Myth, Ritual, and Religion/Volume 2/Index
Abipones, the, their belief in sorcery, i. 118 |
Achilles, analysis of name, ii. 278 |
Acosta, i. 206; on religious dances, i. 284; on Tezcatlipoca, ii. 77; on Quetzalcoatl, ii. 78; on Mania Cora, ii. 79 |
Acuna, on Amazon totems, i. 76 |
Aditi, ii. 128, 131, 135, 137, 145 |
Adityas, the, ii. 136, 138 |
Adon, meaning of, ii. 253 |
Adonis, ii. 253; rites of, ii. 253; Oriental influence in rites of, ii. 253 |
Æetes, as the moon, i. 16; as the wind, i. 16 |
Ægeus, Ægae, Ægina, meaning of, i. 280 |
Ægeus, ii. 250 |
Æschylus, on the Python, ii. 196 |
Africa, metamorphosis in, i. 118, 119; deluge myth in, i. 177; totemism in, 67, 69, 70; myths, i. 147, ii. 12 |
Agdistes, ii. 308 |
Aglaophamus, Lobeck in the, i. 20; on gods of early tribes, i. 33; on the mystic deposits, i. 261; on the turndun, i. 285; on the Orphic poems, i. 292; on the Orphic cosmogony, i. 316; on the Orphic doctrine, i. 317; on the use of skins of animals in rites, ii. 178; on Zagreus, ii. 225, 226; on Dionysus, ii. 228, 229, 253; on the bull-feast, ii. 232; on beans in Greek and Roman ritual, ii. 265; on religious mysteries, ii. 232 |
Agni, i. 235, 249, ii. 126, 128 |
Ahanâ, meaning of, i. 159, ii. 246 |
Ahts of Vancouver Island, the, i. 188; myths of, ii. 25, 49; religion of, ii. 342 |
Aias, ii. 188 |
Ainos of Japan, the, i. 139 |
Aitareya Brahmana, the, i. 99, 137, 223, ii. 139, 143, 149, 152 |
Alalkomeneus, i. 321 |
Aleut dog-hero, the, ii. 52 |
Aleuts, descended from a dog, i. 192 |
Algonkin races, i. 50, 54, 181; legends, i. 39, 181–184 |
Allouez (Père), on Missibizi, ii. 56 |
Alo-Alo, ii. 263 |
Alos, human sacrifices at, i. 267 |
Alphesibœa, ii. 252 |
All Souls' Day, the Athenian, ii. 259 |
Amazon Indian myths, i. 89 |
American beliefs, ii. 41; divine myths, ii. 36; heroic beasts, ii. 27; lower races, ii. 41; magic, i. 98, 106; myths, i. 39, 53, 86, 129, 201–205, 209, ii. 25, 49–81; sorcerers, i. 110, 111, 120; tradition of bear, i. 57; totemism, i. 59, 71–77 |
Ammon Ra, ii. 86, 89 |
Ananzi whip-story, ii. 6 |
Anapou, ii. 301 |
Ancestor-worship, Vedic, i. 226 |
Andaman toad, the, i. 41; islanders, i. 171; myths, i. 41, 171 |
Anecdote of Père Brébeuf, i. 89; of Australian native, ii, 4 |
Angakuts or Angekkok, the, i. 115 |
Animal-worship, i. 64, 265, ii. 3, 201, 213, 232, 266; and see Totemism; in Egypt, ii. 97, 98, 101 |
Animism, i. 52; theories of origin of, i. 103 |
Anthropology, comparative, i. 27; method of, i. 27–45; touchstone of, ii. 332 |
Ant, as totem, i. 68, 277 |
Anubis, ii. 93, 98 |
Aphrodite, ii. 250–255; in Homer, ii. 251; Asiatic influence in rites of, ii. 251; sacrifices to, ii. 252; cult, traces of, in Germany, ii. 254; as the dawn, ii. 254; as the moon, ii. 252 |
Apis, ii. 94 |
Apollo, ii. 191–208; disguised as a dog, i. 9, ii. 205; Helios Hyperion, ii. 192; in the Odyssey, ii. 192; in measurement of time, ii. 194; and the dolphin, ii. 197; and Artemis, ii. 198; hymn to, ii. 198; Lukios, ii. 201; Smintheus, ii. 201; in the Iliad, ii. 203; loves of, ii. 203; worship of, ii. 206; and Mitra, ii. 206; and Diana, ii. 217 |
Apollodorus, version of Philomela, i. 142 |
Appendix, the, ii. 321 |
Apuleius, on chapel of Demeter, ii. 263 |
Arab romance, i. 30 |
Arcadian legend of Artemis, ii. 211; Demeter, ii. 265 |
Areas, ii. 211 |
Argus, slaying of, ii. 258 |
Arion, ii. 267 |
Aristophanes, on mysteries of Eleusis, ii. 261 |
Aristotle, on education of the young, i. 2; on discoveries and inventions, ii. 321 |
Artemidorus, on phallic Hermes, ii. 256 |
Artemis, ii. 208–221; of Arcadia, i. 7, ii. 211; Brauronian, i. 7, ii, 211; in the Odyssey, i. 7, ii. 218; Triclaria, i. 270; Calliste, ii. 212; symbolic explanation of, ii. 215; Tauropolis, temple of, ii. 216; of Ephesus, ii. 217; in the Iliad, ii. 218 |
Aryan philology, i. 22; ghosts, i. 227; myth of heaven and earth, i. 252; popular tales, ii. 296 |
Aschera, ii. 252 |
Asclepiadæ, the, ii. 203 |
Asclepius, genealogies of, ii. 205 |
Ashanti, i. 67 |
Astarte, ii. 252 |
Asterios, Zeus, i. 25 |
Astrabacus and Alopecus, ii. 216 |
Asuras, the, i. 232, ii. 131; in the Atharva-Veda, ii. 131; in the Satapatha Brahmana, ii. 133 |
Asvins, the, ii. 154; birth of, ii. 156; benefactors of man, ii. 157; in the Rig-Veda, ii. 155, 156, 158 |
Ataensic, i. 181 |
Atahocan, ii. 57 |
Atharva-Veda, the, ii. 229, ii. 131, 143, 149 |
Athenian tradition, a, from Varro, i. 258; Feast of Dead, ii. 259 |
Athene, ii. 241–255; metamorphoses of, ii. 242; birth of, savage parallels, ii. 244; conjectures on, ii. 244; temples of, ii. 245; as the dawn, ii. 246; the cloud-goddess, ii. 247; sacred animals of, ii. 249 |
Athenæus, on a statue of Leto, i. 265; on bull-Dionysus, ii. 234 |
Atkinson (J. J.), on the ancestral lizard, i. 57; a Kaneka ghost-story, i. 104; on the watchers of the dead, New Caledonia, i. 261 |
Attes, i. 8, ii. 179 |
Attica, legends of, ii. 211; wolves buried in, i. 277; law, i. 259 |
Attic bear-dance, the, ii. 213 |
Atuas, the, ii. 31 |
Australian bear-myth, ii. 7; birraark, the, i. 105; compared with Scotch seers, i. 107; black-fellows, i. 60; gods, i. 168, ii. 3–8; marriage laws, i. 64; myths, i. 124, 128, 141, 147, 168, 170, ii. 3; compared with Greek story of frogs, i. 149; native family names, i. 63; necromants, i. 105; totemism, i. 61–66, 168; wild dog, i. 58; wizard, an, compared with Greek and Egyptian beliefs, i. 106, 107. |
Authorities, nature of, in savage myths, ii. 331 |
Avila, on Uiracocha, i. 249; on Huarochiri Tales, ii. 315 |
Aztec myths, i. 126, 201, 204; gods, ii. 65–81; moral aspects of, ii. 81; meals, ii. 349 |
Aztecs, the, 199, ii. 346 |
Baal, i. 307 |
Babylon, myths of, obscure, i. viii; Aphrodite in, ii. 292 |
Bacchici, the, ii. 232 |
Bacchylides, on Hecate, ii. 219 |
Bachofen, on the couvade, ii. 223, 224 |
Baiame, ii. 4, 8 |
Ballen-Ballen, ii. 5 |
Balonda, the, i. 119 |
Bancroft, on Honduras sorcerers, i. 118; on Maya sorcerers, i. 119, ii. 69, 71, 72 |
Banks Island myths, ii. 23 |
Barotse, the, i. 119 |
Barth, on the Vedas, ii. 130, 221, 228; on fetishism, i. 226 |
Bat totem of the Cakchiquels, i. 207 |
Batavian belief, a, i. 58 |
Bates, on savage lack of curiosity, i. 84 |
Bear, traditions of, i. 57; myth of, i. 136 |
Bear-brother, the, i. 139 |
Bear-myth, Australian, ii. 7 |
Beast-headed gods, ii. 105 |
Beasts in Christian art, ii. 107 |
Bechuana totemism, i. 69 |
Bechuanas and Dr. Moffat, i. 93 |
Beginning of man, the, i. 167 |
Belief in metamorphosis universal, i. 117 |
Bellay, Joachim du, ii. 263 |
Bel-Maraduk, i. 188 |
Benfey, on the Maruts, ii. 159; and Cosquin, on popular tales, ii. 304–313 |
Bengal myth of Sing Bongo, i. 150; totemism, i. 77 |
Bergaigne, on Vedic sacrifices, i. 98; on Ahanâ, i. 159; on Prajapati, i. 249; on Aditi, ii. 136; on the Asvins, ii. 158; on Kanva, ii. 158 |
Biblical truths in fable, i. 20 |
Bird (Miss), on Aino kinship with animals, i. 139 |
Bird-gods, ii. 8, 100 |
Birds honoured as ancestors, i. 143 |
Birraark, the, i. 106; compared with Scotch seer, i. 107 |
Birth of Athene, savage parallels, ii. 244 |
Bitiou, ii. 301 |
Black Demeter, the, ii. 266; Yajur-Veda, the, i. 217; and White Yajur, the, i. 217 |
Bleek (Dr.), on Hottentots and Bushmen, ii. 9; on the mantis, ii. 14 |
Blood, purification by, i. 286 |
Bolivian story of tree turned into a man, i. 156 |
Bonis of Guiana, the, i. 76 |
Book of the Dead, ii. 87, 97, 120; of respirations, ii. 119 |
Bosman, i. 69 |
Brahman sun-myth, i. 126 |
Brahmana: origin of species in, i. 248 |
Brahmanas, the, i. 218, their date, i. 229–232 |
Brahmanaspati, i. 239 |
Brahmanic absurdities, i. 247 |
Brazilian night-myth, i. 127 |
Brébeuf (Père), anecdote of, i. 89 |
Brewin, Ballumdut, and Baukan, ii. 7 |
Bribbun or turndun, i. 284 |
Brinton (Dr.), on Ataensic, i. 183; on the Great Spirit of the Red Man, ii. 44; on the Great Hare, ii. 56; on Michabo, ii. 57, 59, 350 |
British Columbian myth, i. 191 |
Brugsch, on Egyptian myth, ii. 117 |
Bryant (Dr.), on Biblical truth in fable, i. 20 |
Bull-Diouysus, ii. 232; ritual of, ii. 232; sacrifice to, ii. 233; epithets of, ii. 234; bull-roarer, ii. 284 |
Bun-jel, i. 168, ii. 3. See Pundjel. |
Bushman dances, i. 70; belief in metamorphosis, i. 118; notion of the wind, i. 161; cosmogonic myths, i. 174, 175; religion, ii. 11; prayer, a, ii. 12; probable degeneration of the, ii. 327; myths, i. 147, 174, ii. 12. |
Cadmus, ii. 238 |
Cagn, i. 175, ii. 12; myth of, compared with Minos, Samson, &c., ii. 13 |
Cairn-worship in Africa, ii. 19 |
Cakchiquel totem, the, i. 207 |
Cakchiquels of Guatemala, the, i. 118, 203 |
Californian sun and moon myth, i. 126 |
Callaway (Bishop), on Zulu spirits and sorcerers, i. 108, 109; on Zulu chiefs and sorcerers, i. 109 |
Callisto, myth of, ii. 181, 211 |
Cameo of Dionysus as a bull, ii. 232 |
Cannibal gods, i. 3, 267; Greek, 273 |
Cannibalism, i. 68, 207, 258 |
Casalis, on Bechuana totemism, i. 69, 70; on kinship with vegetables and beasts, i. 71 |
Caste, i. 221, 246 |
Cat, Great Lady of the, i. 70 |
Catlin, on Mandan superstition, i. 91 |
Cedreatis, a name of Artemis, ii. 219 |
Chaldean myth of creation, i. 187 |
Chaos, i. 299; immorality of the myth, i. 301 |
Charlevoix, on American totemism, i. 72; on Huron philosophy, i. 89; on savage credulity, i. 91; on the Jossakeed, i. 111 |
Chay-her, ii. 49 |
Chibiabos, ii. 271 |
Chiefs and sorcerers, i. 108 |
Chimalpopoca manuscript, the, i. 202 |
Chinook myth, a, i. 191 |
Chippeway totemism, i. 71; legend of robin, compared with Greek myths, i. 144 |
Chnum, ii. 302 |
Chousor or Chrysor, i. 324 |
Christian Fathers, on heathen myths, i. 16; on Eleusinian mysteries, ii. 276 |
Christian Quiches of Guatemala, compared with Scotch Highlanders, i. 57 |
Christoval de Moluna, on a Peruvian myth, i. 209 |
Chrysor, i. 324 |
Chthonian Demeter, ii. 264. |
Cieza de Leon, on South American cannibalism, i. 69; on totemism in Peru, i. 76; on Pachacamac, i. 212 |
Cinderella, story of, ii. 314. |
Citlalatonic and Citlalicue, i. 204 |
Claus, on Artemis, ii. 208, 210, 215, 218; on meaning of Artemis, ii. 209; on Artemis as wife of Zeus, ii. 210 |
Clay, daubing with, in Greece, i. 285, ii. 226; in America, i. 286; in Africa, i. 287, ii. 18; in Australia, i. 287; in New Mexico, i. 287 |
Cleansing from blood-guiltiness, i. 286 |
Clemens Alexandrinus, on religious conservatism, i. 265; on animal-worship, i. 276, 277; on use of serpents in rites of Zeus, i. 287; on Zeus, ii. 174, 175, 177; on Zagreus, ii. 226; on Dionysus, ii. 233 |
Coatlan, ii. 76 |
Coatlicue, ii. 69 |
Cocoa-nut tree, myth of origin of, i. 157 |
Codrington (Rev. K. H.), on magic stones, i. 96, 97; a Melanesian sun-myth, i. 127; Melanesian myths, ii. 22; on evidence of savage myths, ii. 336 |
Cogaz and Gcwi, ii. 12 |
Colpias, i. 324 |
Commutations of human sacrifices, i. 271 |
Comparative anthropology, i. 27; ritual and customs, evidence of, ii. 331–350; "Comparative Mythology," i. 22 |
Confusions of myth, i. 163 |
Conus, the, i. 284 |
Corinthian legend of Dionysus, ii. 235 |
Cosmic egg, the, i. 316 |
Cosmogonic myths, i. 163; Phœnician, i. 322 |
Cosquin, on Aryan tales, ii. 296–300; on belief in sympathies, ii. 306; on popular tales, ii. 313; on equality of man and beast, ii. 318 |
Coti, ii. 12 |
Couto de Magelhães, on a Brazilian myth, i. 128 |
Couvade, the, ii. 223 |
Cow-myth, Zulu, i. 180; Vedic, ii. 137 |
Coyote Prometheus, the, i. 191 |
Coyotes, the first Indians, i. 186 |
Crane, Australian legend, of the, i. 147 |
Crantz, on Eskimo moon-myth, i. 130; on Eskimo gods, ii. 48 |
Creation, legends of the, i. 163–213, 238–252; African, i. 173–175, 178, 180; Aht, i. 188; Aleut, i. 192; Algonkin,i. 183; American, i. 181, 192, 203, 208; Andaman, i. 171; Australian, i. 168, 170, 176, 177; Aztec, i. 203, 204; Brahmana, i. 248; Bulgarian, i. 182; Bushman, i. 174, 175; Chaldean, i. 187; Dieyrie, i. 170; Digger Indian, i. 186; Egyptian, i. 321; Galician, i. 182; Greek, i. 258, 319; Huron, i. 181; Inca, i. 208, 211; Indian, i. 238–252; Koniaga, i. 192; Mangaian, i. 194; Namaqua, i. 177; Navajoe, i. 184; New Zealand, i. 193; Oregon, i. 191; Ovaherero, i. 176; Papago, i. 189; Peruvian, i. 208–211; Pima, i. 190; Quiche, i. 197; Samoan, i. 196; Thlinkeet, i. 192; Tinneh, i. 192; Vogul, i. 182; Winnebagoe, i. 187; Yakut, i. 192; Zulu, i. 178, 180 |
Creeds in America, ii. 41 |
Crepitus, ii. 48 |
Creuzer (Friedrich), on symbols of pure theosophy in myths and mysteries, i. 20; and Guigniaut, on savage confusion of ideas, i. 51 |
Crevaux, on totemism in Guiana, i. 76 |
Crocodile, great man of the, i. 70 |
Cronus, disguised as a horse, i. 9; myth of, i. 295–303; explanation of myth, i. 304; meaning of name, i. 304; was he borrowed? i. 306; prevalence of the myth, i. 313 |
Crow, Bushman legend of the, i. 147; Greek legend, ii. 204 |
Cuckoo-Zeus, ii. 179 |
Culture in America, ii. 37 |
Curtius, on name of Athene, ii. 246; on name of Achilles, ii. 278 |
Cushing (Frank), on the Zunis, ii. 60 |
Cycnus, i. 278 |
Cyllene, Hermes in, ii. 255 |
Dacotahs, the, their descent, i. 152; medical practice, i. 98; medicine-men, i. 111 |
Dalton, on Bengal totemism, i. 77; on a Ho sorcerer, i. 119 |
Dances, religious, ii. 283 |
Daphnæa, a name of Artemis, ii. 219 |
Daphne, i. 22, ii. 158 |
Daphnephoria, the, ii. 194 |
Dapper, on the Hottentots, ii. 18 |
Dararwigal, ii. 4 |
Darmesteter, on evidence of use and custom in religion, ii. 344; on Aditi, ii. 135; on history of religion, ii. 231 |
Dasse Hyrax, ii. 14 |
Dawkins, on Australian sorcery, i. 107 |
Dawn and Daphne, i. 158; and Hare, i. 184; Athene, ii. 246 |
Dawn-Aphrodite, ii. 254; on "Wounded-Knee," ii. 19 |
Dawson, on Australian totemism, i. 61; on Pirnmeheal, ii. 6 |
Dead, food of the, a universal superstition, ii. 273 |
De Avila, on Peruvian tales, ii. 315 |
De Brosses, a founder of anthropological school of mythology, i. 29 |
De Charency, on a Huron myth, i. 182; on Agdistis, ii. 180 |
Decharme, on hymn to Apollo, ii. 198; on Taurian Athene, ii. 217; on the bull-feast, ii. 232; on a cameo of Dionysus, ii. 232 |
Degeneration. Are savages degenerate? ii. 327 |
Deity, origin of belief in, i. 327 |
Delphi, last oracle from, ii. 207 |
Delphic stone, the, i. 303; oracle, the, ii. 197 |
Deluge myth in Africa, i. 177; Peru, i. 209; Thlinkeet, ii. 51 |
Demeter, ii. 260–276; compared with earth deities, ii. 261; cult of, ii. 261; in the Iliad, ii. 262; titles of, ii. 263; shrines of, ii. 263; in popular Greek religion, ii. 263; rites of, ii. 264; and Zulu parallels, ii. 265; with mare's head, ii. 265; the black, ii. 266; Erinnys, compared with various other myths, ii. 266; mysteries of, ii. 268; rites of, compared with Khond and Pawnee mysteries, ii. 270 |
Dènè Hareskins, tradition of the, i. 184 |
Departmental deities, ii. 30, 126 |
De Quille, on Piute Indian myth, i. 130 |
De Smet (Père), on Pawnee legend, ii. 270 |
Devapatre, the, i. 253 |
Diana and Apollo, birth of, ii. 217 |
Diana of the Ephesians, ii. 217 |
Digger Indians, the, ii. 327 |
Dione, Diana, or Artemis, ii. 209 |
Dionysus, ii. 221–241; birth of, ii. 222; sacrifices of, ii. 231; bull-feast of, ii. 232, 233; passion of, ii. 226; fig-tree, ii. 235; tree-worship, ii, 235; Zagreus, ii. 225, 226 |
Divine myths, American, ii. 36; Greek, ii. 163; Mexican, ii. 65 |
Divine menageries, ii. 107; society, heroic, ii. 167; names, meanings of, ii. 276 |
Diversities of Vedic translation, i. 234 |
Dobrizhoffer, on metamorphosis in Paraguay, i. 118 |
Documents of Indian mythology, i. 215; native Egyptian, ii. 112 |
Dog, Red Indian descent from, i. 120; Aleut descent from, i. 192; sacrifices of the, i. 279; Apollo, ii. 205 |
Dolphin-Apollo, ii. 197 |
Dolphins, metamorphosed pirates, i. 144 |
Donkey, fable of the, i. 140 |
Dracæna, ii. 196 |
Drakos, the, ii. 196 |
Dryopians, the, i. 321. |
Dualism of gods, i. 336 |
Duchess of Sutherland, the, i. 70 |
Dyaus, ii. 134; see Zeus, ii. 169 |
Eagle-hawk, the, i. 168, ii. 3 |
Earth-deities, ii. 261 |
Earth, food-offerings to the, ii. 262 |
Earth-prophet, i. 190 |
Eclipse-myths, i. 132, ii. 133 |
Edfou monuments, the, ii. 115 |
Eichaknanabiseb, i. 177 |
Eilithyia, ii. 198 |
Eiresione, the Attic, compared with Aztec and Peruvian rites, ii. 263 |
Egede, on the Angakuts, i. 115 |
Egg-myth, the, i. 252, 316 |
Egg, the cosmic, 316 |
Egypt, mythology of, ii, 82; religion of, ii. 84, 92; polytheistic, ii. 89 |
Egyptian antiquity, ii. 82; animal-worship, ii. 91, 93; myth, complexity of, ii. 107; gods, summary of, ii. 110; native documents, ii. 112; myth, savage parallels, ii. 117; of Osiris, ii. 112 |
El, i. 324 |
Elands, origin of, i. 147 |
Elean chant, the, ii. 232 |
Eleusinian mysteries, compared with Peruvian mysteries, i. 281–283; with Pawnee mysteries, ii. 270 |
Elioun, i. 324 |
Eméric-David, on beasts, &c. , as symbols, i. 8 |
Eros, a stone idol of the Thespians, i. 275 |
Eskimos, the, i. 114, 115, ii. 47, 48; myth, ii. 48 |
Etymological guesses of Socrates, i. 12 |
Eubuleus, story of, ii. 269 |
Euemerus on myths, i. 15; defence of, i. 15 |
Eumæus, ii. 187 |
Euripides on Dionysus, ii. 238–240; on Artemis, ii. 220 |
Eusebius, on myths, i. 16–18; on religious conservatism, i. 37; on human sacrifices, i. 267; on Phœnician myth, i. 320 |
Euthyphro, i. 301 |
Evidence upon savage beliefs, ii. 333, 335; of comparative ritual and customs, ii. 343 |
Evolution of myth, i. 36–45, 251; of sacred statues, i. 274; in Egyptian religion, ii. 92 |
Evolutionary myths, i. 251 |
Exogamy, origin of, i. 78 |
Explanatory myths, ii. 282 |
Fairbairn (Dr.), on savage races, ii. 326 |
Fetishes, i. 225 |
Fetish stones in Greece, i. 275, 304; compared with god at Puka-Puka, i. 275; smearing, i. 274, 303, 304 |
Fiji story of vegetable metamorphosis, i. 156 |
Fire, stealing of, by Yehl, ii. 51 |
Fison, on the Australian savage, i. 62; on Fijian ghosts, i. 105 |
Fontenelle, on irrational myth, i. 28; his theory of myths, ii. 321–324 |
Forchhammer, on the Dracæna, ii. 196 |
Frog-myth, i. 39, 40; wide distribution of, i. 42 |
Frogs, origin of; compared with Australian myth, i. 149 |
Fuegians, equality among the, i. 114; probable degeneration of the, ii. 327 |
Furtwängler, on Athene, ii. 247 |
Gæa, i. 300, 310 |
Ganymede, atonement for rape of, ii. 180 |
Garcilasso de la Vega, i. 206; on Peruvian totemism, i. 75, 207; on Peruvian history and religion, ii. 340 |
Gargantua and Cronus myth, i. 313 |
Gaunab, i. 178, ii. 19, 22 |
Ghost-stories, savage, i. 104 |
Gibbon, John, on totemistic heraldry, i. 72; Edward, on Pagan myths, i. 295 |
Gill, on a stone idol of the Thespians, i. 275 |
Ginnunga-gap, compared with Orphic cosmogony, i. 316 |
Giraldus Cambrensis, on legend of lycanthropy, i. 119 |
Glaucopis, a name of Athene, ii. 245 |
Glooscap and Malsumis, i. 183 |
Glutton-Zeus, i. 274 |
God of Plutarch, the, i. 330; of prayer, the, ii. 42; of luck, the, ii. 257; eating, ii. 73; and victim, ii. 231 |
Gods, departmental, ii. 30, 126; evolution of, ch. xii.; and morality; of myth, i. 331; and demons, i. 332; and their adventures, i. 332; ascent of, from beasts, i. 335; of the lowest races, ii. 1; supernatural births of, ii. 113; and sorcerers, i. 120; and death, ii. 130 |
Gounja-Gounja, ii. 18 |
Great hare, the, i. 183, 184, ii. 55–59, 350, 354; a personification of dawn, i. 184; in Egypt, ii. 350–355 |
Great spirit, the, ii. 44 |
Greece and Peru, i. 213 |
Greek civilisation, i. 255; mythology, i. 257; myths, antiquity of, i. 266; myths, cosmogonic, i. 289; myths, divine, ii. 163; totemism, i. 276; religion, antiquity of, ii. 278; village life, i. 263 |
Gregor, on medical stones in Scotland, i. 97 |
Grey, Sir George, on Australian totemism, i. 63 |
Grimm, on savage ideas and thought, i. 47; theory of popular tales, ii. 291–296 |
Grote, on Hesiod's Theogony, i. 290; on divine agents, i. 296; on divine names, etymology of, ii. 278 |
Gubernatis, on Indra and the serpent, i. 42; on Indra, ii. 149 |
Guiana, animism in, i. 52; ideas of spirit in, i. 53; Indians of, i. 137 |
Haddock, reason of black marks on the, i. 140 |
Hades and Osiris, ii. 122 |
Haggard (Commander), on eclipse at Lamoo, i. 92 |
Hagno, ii. 169 |
Hahn (Dr.), on the Hottentots, ii. 16; on Hottentot myths, ii. 20; on Tsui Goab, ii. 21; on tales and legends, ii. 296 |
Haleb, the, i. 118 |
Hapi, ii. 94, 107 |
Hare, the great. See Great Hare |
Harischandra, ii. 139, 140 |
Harpocration, on the wolf in Athens, i. 277 |
Hartt (Prof.), on Amazon Indian tales, i. 86 |
Haug (Dr.), on hymn of Purusha, i. 245; on soma juice, ii. 146 |
Hawk, Greek legend of, i. 144 |
Hawk-headed gods, ii. 93 |
Hawk-Indra, ii. 149 |
Hearne, on savage credulity, i. 92 |
Heathen apologists, i. 3 |
Heaven and earth, myths of, ii. 29, 113, 144; Aryan myths of, i. 253; Phœnician myths of, i. 324 |
Hecate, ii. 219 |
Heitsi Eibib, ii. 18, 141; the curse of, i. 177 |
Helios Hyperion, i. 337, ii. 192, 193; hymn to, compared with Bushman sun-myth, i. 126 |
Hellenic and barbaric rites, i. 281 |
Hera or Leto, i. 17; in the Iliad, i. 173, 174, 185, ii. 173, 182–185 |
Hermann, on religious conservatism in Greece, i. 264 |
Hermes, ii. 255–260; phallic, compared with Admiralty Islands, ii. 255–257; of the Pelasgians, ii. 256; god of luck, ii. 257, 258; Homeric hymn on, ii. 258; and the dead, ii. 259; a personification of twilight (?), ii. 259 |
Hermias, i. 218 |
Herodotus, on Egyptian superstition, i. 93; on totemism in Egypt, ii. 101; on animal-worship in Egypt, ii. 102; on Osiris, ii. 114; on Set, ii. 119; on Aphrodite in Askelon, ii. 252; on rites of Hermes, ii. 255; on the Thesmophoria, ii. 267 |
Heroic and romantic tales, ii. 284; beasts, American, ii. 27 |
Hesiodic myths, i. 289 |
Hesiod's cosmogony, i. 297; myth of Chaos, i. 299; on Dionysus, ii. 239, 240; on birth of Athene, ii. 243; on Aphrodite, 251 |
Hierax, legend of, i. 144 |
Hierome Lalemant (Père), on savage credulity, i. 49 |
Hieronymus, on the first being, i. 317 |
Hirpi, wolf-dances of, ii. 213 |
History of religion, the, ii. 231 |
Holy dances at Seville, compared with Greek and others, i. 283 |
Homer, his rejection of impure myths, i. 11; on Dionysus, ii. 237; on Helios Hyperion, ii. 192; on Apollo, ii. 196; on Hermes, ii. 256, 257 |
Homer's cosmogony, i. 295; Zeus, ii. 182 |
Homeric chiefs, i. 116; myths, i. 289, 295; religion, ii. 186; hymn on mysteries, ii. 274 |
Honduras sorcerers, i. 118 |
Hor, ii. 89 |
Horse-Demeter, ii. 266; Gods, ii. 157, 266 |
Horus, ii. 119, 122; and Hera, ii. 122 |
Ho sorcerer, the, i. 119 |
Hottentots, the, ii. 16 |
Howitt, on Australian ghosts, i. 105; on the Birraark, i. 105, 107; on Brewin, ii. 7 |
Hrimthursar, i. 317 |
Huarochiri myth, a, i. 177 |
Huet (Bishop), on Huron tales, ii. 289 |
Huichilobos, ii. 67 |
Huitzilopochtli, ii. 69, 70 |
Huron philosophy, i. 89; myths, 181 |
Huron, and Père Brébeuf, i. 89 |
Hymn of the beginning, Vedic, i. 240; of Apollo, ii. 196; of Demeter, ii. 272; of Hermes, ii. 256; of Osiris, ii. 95, 96, 118; of Purusha, i. 243; of Varuna, ii. 127 |
I Gaunab, ii. 19 |
Immortality, Vedic legends of, ii. 132 |
Im Thurn, on animism in Guiana, i. 52, 53, 137 |
Inca myths, i. 205, 208–212 |
Incas, the, i. 74, 124, 205, 208, ii. 37 |
Incantations, i. 101, 102 |
India, metamorphosism, i. 119; totemism in, i. 77, 79 |
Indo-Aryan myths, i. 150, 214–254, ii. 125–162 |
Indra, i. 6, ii. 126, 140–151; and Heitsi Eibib, ii. 141; and Vairupa, ii. 143; Vedic texts on, ii. 144; in childhood, ii. 144; feats of, ii. 146; and the frog, ii. 147; hawk-, ii. 149; ram-, ii. 149 |
Indrani, ii. 149 |
Io, ii. 258 |
Ion, ii. 203 |
Ioskeha, i. 39, ii. 53; compared with Indra, ii. 53, 147; and Tawiscara, i. 183 |
Irish chiefs, supposed power over weather, compare Homeric chiefs, i. 116 |
Irrational myth, i. 28 |
Isis, ii. 113, 115–119 |
Istar, a name of Aphrodite, ii. 252. |
Jakut totemism, i. 80 |
Jason, on story of, ii. 290 |
Jebb (Prof.), on Homer, i. 11 |
Jewitt, traditions of bear, i. 57 |
"Jeunesse orageuse" of Zeus, ii. 173 |
Jossakeed, the, i. 112 |
Juvenal, on totem wars, ii. 103 |
Ka-ge-ga-gah Bowh, ii. 46 |
Kalewala, the, i. 57 |
Kanva, ii. 158 |
Karneios, the ram-Apollo, ii. 202 |
Khoi-Khoi, the, ii. 16 |
Kiehtan, ii. 46 |
Kinship, with animals, i. 57, 71, 139; by female side, i. 65, 69; with insects covenanted, i. 139 |
Kohl, on Ojibeway beliefs, i, 54; on Red Indian incantations, i. 101 |
Kolb, Peter, on the Khoi-Khoi, ii. 17, 18 |
Koniaga deities, ii. 52 |
Kôr, ii. 310 |
Kuhn. on philology, i. 23; on Hermes, ii. 255 |
Kutchin totemism, i. 73 |
Kwai Hemm, i. 312 |
Lafitau, on survivals from totemism, i. 73 |
Lamentations of Isis and Nephthis, the, ii. 119; Lang, G. Scott, i. 63 |
Lapland, metamorphosis in, i. 118 |
Latium and Mexico, ii. 70 |
Lauer, on Artemis, ii. 210 |
Le Duc (Leouzon), on the bear in Finland, i. 57 |
Lefébure, on myth of Osiris, ii. 122 |
Legends of the creation. See Creation |
Le Jeune, on universal animation, i. 55; on the Manitou, ii. 45; on Messou, ii. 56 |
Leto or Hera, i. 17; a statue of, i. 265, ii. 198, 199 |
Lieblein, on Egyptian gods, ii. 92 |
"Like to like theory," the, i. 95 |
Livingstone, on the Bushmen, ii. 9; on the Bakwains, ii. 10; on metamorphosis at Loanda, i. 119 |
Lizard, the ancestral, i. 57, 170 |
Loanda, metamorphosis of chiefs at, i. 119 |
Lobeck. See Aglaophamus |
Local Greek conservatism, i. 264 |
Localities of Greek myths well defined, i. 262 |
Locust-Apollo, ii. 201 |
Loki, Ahriman, or Tangaroa, i. 334 |
Long, on Chippeway totemism, i. 71 |
Longfellow, ii. 44 |
Lucian, on mystic dances, i. 282; on myth of men produced from the earth, i. 322; on birth of Dionysus, ii. 224 |
Luck, god of, ii. 257 |
Lyall, Sir A. C., on metamorphosis in India, i. 119 |
Lycanthropy, i. 119, ii. 177 |
Lycaon and Zeus, ii. 177 |
Lycegenes, a name of Apollo, ii. 199 |
Lykourgos, ii. 237 |
Maize, origin of, Ottawa myth, i. 157 |
Magic, i. 94–120; Australia, i. 100–105; Dacotah, i. 98; war-magic of Dacotahs and Indo-Aryans, i. 99; Eskimo, i. 115; Maori, i. 112; Melanesia, i. 96; New Caledonia, i. 96; Red Indian, i. 111; Zulu, i. 109, 110; singular agreement of European and Australian, i. 99; of incantations, i. 101; metamorphosis, i. 117, 120. |
Magical Harris papyrus, the, ii. 112 |
Mama Cora, ii. 79 |
Man, various origins of, 167–213. See Creation myths |
Manibozho, ii. 58, ii. 271; and Chokanipok, i. 183 |
Mandan mysteries, i. 286 |
Mangled man-sacrifice, the, i. 242 |
Mannhardt, on anthropology and myth, i. 29; on Adonis-feast, ii. 253; on influence of Aphrodite cult, ii. 254 |
Mantis, the, i. 169, ii. 13 |
Maori séance, a, i. 112; Pakeha, the, i. 112; hymns, ii. 28 |
Maoris, the, ii. 27 |
Märchen, theories of, ii. 286, 310 |
Marriage laws, Australian, i. 64; American, i. 72; Indian non-Aryan, i. 79. |
Maru and Mars, ii. 32 |
Maruts, the, i. 12, 283, ii. 126; etymology of, ii. 159 |
Maspero, on Egyptian worship, ii. 89; on Egyptian monuments, ii. 93; on Egyptian animal deities, ii. 100; on meaning of Unnofri, ii. 253 |
Masters of modern philology, i. 22 |
Maui, i. 125, ii. 30 |
Maury, on metamorphosis, ii. 242 |
Medea, as the dawn, i. 16; as the moon, i. 16 |
Medical practice, Dacotah, i. 98 |
Medicine-men, i. 111 |
Melian nymphs, the, i. 311 |
Mendieta, on sun-myths, i. 203 |
Messou, i. 182 |
Metamorphosis in myth, i. 38, 117; African, i. 118, 119; America, i. 118, 119; Bushman, i. 118, ii. 15; India, i, 119; Lapland, i. 118; Paraguay, i, 118; Scotland, i. 117; into stones, i. 150–155; into plants, i. 155 |
Metis, i. 314, ii. 173, 243 |
Metrodorus, on the gods and heroes, i. 15 |
Mexican divine myths, ii. 65; calendar, the, ii. 75; gods, ii. 67–81 |
Mice, sacred to Apollo, ii. 201 |
Michabo, Manabozho, or Michahos, ii. 54 |
Michilimakinak, island of, i. 183 |
Mictlanleuctli, i. 204 |
Misukumigakua, ii. 272 |
Mixcoatl, ii. 80 |
Modern systems of myth, i. 19 |
Moffat, Dr., on African credulity, i. 91; and the Bechuanas, i. 93; on African myth of Morimo, i. 176 |
Moloch and Cronus, relations between, i. 306, 307 |
Monotheism in America, ii. 42–45; in Egypt, ii. 96 |
Moon-myths, i. 128–134; Australia, i. 128; Encounter Bay, i. 128; Eskimo, i. 129; Greek, i. 135; Hervey Islands, i. 134; Himalayan, i. 129; Macassar, i. 130; Malay, i. 132; Mexico, i. 129; Mongolia, i. 134; Muyscas of Bogata, i. 129; Piute, i. 130; Thibet, i. 129; Zulu, i. 129 |
Moora-Moora, i. 170 |
Morgan, Lewis, on the Aztecs, ii. 346 |
Morimo, i. 115 |
Moschion, on savage origin of man, i. 258 |
Môt, i. 323 |
Mother Hertha, ii. 262 |
Motogon, ii. 4 |
Mouse-Apollo, ii. 201 |
Muir (Dr.), on the Vedic hymns, i. 219, 241; on the Rig-Veda, i. 231; on hymn of Purusha, i. 245; on Prajapati, i. 249; on the Devapatre, i. 253; on the Asvins, ii. 155 |
Mukjarawaint tribe, totem of, ii. 3 |
Müller (J. G.), on absence of the pastoral stage in America, ii. 40; on the Mexican calendar, ii. 75; on Huitzilopochtli, ii. 71 |
Müller (Max), on the irrational element in myth, i. 8; on the Rig-Veda, i. 12; on etymology of Daphne, i. 22, 158; philology of, i. 23; on Tsui Goab, i. 35; on the word "totem," i. 59; on hymn to Helios, i. 126; on the Brahmanas, i. 218; on fetishes, i. 225; on Cronus myth, i. 304; on Motogon, ii. 4; on the Bushmen, ii. 9; on Aditi, ii. 128, 135; on wars of the gods, ii. 131; on Asuras, ii. 131; on the Asvins, ii. 155; on Tvashtri, ii. 159; on the Maruts, ii. 159; on Dyaus-Zeus, ii. 169, 170; on Apollo, ii. 192, 194; on popular tales, ii. 213; on Athene and Ahanâ, ii. 246; on Aphrodite as dawn, ii. 254; on Hermes, ii. 255; on Aryan tales, i. 297; on the savage, ii. 326; on the beginning of man, ii. 330; on the absence of recognised authorities in savage myth, ii. 337; on the Australian deity, ii. 339 |
Müller (C. O.), on mythology, i. 20; on myths of Zeus, ii. 181; on Metis, ii. 243; on descent from the lower animals, i. 278; on legend of Artemis, ii. 212; on Dionysus Zagreus, ii, 227; on Onomacritus, ii. 228; on Dionysus, ii. 228; on Dionysus rites in Tenedos, ii. 233 |
Mylitta, a name of Aphrodite, ii. 252 |
Myrmidon, ii. 176 |
Mystic dances, i. 282 |
Myth, rational and irrational, i. 5–10; ancient theories of, i. 1–19; modern systems of, i. 19–25; anthropological theory of, i. 25–45; and religion, ii. 165; explanatory, heroic and romantic, ii. 282 |
Myth and ideas of savages, evidence on, ii. 331; inconsistent Aryan, ii. 131 |
Mythological stories, origin of, ii. 321 |
Mythology, evolution of, i. 36 |
Myths. See Creation, Eclipse, Heaven and earth, Moon, Sun, Star; African, i. 147, ii. 12; American, i. 39, 144, 151, 152; Andaman, i. 41; Australian, i. 147, 150, ii. 12; Egyptian, ii. 112; Eskimo, ii. 47; Fiji, i. 156; Greek, i. 142, 144, 146, 149, ii. 169–276; Hervey Islands, i. 145; Indian, i. 150, ii. 136, 139, 140, 152, 155, 160, 161; Mangaian, 153, 157; Maori, ii. 29; Melanesian, ii. 23; Mexican, ii. 66–80; nature, i. 123, 160; Negro, i. 81; night, Brazilian, i. 127; Melanesian, i. 127; plant, i. 155; stone, i. 150–155 |
Nadaillac, on prehistoric America, ii. 38; on the Moquis and Zunis, ii. 39 |
Namaqua myths, i. 177 |
Nana, ii. 179 |
Nanahuatzin, i. 126 |
Nature-myths, i. 123, 160 |
Nebrismus, custom of, ii. 229 |
Nebseni, papyrus of, ii. 112 |
Nefer, Neferu, meaning of, ii. 352 |
Negro-myth, i. 81 |
Nepththys, ii. 113, 119 |
New Caledonian superstition, i. 96 |
Nightingale-myth, Greek, i. 142; Red Indian, i. 143 |
Night-myth, Brazilian, i. 127; Melanesian, i. 127 |
Non-Aryan totemism, i. 78 |
Nooralie, the, ii. 4 |
Norman ballad, a, compared with metamorphosis in India, &c., i. 119 |
Numi Tarom, i. 182 |
Nurrumbunguttias, the, i. 166 |
Nurrumdere, ii. 5 |
Nut, i. 89, 113 |
Ocean, personality of, i. 295 |
Odin, i. 192 |
Ojibeway beliefs, ii. 54 |
O-Kee-Pa, i. 286 |
Old ones, the, i. 177, 179, ii. 4 |
Omission of impure myths in Rig-Veda, i. 11; in Homer, i. 3 |
Omumborumbonga-tree, the, i. 176 |
Onatas, ii. 267 |
Oneidas, their descent from stones, i. 152 |
Onomacritus, i. 292, ii. 227, 229 |
Origin of species, see Creation; of classes, American myth, i. 246; Teutonic myth, i. 246; of eland, i. 147; of frogs, i. 149; of pigs, i. 145; of mythological tales, ii. 321 |
Origins of man, various, i. 167 |
Orpen, on Bushman dances, i. 71 |
Orphic poems, the, i. 291, ii. 227; Phanes, the, i. 317; mode of life, the, i. 292 |
Osiris, ii. 89, 92, 94, 96, 107, 108, 112, 118, 123; hymn to, ii. 95; myth of, ii. 112; explanations of, ii. 120, 123 |
Outaonaks, the, totemism of, i. 73 |
Ovaherero myths, i. 176 |
Ovakuru Meyuru, the, i. 177 |
Ovid, on Hecate, i. 279 |
Owl, legend of, i. 146 |
Owl, bat, and eagle-owl, legend of, i. 146 |
Pachacamac, i. 212 |
Pachyachachi, i. 210 |
Palenque, city of, ii. 38 |
Pakeha Maori, the, 1. 112 |
Panchæa, i. 15 |
Panquetzaliztli, ii. 74 |
Paracelsus, his theory on darkness, i. 127 |
Paraguay, metamorphosism, i. 118 |
Parkman, on the primitive Indian, ii. 39 |
Parnopios, statue of, ii. 201 |
Pastoral stage absent in America, ii. 40 |
Paul de St. Victor, on Apollo, ii. 193; on Hermes, ii. 259 |
Pausanias, on temple pictures, i. 2; on human sacrifices to Zeus, i. 268; on Artemis Orthia, ii. 215; on Dionysiac orgies, ii. 227; on Aphrodite, ii. 252; on Pentheus, ii. 235; on rites of Demeter, ii. 264; on the Eleusinia, ii. 271 |
Pelican, myth of, i. 141 |
Pentheus, slaying of, ii. 234 |
Perry, on Vedic texts upon origin of man, ii. 144; on Indra and Vrittra, ii. 147 |
Persephone, ii. 273 |
Peruvian mysteries, compared with Eleusinian, i. 283; myths, 205–213; tales, ii. 315; totemism, i. 75, 207 |
Phallus, ii. 255–256 |
Pietschmann, on Egyptian animal-worship, ii. 99 |
Pigs, origin of, i. 145; sacred to Demeter, ii. 261, 269 |
Pindar, on the gods as cannibals, i. 3; an apologist for myths, i. 4; on origin of man, i. 321 |
Pinkerton, on sorcery at Loango, i. 110 |
Pirnmeheal, ii. 6 |
Piute myths, i. 130, 313 |
Phaethon, ii. 193 |
Phallic Hermæ, the, ii. 255, 256, 257 |
Phanes, i. 317 |
Philemon, on myth of Niobe, i. 154 |
Philo Byblius, i. 322 |
Philology, i. 21–25 |
Philomela, i. 142 |
Phœnician cosmogonic myths, i. 322 |
Phœnix, ii. 252 |
Phoibos, meaning of, ii. 194 |
Plant-myths, i. 155, 156 |
Plastering with clay. See Clay |
Platæa, story of, ii. 178 |
Plato, on religious rites, i. 265; on myths, i. 299 |
Platonists, the, on Dionysus Zagreus, ii. 225 |
Plutarch, on legend of Zeus and log of oak-wood, i. 18; on sacrifices, i. 280; on the cessation of oracles, i. 330; the god of, i. 330; on the Delphic responses, ii. 201; on Dionysus, ii. 234; on mysteries of Demeter, ii. 275 |
Polytheism in Egypt, ii. 89 |
Popul Vuh, hymns of, i. 199 |
Popular tales, ii. 283–320; Märchen, ii. 86; epic poetry and legend, ii. 286; difficulties of, ii. 317 |
Porphyry, an apologist for myths, i. 4; on Egyptian kinship with nature, i. 80; on sacred images, i. 265; on human sacrifices, i. 307 |
Pond, on Dacotah medicine-men, i. 111 |
Poseidon, disguised as a horse, i. 9 |
Po'shai-an-K'ia, ii. 63 |
Powell, on the Ute hero, ii. 55 |
Prajapati, i. 235, 248, 249, 252, ii. 132 |
Preller, on Cronus, i. 304, 308; on Zeus, ii. 175; on the Argive Apollo, ii. 200; on mouse-Apollo, ii. 201; on Apollo a shepherd, ii. 202; on Artemis, ii. 210; on Semele, ii. 221, 222; on Zagreus, ii. 230; on Athene, ii. 246, 248; on Hermes, ii. 258, 259 |
Prey-gods, Zuni, ii. 63 |
Priests of sacred tribes, their evidence on myths, ii. 338 |
Primitive conception of objects, i. 137, ii. 325 |
Prithivi, ii. 134 |
Proclus, on the Daphnephoria, ii. 194 |
Progression and culture, ii. 327 |
Prytaneion, the, i. 268 |
Psyche, ii. 263 |
Pueblo Indians, ii. 38 |
Puluga, i. 172 |
Pund-jel, i. 168, ii. 3 |
Puranas, the, i. 250 |
Purusha, i. 242; hymn of, i. 243; date of hymn, i. 245 |
Python, the, ii. 195 |
Pythius, meaning of, ii. 196 |
Qasavara, i. 153, ii. 24 |
Qat, i. 314, ii. 23 |
Qat, Michabo, or Ormuzd, i. 334 |
Qing, ii. 9, 11 |
Qong, i. 127 |
Quawteaht, i. 188, ii. 26, 49, 50 |
Quetzalcoatl, ii. 68, 77, 78 |
Quiches, the, i. 197, 198 |
Quoarnah, excavations at, ii. 109 |
Ra, ii. 111 |
Ralston, on Egyptian and Hottentot tales, ii. 305, 306 |
Ram-Apollo, ii. 202 |
Ram, Hermes with the, ii. 256 |
Ram-Indra, ii. 149 |
Rangi and Papa, i. 193 |
Râ-Shou, ii. 97 |
Rasles (Père), on Outaoak totemism, i. 73 |
Rational and irrational myth, i. 5–10 |
Raven, incarnation of a Shaman in a, i. 119 |
"Red Dawn" or "Wounded-Knee," ii. 19 |
Red Indian sorcerers, i. 98, 101, 111 |
Reed-bed, the, i. 179, 180 |
Regnard, on metamorphosis in Lapland, i. 118 |
Reiderbecke (Rev. H.), on Ovaherero myths, i. 176 |
Religion and myth, i. 327, ii. 165; of Egypt, ii. 84 |
Religious conservatism, i. 260 |
Renan, on Phœnician myth, i. 326 |
Renouf (Le Page), on Egyptian monuments, ii. 85; on Egyptian religion, ii. 88; on Egyptian monotheism, ii. 96; on Osiris, ii. 350; on the Great Hare in Egypt, ii. 350 |
Réville on Huitzilopochli, ii. 72; on Tlaçoleotl, ii. 80; on Tlaloc, ii. 80 |
Rhea, i. 303 |
Rig-Veda, omission of impure myths in, i. 11; hymns, i. 240, ii. 127; texts on Indra, ii. 144; Indra in, ii. 146, 147, 148, 150; Ushas in, i. 152; Asvins in, ii. 156 |
Rink, on Eskimo tales, ii. 49 |
Rishis, the, i. 223–226 |
Risley (H. H.), on Bengal totemism, i. 78 |
Rites of Hellas and of barbarism, i. 281 |
Ritual and religion, i. 260 |
Roast-pig, ii. 261 |
Romilly, on unsatisfactory nature of savage evidence on myth, ii. 336 |
Roscher, on Apollo, ii. 194; on Artemis, ii. 210; on Ascelpius, ii. 205; on sacrifice, ii. 234 |
Roth, on the Asvins, ii. 155; on Indra, ii. 142 |
Rudra, ii. 160 |
Sacred images, i. 265; evolution of, i. 274 |
Sacrifice, mangled man, i. 242 |
Sacrifices, human, i. 267–274, ii. 67, 73, 79, 80, 216; animal, ii. 78, 106, 201, 214, 229, 233, 252, 264, 267, 269 |
Sadhyas, the, ii. 131 |
Sagas and stories, problems of, ii. 287 |
Sahagun, on Mexican gods, ii. 78 |
Salvado, on Australian god, ii. 339 |
Sama-Veda, the, i. 217 |
Samoan myths, i. 125, 196, ii. 33; totemism, ii. 33, 34 |
Sanchoniathan, i. 322, 323, 326 |
Saranyu, ii. 156 |
Satapatha Brahmana, the, i. 250, 251 |
Savage, the, defined, i. 31; credulity of, i. 49, 90; divine myths, i. 327; imagination of the, i. 56; ideas, i. 47, 53, 138; ghost stories, i. 104; mental condition of the, i. 84, ii. 325; myth, i. 50; myths and beliefs, evidence on, ii. 331–345; rites, ii. 226; speculation, i. 49; survival in ritual, &c., i. 257–288 |
Sayana, on Indra, ii. 141 |
Sayce (Prof.), on Babylonian myth, i. viii; on Cronus, i. 307 |
Scalping, ii. 40 |
Scapegoats, human, i. 272 |
Schljam Schoa, ii. 52 |
Schoolcraft, on Indian credulity, i. 49; on Algonkin tales, i. 50; on Algonkin races, i. 54; on American totemism, i. 72, 73; on the thunder-bird, i. 110 |
Schwartz, on Athene, ii. 247; on Daphne, ii. 206; on Demeter, ii. 266 |
Schreiber, on Artemis, ii. 209 |
Scott (Sir Walter), on popular tales, ii. 290 |
Seb, ii. 100; and Nut, ii. 89, 113 |
Sebak, ii. 105 |
Sehuiab, the, i. 191 |
Sekhet, ii. 105 |
Selene and Endymion, i. 135 |
Semele, ii. 221, 222 |
Semitic races, and Aphrodite, ii. 252 |
Serpent, changed into stone, i. 155 |
Serpents, use of, in mysteries, i. 287 |
Set, ii. 92, 119, 122 |
Siati, song of, ii. 315 |
Sing Bonga, i. 150 |
Skins of animals, use of, in rites, ii. 213 |
Sky-Dyaus-Zeus, ii. 169 |
Sky-person, sky-god, i. 337 |
Smith (Mrs. E.), on Iroquois gods, ii. 53; on the Great Spirit, ii. 44 |
Smith (Prof. Robertson), on offering of totem-beast, ii. 279; on totemism among Semitic races, i. 81; on wolf-Zeus, i. 273 |
Smyth (Brough), on Australian wild dog, i. 58; on Australian frog fable, i. 40; on Australian gods, ii. 7 |
Socrates's etymological guesses, i. 12 |
Sokar, ii. 94 |
Soma, i. 233, ii. 151, 158 |
Soma juice, ii. 146, 147, 151 |
Sophocles, on Apollo, ii. 200 |
Sorcery. See Magic |
Spencer (Dean of Ely), on Hebrew ritual, i. 28 |
Spencer (Herbert), i. 53, on savage curiosity, i. 84, 85 |
Spirits of the dead, i. 103, ii. 23 |
Sproat, on the worship of the Ahts, ii. 25; on Quawteaht, ii. 50; on religion on savages, ii. 341 |
Srannan, the, i. 284 |
St. Victor, Paul de, ii. 193, 259 |
Star-myths, Piute, i. 130; Malay, i. 132; Sanscrit, i. 136, 137 |
Stesichorus, on Helios, ii. 192 |
Stones, metamorphosis into, i. 151, 155 |
Stones, gods and men, i. 153 |
Strachey (William), on Red-Indian gods, ii. 55 |
Strahlenberg, on Jakut totemism, i. 80 |
Suidas, on Zeus Laphystius, i. 274 |
Summary of divine myths, i. 332 |
Sun-myths, 124–135; American, i. 125; African, i. 126; Australian, i. 124, 126; Aztec, i. 126; Californian, i. 126; Encounter Bay, i. 128; Hervey Islands, i. 134; Ho, i. 132; Mexican, i. 126; Malay, i. 132; Muyscas of Bogota, i. 129; New Zealand, i. 125; Piute Indian, i. 130; Samoan, i. 125 |
Surya, i. 249; or Savitri, ii. 160 |
Sûryâ, ii. 155, 161 |
Survivals of myths, i. 33; in Greek customs, i. 259; in mysteries, i. 280 |
Swallow-myths, i. 313, ii. 243–244 |
Swan of Apollo, i. 278 |
Sympathies, the belief in, ii. 306 |
Tabu, i. 113 |
Tacitus, on Diana and Apollo of the Ephesians, ii. 217; on Mother Hertha, ii. 262 |
Tacullies, myth of the, i. 191 |
Taittarya Sanhita, the, i. 217, 247 |
Tales, popular, ii. 283–320 |
Taliesin, story of, i. 315 |
Tamate, the, ii. 23 |
Tangaloa, i. 196 |
Tanner, John, among the Indians, ii. 46 |
Taplin, on marriage in Australia, i. 63, 64; on Nurrumdere, ii. 5 |
Taût, i. 324 |
Tawhiri Matea, i. 301 |
Taylor, on Maori gods, ii. 30 |
Telmessus, ii. 205 |
Tennes, i. 278 |
Teteo Innan, ii. 80 |
Tezcatlipoca, ii. 69, 79 |
Thargelia, the, i. 272 |
Theagenes, an apologist for myths, i. 4; physical philosophy of, i. 14 |
Thesmophoria of Deineter, the, ii. 267 |
Thoth, ii. 89, 100 |
Thunder-bird, the, i. 110 |
Ticiviracocha, i. 210 |
Tiele (Prof.), on philology, i. 24; on comparative anthropology, i. 43; on Cronus, i. 309, 310; on Egyptian religion, ii. 90; on Set, ii. 95; on the Book of the Dead, ii. 97; on Egyptian animal-worship, ii. 101; on Egypt, ii. 108 |
Ti-iti-i, i. 196 |
Tlaçolteotl, ii. 80 |
Tlaloc, ii. 80 |
Toad, the Andaman, i. 41 |
Tohunga, a, i. 119, 113 |
Tonga, earth-god in, ii. 263 |
Tootooch, ii. 26 |
Torngak, the, i. 115 |
Torngarsuk, i. 115, ii. 47 |
Totem, the word, i. 59; the sun a, 74, 208; beast, offering of the, i. 279; of Apollo, ii. 205 |
Totemism, i. 58–81; traces of, i. 276; Africa, i. 66, 69, 70; Amazon, i. 76; America, North, i. 71; Australia, i. 61, ii. 3; Bechuana, i. 69; Egypt, ii. 101–105, 354; Greece, i. 276, ii. 205; Guatemala, i. 208; Guiana, i. 76; India, i. 77–79; Jakut, i. 80; Mexico, ii. 68, 71, 72, 76; Peru, i. 75, 207; Samoa, ii. 33, 34; Non-Aryan, i. 79 |
Tree-worship, ii. 219, 235 |
Tsui Goab, i. 35, ii. 18, 20, 21, 22 |
Tŭ, ii. 30 |
Turndun, the, i. 284 |
Turner, on Samoan gods, ii. 34 |
Tvashtri, disguised as a horse, i. 9, 239, ii. 143, 159 |
Twilight of the gods, ii. 277 |
Two brothers, story of the, i. 155, ii. 300; examination of the story, ii. 304 |
Tylor (E. B.), on animism, i. 52; on Huitzilopochtli, ii. 74; on magic of savages, i. 95; on mythology, i. 34; on savage imagination, i. 56; on savage beliefs, ii. 233; on evidence of anthropology, ii. 322–333 |
Typhon, ii. 113–116, 120 |
Uiracocha, i. 249 |
Ulhaipa, the, i. 191 |
Unkulunkulu, myth of, i. 167, 179, 180 |
Unne-fer, or Unnu-neferu, ii. 351, 353 |
Unnu, ii. 351 |
Unnut, ii. 351, 354 |
Uranus, i. 310 |
Ushas, ii. 152 |
Uthlanga, i. 179 |
Uttanapad, i. 239 |
Vairupa, ii. 143 |
Valentyn, on the Khoi-Khoi, ii. 18 |
Varuna, i. 6, ii. 138; hymn of, ii. 127 |
Vatea, i. 195 |
Vayu, ii. 126 |
Vedas, the, i. 216–237; confusion in the, ii. 134; diversities in translation of, i. 234 |
Vedic ancestor-worship, i. 227; fetishism, i. 225; gods, ii. 125–161; moral aspect of, ii. 129; India, i. 219; myths, compared with savage, i. 238; serpent, the, i. 42, ii. 146 |
Vimont (Père), on Ioskeha, ii. 54 |
Visvarupa, slaying of, i. 12 |
Visvasvat, ii. 137, 156 |
Voigt, on rites of Dionysus, ii. 234 |
Voodoo-dance, the, ii. 240 |
Vrittra, i. 43, ii. 143, 147 |
Vuis, the, ii. 23 |
Vulture and heron, legend of, i. 144 |
"Wanderung's theorie," of Märchen, ii. 314 |
Wandong, ii. 4 |
War-magic, i. 98, 99 |
Water-thief, story of the, i. 39–42, ii. 147 |
Weber, on the Brahmanas, i. 237; on the Vedas, i. 217; Vedic priests, i. 223 |
Welcker, on Athene, ii. 245; on Demeter, ii. 263; on Hermes, ii. 255, 256 |
Were-wolf in Arcadia, the, i. 273 |
Whitney, on Aryan ghosts, i. 227; on the Atharva hymns, i. 230 |
Wilkinson, on the eating of crocodiles, ii. 104 |
Wolf-Apollo, ii. 200; Zeus, ii. 273; honoured by Athenians, the, i. 277; wolf-dances, see Hirpi |
Woman giving birth to animals, stories of, i. 58 |
"Wounded-Kuee," ii. 19 |
Wurpl, ii. 3 |
Xenophanes, his poem on the gods, i. 3; an apologist for myths, ii. 4; on likeness of gods to men, ii. 167 |
Yehl, i. 192, ii. 50 |
Ygdrasil, the African, i. 176 |
Ymir, i. 316 |
Zagreus, ii. 225; sky, ii. 169 |
Zeus, i. 7, ii. 163, 198–191; and log of oak-wood, ii. 178; and Callisto, ii. 211; and Lycaon, ii. 177; and Metis, ii. 243; and Semele, ii. 222; and Zagreus, ii. 225; antiquity of, ii. 166; in bestial shapes, ii. 175; degeneration of, ii. 189; in Homer, ii. 182; in religion, ii. 186; wild legend of, ii. 179; Arotrios, i. 225; Dyaus, ii. 170; Kappotas, i. 275; Meilichios, i. 324; sky-god, i. 337 |
Zoomorphic idols, i. 9, ii. 266 |
Zulus, the, i. 178; märchen, ii. 316; myths, see Myths |
Zunis, the, ii. 60[1] |
[edit]- ↑ (I am indebted for this Index to my friend Mrs. Ogilby.)