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Origin of Vertebrates/Bibliography 4

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1566062The Origin of Vertebrates — Bibliography S-ZWalter Holbrook Gaskell


Author's name. Title of Paper. Pages of
ST. HILAIRE "Sur la Vertèbre" 11
La Revue Encyclopédique. 1822
SAMASSA "Bemerkungen über die Methode der Vergleichenden Entwicklungsgeschichte" 462
Biol. Centralblatt. Vol. 18. 1898
SCHAFFER "Ueber das Knorpelige Skelett von Ammocœtes" 126-135
Zeitsch. f. wiss. Zool. Vol. 61. 1896
"Ueber die Thymusanlage bei Petromyzon Planeri" 426-428
Sitzungsber. d. K. Akad d. Wiss. in Wien. Vol. 103. 1894
SCHIMKÉWITSCH "Sur la structure et sur la signification de l'Endosternite des Arachnides" 143-145, 342
Zool. Anzeig. 1893
"Anatomie de l'Epeire" 369
Ann. d. Sci. Nat. Vol. 17. 1884
SCHMIDT "Die Crustaceen-fauna der Eurypterenschichten von Rootziküll auf Oesel" 190, 191, 236, 240, 329, 341
Mem. d'Acad. Imp. d. Sci. d. St. Petersbourg. Vol. 31. 1883
SCHMIEDEBERG "Ueber die chemische Zusammensetzung des Knorpels" 147
Arch. f. exper. Pathol. und Pharmak. Vol. 28. 1891
SCHNEIDER, A. 'Beiträge zur Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte der Wirbelthiere' 128, 130, 172, 195, 197, 213, 310, 445
Berlin. 1879
SCHNEIDER, G. "Ueber phagocytäre Organe und Chloragogenzellen der Oligochæta" 421
Zeitsch. f. wiss. Zool. Vol. 61. 1896
SCOTT "Notes on the Development of Petromyzon" 42, 78, 111, 112, 406
Journ. of Morphol. Vol. 1. 1887
SEDGWICK "A Monograph of the Development of Peripatus capensis" 397-400
Studies from the Morphological Laboratory, Cambridge. Vol. 4. 1888
"Development of the Kidney in its Relation to the Wolffian Body in the Chick" 390
Q. J. Micr. Sci. Vol. 20. 1880
"Early Development of the Wolffian Duct and Anterior Wolffian Tubules in the Chick; with some Remarks on the Vertebrate Excretory System" 393, 394, 400
Q. J. Micr. Sci. Vol. 21. 1881
SEMON "Das Excretionssystem der Myxinoiden" 400, 419
Festschrift f. Gegenbaur. Leipzig. 1897
SEMPER "Die Stammesverwandschaft der Wirbelthiere und Wirbellosen" 390, 392
Arbeit. a. d. Zool. Zoot. Inst. Würzburg. Vol. 2. 1875
"Das Urinogenitalsystem der Plagiostomen und seine Bedeutung für die übrigen Wirbelthiere" 390, 392
Ibid. Vol. 2. 1875
SHELDON "On the Development of Peripatus Nova-Zealandiæ" 400
Studies from the Morphological Laboratory, Cambridge. Vol. 4. 1889
SHERRINGTON "On the Anatomical Constitution of the Nerves of Muscles" 267
Journ. of Physiol. Vol. 17. 1894. Proc. of Physiol. Soc. June 23
"On some points in the Development of Petromyzon fluviatilis" 167, 305, 378, 401, 405, 406
Q. J. Micr. Sci. Vol. 27. 1887
v. SMIRNOW "Ueber die Nervenendigungen in den Nieren der Säugethiere" 477
Anat. Anzeiger. Vol. 19. 1901
SPANGENBERG "Zur Kenntniss von Branchipus stagnalis" 396
Zeitsch. f. wiss. Zool. Vol. 25. 1875
SPENGEL 'Die Enteropneusten' 494
Berlin. 1893
STARR Quoted by Edinger 265, 266
STUDNIÇKA "Sur les organes pariétaux de Petromyzon Planeri" 80, 81, 86
Sitzungsber. d. K. Gesell. d. Wiss. in Prag. 1893
"Ueber den feineren Bau der Parietalorgane von Petromyzon marinus" 81, 86
Sitzungsber. d. K. böhmischen Gesell. d. Wiss. Prag. 1899
TAKAMINE "The Isolation of the Active Principle of the Supra-renal Gland" 423
Journ. of Physiol. Vol. 27. Proc. of Physiol. Soc., Dec. 14, 1901
TARNANI "On the Anatomy of the Thelyphonides" 190, 206-208
Revue des Sciences Naturelles, St. Petersbourg. 1890
"Die genitalen Organe der Thelyphonus" 190, 206-208
Biol. Centralblatt. Vol. 9. 1889
TRAQUAIR "Report on Fossil Fishes collected by the Geological Survey of Scotland in the Silurian Rocks of the South of Scotland" 343-345, 350
Trans. Roy. Soc., Edin. Vol. 39. 1899
VIALLANES "Contribution à l'histologie du système nerveux des Invertébrés; la lame ganglionnaire de la Langouste" 100
Ann. Sci. Nat. Vol. 13
VINCENT, SWALE "The Carotid Gland of Mammalia and its Relation to the Supra-renal Capsule, with some Remarks upon Internal Secretion and the Phylogeny of the latter Organ" 424
Anat. Anzeiger. Vol. 18. 1900
"Contributions to the Comparative Anatomy and Histology of the Supra-renal Capsules" 424
Trans. Zool. Soc. Vol. 14. 1897
VIRCHOW "Transformation and Descent" 479
Journ. of Path. and Bacter. Vol. 1. 1893
VOGT 258
VÖLCKERS See Hensen and Völckers.
WAGNER Quoted by Gaubert
WEISS "Excretory Tubules in Amphioxus Lanceolatus" 426
Q. J. Micr. Sci. Vol. 31. 1890
WELDON "On the Supra-renal Bodies of Vertebrates" 420, 424, 429
Q. J. Micr. Sci. Vol. 25. 1885
"Note on the Origin of the Supra-renal Bodies in Vertebrates" 424
Proc. Roy. Soc. Vol. 37. 1884
WHEELER "Development of the Urino-genital Organs of the Lamprey" 402, 405
Zool. Jahrbuch. Vol. 13. 1899
v. WIJHE "Ueber die Mesodermsegmente des Rumpfes und die Entwicklung des Excretionsystems bei Selachiern" 155-157, 172, 173, 188, 234, 258, 260, 262, 263, 266, 273, 280, 308, 390-393, 397, 400, 406-408, 412
Archiv. f. Mikr. Anat. Vol. 33. 1889
"Beiträge zur Anatomie der Kopfregion des Amphioxus lanceolatus" 410, 426-428
Petrus Camper. Deel. 1; Aflevering. 2
WILLEY See Lankester and Willey.
WOLFF "Die Cuticula der Wirbelthierepidermis" 302
Jen. Zeitsch. f. Naturwissenschaft. Vol. 23. 1889
WOODWARD, H. "A Monograph of the British Fossil Crustacea, belonging to the order Merostomata" 235-240, 249, 251, 275
Palæontographical Society. 1878
'Catalogue of Fossil Fishes in the British Museum.' Part II. 29, 326, 327, 344, 349, 351
London. 1891
v. ZITTEL Handbuch der Palæontologie 190