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Mexico, California and Arizona/Chapter 35

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Mexico, California and Arizona (1900)
by William Henry Bishop
1232584Mexico, California and Arizona — INDEX TO PART I.1900William Henry Bishop



"A Rosario," poem, 130.
Abuses, administrative, 147.
Academy of San Carlos, 120.
Acambaro, 514.
Acapulco, 98, 137, 263, 289, 330; route to, 272.
Acuña, poet, 130.
Adornment of manufacturing
establishments, 174.
Agriculture, native methods of, 248,
Aguas calientes, 82, 511.
Aguas nevadas—cold drinks, 41.
Alameda in City of Mexico, 42.
Alberca Pane, baths of, 59.
Alcalde, a typical Indian, 208.
Alexandre steamship line, 1.
Alkali deposits of Lake Texcoco, 35,
All-souls' Day, 32.
Alsace-Lorraine, the Mexican, 4.
Altamirano, 129, 132.
Altata, 74.
Amatlan, 205.
Amecameca, 176.
American capital in Mexico, 512.
Americanisms in Mexico, 105.
Americans, Mexican opinions of, 62,
275; business chances for, 98.
Annario Mata, the, 523.
Annuario Universal, the, 73.
Antiquarian science, later tone
concerning, 520; a burlesque, 168.
Antiquities at City of Mexico, 119; at
San Juan Teotihuaca, 34, 193; at
Texcocingo, 171; at Texcoco, 167;
at Tula, 85; for sale, 34.
Apaches, the, 80.
Apam, 34.
Apizaco, 32, 210.
Architecture, charm of, 53, 88, 198,
269; commercial, 105; domestic, 50; ecclesiastical, 19, 41, 50; Moorish influence in, 199.
Arista, General, 138.
"Armonias," Zaragoza's, 130.
Arteaga, 122.
Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fé
Railroad, 80, 81.
Austin, Stephen, 134.
Aztecs, migration of, 170.


Baggage, 24, 515.
Baked ice-cream, 6.
Banana, the, 203.
Bancroft's, H. H., History, 526.
Bandelier, 520.
Banks, Mexican, 101, 103, 513.
Baz, Gustave, 130.
Belem, gate of, 45.
Belen prison, 118.
"Bells of San Blas," Longfellow's
poem of, 290.
Boarding-houses, 59.
"Border States of Mexico," Hamilton's, 100.
Boston railway companies, 74.

Bravo, General, 137.
Brocklehurst, T. U., 156, 241, 525.
Bacarelli, Tivoli of, 58.
Buena Vista Station, City of Mexico,
Bull-fighting, 149; accidents in, 546;
demoralization occasioned by, 544;
excessive craze for, 529; journals
and criticisms on, 544; possible explanations of the revival of, 540;
revival of, 517.
Bulls, best breeds of, 545; nomenclature of, 544; Spanish, 546.
Business customs in Mexico, 101.
Bustamente, General, 137.


Cabo, or head of gang, the, 84.
Cabrera, 122.
Cacique, a, 90.
Cæsarism, 146.
Cafés, 112.
Cajones, the, 285.
Calabasas, 80, 459.
Calderon de la Barca, Madame, 15, 88, 261.
California, 277, 291; Gulf of, 291.
Calle de Jesus, old palace in, 50.
"Calvary and Tabor," 132.
Camino de pajaros, a, 98, 264.
Campeachy, steamer to, 1.
Campos, Martinez, Captain-general, 8.
Cañadas of Cholitla and Zopilote, 284.
Canal of La Viga, 152; of San Lazaro, 163.
Caribbean Sea, 14.
Caritas, or little faces, 34.
Carpio, 130.
Cathedral of Mexico, 40.
Catholic Church in Mexico, 278.
Cattle, hornless, 250.
Causeways to City of Mexico, 65.
Celaya, 82, 87.
Cemeteries, 20, 126.
Cervantes, leading Mexican family,
172; kidnapping of, 172.
Chalco, Lake, 47, 158; town, 160.
Chapala, Lake, 88.
Chapultepec, 62, 516.
Charnay, 193, 521.
Chihuahua, 81.
Chilean mill, the, 233.
Chilpancingo, 283.
Chinampas, the, 155.
Chinese, resemblance to the Mexican
Indians, 169.
Cholula, town and great pyramid of,
Chorrera, 12.
Church property, devoted to secular
uses, 117; sequestration of, 50,
Cinco de Mayo, national fête, 20,
"City of Grenada," Pacific mail steamer, 289.
City of Mexico, 37; abodes of various
classes, 42, 50; Academy of Fine Arts at, 120; American capture of, in 1847, 65; American hotel proposed in, 67; approaches to, 35; architecture of, 50; cafés of, 112; cathedral of, 41; cemeteries of, 126; climate of, 54; clubs, foreign, of, 112; custom-house of, 37; drainage of, 46, 83; English-speaking foreigners in, 54; environs of, 149; equestrian fashions of, 65; flower-show in, 45; funerals of, 50; future of, 60; Government offices, simplicity of, 118; hackney-coaches of, 37; Iturbide Hotel of, 38, 54; Jockey Club of, 516; Mochos, the, 108; National Library of, 116, 263; National Loan Establishment of, 41, 101; National Museum of, 119; National Palace of, 41; old Spanish nobility, remnant of, 107; picturesque costumes of, 41; plaza, the,

of, 40; police of, 65; prices in, 37;promenades of, 64, 152; quietness of, 38; schools of, 116; Shields, General, charge on, 66; shopping in, 103; shops of, 48, 104; social manners and customs in, 107; statues in, 65; system of taxation in, 68; tivolis, or
pleasure-gardens, of, 58; tramways in, 45, 48; villa sites of, 67; wedding in high life in, 110; Zócalo, the, of, 42.
"City of Mexico," shop at Puebla, 106.
Civil Code, the, 68.
Clerks, Mexican, 104.
Climate, 33, 54, 97, 213, 263.
Clouds, beauty of, in Mexico, 194.
Clubs, 112,516.
Coal-fields, 80, 511.
Cocoa-nuts, 286.
Coffee culture, 203.
Cofre of Perote, the, 15.
Colima, 87.
Colleges, 116.
Colonies, 523.
Colonization, 523.
Columbian Sea, the, 14.
Commercial agency, a, 524; methods in use by, 96.
Commercial traveller, the, 105.
Commercial treaty, 100, 513.
Communistic outbreaks, 160.
Concessions, railroad, 92.
Concha, Captain-general of Cuba, 8.
Concordia restaurant, the, 58.
Conductas, or treasure convoys, 101,
Confederate exiles in Mexico, 60, 201.
Conkling, statements of, 524.
Cordoba, 28, 201.
Cornish stamp, the, 233.
Coronado Island, a quarry on, 459.
Corpus Christi, Texas, 87.
Cortez, 13, 18, 24, 29, 164, 214, 213,
222, 268; sea of, 77.
Costumes, national, 26, 41, 212.
Cotton factory at Orizaba, 200.
Count of Regla, the, 107, 230.
Country life, 245; fare, 271.
Courage, Mexican, 66.
Courtship, Mexican, 110.
Court-yards, interior, system of, 50.
Cradle of the human race, 169.
Crosses marking death by violence,
Cuantelpostle, 184.
Cuatitlan, 149, 529.
Cuautla, 185, 187; railway celebration at, 188.
Cuba, debased currency of, 7; frauds
on marine of, 7; heart of, 8; insurrection in, 7; lottery system of,
7; preparation for Mexico, a, 12;
railway journeying in, 11.
Cuellar, 108.
Cuenca, 130.
Cuernavaca, 266; pottery of, 187.
Culiacan, 74.
Custom-house, 510; at City of Mexico,
37; at El Paso, 510; at Paso del Norte, 510; at Vera Cruz, 22.


Danza, the, 110.
De Castro, 130.
De Gress, 74.
De Rodas, Captain-general of Cuba, 8.
Denver and Rio Grande Railway, 87.
Diaz, Ponciano, 548.
Diaz, Porfirio, General and President,
139, 185, 276, 522, 528.
Diego, Juan, 152.
Diligencia, travel by, 174, 227, 266.
Dolores cemetery, 45.
Drainage cut, the great, 83.
Drainage problem of the City of Mexico, 46, 517.
Duelling, 265.
Dulce, Captain-general of Cuba, 8.
Durango, town of, 82; railway (Sinaloa and Durango), 74.

Eads, Captain, 21, 74, 511.
Eagle Pass, 77.
Echave, Baltazar, 121; the younger, 122.
Education, 116.
El Borrego, hill of, 30, 196.
El Libro Rojo (The Red Book), 133.
El Paso, 81, 510.
El Peñon, 64.
Elections, 140, 147.
Electric lighting, 616.
Eliseo, Tivoli del, 68.
"Enchanting Nymph," the, 162.
Engineering feats on English railway
from Vera Cruz, 29.
Engineers, American, in Mexico, 59, 60,
89, 92.
"Episodios Nacionales" series, 132.
Escandon, Manuel, 200.
Exile to New Orleans, 196.
Exports and imports of Mexico, 100.
Express companies, 515.


"Facundo" (Cuellar), 129.
Fares by railway, etc., 2, 24, 510.
Federal Republic, the, 136; fate of its
several founders, 137.
Fernandez y Gonzalez, 132.
"Find," an archaeological, 167.
Floating gardens, the, 155.
Flor de San Juan, the, 160, 239.
Flower-show, a, 45.
Flowers, taste for, 29, 45.
Foote, Mary Hallock, 527.
Foreign blood in Mexico, 54, 96.
Foreigners as owners of real estate, 68;
advisability of matriculation for, 155.
Fort Yuma, 77.
Fortin, 29.
French line of steamers, 2.
Frisbie, 74.
Frontera, steamer to, 1.
Funerals, 49.


Gadsden Treaty, 74.
Galveston, steamers from, 1, 480.
Garay, Francisco de, 47, 518.
Gardens, some notable, 173, 269.
Gassol, Antonio, 7.
Gonzales, Manuel, General and President, 142.
Gould, Jay, 74, 77.
Government quarters, simplicity in, 118.
Grant, Gen. U.S., 4, 56, 74, 109, 149.
Guadalajara, 82, 87, 118, 510.
Guadalupe Hidalgo, 45, 152; treaty of,74.
Guanajuato, 82, 511.
Guatemala, 76, 77.
Guaymas, 80, 514.
Guerrero, General, 137.
Guide-books, discrepancies in, 523; early lack of, 4, 39; later supply of, 523.
Gutierrez, 125.
Gutierrez Estrada, José Maria, 138; family, 268.

Hacendado, a young,26.
Hacienda of Tepenacasco, the, 241, 245; divisions of land, 250; irrigation of, 250; method of life on, 245; officials and laborers, 255; semi-feudal control of peons, 254, 258.
Haciendas, great extent of, 96.
Hackney-coaches, 37.
Hamilton, Leonidas, 100.
Harbors on Mexican coasts, 15, 77.
Havana, 1, 6, 16.
Hermosillo, 80.
Herrera, General, 138.
Hidalgo, Padre, 82, 126.
"Hill of Las Campañas," novel of,

Hill of the Star, 156.
Hill of the Treasure, 85.
History of Mexico as adapted to schools, 134; résumé of the above, 134.
Horseback travelling, 264, 283.
Hospital at Puebla, 211; impartiality
at, between contending medical schools, 211.
Hotel and inn, 38, 54, 151, 164, 195, 210, 219; a new American, 64, 67, 515.
Houses, interiors of, 52, 216.
Huamantla, 194.
Huehuetoca, 102.
Humboldt, Baron von, 88.
Humor, Mexican, 287.
Huntington, C. P., 74.


Ibarra, 122.
Iguala, 98, 279.
Immigration, 523.
Improvement Company, an American,
in Mexico, 64.
Indian population, characteristic traits
of, 67, 80, 83, 100, 160, 169, 205,
254, 258.
Inn (see Hotel).
Insane asylum at Puebla, 211.
Instep, the Castilian, 27.
Insurance companies, American, 105.
Invasion of 1847, the American, 65.
Irapuato, 82.
Irolo, 511.
Iturbide, the Emperor, 56, 135, 189,
273, 291; hotel at the City of Mexico, 38, 54.
Ixtacihuatl, the white woman, 24, 160.
Ixtapalapa, 156.
Ixtle crop, the, 513.

Jalapa, 26.
Jalapilla, 30, 198.
Janvier, statement of, 524.
Jardin Borda, 269.
Jefe Politico of Texcoco, the, 166.
Jews in Mexico, absence of, 96.
Jockey Club at City of Mexico, 516.
Journalists at a banquet, 188.
Jovellar, Captain-general of Cuba, 8.
Juarez, Benito, President, 83; tomb of, 126.
Juarez, José, 122.
Juarez, Luis, 121.
Judases, 32.


Kidnappers, or plagiarios, 172.

La Compañia, 160.
La Romita, causeway of, 65.
La Venta de Peregrino, 288.
La Veronica, causeway of, 65.
Lagos, 82, 511.
Lakes about the capital, 156.
Land laws, 68.
"Land of Bread," the, 219.
Land purchases by Americans, 523.
Laredo, 77, 87.
Las Casas protecting the Aztecs, 125.
Law of libel, 128.
Laws, mining, 234; real estate, 67; reform, 523; tax, 68.
Le Plongeon, 521.
Legislative quarters, Tlaxcala, 221.
Leon, 82.
Lerdist sentiment, 143.
Lerdo, Sebastian, President, 109, 132,
140, 141, 522; town of, 511.
"Liberty in the Constitution," 131.
Library, National, 116, 263; public, at
Vera Cruz, 19.
Literary men of Mexico, 108, 129.
Literature, contemporary, 128.
Llandero y Cos, Señor, 231.
Llandesio, 184.
Llave, General and Governor, 20.
Longfellow's last poem, 291.

Lower California, late colonization of,
Lower classes, the, their squalid habits, 161.
Lyra Mexicana, the, 130.


Machete, the, 11, 202.
Maguey, or century-plant (see also
Pulque), 31.
Malinche, 194.
Maltrata, 29.
Manigua, or jungle, the, 8.
Manners, Mexican, 112, 518.
Manzanillo, 87, 290.
Maravatio, 87.
"Maria," the novel of, 173.
Market-houses, 221, 282.
Market scenes, 105.
Mas Arriba, 157.
Matamoros, the patriot general, 189;
town of, 87.
Matanzas, 8, 11; Pan of, 5.
Match-making, 110.
Matehuala, 87.
Mateos, Juan, 129, 131.
Matriculation of foreigners, 69.
Matrimonial customs, 110.
Maximilian, Emperor, 30, 43, 57, 62, 83, 107, 137, 193, 198, 213, 275.
Mayos, the, 80.
Mazatlan, 291.
Mazzantini, 541.
Mescala River, 284.
Meson, 151, 219.
Metlac, barranca of, 29.
Mexican colonel, a, 265.
Mexican enterprise, 97; manners, 42, 112, 518; onyx, 126; traits in California (see Second Part of Index); "Warwick," the, 140.
Mexico, American influx to, 54; American engineers in, 59; American land purchases in, 523; causes of slow development of, 97; City of (see City of Mexico); commercial treaty with, 100; ease of travel in, 515; invasion of (1847), 65; lack of roads and water-ways, 98; late
improvements in, 515; popular American ideas of, 2; population of, 67, 83, 95; revisited, 515; routes to, 1, 514; security of travel in, 515; "Study of, A," 515, 527; territory conquered from, by United States, 5.
Milanes, 11.
Mill-hands, native, 100, 200.
Miners, Cornish, 228.
Mines, 58; foreign capital in, 229; in bonanza, 231; old Spanish, 233; practical school of, at Pachuca, 232; school of, or Mineria, at Mexico, 116.
Mining companies, 229.
Mining, general tribunal of, 237.
Mining laws, 234.
Miramon, General, 126.
Mochos, the, 108.
Mocking-birds at hotels, 204.
Molino de Flores, 172.
Money, silver, 101; paper, 102, 513.
Monitor Republicano, the, 128, 544.
Monte de Piedad, or National Loan
Establishment, the, 40, 101, 513.
Monteleone, Duke of, 268.
Monterey, California, 365.
Monterey, Count of, 18.
Monterey, Mexico, 53, 87, 100.
Montiel, Tiburcio, General, 160.
Monuments, national, 62, 65, 126.
Morelos railway, 185.
Morelos, the patriot chief, 188.
Morgan City, steamer from, 1.
Morro Castle, 7.
Muleteer, or arriero, contract with, 264.
Museum, national, 119, 519.

National anthem, the, 189, 274.
National Bridge, 26.

New Orleans repaired to by exiles, 196,
steamers from, 2.
"Newport," steamer, voyage in, 4.
Newspaper archæeologist, a, 168.
Newspapers, American, on Mexico, 525.
Newspapers, Mexican, 128.
Nezhualcoyotl, King, 168, 171.
Nezhualcoyotl, poems of, 171.
"Nezhualcoyotl," the, 162.
Niño Perdido, gate of, 45.
"No Re-election" campaigns of Porfirio Diaz, 140, 142, 528.
Nobility, old Spanish, vestiges of, 107.
Nogales, 80.
Nomenclature in official forms, 131.
Nomenclature of shops, 48, 104; of towns, etc., patriotic, 20.
"Northers," the, 15.
Novelties of the Americans, 105.

Oaxaca, 76.
Oaxacan Indians, 76.
Ocaranza, 125.
Ocatlan sanctuary, 223.
Ochoa, Sanchez, General, 176.
"Old maids," graceful treatment of, 110.
Old masters, 120, 122.
Ometusco, 73, 227.
Onyx, 126.
Opatas, the, 80.
Ord, General, 142.
Orizaba, town of, 30, 195; Mount, 29, 206.
Ozumba, 187.


Pachuca,227, 511.
Pacific mail steamers, 289.
Painting, local school of, 121.

Palmer-Sullivan Railway Company
(see Mexican National), 74, 87.
Pan of Matanzas, 5.
Panteon of San Fernando, 126.
Papagallo River, 284.
Paper-money, 101, 103, 513.
Parian, the, 105, 212.
Parra, Felix, 125.
Paseo de la Reforma, 64; Viga, 64.
Paso del Norte, 81,510.
Patio process in reducing ores, 233.
Patriotic portraiture, 188.
Patriotism in nomenclature and official forms, 20, 131.
Patriotism, sentiment of, 131, 188.
Patzcuaro Lake, 88, 514; steamboat on, 514.
Payno, Manuel, 129, 132, 134, 546.
Pay-train on Mexican National Railway, 89.
Paz, poet, 129.
Peasant costumes, 212.
Pedraza, President, 137.
Penal system, 118.
Peons, traits of, 82, 92, 100, 109.
Peza, poet, 129.
Picaluga, treachery of, 137.
Piedras Negras, 78, 511.
Pieltan, Captain-general, 8.
Piña, Salome, 125.
Pine-apple cultivation, 206.
Plains of Mata, 242.
Plan of Iguala, 98; of La Noria, 140; of Tuxtepec, 141, 522.
Plays, theatrical, 114.
Plaza, a provincial, 86.
Plaza at Mexico, 40.
Poetical facility of Spanish Americans, 12, 129.
Poets and poetry, 129.
Police, 35, 65, 204.
Political machinery, 140, 147, 275.
Popocatapetl, 175; ascent of, 178;
superstitions about, 184; varying
measurements of height of, 179.
Population, discrepancies in, 533; of
leading cities, 82; of Mexico, 67, 83, 95.
Port Ysabel, 459.

Porters, street, 263.
Portraits of national leaders, 188.
Postage, reduction of, 515.
Precious metals, yield of, 515.
Prescott, historian, 3, 156, 519.
Presidio at Real del Monte, 239.
Presidio del Norte, 78.
Prieto, Guillermo, 129.
Prisons and prisoners, 18, 118, 200,
Progreso, steamer to, 1.
Prose writers, 129.
Puebla, 210; public institutions at,
Pulque, 34, 48, 166, 250.
Pyramid of Cholula, 214.
Pyramids at Texcoco, 167.
Pyramids of Sun and Moon, 193.

Quarantine, 22.
Queretaro, 82, 102.
Quetzalcoatl, 214.

Race characteristics in Mexico, 96.
Railway—Atchison, Topeka,and Santa Fé, 80, 81; Boston companies, 74; charters, scope of, 92; Denver and Rio Grande, 87; English, from Vera Cruz, 16, 24; change of time-table, 522; International, the, 74, 77; Judases, 32; Mexican Central, the, 74, 81, 149; change of proposed route, 510; completion of, 510; inter-oceanic branch, 81; National, 74, 87; financial embarrassment of, 512; recent progress on, 510; Mexican Southern, the, 74, 76; lapse of its charter, 511; Morelos, the, opening of, 185; frightful accident on, 190; recent extension of, 511; narrow-gauge system, 87; new, 70, 92, 98; Oriental, the, 74, 77; Pacific Coast, the, 74, 77; prospects of the new, 94; Ship, the, 74, 511; Sinaloa and Durango, the, 74; Sonora, the, 74, 80; Tehuantepec Ship, the, 74, 511; Tehuantepec, the, 74; Texas, Topolobampo, and Pacific, 74, 77.
Railways, adverse view of native critic on, 275; as an investment, 512; beneficial results from, 512; charters of, 70, 92; engineers on, 84, 89; general map of, 75; general table of, 73; in Mexican provinces, now American territory, 95; interoceanic lines, theory of, 77; laborers on, 84, 92; mileage of, total, 74; recent extension of, 511; new excursions opened by, 513; subsidies to, 74, 93; travelling companions on, 26; various routes by the, 513.
Rainy season, the, 33, 213, 263.
Real del Monte, 228.
Real del Monte Mining Company, the 98.
Real estate, laws concerning, 67; speculation, 68.
Rebozo, the, 42.
Rebull, 125.
Red Book (El Libro Rojo), the, 133.
Re-election of President Diaz, 528.
Religious feelings, 53, 151.
Restaurants, 54, 166.
Revolutionary disturbances, 66, 136;
general weariness with, 146.
Rio Hondo, 89, 514.
Riva Palacio, General, 129, 131.
Rodriguez, Juan and Nicolas, 122.
Romancers, the, 131.
Romero Rubio, 143.
Romero Rubio, Miss, wife of Porfirio
Diaz, 143.
Rosario mine at Pachuca, 231.
Routes to Mexico, 1,513.

Sabado de Gloria, or Holy Saturday,
26, 32.

Sacro Monte, 177.
Salamanca, 82.
Saltillo, 514.
San Angel, 152.
San Blas, 81, 290; "The Bells of," 291.
San Cristoval, Lake, 46.
San Fernando, old college and mission
of, 440.
San Fernando, Panteon of, 126.
San Francisco, Cal., 277.
San Juan d'Ulloa, 16.
San Juan Teotihuacan, 34, 192, 520.
San Lazaro Canal, 163.
San Luis Potosi, 61, 77, 82, 87, 511.
San Rosario mine at, Pachuca, 231.
Sanchez, character in fiction, 106.
Sanchez, Delfin, 185, 530.
Santa Ana village, 219.
Santa Anita, 154, 156.
Santa Anna, General and President,
128, 134.
Santa Clara coal-fields, 80.
Santa Cruz village, 167.
Santa Gertrudis mine at Pachuca, 230.
School of Fine Arts, 120.
Schools and institutions, 116.
Scott, General, 26, 66.
Sculpture, 126.
Sea of Cortez, 77.
Security of travel, 90, 515.
Senate, hall of the, 118.
Serape, the, 41.
Shields, General, 66.
Shopping, 103.
Shops, 48, 104.
Silao, 82.
Silver money, 101.
Sinaloa and Durango Railway, 74.
Smuggling, a native view of, 287.
Social life, 107, 260.
Soldiers, 127.
Sombrero, the, 27.
Sonora Railway, 74, 80.
Southern element in Mexico
(American), 60.
Spanish-American deftness in
rhyming and speech-making, 12.
Spanish civilization in Mexico, 88.
Spanish family names, system of, 197.
Spanish Main, the, 5, 14.
Spanish steamers to Mexico, 2.
Statistical view of the railways, 73.
Steamer routes to Cuba, 1, 2, 4.
Steamer routes to Mexico, 1, 13, 289.
Steamship line, a native Mexican, 522.
Students, appearance of, 117.
"Study of Mexico, A," 515, 527.
Subsidies to the press, 128.
Sugar haciendas in Mexico, 190, 198.
Sugar plantation in Cuba, a, 12.
Sullivan, James, 87.
Sulphur extracted from Popocatepetl,
178, 183.
"Sun of May" (El Sol de Mayo), the
(novel), 131, 132.

Table-lands, the, 31.
Table Mountain, 459.
Tacubaya, 45.
Tajo of Nochistongo, 47, 83.
Tamaulipas, 77.
Tampico, 77, 81, 511.
Tariff, the Mexican, 22.
Tax reform, pressing need of, 528.
Taxation of real estate, 68.
Tehuantepec Railway, 74.
Tehuantepec ship-railway, 74, 511.
Tenement-houses in City of Mexico,
Tepenacasco, hacienda of, 241, 245.
Tereros, Pedro, Count of Regla, 107,
Texas, revolt of, 134.
Texcocingo, 171.
Texcoco, Lake, 46, 162; town of, 164.
Text-books, 117, 134.
Theatre-going, 112.
Theatres, 112, 198, 211.
Tiles, architectural use of, 19, 52, 106.

210; manufacture of, at Puebla,
Tinecal, the, 253.
Tlahuac, 158; submerged habitations
at, 159.
Tlalpam, 152.
Tlamaca, 178.
Tlaxcala, 218.
Todos Santos colony, 523.
Toltecs, the, 85, 161, 170.
Toluca, 87, 89, 514.
Topography, Mexican, 31.
Topolobampo Railway, 74, 77.
Topolobampo, town of, 78.
Tramways as part of the railway
system, 73.
Tramways in City of Mexico, 48.
Treasure convoys, or conductas, 101.
Tree-planting in the Valley of Mexico,
Treviño, General, 142.
Tula, 83.
Tulipan, the, 29, 195.
Tuxpan, 77.
Tuxtepec, plan of, 141, 522, 528.

Valladolid, change of name, 188.
Valley of Mexico, 35, 125.
Vegetable growths, 31, 202, 285.
Velasco, landscape-painter, 125.
Velasco, mining hacienda, 239.
Vera Cruz, 15, 16; comparative
decadence of, 512; customs service at,
22; defects as a port, 16, 20;
efforts to remedy, 21, 522; journey
from, to City of Mexico, 24;
quarantine regulations at, 22;
United States consul at, 21; voyage
to, 13; yellow-fever at, 21,
Victoria, General, 137; town of, 77.
Viga Canal, the, 152.
Villa life near the capital, 152.
Villa sites, new, 67.
Village, a typical Mexican, 151.
Ville de Brest, steamer, 13.
Vincente Lopez, 264.
Virgin of Guadalupe, 152.
Viscaynas, the, 117.
Votes cast in election of 1871, 140.

Wages of mill-hands, 100; of farm-
hands, 255.
Wages paid to laborers on railways,
Warner, Charles Dudley, 524.
Wedding ceremony, a, 110.
Wells, David A., 515, 524, 527.
Wild animals, 286.
Windom, Senator, 74.
Writers about Mexico, 524.

Xaltocan, Lake, 46.
Xico, 159.
Xochimilco, Lake, 47, 156.

Yaquis, the, 80.
Yautepec, 511.


Zacatecas, 82, 102, 149,511.
Zaragoza, General, 20, 21.
Zaragoza, poet, 130.
Zarzuela, the, 114.
Zatuapan River, 224.
Zihuataneso, 77.
Zumpango, Lake, 46.