Men of 1914/I
Iden, V. Gilmore, journalist of 206 Corcoran Building, Washington, D.C., was born Aug. 7, 1885, in Manassas, Virginia In 1907, he graduated from the Washington and Lee University of Lexington, with the degree of A.B. He is a member of the Masons and Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity. He is Washington correspondent of the New York Journal of Commerce and Commercial Bulletin; editor of the National Bank News, a monthly magazine; and contributor to current publications on national, economical and financial subjects.
Idleman, Silas Ellsworth, clergyman and college president of South Atlantic, Ga., was born Dec. 29, 1863, in Mansfield, 0. He was clergyman in the M.E. Church in 1889-1910, in N.O. Conference, president of the Clark University in 1910-1912, and president of the Gammon Theological Seminary in 1910. He is president of the Gammon Theological Seminary and Trustee of the Ohio Wesleyan University.
Igoe, William L., United States congressman from the eleventh district of Missouri, was born Oct. 19, 1879, in St. Louis, Mo. He is a lawyer. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in St. Louis, Mo.
Illoway, Henry, physician and author of New York City, was born Nov. 29, 1848, in Bohemia. He was educated in the public schools and by private tutors; and received his medical education at the Miami Medical College of Cincinnati, 0. In 1869-70 he was resident physician to the Cincinnati Hospital; was professor of the diseases of children at the Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery; and visiting physician to the Jewish Hospital of that city. He is the author of Constipation in Adults and Children, with Special Reference to Habitual Constipation and Its Most Successful Treatment by the Mechanical Methods; The American Text-Book of the Diseases of Children; and other works.
Imhoff, Charles Hudson, banker, of 233 Broadway, New York City, was born, Nebraska City, Neb., Oct. 10, 1864; s. Joseph J. and Mary E. (Rector) Imhoff; grad. Univ. of Neb., LL.B.; in. Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 20, 1887, Grace Rae Douglas; children: Richard Hudson, Catherine Douglas (deceased); Thomas Hunt, David Laing. V.-p. Irving Nat. Bank. Mem. Phi Kappa Psi, and Phi Delta Phi fraternities. Mem. Chamber of Commerce, Sons of American Revolution, Academy of Political Science. Clubs: Union League, Lotos, Lawyers.
Imus, A. H., lawyer and statesman of Kalama, Wash., was born March 13, 1860, at Mount Ayr, Ia. For a quarter of a century he has practiced law continuously in Kalama, Wash.; and has been prosecuting attorney of his county. He is now a member of the Washington State Senate from Cowlitz County.
Ingraham, James Edmonson, vice-president Florida East Coast Ry. Office St. Augustine, Fla. Born Nov. 18, 1850. Graduated from Racine College at Racine, Wis., 1865. Entered railway service 1879 as president and manager South Florida Ry., since which he has been consecutively to Nov. 1, 1892, president same road; Nov. 1, 1892, to May 1, 1899, land commissioner Florida East Coast Ry. May 1, 1899, to 1909, third vice-president same road; 1909 to date, vice-president same road; April, 1914, president Model Land Co., Okeechobee Co., and Chuluota Co., auxiliary companies of the Flagler System.
Ingalsbe, Grenville Mellen, lawyer, banker, manufacturer and farmer; born South Hartford, N.Y., July 26, 1846; son of Milo and Laura Cook (Chapin) Ingalsbe; Union College, A.B., 1870; A.M., 1873; Harvard, LL.B., 1872; principal, Argyle, (N.Y.) Academy, 1867-70; married Franc E. Groesbeck of Sandy Hill, N.Y., Sept. 20, 1876; admitted to bar, 1874; president of the Sandy Hill National Bank of Hudson Falls and Adirondack Motor Car Company; secretary and director Imperial Wall Paper Company, Lake Champlain Pulp and Paper Company; Little River Lumber Company and Progressive Pulp and Paper Company; surrogate (judge, Probate Court), 1895-1901; member American Bar Association (member local council for New York), 1895-1905; New York State Bar Association (member executive committee since 1892), three years (chairman); Am. Geo. Soc., Am. Hist. Assn., Am. Acad. Polit. & Soc. Sci., Am. Polit. Sci. Assn., A.A.A.S., Alum. Assn. Union College; Harvard Law School Assn., trustee and vice-president N.Y. State Hist. Assn. since its organization in 1899, and president 1912, 1913, 1914. Trustee Glens Falls Academy. Independent in politics; Unitarian. Address: Hudson Falls, N.Y.
Inns, William T., real estate, 30 East 20th St., New York City. Residence 116 East 30th St. Born in New York City, Dec..29, 1855. Educated at Columbia Grammar School. (Married.) Member of the firm of Innes. & Center. Trustee, St. Luke's Home for Aged Women. Member Calumet and Church Clubs and St. Nicholas Society.
Insull, Samuel, president of electric corporations; born, London, England, Nov. 11, 1859; son of Samuel Insull and Emma (Short) Insull. After completing his education in public schools, Mr. Insull became the private secretary to Colonel George E. Gourand, then the London representative of Mr. Edison, who was engaged in organizing a telephone business in England. Mr. Insull came to the United States in 1881 and became private secretary to Mr. Thomas A. Edison, and for years had active charge of Mr. Edison's business affairs. He became organizer and manager, on behalf of Mr. Edison, of the Electric Tube Company, and also of the Edison Machine Works and the Edison Lamp Company, and built and managed for Mr. Edison the plant of the Edison Machine Works at Schenectady, N.Y. On the consolidation of the various Edison interests with the Edison-General Electric Company, he became its second vice-president, in charge of the manufacturing and selling departments. Mr. Insull resigned that position in June, 1892, to take the position as president of the Chicago Edison Company. Was president Commonwealth Electric Co., and upon the merging of these two companies into what is known as Commonwealth-Edison Co., become president of that company; president Public Service Co. of Northern Illinois; president Middle West Utilities Co.; chairman board of directors Peoples Gas Light & Coke Co.; chairman ex-committee Chicago Elevated Rys. He is also an officer and director of electrical corporations in other cities. He is a member of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers and of the Institution of Electrical Engineers (London). He married, in New York City, May 24, 1899, Margaret A. Bird. Residence: 1100 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago. Office address: 120 W. Adams St., Chicago. Ireland, Most Rev. John, D.D., archbishop of St. Paul; b. in Ireland 1838, and came to the United States in boyhood; studied for the priesthood in France, and was ordained in 1861. A man marked out by his talents from the beginning, he passed through some of the most arduous campaigning of the Civil War as Chaplain to the 5th Minnesota Regt. After a term of duty as Rector of the Cathedral, St. Paul, he was consecrated in 1875 Bishop-Coadjutor of that Diocese, and became its chief ruler in 1884. In 1888 his See was raised to Metropolitan rank, and in 1889 he secured the further development of the Hierarchy in the North West by the erection of the new Suffragan Sees of Sioux Falls, St. Cloud, Winona, Duluth and Jamestown. A man of large views and an all-round lover of such freedom as American citizenship carries, the Archbishop stands in the United States for all the causes and ideals that elevate a nation. His Grace has always taken a firm stand as an advocate of total abstinence. His early training in France has given him a special insight into such controversies there arising in civil or religious matters. A contributor to such periodicals as the North American Review upon questions of the day and the attitude of the Church toward them. Address, Portland Ave., St. Paul, Minn.
Irland, Frank W., railroad official of St. Louis, Mo., was born Oct. 26, 1861, in Lenawee county, Mich. He was first secretary to the land and mining commissioner of Lake Superior ship canal, and since then has been secretary to the superintendent of the Pullman company and secretary to other high officials. Since 1904 he has been assistant secretary of the Missouri Pacific railway and St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern railway, and secretary of their auxiliary lines.
Irwin, Lucian J., railroad president of Louisville, Ky., was born May 5, 1867, in Abbeville, Miss. Since 1909 he has been president of the Louisville, Henderson and St. Louis railroad.
Iselin, Adrian, Jr., banker; b. in New York City; s. of Adrian and Nora (O'Donnell) Iselin; ed. in N.Y. City; m. N.Y. City, 1872, Louise Caylus. Member firm of A. Iselin & Co.; president and director, Helvetia Realty Co., Cowanshannock Coal & Coke Co.; vice-president and director Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburg Railway Co., and Pittsburg Gas Coal Co.; secretary, treasurer, and trustee Manhattan Storage and Warehouse Co.; treasurer and director New Rochelle Water Co.; trustee, Central Trust Co., Bank for Savings in City of N.Y. Adrian Furnace Co.; City and Suburban Homes Co.; Franco-American Financial Ass'n. Director, Lackawanna Steel Co.; Jefferson & Cleveland Coal & Iron Co.; Mobile & Ohio R.R. Co.; Nat'l Bank of Commerce; North British and Mercantile Ins. Co. of N.Y.; N.Y. Dock Co.; Southern Railway Co.; Reynoldsville & Falls Creek R.R.; U.S. director North British & Mercantile Ins. Co. of London & Edin- burgh. Actively interested in Catholic social and religious work; benefactor of many charities. Clubs: Catholic; Knickerbocker; Union; Century; Metropolitan; Country; Riding; Down Town; Turf and Field; Larchmont Yacht; New York Yacht. Address: 36 Wall St. Residence, 711 Fifth Ave., N.Y. City.
Irvine, Robert Tate, lawyer and statesman of Big Stone Gap, Virginia, was born July 11, 1862. In 1893-94 he was a member of the Virginia general assembly; and in 191.2 was a delegate-at-large from Virginia to the Baltimore convention. He is now a member of the board of visitors of the University of Virginia.
Ittner, Martin Hill, care Colgate and Co., Jersey City, N.J. Chemistry, physics. Berlin Heights, 0., May 2, 1870. Ph.B., Washington (St. Louis), 1892; B.S., 1894; A.M., Harvard, 1895; Ph.D., 1896. Asst. Harvard, 1894; private asst. to Prof. Jackson, 1895; Dr. Wolcott Gibbs, 1896; chief chemist Colgate & Co., 1896 to date. Int. Cong. Applied Chem. Chem. Soc.; Soc. Chem. Indust.; Chem. Gesell.; and Verein Deutscher Chemiker. Organic chemistry. Chemistry and physics.
Ives, Judson Dunbar, Wake Forest, N.C. Biology. Born Alfred, Me., Feb. .19, 1884. A.B., Wake Forest, 1905; A.M., 1906; Chicago, 1908; Woods Hole, 1909. Lab. asst. biol., Wake Forest, 1904-06; instr., 1906 to date; asst. U.S. Bureau of Fisheries, Beaufort, N.C., 1910. Graduate student, Univ. of Chicago, 1908 and 1912. Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, 1909. A.A.A.S. N.C. Acad.
Ivie, Joseph Henry, clergyman, of 2112 Fifth Ave., New York City, was born, N.Y. City, 1869; s. William and Catherine Ivie; grad. St. Stephen's Coll., B.A., 1892; M.A., 1894; Philadelphia Div. Sch., 1894; m. Garden City, L.I., Feb. 19, 1895, Enid Schuyler Kenyon. Ordered deacon 1894, ordained priest 1896, by Rt. Rev. A. N. Littlejohn, D.D., Bishop of Long Island. Formerly at St. Joseph's Ch., Queens, L.I., 1894-1897; rector Trinity Ch. (Episcopal), Fishkill, N.Y., 1897-1907; pastor St. Bartholomew's Ch., N.Y. City, 1907-1910; vicar St. Andrew's Ch., N.Y. City, and fire chaplain, since 1910.
Ivins, William Mills, lawyer; born in Monmouth County, N.J., April 16, 1851; son of Augustus and Sarah (Mills) Ivins. He removed in early childhood to Brooklyn, and was one of the first graduates of Adelphi Academy in that city. After his graduation he was for a time in the employ of D. Appleton & Company, publishers, but left their employ to enter Columbia Law School. He was admitted to the bar of New York in 1873, and the United States Supreme Court in 1879. He began practice in Brooklyn as a member of the firm of Bergen and Ivins. He was soon active in politics and took part in the movement headed by General Slocum against the Brooklyn ring. In 1879 he conducted the prosecution of the O'Reilly cases, resulting in the imprisonment of the Brooklyn Board of Aldermen for contempt of court. He was private secretary to Mayor Grace, of New York, in 1881; was a school commissioner of the City of New York, 1883-1886; city chamberlain of New York, 1885-1889, during the administrations of Mayors Grace and Hewitt. He was judge-advocate general of the State of New York, 1886-1888; was counsel for the Senate Committee on Cities in 1891, and took an active part in the movement for ballot reform which culminated in the general adoption of the Australian ballot. Among his most interesting clients were the late Mme. Blavatsky, and the late General Garcia. He has traveled widely throughout South America, and is an expert in the rubber business. As a lawyer, Mr. Ivins has had charge of numerous cases of international importance, and he is now head of the firm of Ivins, Wolff and Hoguet. He was the Republican candidate for mayor of New York City in 1905. In 1907, after the passage of the bill to establish the New York Public Service Commission, he was appointed special counsel of the commission, and conducted the investigation of the Metropolitan Street Railway System. He is a member of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York and of the Manhattan, Union League, Republican, Down Town, New York Yacht and Barnard Clubs of New York City, and the St. Stephen's Club of London. He was a member and chairman of the New York charter commissions of 1908 and 1909, appointed by Governor Hughes. Mr. lying married in 1879, Emma L. Yard, of Freehold, N.J., and he has two sons and two daughters. Residence: 45 West 58th St. Office: 27 William St., New York City.