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Origin of Vertebrates/Bibliography 3

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1566060The Origin of Vertebrates — Bibliography L-RWalter Holbrook Gaskell


Author's name. Title of Paper. Pages of
LANG 'Text-book of Comparative Anatomy.' Translated by H. M. and M. Bernard 357
LANGERHANS "Untersuchungen über Petromyzon Planeri" 94-101, 301, 405
Bericht v. d. Verhandl. d. Naturforsch. Gesellsch. z. Freiburg. 1873
LANGLEY Schäfer's 'Text-book of Physiology.' Vol. 2. 1900 2, 3, 448
LANKESTER Article "Vertebrata" in the 'Encyclopædia Britannica' 484
"On the Skeleto-trophic Tissues and Coxal Glands of Limulus, Scorpio, and Mygale 137, 139, 253, 320, 321
Q. J. Micr. Sci. Vol. 24. 1884
"Limulus an Arachnid" 62, 238, 241, 306, 361, 366
Q. J. Micr. Sci. Vol. 21. 1881
'Extinct Animals' 22, 150, 345
London. Constable & Co. 1906
A treatise on Zoology. Edited by E. Ray Lankester. Part II. 'The Entero-cœla and the Cœlomocœla' 472-478
LANKESTER AND POWRIE "A Monograph of the Fishes of the Old Red Sandstone of Britain." Part I. "The Cephalaspidæ" 29, 275, 327, 339, 345
Palæontographical Soc. 1868
LANKESTER, BENHAM, AND BECK "On the Muscular and Endo-skeletal Systems of Limulus and Scorpio, with some Notes on the Anatomy and Generic Characters of Scorpions" 177, 222, 224, 313
Trans. Zool. Soc. Vol. 11. 1885
LANKESTER AND BOURNE "The Minute Structure of the Lateral and Central Eyes of Scorpio and Limulus" 74, 81-83
Q. J. Micr. Sci. Vol. 23
LANKESTER AND WILLEY "The Development of the Atrial Chamber of Amphioxus" 409
Q. J. Micr. Sci. Vol. 31. 1890
LANKESTER AND GULLAND "Evidence in Favour of the View that the Coxal Gland of Limulus and of other Arachnids is a Modified Nephridium" 429
Q. J. Micr. Sci. Vol. 25. 1885
LAURIE "The Anatomy and Relations of the Eurypteridæ" 237
Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin. Vol. 37. 1893
"On a Silurian Scorpion and some Additional Eurypterid Remains from the Pentland Hills 238, 239
Ibid. Vol. 34. 1899
LOCY "Contributions to the Structure and Development of the Vertebrate Head" 179, 262
Journ. Morph. Vol. 11. 1895
LOEB, LEO, AND R. M. STRONG "On Regeneration in the Pigmented Skin of the Frog, and on the Character of the Chromatophores" 470
Amer. Jour. of Anat. Vol. 3. 1904
LOWNE 'The Anatomy, Physiology, Morphology, and Development of the Blow-fly' 369, 370, 375
London. 1895
LUGARO Quoted by Anderson 467
LWOFF "Ueber den Zusammenhang von Markrohr und Chorda beim Amphioxus und ähnliche Verbältnisse bei Anneliden" 444
Zeitsch. f. wiss. Zool. Vol. 56. 1893
MAAS "Ueber Entwicklungstadien der Vorniere und Urniere bei Myxine" 392, 402, 412, 419
Zool. Jahrbuch. Vol. 10. 1897
MACBRIDE "Further Remarks on the Development of Amphioxus" 410
Q. J. Micr. Sci. Vol. 43. 1900
McDOUGALL See Hardy and McDougall.
MACLEOD "Recherches sur la structure et la signification de l'appareil respiratoire des Arachnides" 169, 174
Archiv. de Biol. Vol. 5. 1881
MAGNUS "Versuche am überlebenden Dünndarm von Säugethieren" 447
Archiv. f. d. Ges. Physiologie. Vols. 102, 103. 1904
MARK 115
MARSHALL "On the Head-cavities and Associated Nerves of Elasmobranchs" 185, 186
Q. J. Micr. Sci. Vol. 21. 1881
"The Segmental Value of the Cranial Nerves" 260
Journ. of Anat. and Physiol. Vol. 16. 1882
MASTERMAN "On the Diplochorda" 16
Q. J. Micr. Sci. Vol. 43. 1900
MAURER "Die Schilddrüse, Thymus und andere Schlundspaltenderivate bei den Eidechse" 427, 428
Morph. Jahrbuch. Vol. 27. 1899
MAYER, F. "Das Centralnervensystem von Ammocœtes" 489
Anat. Anzeig. Vol. 13. 1897
MAYER, P. "Ueber die Entwicklung des Herzens und der grossen Gefässstämme bei den Selachiern" 179
Mitth. a. d. Zool. Stat. z. Neapel. Vol. 7. 1887
METSCHNIKOW Quoted by Kowalewsky 422
MEYER "Studien über den Körperbau der Anneliden" 403
Mitth. a. d. Zool. Stat. z. Neapel. Vol. 7. 1887
MILNE-EDWARDS "Anatomie des Limules" 157, 159, 176, 177, 313
Annales des Sciences Naturelles. Ser. 5. Vol. 17. 1872
MINCHIN A treatise on Zoology. Edited by Ray Lankester. Part II. "The Porifera and Cœlenterata" 473
MITSUKURI "On the Fate of the Blastopore, the Relations of the Primitive Streak, and the Formation of the Posterior End of the Embryo in Chelonia," etc. 179
Journ. Coll. Sci. Tokyo. Vol. 10. 1896
MOTT "Croonian Lectures of the Roy. Coll. of Physicians," 1900 469
MOTT AND HALLIBURTON "On the Chemistry of Nerve-degeneration" 469
Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. B. Vol. 194. 1901
"Vergleichende Anatomie der Myxinoiden" 126
Abhandl. d. Kgl. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin. 1834
MÜLLER, W. "Ueber die Stammes Entwickelung des Sehorgans der Wirbelthiere" 96-100, 105, 108
Festgabe C. Ludwig. Leipzig. 1874
NEAL "The Segmentation of the Nervous System in Squalus acanthias" 179, 266, 300
Bull. of Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard. Vol. 31. 1898
NESTLER "Beiträge zur Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte von Petromyzon Planeri" 168, 171, 175, 445
Archiv. f. Naturgesch. Jahrgang, 56. Vol. I. 1890
NIESKOWSKI "Der Eurypterus Remipes aus den obersilurischen Schichten der Insel Oesel" 26, 239, 240
Arch. f. d. Naturkunde Liv-Ehst-und Kurlands. 1st Ser. Vol. 3. 1858
NUSBAUM, J. "Einige neue Thatsachen zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Hypophysis Cerebri bei Säugethieren" 320
Anat. Anzeiger. Vol. 12. 1896
OBERSTEINER 'Central Nervous System.' Translated by Hill. 1896 264, 280
OKEN 258
OWEN "Essays on the Conario-Hypophysial Tract, and the Aspects of the Body in Vertebrate and Invertebrate Animals" 14
"On the Anatomy of the American King-crab (Limulus polyphemus)" 211
Trans. Linn. Soc. Vol. 28. 1873
PANDER 'Monographie der fossilen Fische des Silurischen Systems des russisch-baltischen Gouvernements' 327
St. Petersbourg. 1856
PARKER, G. H. "The Retina and Optic Ganglia in Decapods, especially in Astacus" 91, 93, 97
Mitth. a. d. Zool. Stat. z. Neapel. Vol. 12. 1895
"The Compound Eyes in Crustaceans" 99, 100, 114
Bull. of Harvard Mus. of Comp. Zool. Vol. 20. 1890
"The Function of the Lateral-line Organs in Fishes" 357
Bull. of the Fisheries Bureau. Washington. Vol. 24. 1904
"Studies on the Eyes of Arthropods" 73, 79, 83-85, 114
Journ. of Morphology. Vols. 1 and 2. 1887 and 1889
PARKER, W. K. "On the Skeleton of the Marsipobranch Fishes" 120, 125, 126, 131
Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. 1883
PATTEN "On the Origin of Vertebrates from Arachnids" 352, 353
Q. J. Micr. Sci. Vol. 31. 1890
"On the Morphology and Physiology of the Brain and Sense-organs of Limulus" 358-367, 371
Q. J. Micr. Sci. Vol. 35. 1893
"New Facts concerning Bothriolepis" 32, 351, 450
Biological Bulletin. Vol. 7. 1904
"On the Structure and Classification of the Tremataspidæ" 329
Mem. d. l'Acad. Imp. d. Sci. de St. Petersbourg. Vol. 13. 1903
"On the Structure of the Pteraspidæ and Cephalaspidæ" 415
The American Naturalist. Vol. 37. 1903
"On the Appendages of Tremataspis" 351
The American Naturalist. Vol. 37. 1903
"On Structures Resembling Dermal Bones in Limulus" 346
Anat. Anzeig. Vol. 9. 1894
PATTEN AND HAZEN "The Development of the Coxal Gland, etc., of Limulus Polyphemus" 408
Journ. of Morphol. Vol. 16. 1900
PATTEN AND REDENBAUGH Studies on Limulus. II. "The Nervous System of Limulus Polyphemus" 314, 315, 381, 382
Journ. of Morphol. Vol. 16. 1900
PERLIA Quoted by Edinger 264
PICK Quo"ed by Ed"nger 265
PLATT "A Contribution to the Morphology of the Vertebrate Head, based on a Study of Acanthias vulgaris" 253, 265-267, 273, 274, 279, 284
Journ. Morphol. Vol. 5. 1891
"Fibres connecting the Central Nervous System and Chorda in Amphioxus" 443
Anat. Anzeig. 1892
PRICE "Development of the Excretory Organs of Bdellostoma Stouti" 394
Zool. Jahrbuch. Vol. 10. 1897
RABL "Ueber die Metamerie des Wirbelthierkopfes" 258, 262
Verhandl. der Anat. Gesellsch. Versamml. in Wien. Anat. Anzeig. 1892
"Die Entwicklung und Structur der Nebennieren bei den Vögeln" 424
Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Vol. 38. 1891
RAMÓN Y. CAJAL 72, 465
RATHKE "Anatomie des Querders" 161, 169, 304
Naturforsch. Gesellsch. zu Dantzig. Vol. 2. 1827
REDENBAUGH See Patten and Redenbaugh.
REICHENBACH "Entwicklungs-geschichte des Flusskrebses" 98-100, 114
Abhandl. d. Senckenbergischen Naturforsch. Gesellsch. Vol. 14. 1886.
RETZIUS 'Biologische Untersuchungen.' Vol. 1. 1890. "Zur Kenntniss des Nervensystem der Crustaceen" 20, 489
ROHON Die Obersilurischen Fische von Oesel. 1st Theil. "Thyestidæ und Tremataspidæ" 32, 275, 276
Mem. d. l'Acad. Imp. d. Sci. d. St. Petersbourg. 7th Ser. Vol. 38. 1892
"Weitere Mittheilungen über die Gattung Thyestes" 327-330, 339-341, 382
Bull. d. l'Acad. d. St. Petersbourg. 5th Ser. Vol. 4. 1896
ROLPH "Untersuchungen über den Bau des Amphioxus lanceolatus" 444
Morphol. Jahrbuch. Vol. 2. 1887
RÜCKERT, J. "Entwicklung der Excretionsorgane" 392, 393, 400
Merkel und Bonnet; Anat. Hefte. Vol. 1. 1891.
"Ueber die Entstehung der Excretionsorgane bei Selachiern" 403
Archiv. f. Anatomie. 1888