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Men of 1914/H

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Men of 1914, Chicago: American Publishers' Association, 1915, OCLC:49777827all editions

The phrase "Men of 1914" appears frequently in the English literature of the 20th century as a metonym for the generation that faced World War I.

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195279Men of 1914 — H

Haas, John Augustus William, president of Muhlenberg College; born in Philadelphia, Aug. 31, 1862; son of John C. and Margaret (Schur) Haas. He was graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, A.B., with first honor, 1884, A.M. and B.D., 1887; took courses in theology in the University of Leipzig, and in 1902 he received the degree of D.D. from Thiel College. In 1914 the University of Pennsylvania conferred on him the degree of LL.D. He was ordained in the ministry of the Lutheran Church, and was pastor of Grace Lutheran Church in New York City, 1888-1896, securing a church building during that pastorate; was pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, New York City, 18961904, and was active in erecting the new $80,000 church. In 1904 he was elected president of Muhlenberg College, in which position he continues. Under his first ten years of work the student-body was doubled, and four new buildings were erected. President Haas is author of : A Commentary on St. Mark; Bible Literature; Biblical' Criticism; and articles in church publications. He was also co-editor and an extensive contributor to the Lutheran Cyclopedia. He is a member of the Pennsylvania Society of New York. He married in New York City, Oct. 6, 1891, Charlotte W. R. Boschen. Address, Muhlenberg College, Allentown, Pa.

Haas, Kalman, capitalist; born in Germany, Dec., 1840; married, New York City, 1881, Harriet Fatman; children: Robert, George, Edith. Founded in 1867, the house of Haas Brothers, wholesale grocers, San Francisco, Calif., who also control the quicksilver product of the United States. President Somerset Manufacturing Co., Raritan Woolen Mills; director Mutual Alliance Trust Co. of New York, Haas Brothers, Harvard Gold Mining Co., New Idria Quicksilver Mining Co., American Beet Sugar Co. President Mount Sinai Training School for Nurses; director Mount Sinai Hospital; member Chamber of Commerce of New York. Recreation : Traveling. Residence: 7 East 69th St. Office : 27 William St., N.Y. City.

Haas, Walter Francis, lawyer; born, Moniteau Co., Mo., Nov. 12, 1867; son, John B. and Lena (Bruere) H. Edu.: grammar schools of Cal. and Mo.; high school, Los Angeles; read law in office of Houghton, Silent & Campbell. Moved to Cal., 1884. Member law firm, Haas & Dunnigan. City Atty. of Los Angeles, 1899 and 1900. Member Charter Revision Comm., 1902; City and County Consolidation Commission, 1904. Successively, City Atty. of Monrovia, Sierra Madre and Alhambra. Dir., German-American Savings Bank; Pres., Tampico Land, Lumber and Dev. Co.; Pres., Fidelia. Inv. Co.; Vice-pres., C. J. Kubach Bldg. Co.; Dir., K. & K. Brick Co. Lecturer for 9 years in Univ. of Sou. Cal. College of Law, on Public Corporations and Public Officers. Mem- ber : Chamber of Commerce, Past Master, Palestine Lodge 351, F. & A. M.; 32° Mason. Chmn. of Membership Committee, L.A. Bar Assn. Club : Union League and Jonathan Club. Republican. Res: 920 Alhambra road, Alhambra. Office : 302 Coulter Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal.

Hadden, Crowell, banker of Brooklyn, N.Y.; born New York City, Sept. 19, 1840; son of Crowell and Fanny (Ludlow) Madden; educated in Brooklyn College and Polytechnic Institute; married, Brooklyn, N.Y., May 29, 1866, Elizabeth Stevens; one child living. Vice-president and trustee Franklin Safe Deposit Company; president of the Brooklyn Savings Bank; treasurer and director Brooklyn Academy of Music; director Nassau National Bank, Brooklyn City Railroad Company, Realty Associates; eight years trustee Franklin Trust Company. Served three years in 23d Regiment, New York National Guard. Presbyterian. Trustee Children's Aid Society, Brooklyn Eye and Ear Hospital; treasurer and trustee Brooklyn Philharmonic Society, First Presbyterian Church. Club : Hamilton.

Hadley, Howard Dunlop, dir. and 1st v.-p. Plattsburgh Chamber of Commerce, 34 Margaret St., Plattsburgh, N.Y., was born, Westville, N.Y.; s. Albert Conroy and Sarah Anne (Dunlop) Hadley; ed. Franklin Acad., Malone, N.Y.; m. Plattsburgh, N.Y., June 19, 1901, Helen Edith Haughran; children : Helen Mary,' b. Jan. 8, 1903; John Haughran, b. Dec. 5, 1907. Originated and is successfully carrying on plan as pres. for Internat. Highway from Quebec, Can., to Miami, Fla., via Montreal, Plattsburgh, Troy, Albany, New York City, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Richmond, Raleigh, Columbia, Augusta, Savannah and Jacksonville. Deputy collector or sp'l deputy collector of customs, Dist. of Champlain, Port of Plattsburgh, N.Y., 1899-1912. Took active and important part as mem. Exec. Cora. N.Y. State Barge Canal, Terminal Com. in moulding and bringing about adoption of plan for bld'g $19,800,000 worth of barge canal terminals in N.Y. State. Mem. Atlantic Deeper Waterways Ass'n, N.Y. State Waterways Ass'n; mem. Exec. Cora. N.Y. State Barge Canal Terminal Com.; 1st v.-p. Northern N.Y. Development League; mem. Exec. Com. Am. Com. for celebration of 100 years of Peace Among English Speaking People; ass't sec. Comm'n for celebration of 100th anniversary of Battle of Plattsburgh, last naval battle ever fought between English-speaking nations. Progressive; Episcopalian. Dir. Plattsburgh (N.Y.) Y.M.C.A. Recreations : Automobiling, power-boating, hunting, fishing, tennis. Club : Plattsburgh.

Haffen, Louis F., civil and mining eng'r, of 308 E. 162nd St., New York City, was born, in old Village of Melrose (then in Westchester County, now part of Borough of The Bronx), Nov. 6, 1854; of German-Irish parentage, his father, Matthias Haffen, being a native of Bavaria and his mother of Limerick, Ireland; ed. public schools, Fordham Coll., Univ. of Niagara, then returned to Fordham, graduating A.B:, 1875, A.M., 1877, Sch. of Mines Columbia Coll., C.E., E.M., 1879; m. 1886, and has nine children. Practiced civil engineering in Colo., Ariz. and Calif.,. 1882-1883; returned to N.Y. City and appt'd eng'r in Dep't of Parks, 1883, assigned to 23d and 24th Wards, now Borough of Bronx, in connection with surveying, laying out and opening of new streets and thoroughfares, the Dep't of Parks then having complete jurisdiction of all public improvements and care of streets in what was then known as the Annexed Dis.; received several promotions and became eng'r in charge and sup't of new parks now within the Borough of Bronx until May 1, 1893, when he was appt'd comm'r street improvements of 23d and 24th Wards, and in following Nov. elected to same office, which he held until the office was abolished Dec. 31, 1897; elected Nov., 1897 (the first election under the charter creating Greater N.Y.) to office of pres. of Borough of The Bonx, re-elected 1901, 1903, 1905; term expired Dec. 31, 1909. During his incumbency the population of The Bronx increased from 85,000 to 400,000 and the assessed valuation from $58,612,268 to $450,803,429. Democrat. Member Sch. of Science Alumni Ass'n of Columbia Univ., Alumni Ass'n of Fordham Univ., North Side B'd of Trade, Taxpayers' Alliance, Franz Schubert Mannerchor, Anion Liedertafel, and many other fraternal, civic, social and polit. org'ns.

Haga, Oliver 0., educator and lawyer of Boise, Idaho, was born Nov. 19, 1872, in Luverne, Minn. In 1898-1901 he was principal of the Boise High School; and has been president of the Board of Trustees of the Idaho State Industrial School. He is a member of the law firm of Richards and Haga; and takes a leading part in educational matters and in the industrial development of his state. He is vice-president of the Boise Title and Trust Company. He is president of the School Board and a member of the State Irrigation Securities Commission.

Hagadorn, Jesse Lee, physician; born Vassar, Mich., Mar. 1, 1872. Edu. : Parker's Latin School; M.D., College of Med., Univ. of Sou. Cal., 1893; interne, L.A. Co. Hosp., 1893-94. In practice Fullerton, Cal., 1894-95; Los Angeles, since 1895. Instr. and asso. prof. in Med. College of Med., Univ. of Sou. Cal., 1898-1906. Member : L.A. Co. Med. Assn., Sou. Cal. Med Soc., Cal. State Med. Soc., Am. Med. Assn. Phi Rho Sigma Frat., Theta Nu Epsilon Frat. Res. : 1326 Douglas St. Office : Bumiller bldg., Los Angeles, Cal.

Hagerty, Charles Henry, assistant general passenger agent Pennsylvania Lines west of Pittsburgh. Office : Louisville, Ky. Born July 4, 1862, at Columbus, 0. Entered railway service July 1, 1879, since which he has been consecutively to Nov. 1, 1879, with Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Ry. at Columbus, 0.; Nov. 1, 1879, to 1882, clerk to general passenger agent Jefferson, Madison & Indianapolis Ry. at Louisville, Ky.; 1882 to 1884, assistant city ticket agent Pennsylvania Lines west of Pittsburgh at Louisville; 1884 to 1890, station ticket agent same lines same place; 1890 to 1894, city ticket agent same place; 1894 to 1911, district passenger agent same place; 1911 to date, assistant general passenger agent same lines same place.

Haggen, Edward Alexander, mining engineer and editor; born Dunedin, New Zealand, March 3, 1860; son of James and Christina (Aitken) Haggen. Educated at Dunedin High School; Dunedin Academy; Otago Univ. Married Annie Williams, March 16, 1886, at Napier, New Zealand. Did exploration work of projected route of Otago Cent. Ry., N.Z.; exploration Stewart Island Tin, N.Z.; exploration for coal, Bay of Plenty, Hauraki, goldfields,Otago gold and coal fields; mineral exploration, development and mine examinations in B.C., U.S. and Alaska. Editor Mining and Engineering Record; "Mining Handbook of B.C." Notary public and commissioner of Supreme Court. Managing director Technical Press, Ltd. Former mayor town of Woodville, N.Z.; member Bay ay Land Board, N.Z., Education Board for Hawke's Bay Province, N.Z.; High School' Commissioners for Prov. of Hawke's Bay. Member Am. Inst. Mining Engrs., Canadian Mint Bing Inst., Vancouver Chamber of Mines, Vancouver, B.C. Liberal assn. contributor to technical publications. Medallist, Literature Ballarat Exhibition, Australia. Residence : Point Grey. Office: 1105 Dominion Bldg., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

Haidusek, A., lawyer, editor and banker, of La Grange, Tex.; born Moravia, Europe, Sept. 19, 1845; son of Valentine and Veronica (Kladiva) Haidusek ; educated in Texas; married, Fayette County, Tex., May 21, 1872, Anna Becka ; three children. Reared on a farm; left home at father's death, Dec. 23, 1867; engaged as common laborer, but kept up studies; taught school ; secured license to practice law, December, 1871; located in LaGrange, Tex., 1869; became interested in First National Bank, LaGrange, Tex., 1892, since which time has held position of president of same; editor of the "Svoboda," a weekly in LaGrange, Tex. Was elected mayor of LaGrange, Tex., 1876, and served two terms ; elected to State Legislature, 1880, and served one term ; 1884, elected county judge of Fayette County, Tex., served three terms ; was twice chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee of Fayette County, Tex.; twice delegate to Democratic National Convention. Served in the Confederate army during Civil War. Democrat; Roman Catholic. Director of Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas. United Workman, Knight, of Honor, member Alpha Tau fraternity.

Haile, John Chesnut, general passenger agent Central of Georgia Ry. Office Savannah, Ga. Born at Camden, S.C. Entered railway service 1875, since which he has been consecutively to Nov. 1, 1879, clerk general freight office Richmond & Danville Rd.; Nov. 1, 1879, to Oct. 1, 1886, chief clerk to assistant general freight and passenger agent same road at Columbia, S.C.; Oct. 1, 1886, to Dec. 1, 1889, agent same road at Columbus, Ga. ; Dec., 1889, to July 1, 1892, local and soliciting agent Central Rd. of Georgia at Columbus; July 1, 1892, to date, general passenger agent same road, now the Central of Georgia Ry.

Haines, J. M., governor of the State of Idaho. He is governor of Idaho for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Boise City, Idaho.

Haines, Robert Terrel, actor, Lambs Club, New York City, was born, Muncie, Ind., Feb. 3, 1870; s. Adelbert S. and Emma J. Haines; ed. in public schools of Kansas City, Mo.; grad. Univ. of Mo., LL.B.; m. Chicago, Dec. 22, 1910, Mrs. William Mac-Dowell. Has been on stage since 1891; was leading man with Viola Allen and afterward with Mrs. Fiske, Henry Miller and other stars and companies; starred in Darling of the Gods and Once Upon a Time ; more recently leading man with Grace George in Clothes, and, season 1907-1908, in the Rose of the Rancho ; The Spendthrift, season 1910-1911; in vaudeville (in the Coward), since 1911. Mem. Missouri Soc. in N.Y., Phi Delta Theta fraternity, Actors' Order of Friendship. Republican. Recreations : Golf, horseback riding. Clubs : Players, Lambs, Green Room.

Haines, William T., governor of the State of Maine. He is governor of Maine for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Augusta.

Hairgrove, William N., lawyer and public official of Jacksonville, Ill., was born April 22, 1866, near Woodson, Morgan County, Ill. In 1908-10 he was a member of the Democratic state central committee, and in 1911-12 was city attorney of Jacksonville. He is the appointee of the attorney-general in the inheritance tax matter for Morgan, Pike, Brown, Scott and Adams counties.

Haldeman, William Birch, journalist and publisher, of 517 W. Ormsby St., Louisville, Ky., was born July 27, 1846, in Louisville, Ky. He has filled positions from police court reporter to general manager of the Courier-Journal and the Louisville Times. He is now one of the owners of those two publications, and is also editor of the Louisville Times.

Hale, Philip Henry, editor and publisher, of 3550 Vesta Ave., St. Louis, Mo., was born in 1850 in London, England. He has been editor of the Texas Live Stock Journal, 1880-90 ; editor and publisher of the Daily National Live Stock Reporter, National Stock Yards, Ill.; The Market, of St. Louis, 1890-1900 ; publisher "Live Stock Breeders' Directory of United States and Canada," 1887 (first of its kind), St. Louis, 1887; "Agricultural Blue Book" (20,000), "Live Stock Breeders," 1910, and "Book of Live Stock Champions," 1912. He has been editor of the National Farmer and Stock Grower, of St. Louis, since 1900.

Hall, Harry Alvan, jurist and author, was born in Karthaus, Pa., Oct. 7, 1861; educated at Dickinson Seminary, University at Lewisburg, St. Gregory College and Yale University ; holds the degrees of A.B. and LL.B.; was admitted to the bar in June, 1881. Elected a member of the Pennsylvania senate in 1890; appointed United States attorney for the western district of Pennsylvania in 1893; reappointed in 1897 and resigned the same year. Mustered into the United States service for the Spanish-American War, May 10, 1898, as captain of Company H, Sixteenth Pennsylvania Infantry, United States Volunteers ; served as judge advocate-general of the first corps on the staff of General Wilson ; was promoted major of his regiment for distinguished gallantry on the field at the battle of Coamo, Porto Rico, Aug. 9, 1903, and by general orders of Lieutenant-General Miles was sent to Washington to present the Spanish flags captured in that action to President McKinley. He was vice-commander-in-chief of the National Association of Spanish-American War Veterans, and commander-in-chief of the National Commandery, Naval and Military Order of the Spanish-American War; was delegate to the Democratic conventions of 1884 and 1888, and delegate-atlarge in 1892 ; he was for thirteen years general counsel for the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Kingdom of Italy in the United States; was knighted in 1905 by Emperor Francis Joseph with the officers' cross of the Order of Francis Joseph. Has been general counsel for several railroads, and made a specialty of railroad, corporation and international law ; during his term as United States attorney was chosen by the Interstate Commerce Commission to try the test cases under that act. He was elected president judge of the twenty-fifth judicial district of Pennsylvania in 1906. Is a Fellow of the American Geographical Society and a member of the Authors' Club of London, England. He is an author, linguist and traveler. He married, June 10, 1886, Currin, daughter of the late Colonel R. C. McNairy, of Nashville, Tenn.

Hall, L. E., governor of the State of Louisiana. He is governor of Louisiana for the term of 1910-14, and resides at Baton Rouge, La.

Hall, William Edwin, lawyer, of 127 William St., New York City, was born, St. Marys, Pa., March 25, 1878; son of James Knox Polk (ex-congressman from Pa.) and Kate M. (Hyde) Hall ; grad. Haverford Sch., Lawrenceville Sch., Yale Univ., Ph.B., 1900, Harvard Univ., LL.B., 1903; married, Bridgeport, Conn., April 5, 1904, Marguerite Wood ; children : Marguerite Wood, born May 22, 1905 ; Susan Beardslee, born June 5, 1910. With Shearman & Sterling, lawyers, 1903-1905; associated with Hon. Martin L. Stover, ex-judge of Supreme Court of N.Y., since 1906, under firm name of Stover, Hall & Freeman, now Stover & Hall. Pres. and dir. Trojan Powder Co., Pa. Trojan Powder Co., Cal. Trojan Powder Co., Independent Non-Freezing Powder Co.; dir. St. Marys Nat. Bank, Portland & Northern R.R., St. Marys & Western R.R. Co., Kaul & Hall Lumber Co., Russell Car & Snow Plow Co., Milton Brick Co., St. Marys Oil & Gas Co. Episcopalian. Member Berzelius Soc., Yale Univ., Assn. Bar City of N.Y. Clubs : Yale, Berzelius, Lawyers.

Hall, Winfield Scott, physician, author, teacher and lecturer ; born at Batavia, Ill., Jan. 5, 1861; son of Albert Nelson Hall and Adelia (Foote) Hall. Graduated from Northwestern University as B.S. in 1887, M.D. in 1888; Leipzig University as M.D. in 1894; A.M., Ph.D., 1895; intern of Mercy Hospital, Chicago, in 1888 and 1889 ; instructor in biology and head of department of biology, Haverford College, Pennsylvania, from 1889 to 1893; student in Leipzig University, Germany, from 1893 to 1895; professor of physiology at the Northwestern University Medical School since 1895, and junior dean of faculty from 1901 to 1913; lecturer on dietetics, digestion and metabolism in Mercy Hospital, Chicago, and in Wesley Hospital; also lecturer on physiology of muscular exercise at the Young Men's Christian Association Institute and Training School. He is author of : "Text-Book of Physiology," "Manual of Experimental Physiology," "Reproduction and Sexual Hygiene," in 1906; also several smaller works on physiology and many articles in journals of Germany, England and America. Is an Independent in politics and a Presbyterian in his religious faith. Is a fellow of the American Academy of Medicine, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Chicago Academy of Sciences ; member of the American Medical Association, American Physiological Society ; member of Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Nu Sigma Nu and Alpha Omega Alpha fraternities. He married at Juniata, Neb., Oct. 11, 1888, Jeannette Winter, and they have four children: Ethel Hall, born in 1893; Albert Winter Hall, born in Switzerland, in 1895 ; Reymond Ludwig Hall, born in 1897, and Muriel Hall, born in 1903. Residence : 3136 Ivison Ave., Berwyn, Ill. Office address : Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, Ill.

Hallock, Harry Marion, railroad official, of Taylorville, Ill., was born June 19, 1873, in Havensville, Kan. He was educated at Campbell University of Holton, Kan. In 1890 he entered railway service as a telegraph operator; has been train dispatcher, superintendent and since 1912 general superintendent of the Chicago and Illinois Midland Ry.

Hamerschlag, Dr. Arthur Arton, Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pa. Education, public schools, Omaha and New York, and private tutors. Sc.D., Lehigh U., Western U. of Pa., 1907; LL.D., Trinity, 1912. Supt. St. George's Evening Trade School, N.Y., 1892-1903; director, Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1903. Consulting engineer, N.Y. Trade School, and Boys' Prep. Trade Sch., 1892-1904. M.A.A., Eng. Educ., Elec. Eng., A.A.A.S.

Hamill, James A., congressman, was born in Jersey City, N.J., March 30, 1877. He was elected in 1902 as a member of the New Jersey house of assembly, where he served four consecutive one-year terms, during the last two of which he was leader in that body of the democratic minority ; was elected to the sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second congresses, and re-elected to the sixty-third congress as a democrat, and resides in Jersey City, N.J.

Hamilton, Charles M., United States congressman from the forty-third district of New York, was born Jan. 23, 1874, in Ripley, N.Y. He is a farmer and oil producer, and has been a member of the state senate. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15, and resides in Ripley, N.Y.

Hamilton, Edward La Rue, congressman, was born Dec. 9, 1857, in Berrien County, Mich. He was a member of the fifty-fifth, fifty-sixth, fifty-seventh, fifty-eighth, fifty-ninth, sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second congresses as a Republican. He was re-elected to the sixty-third congress from the fourth district of Michigan for the terms of 1913-15, and resides in Niles.

Hamilton, Elwood, lawyer and legislator, of Frankfort, Ky., was born Feb. 22, 1883, in Franklin County, Ky. He is secretary and a member of the Kentucky State Tax Commission; is a successful lawyer and has filled several positions of trust and honor. He served one term as a representative in the Kentucky state legislature from Franklin County.

Hamilton, Isaac Miller, life insurance president; born in Ash Grove, Ill., Sept. 6, 1864; son of Ephraim S. and Celia B. (Miller) Hamilton. He was educated in the public schools of Ash Grove, at the Grand Prairie Seminary, Onarga, Ill., and by private tutors. Soon after leaving school he entered the banking business, and through his entire business life he has been engaged in banking and insurance affairs. When the Federal Life Insurance Company of Chicago was organized, in May, 1900, he was made its president. He is a Republican and represented that party in the Illinois Senate from 1896 to 1900. He was president of the Illinois Republican League from 1898 to 1900, and president of the National Republican League from 1900 to 1.902. He is a member of the Masonic order (thirty-second degree) and a Knight Templar. His club memberships include the Union League, the Hamilton, of which he is a life member ; Chicago Yacht and the New Illinois Athletic Club. He married Amanda S. Ernst, daughter of Charles E. Ernst of Chicago. Residence : 813 Buena Ave., Chicago. Office address: Federal Life Bldg., 166 and 168 North Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill.

Hamilton, John L., banker, of Hoopeston Ill., born, Shipman, Ill., May 8, 1862; son of John L. and Ann Eliza (Leemon) Hamilton; educated in high school, Watseka, Ill.; married, Homer, Ill., Feb. 9, 1892, Mary A. Hall; children : John L., Jr., Donald N., Robert S., Howard L., Thomas James. President Hoopeston National Bank; vice-president and director American Bank and Trust Co., Danville, Ill.; director and treasurer Citizens' Building and Loan Association, Hoopeston, and Federal Life Insurance Co., Chicago, Ill. Deputy county treasurer eleven years, and one year deputy clerk of Probate Court ; mayor and member City Council, Hoopeston, six years. Republican; Presbyterian. President of American Bankers Association in 1906; president Illinois Bankers Association in 1899. Member Federal Legislation Committee, Currency Commission, and chairman of Fidelity and Burglary Insurance Committee of American Bankers Association; member Illinois Board of Trustees of Red Cross Society of America. Mason, Knight Templar, Consistory, Shriner. Recreation : Automobiling. Clubs : Union League, Hamilton, Bankers' (Chicago), Commercial, Owl (Hoopeston), Chicago Association of Commerce. Director Illinois Manufacturers' Association.

Hamlin, Charles Gilbert, merchant, banker; born, Waterford, Maine, March 26, 1847; son of David Tilden and Harriet (Robins) Hamlin; educated in the public schools; married, Milan, N.H., Nov. 20, 1875, Lydia A. Blake. On discharge from army entered lumber camp and remained until Feb., 1869 ; removed to California, via Panama, returning 1871, over newly completed railroad; followed lumbering business until 1875; since engaged in general store business. President White Mountain National Bank ; vice-president Gorham Savings Bank. At the age of 17 (Aug., 1864) he joined the army as private, Company II, New Hampshire Heavy Artillery ; discharged June, 1865. Chairman Board of Selectmen ; deputy sheriff eight years; three years Knight of Pythias. Republican; Congregationalist. Mason. Member of Grange. Has farm at Shelburne, N.H. Address: Gorham.

Hamlin, Courtney Walker, congressman, was born at Brevard, N.C., Oct. 27, 1858; is a lawyer and married; was elected to the fifty-eighth, sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second congresses, and re-elected to the sixty-third congress.

Hammitt, Joseph Otis, secretary of the Citizens' Union of New York City; born, Kingston, N.Y., Aug. 6, 1883; son of Joseph and Mary (Craig) Hammitt; educated in public schools through academic courses; uncompleted courses in N.Y. Law School; unmarried. Connected with various newspapers in N.Y. City, mainly Brooklyn Times and N.Y. Evening Post; served as Washington (D.C.) correspondent, Albany (N.Y.) correspondent, traveling political and special correspondent; visited Martinique and St. Vincent at the time of volcanic disturbances in 1902; gave description of eruptions of Mt. Pelee and Mt. Soufriere in Brooklyn Times; asst. sec. N.Y. Public Service Commission for the First District, 1907; legislative agent Citizens Union of N.Y. City, 1908, 1909, 1910. Sec. Citizens Union of N.Y. City, 1910, 1911, 1912; in charge of literary bureau of Citizens Committee of One Hundred in New York City campaign of 1909, and literary bureaus independent political organizations in other N.Y. City and N.Y. State campaigns. Sec. Legislative Voters' Assn. Clubs: City, Union League (Brooklyn).

Hammond, William Churchill, organist; born at Rockville, Conn., Nov. 25, 1860. Studied music in Hartford and New York, and since 1885 has been organist of the Second Congregational Church of Holyoke ; was instructor in the organ department of Smith College from 1890 to 1900, and has been professor of music at the Mount Holyoke College since 1900: Address: Holyoke; Mass. Has given over 800 organ recitals in the Connecticut Valley.

Hammond, Winfield Scott, congressman, was born Nov. 17, 1863, in Southboro, Worcester County, Mass. He was elected to the sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second congresses, and re-elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15, and resides in St. James, Minn.

Hampton, Benjamin Bowles, vice-pres. and dir. Am. Tobacco Co., Yonkers, N.Y., was born, Macomb, March 19, 1875; son of David Hail and Mary (Bowles) Hampton; educated in public schools and acad. at Macomb, Ill.; married Mary Somers Bartleson; children : Catherine, born 1901; David Bartleson, born 1901; Helen, born 1903; Mary, born 1906; Benjamin Randolph, born 1910. Was a newspaper man and publisher in the west for several years; came to N.Y. 1899, and engaged in journalistic and publishing work for several years; later connected with Am. Tobacco Co., of which he is now v-pres. and a dir. Presbyterian.

Hand, Joseph C., secretary and treasurer of the Aetna Real Estate and Loan Company of 29 West Thirty-fourth St., New York City. He is a member of the Republican, Elks, Museum of Natural History of New York and of the National Geographical Society. He resides at 1867 Seventh Ave., New York City.

Hanecy, Elbridge, lawyer; born in Wisconsin, March 15, 1852; son of William and Mary (Walls) Hanecy. After completing his education in common schools and academy, he studied law, and was admitted to practice in Illinois. He engaged in the general practice of law in Chicago until elected judge of the Circuit Court of Illinois in Cook County in December, 1893, and he was re-elected in June, 1897, his term expiring in 1903. He was appointed judge of the Superior Court in January, 1904, afterward resuming the practice of law in which he is now engaged. Judge Hanecy is a prominent and active Republican, and in religious affiliation is an Episcopalian. He is a member of the Union League Club, Chicago Athletic Association, Midday Club, South Shore Country Club, Chicago Commercial Association and the Gentleman's Riding and Driving Club. He married in Chicago, March 1, 1876, Sarah Barton, and they have seven children. Residence: 3116 Michigan Avenue. Office: First National Bank Building, Chicago.

Hanna, James R., lawyer, banker, jurist and statesman of Greeley, Neb., was born Feb. 21, 1861, in Vinton, Iowa. In 1889-90 he was a member of the Nebraska state legislature; and since 1904 has been judge of the eleventh judicial district of Nebraska. He is also president of the Greeley State Bank ; and president of the Brayton State Bank.

Hanna, John Venable, chief engineer Kansas City Terminal Ry. Office, Kansas City, Mo. Born 1864 at Plattsmouth, Neb. • Educated at the Sheffield Scientific School, Yale University. Entered railway service Aug., 1885, with the Chicago, Burlington & Northern Ry., since which he has been consecutively, July, 1886, to Nov., 1886, assistant engineer Colorado Rd.; March, 1887, to May, 1888, resident engineer Current River Rd.; May to Nov., 1888, assistant engineer Kansas City, Ft. Scott Memphis Rd. ; 1889, mining in Colorado ; Jan., 1890, to Oct., 1890, shop inspector Thames River bridge; Jan., 1891, to Aug., 1899, assistant engineer Kansas City, Memphis & Birmingham Rd.; Aug., 1899, to Nov., 1900, resident engineer Kansas City, Ft. Scott & Memphis Rd.; Nov., 1900, to Aug., 1901, assistant chief engineer same road; Aug., 1901, to Jan., 1904, assistant chief engineer St. Louis & San Francisco Rd.; Jan., 1904, to Dec., 1906, principal assistant engineer and assistant engineer maintenance of way same road; Dec., 1906, to date, chief engineer Kansas City Terminal Ry.

Hanna, Louis B., governor of the State of North Dakota, was born Aug. 9, 1861, in New Brighton, Pa. He is governor of North Dakota for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Bismarck, N.D.

Hannauer, George, general manager Indiana Harbor Belt Rd. Office Gibson, Ind. Born Dec. 19, 1872, at St. Louis, Mo. Entered railway service Sept. 24, 1890, with the Terminal Rd. Association of St. Louis, since which he has been consecutively March 1, 1903, to April 8, 1907, superintendent Wiggins Ferry Co., of St. Louis; April 8, 1907, to Jan. 1, 1911, superintendent Indiana Harbor Belt Rd. ; Jan. 1, 1911, to July 1, 1912, general superintendent; July 1, 1912, to date, general manager same road.

Hansell, Alfred Wetherill, stock broker; born Philadelphia, Dec. 29, 1863; son of Barnet and Rebecca (Wetherill) Hansell; educated in Lauterbach's Academy; married, Philadelphia, April 2, 1901, Adelaide M. Warner. Started in business in 1879 with Winthrop & Percy Smith; became member of firm of Winthrop Smith & Co., 1901, bankers and brokers. Became member of firm Butcheg, Sherrerd & Hansel!, Jan., 1913, which firm succeeded Winthrop Smith & Co. Director Distiller Securities Corporation ; became member of Philadelphia Stock Exchange, 1892. Republican; Episcopalian. Recreations : Shooting, golf, tennis, squash, yachting. Clubs : Rittenhouse, Racquet, Philadelphia Country, Philadelphia Gun. Residence : 1609 Pine St. Office : 220 Real Philadelphia.

Hanson, Bert, lawyer, of 42 Broadway, New York City, was born, Sanford, Me., July 26, 1867; s. Benjamin F. and Fannie (Thompson) Hanson; ed. Phillips Exeter Acad., 1886; grad. Yale Coll., A.B., 1890; Cornell Univ. Law Sch., LL.B., 1893; unmarried. Admitted to Bar, Feb., 1894; mem. firm of Goodale & Hanson. Independent Democrat; 3d deputy Comm'r of police of N.Y. City, Jan., 1907, to June, 1909; assistant U.S. attorney general (in charge of customs cases), since June 6, 1914. Mem. N.Y. City Bar Ass'n, Zeta Psi Fraternity, Municipal Art Soc. (dir.). Fine Arts Federation, National Academy Association (trustee and secretary). Clubs: Yale, Cornell University (gov.)., Reform (trustee and sec.).

Harden, Percival L., publisher, Metropolitan Bldg., New York City, was born June 21, 1879, in Wheeling, W.Virginia He has been in business for himself since 1894, and is a successful publisher of New York City.

Hardenbergh, James Edward, journalist, author and poet, was born Feb. 11, 1869, in Brooklyn, N.Y. He has devoted most of his newspaper career to perfecting the bureau system of news collecting, and is secretary and manager of the New York City News Association. He is the author of two books and numerous poems.

Harding, Charles Francis, of 503 University St., W. La Fayette, Ind., was born, Fitchburg, Mass., Sept. 11, 1881. B.S., Worcester, 1902, E.E., 1910; Cornell, 1905-06; Dartmouth, 1908. Testing dept., Gen. Elec. Co., 1902; elec. engineer, Worcester, Providence and Fort Wayne, 1903-05 ; asst. prof. elec. eng., Cornell, 1905-06; asst. elec. eng., Stone and Webster, Boston, 1907-08 ; head prof. elec. eng. and director, elec. lab., Purdue, 1908. Fellow A.I.E.E. member Eng. Educ. ; St. and Interurban Ry. Assn.; Ind. Acad.; Ind. Eng. Soc.; Ind. Elec. Light Assn.; West. Soc. Eng.; West. Ry. Club. Leakage losses in dielectrics at high voltages; photometric and spectrophotometric analyses of locomotive headlights.

Harding, William P. G., banker of Birmingham, Ala., was born May 5, 1864, in Greene County, Ala. Since 1902 he has been president of the First National Bank of Birmingham. He is also a director of the chamber of commerce and of various corporations.

Hardwick, Thomas William, congressman, was born Dec. 9, 1872, at Thomasville, Ga. In 1895-97 he was prosecuting attorney for Washington County; and in 1898-1903 was a member of the Georgia House of Representatives. In 1900-01 he was captain of Company D, Sixth Regiment Infantry, Georgia state troops. He was a member of the fifty-eighth, fifty-ninth, sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second congresses from Georgia as a Democrat. He was re-elected to the sixty-third congress from the tenth district of Georgia for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Sandersville, Ga.

Hardy, John Dudley, trustee, born Woburn, Mass., Sept. 21, 1860; son of George E. and Mary F. (Lovering) Hardy; graduated from Williams College, A.B., 1882; married, Brookline, Mass., Jan. 25, 1885, Sady E. Macallister ; children : Mary F., Beatrice, Gladys. President and treasurer Menominee Water Co., Menominee, Mich.; treasurer Winthrop Shore Land Co.; trustee Estate William B. Rice, Avenue Real Estate Trust, Investment Real Estate Trust, High Street Trust, 'Wellesley Hospital Fund ; receiver Durham Water Co., Durham, N.C. Has held local offices of the New England town. Independent Democrat; Unitarian ; member several civic societies, local and national. Clubs: Wellesley, Mangus, Wellesley Country, Twentieth Century. Residence : Wellesley Hills, Mass. Office: 10 High St., Boston.

Hardy, Rufus, congressman, was born Dec. 16, 1855, in Monroe County, Miss. He was district judge of the same district, 1888 and 1892; retired from the bench December, 1896; was chairman of the Texas sound money democracy in 1896; married in 1881; was elected to the sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second congresses ; and re-elected to the sixty-third congress as a Democrat ; and resides in Corsicana, Texas.

Hare, Hobart Amory, of 1801 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa., was born Philadelphia, Sept. 20, 1862. M.D., Pennsylvania, 1884, B.S., 1885; M.D., Jefferson Med. Coll., 1893. Clin. prof. diseases of children, Pennsylvania, 1890-91; prof. therapeutics and diagnosis, Jefferson Med. Coll. 1891-; Fiske Fund, R.I. Med. Soc., 1885-86; Fothergillian medal, London Med. Soc., 1888; prize, Acad. Royale de Med. de Belgique, 1889; Boylston prize, 1891. Soc. Nat. Am. Physicians; Physiol. Soc.; Phila. Coll. Physicians; clinical medicine.

Harlowe, David, member Railroad Commission of Wisconsin. Office, Madison, Wis. Residence, Milwaukee, Wis., born April 20, 1860, in England. Caine to United States in 1881; later until 1883, bookkeeper and stenographer Chicago Telephone Co.; 1883 to 1893, successively stenographer for assistant general freight agent Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. at Milwaukee and chief clerk general freight department same place; 1892 to Jan. 20, 1911, traffic manager Edward P. Allis Co. and its successor, the Allis-Chalmers Co.; Jan. 20, 1911, to date, member Railroad Commission of Wisconsin, having been appointed by Governor McGovern to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Prof. B. II. Meyer.

Harman, John N., editor and vice-president Brooklyn Daily Times, 4th Ave. and Atlantic Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y. Residence, Ocean Ave., Cathedral Arms, born Jan. 17, 1871, in Oswego, N.Y. Educated at Watertown High School and Cornell University, 1893. (Married.) Was formerly connected with Utica Morning Herald, Brooklyn Citizen, Brooklyn Standard Union, also city editor of Watertown Evening News. Member Cornell Club and Manual Lodge No. 636, F. & A.M.

Harriman, Job, lawyer, born, Clinton Co., Ind., June 15, 1861; son of Newton S. and Elizabeth (Miller) Harriman. Educated in public schools, Ind.; Butler Univ., at Irvington; Colo. Coll., Colo. Spgs. Married, Theodosia Gray, November, 1893. Moved to Cal., 1886. Candidate, Social Democracy for vice-pres. of U.S., 1900; candidate for gov. of Cal., Socialist Labor Party, 1898; Socialist nominee for mayor of Los Angeles, 1912. Socialist. Res., 1207 Maryland St. Office, 921 Higgins Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal.

Harrington, Henry Hill, Kingsville, Tex. Chemistry, agriculture, Buena Vista, Miss. B.S., Miss. A.&M. Coll., 1883, M.S., 1885. Asst. professor of Chem. and Physics, Miss. Coll., 1882-88; professor Chem. and Mineral, Texas Coll., 1888-1905; president, 1905-08; director Texas Experiment stations, 1908-11. Agricultural director Frisco Railway, 1911. Fellow Texas Academy. Chemistry, geology, agronomy, LL.D., Miss Univ.

Harris, Overton, banker, farmer; born at Harris, Mo., July 3, 1856; son of Anderson Wood and Gabrilla (Nelson) Harris; graduated from State Normal School, Kirksville, Mo.; married, Harris, Mo., 1875, Mary Susan Jones; children: C. B., A. Estelle, Clara B., E. Amber, A. Wood, and Augustus 0. Showed the world's champion herd of Hereford cattle during the years 1900 to 1914. President Harris Banking Co., Haley Cattle Co., of Rifle, Colo., C. Harris & Sons, Harris, Mo.; director First National Bank of Milan, Mo., Central Trust and Savings Bank of Kansas City, Mo., Farmers' and Merchants' State Bank and Trust Co. of Sweetwater, Texas, First National Bank of Rifle, Colo. Democrat; Christian. Elk, Mason, Odd Fellow, Knight of Pythias, Modern Woodman, American Yeoman.. Address, Harris.

Harris, William Christopher, banker of Fulton, Mo., was born Aug. 15, 1860, in Callaway County, Mo. He is president of the Callaway Bank.

Harris, William Laurel, 423 West 59th St., New York, N.Y.; summer, Saint Mary's, Lake George, N.Y. Mural P., C., W., L. Born, Brooklyn, N.Y., Feb. 18, 1870. Pupil of T. W. Dewing in New York; Gerome, Galland Lefebvre and Doucet in Paris. Member: Mural P. (sect.); N.Y. Arch. Lg., 1898; N.A.C.; N.Y. Municipal A.S. (pres.); A. Aid S. (dir.); School. Art League (dir.); Fine Arts Federation of New York (dir.); Mad.). C. Work: "St. Francis de Sales before Pope Clement VIII," Catholic University, Washington; "The Holy Sacrifice" and "Our Lady of the Lake," St. Mary's, Lake George; N.Y.; "The Martyr, Father Jogues," Harbor Islands, Lake George; "The Crucifixion" and thirty other large mural paintings with the entire decorative scheme of the Paulist Church, New York; tapestry back to the Cardinal's Throne St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York.

Harrison, Alfred Craven, sugar refiner, born Philadelphia, Feb. 20, 1846; son of George Leib and Sarah Ann (Waples) Harrison; graduated University of Pennsylvania, A.B., 1864; later A.M. Served as private First Troop, Philadelphia City Cavalry, during the Emergency campaign; married, Kate de Forest Sheldon, daughter of William Crawford; children: Mary de Forest, Kate de Forest, Alfred C., 'William F., Mildred. After leaving the university he entered business as a sugar refiner. Director Western Savings Fund, Pennsylvania Co., North Pennsylvania Railroad Co., Philadelphia National Bank, Philadelphia & Bound Brook R.R., Franklin Institute and American Pulley Co.; manager of the Merchants' Fund. Clubs: Rittenhouse, Philadelphia, Country, Racquet, Union League, Corinthian Yacht (Philadelphia); Yacht. Address, 1616 Locust St., Philadelphia.

Harrison, Carter Henry, mayor, real estate operator, financier; born, Chicago, April 23, 1860; son of Carter Henry (five times mayor of Chicago) and Sophonisba. Grayson (Preston) Harrison; educated in public school of Chicago and Gymnasium of Alen-burg, Germany; graduated from St. Ignatius College, Chicago, A.B., 1881 (LL.D., 1900), Yale University, LL.B., 1883; married at New Orleans, La., Dec. 14, 1887, Edith Ogden; children: Carter Henry, Jr., Edith Ogden. Engaged in the practice of law in Chicago, 1883-89; in real estate business until 1891 when in association with brother, William Preston Harrison, became publisher and editor of the Chicago Times, which they sold in 1894. Elected mayor of Chicago, 1897, and re-elected in 1899, 1901, 1903, serving until April, 1905; again nominated and elected April, 1911, for four-year term. Has been delegate to several State and National Conventions and was chairman of the Resolutions Committee in the State Democratic Convention of Illinois in 1900. Democrat. Member Sons of the Revolution, Sons of the American Revolution, Society of War of 1812, Society of Colonial Wars, Society of the Cincinnati and Chicago historical Society. Clubs: Chicago, University, Iroquois (Chicago); Swan Lake and Huron Mountain Club (Marquette, Mich.). Residence: 3150 Sheridan Rd. Office: City Hall, Chicago.

Harrison, Francis Burton, congressman, was born Dec. 18, 1873, in the City of New York. During the war with Spain was a private, Troop A, New York Volunteer Cavalry, and captain and assistant adjutant-general United States Volunteers; is a lawyer; is married; was elected to the fifty-eighth congress from the thirteenth New York district; was democratic candidate for lieutenant-governor of New York, 1904; was elected to the sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second congresses; and was re-elected to the sixty-third congress as a democrat; and resides in New York City.

Harrison, George Paul, soldier, lawyer, congressman, was born Mar. 19, 1841, near Savannah, Ga. He entered the Confederate army as second lieutenant of the first Georgia regulars, and was promoted to brigadier-general. He removed to Alabama in 1865; was elected commandant of cadets at University of Alabama, but declined; and was subsequently elected to the same position at the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama, and served one year. He was a member of the Constitutional Convention of Alabama in 1875; was elected state senator in 1876; and reelected in 1880. He was president of the State Senate from 1882 to 1884; and was a delegate to the National Democratic Convention held in Chicago in 1892. He was elected to the Fifty-third and Fifty-fourth Congresses as a Democrat; and resides in Opelika, Ala. Is general counsel Western Ry. of Alabama. Has been president Alabama State Bar Assn. Served two terms as grand master of the Grand Lodge of Alabama, A.F. & A.M. Is a member of the general council of American Bar Association. Is a Methodist and a Democrat; was a member Constitutional Committee of Alabama in 1901.

Harrison, Orlando, of Berlin, Md., member of the Maryland House of Delegates from Worcester County, was born in Delaware. He is vice-president of the Maryland State Horticultural Society; vice-president of the American Association of Nurserymen and ex-president of the Peninsula Horticultural Society. He is now vice-president of the Exchange and Savings Bank of Berlin; partner in the nursery firm of J. G. Harrison and Sons, the largest growers of peach and apple trees in the United States; and is also interested in the largest apple orchard in Maryland; planted in Washington County. He is now serving his third term as mayor of Berlin; and is also a Democratic member of the Maryland State House of Delegates.

Harshberger, John William, of 4839 Walton Ave., Philadelphia, Pa., was born, Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1869. B.S., Pennsylvania, '92, Ph.D., '93. Instr. bot. and zoo]., Pennsylvania, '92 - '0'7, asst. prof. bot., '07-, prof. bot., '11-. Teacher, Rittenhouse Acad., '92-'95; ed. bot. words, Lippincott's New English Diet., '95-; lecturer, Am. Soc. of Univ. Extension, '96; prof. in charge nature study, Pocono Pines Summer Sch., '03- '08; in charge of ecology Marine Biological Lab., Cold Spring Harbor, L.I., 1913-; mem. Int. Commission on Phytogeog, '10. F.A.A.; Bot. Soc. of Amer.; Forestry Ass.; Philos. Soc.; Pa. Bot. Soc., Pa. Forestry Ass.; Phila. Acad.; Phila. Geog. Soc.; Phila. Bot. Club. Maize; ethnobotany; ecology of New Jersey strand flora, Valley of Mexico, southeastern Pennsylvania, Mt. Katandin (Me.) and the mountains of North Carolina.—Vegetation of North America; vegetation of South Florida and Nantucket.

Hart, Charles G., banker; born Adrian, Mich., June 6, 1873; son of Samuel E. and Harriett (Galloway) Hart; educated in Adrian High School; married, Grantsville, W.Virginia, Jan. 1, 1895, Mary Virginia Sillcott; one daughter : Harriett Elizabeth. President Gibford-Weiffenbach Co., vice-president Commercial Savings Bank, Lenawee County Telephone Co., Adrian Telephone Co.; director Adrian Produce Co., Banwell-Hoxie Wire Fence Co., Hart & Shaw, Hart & Co. Republican; Presbyterian. Member Young Men's Christian Association, Elk. Recreation: Automobiling. Address: 13 State St., Adrian.

Hart, Charles Henry, lawyer; born Bloomington, Idaho, July 5, 1866; son of James Henry and Sabina (Scheib) Hart; father was prominent in the legal, political and church affairs of the Ty. and state of Idaho; was probate judge, pros. atty. and legislator of Idaho; for some years was Utah immigration agent for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints at New York City. Educated: Normal Diploma, Univ. of Utah, 1897; LL.B., Univ. of Michigan, 1889. Married Adelia Greenhalgh, Sept. 25, 1889, at Logan, Utah. Practiced law at Paris, Idaho, Logan, Utah, and Salt Lake City, Utah; served term as county atty. of Cache Co., Utah; member of the Legislative Council (Senate) of the last Territorial Legislature of the Ty. of Utah; member Constitution Convention of 1895, which framed present Constitution of Utah; district judge of the first district of Utah, 1896 to 1905, and during that time was often invited to sit in the Supreme Court as temporary member. Formerly law partner of Hon. Frank Nebeker, Logan, Utah; now member of Richards, Hart & Van Dam, Salt Lake City, Utah. Member, since 1906, First Council of Seventy of the so-called Mormon Church, in rank, the third council in importance of the Mormon Church; member General Board of Young Men's Mutual Improvement Assn., an organization of 33,969 members, and member General Board Deseret Sunday School Union, an organization of 179,254 members. Residence : 919 Elm St. Office : 1015 Kearns Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah.

Hart, Edward, Jr., Western general freight agent Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern R.R. Co. Office, St. Louis, Mo. Born Dec. 17, 1860, at Allahabad, East India. Entered railway service July 1, 1880, since which he has been consecutively to Sept. 1, 1881, clerk auditor's office Louisville & Nashville Rd.; subsequently clerk storekeeper's office and auditor's office same road, clerk auditor's office Louisville New Albany & St. Louis Ry. and Canada Southern Line, to 1885; 1885 to 1891, contracting agent Canada Southern Line; 1891 to 1892, agent Elkhart Line and Cincinnati, Wabash & Michigan Rd.; 1892 to 1894, agent Traders' Dispatch Line; 1894 to 1897, general southern agent same line; 1897 to Jan. 1, 1902, general agent Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern Rd.; Jan. 1, 1902, to Jan., 1913, assistant general freight agent same road at St. Louis, Mo.; Jan., 1913, to date, western general freight agent same road.

Hart, Robert Davis, railroad agent; born Logan Co:, Ky.; English descent; son of Edwin T. and Mattie (Brown) Hart, father, minister of the gospel of Methodist church, South; paternal grandparents Henry and Judith (Pickering) Hart, maternal grandparents, Samuel and Lucy (Chandler) . Brown; married Cecile Scott, May 15, 1888; member K. of P.; Democrat; mayor of Waverly, Tenn.; member of Methodist church, South; agent N., C. & St. L. Ry., Waverly, Tenn., since Oct. 1, 1892.

Hart, William Henry Harrison, lawyer; born, Yorkshire, Eng., Jan. 25, 1848. Educated in the public schools of Iowa and Illinois. Enlisted in army, Jan. 23, 1862, and honorably discharged February, 1866. Studied criminal law in office of Judge W. E. Leffingwell, Lyons, Ia.; commercial law in office of Hon. A. R. Cotton, of Lyons; real estate and corporation law under Boardman & Brown, Marshalltown, Ia. City atty. De Witt, Ia., 187071. Moved to California, 1873. Atty. gen. of California, 1890-4. Member G.A.R., Geo. H. Thomas Post No. 2, of San Francisco, Masons, I.O.O.F., Cal. Bar Assn. Residence : Palo Alto. Office : Monadnock Bldg., San Francisco, Cal.

Harte, Richard Hickman, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa., was born, Rock Island, Ill., Oct. 23, 1855. M.D., Pennsylvania, 1878. Surgeon, Pa. Hosp., 1894; Orthop. Hosp., 1904-; adj. prof. surg., 'Pennsylvania, 1904-, Surg. Ass.; Phila. Col. Physicians (treas.). Epiphysical separations in bones; perforation of intestines following typhoid fever; hemorrhage in Health & Charities of the City of Phila., 1914.

Hartman, Alexander William, president Duluth Edison Electric Company, was born at Shakopee, Minn., 1864; son of Charles and Anna (Youngblood) Hartman; educated in public schools of Duluth. Entered railway service and became general agent Northern Pacific railway 1888; resigned position with railway to take charge of electric company; president Duluth Edison Electric Company, which supplies electric lighting to the city; president Northern Shoe Company. Independent Republican. Roman Catholic. Married at Chicago, Ill., 1899, to Miss Katherine Chapin. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Northland Country, Commercial, Duluth Boat, Duluth Yacht. Recreations: Golf, fishing.

Harvey, George, editor and capitalist of Franklin Square, New York City, was born Feb. 16, 1864, in Peacham, Vt. In 1899 he became editor of the American Review. He is the constructor and president of many electric railroads.

Harvey, Wilson Godfrey, banker; born Charleston, Sept. 8, 1866; son of Wilson G. and Cornelia Julia (Elbridge) Harvey; educated in common schools, and high school of Charleston; married, Macon, Ga., April 12, 1894, Mary Franklin Butler; children : Franklin, Ruth, Mary Butler. Married Miss Margaret Waring June 24, 1914. Was engaged in newspaper work News and Courier, afterwards business manager of World and Budget; manager of Bradstreet's, for South Carolina. Organized, in 1894, the Enterprise Bank, being elected cashier, and has been its president since 1904. President of Charleston Clearing House since 1908, president South Carolina (State) Rankers' Association since May, 1910. Alderman City of Charleston since 1903, mayor (pro tem.) of City of Charleston, 1910; adjutant general 4th Brigade, South Carolina Volunteer troops for several years, major Second Battalion. Democrat; deacon of the First Presbyterian Church. Chairman Colonial Lake Commission, member Board of Health; Past Grand Master of Odd Fellows. Grand Master of Exchequer Knights of Pythias since 1897; senior consul-commander Woodmen of World of South Carolina; president South Carolina Society of Sons of the Revolution, vice-president National Society of the Sons of the Revolution. President Chamber of Commerce. Clubs: Automobile (president), Carolina Yacht, Country, German Friendly. Residence: 18 Rutledge Ave. Office: Enterprise Bank, Charleston.

Harwood, Herbert Joseph, manufacturer of assembly chairs; born at Littleton, Mass., Sept. 6, 1854; son of Joseph Alfred and Lucy Maria (Hartwell) Harwood. He was educated in the public schools of Littleton, 1860-1869; at the Lancaster, Mass., Academy, 1869-1870, Phillips Exeter Academy 1870-1873, and at Harvard College until 1877, when he received the degree of A.B. After leaving college he was in the employ of the Montague Paper Company, Turner's Falls, Mass.; of J. A. and N. Harwood, and the Harwood Manufacturing Company, both of Boston, and of R. W. Reid and the Andrews-Demarest Seating Company, both of New York, for whom he was the Boston representative. On Jan. 1, 1899, he went into business for himself in Boston, as a manufacturer of assembly chairs; and he is also director of the National Fibre Board Company. He was lieutenant-colonel and assistant adjutant-general on the staff of Governor John D. Long in 1882 and was a member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives in 1899. He is also trustee of the Bromfield School at Harvard, Mass.; was trustee of the public library at Littleton for twenty-one years until 1906; and was a member of the School Committee, 1893-1906. Mr. Harwood is a member of the New England Historic-Genealogical Society ; of the Essex Institute, the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Harvard, and was an original member of the University Club of Boston from which he has resigned. While at Exeter Academy he was a member of the Golden Branch Society; and while at Harvard was a member of the Institute of 1770, the Delta Kappa Epsilon and the Hasty Pudding Club, and he is also a Mason. His favorite recreation is farming on the 222 acre estate and local history. He traveled in New Brunswick, England, and in France in 1869 and made various trips through the middle and west parts of the United States and in Canada. He is a Republican in politics and a member of the Unitarian Church. Mr. Harwood has written articles on Littleton, in Drake's History of Middlesex County, Mass., and in Hurd's History of Middlesex County, and has written and published Historical sketch of Littleton; and he is on a committee to publish the vital records of Littleton. He married at Lancaster, Mass., Oct. 15, 1879, Emelie Augusta Green and their children are: Joseph Alfred, born in 1880; Helen Diman, born in 1883; Margaret, born in 1885; Richard Green, born in 1886; Herbert Edward, born in 1889; Emelie Minerva, born in 1891; Jonathan Hartwell, born in 1892, and Robert Walker, born in 1897. Residence : Littleton, Mass. Office: 220 Devonshire St., Boston.

Hasbrouck, Gilbert D. B., lawyer, was born at Port Ewen, Ulster county, Feb. 19, 1860. He attended the public schools, the New Paltz Academy and Rutgers College, graduating from the latter in 1880. He studied law with Hon. W. S. Kenyon at Kingston and attended Columbia Law School during 1881 and 1882. Rutgers gave him the degree of A.M. in 1883. He began the practice of law at Rondout, in the city of Kingston, in 1884. In 1894 he formed a partnership with Walter N. Gill, now Surrogate, at Kingston and in 1899 with Hon. Russell S. Johnson at New York City, which continued until Dec. 21, 1904. He was elected Assemblyman in 1884 and in 1885. He was corporation. counsel of Kingston from 1887 to 1894; in 1895 was second deputy attorney-general and he served as first deputy attorney-general from 1896 to 1899. In 1901 Gov. Odell appointed him Associate Judge of the State Court of Claims and designated him presiding judge Nov., 1903, and on Dec. 21, 1904, he was appointed Supreme Court Justice. Ashokan Commissioner 1908. Delegate Republican National Convention, 1908. Elected Supreme Court Judge, 1912. Vice-president Holland Society. Trustee State Historical Society, 1913; member of local hoard New Paltz Normal School; trustee Rutgers College. Judge Hasbrouck is a member of the New York Athletic Club, the Down Town Association, the Association of the Bar in New York, the Twaalfskill Golf Club, Kingston Club, Ft. Orange Club, Albany, Noy Club. On Jan. 13, 1886, he married Miss Julia M. Munn. Judge Hasbrouck's address is 209 Clinton Ave., Kingston.

Hastie, Alexander, editor and real estate inventor of Cheyenne, Wyo., was born Nov. 15, 1849, in Scotland. He was engaged in business in Des Moines, Iowa, for thirty-five years; was deputy auditor of Warren County, Iowa. He is secretary of the Wyoming State Farm Board; editor of Cheyenne State Leader and Golden Prairie Herald.

Hastings, Arthur C., resides in Niagara Falls; was born at Brooklyn, N.Y., July 13, 1860; was educated in Brooklyn public schools and at Smith College, Hatfield, Mass.; married Alice W. Brown of Rochester Jan. 13, 1887; was connected with the Rochester Paper Co., 1877-89; has been treasurer and manager of the Cliff Paper Co., Niagara Falls, N.Y., since 1892; was elected mayor of Niagara Falls in March, 1897. President American Paper & Pulp Association, 1907-1913. At present, president American Writing Paper Company, Holyoke, Mass.

Hastings, Thomas Wood, of 172 E. 71st St., New York, N.Y., was born, St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 29, 1873. A.B., Hopkins, 1894, M.D., 1898. House officer, Hopkins' Hosp., 1898-99; surgeon, Hosp. Ship "Maine," 1899-1901; instr. clin. path., med. col., Cornell, 1901-06, prof., 1906-. Substitute clin. pathologist, Presbyterian Hosp, 1902-04; asst. visiting physician, Cornell Med. Col. Dispensary, 1901-07; Bellevue Hosp., 1908- F.A.A.; Am. Med. Ass.; Ass. Adv. Clin. Research; Pub. Health Ass.; Ass. Path. and Biact.; Ass. Tuber.; Soc. Internal Med.; N.Y. Acad. Med. Clinical medicine ; clinical laboratory methods; non-parasitic elephantiasis; albuminuria ; Bacillus coli infections; Spirochaete pallida.—Early diagnosis of syphilis; the cerebrospinal fluid; tuberculin therapy in orthopedic surgery ; malignant endocarditis due to mierococcus zymogenes, n. sp.; standardization of hemoglobin ometers; opsonic index in tubercle bacillus infections.

Hatch, Frederick Thomas, chief engineer Vandalia Rd. Office, St. Louis, Mo., born at Haverhill, Mass. Educated at Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. Entered railway service 1874, since which he has been consecutively rodman on construction Boston Hoosac Tunnel & Western Rd., from Greenfield, Mass., to Hoosae Tunnel ; 1880 to 1888, on maintenance of way engineer corps Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Ry. (then Pittsburgh, Cincinnati & St. Louis Ry.) ; 1888 to 1890, engineer maintenance of way Indianapolis Division, and 1890 to April 1894, engineer maintenance of way Pittsburgh Division same road; April, 1894, to March, 1903, superintendent Michigan Division Terre Haute & Indianapolis Rd. (Vandalia Line) ; 1896 to 1902, also chief engineer same road; December, 1901, to March, 1903, also superintendent Logansport & Toledo Division same road; March, 1903, to Jan. 1, 1905, superintendent Peoria Division same road; Jan. 1, 1905, to date, chief engineer Vandalia Rd., successor to the Terre Haute & Indianapolis Rd.

Hatfield, H. D., governor of the State of West Virginia. He is governor of West Virginia for the term of 1913-17; and resides at Charleston, W.Virginia

Hathaway, William Lee, insurance man, born Providence, R.I., Feb. 15, 1867; son of William H. and Mary (Clancy) Hathaway. Educated public schools, Ashland, Ore.; Yreka Cal.; Colusa, Cal.; Atkinson Bus. Coll., Sacramento. Married, Caro Paulson, May 13, 1893, at Colusa, Cal. Moved to California, 1892. In employ of Mutual Life Ins. Co. of N.Y.; placed in charge of local office, San Francisco, Jan. 1, 1906; reorganized system of life insurance business throughout the United States; manager California, Nevada and Hawaii an Islands Mutual Life Ins. Co. of N.Y. Chairman of Ins. Panama-Pacific Jnt. Expos. for World's Ins. Congress in San Francisco for 1915. Member Natl. Assn. of Life Underwriters, Chamber of Commerce, Home Industry League. Clubs: Press, Presidio Golf. Address : San Francisco, Cal.

Haugen, Gilbert N., congressman, was born April 21, 1859, in Rock County, Wis. He was elected to the Iowa State Legislature, serving in the twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth general assemblies. In 1890 he was one of the organizers of the Northwood Banking Co., now operating banking institutions in Northwood and Kensett, Ia., of which concern he is president. He was a member of the fifty-sixth, fifty-seventh, fifty-eighth, fifty-ninth, sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second congresses from Iowa as a Republican. He was re-elected to the sixty-third congress from the fourth district of Iowa for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Northwood, Ia.

Haven, Sherman W., clergyman, of Sangerfield, N.Y., was born, Sangerfield, Oneida Co., N.Y., Oct. 13, 1873; son of A. Garrison and Frances M. (Bartholomew) Havens; educated public schools; graduated Waterville (N.Y.) Acad., 1891; Amherst Coll., B.A., 1895; M.A., 1906; Auburn Theol. Sem., 1898; post-grad. courses N.Y. Univ., 1906-10; married, Auburn, N.Y., Aug. 24, 1898, Edna Hall Costa; children : Edward Garrison, born Aug. 29, 1900; Frances Lelia, born Aug. 7, 1903; George Costa, born June 1, 1907; Helen Edna, born Jan. 1, 1913. Ordained May 20, 1898; pastor Wellsville, N.Y. Cong'l Ch., 1898-1902; Patchogue, Cong 'l Ch., 1902-11, Waterville, N.Y., Presby 'n Ch., since 1913. Justice of the Peace, Town of Sangerfield, N.Y., 1912-14. Supervisor since Jan. 1, 1914. Editor Amherst Student, 1894-95; Auburn Sem. Review, 1896-98; tutor in psychology and ethics, Auburn Theol. Sem., 1896-97; commencement speaker, same, May, 1898; mem. Utica, N.Y., Presbytery, Alpha Delta Phi fraternity, Amherst chapter.

Haven, William Ingraham, clergyman, Bible House, Astor Pl., N.Y. City, was born, Westfield, Mass., Jan. 30, 1856; son of Gilbert and Mary (Ingraham) Haven; educated public schools, Malden, Mass.; Boston Latin School, Wilbraham (Mass.) Acad., Wesleyan Univ., Middletown; Boston Univ. School of Theology; married, Newton Center. Mass.. April 25. 1904, Minnie Speare; one daughter, Gladys. Has traveled in the interest of the Am. Bible Soc. in foreign countries; corr. sec. same. Methodist. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa Soc.; trustee Wilbraham Acad., Boston Univ., Wesleyan Univ., Drew Theol. Sem. and Bureau of Missions. Clubs : Quill, Nat. Arts.

Hawley, James H., lawyer and statesman of Boise, Ida., was born Jan. 17, 1847, in Dubuque, Ia. He was educated in the grammar and high schools of Dubuque, Ia. In 1862 he went to Idaho and was one of the earliest pioneers of that territory. He was engaged in mining until 1871; and since then has been engaged in the practice of law. He has been identified for the past thirty years with most of the important criminal cases of his state, and in 1892 was in charge, for the miners, of the labor troubles of the Coeur d'Alenes. In the troubles in that section in 1899 he was specially employed as the attorney for the state, and after the Steunenberg murder in 1906 he was employed by the state authorities, although they were all different in political views, and given full charge of the various cases resulting from the assassination. In 1870-71 he was a representative in the Idaho legislature, and in 1874-75 was a member of the state senate. In 187983 he was district attorney for the second district of Idaho Territory, and in 1884-87 was United States attorney for Idaho. In 1904-05 he was mayor of Boise, Ida., and has filled numerous other positions of trust and honor. In 1910 he was elected governor of Idaho, although the state was Republican by at least 15,000, and is the only Democrat elected to a state office for the past nine years; and in 1911-13 was governor of the State of Idaho.

Hawley, Willis Chatman, congressman, was born near Monroe, Ore., May 5, 1864. He was president of the Oregon State Normal School at Drain in 1888-1901. He was a member of the sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second congresses; and was re-elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15.

Hay, James, congressman, was born Jan. 9, 1856, in Millwood, Virginia He was elected attorney for the commonwealth in 1883, and re-elected to that office in 1887, 1891 and 1895. He was a member of the House of Delegates of Virginia in 1885-90; and was elected to the State Senate in 1893. He was a member of the fifty-fifth, sixty-first and sixty-second congresses as a Democrat. He was re-elected to the sixty-third congress from the seventh district of Virginia for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Madison, Virginia

Hayden, Carl, United States congressman at large from Arizona, was born Oct. 2, 1877, in Tempe, Ariz. He was elected to the sixty-second congress; and was re-elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Phoenix, Ariz.

Hayden, Charles, banker, broker; born in Boston, July 9, 1870; son of Josiah W. and Emma A. (Tirrell) Hayden; graduated from Mass. Institute of Technology, B.S., 1890; organized banking firm of Hayden Stone & Co., with Galen L. Stone in February, 1892. Director Shawmut National Bank of Boston; Equitable Trust Co. of New York; McCormick & Co., Salt Lake; Pierce Oil Co. (also finance committee); Utah Power & Light (also executive committee); Utah Securities Corporation; Utah State Natl. Bank; director First National Bank of Denver; director and member Executive Committee of Nevada Consolidated Copper Co., Ray Consolidated Copper Co., Utah Copper Co., Chino Copper Co., Shannon Copper Co., Boston & Worcester Electric Companies, Boston & Worcester Street Railway Co., American Pneumatic Service Co., Lamson Store Service Co., Twin City Rapid Transit Co.; director Boston Opera Co.; director Nevada Northern Railway, Bingham & Garfield Railway, Continental Zinc Co., Steptoe Valley Smelting Co., Ray & Gila Valley Railway Co.; treasurer Sierra Pacific Electric Co. Member New York Stock Exchange, Boston Stock Exchange, Philadelphia Stock Exchange, and Chicago Board of Trade. Was for over seven years with First Corps Cadets, then transferred to Second Brigade Headquarters, becoming personal aide to Governor under Governor Bates, and Governor Guild; at time of reorganization of Militia under Dick Bill, became paymaster-general Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. Was made chevalier of Order of Saints Mauritius and Lazarus by King of Italy. Republican; Unitarian. Interested in yachting owning a fast steam yacht "Wacondah;" in early days was interested in smaller boat racing of 15, 18, and 21-footers, when won championship of Massachusetts Yacht Racing Association, as owner of Heiress, Empress, and Duchess. Had racing stable of steeplechasers which he raced under name of Mr. Major, and was chairman of Board of Racing Stewards at The Country Club, Brookline, for several years. Is one of stewards of National Steeplechase and Hunt Association which controls steeplechasing in the United States; actively interested in automobiling, and one of governors of . Massachusetts Automobile Club. Member Theta Xi fraternity. Clubs: Exchange, Boston Athletic, Boston Yacht, Eastern Yacht, Algonquin, University, Puritan (Boston); New York Yacht, Metropolitan, City Midday, City Lunch, Westchester Country, Tuxedo, Stock Exchange Luncheon (New York); Newport Reading Room, Metropolitan (Washington); Norfolk Country (Dedham, Mass.); Nahant, (Nahant, Mass.); Newport Clambake, Recess. Residence : Nahant, Mass. Offices : 87 Milk St., Boston, and 25 Broad St., N.Y. City.

Hayes, Everis Anson, congressman, born at Waterloo, Wis., March 10, 1855; was educated in the public schools of his native state; graduated at the Waterloo High School and entered the University of Wisconsin at Madison in 1873; graduated from both the literary and law departments of that institution, receiving the degrees of B.L. and LL.B., the latter in 1879; began at once the practice of his profession at Madison; in 1883 moved to Ashland, Wis.; while engaged in the practice of law at Ashland he became interested in iron mines on the Gogebic Range in northern Wisconsin and Michigan, and since 1885 much of his time has been devoted to the personal management of the business of these properties. In 1887 he removed to Santa Clara County. Cal.. and there has been engaged in fruit raising and mining, and, with his brother, is publisher, and proprietor of the San Jose Daily Morning Mercury and Evening Herald. He was for two years an alderman of the city of Madison and for one year member of the board of supervisors of Gogebic County, Mich.; was elected as a Republican to the fifty-ninth, and reelected to the sixtieth, sixty-first, sixty-second and sixty-third congresses. Address, San Jose, Cal.

Hayes, Hamond Vinton, consulting engineer of Boston, Mass., was born Aug. 28, 1860, in Madison, Wis. He has been electrical engineer and chief engineer for The American Bell Telephone Company and The American Telephone and Telegraph Company. He is now a consulting engineer of Boston, Mass.

Hays, John Coffee, consulting electrical engineer, born Tulare Co., Cal., Jan. 5, 1882; son of John Caperton and Anna (McMullin) Hays; grandson of Col. John C. Hays, Texas ranger and California pioneer; fought when Texas freed itself, and again in the Mexican War, and was prominent in battle of Monterey; first surveyor general of California, and established the Mt. Diavolo Base and Meridian Beach mark; first sheriff of San Francisco. Educated public and private schools in Alameda and Oakland, Cal. Married, Eva Leslie Harwood, Dec. 2, 1908, New York City. President Mt. Whitney Power & Electric Co.; president Yosemite Power Co.; president LaGrange Water & Power Co.; president Mt. Shasta Power Corporation. Member American Institute Electrical Engineers, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York Electrical Society, National Electric Light Association. Clubs: Engineers (New York); Kaweah, Visalia (Visalia); Tuolumne Country (Sonora); Society of California Pioneers (San Francisco) San Francisco Golf and Country and Press. Residence : Visalia, Cal., and Fairmount Hotel, San Francisco. Office : Visalia, Cal.

Hays, Samuel H., lawyer and banker of Boise, Idaho, was born May 18, 1864, in Wisconsin. He is president of the Idaho building and loan association.

Hazlett, Charles A., banker of Portsmouth, N.H., was born July 21, 1847, in Portsmouth, N.H. He is president of the Piscataqua Savings Bank. Head, James Marshall, lawyer and statesman of 59 Temple Pa., Boston, Mass., was born July 25, 1855, in Summer County, Tenn. In 1880-84 he was a member of the Tennessee legislature; in 1896-1904 he was a member of the Tennessee Democratic Executive Committee; and in 1899-1903 he was mayor of Nashville, Tenn. Since 1904 he has been grand counsel for Warren Bros. Co., of Boston.

Head, James Marshall, lawyer and statesman of 59 Temple Pa., Boston, Mass., was born July 25, 1855, in Summer County, Tenn. In 1880-84 he was a member of the Tennessee legislature; in 1896-1904 he was a member of the Tennessee Democratic Executive Committee; and in 1899-1903 he was mayor of Nashville, Tenn. Since 1904 he has been grand counsel for Warren Bros. Co. of Boston.

Head, John B., Judge State Superior Court of Pennsylvania. He is judge of the State Superior Court of Pennsylvania for the term of 1906-16; and resides in Greensburg, Pa.

Healy, William, lawyer and statesman of Silver City, Ida., was born Sept. 10, 1881, in Windham, Ia. He graduated from the Iowa University and from the Iowa University Law School. In 1911-13 he was prosecuting attorney of Owyhee County, Ida.; and in 1913 was a representative from that county to the Idaho State Legislature.

Heard, Arthur Marston, banker, born Sandwich, N.H., Feb. 13, 1S66; son of William A. and Emily M. (Marston) Heard; graduated from Amherst College, A.B., 1888; married Arkansas City, Kan., June 12, 1895, Ora B. Farrar; children: Marston, Carlton Farrar. Was national bank examiner, 1893-95; cashier Merchants' National Bank, Manchester, N.H., 1896-1901; cashier, 1902-05, and president since 1905, Amoskeag National Bank, Manchester, N.H.; president People's Gas Light Co.; director and member Finance Committee New Hampshire Fire Insurance Co.; director Manchester & Lawrence Railroad; trustee Amoskeag Savings Bank and People's Savings Bank. Congregationalist. 32 degree Mason, Knight Templar, member Loyal Legion (Massachusetts Commandery). Clubs: Derryfield, Intervale Country. Residence: 726 Chestnut St. Office: 867 Elm St., Manchester.

Heath, Perry Sanford, journalist and publisher of 2100 S St., Washington, D.C., was born Aug. 31, 1857, in Muncie, Ind. In 1878-80 he was editor and publisher of the Muncie Daily Times; and subsequently established and was connected with various publications in the west. In 1894-96 he was editor and president of the Cincinnati Commercial-Gazette. lie had charge of the McKinley literary campaign; and in 1897-1900 was first assistant and acting postmaster-general. He is now interested in various natural and artificial gas companies and mining and industrial corporations.

Heaton, Augustus George, artist, author Carnegie Hall, New York, N.Y., born Philadelphia, Pa., April 28, 1844. Pupil of Cabanel at Ecole des Beaux-Arts and of Bonnat in Paris. Member Philadelphia Sketch Club (president, 1867); Salma Club; Lotos Club; American Numismatic Society (president, 1888). Awarded bronze medal, Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Work : The Recall of Columbus, U.S. Capitol, Washington; Washington's First Mission, Union League Club, Philadelphia; Baron Steuben at Valley Forge, War College, Washington. Author : Coinage of the U.S. Branch Mints, heart of David, Fancies and Thoughts in Verses. Member of Sons of Revolution, N.Y. Historical Society, Poetry Society, N.Y.; Authors' Club, London.

Hebbard, James Charles Bacon, lawyer, born, Charlestown Village, Province of Quebec, Can., April 11, 1854; son of James Josiah and Charlotte (Bacon) Hebbard. Educated private tuition; 1867-69, Nevada City High School; 1869-72, St. Augustine's College, Benicia, Cal. Married Gertrude E. Gates. Moved to California, 1862. Justice of the peace, San Francisco, 1889-91. Judge Superior Court of San Francisco, 1891-1909. Major N.G.C. and military instructor at San Mateo, 1872-79. First lieutenant Company B, City Guard, N.G.C., 1880-81. Capt. Seattle Rifles, Washington Territory, 1883-84. On editorial staff Seattle Evening Herald, 1883-84. Member B.P.O.E., F. & A.M. Clubs: San Francisco Press, Olympic. Republican. Residence: 3124 Washington St. Office: 714 Mills Bldg., San Francisco, Cal.

Hebberd, Robert W., secretary State Board of Charities of Albany, N.Y. commissioner of public charities of the city of New York, 146-10; born N.Y. City, Oct. 31, 1857; son of Gilbert C. and Isabella (Lennox) Hebberd of Revolutionary ancestry; educated Grammar School 37, N.Y. City, and Mynderse Acad., Seneca Falls, N. Y.; married, Seneca Falls, Nov. 29, 1882, Harriet Metcalf. Connected with Charity Organization Society, City of N.Y., 1883-96; was superintendent when appointed secretary State Board Charities of N.Y., Oct. 15, 1906, remaining until Jan. 1, 1906, when appointed commissioner Public Charities; president 5th N.Y. State Conference Charities and Correction, 1904; president 1st N.Y. City Conference Charities and Correction, 1910; president 2d Capital District Conference Charities and Correction in 1913; and president American Association of Officials of Charity and Correction, 1912. Compiler Charity Legislation in N.Y., 1609-1900 (published by the State Board of Charities). Independent in politics; Presbyterian. Member National Conference Charities and Correction, N.Y. State Conference Charities, N.Y. City Conference Charities and Correction, and American Association of Officials of Charity and Correction, Masonic Order (K.T., Scotish Rite, 32 .degree).

Hebert, Alvin S., lawyer and secretary of. State of Baton Rouge, La., was born Jan. 5, 1878, in St. Raphael, La. He received the degrees of A.B., A.M., LL.B. and LL.D. He is secretary of State of Louisiana, and insurance commissioner of Louisiana. He was the first to advocate the abolition of the fee system basis in the public offices of Louisiana and thereby effected a saving to the state of $80,000 in the office of secretary of state.

Heckscher, August, capitalist, miner, manufacturer, of 576 Fifth Ave., New York City, was born, Hamburg, Germany, Aug. 26, 1848; son of G. M. and Antoinette (Brautigam) Heckscher; educated Weinheim, Hamburg, Germany; Neuchatel, Switzerland; married, Pottsville, Pa., Oct. 13, 1881, Anna P. Atkins; children: G. Maurice, born 1884; Antoinette, born. 1888. Engaged in mining anthracite in Pennsylvania, 1868-84; zinc mining and manufacturing, 1881-1904; vice-president Ara. La France Eng. Fire Ins. Co.; director Bank of Huntington; vice-president and director Eastern Steel Co.: director and member executive committee, New Jersey Zinc Co., Central Foundry Co.; director Empire Zinc Co., Central Iron and Coal Co. Republican. Member Am. Inst. Mining Engineers; trustee N.Y. Orthopaedic Hosp. Clubs: Union, Midday, Deutscher Verein, N.Y. Yacht, N.Y. Athletic, Seawanhaka-Corinthian, Riding and Driving, Rittenhouse (Phila.).

Hedemann, Christion J., general manager Honolulu Iron Wks. Co., born Flensburg (then Denmark, now Germany), May 25, 1852; son of F. A. C., and C. A. (Cloos) Hedemann. Educated College in Denmark; passed royal examination for first-class marine engineer; studied at Royal Polytechnic Institution in Copenhagen. Married M. M. Nissen, Oct. 27, 1877, at Copenhagen, Denmark. Went to Hawaii in 1878 as sugar factory engineer. Entered service of Honolulu Iron Wks. Co., as assistant manager, June, 1884; appointed general manager, 1896 (the company does an international business of contracting for the building of complete cane sugar factories; branch offices in New York City and Hilo, Hawaii , Cuba and Manila. Has furnished factories for Formosa, Cuba, 'Porto Rico, Louisiana, Mexico, Philippine Islands and practically all in the Hawaii an Islands; employs about 600 men at Honolulu and Hilo works). Appointed consul of Denmark, July, 1909. Member Society of Mechanical Engineers, Society of German Sugar T. Clubs: Engineers (N.Y.); Pacific (Honolulu); Honolulu Engineers (hon. mem.); Honolulu Society Science. Residence : 601 Judd St. Office : Honolulu, Hawaii .

Heflin, James Thomas, congressman, was born April 9, 1869, in Louina, Randolph County, Ala. He was elected secretary of 'state in November, 1912, for a term of four years; resigned that office May 1, 1904; was elected, without opposition, May 10, 1904, to fill an unexpired term in the fifty-eighth congress; also elected to the fifty-ninth, sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second congresses, and re-elected to the sixty-third congress as a Democrat; and resides in Lafayette, Ala.

Hegel, George White, chief engineer Chicago Junction Ry. Office, Chicago, Ill. Born Dec. 19, 1870, at Peekskill, N.Y. Educated in public and private schools which included an engineering course. Entered railway service May, 1900, as draftsman Baltimore & Ohio Rd. at Cleveland, 0., since which he has been consecutively, January, 1901, to October, 1901, transitman maintenance of way department Pittsburgh division same road, October, 1901, to May 1, 1902, assistant engineer Connellsville division same road; May 1, 1902, to June 15, 1903, assistant chief engineer Indiana Harbor Rd.; June 15, 1903, to Sept. 1, 1911, principal assistant engineer Chicago Junction Ry.; Sept. 1, 1911, to date, chief engineer same road.

Heiland, Theodore, district passenger agent Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton Ry. Office, Dayton, 0. Born Sept. 27, 1867, at Somerville, Butler County, Ohio. Educated in the public schools. Entered service of Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton, January, 1887 as telegraph operator Cincinnati-Dayton district, since which he has been consecutively May, 1903 to Sept. 1, 1909, city ticket agent at Dayton; Sept. 1, 1909 to June 1, 1910, traveling passenger agent; June 1, 1910 to date, district passenger agent same road at Dayton.

Heimrod, George William, 66th St. and Ave. A, New York, N.Y., was born, New York, April 21, 1876. A.B., Harvard, 1898, A.M., 1899, Ph.D., 1901, Parker traveling fellow, 1901; Leipzig, 1901-05. Instr. physical chem., Harvard, 1900; asst. chem., Leipzig, 1902; Rockefeller Inst., 1907-09, assoc., 1909. Chem. Gesell; Bunsen Gesell. Physical chemistry; electrochemical equivalents of copper and silver; accuracy of the improved coulometer; photochemistry; biological chemistry.-Mechanism of oxidation; fermentation and digestion.

Heinemann, Benjamin, banker, born in Germany, June 3, 1850; son of Samuel and Jedda (Berney) Heinemann; educated in public schools of Gruensfeld, Baden, Germany; married, Apple ton, Wis., Nov. 30, 1873, Johanna Ullman; six children. Engaged in merchandise business at Wausau, 1873-95; president National German-American Bank, Wausau, Wis., since 1890, Cisco Lake Lumber Co., B. Heinemann Lumber Co., Wausau, Wis., since' 1900; vice-president Wisconsin Box Co., Wausau, Wis., since 1900; secretary and treasurer Land and Loan Co.; director Great Northern Life Insurance Co. Republican. Mason, Odd Fellow, Knight of Pythias. Recreations: Automobiling, Traveling. Clubs : Wausau, Wausau Country. Address: Wausau.

Heiskell, Lucius Lamar, public official; born in Shelby Co., Tenn., Feb. 4, 1883; son of F. H. and Augusta (Lamar) Heiskell; father's occupation, chancellor; paternal grandfather Joseph B. Heiskell, maternal grandfather, L. Q. C. Lamar; educated in public schools, Memphis University School and University of Tennessee, graduating from latter, B.S., 1904, LL.B., 1905; entered the practice of law in early life; member S.A.E. fraternity, Knoxville, Tenn., Chickasaw Club, Memphis Country Club and University Club, Memphis, Tenn. Democrat; appointed Clerk and Master of the Chancery Court of Shelby Co., Tenn., 1906, and is the present incumbent; member of Presbyterian Church; director in Mercantile Natl. Bank of Memphis, Tenn.

Helbig, Oscar Hugh, traffic manager Prescott & Northwestern Rd. Office, Prescott, Ark. Born Nov. 15, 1864. Graduated from high school at La Grange, Mo. Entered railway service, 1887, since which he has been consecutively to 1889, operator and agent St. Louis, Keokuk & Northwestern Rd. at Clarksville, Mo.; 1889 to 1891, agent Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Rd. at Gridley, Kan.; 1891 to 1894, clerk general claim office Missouri Pacific Ry. at St. Louis, Mo.; 1894 to 1898, agent St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Ry. at Prescott, Ark.; 1898 to Dec. 10, 1901, general passenger and ticket agent Prescott & Northwestern Rd.; Dec. 10, 1901, to January, 1913, traffic manager same road; Jan. 1, 1913, to date, vice-president and traffic manager.

Helgesen, H. T., congressman, was born June 26, 1857, near Decorah, Ia. He has been engaged in lumber and hardware business; and in 1889 became commissioner of agriculture for the State of North Dakota. He was elected to the sixty-second and sixty-third congresses as a Republican; and resides in Milton, N.D.

Hellen, Robert Ernest, physician and druggist, born Chestnut Bluff, Tenn., Oct. 26, 1879; English descent; son of Ed and Mary (Carter) Hellen; father, Baptist minister; educated Hellen's Inst., and Alamo, Tenn.; graduated from Memphis Hospital Medical College, M.D., 1903; worked on a farm in early life, paying his way through college under difficulties; is now engaged in the drug business and practicing medicine; member K. of P. Married to Agnes Wickfield Palmer, June 4, 1911. Born Jan. 20, 1913, R. E., Jr.

Helm, Harvey, congressman, was born at Danville, Boyle Co., KY. He served in the general assembly of Kentucky, session of 1894; elected county attorney of Lincoln County in 1897 for the term of four years, and re-elected in 1900; was delegate from the eighth district to the Democratic National Convention at Kansas City in 1900; was elected to the sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second congress; and re-elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15 ; and resides in Stanford, Ky.

Helm, Henry Benjamin, first vice-president and treasurer Louisiana Ry. & Navigation Co. Office, Shreveport, La., born Nov. 10, 1864, at Hannibal, Mo. Educated at Parsons College, Fairfield, Ia., 1880-83. Entered railway service 1894 as clerk 'in comptroller's office Kansas City, Ft. Scott & Memphis Rd. at Kansas City, Mo., since which he has been consecutively February, 1897, to Aug. 1, 1899, traveling auditor Kansas City, Pittsburg & Gulf Rd.; Aug. 1, 1899, to July 1, 1901, chief clerk freight accounts Kansas City Southern Ry., successor to the Kansas City, Pittsburg & Gulf Rd.; July 1, 1901, to Dec. 1, 1904, secretary and auditor Louisiana Ry. & Navigation Co., formerly Shreveport & Red River Valley Ry.; Dec. 1, 1904, to May 1, 1912, secretary and general superintendent same company; May 1, 1912, to January, 1913, second vice-president and treasurer same company ; January 1, 1913, to date, first vice-president same road.

Helvering, Guy T., United States congressman from the fifth district of Kansas, was born Jan. 10, 1878, in Felicity, 0. He served in the Spanish-American War. He has been county attorney. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Marysville, Kan.

Hemenway, Stacy, physician, surgeon, was born Jan. 13, 1836, in La Porte County, Ind. He graduated from the medical department of the Lind University, now known as the Northwestern University Medical School. During the Civil War he was assistant surgeon of the ninth cavalry Illinois volunteers; then became surgeon of the forty-first United States colored troops; and subsequently was acting assistant surgeon in the United States army. During 1871-74 he was resident physician to the hospital for the insane of 'Washington territory ; was a charter member of the Washington State Medical Society; and is prominently identified with the various leading medical bodies in America; and resides at Namax, Ore.

Hemlock, Daniel James, lawyer of 220 Carroll St., Waukesha, Wis., was born Aug. 6, 1854, in Cedarburg, Wis. He is president of Waukesha Public Library; president of Waukesha County Bar Association; Court Commissioner twenty-five years; local Civil Service Examiner. Member of Wisconsin and American Bar Associations, Knights of Columbus.

Hemphill, Alexander Julian, banker; born Philadelphia, Pa., 1856; son of William Kerr and Sarah Jane Hemphill ; educated Philadelphia public schools and private tutors; married at Philadelphia, 1880, Jeannette Cadmus. Was connected with Pennsylvania Railroad until 1883, when became secretary of Norfolk & Western Railroad; resigned 1905, to become connected with Guaranty Trust Co., being elected to office of president, 1909. Clubs: Metropolitan, Down-Town, Automobile of America, Aero, Century, Recess, Rumson Country, Union League, Economic, Rittenhouse of Philadelphia, Recess. Residence: 130 East 71st St. Office: 140 Broadway, N.Y. City.

Hempstead, Ernest Alexis, banker, editor; born Dimock, Susquehanna County, Pa., Dec. 15, 1851; son of Orlando G. and Eliza 0. (Tyler) Hempstead; educated in public schools of Brooklyn and Montrose, Pa., and Philadelphia High School; married, Detroit, Mich., Aug. 5, 1875, Annie M. Warner; children : Marguerite, Louise, Helen. Editor Crawford Journal at age of 21; proprietor, at age of 23, and continued as both, thirty-seven years; president The Star Co., and editor-in-chief Morningstar, Meadville, Pa., 1907-1909. Printer The Chautauqua Magazine, 1880-1885, Chautauqua Assembly Daily Herald, 1878-1905; editorial contributor to both. Vice-president and director New First National Bank, Meadville; director Meadville Malleable Iron Co., and Crawford Mutual Insurance Co. Served as executive document clerk House of Representatives, Washington, 1895- 1897; postmaster Meadville, Pa., 1897-1910; alternate delegate to Republican National Convention, 1886. Unitarian. Delegate Progressive National Convention, 1912. Member of National Municipal League, Civil Service Reform Ass'n. Chamber of Commerce, American Academy Political and Social Science; president Meadville City Hospital, 1903-1910, director, 1891-1910; vice-president Meadville Theological School; member Meadville School Board four years. Honorary member Delta Tau fraternity. Recreation: Golf. Clubs: Round Table, Literary Union. Residence : 660 North Main St. Office: Meadville.

Henderson, William D., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Physics and Director of the University Extension Service, was born, Ingersoll, Can., Nov. 27, 1866. A.B., Michigan, 1903, A.M., 1904, Ph.D., 1906. Instr. physics, Michigan, 1903-05, asst. prof., 1906- Assoc. mem. Physical Soc. Electrochemistry; concentration cells. Heat of dilution of zinc amalgams. Joint author of High School Physics; author of High School Laboratory Manual.

Henry, Horace Chapin, railroad contractor and banker of White Building, Seattle, Wash., was born in North Bennington, Vt. He is a Civil War veteran; built with partners 2,500 miles of railroad. He is president of the Metropolitan Bank of Seattle; and president of the Northern Life Insurance Company.

Henry, Hugh Horatio, lawyer and public official of Chester, Vt., was born June 13, 1883, in Chester, Vt. He graduated from Yale College; and is a successful lawyer. In 1910 he was executive clerk for Governor John A. Mead ; and since 1912 has been a member of the executive committee of the national conference of weights and measures.

Henry, Robert Lee, congressman, was born May 12, 1864, in Linden, Tex. In 1890 he was elected mayor of Texarkana, Tex.; and resigned to accept the office of assistant attorney-general. He was a member of the fifty-fifth, fifty-sixth, fifty-seventh, fifty-eighth, fifty-ninth, sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second congresses as a Democrat; he was re-elected to the sixty-third congress from the eleventh district to Texas for the term 1913-15; and resides in Waco, Texas.

Henshaw, Frederick Valdemar, consulting eng'r of 14 Wall St., New York City, was born in Brooklyn, N.Y., Aug., 1866; son of George Holt and Cornelia Middagh (Birdsall) Henshaw; educated at a private school, Brooklyn, Montreal High School, Bishop's Coll., Montreal, specializing in chemistry and engineering; married in N.Y. City, June, 1906, to Isabel Jeanette Hamilton. Employed on the survey of the St. Lawrence River, 1886; employed 1887-89, as consecutively apprentice draftsman and asst. to chief engr. with Royal Elec. Co., Montreal; with C. & C. Elec. Motor Co., 1889-95; member of firm of Downes & Henshaw, Providence, R.I., consulting engrs., 1895-97; asst. engr. the Crocker-Wheeler Co., 1897-1904; consulting engineer, William P. Bonbright & Co., Inc., New York; vice-pres., Eastern Power & Light Corp.; vice-pres., Colonial Power & Light Co.; director, United Utilities Co., Reading Transit & Light Co., Arizona Power Co. Episcopalian. Member of Am. Soc. Mech. Engrs., Am. Inst. Elec. Engrs.; past vice-pres., N.Y. Elec. Soc.; sec. Elec. Section, Brooklyn Inst. Arts and Sciences. Clubs: Hamilton (Brooklyn), Engineers (N.Y. City). Address: 24 Broad St., N.Y. City.

Hensley, Walter Lewis, congressman, was born in Jefferson County, Mo., Sept. 3, 1871. He was elected to the sixty-second and sixty-third congresses.

Herbert, Casimer, educator, linguist and poet of 168 Fullum St., Montreal, Canada, was born Jan. 12, 1879, in LaPigeonniere, Quebec. He makes a specialty of translating into French; and is a philologist and a polyglot, speaking eight languages, translating fourteen and has studied the grammar of over twenty languages, mostly European. He is a member of the Montreal Historical Society; and has translated and edited various works. He is preparing an edition of his own poems; and a series of books on Archeology. He is professor of languages and the manager of the religious and theological department of Granger Freres.

Herr, Edwin M., president Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co. Office: New York, N.Y. Born May 3, 1860, at Lancaster, Pa. Graduated from Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University. Entered railway service, 1878, since which he has been consecutively to 1880, telegraph operator on construction train and station agent Kansas Pacific Rd.; 1882, apprentice Altoona shops Pennsylvania Rd.; 1884 to 1885, apprentice West Milwaukee shops Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry.; 1885 to 1887, successively draftsman mechanical engineer's office, assistant engineer of tests -and engineer of tests Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Rd. at Aurora, Ill.; 1887 to 1889, superintendent telegraph at Chicago, and 1889 to 1890, division superintendent same road at Beardstown and Galesburg, Ill.; 1890 to 1892, division master mechanic Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. at West Milwaukee, Wis.; 1892 to 1894, superintendent Grant Locomotive Works at Chicago; Jan., 1895, to Jan. 1, 1897, assistant superintendent motive power and machinery Chicago & North Western Ry.; Jan. 1, 1897, to Sept. 10, 1898, superintendent motive power and machinery Northern Pacific Ry.; Sept. 10, 1898, to June 1, 1905, successively assistant general manager and general manager Westinghouse Air Brake Co.; June 1, 1905, to July, 1911, first vice-president Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co.; July, 1911, to date, president same company.

Herrick, Eli West, merchant, miller, of 255 Mullin St., New York City, was born Black River, N.Y., June 11, 1856; son Allen H. and Ellen (West) Herrick; grad. Watertown High Sch., 1874; Sheldon's Sch. of Salesmanship, 1904; married Watertown, N.Y., May 26, 1881, Ella Sargent. Began business as a bank clerk in 1875; in 1876 entered milling business with father; in 1895, when firm A. H. Herrick & Son was incorporated, became vice-president and manager; pres., 1905. Past pres.,, vice-pres. Watertown Chamber of Commerce; dir. Watertown Savings Bld'g and Loan Ass'n. Vice-pres. Y.M.C.A. Republican; Episcopalian. Mem. F. and A.M., T.0.0.10. (past grand). Club : Crescent Yacht.

Herring, Richard G., farmer; born Haywood Co., Tenn., May 30, 1848; Irish descent; son of Ichabod and Nancy (Ivey) Herring; father's occupation farmer; received common school education; married Emma Ann Compton Dec. 5, 1877; spent early life in farming; was formerly in the milling business, then was in the mercantile business for eight years; has been member of the county court of Haywood Co. 24 years; is also notary public; member of the Missionary Baptist church. Now engaged in things incident to private life.

Herring, William P., manufacturer, born Rodman, Jefferson County, N.Y., Oct. 22, 1844; son Hiram and Pauline (Prosser) Herring; educated public schools; married, Watertown, N.Y., Oct. 17, 1866, Imogene C. Adams; one daughter, Mrs. Pauline H. Dillenback. Manufacturer of leather until 1864; served in Civil War, 1864-65, as member 186th Regiment N.Y. Volunteers; resumed manufacturing business until 1878, since then engaged in cattle raising in the Southwest. Also engaged in railroad work and in the manufacture of paper; president Jefferson Paper Company; director of the Agricultural Insurance Company, the Northern N.Y. Trust Co. Clubs: Black River Valley, N.Y. Yacht. Address: Watertown, N.Y.

Herts, Henry B., architect, was born N.Y. City, Jan. 23, 1871; son Henry B. and Esther (Morse) Herts; educated School of Mines, Columbia Univ., Ph.B.; Coll. City of N.Y., Ecole Nationale des Arts Decoratifs, Paris, France; Ecole Nationale des Beaux Arts, Paris,. France; Heidelberg Univ., Germany; Nat. Sch. of Fine Arts, Rome, Italy; married Mamaroneck, N.Y., April 22, 1901, Cynthia Frances Harris; children : Henry B., Jr., born 1901; Jack H., born 1907. Practicing architecture in N.Y. City and Paris, France; was mem. Herts & Tallant, now in business alone, in N.Y. City, and Paris, France. Architect for the Public Recreation Commission, New York City. Mem. Soc. Beaux Arts Architects, Columbia University Architectural Soc., N.Y. chapter Am. Inst. of Architects, N.Y. Soc. of Architects. Clubs: Architectural League, City Athletic. Addresses: 42 Faubourg, Poissonniere, Paris, France, and 35 W. 31st St., N.Y. City.

Hessberg, Samuel, banker, broker, of 78 State st., New York City, was born, Albany, N.Y., June 13, 1859; s. Simon and Hannah (Westheimer) Hessberg; ed. public sch., Albany High Sch.; in. Feb. 5, 1896, Rose Grant Brilleman. Entered telegraph dep't of N.Y. Central & Hudson River R.R., 1876; became sup 't, 1879, of telegraph lines between Albany and Buffalo; resigned 1881, and entered employ of a banking and brokerage house. Opened branch of J. S. Bache & Co. in Albany, 1889, and became its mg'r; mem. of firm since 1893. Active in reorg 'n of Distillers' & Cattle Feeding Co. Trustee Union Trust Co. of Albany. Mem. Democratic Gen. Com., Albany, 1884. Mem. Perpetual Care Trust Fund Corn., Congregation Beth-Emeth. Mem. Albany Hist. Soc., Independent Order Bnai Brith, B.P.O.E. Mg'r many years, formerly v.-p. Young Men's Ass 'n; Albany; mg 'r many years, Chamber of Commerce. Clubs : Albany (life mem.), Albany Automobile, Adelphi (ex-pres.). Residence: "Rosemonte," Cedar Hill, N.Y., and 38 Willett st., Albany.

Hesse, Bernard Conrad, 90 William St., New York, N.Y. Chemistry. Born Saginaw, Mich., Oct. 3, 1869. Ph.C., Michigan, 1889, B.S., 1893; fellow, Chicago, 1893-96, Ph.D., 1896. Asst. chem., Michigan, 1890-93; research chemist, Badisehe Anilin u. Soda Fabrik, Ludwigshafen-on-Rhine, 1896-1906; consulting chemist, 1906. Secretary Eighth International Congress of Applied Chemistry, 1912. Chem. Soc.; Soc. Chem. Indust. Chemistry.

Hesseltine, Eli A., lawyer; born, Brown Co., Kas., June 25, 1860; son, Eli (officer Civil War) and Electa Ann (Frazelle) H.; had two great-grandfathers in the Rev. War, one with Col. Cilly, at Saratoga, and one with Gen. Marion, in Carolina. Educated, public schools and academy, Willamette Valley, Ore. Studied law in Spokane, part of time in same office with Judge (ex-senator) George Turner. Married, Carrie A. Woodman, Oct. 10, 1895, at Grand Rapids, Mich. Went to Wash., in 1882, and settled in Lincoln County. Owns several thousand acres of land. Nominated for Probate Judge at first Republican convention in Lincoln County, Wash., 1884. Has been Police Judge, City Attorney, Acting Mayor, Postmaster, Councilman, and candidate for Representative to the Legislature. Donated and established a public library in Wilbur, Wash., and is now its librarian. Member: Knights of Pythias, Pacific Northwest Library Assn. Progressive. Address : Wilbur, Wash.

Hewitt, Charles Elbert, of Durham, N.H., was born Hanover, N.H., Nov. 8, 1869. B.S., N.H. Col., 1893; M.M.E., Cornell, 1895. Engineer and designer, Hyer Sheeham Elec. Motor Co., Newburgh, N.Y., 1895-97; prof. elec. eng., N.H. Col., 1908- Consulting engineer, 1897- Elec. Eng.

Hewitt, John Napoleon Brinton, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., was born Lewiston, N.Y., Dec. 16, 1859. Pub. schools. Newspaper correspondent, 1876-79; maintained private sch. for boys, 1877-79; amanuensis to Mrs. E. A. Smith, ethnologist, Jersey City, 1879-85; with Adams Express Co., 1885-86; ethnologist, Bur. Am. Ethnol., 1886- Anthrop. Assn.; Wash. Anth (v.-pres., 1907). Mythology, philology, sociology and Indians; anthropology. Texts with interlinear translations of American on the above mentioned subjects in the Iroquoian dialects.

Hewitt, Peter Cooper, of 51 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y., was born, New York, March 5, 1861. Stevens; Columbia, hon. Sc.D., 1903. Mem. firm Cooper, Hewitt & Co. and Cooper Hewitt Elec. Co. Engaged in experimental work; trustee, Cooper Union; House of Rest for Consumptives; director of several companies. Physical Soc.; Elec. Eng.; Naval Archit. and Marine Eng.; Am. Geog. Soc.; N.Y. Elec. Soc.; N.Y. Gen. Soc. Mech. and Tradesmen. Mechanical appliances; Cooper Hewitt light; Cooper Hewitt rectifier; light.

Hexamer, Charles A. secretary, Philadelphia Fire Underwriters' Assn., Philadelphia, Pa.; born at Hoboken, N.J., in 1852; educated at New York University, being graduated as civil engineer in 1871. He was engaged in civil engineering for the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad, and afterward was connected with E. Hexamer, publisher of insurance maps and surveys in Philadelphia. He became connected with insurance in 1883, as inspector for the Hartford Fire Ins. Co., and was also inspector for a time for the Home and North British and Mercantile Ins. Cos. He was a member of the firm of Henry W. Brown and Co., in Philadelphia, 1890-94, and was then secretary of the Philadelphia Local Board for two years, after which he became local manager of the Hartford Fire Ins. Co. He has been secretary of the Philadelphia Fire Underwriters' Assn., since 1904; is past president of the National Fire Protection Assn., and is chairman of the Committee, Explosives and Combustibles, N.F.A., Fire Underwriters, and was member of the National Advisory Board for Testing Structural Materials and Fuels. Address : 135 South Fourth St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Hibben, John Grier, educator and college president of Princeton, N.J., was born April 19, 1861, in Peoria, Ill. In 1887-91 he was pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Chambersburg, Pa. In 1891-92 he was instructor in logic, in 1892-94 instructor in logic and psychology, and subsequently professor of logic; and since 1912 president of Princeton University. He is the author of Inductive Logic; The Problems of Philosophy; Hegel's Logic; Deductive Logic; The Philosophy of the Enlightenment; A Defense of Prejudice and other works.

Hickey, D. W., vice-president and general manager Wyoming & Missouri River Rd. Office: Aladdin, Wyo. Born Oct. 24, 1867, at Dalton, N.Y. Educated in the common schools at Dalton. Entered railway service 1880 as water boy New York, Lake Erie & Western Rd., since which he has been consecutively, June, 1883, to Nov. 30, 1887, trackman; Jan. 15, 1888, to Sept. 10, 1888, telegraph operator Delaware & Hudson Canal Co. at Peckville, Pa.; Sept. 10, 1888, to March 1, 1895, storekeeper Moosic Mountain Coal Co.; March 1, 1895, to Oct. 22, 1900, bookkeeper same company; Oct. 22, 1900, to date, general manager Wyoming & Missouri River Rd.; Oct. 1, 1906, to date, also vice-president same road.

Higbie, Frank E., superintendent Car Service Central Rd. of New Jersey. Office: Jersey City, N.J. Born Sept. 23, 1856, at Brooklyn, N.Y. Entered railway service 1877, since which he has been consecutively to 1879, clerk transportation department Chicago, Saginaw & Canada Rd. at St. Louis, Mich.; 1879 to 1882, clerk transportation department Erie Ry.; 1882 to 1884, clerk transportation department Central Rd. of New Jersey; 1884 to 1887, clerk transportation department Philadelphia & Reading Rd.; 1887 to April, 1898, general car agent Central Rd. of New Jersey; April, 1898, to date, superintendent car service same road.

Higginson, Francis Lee, financier; born Boston, Oct. 11, 1841; son of George and Mary C. (Lee) Higginson; graduated from Harvard University, 1863; married, Boston, April 11, 1898, Miss Shattuck. President and trustee Suffolk Savings Bank for Seamen and Others; president Boston & Lowell Railway Co.; director Allouez Mining Co., Calumet & Hecla Mining Co., Central and South America Telegraph Co., Kansas City Stock Yards, La Salle Mining Co., Manitou Mining Co., Merchants' National Bank, Superior Mining Co., Tecumseh Copper Co., Massachusetts Hospital Life Insurance Co., Osceola Consolidated Mining Co. Treasurer and trustee Boston Museum of Fine Arts; trustee Massachusetts General Hospital; member of corporation Massachusetts Institute of Technology; member Board of Overseers Harvard College. Member American Historical Association. Clubs: Harvard, Knickerbocker, Somerset County. Residence : 274 Beacon St. Office : 50 State St., Boston.

Hill, Arthur Edward, of 66 Clinton Place, University Heights, New York, N.Y., was born, Newark, N.J., March 20, 1880. B.S., N.Y. Univ., 1901, M.S., 1903; Ph.D., Freiburg, 1903. Instr. high sell., Newark, N.J., 1903-04; chem., N.Y. Univ., 1904-05, asst. prof., 1905-07, assoc. prof., 1907-12; prof., 1914-; sec 'y, sch. applied science, 1906-; prof., N.J. Col. Pharm., 1906- Chem. Soc.; N.Y. Chemists' Club; Chem. Gesell. Aromatic aldehydes; sulphinic acids; modification of Volhard's method; analysis of sulphocyanates; solubility of silver halides; determination of barium; solubility of salts in concentrated acids. Solubility relations; absorption; analytical standards.

Hill, Charles, of 6330 Kimbark Ave., Chicago, Ill., was born, Leland, Ill., June 27, 1862. Grad., Mt. Morris, 1884; B.S., Michigan, 1891, M.S., 1892; Ph.D., Northwestern, 1899, M.D., 1902. Prof. zool., Washington (Seattle), 1892-98; asst. prof. histol. and embryol., Northwestern, 1899-1908; prof. histol. and embryology Chicago Veterinary College, 1909; also practicing physician. Acting prof. zool., Northwestern, 1902-03. Soc. Nat.; Am. Med. Assn; Ills. Med. Soc.; Chicago Med. Soc. Embryology; epiphyses; development of vertebrate head.

Hill, David Jayne, ambassador and educator of Paris, France; born Plainfield, N.J., June 10, 1850; son Daniel T. and Lydia Ann (Thompson) Hill; educated Bucknell University, A.B., 1847, A.M., 1877, University of Berlin, Ecole Libre des Sciences Politiques, Paris; I.L.D. Colgate University, 1884, Union University, 1902, University of Pennsylvania, 1902, Docteur es Lettres, University of Geneva, 1907; married, Williamsport, Pa., June 6, 1886, Juliet Lewis Packer. President Bucknell University, 1878-88; president University of Rochester, 1888-96; professor diplomacy, Columbia (now George Washington) University, Washington, D.C., 1899-1903. First assistant secretary of state of U.S., 18981903; envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of U.S. to Switzerland, 1903-05, and to The Netherlands, 1905-08; since June 1, 1908, ambassador to Germany. Delegate plenipotentiary of the United States to the Second Peace Conference at The Hague, 1907. Has traveled much in Europe and made researches in European libraries and archives. Author : Life of Washington Irving; Life of William Cullen Bryant, 1878; Elements of Psychology, 1886; Social Influence of Christianity, 1888; Principles and Fallacies of Socialism, 1888; Genetic Philosophy, 1893; The Conception and Realization of Neutrality, 1902; The Life and Work of Hugo Grotius, 1902; The Contemporary Development of Diplomacy, 1904; is engaged upon A History of Diplomacy in the International Development of Europe (Longmans), of which two volumes have appeared; The Struggle for Universal Empire, 1905, and The Establishment of Territorial Sovereignty, 1906; also World Organization as Affected by the Nature of the Modern State, 1911, translated into German and French under the titles Völkerorganization and der Moderns Staat, and L'Etat Moderne et l'Organization Internationale. Republican. Member S.A.R; vice grand commander Society of American Wars; Amer- ican Philosophical Society; fellow A.A.A.S. Clubs : Century, Authors (N.Y. City); Metropolitan, Cosmos (Washington); Genesee Valley (Rochester).

Hill, Ernest Newton, manufacturer, capitalist; born Miamisburg, Ohio, Sept. 5, 1862; son of Jasper N. and Rebecca Hill; educated in Anderson High School; married, Anderson, Ind., March 16, 1887, Bertha M. Whitinger; children : Kenneth B., Sara G. Vice-president The Hill Tripp Pump Co.; general manager the Hill Machine Co. Largely interested in home city affairs. President of the Hill-Stage Co.; also member of Executive Board Chamber of Commerce of the City of Anderson. Residence : 608 Jackson St. Office : Hill Machine Co., 23d and St. Charles Sts., Anderson.

Hill, Frank, manufacturer of Ashaway, R.I., was born, Ithaca, N.Y., June 28, 1861; son Frank and Mary (Green) Hill; grad. Alfred Univ., N.Y., A.B.; married Alfred, N.Y., Oct. 6, 1885, Emma Green; children : Evelyn I., born Feb. 2, 1888; Mary- H., born March 10, 1890; Frank M., born' une 19, 1892; Helen Louise, born Nov. 24, 1898. Cashier Ashaway Nat. Bank, since June, 1885. Sec. and treas. Tenn. Line & Twine Co., Yawgo Line & Twine Co., Centerville Mills, Ashaway Clay Co., Ashaway & Westerly R'y Co.; dir. Ashaway Line & Twine Co. Five years mem. R.I. Legislature; 15 years mem. R.I. B'd of Ed'n. Republican; Seventh Day Bapt. Trustee R.I. Normal Sch., R.I. Sch. of Design.

Hill, George Richard, physician, surgeon, banker; born, Shanksville, Pa., July 28, 1852; son of John B. and Amand F. (Dailey) Hill; educated Pennsylvania free and Normal Schools; graduated from Bennett Medical College, Eclectic Medicine and Surgery, M.D., received honorary degree of M.D. from Bennett College (Regular), 1910; married, Grand Forks, N. DAk., July 28, 1886, Sylvia L. Geer; children: Sylvia, Georgia, Avis. President and director Kendall State Bank, Kendall, Wis. Democrat; German Baptist. Member Wisconsin Eclectic Medical Society; honorary member Illinois State Eclectic Medical Society; member National Eclectic Medical Association; clerk Kendall School, fifteen years; candidate for member of Assembly Democratic ticket 1914, Monroe Co. Odd Fellow. Address: Kendall.

Hill, Robert Potter, United States congressman from the twenty-fifth district of Illinois, was born in April, 1874, near Ewing, Ill. He has been police magistrate, city attorney and a member of the State Legislature. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Marion, Ill.

Hilles, Charles Dewey, of Dwight & Hilles, 56 Maiden Lane, New York City; was born in Belmont Co., Ohio, June 23, 1867; son of Samuel and Elisabeth (Lee) Hilles; graduated from High School in Belmont Co., 1885, and attended Maryland Acad. at Oxford; was married at Lancaster, Ohio, Sept. 30, 1896, to Doro- thy Belle Whiley ; children: Elisabeth Lee, born 1898. Frederick Whiley, born 1900, Charles Dewey, Jr., born 1902. Sec. to Supt. Boys' industrial School of Ohio, 1888-90; financial officer same till 1900; supt. same until 1902; supt. N.Y. Juvenile Asylum, 1902 to 1909; assistant secretary of the U.S. Treasury, 1909 to 1911; secretary to the president (President Taft), 1911 to March 4, 1913; chairman Republican National Committee. Presbyterian. Member Nat. Conf. Charities and Correction ; chairman Children's Corn., State Conf. of Charities; member, Executive Corn. Nat. Conference on Education of Backward, Truant and Delinquent Children ; member, Ohio Soc. of N.Y., Mil. Order Loyal Legion and Pilgrims. Clubs: Chevy Chase, Metropolitan and National Press of Washington, Lawyers and Century of New York. Residence: 301 West 106th St., New York. Office: 56 Maiden Lane.

Hilliard, William T., banker, lawyer, of 99 Market St., Salem, N.J., was born Elsinboro township, Salem County, N.J. son Thomas Townsend and Hannah Townsend (Goodwin) Hilliard; attended Friends Sch. Salem, N.J., and Borough of Kennett Sq., Pa.; married, first, Moorestown, N.J., Sept. 22, 1875, Eliza Gillingham (deceased) ; second, Salem, N.J., Anna Bassett ; children : Thomas Gillingham, born 1877; George Lewis, born 1879; William Thomas, born 1881; Bernard Aubrey, born 1885; Mary Eliz abeth (Mrs. Charles W. W. Bailey), born 1887 (all by first wife). Practiced law in Salem, N.J., 40 years; pres. City Nat. Bank of Salem, since 1888. Treas. Salem Cemetery Ass'n. Progressive; mem. Soc. of Friends. Recreations: Motoring, walking, traveling.

Hills, Arthur John, superintendent Canadian Northern Ontario Ry. Office : Toronto, Can. Born Feb. 15, 1879, at Toronto, Ont. Graduated from Ridley College at St. Catharines, Ont., 1893; Upper Canada College, at Toronto, Ont., 1896, and from University of Toronto 1899. Entered railway service April, 1899, since which he has been consecutively to June, 1901, in the construction department Canadian Northern Ry. at Winnipeg; June, 1901 to 1903, in operating department; 1903 to 1908, in office of third vice-president same road at Toronto; Jan. 1, 1908, superintendent Canadian Northern Ontario Ry. at Toronto; general superintendent Can. Nor. Ry. System Ontario Lines, Toronto.

Hills, Joseph Lawrence, dean of the College of Agriculture of the University of Vermont; director of Agriculture Vermont Experiment Station; born in Boston, March 2, 1861; son of Thomas and Amelia Ellen (Drew) Hills. He was graduated from the Massachusetts Agricultural College and received the B.Sc. in 1881, and from Boston University, B.Sc. the same year, honorary Sc.D. from Rutgers College in 1903. He served as assistant chemist of the Massachusetts Experiment Station, 1882-1884, of the New Jersey Experiment Station, 1884-1885; was chemist of the Phosphate Mining Company, Limited, of Beaufort, S.C., 1885- 1888 ; chemist, 1888-1900, and director of the Vermont Experiment Station, since 1893. Mr. Hills has Veen professor of agronomy since 1893, and dean of the Department (now College) of Agriculture since 1898 in the University of Vermont. He is a member of the Society for the Promotion of Agricultural Science, the Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations (sect'y-treas.) and the American Association of Advancement of Science. He married at New Brunswick, N.J., Sept. 11, 1888, Kate Conover, and they have one son and one daughter. Address: 59 North Prospect St., Burlington, Vt.

Hinds, Asher Crosby, congressman, was born at Benton, Me., Feb. 6, 1863. He was clerk at speaker's table, United States house of representatives, 1895-1911; was elected to the sixty-second and sixty-third congresses.

Hine, Charles De Lano, railway executive, soldier, railway examiner, organization expert and author of Vienna, Virginia, where he was born March 15, 1867, where he still maintains a residence. In 1885 he graduated from the high school of Washington, D.C. He entered the employ of a contractor ; and subsequently in a competitive examination he won a cadetship, graduating in 1891 from the United States military academy at West Point. He subsequently graduated from the Cincinnati Law School ; and' In 1893 was admitted to the bar. In 1891-95 he served as a lieutenant in the United States army ; and resigned his commission and engaged in railroad work, filling the positions of freight brakeman, switchman, yardmaster, conductor, chief clerk, train-master, assistant superintendent, right-of-way agent, general superintendent, and vice-president and general manager, besides holding various staff commissions. He served in the Spanish-American war as a major in the United States volunteers ; and participated in the siege of Santiago de Cuba. In 1900 he was inspector of safety appliances for the Interstate Commerce Commission; and in 1907 assisted in the revision of business methods of the Department of the Interior at Washington, D.C. In 190708 he acted as receiver of the Washington, Arlington & Falls Church Electric Railway. In 1910 as temporary special representative of President Taft, outlined program for improving organization and methods of all departments of the U.S. government. He has become well known as an eminent railway examiner and organization expert ; is the originator of The Hine System of Organization; and which, among other special duties, he installed on the Harriman lines. He is the author of Letters From an Old Railway Official to His Son ; and now resides in Tucson, Ariz., as vice-president of that portion of the Harriman system known as the Southern Pacific Railroad of Mexico and Arizona Eastern Railroad.

Hinebaugh, William Henry, United States congressman from the twelfth district of Illinois, was born Dec. 16, 1867, in Calhoun County, Mich. He has served two terms as judge of the county court of LaSalle County. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Ottawa, Ill.

Hirschberg, Michael Henry, jurist; born Newburgh, N.Y., April 12, 1847; son of Henry and Fanny (Francks) Hirschberg ; graduated Newburgh Free Academy, 1862; married at New York City, March 16, 1878, Lizzie McAlles ; children : Harry, born 1879; Stuart, born 1885 ; Frances, born 1887 ; Scott, born 1893. Practiced at Newburgh until elected justice of Supreme Court ; member Newburgh board of education, 1871-83; special county judge of Orange County, 1875-78; district attorney of Orange County, 1889-95; state delegate to constitutional convention, 1894; elected justice Supreme Court of State of New York, 1896; assigned to appellate division, 2d department, Brooklyn, 1900; appointed presiding justice January, 1904, for term expiring Dec. 31, 1910; re-elected justice Supreme Court of State of New York, November, 1910, and re-assigned to appellate division, 2d department, Brooklyn, January, 1911. Clubs : Republican, Manhattan, Lawyers, Hamilton, Powellton, Newburgh City; etc.

Hirst, Anthony A., lawyer of Haverford, Pa., was born Jan. 18, 1846, in Philadelphia, Pa. He received the degrees of A.B., A.M. and LL.D. Admitted to the bar in 1870, he began at once active practice and after 1874 devoted a portion of his time to a membership of the Board of Health, was secretary for many years and was eventually made president of that body, and his .service in that important branch of the city government con- tinned until 1899. He was one of nineteen who founded the Catholic Church Extension Society in Chicago, in 1905. He is president of the Bryn Mawr Trust Company; director of the Continental Equitable Trust Company; director and counsel of the Beneficial Savings Fund Society, and one director of the Bryn Mawr National Bank. Member of the Board of Managers of the Philadelphia Theological Seminary of St. Charles Borromeo, the Catholic Home for Destitute Children and various others.

Hiscock, Frank Harris, Judge Court of Appeals, State of New York, born in Tully, N.Y., April 16, 1856. He was graduated from Cornell University, A.B., 1875, and is a member of the Kappa Alpha fraternity. In 1878 he was admitted to the bar. Judge Hiscock was a member of the Republican State Committee, 1894-95. lie was appointed Justice of the Supreme Court, State of New York, 1896. He was a member of the Fourth Appellate Division of the Supreme Court, 1901-05; acting as Associate Judge of the Court of Appeals, January, 1896, to January, 1914. November, 1913, he was elected a member of the Court of Appeals for a full term of fourteen years and is now serving as a member of that court. He is a trustee of Cornell University, is interested in many business enterprises and is a member of various clubs. Judge Hiscock married in Syracuse, N.Y., in October, 1879, Miss Barnes. Address : Syracuse, N.Y.

Hitchcock, Freeman St. Clair, physician and surgeon of 616 Madison Ave., New York City, was born Nov. 17, 1883, in New York City. He was educated at the Greenwich Academy and the Stamford Williams College; and graduated from" the New York Homeopathic College and Hospital. He makes a specialty of electrotherapy. He is consulting physician to Crest View Sanitarium of Greenwich, Conn.; and visiting physician to several hospitals in New York City. He is the author of In the World of Psychology and other medical works; and is the inventor of electro-therapeutic earth-wave and earth-wave frequency machines.

Hitchcock, Gilbert M., United States senator from Nebraska, was born in Omaha, Neb., Sept. 18, 1859. He was elected to the fifty-eighth congress, defeated for re-election to the fifty-ninth congress, elected to the sixtieth congress, and re-elected to the sixty-first congress; was elected senator by the legislature, January 18, 1911. His term of service will expire March 3, 1917.

Hite, Bert Holmes, chemist and scientist, of Morgantown, W. Virginia, was born at Morgantown, Aug. 18, 1866. M.S., West Virginia, 1890; Hopkins, 1891-95, fellow, 1893-95. Prof. org. chem., West Virginia, 1896-98, agr. chemist, 1898. Chief chemist, W. Virginia Agr. Exp. Sta., 1895, v. director, 1902; chief chemist, W. Virginia Geol. Surv., 1898. Int. Cong. Applied Chem., 1903, 1909, 1912; F.A.A.; Chem. Soc.; Asst. Agr. Chem.; Electrochem. Soc.; Franklin Inst. Agricultural and physical chemistry; soil fertility; molecular weights; destruction of bacteria by high pressures; fixation of atmospheric nitrogen.

Hizar, J. Clyde, lawyer, born, Fort Ancient, 0., Nov. 5, 1871; son of John L. and Anna C. (Sprague) Hizar. Educated public schools, Paris, Ill.; Lebanon, 0; I.S. and A.B., Natl. Normal Univ., Lebanon, 0., 1891; Cincinnati Law School, 1893. Married, Kathrine Welborn, April 14, 1897. Moved to California, 1893. City attorney Coronado, since July, 1895. Is now ensign and asst. paymaster, N.M.C.; in command of 3d Div., N.M.C., San Francisco, after fire of 1906. Attorney, Am. Natl. Bank, San Diego. Past commander, San Diego Commandery, Knights Templar. Clubs : Cuyamaca and K.C.C.H. Member Masons, 32°, Shriners, San Diego Bar Assn. Republican. Residence : Coronado, Cal. Office : 306 American Natl. Bank Bldg., San Diego, Cal.

Hoban, Rev. E. F. D.D., chancellor of the archdiocese of Chicago, born in St. Columbkill parish, Chicago, Ill.; educated at St. Ignatius College, Chicago, 'made his theological course at St. Mary's College, Baltimore, Md., and took a post-graduate course in Rome, where he received the degree of D.D. Address: 30 East Superior St., Chicago, Ill.

Hobson, Richmond Pearson, congressman, was born Aug. 17, 1870, in Greensboro, Ala.; served in the United States Navy from 1885 to 1893; received the degree of LL.D. from Southern University June, 1906; was Democratic elector at large, Alabama, in 1904; is tenth in descent from Elder Brewster, of the Mayflower; was elected to the sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second congresses, and re-elected to the sixty-third congress as a Democrat for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Greensboro, Ala.

Hodges, G. H., governor of the State of Kansas. He is governor of Kansas for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Topeka, Kan.

Hodges, Walter S., retired business president of 504 South Park St. Kalamazoo, Mich., was born Dec. 4, 1855, in Galesburgh, Mich. In 1887-99 he was secretary of the Bardsen Paper Co., of Otsego, Mich. In 1900-06 he was president of the Superior Paper Co. of Kalamazoo; and in 1908-11 was president of the Watervliet Paper Co.; and was one of the originators and promoters of these two successful companies.

Hodgkins, Howard Lincoln, educator; born in Elgin, Ill., Jan. 25, 1862; son of David Hodgkins and Harriet (Shears) Hodgkins. He was graduated from Columbian University (now George Washington University), as A.B. and A.M. in 1883, and Ph.D. in 1892. He served as tutor in 1883, assistant professor in 1884 and professor of physics since 1887; was dean of the Scientific School from 1898 to 1903, dean of University in 1901 and 1903; and has been dean of the College of Engineering since 1905 in George Washington University; and was special computer of the National Almanac Office, Navy Department, from 1882 to 1892. He is a member of the American Physical Society, American Mathematical Society,, Washington Philosophical Society, Washington Society of Engineers; fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and others, and is a member of the Cosmos and Federal Schoolmen's Clubs. Residence: 1830 T St., Washington. Address: George Washington University, Washington, D.C.

Hodgson, Harry, journalist and manufacturer of Athens, Ga., was born March 6, 1874, in Athens,. Ga. In 1893-97 he was reporter with the Atlanta Constitution and with the New York Evening Telegram. He is now secretary, treasurer and director of the Empire State Chemical Co.; and a member of the Hodgson Cotton Co. He is a trustee of the University of Georgia; and a member of the executive committee of the conference for education in the south.

Hodson, William T., lawyer and jurist of Galena, Ill., was born Feb. 21, 1852, in Council Hill, Ill. He graduated from the Michigan University with the degree of the bachelor of laws. He has attained success in the practice of law; and since 1877 has campaigned Illinois many times as a Republican speaker. He has been alderman, city attorney and county judge; and has held . various other positions of trust and honor in his city and state.

Hoffman, Christian Balzac, merchant, miller and banker of Kansas City, Kan., was born Nov. 30, 1851, in Azmoos, Switzerland. He was educated at the Central Wesleyan College of Missouri, studied under private tutors, and specialized in economics. In 1873 he began in the milling business with his father, which in 1885 was incorporated as the C. Hoffman and Son Milling Co.; and in 1910 became a partner in the Kansas Flour Mills Co. He was the founder and for many years president of the Dickinson County Bank, and also founded the Banking Trust Co., and the People's National Bank of Kansas City, Kan. He retired from active business in 1910. He has made two trips to Europe to study sociological problems, and now devotes his attention to the promotion of socialism, and is also a national lecturer for the Socialist party.

Hoffman, Samuel Verplanck, trustee of real estate, born in Brooklyn, May 12, 1866; son of Eugene A. and Mary C. (Elmendorf) Hoffman. He was educated in Stevens Institute, M.E., 1888; Columbia (College of Physicians and Surgeons), Johns Hopkins University (fellow). He is a director of the Empire City Fire Insurance Co., North River Fire Insurance Co.; a fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society; the Seventh Regiment of the National Guard, New York, Holland Society, Sons of the Revolution, Society of Colonial Wars, St. Nicholas Society, New York Historical Society, Chamber of Commerce, Delta Phi, and American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society. He is a trustee of the New York College of Dentistry, and the Hudson-Fulton Tercentenary Committee; and he is a member of the Century, Metropolitan, University, Army and Navy, and Grolier Clubs of New York City. Ile married, April 17, 1895, Louisa N. Smith; children: Louisa V., born 1896; Margaret E., born 1899; Eugene, A., born 1902. Address: 258 Broadway, New York City.

Hofman, Heinrich Oscar, of 88 Robinwood Ave., Jamaica Plain, Mass. was born Heidelberg, Germany, Aug. 13, 1852. Heidelberg, 187i-73; E.M., Met. E., Royal Sch. of Mines, Clausthal, 1877; Ph.D., Ohio (Athens), 1889. Practicing metallurgist, 187787; lecturer, Mass. Inst. Tech., 1887-88; prof. metal and assaying, DAk. Sch. of Mines, 1887-89; asst. prof. mining and metal, Mass. Inst. Tech., 1889-91, assoc. prof., 1891-98, prof. metal, 1898-. Min. Eng.; Eng. Educ.; British Inst. Metal. Am. Inst. Met., Austral Inst. Min., Eng. Metallurgical chemistry.—Ferrocalcic silicates.

Hogue, Arthur S., lawyer, graduate of Albany Law School, class of 1904. Address, 32 Clinton St., Plattsburgh, N.Y., born at Plattsburgh, N.Y., July 21, 1879. Positions held: Corporation Counsel of the city of Plattsburgh, two years; District Attorney of Clinton County six years, from January, 1908, to January 1, 1914; County Judge of Clinton County since January 1, 1914. Former member of the Board of Education of the city of Plattsburgh; member of New York State Historical Association; member of New York State Bar Association; member of American Bar Association; member of New York State Association of District Attorneys. Schools attended: D'Youville Academy, Plattsburgh High School, Albany Law School, Union University, member of Republican party.

Hoguet, Robert Louis, lawyer of 27 Williams St., New York City, was born, N.Y. City, Dec. 5, 1878; son of Robert J. and Marie (Noel) Hoguet; grad. Harvard Coil., A.B., 1899 (magna cum laude); Harvard Law Sch., 1902; married, Paris, June, 1907, Louise Robbins Lynch; five children; with Hornblower, Byrne, Miller & Potter, lawyers, 1902-05; mem. firm Ivins, Wolff & Houget since 1905. Independent Democrat. Roman Catholic. Mem. Assn. Bar City of N.Y., Delta Upsilon fraternity. Mgr. N.Y. Catholic- Protectory, Asylum of St. Vincent de Paul. Clubs: University, Harvard, Reform.

Hoke, John W., lawyer of Chambersburg, Pa., was born July 17, 1866, in Chambersburg, Pa. Graduated from Lafayette College, Easton, Pa., in 1890, degree of A.B. He was district attorney of Franklin County, 1899-1901; member of House of Representatives, 1905-06. He is state senator from the thirty-third district of Pennsylvania.

Holbrook, Frederick William Doane, civil engineer of Bremerton, Wash., was born Jan. 26, 1840, in Boston, Mass. He received the Franklin medal at the Adams School. He has been an alderman of the City of Seattle. He is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers and a member of the Old School Board Association. He is contributor to technical publications.

Holcomb, Phineas H., attorney-at-law, Butler, Mo., was born near Vinton, Gallia county, Ohio, April 26, 1841. He served as a private during the Civil war, in the Sixtieth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, removing in 1867 to the State of Missouri, where he engaged in the practice of law and in educational work. At one time he served as regent of the Normal school at Warrensburg. He has resided in Butler since 1868, and has been connected prominently with its public enterprises. In 1867 he was admitted to the bar and has served for two terms as prosecuting attorney of Bates county.

Holden, Charles, business man of Grand Rapids, Mich., was born Feb. 7, 1860, in Grand Rapids, Mich. He has been representative in Michigan Legislature for first district, Kent County, 1895-91; member of Board of Education Grand Rapids, 1900-1905; president of the Lincoln Republican Club of Michigan, 1902; president of the Grand Rapids Credit Men's Association, 1908. He has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Commerce of Grand Rapids, Mich., since 1908; chairman department of Western Michigan; and member of Board of Directors Grand Rapids Credit Men's Association.

Holder, Charles Frederic, litteratuer of Pasadena, Cal., was born Aug. 5, 1851, in Lynn, Mass. In 1869-71 he was a midshipman at the United States Naval Academy; resided in New York until 1885 and then went to California. He was the founder and for two years editor of the California Magazine; in 1888-89 was editor of the Los Angeles Tribune; and has produced over forty books and pamphlets on historical, biographical and scientific subjects. He has been vice-president of the Boston Realty Company of Pasadena; and president of the Pasadena Academy of Science. He has been president of the Pasadena Board of Education; and was the founder and is honorary president of the Tuna Club.

Holland, Edward Everett, congressman, was born in Nansemond County, Virginia, Feb. 26, 1861. Since 1892 he has been president of the Farmers' Bank of Nansemond County from 1887 to 1907; state senator from 1907 to 1911; was elected to the sixty-second and sixty-third congresses.

Holland, Robert Afton, Jr., lawyer; born Covington, Ky. May 4, 1870; son of Rev. R. A. and Theodosia (Everett) Holland; graduated from Harvard College, A.B. and A.M.; admitted to bar, 1894, and has ever since been engaged in the general practice of law in St. Louis. On Jan. 1, 1904, became associated with James A. Seddon in the law firm of. Seddon & Holland, and on Jan. 1, 1914, became a member of the firm of Holland, Rutledge & Lashly.

Holliday, John Hampden, editor, banker; born Indianapolis, Ind., May 31, 1846; son Rev. William Adair and Lucia Shaw (emit) Holliday; educated in Butler Coll., Indianapolis, Hanover Coll., Ind., A.B., 1864, and A.M. 1869; served in 137th Indiana Regt. in Civil war; married, Baltimore, Md., Nov. 4, 1875, Evaline Macfarlane Rieman; seven children. Was reporter and correspondent for various papers; founded Indianapolis News, 1869, and conducted it until 1892; founded Union Trust Co., 1893, becoming president; established the Indianapolis Press with Major William J. Richards, 1899, which was consolidated With the News; 1901, when again took presidency of Union Trust Co., which he had relinquished in the interim of Press. Director Indiana National Bank, Indiana Railways and Light Co., Indianapolis Telephone Co., New Long Distance Telephone Co., Noblesville Heat, Light and Power Co. Independent in politics; Presbyterian. Member G.A.R., National Geographic Society, American Academy Political and Social Science; trustee Hanover College, McCormick Theological Seminary; president Charity Organization Society; member Board of State Charities; 33d degree Scottish Rite Mason, and member Phi Gamma Delta and Phi Beta Kappa fraternities. Recreations: Country life, fishing. Clubs: University, Commercial (Indianapolis), and Indianapolis Literary. Residence: 1121 N. Meridian St. Office: Union Trust Co., Indianapolis.

Hollis, Henry French, United States senator from New Hampshire, was born Aug. 30, 1869, in Concord, N.H. He has been a candidate for congress and for governor. He was elected a member of the United States Senate for the term of 1913-19; and resides in Concord, N.H.

Hollister, Granger A., Rochester, N.Y., was born December 7, 1854, in Rochester, N.Y., and has spent his entire life in that city. His father, Emmett H. Hollister, was born in 1829 in Rochester. His mother, Sarah E. (Granger) Hollister, who departed this life in 1894, was a daughter of Austin Granger, of Troy, N.Y. The first ancestor, John Hollister, in this country came here from England in 1640, settling at South Glastonbury, Conn. His descendants largely remained in New England until early in the nineteenth century, when George A. Hollister (grandfather of Granger A.) moved to New York, and in 1826 became a resident of Rochester. Granger A. Hollister was educated in private schools of Rochester, but in his nineteenth year (following his father's death) he left school to carry on his father's lumber business, and with his brother, George C., and mother formed a copartnership under the style of Hollister Brothers. This firm continued until 1888, when the Hollister Lumber Company, Limited, was incorporated. The corporation was capitalized at $125,000.00, with Granger A. Hollister as president, George C. Hollister, vice-president, H. C. Durand, treasurer and secretary. Mr. Hollister is widely known for the part he has taken in the development of the local lighting and traction companies. He was one of the organizers of the Edison Elec. Illuminating Co., which was incorporated in 1886. In 1892 he and his associates bought all of the stock of the Rochester Electric Light Company, and a controlling interest in the Brush Electric Light Company. Subsequently an interest in the Rochester Gas Company was obtained, and a consolidation of all four companies into the Rochester Gas & Electric Company was effected. The Clark-Hodenpyl-Walbridge Syndicate, which owned the control of the Rochester Railway Company, acquired a substantial interest in the Rochester Gas & Electric Company, and with the active co-operation of Mr. Hollister, the Rochester Railway & Light Company was organized in 1904, and the lighting and traction interests in the city were consolidated. Since 1904 Mr. Hollister has been active in the management of the various companies, as vice-president and director of the Rochester Railway & Light Company, Ontario Light & Traction Company, Canandaigua Gas Light Company, Eastern Monroe Electric Light & Gas Company, Rochester Electric Railway Company, and as a director of the New York State Railways, a consolidation of all New York Central Railroad Trolleys between Rochester and Albany. While his connection with the lighting and traction interests of the city is important, he is more widely known through his association with the banking and financial interests of Rochester. In January, 1886, he was elected a trustee of the Rochester Savings Bank, and is at present first vice-president of the institution. He was one of the incorporators in 1892 of the Security Trust Company, of which he was vice-president and the first manager, and is now vice-president, a trustee and chairman of the Executive Committee. He was one of the first Board of Trustees of the Chamber of Commerce, and is now a member of the Board. He is a member of the Genesee Valley Club and the Country Club of Rochester, and Union League Club of New York, and numerous charitable institutions of the city have him upon their management. Mr. Hollister was elected a director of the New York Life Insurance Company in June, 1907, and is a member of the Executive Committee. He was married in 1886 to Isabelle M. Watson, of Rochester, a daughter of the late Don Alonzo Watson, one of the organizers of the Western Union Telegraph Company. Mrs. Hollister died in 1903, and in 1906 Mr. Hollister married Miss Elizabeth C. Watson.

Holm, Charles F., lawyer; born in New York City, March 8, 1862; son of Carl and Mary (Martienssen) Holm; educated in high school, Schwerein, Germany, after leaving private school in New York in 1871; married, first, New York City, June, 1884, Caroline Martienssen; second, March, 1897, Grace Boies; children: Una, Ion C. Tertia, Grace Q. Organized cooperative trade corporations, the C., being in 1888. Among them being United National Bank, 1901, and Hudson Trust Co., 1906, Consumer Brewing Co. of New York, Limited, United Wine and Trading Co., American Exchange Cigar Co., Excelsior Brewing Co., Franco-American Baking Co., Consumers' Pie Baking Co., Fred Munch Brewing Co.,. etc. Senior member law firm of Holm, Whitlock & Scarf. Counsel and director Hudson Trust Co. Captain Company 0, 14th Regiment until 1904. Republican; Lutheran. Recreations: Horseback riding, boating. Honorable member of Plattdeutscher Volksfest Verein of New York. Clubs: Riding and Driving (Brooklyn), Montauk (Brooklyn).

Holman, Charles J., assistant manager at New York, Commercial Union Assn. Co., and Palatine Ins. Co., of London; born in New York, Nov. 18, 18541 He has been connected with the Commercial Union since 1873, having been Pennsylvania special agent 1880-82, superintendent of agencies in the New York office in 1882-83, resident secretary of the Central Department, at Cincinnati, 0., 1883-89, resident secretary for the Northwestern Department in Denver, Colo., 1889-99, and assistant United States manager at New York since 1899. He is also vice-president and secretary of the Commercial Union Fire Ins. Co. of New York, assistant manager of the Palatine Ins. Co. of London and the Union Assurance Society of London and the Hand-in-Hand Underwriters. Address: 55 John St., New York.

Holmes, Nortrup Raymond, lawyer, of Troy, N.Y., was born, East Worcester, N.Y., Jan. 17, 1879; son of John B. and Mary E. (Tobey) Holmes; educated in Worcester Acad., Troy (N.Y.) High Sch., Troy Acad., Union Coll.; graduate Albany Law Sch., LL.B., 1901; married, June 7, 1904, Bertha May Snyder; one son: Alton R., born 1906. Member Union Coll. Alumni Assn., Union Univ. Alumni Assn., Albany Law Sch. Alumni Assn. Clubs: Pafraet Dael.

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, associate justice United States Supreme Court, was born March 8, 1841, in Boston, Mass. He is a son of Dr. 0. W. Holmes, the poet and essayist. He served three years in the Massachusetts Volunteers. Since 1882 he has been justice of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts. He is the author of The Common Law; Lectures at Lowell Institute; Speeches, and edited Kent's Commentaries. Since 1902 he has been justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, and resides in Washington, D.C.

Holt, Hamilton, editor of The Independent, 119 W. 40th St., New York City, was born, Brooklyn, Aug. 19, 1872; son of Judge George C. and Mary L. (Bowen) Holt; educated in public schools, Columbia Grammar School; graduated, Yale, A.B., 1894; postgraduate study in sociology and economics, Columbia Univ., 3 years; married, Baltimore, Md., Feb. 18, 1899, Alexina C. Smith; children: Beatrice, born 1900; Leila Stuart, born 1901; John Eliot, born 1904; George Chandler, born 1909. With editorial dept. of N.Y. Independent since graduation, of which is now editor. Independent in politics. Has spoken and presided on political platform on several occasions. Member Fusion "Cora. of 100" in 1909 and "Corn. of 107" in 1913. Traveled to The Hague in summer of 1907, to study at first hand the Second Hague Conference, about which has since given some 100 lectures in schools, colleges and clubs. Decorated, 1909, by the Emperor of Japan with the Order of the Sacred Treasure. Congregationalist. Member Simplified Spelling Board; permanent arbitrator between Cloak, Suit and Skirt Mfrs. and Int. Ladies' Garment Workers' Union; trustee Am. Coll. for Girls, Constantinople, Turkey; member executive committee Church Peace Union, N.Y. Peace Soc., Am. Assn. of Labor Legislation, Japan Soc. of N.Y., Friends of Russian Freedom; member Am. Peace Soc., Woman's Trade Union League Soc., International Conciliation. Author: Undistinguished Americans, 1906; "Commercialism" Journalism, 1910. Clubs: Century, Authors, X.

Holt, Lawrence Shackleford, manufacturer, capitalist; born Alamance County, near Burlington, N.C., May 17, 1851; son of Edwin M. and Emily (Farish) Holt; educated at Dr. Alexander Ellison's School, Melville, N.C., Horner Military Academy; Oxford, and one year at Davidson College; married, Burke County, N.C., April 2, 1872, Margaret Locke Erwin. Began business career in wholesale grocery house in Charlotte, 1860; one of the organizers in 1874, and for several years director of the Commercial National Bank of Charlotte; was given by father in 1873, one-fifth interest in Alamance and Carolina Cotton Mills, in which business he became actively interested; in company with his brother built the Belmont Cotton Mills; organized and built the E. M. Holt Plaid Mills, Burlington, N.C., 1883; in partnership with others purchased the Altamahaw Cotton Mills, 1884, which is now the Holt, Gant & Holt Cotton Manufacturing Co.; also the Lafayette, now the Aurora Cotton Mills, and the Hiawatha, now the Gem Cotton Mills; is also an incorporator and director of the Durham & Southern Railway Co. Identified with several corporations; senior member Lawrence S. Holt & Sons, and bears reputation of being first mill operator in South to pay wages of employees in cash and; to shorten hours of labor (1886). Address: Burlington.

Holter, Edwin Olaf, of 60 Broadway, New York City; born Helena, Mont., 1871; son of A. M. Holter; educated Phillips Exeter Academy, 1890; graduated Yale University, A.B., 1894; Columbia Law School, LL.B., 1897; married, Albany, N.Y., 1903, Sarah P. Sage. Member law firm Holter, Ingalls & Guthrie. Republican. Served in Spanish-American War as lieutenant U.S. Volunteers; ,aide on staff of Gen. Adelbert Ames; served two years as state commissioner prisons; and was member of Parole Board and Com. on New Prisons. Clubs: Metropolitan University, Racquet, Republican, Yale, Midday, Knollwood, Railroad. Residence: 105 E. 73rd St. Address: 60 Broadway, N.Y. City.

Honey, Thomas Phillips, financier (British subject); born, Hidalgo, Mar. 4, 1878; son, Richard and Emma Jane (Phillips) H. Edu.: private tutors and professors. Unmarried. President, Int'l & Mortgage Bank of Mexico; President, Bank of Hidalgo; President, Bank of Guerrero; Pres., Hidalguense Banking Co.; Pres. of Central Bank of Mexico (and) of San Cristobal Sugar Co.; Dir., Cia. Express Mexicana (Wells Fargo of Mexico); Dir., La Blanca Mining Co.; Vice-Pres., Hidalgo State Electric; Dir., Frutos Tropicales de Tabasco; Pres., Trinidad Paint Mfg. Co., Pres., Pachuca-Tampico Ry.; Vice-Pres., Iron & Steel, Ltd., of Mexico. (Stockholder in all above firms.) Member: Royal Society of Arts (London); North British Academy (New Castle); Natl. Geographic Soc. (Washington). Clubs: Dir. and Pres. of Racing Board of Jockey Club; British, Polo, Automobile (Mexico); Reforma Athletic, Mexico Country. University, Pigeon Shooting. Res., 3rd Durango No. 50. Office: Apartado 296, Mexico City, Mexico.

Hoover, Robert McNair, superintendent El Paso division Sunset-Central Lines, Southern Pacific Co. Office El Paso, Tex. Born July 23, 1863, at Summit, Miss. Educated in the Peabody public school. Entered railway service 1885 with the Galveston, Harrisburg & San Antonio Ry. at Eagle Pass, Tex., since which he has been consecutively to July, 1906, brakeman, yardmaster, freight and passenger conductor on various divisions Harriman Lines; July to Dec., 1906, inspector of train service Sunset-Central Lines, reporting to vice-president; Dec., 1906, to June, 1907, trainmaster Houston division; June to Aug., 1907, train-master El Paso division; Aug., 1907, to July, 1912, assistant superintendent same division; July to Oct. 1, 1912, superintendent First division; Oct. 1, 1912, to date, superintendent El Paso division same lines.

Hopkins, Eustis Langdon, dry goods merchant, of 32 Thomas St., New York City, was born, N.Y., Nov. 8, 1863; s. John Milton and Augusta Dublois (Haven) Hopkins; ed. Wilson & Kellogg Grammar Sch.; m. Elizabeth Stockwell, g.d. Elias Howe, inventor sewing machine. Partner with Woodbury Langdon in the firm of Joy Langdon & Co., until its dissolution, 1909; connected with Bliss, Fabyan & Co., since 1911. Pres. and dir. Hyde Railty Co., Central Syndicate Bld'g Co.; dir. German Alliance Ins. Co.; mem. B'd of Dirs. German Am. Ins. Co. Pres. village of Larchmont, 4 terms. Republican. Mem. Chamber of Commerce, N.E. Soc. Clubs: Merchants, Piping Rock, N.Y. Yacht, Larchmont Yacht, Apawamis.

Hopkins, Grant Sherman, of Ithaca, N.Y., was born, Westfield, N.Y. B.S., Cornell, '89, Sc.D., '93. D.V.M., N.Y. State Vet. Col., '00. Instr. histol. and embryol., Cornell, '89-'96, asst. prof. anat. and methods and comp. vet. anat., '96-'03, prof. vet. anat., '03-. F.A.A.; Ass. Anat.; N.Y. State Vet. Med. Soc. Comparative and veterinary anatomy.

Hoover, C. Guy, director of music Pittsburg, Kan., was born in 1882 near Rochester, Ind. He has spent considerable time in travel and in the study of music and the music systems of Europe, especially in England, Germany and France; and has attained considerable recognition as a theorist and conductor. He has been director of music in the University of Arizona. He is now director of the department of music in the Kansas State Manual Training Normal School at Pittsburg; and is also secretary of the Educational Publishing Company of that city. He is the author of The Assembly Hymn and Song Collection.

Hornblower, William B., lawyer of 24 Broad St., New York City; born at Paterson, N.J., May 13, 1851; son of Rev. Wm. IT. (D.D.) and Matilda (Butler) Hornblower; graduated from Princeton Univ., A.B., 1871; Columbia Univ. Law Sch., LL.B., 1875, honorary A.M., 1874, LL.D., 1895, Princeton Univ. Married, first, N.Y. City, April 26, 1882, Susan, daughter of Wm. E. Sanford, of New Haven, Conn. (died April 27, 1886); second, N.Y. City, Jan. 32, 1894, Emily S. Nelson, daughter of William B. Sanford, and widow of Lieut.-Col. A. D. Nelson, U.S.A.; children: Lewis W., born April 15, 1883 (Princeton, A.B., '04), George S., born June 19, 1884 (Princeton, A.B., '04), Susan Sanford, born April, 1886 (died June 16, 1900). Admitted to bar of N.Y., 1875; member of commission appointed under act of legislature in 1890 to propose amendments to State Constitution Judiciary Article; appointed to U.S. Supreme Court, Sept., 1893, by President Cleveland to succeed Justice Blatchford, nomination rejected by Senate, Jan., 1894, owing to political opposition by Senators Hill and Murphy, of N.Y. Member Board of Statutory Consolidation appointed by Act of Legislature, 1904, to consolidate all the general statutes of State of N.Y.; reported to Legislature of 1909 and consolidated statutes adopted and passed. head of firm of Hornblower, Miller & Potter. Member American Bar Assn., N.Y. State Bar Assn. (pres. 1902), Assn. Bar City of N.Y. (pres. 1913), Sons of Revolution. Clubs: University, Century, Metropolitan, Manhattan, City Reform, Riding, Princeton. Residence: 5 E. 89th St. Address: 24 Broad St., N.Y. City.

Hornsby, Samuel J., farmer; born Roane Co., Tenn., Dec. 9, 1854; English descent; son of B. M. and Mahala (Brady) Hornsby; father was farmer and trustee of Roane Co. for two terms; paternal grandparents William and Rachael (Longacre) Hornsby; maternal grandparents Farl and Elizabeth (Smith) Brady; received education in the county schools; married Savannah E. Peak, Oct. 6, 1878; engaged in farming and merchandising in early life; came to Pin Hook when a boy, where he went to work, later becoming a partner in firm of Peak, Hornsby & Co.; at present engaged in stock raising and farming; also member of the County and High School Boards; Woodmen of the World; Republican: member M.E. Church, South.

Horton, Rufus William Landon, lawyer; born Niles, Mich., Sept. 2, 1861; son of Richmond Barney and Anna Mary (Smith) Horton. Education; common and high schools, Wauseon, 0.; Dallas College, Dallas, Tex.; read law in office of Judge Lucien Shaw. Married to Mildred Kurtz, July 15, 1896. Moved to Cal., May .1, 1887. Member, School Board, Los Angeles, 1899; L.A. Bar Assn., Mason. Clubs: California, City, University. Joint author of mechanic's lien law, 1911. Republican. Residence: 1633 West 25th St. Office: 210 Henne bldg., Los Angeles, Cal.

Hortvet, Julius, chemist, 45 Barton Ave., S.E., Minneapolis, Minn. Born at Baraboo, Wis., April 24, 1863. University of Wisconsin, B.S., '86; studied University of Minnesota, '91-'92. Principal, Sacred Heart School, Minn., '88; City Supt. Schools, Red Lake Falls, Minn., '89-'91; teacher of chemistry and physics, East High School, Minneapolis, '92-'00; chief chemist, State Dairy and Food Department, St. Paul, Minn., since 1900. Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science; member American Chemical Society, Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, National Geographic Society, Royal Society of Arts, London. Author, Elementary Practical Physics, articles on Chemical Composition and Methods of Analysis of Maple Sugars and Syrups, Determination of Total, Fixed and Volatile Acids in Wines, Determination of Essential Oils and Alcohol in Flavoring Extracts, Composition of Malt Extracts and Tonics, Chemical Composition of Tomato Catsups. Member, State and Federal Joint Committee on Food and Drug Definitions and Standards. Author of Biennial Reports, Minn. State Dairy and Food Department, 1902, 1904, 1906, 1908, 1910, 1912, 1914. Also, two published articles on Prehistoric Peoples of Mexico, 1911.

Hosking, Arthur N., editor, of 200 West Wayne Ave., Wayne, Pa., was born April 5, 1874 in Libertytown, Md. Educated at Chicago public schools, Chicago Art Institute, and Harvard University, 1894-95. He was editor of the Pickwick in 1898; of The Artists' Year Book in 1905, and The Sketch Book in 1905. He contributed articles to magazines and exhibited paintings and etchings with the Society of American Artists; associated with The Outing Publishing Company of New York in both book and magazine departments, in 1906-11. Became associate editor of The Country Gentleman in 1911.

Hotchkiss, Henry Lucius, banker, manufacturer; born New Haven, Conn., Dec. 18, 1842; son of Henry and Elizabeth (Prescott) Hotchkiss; attended schools in New Haven, and East Hampton, Mass.; married, New Haven, Conn., Feb. 25, 1875, Jane Trowbridge (died April 20, 1902); children: Henry Stuart, and two daughters. Was paymaster of New London Railroad, and assistant manager of United States Pin Co., 1860-1863, and later president; became secretary of L. Candee & Co., 1863, treasurer 1869 and since 1872, president. President of Union Trust Co: since 1872; vice-pres. Union and New Haven Mut. Co. since the merger of the two banks; director National New Haven Bank since 1874, and of the United States Rubber Co. since 1892. Clubs: Union League, N.Y. Yacht (N.Y. City); Quinnipiack (New Haven). Address: 55 Hillhouse Ave., New Haven.

Hough, Charles Merrill, judge United States Court for the Eastern district of New York. He was educated at Dartmouth College, and has received the degrees of A.D. and LL.D. Since 1906 he has been judge of the United States District Court for the southern district of New York, and resides in New York City.

Houghton, Edward Rittenhouse, publisher, of 16 E. 40th St., New York City, was born, Norristown, Pa., March 13, 1870; son of James Clay and Grace Rittenhouse (Blackwell) Houghton; educated in Phillips Andover Acad. 1889; A.B., Amherst Coll., 1893. Member Houghton, Mifflin & Co.; director and manager The Riverside Press. Republican; Episcopalian. Clubs: University (Boston), Colonial (Cambridge).

Houston, William Cannon, congressman, was born March 17, 1852, in Bedford County, Tenn. He was a member of the Legislature in 1876-84. He was Democratic elector in 1888, and circuit judge in 1894. He was elected to the fifty-ninth, sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second congresses. He was reelected to the sixty-third congress from the fifth district of Tennessee for the term of 1913-15, and resides in Woodbury, Tenn.

Howth, James De Lyon, re-organizer, 21 Park Row, New York City; residence Montvale, N.J. Born in Howth, Texas, May 19, 1869; son of Judge William E. and Leonora (De Lyon) Howth. Educated at Hempstead (Texas) High School and Commercial College of Kentucky University. Single. Vice-president National Finance Co., Erie Real Estate Co., American Shoe Repairing Co.

Hove, James Bernard, banker; born, Burle, S.D., Jan. 20, 1873; son of John S. and Marie (Mousen) Hove; educated in public schools of Minneapolis, Minn.; married, Caries, Minn., June 20, 1906, Ida J. Thompson; two sons. President First State Bank; treasurer Central Telephone Co. Republican; Presbyterian. Member Caries School Board. Mason. Recreations: Hunting, fishing. Address: Caries, Minn.

Howard, Archibald, lawyer, of Binghamton, N.Y., was born May 25, 1872, in Mill City, Pa. He received the degrees of A.B. and A.M.; admitted to bar in 1896 and since then has been practicing law. Since 1901 he has been a member of the firm of Hinman, Howard and Kattell.

Howard, Francis, artist, journalist; born in Washington, D.C., Jan. 1, 1874; only son of the late Francis Gassaway Howard and his wife (now Mrs. T. P. O'Connor); great-grandson of Benjamin Franklin, collateral descendant of George Washington; married, 1903, L. Chess of Louisville, Ky. Educated St. Edmund's Ware and St. Augustine's Ramsgate, Catholic Colleges; also in Germany, Geneva, and Paris. Studied art in Paris and London; for many years art-critic Weekly Sun, and contributor of art, dramatic, and literary criticism and verse to numerous periodicals and magazines; founded and organized the International Society of Sculptors, Painters, and Gravers in association with Whistler, Lavery, Guthrie, Walton, etc., 1898; organized art section of Woman's Exhibition at Earl's Court, 1901; organized National Loan Exhibition, 1909-10; Inaugural Exhibition Grosvenor Gallery, 1912; National Loan Exhibition, 1912-13; chairman Art and Antiquarian Committee of Jamestown Exposition, 1907, and special Commissioner; Exhibitor in most European and American Galleries; former director of The Sun and other newspapers; director the Grosvenor Gallery; chairman the National Portrait Society; former managing director Grafton Gallery; director National Loan Exhibitions. Clubs: Chelsea Art; United Arts. Address: 33 Warwick Sq., S.W., London, England.

Howard, Leland 0., chief Bureau of Entomology, U.S. Department of Agriculture; born, Rockford, Ill., June 11, 1857; son of Ossian Gregory and Lucy Dunham (Thurber) Howard; graduated Cornell University, B.S., 1877, M.S., 1883; Georgetown University, Ph.D., 1896; George Washington University, M.D., 1911; University of Pittsburgh, LL.D., 1911. Married, Washington, D.C., April 28, 1886, Marie T. Clifton; children: Lucy Thurber, born April 3, 1892; Candace Leland, born Nov. 3, 1896; Janet More, born Jan. 21, 1901. Appointed assistant entomologist, 1878, and chief, 1894, Bureau of Entomology in U.S. Department of Agriculture. Honorary curator Department of Insects, U.S. Nat. Museum, since Oct. 31, 1895; consulting entomologist, U.S. Public Health and Marine Hospital Service since 1.902. Author: Mosquitoes-How They Live, etc., 1901; The Insect Book, 1902; The House Fly-Disease Carrier, 1911; also many Government publications and monographs; contributor entomology to Century Dictionary, Standard Dictionary, New International Encyclopedia. Permanent secretary A.A.A.S.; member Association Economic Entomologists (pres. 1894); Biol. Soc. Washington (pres. 1.897-98); member many other home and foreign scientific associations; member Delta Upsilon Fraternity. Clubs: Cosmos (pres. 1909), Bannockburn Golf. Has legal (voting) residence at Ithaca, N.Y. Address: Cosmos Club, Washington, D.C.

Howard, William Schley, congressman, was born at Kirkwood, DeKalb County, Ga., June 29, 1875. He was elected to the House of Representatives of Georgia in 1899. He was elected to the sixty-second and sixty-third congresses.

Howe, Charles Sumner, Case School of Applied Science, Cleveland, 0., was born; Nashua, N.H., Sept. 29, 1858. B.S., Mass. Coll. and Boston, 1878; Ph.D., Wooster, 1887; hon. Sc.D., Armour Inst., 1905; LL.D., Mount Union, 1908, and Oberlin Coll., 1911. Prof. math. and astron., Buchtel, 1883-89; Case 1889-1902; pres., 1902; F.A.A.A.S. (secy„ A., 1903; gen. secy., 1904); Astron. and Astrophys. Soc.; Math. Soc.; fellow Royal Astron. Soc. The almucantar as an instrument for determination of star places; constant temperature rooms for clocks; printing chronographs. Effect of temperature on the Case almucantar; catalogue of stars determined with the almucantar.

Howe, Herbert Marshall, merchant and capitalist; born, Roxbury, Mass., July 16, 1844; son of Mark Anthony De Wolfe and Elizabeth (Marshall) Howe; graduated from Univ. of Pa., 1865, as M.D.; married, Philadelphia, Nov. 28, 1871, Mary Wilson Fell, daughter of J. Gillingham Fell; six children: Mary Herbert, John Fell, Edith, Grace, Rhoda, Elizabeth A. President Ogden Mine Railroad Co., Allentown Rolling Mill Co.; vice-president Cranberry Furnace Co. and North Pennsylvania Railroad Co.; director Delaware and Bound Brook Railroad Co., East Broad Railroad and Coal Co, Finance Co. of Pennsylvania, Guarantee Trust and Safe Deposit Co., Tradesmen's National Bank, Eastern Tennessee and West North Carolina Railroad, Rockhill Iron and Coal Co., Longdale Iron Co., Cranberry Iron and Coal Co.; member firm A. Pardee & Co., coal, and was formerly of firm. Harrison, Havemeyer & Co., 1871-1875. Served as member Board of State Charities and one of commissioners for building the Insane Asylum for Southeastern District of Pennsylvania, at Norristown. Republican; Episcopalian. Member of Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Board of Management of Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts; trustee Drexel Institute; member Society of Colonial Wars, Sons of the Revolution. Clubs: Union League, Rittenhouse, Country (Philadelphia), Squantum (Providence, R.I.), New York Yacht. Residence: 1622 Locust St. Office: 225 Drexel Bldg. Philadelphia.

Howe, William A., physician, of Phelps, N.Y., was born, Phelps, N.Y., Sept. 11, 1862; son of John Q. and Nancy A. (Griffith) Howe; educated in Phelps High Sch., 1882; grad. Hobart Coll., B.S., 1885; Coll. Physicians and Surgeons, N.Y. City, M.D., 1888; married, May 17, 1892, Elizabeth M. Partridge; children: Margaret, born 1893; Elizabeth, born 1895; Frances, born 1897; John Q., born 1901; Lee Selden, born Feb. 1, 1909. Has been in general practice at Phelps, N.Y., since graduation; was president Nat. Assn. of U.S. Pension Examining Surgeons; ex-president Ontario Co. Med. Soc.; med. examiner N.Y. Life, N.Y. Mutual and other life insurance companies; was coroner of Ontario Co. six years; health officer of village of Phelps ten years; member Bd. Education twenty years; Dep. Corn. of Health State of N.Y., Oct. 1, 1910, to Jan. 1, 1914. Republican; Presbyterian. Member Am. Med. Assn., N.Y. State and Central N.Y. Med. Secs. Mason.

Howell, Joseph, congressman, was born in 1857 in Box Elder County, Utah. He served several terms in both houses of the Territorial and State Legislatures. He was a member of the Constitutional Convention which provided for statehood. He was twice elected mayor of Wellsville, Utah, and served on the governing boards of the two foremost educational institutions in Utah. He was a member of the fifty-eighth, fifty-ninth, sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second congresses-at-large from Utah as a Republican. He was re-elected to the sixty-third congress from Utah for the term of 1913-15, and resides in Logan, Utah.

Howell, Lee, general freight agent St. Louis and Henderson divisions and branches Louisville & Nashville Rd. Office: Evansville, Ind. Born May, 1844. Entered railway service April 1, 1872, since which he has been consecutively to April 1, 1880, contracting agent Louisville & Nashville Rd. on Tennessee River; April 1, 1880, to date, in service of same road. as follows: April 1, 1880, to June 1, 1882, general agent at Evansville, Ind.; June 1 to Nov. 1, 1882, division freight agent Henderson division; Nov. 1, 1882, to date,. general freight agent as above. In addition to duties of general freight agent, served as superintendent St. Louis division and branches from July 1 to Dec. 1, 1883.

Hoxworth, Stephen A., United States congressman from the fifteenth district of Illinois, was born May 1,- 1860, near Maquan, Ill: He is a successful farmer.' He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15, and resides in Rapatee, Ill.

Hoyt, Arthur S., starch manufacturer, of 90 W. Broadway, New York City, was, born, Mallory, N.Y., Feb. 9, 1855; son of Joseph J. and Emily (House) Hoyt; educated in Oswego Normal Sch., Syracuse Univ.; married, Mallory, N.Y., Nov. 4, 1878, Emma L. Starr. Pres. Eastern Boroughs Land Co., Merchants' Land & Development Co., New York-Canada Farms. Director G. W. Carnick Co., Atlantic Starch Works. Hon. mem. 7th Conn. Vol. Inf. Republican; Congregationalist. Club: Hardware.

Hoyt, Charles B., superintendent Track Maintenance and Construction New York, Chicago & St. Louis Rd. Office: Bellevue, 0. Born Feb. 12, 1860. Educated at Adrian, Mich., high school. Entered railway service 1888 as roadmaster's clerk Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Ry., since which he has been consecutively, March 1, 1893, to March 1, 1896, roadmaster Ft. Wayne division same road; March 1, 1896, to Aug. 1, 1898, roadmaster Coldwater division same road; Aug. 1, 1898, to Oct. 20, 1905, chief supervisor of tracks New York, Chicago & St. Louis Rd. at Bellevue, 0.; Oct. 20, 1905, to March 12, 1906, trainmaster Western division same road at Fort Wayne, Ind.; Aug. 5, 1870, to date, superintendent track, maintenance and construction same road.

Hoyt, Francis Deming, lawyer; born Nov. 29, 1843, at St. Albans, Vt.; son of Rev. William Henry, an Episcopal clergyman, and Anne Deming Hoyt, of Burlington, Vt., who were both received into the Church at Chambly, Can., in August, 1846. Mr. Hoyt's mother died in 1875 and in 1876 his father entered Seton Hall Seminary, where he was ordained priest by Bishop Corrigan on May 26, 1877; married, first, in 1877, Julia Courtney Scammon, daughter of General E. Parker Scammon, a West Point graduate who served on General Scott's staff in Mexico and in the Civil War; second, in 1909, Marie Stuart, widow of Tyler R. Palmer, a convert. Educated at St. Albans and Burlington and at St. Mary's College (Jesuit) at Montreal; entered University of Vermont at Burlington in 1861 (A.B., 1864; A.M.,.1867); took law course at Columbia Law School; admitted to the bar of New York State in City of New York. During 1862-63 was a private soldier in 12th Vermont Regiment, and saw service in Virginia. Translated Count de Montalembert's "Life of St. Elizabeth" (Longmans, Green & Co., 1904). In 1874 was one of the first American pilgrims to Rome. Address: Lakewood, N.J. New York office at 69 Wall St.

Hruska, Frank A., chief claim agent New York Central Lines West of Buffalo. Office: Cleveland, 0. Born Oct. 10, 1873, at Toledo, 0. Educated in the public schools, Toledo, 0. Entered railway service Aug., 1892, as night telephone clerk Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Ry., Union Depot, Toledo, 0., since which he has been consecutively, Nov., 1892, to Feb. 17, 1898, clerk division superintendent's office same road same place; Feb. 17, 1898, to Nov., 1902, chief clerk claim department (operating department) ; Nov., 1902, to Jan., 1907, district claim agent same road at Toledo ; Jan., 1907, to Feb., 1909, special claim agent at Cleveland; Feb., 1909, to April, 1911, chief claim agent same road same place ; April, 1911, to date, chief claim agent all New York Central Lines West of Buffalo (except Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Rd.) in New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio.

Hubbard, Elijah Kent, Jr., manufacturer, financier; born in Chicago, Feb. 5, 1869; son of Elijah Kent and Anna Jones (Dyer) Hubbard; educated in St. Paul's School, Concord, N.H., 18861888; Trinity College, Hartford, 1888-1892, B.S.; married, Chicago, Jan. 15, 1901, Helen Keep Otis ; children: Otis L., Chauncey Keep, Helen Kent. Entered employ of The Russell Manufacturing Co., July, 1892, and resigned as treasurer in January, 1913. President of the Maxim Silencer Co. from 1912 to 1914. Director Middletown National Bank. Has been a candidate for state treasurer, and for lieutenant governor. Democrat ; Episcopalian. Director Manufacturers' Association of Connecticut, Connecticut State Reformatory ; trustee Connecticut Agricultural College; member Society, of the Cincinnati, Society of Foreign Wars, Society of Colonial Wars, Sons of American Revolution, Grand Army of the Republic; president Young Men's Christian Association for thirteen years; Middlesex Hospital. Recreations : Tennis, horseback riding, driving, baseball. Clubs : Metropolitan, Players', University (New York), Hartford, Middletown, Farmington Golf, Hammonassett Fishing. Residence : "Arawana," Middletown.

Hubbard, Ernest Valentine, physician, of 11 E. 48th St., New York City, was born, New York City, March 23, 1874; son of Walter C. and Helen Ingalls (Valentine) Hubbard; educated in Columbia Coll., M.A., 1895; Coll. Phys. and Surg. (Columbia) M.D,. 1898 ; married. Practicing as physician in New York City from graduation. Member Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. Clubs : Columbia University, St. Nicholas, N.Y. Athletic.

Huber, Gotthelf Carl, of 1330 Hill St., Ann Arbor, Mich., was born, Hoobly, India, Aug. 30, 1865. M.D., Michigan, 1887; Berlin, 1890-91; Prague, 1895. Asst. demonstrator anat., Michigan, 1887-89 ; instr. histol., 1889-91; asst. prof. histol. and embryol., 1891-98; junior prof. anat. and director histol. lab., 1898-1903; prof. histol. and embryol. and director histol. lab., 1903-; prof. anat. and dir. anat. lab., 1914; associate ed. "Am. Physiol. Soc. 1901. F.A.A., Soc Nat., Assn. Anat. (secy. and treas., 1904 to 1913; pres. 1914-1915); Physiol. Soc.; Anns. Path. and Bact.; Soc. Exp. Biol.; Am. Med. Assn.; fel. Royal Micros. Soc. Nerve regeneration and degeneration; microscopic anatomy of sympathetic nerves of vertebrates; sensory nerve endings; neuroglia tissue of vertegrates; neuroglia during degeneration of nerve tissues; degeneration and regeneration of motor and sensory nerve endings; development and morphology of uriniferous tubules in mammals, and numerous other scientific publications.

Hudnut, Alexander M., banker and broker of New York City; born, Princeton, N.J.; son of David A. and Francenia E. (Wright) Hudnut; graduated from Princeton University, A.B., A.M., class 1881. Commenced business in Wall street, 1892; now member of firm of Halsey & Hudnut, New York City. Democrat; Presbyterian. Member Chamber of Commerce of New York. Clubs: University Princeton, Lotos, Grolier, Press, Riding, Deal, Country, Automobile of America, Princeton ,Golf.

Hudson, Charles Henry, civil engineer, railway manager; born Westminster, Mass., July 10, 1833; son of Charles and Martha (Brigham) Hudson; father's occupation, member of legislature, Congress, naval officer and internal revenue assessor; paternal grandparents, Stephen and Louisa (Williams) Hudson, maternal grandparents, John and Mercy (Brigham) Ryder; educated at Cambridge, Mass., graduated from Harvard University with S.B. degree in 1854; began life as civil engineer, and spent three years in practice of his profession, in railway surveys and construction in Ohio; 1857-8-9 he spent in engineering work and exploration in 'Wisconsin, and the then wilderness west and northwest of that state; in March, 1860, he entered general freight office of the C.B.&Q.R.R., at Chicago; 1862 he was transferred to engineer corps of same road; 1865 he became engineer and assistant superintendent of Chicago & Great Eastern Ry., from Chicago to Cincinnati (now a part of the Pennsylvania Lines); in 1866 he became head of engineering corps constructing line of present C.&- N.W.Ry., from Boone, Ia., to Omaha, on the Missouri river; in 1887 he returned to Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R.R., in charge of construction of the bridge on the Mississippi river at Burlington, Ia.; also constructed several branches of same road; in 1869 he was transferred to Chicago as superintendent of that division; in 1871, in addition to duties of superintendent, was given charge of mechanical department of the road; in 1872 went to Dubuque, la., as general superintendent of C.C.&D. and C.D.&M. railroads; in 1874 returned to the C.B.&Q.R.R. as assistant general superintendent; in 1877 became general superintendent of B.&0., west of Ohio river; in 1881 he became general manager of M.&St. L. R.R;, at Minneapolis, Minn.; in 1883 went to Richmond, Virginia, as general superintendent C.&0. Ry.; in 1885 became general manager of the East Tenn., Virginia & Ga. R.R. and associated lines, at Knoxville, Tenn. and upon the consolidation of these and other lines forming the S. of Southern Ry., and located at Washington, D.C., in 1895 and was also mechanical engineer and head of mechanical department; 1899 he retired and moved to Knoxville, Tenn.; married Frances Helen Nichols, Jan. 1, 1862; member Union League, Western Society of Engineers, Association of Harvard Engineers, Lawrence Scientific Association, American Railway Guild, Masonic Order, including both K.T., and 32d degrees; Republican; for many years he was president of the school board at his Illinois home.

Hudson, Marshall A., crockery merchant, of 130 E. Seneca St., Syracuse, N.Y., was born, Syracuse, N.Y., Nov. 10, 1850; son of Edson A. and Adelia (Spencer) Hudson; educated in common schools, Syracuse, N.Y.; married, Syracuse, N.Y., Mary C. Hawley; children: Marshall Hawley, Fred, May, Eva, Hattie. Commercial traveler twelve years; in retail business in Syracuse, N.Y., twenty-two years; now retired. Traveled through Madeira, Gibraltar, Algiers, Malta, Athens, Constantinople, Palestine, Egypt and Italy. Founded first Baraca Bible Class for men, which added 600 men to church and has since spread all over the world, having 850,000 members in U.S., England, Australia, New Zealand, Cuba and the islands of the sea. Also founded the Ladies' Philathea Bible Class, which has added 300 women, and which has spread like the Baraca, and now numbers over 300,000; classes are doubling in membership. Editor Baraca-Philathea News, national organ of Baraca and Philathea.. Writer and publisher of the "How" Book for Men's Bible Classes. Treasurer Baraca Supply, Baraca-Philathea Supply Co., Syracuse, N.Y. Independent in politics. Baptist. Member Lodge 501, F. & A.M.; formerly director Y.M.C.A.

Huff, Perez F., insurance expert, of 84 William St., New York City, was born, Jacksonville, Fla., July 10, 1873; son of J. and Amelia (Fridenberg) Huff; educated in public and high schools, Jacksonville, Fla.; married, Columbus, Ga., Feb. 17, 1898, Olga Buhler; children: Louise B., born Aug. 28, 1901; Emily A., born May 16, 1912. Stenographer Penn Mutual Life Ins. Co., gen. agency, Jacksonville, Fla., at age of 17; special agent, 1891; supt. of agencies, 1893; gen. agent for Equitable Life Assurance Soc., N.Y., 1894. Became mem. ins. brokerage firm Hamlin & Co., 1899, in meantime contracting with Northwestern Mutual of Milwaukee, seven years, until 1901; became mem. firm L. Wachenheim & Son, 1901, later changed to Wachenheim & Huff, Inc., of which he is now president and general manager, doing extensive general insurance business, established since 1866. Contracted with Union Central Life .Ins. Co. of Cincinnati, 1907. Received medal from Union Central Life Ins. Co. (in recognition of writing the largest amount of insurance, personally, in the history of the .company (forty-five years in existence); ranked first for the company five successive years, 1909-1913), and appointed agency director. He has the reputation of being the largest individual writer of life insurance in the United States, placing business with fifteen or more companies. Recreations: Outdoor sports, athletics. Clubs: Fairview Country, City Athletic.

Hughes, Charles Evans, associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, was born April 11, 1862, in Glens Falls, N.Y. From 1884 he practiced law in New York City. In 1907-10 he served two terms as governor of the State of New York. Since 1910 he has been associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States at Washington, D.C.

Hughes, Dudley Mays, congressman, was born Oct. 10, 1848, in Twiggs County, Ga. He was elected state senator, serving one term, retiring voluntarily; was elected president of the Georgia State Agri. Soc.; serving four years' with great ability, declining re-election; was commissioner-general of Georgia to the world's fair at St. Louis. He was elected to the sixty-first and sixty-second congresses as a Democrat; Was re-elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Danville, Ga.

Hughes, Edwin Holt, bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church; born in Moundsville, W.Virginia, Dec. 7, 1866; son of Rev. Thomas B. and Louisa Hughes. He was graduated from Ohio Wesleyan University, A.B., 1889, A.M. (honorary), 1892; and from the Theological School of Boston University, S.T.B., 1892; and he has received the degrees S.T.D. from Syracuse University, 1903, D.D. from Ohio Wesleyan University, 1904, LL.D., DePauw University, 1908. He was ordained in the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1892; pastor at Newton Center, Mass., 1892-1896; Malden, Mass., 1896-1903. He became president of DePauw University, Greencastle, Ind., in 1903, continuing until elected, in May, 1908, a bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Author, "Letters on Evangelism," 1907; "Thanksgiving Sermons," 1909; "The Teaching of Citizenship," 1909; "The Bible and Life," 1914. He was a trustee of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching; and he is a member of the Phi Beta Kappa Society, the Delta Tau Delta fraternity, and the University Club of Indianapolis. He married in Atlanta, Ga., June 8, 1892, Isabel Baker Ebbert, and has six children. Address: San Francisco, Calif.

Hughes, James Anthony, congressman, was born Feb. 27, 1861, in Corunna, Ont. In 1887-88 he was a member of the Legislature of Kentucky; and later in 1894-98 he was a member of the West Virginia State Senate. He was a member of the fifty-seventh, fifty-eighth, fifty-ninth, sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second congresses from West Virginia as a Republican. He was re-elected to the sixty-third congress from the fifth district of West Virginia for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Huntingdon, W.Virginia

Hughes, Very Rev. John J., C.S.P., priest; superior general of the Congregation of St. Paul the Apostle; born Dec. 6, 1856, in New York City; educated in the public schools, St. Charles College Md., and was graduated from St. Francis Xavier's College, N.Y. City, in 1878; ordained a priest of the Paulist Community, 1884. Founded and edited the Monthly Calendar for 23 years. Under his direction, with the hearty approval of Archbishop Corrigan, D.D., the Catholic Converts League of New York was started, and he is still one of its vice-presidents. He was the Father Minister under the administration of Very Rev. Father Hewit, and Assistant Superior to the two former Superiors General, Very Rev. George Deshon and Very Rev. George M. Searle. On July 29, 1909, he was elected Superior General of the Paulist Community for the term of five years. He has under his charge the Paulist institutions in New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Winchester, Tenn., Austin, Tex., Portland, Ore., Toronto, Can., and St. Thomas Novitiate in Washington. Address: 415 West 59th St., New York City.

Hughes, William, United States senator from New Jersey, was born in 1872; is counselor at laws; served in the Second New Jersey Volunteers, Spanish-American War; married Margaret Hughes, July 16, 1898; was elected to the fifty-eighth, sixtieth and sixty-first congresses, and re-elected to the sixty-second congress for the term of 1911-13. He became United States senator in 1913; and resides in Paterson, N.J.

Hukill, Henry Orville, purchasing agent Pennsylvania Lines west of Pittsburgh. Office: Pittsburgh, Pa. Born May 25, 1844, at Steubenville, Ohio. Educated in public and private schools. Entered railway service 1860 as messenger Steubenville & Indiana. Rd., since which he has been consecutively, March, 1864, to 1870, clerk and telegraph operator to purchasing agent Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne & Chicago Ry. and Cleveland & Pittsburgh Rd. (now a part of the Pennsylvania Lines west of Pittsburgh); 1870 to 1886, clerk to purchasing agent; 1886 to Jan., 1894, assistant to purchasing agent; Jan., 1894, to date, purchasing agent same lines.

Hulings, Willis J., United States congressman from the twenty-eighth district of Pennsylvania, was born July 1, 1850, in Clarion County, Pa. He is engaged in the mining and petroleum business; and has been a member of the State Senate. He was promoted brigadier-general in the United States Volunteers for meritorious conduct in the Spanish-American War. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Oil City, Pa.

Hull, Cordell, congressman, was born Oct. 2, 1871, in Overton County, Tenn. In 1903-07 he was judge of the Circuit Court of Tennessee. He was elected to the sixtieth, sixty-first, sixty-second and sixty-third congresses as a Democrat; and resides in Crossville, Tenn.

Hummel, Richard Joseph, real estate, banker; born New Orleans, Jan. 19, 1859; son of Stephen and Maria Sophie (Bachman) Hummel; educated in common school, 1866-1870; married, East Baton Rouge, La.; July 6, 1890, Ellen M. Moore; children; Richard J., Kathleen T. Campton R. Engaged in real estate business since 1902; has handled some of largest deals in Baton Rouge, among which was sale of site to Standard Oil Co. President Denham Springs Realty Co., Ireland Realty Co.; vice-president Louisiana National Bank, and vice-president Louisiana Trust & Savings Bank; member Board of Directors of Brady & Smith Insurance Co., Capital Building and Loan Ass'n, Baton Rouge Grocery Co. Postmaster at Port Hudson, 1879-1884; deputy clerk and recorder Parish of East Baton Rouge, La., 1884-1888; notary assistant postmaster of Baton Rouge, 1893-1902 deputy clerk U.S. District Court since 1898; member of Police Baton Rouge, 1st Ward, 1908-1912; deputy clerk to U. S. Circuit Court since 1909. Democrat. Baptist; president Swart Hill Baptist Mission; trustee Executive Board First Baptist Church. Knight of Pythias and Woodmen of the World. Residence: 140 St. Charles St. Office: U.S. Post Office and Court House Building, Baton Rouge.

Humphrey, William E., congressman, was born March 31, 1862, near Alamo, Montgomery county, Ind. In 1893 he removed to Seattle, Wash., where he has .since practiced his profession; in 1898-1902 he was corporation counsel of the city of Seattle, Wash. He was a member of the fifty-eighth, fifty-ninth, sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second congresses from Washington as a Republican. He was re-elected to the sixty-third congress from Washington for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Seattle, Wash.

Humphreys, Albert, sculptor and painter, of 7 West 14th St., New York City, was born near Cincinnati, Ohio. Pupil of Gerome, Robert Fleury and Alexander Harrison in Paris. Recent works executed in sculpture: Bust of Beethoven, Fountain for Children, The Marauders; The Pool in the Desert; exhibited sixteen of his works at Society International of Painters and Sculptors, at the Armory Building, New York. He was awarded landscape prize, Paris A.A.A. He is a member of Paris A.A.A.; and the Philadelphia Sketch Club. honorable member Society International Literary and Artistic, Paris, Rodin, president.

Humphreys, Benjamin Grubb, congressman, was born Aug. 17, 1865, in Claiborne County, Miss. In 1895-1903 he was district attorney for the fourth circuit court district of Mississippi. He served in the second Mississippi volunteer infantry under Major-General Fitzhugh Lee in Florida during the Spanish-American War. He was elected to the fifty-ninth, sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second congresses. He was re-elected to the sixty-third congress from the third district of Mississippi for the term of 1913- 15; and resides in Greenwood, Miss.

Humphreys, Frederic H., physician, of 156 William St., New York City, was born Utica, N.Y., Sept. 7, 1847; s. Frederic and Frances Maria (Sperry) Humphreys; ed. Rensselaer Poly. Inst., 1868; Sch of Mines, Columbia Univ.; Bellevue Hosp., Med. Coll., 1870; Univ. of Vienna, 1872; member British Medical Asso.; 111. Washington, D.C., Jan. 15, 1880, Louise Alfretta Parker; children: Frances Augusta, b. Dec. 19, 1880; Frederic Parker, b. Oct. 29, 1890. Pres. Humphreys Co. Traveled extensively in N. and S. America, Europe and Africa. Formerly private 71st Reg't, N.Y.N.G., and ass't foreman Wash. Vol. Steam Fire Co., Troy (N.Y.) Fire Dep't. Mem. Chi Phi fraternity, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Museum of Natural History, Acad. of Sciences, N.Y.; N.J. Hist. Ass'n, Soc. Colonial Wars, N.Y. Chamber of Commerce, Washington Headquarters Ass'n. Chm'n Exec. Com. and sec. Morristown (N.J.) Horse Show; interested in horse shows for many years, having exhibited horses. Clubs: Metropolitan, Columbia Univ., Nat. Arts, Drug and Chemical, Rumson Country, Whippany River, Somerset, of Bernardsville; Morristown Golf, Morristown Field. Residence (winter): Morristown, N.J. (summer), Monmouth Beach, N.J.

Hun, Henry, 149 Washington Ave., Albany, N.Y. Medicine. Born at Albany, March 21, 1854. Sheffield Sci. Sch., Yale, 1874; M.D., Harvard, 1879. Asst. physics, Sheffield Sci. Sch., Yale, 1874-75; prof. nervous diseases, Albany Med. Col., 1885. Member: A.M.A.; Am. Physicians; Neur. assn.; N.Y. State and Co. Med. Societies. Neurology. Author of Guide for American Medical Students in Europe, Differential Diagnosis of Nervous Diseases, and numerous contributions to medical journals.

Hungate, John H., lawyer and banker of La Herpe, Ill., where he was born in 1838; son of Adonijah Hungate; attended Burlington University, and graduated from Northwestern University (Law Department), 1861; married, Monmouth, Ill., 1878, Florence Edith Matthews; children: Q. W., John M., Harold G., Edith Clare. Has practiced law in state and federal courts of Missouri and Illinois. Commenced banking in 1874, owning interests in banks at La Harpe, Macomb, Good hope, and Fulton, Ill.; was a charter member of Abstract and Trust Company, now merged with Dime Savings bank of Peoria, Ill.; director Peoria Life Insurance Company, president La Harpe Electric Light Company; director Home Medicine Company. Was clerk of Circuit Court and recorder of deeds in McDonough County, Ill. Author of law requiring the records in circuit clerk's office to be indexed. Was defeated for Congress, 1876; served on school boards and member city council. Democrat. Baptist. Member Lawyers' Association, Bankers' Association; president board of trustees of Giltings Seminary; president board of education of city of La Harpe; trustee under will, of B. F. Johnson of funds to found a free school at. La Harpe. Odd Fellow, Mason.

Hunsicker, Alvin, vice-pres. and gen. mg'r, 320 Broadway, New York City, was born, Collegeville, Pa., Sept. 20, 1864; s. Henry A. and Mary (Weinberger) Hunsicker; grad. Ursinus Coll., B.S.; m. Phila., Pa., June 19, 1889, Helen T. Boice. Engaged in lumber business with father for 6 years; newspaper mg 'r, 7 years. V.-p., dir. and gen. mg'r Standard Oilcloth Pa., 2 years; assisted in organizing Standard Oilcloth Co., 1901; was its sec. until 1911, when elected to present position of v.-p. Traveled in U.S., Europe, the West Indies and South America. Active in politics; has spoken for Republican party for past 20 years. V.-P., dir. and gen. mg'r Standard Oilcloth Co.; pres. and dir. Sanitile Co., Meritas Mills, Columbus, Ga.; v.-p. and dir. Leatherole Co. Republican; Presby 'n. Recreation: Automobiling. Club: Arkwright (treas.).

Hunt, Charles Frederick, physician, of 537 W. 149th St., New York City, was born, Fishkill, N.Y., July 28, 1875; s. George and Theresa J. (Aldridge) Hunt; ed. in public schs. of Brooklyn, N.Y., Brooklyn Polytechnic, Coll. Phys. and Surg. (Columbia). M.D., 1898; m. Harcourt, Ont., Canada, Ida E. Jones; children: Charles Frederick, Jr., and Egbert Jansen (twins), May 28, 1901, Marvin, b. March 23, 1903. After leaving hospital engaged in interne service, has practiced medicine ever since. Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n, N.Y. State Med. Soc., N.Y. County Med. Soc. Mem. Masonic bodies and Mecca Temple, Mystic Shrine. Connected with the Dispensary of hood Wright Memorial Hosp.

Hunt, G. W. P., governor of the state of Arizona for the second term ending in 1915; and resides in Phoenix, Ariz.

Hunt, William Henry, consul-gen., was born, Hunt's Sta., Tenn., June 29, 1869 ed. public schools, Lawrence Acad., Gro- ton, Mass., and William Coll., Williamstown, Mass.; m. 1904. Moved to N.Y., 1896, and employed in banking firm Price, McCormick & Co.; prominently connected with work of St. George Ch., Stuyvesant Sq., and for two years sec. Dr. Seth Low's Men's Bible Class. Became sec. to Mr. Gibbs, U.S. consul at Madagascar, Jan., 1898; appt'd clerk at Tamatave Consulate, 1898; vice-consul, 1899; appt'd consul by Pres. McKinley, 1901; transferred to Saint Etienne, in 1906. Elected corr. mem. Am. Geog. Soc. of N.Y., 1904. Mem. Corn. for erection of Monument to Massenet, great musical composer, at St. Etienne. Recreations: Tennis, horseback riding. Active mem. in numerous socs. and org'ns. Club: President Club Franco-Etranger (St. Etienne). Residence: N.Y. City. Address: Am. Consulate, St. Etienne, France.

Hunt, William J.; born Queensbury, Warren County, N.Y., Oct. 16, 1863; parents Edgar Wild Hunt and Helen J. Dickinson; married Edith Brown, Sept. 13, 1893; children: Helen, Eunice, William, Edith and Marjorie; educated common schools and Glens Falls Acad.; graduated College of Phys. and Surgs., Baltimore, Md., 1891; lie. New York State, May, 1891; post-grad. about one year in New York City in 1893; surgeon Glens Falls Hospital and pres. of staff; mem. A.M.A., N.Y. State Med. Soc., and Glens Falls Med. and Surgical Societies; Regular. Res.: 19 Notre Dame. St.; office: 21 Notre Dame St., Glens Falls, N.Y.; hours: 9-12 m. Tel. 106 Bell.

Hunter, Frederick William, lawyer, of 68 William St., New York City, was born, N.Y. City, Dec. 19, 1865; s. Jacob Fisher and Mary L. (Gissenhainer) Hunter; grad. Columbia Sch. of Arts, A.B. 1887, A.M. (Polit. Science), 1888; LL.B., from Law Dep't, 1889; m. June 25, 1889, Annie B. Haight, author book, "Stiegel Glass." Trustee Broadway Savings Inst'n; treas. and dir. Lutheran Cemetery. Independent Democrat; Lutheran. Mem. N.Y. Hist. Soc. and Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity.

Hunter, George McPherson, clergyman, of 76 Wall St. New York City, was born, Glasgow, Scotland, 1869; s. James and Elizabeth Hunter; grad. Glasgow Univ., 1899; New Brunswick Theol. Sem., New Brunswick, N.J.; m. New Brunswick, N.J., Madeline Norman; children: Norman, Stewart, Elizabeth, Margery. Traveled all over the world; taught in schools in India; lived in Argentine Republic. Has been engineer, sailor, writer, lecturer, and sec. of Am. Seamen's Friend Soc.. N.Y. Author: Acts of the Apostles of the Sea; The Unknown Sailor, and numerous magazine articles. Republican; Presbyterian. Club: Alpha Sigma.

Hunter, Napoleon Bonepart, merchant, farmer and banker; born in Kentucky, Jan. 29, 1843; son of William and Sallie (Ballew Hunter; educated public schools of Louisiana; married, Carrollton, La., Feb. 6, 1875, Eliza V. Turner; nine children (two deceased), five sons and two daughters living. Engaged in mercantile business 1870 at Waterproof, La.; in plantation business since 1887; president Bank of Waterproof. Served as mayor Waterproof, La., twenty years; master four years; justice of the peace, 6th ward of Tensas Parish, La., four years. Democrat; Methodist. Master of Exchequer since 1890 Tensas Lodge, No. 84, Knights of Pythias (Incorporated). Address: Waterproof.

Hunter, William James, superintendent Northwestern Pacific Rd. Office Sausalito, Cal. Born Oct., 1853, at Kemptville, Ont. Educated in the high school at Kemptville. Entered railway service April, 1872, with the Grand Trunk Ry., since which he has been consecutively, 1873, with the San Francisco & North Pacific Co.; out of service until Jan. 1, 1883; Jan. 1, 1883, to Sept. 1, 1899, in train service San Francisco & North Pacific Rd.; Sept. 1, 1899, to March 1, 1903, assistant superintendent same road; March 1, 1903, to Dec. 15, 1907, superintendent same road; Dec. 15, 1907, to date, superintendent Northwestern Pacific Rd., which absorbed the San Francisco & North Pacific and North Shore Coast roads.

Huntington, Archer Milton, author, of 1083 Fifth Ave., New York City, was born, N.Y. City, March 10, 1870; s. Collis P. Huntington; private ed'n in N.Y. City and Spain; hon. A.M., Yale and Harvard; L.H.D., Columbia, 1908; Knight Commander Order Alphonso XH; corr. mem. Royal Spanish Academy; (Academy of History, San Fernando, Madrid); Spanish Bellas Artes (Seville); Buenos Letras (Barcelona); Junta de Hist. y Numismatica de Buenos Aires; Soc. de Corres. Hispanique de Bordeaux; hon. mem. Museo du Greco; m. London, August 6, 1895, Helen Manchester Gates. In July, 1904, founded The Hispanic Society of America in a deed providing "for the establishment in the city of New York of a public Spanish and Portuguese library and museum, to be in some measure a link between the English and Spanish-speaking peoples." The object of the Society is the "advancement of the study of the Spanish and Portuguese languages, literature, and history, and advancement of the study of the countries wherein Spanish and Portuguese are or have been spoken languages." Author: Note Book in Nothern Spain, 1898. Editor: "The Poem of the Cid (Vol. I, Text, 1897;11, Translation, 1902, HI, Notes, 1903); Lady 's (Madam D'Aulnoy's) Travels into Spain (with introduction), 1899; Initials and Miniatures of the IXth, Xth, and XIth Centures from the Mozarabic Manuscripts of Santo Domingo de Silos in the British Museum, with Introduction, 1904; the "Huntington Reprints," of rare works, mostly now in the library of The Hispanic Society of America, in Spanish, Portuguese and Catalan. Contributor upon Spanish literature to various critical periodicals. Pres. Hispanic Soc. of America; hon. pres. Am. Geog. Soc.; hon. pres. Am. Numismatic Soc.; mem. Chamber of Commerce, Met. Museum of Art, Am. Museum Natural History. Clubs: Yale Univ., Grolier, Authors, National Arts, City, N.Y. Yacht, Automobile of America and others.

Huntoon, Louis Doremus, mining engineer, of 115 Broadway, New York City, was born, Paterson, N.J., Jan. 28, 1869; son of J. P. and S. M. (Doremus) Huntoon; graduated, School of Mines, Columbia University, E.M., 1895; Yale (honorary degree) A.M., 1908; married, Knoxville, Tenn., Oct. 7, 1903, Edna B. Boynton. Engaged in mine operating and consulting work, 1895-1903; professor mining and metallurgy, Yale University, 1903-1911; consulting engineer since 1911. N.Y. representative of Stearns Roger Co., of Denver, Colo. Member American Institute of Mining Engineers, Mining and Metallurgical Society of America; Inst. Mining and Metallurgy, London, Eng.; Am. Electro Chem. IL Soc. Clubs: Graduate (New Haven), Columbia University (N.Y.), St. Anthony.

Hurd, Rukard, civil engineer, statesman and author, of St. Paul, Minn., was born in 1858 in Cincinnati, Ohio. He graduated in engineering from the Pennsylvania Military College, and since 1890 has been a trustee of that college. He is a recognized expert authority on iron ore and mineral, lease, counsel and appraisal. He was major on the staffs of Governors Clough and Lind; in 1901 was a representative in the state legislature, and in 1907 was elected secretary of the Minnesota tax commission. In 1912 he was president of the Sons of the Revolution. He is the author of Hurd's Iron Ore Manual.

Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman, secretary, editor and Methodist Episcopalian clergyman, 150 Fifth Ave., New York City; residence: 325 W. 101st St. Born in New York City, Feb. 15, 1843. Educated at Wesleyan University, 1864. Married Mary M. Chase. Pastor Methodist Episcopal churches, 1865-79; agent Sunday School Union, 1879-84; assistant editor Sunday School literature, 1884-88. From 1888 to 1900 editor of Sunday School literature for the Methodist Episcopal Church, and secretary Sunday School Union and Tract Society. From 1901 to 1909, Methodist pastor. From 1909 to 1914, district superintendent of Newark District, N.J.; 1914 instructor in Bible Centenary Collegiate Inst., Hackettstown, N.J. Author of Manual of Biblical Geography, Revised Normal Lessons, Teacher-Training Lessons, Outline Studies in Old Testament, Outline Studies in New Testament, The Story of the Bible, Organizing and Building up the Sunday School, The Superintendent's Helper, 1905-1915. Residence: 93 Quitman St., Newark, N.J. Member Sons of American Revolution and Wesleyan University Club.

Huston, Charles Lukens, manufacturer; born Coatesville, Pa., July 8, 1856; son of Charles Huston, M.D., and Isabella Pennock (Lukens) Huston; graduated from Haverford College, A.B., 1875; married, Savannah, Ga., July 23, 1895, Annie Stewart; four children: James, Ruth, Mary, Charles Lukens, Jr. Clerk and bookkeeper of Lukens Iron Works, 1875-1879; entered the partnership of Huston, Penrose & Co. (Lukens iron Works), 1880; later, upon the death of Mr. Penrose, the co-partnership was changed to Charles Huston & Sons, now Lukens Iron & Steel Co., of which is vice-president and director; director and 1st vice-president of Jacobs-Shupert Fire-Box Co.; director of the Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust Co., Belmont Iron Works of Philadelphia, Allegheny Ore and Iron Co. of Clifton Forge, Virginia, Independent in politics; Presbyterian. Member American Society of Mechanical Engineers, American Institute of Mining Engineers; president and director Coatesville Young Men's Christian Association; chairman Pennsylvania State Y.M.C.A. Address: 64 S. First Ave., Coatesville, Pa.

Huston, Philip P., purchasing agent Louisville & Nashville Rd. Office: Louisville, Ky. Born April 12, 1838, in Belmont County, Ohio. Entered railway service Oct., 1856, since which date (except three years in the Union Army) he has filled various positions in railroad service, and has been purchasing agent Louisville & Nashville Rd. since Nov., 1882.

Hutchins, Francis Sessions, lawyer and banker; born, Columbus, Ohio, Dec. 6, 1877; son of Rev. Robert Grosvernor and Harriet (James) Hutchins; graduated from Williams College, A.B., New York Law School, LL.B.; married, New York City, Oct. 8, 1903; Margaret G. Noyes, who died Dec. 23, 1909. Vice-president and director Commonwealth Trust Co.; partner Baldwin & Hutchins; counsel Waldorf-Astoria Hotel Co.; director Registration Trust Co. Republican; Presbyterian. Member Association of the Bar of the City of New York, Phi Beta Kappa Society of New York, Alpha Delta Phi fraternity. Recreation: Automobiling. Clubs: Union League, Republican, Alpha Delta Phi, Graduate, Whitehall, Thousand Islands, Country, Automobile (New Rochelle).

Hutchison, Miller Reese, E.E., Ph.D., inventor, electrical and mechanical engineer; born, Montrose, Baldwin County, Alabama, Aug. 6, 1876; son of William Peter and Tracie Elizabeth (Magruder) Hutchinson; educated in private schools in Mobile, Marion (Ala.) Military Institute, 18$9-91; Spring Hill (Ala.) College, 1891-92; University Military Institute, Mobile, 1892-95; Alabama Polytechnic Institute, 1895-97, in electrical and mechanical engineering; attended Alabama Medical College in special aural investigation. Married, New York City, May 31, 1901, Martha J. Pomeroy; children: Miller Reese, Jr., born 1902; Harold Pomeroy, born 1904; Juan Ceballos, born 1906; Roblee Pomeroy, born 1908. Chief Electrical Engineer, U.S. Lighthouse Establishment, 7th and 8th districts, during the Spanish-American War, engaged in laying submarine mines and cables; invented and patented the Acousticon to enable the deaf to hear, the Massacon for the treatment of deafness, the Klaxon automobile horn, the Hutchinson Electrical Tachometer, etc., all in common use. Has been granted several hundred patents. Was present at the coronation of King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra, in Westminster Abbey, Aug. 9, 1902; presented with gold medal by Queen Alexandra as reward of merit for scientific investigation and invention, Aug. 21, 1902, on royal yacht Victoria and Albert, at Cowes; awarded gold and silver medals Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. Member International Electrical Congress, St. Louis, 1904, and San Francisco, 1915; member of American Society of Mechanical Engineers; Society of Automobile Engineers; Engineers' Club; National Institute of Social Sciences; Kappa Alpha; life member of New York Electrical Society and of Navy League of the United States; associate member of the American Society of Naval Engineers. The degree of Electrical Engineer was conferred by the Alabama Polytechnic Institute, in June, 1913, for distinguished work in the electrical field. The degree of Doctor of Philosophy was conferred by Spring. Hill (Ala.) College, in June, 1914, for achievements in the realms of science and philosophy. Chief engineer to and personal representative of Thomas A. Edison. Chief engineer Thomas A. Edison, Incoporrated, Edison Laboratory, the Edison Storage Battery Company. Residences: Llewellyn Park, West Orange, N.J., and Woodside, Lake Minnetonka, Minn. Presbyterian. Recreations: Motoring and boating. Address: Edison Laboratory, Orange, N.J.

Hyde, Arthur Sewall, musician, of 16 E. 44th St., New York City, was born, Bath, Me., Feb. 21, 1875; son of Gen. Thomas W. and Annie (Hayden) Hyde; educated in public schools of Bath, private tutors; Harvard University, A.B., 1896; studied music in Boston and Paris; unmarried. Organist at St. John's Church, Charlestown, Mass., four years; organist and choirmaster, Emmanuel Church, Boston, eight years; organist and choirmaster, St. Bartholomew's Church, N.Y., since 1908; conductor of choral societies in Boston and Maine. Republican; Episcopalian. Trustee Institute of Musical Arts, N.Y. Clubs: Metropolitan, Harvard, Tennis and Racquet (Boston).