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Myth, Ritual, and Religion/Volume 2/Index

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Abipones, the, their belief in sorcery, i. 118
Achilles, analysis of name, ii. 278
Acosta, i. 206; on religious dances, i. 284; on Tezcatlipoca, ii. 77; on Quetzalcoatl, ii. 78; on Mania Cora, ii. 79
Acuna, on Amazon totems, i. 76
Aditi, ii. 128, 131, 135, 137, 145
Adityas, the, ii. 136, 138
Adon, meaning of, ii. 253
Adonis, ii. 253; rites of, ii. 253; Oriental influence in rites of, ii. 253
Æetes, as the moon, i. 16; as the wind, i. 16
Ægeus, Ægae, Ægina, meaning of, i. 280
Ægeus, ii. 250
Æschylus, on the Python, ii. 196
Africa, metamorphosis in, i. 118, 119; deluge myth in, i. 177; totemism in, 67, 69, 70; myths, i. 147, ii. 12
Agdistes, ii. 308
Aglaophamus, Lobeck in the, i. 20; on gods of early tribes, i. 33; on the mystic deposits, i. 261; on the turndun, i. 285; on the Orphic poems, i. 292; on the Orphic cosmogony, i. 316; on the Orphic doctrine, i. 317; on the use of skins of animals in rites, ii. 178; on Zagreus, ii. 225, 226; on Dionysus, ii. 228, 229, 253; on the bull-feast, ii. 232; on beans in Greek and Roman ritual, ii. 265; on religious mysteries, ii. 232
Agni, i. 235, 249, ii. 126, 128
Ahanâ, meaning of, i. 159, ii. 246
Ahts of Vancouver Island, the, i. 188; myths of, ii. 25, 49; religion of, ii. 342
Aias, ii. 188
Ainos of Japan, the, i. 139
Aitareya Brahmana, the, i. 99, 137, 223, ii. 139, 143, 149, 152
Alalkomeneus, i. 321
Aleut dog-hero, the, ii. 52
Aleuts, descended from a dog, i. 192
Algonkin races, i. 50, 54, 181; legends, i. 39, 181–184
Allouez (Père), on Missibizi, ii. 56
Alo-Alo, ii. 263
Alos, human sacrifices at, i. 267
Alphesibœa, ii. 252
All Souls' Day, the Athenian, ii. 259
Amazon Indian myths, i. 89
American beliefs, ii. 41; divine myths, ii. 36; heroic beasts, ii. 27; lower races, ii. 41; magic, i. 98, 106; myths, i. 39, 53, 86, 129, 201–205, 209, ii. 25, 49–81; sorcerers, i. 110, 111, 120; tradition of bear, i. 57; totemism, i. 59, 71–77
Ammon Ra, ii. 86, 89
Ananzi whip-story, ii. 6
Anapou, ii. 301
Ancestor-worship, Vedic, i. 226
Andaman toad, the, i. 41; islanders, i. 171; myths, i. 41, 171
Anecdote of Père Brébeuf, i. 89; of Australian native, ii, 4
Angakuts or Angekkok, the, i. 115
Animal-worship, i. 64, 265, ii. 3, 201, 213, 232, 266; and see Totemism; in Egypt, ii. 97, 98, 101
Animism, i. 52; theories of origin of, i. 103
Anthropology, comparative, i. 27; method of, i. 27–45; touchstone of, ii. 332
Ant, as totem, i. 68, 277
Anubis, ii. 93, 98
Aphrodite, ii. 250–255; in Homer, ii. 251; Asiatic influence in rites of, ii. 251; sacrifices to, ii. 252; cult, traces of, in Germany, ii. 254; as the dawn, ii. 254; as the moon, ii. 252
Apis, ii. 94
Apollo, ii. 191–208; disguised as a dog, i. 9, ii. 205; Helios Hyperion, ii. 192; in the Odyssey, ii. 192; in measurement of time, ii. 194; and the dolphin, ii. 197; and Artemis, ii. 198; hymn to, ii. 198; Lukios, ii. 201; Smintheus, ii. 201; in the Iliad, ii. 203; loves of, ii. 203; worship of, ii. 206; and Mitra, ii. 206; and Diana, ii. 217
Apollodorus, version of Philomela, i. 142
Appendix, the, ii. 321
Apuleius, on chapel of Demeter, ii. 263
Arab romance, i. 30
Arcadian legend of Artemis, ii. 211; Demeter, ii. 265
Areas, ii. 211
Argus, slaying of, ii. 258
Arion, ii. 267
Aristophanes, on mysteries of Eleusis, ii. 261
Aristotle, on education of the young, i. 2; on discoveries and inventions, ii. 321
Artemidorus, on phallic Hermes, ii. 256
Artemis, ii. 208–221; of Arcadia, i. 7, ii. 211; Brauronian, i. 7, ii, 211; in the Odyssey, i. 7, ii. 218; Triclaria, i. 270; Calliste, ii. 212; symbolic explanation of, ii. 215; Tauropolis, temple of, ii. 216; of Ephesus, ii. 217; in the Iliad, ii. 218
Aryan philology, i. 22; ghosts, i. 227; myth of heaven and earth, i. 252; popular tales, ii. 296
Aschera, ii. 252
Asclepiadæ, the, ii. 203
Asclepius, genealogies of, ii. 205
Ashanti, i. 67
Astarte, ii. 252
Asterios, Zeus, i. 25
Astrabacus and Alopecus, ii. 216
Asuras, the, i. 232, ii. 131; in the Atharva-Veda, ii. 131; in the Satapatha Brahmana, ii. 133
Asvins, the, ii. 154; birth of, ii. 156; benefactors of man, ii. 157; in the Rig-Veda, ii. 155, 156, 158
Ataensic, i. 181
Atahocan, ii. 57
Atharva-Veda, the, ii. 229, ii. 131, 143, 149
Athenian tradition, a, from Varro, i. 258; Feast of Dead, ii. 259
Athene, ii. 241–255; metamorphoses of, ii. 242; birth of, savage parallels, ii. 244; conjectures on, ii. 244; temples of, ii. 245; as the dawn, ii. 246; the cloud-goddess, ii. 247; sacred animals of, ii. 249
Athenæus, on a statue of Leto, i. 265; on bull-Dionysus, ii. 234
Atkinson (J. J.), on the ancestral lizard, i. 57; a Kaneka ghost-story, i. 104; on the watchers of the dead, New Caledonia, i. 261
Attes, i. 8, ii. 179
Attica, legends of, ii. 211; wolves buried in, i. 277; law, i. 259
Attic bear-dance, the, ii. 213
Atuas, the, ii. 31
Australian bear-myth, ii. 7; birraark, the, i. 105; compared with Scotch seers, i. 107; black-fellows, i. 60; gods, i. 168, ii. 3–8; marriage laws, i. 64; myths, i. 124, 128, 141, 147, 168, 170, ii. 3; compared with Greek story of frogs, i. 149; native family names, i. 63; necromants, i. 105; totemism, i. 61–66, 168; wild dog, i. 58; wizard, an, compared with Greek and Egyptian beliefs, i. 106, 107.
Authorities, nature of, in savage myths, ii. 331
Avila, on Uiracocha, i. 249; on Huarochiri Tales, ii. 315
Aztec myths, i. 126, 201, 204; gods, ii. 65–81; moral aspects of, ii. 81; meals, ii. 349
Aztecs, the, 199, ii. 346
Baal, i. 307
Babylon, myths of, obscure, i. viii; Aphrodite in, ii. 292
Bacchici, the, ii. 232
Bacchylides, on Hecate, ii. 219
Bachofen, on the couvade, ii. 223, 224
Baiame, ii. 4, 8
Ballen-Ballen, ii. 5
Balonda, the, i. 119
Bancroft, on Honduras sorcerers, i. 118; on Maya sorcerers, i. 119, ii. 69, 71, 72
Banks Island myths, ii. 23
Barotse, the, i. 119
Barth, on the Vedas, ii. 130, 221, 228; on fetishism, i. 226
Bat totem of the Cakchiquels, i. 207
Batavian belief, a, i. 58
Bates, on savage lack of curiosity, i. 84
Bear, traditions of, i. 57; myth of, i. 136
Bear-brother, the, i. 139
Bear-myth, Australian, ii. 7
Beast-headed gods, ii. 105
Beasts in Christian art, ii. 107
Bechuana totemism, i. 69
Bechuanas and Dr. Moffat, i. 93
Beginning of man, the, i. 167
Belief in metamorphosis universal, i. 117
Bellay, Joachim du, ii. 263
Bel-Maraduk, i. 188
Benfey, on the Maruts, ii. 159; and Cosquin, on popular tales, ii. 304–313
Bengal myth of Sing Bongo, i. 150; totemism, i. 77
Bergaigne, on Vedic sacrifices, i. 98; on Ahanâ, i. 159; on Prajapati, i. 249; on Aditi, ii. 136; on the Asvins, ii. 158; on Kanva, ii. 158
Biblical truths in fable, i. 20
Bird (Miss), on Aino kinship with animals, i. 139
Bird-gods, ii. 8, 100
Birds honoured as ancestors, i. 143
Birraark, the, i. 106; compared with Scotch seer, i. 107
Birth of Athene, savage parallels, ii. 244
Bitiou, ii. 301
Black Demeter, the, ii. 266; Yajur-Veda, the, i. 217; and White Yajur, the, i. 217
Bleek (Dr.), on Hottentots and Bushmen, ii. 9; on the mantis, ii. 14
Blood, purification by, i. 286
Bolivian story of tree turned into a man, i. 156
Bonis of Guiana, the, i. 76
Book of the Dead, ii. 87, 97, 120; of respirations, ii. 119
Bosman, i. 69
Brahman sun-myth, i. 126
Brahmana: origin of species in, i. 248
Brahmanas, the, i. 218, their date, i. 229–232
Brahmanaspati, i. 239
Brahmanic absurdities, i. 247
Brazilian night-myth, i. 127
Brébeuf (Père), anecdote of, i. 89
Brewin, Ballumdut, and Baukan, ii. 7
Bribbun or turndun, i. 284
Brinton (Dr.), on Ataensic, i. 183; on the Great Spirit of the Red Man, ii. 44; on the Great Hare, ii. 56; on Michabo, ii. 57, 59, 350
British Columbian myth, i. 191
Brugsch, on Egyptian myth, ii. 117
Bryant (Dr.), on Biblical truth in fable, i. 20
Bull-Diouysus, ii. 232; ritual of, ii. 232; sacrifice to, ii. 233; epithets of, ii. 234; bull-roarer, ii. 284
Bun-jel, i. 168, ii. 3. See Pundjel.
Bushman dances, i. 70; belief in metamorphosis, i. 118; notion of the wind, i. 161; cosmogonic myths, i. 174, 175; religion, ii. 11; prayer, a, ii. 12; probable degeneration of the, ii. 327; myths, i. 147, 174, ii. 12.
Cadmus, ii. 238
Cagn, i. 175, ii. 12; myth of, compared with Minos, Samson, &c., ii. 13
Cairn-worship in Africa, ii. 19
Cakchiquel totem, the, i. 207
Cakchiquels of Guatemala, the, i. 118, 203
Californian sun and moon myth, i. 126
Callaway (Bishop), on Zulu spirits and sorcerers, i. 108, 109; on Zulu chiefs and sorcerers, i. 109
Callisto, myth of, ii. 181, 211
Cameo of Dionysus as a bull, ii. 232
Cannibal gods, i. 3, 267; Greek, 273
Cannibalism, i. 68, 207, 258
Casalis, on Bechuana totemism, i. 69, 70; on kinship with vegetables and beasts, i. 71
Caste, i. 221, 246
Cat, Great Lady of the, i. 70
Catlin, on Mandan superstition, i. 91
Cedreatis, a name of Artemis, ii. 219
Chaldean myth of creation, i. 187
Chaos, i. 299; immorality of the myth, i. 301
Charlevoix, on American totemism, i. 72; on Huron philosophy, i. 89; on savage credulity, i. 91; on the Jossakeed, i. 111
Chay-her, ii. 49
Chibiabos, ii. 271
Chiefs and sorcerers, i. 108
Chimalpopoca manuscript, the, i. 202
Chinook myth, a, i. 191
Chippeway totemism, i. 71; legend of robin, compared with Greek myths, i. 144
Chnum, ii. 302
Chousor or Chrysor, i. 324
Christian Fathers, on heathen myths, i. 16; on Eleusinian mysteries, ii. 276
Christian Quiches of Guatemala, compared with Scotch Highlanders, i. 57
Christoval de Moluna, on a Peruvian myth, i. 209
Chrysor, i. 324
Chthonian Demeter, ii. 264.
Cieza de Leon, on South American cannibalism, i. 69; on totemism in Peru, i. 76; on Pachacamac, i. 212
Cinderella, story of, ii. 314.
Citlalatonic and Citlalicue, i. 204
Claus, on Artemis, ii. 208, 210, 215, 218; on meaning of Artemis, ii. 209; on Artemis as wife of Zeus, ii. 210
Clay, daubing with, in Greece, i. 285, ii. 226; in America, i. 286; in Africa, i. 287, ii. 18; in Australia, i. 287; in New Mexico, i. 287
Cleansing from blood-guiltiness, i. 286
Clemens Alexandrinus, on religious conservatism, i. 265; on animal-worship, i. 276, 277; on use of serpents in rites of Zeus, i. 287; on Zeus, ii. 174, 175, 177; on Zagreus, ii. 226; on Dionysus, ii. 233
Coatlan, ii. 76
Coatlicue, ii. 69
Cocoa-nut tree, myth of origin of, i. 157
Codrington (Rev. K. H.), on magic stones, i. 96, 97; a Melanesian sun-myth, i. 127; Melanesian myths, ii. 22; on evidence of savage myths, ii. 336
Cogaz and Gcwi, ii. 12
Colpias, i. 324
Commutations of human sacrifices, i. 271
Comparative anthropology, i. 27; ritual and customs, evidence of, ii. 331–350; "Comparative Mythology," i. 22
Confusions of myth, i. 163
Conus, the, i. 284
Corinthian legend of Dionysus, ii. 235
Cosmic egg, the, i. 316
Cosmogonic myths, i. 163; Phœnician, i. 322
Cosquin, on Aryan tales, ii. 296–300; on belief in sympathies, ii. 306; on popular tales, ii. 313; on equality of man and beast, ii. 318
Coti, ii. 12
Couto de Magelhães, on a Brazilian myth, i. 128
Couvade, the, ii. 223
Cow-myth, Zulu, i. 180; Vedic, ii. 137
Coyote Prometheus, the, i. 191
Coyotes, the first Indians, i. 186
Crane, Australian legend, of the, i. 147
Crantz, on Eskimo moon-myth, i. 130; on Eskimo gods, ii. 48
Creation, legends of the, i. 163–213, 238–252; African, i. 173–175, 178, 180; Aht, i. 188; Aleut, i. 192; Algonkin,i. 183; American, i. 181, 192, 203, 208; Andaman, i. 171; Australian, i. 168, 170, 176, 177; Aztec, i. 203, 204; Brahmana, i. 248; Bulgarian, i. 182; Bushman, i. 174, 175; Chaldean, i. 187; Dieyrie, i. 170; Digger Indian, i. 186; Egyptian, i. 321; Galician, i. 182; Greek, i. 258, 319; Huron, i. 181; Inca, i. 208, 211; Indian, i. 238–252; Koniaga, i. 192; Mangaian, i. 194; Namaqua, i. 177; Navajoe, i. 184; New Zealand, i. 193; Oregon, i. 191; Ovaherero, i. 176; Papago, i. 189; Peruvian, i. 208–211; Pima, i. 190; Quiche, i. 197; Samoan, i. 196; Thlinkeet, i. 192; Tinneh, i. 192; Vogul, i. 182; Winnebagoe, i. 187; Yakut, i. 192; Zulu, i. 178, 180
Creeds in America, ii. 41
Crepitus, ii. 48
Creuzer (Friedrich), on symbols of pure theosophy in myths and mysteries, i. 20; and Guigniaut, on savage confusion of ideas, i. 51
Crevaux, on totemism in Guiana, i. 76
Crocodile, great man of the, i. 70
Cronus, disguised as a horse, i. 9; myth of, i. 295–303; explanation of myth, i. 304; meaning of name, i. 304; was he borrowed? i. 306; prevalence of the myth, i. 313
Crow, Bushman legend of the, i. 147; Greek legend, ii. 204
Cuckoo-Zeus, ii. 179
Culture in America, ii. 37
Curtius, on name of Athene, ii. 246; on name of Achilles, ii. 278
Cushing (Frank), on the Zunis, ii. 60
Cycnus, i. 278
Cyllene, Hermes in, ii. 255
Dacotahs, the, their descent, i. 152; medical practice, i. 98; medicine-men, i. 111
Dalton, on Bengal totemism, i. 77; on a Ho sorcerer, i. 119
Dances, religious, ii. 283
Daphnæa, a name of Artemis, ii. 219
Daphne, i. 22, ii. 158
Daphnephoria, the, ii. 194
Dapper, on the Hottentots, ii. 18
Dararwigal, ii. 4
Darmesteter, on evidence of use and custom in religion, ii. 344; on Aditi, ii. 135; on history of religion, ii. 231
Dasse Hyrax, ii. 14
Dawkins, on Australian sorcery, i. 107
Dawn and Daphne, i. 158; and Hare, i. 184; Athene, ii. 246
Dawn-Aphrodite, ii. 254; on "Wounded-Knee," ii. 19
Dawson, on Australian totemism, i. 61; on Pirnmeheal, ii. 6
Dead, food of the, a universal superstition, ii. 273
De Avila, on Peruvian tales, ii. 315
De Brosses, a founder of anthropological school of mythology, i. 29
De Charency, on a Huron myth, i. 182; on Agdistis, ii. 180
Decharme, on hymn to Apollo, ii. 198; on Taurian Athene, ii. 217; on the bull-feast, ii. 232; on a cameo of Dionysus, ii. 232
Degeneration. Are savages degenerate? ii. 327
Deity, origin of belief in, i. 327
Delphi, last oracle from, ii. 207
Delphic stone, the, i. 303; oracle, the, ii. 197
Deluge myth in Africa, i. 177; Peru, i. 209; Thlinkeet, ii. 51
Demeter, ii. 260–276; compared with earth deities, ii. 261; cult of, ii. 261; in the Iliad, ii. 262; titles of, ii. 263; shrines of, ii. 263; in popular Greek religion, ii. 263; rites of, ii. 264; and Zulu parallels, ii. 265; with mare's head, ii. 265; the black, ii. 266; Erinnys, compared with various other myths, ii. 266; mysteries of, ii. 268; rites of, compared with Khond and Pawnee mysteries, ii. 270
Dènè Hareskins, tradition of the, i. 184
Departmental deities, ii. 30, 126
De Quille, on Piute Indian myth, i. 130
De Smet (Père), on Pawnee legend, ii. 270
Devapatre, the, i. 253
Diana and Apollo, birth of, ii. 217
Diana of the Ephesians, ii. 217
Digger Indians, the, ii. 327
Dione, Diana, or Artemis, ii. 209
Dionysus, ii. 221–241; birth of, ii. 222; sacrifices of, ii. 231; bull-feast of, ii. 232, 233; passion of, ii. 226; fig-tree, ii. 235; tree-worship, ii, 235; Zagreus, ii. 225, 226
Divine myths, American, ii. 36; Greek, ii. 163; Mexican, ii. 65
Divine menageries, ii. 107; society, heroic, ii. 167; names, meanings of, ii. 276
Diversities of Vedic translation, i. 234
Dobrizhoffer, on metamorphosis in Paraguay, i. 118
Documents of Indian mythology, i. 215; native Egyptian, ii. 112
Dog, Red Indian descent from, i. 120; Aleut descent from, i. 192; sacrifices of the, i. 279; Apollo, ii. 205
Dolphin-Apollo, ii. 197
Dolphins, metamorphosed pirates, i. 144
Donkey, fable of the, i. 140
Dracæna, ii. 196
Drakos, the, ii. 196
Dryopians, the, i. 321.
Dualism of gods, i. 336
Duchess of Sutherland, the, i. 70
Dyaus, ii. 134; see Zeus, ii. 169
Eagle-hawk, the, i. 168, ii. 3
Earth-deities, ii. 261
Earth, food-offerings to the, ii. 262
Earth-prophet, i. 190
Eclipse-myths, i. 132, ii. 133
Edfou monuments, the, ii. 115
Eichaknanabiseb, i. 177
Eilithyia, ii. 198
Eiresione, the Attic, compared with Aztec and Peruvian rites, ii. 263
Egede, on the Angakuts, i. 115
Egg-myth, the, i. 252, 316
Egg, the cosmic, 316
Egypt, mythology of, ii, 82; religion of, ii. 84, 92; polytheistic, ii. 89
Egyptian antiquity, ii. 82; animal-worship, ii. 91, 93; myth, complexity of, ii. 107; gods, summary of, ii. 110; native documents, ii. 112; myth, savage parallels, ii. 117; of Osiris, ii. 112
El, i. 324
Elands, origin of, i. 147
Elean chant, the, ii. 232
Eleusinian mysteries, compared with Peruvian mysteries, i. 281–283; with Pawnee mysteries, ii. 270
Elioun, i. 324
Eméric-David, on beasts, &c. , as symbols, i. 8
Eros, a stone idol of the Thespians, i. 275
Eskimos, the, i. 114, 115, ii. 47, 48; myth, ii. 48
Etymological guesses of Socrates, i. 12
Eubuleus, story of, ii. 269
Euemerus on myths, i. 15; defence of, i. 15
Eumæus, ii. 187
Euripides on Dionysus, ii. 238–240; on Artemis, ii. 220
Eusebius, on myths, i. 16–18; on religious conservatism, i. 37; on human sacrifices, i. 267; on Phœnician myth, i. 320
Euthyphro, i. 301
Evidence upon savage beliefs, ii. 333, 335; of comparative ritual and customs, ii. 343
Evolution of myth, i. 36–45, 251; of sacred statues, i. 274; in Egyptian religion, ii. 92
Evolutionary myths, i. 251
Exogamy, origin of, i. 78
Explanatory myths, ii. 282
Fairbairn (Dr.), on savage races, ii. 326
Fetishes, i. 225
Fetish stones in Greece, i. 275, 304; compared with god at Puka-Puka, i. 275; smearing, i. 274, 303, 304
Fiji story of vegetable metamorphosis, i. 156
Fire, stealing of, by Yehl, ii. 51
Fison, on the Australian savage, i. 62; on Fijian ghosts, i. 105
Fontenelle, on irrational myth, i. 28; his theory of myths, ii. 321–324
Forchhammer, on the Dracæna, ii. 196
Frog-myth, i. 39, 40; wide distribution of, i. 42
Frogs, origin of; compared with Australian myth, i. 149
Fuegians, equality among the, i. 114; probable degeneration of the, ii. 327
Furtwängler, on Athene, ii. 247
Gæa, i. 300, 310
Ganymede, atonement for rape of, ii. 180
Garcilasso de la Vega, i. 206; on Peruvian totemism, i. 75, 207; on Peruvian history and religion, ii. 340
Gargantua and Cronus myth, i. 313
Gaunab, i. 178, ii. 19, 22
Ghost-stories, savage, i. 104
Gibbon, John, on totemistic heraldry, i. 72; Edward, on Pagan myths, i. 295
Gill, on a stone idol of the Thespians, i. 275
Ginnunga-gap, compared with Orphic cosmogony, i. 316
Giraldus Cambrensis, on legend of lycanthropy, i. 119
Glaucopis, a name of Athene, ii. 245
Glooscap and Malsumis, i. 183
Glutton-Zeus, i. 274
God of Plutarch, the, i. 330; of prayer, the, ii. 42; of luck, the, ii. 257; eating, ii. 73; and victim, ii. 231
Gods, departmental, ii. 30, 126; evolution of, ch. xii.; and morality; of myth, i. 331; and demons, i. 332; and their adventures, i. 332; ascent of, from beasts, i. 335; of the lowest races, ii. 1; supernatural births of, ii. 113; and sorcerers, i. 120; and death, ii. 130
Gounja-Gounja, ii. 18
Great hare, the, i. 183, 184, ii. 55–59, 350, 354; a personification of dawn, i. 184; in Egypt, ii. 350–355
Great spirit, the, ii. 44
Greece and Peru, i. 213
Greek civilisation, i. 255; mythology, i. 257; myths, antiquity of, i. 266; myths, cosmogonic, i. 289; myths, divine, ii. 163; totemism, i. 276; religion, antiquity of, ii. 278; village life, i. 263
Gregor, on medical stones in Scotland, i. 97
Grey, Sir George, on Australian totemism, i. 63
Grimm, on savage ideas and thought, i. 47; theory of popular tales, ii. 291–296
Grote, on Hesiod's Theogony, i. 290; on divine agents, i. 296; on divine names, etymology of, ii. 278
Gubernatis, on Indra and the serpent, i. 42; on Indra, ii. 149
Guiana, animism in, i. 52; ideas of spirit in, i. 53; Indians of, i. 137
Haddock, reason of black marks on the, i. 140
Hades and Osiris, ii. 122
Haggard (Commander), on eclipse at Lamoo, i. 92
Hagno, ii. 169
Hahn (Dr.), on the Hottentots, ii. 16; on Hottentot myths, ii. 20; on Tsui Goab, ii. 21; on tales and legends, ii. 296
Haleb, the, i. 118
Hapi, ii. 94, 107
Hare, the great. See Great Hare
Harischandra, ii. 139, 140
Harpocration, on the wolf in Athens, i. 277
Hartt (Prof.), on Amazon Indian tales, i. 86
Haug (Dr.), on hymn of Purusha, i. 245; on soma juice, ii. 146
Hawk, Greek legend of, i. 144
Hawk-headed gods, ii. 93
Hawk-Indra, ii. 149
Hearne, on savage credulity, i. 92
Heathen apologists, i. 3
Heaven and earth, myths of, ii. 29, 113, 144; Aryan myths of, i. 253; Phœnician myths of, i. 324
Hecate, ii. 219
Heitsi Eibib, ii. 18, 141; the curse of, i. 177
Helios Hyperion, i. 337, ii. 192, 193; hymn to, compared with Bushman sun-myth, i. 126
Hellenic and barbaric rites, i. 281
Hera or Leto, i. 17; in the Iliad, i. 173, 174, 185, ii. 173, 182–185
Hermann, on religious conservatism in Greece, i. 264
Hermes, ii. 255–260; phallic, compared with Admiralty Islands, ii. 255–257; of the Pelasgians, ii. 256; god of luck, ii. 257, 258; Homeric hymn on, ii. 258; and the dead, ii. 259; a personification of twilight (?), ii. 259
Hermias, i. 218
Herodotus, on Egyptian superstition, i. 93; on totemism in Egypt, ii. 101; on animal-worship in Egypt, ii. 102; on Osiris, ii. 114; on Set, ii. 119; on Aphrodite in Askelon, ii. 252; on rites of Hermes, ii. 255; on the Thesmophoria, ii. 267
Heroic and romantic tales, ii. 284; beasts, American, ii. 27
Hesiodic myths, i. 289
Hesiod's cosmogony, i. 297; myth of Chaos, i. 299; on Dionysus, ii. 239, 240; on birth of Athene, ii. 243; on Aphrodite, 251
Hierax, legend of, i. 144
Hierome Lalemant (Père), on savage credulity, i. 49
Hieronymus, on the first being, i. 317
Hirpi, wolf-dances of, ii. 213
History of religion, the, ii. 231
Holy dances at Seville, compared with Greek and others, i. 283
Homer, his rejection of impure myths, i. 11; on Dionysus, ii. 237; on Helios Hyperion, ii. 192; on Apollo, ii. 196; on Hermes, ii. 256, 257
Homer's cosmogony, i. 295; Zeus, ii. 182
Homeric chiefs, i. 116; myths, i. 289, 295; religion, ii. 186; hymn on mysteries, ii. 274
Honduras sorcerers, i. 118
Hor, ii. 89
Horse-Demeter, ii. 266; Gods, ii. 157, 266
Horus, ii. 119, 122; and Hera, ii. 122
Ho sorcerer, the, i. 119
Hottentots, the, ii. 16
Howitt, on Australian ghosts, i. 105; on the Birraark, i. 105, 107; on Brewin, ii. 7
Hrimthursar, i. 317
Huarochiri myth, a, i. 177
Huet (Bishop), on Huron tales, ii. 289
Huichilobos, ii. 67
Huitzilopochtli, ii. 69, 70
Huron philosophy, i. 89; myths, 181
Huron, and Père Brébeuf, i. 89
Hymn of the beginning, Vedic, i. 240; of Apollo, ii. 196; of Demeter, ii. 272; of Hermes, ii. 256; of Osiris, ii. 95, 96, 118; of Purusha, i. 243; of Varuna, ii. 127
I Gaunab, ii. 19
Immortality, Vedic legends of, ii. 132
Im Thurn, on animism in Guiana, i. 52, 53, 137
Inca myths, i. 205, 208–212
Incas, the, i. 74, 124, 205, 208, ii. 37
Incantations, i. 101, 102
India, metamorphosism, i. 119; totemism in, i. 77, 79
Indo-Aryan myths, i. 150, 214–254, ii. 125–162
Indra, i. 6, ii. 126, 140–151; and Heitsi Eibib, ii. 141; and Vairupa, ii. 143; Vedic texts on, ii. 144; in childhood, ii. 144; feats of, ii. 146; and the frog, ii. 147; hawk-, ii. 149; ram-, ii. 149
Indrani, ii. 149
Io, ii. 258
Ion, ii. 203
Ioskeha, i. 39, ii. 53; compared with Indra, ii. 53, 147; and Tawiscara, i. 183
Irish chiefs, supposed power over weather, compare Homeric chiefs, i. 116
Irrational myth, i. 28
Isis, ii. 113, 115–119
Istar, a name of Aphrodite, ii. 252.
Jakut totemism, i. 80
Jason, on story of, ii. 290
Jebb (Prof.), on Homer, i. 11
Jewitt, traditions of bear, i. 57
"Jeunesse orageuse" of Zeus, ii. 173
Jossakeed, the, i. 112
Juvenal, on totem wars, ii. 103
Ka-ge-ga-gah Bowh, ii. 46
Kalewala, the, i. 57
Kanva, ii. 158
Karneios, the ram-Apollo, ii. 202
Khoi-Khoi, the, ii. 16
Kiehtan, ii. 46
Kinship, with animals, i. 57, 71, 139; by female side, i. 65, 69; with insects covenanted, i. 139
Kohl, on Ojibeway beliefs, i, 54; on Red Indian incantations, i. 101
Kolb, Peter, on the Khoi-Khoi, ii. 17, 18
Koniaga deities, ii. 52
Kôr, ii. 310
Kuhn. on philology, i. 23; on Hermes, ii. 255
Kutchin totemism, i. 73
Kwai Hemm, i. 312
Lafitau, on survivals from totemism, i. 73
Lamentations of Isis and Nephthis, the, ii. 119; Lang, G. Scott, i. 63
Lapland, metamorphosis in, i. 118
Latium and Mexico, ii. 70
Lauer, on Artemis, ii. 210
Le Duc (Leouzon), on the bear in Finland, i. 57
Lefébure, on myth of Osiris, ii. 122
Legends of the creation. See Creation
Le Jeune, on universal animation, i. 55; on the Manitou, ii. 45; on Messou, ii. 56
Leto or Hera, i. 17; a statue of, i. 265, ii. 198, 199
Lieblein, on Egyptian gods, ii. 92
"Like to like theory," the, i. 95
Livingstone, on the Bushmen, ii. 9; on the Bakwains, ii. 10; on metamorphosis at Loanda, i. 119
Lizard, the ancestral, i. 57, 170
Loanda, metamorphosis of chiefs at, i. 119
Lobeck. See Aglaophamus
Local Greek conservatism, i. 264
Localities of Greek myths well defined, i. 262
Locust-Apollo, ii. 201
Loki, Ahriman, or Tangaroa, i. 334
Long, on Chippeway totemism, i. 71
Longfellow, ii. 44
Lucian, on mystic dances, i. 282; on myth of men produced from the earth, i. 322; on birth of Dionysus, ii. 224
Luck, god of, ii. 257
Lyall, Sir A. C., on metamorphosis in India, i. 119
Lycanthropy, i. 119, ii. 177
Lycaon and Zeus, ii. 177
Lycegenes, a name of Apollo, ii. 199
Lykourgos, ii. 237
Maize, origin of, Ottawa myth, i. 157
Magic, i. 94–120; Australia, i. 100–105; Dacotah, i. 98; war-magic of Dacotahs and Indo-Aryans, i. 99; Eskimo, i. 115; Maori, i. 112; Melanesia, i. 96; New Caledonia, i. 96; Red Indian, i. 111; Zulu, i. 109, 110; singular agreement of European and Australian, i. 99; of incantations, i. 101; metamorphosis, i. 117, 120.
Magical Harris papyrus, the, ii. 112
Mama Cora, ii. 79
Man, various origins of, 167–213. See Creation myths
Manibozho, ii. 58, ii. 271; and Chokanipok, i. 183
Mandan mysteries, i. 286
Mangled man-sacrifice, the, i. 242
Mannhardt, on anthropology and myth, i. 29; on Adonis-feast, ii. 253; on influence of Aphrodite cult, ii. 254
Mantis, the, i. 169, ii. 13
Maori séance, a, i. 112; Pakeha, the, i. 112; hymns, ii. 28
Maoris, the, ii. 27
Märchen, theories of, ii. 286, 310
Marriage laws, Australian, i. 64; American, i. 72; Indian non-Aryan, i. 79.
Maru and Mars, ii. 32
Maruts, the, i. 12, 283, ii. 126; etymology of, ii. 159
Maspero, on Egyptian worship, ii. 89; on Egyptian monuments, ii. 93; on Egyptian animal deities, ii. 100; on meaning of Unnofri, ii. 253
Masters of modern philology, i. 22
Maui, i. 125, ii. 30
Maury, on metamorphosis, ii. 242
Medea, as the dawn, i. 16; as the moon, i. 16
Medical practice, Dacotah, i. 98
Medicine-men, i. 111
Melian nymphs, the, i. 311
Mendieta, on sun-myths, i. 203
Messou, i. 182
Metamorphosis in myth, i. 38, 117; African, i. 118, 119; America, i. 118, 119; Bushman, i. 118, ii. 15; India, i, 119; Lapland, i. 118; Paraguay, i, 118; Scotland, i. 117; into stones, i. 150–155; into plants, i. 155
Metis, i. 314, ii. 173, 243
Metrodorus, on the gods and heroes, i. 15
Mexican divine myths, ii. 65; calendar, the, ii. 75; gods, ii. 67–81
Mice, sacred to Apollo, ii. 201
Michabo, Manabozho, or Michahos, ii. 54
Michilimakinak, island of, i. 183
Mictlanleuctli, i. 204
Misukumigakua, ii. 272
Mixcoatl, ii. 80
Modern systems of myth, i. 19
Moffat, Dr., on African credulity, i. 91; and the Bechuanas, i. 93; on African myth of Morimo, i. 176
Moloch and Cronus, relations between, i. 306, 307
Monotheism in America, ii. 42–45; in Egypt, ii. 96
Moon-myths, i. 128–134; Australia, i. 128; Encounter Bay, i. 128; Eskimo, i. 129; Greek, i. 135; Hervey Islands, i. 134; Himalayan, i. 129; Macassar, i. 130; Malay, i. 132; Mexico, i. 129; Mongolia, i. 134; Muyscas of Bogata, i. 129; Piute, i. 130; Thibet, i. 129; Zulu, i. 129
Moora-Moora, i. 170
Morgan, Lewis, on the Aztecs, ii. 346
Morimo, i. 115
Moschion, on savage origin of man, i. 258
Môt, i. 323
Mother Hertha, ii. 262
Motogon, ii. 4
Mouse-Apollo, ii. 201
Muir (Dr.), on the Vedic hymns, i. 219, 241; on the Rig-Veda, i. 231; on hymn of Purusha, i. 245; on Prajapati, i. 249; on the Devapatre, i. 253; on the Asvins, ii. 155
Mukjarawaint tribe, totem of, ii. 3
Müller (J. G.), on absence of the pastoral stage in America, ii. 40; on the Mexican calendar, ii. 75; on Huitzilopochtli, ii. 71
Müller (Max), on the irrational element in myth, i. 8; on the Rig-Veda, i. 12; on etymology of Daphne, i. 22, 158; philology of, i. 23; on Tsui Goab, i. 35; on the word "totem," i. 59; on hymn to Helios, i. 126; on the Brahmanas, i. 218; on fetishes, i. 225; on Cronus myth, i. 304; on Motogon, ii. 4; on the Bushmen, ii. 9; on Aditi, ii. 128, 135; on wars of the gods, ii. 131; on Asuras, ii. 131; on the Asvins, ii. 155; on Tvashtri, ii. 159; on the Maruts, ii. 159; on Dyaus-Zeus, ii. 169, 170; on Apollo, ii. 192, 194; on popular tales, ii. 213; on Athene and Ahanâ, ii. 246; on Aphrodite as dawn, ii. 254; on Hermes, ii. 255; on Aryan tales, i. 297; on the savage, ii. 326; on the beginning of man, ii. 330; on the absence of recognised authorities in savage myth, ii. 337; on the Australian deity, ii. 339
Müller (C. O.), on mythology, i. 20; on myths of Zeus, ii. 181; on Metis, ii. 243; on descent from the lower animals, i. 278; on legend of Artemis, ii. 212; on Dionysus Zagreus, ii, 227; on Onomacritus, ii. 228; on Dionysus, ii. 228; on Dionysus rites in Tenedos, ii. 233
Mylitta, a name of Aphrodite, ii. 252
Myrmidon, ii. 176
Mystic dances, i. 282
Myth, rational and irrational, i. 5–10; ancient theories of, i. 1–19; modern systems of, i. 19–25; anthropological theory of, i. 25–45; and religion, ii. 165; explanatory, heroic and romantic, ii. 282
Myth and ideas of savages, evidence on, ii. 331; inconsistent Aryan, ii. 131
Mythological stories, origin of, ii. 321
Mythology, evolution of, i. 36
Myths. See Creation, Eclipse, Heaven and earth, Moon, Sun, Star; African, i. 147, ii. 12; American, i. 39, 144, 151, 152; Andaman, i. 41; Australian, i. 147, 150, ii. 12; Egyptian, ii. 112; Eskimo, ii. 47; Fiji, i. 156; Greek, i. 142, 144, 146, 149, ii. 169–276; Hervey Islands, i. 145; Indian, i. 150, ii. 136, 139, 140, 152, 155, 160, 161; Mangaian, 153, 157; Maori, ii. 29; Melanesian, ii. 23; Mexican, ii. 66–80; nature, i. 123, 160; Negro, i. 81; night, Brazilian, i. 127; Melanesian, i. 127; plant, i. 155; stone, i. 150–155
Nadaillac, on prehistoric America, ii. 38; on the Moquis and Zunis, ii. 39
Namaqua myths, i. 177
Nana, ii. 179
Nanahuatzin, i. 126
Nature-myths, i. 123, 160
Nebrismus, custom of, ii. 229
Nebseni, papyrus of, ii. 112
Nefer, Neferu, meaning of, ii. 352
Negro-myth, i. 81
Nepththys, ii. 113, 119
New Caledonian superstition, i. 96
Nightingale-myth, Greek, i. 142; Red Indian, i. 143
Night-myth, Brazilian, i. 127; Melanesian, i. 127
Non-Aryan totemism, i. 78
Nooralie, the, ii. 4
Norman ballad, a, compared with metamorphosis in India, &c., i. 119
Numi Tarom, i. 182
Nurrumbunguttias, the, i. 166
Nurrumdere, ii. 5
Nut, i. 89, 113
Ocean, personality of, i. 295
Odin, i. 192
Ojibeway beliefs, ii. 54
O-Kee-Pa, i. 286
Old ones, the, i. 177, 179, ii. 4
Omission of impure myths in Rig-Veda, i. 11; in Homer, i. 3
Omumborumbonga-tree, the, i. 176
Onatas, ii. 267
Oneidas, their descent from stones, i. 152
Onomacritus, i. 292, ii. 227, 229
Origin of species, see Creation; of classes, American myth, i. 246; Teutonic myth, i. 246; of eland, i. 147; of frogs, i. 149; of pigs, i. 145; of mythological tales, ii. 321
Origins of man, various, i. 167
Orpen, on Bushman dances, i. 71
Orphic poems, the, i. 291, ii. 227; Phanes, the, i. 317; mode of life, the, i. 292
Osiris, ii. 89, 92, 94, 96, 107, 108, 112, 118, 123; hymn to, ii. 95; myth of, ii. 112; explanations of, ii. 120, 123
Outaonaks, the, totemism of, i. 73
Ovaherero myths, i. 176
Ovakuru Meyuru, the, i. 177
Ovid, on Hecate, i. 279
Owl, legend of, i. 146
Owl, bat, and eagle-owl, legend of, i. 146
Pachacamac, i. 212
Pachyachachi, i. 210
Palenque, city of, ii. 38
Pakeha Maori, the, 1. 112
Panchæa, i. 15
Panquetzaliztli, ii. 74
Paracelsus, his theory on darkness, i. 127
Paraguay, metamorphosism, i. 118
Parkman, on the primitive Indian, ii. 39
Parnopios, statue of, ii. 201
Pastoral stage absent in America, ii. 40
Paul de St. Victor, on Apollo, ii. 193; on Hermes, ii. 259
Pausanias, on temple pictures, i. 2; on human sacrifices to Zeus, i. 268; on Artemis Orthia, ii. 215; on Dionysiac orgies, ii. 227; on Aphrodite, ii. 252; on Pentheus, ii. 235; on rites of Demeter, ii. 264; on the Eleusinia, ii. 271
Pelican, myth of, i. 141
Pentheus, slaying of, ii. 234
Perry, on Vedic texts upon origin of man, ii. 144; on Indra and Vrittra, ii. 147
Persephone, ii. 273
Peruvian mysteries, compared with Eleusinian, i. 283; myths, 205–213; tales, ii. 315; totemism, i. 75, 207
Phallus, ii. 255–256
Pietschmann, on Egyptian animal-worship, ii. 99
Pigs, origin of, i. 145; sacred to Demeter, ii. 261, 269
Pindar, on the gods as cannibals, i. 3; an apologist for myths, i. 4; on origin of man, i. 321
Pinkerton, on sorcery at Loango, i. 110
Pirnmeheal, ii. 6
Piute myths, i. 130, 313
Phaethon, ii. 193
Phallic Hermæ, the, ii. 255, 256, 257
Phanes, i. 317
Philemon, on myth of Niobe, i. 154
Philo Byblius, i. 322
Philology, i. 21–25
Philomela, i. 142
Phœnician cosmogonic myths, i. 322
Phœnix, ii. 252
Phoibos, meaning of, ii. 194
Plant-myths, i. 155, 156
Plastering with clay. See Clay
Platæa, story of, ii. 178
Plato, on religious rites, i. 265; on myths, i. 299
Platonists, the, on Dionysus Zagreus, ii. 225
Plutarch, on legend of Zeus and log of oak-wood, i. 18; on sacrifices, i. 280; on the cessation of oracles, i. 330; the god of, i. 330; on the Delphic responses, ii. 201; on Dionysus, ii. 234; on mysteries of Demeter, ii. 275
Polytheism in Egypt, ii. 89
Popul Vuh, hymns of, i. 199
Popular tales, ii. 283–320; Märchen, ii. 86; epic poetry and legend, ii. 286; difficulties of, ii. 317
Porphyry, an apologist for myths, i. 4; on Egyptian kinship with nature, i. 80; on sacred images, i. 265; on human sacrifices, i. 307
Pond, on Dacotah medicine-men, i. 111
Poseidon, disguised as a horse, i. 9
Po'shai-an-K'ia, ii. 63
Powell, on the Ute hero, ii. 55
Prajapati, i. 235, 248, 249, 252, ii. 132
Preller, on Cronus, i. 304, 308; on Zeus, ii. 175; on the Argive Apollo, ii. 200; on mouse-Apollo, ii. 201; on Apollo a shepherd, ii. 202; on Artemis, ii. 210; on Semele, ii. 221, 222; on Zagreus, ii. 230; on Athene, ii. 246, 248; on Hermes, ii. 258, 259
Prey-gods, Zuni, ii. 63
Priests of sacred tribes, their evidence on myths, ii. 338
Primitive conception of objects, i. 137, ii. 325
Prithivi, ii. 134
Proclus, on the Daphnephoria, ii. 194
Progression and culture, ii. 327
Prytaneion, the, i. 268
Psyche, ii. 263
Pueblo Indians, ii. 38
Puluga, i. 172
Pund-jel, i. 168, ii. 3
Puranas, the, i. 250
Purusha, i. 242; hymn of, i. 243; date of hymn, i. 245
Python, the, ii. 195
Pythius, meaning of, ii. 196
Qasavara, i. 153, ii. 24
Qat, i. 314, ii. 23
Qat, Michabo, or Ormuzd, i. 334
Qing, ii. 9, 11
Qong, i. 127
Quawteaht, i. 188, ii. 26, 49, 50
Quetzalcoatl, ii. 68, 77, 78
Quiches, the, i. 197, 198
Quoarnah, excavations at, ii. 109
Ra, ii. 111
Ralston, on Egyptian and Hottentot tales, ii. 305, 306
Ram-Apollo, ii. 202
Ram, Hermes with the, ii. 256
Ram-Indra, ii. 149
Rangi and Papa, i. 193
Râ-Shou, ii. 97
Rasles (Père), on Outaoak totemism, i. 73
Rational and irrational myth, i. 5–10
Raven, incarnation of a Shaman in a, i. 119
"Red Dawn" or "Wounded-Knee," ii. 19
Red Indian sorcerers, i. 98, 101, 111
Reed-bed, the, i. 179, 180
Regnard, on metamorphosis in Lapland, i. 118
Reiderbecke (Rev. H.), on Ovaherero myths, i. 176
Religion and myth, i. 327, ii. 165; of Egypt, ii. 84
Religious conservatism, i. 260
Renan, on Phœnician myth, i. 326
Renouf (Le Page), on Egyptian monuments, ii. 85; on Egyptian religion, ii. 88; on Egyptian monotheism, ii. 96; on Osiris, ii. 350; on the Great Hare in Egypt, ii. 350
Réville on Huitzilopochli, ii. 72; on Tlaçoleotl, ii. 80; on Tlaloc, ii. 80
Rhea, i. 303
Rig-Veda, omission of impure myths in, i. 11; hymns, i. 240, ii. 127; texts on Indra, ii. 144; Indra in, ii. 146, 147, 148, 150; Ushas in, i. 152; Asvins in, ii. 156
Rink, on Eskimo tales, ii. 49
Rishis, the, i. 223–226
Risley (H. H.), on Bengal totemism, i. 78
Rites of Hellas and of barbarism, i. 281
Ritual and religion, i. 260
Roast-pig, ii. 261
Romilly, on unsatisfactory nature of savage evidence on myth, ii. 336
Roscher, on Apollo, ii. 194; on Artemis, ii. 210; on Ascelpius, ii. 205; on sacrifice, ii. 234
Roth, on the Asvins, ii. 155; on Indra, ii. 142
Rudra, ii. 160
Sacred images, i. 265; evolution of, i. 274
Sacrifice, mangled man, i. 242
Sacrifices, human, i. 267–274, ii. 67, 73, 79, 80, 216; animal, ii. 78, 106, 201, 214, 229, 233, 252, 264, 267, 269
Sadhyas, the, ii. 131
Sagas and stories, problems of, ii. 287
Sahagun, on Mexican gods, ii. 78
Salvado, on Australian god, ii. 339
Sama-Veda, the, i. 217
Samoan myths, i. 125, 196, ii. 33; totemism, ii. 33, 34
Sanchoniathan, i. 322, 323, 326
Saranyu, ii. 156
Satapatha Brahmana, the, i. 250, 251
Savage, the, defined, i. 31; credulity of, i. 49, 90; divine myths, i. 327; imagination of the, i. 56; ideas, i. 47, 53, 138; ghost stories, i. 104; mental condition of the, i. 84, ii. 325; myth, i. 50; myths and beliefs, evidence on, ii. 331–345; rites, ii. 226; speculation, i. 49; survival in ritual, &c., i. 257–288
Sayana, on Indra, ii. 141
Sayce (Prof.), on Babylonian myth, i. viii; on Cronus, i. 307
Scalping, ii. 40
Scapegoats, human, i. 272
Schljam Schoa, ii. 52
Schoolcraft, on Indian credulity, i. 49; on Algonkin tales, i. 50; on Algonkin races, i. 54; on American totemism, i. 72, 73; on the thunder-bird, i. 110
Schwartz, on Athene, ii. 247; on Daphne, ii. 206; on Demeter, ii. 266
Schreiber, on Artemis, ii. 209
Scott (Sir Walter), on popular tales, ii. 290
Seb, ii. 100; and Nut, ii. 89, 113
Sebak, ii. 105
Sehuiab, the, i. 191
Sekhet, ii. 105
Selene and Endymion, i. 135
Semele, ii. 221, 222
Semitic races, and Aphrodite, ii. 252
Serpent, changed into stone, i. 155
Serpents, use of, in mysteries, i. 287
Set, ii. 92, 119, 122
Siati, song of, ii. 315
Sing Bonga, i. 150
Skins of animals, use of, in rites, ii. 213
Sky-Dyaus-Zeus, ii. 169
Sky-person, sky-god, i. 337
Smith (Mrs. E.), on Iroquois gods, ii. 53; on the Great Spirit, ii. 44
Smith (Prof. Robertson), on offering of totem-beast, ii. 279; on totemism among Semitic races, i. 81; on wolf-Zeus, i. 273
Smyth (Brough), on Australian wild dog, i. 58; on Australian frog fable, i. 40; on Australian gods, ii. 7
Socrates's etymological guesses, i. 12
Sokar, ii. 94
Soma, i. 233, ii. 151, 158
Soma juice, ii. 146, 147, 151
Sophocles, on Apollo, ii. 200
Sorcery. See Magic
Spencer (Dean of Ely), on Hebrew ritual, i. 28
Spencer (Herbert), i. 53, on savage curiosity, i. 84, 85
Spirits of the dead, i. 103, ii. 23
Sproat, on the worship of the Ahts, ii. 25; on Quawteaht, ii. 50; on religion on savages, ii. 341
Srannan, the, i. 284
St. Victor, Paul de, ii. 193, 259
Star-myths, Piute, i. 130; Malay, i. 132; Sanscrit, i. 136, 137
Stesichorus, on Helios, ii. 192
Stones, metamorphosis into, i. 151, 155
Stones, gods and men, i. 153
Strachey (William), on Red-Indian gods, ii. 55
Strahlenberg, on Jakut totemism, i. 80
Suidas, on Zeus Laphystius, i. 274
Summary of divine myths, i. 332
Sun-myths, 124–135; American, i. 125; African, i. 126; Australian, i. 124, 126; Aztec, i. 126; Californian, i. 126; Encounter Bay, i. 128; Hervey Islands, i. 134; Ho, i. 132; Mexican, i. 126; Malay, i. 132; Muyscas of Bogota, i. 129; New Zealand, i. 125; Piute Indian, i. 130; Samoan, i. 125
Surya, i. 249; or Savitri, ii. 160
Sûryâ, ii. 155, 161
Survivals of myths, i. 33; in Greek customs, i. 259; in mysteries, i. 280
Swallow-myths, i. 313, ii. 243–244
Swan of Apollo, i. 278
Sympathies, the belief in, ii. 306
Tabu, i. 113
Tacitus, on Diana and Apollo of the Ephesians, ii. 217; on Mother Hertha, ii. 262
Tacullies, myth of the, i. 191
Taittarya Sanhita, the, i. 217, 247
Tales, popular, ii. 283–320
Taliesin, story of, i. 315
Tamate, the, ii. 23
Tangaloa, i. 196
Tanner, John, among the Indians, ii. 46
Taplin, on marriage in Australia, i. 63, 64; on Nurrumdere, ii. 5
Taût, i. 324
Tawhiri Matea, i. 301
Taylor, on Maori gods, ii. 30
Telmessus, ii. 205
Tennes, i. 278
Teteo Innan, ii. 80
Tezcatlipoca, ii. 69, 79
Thargelia, the, i. 272
Theagenes, an apologist for myths, i. 4; physical philosophy of, i. 14
Thesmophoria of Deineter, the, ii. 267
Thoth, ii. 89, 100
Thunder-bird, the, i. 110
Ticiviracocha, i. 210
Tiele (Prof.), on philology, i. 24; on comparative anthropology, i. 43; on Cronus, i. 309, 310; on Egyptian religion, ii. 90; on Set, ii. 95; on the Book of the Dead, ii. 97; on Egyptian animal-worship, ii. 101; on Egypt, ii. 108
Ti-iti-i, i. 196
Tlaçolteotl, ii. 80
Tlaloc, ii. 80
Toad, the Andaman, i. 41
Tohunga, a, i. 119, 113
Tonga, earth-god in, ii. 263
Tootooch, ii. 26
Torngak, the, i. 115
Torngarsuk, i. 115, ii. 47
Totem, the word, i. 59; the sun a, 74, 208; beast, offering of the, i. 279; of Apollo, ii. 205
Totemism, i. 58–81; traces of, i. 276; Africa, i. 66, 69, 70; Amazon, i. 76; America, North, i. 71; Australia, i. 61, ii. 3; Bechuana, i. 69; Egypt, ii. 101–105, 354; Greece, i. 276, ii. 205; Guatemala, i. 208; Guiana, i. 76; India, i. 77–79; Jakut, i. 80; Mexico, ii. 68, 71, 72, 76; Peru, i. 75, 207; Samoa, ii. 33, 34; Non-Aryan, i. 79
Tree-worship, ii. 219, 235
Tsui Goab, i. 35, ii. 18, 20, 21, 22
Tŭ, ii. 30
Turndun, the, i. 284
Turner, on Samoan gods, ii. 34
Tvashtri, disguised as a horse, i. 9, 239, ii. 143, 159
Twilight of the gods, ii. 277
Two brothers, story of the, i. 155, ii. 300; examination of the story, ii. 304
Tylor (E. B.), on animism, i. 52; on Huitzilopochtli, ii. 74; on magic of savages, i. 95; on mythology, i. 34; on savage imagination, i. 56; on savage beliefs, ii. 233; on evidence of anthropology, ii. 322–333
Typhon, ii. 113–116, 120
Uiracocha, i. 249
Ulhaipa, the, i. 191
Unkulunkulu, myth of, i. 167, 179, 180
Unne-fer, or Unnu-neferu, ii. 351, 353
Unnu, ii. 351
Unnut, ii. 351, 354
Uranus, i. 310
Ushas, ii. 152
Uthlanga, i. 179
Uttanapad, i. 239
Vairupa, ii. 143
Valentyn, on the Khoi-Khoi, ii. 18
Varuna, i. 6, ii. 138; hymn of, ii. 127
Vatea, i. 195
Vayu, ii. 126
Vedas, the, i. 216–237; confusion in the, ii. 134; diversities in translation of, i. 234
Vedic ancestor-worship, i. 227; fetishism, i. 225; gods, ii. 125–161; moral aspect of, ii. 129; India, i. 219; myths, compared with savage, i. 238; serpent, the, i. 42, ii. 146
Vimont (Père), on Ioskeha, ii. 54
Visvarupa, slaying of, i. 12
Visvasvat, ii. 137, 156
Voigt, on rites of Dionysus, ii. 234
Voodoo-dance, the, ii. 240
Vrittra, i. 43, ii. 143, 147
Vuis, the, ii. 23
Vulture and heron, legend of, i. 144
"Wanderung's theorie," of Märchen, ii. 314
Wandong, ii. 4
War-magic, i. 98, 99
Water-thief, story of the, i. 39–42, ii. 147
Weber, on the Brahmanas, i. 237; on the Vedas, i. 217; Vedic priests, i. 223
Welcker, on Athene, ii. 245; on Demeter, ii. 263; on Hermes, ii. 255, 256
Were-wolf in Arcadia, the, i. 273
Whitney, on Aryan ghosts, i. 227; on the Atharva hymns, i. 230
Wilkinson, on the eating of crocodiles, ii. 104
Wolf-Apollo, ii. 200; Zeus, ii. 273; honoured by Athenians, the, i. 277; wolf-dances, see Hirpi
Woman giving birth to animals, stories of, i. 58
"Wounded-Kuee," ii. 19
Wurpl, ii. 3
Xenophanes, his poem on the gods, i. 3; an apologist for myths, ii. 4; on likeness of gods to men, ii. 167
Yehl, i. 192, ii. 50
Ygdrasil, the African, i. 176
Ymir, i. 316
Zagreus, ii. 225; sky, ii. 169
Zeus, i. 7, ii. 163, 198–191; and log of oak-wood, ii. 178; and Callisto, ii. 211; and Lycaon, ii. 177; and Metis, ii. 243; and Semele, ii. 222; and Zagreus, ii. 225; antiquity of, ii. 166; in bestial shapes, ii. 175; degeneration of, ii. 189; in Homer, ii. 182; in religion, ii. 186; wild legend of, ii. 179; Arotrios, i. 225; Dyaus, ii. 170; Kappotas, i. 275; Meilichios, i. 324; sky-god, i. 337
Zoomorphic idols, i. 9, ii. 266
Zulus, the, i. 178; märchen, ii. 316; myths, see Myths
Zunis, the, ii. 60[1]



  1. (I am indebted for this Index to my friend Mrs. Ogilby.)