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O crewell causere of vndeseruyd chaunce

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Trinity College MS 160 (16th century)
O crewell causere of vndeseruyd chaunce

Witness description: 16th century. A composite volume. The first two parts contain a lament of the Virgin and Peter Idley's Instructions. Both of these are from the fifteenth century. The third part, comprised of ff. 57–186, is the Blage MS, which is a verse miscellany compiled by John Mantell from c. 1534–41, and George Blage from c. 1545–48. See O cruell causer of vndeserrved chaynge in the Devonshire Manuscript.

1310583Trinity College MS 160 — O crewell causere of vndeseruyd chaunce16th century
f. 74r
O crewell causere of vndeseruyd chaunceBy great desyer inconstantlye to raygneys this your way ffor proffe of stedffastnesperde ye knowe the thynge was not so straung5 by fformer proff to myche my ffaythffuln []what nedythe then suche colleryd dobbylnesI haue waylid thus wepping in nyghtly paynein sobbis and syghis alas and all in vaynein inward playnt and hartes woffull toment10 & yet alas lo creweltye and disdaynehaue set at nought a ffaythfull trewe intentand pryce hathe pryvylege truthe to presentBut thoughe I serue & to my dethe styll morneand pen me in pecys though I be torne15 & though I dye yeldyng my weryed gostshall neuer thyng agayne mak me to torneI quyt the interpryse of that that I haue lostto whom so euer lyst ffor to proffere most