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Mexico, California and Arizona/Chapter 36

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Mexico, California and Arizona (1900)
by William Henry Bishop
1232585Mexico, California and Arizona — INDEX TO PART II.1900William Henry Bishop



Adobe building material, 367.
Agricultural industries most
profitable, 397, 438.
Alameda, county of, 343; town of,
298; at Santa Clara, the, 351.
Alcatraz Island, 296.
Alkali soils, 390, 415, 499.
Alvarado, Mexican governor, 429.
Anaheim, 448.
Angel Island, 296.
Angora goat, the, 420.
Apacheria, 479.
Apaches, 496.
Aptos, 365.
Arcade system for streets, 426.
Architecture at San José, 349.
Architecture of San Francisco, 304,
Arizona, 469; climate of, 469, 472;
cow-boys of, 490; desert of, 469,
501, 504; hotels of, 471, 474;
irrigation in, 471; military posts in, 477; mining camps in, 482; old frontier
of, 479; rainy season in, 469;
Southern Pacific Railroad in, 480;
Southern Railroad in, 485; Spanish
antiquities in, 502, 506; stock-ranges
in, 485; Toltec ruins in, 481;
watering-place in, 499.
Army in Arizona, the, 475, 498.
Art at San Francisco, 311.
Artesia, 448.
Artesian wells, 413, 448.
Atlantic and Pacific Railroad, 458.
"Auction Lunch," the, 320.
Australasia, populations of, 315;
relations of California with, 315.

Bakerstield fever, 405; town of, 405.
Barker, Captain Jack, 419.
Bee culture, 464.
Bellevue Ranch at Bakersfield, 410.
Belmont, 347, 355.
Benson, Arizona, 481.
Berkeley, 298.
Bohemian Club, the, 312.
Bonanza kings, the, 304.
Bonanza mines, the, 307, 319.
Brandy-making, 362, 442.
Brazelton, stage-robber, the, 496.
Broderick-Gwin duel, 321.
Buena Vista, Lake, 405.
Building at San Francisco, 303, 326.

Cable roads, 325, 328.
Cactus growths of the desert, 501.
Calabasas, 459.
California, agricultural products of,
323; autumn season of, 344; harbors of, 296.
"California Hill," 301, 328.
California, islands on coast of, 295;
manufacturing products of, 323;
mining yield of, 319, 323; rivers,
ephemeral character of, 402; sea-
coast of, 295; Southern, 343; South-

ern Railroad of, 458 ; topography of, 344.
Calistoga, 343.
Camp Apache, 478 ; Grant, 478 ; Lowell, 478, 496.
Carillo, Mexican governor, 429.
Carmel Valley and Mission, 374.
Carquinez, Strait of, 301.
Carr, General, 496.
Cascarone parties, 330.
Cattle-drive, a, 415.
Cattle-kings, 400.
Central Pacific Railroad, 298.
Centralia, 448.
Champagne, American, 360.
"Chinatown," 302, 388, 402, 408, 430.
Chinese architecture and decoration, 334, 388.
Chinese at San Francisco (see also "Chinatown"), 298, 302, 333.
Chinese banquet, a, 337; cemetery, 340; consulate-general, 328 ; fishing-junks, 298, 329; fishing village, a, 374; funerals, 340; in provincial life, 388 ; laborers, 389, 392; massacre of, at los Angeles, 430; question, the, 341; restaurants, 334; temples, 338, 389; theatres, 338; women, 337, 389, 444.
Clark's Station, 380.
Cliff House, 307,316.
Climate at Monterey, 370; at Riverside, 450, 452; at San Francisco, 342; at San José, 351; at Yuma, 472.
Coal burned at San Francisco, 323. "Colonies," 386, 390, 434, 448; rivalries of, 453.
Colonists, some personal histories of, 396.
Colonization attempted on Santa Margarita Ranch, 462.
Colonization committee, 382.
Colorado Desert, 469,472.
Colorado River, 475.
Colton, 448.
Compton, 448.
Comstock mines, the, 307, 320.
"Consolidated Virginia," 319.
Constitution, the "new", 322.
Contention City, 485.
Coronado, island of, 459.
Cotton cultivation, 416.
Court-houses, typical, 386.
Cow-boy life, 490, 492.
Crowe, Marshal, 405.

Desert at Bakersfield, 410 ; at Fresno, 386, 390; at Riverside, 450 ; chemical products of the, 471; Colorado, the, 469, 471, 501, 504; lands, redemption of, 410; of Temecula Plains, 467; precious metals in the Arizona, 471 ; San Joaquin, the, 386; vegetable products of the, 500.
Dos Palmas, 470.
Downey City, 448.
Dry season, the, 347.
Dust Storms, 452.

Earthquakes at San Francisco, 303, 326.
Egyptian corn, 397.
Elevators for grain, absence of 304,
English gypsies, 408.
English prodigals, 407.


Fairs, county, 344, 349.
Farmers, women, 396.
Farms in California (see also Ranch), 358.
Financial institutions at San Francisco, 304.
Flood and O'Brien, 320,353.
Florence, 448.
Flowers, California, 343, 347,420,
Folsom Street, 333.

Foreign colonies in San Francisco, 329.
Foreigners, travelling, 324.
Forster, Don Juan, 461.
Forster's Ranch, 462.
Forty-nine, 302, 332.
Freight rates for California fruits, 454.
Fresno, 386.
Fruit product, value of, 323.
Fuller's Hot Springs, 499.

Gadsden Purchase, 480.
Gila River and tributaries, 485.
Goat Island, 296.
Gold an inducement to immigration,
Golden Gate Park, 342.
Golden Gate, the, 316.
Gophers and jack-rabbits, 390.
Goshen, 404.
Greylock Mountain, 451.
Guadalupe Hidalgo, treaty of, 429.
Guadalupe quicksilver mine, 364.
Gypsies, English, 408.

Haggin, Carr & Tevis's ranches, 410.
Han ford, 404.
Haraszthy, Arpad, 360.
Harbors on the Pacific coast, 296.
Harte, Bret, 327, 333.
Heintzelman, General, 350.
High Jinks, a, 312.
Homes at Fresno, 392 ; at Los Angeles, 424 ; at Riverside, 450.
Honey in Ventura County, 456.
Hotel del Monte, 370.

Immigration Committee, 382.
Indians, Apaches, 496; California,
444; Papagos, 506; Pimas,
478; Yumas, 475.
Irrigating canals, extent of, 403;
ditches, nomenclature of, 402.
Irrigation, 383, 391, 402, 404; a zanjero,
or overseer of, 431; as seen at
Fresno, 391; at Los Angeles, 431;
at Pasadena, 436 ; at San Gabriel,
439, conflicts arising out of, 406;
in Arizona, 471 ; laws relating to,
406; system of, 433; theories concerning, 439.
Italian element at San Francisco, 329.
Italian settlers in California, 359, 412.

Jews as pioneers in western trade,
Jones, Senator, of Nevada, 455.
"Josephites," the, 448.
"Jumping-off place," a, 376.

Kaweah River, 402.
Kearney, Dennis, 321.
Kearney Street, 324.
Kearneyism, 298.
Kearney-Kalloch faction, 322.
Kern County, 405; Lake, 405; River,
Kern River Canon, 418.
Kernville, 417.
King, Starr, the Rev., 343.

Lady Mary Wortley Montague, theory
of, 330.
Land, alkali, 390, 415, 499; desert,
redeemed, 410; fraudulent patents
for, 429; open to settlement, 382;
prices of, 395,453; Spanish system
of tenure, 383.
Lathrop Junction, 384.
Le Franc Vineyard, the, 359.
Lemoore, 404.
Livermore Ranch, 415.
Logging in the high Sierras, 402.

Lone Mountain at San Francisco, 310.
Los Angeles, 421; River, 431.
Lotta Fountain, 309.

Madera, 385.
Manufactures, annual value of, 323.
Maps of the United States, antiquated,
Marysville, 343.
McClung, Major, 413.
Meigs, " Harry," 332.
Menlo Park, 347, 353.
Merced, 385.
Mexican decadence, 427, 436 ; element, 298, 329, 350, 352, 365, 426, 442 (see also "Spanishtown"); frontier, ancient, 479; frontier monument, 459; governors, last, 427; Independence Day, 427; names in public affairs, 427.
Micheltorena, Mexican governor, 429.
"Milking the market" in stocks, 319.
"Millbrae," 355.
Miller and Lux ranches, the, 364, 406.
Miners, pay of, at Tombstone, 488.
Mines, bonanza, 307, 319; Comstock, the, 307, 324; continuous yield of, in prospect, 323; early yield of, 319; Kernville and Havilah, the, 417; south of the San Joaquin River, 417; speculation in, 307, 309; Tombstone, the, 482.
Missions, old Spanish, San Carlos, 374; San Diego, 460; San Gabriel, 440; San Luis Rey, 464; San Xavier del Bac, 506; Santa Barbara, 455 ; Santa Clara, 350.
Mixing of races at San Francisco, 330.
Modesto, 386.
Monterey, 305; forest growths in, 373; Hotel del Monte at, 370; vestiges of Spanish life at, 365; Whaling Company of, 368.
Mount Diablo, 301, 328.

Murphy ranches, the, 364.
Murray, "Pat," 400.
Mussel Slough country, the, 404.
Muybridge's photographs of animal locomotion, 355.

Naglee, General, 362.
National City, 458.
New Zealand Insurance Company, the,
"Nob Hill," 301.
North Beach, 332.

Oakland, 208.
Oceanica, trade with, 315.
Olives at Santa Barbara, 456.
Orange cultivation, 437, 446; in Alameda County, 344; capital required in, 439; for invalids, 438, 450; at Fresno, 392; irrigation in, 446; at Los Angeles, 435; at Riverside, 451; at San Gabriel, 443; theories of planting in, 439.
Orange, town of, 448.
Orange wine, 454.
Oriental trade, prospective extension of, 315.
Oysters, California, 346.

Pajaro Valley, 364.
Palace Hotel, 301, 310.
Palm-trees at Calistoga, 343.
Palo Alto, 353; fast-trotting stock at, 355; Muybridge's photographic experiments at, 355.
Papago Indians, 506.
Pasadena, 435.
Phylloxera, 439.
Pio Pico, last Mexican governor, the, 427, 462.
Pioneer Society, the (San Francisco), 332.

Pomona, 448.
Port Ysabel Railroad, 459, 474.
Portuguese settlers, 359, 368, 412.
Precious metals, yield of, 319.
Presidio, the, at San Francisco, 298.


Quicksilver mine of Guadalupe, 364;
of New Almaden, 364.


Railroad, Arizona Southern, the, 485;
Atlantic and Pacific, the, 458;
California Southern, the, 458; Central
Pacific, the, 298; Southern Pacific,
the, 844, 370, 381, 404, 480; Texas
Pacific, the, 458; to Port Ysabel
proposed, 459, 474.
Railroads, freight tariff of, 454; grievances of small towns against, 381;
life of surveyors on, 465.
Rainfall, 383.
Raisin-making, 343, 397.
Ralston, phenomenal career of, 304,
332, 355.
Ranch, the Bellevue, 410; the Livermore, 415; the San Emidio, 415; the Santa Margarita, 462; the Sunny Slope, 442.
Ranches, great extent of, 364, 410,
462; small, or farms, 358.
Ranch-house, a typical, 413.
Ranchmen, notable, 364, 406, 419.
Redwood lumber, 304, 364.
Redwoods, the, 312.
"Renters," 312.
Rivers, California, 402.
Riverside, 448.
Rodeo, a, 415.
Russian Hill, 301.

Sacramento, 343, 475.
Saint Charles's-day, 379.
San Bernardino, town of, 448; Mountain, 451.
San Buenaventura, 455.
San Carlos Mission, 374.
San Diego, 456.
San Emidio Ranch, 416.
San Fernando, 126, 440.
San Francisco, 277, 296; alleys, system of, 308; architecture of, 304, 308, 326; Bay of, 296, 346; Bohemian Club of, 312; cable roads of, 325; cemeteries of, 310; Chinese at, 302, 333, 340; Cliff House, 307, 316; climate of, 342; cosmopolitan traits of, 312; earthquakes in, precautions against, 303, 326; effect
of new Constitution on, 322; elections at, 322; environs of, 298, 344, 346; financial institutions of, 304; foreign colonies of, 329; in Forty-nine, 302, 332; Golden Gate of, 316; Golden Gate Park of, 342; grading, freaks of, at, 26; hotels of, 310; Kearneyite agitation in, 298, 321; Meigs, "Harry," of, 332; Mercantile Library of, 311; Mexican element in, 330; notable residences in, 325; population of, 303; product of the bonanza mines of, 319; relations of, to Oceanica and the Orient, 312; rise of Flood and O'Brien in, 320; School of Design of, 311; School of Writers of, 333; site of, 296, 302; "Society" in,
311; sources of prosperity of, 319;
speculative madness in, 307, 319; stock exchange of, 307; streets of, 304, 324; summary of its history, 320; volume of trade of, 312; water-supply of, 357.
San Gabriel, 442; old mission of, 440.
San Jacinto Mountain, 451.
San Joaquin Valley, 384; Kings River
Canal in, 404; desert of, 386.
San José, 343, 349, 359.

San Luis Obispo, 417.
San Luis Key, 464.
San Quentin, 298.
San Rafael, 298.
San Xavier del Bac, 506.
Sancelito, 298, 303.
Sand Lots, the, 298.
Santa Ana, 448 ; valley of (upper), 467.
Santa Barbara, 455 ; Channel of, 295.
Santa Catalina Island, 437.
Santa Clara, 350 ; Valley of, 346.
Santa Cruz, 365, 370.
Santa Margarita Ranch, 462.
Santa Monica, 454.
Schieffelin, "Ed," 486.
Serra, Junipero, Father, 368.
Seven Palms, 470.
Sharon, Senator, 355.
Sheep-herders, 420.
Sheep-raising, 407.
Sierra Madre Villa, 436.
"Society” at San Francisco, 311
Sonoma, 343.
Soquel, 365.
Southern California, 343; as an
"Earthly Paradise," 346, 380, 398, 436.
Southern element (American) in California, 413.
Southern Pacific Railroad, 381,480;
coast division of the, 344, 470 ; conflict of, with settlers at Mussel
Slough, 404.
Spanish element (see Mexican Element).
Spanish names of towns, etc., 351.
"Spanishtown," 402, 408, 426.
Spring Valley Water Company, 357.
Stage robberies in Arizona, 483, 496.
Stanford, Leland, ex-Governor, 353.
Stanton, Edward M., report on land frauds, 429.
Stock-gambling, 307, 319.
Stock-ranges in Arizona, 485 ; in California, 383, 410, 419.
Stockton, 384.
Strategic military positions in Arizona, 477.
Suisun Bay, 301.
"Sunny Slope," 442.
Surveyor-general, a, 410.
Surveyors, Railroad, 465.

Table Mountain, 454.
Tamalpais, Mount, 298, 303, 328.
Taylor, Bayard, 34.
Telegraph Hill, 301, 303, 327.
Temecula Canon, 465.
Temecula Plains, 467.
Temperance Colony, 395.
Territory acquired from Mexico, great
value of, 479.
Texas Pacific Railroad, 458.
Tichborne claimant, a, 466.
Timber-flume, a, 385.
"Tom " Scott, 458.
Tombstone, 482.
Tree-planting along irrigating canals, 394.
Tucson, 502.
Tulare County, 399.
Tulare Lake, 405.
Tustin City, 448.
" Two Years Before the Mast," 456.

Ventura County, honey from, 456.
Villas of the San Francisco millionaires, 352.
Vines, experimental varieties of, 364,
Visalia, 399.
Vise, founder of Visalia, 399.
Viticulture, processes and results, 362, 395, 489.

Wages of laborers on ranch, 412.
Water, great need and value of, on the land, 384, 391,

Water-rights legally adjudicated, 406.
Westminster, 448.
Whaling Company, Monterey, 368.
Wheat crop of California, value of, 323.
Wheat elevators, absence of, 304.
Wheat ranches, 364.
Wilmington, 424; new jetty at, 454.
Wine-making at San Gabriel, 442; at
San José, 362.
Women farmers, 396.
Wood as a building material, 325.
Wool crop of California, value of, 323.


Yosemite Valley, 380.
Yuma, 471.
Yuma Indians, 475.
Yuma military post, 476.

the end