected city treasurer, in which office he was installed Jan. 7, 1901; since then he has been elected to the office every year; received in 1910 (and on some previous occasions) the nomination of the Democratic party, in addition to that of the Republican party, with which he is affiliated. Address: Providence.
Clarkin, Franklin, journalist of 201 W. 81st St., New York City, was born, Blackstone, Mass., Jan. 31, 1869; s. Mitchell and Elisabeth (Rafger) Clarkin; in. N.Y. City, 1896; Clara Hobart Cross, d. James Madison and Hannah (Cole) Cross of Providence, R.I. Sunday editor Providence Journal, 1891; roving correspondent N.Y. Evening Post, 1897-1906, Spanish-Am. War, 1898, Russo-Japanese War, 1904, etc.; secretary City Club of N.Y., 1909; N.Y. representative Boston Transcript. Mem. Met. Museum of Art. Club: City.
Clarkson, David B., book broker of 630 South Wabash ave., Chicago, Ill., was born Sept. 27, 1876, in Coldwater, Ala. He has been agent and branch manager for the Mathews Northrup company; and branch manager for Oldach and company. In 1910 he was president of the publishers club. Since 1902 he has been proprietor of the David B. Clarkson company.
Claypool, Horatio C., congressman, was born Feb. 2, 1859, in McArthur, Ohio. Since 1882 he has been engaged in the practice of law; was prosecuting attorney in 1898-1905; when he became judge of the Probate Court of his county. He was elected to the sixty-second and sixty-third congresses as a democrat; and resides in Chillicothe, Ohio.
Clayton, Henry D., congressman, was born in Barbour County, Ala. He is a member of the democratic national convention for 1904-08. He was a member of the fifty-fifth, fifty-sixth, fifty-eighth, fifty-ninth, sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second congresses as a democrat. He was re-elected to the sixty-third congress from the third district of Alabama for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Eufaula, Ala.
Claytor, Thomas Ash, of 1826 R St., N.W., Washington, D.C., was born, West River, Md., July 14, 1869, M.D., Pennsylvania, 1891. Clin. prof. med., George Washington, 1898--, prof. therapeut. and physician, Hosp., 1902-. Physician, to Tuberculosis Hosp physician to Providence Hosp., 1913—; Am. .Med. Assn.; Climat. Assn.
Cleary, Rev. James Mathew, pastor of the Church of the Incarnation, Minneapolis, Minn. B. September 8, 1849, in Boston, Mass.; s. of Thomas and Julia Cleary; brought to the Northwest in early life, by his parents, and educated in the public schools of Walworth County, Wis.: St. Francis Seminary and College, Milwaukee, Wis.; and St. Lawrence College, Calvary, Wis. Ordained priest, July 9, 1872. Widely known as a lecturer, and prominent in temperance work. President of the Catholic Total Abstinence Union for many years; Vice-President of Anti-Saloon League; President of Minneapolis Dome Protection League. Contributor to the Catholic World and the University Bulletin. Has traveled abroad. Member of Catholic Knights of Wisconsin, Knights of Columbus, Catholic Order of Foresters, and Commercial Club. Residence: 3817 Pleasant Avenue, Minneapolis, Minn.
Cleary, William E., water transportation, 17 South St., New York City, was born, Ellenville, Ulster Co., N.Y.; s. Patrick and Hanora (O'Brien) Cleary; ed. Ellenville, public and high schs.; m. Ellenville, N.Y., April 5, 1874, Mary Riley; children : Edward, b. 1875; Philips 11., b. 1876: William, b. 1878; Mary, b. 1883; Julia, b. 1885; Robert, b. 1887. Moved to Brooklyn, 1879; in business as merchant, canal forwarder and in general lighterage ever since; pres. Cleary Bros.; v.-p. Lake Champlain Transportation Co.; treas. Nassau Sand & Gravel Co.; dir. B'd of Trade and Transportation and Maritime Exchange, N.Y. City; mem. S. Brooklyn B'd of Trade, Terminal Com. Merchants' Assn. Active in 4th Av. Subway agitation, and in S. Brooklyn Dock Terminal improvement. Pres. Citizens' Assn of Bay Ridge and Fort Hamilton: mem. Mf'rs Assn of Brooklyn, Brooklyn League; one of the first and most persistent advocates of canal improvement, and active in securing adoption of the canal .plank in the Constitutional Convention of 1894. Clubs: Ridge (pres.), Brooklyn Democratic.
Cleveland, Frederick, lumber dealer of 70 State St., Albany, N.Y., was born, Albany, N.Y., April 22, 1874; s. Frederick and Gertrude Al. (Van Vranken) Cleveland; ed. Albany Acad., 1881--1890; m. Boonville, N.Y., Nov. 10, 1897, Anna E. Crosby; 2 d., Marion, b. 1903; Annette Crosby, b. 1914. Engaged in lumber business since 1890; now pres. Brown's Tract Lumber Co., v.-p. Kellogg Lumber Co., of Long Pond, Me.; dir. Christy, Moir Co., N.Y. City; pres. Fulton Chain Electric Co., Fulton Chain, N.Y. Republican; Presby'n. Clubs: Adirondack League Club, Old Ft. Schuyler (Utica), Ft. Orange, Albany, N.Y., Albany Country (Albany), Masonic Club, Albany.
Cleveland, Stephen Richardson, banker; born in Town of Honnsfield, Jefferson County, N.Y., May 29, 1854; son of Philander B. and Mercy (Richardson) Cleveland; attended Watertown High School; married, Watertown, N.Y., May 26, 1881, Emma C. Baker; children: Mrs. J. B. Cooper, Lou B. Engaged as civil engineer, and railroad and canal contractor for twenty-five years in various parts of U.S. and Canada. President Deer River Power Co., Eager Electric Co., vice-president Watertown National Bank; trustee Jefferson County Savings Bank; director Northern N.Y. Trust Co.; member Board of 'Water Commissioners; trustee Watertown Cemetery Association; vice-president of Municipal Improvement League. Republican; Universalist. President Board of Trustees of All Souls Church, Watertown City Hospital, Watertown Chamber of Commerce, Jefferson County Committee for Prevention of Tuberculosis. Mason. Clubs: Black River Valley, Jefferson County Golf. Residence: 261 Ten Eyck St. Office: Watertown National Bank, Watertown.
Clews, James Blanchard, banker; born Dunkirk, N.Y., Aug. 4, 1869; son of John and Sabina (Dayman) Clews, grandson of James Clews, Staffordshire, England, manufacturer of famous Clews pottery; educated in Chamberlain College; married, November, 1908, Mrs. Leta Nichols Livingston, daughter Washington Romaine Nichols, and great-granddaughter of Gen. Benjamin Romaine, first comptroller of New York and of prisonship martyr fame. First commercial training was in general offices of Red Line Transit Co., and Union Steamboat Co. of Buffalo, where knowledge of railroad and transportation business was acquired, and later became president of Toledo, Ann Arbor & Northern Michigan Railway Co. during period of reorganization. Was chairman of Ontario & Western Railroad Stockholders' Committee, which succeeded in dissolving the Voting Trust which had been in existence many years, and after several other committees had failed; has served on several reorganization committees. Member firm Henry Clews & Co., bankers, and a well-known financial writer. Director Irving Publishing Co., and New Amsterdam Casualty Co., Am. Indemnity Co.; trustee East River Savings Institution, and governor Northwestern Dispensary, also trustee of several large estates. Member Chamber of Commerce. Residence: N. E. corner Fifth Av. and 85th St. Office : 15 Broad St., N.Y. City.
Clifford, Oliver Charles, Armour Institute, Chicago, Ill., was born, Wadsworth, 0., Feb. 4, '70. Pennsylvania, '90-'91; Cornell, '92-'93, 95; A.B., Oberlin, '93; fellow, Chicago, '04-'06, Ph.D., '07. Prof. physics and chem., Tientsin, China, '95-'04; instr. physics, Armour, '06-'08, asst. prof., '08-'10, elec. eng.. '10, asst. prof., 1912. Nan Yang Col., Shanghai, 'O1-'02. Mech. Eng. Susceptibility of copper and tin alloys; hysteresis of Huesler alloys. —Magnetic properties.
Clinch, Richard Floyd, merchant, financier; attended private schools of Georgia, and Cheltenham Academy, Pa. Entered the employ of Joliet Steel Co., 1883, and was connected with same until 1889, when established, with John Crerar, the firm of Crerar, Clinch & Co.. dealers in coal and iron. Member Chicago Stock Exchange; director, Central Trust Company of Ill.; pres., Chicago Auditorium Ass'n; v.-p., Traverse City State Bank, Traverse City, Mich., Hannah & Lay Mere. Co., Traverse City, Mich., Hannah-Lay Co., Traverse City, Mich., Chamber of Commerce Safety Vault Co., Chicago, Ill. Democrat: Episcopalian. Club: Calumet, Union League, Chicago Golf. Address: Rookery, Chicago.
Cline, Cyrus, congressman, was born in Richland County, Ohio, July 12, 1856. Mr. Cline also engaged in the banking business in connection with several other gentlemen, who organized the First National Bank of Angola in November, 1903; at that time Mr. Cline was elected as its president, and has continued in that capacity for six years. Ile was elected to the sixty-first, sixty-second and sixty-third congresses as a democrat; and re-sides in Angola, Ind.
Clise, James William, banker (retired); born, Ellensboro, Wis., Dec. 16, 1855; son, Samuel Francis and Nancy (McKenzie) C. Edu.: Lancaster, Wis., common schools. Married, Anna Herr, Aug. 16, 1886, at Denver, Colo. Pres., Washington Securities Co.; dir., Dexter-Horton Natl. Bank; chairman Board, Washington Savings & Trust Co.; dir. and vice-pres., Globe Navigation Co.; pres., Northwest Inv. Co.; pres., Globe Inv. Co.; pres., Clise Inv. Co. Formerly member, Park Board. Clubs: Rainier, Arctic, Seattle Athletic, Seattle G 1f and Country; Recess (N.Y.). Res.: Redmond, Wash.; Office 207 Globe block, Seattle, Wash.
Clowry, Robert C., capitalist of 30 Church St., New York City, was born in Will Co., Ill., Sept. 8, 1838; ed. public schs.; m. Omaha, Neb., Aug. 29, 1865, Caroline A. Estabrook (died April, 1896). Began business career as telegrapher; in charge of military telegraph lines, 1863-1866; bvt'd lieut.-col. U.S. V.; after war, served in various capacities with Western Union Telegraph Co., of which later became dir., pres. & gen. mg'r., and also of its subsidiary companies. Dir. Texas & Pacific R.R., Nat. Bond & Mortgage Co., Equitable Trust Co. Mem. Mil. Order Loyal Legion of N.Y. Clubs: Metropolitan, Lotos, Railroad (N.Y. City), Sleepy Hollow Country, Ardsley, Chicago Commercial (Chicago).
Cluness, William Robert, physician and surgeon; born, Ontario, Canada, Dec. 29, 1835; son, David and Annie (Ross) C. Edu.: public schools; Bailey's Select School, London, Canada; Watson's Private School; Univ. of Queen's College, Kingston, Canada; A.B., 1855; M.D., 1859, M.R.C.S., 1876. Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons. Honorary member Sacramento Society of Medical Improvement. Married, Mary Laird, Sept. 19, 1863, at Petaluma, Cal. Elected Med. Dir., Pacific Mutual Life Ins. Co., of Cal., in 1869, and was annually re-elected for 40 years, when resigned, since which time he has practically retired. Member: Am. Med. Assn., Academy of Sciences, Am. Academy of Sciences, Med. Soc. of State of Cal. Address: 900 Union St., Alameda, Cal.
Coapman, Eugene H., vice-president and general manager Southern Ry. Office Washington, D. C. Born Aug. 11, 1865. Entered railway service 1880 as messenger boy, Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry., since which he has been consecutively, 1880 to 1883, operator same road; 1883 to 1886, train dispatcher, chief train dispatcher and superintendent telegraph Iowa Central Ry.; 1886 to April 1, 1890, train dispatcher Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry.; May 1, 1890, to 1901, train dispatcher, chief train dispatcher and trainmaster Illinois Central Rd. at Clinton, Ill.; March 1, 1901, to June 1, 1902, trainmaster Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. in Arizona; June 15, 1902, to Dec., 1905, superintendent Danville division Southern Ry.; Dec., 1905, to Nov., 1906, assistant general superintendent eastern district same road at Greensboro, N.C.; Nov., 1906, to Nov., 1907, general superintendent same district; Nov., 1907, to Jan., 1908, manager same district; Jan., 1908, to Jan., 1910, manager entire system; Jan., 1910, to date, general manager same road; Oct., 1910, to date, also vice-president same road.
Cobb, William Henry, clergyman and librarian of Boston, Mass., was born April 2, 1846, in Rochester, Mass. In 1872 he was ordained to the ministry; and in 1878-87 was pastor in Uxbridge, Mass. Since 1887, he has been librarian of the Congregational library of Boston, Mass. He is the author of "A Criticism of Systems of Hebrew Metre," and other works.
Cobble, Lewis M., lawyer; born Midway, Tenn., April 27, 1866; German descent; son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Smith) Cobble; father's occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents Phillip and Sally Cobble; maternal grandmother Sarah Smith; educated at Mosheim College; in early life practiced dentistry; married Laura M. Taylor, July, 1886; member J.0.U.A.M.; Republican; admitted to bar Greeneville, Tenn., Feb. 20, 1897; elected justice of the peace, May 25, 1907; elected chairman of Highway Commission, Greene Co., Tenn., Jan., 1909, which position he held for two years and six months. Appointed postmaster at Midway, Tenn., Sept. 23, 1909, which position he held until the 15th day of Nov., 1913, having resigned same, member of the K. of P.; member of the Methodist church; engaged in farming at Midway, Tenn.
Cobe, Ira Maurice, investment banker; born Boston, Mass., Oct. 29, 1866; son of: Mark H. and Eva (Morris) Cobe; educated in the public schools of Lawrence, Mass., and Boston University; married, Belfast, Maine, 1892, Annie E. Watts. Admitted to bar of Suffolk County, Mass., 1888; removed to Chicago and joined in establishing firm of Cobe & McKinnon, 1892; joined in organizing the Assets Realization Co., 1898, and has been its first vice-president to 1913, president since that date. In 1910 was leading spirit in accomplishing the merger of Chicago South Side Traction lines under the title of Chicago City and Connecting Railways. Chairman of Committee of the Chicago City and Connecting Railways; director Chicago Title and Trust Co., Calumet & South Chicago Railway Co., Hammond, Whiting & East Chicago Railway Co., Bitter Root Valley Irrigation Co., Southern Street Railway Co.; partner Cobe & McKinnon. Chairman of Executive Committee Chicago Surface Lines. Recreations: Motoring, horseback riding, yachting. Clubs: Midday, Chicago Automobile (former president), Hamilton, South Shore Country, Chicago Athletic Association (Chicago); The Recess (N.Y. City). Residence: 5825 Blackstone Av. Office : 800 First National Bank Building, Chicago.
Cochran, Harry A., Coal Freight Agent Baltimore & Ohio Rd. Office. Baltimore, Md. Born Jan. 14, 1871, at Clarinda, Ia. Educated in the grammar and high schools of New California, O. Entered railway service 1892 as stenographer to local freight agent Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Ry., since which he has been consecutively Oct. 25, 1895, to April 17, 1897, stenographer to general freight agent Ohio Southern Rd. at Spring-field, 0.; April 17, to Aug. 1, 1897, chief clerk to commercial freight agent Baltimore & Ohio Rd. at Wheeling, W.Virginia; Aug. 1, 1897, to March 13, 1898, assistant secretary to general freight agent same road at Pittsburgh, Pa.; March 13, 1898, to Sept. 1, 1899, secretary to coal and coke agent same road at Pittsburgh; Sept. 1, 1899, to Jan. 1, 1905, chief clerk same office; Jan. 1, 1905, to Sept. 1, 1911, assistant coal and coke agent same road at Cleveland, O.; Sept. 1, 1911, to date, coal freight agent same road at Baltimore, Md.
Cochran, John W., banker; born Colita, Texas, Aug. 13, 1859; son of Travis S. and Sallie (Plainer) Cochran; received a common school education in Texas; married, Moscow, Texas, March 17, 1887, Nettie E. Smith; children: John W., Willie S., Cary L., Truman S., Ernest. Was reared on a farm; entered mercantile business, Moscow, Texas, 1881; went to Livingston, Texas, 1894, .and continued mercantile business under firm name J. W. Cochran & Co., of which he is now president; entered banking business, 1902; president First National Bank of Livingston, Texas. Democrat; Baptist. Director Baptist Sanitarium, Houston, Texas. Mason, Knight of Honor. Address: Livingston.
Cochran, William Bourke, lawyer and congressman; born in County Sligo, Ireland, Feb. 28, 1854; son of Martin and Harriet (Knight) Cochran. He was educated in France and Ireland, came to the United States in 1871, and soon after was appointed teacher in a private academy, afterward becoming principal of a public school in Westchester County, N.Y. While engaged in teaching, he read law, and in 1876 was admitted to practice in the Supreme. Court of New York, and he has ever since practiced law in New York City. Mr. Cochran is one of the leading exponents of the forensic act in the United States, has delivered numerous notable addresses and orations, and during his service in Congress has been one of the most brilliant of the speakers and debaters on the minority side. He has been active in municipal, State and local polities; was a member of the Fiftieth Congress, 1887-1889; member of the Commission to revise the Judiciary Article of the Constitution of the State of New York.; member of the 52d and 53d Congress, 1891-1895; opposed the platform adopted by the National Democratic Convention at Chicago in 1896, and voted for McKinley. In November, 1896, at Chickering Hall, New York City, addressed the first public meeting in favor of intervention by the United States Government to terminate the perpetration of barbarities in Cuba, and at the Academy of Music, New York City, in January, 1899, addressed the first meeting in opposition to forcible annexation on conquest of the Philippines. In 1900 Mr. Cochran supported Mr. Bryan for President on the ground of opposition to Imperialism. Ile was elected at the special election held Feb. 23, 1904, to the 58th Congress from the Twelfth New York District, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of George B. McClellan, and was re-elected to the 59th and 60th Congresses, his service expiring March 4, 1909. Since his retirement from Congress he has devoted himself to the practice of his profession. Mr. Cochran married in New York City, Nov. 15, 1906, Anne Stevenson Ide. Residence: The Cedars, Port Washington, N.Y. Office: 31 Nassau Street, New York City.
Cockrum, John B., General Attorney Lake Erie & Western, Fort Wayne, Cincinnati & Louisville Rds. and Northern Ohio Ry. Office, Indianapolis, Ind. Born Sept. 12, 1857, at Oakland City, Ind. Educated at Oakland City normal and high schools and at Cincinnati Law School. Entered railway service 1892,since which he has been consecutively to June 10, 1895. assistant general attorney Lake Erie & Western and Fort Wayne, Cincinnati & Louisville Rds.; June 10, 1895, to date, general attorney same roads; fall of 1895 to date, also general attorney Northern Ohio Ry.
Coes, John Henry, banker; born Springfield, Mass., Sept. 25. 1840; son of Aury Gates and Nancy (Maynard) Coes; descendant of John Coes, who came from England and settled in Worcester, Mass., previous to Revolutionary War; educated in public schools and Leicester and Wilbraham Academies; married, Worcester, Mass., Feb. 5, 1874, Arnie Brownell Hadwen. Entered father's business and learned trade of manufacturing wrenches; became member of firm of A. G. Coes & Co., 1869, which in 1888 became Coes Wrench Co., treasurer of same; disposed of interest in 1902; president and member of Finance Committee Mechanics' Savings Batik; director and member Executive Committee Worcester Trust Co. Member Sons of American Revolution. Mason. Clubs: Commonwealth, Worcester, Tatnuck Country (Worcester); Massachusetts Agricultural (Boston). Residence: 1058 Main St. Office: Worcester Mechanics Savings Bank.
Coit, Stanton, Ph.D. (Berlin University), lecturer, author, was born August 11, 1857, in Columbus, O. He is president of the West London Ethical Society, Church Comprehension League, and Ethical Preachers' Guild, and preaches regularly at the Ethical Church, Queen's Road, Bayswater, London. He is the author of "The Soul of America," National Idealism and a State Church, National Idealism and the Book of Common Prayer, Woman in Church and State, The Spiritual Nature of Man, etc.; and compiler of The Message of Man and Social Worship (1913).
Coffin, Joseph Herschel, of 245 College Ave., Richmond, Ind., was born, Thorntown, Ind., Jan. 12, '80. B.S., Penn. (la.), '02, A.M., '04; Ph.D., Cornell, '08. Asst. psychol., Cornell, '05-'07; prof. philos. and psychol., Earlham '07- Author "The Socialized Conscience," 1913; "The Phycho-Social Principles of Education," 1914.
Colahan, John Barron, Jr., lawyer; born in Philadelphia, May 18, 1848. He was educated in Saunders' Institute St. Joseph's College and the Philadelphia High School, whence he was graduated, 1866. He began the study of law under his father, a distinguished member of the Philadelphia Bar, also attending the Law Department of the University of Pennsylvania, was admitted to the bar in 1869, and established in practice in Philadelphia. He soon became known as an expert in real estate law and the investigation of titles to property, and built up a large practice. Mr. Colahan has served as counsel in litigated eases affecting cases of vast importance, including the court proceedings brought by the heirs of the late Joseph Dugan, General Robert Patterson and Francis A. Drexel. He was one of the principal factors in the organization of the Real Estate Title and Insurance Company of Philadelphia, and was for a long time a director of The Land Title and Trust Company. He was for years chairman of the Board of Censors of the Law of Philadelphia, has been president of the Pennsylvania Bar Association and chairman of its Executive Committee, and vice president of the American Bar Association. He was an active member of the Committee of Fifty in Philadelphia and chair-man of its Committee on Nominations, and was president of the Twenty-seventh Ward Republican Club. He was for many years president of the Belmont. Cricket Club of Philadelphia, and president of the Associated Cricket Clubs of Philadelphia; and is treasurer of the Philadelphia Fencing and Sparring Club and secretary of the Hamilton Club. One of the Penna. Commission to prepare laws on Industrial Accidents and Workmen's Compensation. Governor and Vice Pres. Welcome Society. Vice Pres. and Director West Phila. Institute. Delegate to the Convention of Lawyers and Jurists at St. Louis. Mr. Colahan married April 14. 1873, Mary Ophelia Cowton. Address: 4004 Pine Street, Philadelphia.
Colaneri, Rt. Rev. Augustine M., born Feb. 28, 1853, at Rome, Italy. educated at Rome: studied theology at the Grande Seminary, Montreal, Can.; was ordained priest December IS, 1875; secretary to the Apostolic Ablegate to Canada, Mgr. G. Conroy, 1877; arrived in Omaha June 20, 1878, was made secretary to the Bishop of Omaha; was chancellor of the diocese, 1885; Vicar General of the diocese, June 27, 1902; created prothonotary apostolic ad instar by Pope Pius X.. July 17, 1905. Add., Omaha. Neb.
Colby, Bainbridge, lawyer, of 32 Nassau St., New York City, was born, St. Louis, Mo., 1870; s. John Peek and Frances (Bainbridge) Colby; Williams Coll., A.B. (Alpha Delta Phi. Phi Beta Kappa). Mem. law firm of Colby & Goldbeck. Mem. N.Y. Legislature, 1902. Republican Co. Coin. (N.Y.). Formerly mem. Troop A.N.G.N.Y. Clubs: Metropolitan. University, Lawyers, Republican, Alpha Delta Phi, Rockaway Hunting.
Cole, Edward Franklyn, merchant (retired), P.O. Box 508, New York City, was born, Brooklyn, Jan. 4. 1860; son of Edward Hall and Catherine Bullard (Chase) Cole; grad. Columbia Univ., A.B., 1886, A.M., 1887; married (first), Feb. 9, 1895, Evelyn J. Elliott (died Sept. 3, 1904); (second), Aug. 15, 1906, Mary Lee Withers. Acting treas. Eaton, Cole & Burnham Co. (Bridge-port, Conn., and N.Y. City), 1890-1906. Mem. Universalist Ch. Mem. Economic Club. N.Y. City. Nat. Geog. Soc., Washington, D.C., L.I. Historical Soc., N.Y. Hist. Soc., N.Y. Zool. Soc., Met. Museum of Art, Nat. Sculpture Soc., Dunlap Soc., Phi Gamma Delta, Kane Lodge, F. and A.M.; dir. N.Y. Board Trade and Transportation. Recreation: Collecting Library. Clubs: N.Y. Athletic, Lotos, Ardsley, Columbia Univ. (N.Y. City); Hamilton (Brooklyn); Englewood Golf, Royal Automobile (London). Address: Times Building, Forty-second street and Broadway, New York City.
Cole, Fay Cooper, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Illinois, Ethnology. Plainwell, Michigan, '81; KS. Northwestern, '03; Chicago, '03-05; Columbia, '05-06; Berlin, '06. Ethnologist, Field Museum of Natural History, '06-12; assistant curator. '12. Fellow Am. Assoc.; Anthrop. Assn.; Nat. Geograph. Soc.; Chicago Geog. Soc.; Wis. Archeol. Soc.; Chicago Press Club; Chi-cago Writers' Guild. He is a successful writer and lecturer. His principal writings are: The Tinggian; Distribution of Non-Christian Tribes of Northern Luzon, Philippine Islands; Wild Tribes of Davao District, Mindanao; Philippine Ethnology.
Cole, Frank Clayton, attorney and counselor at law, of 67 Wall St., New York City, was born, Chagrin Falls, Ohio, July 12, 1879; s. Harry L. and Helen Elizabeth (Williams) Cole; grad. Ohio Wesleyan Univ., A.B., 1903; Columbia Univ., LLB., 1906; hon. A.M., Ohio Wesleyan Univ., 1908; unmarried. Studied procedure and methods of U. S. Patent Office, Washington, D.C., 1906-1907, making preliminary and validity searches therein. Associated with Hon. Thomas Ewing, N.Y., in practice of patent law, 1907-1913, and succeeded to his patent law business, Aug., 1913, Mr. Ewing being appt'd Comm'r of Patents. N.Y. Mem. firm Dorsey & Cole. Republican. Methodist Episcopalian. Mem. Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity, Ohio Wesleyan Alumni Ass 'n of N. Y. City. Clubs: Graduates (N.Y. City), Marine and Field (Bath Beach).
Cole, Frank Nelson, Columbia University, New York, N.Y., was born, Ashland. Mass., Sept. 20, '61. A.B., Harvard, '82, Ph.D., '86; Leipzig and Gottingen, '83-87. Lecturer math., Harvard, '85-87; instr., Michigan, '88-89, asst. prof., '89-95; prof., Columbia, 95- Math. Soc. (sec'y, 95-, NI. 97-). Theory of groups; theory of numbers: mathematical organization.
Cole, Harry Newton, of 702 Forest Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich., was born, Cuba, N.Y., March 27, '70. A.B., Michigan, '01, B.S. (Ch.E.), '06. Instr. anal. chem. Michigan. '07- M.A.A.; Chem. Soc.; Electrochem. Soc.; Am. Geog. Soc. Metallurgy.—Rate of hydration of lime.
Coleman, Clarence, civil engineer of United States Engineer's office, Duluth, Minn., was born April 4, 1849, in Jerdone Castle, Virginia He has been assistant engineer of the Houston and Texas Railway, chief engineer of the Houstonia Railroad, chief engineer of the Santa Fe Southern Railroad and chief engineer of the Arminius Copper Mine Company; engineer member of the Board of Public Works and assistant engineer of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway. He is United States assistant engineer on river and harbor work.
Coleman, D'Alton Corry, general superintendent Alberta Division Canadian Pacific Ry. Office Calgary, Alberta. Born July 9, 1879, at Carleton Place, Ont. Educated in the public and high schools. Entered railway service Nov. 4, 1899, since which he has been consecutively to Jan. 11, 1900, clerk assistant engineer's office Canadian Pacific Ry. at Ft. William, Ont.; Jan. 11, 1900, to July 4, 1900. clerk superintendent's office same place: July 4, 1900, to Sept. 22, 1900, clerk general superintendent's office at Winnipeg, Man.; Sept. 22, 1900, to Jan. 28, 1901, clerk superintendent's office at Ft. William; Jan. 28, 1901, to June 28, 1902, chief clerk superintendent's office at Cranbrook, B.C.; Jan. 28, 1902, to Feb. 1, 1904, chief clerk general superintendent's office at North Bay, Ont.; Feb. 1, 1904, to March 1, 1907, chief clerk general superintendent's office at Winnipeg; March 1 to June 1, 1907. chief clerk assistant general manager's office same place; June 1, 1907, to Dec. 1, 1908, superintendent Third district Pacific division at Nelson, B.C.; Dec. 1, 1908, to April 1, 1912, superintendent car service western lines at Winnipeg; April 1, 1912, to July 15, 1913, general superintendent Manitoba division at Winnipeg: July 15, 1913, to date, general superintendent Alberta division at Calgary, entire service with the Canadian Pacific Ry.
Collett, Samuel D., engineer, 105 W. 40th St.. N.Y. City, born, Newport, Ind.; s. Stephen Stevenson and Sarah J. (Dunlap) Collett; ed. High Sch.; Kanawha Mil. Acad., Charleston, W.Virginia; Rose Poly. Inst., Terre Haute, Ind., B.S., M.S., M.E. Traveled extensively abroad and in U.S., on business and pleasure; vice-pres. Elevator Supply & Repair Co.; dir. Rood's Express Co.; asso. mem. Am. Inst. Elec. Eng'rs, Am. Soc. Mech. Eng'rs; Knights of Pythias; Masonic Order (Chapter, Knights Templar, Shriner). Clubs: Building Trades, Engineers.
Collier, James William, congressman, was born near Vicksburg, Miss., Sept. 28, 1872. In 1895 he was elected a member of the lower house of the Mississippi Legislature, being the youngest member of that body; was elected circuit clerk of Warren County in 1899 and reelected without opposition in 1903 and 1907. In 1900 he married Miss Emma H. Klein; they have two children. He was a member of the sixty-first and sixty-second congresses; was re-elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Vicksburg, Miss.
Collin, Frederick, jurist, of Elmira, N.Y., was born, Benton, N.Y., Aug. 2, 1850; s. Henry Clark and Maria Louisa (Park) Collin; grad. Yale Coll., A.B., A.M.; married. Admitted to bar, Elmira, N.Y., 1876; elected judge Court of Appeals for term expiring 1920. Was corp'n counsel, 1891-1892; mayor of Elmira, 1894-1898; pres. B'd Ed'n, 1887-1894 and 1899-1910.
Collins, George, general manager Central Ontario Ry. Office Trenton, Ont. Born July 20, 1860, at Wellers Bay, Ont. Educated in the Trenton public schools. Entered railway service 1882 as clerk Central Ontario Ry., since which he has been consecutively, 1884 to May, 1892, general freight and passenger agent; May, 1892, to April 1, 1894. secretary and treasurer, and April 1, 1894, to Oct. 15, 1902, general superintendent; Oct. 15, 1902, to May 15, 1906, receiver and manager same road : May 15, 1906, to July 1, 1914, general manager same road; July 1, 1914, to date, supt. Canadian Northern Ry. Eastern Lines.
Collins, Katharine Richards, Georgia State Board of Health, Atlanta, Ga. Bacteriology. New Albany, Ind., March 23, 1863. M.D., Michigan, 1893. Practicing physician, Atlanta, Ga., 1894-1902; fellow, Rockefeller Inst., 1902-03; bacteriologist and asst. director, research lab., Dept. Health, N.Y. City, 1903-08; asst. director, Ga. State Board Health, 1908. F.A.A.; Ass. Path. and Bact.; Soc. Exp. Biol.; Ass. Tuber.; Am. Med. Ass.; Pub. Health Ass.; S. Med. Ass.; Ga. State Med. Soc.; N.Y. Path. Soc.; Southern Women's College Club; Council for Ga. Congress of Mothers. Bacillary dysentery; agglutinins; pneumococcus and glanders normal dejceta in children.—The production of agglutinins; intestinal putrefaction; diphtheria antitoxin.
Collins, Michael J., general purchasing agent Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. Office: Chicago, Ill. Born March 18, 1861, at Chicago, Ill. Graduated from St. Patrick's Academy at Chicago, 1877. Entered railway service 1877 as messenger boy Michigan Central Rd. at Chicago, since which he has been consecutively, 1878, to 1880, clerk local office same road at Chicago, 1880 to 1.886, chief clerk superintendent's office and trainmaster same road; 1887 to 1893, stationer and general clerk Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe Rd.; 1893 to 1901, chief clerk purchasing department; 1901 to 1909, assistant general purchasing agent same road; 1909 to date, general purchasing agent same road.
Colman, Samuel, artist; born in Portland, Maine, March, 1832; son of Samuel and Pamela. Atkins (Chandler) Colman. He studied art for many years in various European cities—Madrid, Paris, Dresden and London. He is a landscape painter and works both in oil and in water colors. His principal pictures are: Ships of the Western Plains, now in the possession of the Union League Club; Moonrise, Venice; and Spanish Peaks, in the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art; and Mosque of Side Bou Hae, Tlemein, Algeria, in the Astor Library. He has traveled extensively through Europe, Africa, Mexico and California. Mr. Colman was made an associate number of the National Academy of Design in 1860, and received to full membership in 1864. He was one of the founders and the first president of the American Water Color Society. He is at. present engaged in an investigation of the principles of angular magnitude, resulting from polar force in its relation to beauty and proportional form, disclosing the application of these principles to the study of art, as well as to architecture. This investigation is now published by G. P. Putnam's Sons, under the title of Nature's Harmonic Unity. He was married first, at Irvington, New York, in 1862, to Anne L. Dunham; second at Newport, R.I., in 1903 to Lillie M. Gaffney. Address: 267 Central Park West, N.Y. City.
Colnon, Aaron J., lawyer, Criminal Courts Bldg., New York City, was born, Potsdam, N.Y., Aug. 5, 1870; s. John W. and Harriet (Perkins) Colnon; grad. Cornell Univ., Litt.B., 1903; LL.B., 1904; in N.Y. City, 1902, Elizabeth Diffin. Att'y for Fidelity & Casualty Co., 7 years; private practice 10 years; asst dist. att'y since 1911. Served in navy on U.S.S. Kankee during the Spanish-Am. War. Independent Democrat; Roman Catholic. Mem. Ass'n Bar City of N.Y., Med. Jurisprudence Soc., Theta Delta Chi fraternity, Spanish War Veterans, Knights of Columbus. Recreations: Golf, Boating. Clubs: Cornell Univ., Arcanum Yacht.
Colquitt, Oscar Branch, governor of Texas, was born Dec. 16, 1861, in Camilla, Mitchell County, Georgia. He was educated in the public and private schools of Georgia and Texas, and is a newspaperman and attorney by profession. In 1894 he was elected a member of the Texas State Senate from the Ninth District for a term of four years; in 1899 he was appointed a member of the State Tax Commission to revise the revenue laws of the state; in 1902 he was elected member of the Railroad Commission and served until he was inaugurated as governor on Jan. 17, 1911. He is now serving his third term ending in 1915.
Colt, LeBaron Bradford, United States senator from Rhode Island, was born June 25, 1846, in Dedham, Mass. He was a representative in the State Legislature of Rhode Island in 1879 and 1880, and in 1881 was appointed United States district judge for the district of Rhode Island. In 1881-1913 he was judge of the First Judicial Circuit Court of the United States. He was elected a member of the United States Senate for the term of 1913-19 : and resides in Bristol, R.I.
Coltharp, Robert Dudley, banker; born Monroe Co., Tenn., Oct. 11, 1879; son of S. J. and Maggie (Edgemond) Coltharp; paternal grandfather J. 11. Coltharp; paternal grandmother Susan (Evans) Coltharp; maternal grandfather William Edgemond: maternal grandmother Martha (Hardy) Edgemond; English descent; graduate of Hiwassee College, B.S. degree, May 26, 1903; married Sarah Ida Boyd, Aug. 22, 1906; member Vonore lodge No. 658 F. and A. M.; a stockholder and cashier, Bank of Vonore; member Baptist church Vonore, Tenn.
Colton, George Radcliffe, governor of the Territory of Porto Rico, was born April 10, 1865, in Galesburg, Ill. He is governor of Porto Rico for the term of 1909-13; and resides in San Juan, Porto Rico.
Colvin, Addison Beecher, banker, publisher, manufacturer; born Glens Falls, Dec. 15, 1858; son of Col. Hiram K. and Ann M. (Cowles) Colvin; student of Glens Falls Academy for brief period; married, Fonda, N.Y., May 16, 1883, Marie Louise Hees; three daughters. Established, June 21, 1879, Glens Falls Daily Times, first daily newspaper in State north of Troy, being then youngest editor a daily paper in U.S.; made a success of paper, and has always been active in promotion of industry and commerce in Glens Falls. Organized Jan. 3, 1898, and since president Glens Falls Trust Co.; president Glens Falls Publishing Co.; Montauk Shirt Co., Empire Real Estate and Theatre Co.; chair-man Executive Committee and majority stockholder in First National Bank of Argyle, N.Y.; has also owned and disposed of interests in other companies of various kinds; owner of Colvin Building, Glens Falls. New York State treasurer 1894-1898. Republican; delegate to National Republican Convention, 1896; Presbyterian. Life member of National Commercial Travellers Association; honorary member of 18th Separate Co., Glens Falls, and of State Firemen's Association; honorary member Edgar M. Wing Post of Grand Army of Republic. Clubs: Saratoga Golf (Saratoga); Glens Falls (Glens Falls). Residence: 271 Glen St. Office: Glens Falls Trust Co., Glens Falls.
Colvin, Fred H., mech. eng'r, editor; b. Sterling, Mass., Oct. 5, 1867; s. Henry F. and Hattie E. (Roper) Colvin; ed. public schs., Providence, R.I., and Philadelphia; m. March 3, 1890, Mary K. Loring; children: Charles H., b. March 4, 1893; Henry F., b. March 28, 1898; Roger P., b. Aug. 31, 1901 (d. July 18, 1905). Editor, Machinery, 1894-1897, asso. editor Locomotive Engineering, 1897-1902; mn'g editor, American Machinist. Unitarian. Mem. Am. Soc. Mech. Eng'rs, Franklin Inst. (Phila.), Am. Air Brake Assn. Address: 56 N. Maple Av., East Orange, N.J.
Combs, Eli Sparks, banker, merchant; born in Christian County, III., Nov. 7, 1861; son of Jacob J. and Sarah A. (Whitaker) Combs; educated in public schools; married, Decatur, Ill.. Oct. 29, 1883, Ida M. Morris; children: Clarence, Earl, Edmond S., Mabel, Claude E., Albert E., Klyde M. Farmed until twenty-eight years of age; in retail lumber business, fourteen years; banker and merchant eleven years, during which time has had an insurance and real estate business. President and director of the First National Bank, and E. S. Combs, Implements; director O. H. Paddock Lumber Co. Was supervisor of township six years, also president and trustee village of Findlay, ten years. Democrat; Methodist. President Public School Board. Mason, Odd Fellow, Modern Woodman. Address: Findlay.
Comstock, Anthony, Sec. N. Y. Soc. for Suppression of Vice; 140 Nassau St., New York City, was born New Canaan, Conn., Mar. 7, 1844; s. Thomas Anthony and Polly Ann (Lockwood) Comstock; ed. dist. Sch. and Wyckoff's Acad., New Canaan, and one year in New Britain (Conn.) High Sch.; in. Brooklyn, Jan. 25, 1871, Margaret Hamilton; children : Adele R., b. 1883, and one deceased. Volunteered Dec., 1863, in 17th Conn. Vols.; served under Gen. Gilmore in 3d Separate Brigade, Dep't of South; hon. discharge, July, 1865; came to N. Y. City, 1867; worked consecutively as porter, stock clerk and salesman in wholesale dry goods houses, 1867-1873. Made first seven arrests of venders of obscene books, Mar. 3, 1872, and has been sec. and chief special agent N. Y. Soc. for Suppression of Vice since its incorporation in 1873. Appt'd sp'l agent (now called insp.) Post-office Dept Mar. 5, 1873, and until Jan., 1909, served Gov't of U. S. in that capacity without salary. Has made over three thousand seven hundred arrests and seized more than 170 tons of obscene literature and other contraband matter. Republican. Mem. Central Presby'n Ch., Summit, N. J. Has been prominent in Y. M. C. A. work. Author: Frauds Exposed; Gambling Outrages; Morals vs. Art; Traps for the Young. Recreations: Cabinet work with tools and philatelist.
Comstock, Charles Worthington, of Denver, Colo. Engineering, mathematical physics. Maroa, Ill., Feb. 10, 1870. E.M., C.E., Solo Sch. of Mines, 1890; M.C.E., Cornell, 1894, Ph.D., 1898. Instr. civil eng., Cornell, 1890-92; asst. to Geo. S. Morison, civil engineer, 1892-93; instr. civil eng., Cornell, 1893-97; prof. mining eng., Colo. Sch. of Mines, 1897-02; practicing civil and mining engineer, 1902-09; state engineer, Colo., 1909-13; engineering manager, The Goldsborough Co., 1912. .F.A.A. (sec'y, D., 1901); civil eng.; min. Deng.; mech. eng.; assoc. elec. eng.; Colo. Sci. Soc. (sec'y, 1898-1900); Int. Assn. Prom. Quaternions; London Inst. Min. and Metl.; N. of England Inst. Min. and Mech. Eng. Elasticity of solids, especially in its engineering applications; hydraulics; electricity.
Comstock, Clarence Elmer, of Bradley Polytechnic Institute, Peoria, Ills. was born, Galesburg, Ills., May 5, 66. A.B., Knox 88, A.M., 91; Hopkins, 92-93, 94-95; Chicago, 95-96. Instr. Math. and English, Blackburn, 88-89; math. Knox, 89-92, 93-94; Princeton-Yale Sch., Chicago, 96-97; Bradley Polytech. Inst., 97-02, prof. 02— F.A.A; Math. Soc.; Eng. Educ.; Cent. Ass. Sci. and Math. Teachers (pres. 06); Math. Assc. England.
Comstock, Daniel Frost, scientist, engineer; b. Newport, R. I., Aug. 14, 1883; s. Ezra Young and Nellie Preston (Barr) C.; S.B., Mass. Inst. Tech., 1904; studied U. of Berlin, 1905; U. of Zurich, 1905-6; U. of Basel, 1906, Ph.D.; studied U. of Cambridge, Eng., 1906-07, under J. J. Thomson; unmarried. Apptd. to teaching staff, Mass. Inst. Tech., 1904, instr. in theoretical physics, 1905-10, asst. prof. since April, 1910. Consulting engr. since 1910; mem. firm Comstock & Wescott, Inc., 1912-14, since Kalmus, Comstock & Wescott, Inc., Industrial research. Fellow Am. Acad. Arts and Sciences, A.A.A.S.; mem. Am. Inst. of Social Sciences, Am. Physical Soc., Am. Chem. Soc.. Am. Electro-Chem. Soc. Club: University. Contbr. orginal research articles on modern theory of electricity and optics to Am. and English tech. jours. Home: 1477 Beacon St., Brookline, Mass. Address: Mass. Inst. of Technology, Boston.
Comstock, Louis K., electric engineer of 30 Church St., New York City; born Kenosha, Wis., Jan. 8, 1865; son Charles Henry and Mercy Carolyn (Bronson) Comstock; graduated University of Michigan, Ph.B., 1888; married, New York City, Sept. 12, 1902, Anne Stevens Wilson; one child, Thomas Brownell, born 1904. Engaged in electrical and mechanical engineering since graduation; three years superintendent construction Western Electric Company; four years electrical and mechanical engineer George A. Fuller Company; traveled in Mexico, West Indies, Central and South America and Europe; since Jan. 1, 1904; president and director L. K. Comstock and Company, Inc. Member American Society Mechanical Engineers, American Institute Electrical Engineers, Western Society Engineers, American Electrochemical Society, Delta Kappa Epsilon Association. Clubs: The Engineers, Republican, Railroad, Whitehall and University Club (Chicago).
Condra, George Evert, of Lincoln, Nebr., was born, Seymour, Ia., Feb. 2, 69. B.S., Nebraska, 97, A.M., 98, Ph.D.., 01. Head, science dept, Lincoln Nor. Sch. 92-96; high sch. Lincoln, 96-02; instr. geog. and econ. geol., Nebraska, 02-03, asst. prof. 03-01, assoc. prof., 04-05, prof. 05-, head of dept. Geography and Conservation 08-. Asst. Nebr. Geol. Surv., 96-02, asst. state geologist, 02-; prof. geog. summer session, Cornell, 07-12; chairman, Nebr. Conservation Commission, 08 M.A.A.: Ass. Geog.; Micros. Soc.; Nat. Geog. Soc.; Nebr. Acad. (pres. 09); Nebr. Sci. Teachers' Assn. (pres. 98). Cora. Natl. Ass 'n of Conservation-Commissioners; member Exec. Con. Natl. Cons. Congress; chairman 1914-15. Coal measure Bryozoa of Nebraska; Geography of Nebraska and agricultural geology of Nebraska; water supply; opening of the Indian Territory; sand and gravel resources and industries of Nebraska. Sand and gravel resources; land erosion; soil areas of Nebraska: agricultural geography and geology of the Great Plains.
Conklin, Roland Ray, banker, capitalist of 1 Wall St., New York City; was born, Urbana, Ill., Feb. 1. 1858; s. Joseph Okell and Julia Louise (Hunt) Conklin; of Scotch-English descent; immediate ances. John Conklin, settled North Shore of L. I., 1640; ed. Champaign, Ill.; grad. University of Ill., 1880; honorary Litt. M., 7890; in. Paris, France, May 4, 1898, Mary Macfadden; children: Julia Cecilia, b. Feb. 1, 1899; Roland Hunt, b. June 23, 1901; Rosemary, b. July 20, 1908. In real estate business at Kansas City, 1880-1892; founder and mem. largest real estate firm in Southern Kan., which developed vast resources of great West; headquarters were removed to New York City, 1893, same year the famous panic occurred, which drove company into liquidation; reorganization was effected, under N. Am. Trust Co., conducting general banking business. Company was appt'd fiscal agent for U. S. Gov't in Cuba, 1898, being first Am. company to begin business in Cuba after war. Elected v.-p., of corp 'n 1890, and resigned, 1899. Undertook numerous financial operations for development of Cuba, which have attained marked success. Was one of the principal organizers and founders of Nat. Bank of Cuba, Havana Telephone Co., and Cuban Telephone Co.; has been instrumental in reorganizing and consolidating numerous sugar cos., now being v.-p. Central Cuba Sugar Co., owning and operating four mills; v.p. Central Moron Sugar Co., Jucaro & Moron Ry. Co. Developed system of railways and sugar mills, which is now engaged in combining and bldg. in Cuba; company operates the oldest r'y in Cuba, and with completion of about 300 miles of new road, and several sugar mills, company will open up richest sugar dist. on island. Has spent much time in travel, having made many trips abroad. Pres. Bunting Ass. Recreation : Collecting for valuable library. Clubs: St. Nicholas, Automobile of America, Lotos, City Lunch, Nassau Country, Huntington Country, Seawanhaka, Corinthian Yacht, Huntington Yacht, Am. of Havana, Havana Country. Residences: (Country) Rosemary Farm, Huntington, L. T. (has been residence of family since 1663), (City): 55th St. & 7th Ave.
Conley, William G., attorney-general of West Virginia, was born Jan. 8, 1866, in Kingwood, W. Virginia, of Scotch-Irish parentage. He received a thorough education and graduated from West Virginia University with the degree of LL.B. For many years he was engaged in educational work and has been county superintendent of the free schools of Preston County, W. Virginia He was also mayor of Parsons for one term. He is one of the rising lawyers of his state, and for two terms was states attorney for Tucker County, W. Virginia He is also the editor of the Parsons City Advocate, and contributes extensively to current literature. Mr. Conley was a member of the Congressional Committee of the Second West Virginia District; chairman of the Republican Executive Committee of his county; and one of the assistant secretaries of the St. Louis convention that nominated McKinley for president in 1896. Since 1908 he has been attorney-general of West Virginia for term ending in 1913; and resides in Charleston, W. Virginia
Connelly, John R., United States congressman from the sixth district of Kansas, was born Feb. 27, 1870, near Mount Sterling, Ill. He is editor and publisher of the Colby Free Press. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Colby, Kan.
Conner, Charles H., rancher and statesman of Eureka, Mont., was born Feb. 4, 1867, in Waseca County, Mont. He is a successful rancher; and has held several terms of office in the union of the W.F.M. In 1912 he was elected a representative to the Montana State Legislature from Cascade County on the Fusion ticket and from Lincoln County on the Socialist ticket; and is the first Socialist member to be elected to that office in Montana.
Conner, Daniel Marion, judge; born, near Marion, Grant County, Ind., Mar. 12, 1843; son Lewis and Orpha (Reeves) C. Edu. district schools; studied law in 1871. In Dec. 1913, received degree of LL.B., from Hamilton College of Law, Chicago, Ill., for work in that institution; standing highest in real estate law. Married, Nettie Marie Jones, June 9, 1886. Justice of Peace of Wash. Township, 1880-81. Court Commissioner, Alameda County 2 years. In 1891, founded and edited "Hayward Review." Served as City Atty., City of Hayward. Edited "Lindsay Gazette," Lindsay Cal., 2 years. Del. Republican County Conv., 1906. Since Dec. 8, 1906, Justice of the Peace of Lindsay Township; nominated and elected by Republican, Democratic and Prohibition parties, Nov., 1910. On inc. of city of Lindsay, app. judge of Recorder's Court. Served through Civil War, as Orderly Sergeant; in command of Company K, 1st Ind. Cav., last year of war. Member: G. A. R., I. O. O. F., Lincoln-Roosevelt Republican League of Tulare Co. Progressive. Address: Lindsay, Tulare Co., Cal.
Conner, James Keyes, chief engineer Lake Erie & Western Rd. Office, Indianapolis, Ind. Born April 12, 1871, at Wabash, Ind. Educated at Rose Polytechnic Institute, 1889-1891. Entered railway service June 15, 1895, as assistant engineer and supervisor of track, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Ry., since which he has been consecutively 1899 to 1900, assistant engineer Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern Rd.; 1900 to 1901, assistant engineer New York Central & Hudson River Rd.; 1901 to 1903, designer and draftsman Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Ry.; for a short time engineer Chicago & Southeastern Ry.; 1903 to 1905, engineer Lake Erie, Alliance & Wheeling Rd.; 1905 to 1906, designer Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Ry.; 1906 to Feb. 10, 1914; since Chief Engineer L. E. & W. R. R.
Connolly, Maurice, United State congressman from the third district of Iowa was born in Dubuque, Iowa. He is vice-president of the Dubuque Fire and Marine Insurance Company. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Dubuque, Iowa.
Connors, Maurice S., general manager, was born June 7, 1858, at Toronto, Ont. Entered railway service 1872, as water boy Lake Shore and Michigan Southern railway, since which he has been consecutively, 1872 to 1873, telegraph operator same road; 1873 to 1879, telegraph operator Philadelphia and Erie railroad; 1879 to 1880, telegraph operator Standard Oil Company at Bradford, Pa.; 1880 to 1881, paymaster construction department same company; 1881 to 1883, train dispatcher Evansville and Terre Haute railroad at Evansville, Ind.; 1883 to 1887, train dispatcher Indianapolis division Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton railway; 1887 to 1889, master transportation, same division; December, 1889, to May, 1590, superintendent Cincinnati and Indianapolis division same road; May to December, 1890, general superintendent Peoria and Pekin Union railway; December, 1890, to December, 1891, superintendent (Chicago and Eastern Illinois railroad; December, 1891, to May 25, 1896, superintendent Hocking Valley and Ohio river division Columbus, Hocking Valley and Toledo railway; May 25, 1896, to March, 1899, superintendent same road; March, 1899, to May 1, 1910, general superintendent Hocking Valley railway, successor to the Columbus, Hocking Valley and Toledo railway; September, 1901, to July 1, 1909, also general superintendent Toledo and Ohio Central and Kanawha and Michigan railways; November, 1902, to July 1, 1909, also general superintendent Zanesville and Western railway. From May 1, 1910, to date, general manager Hocking Valley railway, Columbus, Ohio.
Conrad, William G., banker; born Clarke County, Virginia, Aug. 3, 1848; son James W. and Maria S. (Ashby) Conrad; descendant of Benj. Ashby, officer in the Rev. War. Educated common schools. President Conrad Banking Co., Granite Falls; Conrad Natl. Bank, Kalispell; Conrad Trust and Savings Bank, Helena; First State Bank, Livingston; Ponder Valley State Bank, Conrad; Conrad Tsti. Co., Conrad; Conrad Stanford Co., Helena; Conrad Circle Cattle Co., Alberta, Can.; Kalispell Tsti. Co., Kalispell; Mont. Life Ins. Co., Helena; state senator, Mont., 1879-80. Clubs: Montana (Helena); Silver Bow (Butte). Address: Helena, Mont.
Conrard, Harrison, lumberman; born 1869, in Ohio; educated at St. Xavier's College, Cincinnati, Ohio; removed to Arizona in 1899 and engaged in the lumber business; author of two volumes of verse, Idle Songs and Idle Sonnets, and Quivira. Address: Flagstaff, Ariz.
Conry, Michael F., congressman, was born at Shenandoah, Pa., April 2, 1870. Taught school for seven years; attended the University of Michigan and graduated from that institution in 1896, receiving the degree of LL.B.; is a lawyer by profession; is married and has three children; served two years as assistant corporation counsel of the City of New York; was elected to the sixty-first, sixty-second and sixty-third congresses as a Democrat: and resides in New York City.
Converse, Harry Elisha, capitalist; born Malden, Mass., May 7, 1863; son of Elisha Slade and Mary Diana (Edmands) Converse; educated in Malden and Boston schools, Chauncy Hall School; married, Malden, Dec. 2, 1891, Mary E. Parker; children: Elisha Edmand, Margaret Parker, Roger Wolcott, Mary. President and director Boston Rubber Shoe Co.; director United States Rubber Co., Glendale Elastic Fabrics Co., American Rubber Co., Boston Rubber Co., Bay State Rubber Co., Broadway Storage Co., Cotton and Woolen Manufacturers' Mutual Insurance Co., East Boston Dry Dock Co., First National Bank of Malden, Metropolitan Storage Warehouse Co. In Second Brigade, Massachusetts Militia, in Spanish War, also colonel on Gov. Wolcott's staff. Trustee Pine Banks Park. Recreation : Yachting. Clubs: Algonquin, Boston Athletic, Exchange, Temple (Boston), Boston Art Club, Rubber Club of Amer., The Lambs; New York Yacht, Larchmont Yacht, Calumet (New York City); Boston Yacht, Eastern Yacht, Beverly Yacht. Residence: The Moorings, Marion, Mass. Office: 101 Milk St., Boston.
Converse, John Williams, banker, farmer of Philadelphia, Pa., was born, Philadelphia, Pa., March 30, 1879; son John Heman and Elizabeth Perkins (Thompson) Converse; grad. Princeton Univ. A.B., 1900; married Wiesbaden, Germany, Jan. 5, 1909, Hiltrud Carla Sophie Schierenberg; one daughter, Sonja Elizabeth Louise, born Dec. 27, 1909. Formerly mg'r elec. dept Baldwin Locomotive Works, Philadelphia; now mem. Cassatt & Co., bankers, formerly owner and mg'r XSX and T J Ranches, New Mexico. Serg't First Troop, Philadelphia City Cav. Republican; Presby'n. Mem. Soc. of Cincinnati, N. E. Soc. of Pa., Hist. Soc. of Pa., Bryn Mawr Horse Show Ass'n, Devon Horse Show Ass'n. Trustee Bryn Mawr (Pa.) Presby'n Ch., Ardmore, (Pa.) Y. M. C. A., Museum of Univ. of Pa. Recreations: Polo, fox hunting. Clubs: Union League, Rittenhouse, Racquet, Corinthian Yacht, Merion Cricket, Bryn Mawr Polo, Philadelphia Country, Radnor Hunt, Pickering Hunt Chester Valley Hunt Devon Polo, Point Judith Polo, Nassau, Ivy (Princeton Univ.), Point Judith Country, Princeton (N. Y.), Princeton (Philadelphia), Automobile of Philadelphia. Residence: (winter): 204 S. 19th St., Philadelphia; (summer): Chetwynde Rosemont, Pa. Address: 111 Commercial Trust Bld'g, Philadelphia, Pa.
Conwell, Russell Herrman, president of Temple University; born in Worthington, Mass., Feb. 15, 1843: son of Martin and Miranda (Wickham) Conwell. He was educated in Yale University and Albany University. He has been engaged in law since 1865. Mr. Conwell was foreign correspondent of New York Tribune, 1870; commissioner of emigration of Minnesota, 1868; editor of Boston Traveler, 1872; founder of the Minneapolis Chronicle, now the Tribune, 1867. He was ordained Baptist minister of Lexington, Mass., 1879; founder of the Baptist Temple, Philadelphia, 1889; founder of the Temple University, Philadelphia, 1884; founder of Samaritan Hospital, Philadelphia, 1892; founder of the Philadelphia Law School, 1898; founder of the Philadelphia Medical College, 1900; founder of the Philadelphia Theological School in 1896, president of Garretson Hospital, Philadelphia, 1907, and president of the Philadelphia Dental College,1907. He was captain in the Massachusetts Volunteers, in 1863-1864, and staff officer in 1864-1865, and reached the grade of lieutenant-colonel. He is a Republican in politics, and has traveled extensively for the New York Tribune. Dr. Conwell is one of the most successful and popular of lecturers in lyceum and chautauqua courses, his lecture, "Acres of Diamonds" having been delivered over 5,000 times in 50 years. He married in Chicopee Falls, Mass., 1866, Jennie P. Hayden, and they have two children. Residence: 2020 North Broad St. Business address: Broad and Berks Sts., Philadelphia.
Cook, John Williston, Normal school president; born, Oneida County, New York, April 20, 1844: son Harry DeWitt and Joanna (Hall) Cook; graduated Illinois State Normal University, 1865 (A.M., Knox, 1891; LL.D., Blackburn, 1896; U. of Illinois, 1904); married Lydia Farnham Spofford, of North Andover, Mass., Aug. 26, 1867. Principal public schools, Brimfield, Illinois, 1865-6; teacher Illinois State Normal U., 1866-90; president same, 1890-99; president Northern Illinois State Normal School, DeKalb, since July 1, 1899. Lecturer on educational subjects since 1870; editor and publisher Illinois Schoolmaster, 1874-76 (with E. C. Hewett); same of Illinois School Journal, 1883-86 (with R. R. Reeder). President Illinois State Teachers' Association, 1880, of Normal Department N.E.A., 1896, of N.E.A., 1904. Author: Normal series of arithmetics (with Miss N. Cropsey), 1892; History of Education in Illinois, 1912. Contributor to educational periodicals. Address: DeKalb, Ill.
Cook, William Wilson, lawyer, capitalist; born Hillsdale, Mich., April 16, 1858; son of John Potter and Martha (Wolford) Cook; graduated from University of Michigan, A.B., 1880, LL.B., 1882, honorary LL.D. Admitted to New York Bar, 1883; one of trustees of Mackay Companies, general counsel for Postal Telegraph-Cable Co., Commercial Cable Co. Member Association of the Bar of the City of New York. Author: Cook on Corporations; Cook on Stock and Stockholders. Clubs: Union League, Lawyers. Residence: 14 East 71st St. Office : 44 Wall St.
Cooke, Helen Temple, educator of Wellesley, Mass., was born April 13, 1865, in Rutland, Vt. Since 1899 she has been principal of the Dana Hall School.
Cooke, Walter Platt, lawyer of Buffalo, N.Y., where he was born April 28, 1869; son Josiah P. and Alice A. (Baker) Cooke; editor Buffalo High School, Cornell University, LL.B., 1891; married, Buffalo, N.Y., May Louise Perry; children : Katharine, born 1897; Carlton, born 1898. Engaged in practice of law from 1891; member of law firm of Kenefink, Cooke and Mitchell. Director: Depew Lake Em. Water Company, Western N.Y. Water Company, People's Bank of Buffalo, Buffalo General Electric Company, Buffalo Abstract and Title Company, Buffalo and Susquehanna Railway Company, and Frontier Telephone Company. Republican; Universalist. Trustee: Buffalo Public Library, Buffalo Homeo. Hospital, Buffalo Fine Arts Academy. President Cornell University Alumni Association, 1906; president Erie County Bar Association, 1905. Member Beta Theta Pi Fraternity. Clubs : Buffalo, Saturn, Country, Park, Liberal, Century.
Coombs, William J., merchant, congressman, banker, of 160 Atlantic Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y., was born, Jordan, Onondaga Co., N.Y., Dec. 24, 1833; son of Charles (soldier of war of 1812) and Mary (Wooleaver) Coombs; educated Jordan Acad.; when 13 1/2 years old was denied admission to Union College on account of insufficient age; married, 1856, Josephine Adams, of Brooklyn, N.Y.; surviving children : William II., Jerome W., Mary C. Fox. Was pioneer in business of introducing and exporting Am. manufactured goods to foreign countries, as mem. of firms of Joseph II. Adams & Coombs, 1857-70; Coombs, Crosby & Eddy, 1870-96, doing business with every country in the world. Was elected to 52d and 53d congresses on tariff and financial issues; on retirement from congress was appointed government director of Union Pac. R.R. by Pres. Cleveland with special comm'n to arrange or collect the debt of the transcontinental railroads, amounting to about $125,000,000, due the government; was continued in that position by Pres. McKinley; devised the plan and actively supervised its execution, which resulted in collection of entire amount. Pres. Mf'rs Trust Co., of Brooklyn, from organization 1896 to 1903, when consolidated with Title Guarantee & Trust Co., since which time has been chm'n Advisory Coln. of Brooklyn Branch. Pres. South Brooklyn Savings Inst'n since 1904. Served a term on B'd of Municipal Art Comm'n of N.Y. City. Was pres. Municipal Art Soc. of N.Y. Appointed a mem. Advisory Council of Pratt Inst., by founder, and still serves in that capacity; trustee Brooklyn Inst. of Arts and Sciences since 1888; trustee Brooklyn Art Assn. and Brooklyn Soc. for Prevention Cruelty to Children. Recreation: Fishing. Clubs: Commonwealth (Pres.), Hamilton, Municipal Art.
Cooper, H. H., wholesale clothing merchant, 33 John St., Utica; residence 348 Genesee St. Born in London, England, April 5, 1840. Trustee Savings Bank of Utica, and Westminster Presbyterian Society. Director Oneida National Bank. Member Fort Schuyler Club.
Cooper, Henry Allen, congressman, was born in Walworth County, Wis. He was elected district attorney of Racine County, and was reelected without opposition in 1882 and 1884. He was a delegate to the National Republican Convention of 1884; a member of the Board of Education of the City of Racine in 1886-87, and was a member of the State Senate 1887-89. He was a member of the fifty-third, fifty-fourth, fifty-fifth, fifty-sixth, fifty-seventh, fifty-eighth, fifty-ninth, sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second congresses as a Republican. He was reelected to the sixty-third congress from the First District of Wisconsin for the term of 1913-15.
Cooper, John Steel, planing mill man; born Malone Island. June 28, 1818; Scotch-Irish descent; son of William and Margaret (Most) Cooper; father, cabinetmaker. Address: Quebeck, Tenn.
Copeland, Royal Samuel, physician, author, was born Nov. 7, 1868, in Dexter, Mich. He was professor of ophthalmology and otology at the University of Michigan for 13 years. Since 1908 has held the same chair in and the deanship of the New York Homeopathic Medical College and Flower Hospital, N. Y. City. Ex-president American Institute of Homeopathy and of the American Homeopathic, Ophthalmological, Otological and Laryngological Society. He is the author of Textbook on Refraction.
Copley, Ira Clifton, congressman, born in Knox County, Ill., Oct. 25, 1864. His family moved to Aurora in 1867. He graduated from Yale College in 1887, receiving the degree of bachelor of arts; graduated from Union College of Law, Chicago, in 1889, and has been connected with the gas and electric business in Aurora since that year; is married; was elected to the sixty-second and sixty-third congresses.
Coppens, Charles, educator and author of Chicago, Ill., was born May 24, 1835, in Turnhout, Belgium. In 1855-59 and 1876-80 he was professor of Latin and Greek in the St. Louis university, and taught rhetoric for ten years in Florissant, Mo. In 1881-84 he was president of St. Mary's college of Kansas. He has since taught philosophy in Detroit college, Creighton university, St.. Louis university, and now at St. Ignatius college of Chicago. He is the author of Practical Introduction to English Rhetoric, Art of Oratorical Composition Logic and Metaphysics, Moral Philosophy and other works.
Corbin, D. C., president Spokane International Ry. Office, Spokane, Wash. Born 1837 in New Hampshire. In 1886 and 1887 built the road connecting the Coeur d' Alone mines with the Northern Pacific Rd., which he sold to the latter company in 1888; in the spring of 1889 began the construction of the Spokane Falls & Northern Ry., from Spokane, Wash., to the international boundary line, 141 miles; and the Nelson & Fort Sheppard Ry., an extension of the Spokane Falls & Northern Ry., from the international boundary line to Nelson, B.C., 60 miles and sold both roads in 1898 to the Northern Pacific Ry. In 1905 and 1906 built the Spokane International Ry. from Spokane, Wash., to a connection with the Canadian Pacific Ry. at Kings-gate, B.C., and is now operating same under a fifty-year traffic agreement with that company.
Corbin, John, editor, author, critic, of 131 E. 15th St., New York City, was born Chicago, May 2, 1870; son Calvin Rich and Caroline Elizabeth (Fairfield) Corbin; educated Ogden Grammar and North Division High Schools, Chicago; Harvard, A.B., 1892, honors in English (the honor thesis, "The Elizabethan Hamlet," took one-half the Sohier prize), A .M., 1893; Balliol Coll., Oxford, 1894-1895; married N.Y. City, Nov. 2, 1899, Amy Foster. Editor Outing, 1893-94; instr. English, Harvard, 1895-1896; ass't editor Harper's Magazine, 1897-1900; on editorial staff Encyclopaedia Britannica, London, 1900-1902; dramatic critic N.Y. Times. 1902-1905; N.Y. Sun, 1905-1908: literary mg'r New Theatre, N.Y. City; 1909-10, secretary the Drama Society, New York, 1913. Author: The Elizabethan Hamlet, 1895; School-boy Life iii England, 1888; An American at Oxford, 1902; A New Portrait of Shakespeare, 1903; The First Loves of Perilla. 1904; The Cave Man, 1907; Which College for the Boy? 1908; Husband and the Forbidden Guests (two plays), 1910; The Edge (a novel), 1915; also magazine articles and stories. Recreations: Squash, tennis. Clubs: Harvard, University, The Players.
Corliss, John Blaisdell, lawyer; born at. Richfort, Vt., June 7, 1851; son of Hezekiah Corliss and Lydia (Rounds) Corliss. He was graduated from the Vermont Methodist. University in 1871, and subsequently registered as a law student in Columbia University, Washington, D.C., where he took the degree of LL.B. in 1875. He was admitted to the bar the same year and commenced to practice in Detroit, Mich. In 1881 he was elected city attorney, which office he. held for four years. He has several times been chosen by the Republican party to act as a member of important committees, and the distinction of having framed the first complete charter of the City of Detroit. In 1894 he was elected to the United States House of Representatives, and served during the Fifty-fourth, Fifty-fifth, Fifty-sixth and Fifty-seventh Congresses. Address: Detroit, Mich.
Cornelisen, Otto, division superintendent Kansas City Southern Ry. Office, Pittsburg, Kan. Born March I5, 1868, at Dubuque, Ia.. Educated in the public schools. Entered railway service April 1, 1882, since which he has been consecutively to 1886, telegraph operator Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry.; 1887 to 1910, operator, train dispatcher, trainsmaster superintendent and general superintendent Chicago Great Western Rd.; May to September, 1910, trainsmaster Oregon & Washington Rd.; September, 1910, to November, 1911, superintendent Kansas City Southern Ry.; November, 1911, to September, 1912, superintendent Virginian Ry.; September, 1912, to date, division superintendent Kansas City Southern Ry.
Cornish, John B., special agent for New England, Springfield Fire and Marine Ins. Co., of Springfield, Mass.; born at Barnstable, Mass., in 1846. After being traveling agent for a Boston publishing house for a number of years, he was special deputy collector of customs in the Barnstable district for four years and took up insurance work in 1886, as assistant to U. C. Crosby, special agent for New England of the Phoenix Insurance Co. of Brooklyn. He has been president, vice-president and member of various committees in the New England Insurance Exchange. Address: 50 Kilby St.., Boston, Mass.
Cornwell, William Caryl, banker; born in Lyons, N.Y., Aug. 19, 1851; son of Francis E. Cornwell and Catherine L. Cornwell. He entered the banking house of H. N. Smith and Company, Buffalo, as messenger. Cashier, Bank of Buffalo, from 1878 to 1893, and in 1893 he organized and became president of the City National Bank of Buffalo. He is a student of finance and has made an earnest effort to secure improvement. in banking, and currency systems. Mr. Cornwell has become an authority on financial subjects, through addresses and publications during the past ten years. Mr. Cornwell was one of the founders of the New York State Bankers' Association, and its first president. He has served as vice-president and member of the Executive Council of the American Bankers' Association, and was chairman on the Committee on Education of that association for five years. Through the efforts of this committee the American Institute of Bank Clerks was organized, of which he became the first president. He was appointed delegate to the Monetary Convention in 1895; and a member of the Executive Committee of the Indianapolis Monetary Convention in 1898. Associated with J. S. Bache & Company, bankers, since 1905. Mr. Cornwell is author of: Currency and Banking Law of Canada, 1894; Sound Money Monographs, 1897; What Is a Bank? which was published by the American Bankers' Association, of which 500,000 copies were distributed or sold; Bonds as a Safety Reserve for Bankers (issued by J. S. Bache & Company), which covered a careful investigation into the subject of bondholding by banks. In addition to his interest in banking and financial subjects, he is a student of art and writer on art subjects. Mr. Cornwell married at Buffalo, Oct. 9, 1873, Marian W. Loomis, daughter of Dr. H. N. Loomis. Address: J. S. Bache & Company, 42 Broadway, New York City.
Corrigan, Joseph Eugene, city magistrate, 300 Mulberry St., New York City, was born, Newark, N.J., Sept. 16, 1874; son Joseph F. and Marie (Plunkett) Corrigan; grad. Seton Hall Coll., S. Orange, N.J., A.B., 1895, A.M., 1897; Columbia Univ. Law Sell., LL.B., 1901; married N.Y. City, Dec. 3, 1906, Margaret Holmes Stone. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Mem. Phi Delta Phi, Phi Kappa Psi fraternities, mem. Nat.. Inst. of Social Science. Clubs : Calumet, City, Nat. Democratic. Residence : 77 Irving Place.
Corthell, Elmer Lawrence, civil engineer of New York City, was born Sept. 30, 1840, in South Abington, Mass. He was educated at Phillips Exeter Academy and at Brown University of Providence, R.I. He is a civil engineer of distinction and has an office in New York City. In 1898 he was a delegate from the United States Government to International Congress of Navigation at Brussels. He is the author of History of the Jetties at the Mouth of the Mississippi; Maritime Commerce, Past, Present and Future; also articles on Jetties, Levees and Ship Canals and Ship Railways, in Johnson's Cyclopedia.
Cory, Clarence Linus, of Berkeley, Cal., was born, La. Fayette, Ind., Sept. 4, 1872. B.M.E., Purdue, 1889; M.M.E., Cornell, 1891; Dr. Eng., Purdue, 1914. Asst. elec. eng., Purdue, 1889-90; prof., highland Park, 1891-92; asst. prof., California, 1892-98, assoc. prof., 1898-1901, prof. elec. eng. and dean, col. mech., 1901- Consulting engineer, San Francisco. Fellow, A.I.E.E : Member, T. E.E.; Member, P.C.G.A. Elec. Eng.; British Inst. Elec. Eng., "Long Distance Transmission of Power with High Voltage Cur-rents"; Pacific Coast Electric Transmission Assn. "The Regulation of Alternating Current Generators" and Transmission System Regulation"; "Regulation of Long Distance Transmission Systems"; American Inst. of Electrical Engineers. "Under-ground Electrical Construction Discussion," "The Public Service Corporation," "Discussion of Transformer Regulation," "The Gas Engine as a Reserve Unit. on the Pacific Coast, Discussion of," "Triple Harmonies in Alternating Current Generators"; Pacific Coast Gas Association, "Rates for Gas Service"; League of California Municipalities, "Municipal Electric Lighting Systems."
Cory, Harry Thomas, consulting engineer; born, Lafayette, Ind., May 27, 1870; son, Thomas and Carrie (Stoney) C.; descendant of John Cory (second in line in America), Town clerk, Huntington, L.I, 1875-95. B.S., (in Mech. E.) Purdue Univ., 1887; B.S., (in C.E.). Purdue Univ., 1889; M.C.E., Cornell Univ., 1893; M.M.E., Cornell Univ., 1896. Married, Ida Judd Hiller, Oct. 4, 1911, at Los Angeles. Cal. Prof. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Mo., 1893-98; Prof. of Sanitary Engrg., 1898-1900; Dean, College of Engrg., Univ. of Cincinnati, 1900-02. Trans. Dept.., Mexican Central Ry., 1902-03; Maintenance of Way Dept., Sou. Pac. Co., 1903-04; Asst. to Gen. Mgr., Sou. Pac. Co., 1904-05; Asst. to Pres., Harriman Lines, Ariz. and Mex., 1905-11; also Gen. Mgr. and Chief Engr., Cal. Dev. Co., and La Sociedad de Riego Terrenos de la Baja Cal., S.A., the two comprising irrigation system of Imperial Valley, and in charge of re-diversion of Colo. River from Salton Sea, 1906-07. Member: Am. Soc. Civil Engrs., Am. Soc. Mech. Engrs. Clubs: Bohemian (S.F.); Faculty (Berkeley); Jonathan (Los Angeles). Contributor to technical press. Original of the character, "Willard Holmes," in the book by Harold Bell Wright, "The Winning of Barbara. Worth." Residence 835 Hyde St., San Francisco, Cal. Office: 802 Nevada Bank bldg., San Francisco, Cal.
Cosgrove, Howard Goodlove, lawyer; born, Cleveland, Ohio, Feb. 8, 1881; son, Samuel Goodlove (Gov. of Washington, elected 1908; died in office, 1909), and Zephorena (Edgerton) C. A.B., Univ. of Washington, 1902, LL.B., 1904. Unmarried. Regent, Univ. of Washington, 1909-13. Republican. Member: B.P.O.E I.O.O.F., A. F. & A. M. Clubs: Seattle Athletic, Arctic. Res..: 103 Crockett St. Office: 2001-3 L. C. Smith Bldg., Seattle, Wash.
Cosgrove, John, lawyer and congressman of Boonville, Mo., was born Sept. 12, 1839, in Alexandria, N.Y. He was twice elected city attorney of Boonville, Mo.; and in 1872 was elected prosecuting attorney of Cooper County. He was a. delegate to the Democratic National Conventions of 1872 and 880; and in 1883-85 he was a representative from Missouri to the forty-eighth congress as a Democrat.
Coshow, Oliver P., lawyer and statesman of Roseburg, Ore., was born Aug. 14, 1863, in Brownsville, Ore. In 1904-08 he was a member of the Oregon state senate.
Costin, E. M., Asst. General Superintendent, C.C.C. & St.L.Ry. Co., office, Indianapolis, Indiana. Born Sept. 14, 1873, at Bellefontaine, Ohio. Educated in the common schools. Entered railway service Feb. 1888 as telegraph operator, Cincinnati, Wabash & Michigan Ry., since which he has been consecutively 1889 to 1890, telegraph operator, Baltimore & Ohio Ry. 1890, telegraph operator, New York, Chicago & St. Louis Ry.; 1891 to 1892, telegraph operator Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Ry.;1892 to 1893, ear distributor; 1893 to 1895, train dispatcher; 1895 to 1899, chief train dispatcher; 1899 to 1902, trainmaster, Peoria & Eastern Ry. division; 1902 to 1907, trainmaster St. Louis division; 1907 to July 10, 1913, superintendent Cleveland, Indianapolis division, Cleveland, Ohio. July 10. 1913, to date, Ass't General Superintendent at Indianapolis, Ind.
Cotton, Alfred Cleveland, soldier, physician, teacher and author of 3218 Jackson Boul., Chicago, Ill., was born May 18, 1847, in Griggsville, Ill. He served in the civil war. He has been president of the Chicago pediatric society, president of the Chicago medical society; and president of the Illinois state medical society. Tie is the author of Disease of Children and other works.
Coulter, John Lee, statistician and specialist in rural life problems, of Washington, D. C.; born Mallory, Minn., April 16, 1881; son of John and Catherine McVeety Coulter; A.B., Univ. of N. D., 1904, A.M., 1905; studied law, 1904-05; Ph.D., Univ. of Wis., 1908; studied Univ. of Minn. and Ia.. State Coll.; married Phœbe Everett Frost, of Richmond, Tex., Sept. 23, 1911. Instr. In. State Coll., 1907, Univ. of Wis., 1907-08, Univ. of Minn., 1908-09; asst. prof. rural economics, Univ. of Minn., 1909-10; special agent Minn. Bd. of Health, 1909-10; expert special agent U. S. Census Bur., 1910-12; in charge of Div. of Agri., 1912-14; lecturer George Washington Univ., 1910-13; lecturer Summer Sch. of the South, 1910-11. Progressive Republican Presbyterian. Mem. Am. Econ. Assn. Am. Polit. Science Ass'n., Am. Statis. Ass'n. Am. Ass'n. for Labor Legislation, Minn. Acad. Social Sciences; mem. and see. of IT. S. Commission and Am. Commission sent to Europe to investigate rural credit and cooperation. Club : Cosmos (Washington). Author: Economic History of the Red River Valley of the North, 1910; Cooperation Among Farmers, 1911. Mem. editorial staff of Am. Econ. Review. Formerly mem. editorial staff of the quarterly jour. of Am. Statis. Ass'n.; contrib'r. many articles to current pubis. and delivered many addresses on econ. subjects.
Councilman, William Thomas, physician; born in Pikesville, Md., Jan. 1, 1854. He was educated in St. John's College, Annapolis, Md., and was graduated from the medical department of the University of Maryland, later receiving the honorary degree of A.M. from Harvard and Johns Hopkins. Since 1892, he has been professor of pathology at the Harvard University Medical School, and is a member of the National Academy of Sciences; the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, etc., and is a fellow of the Philadelphia Academy of Medicine. He is also a member of the St. Botolph (Boston), and the Country (Brookline) Clubs. He has written monographs on dysentery, cerebro-spinal meningitis, diphtheria, smallpox, and other medical subjects. He married in Boston, 1894, Isabella Coolidge. Residence: 78 Bay State Road, Boston.
Covington, James Harry, congressman, was born May 3, 1870; in 1903 he was elected state's attorney for Talbot County for a term of four years, and was reelected in 1907. He was a member of the sixty-first and sixty-second congresses from Maryland; and was reelected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Easton, Md.
Cowing, Edward K., deputy clerk, Criminal Court Building, New York City; residence 47 West 52nd St. Born in New York City Aug. 19, 1868. Educated at Grammar School No. 37, and Columbia Grammar School. Deputy clerk Court of General Sessions, New York City.
Cowles, Alfred Hutchinson, chemical engineer and business president of Sewaren, N. J., was born Dec. 8, 1858, in Cleveland, Ohio. He is past vice-president of the American electro-chemical society. With his brother he started the first electric smelting plant in the world in 1886. He is president of the Electric Smelting and Aluminum company; and president of the Pecos Copper company and other corporations.
Cox, Henry Joseph, meteorologist; born Newton, Mass., April 5, 1863: son of Thomas and Hannah M. (Perkins) Cox; A.B., Harvard, 1884 (Hon. A. M. Norwich, 1887 and D.Sc., 1914); married Mary Cavanagh, Somerville, Mass., Sept. 8, 1887. In Weather Service since Aug. 1, 1884; while in charge of station at Northfield, Vt., 1886-88, served as Professor at Norwich University. Has served at various Weather Bureau stations throughout the country; now in charge North-Central Forecast District, with headquarters at Chicago; also in charge of special researches in field of Agricultural Meteorology. Publications: Weather Bureau Records in Court, 1903 (Yearbook of Dept. of Agri.); Monograph—Recent Advance in Meteorology, 1904; Lantern Slides in the Teaching of Meteorology and Bulletin, No. 3, Geog. Soc. of Chicago, 1906; Notes of a Meteorologist in Europe, 1907; Frost and Temperature Conditions in Cranberry Marshes, 1910 (Bulletin T, Weather Bureau); The Weather Bureau and the Cranberry Industry, 1911 (Yearbook of Dept. of Agri.); Monograph—Weather and Climate of Chicago, 1913. Societies : National Geographic, Nat. Institute of Social Science, Illinois Academy of Science, Geographic Society of Chicago (Pres., 1905-07). Now member of Bd. of Directors of Chicago Geog. Soc. and Citizens League. Clubs: University, Chicago Athletic, Union League, Chicago Yacht, Beverly Country. Office: Weather Bureau, Federal Bldg., Chicago. Residence : 4566 Lake Park Ave.
Cox, James M., governor of the state of Ohio, was born March 31, 1870, in Jacksonburg Butler County, Ohio. He attended the country schools of his native state and graduated from the high school of his native town. In his early youth he was a newsboy; learned the printers' trade; and became a successful journalist. For many years he was a newspaper reporter; be-came a well known newspaper publisher of Dayton, Ohio; and has filled numerous positions of trust and honor in his city, county and state. He was elected to the sixty-first and sixty-second congresses as a democrat. He is governor of Ohio for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Columbus, Ohio.
Cox, Palmer, artist and author of New York City, was born on April 28, 1840, in Canada. He became famous the world over as the author of a series of books entitled "The Brownies, Their Book"; "Another Brownie Book," and other works. A volume entitled "Queer People," contains a collection of many of his contributions to juvenile literature. In his younger days he lived on the Pacific coast, and there published "Squibs of California" and various other works. He illustrated his own works; and has a studio and sanctum on Broadway, New York City. His other works are "Hans Von Potter's Trip to Gotham"; "How Columbus Found America"; "That Stanley"; "Quer People, Such as Goblins, etc."; "Queer People with Claws and Wings"; "Queer People with Wings and Stings"; and resides in New York City.
Cox, William Elijah, congressman, was born in Dubois County, Ind., Sept. 6, 1865; is a graduate of the Lebanon University of Lebanon, Tenn., and of the law department of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; is an attorney-at-law, admitted as such on the 10th day of July, 1889; served as prosecuting attorney of his judicial district from 1892 to 1898; was elected to the sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second congresses, and re-elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15 as a democrat; and resides in Jasper, Ind.
Coxe, Joseph Wentworth, Comptroller Norfolk & Western Ry. Office Roanoke, Virginia Born Dec. 13, 1853, at Philadelphia, Pa. Entered railway service April 1877, since which he has been consecutively to April 1, 1879, clerk in auditor's office Empire Fast Freight Line; April 1 to April 21, 1879, in office of auditor freight receipts Pennsylvania Rd.; April 21, 1879, to March, 1880, auditor and general ticket agent Buffalo, Chatauqua Lake & Pittsburgh Ry.; March, 1880, to Sept., 1883, auditor and general ticket agent Shenandoah Valley Rd., under same management as above named company; Sept. 1883 to April 1885, auditor Shenandoah Valley Rd.; April 1, 1885, to March 31, 1902, auditor Norfolk & Western Rd. and its successor, the Norfolk & Western Ry.; April 1, 1902, to Feb. 1, 1904, general auditor same road; Feb. 1, 1904, to date, comptroller same road; Jan. 1, 1884, to March 31, 1902, also clearing house agent Great Southern Despatch Fast Freight Line.
Coyle, Henry, editor, born in Boston, Mass., 1864; ed. in the grammar schools; served as editor of the Weekly Bouquet for five years and of The Orphan's Friend twelve years; author of The Promise of Morning (verses), 1889; editor and compiler of Our Church, Her Children and Institutions, 3 vols., 1908 Lyrics of Faith and Hope, 1914; contributor to The Independent, Youth's Companion, The Chautauquan, and many other publications; has traveled in England and U.S. Address: 85 Vernon St., Boston, Mass.
Coyle, M. C., Division Superintendent Michigan Central Rd., and Superintendent Detroit & Charlevoix Rd. Office, Bay City, Mich. Born March 24, 1854, at Angelica, N.Y. Entered railway service 1866, since which he has been consecutively to Jan. 1867, messenger New York & Erie Ry.; Jan. 1867 to April 1871, operator same road; April 1871 to Aug. 1874 operator and train dispatcher Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Ry.; Aug. 1874 to Jan. 1, 1883, train dispatcher Canada Southern Rd.; Jan. 1, 1883, to April 1, 1888, train dispatcher Michigan Central Rd.; April 1 1888, to Sept. 1, 1894, chief train dispatcher; Sept. 1, 1894, to Dec. 20, 1898, trainmaster, and Dec. 20, 1898, to date, division superintendent same road; Sept. 20, 1910, to date, also superintendent Detroit & Charlevoix Rd.
Crabtree, James William, college president and author of River Falls, Wis., was born April 18, 1864, in Crabtree, Scioto County, Ohio. He has been a successful teacher, superintendent of city schools, state inspector of high schools in Nebraska, am state superintendent of public instruction of Nebraska. For six years he was president of the Peru State Normal School; and since 1911 has been president of the River Falls State Norma School of Wisconsin. He has been president of the Nebraska State Teachers' Association; and is the author of the Crabtree Speller" and other works.
Craig, Con W., business manager of Paducah, Ky., was born Aug. 17, 1876, in Unionville, Ill. He has been a clerk in the N.C.& St.L. freight office of this city and was commercial agent for the same road for seven years. He is secretary of the Board of Trade, of the Manufacturers' Association and of the Antitubercular Association.
Craig, Locke, governor of the state of North Carolina; born Aug. 16, 1860, in Bertie County, N.C. He is a lawyer; and has been a member of the state legislature. He is governor of North Carolina for the term of 1913-17; and resides in Raleigh, N.C.
Cram, William Everett, farmer, naturalist and author of Hampton Falls, N.H., was born June 27, 1871, in Hampton Falls N.H. His education consisted of a few years in the little country school in Hampton Falls and home studies. He has contributed to the Popular Science Monthly, the New England Magazine, the Ladies' Home Journal and other publications. He is a writer and illustrator of ornithological works at Hampton Falls, N.H. He is the author of "Little Beasts of Field and Wood" and "More Little Beasts," published by Small, Maynard & Co., Boston, Mass., and is co-author of "American Animals," published by Doubleday, Page & Co., New York, which was written in collaboration with Witmer Stone, of Philadelphia, Pa.
Cramton, Louis C., United States congressman from the Seventh district of Michigan, was born Dec. 2, 1875, in Lapeer County, Mich. He is the editor and publisher of the Lapeer County Clarion; and has been a member of the State Legislature, He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Lapeer, Mich.
Crandell, Walter S., stock broker of 25 Broad St., New York City, was born, Chatham. N.Y., 1879, s. Homer and Mary (Hawley) Crandell; grad. Cornell Univ., LL.B., 1901; m. Kinderhook, N.Y., 1909, Bess Bain; two sons, Walter Bain, b. 1911 and Edwin Hawley, 1914. Admitted to N.Y. State bar, 1901; mem. N.Y. Stock Exchange, Sec., treas. and dir. U.S. Light & Heating Co.; dir. Mo., Kans. & Texas Ry. Co., Great Western Power Co., Iowa Central Ry. Co. Mem. : Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity and Masonic fraternity. Clubs: Republican, Cornell Univ., Columbia Yacht, Lawyers, Railroad and City Midday.
Crandon, Thomas Philip Franklin, railway official. He was educated at Madison, Wis., and he served in the Union Army from Dec., 1861, to July, 1866. He settled in Batavia, Kane County, Ill., after the war, and he was elected clerk of the County Court of Kane County, and was also a member of the Village Council of Batavia, Ill. Jan., 1874, he entered the service of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway of which he has for years been the tax commissioner. Mr. Crandon has long resided at Evanston, Ill., and has served as a member of the city council there and also as a member of the School Board of School District No. 75, at Evanston. He received the degree of A.M. from Northwestern University in 1894, and he is a member and secretary of the Board of Trustees of that university. Residence: 1414 Forest Ave., Evanston, Ill. Office: Chicago and North-western Railway, Chicago, Ill.
Crane, Richard, lecturer; b. August, 1864, at Cincinnati, Ohio, of Irish parentage; m. in 1909, Anna Mulvey, of Newport, Ky. Ed. at the public grammar schools of Cincinnati; Woodward High School; pursued seven-year post-graduate course in philosophy at St. Xavier's College (certificate June, 1905). Member of Finance Committee, Board of Trustees of St. Joseph's Orphan Asylum; Secretary of the Council and President of St. Xavier Conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society and is actively engaged in charitable work in connection with the society. Has lectured before many Catholic organizations and in Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky upon ethical and educational subjects. Has contributed to various periodicals. Charter member of Cincinnati Council Knights of Columbus; Secretary of Council of St. Vincent de Paul Society; and member of St. Xavier Alumni Association. Address: Ingalls Building, Fourth and Vine Sts., Cincinnati, Ohio.
Crater, George Edwin, Jr., lawyer and financier, was born in Colorado in 1870; is a member of an old Virginia family; was educated in private schools; began his business career at sixteen and engaged successfully in business enterprises. He studied the sciences and medicine and began the practice of medicine, but left it to study law. He was admitted to the bar and is now member of the bar in the States of New York, California, Colorado, the District of Columbia, and the Supreme Court of the United States. He has organized and been seven times president of a National or State bank, and he has organized over six hundred corporations, including railway companies, water companies, light, industrial and mining corporations. He organized the first steamship company to operate between Seattle and Skagway and Dyea, Alaska. Mr. Crater organized the corporation to construct a railway in Persia from Teheran to the Persian Gulf, which organization completed the greatest railway system the world has ever known, at a cost of three hundred million yen, linking the railways of Europe with India, etc., and shortening the belting of the globe by twenty-one days; after which he projected the building of a railway twelve hundred kilometers long in Brazil. He has been an extensive traveler in all parts of the world. Mr. Crater is a thirty-second degree Mason, a Knight Templar, and a member of the Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. While his business activities are on a gigantic scale, Mr. Crater has still found time to be very active in charitable work, and he is chairman of the Advisory Board of the Sunshine Society. His recreations include shooting, yachting and motoring and aerial navigation, being an authority as well as a pioneer in this fascinating field of adventure. He is an expert shot, holding numbers of field and target trophies. He has a villa near Paris on Avenue de Pare, Saint Len, Seine et Oise, France, and a residence at Craterdale, Standhope, Sussex County, New Jersey. Address: P. O. Box 2049, New York.
Cravath, Paul Drennan, lawyer; born Berlin Heights, Ohio, July 14, 1861; son of Erastus Milo and Ruth (Jackson) Cravath graduated from Oberlin College, A.B., 1882, A.M., 1886; Law School of Columbia Univ., LL.B., 1886 (first Municipal Law prize, and prize tutorship); married, New York, Nov. 15, 1893, Agnes Huntington; one daughter, Vera A. H. Member law firm Cravath-Henderson; director National Bank of Commerce, Equitable Trust Co. Republican; Congregationalist. Member Association of the Bar of the City of New York; N.Y. State Bar Association; American Bar Association; trustee Charity Organization Society. Metropolitan Opera Co., New Theater, New York Symphony Society. Clubs: Metropolitan, University, Union League, Meadow Brook, Piping Rock, Midday, Downtown, Lawyers', Riding, Seawanhaka-Corinthian, Nassau Country, Automobile of America. Residence: 107 East 39th St., Office: 52 William St., N.Y. City.
Crawford, C. G., publisher, 497-505 Pearl St., New York City; residence, 210 West 72nd St., New York City. Vice-president, Wvnkoop-Hallenbeck-Crawford Co. Member Union League and Arkwright Clubs.
Crawford, Coe I., United States senator from South Dakota, was born near Volney, Iowa, Jan. 14, 1858; educated in common schools and law department State University of Iowa; was state's attorney of Hughes County, Dakota territory, 1886-1888; member first state senate, South Dakota, 1890; attorney-general of South Dakota, 1892-1896; was governor of the same state in 1906-08. In 1908 he was elected to the United States senate for the term ending in 1915; and resides in Huron, S.D.
Crawford, George R., insurance pres. of 100 William St., New York City, was born, White Plains, N.Y., June 21, 1841. At 16, entered insurance business as clerk; three years later he became partner with father in fire ins. business, as Elisha Crawford & Son: sec., 1865-1879, pres. since 1879, Westchester Fire Ins. Co. Has been pres. village of Mount Vernon, N.Y., and organized Mt. Vernon Fire Dep't, acting as its chief.
Crawford, Harden Lake, banker; born New York, Sept. 26, 1872; son of Robert L. and Julia Gaines (Lake) Crawford; educated in Lawrenceville School, N.J., class of 1891, Princeton Univ., class of 1895, B.S.; married, Fruitvale, Calif., Oct. 17, 1900, Annie Clay; children: Harden, Jr., Julia Lake, Clement Clay, Anne Louise. Started in bond business with N. W. Harris & Co., 1895; member firm of Thompson, Tenney & Crawford, 1899-1904; senior partner H. L. (Crawford & Co., since 1904; president of the Century Bank of N.Y. City since 1907. President Amazon-Pacific Railroad Co.; treasurer and director Maumee Valley Electric Co.; director Indiana & Michigan Electric Co., Stratford-York Gas Co., Southern Holding Co., real estate. Member Borough Council 1907-1914, Jan. 1, and chairman of Board of Borough Council, since 1910 to 1914, Jan. 1, of Rumsen, N.J. Republican; Presbyterian. Member Board of Managers of Bowery Branch Young Men's Christian Association, also treasurer. Recreations: Tennis, automobiling, riding. Clubs: Riding, Prince-ton, Rumsen Country, Ivy (Princeton), Aldine Association, Automobile of America. Residence: Balcarres, Rumson Road, Seabright, N.J. Office: 25 Broad St., N.Y. City.
Crawford, Lewis Ferandus, stockraiser and banker of Sentinel Butte, N.D., was born Feb. 25, 1870, in Jerico, Mo. He received the degrees of A.B. and A.M. from Harvard university. He is a successful farmer and stockraiser; and president of the Sentinel Butte Saddlery Company. He is president of the North Dakota Bankers' Association; and a member of the state board of education. He is a writer on historical and economic subjects; and is a trustee of the North Dakota historical society.
Crenshaw, Spotswood Dabney, manufacturer and banker of Richmond, Virginia, where he was born Aug., 1856; son of William G. and Fanny E. (Graves) Crenshaw; graduated from all special courses he took at Hanover Academy, Rugby, England, and University of Virginia; married, Lexington, Ky., 1886, Anne Warfield Clay; four children. Engaged as a chemical acid and fertilizer manufacturer; engaged in mining, banking and other industries, as farming, stock breeding and lumber. President of the Sulphur Mining & Railroad Company, Bank of Louisa, and Crenshaw Warehouse Company; vice-president and secretary Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company; director First National Bank and also director in various lumber and mining corporations. Democrat. Episcopalian. Member Sigma Chi Fraternity. Recreations : Tennis, riding, hunting. Clubs : Westmoreland, Commonwealth and Virginia Country (Richmond), New York (New York City).
Crile, George W., surgeon, born Chili, Ohio, Nov. 11, 1864; son of Michael and Margaret (Deeds) Crile; A.B., Ohio Northern University, 1884 A.M., 1888; M.D., Wooster Univ., Cleveland, 1887; student Vienna, 1893, London, 1895, Paris, 1897; (Hon. Ph.D., Hiram Coll.) 1901; F.R.C.S. (Eng.) Hon. 1913; married Grace McBride, of Cleveland, Feb. 7, 1900. Lecturer and demonstrator histol 1889-90; professor physiology 1890-93; principles and practice of surgery, 1893-1900, Wooster Univ.; professor elm. surgery Western Reserve Univ., since 1900; surgeon Lakeside Hospital Alvarenga prize, Coll. Phys. Phila., 1901. Cartwright Prize Columbia 1897-1903; Senn Prize Am. Med. Assn., 1898. Fellow A.A.A.S. Fellow American College of Surgeons. Member Assn. Am. Pathologists and Bacteriologists, A.M.A., Am. Surg. Assn., Soc. Experimental Biology and Medicine, Am. Physiol. Soc. Soc. Clinical Surg. Author: "Surgical Shock," 1897; "Surgery of Respiratory System," 1900; "Certain Problems Relating to Surgical Operations," 1901; "On the Blood Pressure in Surgery," 1903; "Hemorrhage and Transfusion," 1909. Lome: 6203 Euclid Ave. Office: The Osborn, Cleveland, Ohio.
Crimont, Joseph Raphael, Prefect Apostolic of Alaska, was born Feb. 2, 1858, in Ferrieres, France. In 1890-92 he was Superior of St. Xavier's Mission of Montana; in 1897-1901 was superintendent of the Holy Cross Mission of Alaska; and in 1901-04 was president of Gonzaga College of Spokane, Wash. Since 1904, he has been Prefect Apostolic of Alaska at Juneau.
Crisp, William Benton, lawyer of 80 Broadway, New York City, was born in Anne Arundel county, Md. For ten years he practiced law in Baltimore; and since 1893 in New York City, making a specialty of banking, corporation and commercial law. In 1885-86 he was president of the city convention of Baltimore; and for ten years was a member of the law. com. of Tammany hall.
Crocker, George Uriel, lawyer; born Boston, Mass., Jan. 9, 1863; son of Uriel H. and Clara G. (Ballard) Crocker; graduated from Harvard, A.B., 1884; married, Providence, R.I., Oct. 4, 1887, Emma L. Aylsworth; four daughters. President and director United States Hotel Co.; president Simplex Electric Heating Co.; treasurer Northern Railroad, Proprietors of Revere House; director Mutual National Bank, Tremont Nail Co. Republican. Member Bar Association; treasurer Massachusetts Civil Service Association, Ellis Memorial, and Eldredge House, Inc. Member Massachusetts Charitable Society, Massachusetts Charitable Fire Society. Clubs: Union, University, Exchange, Country, Boston City. Residence: 378 Marlboro St. Office : 1016 Old South Bldg., Boston.
Crocker, Joseph Ballard, broker, banker; born Boston, Mass., July 8, 1867; son of Uriel Haskell and Clara (Ballard) Crocker; educated in Boston public and Hopkinson private schools; member of Harvard Class of 1889 but did not graduate owing to ill health; member of firm Edgerly & Crocker. Member Boston Chamber of Commerce, and Republican Institution in the Town of Boston. Director Quincy Market Cold Storage & Warehouse Co.; Warren Bros. Co.; Director and treasurer, The Pureoxia Co.; trustee, Mass. Automobile Club. Clubs: Temple, Algonquin, Massachusetts Automobile. Office: 111 Devonshire St., Boston.
Crockett, Lewis W., secretary, New Hampshire Fire Ins. Co., Manchester, N. H.; born at Lawrence, Mass.; after completing his education, he was associated with the Merchants' National Bank of Manchester. In the year of 1890 he entered the home office of the New Hampshire Fire, with which he has been connected ever since, being made cashier in 1895, assistant secretary in Jan., 1900, and one of the secretaries in August, 1905. Address: Care of New Hampshire Fire Ins. Co., Manchester, N. H.
Croker, Richard, political leader of Dublin, Ireland, was born Nov. 24, 1843, in Ireland. His. grandfather, Major Henry Croker, was an inspector-general in the British army; one of his uncles was a member of parliament; and another uncle was a governor of Bermuda. He came to the United States with his father when two years of age; and his father served in the Civil War. Richard Croker was elected alderman of New York City in 1867, 1869 and 1883; was elected coroner in 1872, 1875; and in 1889-90 he was city chamberlain. For many years he has been the recognized leader of the Tammany Hall organization of New York City. His home is near Dublin and occupation now breeding horses and racing. Won the English and Irish derbies same year with "Orby" in 1907.
Cromwell, Seymour Le Grand, banker and broker, 36 Broad St., New York City; born in Brooklyn, N.Y., April 24, 1872. Educated at Harvard and University of Berlin. (Married.) Member of the firm of Strong, Sturgis & Co., and of the New York Stock Exchange. Secretary University Settlement Society. Member University, Metropolitan, Racquet and Tennis, Harvard, City and Riding Clubs. New York residence: 169 E. 74th St. Country home: Mendham, N.J. Member, Strong, Sturgis & Co. Governor New York Stock Exchange. President of St. John's Guild. President New Jersey Conference of Charities and Corrections. President State Charities Aid and Prison Reform Assn. of New Jersey. Clubs: University, Union, Racquet and Tennis, Harvard. Sergeant Troop A, Volunteer Cavalry, 1898.
Crosser, Robert, United States congressman at large from Ohio, was born June 7, 1874, in Scotland. He is a lawyer; and has been a member of the state senate. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Cleveland, Ohio.
Crouch, Leonard C., Supreme Court Judge, Syracuse. Born in Kingston, N.Y., July 30, 1866. Educated at Cornell University. (Married.) Member Citizens', University, Century and Country Clubs.
Crowley, Denis Oliver, born July 3, 1852, in County Cork, Ireland. Educated in national schools in Ireland; St. Vincent's College, Los Angeles, Cal.; St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, Md. Member of the rehabilitation commission of San Francisco, after the great fire of 1906; chairman housing committee of the San Francisco relief; vice-president of the Associated Charities, San Francisco; trustee of Red Cross and Relief Funds, San Francisco; chairman of playgrounds and parks and on the committee of the Mission Promotion Association; president of the Playground Commission of San Francisco at present and member of the probation committee of the Juvenile Court. Built four homes for waifs and established an agricultural institute for boys. Author of "Irish Poets and Novelists" (San Francisco, published by P. J. Thomas & Co., 1890); "Chaplets of Verse" (Deikenbroek & Co., San Francisco); "Sonnets, Songs and Essays" (Boston, 1912).
Cruce, Lee, governor of the state of Oklahoma, was born July 8, 1863, in Crittendon County, Ky. He has been president of the Ardmore National Bank. He is governor of Oklahoma for the term of 1911-15; and resides in Oklahoma City, Okla.
Cruikshank, Warren, real estate dealer, of 111 Broadway, New York City, was born, Hempstead, N.Y., May 5, 1861, s. James and Mary Ann (Wheeler) Cruikshank; ed. village sell., Hempstead, N.Y., and business coll.; m. Hempstead, N.Y., May 20, 1885, Fanny Augusta Minshull; two sons : Russell Vernon, b. Nov. 15, 1886; Douglas Maynard, b. Dec. 9, 1890. Entered office of E. A. Cruikshank & Co., real estate, 1877, admitted to firm 1886. Pres. Cruikshank Company, successors to E. A. Cruikshank & Co., since incorporation, 1903. Dir. Irving Nat. Bank, Broadway 'Trust Co., Merchants' Refrigerating Co. Mem. Hist. Soc. Recreation: Hunting, fishing. Clubs: Wyandanch (Smithtown, N.Y.), Adirondack League, Knickerbocker Field, Meridian, Lawyers.
Crummey, Safford Arnold, lawyer of 165 Broadway, New York City, was born, N.Y. City, Aug. 28, 1867; s. Edward and Geraldine B. (Arnold) Crummey; ed. Riverview Mil. Acad., Poughkeepsie, N.Y., Yale Univ., A.B., 1889; in. Goshen, N.Y., April 16, 1895, Katherine Duer Murray; children: George N., b. 1896; Edward 3d. b. 1898; Ambrose S. M., b. 1899. Admitted to the bar, May, 1891; practised in Poughkeepsie until 1901, then removed to N.Y. City; has practiced in all Courts of the State of N.Y. Democrat. Mem. Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity, Dutchess Co. Soc. Clubs: University, Yale (N.Y. City, Atlantic Yacht, Amrita, Apokeepsing Boat (Poughkeepsie).
Cudmore, Patrick, soldier, lawyer, historian and poet, was born in June, 1820, in Ireland. After leaving the monastery of Dungarvan, he studied mathematics at the best academy in Munster. He emigrated to America in 1846: studied law; took a course of lectures on anatomy at the Bellevue Hospital; and a course of lectures at the Cooper Institute. He traveled extensively in Cuba, Mexico, Central and South America. In 1853 he moved to Dane County, Wis.; in 1855 was elected a justice of the peace; and became a popular lawyer and public speaker. In 1856 he moved to Minnesota, and the following year settled in Faribault. In 1860 he commenced delivering lectures on Ireland, Mexico and Peru. In 1862 he mustered in as soldier and served three years, first in Company H, Tenth Regiment Minnesota Infantry Volunteers, which he was instrumental in raising; and subsequently joined the Sixteenth Army Corps. In 1868 he was elected attorney of Le Sueur County, Minn. He is the author of "Cudmore's Constitutional History"; "Cudmore's Irish Re-public"; "Cudmore's Poems and Songs"; "Cudmore's Battle of Clontarf and Other Poems"; "Buchanan's Conspiracy, the Nicaragua Canal and Reciprocity"; "Cudmore's Cleveland Mal-Administration"; also "Cudmore's Prophecy of the Twentieth Century"; "Cudmore's Penal Laws of Ireland"; and other works.
Culberson, Charles A., United States senator from Texas, was born June 10, 1855, in Dadeville, Ala. He was governor of Texas in 1894-98. He is the eldest son of David B. Culberson, for twenty-two years a member of Congress from Texas. Since 1899 he has been a member of the United States Senate, and is now serving the term of 1911-17; and resides in Dallas, Texas.
Cullop, William A., congressman, was born March 28, 1853, in Knox County, Ind. He was prosecuting attorney of the Twelfth Judicial Circuit from 1883 to 1886; was a member of the Indiana legislature, 1891 and 1893; was a delegate to the democratic national conventions of 1892 and 1896; in 1892 was the Indiana member of the committee to notify Cleveland and Stevenson of their nomination; in 1904 was chairman of the commit-tee on resolutions at the Indiana democratic state convention, and reported the platform to the convention; was elected to the sixty-first and sixty-second congresses as a democrat; and was re-elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Vincennes, Ind.
Cummings, Byron, educator of 936 East Eleventh St., Salt Lake City, Utah, was born Sept. 20, 1861, in Westville, N.Y. He has been teacher in Rutgers preparatory school in 1889-93; instructor in English and Latin in the University of Utah in 1893-94; assistant professor of Greek and Latin in 1894-95; professor in 1895; summer student in the Chicago University in 1896. He has been professor of Greek and Latin, and dean of the School of Arts and Sciences in the University of Utah since 1906. He is a member of the state park commission and of the Commercial Club.
Cummings, Mrs. Justelle, poet of Falmouth, Maine, was born Dec. 19, 1858, in Falmouth, Maine. She is the author of Faithe, a Story of Falmouth, in verse.
Cummings, Prof. Marshall Baxter, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vt., was born, North Thetford, Vt., Dec. 2, 76. B.S., Vermont, 01; M .S., Maine, 04; Ph.D., Cornell, 09. Instr. Bot. Maine, 03-06; prof. Tort, Vermont, 09- M. M. A.S.: Soc. Hort. Sci.; Am. Pomol Soc.; New Eng. Bot. Club. Plant breeding; fruit growing; diseases of the peach. Forcing plants with CO,; size of seed as a factor in plant production; perpetuation of high productivity in apple trees, sterility in strawberries, apple storage.
Cummins, Albert Baird, United States senator from Iowa, was born Feb. 15, 1850, in Carmichael, Pa. He received an academic education at Waynesburg, Pa. He settled in the practice of law at Des Moines, Iowa; and in 1896-1902 was a member of the Republican National Committee. In 1902-08 he was governor of the State of Iowa. In 1908 he was elected to the United States Senate to fill a vacancy; and in 1909 was re-elected for the term ending 1915; and resides in Des Moines, Iowa.
Cunningham, Edwin S., lawyer and diplomat of Singapore, S.S., was born July 6, 1868, in Sevier county, Tenn. He graduated from Maryville college of Tennessee with the degree of A.B., and from the university of Michigan with the degree of LL.B. In 1898 he was appointed consul to Aden, Arabia; in 1903 he was transferred to Bergen, Norway; and in 1906 became consul to Durban, Natal. In 1910-12 he was consul to Bombay, India; and since 1912 has been United States consul-general at Singapore, Straits Settlement. He has traveled extensively in foreign countries; and maintains a home in Maryville, Tenn.
Cunningham, John Benedict, 1919 St. Albans, W.Virginia, known as Irish Bull; member of bar of District of Columbia; author of Death Bell, famous as the poem that frightened Roosevelt; orator with voice of great volume; singer; composer, Mermaid Operetta, The Same Dream, etc.; editor of a published-when-convenient journal called "1919" with unique special features; author of Princess Zed detective stories, Hand of Invisible Death mysteries; Modern Methods dialogues of wit and love; Catechism for Babies satires; Versatility Verses; Sayings of Sphinx; Mirage of Futurity. Was first to seek political coalition of prohibition, socialism, labor unions and woman's suffrage—cornerstones of platform of Irish Bull. Prophesies that such a political merger will lead the politics of the world.
Cunningham, Thomas Davis, banker, coal operator; born Blairsville, Pa., Aug. 17, 1839; son of John and Rachel (Wallace) Cunningham; graduated from Jefferson College, A.B., 1864, later A.M.; married, Blairsville, Pa., June 13, 1867, Helen S. Shepley; six children; Samuel T., Thomas D., Helen S., Rachel W., Mary C., and George S. After graduation spent one year in mercantile business in company with three brothers, and then entered the First National Bank of Blairsville as clerk. After one year's service he was made cashier and having served in that capacity for many years was made president, which position he still holds. Treasurer Blairsville Coke Company; vice-president Somerset Mining Company; treasurer Blairsville Land Improvement Company; Conemaugh Building and Loan Association, and Citizens' Heat, Light and Power Company. Served as sergeant, second lieutenant and first lieutenant of Co B, of the 56th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers during Civil War; was attached to Army of Potomac; discharged from service, Nov., 1863, on account of a wound received July 1, 1863, at the Battle of Gettysburg. Member American Academy of Political and Social Science. National Geographic Society, Phi Kappa Chi fraternity; trustee Blairsville College for Women; member of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion and Grand Army of the Republic. Recreation: Hunting and trout fishing. Republican; Presbyterian. Residence: Spring St. Office: First National Bank, Blairsville.
Curlee, John Rufus, merchant, banker; born in Rienzi, Mass., March 22, 1864; son of John McF. and Sarah (Norfleet.) Curlee; educated at Gibson College, Rienzi, Miss.; married, Marietta, Miss., Dec. 28, 1887, Miss Rogers; four children. Vice-president Curlee Clothing Co., Bank of Booneville, Miss.; secretary Carleton Dry Goods Co. Democrat; Baptist. Director Interstate Merchants' Association; director in Central National Bank, St. Louis; member St. Louis Cotton Exchange, Business Men's League. Recreations: Golf, automobiling, farming. Clubs: Mercantile, Algonquin Golf, Harbor Beach Golf, Automobile of St. Louis. Residence: Kirkwood, Mo. Office : Carleton Dry Goods Co., St. Louis.
Curley, James M., Mayor of Boston; born at Boston, November 20, 1874; attended grammar school and the evening high school; afterwards engaged in the real estate and insurance business; was a member of the Boston Common Council for two years, 1900 and 1901; Massachusetts House of Representatives, 1902 and 1903, and the Boston Board of Aldermen, from 1904 to 1911; was married January 27, 1906, to Miss Mary E. Herlihy; was elected to the 62nd and re-elected to the 63d Congresses; was elected Mayor of Boston January 13, 1914, for a term of four years.
Curley, Terence F., manufacturer of Curley Ideal, Special and Peerless Safety Razors and other Cutlery Specialties, 306 Broadway; residence: 81 Eighth Ave., Brooklyn. Also importer of fine cutlery. Member of firm of J. Curley & Brother; member of Arkwright and Catholic Clubs, New York; Montauk Club, Brooklyn.
Currey, Jesse Albert, civil engineer; born, Phila., Aug. 2, 1873; son, William Bell and Anna Mary (Cloud) C.; descendant (maternal) of Pyle family, settled in Pa., 1684. Educated, Quaker schools of Phila.; Rugby Academy. Married, Frances Whiteley, April 28, 1905, at Phila. Pres., Portland Rose Soc. Member: Portland Commercial Club, Portland Rotary Club, Natl. Geographic Soc., Asst. Member, Am. Soc. Civil Engrs. Interested in rose culture. Author of magazine articles on rose growing. Res.: 16th and Spring Sts. Office : 194 North 13th St., Portland, Ore.
Currier, Arthur F., superintendent Car Service New York, New Haven & Hartford Rd. Office New Haven, Conn. Born Dec. 25, 1857, at Holliston, Mass. Entered railway service 1873, since which he has been consecutively to 1884, clerk in general freight office Old Colony Rd.; 1884 to 1885, station agent, and 1885 to 1903, car accountant same road, now a part of the New York, New Haven & Hartford System; 1903 to date, superintendent car service New York, New Haven & Hartford Rd.
Curry, Charles Forrest, United States congressman from the third district of California, was born March 14, 1858, in Naperville, Ill. He has been a member of the California State Assembly: and served twelve years as Secretary of State. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Sacramento, Cal.
Curry, Grove P. M., born New York City, Jan. 8, 1866; parents, Thomas M. and Rebecca Eliz. Osborn; married Florence R. Lyon, May 6, 1903; educated Union Free School, Port Chester, N.Y.; graduated Hackettstown C.C.I., 1886; N.Y. Univ. Med., 1892: lie. N.Y. State (leg. M.D.; post-grad. N.Y. Post-Grad. School and Hosp., N.Y. Polyclinic Sch. and Hosp., Chambers St. Hosp., N.Y. City Asylum, 1 year, 1893; Blackwell's Island, N.Y. Health Officer and Registrar of Village of Mt. Kisco; mem. West Chester and Exmoor Country Clubs. Residence : Highland Park, Ill. Office : 211 La Salle St., Chicago.
Curry, Samuel Silas, president of the School of Expression, born at Chatata, Tennessee, 1847; son of James Campbell Curry. He was graduated from Grant University in 1872, and afterward studied at Boston University, receiving the degrees of A.M. and B.D. in 1875 and of Ph.D. in 1879. He specialized in rhetorical and oratorical studies and studied elocution, expression, etc., under more than forty of the foremost teachers in Europe and America. He was professor of oratory at Boston University from 1879 to 1888, has been acting professor of elocution at Newton Theological Seminary since 1884, and also instructor in elocution at Harvard College, from 1891 to 1894, Harvard Divinity School from 1896 to 1902, the Divinity School at Yale from 1892 to 1902, and he founded and has from the first been president of the School of Expression. Dr. Curry is also author of "Province of Expression", "Lessons in Vocal Expression", "Imagination and Dramatic Instinct", "Vocal and Literary Interpretation of the Bible", "Foundations of Expression" "Browning and the Dramatic Monologue", "Mind and Voice", "Spoken English"; editor "Classics for Vocal Expression", "Little Classics for Oral English." Home: 60 Bay State Rd., Boston, Mass.; office: 301 Pierce Bldg., Boston, Mass.
Curtis, Bracey, banker of Nogales, Ariz., was born July 21, 1870, in Medfield, Mass. He was educated in the public schools of Medfield; and at the Allen school of West Newton, Mass. He is a successful banker and president of the First National Bank of his city; and prominently identified with the business and public affairs of Nogales, Ariz.
Curtis, Charles, United States senator from Kansas, was born Jan. 25, 1860, in North Topeka, Kan. He was elected county attorney of Shawnee County in 1884 for a term of two years and was re-elected in 1886. He was a member of the fifty-third, fifty-fourth, fifty-fifth, fifty-sixth, fifty-seventh, fifty-eighth, fifty-ninth and sixtieth congresses from Kansas as a Republican. He was United States senator from Kansas for the term of 1907-13; and resides in Topeka, Kan.
Curtis, George Carroll, geographical sculptor of Meriden, Conn., was born July 15, 1872. He has been assistant geologist in the United States Geological Survey, and assistant in the Department of Geology in Harvard University. He is now director of the Curtis Studios and Laboratories at Boston and Paris.
Curtis, John F. L., stock and grain broker; born in Chicago, December 20, 1865; son of John and Harris S. (Wilson) Curtis; educated in public schools; married, 1897, Frances E. Witbeck of Chicago; children: John Guernsey, Dorothy Frances. Member Clement. Curtis & Company, members of N.Y. Stock Exchange, N.Y. Coffee Exchange, N.Y. Cotton Exchange, N.Y. Produce Ex-change, Chicago Board of Trade, Chicago Stock Exchange. Republican. Clubs: Union League, Chicago Athletic, South Shore.
Curtiss, Frank, capitalist, traction official of 750 Washington St., New York City, was born Sheffield, Mass., 1839; son Orren and Caroline Curtiss; educated in schools of Sheffield, Mass.; pres. and dir. Sixth Ave. R.R., Great Barrington Elec. Light Co., Berkshire Block, Mahaiwe Block; v.-p. and dir. Nat. Mahaiwe Bank, Great Barrington, Mass.
Cutler, John C., ex-governor of Utah, was born Feb. 5, 1846, in Sheffield, England. He received his education in private schools. He became a successful merchant of Utah; and prominently identified with the business and public affairs of that state. In 1884-90 he was county clerk for Salt Lake County, Utah; and filled other positions of trust and honor. He is now president of the Desert National Bank of Salt Lake City, Utah, with a capital and surplus of one million dollars; is treasurer of the new Hotel Utah, a two-million-dollar hotel in Salt Lake City; is president of the Cutler Brothers' Company; vice-president of the Beneficial Life Insurance Company of Utah; a member of the executive committee and a director of the Utah and the Idaho Sugar Companies; and is interested in various other corporations. In 1905-09 he was governor of the state of Utah; and resides in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Cutter, Kirtland Kelsey, architect of Spokane, Wash., was born Aug. 20. 1860, in Cleveland, Ohio. He was educated in the schools of America and Europe. Since 1886 he has followed his profession in Spokane and Seattle; and is now senior member of Cutter & Malgrem, architects.
Cutter, Manley Bingham, president Tonopah & Goldfield Rd. Office, Philadelphia. Pa. Born Oct. 10, 1860. Entered railway service 1876 as messenger Chicago & Northwestern Ry., since which he has been consecutively, 1878 to 1881, conductor same road; 1881 to 1884, conductor Northern Pacific Rd.; 1884 to 1887, clerk same road; 1887 to 1888, chief clerk Chesapeake & Ohio Ry.; 1888 to 1889, division superintendent same road; 1889 to 1891, division superintendent Wisconsin Central Rd.; 1891 to 1893, general superintendent Chesapeake, Ohio & Southwestern Ry. and Louisville, New Orleans & Texas Ry.; 1893 to 1897, division superintendent Baltimore & Ohio Rd.; 1897 to Feb. 11, 1903, superintendent of transportation Lehigh Valley. Rd.; Feb. 11, 1903, to Dec. 7, 1904, general superintendent; Dee. 7, 1904, to Nov. 1, 1908, general manager same road; Nov. 1, 1908, to Sept. 15, 1909, general manager Minneapolis & St. Louis Rd. and Iowa Central Ry.; Oct. 7, 1909, to date, president Tonopah & Goldfield Rd. Dadourian, Haroutune Mugurditch, Yale University, New Haven, Conn., was born, Everek, Asia Minor, Dec. 5, 1878. Ph.B., Yale, 03, Loomis fellow, 03-05, A.M., 05, Ph.D., 06. Asst. physics, Sheffield Sci. Sch., Yale, 05-06, instr., 06-M.A.A.; Physical Soc.; Math. Soc. Radioactivity.—Secondary Rontgen ray phenomena; Analytical Mechanics. Co. Med. Soc., A.M.A., Am. Pub. Health Assoc., N.Y. Acad. Med. Residence and office: Mt. Kisco, N.Y. Hours: 12-1 p. m., Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; every evening, 6-7 p. m.; no office hours on Sunday. Tel. 71 Mt. Kisco.