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Promulgating the Provisions of Book 6 of
the Civil and Commercial Code, 2477 Buddhist Era[1]

In the name of Somdet Phrachaoyuhua Ananda Mahidol
The Council of Regency
(according to the announcement of the President of the House of
People’s Representatives dated 7 March 2477 Buddhist Era)[1]

Anuwat Chaturon
Aditya Dibabha
Chaophraya Yommarat

Enacted on the 5th day of June 2478 Buddhist Era[1]
Being the 2nd year of the present reign

Whereas the House of People’s Representatives has resolved that the work of codification of national laws has progressed to the point where Book 6 of the Civil and Commercial Code should be promulgated;

Therefore, His Majesty gives a great royal command, by and with the advice and consent of the House of People’s Representatives, that the following Act be enacted:

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1935 Common Era. Under the then calendar, the year began on 1 April. (Wikisource contributor note)