Origin of Vertebrates/Index
[The numbers in dark type refer to illustrations]
Acilius larva, eye of, 78, 83
Acromegaly, 425
Actinotrocha, 438
Addison's disease, 423
Adelopthalmus, 249
Adrenalin, 423, 491
Adrenals, 423, 491
Agnathostomatous fishes, 29, 343
Alimentary canal, 433
" " Ammocœtes, 168, 405, 445
" " invertebrate, compared to tube of central nervous system of vertebrate, 43, 433
" " innervation of, 447
" " origin of, 444
" " position of vertebrate and invertebrate, 10
" " possibility of formation of new, 58
" " relationship between notochord and, 434
Ammocœtes, 32, 245
" an ancestral type, 35, 309
" alimentary canal, 168, 405, 445
" auditory organ, 378, 379
" brain, 39, 40, 41, 45, 46, 48, 54, 61
" branchial appendages, 161, 162, 163, 164
" " basket-work, 126, 128, 296, 331, 335
" " chamber, 161, 168, 162, 163
" " circulation in Limulus and, 174
" " diaphragms, 161, 167
" " lamellæ, 175
" " muscles, 171
" " nerves, 164
" " segments, 178, 312
" cartilage, hard, 133, 133, 293, 294, 377
" " muco, 130, 131, 291, 293, 294, 296, 330, 331, 333, 334, 335, 338
" " soft, 129, 130, 293, 294, 296, 335
" degeneracy, evidence of, 59, 94, 343
" development, 228, 458
" digestion, 58, 442
" epithelial cells of gills, 214
" epithelial cells of skin, 347
" " pits, 173, 200
" eye, 93
" " muscles, 267
" " median or pineal, 63, 75, 76, 77, 78, 80, 85, 86
" " " " left, 78, 79
" fat-column, 181, 182
" " in degenerated muco-cartilage, 333, 334
" ganglia in embryo, 229, 283
" gland-tissue round the brain, 209, 210, 379
" head-region, 128, 162, 163, 193, 293, 294, 296, 298, 335
" head-shield, 329, 331, 338
" liver, 442, 452
" lymphatic glandular tissue, 426
" Müllerian fibres, 489
" muscles, eye, 173, 267
" " lip, lower, 297
" " " upper, 305
" " respiratory, 171
" " somatic, 332, 336, 409
" " tubular, 173, 298, 309
" nerves, cranial, 141
" " facial, 186, 311
" " glossopharyngeal, 186
" " optic, 105
" " trigeminal, 282, 288, 288
" " vagus, 153, 173, 186
" nerve-fibres, medullation of, 20
" notochord, 182, 435
" olfactory tube, 219, 225, 227, 317
" oral chamber, 317, 243, 287, 458
" parasitism, 60, 286
" pituitary, 321
" prosomatic region, 243
" pronephric duct, 402, 405
" relationship to Ostracodermata, 326, 338, 344, 414, 416
" retina, 93, 111
" skin, 58, 346, 348, 442
" skeleton, 125, 126, 132, 291, 296, 335
" segments, comparison with segments of Eurypterus, 323
" " facial, 201
" " hyoid, 186, 201
" " prosomatic, 286
" septa between myomeres, 416
" tentacles of upper lip, 303
" test, biological, to show relationship with Limulus, 493
" thyroid, 192, 194, 196, 205, 213, 430
" transformation, 18, 59, 125, 168, 193, 199, 200, 220, 227, 228, 287, 291, 304, 307, 309, 331, 336, 347, 349, 389, 445
" velum, 228, 289, 298, 302
Amœbocytes, 473
Amphibia, 23, 345
Amphioxus, 33, 407
" atrial cavity, 409
" branchial nephric glands, 426
" endostyle, 198, 212
" excretory organs, 389, 395, 477
" neuropore, 220, 457
" notochord, 435, 436, 443
" pleural folds, 495
" septa between myomeres, 416
" somatic muscles, 409
" yolk, 485
Androctonus, 53, 54, 372, 423
Annelids, lateral sense-organs, 357, 367
" nephric organs, 390
" rigin of Arthropods from, 395
" parapodal ganglia, 283
" phagocytic glands, 421
Anthozoa, 474
Antiarcha, 29, 326, 343
Antibody, 492
Antitoxin, 492
Anus, 43, 457
Aponeuroses, 327, 342, 414
Apparatus, auditory, 355
" dioptric, 83
" respiratory, 148
" suctorial, of Petromyzon, 287
Appendages, branchial, of Ammocœtes, 161, 162, 163, 164
" " Limulus, 164
" " internal, 149
" derivation of suctorial apparatus of Petromyzon from, 290
" disappearance of, in transformation of Arthropod into Vertebrate, 386, 413
" evidence of, in prosomatic region of ancient fishes, 342
" muscles, in Limulus and Scorpion, 247
" prosomatic, of Gigantostraca, 234
" Trilobites, 351
Apus, 28, 137, 436, 437
Arachnids, eyes, 75, 87
" diverticula of stomach, 109
" lyriform organs, 364, 368
" segmental excretory organs, 423
Archæocytes, 473
Artemia, v. Branchipus
Arthropleura, 249
Arthropoda, arrangement of organs, 10
" evolution, 11
" excretory organs, 396, 418
" eyes, 75, 89
" giant-fibres, 489
" musculature, 411
" olfactory organs, 220
" resemblance to ancient fishes, 29
Astacus, brain, 54
" digestive ferment in cells lining the carapace, 442
" optic chiasma, 101
" optic stalk, 91
" etina, 98
Asterolepis, 326, 342
Atrium, 410
Auchenaspis (Thyestes), 30, 31, 75, 275, 326, 327, 328, 338
Auditory apparatus, 355
Auerbach, plexus of, 447
Aurelia, 475
Autonomic nerves, 3
Balanoglossus, 12, 12, 433, 438, 494
Bdellostoma, 394, 405
Belinurus, 24, 249, 351
Bird, rhomboidal sinus, 46
Bladder, 449
" swim, 148
Blastula, 459, 471, 473
Blood, 463, 472, 474
" circulation, in Ammocœtes and Limulus, 174
" secretion of ductless glands into, 418
Bothriolepis, 29, 32, 239, 326, 351, 450
Bone, 344, 474, 481
Brain, Ammocœtes and Arthropod, 54, 61
" and brain-case of Ammocœtes, 40, 41, 46, 209
" caudal, of Thelyphonus, 450
" epithelial lining of, 38
" roof, 39
" Sphæroma serratum, 62, 90
" Thelyphonus, 56
" ventricles, 4
" vesicles, 48
Branchial basket-work of Ammocœtes, 126, 128, 296, 331, 335
Branchipus, 28
" brain, 51, 54
" eyes, lateral, 88
" " " retina of, 91, 97
" " median, 75
" excretory organs, 396
" (Artemia) diverticula of gut and retinal ganglion, 110, 111, 113
" nerves of appendages, 157
" segmentation, 159
" resemblance to Trilobite, 436
Bunodes, 24, 30, 249, 341, 351, 414
Bundle of Meynert, 48, 77
Bundles, posterior longitudinal, 489
Buthus, muscles, 270
Calcification in aponeuroses of Cephalaspis, 414
" cartilage, 140,330
" successive layers of the skin, 348
Camerostome, 221, 222, 223, 224, 241, 271
Canal, alimentary, formation of vertebrate, 58, 433, 446
" " innervation, 447
" " relationships between notochord and, 434
" " origin, 444
" Haversian, 329
" central, of spinal cord, 405, 439, 455
" spinal, 182
Capsule, auditory, 377, 379
Cartilage Ammocœtes, muco, 127, 130, 131, 200, 291, 303, 330, 333, 334, 344
" " hard, 133, 133, 377
" " soft, 126, 129, 130
" " spinal cartilages, 414
" Hypoctonus, 133, 142
" Limulus, hard, 142
" " muco, 139
" " soft, 20, 130, 137
" origin, 474, 481
" staining reactions, 131, 133, 139, 330, 336
Cavity, atrial, 409, 413
" cœlomic, 167, 251, 266, 320, 389, 391, 408, 422, 430, 472
Cells, free-living, 463
Centre, vaso-motor, 468
Cephalaspis, diverticula of gut, 109
" eyes, lateral, 75, 275
" " median, 75
" head-shield, 327, 328, 330, 338
" muscles on head-shield, 269
" resemblance to Ammocœtes, 145, 291, 326, 329, 338, 348, 414
" " Arthropod, 29
" segmentation, 339
Ceratodus, 148
Cephalization, 51
Cephalodiscus, 438
Cephalopod, 23
Cerebellum, 47, 50
Chætopoda, 395
Chamber, oral, of Ammocœtes, 243, 287, 458
Cheliceræ, 235
Chiasma, optic, 101
Chilaria, 235, 238, 291, 301, 458
Chitin, 85, 119, 139, 205, 206, 302, 329, 346, 359, 440, 443
Cilia, 206
Circulation, branchial, 174
Cirri, 357
Clarke's column, 467
Clepsine, nephridial glands, 423
Cochlea, 378
Cœlenterata, 465, 472
Cœlolepidæ, 344
Cœlom, 167, 251, 400, 472, 481
Cœlomata, 472
Cœlomocœla, 472, 475
Cœlomostomes, 477, 481
Colleneytes, 474
Commissure, anterior, 49
" œsophageal, 14
" posterior, 48, 280
Comparison of brains of Ammocœtes and Arthropod, 61
" " invertebrate from Branchipus to Ammocœtes, 54
" " vertebrate, 40
" branchial circulation in Ammocœtes and Limulus, 174
" " lamellæ of Scorpion and Ammocœtes, 175
" " segments of Ammocœtes and Petromyzon, 169
" Cephalaspidian and Palæostracan fish, 31
" Cœlom of Peripatus and Vertebrate, 400
" dermal covering of Pteraspis with chitin of Limulus or dentine of fish scales, 346
" entosternite or plastron of Limulus with trabeculæ of Ammocœtes, 145
" excretory organs of vertebrates and invertebrates, 389
" gut of Arthropod and tube of central nervous system of Vertebrate, 43, 244, 433, 440, 455, 457
" head-shield of Cephalaspis and Ammocœtes, 291, 329, 338
" hypophysial tube with olfactory tube of Arthropod ancestor, 229
" " " with position of palæostoma, 317
" mesosomatic region of Ammocœtes and Eurypterus, 192
" muscles, branchial, of Ammocœtes and appendage muscles of Scorpion, 171, 447
" " eye, of Vertebrate with dorso-ventral muscles of Scorpion, 267, 272, 459
" " of oral chamber of Ammocœtes and prosomatic musculature of Limulus, 247, 447
" " longitudinal body-muscles of Vertebrate and dorsal longitudinal muscles of Arthropod, 411, 447
" nerves, appendage of Limulus and Branchipus to lateral root system of Vertebrate, 157
" " cranial and spinal segmental, 152
" nervous systems of Vertebrate and Arthropod, 36
" pineal gland of vertebrates and median eyes of Arthropod, 63, 456
" pituitary body and coxal glands, 246, 319, 321
" prosoma and mesosoma of Limulus and Ammocœtes, 140, 141
" prosomatic region of Ammocœtes and Eurypterus, 244, 333
" retina in Ammocœtes and Musca, 97
" " compound in Arthropod and Vertebrate, 87
" skeleton of Limulus and Ammocœtes, 126, 136
" sense-organs of Arthropod appendages with auditory organs of Vertebrate, 375
" thyroid with endostyle, 198
" " " uterus of Scorpion, 205
Corneagen, 69
Corpora quadrigemina, 47
Corpuscles, Pacinian, Herbst, Grandry, etc., 470
Coxal glands, 242, 246, 319, 321, 389, 398, 403, 429
Cranium, 121, 145, 339
Crayfish, 442, 489
Crest, neural, 281
Cromatophores of frog, 470
Crura cerebri, 14
Crustacea, first appearance, 27
" eyes, 76, 87
" retina, 100
" segmental glands, 422
Ctenophora, 474
Cyathaspis, 29, 326, 340, 343
Cyclostomata, 165, 229, 343, 353, 424
Cysts, 50
Daphnia, 112
Degeneration, 17, 19, 59, 74, 78, 94, 107, 212, 309, 333, 336, 343
Deiters' nucleus, 489
Dendrites, 72
Development, parallel, 497
" of two types of eye, 73
" vertebrate retina, 101
Diaphragms, 161, 167
Didymaspis, 327, 338
Digestion, 441
Dinosaurs, 17
Dipnoans, 23, 45, 148
Diptera, 89, 369
Diverticula, optic, 102
Dogfish, skull, 121, 123
Drepanaspis, 344, 345, 450
Drepanopterus Bembycoides, 238
Ectognath, 238, 242, 271, 304, 342, 381
Eel, 488
Elasmobranchs, 23, 343, 423
Elastin, 435
Embryo, head of dogfish, 121, 123
" skull of pig, 121
Embryology, principles of, 455
Encepalomeres, 262
Endognath, 238, 271, 304, 381
Endostoma, 241, 306
Endostyle, 198, 212
Entapophysis of Limulus, 139
Enterocœla, 472
Enteropneusta, 438, 494
Entochondrites, 377
Entosclerite, 222, 271
Entosternite, 143
Epiblast, 444, 445, 459
Epithelium cells of Ammocœtes, 347
" of central nervous system of vertebrates, 38, 457
" cœlomic spaces in annelids, 421
" optic diverticula, 103
" peritoneal, pleural, and pericardial cavities, 477
" velum of Ammocœtes, 301, 302
Equilibration, 358
Eukeraspis, 326
Eurypterus, 26, 150, 191, 237
" appendages, 150, 236, 237
" classification, 249
" comparison with Ammocœtes, 170, 323
" diagram of sagittal median section, 240, 245
" endostoma, 241, 306
" eyes, 275
" mesosomatic segments, 192
" muscles of carapace, 269
" operculum, 150, 190, 212
Evidence of alimentary canal, innervation, 446
" auditory apparatus and lateral line organs, 355
" cœlomic cavities in Limulus, 251
" degeneracy in Ammocœtes, 59, 94, 343
" embryology, cartilage, 20, 129
" " eye-muscles, 263
" " excretory organs, 390
" " heart, 179, 451
" " nervous system, central, cerebral vesicles, 48, 458
" " " " " epithelial tube, 37, 42, 102, 244, 433, 455
" " " " " neurenteric canal, 37
" " " " " neuropore, 220, 457
" " " " " optic diverticula, 102
" " " " " spinal cord, 46
" " oral chamber, 228, 242, 243, 290
" " olfactory organ, 220, 227
" " palæostoma or old mouth, 317
" " pineal or median eyes, 15, 63, 74, 456
" " pituitary body and coxal glands, 246, 319
" " thyroid, 192, 194
" " segmentation, double, of head, 157, 234, 258
" " skeleton, cranial, 120, 153
" nervous system, central, 8
" notochord, origin from segmented region, 443
" olfactory apparatus, 218
" organs of vision, 68
" palæontology, 20, 497
" pineal or median eyes, 74
" prosomatic musculature, 247
" respiratory apparatus, 148
" segmentation in head-shield, 339
" skeleton, 119
Evolution, 8, 15, 20, 149, 482, 497
" of brain in brain-case, 210
" cranium of Vertebrate, 342
" excretory organs, 389
" eye of Vertebrate, 114
" nervous system, central, 34
" tissues, 19
" Vertebrate from Balanoglossus and Amphioxus, 33
Eyes, 68
" lateral, 87, 105, 108
" median or pineal, 74, 77, 78, 79
Fat-cells in muco-cartilage, 332
Fat-column of Ammocœtes, 181, 182
Fibres, Mauthnerian, 488
" Müllerian, of Ammocœtes central nervous system, 489
" " retina, 96, 107
Fishes, classification, 218
" ancient, classification, 326, 343
" " cloacal region, 450
" " dominance, 23
" " eyes, 75
" " head-shields. See Head-shields
" " pleural folds, 414
Fissure, posterior, 43
Fittest, survival of, 16, 34
Flabellum, 359, 360, 362, 363, 366
Folds, pleural, 410, 414
Function of auditory organ, double, 358
" lateral line sense-organs, 357
" nerves, 448
" thyroid, 212, 215
Fusion of ganglia, 52
Galeodes, 230
" brain, and camerostome, 222, 223
" primordial cranium, 341
" racquet-organs, 369, 375
Ganglia, infraœsophageal, 4, 12, 14, 51, 221
" supraœsophageal, 4, 12, 14, 49, 52, 221, 225
" origin of, of cranial and spinal nerves, 281
Ganglion, epibranchial, 164, 282
" habenulæ, 48, 78
" optic of retina, 72, 89, 97
" of posterior root, 466
" cells of sympathetic system, 424, 428, 448
Ganoids, 23, 345
Gastrula theory, 165, 459
Genital corpuscles, 470
Geological record, 20
" strata, 22
Geotria australis, 80
Germ-band, 482
Germ-cells, 471
Giant-fibres, 489
Gigantostraca, 25, 234
Gills, 148, 161, 185, 214, 494
Glabellum, 339
Glands, carotid, 427
" coxal, 242, 246, 319, 321, 425, 429
" ductless, 418
" generative, of Limulus, 209
" internal secretion of, 214
" lymphatic, 418
" pineal, 15, 63, 75, 456
" pituitary, 244, 246, 319, 425
" segmental, of Crustacea, 422
" submaxillary, 466
" sweat, 448
" thymus, 425
" thyroid, of Ammocœtes, 193, 194, 196, 201, 205, 429
" tissue round brain of Ammocœtes, 209, 379
" uterine, of Scorpion, 202, 203, 204, 205
Gnathostomata, 60, 343
Goblet, 359, 360, 373
Goitre, 215
Gonad, 475, 479
Gonocœle, 475, 481
Grooves, ciliated, 188, 197, 212
" hyper-pharyngeal of Amphioxus, 410
" ventral, of apus and trilobites, 436
Gymnophiona, 393
Hæmocytes, 472
Head of embryo dogfish, 121, 123
Head-shield, dorsal, of Ammocœtes, 330, 331, 338
" " Auchenaspis, 29, 31, 338
" " Cephalaspis, 327, 328, 330, 338, 348
" " Cyathaspis, 340
" " Didymaspis, 338
" " evidence of segmentation, 339
" " Keraspis, 328
" " Ostreostraci, 327, 348
" " Palæostracan, 348
" " Pteraspis, 29
" " Thyestes, 29, 31, 327, 332, 338, 340, 341, 348
" ventral, Scaphaspis, 349
Heart, nerves, 2, 447
" origin of vertebrate, 179, 451, 459
" relative position in vertebrate and invertebrate, 175
" veins forming vertebrate, 180
Hemiaspis, 24, 25, 249, 250, 351, 414
Hemispheres, cerebral, 47
Hepatopancreas of Ammocœtes, 452
" Limulus, 211
Heterostraci, 29, 275, 326, 343
Hirudinea, 478
Histolysis in transformation of the lamprey, 59
Homology of branchial region of vertebrate and invertebrate, 149
" ductless glands and nephridial organs, 418
" external genital ducts of arthropods and nephridia of annelids, 429
" germinal layers in all Metazoa, 459
" pituitary body of Ammocœtes and coxal glands of Limulus, 319
" tubular muscles of Ammocœtes and veno-pericardial muscles of Limulus, 309
" ventral aorta of vertebrate and longitudinal venous sinuses of Limulus, 178
Hydra, 441, 465, 472, 476
Hydrophilus larva, eye, 84
Hyoid segment in Ammocœtes, 186, 267
Hypoblast, 434, 438, 444, 445, 459
Hypoctonus, cartilage cells in entosternite, 133
" operculum, 189, 207
Hypogastric plexus, 3
Hypogeophis, 393
Hypophysis, 229, 244, 317, 318, 340
Infundibulum, position, 122,132
" tube, the ancestral œsophagus, 4, 37, 244, 318
" " relation to neural canal, 14, 36, 318, 440, 457
" " " notochord, 318, 435,440
" " " olfactory tube, 220, 228, 318, 340
Insects, chordotonal organs, 364, 370
Invertebrate, heart, 175, 179
" excretory organs, 418
" nervous system, 13, 54
" segmental nerves, 152
Keraspis, 75, 328, 338
Kidney, 420, 459, 476
" nerves, 477
King-crab, v. Limulus
Labyrinthodont, 21, 28
Lamina terminalis, 49
Lamprey, v. Ammocœtes and Petromyzon
Larva, v. Transformation of the Lamprey
Lateral line system, 261, 355, 411, 470
Law of Progress, 19
" Recapitulation, 434, 456, 498
Layer, germinal, 459
" laminated, 347, 348
Leech, 421
Lens, formation, 83, 115
Lepidosiren, 148, 461, 466
Limulus or king-crab, 25, 140, 236, 240
" appendages, branchial, 138, 164, 175
" appendages, prosomatic, 381
" brain, 54
" circulation, 174, 176
" classification, 26, 249
" cœlomic cavities, 252, 328
" coxal glands, 321, 389, 397, 403, 429
" eyes, median, 62, 74, 81
" entosternite or plastron, 142, 143
" flabellum, 360, 362, 363, 380, 381
" generative organs and ducts, 189, 202, 208, 209, 380
" heart, 180
" musculature, branchial, 170
" " prosomatic, 247
" " veno-pericardial, 177, 297, 309, 313
" nerves, appendage, 140, 157
" " cardiac, 314
" " segmental, tripartite division of, 157, 235, 267, 355
" segments, branchial, 152
" " first mesosomatic, 188
" " prosomatic, 233
" operculum, 189, 202, 235, 295
" sense-organs, poriferous, of appendages, 359
Lip, lower, of Ammocœtes, 246, 289, 297, 458
" upper, " 228, 243, 303, 336
Liver, Ammocœtes, 452
" Limulus, 209, 211
Lizard, pineal eye, 80
" suprarenals, 424
" tail, 50
Lobes, optic, 101
Lobster, 489
Lungs, 148
Lung-books of scorpions, 150
Lymph, 474
Lymph-corpuscles, 463, 490
Lymphocytes, 472
Malapterurus, 470
Mammal, dominance of, 21
Man, dominance of, 17
Marsipobranchs, 23, 35
Medullation of nerve-fibres, 20, 267, 467, 477
Membranes, basement, 436
Meroblastic egg, 485
Merostomata, 25, 249, 321
Mesencepalon, 48
Mesoblast, 444, 455, 459
Mesoglœa, 474
Mesonephros, 389, 400, 424, 429
Mesosoma, 52
Mesothelium, 472, 477
Metanephros, 389
Metasoma, 52, 387, 411
Metastoma, 239, 246, 272, 289, 342, 458
Metazoa, 444, 459, 471, 472
Meynert's bundle, 48, 77
Mollusca, dominance of, 23
Mouth, old, or palæostoma, 14, 317, 322, 440, 458
" vertebrate, 317
Muco-cartilage, v. Cartilage
Muscles, antagonistic, 447
" branchial, 170
" connection of, with central nervous system, 464
" eye, and their nerves, 263
" prosomatic, 243, 247
" phylogeny of origin of skeletal, 478
" rudimentary, in Ammocœtes, 289
" somatic trunk, origin of, 406
" striated, 20, 155
" tubular, of Ammocœtes, 309
" unstriped, 20, 447, 491
" visceral and parietal, 155, 172
" veno-pericardial of Limulus and Scorpion, 177, 297, 309
Muscle-spindles, 267
Mygalidæ, stomach, 109
" segmentation, 249, 306
Myomeres, 262, 337, 414, 479
Myotomes, 332, 337, 338, 391, 407, 408
Mysis, eyes, 100
" ductless glands, 422
Myxine, 220, 392, 402, 419
Nebalia, 144, 422
Nemertina, 475
Nephridia, 395, 421, 429
Nephrocœle, 430
Nephrotome, 393
Nerves, abducens, 155, 263, 266
" auditory, 356, 376
" autonomic, 3
" facial, 155, 156, 186, 188, 192, 311, 356, 378
" " ramus branchialis profundus, 311
" to flabellum, in Limulus, 361, 375
" glossopharyngeal, 155, 156, 186, 356
" hypoglossal, 156
" inhibitory, 447
" inedullation of, 20, 267, 467, 477
" occulomotor, 155, 234, 263, 274
" olfactory, 229
" optic, 101, 104
" " of pineal eye, 79
" origin of ganglia of cranial and spinal, 281
" to pecten of Scorpion, 375, 376
" preganglionic, 2
" of prosoma in Limulus, 235, 355
" regeneration of, 469
" roots, of Limulus, 157
" sacral, 448
" segmental, 152, 156
" segmental nature of cranial, 259, 411
" spinal, absence of lateral roots in, 388
" spinal accessory, 154
" trigeminal, 151, 155, 156, 234, 243, 257, 279
" " motor nucleus of, 280
" " of Ammocœtes, 288
" tripartite arrangement of cranial nerves, 154, 157, 235, 267, 355
" trochlear, 48, 155, 234, 263, 276
" vagus, 151, 154, 156, 173, 186, 356, 447, 449
Nervous system, central, comparison of Vertebrate and Arthropod, 36, 457
" " connection of, with muscular and epithelial tissues, 464
" " " with retina, 71
" " disease of, 50
" " evidence of, 8
" " evolution of, 34
" " importance of, 16, 463, 482, 498
" " invertebrate, 10, 13, 54
" " origin of, 480
" " relation of germ-band to, 483
" " segmentation of vertebrate, 51
" " tube of, 36-51, 102, 211, 433, 455, 457
" " vertebrate, 10, 13, 40, 41, 152
" enteric, 447
" sympathetic, 2, 424, 428, 448, 491
Neurenteric canal, 37
Neuroblast, 465
Neuromeres, 55, 247, 262, 312, 316
Neurones, 72, 92, 465
Neuropil, 71, 91
Neuropore, 220, 457
Nose, 219
" of Osteostraci, 329, 352, 458
Notochord, 120, 122, 180, 181, 220, 244, 295, 318, 405, 417, 433, 436, 494
Ocelli, 70
Œsophagus of Ammocœtes, 405
" Arthropod, compared to tube of infundibulum, 4, 244, 440
Olfactory apparatus, evidence of the, 218
" organs of the Scorpion group, 220
" tube of Ammocœtes, 219, 225, 244, 317
Oligochæta, 421, 478
Operculum of Eurypterus, 191, 212, 291
" Limulus, 189, 202, 235, 295
" Phrynus, 191
" Scorpion, 189, 206, 212, 372
" Thelyphonus, 189, 190, 206
Organs, arrangement of, 10
" auditory, of arachnids and Insects, 368
" branchial, innervation of vertebrate, 151
" " sense-organs of embryo vertebrate, 261, 281
" chordotonal, of insects, 364, 369, 370
" electric, 470
" generative, of Limulus, 208, 209
" " connection between Thyroid gland and, 215
" genital, of sea-scorpions, 206
" lateral line, 355, 411
" lyriform, of arachnids, 364, 369
" olfactory, of Scorpion group, 220
" phagocytic, 420
" racquet, of Galeodes, 369, 375
" segmental excretory, 389, 391, 408, 418, 459, 477
" sense, of appendages of Limulus, 358
" vestigial, 456
" of vision, evidence of, 68
" vital, 57
Origin of alimentary canal, 444
" arthropods from annelids, 395
" atrial cavity, 409
" auditory capsules and parachordals, 377
" cœlom, 475, 481
" ductless glands, 428
" free cells, 472
" heart of vertebrate, 179
" lateral line organs, 356
" muscles, 478
" musculature, branchial, 170
" " somatic trunk, 406
" nervous system, central, 480
" notochord, 434
" segmental excretory organs, 389
" skeleton of vertebrates, 119
" vertebrates, 9, 36, 351, 433, 493
Ostracodermata, 326, 343
Osteostraci, 29, 75, 275, 326, 343
Otoliths, 378
Ovum, 473
Pacinian bodies, 470, 477
Palæmon, 20, 422
Palæontology, evidence of, 20, 497
Palæostoma, 317
Palæostraca, 27, 396
" median eyes, 74
" mesosomatic appendages, 188
" olfactory organs, 221
" segments, compared to Ammocœtes, 308
Pantopoda, glands, 423
Parachordals, 121, 132, 377
Parapodia, 357
Parapodopsis, foot glands, 422
Parathymus, 427
Parathyroids, 427
Parietal organ, 76
Pecten of scorpion, 114, 359, 366, 371, 372, 373, 374
Pedipalpi, 190
Periblast, 471
Peripatus, 396, 399, 400, 411, 421, 429
Petromyzon, alimentary canal, 405, 445
" auditory organ, 378
" branchial segments, 169
" life-history, 59
" olfactory tube, 219, 226
" pronephric duct, 402
" retina and optic nerve, 95
" skeleton, 125
" suctorial apparatus, 287, 304
" transformation, v. Transformation of the Lamprey
Phagocytes, 420, 471
Pharynx of Amphioxus, 410
" Vertebrate, 440
Phoronis, 439
Phrynus, brain, 53
" caudal brain, 450
" carapace and carapace removed, 250
" cœcal diverticula, 109
" evidence of segmentation of carapace, 249, 250, 341
" operculum, 191
" prosomatic appendages, 306
" crossing of dorso-ventral muscles, 271, 277
" stridulating apparatus, 368
Phyllodoce, 395
Phyllopoda, 321
Pigment, in Ammocœtes, in position of atrial cavity, 412
" epithelial lining of central nervous system, 43, 457
" choroid of vertebrate eye, 104, 107
" between glandular cells round brain of Ammocœtes, 211, 379
" tapetal layer of retina, 70
" white, of right pineal eye of Lamprey, 76, 80
Pineal body, 14, 15
" eyes, 74, 233, 244
" " of Ammocœtes, 80, 78, 85
" gland, 63, 75, 456
Pits, epithelial, of diaphragms in Ammocœtes, 164
" " skin in Ammocœtes, 173, 200
Pituitary body, 244, 246, 319, 321, 425, 430
Plasma-cells, 471
Plakodes, 283
Planarians, 475
Plastron, formation of cranial walls from the, 86, 322, 341
" of Limulus, 136, 142, 143
" Palæostracan, compared to trabeculæ of Ammocœtes, 145, 377
" muscles attached to the, 270
" of Thelyphonus, 143
Platyhelmia, 475
Pleuron, 410, 415
Plexus, of Auerbach, 447
" choroid, 38, 45, 49, 103
" hypogastric, 3
Polychæta, 357, 395
Pores, abdominal, 430
Porifera, 473
Pouch, formation of gill, 165, 166
Prestwichia, 24, 25, 249, 351
Principle of concentration and cephalization, 51
" embryology, 455
Pristiurus, 424
Progress, law of, 19
" result of, 56
Pronephros, 389, 397, 419, 424, 449
Prosencephalon, 48
Prosoma, 52
Protopterus, 148
Protostraca, 27, 396, 417
" dominance of, 28
Protozoa, 166, 479
Pseudoniscus, 25, 249
Pteraspis, 29, 30, 275, 326, 343, 344, 350
Pterichthys, 29, 31, 239, 326, 351
Pterygoid, pedicle of, 295
Pterygotus, 25, 27, 56, 170, 191, 221, 235, 238, 249, 276
Ptychodera, 494, 495
Ramus branchialis profundus of facial nerve, 311
" communicans, 2, 3
Raphe, 46
Recapitulation, law of, 434, 456, 498
Regeneration of nerves, 469
Reptiles, dominance of, 21
Retina, compound, 71
" development of, 101
" inversion of, in Vertebrates, 114
" inverted, 70
" layers of compound, 73
" " in Crustacean eye, 100
" of lateral eye of Ammocœtes, 93, 95, 111
" Musca, 89
" Pecten and Spondylus, 114
" upright compound, 72
" " simple, 69
Rhabdites, 69, 81
Saccus vasculosus, 244, 322
Scales, 345
Scaphaspis, 349
Schwann, sheath of, 469
Sclerotomes, 388
Scorpion, brain, 54
" branchial lamellæ, 175
" development, 482
" entochondrites, 377
" excretory organs, 397
" eyes, 75
" lung-books, 150, 170
" lymphatic glands, 423
" muscles, oblique, 278
" " recti, 271
" " respiration, 171
" " veno-pericardial, 177
" muscular system, 247, 268, 269
" nerves to Cheliceræ, 237
" olfactory organs, 220
" operculum of male, 189, 206, 212
" pecten, 359, 366, 371, 373, 374, 377
" under surface, 372
" uterus, 189, 202, 203, 204, 205, 212
Sea-scorpions, 25, 26, 27, 56, 150, 170, 191, 208, 221, 232, 235, 241, 349, 359
Segmentation, branchiomeric, 124
" body-muscles in vertebrate, 388
" eye-muscles, 248
" of head, double, 155, 157, 173, 234, 258, 411, 459
" of head-shield, 339
" history of cranial, 258
Segments, branchial of Ammocœtes, 161, 178, 186
" hyoid, in Ammocœtes, double, 186, 201, 267, 300
" innervation of branchial, 151
" first mesosomatic, in Limulus and its allies, 188
" mesosomatic, of Eurypterus, 192
" prosomatic of Limulus and its allies, 233, 249
" " Ammocœtes, 286
" of spinal region of Vertebrates, 388
" of trigeminal nerve-group, 257, 279
" tubular muscles of hyoid, 299
Sense-organs of Amphioxus, 34
" branchial, of Limulus, 359, 360
" lateral, of Annelids, 357, 367
" lateral-line system, 356, 411, 470
Serum, 492
Significance of the optic diverticula, 102
Silurus, 488
Sinus, longitudinal venous, of Limulus, 176, 312, 451
" rhomboidal of bird, 46
Skeleton, Ammocœtes, 126, 296, 335
" " branchial, 126, 126
" " basi-cranial, 132
" " muco-cartilaginous, 291, 296, 330, 331
" aponeurotic, 414
" Cephalaspis, 414, 415
" evidence of the, 119
" Limulus, cartilaginous, 126, 136
" " mesosomatic, 137
" " prosomatic, 142
" Petromyzon, 125
" Vertebrate, commencement of bony, 120, 121
Skin, digestive power of cells of, in Ammocœtes, 58, 442
" of Ammocœtes, 346
" nerves of, 448
Skull of dogfish, 123
" pig-embryo, 121
Slimonia, 27, 56, 170, 235, 238, 249, 276, 303
Solenocytes, 395, 477
Solpugidæ, 109
Sphæroma serratum, brain, 62, 90, 101, 225
Spiders, eyes, 75
" stomach, 109
Spina bifida, 50
Spinal cord, difference between brain and, 45
" " region of, 385
" " termination in bird-embryo, 51
Spondylus, retina of, 114
Squilla, eyes, 100
" glands, 422
Stomach, cephalic, 4, 43, 102, 244
Stylonurus Lagani, 27, 235, 239, 249
Substantia gelatinosa Rolandi, 44
Suprarenal body, 423
Surfaces, dorsal and ventral, 11
" reversal of, 15, 29, 36, 87, 175, 352, 433, 484
Synapse, 72
Syncytium, 464, 471, 479
Tail of lizards, 50
Tapetum, 69
Teleosteans, 23, 345, 420, 424
Tendon-organs, 470
Tentacles of Ammocœtes, 246, 289, 303
Tergo-coxal muscles, 247
Test, biological, of relationship of animals, 492
Thalainencephalon, 48
Thelodus, 344
Thelyphonus, 231
" brain, 53, 54, 56, 224
" " caudal, 450
" cœcal diverticula, 109
" entosternite, 143
" genital organs, 206
" lyriform organs, 368
" olfactory passage, 226, 306
" operculum, 189, 190, 206, 207
Theory, gastræa, 444, 461
Theories of the origin of vertebrates, 9, 411, 433, 457
Thionin reaction, 131, 139, 213, 330, 336
Throat, formation of, 179
Thyestes, 30, 31, 275, 326, 328, 329, 339, 340, 341
Thymus, 425, 430
Thyroid gland of Ammocœtes, 61, 127, 192, 194, 196, 429, 459
" " evidence of the, 185
" " function of, in Ammocœtes, 213
Tissues, connective, 471, 474, 481
" evolution of, 19
" notochordal, 435
" two groups of, 463
Tongue of Ammocœtes, 246, 303
Tonsils, 427, 430
Torpedo, 262, 392, 470
Trabeculæ, 121, 132, 133, 145, 277, 295, 377
Transformation of the Lamprey, 18, 35, 59, 61, 125, 168, 193, 199, 200, 220, 227, 228, 287, 291, 304, 307, 309, 331, 336, 347, 349, 389, 445
Tremataspis, 32, 75, 275, 326, 351, 352
Trilobites, 24, 25, 26, 437
" appendages, 351, 437
" diagram of section through a trilobite-like animal, 413
" dominance of, 26
" excretory organs, 396
" eyes, 74, 88
" glabellum, 339
" relations of, 249, 283
" respiratory apparatus, 170
" ventral surface, 437
Tube of central nervous system, 37, 38, 42, 102, 211, 433, 455, 457
" from IVth ventricle to surface of brain in Ammocœtes, 209
" Fallopian, 431
" hypophysial, 229, 244, 317, 440
" meeting of four tubes in vertebrate, 318, 440
" notochord originally a, 436, 440
" olfactory, of Ammocœtes, 219, 225, 317, 440
" unsegmented, in segmented animal, 439
Tunicata, 16
" budding of, 441
" degeneration, 12, 17, 19, 60
" endostyle, 198, 212
" hypophysis, 425
" notochord, 438
" position of, 494
Unit, appendage, in non-branchial segments, 185
" branchial, 161, 165, 168, 185
Ureters, nerves of, 448
Uterus of Scorpion group, 189, 202, 203, 204, 205, 214
" vertebrate, nerves of, 448
Valve, ileo-colic, 449
" of Vieussens, 48
Variation in dominant races, 21, 88
" meristic, in spinal nerves, 154, 387
Veins, forming vertebrate heart, 180
Velum, 228, 289, 298, 302
Vertebrates, alimentary canal, innervation of, 446
" atrial cavity, 410
" auditory apparatus and lateral-line system, 356
" body-cavity, 401, 430
" brains, 40
" branchial organs, 151
" cœlomic cavities in head region, 251, 266
" cranium, evolution of, 342
" egg of, 483
" evolution of, 11
" excretory organs, 389, 391, 408
" glands, ductless, 418
" " internal secretion of, 215
" heart, 175, 179, 180
" muscles, evidence of segmentation of eye, 248
" " oblique, 278
" " origin of somatic trunk, 406
" nervous system, central, 13
" nerves, segmental, 152
" notochord and gut, 434
" organs of, 10
" origin of, 9, 411, 433, 457
" segments, prosomatic, 257
" skeleton, commencement of bony, 120, 458
" spinal cord and medulla oblongata, 44
" spinal region, 385
" thyroid, connection between generative organs and, 215
" tubes, meeting of four, 318, 440
Vesicles, cerebral, formation of, 48, 458
Vitellophags, 471, 483
Volvox, 479
Wolffian body, 390
Xiphosura, 24, 26, 249
Yolk, 482