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In designating the maintenance, regard shall be had to the circumstances of the case as well as the income and standing of the parties.

Section1595.No person is required to maintain another person when he or she has other obligations which prevent him or her from providing maintenance without jeopardising his or her own maintenance appropriate for his or her standing.

Section1596.When an interested person successfully demonstrates that the circumstances, income, or standing of a party have changed, the court may order revocation, decrease, increase, or regrant of maintenance, as the case may be.

Section1597.Maintenance shall be paid periodically in a monetary form as designated. But if there is a special reason, an agreement may be adopted or a request may be made to a court to have it paid otherwise.

Section1598.The right to receive maintenance cannot be waived, seized, or transferred.

(Royal Gazette, volume 52, dated 29 May,[1] page 474)

  1. 29 May 2478 BE (1935 CE). (Wikisource contributor note)