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On the Conduct of Man to Inferior Animals

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On the Conduct of Man to Inferior Animals (1819)
by George Nicholson
3212954On the Conduct of Man to Inferior Animals1819George Nicholson


&c. &c.

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otwithstanding many readers are so violently prejudiced in favour of common-place subjects, that the mere title of a book often causes it to be shut to them for ever, there exists a better class, who have no prejudice; who ingenuously search after the truth; who are inclined to examine whatever subject appears of importance. Such readers take the advice of St. Paul, trying all things, proving all things, and holding fast to that which is good. They never decide on any question until they have weighed the best arguments on both sides. Nor do they ever surrender that reason which God has given them. They investigate carefully and make an impartial decision. The former of these classes are enveloped in a cloud so dense, that reasoning, clear as the sunshine at noonday, cannot break through it. They can neither hear nor understand. With the latter, the all-pervading power of fact has instantaneous effect. These adopt principles indeed with great caution, but when adopted, they proceed to act in conformity to them.

The publisher dedicated the former editions of this small work "To the generous, enlightened and sympathizing FEW, whose opinions had not been founded on vulgar acceptation, or influenced by maxims which are either unmeaning or false." Those "few" have increased to a numerous and decided body. He does not presume that they have thus enlarged through his efforts; yet, when it is considered that not less than three editions of this work have been received by the public, consisting, in the whole, of five thousand copies, the cause has been wretchedly pleaded, if no effect has been produced. Both retrenchments and additions have been made in bringing it a fourth time before the public.

During the circulation of those editions, the publisher has received numerous congratulatory letters; and, recently, one from Mr. W. Elliot of the patent office, at the city of Washington, who says, "It is about two years since I left off animal food. I conceive this change has had a very favourable effect both on my body and mind. There are others in this country who are disciples of this humane system. Mr. Thomas Mitchel of Charleston, South Carolina, is very remarkable for his active and disinterested conduct in bringing it forwards."

The publisher has enjoyed also the pleasure of reading the able and important reasonings of a Lambe, a Newton, a Ritson and others, as contemporary advocates in the same cause.

The publisher may not expect to be pardoned for adding his own case to the egotism of this preface. The powers of his digestion had always been weak and imperfect. He suffered under frequent and severe attacks of constitutional dispepsia, which could not be corrected by medicine. In his twentieth year he unfortunately induced an inveterate dry habit, by wearing a flannel waistcoat next his skin, during about twelve months; flannel, at that time, being pronounced a defence against colds, and a strengthener of the animal frame. This experiment super-induced a disagreeable affection, to which he has ever since been subject.

In the year 1793 he read Rousseau's Treatise on Education, which contains Plutarch's Essay on Flesh Eating. [This essay appears at p.p. 125—129, of this work.] His sensations would not permit him to eat animals any longer, since the action appeared to include in it an outrage both against Nature and Nature's God.

During his adherence to a vegetable regimen, the publisher was most agreeably surprised in finding his indigestion and flatulency wear off, and, at length subside. The state of his health was never so perfect as at the present time. He suffered much from the tooth-ach, which discontinued when he left off eating animals; and if his teeth had then been sound, he believes they would have been so at this hour.

He brought up one of his children on a vegetable diet to his fourteenth year; and the other to her sixth. Two healthier or stouter children, at these ages, could not be found. Various circumstances, which are not necessary to be detailed, estranged them, as associates in his favourite diet. He contemplates, with peculiar pleasure, the good fortune of Mr. Newton (author of "A Return to Nature; or a Defence of the Vegetable Regimen") whose wife, children and even servants, all voluntarily adhered to his salutary and humane diet.

The designs of several ingenious men, of forming a compact, in this fertile island, of genuine christians, humane peacemakers, philanthropists and reasoning beings, practising the arts of agriculture and rural life, is highly commendable. The publisher exclaims with St. Pierre, "May God prosper such a plan! which is worthy the most glorious period of ancient wisdom!" But he cannot join with Cowper, in crying,

"O for a lodge in some vast wilderness,
"some boundless contiguity of shade!"

A litile cot would form his heart's desire,
a summer garden and a winter's fire;
a small retreat, which he might call his own,
no longer scar'd by Fortune's angry frown;
with leisure left o'er Nature's book to pore,
and turn the varied leaves of science o'er.
Nor should his mind e'er cease to know
the charm which converse can bestow;
for, to a dinner sav'd by frugal care,
should friendship often come, and freely share.

No; he cannot detach himself from the social communities of life, which are numerous and endearing. Nor yet can he make a sacrifice of justice, propriety and humanity, at the shrine of erroneous, tho' popular, habits. Nothing could be returned to compensate for the loss of that satisfaction which arises from a consciousness of acting right: nothing could be offered as a substitute, which would leave the mind satisfied with itself.

Tho' providence has not bestowed on the publisher the "envied lot of wealth," he deems himself fortunate in having had a father who was a bookseller; who qualified him for conducting the business of a printing office; who inspired him with a desire to augment his slender stock of knowledge; and made him proprietor of an apparatus, the most powerful which exists, for the purpose of diffusing enquiry and eliciting the truth. Through the medium of the press, he has often seen the influence of fact and argument, and the claims of reason and justice, admitted; while imbecility of mind has shrunk under the lash of common sense.

The Rev. T. F. Dibdin, in his remarks on the character of Wynkyn de Worde, says, "The business or profession of a printer, under the guidance of sound principles and a correct taste, may rank in utility and general pleasure with any other that is cultivated by human beings."

This concession, from a man of classical erudition and laborious research, is highly complimentary.

In the retrospect of life, those who have passed a large portion of it, in literary pursuits, can truly say, that those hours have constituted the only substantial sweets which have rendered existence of any value. Even Chesterfield, than whom no man ever attended more to the triflings of fashionable society, has said, "I am never more in company than when alone."

The publisher is far from intending, by those quotations, to assume any importance; for in the scale of intellect, how trifling are our petty attainments! and however displayed, when they are compared with the immense extent of science, they are very insignificant. Man always appears little when he attempts to put on, either consequential or haughty assumptions. The publisher would rank with those, who, conscious of their weakness, perceive the faults of others and feel their own. It has often been said, "pride was not made for man." It may be added, neither were vanity or ambition made for him!

Freely as quotations have been made, in this edition, from Dr. Lambe's "Additional Reports on Regimen," they form hut a few scattered rays, emanating from a luminous body of well digested facts, to which are superadded the most impressive, and yet candid deductions.

George Nicholson.

Page 121.


On the primeval state of man, 9.
On the conduct of man to inferior animals, 12.
Cruelty of a carter, 19.
Cart-horses, 20.
On mutilating animals, 23.
Travelling post, 30.
Buying up horses, 31.
Traffic of the naggers, 32.
Of impounding animals, 33.
Treatment of the ass, 36.
Stripping of geese, 36.
Entomologists, 37.
Preserving birds and animals, 38.
Anatomists, 39.
Destroying bees, 43.
Business of butchery, 44.
War, 53.
Savage amusements and sports, 63.
Horse-racing, 63.
Extravagant bets or wagers, 65.
Hunting, 66.
Bull-baiting, 71.
Badger-baiting, 72.
Cock-fighting, 73.
Shooting, 75.
Angling, 76.
Caging of birds, 77.
Of reason in animals, 79.
Voluntary and accidental improvements in ani-
, 82.
Docility in animals, 89.
Fear not natural, 90.
Acquired habits in animals, 92.
Friendship of animals, 95.
Man compared with other animals, 96.
Arguments in favour of a vegetable diet from scrip-
ture and history
, 106.
From reason, compassion, sympathy and feel-
, 119.
From medical writers, 144.
Effects of animal and vegetable food, 164.
Diet, 182.
Agricultural state, 186.
Allurements of vegetation, 190.
Instances of longevity, health and agility, arising
from the effects of a vegetable diet
, 192.
In nations, 192.
In individuals, 203.
Objections to a vegetable diet answered, 223.
Inconsistencies of flesh-eaters, 239.
On the influence of education, 243.
On the want of a national protection of animals, 254.
Concluding reflections, 258.