Mrs. Beeton's Book of Household Management/Analytical Index/N
N. Names/English and French, for Articles of Food 1673 Nasturtium Seeds, Pickled 1174 Nasturtiums 1174 Natural Mineral Waters 96 Navet The French 874 Neapolitan Cakes 1437 Neapolitan„ Ice 1003 Neapolitan„ Paste 885 Nectar, Welsh 1495 Nectarine, The 1151 Nectarine,„ Jelly 998 Nectarines for Dessert 1068 Nectarines„ Preserved 1149 Negus 1506 Nesselrode Pudding 1063 Nettlerash 1866 Neuralgia 1866 Neuralgia„ Homœopathic Treatment 1932 New Cheese 1292 Newmarket Pudding 957 Nice Cake 1437 Night Terrors 1920 Nightmare 1866 Nipple, Sore 1897 Nitre, Sweet Spirit of 1895 Nitric Acid 1876 Noises 1987 Noisettes of Beef with Mushrooms 527 Noisettes of„ Beef„ with Parsley Sauce 526 Noisettes of„ Lamb 575 Noodle Paste 1279 Norfolk Dumplings 957 Normandy Sauce 230 Nose, Bleeding from 1873 Foreign Bodies in 1872 - Notice to Quit (see Landlord and Tenant).
Nougat 1086, 1087 Basket 1087 Cornets with Cream 1034 Nouille Paste 1279 Nouille„ Pudding 958 Nouilles and Eggs 1279 Nouilles„ au Gratin 1280 Noyeau Cream 998 Imitation of 1498, 1499 Jelly 998 Sorbet 1064 Nudelsuppe 1548 - Nuisances—
- At Common Law—
Nuisances„ Private 1981 Nuisances„ Public 1984 - Statutory—
Nuisances„ Under a Bye-Law 1987 Nuisances„ Under Barbed Wire Act, 1893 1985 Nuisances„ Under Highways Acts 1985 Nuisances„ Under Police Clauses Acts 1986 Nuisances„ Under Public Health Acts 1985 Nuisances„ Under Quarry Act (1887) 1985 - Nurse, The Monthly—
Duties 1904 Care of the Infant 1905 General Observations 1903 - Nurse. The Sick—
Anodyne Lotion 1889 Arm, to Put in Sling 1891 Arnica Lotion 1889 Arrangement of Sick Room 1880 Atmosphere of Sick Room 1881 Bandaging 1891 Boracic Fomentations 1888 Boroglyceride Fomentations 1888 Bran Poultice 1885 Bread and Water Poultice 1886 Bread Poultice 1885, 1886 Camphorated Spirits of Wine 1800 Changing Sheets 1883 Cold Cream, to Make 1889 Cold„ Cream,„ Unguent 1889 Convalescence 1884 Court Plaster, to Make 1889 Doctor's Orders 1884
Dress 1884 Evaporating Lotion 1889 Fomentations 1887 Head Bandages 1892 Hot Water Fomentations 1887 Leg, Broken, to Put in Splints 1892 Liniment for Unbroken Chilblains 1888 Linseed Meal Poultice 1886 Lotion of Vinegar 1888 Medicine, to Administer 1885 Mustard and Linseed Poultice 1887 Mustard„ Poultice 1886 Ointment for Chapped Hands 1888 Patient's Bed 1882 Sanitas Fomentations 1888 Simulating Lotion 1889 To Apply a Blister 1800 Leeches 1890 To Cure a Cold 1890 To Treat a Cut 1890 To Treat a Scald or Burn 1891 Ventilation of Sick Room 1881 - Nurse, The Wet—
Diet 1007 Duties 1906, 1907 Qualifcations 1906 - Nursemaids—
Bad Habits in Children 1901 Carrying Infants 1901 Duties of Head Nurse 1901 Duties of Single 1902 - Nursery, The (see also Nursemaids).
General Observations 1896 Nursery Governess— Duties 1900 Position in House 1898 Qualifications 1899 Treatment of 1899 Nurses, Professional, General Observations 1879 - Nursing Recipes (see under Nurse, The Sick.)
Nut and Celery Salad 1096 Brown Butter 277 Sandwiches, V.R. 1330 Nutmeg, The, Cultivation of 226 Nutmegs 1644 Nuts, for Dessert 1069 Gingerbread 1416 Gingerbread,„ Sunderland 1416 Hunting 1416