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On the Conduct of Man to Inferior Animals/Index

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Absorption, page 154.

Age, golden, 9.

Agency of foreign substances on the body, 178.

Agricultural state, 186.

Aleppo, 196.

Aliment, moral effects of, 168.

Anatomists, their treatment of animals, 39.

Angling, 76.

Animal food, how first introduced among the Phœnicians, 118.

Animal food, effects of, 151, 152.

Animal food unnatural, 147.

Animals, beautiful passages in their favour, from ancient poets, 35.

Animals cannot overrun the country, 227.

Animals, eating them not permitted, 225.

Animals have no appeal against oppression, 125.

Animals, of impounding, 33.

Animals, of obnoxious, 228.

Animals, of reason in, 78.

Animals, of their acquired habits, instanced in dogs, crows, eagles, otters, horses, 93.

Animals, their docility, instanced in a raven, 89; in a magpie and parrot, 90.

Animals, of their friendship, 94.

Animals, on their voluntary oraccidental improvement, instanced in dogs, 82; in birds, 88.

Animals, on the pleasure of destroying, 238.

Animals respected, 228.

Animals, superior to man in several faculties, 81; instanced in the carrier-pigeon, camels, dog, bee, 82.

Animals, their fear of man not natural, 90.

Animals, their immortality, 104.

Animals, the names of, applied to drinking vessels, 112.

Animals that weep, 99.

Ass, it's treatment, 36.

Ass, selected by Christ, 111.

Bacon, when reared with vegetables, 173.

Banana plant, 106.

Bees, of destroying them, 43.

Bets, extravagant, 65.

Birds, of caging, 77.

Birds'-nests, of taking, 244.

Blood-shedding prohibited, 112.

Bloomfield"s Dobbin, the farmer's horse, 33.

Bull-baiting, 71, 256.

Bullock, first slaughter of, among the Athenians, 116.

Butchery and murder alike, 112.

Butchery, the trade of, 44, 119.

Butchers of Manchester, 255.

Butter-tree, 109.
Calves, how tortured, 47, 48.

Cambia, 201.

Canabalism, 183, 250.

Canary Islands, 199.

Cancers, 156.

Carters, cruelties of, 19.

Cart.horses, treatment of, 20.

Children's health, how presented, 252.

Children naturally averse to animal food, 153.

Children, their sensibility, 143.

Chimney-sweeper, anecdote of one, 248.

China, produce of, 107.

Christians, their oppositions to their own precepts, 109.

Civilization, it's effects, 159.

Clergy, their duties adverted to, 68.

Cock-fighting, 73.

Colour of the face, 237.

Conduct of man to animals, generally inveighed against, by Oswald, 13, by Dean, 13, by Buffon, by Smellie, 15, by Gay, 16.

Consumption, 151.

Cooks, a species of butchers, 48.

Corn plant, it's peculiar property, 108.

Corpulency, 237.

Cultivation, it's effects, 189.

Diet, of adhering to one kind, 146.

Diet, vegetable, 182.

Disease communicated by flesh, 178.

Disease, domesticated animals subject to, 146.

Diseases, constitutional, palliated, 162.

Disease, the effect of improper food, 111.

Distilled water, it's salubrity, 159.

Dogs, of their propensities, 68.

Dogs, taught to fight, 248.

Drink, not necessary to herbivorous eaters, 179.

Eating, of it's pleasure, 831.

Education, on the influence of, 243.

Enclosing land, 189.

England, it's produce, 188.

Entomologist, his conduct, 37.

Erskine's bill for preventing cruelty, 257.

European hypocrisy, 240.

Evasions of mankind, 231.

Evasions of the jews, hindoos, christians, 116.

Fat, of people who dislike it, 176.

Fawn, the dying, described, 121.

Feebleness produced by diet, 181.

Fermentation, 148.

Fever, typhus, to whom most fatal, 162.

Fever yellow, not infectious to negroes, 160.

Flesh, an unnatural food, 230.

Flesh, raw, it's effect on animals, 172, 174.

Food, animal, analyzed, 161.

Food, animal and vegetable, effects of, 164.

Food, change of, 236.

Food, it's agreeable taste no test of wholesomeness, 239.

Food of nurses, 149.

Food, the consumption of one person, 187.

Friend C—'s wife, 252.

Gamester's avoid animal food, 176. Geese, of stripping them, 36.

Golden rule, 225.

Gout cured by a vegetable regimen, 162.

Grace before meat, of the custom, 243.

Hatred of inferior minds to men of genius, 259.

Hedgehog, defended, 247.

Herbivorous nations, 192.

Hindostan, 223.

Holywell water, 179.

Horse, Miss Williams's reflections on their abuse, 33.

Horse-racing, 63.

Horses fed with fish, 230.

Horses flesh, recommended by Dr. Anderson, 240.

Horses, of buying those which are worn out, 31.

Horses, of cutting their ears, 28.

Horses, of docking their tails, 23.

Human flesh, a marketable commodity, 52.

Humanity, from whom it may not be expected, 259.

Humanity of Crawford, 105.

Hunting, 66; effects of the practice, 69.

Ignorance, it's profound complacency, 259.

Inconsistencies of flesh eaters, 239.

Indians (East) 200.

India, 201.

India, the luxuriant productions of, 106.

Indigestion, 147.

Insects, the conduct of those who collect specimens of them, 37.

Institutions in favour of animals, 119.

Intellects affected by animal food, 235.

Japonese, 199.

Kangaroo, herbivorous, 154.

Killing prohibited, 112.

Lamb fed on flesh, 231.

Life, of it's diseased state, 229.

Longevity hereditary, 223.

Luxury, it's effects, 160, 237.

Madness charged on those who differ from the world, 258.

Malemba, 197.

Malvern water, 156, 179.

Mad, who are thus called, 258.

Man compared with other animals, 96.

Man, his frivolous pursuits, 102.

Man, his natural incapacity for obtaining flesh, 111.

Man, his outrageous dispositions, 103, 250.

Man, his presumption, 101.

Man, his station in the scale of being, 105.

Man, in what respects inferior to other animals, 100.

Man makes himself king of animals, 99.

Man makes God human, 99.

Man's natural destination 223.

Man's physical inaptness to rapine, 154.

Man the most diseased of all animals, 159.

Meat, a word made to mean flesh, 242.

Medical arguments in favour of a vegetable diet, 144.

Medical writers who favour the vegetable regimen, 158.

Men, ungodly, what they have done, 111.
Mercy required, 110.

Mice, of destroying, 50.

Milk, 150.

Milk, how eaten, in different counties, 177.

Milk of cows, mentioned by Homer, 12.

Minorca, 199.

Monkey, killed by Stedman, 250.

Morality, how it is made to cease respecting brutes, 19.

Mosaic records against animal food, 11.

Murder interdicted by the Cambian indians, by the Kamtschatkans, by some christians, 113.

Mutilation of animals, 23, 189.

National protection wanted, 254.

Naggers, of the traffic of, 32.

Nightshade, 239.

Objections answered, 223,—235.

OuranOutang compared with man, 103.

Oxen, of slaughtering them, 45, 154, 155.

Oxen fed with fish, 230.

Physicians, prejudices of, 158.

Plantain tree, found in Africa, Asia, America, &c. 107.

Poisonous animals, 247.

Postillions, their inhumanity, 31.

Potatoes, eaten raw, 185.

Potatoes, their produce, 187.

Preserving of birds and animals, 38.

Primeval state of man, 9.

Rabbit-catcher, anecdote of one, 241.

Reason, the faculty of in animals, 78; instanced in a horse, a pongo, 79; the beaver, 81.

Remarks generally, by Pope, 17; from the Guardian, 19.

Sacrifices of animals, not made anciently, 113.

Science worthless, when acquired at the expense of humanity, 38.

Scripture passages, how evaded, 115.

Scurvy caused by animal food, 151.

Selfishness, it's influence on sensibility, 124.

Shoes made without leather, 238.

Sheep fed on flesh, 230.

Sheep, how tortured, 47.

Sheep, their natural strength, 48.

Skeletons, generally abhorred, 124.

Shooting, 75.

Slaughter of oxen, &c. in London, 50.

South America, 200.

Sor, 197.

Springs, remarkable for purity, 157.

Stuffing birds and animals, 38.

Subsistence easily attained, 107.

Superstition favourable to animals, 254.

Swift's proposal, 236.

Teeth, 223.

Teeth decay, from exciting diet, 155.

Teeth of man not canine, 154.

Tests of putrid water, 180.
Turk, the merciful, 143.

Turnips, of ruling raw, 185.

Vegetable diet, a congenial food, 153.

Vegetable diet, arguments in favour of, from scripture and history, 106.

Vegetable diet, arguments in favour of, deduced from reason, compassion, sympathy and feeling, 119.

Vegetable diet, effects of, 160.

Vegetable diet, it's salubrity evidenced from the prophet Daniel, 114.

Vegetable diet, it's salutary effects, 152.

Vegetable nutriment, where found, 107.

Vegetables, scale of the degrees of nourishment, 163.

Vegetables, analysis of, by Arbuthnot, 144.

Vegetation, it's allurements, 190.

War, 53.

Water, it's imparity, 179.

Water, of distilling, 179, 186.

Water, pump, it's effects, 179.

Wheat, it's produce, 187.

Windham's opposition to Lord Erskine's bill, 258.

Wine vesselsin scripture, how distinguished, 112.

Wood-pigeon fed on flesh, 230.


Abernethy, 258.

Adair, 115.

Africans, 230.

Agesilaus, 205.

Akenside, doctor, 158.

Anthony, St. 206.

Apollonius, 205.

Arabians, their treatment of horses, 35.

Arabs, their vices, 180.

Arbuthnot, Dr. 144, 175.

Archytas, 193.

Ardesoif, 75.

Armenian monks, 196.

Arsenius, 206.

Astley, 94.

Athenians, their diet, 11.

Aurengzeb, 206.

Bailey, Rev. J. 22.

Banians, 196.

Banister, Judith, 211.

Beattie's Minstrel, a passage from, 138.

Beckman, Capt. 103.

Berry, Sir Edward, his experiment, 158.

Bidlake, 77.

Bloomfield, 33.

Boustead, 85.

Bouganville, 81.

Brindley, Henry, 119.

Britons, ancient, 206.

Broadbent, George, 210.

Bramins, 197.

Bucban, Dr. 151.

Buffon, 15.

Burdon's remarks on war, 56.

Butchers and surgeons not Page:OntheConductofMantoInferiorAnimals.pdf/275 Page:OntheConductofMantoInferiorAnimals.pdf/276 Sophocles, 205.

South-sea inlanders, 201.

Spaniards, 202.

Staverton, 72.

Stedman, 251.

Sterne, 36.

Stewart, John, 219.

St. Pierre against war, 57.

Styliles, Simeon, 206.

Swedenhorg, Emanuel, 214.

Swift, 124.

Swiss, long-lived, 193.

Sydenham, 258.

Syrians, their diet, 11.

Tartars, their habits of murder, 49.

Temple, Sir William, 16.

Thompson, 135, 44, 78, 190.

Titus's inconsistencies 241.

Turks, 296.

Tweddell, John, 218.

Tweddell's arguments, 232.

Tyson, Dr. 104.

Virgil, 35.

Walcot, Dr. against flesh-eating, 137.

Wall, Dr. 156.

Wallachians, 198.

Warner against war, 57.

Wallis, 223.

Watkins, Mrs. 211.

Welby, Henry, 208.

White, 88.

Williams, David, 19.

Williams, Miss, 33, 87.

Windham, 256.

Wood-eaters, 196.

Wood, Thomas, 212.

Xenophilus, 205.

Xenophon, 205.

Young, T. 86.

Zenocrites, 206.

Zeno, 176, 205.